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BROADCASTING The color phasor has what phase for the I signal? a) 1800 b) 370 c) 900 d) 570 How many AM stations can be accommodated in a 150-kHz bandwidth if the highest modulating frequency is 10 kHz? a) 10 b) 16 c) 7 d) 14 What is the power in each sideband for an AM signal with 80% modulation and a total power of 2500 W? a) 400 W b) 500 W c) 303 W d) 250 W What is the frequency swing of an FM broadcast transmitter when modulated 60%? a) 75 kHz b) 35 kHz c) 45 kHz d) 60 kHz What is the sound carrier for channel 10? a) 193.25 MHz b) 197.75 MHz c) 196.83 MHz d) 192 MHz What is the picture carrier frequency for channel 7? a) 174 MHz b) 179.75 MHz c) 175.25 MHz d) 178.83 MHz What is the color subcarrier for channel 5? a) 76 MHz b) 76.25 MHz c) 80.83 MHz d) 81.75 MHz What percentage of the VHF band does a 6MHz bandwidth TV signal occupy? a) 22% b) 5% c) 0.5%

d) 2.2% 9) The allowable deviation ratio of commercial FM broadcast. a) 25 b) 15 c) 5 d) 75 10) The carrier swing necessary to provide 80% modulation in the FM broadcasting band is _______. a) 150 kHz b) 120 kHz c) 60 kHz d) 75 kHz 11) The power in each sideband for an AM signal with 80% modulation is 500 W. What is the carrier power? a) 3125 W b) 3250 W c) 3500 W d) 3000 W 12) What is the deviation ratio for commercial FM? a) 1 b) 2 c) 5 d) 10 13) What is the local oscillator frequency range in commercial AM broadcast if IF is equal to 455 kHz? a) 540 to 1600 kHz b) 0 to 1600 kHz c) 955 to 2055 kHz d) 0 to 455 kHz 14) Determine the effective radiated power of 20 kW TV broadcast transmitter whose antenna has a field gain of 2. a) 40 kW b) 80 kW c) 40,000 W d) 8,000 W 15) What is the sound carrier for channel 16? a) 493.25 MHz b) 487.75 MHz c) 486.83 MHz d) 482 MHz 16) If broadcast station is transmitting but not modulating, what is heard in a receiver tuned to its frequency? a) Carrier only

b) Audio only c) nothing d) Hiss 17) The horizontal sync pulses occur once for each of the 525 lines every 1/30 seconds. What is the frequency of these pulses? (This is also the horizontal sweep rate). a) 15.75 kHz b) 17.5 Hz c) 31.5 kHz d) 35 Hz 18) 485 separate horizontal lines are traced per picture. Thus, the vertical resolution seems to be 485 lines. What is the actual resolution of a broadcast TV if 30% cannot be resolved? a) 145 b) 339 c) 693 d) 1617 19) In a broadcast television, the horizontal trace occurs at a 15.75 kHz frequency. What is the deviation of each line? a) 0.635 ms b) 0.0635 ms c) 63.5 ms d) 635 s 20) What is the possible increase in horizontal resolution if the video modulating signal bandwidth was increased to 5 MHz? a) 802 lines b) 267 lines c) 535 lines d) None of these 21) What is the width to height (aspect) ratio of a TV screen if 428 vertical lines conform nicely to the 339 horizontal lines? a) b) 2/3 c) d) 4/3 22) Determine the possible increase in the vertical resolution of television if the video frequency were allowed up to 5 MHz. a) 632 lines b) 420 lines c) 535 lines d) None of these 23) What is the channel number of an FM station with 88.1 MHz carrier?

a) 201 b) 202 c) 203 d) 204 24) What is the carrier frequency of an FM station with channel number of 300? a) 107.5 MHz b) 101.1 MHz c) 107.9 MHz d) 99.5 MHz 25) FM Broadcast receivers in the 88 MHz have an intermediate frequency (IF) nominally at a) 455 kHz b) 10.7 kHz c) 15 MHz d) 500 kHz 26) The AM broadcast band in the Philippines is a) 535 to 1605 kHz b) 88 MHz to 108 MHz c) 600 kHz to 1600 kHz d) 700 kHz to 1500 kHz 27) What type of modulation does the TV aural transmitter use? a) AM b) FM c) PM d) DM 28) If the final amplifier output power of a TV broadcast station is 4 kW, the antenna transmission loss is 400 watts, and the antenna power gain is 10, the effective radiated power is a) 22 kW b) 35 kW c) 30 kW d) 19 kW 29) What type of emission used in video part of television transmission? a) F5 b) F3 c) A5 d) A3 30) What is the purpose of the blanking poles in a television receiver? a) starts the vertical oscillator b) cuts off the cathode ray tube beam during retrace c) prevents the appearance of hum bars in the picture

