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Flight Standards Service
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This operational handbook introduces the basic skills necessary for acquiring a parachute rigger certificate. It is
developed by the Flight Standards Service, Airman Testing Standards Branch, in cooperation with various aviation
educators and industry.

This handbook is primarily intended to assist individuals who are preparing for the parachute rigger airman knowl-
edge test and the oral and practical test. The material presented in this handbook is appropriate for senior and master
parachute riggers. The handbook contains information on regulations and human factors, design and construction,
materials, operations, inspection and packing, hand tools, sewing machines, the parachute loft, repairs, alterations,
and manufacture.

This handbook conforms to training and certification concepts established by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA). There are different ways of teaching, as well as performing specific rigging procedures, and many variations
in the explanations of repairs, alterations, and manufacture of parachutes. The discussion and explanations reflect
commonly used practices and principles. This handbook provides a basic knowledge that can serve as a foundation on
which to build further knowledge. Occasionally the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action
is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14
of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).

It is essential for persons using this handbook to also become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR
and appropriate technical standards. Performance standards for demonstrating competence required for parachute rig-
gers are prescribed in the appropriate practical test standard.

This handbook is available for download from the Flight Standards Service web site at The cur-
rent Flight Standards Service airman training and testing material and subject matter knowledge codes for all airman
certificates and ratings can also be obtained from the Flight Standards Service web site, as well as information about
availability of printed copies.

The FAA greatly acknowledges the valuable assistance provided by many individuals and organizations throughout
the aviation community whose expertise contributed to the preparation of this handbook. This handbook contains
material and pictures of various products often used by industry. It is presented here as a means of communicating
information to be used for training purposes only. The FAA neither endorses nor recommends any specific trademark
item in this handbook.

This handbook is published by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman
Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125. Comments regarding this hand-
book should be sent in e-mail form to [email protected].

AC 00-2, Advisory Circular Checklist, transmits the current status of FAA advisory circulars and other
flight information publications. This checklist is available via the Internet at

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Chapter 1—Regulations and Human Factors
Parachute Rigger Certificates ..................................................................................................................................1-1
Eligibility and Requirements .....................................................................................................................1-1
Earning a Parachute Rigger Certificate .....................................................................................................1-2
Testing ..................................................................................................................................................1-2
Alternate Means of Qualifying for a Parachute Rigger Certificate ...........................................................1-2
Retesting ...............................................................................................................................................1-4
Responsibilities of a Certificated Parachute Rigger ................................................................................................1-5
Facilities and Tools ....................................................................................................................................1-6
Performance Standards ..............................................................................................................................1-6
Currency Requirements ........................................................................................................................1-6
Record Keeping .........................................................................................................................................1-6
Sealing the Parachute............................................................................................................................1-8
Regulatory Compliance ...........................................................................................................................................1-8
14 CFR Part 1—Definitions ......................................................................................................................1-8
14 CFR Part 21 Subpart O—Technical Standard Orders (TSO) ...............................................................1-8
14 CFR Part 39—Airworthiness Directives ..............................................................................................1-8
14 CFR Part 91—General Operating and Flight Rules .............................................................................1-8
14 CFR Part 105 Subpart C—Parachute Equipment and Packing ............................................................1-8
Rigging Ethics .........................................................................................................................................................1-9
Certification Specifications........................................................................................................................1-9
Pilot vs Parachute Size...............................................................................................................................1-9
Parachute Service Life ...............................................................................................................................1-9

Chapter 2—Design and Construction

Component Parts .....................................................................................................................................................2-1
Main Parachute ..........................................................................................................................................2-1
Reserve Parachute......................................................................................................................................2-1
Emergency Parachute.................................................................................................................................2-1
Pilot Chutes and Bridles for the Main and Reserve Parachutes ...........................................................2-2
Ripcords or Equivalent Devices for the Main and Reserve Parachutes...............................................2-2
Deployment Devices for the Main and Reserve Parachutes.................................................................2-2
Main Parachute Release Mechanism and Associated Handles or Static Lines ....................................2-2
Risers, Main or Reserve, When Not Integral With the Harness or Canopy,
and Their Associated Steering Toggles.................................................................................................2-2
Other Harness/Container Assembly Components ................................................................................2-2
TSO Standards.........................................................................................................................................................2-2
Canopy Design ........................................................................................................................................................2-3
Construction Concepts and Techniques .....................................................................................................2-4
Operational Theory ....................................................................................................................................2-4
Materials ....................................................................................................................................................2-4
Damage ......................................................................................................................................................2-4
Configuration .............................................................................................................................................2-5
Modern Design Concepts ..........................................................................................................................2-6

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Harness Design........................................................................................................................................................2-7
Bridles and Deployment Devices ............................................................................................................................2-9
Deployment Types ...................................................................................................................................2-10
Type 1: Canopy First Deployment......................................................................................................2-10
Type 2: Two-Stow Diaper or Half Diaper...........................................................................................2-10
Type 3: Ascuitto or Piglet-Style Flat Diaper.......................................................................................2-10
Type 4: Handbury or Preserve Full Diaper.........................................................................................2-10
Type 5: Free Bag.................................................................................................................................2-11
Type 6: Sleeves ...................................................................................................................................2-11
Securing the Deployment Device ............................................................................................................2-11
Pilot Chutes ...........................................................................................................................................................2-14
Spring-Loaded Pilot Chutes.....................................................................................................................2-14
Hand Deploy Pilot Chutes .......................................................................................................................2-15
Automatic Activation Devices and Reserve Static Lines ......................................................................................2-16
Automatic Activation Devices .................................................................................................................2-16
Operation ............................................................................................................................................2-16
Reserve Static Line Systems....................................................................................................................2-17
RSL Designs .......................................................................................................................................2-17
Main Riser Attachment.......................................................................................................................2-18
Ripcord Cable Routing .......................................................................................................................2-19
RSL Lanyard and Container Mount ...................................................................................................2-19
Joint Efficiency ........................................................................................................................................2-20

Chapter 3—Materials
Specifications ..........................................................................................................................................................3-1
Fabrics .....................................................................................................................................................................3-1
Webbing and Tapes..................................................................................................................................................3-6
Cords, Lines, and Threads .....................................................................................................................................3-10
Hardware ...............................................................................................................................................................3-13
Plastics and Synthetics ..........................................................................................................................................3-22
Fasteners ................................................................................................................................................................3-23
Housings ................................................................................................................................................................3-25
Ripcords, Cables, and Swages...............................................................................................................................3-26
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................3-28

Chapter 4—Operations
Sport Parachute Main Packing Techniques .............................................................................................................4-1
Deployment and Inflation Characteristics ...............................................................................................................4-7
Main Pilot Chute........................................................................................................................................4-7
Bridle Length .............................................................................................................................................4-8
Rubber Bands.............................................................................................................................................4-8
Assembly of the Main Canopy to the Harness and Container.................................................................................4-8
Assembly of Components and Compatibility .......................................................................................................4-10
Volume .....................................................................................................................................................4-10
Deployment Type.....................................................................................................................................4-11
TSO Certification and Placard Limitations .............................................................................................4-11

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Chapter 5—Inspection and Packing

Inspection ................................................................................................................................................................5-1
Component Compatibility .........................................................................................................................5-3
Round Canopies and Pilot Emergency Systems ........................................................................................5-5
Straightening the Canopy .....................................................................................................................5-6
Damage Identification ..........................................................................................................................5-7
Pilot Chute and Bridle ...............................................................................................................................5-7
Reserve Canopy ....................................................................................................................................5-7
Suspension Lines and Connector Links.....................................................................................................5-8
Harness ......................................................................................................................................................5-9
Ripcord ....................................................................................................................................................5-10
Airing and Drying....................................................................................................................................5-11
Ram-Air Reserves and Sport Piggyback Systems.................................................................................................5-11
Pilot Chute and Free Bag/Bridle..............................................................................................................5-11
Ram-Air Reserve Canopy........................................................................................................................5-11
Canopy Assembly and Line Continuity..............................................................................................5-12
Harness ...............................................................................................................................................5-14
Container ............................................................................................................................................5-15
Ripcord ...............................................................................................................................................5-16
Rigging and Repairs ..............................................................................................................................................5-16
Packing ..................................................................................................................................................................5-17
Round Canopy into a Pilot Emergency Parachute System ......................................................................5-17
Pleating the Canopy............................................................................................................................5-19
Fold the Skirt ......................................................................................................................................5-22
Closing the Diaper and Stowing the Lines .........................................................................................5-22
Skirt or Diaper Placement...................................................................................................................5-24
Accordion Folding the Canopy...........................................................................................................5-24
Closing the Container .........................................................................................................................5-27
Ripcord Pull Force..............................................................................................................................5-28
Sealing the Parachute..........................................................................................................................5-30
Ram-Air Reserve into a Sport Piggyback System ...................................................................................5-32
Assembling the Reserve System.........................................................................................................5-32
Step 1. Layout, and Setting Up Packing Clamps................................................................................5-33
Step 2. Stacking and Pleating the Reserve Canopy ............................................................................5-34
Step 3. Setting the Brakes...................................................................................................................5-36
Step 4. Folding the Canopy ................................................................................................................5-36
Step 5. Placing the Canopy into the Deployment Bag and Stowing the Lines...................................5-38
Step 6. Placing the Bag into the Container and Closing the Container ..............................................5-40
Documentation ......................................................................................................................................................5-43

Chapter 6—Hands Tools, Sewing Machines, and the Parachute Loft

Hand Tools...............................................................................................................................................................6-1
Hand Tools Description .............................................................................................................................6-2
Sewing Machines...................................................................................................................................................6-12

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Identification and Nomenclature .............................................................................................................6-14

Sewing Theory .........................................................................................................................................6-17
Needles ....................................................................................................................................................6-18
Operation ............................................................................................................................................6-19
Installing the Needle and Threading the Machine..............................................................................6-19
Machine Maintenance..............................................................................................................................6-20
Sewing Machine Attachments .................................................................................................................6-20
The Parachute Loft ................................................................................................................................................6-22

Chapter 7—Repairs, Alterations, and Manufacture

Repair Techniques ...................................................................................................................................................7-1
Section 1—Canopy and Lines ..............................................................................................................................7-3
7.1.1 Seam Restitching ..............................................................................................................................7-5
7.1.2 Canopy Ripstop Tape Repair ............................................................................................................7-7
7.1.3 Round and Square Canopy—Basic Patch.........................................................................................7-9
7.1.4 Round Canopy—Panel Replacement..............................................................................................7-13
7.1.5 Square Canopy—Partial Panel Replacement..................................................................................7-15
7.1.6 Square Canopy—Rib Repair ..........................................................................................................7-19
7.1.7 Square Canopy—Pilot Chute Attachment Point Repair .................................................................7-23
7.1.8 Round Canopy—Noncontinuous Line Replacement......................................................................7-25
7.1.9 Square Canopy—Main Line Replacement .....................................................................................7-27
7.1.10 Square Canopy—Line Splice .......................................................................................................7-29
7.1.11 Square Canopy—Control Line Replacement ...............................................................................7-31
7.1.12 Square Canopy—Crossport Repair...............................................................................................7-35
7.1.13 Square Canopy—Trim Check and Retrim....................................................................................7-37
Section 2—Container ..........................................................................................................................................7-39
7.2.1 Container Fabric Panel Repair........................................................................................................7-41
7.2.2 Container Grommet Replacement ..................................................................................................7-45
7.2.3 Container Velcro® Replacement ....................................................................................................7-47
7.2.4 Container Plastic Stiffener Replacement ........................................................................................7-49
7.2.5 Main Container Side Flap Replacement .........................................................................................7-51
7.2.6 Bottom of Container Pocket Replacement .....................................................................................7-53
7.2.7 3-Ring Release Housing Replacement ...........................................................................................7-55
Section 3—Harness and Risers...........................................................................................................................7-57
7.3.1 Chest Strap Replacement................................................................................................................7-59
7.3.2 Lower Leg Strap Shortening...........................................................................................................7-63
7.3.3 Ripcord Pocket Velcro® Replacement ...........................................................................................7-65
7.3.4 Articulated Upper Leg Hardware Replacement..............................................................................7-67
7.3.5 Standard Harness Main Lift Web Replacement..............................................................................7-69
7.3.6 Main Riser 3-Ring Locking Loop Replacement.............................................................................7-75
7.3.7 Main Riser Steering Toggle Velcro® Replacement ........................................................................7-77
Section 4—Accessory Components ....................................................................................................................7-79
7.4.1 Reserve Pilot Chute Repair—Mesh, Tackings, and Bad Grommet ................................................7-81
7.4.2 Reserve Free Bag Repair—Grommet Pullout ................................................................................7-83
7.4.3 Main Pilot Chute Repair—Top Canopy Reinforcing .....................................................................7-85
7.4.4 Main Pilot Chute Collapsible Bridle Replacement.........................................................................7-87
7.4.5 Main Deployment Bag Repair—Closing Flap Grommet Pullout...................................................7-91

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Section 5—Alterations ........................................................................................................................................7-93

7.5.1 Articulated Harness Main Lift Web Resizing .................................................................................7-95
7.5.2 Leg Pad Resizing ............................................................................................................................7-97
7.5.3 Automatic Activation Device Installation .......................................................................................7-99
Section 6—Manufacturing................................................................................................................................7-103
7.6.1 Main and Reserve Closing Loop Manufacture .............................................................................7-105
7.6.2 Main Deployment Bag..................................................................................................................7-109
7.6.3 Bottom of Container Pocket .........................................................................................................7-113
Section 7—Miscellaneous..................................................................................................................................7-115
7.7.1 Hand Tacking Techniques.............................................................................................................7-117
7.7.2 Cleaning and Washing Procedures................................................................................................7-119

Appendix I—Technical Documents

PIA TS-100—Standardized Nomenclature for Ram-Air Inflated Gliding Parachutes ..........................................A-3
PIA TS-108—Parachute Canopy Fabric Pull Test, Non-Destructive Method......................................................A-19
TSO C23d—Personnel Parachute Assemblies .....................................................................................................A-25
SAE AS 8015B—Minimum Performance Standards for Parachute Assemblies and Components, Personnel ...A-27
TSO C23c—Personnel Parachute Assemblies .....................................................................................................A-37
SAE AS 8015A—Minimum Performance Standards for Parachute Assemblies and Components, Personnel ...A-39
TSO C23b—Parachutes........................................................................................................................................A-45
NAS 804—Specification–Parachutes ...................................................................................................................A-47


Index ........................................................................................................................................................................I-1

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CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-1

A parachute rigger has a critical responsibility to or an authorized representative of the National

anyone who uses a parachute. For many, a special Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), or any federal,
meaning can be attributed to ensuring the safety of a piece state, or local law enforcement officer. A sample
of equipment that may save their life or that of a friend. certificate is shown in figure 1-1.
For others, attention to detail may keep a stranger safe
during recreational activities, such as sky diving or other
sport parachuting events. This chapter explains what
parachute riggers do and what is required to earn a
parachute rigger certificate. In addition, this chapter
covers relevant human factor issues and ethical standards.

