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Submitted for the partial fulfillment towards for the award of the degree in Masters of Business Administration of Noida International University Submitted by: Neha Tomar Roll No:SM/MB/12/021 Batch (2012-13) Under the supervision of: Ms.Shubh Arora


Noida International UNIVERSITY



I hereby declare that this project report has been submitted for MBA affiliated to Noida International University

Further, I assign the right to the University, to use the information and content of this project to develop Cases, Case lets, Case leads and papers for the publication and / or for the use in teaching.

Neha Tomar Roll No:SM/MB/12/021 MBA


I am very thankful to Ms.Shubh Arora Faculty Guide, Noida International University, Greater Noida for her valuable guidance and support at all time and encouraging and valuable support in execution of preparation of my project report.

I would also like to thank to all those people who has directly or indirectly supported me and providing me all the necessary information throughout this project report has been successfully completed at time.

Neha Tomar Roll No:SM/MB/12/021 MBA


1. INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC ..................................................... 2. COMPANY PROFILE .......................................................................... 3. IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY ....................................................... 4. SCOPE OF THE STUDY .. 5. LITERATURE REVIEW .. 6. RESEARCH DESIGN......... 7. DATA ANALYSIS AND NTERPRETATION ... 8. CONCLUSION ...

4 19 40 43 51 62 73 91 93 95 96 99


10. SCOPE FOR THE FURTHER RESEARCH ................................... 11. REFFERENCES ... 12. APPENDIX .


The Recruitment and Selection Procedure of the company determines the level of achieving Organizational Goals in the long run. As per definition it is stated that which is all about Selecting Right person for the Right Job at the Right Time at the best Possible Position. Although it sounds quite simple but it is also not an easier job to evaluate a person with his Ability and Skills that may satisfy the Core Competency for the Job so that his degree of willingness to pursue a Job becomes Positive. From Job Seeker's prospective it is the Core Competencies which matter much for a job. So it is the effective Recruitment and Selection Procedure which determines not only the right candidate for a job but also a long-term accomplishment of Organizational Goals. In my Research as I go further I come to know the Different Techniques adopted by the IT Company towards this effect. I have chosen HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD, which is Multinational IT giant for studying their methods of Recruitment and Selection Function. In the course of my study I came to know that, it has the probability of achieving more than 50% of the people to be placed for the Right Job, which reflects some of the unique ways for recruiting the candidates to fill various vacancies. The Aim of the Company is to achieve overall Organizational Goal not only by way of fulfilling the targeted top line but also Employee Satisfaction towards various position of Job to the Maximum Level. This I will see as I proceed subsequently in my Project.

Steps in Recruitment Process


As was mentioned earlier, recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job applicants. The process comprises five inter-related stages, viz. Planning, Strategy development, Searching, Screening, and Evaluation and Control

Diagram- 1

SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT Before an organization activity begins recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try to develop new sources, while most only try to tackle the existing sources they have. These sources, accordingly, may be termed as internal and external. (1) INTERNAL SOURCES

Internal sources are the most obvious sources. These include personnel already on the pay-roll of an organization, i.e., its present working force. Whenever any vacancy occurs, somebody from within the organization is upgraded, transferred, promoted or sometimes demoted. This source also includes personnel who were once on the pay-roll of the company but who plan to return or whom the company would like to rehire, such as those on leave of absence, those who quit voluntarily, or those on production lay-offs. MERIT: The use of an internal source has some merits: It improves the morale of employees, for they are assured of the fact that they would be preferred over outsiders when vacancies occur. The employer is in a better position to evaluate those presently employed than outside candidates. This is because the company maintains a record of the progress, experience and service of its employees. It promotes loyalty among the employees, for it gives them a sense of job security and opportunities for advancement. As the persons in the employment of the company are fully aware of, and well acquainted with, its policies and know its operating procedures, they require little training, and the chances are that they would stay longer in the employment of the organization than a new outsider would. They are tried people and can, therefore, be relied upon. It is less costly than going outside to recruit. 7

Demerits: However, this system suffers from certain defects as well. It often leads to inbreeding, and discourages new blood from entering an organization. There are possibilities that internal sources may "dry up", and it may be difficult to find the requisite personnel from within an organization. Since the learner does not know more than the lecturer, no innovations worth the name can be made. Therefore, on jobs which require original thinking (such as advertising, style, designing and basic research), this practice is not followed. As promotion is based on seniority, the danger is that really capable hands may not be chosen. The likes and dislikes of the management may also play an important role in the selection of personnel. This source is used by many organizations; but a surprisingly large number ignore this source, especially for middle management jobs. In other words, this source is the lode that is rarely mined. It is not only reasonable but wise to use this source, if the vacancies to be filled are within the capacity of the present employees; if adequate employee records have been maintained, and if opportunities are provided in advance for them to prepare themselves for promotion from "blue-collar" to "White-collar" jobs.



These sources lie outside the organization. They usually include: New entrants to the labor force, i.e., young, mostly inexperienced potential employees -the college students; The unemployed -with a wide range of skills and abilities; Retired experienced persons such as mechanics, machinists, welders; accountants; Others not in the labor force, such as married women and persons from minority groups.

Merits: (i) External sources provide the requisite type of personnel for an organization, having skill, training and education up to the required standard,

(ii) Since persons are recruited from a large market, the best selection can be made without any distinctions of caste, sex or color, (iii) In the long run, this source proves economical because potential employees do not need extra training for their jobs. Demerits: However, this system suffers from what is called "brain drain," especially when, experienced persons are raided or hunted by sister concerns.


Dunn and Stephens summarize the possible recruiting methods into three categories: direct, indirect and third party. (1) DIRECT METHODS These include sending traveling recruiters to educational and professional institutions, employees' contacts with public, and manned exhibits. One of the widely used direct methods is that of sending of recruiters to colleges and technical schools. Most college recruiting is done in co-operation with the placement office of a college. The placement office usually provides help in attracting students, arranging interviews, furnishing space, and providing student resumes. For managerial, professional and sales personnel, campus recruiting is an extensive operation. Persons reading for MBA or other technical diplomas are picked up in this manner. For this purpose, carefully prepared brochures, describing the organization and the jobs it offers, are distributed among students, before the interviewer arrives. The DCM, TATAS, and other enlightened firms maintain continuing contacts with institutions' placement officials with a view to recruiting staff regularly for different responsible positions. Sometimes, firms directly solicit information from the concerned professors about students with an outstanding record.

Many companies have found employees' contact with the public a very effective method. Other- direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the desired centres. (2) INDIRECT METHODS Indirect methods involve mostly advertising in newspaper, on the radio, in trade, and professional journals, technical magazines and brochures. Advertising in newspapers and/or trade journals and magazines is the most frequently used method, when qualified or experienced personnel are not available from other sources. Senior posts are largely filled by such methods when they cannot be filled by promotion from within. Advertising is very useful for recruiting blue-collar and hourly workers, as well as scientific, professional, and technical employees. Local newspaper can be a good source of blue-collar workers, clerical employees, and lower-level administrative employees. The main point is that the higher the position is in the organization, or the more specialized the skills sought, the more widely dispersed advertisement is likely to be. The search for top executive might include advertisements in a national periodical; while the advertisement of blue-collar jobs is usually confined to the daily newspaper or regional trade journals. The classified advertisement section of a daily newspaper or the Sunday weekly edition of The Hindustan Times, The Times of India, The Tribune, Bharat Jyoti, The National Herald, The Free Press Journal, The Pioneer, Amrit Bazar Patrika, The Economic Times, The Hindu, The Indian Express etc., carry advertisements for all types of positions. Such advertisements enable prospective candidates to screen themselves in order to find out whether they are fit for the job for which the advertisement has been issued.


