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Class: Upla Final Practicum

Supervise Teacher: Isabel Vásquez

School: Liceo Tecnico-Profesional Barón
Class: 1º F of Secondary School
Year: 2009

-Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso 2009-


I. - Introduction

II. - General contents

A. Portfolio Introduction…………………………………………3

B. Reading Articles……………………………Posted on July 13


C. Pedagogical Artifacts
a. Workshop Nº two……………………posted on June

D. Reflective Writing….

a. Reflection Nº 1……….Posted on April

b. Reflection on a famous teaching Quote …..Posted on


c. The way I feel………………. Posted on June

E. School Information…………………………………4

F. Unit Plans and Lesson Plans………………5-31

G. Learning Material (written and/or Audio)………………………

……………………………….Posted on August

H. Evaluation Instruments……………………… Posted on August


From the beginning to the end, to do my practicum

process at Liceo Baron was a huge challenge, since I had never
worded with people who were in social risk or danger.

It was a fulfilling experience since students from the very

first day got on very well with me. They greeted me with a
handshake as well as saying goodbye with it.

My guide teacher at the school was a very helpful person,

giving me feedback from the very first day I stepped in front of
the class. He gave me advices of how to face the students how
to behave in front of them and how to manage any complicated

This portfolio shows little by little the process I got

involved on, since the very beginning, just being an observer
and then practicing with my teacher and then finally being the
teacher myself. The lesson plans show that the classes were a
mixture between traditional and instructional classes, but
mixing it with ICTs and group work, and less grammar

There a thousand of positive things I took from my

teaching practice process, and I can say it was beautiful and I
love teaching.

School Information

El Liceo Técnico-Profesional Barón, se encuentra en la ciudad de

Valparaíso, ubicado en Calle Gonzalez #449 esquina Tocornal, y tiene
una matricula de 520 alumnos. Es un Liceo que tiene cuatro carreras
técnico-profesional de nivel medio: Refrigeración y climatización,
Terminaciones de la construcción, Instalaciones sanitarias y estructuras
Directora: Teresa Irribarra Espinoza.
Sub-director: Victor Torres Ruz.
Jefa de UTP: Ana Jara Pincheira
Orientador: Patricio Olivera Lorce
Jefe de Producción: Luis Cerain Barraza
Fono: 2255108
e-mail: [email protected]

Lesson Plans

Unit: This is me!

Lesson plan 1
Date: June, Thursday 11th
Time: 90 minutes

Motivation (15 minutes)

• Checking vocabulary seen before the strike

• Review of module: To be, countries, nationalities and professions.

Development (60 minutes)

• Power point presentation of countries, nationalities and professions: In

this power point students will review all the conceptual contents seen
before the strike. They will associate the picture of the country, nationality
and profession with the written word of it, as well as the pronunciation of
the word.

Consolidation (15 minutes)

• Students will be asked: how do you say _____(Spanish word)____? First

countries, then nationalities and then professions
• Students will be told they will have a test one week ahead. And the
modules are given to them to study at home.

 The module is attached at the end of the lesson plans.

Lesson plan 2

Unit: this is me!

Date: June 12th, First period
Time: 45 minutes,

Motivation (7 minutes)

• The teacher will ask students: How do you say _______Spanish


Development (28 minutes)

• The teacher will create some stories with the students in which they are
the professionals. He will do this in English and Spanish. E.g. Molina
works with ...trabaja con Pato laguna, so he is a ____Students’answer:

• Pair work with the module: students will do a word search about

Conclusion: (10 minutes)

• The teacher will check if everybody found the 22 answers. And will ask
them to answer, he will just be a guide.

Lesson plan 3
Date: June 12th second period
Time: 45 minutes


• The teacher will ask students to tell him some professions in English
seen last class.


• Students will finish working with the last part of professions of the
module, they will do the crossword. In which they have the hints wich are
pictures of the profession

• After finishing that part, students will do exercises of to be in negative

and affirmative: he is a doctor, he is not a doctor. This content was seen
before the strike.


• Students will answer the module questions to see if they are right or not.
Some students will come to the whiteboard to check the answers

Lesson Plan 4

Date: June 17th

Time: 90 minutes

Motivation (10 minutes)

• The teacher will check last class vocabulary, countries and nationalities,
professions and to be, asking the students for some complex vocabulary.

