Lesson Plans

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1. Introduction to the class: There attend the class about 30 students who are at intermediate level in English at School of Foreign Languages Thai Nguyen University; This is their first term and they are to learn about English conversation in depth. 2. Introduction to the materials: EOI 1 (English Oral Proficiency Intermediate) consists of two skills: Listening and Speaking. These two skills are combined strictly with each other. In order to achieve the goals of this term, students are guided to use the book English Oral Proficiency complied by Tran Thi Thu Trang M.A, Luu Xuan Lieu B.A and Vu Thi Luyen B.A as the course book. The book includes 12 units designed in regard to their English level. Each week, students will have four periods for this subject in which time for listening and speaking is distributed equally. In addition, students are required to use the book Listen In 1 as the workbook that they practice and do exercise at home. This book is selected due to the fact that it engages the use of authentic listening sources, and offers learners opportunity to make cultural comparison and personalization in each unit. It is considered as an ideal free-practice book outside the classroom. 3. Anticipated problems: Students speaking and listening abilities may vary. Some are good at t hese two skills while some are unfamiliar with them since they focused only on grammatical rules and structures when they were at high school. Teacher should break the task into small chunks, give them clear input before asking them to do any task, organize such different classroom activities as individual, pair, group work or even the whole class so that they can learn from each other, give them medal and mission feedback, which highlights what they achieved already and keeps them conscious of what they need to improve, to encourage them Students may be reluctant to listening because they may find it very difficult. Teacher should offer them chance to be familiar with the listening tasks by presenting in advance essential vocabulary, make the task easier by asking them to do a sub-task.

Students may be reluctant to speaking because they lack of confidence or background knowledge. Teacher should present tasks and material in a vivid way that attract their interest and engage them into various activities, motivate and give them constant feedback on the work.

Date of preparing: 25/10/2013 Date of teaching: 30 /10/2013


LESSON PLAN INFORMATION 1. Lesson focus: Listening 2. Duration of the lesson: two periods (100 minutes) 3. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Firmly master vocabulary related to health and health problems Listen for the main ideas Listen for specific details Use structures and vocabulary in real-life situations

4. Assessment: Check (1) by task 1 Check (2) by task 2 Check (3) by task 3

5. Materials: Course book: English Oral Proficiency Workbook: Listen In 1 Board, computer, speakers, projector, handouts, cards, stickers

6. Lesson procedure:


Name of activities Lead in

Steps Whole class activities -Teacher shows some pictures related to health and health problems, and asks Ss to guess the topic of the lesson Pictures: See appendix 1

Interaction T-S

Purpose Prepare Ss for the lesson. Once they find out the topic of the lesson by themselves, students will be excited to learn Motivate Ss to actively take part in the lesson.


Pair work: Imagine that you are visiting your doctor to ask about your health state: -T asks Ss to work in pairs, take turn to be doctor and patient and check all statements that are true for them in the quiz, then count the total score and compare with each other -T makes model with a student in the class so that SS know how to solve the task. -Ss work in pairs as doctor and patients to find out their health status


15 T-S

Ss-Ss Revise Ss prior knowledge and prepare them for the main listening task.


1.Task 1: Group work: -Divide class into small groups of five or six; give each group a set of cards showing health problems. Ss work in groups and find out what health problem is in each card. -Groups take turn, go to the board and use the body language to indicate health problems, other groups guess the answer.




Cards: See appendix 2 Listening: -Listen to the recording and circle the problem that people are describing. -Listen again and check the correct answers. Suggested answer: 1- a 2-b 3- a 4-a 5- b 6-a 4 Ss-Ss Listen for specific details

Task 2: Individual work: Match the sentences to appropriate pictures -Give Ss handout which includes pictures and some sentences. Ss work on their own, match the sentences to their appropriate pictures Handout: See appendix 3 Listening: -Ss listen to the recording and number the pictures in their handout -Check answers Listen again: Where did reach person learn the cold remedy -Ss share where they learn the cold remedy -Ss listen to the recording, find out where each person in the recording learnt the cold remedy -Check answers. Suggested answer: A-2 B-5 C-1 D-6 E-4 F-3 Task 3: Pair work: Match the letters with the responses -Ss work in pairs, match the letter with the appropriate responses then practice them. - T checks their answers by calling some pairs practice saying out loud in front of the class. - Listen to the recording and check Suggested answer: 1-b 2-a 3-c Listen again: -Listen to the recording again and check the additional advices that doctor gives. -Check answers Suggested answer: 1-b 2-a 3-b Lesson summarization -T summarize the main parts in the lesson Homework: Unit 17-Listen In Book 1


Make Ss familiar with some details that will appear in the listening task Listen for gist