In order to be successful, an advertisement should be carefully written. If it is not properly written, it may not draw the right type of applicants or it may attract too many applicants who are not qualified for the job. It should be so framed as to attract attention -for example, by the use of different sizes and types of print. The first line should limit the audience somewhat and the next few lines should further screen out the readers who do not possess the necessary qualifications. It should provide specific information on job requirements and opportunities for advancement, the benefits to be enjoyed by working in the company; and it should emphasize facts related to the dignity of the job and to its professional aspects. "Frilly advertisements, containing exaggerated claims and gimmicky appeals, are to be avoided." Advertising can be very effective if its media are properly chosen. According to Advertisement Tactics and Strategy in Personnel Recruitment, three points need to be borne in mind before an advertisement is inserted. First, to visualize the type of applicant one is trying to recruit. Second, to write out a list of the advantages a company offers; in other words, why the reader should work for the company. Third, to decide where to run the advertisement, not only in which area but in which newspaper having a local, state or nation-wide circulation. Many organizations often place what is referred to as a blind advertisement, one in which there is no identification of the organization. Respondents are asked to reply to a 'Post Office Box Number' or to a consulting firm that is acting as an intermediary between the applicant and the organization. The large organizations with regional or national reputation do not usually use blind advertisements. Other methods include advertising in publications, such as trade and professional journals, and radio or television announcements, as is done by many Indian manufacturers. Professional journals are read by people with specialized backgrounds and interests. Therefore, advertisements in these are generally selective.



THIRD PARTY METHODS (TPMs) The best management policy regarding recruitment is to look first within the organization. If that source fails, external recruitment must be tackled. These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies, and placement offices of schools, colleges and professional associations, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college professors, and friends and relatives. Private employment agencies are widely used. They charge a small fee from an applicant. They specialize in specific occupations: general office help, salesmen, technical workers, accountants, computer staff, engineers and executives. These private agencies are brokers who bring employers and employees together. The specialization of these agencies enhances their capacity to interpret the needs of their clients, to seek out particular types of persons and to develop proficiency in recognizing the talent of specialized personnel. State or Public Employment Agencies also known as Employment or Labor Exchanges are the main agencies of public employment. They provide a clearing house for jobs and job information. Employers inform them of their personnel requirements, while job-seekers get information for them about the types of jobs that are referred to by employers. These agencies provide a wide range of services -counseling, assistance in getting jobs, information about the labor market, labor and wage rates. Schools, Colleges and Professional Institutions offer opportunities for recruiting their students. They operate placement services where complete bio-data and other particulars of the students are available. The companies that need employees maintain contact with the Guidance Counselors of Employment Bureaus and teachers of business and vocational subjects. The prospective employers can review credentials and interview candidates for management trainees or probationers. Whether the education sought involves a higher secondary 12

certificate, specific vocational training, or a college background with a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree, educational institutions provide an excellent source of potential employees for entry-level positions in organizations. These general and technical/professional institutions provide blue-collar applicants, white-collar and managerial personnel. Sometimes, the organizations provide Work Study Programme to the students or summer jobs for undertaking a project in the establishment so as to get them interested in the organization in question, and after completion of this, they may be absorbed by the companies concerned. Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters maintain complete information records about employed executives. These firms are looked upon as 'head hunters', 'raiders' and 'pirates' by organizations which lose personnel through their efforts. However, these same organizations may employ "executive search firms" to help them find executive talent. These consulting firms recommend persons of high caliber for managerial, marketing, and production engineers' posts. Indoctrination seminars for colleges professors are arranged to discuss the problem of companies and employees. Professors are invited to take part in these seminars. Visits to plants and banquets are arranged so that the participant professors may be favorably impressed. They may later speak well of a company and help it getting the required personnel. Employee Referrals: Friends and relatives of present employees are also a good source from which employees may be drawn. When the labor market is very tight, large employers frequently offer their employees bonuses or prizes for any referrals that are hired and stay with the company for a specific length of time. Some companies maintain a register of former employees whose record was good to contact them when there are new job openings for which they are qualified. This method of recruitment, however, suffers from a serious defect that it


encourages nepotism, i.e., persons of one's community or castes are employed that may or may not be fit for the job. Trade Unions also provide manual and skilled workers in sufficient numbers. Under agreement, they may agree as to who is to be given preference. But in case of adverse industrial relations, this technique may create difficulties. Casual Labor or Applicant at the Gate: Most industrial units rely to some extent on the casual labor, which presents itself daily at the factory gate or employment office. However, this source is uncertain, and the candidates cover a wide range of abilities. Even then, many of our industries make use of this source to fill up casual vacancies. Unconsolidated Applications: For positions in which large numbers of candidates are not available from other sources, the companies may gain in keeping files of applications received from candidates who make direct enquiries about possible vacancies on their own, or may send unconsolidated applications. The information may be indexed and filed for future use when there are openings in these jobs. If necessary, the candidates may be requested to keep the organization posted with any change in their q ualifications, experience or achievements made. Voluntary Organizations, such as private clubs, social organizations, might also provide employees - handicapped, widowed or married women, old persons, retired hands, etc. in response to advertisements. Computer Data Banks: When a company desires a particular type of employee, job specifications and requirements are fed into a computer, where they are matched against the resume data stored therein. The output is a set of resumes for individuals who meet the requirements. This method is very useful for identifying candidates for hard-to-fill positions, which call for an unusual combination of skills


SELECTION PROCEDURE The Selection Procedure is concerned with securing relevant information about an applicant. This information is secured in a number of steps of stages. The objective of selection process is to determine whether an applicant meets the qualifications for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most likely to perform well in that job. Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of that applicant and ending with the contract of employment. The hiring procedure is not a single act but it is essentially a series of methods or steps or stages by which additional information is secured about the applicant. At each stage, facts may come to light, which may lead to the rejection to the applicant. A procedure may be compared to a series of successive hurdles or barriers, which an applicant must cross. These are intended as screens, and they are designed to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in the process. This technique is known as the successive hurdles technique. Not all selection processes include all these hurdles. The complexity of a process usually increases with the level and responsibility of the position to be filled. According to Yoder, "the hiring process is of one or many 'go, no-go' gauges. Candidates are screened by the application of these tools. Qualified applications go on to the next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated." Thus, an effective selection programme is a non-random process because those selected have been chosen on the basis of the assumption that they are more likely to be "better" employees than those who have been rejected. Selection processes or activities typically follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening interview and concluding with the final employment decision. The traditional selection process includes: preliminary screening interview; completion of application form; employment tests; comprehensive


interview; background investigations, physical examination and final employment decision to hire. STEPS IN SELECTION PROCEDURE There is no shortcut to an accurate evaluation of a candidate. The hiring procedures are, therefore, generally long and complicated. Many employers make use of such techniques and pseudo-sciences as phrenology, physiognomy, astrology, graphology etc., while coming to hiring decisions. However, in modern times, these are considered to be unreliable measures. The following is a popular procedure though it may be modified to suit individual situation: 1. 2. Reception or preliminary interview or screening; Application blank - a fact-finder which helps one in learning about an applicant's background and life history; 3. A well conducted interview to explore the facts and get at the attitudes of the applicant and his family to the job; 4. 5. A physical examination - health and stamina are vital factors in success; Physiological testing to explore the surface area and get an objective look at a candidate's suitability for a job; 6. 7. A reference check; Final selection approval by manager; and communication of the decision to the candidate.






HCL is one of the leading global Technology and IT enterprises with annual revenues of US$ 3.30 billion. The HCL Enterprise comprises two companies listed in India, HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. The 30 year old enterprise, founded in 1976.HCL team comprises 34,000 professionals of diverse nationalities, operating across 16 countries including 300 points of presence in India. HCL has global partnerships with several leading Fortune 1000 firms, including several IT and Technology majors. The HCL Enterprise comprises two companies listed in India, HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. HCL Infosystems is the IT hardware and system integration arm focused on the Indian market. GLOBAL FOCUS


HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD HCL Infosystems Ltd. is India's premier information enabling company. They are the one-stop-shop for your requirements of products & services in the areas of Computers, Laptops, Servers, Storage, Enterprise Networking, Copiers, and Digital Projectors & Communication Devices. This is backed by HCL's service support infrastructure - the widest in the country. HCL Infosystems ( HCLI) draws it's strength from 29 years of experience in handling the ever changing IT scenario , strong customer relationships , ability to provide the cutting edge technology at best-value-for-money and on top of it, an excellent service & support infrastructure. Today HCL is country's premier information enabling company. It offers one-stop-shop convenience to its diverse customers having an equally diverse set of requirements. Be it a large multi-location enterprise, or a small/medium enterprise, or a small office or a home, HCLI has a product range, sales & support capability to service the needs of the customer. Last 29 years apart from knowledge & experience have also given them continuity in relationship with the customers, thereby increasing the customer confidence in us.