Development (70 minutes)

Reading comprehension activity:

Pre-reading (15 minutes):

• The teacher will read up four extracts that are on the module. Then he
will write questions for every extract on the whiteboard. He will provide
some answers as examples.

While reading (15 minutes):

• Students will ask for some vocabulary and will review the nouns seen in
the module by themselves or asking the teacher.

Post reading (40 minutes):

• Students will write down the questions and their answers respectively, on
their copybooks.
• Then some students will come to the whiteboard to write the answers for
all the students to check them.

Conclusion: (10 minutes)

The teacher will ask students if they understood everything, if there are some
doubts, or if they need to practice something more, etc.
He will explain the test they will have next class. Giving them some examples.

Reading activity questions (they do not appear on the module)

Text Nº 1

• What is your name?

• What do you do?
• Where do you study?
• Where are you from?
• What nationality are you?

Text Nº 2

• What is her name?

• What does she do?
• Where does she study?
• Where is she from?
• What nationality is she?

Text Nº 3

• What is his name?

• What does he do?
• Where does he study?
• Where is he from?
• What nationality is he?

Text Nº4

• What are their names?

• What do they do?
• Where do they study?
• Where are they from?
• What nationality are they?

Lesson plan 5

Date: June 18th

Time: 90 minutes

Motivation (10 minutes)

• The teacher will check some vocabulary they learnt throughout the unit.
An also some structures they had to remember.

Development (70 minutes)


Pre-test (15 minutes):

• The teacher will give students 10 minutes to give one last look to the
module and ask him some questions before the test.
• The teacher will organize the room. He will change the students seat,
taking on the whole classroom, to be safe with the ones that cheat and to
have a better view of all the students.

While-test (50 minutes):

• The teacher will explain students the test, step by step. He will ask if
students understood the instructions and then students will start the test.

Post-test (5 minutes)
• The teacher will take all the tests back, and he will allow students to
come back to their origial seats and see if check their answers with their

Conclusion (10 minutes)

• The teacher will ask students if it was to hard or to easy, and check some
students’ doubts.

 The test is attached

Lesson plan 6

Date: June 19th

Time: 45 minutes, first period

Motivation (10 minutes)

• The teacher will grade the tests and then deliver them to students. He
will trespass them to the school book.

Development (25 minutes):

• The teacher will check the test along with his students

Conclusion (10 minutes):

• The teacher will talk to students about the unit the module, the good and
bad things about the module, etc.
• He will ask for feedback

Time: 45 minutes, second period.

Lesson Plan 7
Date: June 25th
Time: 90 minutes

Motivation (5 minutes):

• The teacher will remember some of the vocabulary about professions

they learnt during last unit.

Development (70 minutes):

Building vocabulary: Places and To Be

• Pre
The teacher will check the difference of uses of to be verb:
Ser I am a student
To be Estar I am at school

• While

The teacher along with the students will write the sentences on the
whiteboard using all the personal pronouns, and making the difference
between ser and estar.

o You are a mechanic

o You are at the garage
o He is a pilot
o He is at the airport
o She is a doctor
o She is at the hospital

o Paula and I are police officers

o We are at the police station
o You are actors
o You are at the theater
o Sanchez and matigol are footballers
o They are at the stadium

• Post:
Module work: Students will do the first pages of exercises of the module

Conclusion (10 minutes)

Class summary: The teacher will ask students the differences between
Ser and Estar, and when they are supposed to use them.

Also the teacher will ask students some vocabulary of places and buildings:
How do you say______Spanish word_____?

Lesson Plan 8
Date: June 26th, first period
Time: 45 minutes,

Motivation (5 minutes):
• Remember previous learnt vocabulary: places and buildings of the city.
• The classroom will be organized as a big circle, in which students will
look to each other

Development (35 minutes):

• Pre:
o The teacher will show students some flashcards about places of
the city.
o Students will repeat after the teacher.

• While:
o Students will be given the flashcards previously presented.
o The teacher will make students to stand up and show their
pictures one by one. As the one that stands up has a picture of a
place of the city, the teacher will say: e.g. where is Mr. Romero
(the one standing up)? And students will have to answer: He is at
the Airport (as that is the picture the student has).
o The teacher will check phonetics: Th = [θ][ ð], for the to make the
difference between words like “the” and “thanks” “theater”.
Students will pronounce it all at the same time and one by one as
o Module work: Students will work in pairs and will do the word
search that appears in the module.