T-Ss Ss-Ss

Listen for specific details


Activate Ss


Date of preparing: 25/10/2013 Date of teaching: 30 /10/2013


LESSON PLAN INFORMATION 7. Lesson focus: Speaking 8. Duration of the lesson: two periods (100 minutes) 9. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Know more about vocabulary related to health and health problems Ask and answer about health problems Use structures and vocabulary in real-life situations

10. Assessment: Check (1) by task 1 Check (2) by task 2 Check (3) by task 3 Check (4) by task 4 Check (5) by task 5 Check (6) by task 6

11. Materials: Course book: English Oral Proficiency Workbook: Listen In 1 Board, computer, projector, handouts, cards, stickers

12. Lesson procedure:


Name of activities Start-off

Steps Group work: -Divide the class into small groups of five or six, and give them a set of cards and words written on stickers. Students work in their groups and tick the words on appropriate cards that show health problem. Cards: See appendix 2 - Groups take turn, go to the board, do some actions indicating a health problem and the rest of the class will guess the answer. -Play the game Follow me (Instruction for the game: T says and does action showing a health problem, sometimes what she says is different from what she does, students repeat after T and do the correct action.)

Interaction Ss-Ss

Purpose Make students familiar with vocabulary used in this lesson.





Task 1: Individual work: -Ss work on their own, match the problems in column A with proper pieces of good advice for each problem in column B - Check answer Pair work: Asking and giving advice. -T guides Ss how to ask and answer about health by making model with a student Suggested model: T: How do you feel? S: I feel sick T: Whats the matter with you? S: I have a headache T:You should get some medicine Imagine that your friend is having a health problem. Ask him/her what the problem is and give him/her some advice. -Ss work in pairs, take turn asking and giving appropriate advice. - Some pairs practice asking and giving advice in front of the whole class. 7


Make Ss familiar with the way to give advice




Practice asking and giving advice, improve their speaking skill

Task 2: Pair work: Role play a health problem: -Ss work in pairs, one does actions and the other guesses the health problems indicated then give him/her advice about the ways to treat the disease. Ss change their role and keep practicing. Task 3: Pair work: Imagine that you are taking part in an interview of a health agency, take turns to ask and answer the questions in the quiz. Then, compare your result with that of your partner. -Ss work with their partners and take turns to be interview and interviewee. - Ss compare their results. Task 4: Group work: Discussion -Ss work in groups of four or five look at the list of techniques for reducing stress, and discuss about them - Each group thinks about another stress reducing technique, draw it on a A4-size paper, then present the technique in front of the class.


Motivate Ss engagement, foster creative thinking


Motivate Ss and make them conscious of real-life situations

Ss-Ss Appreciate any ideas from Ss and give them the feeling of being highly involved

Task 5: Pair-work: How are you feeling today? -Ss work in pairs, one use facial expression and the other tries to guess how she/he is feeling to day. Imagine that you are coming across your friend on the street, stop in couple of minutes and ask his/her feeling today, try to include the reason in the talk.


Motivate Ss and keep them talking

Task 6: Group work: Picture narrating -Ss work in groups of four or five, look at a set of picture showing a day of a cat, try to imagine and create a story describing him. 8


Foster creative thinking and motivate them

-Ss present their ideas and their own story in front of the class Pictures: See appendix 4 Ss-Ss -Ss keep working in their groups, look at the picture showing six ways to reduce stress, discuss about them and decide which one is the best way for first year students. PostSpeaking Lesson Summarization: -T summary the keys of the lesson Homework: 5 -Make a conversation for the following situation You and your friend are talking about how to have a good health when the weather is cold -Vocabulary in use Unit 59,60 Give a brief view on the lesson


Date of preparing: 25/10/2013 Date of teaching: 30 /10/2013


LESSON PLAN INFORMATION 13. Lesson focus: Listening 14. Duration of the lesson: two periods (100 minutes) 15. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Firmly master vocabulary related to school and education Listen for the main ideas Listen for specific details Use structures and vocabulary in real-life situations

16. Assessment: Check (1) by task 1 Check (2) by task 2 Check (3) by task 3 Check (4) by task 4

17. Materials: Course book: English Oral Proficiency Workbook: Listen In 1 Board, computer, speakers,projector, handouts.

18. Lesson procedure:



Name of activities Start-off

Steps Group work: -Ss work in groups of three or four, look at two pictures in the book, try to find out as many adjective to describe them as possible, then make a comparison between them -Ss discuss and describe an ideal class that they want to attend.

