Markaz Imam Ahmad - Secure Your Centre - HB PDF

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Secure your Centre

Markaz Imam Ahmad (MIA) The Liverpool Project

230 Macquarie street Liverpool NSW 2170

[email protected]

Table of Contents
I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

Who are MIA ................................................................................................ 2 The Dream .................................................................................................... 3 Your Centre and Our Vision ...................................................................... 4 Secure your Centre ..................................................................................... 6 Donate now ................................................................................................ 7 Upcoming events ....................................................................................... 8

VII. Appendix ..................................................................................................... 9

Who Are MIA

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent. May the peace and blessings of Allah (SWT) be upon our beloved Messenger (SAWS) and upon his companions and all those who follow the guidance until the Last Day. Markaz Imam Ahmad (MIA) is an organisation established with the sole purpose of providing Islamic dawah to your Sydney community. Our aim is to educate our brothers and sisters with authentic Islamic knowledge, staying true to the way of the glorious Quran and Sunnah. MIA sprang to life in 2012 when a collection of brothers active in dawah teamed up with Sheikh Abu Adnan, with the vision of providing a high level of education to anybody interested in obtaining it. Instantly after opening MIAs doors, the floor space was filled for Jumuah and evening lessons with Sheikh Abu Adnan. It is at MIA that both the youth and members of the community found a secure and safe place to further their knowledge in Islam as well as establish strong ties with one another. However, given the popularity of MIA, it was quickly evident to those involved that a bigger and more accommodating Centre was going to be needed. Hence the quest to secure a venue began with many options and locations being explored. Sensitivity towards Islamic dawah was taken into consideration as well as the demographic positioning of the Muslim community. It was after great discussions and trials, that a small office building located in the Liverpool CBD became the new home for MIA. The new venue allowed MIA to branch out by not only providing Friday prayers and evening lessons during the week, but also by successfully establishing a childrens Quran and Arabic madrassah with approximately 80 students, along with separate males and females Arabic and Quran reading classes. MIA has a dream to change the face of its community through continued excellence in Islamic education and by providing the best Islamic services for generations to come.

The Dream
After hearing of our hopes to move on to an even bigger facility, a revert sister and her husband had a dream. Actively involved in the Islamic community, they noticed a building, from which an Islamic organisation was already operating, was up for sale and had been for a period of time. Fearing the loss of the Centre and wanting to invest for themselves in the Akhira (hereafter) they decided to take it upon themselves to provide something that Sydney has never seen. They gathered all their assets and negotiated a great deal to purchase the building. They then contacted Sheikh Abu Adnan with the news of their negotiation and their vision for Liverpool and the greater community.

The dream is to create the first self-sustaining Islamic Centre in Sydney.

The impressive 1385sqm building consists of three levels: Ground Level - Two separate shops currently generating income that will be reinvested into the Centre to pay for teachers and ongoing operating costs. Second Level - A childrens madrassah and Quranic institute that will provide a place for our children to learn and memorise the Quran, Arabic and other aspects of Islamic knowledge. Third level an extensive musalah that can accommodate approximately 700 people. This space will be used for regular weekly lessons as well as a prayer hall for the five daily prayers and Friday prayer. However, as with all great deals, there was a catch. The sister and her husband were able to gather a total of approximately $1 million dollars. The rest is going to have to be raised by our community. Final negotiations brought the total for the building to $3 million dollars. This leaves us to raise $2 million, an amount that can be obtained with the help of our entire Islamic community.