The term “parachute rigger” originally came from its use

in rigging ships and sails. Those individuals who organ-
ized and repaired the sails, lines, and ropes of the ships
were called riggers. When parachutes were developed in
the early 20th century, the term came to refer to those who
sewed the canopies and lines. The term eventually
became used in conjunction with parachutes. In the early
days, anyone with the knowledge of sewing and materials
could make or repair parachutes. As the aviation industry
grew and matured, the need for trained individuals to pack
and maintain the parachutes grew as well. In order to pro-
tect the pilots and public who flew in airplanes and relied
on parachutes, the Government began to license these
individuals. Rigging then, in reference to parachutes,
came to mean: the final adjustment and alignment of the
various component sections to provide the proper aero-
dynamic reaction.
Figure 1-1. Airman’s Certificate—Master Parachute Rigger.
Parachutes intended for emergency use in civil aircraft in ELIGIBILITY AND REQUIREMENTS
the United States, including the reserve parachute of a To be eligible for a parachute rigger certificate issued by
dual parachute system to be used for intentional jump- the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), individuals
ing, must be packed, maintained, or altered by a person must be at least 18 years of age; be able to read, write,
who holds an appropriate and current parachute rigger speak, and understand the English language; and comply
certificate. The certificate is issued under Title 14 of with other requirements of 14 CFR part 65, subpart F,
the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 65, which governs the certification of parachute riggers.
subpart F. These regulations do not apply to an individ-
ual who packs the main parachute of a dual parachute
pack to be used for intentional jumping. These regula- There are two parachute rigger certificates available in
tions also do not apply to parachutes packed, maintained, the United States: senior and master. The senior
or altered for use of the Armed Forces. parachute rigger candidate must pack a minimum of 20
parachutes of one type and be able to demonstrate the
Any person who holds a parachute rigger certificate must ability to maintain and make minor repairs. The master
present it for inspection if requested by the Administrator parachute rigger candidate must have 3 years of
CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-2

experience as a parachute rigger and have packed at least other necessary identification to the nearest FAA Flight
100 parachutes of two type ratings in common use. There Standards District Office (FSDO) or International Field
are four type ratings that may be placed on a parachute Office (IFO). An FAA Aviation Safety Inspector
rigger certificate: back, chest, seat, and lap. Of these, the (airworthiness) will examine these documents for
first three are used today. The lap rating applies to completeness and eligibility. The applicant will be asked
parachutes that are basically obsolete. A senior parachute to fill out FAA Form 8610-2, Airman Certificate and/or
rigger is considered a journeyman technician, and the Rating Application. When the inspector has determined
master parachute rigger is considered an expert. that the applicant is eligible to take the test, he or she will
sign the FAA Form 8610-2. [Figure 1-3] Once this is
The two types of certificates differ in the level of done, the applicant may then go to any of the designated
experience and responsibility. A senior parachute rigger FAA airman knowledge testing centers to take the airman
may pack, as well as maintain, a parachute by making knowledge test.
minor repairs. A master parachute rigger has all the priv-
ileges of the lesser certificate plus the ability to make
major repairs and alter parachutes according to The knowledge test consists of 50 multiple-choice ques-
approved data. A major repair is one that, if improperly tions that are not designed to be tricky or misleading.
done, can appreciably affect the airworthiness of the They cover all basic rigging and packing subject areas in
parachute. An example of this might be replacing a addition to 14 CFR part 65 regulations. A minimum score
damaged canopy panel or altering a harness by changing of 70 percent is required to pass the test. The test is scored
the size of a main lift web. A minor repair is anything immediately on conclusion of the test and a certified air-
other than a major repair, such as a small patch on a man knowledge test report is issued to the applicant.
canopy or the replacement of a defective or worn [Figure1-4 on page 1-4] After passing the test, the candi-
connector link. date may then make an appointment for taking the oral
and practical portion of the test with a Designated
Parachute Rigger Examiner (DPRE).
To Whom It May Concern:

This is to certify that David D. Wolf Under 14 CFR part 183, DPREs are master parachute
has packed in excess of 20 back-type riggers who have attended an FAA course and are
parachutes under my supervision in authorized to conduct oral and practical tests for the
accordance with the manufacturer’s Administrator. In many cases, these individuals are full
instructions and all applicable FAA time professionals who work in the parachute industry.
directives. In addition, he has
Upon the successful completion of the oral and practical
demonstrated a sound knowledge of the
tests, in most cases, the DPRE will issue a temporary
parachute, its construction, packing,
maintenance, and use, as well as parachute rigger certificate [Figure 1-5 on page 1-5] and
subparts A & F of 14 CFR part 65. a seal symbol to the candidate. In some FSDO
jurisdictions, the district office may issue the temporary
Sincerely Yours, certificate and/or seal symbol. The seal symbol consists
Joe Smith of three letters or numbers or a combination of
Master parachute rigger #123456789 both.[Figure 1-6 on page 1-5] The seal symbol is very
important; it will serve as the identifying mark for that
individual parachute rigger, and is used to seal any
parachute that he/she packs.
Figure 1-2. Certification letter signing off a parachute rigger
candidate for FAA testing.
EARNING A PARACHUTE RIGGER Active duty military personnel and civilian personnel,
CERTIFICATE who work for the military as parachute riggers, may qual-
When an applicant meets the requirements and ify for a senior parachute rigger certificate under 14 CFR,
demonstrates sufficient knowledge and skills as outlined section 65.117, Special Certification Rule. If they meet
in 14 CFR part 65, subpart F, the supervising parachute the practical requirements, they need only take a special
rigger (either a senior or master parachute rigger) “signs 25-question test.
off” the trainee’s logbook and provides a letter to the
FAA, which will allow the applicant to take the
necessary tests. Figure 1-2 is an example of this letter. A senior parachute rigger applying for a master para-
chute rigger certificate only needs to take the oral and
TESTING practical test. A person with 3 years’ experience as a
The applicant should take a letter similar to the one parachute rigger, but not holding a senior parachute rig-
depicted in figure 1-2, the applicant’s logbook, and any ger certificate, must take both the knowledge test and the
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Figure 1-3. FAA Form 8610-2—Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application.

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Figure 1-4. Sample Airman Knowledge Test Report.

oral and practical test. Any parachute rigger, senior or (a) 30 days after the date the applicant failed the test;
master, who wishes to add additional ratings to his/her or
certificate, needs to take only a practical test for the type
rating sought. No additional knowledge test is necessary.
(b) before 30 days have expired if the applicant pres-
RETESTING ents a signed statement from an airman holding
If the applicant fails the knowledge test, he/she may the certificate and rating sought by the applicant,
retake the test under the following conditions: certifying that the airman has given the applicant
additional instruction in each of the subjects failed
An applicant may apply for retesting by presenting and that the airman considers the applicant ready
his/her failed test report- for retesting.

CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-5

Figure 1-5. FAA Form 8060-4—Temporary Airman Certificate.

Figure 1-6. Parachute Rigger’s Seal.

It is also possible for candidates who pass the test, but

receive a marginal score, to retake the test with the
anticipation of getting a higher score. In this case, the can- CERTIFICATED PARACHUTE RIGGER
didate must wait a minimum of 30 days from the date the Parachute riggers have a broad range of responsibilities
last test was taken to retake a passed test. Prior to retest- that include facilities and equipment, performance stan-
ing, the individual must give his/her current airman test dards, records, and use of their seal. The following
report to the proctor. The most recent test taken will describes the responsibilities of a certificated parachute
reflect the official score. rigger.

CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-6

FACILITIES AND TOOLS Aside from the necessary tools, 14 CFR, subsection
Issuance of a parachute rigger certificate is just the first 65.129(f) states that parachute riggers may exercise the
step toward becoming a professional parachute rigger. As privileges of the certificate only if they understand the
the uncertificated person gains experience packing, he or current manufacturer’s instructions for the operation
she should also begin to acquire an inventory of tools and involved. This means that parachute riggers must possess
manuals necessary to exercise the privileges of a certifi- a copy of the instructions or have access to them during
cate. In compliance with 14 CFR, section 65.127, there the operation. If they do not have a copy, but the owner of
are several items necessary before the parachute rigger the parachute provides them, then the parachute rigger
can exercise the privileges of his/her certificate. One of may pack or maintain the parachute.
these requirements is a smooth table top that is at least 3
feet wide by 40 feet long; however, this is necessary only A variation on this theme is accessing the packing
if the parachute rigger is going to pack round parachutes. instruction via the Internet. Many manufacturers provide
With square reserve parachutes gaining widespread use in manuals via their Web sites. If the parachute riggers do
the skydiving community in recent years, some parachute not download the actual instruction, they must show that
riggers are specializing in packing only square reserve they had access during the packing of the parachute. For
parachutes. A table can be used for packing this type of example, a laptop computer may not have a printer
parachute, but the manufacturer may specify any smooth, attached, but could still meet this requirement.
clean surface with a size that accommodates the canopy.
In this case, a clean, carpeted floor will do the job and a Parachute riggers are not necessarily required to down-
table may not be necessary. According to 14 CFR, sub- load the instructions to a hard drive or disk as long as they
section 65.127(b), the parachute rigger needs suitable are able to access the manual in real time. However, if a
housing that is adequately heated, lighted, and ventilated problem is identified with the parachute rigger’s pack job
for drying and airing parachutes. This is subject to inter- at a later date, the parachute rigger would need to prove
pretation by the parachute rigger and the Administrator to the Administrator that he/she had access to the instruc-
since the standards fluctuate based on location and time tions. Without a hardcopy or downloaded computer files,
of year. it would appear that the parachute rigger had not met the
rule requirement.
A parachute rigger must have enough tools and equip- CURRENCY REQUIREMENTS
ment to pack and maintain the types of parachutes for Once an individual obtains a parachute rigger certificate,
which he/she is rated to service. This may include only it is valid for life unless surrendered, suspended, or
the basic tools of a packing fid, temporary pin, and pull- revoked. If the individual intends to work as a parachute
up cord if this is all that the manufacturer says is neces- rigger and not just have the certificate, it is necessary that
sary to pack its product. However, there is a broad he/she maintains currency as a practicing parachute rig-
selection of tools necessary for a well-equipped parachute ger. These currency requirements include at least one of
rigger to possess. These are covered in detail in Chapter the following.
6—Hand Tools, Sewing Machines, and the Parachute Loft.
• Performing parachute rigger duties for at least 90 days
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS within the preceding 12 months.
A number of performance standards are defined in 14
CFR, section 65.129 to guide the parachute rigger’s per- • Demonstrating to the Administrator the ability to per-
formance of the duties that fall under the certificate. The form those duties.
parachute rigger may not:

• Pack, maintain, or alter any parachute unless he/she is

Maintaining proper records of parachute rigger activities
rated for that type.
is an important responsibility. This is necessary for the
• Pack a parachute that is not safe for emergency use. protection of the parachute rigger, the user of the para-
chute, and the satisfaction of the Administrator. Under 14
• Pack a parachute that is not thoroughly dried and aired. CFR, section 65.131, certificated parachute riggers must
document the packing, maintenance, and alteration of
• Alter a parachute in a manner not specifically author- parachutes they have performed or supervised. These
ized by the Administrator or the manufacturer of the records normally are documented in a parachute rigger’s
parachute. logbook. The following information must be docu-
The last item in this list is one that has been abused by
many master parachute riggers over the years. The master • Parachute type and make.
parachute rigger must have Administrator or manufac-
turer approval, in writing, to be in compliance with this • Serial number.
regulation. • Name and address of the owner.
CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-7

Figure 1-7. Parachute Rigger Logbook Page.

• Kind and extent of work performed. • Date and location of packing.

• Date and location of work performed. • A notation of any defects found on inspection.

• Results of any drop tests. • Parachute rigger certificate number.

These records must be kept for a minimum of 2 years. • Parachute rigger name and signature.
Figure 1-7 shows a sample of a logbook page. In addi-
tion, each parachute rigger must note on the parachute While not required on the data card, it has become
packing record or data card [Figure 1-8] the following commonplace for the parachute rigger to note the work
information. performed as well. This is usually noted as A & P for

Figure 1-8. Parachute Packing Record or Data Card.

CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-8

assemble and pack or I & R for inspect and repack. should read and become familiar with the technical
Professional parachute riggers often use an ink stamp on standard orders for parachutes, the 23 series (C23b,
the data card that indicates name, certificate number, seal C23c, C23d). This is important to the parachute rigger in
symbol, and provides an area for signature. This allows determining certification compatibility when he/she is
the customer or other parachute riggers to read the name assembling approved components.
(some signatures are illegible) and to correlate the last
entry with the seal on the parachute. 14 CFR PART 39—AIRWORTHINESS
SEALING THE PARACHUTE This part specifically deals with Airworthiness
As noted previously, each certificated parachute rigger is Directives (ADs). An AD is an amendment to the Code
issued a seal symbol with which each parachute is sealed of Federal Regulations. An AD must be complied with
once he/she packs it in a manner prescribed by the before using an affected product. In the case of a para-
manufacturer. This ensures that no one tampers with the chute, when:
parachute and the owner knows that it is ready for use.
• an unsafe condition exists in a product.
REGULATORY COMPLIANCE • the condition is likely to exist or develop in other prod-
As with other airman certificates, there are additional ucts of the same type or design.
parts of 14 CFR that are of direct concern to the parachute
rigger in addition to those already mentioned. It is Under 14 CFR part 39, “No person may operate a
important that the parachute rigger have a thorough product to which an airworthiness directive applies
understanding of these parts in order to avoid any except in accordance with the requirements of that
inadvertent non-compliance: 14 CFR parts 1, 21, 39, 91, airworthiness directive.”
105, and 183.
In recent years, there have been a number of parachute
14 CFR PART 1—DEFINITIONS ADs issued by the Administrator. These ADs prescribe
This part provides legal definitions for words and abbre- certain actions to be taken by the parachute rigger in
viations under this title. One of the more important terms order to ensure the safety and function of parachutes that
in this part is that of the Administrator. The Administrator have been found in some manner to be defective. If the
is the administrative head of the Federal Aviation parachute rigger does not comply with the AD, the
Administration or any employee of the Federal Aviation parachute rigger cannot pack, maintain, or alter the
Administration to whom authority has been delegated. affected parachute. ADs are mailed to each certificated
The parachute rigger is most likely to come in contact parachute rigger on the FAA listing. If the parachute
with two individuals who may act on the Administrator’s rigger has moved and not complied with the requirements
behalf. for an address change, the rigger may not receive the AD.
This introduces an additional problem. Under 14 CFR
The first is the Aviation Safety Inspector from the local part 65, subpart A—General, section 65.21, airmen must
Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) or International register their change of address within 30 days of moving
Field Office (IFO). This employee of the Federal Aviation or they are not able to exercise the privileges of their
Administration is responsible for enforcement of the certificate.
Code of Federal Regulations in aviation matters. The
Aviation Safety Inspector (airworthiness type) has juris-
dictional responsibility in such matters as: compliance 14 CFR PART 91—GENERAL OPERATING
with the rule, approving data for major repairs or alter- AND FLIGHT RULES
ations, investigation of accidents, overseeing airshows Section 91.307 deals with parachutes and parachuting.
and demo jumps, or any aviation related matter. This section defines an “approved parachute” and states
the repack time for parachutes. Both of these are of vital
The second is the local Designated Parachute Rigger interest to the parachute rigger.
Examiner (DPRE). This private person is empowered to
conduct practical tests for the Administrator.
14 CFR PART 21 SUBPART O—TECHNICAL This part deals with the use of parachutes in the United
STANDARD ORDERS (TSO) States. The following areas are of interest to parachute
A Technical Standard Order (TSO) is issued by the riggers:
Administrator and is a minimum performance standard
for specified articles, such as parachutes. It is important
that the parachute rigger understand the TSO process and • Main parachutes used for intentional jumping must be
the various levels of TSO approval under which packed by the person jumping or by a U.S. certificated
parachutes are manufactured. Every parachute rigger parachute rigger.

CH 01.qxd 5/13/05 7:44 AM Page 1-9

• The auxiliary parachute must be packed by a certifi- CERTIFICATION SPECIFICATIONS

cated and appropriately rated parachute rigger. The practical circumstances surrounding the above pilot’s
use of the parachute is at the maximum limits of the certi-
• If the parachute is made from synthetic materials, it fication specifications of the parachute. If he does not eat
must be packed within 120 days of its use. If it is made a big breakfast or gain much weight before using the para-
from materials subject to mold or mildew, then it must chute, he might stay under the weight limit. The speed
be packed within 60 days of use. limitation will probably be exceeded on a regular basis
during acrobatic maneuvers. If he needs to use the para-
• If a main static line is used, it must meet certain chute at some point, there should be enough of a safety
requirements as to its use and configuration. margin built into the design and testing of the parachute
to be sufficient.
• An approved parachute is defined as a parachute
manufactured under a type certificate or a Technical PILOT VS PARACHUTE SIZE
Standard Order (C-23 series), or a personnel-carrying With 250 pounds under a 22-foot diameter canopy, the
U.S. military parachute (other than a high altitude, pilot probably will drop from the sky at an excessive rate
high speed, or ejection type) identified by a Navy Air of descent. A common assumption in this situation is that
Facility, an Army Air Field, and Air Force-Navy it is unlikely he will need to use the parachute, but if he
drawing number, an Army Air Field order number, or does, will it save his life?
any military designation or specification number.
There is no service life on the parachute; it may be con-
sidered airworthy as long as it meets its technical stan-
RIGGING ETHICS dard order. While the parachute appears to be in good
As parachute riggers gain additional experience, they are condition, there are not many non-destructive tests
occasionally faced with situations that involve less than available to the parachute rigger in the field to make
ideal circumstances. Some examples are: if a new jumper this determination. It may be possible to drop test the
purchases old or damaged equipment that may or may not parachute, but the cost would probably outweigh the
be airworthy, or if a pilot purchases an acrobatic plane value of the system. It is up to the parachute rigger to
that has a parachute that is far too small for his/her make the determination as to the airworthiness of the
weight. These situations involve more than just the parachute system. When the parachute rigger seals the
technical knowledge for a parachute rigger certificate. parachute and signs the data card, the rigger is saying it is
ready, thereby putting the customer’s life on the line.
In the case of the pilot above, depending on which TSO
the parachute is certified, there may be a weight and speed What should the parachute rigger do? This is not just a
limitation for the system. For example, TSO C23c cate- theoretical situation—it is one that has been experienced
gory B has a limitation of 254-pound exit weight and a many times by many parachute riggers. All of the above
speed limitation of 150 knots. Imagine a pilot who weighs information plus economic factors complicate the para-
225 pounds and his airplane regularly exceeds the 150- chute rigger’s decision. If the rigger does not pack the
knot envelope during maneuvering. If this pilot brings a parachute, the pilot may take it down the road to another
parachute to a parachute rigger for repacking, the first parachute rigger for a second opinion who may not have
thing the parachute rigger should notice is the size of the the same standards. An added factor is liability exposure.
pilot. When the parachute rigger inspects the parachute, If the parachute rigger signs off on a questionable para-
he notices that it has a 22-foot diameter round canopy. chute and an accident occurs later, the rigger may be
The parachute rigger finds that with the pilot at 225 exposed to disciplinary action from the Administrator in
pounds, his clothes at 5 pounds, and the parachute at 20 addition to civil action in the courts. There are no hard and
pounds, he is at 250 pounds or just under the limit. fast rules in these situations, but instead, the parachute rig-
However, in looking at the owner’s manual, the parachute ger must exercise the best judgment the rigger can summon
rigger cannot find any information in the weight-carrying based on experience and the information at hand.
limit of the canopy. In addition, this particular parachute
was made by a company that is no longer in business. The Most professional parachute riggers would refuse to pack
parachute appears to be in good condition visually but is the parachute described in the scenario above, due to a
30 years old. In this situation, the parachute rigger is combination of age, the size of the individual, and the
faced with a number of questionable areas that are potential use parameters.
detailed below.

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CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:54 AM Page 2-1

It is important for the aspiring rigger to understand basic

design parameters and construction techniques of modern
parachute systems. The master rigger must have a thor-
ough understanding of these areas to perform any desired
or necessary alterations. An understanding of how the
systems or components were originally designed, and
why they were constructed as they were, is essential. Any
proposed alteration may degrade the function and/or
structural integrity of the assembly or component, thereby
causing it to fail.

The design parameters for certificated parachutes are set

forth in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) docu-
ments, specifically within the Technical Standard Order
(TSO) system. Parachute certification standards fall
within the TSO C23 series. Currently, there are three TSO
documents under which parachutes are manufactured.
They are C23b, C23c, and C23d. Appendix I explains
these standards in detail. Military parachutes are manu-
factured and certified under a military drawing system;
however, some manufacturers have certified them under
the TSO system as well.

Parachute assemblies and component parts are identified in
the following discussion. The appropriate nomenclature, as
well as the commonly accepted names, are defined below.
Figure 2-1. Component parts of a main parachute assembly.
The main parachute assembly, excluding the harness, is
used in conjunction with a reserve parachute assembly as EMERGENCY PARACHUTE
the primary parachute assembly for a premeditated jump. The emergency parachute, excluding the harness, is
The main canopy consists of everything from the main worn for emergency, unpremeditated use only. The
riser connector links to the bridle attachment point canopy may be identical to the reserve parachute.
(excluding the steering toggles). The major parts are the
suspension lines and the canopy, as shown in figure 2-1. HARNESS/CONTAINER
The harness and container assembly includes all the
RESERVE PARACHUTE remaining parts necessary to complete an airworthy para-
The reserve parachute is worn in conjunction with a chute system except for the canopies. The basic har-
main parachute used for premeditated jumps. The reserve ness/container assembly is what remains when all items
parachute consists of everything from the reserve riser that can be removed without unstitching have been
connector links to the bridle attachment point (excluding removed. Most sport parachute assemblies have the har-
the steering toggles). The major parts are the canopy, sus- ness and containers integrated into one assembly, but
pension lines, and any type of deployment device that is many military assemblies may be disassembled into sepa-
sewn to the canopy or lines. rate harness and container subassemblies. The following
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:54 AM Page 2-2

Upper main Typical devices include bags, sleeves, pockets, straps,

lift web and sliders.
Chest Container The main parachute release mechanism has two parts.
strap Lower
main One part is attached to the harness and the other to the
lift Main risers. These types may utilize a separate release handle.
web parachute
Horizontal In addition, the reserve may employ a static line to
back strap activate it.
Hip ring

Lower leg
Upper leg strap STEERING TOGGLES
Risers are part of the suspension system between
Reserve pilot Main deployment bag Main pilot chute
chute and bridle
the lines and the harness or load. Generally made
of webbing, emergency parachutes usually have the ris-
ers integral to the harness. Risers used on sport or mili-
Reserve tary systems used for intentional jumping have release
mechanisms installed. Steering toggles are usually
design specific to the riser for the type of canopy
release handle
Other components designed to function as part of the
harness/container assembly, such as closing loops, also
Reserve deployment bag Main risers and toggles may be used. Closing loops used with automatic activa-
Figure 2-2. Subcomponents of the harness/container tion devices (AADs) on reserve or emergency parachutes
assembly. are usually design specific to ensure proper operation of
the system.
items are subcomponents of the harness/container assem-
bly and are shown in figure 2-2.
PILOT CHUTES AND BRIDLES FOR THE The original TSO C23b for parachutes came into exis-
MAIN AND RESERVE PARACHUTES tence in 1949. The specifications were revised in 1984 to
The pilot chute is a small parachute or similar device, C23c and again in 1994 to C23d. The TSO is a simple
which enters the airstream when released to act as a drag two-page document that specifies the requirements for
device and withdraw the canopy from the container. As certification. This document also references a perform-
such, it maintains tension on the canopy and lines during ance standard that the parachute must meet. C23b para-
the deployment process. Pilot chutes are either spring- chutes were tested to standards under National Aircraft
loaded or manually thrown into the airstream as a “hand Standards Specifications NAS-804. When the TSO was
deployed” pilot chute. Some military or emergency pilot revised in 1984, the specification document was drafted
chutes are ballistically deployed. A bridle is a piece of under the auspices of the Society of Automotive
line or webbing that connects the canopy or deployment Engineers (SAE) S-17 committee as Aerospace Standard
device to the pilot chute. AS-8015. When the TSO was revised again in 1994, the
revised document became AS-8015b with the original as
THE MAIN AND RESERVE PARACHUTES AS-8015a. Figure 2-3 is a table showing the pertinent
The ripcord is a device for securing the container closed points of each of the TSO certifications. For a more thor-
prior to use. It usually consists of a handle, a flexible ough study of the documents, refer to Appendix I.
cable, one or more pins, and a device for securing the The TSO system consists of two parts. The first is the per-
cable to the handle. Some modern ripcords use a stiffened formance standards listed above. This ensures that the
cable instead of a pin. parachute will perform as specified. The second is the
DEPLOYMENT DEVICES FOR THE MAIN production approval, which ensures that the manufacturer
AND RESERVE PARACHUTES is able to produce the parachute as designed and tested.
Deployment devices are designed to provide an orderly While minor design changes are allowed, any major
and controlled deployment of the parachute during use. design change must be submitted to the FAA for approval
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:54 AM Page 2-3

TSO Number C23b C23c C23d
Performance Standard NAS-804 AS-8015a AS-8015b
Effective dates 1949-1984 1984-1994 1994-Present
Performance Low Speed 3000 lb Category A Wt: 300 lb Variable-
Specifications Speed: 150 kts Maximum operating
Standard 5000 lb Category B Wt: 300 lb weight x 1.2
Category Speed: 175 kts Maximum operating
Category C Wt: 300 lb speed x 1.2
Speed: 230 kts
Placard Limitations Low speed 3000 lb Category A Wt: 198 lb Placard with average
Speed: 130 kts peak force measured
Standard 5000 lb Category B Wt: 254 lb during the strength
Category Speed: 150 kts drops.
Category C Wt: 254 lb
Speed: 175 kts
Number of drop tests 28 68 68
Figure 2-3. TSO comparisons.

before implementation. A major change is any that will 100), Standardized Nomenclature for Ram-Air Inflated
affect the fit, form, or function of the parachute. Gliding Parachutes (See Appendix I). This document is
the official language and terminology used for ram-air
For the aspiring rigger, the primary purpose of knowing parachutes. It specifies the parts of the parachute, the
the TSO system is determining the compatibility of com- various construction methods, and the seam configura-
ponents when assembling the parachute system. This is tions used. This is necessary for the rigger to understand
necessary in order to ensure that, besides fitting together the manuals and repair procedures provided by the manu-
properly, the performance standards are compatible. facturers for their products.
Under Advisory Circular (AC) 105-2—Sport Parachute
Jumping, “the assembly or mating of separately approved Figure 2-4 identifies the components of a typical round
components may be made by a certificated and appropri- emergency parachute. The nomenclature of this design
ately rated parachute rigger or parachute loft in accor-
dance with the manufacturer’s instructions and without Pilot chute
further authorization by the manufacturer or the FAA.” Bridle
Under these guidelines, there are certain parameters that
must be met. One of them is to ensure that “the strength
of the harness must always be equal to or greater than the
maximum force generated by the canopy during the certi-
fication tests.” Full knowledge of the TSO documents
ensures that the above requirements are met.