STRENGTHS - Ability to understand customer's business and offer right technology - Long standing relationship with customers - Pan India support & service infrastructure - Best-value for money offerings HCL Infosystems Ltd is one of the pioneers in the Indian IT market, with its origins in 1976. For over quarter of a century, they developed and implemented solutions for multiple market segments, across a range of technologies in India.

COMPANY HISTORY 1976 In 1976 HCL infosystem was incorporated in India Introduced microcomputers-based programmable calculators with wide

acceptance in the scientific / education community 1977 Launch of the first microcomputer-based commercial computer with a ROM -based Basic interpreter 1983 HCL launches an aggressive advertisement campaign with the theme ' even a typist can operate' to make the usage of computers popular in the SME (Small & Medium Enterprises) segment. This proposition involved menu-based applications for the first time, to increase ease of operations. The response to the advertisement was phenomenal.


1991 HCL enters into a joint venture with Hewlett Packard HP assists HCL to introduce new services: Systems Integration, IT consulting, packaged support services 1996 Sets up the STP (Software Technology Park ) at Chennai to execute software projects for international customers Becomes national integration partner for SAP 1997 Kolkata and Noida STPs set up HCL buys back HP stake in HCL Hewlett Packard 1998 Chennai and Coimbatore development facilities get ISO 9001 certification 1999 Acquires and sets up fully owned subsidiaries in USA and UK HCL ties up with Broadvision as an integration partner 2000 Sets up fully owned subsidiary in Australia Chennai and Coimbatore development facilities get SEI Level 4 certification Bags Award for Top PC Vendor In India Becomes the 1st IT Company to be recommended for latest version of ISO 9001: 2000 Rated as No. 1 IT Group in India


2001 Launched Pentium IV PCs at below Rs 40,000 IDC rated HCL Infosystems as No. 1 Desktop PC Company of 2001 2002 Declared as Top PC Vendor by Dataquest HCL Infosystems & Sun Microsystems enters into an Enterprise Distribution Agreement 2003 Became the first vendor to register sates of 50,000 PCs in a quarter First Indian company to be numero uno in the commercial PC market Launched Home PC for Rs 19,999 HCL Infosystems' Info Structure Services Division received ISO 9001:2000 certification Launches Infiniti Mobile Desktops on Intel Platform Launched Infiniti PCs, Workstations & Servers on AMD platform 2004 1st to announce PC price cut in India, post duty reduction, offers Ezeebee at Rs. 17990 Maintains No.1 position in the Desktop PC segment for year 2003.Enters into partnership with Port Wise to support & distribute security & VPN solutions in India Partners with Microsoft & Intel to launch Beanstalk Neo PC Becomes the 1st company to cross 1 iac unit milestone in the Indian Desktop PC market Partners with Union Bank to make PCs more affordable, introduces lowest ever EMI for PC in India


TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP HCL Infosystems is known to be the harbinger of technology in the country. Right from their inception they have attempted to pioneer the technology introductions in the country either through R&D or through partnerships with the world technology leaders. - Created their own UNIX & RDBMS capability (in 80s) - Developed firewalls for enterprise & personal system security - Launched their own range of enterprise storage products - Launched their own range of networking products

HCL Infosystems has to its claim several technology pioneering initiatives. Some of them are: - Country's first Desktop PC - Busy Bee in 1985 - Country's first branded home PC - Beanstalk in 1995 - Country's first Pentium 4 based PC at sub 40k price point - Country's first Media Center PC

Alliances & Partnerships To provide world-class solutions and services , HCL has formed Alliances and Partnerships with leading IT companies worldwide.HCL Infosystems has alliances with global technology leaders like Intel, AMD, Microsoft, Bull, Toshiba, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Ericsson, NVIDIA, SAP, Scansoft, SCO, EMC, Veritas, Citrix, CISCO, Oracle, Computer Associates, RedHat, Infocus, Duplo, Samsung and Novell.


These alliances on one hand give access to best technology & products as well enhancing understanding of the latest in technology. On the other hand they enhance their product portfolio, and enable us to be one stop shop for our customers.

RECENT UPDATES HCL & Nokia decide on longer term strategy to further penetrate Indian market Gist of Q&A with callers/ investors/ shareholders on the announcement Relating to the long term agreement with Nokia Toshiba in partnership with HCL Infosystems expands its retail presence in India by unveiling 'shop Toshiba1 HCL forms a strategic alliance with Bull to launch a new range of Scalable Enterprise Class Servers on Open Architecture AMD & IT Ministry unveil affordable computer to promote 50x15 vision in India HCL CORE VALUES Customer Focus Organizational Pride Mutual Respect and Trust Initiative and Speed Total Value


QUALITY One of the key elements to HCL's success is its never-ending pursuit of superior quality in all its endeavors. HCL INFOSYSTEMS believes in the Total Quality Management philosophy as a means for continuous improvement, total employee participation in quality improvement and customer satisfaction. Its concept of quality addresses people, processes and products Over the last 20 years, they have adapted to newer and better Quality standards that helped them effectively tie Quality with Business Goals, leading to customer and employee satisfaction. QUALITY AT HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD The history of structured quality implementation in HCL Infosystems began in the late 1980s with the focus on improving quality of its products by using basis QC tools and Failure Reporting and Corrective Active Systems (FRACAS). They also employed concurrent engineering practices including design reviews, and rigorous reliability tests to uncover latent design defects. In the early 90s, the focus was not merely on the quality of products but also the process quality systems. HCLs manufacturing unit at NOIDA was certified initially to ISO 9002:1994 by BVQI in 1994 and later on to ISO 9001:1994 in 1997. As of now, all manufacturing units are certified by BVQ! as per ISO 9001:2000 In early 1995, a major quality initiative was launched across the company based on Philip B. Crosby's methodology of QIPM (Quality Improvement Process Management). This model was selected to because it considered the need and commitment by an organization to improve but more importantly, the individual's need towards better quality in his personal life.


Under Quality Education System program, they train their employees on the basic concepts and tools of quality. A number of improvement projects have been undertaken by our employees, whereby process deficiencies and bottlenecks are identified, and Corrective Action Projects (CAPs) are undertaken. This reduces defect rates and improves cycle times in various processes, including personal quality. HCL has received MAiT's 'Level II recognition for Business Excellence' for their initiatives in the Information Technology Industry, adding another commendation to our fold. MAIT's Level II recognition is based on the 'European Foundation for Quality Management' (EFQM), for gaining quality leadership and business competitiveness. Their certifications / awards in 2003 include ISO 9001-2000 by BVQI for our InfoStructure Services and award of First Prize by ELCINA (Electronic Component Industries Association) for Quality, 2002-03. The ELCINA award criteria consider two aspects. (1) Enablers (Leadership & Management commitment, Resource Management, Product Realisation, Measurement Analysis & Improvement) and Results (Product Quality, Customer / Stake holder satisfaction , Business results). The thurst for continuous quality improvement is never-ending in HCL Infosystems They always strive to maintain high quality standards, which help us fulfill our mission to provide world-class information technology solutions and services, to enable our customers to serve their customers better.





Recruitment Procedure
Recruitment Process starts when the company does not get suitable unutilized required resource within the organization after RMG (Resource Management Group) Meeting. The following procedure used when a post is to be filled:


MPR (Man Power Requirement Form) : First of all MPR must be filled in following situation.

If it is an existing post, is an exact replacement required or is this is an opportunity to revise the requirements.