• Post: Students will write sentences in their notebooks some sentences

with the words fount on the module.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

The teacher will check if the structure of to be was learnt and practiced
enough and he will answer students doubts.

Lesson Plan 9
Date: June 26th, second period.
Time: 45 minutes

Motivation (5 minutes):

• The teacher will make some students to create sentences using their
classmates’ last names: e.g. Mr. Soto is at the hospital.

Development (35 minutes):

Guessing game:
• Pre
o The teacher will stick up the flashcards he was using the previous
class on the whiteboard.
o Then they will be numbered.
• While
o The teacher will make them remember, and then he will take them
off the whiteboard.
o Students will come one by one and will try to stick them in the
number they corresponded. This will be a memorizing game.

• Post:
o Students will have to say the full answer: using pronouns and to
be while they found a correct picture.
o Module work, students will do a crossword.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

• Students will be asked if they can create some sentences using famous
people's names.
• The teacher will ask students if they are clear or not, and he will answer

Lesson plan 10

Unit: This is me!

Time: 90 minutes
Date: June 30th

Motivation (15 minutes):

Students will be asked which places of the city they have already learnt:
• How do you say ____Spanish word___?

Development (60 minutes)

• Students will be taken to the library to see a power point presentation

about places of the city, spelling places and preposition at.
• Students will be asked to pronounce the corresponding word, the
translation, and the spelling at the moment they see the picture. E.g.:

At the fire station At the hospital

• Students will start working on the module they were given last class.

Consolidation (15 minutes)

• The teacher will check the answers for the activity they had to do before
about places of the city from the module.

Lesson plan 11

Unit: This is me!

Time: 90 minutes
Date: July 2nd

Motivation (10 minutes):

• Students will be asked to say some sentences they learnt last class:
For example: Who knows how to say en el hospital? En el aeropuerto? En la
estación de policía?, etc.

Development (70 minutes):

Pair work:

• Students will do the word search found on the module. Here students will
have to find 18 words related to places of the city, such as: Fire station,
bar, disco, bakery, hotel, school, etc. Answers will be checked on the
• Second part of the module: Students will have to do a crossword where
they will also find places of the city with a hint given which is a picture of
the corresponding place.
• Third part: Students will have to do exercises with simple present to be,
in affirmative, interrogative and negative in “yes or no” answers. At the
same time they will be taught how to write those sentences (grammar)

Consolidation (10 minutes)

• The teacher will check the answers with the students on the whiteboard
and going to the students’ seats. The teacher will have to check students’

Lesson Plan 12

Unit: This is me!

Time: 90 minutes
Date: July 3rd

Motivation (5 minutes):

• Students will be taken to a trip near the school to recognize and

internalize the places of the city checked in this unit, at the same time the
professions and occupations seen before will be reviewed in this trip.

Development (80 minutes):

• Students will identify the places making exercises and they will be taken
pictures to consolidate the structures of “I am/ you are/he is/etc. at the
hospital, school”, etc.

Consolidation (5 minutes):

• The teacher will check with the students all the doubts they have and if
they acquired the vocabulary required.

Lesson plan 13
Unit: This is me!
Time: 90 minutes
Date: July 09th

Motivation (10 minutes):

• Students will be asked if they remember the places they visited last
• The teacher will ask students if the trip was meaningful for them.

Development (70 minutes):

• Students will have to write some questions on their notebooks to answer

on the library.
• Students will be taken to the library to see the power point presentation
about their trip. They will recognize each other and the teacher will ask
the next questions:
o Where is Mr. Romero?
o Students answer: He is at the fire station.
o Where are you?
o We are at the post office
o Where are Mr. Soto and Mr. Cano?
o They are at the police station

• Students will answer the questions they wrote before.

Consolidation (10 minutes):

• The teacher will check if there are doubts and will announce next quiz
which will be next class, and he will review some contents.

Lesson plan 14
Date: July 23rd
Level: 1º level of high school
Time: 1:30

Introduction (10 minutes)

This class will be divided into two periods, one for reviewing the unit, and the
second one for a ppt test.

Core of the class

Pre-stage (5 minutes):
• The teacher will ask students about the places of the city they visited
before vacation. As well as the use of the module of places of the city.

While-stage (35 minutes):

• The teacher will draw some places of the city on the whiteboard.
• Students will be used as models and they will answer orally.
o Where is Mr. Tognia?
o He is at the drugstore, etc.