Accomplished design skills are not necessary for the rig-
ger to properly service parachutes. The skills involved to Lines
become a designer can take several years of training and
practice. It is necessary, however, that the rigger under-
stands some of the basic concepts to relate the perform-
ance characteristics to the design theory of the
components involved. For the average rigger, these con- Risers
cepts are accepted as those proven and tested in the fin-
ished product. The following are specific areas that the
rigger should understand to determine the identity, func- Harness
tion, and assembly of parachute components and their Container
All riggers should become familiar with Parachute
Industry Association (PIA) Technical Standard 100 (TS- Figure 2-4. Round parachute assembly.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:54 AM Page 2-4

has remained constant for several decades with a few tain the aerodynamic airfoil shape. To reduce the drag
exceptions. While some riggers who skydive think that created by the suspension lines, newer lightweight, and
the square parachute has replaced it, the round parachute high-strength materials were used. First Dacron®, fol-
still has many uses and in certain instances fulfills some lowed by Kevlar®, and now Spectra® and Vectran®.
mission requirements better than the square. Poynter’s While reducing the line bulk and drag, these materials
Parachute Manual, Volume 1, Chapter 8, provides an have introduced newer problems into the designs.
excellent discussion of the design parameters and charac-
teristics of round parachutes for those needing more tech- The ultra-low permeability fabrics inflate faster, and have
nical background. almost zero stretch. As a result, the opening forces
increase considerably. These effects have contributed to
CONSTRUCTION CONCEPTS AND newer packing and deployment methods to reduce the
TECHNIQUES loads on the parachutist and harness. These, in turn, affect
TS-100 describes the various ram-air construction meth- the design of the container systems. Using this as an
ods such as half-cell chordwise, full-cell “I” beam chord- example, the rigger can see the chain of cause and effect
wise, full-cell interlocking “T” chordwise, and spanwise in the design process. Complete coverage of materials is
configurations. When learning the various construction presented in chapter 3 of this handbook.
methods, the beginning rigger can become confused as to
how the seams are folded together. Seeing the schematic DAMAGE
diagrams of the various configurations can help in the Damage patterns identified during the inspection of
repair sequence. canopies can highlight problems caused from packing or
incorrect use. By being able to identify these patterns, the
Round parachute construction is divided into two primary rigger can provide the user with correct technique and,
techniques: bias and block construction. Bias construc- thereby, prevent possible injury or death. In addition, the
tion is most prevalent in the early parachutes and military rigger can provide valuable feedback to the manufacturer
designs. It is generally the stronger of the two techniques of potentially serious problems with new designs once
due to its ability to stretch more during opening. In bias they have been subjected to real world conditions. While
construction, the fabric is cut and sewn so that the warp manufacturers conduct extensive testing programs before
and filler threads are at 45 degrees to the centerline of the
gore. A typical example is the 28' C-9 canopy.

Block construction is where the warp threads of the panels

are parallel to the hem of the canopy. Block construction
gained in popularity in the lightweight sport reserves of the
1970s and 1980s. They were easier to build and packed
smaller. An example of this design is the Phantom/Aerostar
canopies, manufactured by National Parachute Industries,

The rigger must have knowledge of how the parachute
functions. Without this, the rigger may not be able to
assemble the correct components so that they function as
a complete assembly. While the manufacturer may spec-
ify what components are to be used with their particular
design, with the vast numbers of products on the market
today, there are an infinite number of combinations being
used by the skydiving community. While seeming to be
compatible with each other, many designs have subtle dif-
ferences that affect their performance and operation.

The materials used in construction have changed over the
last several years. This has resulted in better performance
and durability. The use of incorrect materials can have a
detrimental effect on the opening, flying, and landing
characteristics of the parachute. The growth in popularity
of the ram-air canopies in the 1970s required new fabrics
for the designs to function. Very low permeability fabric
was necessary for the canopy to remain inflated and main-
Figure 2-5. Conventional containers.
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:54 AM Page 2-5

Figure 2-6. Piggyback containers.

Figure 2-7. Tandem container system.

releasing new products to the market, very often, subtle of the user. These were the back parachute, seat para-
problems do not arise until the parachute has been in the chute, chest parachute, and lap parachute. The con-
field for an extended period of time. tainers were usually rectangular in shape with four
closing flaps. These configurations were primarily dic-
CONTAINERS tated by the need to fit the assembly into the cockpit of
The container component assembly of the parachute sys- the aircraft.
tem is that part which encloses the canopy(s) and lines,
the deployment device if used, and the pilot chute. It is With the growth of skydiving, the container configura-
held closed by the use of cones or loops, which are tions and the associated terminology changed. The origi-
secured by ripcord pins or locking pins such as are used nal location of the main parachute on the back and the
on hand deploy systems. Containers may consist of single reserve on the chest became known as the “conventional”
units as are used on pilot emergency systems, or multiple configuration. [Figure 2-5] The original tandem configu-
units such as are used on skydiving piggyback systems. ration with both the main and reserve on the back became
The term “pack” is used interchangeably with container. known as a “piggyback” [Figure 2-6], and the introduc-
The harness and container assembly may be called the tion of a two-person parachute system became the new
pack and harness. The term “packtray” is used to refer to “tandem.” [Figure 2-7]
the bottom panel or section of the container where the
lines may be stowed during packing. CONFIGURATION
Early containers were simply a bag-shaped unit that the When canopies were packed into early bag-type contain-
canopy was stuffed into and then tied closed. The para- ers, they always wanted to assume a spherical or round
chute was static line deployed and the parachutist simply shape. For the container to remain flat, it was necessary to
fell away from the balloon or aircraft allowing the canopy tailor the fabric and then use frames or bow stiffeners to
to deploy. With the advent of manually deployed free fall keep it flat and compress the pilot chute. Back designs
systems, the need for a more secure and tailored design utilized multiple cones and pins, usually three or four to
became evident. maintain the length and width. Seat containers were
usually more square and thicker since they were held in
Originally, the parachute systems were identified by the place by the seat pan. Most use two cones and pins
position at which they were located in relation to the body for closing. The same was used for chest and lap
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-6

parachutes. Many military systems still utilize these basic designs now follow the design concepts pioneered by the
configurations today. sport industry as they have proven better and more cost
effective. Figure 2-8 shows the similarity to a sport pig-
With the introduction of skydiving in the 1960s, most gyback system.
equipment was of modified military designs, and the first
generation of commercial products were simply colored MODERN DESIGN CONCEPTS
versions of these designs. In the 1970s, skydiving The containers of today do more than simply enclose
canopies had progressed to ram-air designs, which were the canopy and deployment device. Sport containers in
smaller in volume and had different deployment require- particular need to be designed so that they contribute to
ments. Container designs evolved to meet these require- the deployment needs of the specific parachute.
ments. The introduction of the hand deploy pilot chute Piggyback designs have separate requirements for the
was probably the most influential concept in the evolving main and reserve containers.
container design. Cones were replaced by fabric closing
loops, and main ripcords and pins were replaced by hand The reserve container is generally small, tight, and
deploy bridles and locking pins. It was no longer neces- mostly wedge-shaped. Virtually all popular sport systems
sary to compress the spring-loaded pilot chute inside the are designed around the use of a ram-air canopy. The
container. Thru closing loops were used to compress the deployment method of choice is a Type 5 deployment
pack and make it thinner to conform to the body shape. bag. In the early days of the ram-air reserve, there were
The use of deployment bags and other devices helped certain container design requirements specified by the
provide shaping to the container. This was true for both manufacturer. These were:
square and round canopies.
1. A hesitator loop configuration secures the bridle and
holds the bag in until the reserve pilot chute is
Today, most modern container designs have completely
deployed and under drag. [Figure 2-9]
done away with frames and bow stiffeners. This has
resulted in smaller, more flexible, more comfortable, and
more efficient container designs. Instead of metal stiffen-
ers, nylon plastic is used to reinforce the container flaps
for backing the grommets. The nylon is lighter, easier to
work with, and cheaper. Many of the modern military

Figure 2-9. Square reserve hesitator loop configuration.

2. Nonrestrictive corners to allow the bag to be lifted

off by the bridle in the event of a horseshoe-type
malfunction. [Figure 2-10]

Figure 2-8. Modern military container. Figure 2-10. Nonrestrictive container corners.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-7

These requirements were adhered to for many years.

Today, containers achieve the required holding and
deployment needs through design tailoring. The bottom
corners of the reserve container are designed so that the
bag is held in place while the pilot chute and bridle deploy
and then releases the bag to the airstream. At the same
time, the bag can still deploy quickly in the event of a
horseshoe-type malfunction.

The main container is less restrictive than the reserve in

holding the main canopy in place during deployment.
This is important so that there is no tendency for the bag
to twist or be unstable on deployment. With many of the
main canopies used today, if the bag is unstable, it results
in the main canopy opening unevenly and causing spins
and possible malfunctions. Along with the main bag, the
main risers must be able to deploy evenly for the same

In the early days of skydiving, the primary body position

was a stable, face-to-earth position. This resulted in the
main container being behind the parachutist out of the air-
flow. One of the primary problems faced during those
days was the high incidence of pilot chute hesitations.
This was the result of the container designs and the rela-
tively poor performance of the available pilot chutes. The
advent of the hand deploy pilot chutes reduced the inci-
dence of hesitations.

In the face-to-earth position, the primary purpose of the Figure 2-11. VoodooTM container profile.
container is to hold the canopy and pilot chute closed and
then allow it to open during deployment. Today, body
positions experienced during free fall range from head-
down to feet-to-earth and everything in between. Where
speeds formerly experienced ranged from 110 mph to reserve pilot chute in tow with potential serious conse-
maybe 140 mph, today speeds in a head-down position quences. The balance between sufficient main riser pro-
can exceed 200 mph. This has changed the container tection and the need for full reserve deployment freedom
dynamics to ensure a more secure system and increased can be an important design feature.
protection from the wind blast. These changes have
resulted in more secure and streamlined configurations to
accommodate these new requirements. Figure 2-11 shows
According to Poynter’s Parachute Manual, “the harness
a modern container design shaped to meet the high-speed is an arrangement of cotton, linen, nylon, or Dacron®
airflows of today. webbing, which is designed to conform to the shape of
the load (usually the body) to be carried in order to secure
An additional area that needs to be addressed when it properly so that the opening forces and the weight of
designing piggyback systems is the main riser covers. In the load are evenly distributed during opening and
the early days of sport piggyback designs, the main risers descent.”
were held in position by webbing keepers. As the sport
progressed, the use of fully enclosed main riser covers The earliest harness was nothing more than a swing seat
became the norm. In their attempt to protect the main ris- that the parachutist sat on and then held onto the risers
ers during high-speed free fall, some designs tend to or suspension straps. It soon became apparent that if the
restrict the deployment of the reserve container in the openings were anywhere uneven, it could be very pre-
event of a “total” main pack malfunction. When this hap- carious for the parachutist. While the sling seat worked
pens and the main container remains closed, the main for the ride down, it was necessary to add additional
riser covers do not open. Because of this, there is addi- straps to secure the parachutist. These straps included
tional restriction over the upper corners of the reserve the leg, back, and chest straps. The standard harness
container. This contributes to higher reserve bag release configuration is equipped to secure a torso, head, arms
forces when deployed. In severe cases, this can result in a and legs with straps. Others have been added over time
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-8

for additional purposes such as survival kits or cushions.

Figure 2-12 shows a basic military style harness. This
harness configuration has seven points of adjustment to
allow fitting of most military personnel.

Most of the early parachute systems had the harness

detachable from the containers. This allowed inter-
changeability for various models. In the 1970s, skydiving
systems began to integrate the harness into a true har-
ness/container assembly. This was accomplished by
sandwiching the harness between the container and
backpad and sewing them together. Figure 2-13 shows
one of the earliest custom systems called the “Super
Swooper.” This harness was the precursor of today’s sport

As skydiving and the sport parachute industry has grown,

most of the equipment is now custom-built for each indi-
vidual. The standard piggyback harness configuration of
today is a fixed main lift web with adjustments only at
the chest and leg straps. [Figure 2-14] Elimination of the
extra hardware and webbing has resulted in a dramatic
reduction in weight of modern systems. Along with this
has been an increase in comfort and flexibility. One of
the most innovative designs adopted in recent years is the
“articulated” harness. This design incorporates metal
rings at the hip junction and the chest-strap attachment.
Figure 2-12. Military harness. [Figure 2-15] These rings allow a full range of motion

Figure 2-13. Super Swooper harness. Figure 2-14. Standard piggyback harness.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-9

enced with corresponding higher loads on the harnesses.

For many years, harnesses were overbuilt as they were
basically copies of military designs. As the sport has pro-
gressed, equipment has been made lighter and smaller.