d) triggers the horizontal oscillator 31) How wide a frequency band must the IF amplifier of an FM broadcast receiver pass? a) 130 kC b) 140 kC c) 150 kC d) 160 kC 32) What is the frequency swing of an FM broadcast transmitter modulated 80%? a) 30 kC b) 40 kC c) 50 kC d) 60 kC 33) What is the function of quartz crystal in a radio transmitter? a) to decrease intermodulation b) to stabilize frequency of the transmitting system c) to radiate radio frequency waves d) to amplify weak signals 34) To cut off dangerous voltages when the cabinet of a transmitter id opened, what device is used? a) interlock switch b) filter c) automatic insulator d) steel matting 35) Transmitter maintained only for transmitting the regular programs of broadcast stations in case of failure of the main transmitter is the a) emergency transmitter b) auxiliary transmitter c) duplicate transmitter d) reserve transmitter 36) The frequency tolerance allowed in international broadcast station is a) 20Hz b) 1 kHz c) 2 kHz d) 20 kHz 37) Auxiliary transmitter of a regular broadcast station must be tested at least a) once a day b) once each week c) once every three days d) once a month 38) What do you call the device which is used to device a standard frequency of 10 kilocycles

from a standard-frequency oscillator operating on 100 kilocycles? a) millivibrator b) multivibrator c) multibrator d) standard vibrator 39) What is the oscillator frequency of an FM station using two doublers, one tripler, and a quadrupler, whose center frequency is 105.6 MHz? a) 6.6 MHz b) 2.2 MHz c) 6.6 kHz d) 2.2 kHz 40) The field intensity of the antenna of a broadcast station is normally measured in a) microvolts per meter b) milliamperes per meter c) microamperes per meter d) ohm per volt 41) A radio station intended for operation in a fixed location and to contact only land mobile station is called a) land mobile station b) base station c) fixed station d) coastal station 42) A station intended for operation while in motion or at an unspecified halt is called a) land mobile station b) base station c) broadcast station d) ship station 43) The radio wave propagated from high frequency broadcast station which reaches more than 4000 km is called a) sky wave b) surface wave c) space wave d) ground wave 44) What is the purpose of station call sign? a) for status symbol b) for calling the roll c) for listening purposes d) identification of station 45) What is the crystal frequency in a transmitter having three doubler stages and output frequency of 8000 kHz? a) 2000 kHz

b) 1000 kHz c) 4000 kHz d) 2666.67 kHz 46) Why should a transmitter be tuned initially at reduced power? a) to save power b) to save energy c) to prevent damage to components d) prevent self-oscillation 47) What is the purpose of putting crystal oscillator in a constant temperature oven? a) to prolong life of crystal b) to prevent sudden voltage c) to prevent high power consumption d) to stabilize the oscillator frequency 48) A crystal oscillator is used to generate the carrier wave in transmitter because it a) has a power output b) has good frequency stability c) can be heavily loaded d) does not need a buffer stage 49) Too much loading of an oscillator may result in a) Breakdown of the transmitter b) Better frequency stability c) Poor frequency stability d) Over modulation 50) In a frequency modulated receiver, the function of the discriminator is to a) amplify audio signals b) separate audio signal from the IF c) bypass the audio signal d) eliminate the amplitude peaks present in the IF 51) In broadcast transmitters, modulation in the oscillator stage is rarely used because a) it requires a very large power to modulate the RF b) it is liable to cause frequency instability c) it is very hard to attain maximum fidelity d) the output carrier cannot be suppressed 52) The stability of transmitter frequency is best maintain by a) use of Colpitts oscillator at all times b) using several frequency multiplier c) using crystal oscillator as a frequency operator d) employing two Hartley oscillators in pushpull 53) The emission symbol for television broadcast is