Post-stage (5 minutes):

• Students will be checked in terms of vocabulary, and the structure they

have learnt last classes.
• Students will be taken to the Library.

Closing (40 minutes):

The test is a ppt presentation, in which students will have to answer the next
• Where are you?
o They will have to answer with their reality (school)
• Where is he?
o 3 different answers shown disorganized
• Where is she?
o 3 different answers shown disorganized
• Where are they?
o 3 different answers shown disorganized.

Lesson plan 15

Date: July 29th

Level: 1º grade of high school.
Time: 3 periods (2:15 hrs)

Introduction (5 minutes)
• Students will be told that the class will be a review of the semester unit.
• Students will be asked the contents they learnt throughout the semester.

Core of the class (2 hours)


• The contents seen in the last units are: Countries, Nationalities, Places of
the city, pronouns and to be in interrogative, negative and affirmative.
• Students will be asked some of the vocabulary they learnt in unit I, as
well as in unit II.
• The teacher will show the flashcards that were shown at the beginning of
the unit.


• Students will be asked the meaning and they will do a class work with the
flashcards, asking each other about the content of the learnt units.
• They will also write on their notebooks the new exercises the teacher will
give them.
• They will answer written and spoken questions.


• The teacher will ask students to answer the written questions.

• A brainstorming will be made with student’s vocabulary the teacher will

Closing (10 minutes)

• The students will be asked doubts and questions before the test to check
what is necessary.

Lesson plan 16

Date: July 30th

Level: 1º grade of high school
Time: 1:30 minutes


• Students will be organized in one by seat, separate from each other.

Core of the class

• Test: this test is called “level test” which summarizes the whole semester


• Students will be asked the difficulty of the test.

Lesson plan 17

Date: July 31st

Level: 1º F of high school
Time: 45 minutes, first period

Introduction (5 minutes):

• The teacher will review to different uses of “to be verb”.

Core (35 minutes):


• The teacher will show to new grammar structures of “to be verb”

o “there is” and “there are”
• Students will check different uses of those structures, in the classroom
context as well as the house one.


• Students will write on their notebooks some examples of the uses of

those structures.
• The teacher will show a “wh- question”: “How many” and explain to
students its use.
• The teacher will create some questions using how many, and he will
answer them using there is or there are.

• The teacher will write more questions on the whiteboard. These
questions must be answered by students, and they will be asked to
answer the teacher’s questions.

Closing (5minutes):

• Students will be asked doubts and mistakes will be corrected.

• Students will organize the room for the next period, creating a semi-

Lesson plan 18

Date: July 31st

Level: 1º F of high school
Time: 45 minutes, Second period

Introduction (7 minutes):

The teacher will check last class content (first period), and he will make a
brainstorming about the “there is” and “there are” structures, using classroom
objects, house furniture, etc.

Core (30 minutes)

• For this activity, the class will be a semi-circle.


• The teacher will make a brainstorming of fruits students know. He will

write them on the whiteboard.


• The teacher will show students some flashcards of fruits, which will go
from number one (two times) to number ten.
• Then the teacher will write the fruits on the whiteboard.
• Students will spell (guided by the teacher) some fruits, and they will
learn the pronunciation.
• Then the teacher will deliver the flashcards to students and they will
create answers for the next question (checked last class):
o How many fruits are there in that picture?

• The students will be asked to create possible answers for the above


• Students will answer the above question:

o There are two cherries; there is one banana, etc.

• Most of the students will be asked to answer the question, and then they
will interchange the flashcards and ask to each other.

Closing (8 minutes):

Students will be asked some doubts, and the teacher will ask some students will
be asked to create sentences they learnt

Unit Plans


Sector Lenguaje y Comunicación, Subsector Inglés

Unidad 16 hrs.
Unidad II, This is me! (Núcleo) 1 medio F
de Curso
Tiempo Aprendizaje

3. Solicitar y entregar información
Fundamental • Iniciar y responder saludos,
oralmente y por escrito; desarrollar presentaciones, despedidas,
diálogos simples relacionados con invitaciones, preguntas y/o
los textos de lectura o su vida manifestar preferencias,
personal y escribir oraciones acuerdos, o demostrar
sintácticamente correctas y comprensión de textos orales
Comunicativamente apropiadas. de mayor longitud.