In the early days of parachutes, the lines and canopy were
stowed in the container. During the deployment process,
the canopy was extracted first, followed by the lines. This
was known as a “canopy first” deployment. If the canopy
inflated before tension was applied to the lines, a mal-
function was highly likely. Over the years, it was learned
that the deployment process needed to be controlled to
prevent malfunctions.

At the start of the Second World War, with the advent of

airborne paratroops, the main canopy was deployed from
a direct bag static line system. In this system, the main
canopy was packed in a bag, which was permanently
attached to the static line. After deployment, the bag and
static line remained with the aircraft. This system is still
used today with some modifications. For emergency para-
chutes, the military adopted the “quarter bag” in the
1950s for use with high-speed emergency systems.
[Figure 2-17] This was fairly complicated to pack but
effective in controlling the parachute during opening.

In the early 1960s, the sleeve was developed and soon

became popular for sport parachuting or skydiving. With
the growth of skydiving and the increased use of the
Figure 2-15. Articulated harness configuration.
reserve parachute, it soon became obvious that the reserve
parachute needed to be controlled more. In the mid 1970s,
both in the air and on the ground and increase the fit and
the two-stow diaper was developed for use with emer-
comfort of the harness. An added benefit is that this style
gency and reserve parachutes. This design was soon fol-
of harness is stronger under high shock loads. This is due
lowed by the three-stow diaper and the piglet-style diaper
to the natural alignment of the webbing during the open-
invented by Hank Ascuitto. During this time period, the
ing process. With a nonarticulated harness, the webbing
deployment bag became the preferred method of deploy-
junctions warp and load unevenly. [Figure 2-16] Because
ing the increasingly popular ram-air or square canopies.
of this, point loading occurs, stitching breaks, and the
In 1977, Para-Flite, Inc., introduced the first ram-air
junction can fail with disastrous results.
reserve canopy, which utilized the “free bag” deployment
system. This design continues to this day virtually
In recent years and with the increasing popularity of ver-
unchanged as the preferred method of deploying square
tical skydiving or “freeflying,” greater speeds are experi-
reserve canopies.

Figure 2-16. Standard harness junction warping. Figure 2-17. Quarter bag.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-10

Figure 2-20. Type 2 deployment – Strong Enterprises, Inc.,

Figure 2-18. Slider. Lo-Po reserve.

of this method are the early Strong 26' Lo-Po and the
Reefing devices slow down and stage the opening
Pioneer “K” series reserves. [Figure 2-20]
sequences of canopies, resulting in lower opening forces.
This is particularly critical at higher speeds where the
excessive “G” forces experienced may injure or kill the DIAPER
user. The most common reefing device used today is the This deployment features a full diaper with all lines
“slider.” [Figure 2-18] This device consists of a piece of stowed left to right or perpendicular to the radial seam.
fabric with grommets or rings at the corners through Examples of this method are the Piglet, Phantom, and
which the line groups pass. This restricts the inflation of Security Aero Conical (SAC) canopies. [Figure 2-21]
the canopy and slows down the opening. While other
methods have been developed for military or aerospace
applications, the slider is the preferred method of reefing
ram-air canopies. Without this device, skydiving would
not be as developed as it is today.

There are currently six different types of deployment


With this method, the lines are stowed vertically or
horizontally in the container. Examples of this method
are the T-7A chest pack or the B-12 back parachute. Figure 2-21. Type 3 deployment – Phantom canopy.
[Figure 2-19]
This features a choker-type diaper which wraps around
the canopy skirt. It is locked with three stows and all lines
are stowed on the diaper parallel to the radial seam.
Examples of this method are the Preserve series canopies,
Strong Lo-Po Lite, and the Hobbit square reserve. [Figure
2-22] The military quarter bag is basically a version of
the Type 4 method.

Figure 2-19. Type 1 deployment – T-7A reserve.


This method utilizes split line groups. Two stows from
one line group lock the diaper, compensated by offsetting
stows of the other line group in the container with the
remainder of the lines stowed in the container. Examples
Figure 2-22. Type 4 deployment – Preserve diaper.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-11


With a free bag, the canopy is stowed in the bag, and lines With all deployment methods, it is necessary to properly
are either stowed on or in the bag. They were originally fold or stow the canopy and secure the deployment device
used on the Safety Flyer reserve. This is the dominant and with the lines. The early parachutes utilized hesitator
preferred method for virtually all modern square reserves. loops to secure the lines. [Figure 2-26] This method is
[Figure 2-23] still used today in many military systems.

Figure 2-26. Hesitator loops.

Figure 2-23. Type 5 deployment – Free Bag.

In modern designs that utilize types 1 through 4 and 6, the

preferred method of locking the deployment device is
This includes a fabric tube which encloses the full length
rubber bands. The specification for standard rubber bands
of the folded canopy. Lines are stowed on the sleeve. They
is MIL-R-1832. Type 1 are natural rubber and are 1/2" x
were originally used on early sport canopies, particularly
2". These were designed for use with the thicker Type III
the Para-Commander. [Figure 2-24] A modern version
nylon lines such as on the 28' C-9 canopy. Many of the
known as a “slag” is used on some ram-air canopies.
newer lightweight, round canopies use smaller diameter
and fewer lines. Consequently, the standard rubber bands
do not work well. Some manufacturers supply smaller
diameter rubber bands to be used with their canopies. It is
extremely important to utilize the correct size rubber

With the introduction of the free bag system in 1977,

Para-Flite, Inc., used a BUNA-N “O” ring to secure the
locking stows. [Figure 2-27] During testing of the free
bag system, they found inconsistent holding and breaking
strengths of rubber bands. They wanted the locking stows
Figure 2-24. Type 6 deployment – PC sleeve.
to release at a consistent force to prevent bag lock. The
“O” rings provided this. A couple of years later, the “O”
rings were upgraded to a thicker diameter model. In 1983,
An additional deployment method is the “tail pocket.”
This is a fabric pocket sewn on the tail of a ram-air canopy
in which the lines are stowed. [Figure 2-25]

Figure 2-25. Tail pocket. Figure 2-27. Para-Flite “O” rings.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-12

Para-Flite, Inc. replaced the “O” rings with the Safety BRIDLES
Stow®. The Safety Stow® is a continuous loop of elastic The bridle is a cord or webbing strap, which is used to
shock cord that runs through a webbing channel and connect the pilot chute to the canopy or deployment
through two grommets to secure the first two locking device. Main and reserve bridles, while sharing the same
stows. [Figure 2-28] In the event of any restriction on the function, operate differently.
locking stow, as the loop stretches, it allows first one side
to release and then the opposite side. This design is a con- Early bridles were simply a length of suspension line tied
siderable improvement over separate rubber bands or “O” off to the two components. It was soon learned that the
rings and is used on most free bags today. length of the bridle affected the function of the pilot chute
and the opening characteristics of the canopy. If the bri-
dle is too short, the pilot chute cannot launch properly. If
too long, the snatch force is increased. On most round
emergency and reserve parachute assemblies, the length
and type of the bridle is fixed for optimum performance.
The rigger cannot change the configuration of the bridle
without approval of the manufacturer.

There are two basic types of round canopy bridles. The

first is a tubular nylon bridle that is tied on. The second
is a pre-sewn bridle with loops at each end. The loop of
one end is passed thru the attach point on the pilot chute
Figure 2-28. Safety Stow®. and then back thru itself forming a lark’s head knot. The
other loop of the bridle is then similarly attached to the
It is important to maintain the rubber bands or Safety canopy apex. [Figure 2-31] With this type, it is essential
Stow®. Rubber bands are susceptible to heat degradation for the loop to remain loose to ensure the bridle is free
and dry out. If they break prematurely during use, the floating and self-centering around the apex lines. Hand
parachute may malfunction. Natural rubber bands also tack the loop to ensure this. [Figure 2-32]
react to natural brass grommets and may become gummy
and sticky, causing the lines to stick to the diaper or bag.
[Figure 2-29] The BUNA-N “O” rings should be replaced
with the Safety Stow®. The Safety Stow® should be
inspected for broken stitching or internal rubber strands.
[Figure 2-30]

Figure 2-31. Pre-sewn round bridles.

Figure 2-29. Old rubber bands.

Figure 2-32. Hand tack floating bridle loop.

Square reserve bridles are generally built into the free

bag. The bridle material is usually 2" wide or more for
high drag. The original concept of the free bag is to allow
the square reserve to deploy if the reserve pilot chute is
Figure 2-30. Bad Safety Stow®. captured resulting in a horseshoe-type malfunction. The
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-13

high-drag bridle would then pull the reserve bag off the deploys the canopy. After opening, the elastic pulls the
parachutist’s back and allow the canopy to deploy free apex down again and collapses the pilot chute, reducing
from the bag. In the late 1980s, assistor pockets were the drag. While this system works, its main drawback is
added to the bridles for additional drag as square reserves that certain airspeeds are needed to inflate the pilot chute.
became bigger and heavier. [Figure 2-33]
The second type is the “kill-line collapsible” configura-
tion. This consists of a bridle with a full length channel
through which passes a line of Kevlar® or Spectra®.
[Figure 2-35] The bridle is “cocked” and the lower end of
the bridle is collapsed during packing. This allows the
pilot chute to inflate immediately. During the deployment
sequence, as the canopy inflates, the lower end is
stretched to length and the centerline pulls the apex of
the pilot chute down and collapses it. This configuration
has become almost universal in use for skydiving today.
The only drawback is if the user forgets to cock the bridle
during packing. This will result in a collapsed pilot chute
and a pilot chute in tow. In the early days of use of the
Figure 2-33. Free Bag assistor pocket. kill-line bridle, this was a problem but has become less
frequent today. A properly made bridle will have a col-
Early main bridles were simply longer versions of the ored “eye” at the locking pin location to show if it is
reserve bridles. This was necessary to compensate for the cocked and the centerline is set correctly. [Figure 2-36]
“burble” created in free fall by the parachutist. In the mid
1970s and with the advent of the hand deploy pilot chute,
the length of the bridle was critical in order to allow
proper extraction of the locking pin that secured the pack

In recent years and with the almost total use of ram-air

parachutes, the need for collapsible main pilot chutes has
become widespread. As the main canopies have become
smaller and faster, the drag of the inflated main pilot
chute after opening can have an adverse effect on canopy
performance. This problem has been solved through the
use of a collapsible pilot chute/bridle system. There are
two primary designs used to accomplish this.

The first is the “bungee” collapsible configuration. This Figure 2-35. Kill-line collapsible bridle.
consists of a length of elastic shock cord inside a tape
sheath on the bridle near the pilot chute end. [Figure 2-
34] When relaxed, it holds the apex of the pilot chute col-
lapsed. When the pilot chute is deployed into the
airstream, the airflow inflates the pilot chute which

Figure 2-36. Kill-line “Eye.”

The kill-line configuration is used almost exclusively on

tandem systems due to the high speeds involved and the
Figure 2-34. Bungee collapsible bridle. size of the drogue pilot chutes. The bridles are usually

CH 02.qxd 5/18/05 12:22 PM Page 2-14


Spring-loaded pilot chutes date from the 1920s. However,
it wasn’t until 1940 that the spiral vane pilot chute was
invented. This design used a spiral spring that is easy to
collapse and pack. The most common type of spiral vane
pilot chute used today is the MA-1 model. [Figure 2-38]
This is used in several military parachute assemblies. In
the early days of skydiving, military pilot chutes such as
the MA-1 and others were popular. Soon commercial
designs were introduced that improved on the MA-1 with
better launch and drag characteristics. These included the
Grabber® and Hot Dog® pilot chutes. Both of these were
primarily for use with main parachutes.
Figure 2-37. Tandem main collapsible bridle.
With the advent of the hand deploy pilot chute for the
made from 2" Kevlar® tape and have tubular nylon cen- main, most of the improvement in spring-loaded pilot
terlines. [Figure 2-37] chute design has focused on its use in the reserve or emer-
gency parachutes. This has paralleled the improvements
Another method of collapsing the pilot chute is to install
a No. 8 grommet in the deployment bag and allow the bag
to float on the bridle. After the canopy deploys, the bag
slides up the bridle, inverts, and covers the pilot chute.
This is commonly called the “poor man’s collapsible pilot
chute system.” The drawback to this design is the high
wear on the bridle and pilot chute mesh.

A pilot chute is a small parachute, which is used to
deploy the main or reserve parachute. In the earliest uses
of parachutes, the parachute was static line deployed.
With the advent of manually operated or “free fall” para-
chutes, the need for a pilot chute was quickly recognized.

There are two basic types of pilot chutes. The first is the
spring-loaded design. This uses a collapsible spring,
which is compressed in the parachute container and held
closed with the ripcord. When the ripcord is pulled, the
pack opens and the pilot chute launches into the
airstream. The pilot chute provides drag and pulls the
canopy from the pack as the parachutist or load falls
away. During this process, the pilot chute also provides
tension on the lines of the deploying canopy and helps the
opening sequence. Spring-loaded pilot chutes are used
primarily for emergency and reserve parachutes. In addi-
tion, they are used in military free fall and training sys-
tems for the main parachute.