Interaction Ss-Ss

Purpose Lead in



Task 1: Listen: Steve and Janet are talking about their first day at high school -Ss listen to the recording and write S or J which are equivalent to Steve or Janet after the sentence of each person. Handout: See appendix 5. Interview: Imagine that you are taking an interview with high school students. Go around the class and ask at least 4 students about their first day at high school Task 2: Pair work: -Ss work in pairs, look at the study techniques in the textbook, discuss and write the reason why they can be effective. Task 3: Listen and circle the correct answer: -Ss look through the questions, try to guess the answers -Ss listen to the recording and circle the correct answers Task 4: Listen and circle the correct answer: Listen and circle the correct answer: -Ss look through the questions, try to guess the answers -Ss listen to the recording and circle the correct answers


Listen for specific details


Foster both listening and speaking skills, motivate and get students involved in




Listen for key details

Listen for key details


Group work: -Ss work in groups; take turns to share their own story at high school. PostListening 5 Homework: -Listen In 1- Unit 5 Lesson summarization: -T summarizes the key points of the lesson



Consolidate the main points


Date of preparing: 25/10/2013 Date of teaching: 30 /10/2013


LESSON PLAN INFORMATION 19. Lesson focus: Speaking 20. Duration of the lesson: two periods (100 minutes) 21. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Firmly master vocabulary related to school and education Create their own English stories and talk about their first day at high school Use structures and vocabulary in real-life situations

22. Assessment: Check (1) by task 1 Check (2) by task 2 Check (3) by task 3 Check (4) by task 4

23. Materials: Course book: English Oral Proficiency Workbook: Listen In 1 Board, computer, speakers, projector, handouts, cards.

24. Lesson procedure:



Name of activities Start-off

Steps Picture Narrating: -Ss work in groups of five, look at a sequence of pictures related to the topic School and try to create and narrate their own stories. -Groups of Ss take turns, present their own ideas and stories in front of the class Pictures: See appendix 6

Interaction Ss- Ss

Purpose Motivate and get Ss involved in the lesson, create an interesting start, and foster Ss creative thinking.



Task 1: Group work: Educational systems -Ss work in groups, in a A4-size paper, draw a table of stages of Vietnamese Educational System. - Groups of students compare their work Ss look at the outline of English educational system and compare it to the educational system of Vietnam that they have just made. The whole class activity: My favorite subject Ss write down the subject that they like best in a small piece of paper, then go around the class and try to find out other students who have the same favor with you. Then, groups of Ss sharing the same favor sit together and sort out some reasons why they like that subject most Ss take turns and talk about their subjects Individual work: My like and Dislikes -Ss work on their own with the table of key language in their text book, put L(Like) or D(Dislike) next to each activity. Pair work: -Ss work in pairs, tell your partner about your Likes and Dislikes at school/university. -Ss share their ideas in front of the class.


Make comparison easier when they have already drawn the educational system of Vietnam



Make the task easier and give Ss chance to practice with different classmates


Prepare before talk

Ss they



Team game: -Ss discuss in their team of five or six, try to find out as many adjective to describe a person as they can. Then, teams of students will compete naming those adjectives, team with most answers will be the winner. Pair work: My teacher -Ss work with their partners, and talk about the teacher who has the most influence on their life in terms of name, subjects and qualities or characteristics. Task 5: Pair work: Imagine that you are talking to a friend who is a newcomer to your country. Take turns to be the newcomer, ask and answer the questions given in the box.


Motive and get them involved enthusiastically , change the classroom atmosphere


Improve speaking skill


Improve speaking skill

PostSpeaking 5

Lesson summarization -T summarized the keys of the lesson Homework: Test 78, Test your English Vocabulary in use Pre-intermediate


Consolidate the lesson


Date of preparing: 25/10/2013 Date of teaching: 30 /10/2013


LESSON PLAN INFORMATION 25. Lesson focus: Listening 26. Duration of the lesson: two periods (100 minutes) 27. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Firmly master vocabulary related to jobs and future plans Listen for gist and for key details Use structures and vocabulary in real-life situations

28. Assessment: Check (1) by task 1 Check (2) by task 2 Check (3) by task 3 Check (4) by task 4 Check (5) by task 5

29. Materials: Course book: English Oral Proficiency Workbook: Listen In 1 Board, computer, speakers, overhead projector, cards.

30. Lesson procedure:



Name of activities Start-off

Steps Whole class activity: Whats your job? -T gives each student a small card indicating a job. Ss look at it carefully and keep it secret, then go around the class, ask and answer questions to find out the person who has the same job. -Ss of the same job sit together Cards: See appendix 7

Interaction Ss-Ss

Purpose Engage Ss into the lesson actively and attentively



Task 1: Listen and circle: -Ss listen to the recording and circle the correct options which are true to Mike and Kates hopes and dreams Suggested answers: Mike: a-c Kate: c-d Job interview: Imagine that you are taking part in a job interview, the employer wants to know about your future dreams. Take turn to be the interviewer and interviewee, ask and answer questions to get information.