230 Macquarie Street Liverpool NSW


Your Centre and Our Vision

The MIA Centre hopes to be the one venue you, your family and fellow Muslim brothers and sisters can go to for all their Islamic needs. Our vision is to provide you with a place for your sister and wife to safely obtain Shariah knowledge, a venue for your children to attend after school to learn the Quran, a place for your parents, neighbours and loved ones to pray behind a trusted Imam and a venue for you to further your Islamic knowledge. Our facilities both existing and upcoming will be available to cater to a broad variety of individuals ranging from the age of 3 and up. Your Centres facilities include: Childrens madrassah available to children beginning as young as ages 3 years and onwards. Madrassahs focus will be upon transferring knowledge of Islam and the Sunnah to our children in a manner best suited to their individual age and learning development stage. Quran and Arabic Classes available to both adults and children. Your Centre will be able to cater to a student base of approximately 300 students. Classes will be held both after school and weekends for youth, as well as inside and outside business hours for adults. These classes are for both brothers and sisters with separate classes and areas provided. Weekly Islamic Lessons available to both men and women. Islamic classes will cover a broad range of Islamic literature and knowledge. Classes are held separately for men and women and topics are targeted to each specific audience. Musalah measuring approximately 460sqm, the MIA musalah provides enough space for 500 men and 200 women to conduct their 5 daily prayers, as well as Friday Khutba and prayer. Islamic Bookstore and Library with only a handful of bookstores in western Sydney, we hope to provide our community and students with both an Islamic bookstore and Library as part of our Centres facilities. Both initiatives will provide an abundance of readily available Islamic literature for both purchase and loan - an opportunity for the community to exchange and gain knowledge, otherwise unobtainable elsewhere in the Liverpool district. Gym a place for the youth and members of the community to work out in a controlled and Islamic environment. Islamic Guidance - assistance and counseling is available to the community at whole by our qualified Islamic scholars. We also envision providing a safe and secure environment for the youth and teens to come together to discuss the everyday pressing issues that they may face from time to time. This initiative will then grow into an ongoing program for the youth including fortnightly and monthly day excursions. Venue the top level of the Centre is available to the community free of charge for specific Islamic occasions. For example Wallimah and Aqiqah.

Ramadan during the holy month of Ramadan the MIA Centre provides you with not only a place to conduct Taraweeh Prayers, but also Iftaar and Itikaaf.

Welfare our Centre provides aid to the immediate community and national aid, as well as supporting international organisations. This is conducted through fundraising and organising food and clothing drives.

Canteen on site kitchen and canteen, providing students with beverages, snacks and small meals.

Our services are not limited to the above list and are growing by the day as new ideas and requests are brought in by our students and members of the community. It is through this approach that we are continually seeing new faces come into our Centre and new bonds being made. At MIA we strive to ensure the voice of our individuals are heard and as a unit, we plan on working together to build a venue to meet the Islamic needs of the Sydney public, as well as spreading the Islamic message to the wider community.

Secure your Centre

Secure your Centre, secure a venue that promises to provide your family with a safe environment instilling traditional Islamic and sunnah based values. Allow your children to learn the eloquence of the glorious Quran, provide your wife with the knowledge to maintain your household, passing on the sunnah to your children and finally, surround yourself with brothers who come together solely for the remembrance of Allah (SWT). This project is one for the community and its going to take just that an entire community together with their support, duaa and financial aid, to help raise the final $2 million required.

When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three things: sadaqah jaariyah (ceaseless charity), a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him.
Prophet Muhammad (may Allahs peace and blessings be upon him). Recorded by Sahih Muslim.
To help keep this project alive, we need your support. Help contribute to a Centre that promises to provide not only an investment in your own personal Akhira but also a Centre that will continue to provide for your children and their children to come. A Centre that will provide the Islamic community of Liverpool with a professional, self-sustained and affordable Islamic institute that provides Quran, Islamic studies and Arabic lessons. A Centre focused on also ensuring the welfare of its community is met, as well as providing developmental opportunities for Mushaayekh and Islamic teachers.

Who is he that will lend Allah a goodly loan, then Allah will increase it manifold to his credit, and he will have a good reward.

Surah Al Hadid.

Join us in making this dream a reality and Secure

Your Centre.

Donate Now
The Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said: the believers shade on the day of resurrection will be his charity.
Sow your sadaqah seed today and help the community build a self-sufficient Islamic Centre for your children and future.

Bank Details: - Bank:

Account Name: BSB: Account: Commonwealth Bank Guiding Light Inc. 062196 1136 5013

In person:
Contact Brother Muhammad Rima: 0416 333 471

Or find us via the internet: [email protected]

For further information on the MIA Centre and an opportunity to discuss the project in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact our Brother Muhammad Rima on: 0416 333 471 or email: [email protected]

Upcoming events
To help raise money for the building MIA is having two fundraising dinners, one for men and one for women.

Mens Dinner Date: 17th November 2013 Time: 7.00pm Where: The Renaissance, 3 New Street East, Lidcombe NSW 2141

Womens Dinner Date: 30th November 2013 Time: 6.30pm Where: The Emporium, 258 South Terrace, Bankstown NSW 2200

To show your support, please purchase tickets Online:

Phone: Email: [email protected] Mens: 0415 302 721 or 0435 900 353 Womens: 0421 303 179 or 0431 494 707


The 460sqm Musulah accommodating approximately 700 people.

Community of Brothers Iftar during Ramadan at MIA Centre.


Weekly Islamic speeches and lectures are held at our MIA Centre.

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