The second type of pilot chute is the “hand deploy”

design. This type consists of the pilot chute canopy but
does not have a spring to launch it. Instead, the para-
chutist extracts the folded pilot chute from a pouch or the
container and launches it into the airstream. The pack is
held closed by a locking pin attached to the bridle of the
pilot chute. As the pilot chute inflates, it extracts the pin
from the locking loop and pulls the parachute from the
pack. The rest of the opening process is similar to the
spring-loaded pilot chute. This configuration came into
popularity in the mid 1970s and is now the primary
Figure 2-38. MA-1 pilot chute.
method of deployment in skydiving.
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:55 AM Page 2-15

in container design and the increased use of AADs. Both Today the primary location is an elastic/Spandex® pocket
of these require better pilot chutes than in the past. mounted on the bottom of the main container (BOC).
[Figure 2-41]
One example for reserve use is the Magnum® pilot chute The second type is the pull-out pilot chute (POP) config-
designed by National Parachute Industries. [Figure 2-39] uration. This design has the pilot chute packed in the con-
With its unique shape, it provides maximum drag at low tainer, which is locked with a straight locking pin
speeds such as are experienced during cutaways. Its attached to a short lanyard and handle. [Figure 2-42] This
design has been licensed by other manufacturers for use handle is usually mounted on the bottom corner of the
in their assemblies. Additional designs include the Vector
II reserve pilot chute and the Stealth pilot chute. The
Vector II design is a “ballute” configuration that elimi-
nates the use of mesh. In the event of an unstable launch
on its side, the mass of fabric is sufficient to lift the pilot
chute and deploy the parachute. The Stealth pilot chute
uses a conventional mesh design but has a unique
spring/cap configuration that allows the pilot chute to vir-
tually disappear when packed, hence the name.


The hand deploy pilot chute was invented by Bill Booth
in 1976. There are two types of hand deploy designs. One
is the throw-out pilot chute (TOP) configuration. This is
the type where the pilot chute pulls the locking pin
located on the bridle. [Figure 2-40] The original design
had the pilot chute pouch mounted on the belly band.

Figure 2-40. TOP bridle/pin configuration.

Figure 2-41. BOC pocket location.

Figure 2-39. Magnum pilot chute.

Figure 2-42. POP handle and lanyard.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-16

main container. The parachutist grasps the handle and altitude of approximately 750 feet AGL and exceeds a
pulls the locking pin from the locking loop and brings the rate of descent of 115 feet per second.
pilot chute into the airstream. The handle is usually
attached to the bottom of the pilot chute and as soon as The CYPRES® consists of three parts: (1) the battery and
the chute enters the airstream, the handle is pulled from processing unit, (2) the control unit, and (3) the cutter.
the parachutist’s hand. This makes for a positive deploy- [Figure 2-43] The processing unit is generally located in
ment. The main drawback to this system is losing the han- a stowage pouch installed in the reserve container of the
dle due to it being dislodged while moving around in the parachute system. [Figure 2-44] The control unit is con-
aircraft or in the air. tained in a vinyl pocket located either under the pin pro-
tector flap or in the upper backpad area. [Figure 2-45]
Safety considerations have led to the development
of automatic activation devices and reserve static line
systems. These devices allow for automatic deployment
of the main or reserve parachutes in the event of
an emergency.


Automatic activation devices (AADs) are devices which
activate the parachute automatically. Modern systems
combine a barometric sensor with a rate of descent sensor
so that the system is fully automatic once turned on and
calibrated. The activation may be by either pulling the Figure 2-43. CYPRES®.
ripcord pin(s) or cutting the locking loop(s), causing the
pilot chute to release. Most older models use a mechani-
cal or pyrotechnic pin pulling technique. Newer models
use a pyrotechnic loop cutting design.

For many years, AADs were primarily used by the mili-

tary and student parachutists. The designs were bulky,
expensive, and, to a degree, inconsistent. The installations
themselves were cumbersome and awkward. In the early
1990s a new generation of AADs became available. The
CYbernetic Parachute RElease System (CYPRES®) uses
modern parachute release technology. It is small, reliable,
computer based, and uses a pyrotechnic loop cutter. It has
an auto-off feature that turns the unit off after 14 hours of
operation to conserve power. It also has the ability to cal-
ibrate the unit for operation at altitudes other than the cal-
Figure 2-44. CYPRES® container pouch.
ibrating ground level. Based on these concepts, other
companies have developed similar systems and as a
result, changed the approach to the design and use of
AADs. Today, most sport parachutists use an AAD and
some countries mandate their use by all parachutists.

The following describes the operation and installation

requirements of the CYPRES® model AAD. Most other
designs are compatible with the CYPRES® installation

The CYPRES® system is a barometrically controlled
microprocessor that activates a pyrotechnic cutter that
cuts the container locking loop. When calibrated to
ground level, the barometric sensor activates the unit fir-
ing the cutter when the descending parachutist reaches an
Figure 2-45. CYPRES® control unit vinyl pocket.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-17

cause an immediate activation of the reserve as the main

parachute disconnects and moves away from the para-

In the last few years, as canopy design has resulted in

smaller and more sensitive canopies, many parachutists
have elected not to use an RSL. The rationale is that in a
violently spinning malfunction, which some of these
highly loaded canopies are prone to do, it is preferable to
cutaway and regain stability prior to pulling the reserve.
This reduces the chance of an entanglement with the
deploying reserve. While this scenario has happened, it is
a rare occurrence. Statistics show that many lives have
Figure 2-46. CYPRES® cutter location. been saved by using an RSL.
The cutter(s) may be located at the base of the pilot chute RSL DESIGNS
or on a flap over the pilot chute. [Figure 2-46] Each para- There are four primary design configurations of RSLs in
chute system has its own particular requirements, and it is use today.
imperative that the rigger have the appropriate manuals
for installation. 1. A single side RSL where the lanyard is attached
to only one main riser, usually the left
RESERVE STATIC LINE SYSTEMS side. [Figure 2-47] Only the one side is required
A reserve static line (RSL) system is a backup device for to release to activate the system. This is the
activating the reserve after a cutaway is performed. It most common design in use today due to
usually consists of a line, webbing, or cable, which con- its simplicity.
nects one or both main risers to the reserve handle, hous-
ing, or cable. The most common design used today has a
ring through which the reserve ripcord cable is routed.
The riser end attaches to a ring on the riser(s) with a snap
shackle for quick release capability. When the risers are
jettisoned, the lanyard pulls the cable, releasing the rip-
cord pin(s), and activates the reserve. This results in a
minimum loss of altitude during the cutaway procedure.
The use of an RSL has saved many lives over the years
due to low cutaways.

Though originally developed in 1964, the RSL concept

did not become popular until the advent of student piggy-
back systems and ram-air canopies. Through the use of an
RSL system, the student parachutist need only pull the
canopy release handle in the event of a partial malfunc- Figure 2-47. Single side RSL configuration.
tion, and the main canopy is cutaway and the reserve acti-
2. A dual side RSL where both main risers are con-
vates. In 1990, the Parachute Industry Association urged
nected with a cross connector which is in turn
manufacturers to include RSLs as a standard feature on connected to the RSL lanyard. [Figure 2-48]
all harness/container systems. Many did and this resulted Both risers need to be released for the system to
in an increase of RSL use for several years. function.
In recent years and with the widespread acceptance of
newer types of AADs, many parachutists feel that they no
longer need an RSL. In reality, both systems complement
each other. The AAD functions if the individual does not
activate the main parachute. However, it is altitude and
rate of descent (ROD) dependent. Below a certain alti-
tude, if the ROD is not met, the AAD will not function.
Consequently, if a cutaway is performed below the activa-
tion altitude, it may take some time for the descending
parachutist to reach the ROD necessary to initiate activa-
tion, thereby necessitating rapid manual activation of the
reserve. However, if an RSL is also installed, it would Figure 2-48. Dual side RSL configuration.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-18

3. The LOR system developed by the French. This ation to the original design, the rigger needs approval
incorporates two lanyards, one from each riser, either from the manufacturer or the FAA.
that are attached to individual curved pins that
secure the reserve container with a dual locking Because of the nature of the RSL system, it is imperative
loop. [Figure 2-49] Both risers must be released that the rigger thoroughly understands the individual con-
for the system to function. cepts. Unless he/she understands this, and has the
required manufacturer’s instructions, the rigger should
not attempt to assemble and pack a system with an RSL
installation. The following describes the basic design and
function of a single side RSL installation on a one-pin
reserve container.


The main risers must have an attachment location for the
lanyard. In this example, a small ring is installed near the
lower hardware end of the riser on the inboard side.
[Figure 2-51] It is desirable to locate the ring as close to
the lower end as possible so that the pivot arc of the riser
does not load the lanyard. This allows the riser end of the
lanyard end to be as short as possible. If there is excess
lanyard, it is difficult to stow and it is possible for the lan-
yard to become snagged and unseated. It is important that
the correct risers with attachment ring be installed. While
many risers have a ring installation, not all are installed at
the correct location. Consequently, the lanyard length
will not match the factory dimensions. This can result in
premature reserve activation when the main is deployed.

Figure 2-49. LOR system.

4. The Collins Lanyard/Skyhook™ system. This

design utilizes a special lanyard which is
attached to the bridle of the reserve free bag.
[Figure 2-50] Cutting away results in the free
bag being pulled directly out of the container by
Figure 2-51. Main riser RSL ring attachment.
the main risers and results in very little altitude
Most RSL lanyard designs have a snap shackle or similar
release device mounted at the riser end of the lanyard.
[Figure 2-52] This allows the user to disconnect the lan-
yard under certain circumstances. The most common one
involves landing in high winds where the parachutist may

Figure 2-50. SkyhookTM system.

Since the early 1990s, most (if not all) manufacturers pro-
vide an RSL installation on their equipment either as stan-
dard or optional. If the rigger has a system without an
RSL and the owner wishes to have one installed, the rig-
ger should check with the manufacturer as to the avail-
ability of a retrofit kit or return it to the manufacturer for
installation. Because the installation of an RSL is an alter-
Figure 2-52. Snap shackle on RSL lanyard.
CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-19

wish to cutaway the main canopy to prevent being yard is stiffened with a short piece of coated cable and
dragged. If the lanyard were not released, the reserve stowed in two pockets located on the yoke area. [Figure
would be deployed as the main is cutaway. 2-55] It is secure and has no wear points. The ripcord end
of the lanyard is routed to the dual guide ring attachment
RIPCORD CABLE ROUTING location and the ripcord cable routed through the rings.
The routing of the ripcord cable from the handle to the [Figure 2-56] The ripcord cable is then routed to the
pin determines where the lanyard connects to the cable. reserve closing loop.
Most RSL attachments connect with the ripcord cable
either at the yoke area or just above the ripcord pin.
Generally, there is a double ring installation where the
cable end of the lanyard is located. [Figure 2-53] On this
particular installation, the connection is at the shoulder
yoke area.

Figure 2-55. RSL lanyard without Velcro®.

Figure 2-53. Double ring container installation.


These two components are interactive. That is, the design
of the container directly affects the design of the lanyard.
Once the two above locations are determined, then the
routing of the lanyard can be completed. It was originally
thought that the lanyard should have a long length to
allow acceleration during activation to pull the ripcord
cable. This has not proven to be true and most manufac-
turers keep their lanyards as short as possible to prevent
snagging and easier stowing. Figure 2-56. Ripcord cable routing thru rings.

In the past, a Velcro® pathway was used for routing the

Figure 2-57 shows the RSL lanyard and ripcord cable at
lanyard. This was either on the shoulder yoke or the
the moment of riser extension and just as the cable is
reserve riser. Experience has shown that the use of
Velcro® generally results in high wear and eventual dam-
age to the webbing. [Figure 2-54] On this design, the lan-

Figure 2-54. RSL Velcro® riser damage. Figure 2-57. RSL lanyard extension.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-20

loaded. A point that the rigger should be aware of is the • Fabric—The weight and weave of the fabric affects
“pigtail” configuration of the reserve ripcord that results the type of junction used.
from the use of the RSL. [Figure 2-58] Because of the
sliding of the ring along the ripcord cable, a curling effect • Thread type—This is affected by the weight of the
is imparted to the cable. This is a clear indication that the fabric. Generally, the lighter the fabric, the smaller
RSL lanyard activated the reserve. The rigger should the thread used. Accordingly, a smaller needle is
carefully inspect the ripcord cable for any broken strands. used in order not to damage the weave of the fabric.

• Stitch type—This is determined by the type of seam

needed for the design. For the French fell seam nor-
mally used in joining the panels of a canopy, the 301
straight stitch is used.

• Stitches per inch—This has a direct correlation to

the size of the thread used and the stitch type. There
is a fine balance between the security of the seam
and overstitching. Too many stitches per inch will
Figure 2-58. Ripcord cable pigtail.
dramatically affect the strength of the seam by perfo-
rating the material. The number of rows of stitching
also affects this. While more rows generally increase
If any are found, the ripcord should be replaced. If not, the strength of the seam, too many perforate the
the cable can be straightened and returned to service. material as well.

With the single side RSL, it is imperative that the main • Thread tension—As lighter fabric and thread are
riser with the RSL attachment leave after the opposite used, the thread tension balance becomes more
riser. If the opposite riser stays connected while the important.
RSL deploys the reserve, there is the possibility of a
main/reserve entanglement. To ensure the correct staging • Reinforcing—The addition of reinforcing through
the use of tapes, cords, etc., adds to the strength of
the seam. However, their use may also reduce the
elasticity of the seam at the same time.

Some of the previous factors also can affect heavier mate-

rials such as tapes and webbings. In working with web-
bings in harness design, most construction methods have
tended to overbuild the junctions. This has been done pri-
marily because the materials have readily accepted heav-
ier threads and stitch patterns.

An area that needs to be addressed is that of restitching

Figure 2-59. Cutaway cable length differential.
webbing. Until recently, there was not much study done
to determine how much strength is lost in this process.
G.S. Dunker, a parachute engineer, conducted a study
of the cutaway, the release cable of the RSL side must be that evaluated the variables introduced when restitching
longer than the cable on the opposite riser. A minimum of webbing junctions. Some of these variables included the
1" is the standard differential. [Figure 2-59] following:

JOINT EFFICIENCY • The treatment or conditioning of the webbing.

Joint efficiency is the percentage of the measurement of Condition R webbing has a resin treatment to make
strength when applied to the junction or fabrication of two it stiffer as opposed to condition U or untreated
or more materials. An example is the cross seam in a webbing.
canopy gore where two panels of fabric are joined. The
strength of the seam needs to be greater than the strength • The size and condition of the needle used in the
of the fabric. To achieve this, there are several factors that sewing. Larger needles make larger holes. A blunt
need to be considered in the design. These include the fol- needle or one whose point is damaged will do more
lowing: damage to the webbing and weaken it.