If it is a newly established post be clear on the exact requirements Draw up a job description and consult the appropriate Director / Human Resources Department in relation to the appropriate nos. of position and required skills

Complete a Man Power Requirement Form which confirms: Details of the post Final approval from the appropriate Director / CEO; Send the Man Power Requirement Form to the Human Resources Department Ensure the Job Description and person specification are up-to-date. Contact the Human Resources Department for advice / any assistance in completing these.. Discuss with the Human Resources Department the most effective means of obtaining suitable candidates.



Resource channels used for new post or existing replacements Resource Database: Initially HR people search the required resource and skills set within the database.

Company Website: HR people generally post vacancies on company website for current requirements and future requirements.

Electronic Job Portals and Database: HR uses this resource to fulfill the requirement, required skills and position. This media is used for creating, updating and maintaining database. Job Portals like & are used.

Employee reference: HR uses this resource, in case of unavailability of required skills set and suitable profile within database, from company website or electronic job portals, by dropping a mail with required position details on HCL, by using HR notice board.

Publishing advertise in newspaper: In case of Mass Recruitment or Brand Building of company, HR publishes the advertisement in newspaper.

External recruitment agencies: HR uses external Recruitment Agencies when its very critical or urgent requirements give by the management or EC head or for senior position in the company.

Duration for the above process: Once HR receive and understand MPR, above all activities has been done within 24 hour except 'Publishing ads in

Newspaper and External Recruitment Agencies"



Resumes screening, shortlisinq, Written test and Interviews.

Resumes screening by HR: HR receives resumes from various sources and than screening as per requirement details and other necessary criteria as per requirement like, candidate's qualification must be B.E / B. Tech / MCA / M. Tech / M.E / M.S / M. Sc.(CS) / MS / MBA / CA / CS from reputed college and university.

Resumes screening by technical people: HR people sends the screened profile to technical EC head or concern program manager of given requirement for technical screening. Once they shortlist the profile and revert back to HR.

Interview Schedules and Conduct: HR people schedule and conduct technical written test and interview of short listed candidates according to predefine technical resource viabilities.

Written test: Those candidates who are having lest than 3 years experience, have to appear in written test, if individual qualify the test then only, can proceed for interview.

Interview: Those candidates who are having equal or more than 3 years experience or those who qualified the written test can appear in interview, interviews are generally conducted 2 or 3 technical rounds and then if candidate founds suitable for requirement, the final round is conducted by HR for offer.


VIEW OF THE H.R. MANAGER ON THE RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION POLICY IN HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD HCL Infosystems is an IT Company. Around 4000 employees are working in this Company. The company has a well established recruitment and selection policy. The policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and provides a framework of implementation of their Recruitment programme in the form of procedures. This policy involves filling vacancies with the best qualified individuals. There is no special occasion or time for recruitment in HCL Infosystems. They are recruiting continuously, it means, every day is a recruitment day for them. Whenever the company identifies recruitment needs, the recruiters prepare profile for each category of workers and accordingly work out the main specification, decide the sections and department where they should be placed and identify the particular job responsibility which may be assigned to them. The company follows various sources of recruitment. These are:-


1. -

Campus Recruitment For this the company goes to the various engineering colleges, Diploma colleges& MBA colleges across the country and they recruit fresh candidates from there.

2. -

Media The company also recruits through media. For this the company uses vehicles like newspapers, magazines etc. They prefer this media basically when large volumes of people are required.

3. -

Web- Based Recruitment The company also gives recruitment notice in the web and they recruit through the web.

4. 5. -

Employee Reference The company also recruits from friends and relatives of present employees. Consultancy Whenever necessary the company takes the help of the consultancy for recruiting candidates. This is also an important source for them.

6. -

Electronic Job Portals and Database Electronic job Portals and Database are user for recruiting candidates for required skills and position. This media is used for creating, updating and maintaining database.


7. -

Third Party Methods (TPMs) The Company uses Third Party Methods (TPMs) for recruiting candidates. These include the use of Commercial or Private Employment Agencies, State Agencies, and Placement Offices of Schools, Colleges and Professional Associations, Recruiting Firms, Management Consulting Firms.


Preferred sources of recruitment Various sources of employment are followed by the company, i.e. external and internal sources. But the company mostly prefers the external source for recruiting the candidate. The company uses Electronic Job Portals and the company website where the candidates can post their resumes.


Costs involved in recruitment Costs play an important role in Recruitment. The company incurs various types of costs. These are:1. 2. 3. Traveling cost - Cost incurred for traveling Consultancy cost - Cost paid to the consultancy firm Publication cost - Cost incurred for giving recruitment notice in Newspapers and Magazines. 4. Re-location cost - Cost incurred for transferring employees in other departments and branches.


Reservation of jobs for SCs, STs, etc.

The company does not follow any reservation policy for SCs and STs etc for recruiting the candidates. They only look for the eligible candidates.


Criteria for the candidate


Mainly the criterion is role dependent. It depends on the job of the candidate. But the candidates require highly personal and technical skills. The company looks for both fresher and experienced candidates. Incase of freshers the candidate must be well qualified preferably from a BTECH/MBA background from a reputed college. But in case of experienced candidates, minimum two-three years of experience is required. (e) Employees turnover ratio Employees turnover ratio in the IT industry is 17%, where as in HCL Infosystems it is 16%. (f) Steps taken by the company to reduce employees turnover ratio The company has taken various steps to reduce employee's turnover ratio. Such as Encouraging Job Satisfaction Building Organization Culture/ Working Environment, so that the employees can be retained. Career Growth Opportunity Offering better benefits.


Selection procedures followed in the company Candidates are recruited on the basis of Written Test and Interviews. Candidates must have good Analytical Reasoning Ability and Logical Power. Candidate has to go through three Interviews in the Selection Process. Among them two-three Technical Interviews and one Human Resource Interview is conducted. The company looks for Technical and Job Specification both in the candidate. Incase of Experienced Candidates Direct Interviews are conducted. But in case of Fresher Written Test and Interview both are conducted. (a) Job specification and Job description The company follows both Job specification and job description. For job description, document for the next job is available to all the employees of the company. By this, the employees can already be aware about the next jobs they have to perform and it creates the delta between the current role and the new role of the employees. By this the employees can upgrade or prepares themselves for their new job. (b) Trade union There is no trade union in the Company. So no question of Trade Union arises in my analysis, which I have already mentioned in my scope and limitation section. (c) Faultv selection According to my interaction with the H.R. manager, I can infer that the Company has rarely suffered from any faulty Selection Procedure. But it is also true that no company is perfect in all respect, which can be experienced that so, they don't need to bother about it. The Recruitment and Selection procedure in HCL Infosystems is dynamic in the past years. That means it keeps on changing every year and it always remains updated.



IMPORTANCE OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCEDURES IN HR Recruitment and Selection Procedure is a vital factor of an Organization. If it is not done properly the Production Procedure will be hampered. Hence Productivity will fall down. So the Organization will be in trouble and it will affect the Employer- Employee Relationship. So Recruitment and Selection Procedure should be done in Proper and Correct manner. The New Candidates should replace the vacant post so that the production of the company does not hamper. By this the Productivity will increase and the Organization will gain profit. So the Employer will be happy and will not hesitate to distribute bonus and increments to the workers. The Workers will also be more motivated to work. Hence there will be Harmonious Relationship in the Organization. It will also stabilize the organization in the long run.

WHY I CHOSE RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION FOR MY STUDY JUSTIFICATION Basically Recruiting is the discovering of Potential Candidates for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. It also can be said in another way that bringing together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. It is important to study Recruitment and Selection because through it I can identify our Human Resource needs. I can know what kind of people must be selected to fill up the Specified Vacancies. The Ideal Recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered. It should also provide information so that


unqualified applicants can self select them out of job candidacy, that is, a good Recruiting Program should attract the qualified and not attract the unqualified. Recruiting people is done by various ways, for the study first I have to know the Recruiting Sources. There are Internal and External Sources as well as Employee Referrals/Recommendation. In this Project I am studying Recruitment and Selection Process of HCL INFOSYSTEMS LTD. To find out Actual Recruitment and Selection Process of IT Company is my main objective of study. My aim is to study the IT company to understand the Image of the Organization, Attractiveness of the job, Internal policies, about the Union (if any), Govt. requirement Recruiting Budgets etc. Through this kind of surveys I will be able to achieve Real Recruitment Program of this IT Company where for all kinds of operational level Technical Qualification is needed. I also have the picture of Selection Cost of the company. It is very interesting to study Recruitment and Selection Process as it will give me light when I will work, in HR Department in my future Corporate Life. That's why I choose this topic.