a) A1 b) A3 c) A4 d) A5 54) To maintain a stable frequency, crystal in the oscillator stage are a) enclosed in a cool-dry place b) enclosed in crystal oven c) enclosed in oil-filled tanks d) enclosed in refrigerated compartment 55) A system of telecommunication set-up for the transmission of speech, or in some cases, other sounds, is a) telegraphy b) telephony c) telemetry d) telepathy 56) The type of emission for FM stereo (multiplex) broadcasting is a) F3E b) F8E c) A3 d) P3 57) The width of a television broadcast channel is a) 200 MHz b) 100 kHz c) 10 kHz d) 6 MHz 58) The spare radio equipment is normally termed as a) stand-by equipment b) secondary equipment c) emergency equipment d) auxiliary equipment 59) In TV broadcasting in the Philippines, the aspect ratio of the picture frame is a) 4:3 b) 4:1 c) 2:1 d) 3:1 60) The function of a quartz crystal in a radio transmitter is a) to keep the power output high b) to keep the transmitter on its assigned frequency within the allowed frequency tolerance c) to keep the signal to noise ratio high d) to prevent self-oscillation

61) In FM transmitter the amplitude of the antenna current a) remains essentially constant during the process of modulation b) varies with the amplitude of the modulating signal c) varies with the frequency of the modulating signal d) none of the above 62) The squelch circuit in a radio communication receiver is used a) to reduce the inherent noise developed in the receiver during the absence of signal frequency b) to reduce the inherent noise developed in the receiver during the period in which signal frequency is present c) to improve the selectivity of the receiver d) to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver 63) A ___ is essentially a frequency stabilizer. It serves as voltage amplifier stage to isolate the crystal oscillator from the radio frequency amplifier circuit. a) buffer amplifier b) IF amplifier c) RF amplifier d) Power amplifier 64) Undesired oscillations developed in a radio frequency amplifier circuit as some frequency higher than the normal operating frequency. a) thermal noise b) shot noise c) interference signal d) parasitic oscillation 65) Which of the following does not belong to the group? Some of the possible indications of a defective transmitting vacuum tube are a) a gassy tube, as indicated by a blue-haze, red hot plate and/or fluctuations in plate current b) low emission as indicated by no reading or a low reading on the plate-current meter accompanied by a slightly high voltage reading c) smell of burned ceramic d) burned-out filament 66) ___ is used to load a transmitter for testing purpose without radiation

a) end-fire array antenna b) dummy antenna c) Discone antenna d) Rhombic antenna 67) The expression positive temperature coefficient as applied to a quartz crystal means a) that the frequency of the crystal does not change with the temperature b) that the frequency of the crystal varies directly with the temperature c) that the frequency of the crystal varies indirectly with the temperature d) that the frequency of the crystal varies very little with a change in temperature 68) The expression negative temperature coefficient as applied to a quartz crystal means a) that the frequency of the crystal varies very little with a change in temperature b) that the frequency of the crystal varies directly with the temperature c) that the frequency of the crystal varies indirectly with the temperature d) that the frequency of the crystal does not change with the temperature 69) The video signal transmitted on a TV program employs a) pulse-code modulation b) pulse modulation c) amplitude modulation d) frequency modulation 70) The sound transmitted on a TV program employs a) pulse-code modulation b) pulse c) amplitude d) frequency modulation 71) In broadcast studios, a zero VU indicates how many percent modulations? a) 25 b) 50 c) 70 d) 100 72) This amplifier is used to isolate oscillator from power amplifiers a) audio amplifier b) high gain amplifier c) IF amplifier d) Buffer amplifier

73) A power line filter for rejecting RF interference has a) RF coupling capacitor in series with the power line b) RF chokes in shunt across the power line c) 60 Hz chokes in series with the power line d) RF bypass capacitors in shunt across the power line 74) In a broadcast station, the audio peak limiters are used to a) eliminate third harmonic radiation b) minimize regeneration c) prevent distortion of oscillator waveform d) prevent the modulation percentage of the transmitter to be exceeded 75) MDS means a) Multipoint Distribution Service b) Multipoint digital Service c) Maritime Data Standards d) Multipoint Drop Standards 76) ITFS means a) International Television Frequency Standard b) Instructional Telephone Frequency Service c) Instructional Television Fixed Service d) International Telecommunications Frequency Standard 77) The ultimate Dolby surround system is the a) Dolby NR b) Dolby Prologic c) dBx d) Hall matrix 78) A ___ is equivalent to 525 scanning lines a) field b) frame c) cycle d) interface set 79) A ___ represents one set of 262 scanning lines a) field b) frame c) cycle d) interface set 80) The number of scanning lines is ___ per second. a) 14750 b) 15570 c) 15750 d) 16550 81) Picture frames are repeated at the rate of ___ per second.