• The size of the thread used.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-21

• The stitch pattern used and length. A W-W pattern is between the first and second re-sewn sample, with
stronger than a box X pattern. approximately an eight percent decrease in the strength of
the junction. There was minimal drop in strength in suc-
• The number of times the webbing is re-sewn. ceeding tests. Initial conclusions were that if the disas-
sembly process was done carefully with little damage
All of these affect the ultimate strength of the webbing
done to the webbing, the re-sewing process had minimal
junction or stitch pattern. Taking into consideration the
effect on the ultimate strength of the re-sewn junction.
above variables, tests were conducted in measuring the
The study is titled “The Prediction of Junction Efficiency
strength of a simple lap junction. The results showed that
for Parachute Harnesses: Experimentations in Breaking
there was little difference between the un-sewn sample
Strengths and Wear Characteristics,” Arizona State
and the first re-sewn test. The greatest difference was
University, May 2001.

CH 02.qxd 5/13/05 7:56 AM Page 2-22

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-1

The correct identification and use of the various materials system has proven the most readily available and
in parachute manufacturing and repair are of vital accepted method.
importance to all riggers. Just as important as acquiring
knowledge of tools and machines, the language of materi- In recent years, the Government has been accepting more
als is a necessary part of a rigger’s job comprehension. In commercial specifications in lieu of MIL-SPEC items. In
doing repairs or alterations, the rigger must be able to 2002, the Parachute Industry Association (PIA) adopted
identify the types of materials used in order to duplicate approximately 270 parachute related specifications,
the original manufacture or ensure the correct level of drawings, standards, and test methods. The PIA takes
safety necessary. Some materials may look similar, but responsibility for the continued maintenance and revision
there can be subtle differences between them that make a of these specifications. As the specifications are revised,
major difference in their strength or durability. they keep their original identification number, but the PIA
prefix precedes them. For instance, MIL-W-4088 web-
It is not the intent of this chapter to present information bing becomes PIA-W-4088. Through the involvement of
on every type of material or hardware ever used in para- the PIA Specifications Committee, the revised specifica-
chutes. For those materials used in obsolete or military tions, including new digital drawings, are made available
surplus parachutes, there are reference sources, such as to the industry.
The Parachute Manual by Poynter, for the rigger to use to
identify older materials. The intent of this chapter is to The MIL-SPEC or PIA-SPEC system of identification
present as much information as possible on the modern consists of the initial letters MIL or PIA with a middle
materials used in today’s parachute systems. letter such as W for webbing or wire, then the identifica-
tion or serial number of the specification. In addition,
Most riggers operate quite successfully at a basic level of there may be a revision letter such as A, B, C, D, etc. In
material knowledge. There are certain materials that are the case of PIA-W-4088D, this is the fourth revision.
in common use on most parachute systems, and in deal-
ing with these on a regular basis, the rigger becomes very The materials and hardware listed herein are only a small
familiar with their use and characteristics. It is necessary part of those available but the most commonly used in the
that the rigger know their correct type, nomenclature, majority of today’s rigging profession. By learning the
strength, and common use. In dealing with other riggers, specifications and uses of these materials, the rigger
manufacturers, and suppliers, the rigger is then able to establishes a sound basis for the repair and maintenance
identify the referenced material in order to obtain the of modern parachutes.
appropriate repair part or describe the use of the material
to others. All of this is part of the parachute “language”
To promote the latest specifications, the PIA nomenclature
required for the rigger to operate under.
is called out unless otherwise noted. In the past, the com-
SPECIFICATIONS mon method to denote the various types of webbings,
cords, etc., was to use the Roman numeral for the type (i.e.,
All certificated parachute systems built under
Government approval programs require most, if not all, Type VIII for Ty-8, Type XVII for Ty-17, etc.). For this
materials used in their construction to have some form of book, the standard is the Arabic numeral (i.e., Ty-7, etc.).
specification approval. The most common of these sys-
tems is the military specification (MIL-SPEC) system. Many of the figures in this chapter use a neutral back-
In addition, there are other Government specifications, ground with an XY grid for reference. The numbers are
such as Federal Standards, and commercial specifications one-inch increments for a proportional reference.
in use. The MIL-SPEC system is the one with which most
riggers are familiar. Contrary to popular perception, not FABRICS
all materials for use in parachute manufacturing must be Fabrics for use in the manufacturing of parachutes are
MIL-SPEC. Any specification may be used, providing the predominately nylon. The major differences include the
manufacturer can prove compliance with this specifica- weave, weight, and finish. The various types of materials
tion, and that the specification is acceptable to the FAA include canopy fabric, pack cloths, mesh, elastic fabrics,
for use in the parachute system. As a rule, the MIL-SPEC stiffener materials, and foams.
CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-2

Canopy fabrics are primarily ripstop nylon. Ripstop

weave is a plain weave with heavier threads woven into
the material resulting in a boxlike pattern. The heavier
thread inhibits the tearing process and results in stronger
fabrics. [Figures 3-1 through 3-6]

Figure 3-1. Cloth, parachute, nylon, Ty-1. Figure 3-3. Cloth, parachute, nylon, Ty-1, Lo-Po, .5-3
Specification: PIA-C-7020, 1.1 oz cfm.
Tear/breaking Specification: PIA-C-44378, 1.12 oz
strength: 5 lb/42 lb Tear/breaking
Identification: 120 x 120 balanced weave strength: 5 lb/45 lb
Common use: 24', 26', 28' military canopies Identification: Ripstop nylon
Comment: Standard colors: white, orange, olive Common use: Ram-air canopies and some round
green, sand reserves
Comment: F-111™, Exacta-chute™

Figure 3-2. Cloth, parachute, nylon, Ty-3, 30-50 cfm. Figure 3-4. Cloth, parachute, nylon, Ty-1, zero
Specification: PIA-C-44378, 1.2 oz porosity.
Tear/strength: 5 lb/45 lb Specification: Commercial, 1.13 oz, 0 cfm, silicone
Identification: Ripstop nylon
Common use: Lopo reserve canopies strength: 12.6 lb/43 lb
Comment: N/A Identification: Ripstop nylon
Common use: Sport main canopies and some
Comment: Trade names include Zero P3™,
CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-3

The composition of most containers is from either nylon

duck (para-pak) for military systems or Cordura® for
sport systems. Most sport containers also utilize a thin
foam lining on the inside of the flaps to smooth out the
fabric and absorb wear and tear. Other fabrics, such as
mesh, Spandex®, and ballistic fabric, serve specialized
purposes. [Figures 3-7 through 3-15]

Figure 3-5. Cloth, netting, nylon (marquisette). Figure 3-7. Cloth, duck, nylon (para-pak).
Specification: PIA-C-26643 Specification: PIA-C-7219 class 3, 7.25 oz, 420
Tear/breaking denier
strength: 3 lb/25-35 lb Tear/breaking
Identification: N/A strength: 20 lb/275-325 lb
Common use: Military pilot chutes Identification: 1-1 plain weave
Comment: Ph: 6-8 Common use: Military containers
Comment: Commercial para-pak is 400 denier
with a urethane coating on the inside.

Figure 3-6. Cloth, mesh, large hole, nylon. Figure 3-8. Cloth, nylon, Cordura®.
Specification: Commercial, No. 94040 Specification: MIL-C-43734, class 3
Strength: N/A Strength: 1000 denier
Identification: N/A Identification: N/A
Common use: Sport pilot chutes, some round Common use: Sport and military container systems
reserves Comment: Has a urethane coating on the inside.
Comment: Ph: 6-8, 96" wide

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-4

Figure 3-9. Cloth, nylon, Cordura®. Figure 3-11. Elastic fabric, Spandex®.
Specification: MIL-C-43734 Specification: Commercial
Strength: 500 denier Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A Identification: N/A
Common use: Sport container systems Common use: Main pilot chute pockets
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A

Figure 3-10. Cloth, duck, nylon, ballistic. Figure 3-12. Pressure sensitive adhesive tape —
Specification: PIA-C-3953, class 2 ripstop tape.
Strength: 1100 lb, 20 oz/yd Specification: PIA-T-43618
Identification: 3 x 4 basket weave Strength: 60-75 lb
Common use: Stiffening material for containers Identification: Ripstop weave fabric with adhesive
backing, various colors
Comment: Uses a melamine resin for stiffness.
Common use: Field canopy repair
Comment: May degrade canopy fabric over time.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-5

Figure 3-15. Oxford cloth, 200 denier.

Figure 3-13. Foam, Volara®. Specification: Commercial
Specification: Commercial Strength: N/A
Strength: N/A Identification: Taffeta weave
Identification: N/A Common use: Reserve deployment bags
Common use: Padding for leg and back pads Comment: N/A
Comment: Various thicknesses: 1/8" and 3/16"
most common.

Figure 3-14. Foam, ester liner.

Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A
Identification: 1/8" thickness
Common use: Lining of container systems
Comment: Bonded to various fabrics such as
Oxford cloth.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-6


While many webbing and tapes have the same specifica-
tions, they still have different designations. The differ-
ence is a common rule of thumb where anything 1" or
wider and over 1000-lb strength is webbing. Anything
less is a tape. There are, however, some examples that fall
outside of this criterion.

The primary use for webbing is for load bearing purposes

such as harnesses and risers. Tapes are for use as support
and reinforcing for canopies and containers. Most web-
bing and tapes, when manufactured, are left in their natu-
ral, untreated condition (condition U), or treated with a
synthetic resin named Merlon, for stiffness (condition R).
Figure 3-17. 3" Ty-4 Tape.
A newer treatment, called “Ecco,” is similar to a light con-
Specification: PIA-W-4088
dition R. This is a newer treatment that is ecologically
friendlier than using Merlon. It also results in a medium Strength: 1800 lb
stiffness that is easier to sew. This is for use primarily in Identification: 2/2 HB twill, 3" width, some slider
the lighter weight tapes such as 3/4" Ty-3. [Figures 3-16 edge tapes
through 3-31] Common use: Confluence wraps, container rein-
Comment: Not to be confused with 5038 Ty-4
square weave.

Figure 3-16. 9/16" Ty-1 Tape. Figure 3-18. Ty-6 Webbing.

Specification: PIA-W-4088 Specification: PIA-W-4088
Strength: 500 lb Strength: 2500 lb
Identification: 2/2 HB twill, 9/16" width, no color Identification: 2/2 HB twill, 1 23/32" width, red cen-
code terline
Common use: Stow band retainer loops on main Common use: Buffer strips, harness attachment
deployment bags straps on Navy containers
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-7

Figure 3-19. Ty-7 Webbing. Figure 3-21. Ty-12 Webbing.

Specification: PIA-W-4088 Specification: PIA-W-4088
Strength: 6000 lb Strength: 1200 lb
Identification: Double plain weave, 1 23/32" width, Identification: 2/2 HB twill, 1 23/32" width, red lines
with yellow lines at each selvage edge at each selvage
Common use: Modern sport harness, risers Common use: Harness buffers, confluence wraps
Comment: More widely used than Ty-13 and Comment: N/A
more colors available.

Figure 3-20. Ty-8 Webbing. Figure 3-22. Ty-13 Webbing.

Specification: PIA-W-4088 Specification: PIA-W-4088
Strength: 4000 lb Strength: 7000 lb
Identification: 2/2 HB twill, 1 23/32" width, black Identification: Double plain weave, 1 23/32" width,
centerline and black lines at each selvage edge
Common use: Main risers, harness construction Common use: Sport harnesses, military harnesses
Comment: One of the most common webbings in Comment: N/A
use today.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-8

Figure 3-23. Ty-17 Webbing. Figure 3-25. Ty-4 Tape.

Specification: PIA-W-4088 Specification: PIA-T-5038
Strength: 2500 lb Strength: A. 1/2", 550 lb; B. 1", 1000 lb;
Identification: 2/2 HB twill, 1" width, no color code C. 1 1/2", 1500 lb
Common use: Sport main risers, chest straps, carry Identification: Plain weave, various widths
handles Common use: Bridles, reinforcing, buffers
Comment: N/A Comment: One of the most versatile tapes avail-
able, called “square weave.”

Figure 3-24. Ty-3 Tape. Figure 3-26. Tubular webbing.

Specification: PIA-T-5038 Specification: PIA-W-5625
Strength: A. 3/8", 200 lb; B. 3/4", 400 lb; C. 1", Strength: A. 1/2", 1000 lb; B. 5/8", 2250 lb;
525 lb C. 1", 4000 lb
Identification: Ribbon weave, various widths as Identification: Various widths, yellow or black lines
above at the center or edges
Common use: Binding tape, canopy-reinforcing Common use: Bridles, static lines
tapes, and line attachment tapes Comment: N/A
Comment: One of the most common tapes in use;
condition U, R, and Ecco are the cur-
rent treatments.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-9

Figure 3-27. Ty-1, 1" Parachute construction tape. Figure 3-29. Tape, nylon, 3".
Specification: PIA-T-6134 Specification: Commercial, No. 7282
Strength: 525 lb Strength: N/A
Identification: Plain tubular, 1" width, black line at Identification: Black dotted line down center of tape
center Common use: Slider reinforcing
Common use: Lower lateral bands for round canopies Comment: N/A
Comment: N/A

Figure 3-28. Tape, polyester, 2". Figure 3-30. Kevlar® tape.