4. Reconocer y manejar un léxico de • Completar y/o redactar

aproximadamente 1.000 palabras frases u oraciones para
Que considere los términos ya resolver tareas destinadas a
adquiridos en la Educación Básica. demostrar comprensión
auditiva y lectora

Objetivo de aprendizaje de la unidad:
Solicitar y entregar información oralmente y por escrito con respecto a saludar, presentarse, despedirse, dar
y buscar información.

Contenidos del Aprendizaje

Conceptuales Procedimentales Actitudinales

• Personal information: name, COMPRENSION LECTORA • Crecimiento y

age, address, etc. • Fluidez, comprensión, autoafirmación personal: la
búsqueda de información comprensión de una lengua
• Vocabulary of: Jobs, Work general y específica, análisis de extranjera expande las
places, numbers, family textos. posibilidades de conocer la
members, countries and COMPRENSION AUDITIVA realidad (en un ambiente
nationalities. • Escuchar, demostrar socio-cultural y de trabajo)
comprensión en inglés o en • Formación Ética: El respeto
• Present simple To be - yes/ no español si fuese necesario. y la valoración de los modos
questions (short answer) EXPRESION ESCRITA de ser, pensar y valorar
• Redactar oraciones gramatical y otras culturas.
semánticamente correctas, uso • Persona y su entorno:
de vocabulario. Responsabilidad y respeto
EXPRESION ORAL hacia el mismo alumno y su

• Fluidez, dicción, entonación comunidad (a través de la
perseverancia, rigor y

Actividades Recursos Evaluación

Los alumnos y alumnas: • Flashcards • 1ra evaluación U II,

• Participan en brainstorming, recuerdan lo visto • Whiteboard C 1.

anteriormente. • Markers • 2dra evaluación oral

• U II, dictado C1.

• Completan oraciones (guía de ejercicios). Photocopies
• 3ra evaluación oral U
• Books
• Realizan matching, y responden a flashcards.
II, C1
• Power point
• Practican spelling
• Realizan comprensión de lectura. • Internet

• Extraen información de pequeños textos. • Cassettes

• Copybooks
• Formulan preguntas y respuestas.
• pens
• Realizan repetición.

• Participan en Guessing game, wordsearch, crossword.

• Traducen oraciones (ejercicios escritos).


Sector Lenguaje y comunicacion, Subsector Inglés

Unidad (Núcleo) Unidad III There is one banana! Curs 1 medio F Tiempo 10 hrs
de Aprendizaje o
Comprender e interpretar textos escritos simples, auténticos Completar y/o redactar frases u oraciones para
o adaptados; obtener información general o específica y Esperados resolver tareas destinadas a demostrar comprensión
Fundamental demostrar su comprensión, en castellano si fuera necesario. auditiva y lectora.

Solicitar y entregar información oralmente y por escrito; Iniciar y responder preguntas y demostrar
desarrollar diálogos simples relacionados con los textos de compresión de textos orales de mayor longitud.
lectura o su vida personal y escribir oraciones
sintácticamente correctas y comunicativamente apropiadas.

Objetivo de aprendizaje de la unidad: Comprender e interpretar textos escritos simples, auténticos o adaptados, tales como aquellos
de tipo descriptivo y de longitud creciente.

Contenidos del aprendizaje

Conceptuales Procedimentales Actitudinales

• Wh- question: How many and how COMPRENSION LECTORA Desarrollo del Pensamiento:
much. • localización de información general y • Desarrollo de las habilidades de
específica en una serie de textos de interpretación, análisis y síntesis y el
• Simple present: There is and there are mayor extensión. conjunto de habilidades
(neg. and aff.) comunicativas.
• Vocabulary of fruits and vegetables
• Completar y/o redactar frases u Crecimiento y autoafirmación personal:
• Vocabulary of the classroom oraciones para resolver tareas • la comprensión de esta lengua
destinadas a demostrar extranjera expande en forma importante
comprensión auditiva y lectora. las posibilidades de conocer la realidad,
utilizar información e interesarse por
• Formulación de preguntas y
respuestas solicitando o dando
información, usando oraciones y/o
frases modelos con pronunciación y

entonación apropiada.

Actividades Recursos Evaluación

• Flashcards • one written test using ppt
• Completación de oraciones. • whiteboard presentation
• Practican en pares • Photocopies • one test filling in the
• Ejercicios de la pizarra y del cuaderno blanks and matching
• Markers
• Fill in the blanks • students participation in
• Technological class, being this orally or
• Translations
devices written
• Guessing games
• Pens
• Class games, asking each other
• notebooks


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