The study of the recruitment and selection process has a wide scope in the following area-

Identification of a Vacancy

The Line Manager identifies a vacancy for reasons that may include: Staffing changes eg. resignation, termination, retirement, leave; and/or Work requirement changes eg. Creation of a new position, temporary additional workload.

Review the need for the position/to fill the vacancy.

The Line Manager will review the short/long term requirement for the position and the need to fill the vacancy. In so doing the Line Manager will consider: Staffing Plan/profile for the work area Budget Current / Future Requirements Job Skill Requirements Occupancy required to meet need (eg. ongoing, fixed term) Adequacy and accuracy of position description Whether the position is approved and established

Note: This review may involve other managers within the faculty/service centre.

Determine the most effective recruitment strategy to acquire a pool of candidates


The Line Manager will consider and assess the best way of attracting a pool of suitably qualified candidates, who will meet the needs of the business.

Examples of methods for acquiring a pool of candidates are: Internal staff (Advertisement) Internal staff (Redeployment) Candidates from recent/previous recruitment activity Professional/Industry Organisations Recruitment Agencies/Job Network Advertising Internet Journals Newspaper

Prepare a Request to Recruit and provide associated documentation to secure authorizations (in accordance with HR Delegations) and initiate recruitment activity. The Line Manager will complete and forward to the HR Account Manager the Request to Recruit form and attach all necessary information, including:

'Request to Recruit' form Position Description and Selection Criteria Draft Advertisement, where applicable (where necessary) Proposed Selection Panel (where appropriate) Recruitment agent information (where applicable)

Arrange and undertake the recruitment activity.


The HR Account Manager assigned to the faculty/service centre will ensure the appropriate recruitment activity in accordance with the approved Request to Recruit.

Establish Selection Panel & determine selection methodology.

The Line Manager will determine the composition of the selection panel in accordance with the Universitys Selection Panel Guidelines, ensure that proposed members have been trained, secure panel membership, brief members on their role and the vacancy details and plan logistics (availability, meeting times etc). The selection panel will reach a shared understanding and/or agree on: position role and accountabilities selection criteria method(s) for shortlisting or pre-selection method(s) of assessment of shortlisted candidates interview reference check (eg. Written, telephone, at what point in the process) skills test presentation

It is the responsibility of the Chairperson to ensure that ALL selection panel members are fully aware of their legal and procedural obligations.

Receive and collate applications.


The HR Account Manager will arrange for receipt and collation of applications.

The Chairperson of the Selection Panel will receive the Vacancy File containing the following:

Original Applications List of Applicants (for QA purposes) Position Description Recruitment Process Check List Selection Panel Guide

Commence selection by reviewing applications and determine a shortlist of candidates. The Chairperson of the selection panel will ensure that all members or a representative sub-group have access to the applications, consider the information and facilitate a shortlisting process to identify the most competitive candidates. The selection panel (or representative sub-group) will compile a summary assessment and ranking of the candidates against the selection criteria for inclusion in the selection report. It may be necessary at this step to consider pre-selection interviews or other assessments tools to identify a manageable shortlist.

Candidates not shortlisted will be advised that they were unsuccessful.

Assess short listed candidates.


The selection panel will conduct interviews and/or apply other relevant assessment methods to acquire information relevant to the universitys business needs, position role & accountabilities and selection criteria. The assessment methods should be consistently applied to all candidates for a vacancy and may include, but not be limited to: Interview Skills/aptitude test Work samples/simulations Psychological testing Reference check (mandatory for the recommended applicant) Following the collation of information from the various sources, including the candidates application/resume, the selection panel will review all the information and determine a ranking of the candidates. The ranking will identify the candidates who meet the criteria and order of merit.

Recommend Outcome. The Chairperson will ensure that the recommendation is included into a Selection Report. The Selection Report will contain: Documentation of the shortlisting process (ie. Shortlisting Grid) Summary of assessment against the selection criteria for each shortlisted candidate (ie Interview notes, Referee reports) Recommendation of preferred candidate(s), remuneration to be offered and probation conditions Relocation budget (where appropriate) Ranking of shortlisted candidates (where appropriate) Documentation of referee(s) comments (where applicable) Endorsement by selection panel members

The Selection Report should be completed within 1 day of the finalisation of selection activities.


Obtain endorsements of recommendation in accordance with the HR Delegations.

The Chairperson obtains endorsement and approval of the recommendation. This should be obtained within 1 day of submitting the Selection Report.

Verbal offer of employment to preferred candidate and discuss employment terms and conditions.

The relevant Line Executive/Chairperson/Line Manager makes contact with the recommended candidate and informs them of the offer subject to relevant conditions. The contact may address: Remuneration package details Relocation budget/costs Availability for commencement Clarify terms and conditions of appointment including tenure, probation etc. This should be undertaken immediately on receiving approval of the recommendation.

Make written offer of employment to candidate.

HR will arrange for the formal written offer and contract of employment to be prepared (in accordance with the selection report) and dispatched within 1 day of receipt of the approved Selection Report and recommendation.


Advise unsuccessful candidates and make available feedback/counseling.

The Chairperson of the Selection Committee will ensure that unsuccessful (shortlisted) candidates are advised of the selection decision, in a timely manner preferably immediately following contact with the recommended applicant. The Chairperson is encouraged to offer and/or proactively provide feedback to candidates.

Arrange appointment and commence induction process.

HR will ensure that all appointment documentation is stored on the Vacancy File and the appointment is finalised. This will include: Obtaining a signed contract of employment Update of all information/records (eg. ALESCO System) Ensure induction is planned and conducted Storage and retention of all original recruitment and selection documentation for 12 months in accordance with relevant records management guidelines.


INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource management is concerned with the people dimension in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational objectives. Getting and keeping good people is critical to the success of every organization, whether profit or non-profit, public or private. It is a process consisting of fits functions Acquisition, Development, Motivation, and Maintenance of human resource. We can describe it as getting people, preparing people, activating them, and keeping them.


Scope of human resource management is very vast. All the major activities of the working life- from time the manager comes in to an organization until he or she leaves the organization. Specifically the activities are human resource planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development, training and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and communication, welfare, safety and health, industrial relation and the likewise.



Personnel records/reports/information system Insurance benefit administration Personnel research Wage/salary administration Compensation administration Job evaluation Promotion/transfer Induction/orientation Retirement Training & Development Induction/orientation Retirement Recruitment/interviewing/hiring Vacation/leave processing Pension Human resource planning Attitude survey


THEORITICAL PERSPECTIVE OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS: Recruiting is the discovering of Potential Applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies. In other words, it is a 'linking activity' bringing together those with job and those seeking jobs. As Yodel and other point out: "Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force." Recruitment has been regarded as the most important function of personnel administration, because unless the right type of people are hired, even the best plans, organization charts and control systems would not do much goods. Flippo views recruitment both as 'positive' and 'negative' activity. He says: "It is a process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encoy/aging them to apply for jobs in an organization. !t is often termed positive in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase the 'hiring ration', i.e., the number of applicants for a job. Selection, on the other hand tends to be negative because it rejects a good member of those who apply, leaving only the best to be hired".

FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT: Most of the organizations, whether large or small, do engage in recruiting activity, though not to the same extent. This differs with: The size of the organization; The employment conditions in the community where the organization is located; The effects of past recruiting efforts which show the organization's ability to locate and keep good performing people; Working conditions and salary and benefit packages offered by the organization - which may influence turnover and necessitate future recruiting; 48

The rate of growth or organization; The level of seasonally of operations and future expansion and production programs; and Cultural, economic and legal factors, etc.