a) 25 b) 30 c) 40 d) 50 82) Lack of raster is an indication of no a) AGC b) High voltage c) Video signal d) Television signal 83) What is a complete raster scan of the TV screen? a) Pixel b) Resolution c) Frame d) Filed 84) An antenna that can only receive a television signal. a) Isotropic antenna b) TVRO c) Reference antenna d) Yagi antenna 85) Which band does channel 14 of the television channel beling? a) High VHF band b) EHF band c) UHF band d) Low VHF band 86) A third symbol radio that represents telephone transmission including sound broadcasting. a) W b) F c) C d) E 87) TV hue is a function of a) DC bias on picture tube b) AC video signal amplitude c) Phase angle of 3.58 MHz signal d) Amplitude of 3.58 MHz signal 88) TV brightness is a function of a) DC bias on picture tube b) AC video signal amplitude c) Phase angle of 3.58 MHz signal d) Amplitude of 3.58 MHz signal 89) TV contrast is a function of a) Frequency response of video signal b) AC video signal amplitude c) Phase angle of 3.58 MHz signal d) Amplitude of 3.58 MHz signal 90) TV resolution is a function of

a) Frequency response of video signal b) AC video signal amplitude c) Phase angle of 3.58 MHz signal d) Amplitude of 3.58 MHz signal 91) In a single gun color CRT, what electron beam travels straight through the tube? a) Red b) Green c) Blue d) Yellow 92) What percentage of the primary colors used in color TV are needed to produce the brightest white? a) 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue b) 33% red, 33% green, 33% blue c) 50% red, 28% green, 22% blue d) 58% red, 20% green, 22% blue 93) The process of adding chrominance and luminance a) Diplexing b) Intrerleaving c) Modulation d) Resolution 94) The frequency tolerance of an AM radio broadcast station. a) 200 Hz b) 2000 Hz c) 20 Hz d) 2 Hz 95) ___ is the transmission of sound from one room to an adjacent room, thru common walls, floors or ceilings. a) Reverberation b) Refraction c) Flanking transmission d) Reflection 96) The frequency spectrum of the stereophonic FM signal a) 67 kHz b) 59.5 to 74.5 kHz c) 19 to 38 kHz d) 23 to 53 kHz 97) In television broadcasting vivid strong colors are often referred as ___. a) saturation b) hue c) chrominance d) luminance

98) What is a small system network designed to distribute direct to home TV signals throughout a single dwelling block? a) CATV b) CCTC c) SMATV d) GMATV 99) When does broadcast station conducts an equipment test? a) during day time b) during night time c) at any time d) during experimental period 100) In TV system, black and white are complementary colors. a) true b) false c) either a or b d) neither a nor b

ANSWERS: (BROADCASTING) 1) D 570 2) C 7 Solution: BW STN = 2 f m (max = 2(10 kHz) BW STN = 20 kHz # of STNS = BW T / BW STN = 150 kHz / 20 kHz # = 7.5 STNS 7 STNS 3) C 303 W Solution: P SB = P c ( m2 / 4) Pt = P c 1+ ----m2 2 Pc = 2500 W / [1+ (0.82/2)] = 1893.94 W P SB = (1893.94 W) [(0.8)2 / 4] PSB = 303W 4) C 45 kHz Solution: %m = ACTUAL. x 100 MAX ACTUAL = 0.6 (75 kHz) = 45 kHz SWING = 45 kHz 5) B 197.75 MHz Solution: SOUND = UL 0.25 MHz = 198 MHz 0.25 MHz SOUND = 197.75 MHz 6) C 175.25 MHz Solution: PICTURE = LL + 1.25 MHz = 174 MHz + 1.25 MHz PICTURE = 175.25 MHz 7) C 80.83 MHz Solution: COLOR = PICTURE + 3.58 MHz = 76MHz + 1.25 MHz + 3.58 MHz COLOR = 80.83 MHz 8) D 2.2% Solution: % oVHF = TV BW x 100 VHF BW = 6 MHz x 100 300 MHz 30 MHz