Listen for key details


80 Task 2: Listen and answer the questions: -Ss listen to an interview with Ron and answer the questions in the textbook Suggested answers: 1. Kissogram 2. Surprises people with a kiss 3. Preparation 4. His wife 5. No, she doesnt Task 3: Listen: -Ss listen to four teenagers talking about their future jobs. Write down what each of the, wants 17

Motivate Ss, change classroom atmosphere, develop their listening and speaking skills Listen details for

Listen for specific information

to do in the future. Suggested answers: Mike: A vet Tina: Information technology Tony: A professional gamer Judith: A singer Task 4: Listen and circle: -Ss listen to the recording of what job people are thinking about and circle the correct answers Suggested answers: 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.b Discussion: -Ss work in group of four or five, give their opinion and discuss about each job mentioned in the recording they have just listened to. Task 5: Listen and check the correct information -Ss listen to the recording and put a tick () next to the correct options. Suggested answers: Has the Has a Isnt same job new job working now

Listen for gist Ss-Ss

Focus on how to give opinions

1.Ted 2.Sonia 3.Bob 4.Marie 5.Suzanne 6.Martha 7.Fred 8.Sue

PostListening 5

Lesson summarization -T summarized the keys of the lesson Homework: Unit 8 Listen In Book 1


Consolidate the lesson


Date of preparing: 25/10/2013 Date of teaching:30 / 10/2013


LESSON PLAN INFORMATION 31. Lesson focus: Speaking 32. Duration of the lesson: two periods (100 minutes) 33. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Firmly master vocabulary related to jobs and future plans Express their ideas about qualities needed for each job Communicate confidently with their friends about their future plans Use structures and vocabulary in real-life situations

34. Assessment: Check (1) by task 1 Check (2) by task 2 Check (3) by task 3 Check (4) by task 4

35. Materials: Course book: English Oral Proficiency Workbook: Listen In 1 Board, computer, overhead projector, cards

36. Lesson procedure:



Name of activities Start-off

Steps Team game: -Ss work in team of four or five, look at the power points screen, try to guess the job of people in each picture, then name at least three adjectives that describe each job. Team with most correct answers will be the winner. Pictures: See appendix 7

Interaction T-Ss Ss-Ss

Purpose Generate interest and engage Ss into the lesson.



Pair work: Matching the jobs -Ss work with a partner, match the jobs to appropriate pictures in their textbook, then answer the questions following


Make sure Ss are all clear about the job mentioned.

Whole class activity: Finding my interest -Ss write one adjective describing job quality that they are in favor most, then go around the class, try to find out other students who share the same thought with them.


Ss-Ss 80 Task 1: Pair work: -Ss work in pairs, pick up the adjective that best fits each of the sentences in the textbook Task 2: Group work: Jobs and qualities -Ss work in groups of four or five, sort out the adjectives that describe qualities needed for six job mentioned in the box, then make conversation by combining each job to its qualities. Task 3: Individual work: -Ss work on their own, look at the list of things to consider when choosing a job. Number the 20 Ss-Ss

Encourage Ss to take an active part in the class, change the atmosphere and give Ss chance to work with different classmates

Prepare for the next speaking activities


Improve speaking skills


Prepare for the group

items in order of importance from 1 to 7. Number 1 is the most important and number 7 is the least important Group work: -Now Ss work in groups of three, compare their answers and give the reason for their choice

discussion activity that follows


Motivate Ss to talk more, guide them how to express ideas

Task 4: Group work: a, Imagine that you are attending a future-joborientation meeting, talk to people next to you about your favorite job b, Imagine that you are about to graduate from university. In the graduation celebration, talk to your friends and teacher about your future plans Pair work: Your likes and dislikes -Ss work in pairs, pick up one job in the list and tell their partner about what they like and dislike about that job. PostSpeaking 5 Lesson summarization -T summarized the keys of the lesson Homework: Describe a job that you or someone you know is doing well.



Practice presenting and giving opinions, foster critical and creative thinking.


Consolidate the lesson


APPENDIX 1.Appendix 1: Topic: Health


2. Appendix 2: Cards: Health problems



3. Appendix 3: a, Pictures:

b, Sentences: 1, Use ginseng 2, Make some hot tea with a little honey and lemon juice and drink it. 3, Make a big pitcher of orange juice and drink it 4, Eat chicken soup 5, Take new cold medicine 6, Chop a bunch of garlic, put it in water and drink it


4. Appendix 4 A day of a cat


5. Appendix 5: Listen and write S (Steve) or J (Janet) next to the appropriate sentences 1, I was so anxious, I couldnt sleep the night before 2, I wanted to make an impression on everyone 3, I was excited. 4, I already knew a lot of friends 5, Kids looked like grown up 6, It was familiar 7, About 25 8, Around 30-32 9, The first teacher shouted all the time and always seemed angry 10, The first teacher was so kind, he listened to students carefully 11, So much homework to do 12. How the boys and girls didnt meet. 6., Appendix 6: Picture Narrating: School life


7. Appendix 7: Jobs and future plans


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