Factors governing recruitment may broadly be divided as internal and external factors. (1) The internal factors are: Recruiting policy of the organization; Human resource planning strategy of the company; Size of the organization and the number of employees employed; Cost involved in recruiting employees, and finally; Growth and expansion plans of the organization.


The external factors are: Supply and demand of specific skills in the labour market; Political and legal considerations such as reservation of jobs for SCs, STs, and so on. Company's image-perception of the job seekers about the company.

THEORIES REGARDING RECRUITMENT Recruitment is a two-way street: it takes a Recruiter and a Recruitee. Just as the recruiter has a choice whom to recruit and whom not, so also the prospective employee has to make the decision if he should apply for that organization's job. The individual makes this decision usually on three different bases, the objective factor, critical contact, and subjective factor. "The objective factor theory views the process of organizational choice as being one of weighing and evaluating a set of measurable characteristics of employment offers, such as pay, benefits, location, opportunity for advancement, the nature of the work to be performed, and educational opportunities." 49

"The critical contact theory suggests that the typical candidate is unable to make a meaningful differentiation of organization's offers in terms of objective or subjective factors, because of his limited or very short contact with the organization. Choice can be made only when the applicant can readily perceive the factors such as the behavior of the recruiter, the nature of the physical facilities, and the efficiency in processing paper work associated with the application." "The subjective factor theory emphasis the congruence between personality patterns and the 'image' of the organization, i.e., choices are made on a highly personal and emotional basis."


Such a policy asserts the objectives of Recruitment and provides a framework of implementation of their recruitment program in the form of procedures. As Yoder and other observe: "Such a policy may involve a Commitment to broad principles such as filling vacancies with the best qualified individuals. It may embrace several issues such as extent of promotion from within, attitudes of enterprise in recruiting its old employees, handicaps, minority groups, women employees, part-time employees, friends and relatives of present employees. It may also involve the organization system to be developed for implementing recruitment program and procedures to the employed." Therefore, a well considered and pre-planned recruitment policy, based on corporate goals, study of environment and the corporate needs, may avoid hasty or ill-defined procedures. Considered decisions and may go a long way to man the organization with the right type of personnel.


A good recruitment policy must contain these elements: Organization's Objectives - Both in the Short-term and Long-term -must be taken into consideration as a basic parameter for Recruitment Decisions and needs of the personnel -area-wise, job-family-wise. Identification of the Recruitment Needs to take decisions regarding the balance of the qualitative dimensions of the would be recruits, i.e., the recruiters should prepare profiles for each category of workers and accordingly work out the main specifications, decide the sections, departments or branches where they should be placed and identify the particular responsibilities which may be immediately assigned to them. Preferred sources of Recruitment, which would be tapped by the Organization, e.g., for skilled or semi-skilled manual workers, internal sources and employment exchanges may be preferred; for highly specialized categories and managerial personnel, other sources besides the former, may be utilized. Criteria of Selection and Preferences: These should be based on conscious thought and serious deliberations. In some cases trade unions may be consulted in working out the recruitment policy. In others, management may take the unilateral decision. The cost of Recruitment and Financial implications of the same.


A "Recruitment Policy," in its broadest sense, "involves a commitment by the employer to such general principles as: To find and employ the best qualified persons for: each job; To retain the best and most promising of those hired; To offer promising opportunities for life-time working careers; and To provide programmes and facilities for personal growth on the job." According to Yoder, "the Recruitment Policy is concerned with quantity and qualifications (viz., and Q1 and Q2) of manpower." It establishes broad guidelines for the staffing process. Generally, the following factors are involved in a recruitment policy. To carefully observe the letter and spirit of the relevant public policy on hiring, and, on the whole, employment relationship; To provide Individual employees with the maximum of employment security, avoiding, frequent lay-off or lost time; To provide each employee with an open road and encouragement in the continuing development of his talents and skills; To assure each employee of the organization interest in his personal goals and employment objectives; To assure employees of fairness in all employment relationships,

including promotions and transfers; To avoid cliques which may develop when several members of the same household or community are employed in the organization; To provide employment in jobs which are engineered to meet the qualifications of handicapped workers and minority sections; and To encourage one or more strong, effective, responsible trade unions among the employees.


PREREQUISITES OF A GOOD RECRUITMENT POLICY The recruitment policy of an organization must satisfy the following conditions: It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies; It should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of an organization; It should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its employees on a long-term basis so that the goals of the organization should be achievable; and it should develop the potentialities of employees; It should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of the work for which they are employed; and It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis. The nature and extent of the Recruitment Programme depends on a number of factors, including the skills required, the state of the labour market, general economic conditions, and the image 'of the employer. A Company which has a reputation of paying fair wages, providing good employee benefits and taking interest in employee welfare activities would attract a larger number of applicants than it needs without making any extra recruiting effort. Small companies which hire only a few persons each year may not need to do more than spread the word around the plant or office that a vacancy exists. However, as a result of regulations and pressures from society and the government, the recruitment programme now requires the employers to go out and actively seek job applicants from groups of those who may not otherwise apply for employment.


SELECTION POLICY While formulating a selection policy, due consideration should be given to organizational requirements as well as technical and professional dimensions of selection procedures. Yoder and others have suggested goals, technological issues, cost factors, extent of formality, etc. In other words, and effective policy must assert the "why" and "What" aspects of the organizational objectives.

ESSENTIALS OF SELECTION PROCEDURE The selection procedure adopted by an organization is mostly tailored made to meet its particular needs. The thoroughness of the procedure depends upon three factors: First, the nature of selection, whether faulty or safe, because faulty selection affects not only the training period that may be needed, but also results in heavy expenditure on the new employee and the loss that may be incurred by the organization is case the job-occupant fails on his job. Second, the policy of the company and the attitude of the management. As a practice some companies usually hire more than the actual number needed with a view to removing the unfit persons from the jobs. Third, the length of the probationary or the trial period. The longer the period, the greater the uncertainty in the minds of the selected candidate about his future.


The hiring process can be successful, if the following preliminary requirements are satisfied:

Some one should have the authority to hire. This authority comes from the Employment Requisition, as developed by an analysis of the work-load and work force. There must be some standard or personnel, with which a prospective employee may be compared, i.e., there should be available, beforehand, a comprehensive job description and job specifications as developed by a Job Analysis. There must be a sufficient number of applicants from whom the required number of employees may be selected.



My primary objective here is to study and observe the Recruitment and Selection Process of HCL Infosystems under the following heads: Procedures followed in the Recruitment Process Criteria of Recruitment Jobs Specification Various Recruitment Sources used by the Company i.e. both External and Internal. Recruitment Sources preferred by the Company Channels used for displaying Recruitment Vacancies. Is there any reservation for SCs, STs Etc in the company Current rate of Employees' Turnover in the Company. Steps used in Selection Procedures. Is there any changes made in Recruitment and Selection Procedures during the last five years.




A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. Research design is a plan that specifies the sources and types of information relevant to the research problem. It is a strategy specifying which approach will be used for gathering and analyzing the data. In fact research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.

The research undertaken by me in this project is descriptive research. The research methodology adopted for the project can be stated as follows: An extensive study of the topic through various sources such as internet, data available in books and journals. A questionnaire was prepared to analyze the recruitment and selection process. Collection of questionnaire took place after a couple of days to analyze data. All the responses were studied / analyzed and certain findings and recommendations were given. A detailed and systematic report was prepared.



HR Executives 15 H R Manager 1


I have used

Simple Random sampling


The key for useful systems is the selection of the method for collecting data and linking it to analysis and decision issue of the action to be taken. The accuracy of the collected data is of great importance for drawing correct and valid conclusions from the detailed investigations.

There are two types of data viz., . Primary Data Secondary Data


In this study I have used both primary and secondary data. I have used Structured Questionnaire and for collecting primary data.