%oVHF = 2.2% 9) C 5 Solution: D.R. = MAX / fmMAX = 75 kHz / 15 kHz = 5 10) B 120 kHz Solution: %m = ACTUAL MAX ACTUAL = (0.8)(75kHz) ACTUAL = 60 KHz C.S. = 2 = 2 (60 kHz) C.S. = 120kHz 11) A 3125 W Solution: PSB = Pc (m2 / 4) 500 = PC (0.82 / 4) PC = 3125 W 12) C 5 Solution: D.R. = MAX / m MAX = 75 kHz / 15 kHz D.R. = 5 13) C 955 to 2055 kHz Solution: F o = f s + f1 At the lower band (first station) Fs = 540 kHz Thus: FoLB = 540 + 455 = 995 kHz At the upper band; fs = 1600 kHz Thus: foUB = 1600 + 455 = 2055 kHz : fo ranges from 955 to 2055 kHz 14) B 80 kW Solution: ERP = (GF)2 PT = (2)2 (20 kW) = 80 kW 15) B 487.75 MHz 16 482 MHz 17 488 MHz SOUND = UL 0.25 MHz = 488 MHz 0.25 MHz SOUND = 487.75 MHz 16) C nothing 17) A 15.75 kHz Solution: p = 525 x 30 = 15.75 kHz 18) B 339 Solution:

VRa = 0.7 x 485 = 339 19) B 0.0635 ms Solution: t = 1 / 15.75 kHz = 63.5 s =0.0635ms 20) C 535 lines Solution: Increase = 53.5 s x 5 MHz x 2 = 535 lines 21) D 4/3 Solution: Aspect Ratio = 428/339 4/3 22) B 420 lines Solution: Visible hor. trace line = 428 lines New trace line x 5 MHz x 2 = 428 New trace line = 42.8 s Tot deviation of horizontal trace: = 52.8s = 42.8 s + 10 s With 1/30 s available for full picture; 1/30s/52.8s = 632 lines Allow 32 lines for vertical release: 632 - 32 = 600 Vertical Resolution = 600 x 0.7 = 420 lines 23) A 201 Solution: N = 5 (fc-47.9) N = 5(88.1-47.9) = 201 24) C 107.9 MHz Solution: fc = N/5 + 47.9 fc = 300/5 + 47.9 = 107.9 MHz 25) B 10.7 MHz 26) A 535 kHz to 1605 kHz 27) B FM 28) B 35 kW 29) C A5 30) B cuts off the cathode ray tube beam during retrace

36) C 37) B 38) B 39) B 40) A 41) B 42) A 43) A 44) D 45) B 46) C 47) D 48) B 49) C 50) B 51) B 52) C 53) D 54) B 55) B 56) B 57) D 58) D 59) A 60) B

61) A 62) A

63) A 64) D 65) C 66) B 67) B 68) C 69) C 70) D 71) D 72) D 73) D 74) D

31) C 150 kC 32) D 60 kC 33) B to stabilize frequency of the transmitting system 34) A interlock switch 35) B auxiliary transmitter

2 kHz once each week multivibrator 2.2 MHz microvolts per meter base station land mobile station sky wave identification of station 1000 kHz to prevent damage to components to stabilize the oscillator frequency has good frequency stability poor frequency stability separate audio signal from the IF it is liable to cause frequency instability using crystal oscillator as frequency operator A5 enclosed in crystal ovens telephony F8E 6 MHz auxiliary equipment 4:3 to keep the transmitter on its assigned frequency within the allowed frequency tolerance remains essentially constant during the process of modulation to reduce the inherent noise developed in the receiver during the absence of signal frequency buffer amplifier parasitic oscillation smell of burned ceramic dummy antenna that the frequency of the crystal varies directly with the temperature that the frequency of the crystal varies indirectly with the temperature amplitude modulation frequency modulation 100 buffer amplifier RF bypass capacitors in shunt across the power line prevent the modulation percentage of the transmitter to be exceeded

75) A 76) C 77) B 78) B 79) A 80) C 81) B 82) B 83) C 84) B 85) C 86) D 87) C 88) A 89) B 90) A 91) B 92) A 93) B 94) C 95) C 96) D 97) A 98) C 99) D 100) B

Multipoint Distribution Service Instructional Television Fixed Service Dolby Prologic frame field 15750 30 high voltage Frame TVRO UHF band E phase angle of 3.58 MHz signal DC bias on picture tube AC video signal amplitude Frequency response of video signal green 30% red, 59% green, 11% blue interleaving 20 Hz Flanking transmission 23 to 53 kHz saturation SMATV during experimental period false

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