The following have been the sources for collecting secondary data: Books, magazines. Reports, websites M.I.S of the company etc. INTERNET website of company INTRANET website of company HR journals Broacher



Sources of primary data like Structured Questionnaire are the reliable and valid instruments to access the recruitment and selection process at HCL.

Responses obtained from the questionnaire are true.

It is assumed that to a large extent sample is free from biasness.

Also all the sources of secondary data like induction, manual, website of HCL, etc., are the reliable sources of data collection.



Every study suffers from certain limitations and so does this. Following are the limitations to this study: -

Shortage of time duration for the research work. Employees at HCL Being very busy in their own work, so they did not get much time to give responses in a relaxed mood. Respondents were reluctant to fill up the questionnaire. Hiding of some true facts by the respondents due to the fear of the management. Sample size taken was very small because of time constraint. Some of the responses given by the respondents were not legible and clear. Judgmental error may have occurred even though care has been taken. The information provided by the respondents is assumed to be 100% accurate.



Analysis of questionnaire from employees' perspective about Recruitment and Selection procedure in 'HCL Infosvstems' 1. What are the reasons of the candidate to join the company? Salary Package Reputation of the company/Brand name Growth Phase Working Environment Job Prospects Location of the Company Career Growth Opportunity

Candidates willingness to join the company 1


Most of the Indian candidate looks in for the salary package and job security before joining a company for job.

All other things such as Reputation of the company, Working Environment, job prospects, location of the company, career Growth opportunity, they look these things in either in isolation or in combination to each other as a whole as shown in the above graph: From the chart it can be understood that most of the employees are inspired by the salary package of the company which resembles the personal traits of the Indians. 1 can also see that matters much followed reputation of the company and working environment, which comprised 17% and 16% respectively. Job prospect plays a minor role in the minds of a candidate who had already joined the company. Location of the company (which comprised 5% of the sample size) where majority of the employees are qualified with technical who in most of the cases dare to bother the location of the company.


2. How Candidates are recruited in the company? Written exam Written exam and Interview Written exam, GD and Interview Others, Please Specify

How candidates are recruited in the company

There are various ways of recruiting candidates in the company as depicted in the chart above: From the chart it is quiet clear that the company adopts various processes for recruiting the right candidate. Actual recruitment procedure followed by the company is by conducting written examination followed by interview which comprised 85% of my sample survey of 15 employees. But still some candidates are also chosen through written


exam, Gd ^interview comprising only 6% and others comprising only 3%. These 'others' include the reference of the existing employees within the organization itself. As it is IT Company most of recruitment is done through campus selection, the candidates are selected by way of testing their knowledge and technical skills in their prospective fields. For that very reason written test followed by interview is given mostly prioritize


If a vacancy arises in a certain department, then which of the following two options does the company adopt first and why? Internal Recruitment External Recruitment

Preferred Sources of recruitment used by the company


After the analysis of the questionnaire it turns out that 80% of the people prefer internal recruitment over external. In internal recruitment the vacancies are filled by the permanent, temporary and casual employees already working on the pay of the organization. This helps in building the morale and motivation of the employees as they are assured that they would be preferred in filling up vacancies at higher levels. A sense of security is created among employees. And in India security is one of the major reasons why people take a particular job. A sense of job security and opportunity for advancement promotes loyalty and commitment among the employees and the stability of employment is improved. In addition, 20% of the people prefer external recruitment over internal. The preference is low because it is more expensive and time consuming to recruit people from outside. Detailed screening is required as the candidate appearing for the interview is a complete alien for the organization. However in actual practice, it is desirable to use a mix of both internal and external recruitment. From the chart it is clear that the company prefers internal recruitment to external recruitment.












procedures of the company in the last five years? Yes, please specify No

In this question I was looking for any sort of changes at list during the preceding five years. Every year there are some changes take place in recruitment and selection process for better result and production. It is such an industry where in every moment some innovation takes place. So the company needs some new skills to achieve the required 66

fulfillment. For the last couple of years the company is focusing more on campus interview to give more chances to the fresher This resembles that the company's recruitment policy, the company's needs for greater committed employee and also motive behind concentrating more on fresher, as it is the belief from company's perspective to be working smartly with full enthusiasm. They are also updated with the current concepts, which are required in IT industry. It is also experienced, as the company is dealing with creating software Hardware packages, developing and maintaining them. The company is dealing with IT Hardware and system integration. It is also felt that unlike the experienced candidate, the freshers find it difficult to get a job easily. As it is obvious from the fact that the experienced candidate demands high value in the market for employment opportunity. The changes during the past few years (say five years) will give me an idea of how they get themselves updated with the needs of the industry. It also gives me an idea of any third party intervention in the recruitment and selection procedure of the organization. It depends upon the market demands of the particular industry as to how the candidates would be available for service in the prospective sectors. For example, two years back due to September 11, attack there was a great recession in the global software industry which let to decrease of about 25% in the wages of its employees. Since compensation is the basic factor of motivation of employees so it decreased the commitment, gratitude, dedication of employees towards the organization. 5. Is the organization doing anything to reduce the employee turnover ratio?

(Tick whichever is applicable) Better salary package More Benefits Changing / Improving working condition Better promotion / Career Development Opportunity

Corresponding to this data I have drawn a pie chart below:67


So it is evident from the pie chart that majority of the respondents 60% have mentioned Better promotion / Career Development Opportunity for the retention of employees and thereby reducing the employee turnover ratio. Providing better salary package which comprised 22% can also help in reducing employee turnover ratio and help in the retention of the employees. Since it is An IT Company so growth opportunity is immense. The facilities provided by the organization are up to the mark. So overall employees are satisfied with the job

6. Is the company providing better working condition, promotion/career growth opportunities for an employee? Yes NO

All the employees are satisfied with their jobs. Since it is IT company so growth opportunity is immense. The facilities provided by the organization are up to the mark. So overall employees are satisfied with the job. The working environment in the company is excellent. On the basis of my interaction with the employees i came to know that most of the employees have mentioned career growth opportunity, as the reason of joining the organization. All of them are satisfied with the career growth opportunities. Their work is highly logical and analytical and also interesting too. They enjoy their work very much. There is a very good relationship between the employees and the management. Management is always helpful and also cooperative to the employees. They are loyal to the organization.



Which of the following variables are more important while considering a candidate for a particular job? Please rank them on a scale of 1 to 8, 1 being the most important and 8 being the least important. Potential Motivation Organizational Fit Technical Skill Leadership (If appropriate) Communication skills Personality Innovative

Table-1 70

Potential Motiv ation

Org Fit

Technica Leader l Skills ship

Comm Skills

Personalit Innovation y































Rank ings

From the above table, we can obtain the rankings for each of the elements. For example, we can clearly see that technical skills has been ranked first by most of the respondents, hence we place it at the first position, as the most important skill for doing a technical job.


Leadership has been ranked 7 by most respondents hence we assign it rank 7. Organizational fit is ranked 2. Other ranking can be obtained similarly. The responses by the people working in the organization indicate that technical skills are pivotal for any job. Until and unless an individual is not aware of the basic primary knowledge, one can not proceed in the given task as we put it "right fit for the right job". Technical skills along with the appropriate work culture enhance the productivity. Organizational fit as we name it, therefore gets second most preferable responses. Working in the right kind of an organization increases the satisfaction of the employees thereby increasing organizational effectiveness. Despite the fact that communication skills and leadership qualities have not been given preferences I believe that if you have the right skills that needs to be communicated well among your team members with certain leadership qualities.



Does the company consider graduates with experience equivalent to postgraduates without experience? Yes NO 5

After the analysis of the questionnaire it seems that 57% of the employers prefer graduates with work experience. Not everyone can afford to invest in a full degree program right after graduation. Lacking a PG degree does not have to restrict one's career choices. Many professionals start their careers in retail sales, customer service, or other positions that offer on-the-job training. Corporate sector demands lot of dedication and patience along with the ability to handle the stress as the challenges can be very discouraging. A full time can prepare you for real challenges faced in the same. One becomes fully equipped to match the demands of a regular job. On the other hand approx. 43% of the people feel that postgraduate without experience are a better option as it prefers one for tougher entry-level requirements in an everchanging job market. Being a fresher the mind is loaded with creativity and openness to ideas that may lead to innovation. The company can mould the individual according to their organizations ethics, culture and policies. 73


When recruiting staff from outside the organization, what methods do you use to attract/identify the candidates?

Advertising in newspapers Government agencies External firms (consultants) Professional institutions Internet job site Resumes or application on file PREFERRED SOURCES OF EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT 6

After the analysis of the questionnaire 50% of the employees prefer to recruit candidates through internet job site which is widely used nowadays. Monster,, jobsahead are usually the first websites that come to mind when launching a job hunt. Candidates have to just post their resumes on various job sites and that helps the company to recruit them easily. This method is appropriate when the organization wants to reach out to a


large target groups scattered geographically. On the other hand 30% of the employees go for advertisements in newspapers. A well thought out and clear advertisement enables candidates to assess their suitability so that only those possessing the requisite qualifications will apply. Professional institutions and external firms which comprised 10. %, are also used to recruit candidates from outside the organization which can be a good source of recruitment. This can be depicted in the chart below:


Does Yes No









The company also recruits from friends and relatives of present employees. Employee Referral Scheme" (ERS) by which an existing employee can refer a suitable candidate for a new job or which has fallen vacant. In the event of such reference matures and the referee is recruited, a fixed sum of payment is given to the staff who has referred, subject to the terms of ERS, being implemented In several companies employee referral scheme is implemented to encourage employees to refer friends and relatives for employment in the organization. From the chart it is quiet clear that the company uses employee referral plans for recruitment.93% respondents have responded positively. Employee referral is important because the companies get trusted employees for whom they don't have to spent money in doing Referral checks.


11. What generally is the duration of the Recruitment and Selection Procedure? 2-4weeks 4-6weeks 6-8 weeks The duration for recruitment and selection procedure varies from company to company. In case of HCL the recruitment process takes 6-8 weeks. Firstly the HR department screens the resume and sends it to the technical department. Once the profile is short listed, it is reverted back to the HR. further, HR people schedule and conduct technical written test and interview of short listed candidates according to predefine technical resource viabilities. Candidates having less than 3 years experience, have to appear in written test, if individual qualify the test then only, can proceed for interview. Interviews are generally conducted 2 or 3 technical rounds and then if candidate founds suitable for requirement, the final round has been conducted by HR for offer.


12. What are the main problems you come across while selecting individuals? Qualified candidates Salary structure (Competitors paying more) Lacking work ethics Lack of work experience Any other


After the analysis of the questionnaire 70% of employees feels that salary is the main hurdle in recruiting candidates, as they have high expectations because competitors are paying lucrative packages. More over 30% feel lack of work experience as a major problem in recruiting candidates. Work experience helps to develop a learning culture in their organization. From the chart it is quiet clear that salary which comprised 70% is a main hurdle in selecting candidates because salary is the main attraction for the candidates.


Summary of Findings

The career growth opportunity and salary package as the major reasons for joining the company and the job prospects plays a minor role in the minds of the people. Location of the company is given the least importance. However the company adopts various processes for recruiting the right candidate. Actual recruitment procedure followed by the company is by conducting written examination followed by interview which comprised 85% of my sample survey of 15 executives.

experienced candidates who have an experience of not less than 3 years have to appear only for the interview. If a vacancy arises in the certain department the company prefers internal recruitment over external recruitment. Internal recruitment is more desirable as it helps in building up the morale of the employees and helps in improving their performance

.The recruitment and selection procedure of the company is quite dynamic and changes take place in the process for better result and production. The company is providing better career growth opportunities to reduce the employee turnover ratio and to increase the retention rate. While recruiting staff from outside the organization the company mainly uses internet job site which is widely used nowadays. The company also recruits candidates from professional institutions and external firms. The duration of the recruitment and selection process at HCL varies from 6-8 weeks.



From the analysis it is clear that the salary package and the career growth opportunities are the major reasons for the candidate to join the company. The working environment in the company is excellent and is up to the mark. HCL being an IT company growth opportunities are immense. I have given various options for joining of the candidates in the organization in the questionnaire. Also 1 got more options from the employees while interacting with them. 16% of the employees have mentioned or pointed it out the working environment as the reason for joining the organization. 11% talked about the job prospects. So I can say salary package and career growth opportunity attracts most of the employees towards an organization. From the analysis of recruitment and selection procedure it is clear that for recruiting employees HCL Infosystems mainly conduct written examination followed by interview. For selection of the technical candidates they have to go through three mandatory interviews, out of which two are technical interviews and one is the interview with the Human Resource head. Inexperienced candidates or those candidate who have less than 3 years of experience, have to appear in written test, if individual qualify the test then only, can proceed for interview. The candidates have to go through 3 rounds of interview, two technical interviews and one with the human resource head. Those candidates who have equal or more than 3 years experience does not have to appear for the written test and can directly appear for the interview. Incase a vacancy arises the company goes for internal recruitment. Internal Recruitment helps in building the morale and motivation of the employees as they are assured that they would be preferred in filling up vacancies at higher levels.


1. After looking at and analyzing all the criteria, I have found that the company lacks little bit in job security. The employees are also not very much satisfied with job security. So to gain the confidence of the employees the company should improve job security. 2. The company should Provide Salary which is comparable in the industry and also should give adequate Attention to the problems being faced by the employees in order to reduce the employee turnover ratio. 3. I think the company should promote more of Employee referral Schemes by providing various incentives structures to existing employees who's Referral have got selected, this would lead to cost cutting in the recruitment process and would indirectly boost the morale of the employee whose referral has got selected. 4. Also as far as Choosing between the sources of Recruitment is concerned that is Internal or External. I would suggest to HCL that for Most of the important positions it should go for Internal job Postings and only if the company thinks that for a particular post they require fresh ideas they should go in for external positions.



Research itself means searching anything again and again so research never ends and every research has scope for further research. So this research is also having a wide scope of further continuation of searching the related issues and topics.

The research can be done on any particular method or technique of recruitment and selection.

The most suitable way of recruitment & selection can be find out through the research.




1. Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, Vishwa Publications, New Delhi 2. K.Ashwathappa , Human Resource and Personnel Management 3. Gary Dessler , Human Resource Management

NEWSPAPERS: Times of India,

ARTICLE Article of Mohan Bangaruswami




1. What are the reasons of the candidate to join the company?

Salary Package Reputation of the company/Brand name Growth Phase Working Environment Job Prospects Location of the Company Career Growth Opportunity

1. How Candidates are recruited in the company? Written exam Written exam and Interview Written exam, GD and Interview Others, Please Specify


2. If a vacancy arises in a certain department, then which of the following two options does the company adopt first ? Internal Recruitment External Recruitment

4. Have there been any changes in the recruitment and selection procedures of the company in the last five years? Yes, please specify No

5. Is the organization doing anything to reduce the employee turnover ratio? (Tick whichever is applicable)

Better salary package More Benefits Changing / Improving working condition Better promotion / Career Development Opportunity

6. Is the company providing better working condition, promotion/ career growth opportunities for an employee?

Yes No


7. Which of the following variables are more important while considering a candidate for a particular job? Please rank them on a scale of 1 to 8, 1 being the most important and 8 being the least important.

Potential Motivation Organizational Fit Technical Skill Leadership (If appropriate) Communication skills Personality Innovative

8. Does the company consider graduates with experience equivalent to postgraduates without experience? Yes No, why not


When recruiting staff from outside the organization, what methods do you use to attract/identify the candidates?

Advertising in newspapers Government agencies External firms (consultants) Professional institutions Internet job site


Resumes or application on file

10. Does your company use employee Yes No



for recruitment?

11. What generally is the duration of the Recruitment and Selection Procedure? 2-4weeks 4-6weeks 6-8 weeks

12. What are the main problems you come across while selecting individuals?

Qualified candidates Salary structure (Competitors paying more) Lacking work ethics Lack of work experience Any other


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