Specification: Commercial, No. 1655 Specification: PIA-T-87130
Strength: 1200 lb Strength: A. 550 lb; B. 525 lb; C. 3000 lb
Identification: Herringbone weave, 2" Identification: N/A
Common use: Reserve free bag bridles Common use: Tandem drogue bridles, canopy rein-
Comment: N/A forcing
Comment: A. Ty-1 Class 2; B. Ty-6 Class 2;
C. Ty-9 Class 5.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:02 AM Page 3-10

Figure 3-31. Cotton elastic webbing. Figure 3-33. Cord, nylon, Ty-1a.
Specification: PIA-W-5664 Specification: PIA-C-7515
Strength: N/A Strength: 400 lb
Identification: A. 1 1/2"; B. 1" Identification: Braided line
Common use: Harness keepers and ripcord pockets Common use: Several sport round reserves
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A


The most common uses of cord and lines are the suspen-
sion lines of the canopy. There are many different types in
use. Today, the most common are nylon, Dacron, and
Spectra®. The rigger needs to know the different types
and their uses. Each may have special techniques to work
with them. [Figures 3-32 through 3-42]

Figure 3-32. Cord, nylon, Ty-2 and Ty-3. Figure 3-34. Cord, Dacron.
Specification: PIA-C-5040 Specification: Commercial
Strength: A. 400 lb; B. 550 lb Strength: A. 400 lb; B. 500 lb; C. 600 lb;
Identification: Sheath and core construction D. 900 lb
Common use: Ty-2 used on T-10 canopies; Ty-3 used Identification: Braided hollow line
on 24" and 28" canopies Common use: Ram-air canopies
Comment: A. Ty-2; B. Ty-3 Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-11

Figure 3-35. Cord, Kevlar®. Figure 3-37. Cord, Spectra®.

Specification: PIA-C-87129 Specification: Commercial
Strength: 700 lb Strength: 300 lb
Identification: Braided, untreated Identification: Braided, untreated
Common use: Early ram-air canopies Common use: CYPRES® closing loops
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A

Figure 3-36. Cord, Spectra®. Figure 3-38. Cord, Vectran® LCP.

Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial
Strength: A. 725 lb; B. 940 lb; C. 1800 lb Strength: A. 1000 lb; B. 1600 lb
Identification: Braided line Identification: Braided
Common use: Modern ram-air canopies Common use: Strong tandem main canopies
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-12

Figure 3-39. Cord, elastic. Figure 3-41. A. Thread, cotton, 24/4; B. Thread, cot-
Specification: MIL-C-5650 ton, 3-cord.
Strength: N/A Specification: V-T-276
Identification: 1/8" diameter Strength: A. 4.5 lb; B. 16 lb
Common use: Safety Stows on free bag systems Identification: N/A
Comment: Commonly known as “shockcord.” Common use: 24/4 sealing reserves,
3-cord-hand tacking, break tackings
Comment: N/A

Figure 3-40. Thread, nylon. Figure 3-42. Thread, nylon, flat braided (supertack).
Specification: V-T-295 Specification: MIL-T-43435
Strength: A. E/8.5 lb; B. FF/16 lb; C. 3 cord/24 Strength: 80-90 lb
lb; D. 5 cord/40 lb Identification: Black or white colors
Identification: As marked Common use: Hand tacking
Common use: E thread for canopy and general Comment: N/A
FF for container reinforcing
3 cord for light harness construction
5 cord for general harness construction
Comment: These are the most common threads

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-13

Hardware, as defined in the context of parachutes, is “all
metal parts associated with parachutes, their systems, and
their suspended loads.” Most riggers identify hardware as
the snaps, adapters, rings, links, and releases commonly
used on harnesses. In addition to these components, other
hardware includes items such as lightweight links and
snaps, ripcords and handles, stiffeners, grommets,
springs, and snap fasteners. [Figures 3-44 through 3-78]

Most load bearing hardware consists of drop forged alloy

steel, sheet alloy steel, or forged aluminum alloy.
Lightweight hardware may be stamped from the sheet Figure 3-44. Snap, B-12.
alloy steel, or in rare instances, cast. The majority of the Specification: MS22044
load bearing hardware is forged carbon steel with either Proof load: 2500 lb
cadmium or zinc plating. Identification: As marked
Common use: Leg snaps on sport harnesses, USAF
In recent years, there has been a movement to produce B-12 assembly
newer design hardware of stainless steel. This removes Comment: Used with small frame adjustable “V”
the problem of plating and the environmental problems ring.
associated with it. However, stainless is harder on the
forging dies and the finishing processes take longer.
Consequently, stainless hardware is generally more
expensive than carbon steel.

All specification hardware has the appropriate number

stamped or marked on it. The MS prefix is on those with
the MIL-SPEC certification. All with the newer PIA certi-
fication have the mark with the PS (Parachute Standards)
prefix. [Figure 3-43] Most of the current hardware has the
mark with the MS prefix. As current stocks deplete, the
mark on new production is with the PS prefix.

Figure 3-43. Parachute standards Figure 3-45. Ejector snap, non-adjustable.

marking example. Specification: MS22017
Proof load: 2500 lb
Identification: As marked
Common use: Military harnesses
Comment: Use with large frame “V” rings.

CH 03.qxd 5/18/05 12:46 PM Page 3-14

Figure 3-46. Snap, quick fit. Figure 3-48. Snap, parachute chest type pack.
Specification: MS22043 Specification: MS70121
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 5000 lb
Identification: As marked Identification: As marked
Common use: Aviator emergency parachute system Common use: Army troop reserves
Comment: Snap portion is the same as the B-12 Comment: Must be mated with the larger “D”
snap. rings for both compatibility and

Figure 3-47. Snap, quick fit ejector. Figure 3-49. Snap, quick connector, parachute
Specification: MS22018 harness.
Proof load: 2500 lb Specification: MS22042
Identification: As marked Proof load: 5000 lb
Common use: Navy NB-6 and NB-8 assemblies Identification: As marked
Comment: Do not use with shallow frame “V” Common use: Navy chest assemblies, strong tandem
ring. passenger harness
Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-15

Figure 3-50. “D” ring harness, old style. Figure 3-52. “V” ring, quick fit, shallow frame.
Specification: MS22046-1 Specification: MS70113
Proof load: 5000 lb Proof load: 2500 lb
Identification: As marked Identification: As marked
Common use: Army T-10 harness Common use: B4 harnesses
Comment: N/A Comment: Do not use with quick ejector snaps.

Figure 3-51. “D” ring harness, new style. Figure 3-53. “V” ring, quick fit, large frame.
Specification: 11-1-485 Specification: MS27765
Proof load: 5000 lb Proof load: 2500 lb
Identification: As marked Identification: As marked
Common use: MC1-1B assemblies Common use: Used with ejector snaps
Comment: Replaces old style D ring MS22046-1. Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-16

Figure 3-54. Adapter, quick fit, small frame. Figure 3-56. Adapter, quick fit, reversible.
Specification: MS70114 Specification: MS22019
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 2500 lb
Identification: As marked Identification: As marked
Common use: Military harnesses, sport harnesses Common use: Navy harnesses
Comment: N/A Comment: Does not grip as well as MS70114 and

Figure 3-55. Adapter, quick fit, large frame. Figure 3-57. Adapter, 2 piece.
Specification: MS22040 Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 2500 lb, stainless steel
Identification: As marked Identification: SP-888
Common use: Military harnesses, sport harness Common use: Sport harness leg strap adapters
thread-thru leg strap configuration Comment: Manufactured by Wichard in France.
Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-17

Figure 3-58. Adapter, quick fit. Figure 3-60. Adapter, quick fit, 1".
Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial spec
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 500 lb
Identification: DJ-SSA, stainless steel Identification: As marked
Common use: Harness and leg strap adapters Common use: Sport harness chest straps
Comment: A smaller version of the MS70114 Comment: Mates well with Ty-17 webbing.

Figure 3-59. Adapter, quick fit, lightweight. Figure 3-61. Adapter, quick fit release.
Specification: MS70101 Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 500 lb Proof load: 13 kn
Identification: As marked Identification: As marked
Common use: Sport harness chest straps Common use: Chest adapter release
Comment: Very common; many uses. Comment: Forged aluminum.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-18

Figure 3-62. Link, removable connector. Figure 3-64. Link, Rapide®.

Specification: MS22002 Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 3000 lb Proof load/
SWL: As marked on the link
Identification: As marked
Identification: “Mallion Rapide®” markings
Common use: C-9 canopies
Common use: Ram-air canopies, modern round
Comment: N/A reserves
Comment: A. No. 6; B. No. 5; C. No. 4;
D. No. 3.5.

Figure 3-63. Link, removable connector, speed. Figure 3-65. Release, parachute canopy quick discon-
Specification: MS22021 nect, Capewell.
Proof load: 3000 lb Specification: 60B4312 (assembly)
Identification: As marked Proof load: 5000 lb
Common use: Navy and Air Force canopies Identification: As marked
Comment: N/A Common use: Military harnesses
Comment: A. 60B4313/female.
B. 60J4328/male.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-19

Figure 3-66. Ring, harness, 3-ring. Figure 3-68. Ring, riser, small, 3-ring.
Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 250 lb
Identification: RW-1, 445 Identification: RW-3
Common use: 3-ring release systems Common use: 3-ring release systems
Comment: No. 445 shown. Comment: Upper riser ring.

Figure 3-67. Ring, riser, middle, 3-ring. Figure 3-69. Ring, riser, mini, 3-ring.
Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 500 lb Proof load: 250 lb
Identification: RW-2 Identification: RW-4
Common use: 3-ring release systems Common use: 3-ring release systems
Comment: Bottom riser ring. Comment: Small ring of mini 3-ring systems,
riser guide rings.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-20

Figure 3-70. Ring, harness, tandem. Figure 3-72. Ring, harness, “O”.
Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 5000 lb Proof load: 2500 lb
Identification: N/A Identification: 5010
Common use: Tandem harness assemblies Common use: Articulated harness ring, tandem
Comment: Manufactured by Parachutes de France drogue release
and Strong Enterprises. Comment: N/A

Figure 3-71. Ring, harness, replaceable, 3-ring. Figure 3-73. Ring, harness, mini.
Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 2500 lb
Identification: RW-6 Identification: 444, RW-8
Common use: Replaceable 3-ring harness ring Common use: 3-ring harness ring
Comment: Replaces soft RW-1/82 and 83 harness Comment: Sport harnesses.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:03 AM Page 3-21

Figure 3-74. Ring, quick fit. Figure 3-76. Snap, static line, old style.
Specification: Commercial Specification: MS-70120
Proof load: 2500 lb Proof load: 1750 lb
Identification: 555, RI-1 Identification: As marked
Common use: Sport student harness, pilot emergency Common use: Military and sport static lines
harness Comment: N/A
Comment: N/A

Figure 3-75. Snap shackle. Figure 3-77. Snap, static line, new style.
Specification: Commercial Specification: 11-1-6991-1
Proof load: A. Bronze, 800 lb; B. Stainless steel, Proof load: 1750 lb
1765 lb Identification: As marked
Identification: As marked Common use: Military static lines
Common use: RSL lanyard release Comment: N/A
Comment: Made in bronze and stainless steel.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-22

Figure 3-78. Soft link. Figure 3-80. Poylethylene, high density (HDPE).
Specification: N/A Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: As marked Identification: .040", .060"
Common use: Replacement for Rapide® links on Common use: Stiffeners in container systems
main and reserve canopies Comment: Used in older systems. Deforms
Comment: N/A easily.


The term “plastic” used here is a generic term for syn-
thetic materials. The use of these materials is primarily
for stiffeners in containers. They replace the metal stiff-
eners used in military systems. High density polyethylene
(HDPE) was the first material used followed by Lexan®.
Time has proven that moly disulfide (MDS) filled nylon
is superior to the other materials and has become the most
commonly used stiffener material. Today, the use of
Lexan® is primarily in clear windows in pin protector
flaps. [Figures 3-79 through 3-83]

Figure 3-79. Molydisulfide Nylon — MDS Figure 3-81. HDPE tubing, 1 1/2".
(Nylatron®). Specification: Commercial
Specification: Commercial Strength: N/A
Strength: N/A Identification: Orange color
Identification: .025", .040", .060" Common use: Hand deploy handles, pinless student
Common use: Stiffeners in container systems ripcords
Comment: The preferred material in modern con- Comment: N/A
tainer systems.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-23

Fasteners are various types of devices designed to hold
parts or components together or allow them to be held
open or closed. The most common designs are hook and
loop fasteners (Velcro®), snaps, grommets, and slide
fasteners (zippers).

Of all these, Velcro® and grommets play a major part in

parachute manufacture. The use of Velcro® is primarily
for protector flap closure designs, while grommets are for
use in pack closing systems. Both fasteners are subject to
extreme wear and tear in their normal use. Consequently,
routine maintenance involves the repair and replacement
Figure 3-82. Polycarbonate — Lexan®. of these items. [Figures 3-84 through 3-88]
Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A
Identification: .030", .060"
Common use: Windows in container systems, stiffen-
ers in older systems
Comment: Breaks easily.

Figure 3-83. Vinyl. Figure 3-84. Fastener tape, hook and pile, nylon
Specification: Commercial (Velcro®).
Strength: N/A Specification: PIA-F-21840
Identification: N/A Strength: Varies according to use and type
Common use: Transparent windows for CYPRES® Identification: Different widths from 5/8" to 3", 1"
control units most common
Comment: N/A Common use: Closure flaps, bridles, toggles
Comment: An extremely versatile fastener

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-24

Figure 3-85. DOT Fasteners, Durable. Figure 3-87. Grommets.

Specification: PIA-F-10884 Specification: MIL-G-16491
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A Identification: As marked
Common use: General purpose snap Common use: Container closure systems, 3-ring ris-
Comment: Open when pulled from any direction. ers, deployment bags
Comment: Rolled rim spur grommets are the
most common grommets used in
modern parachute systems.

Figure 3-86. DOT Fasteners, Pull-the-dot. Figure 3-88. Interlocking slide fasteners (zippers).
Specification: PIA-F-10884 Specification: V-F-106, AN229
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: Button marked with “pull-the-dot” Identification: N/A
markings Common use: Some military containers, carry bags,
Common use: Military container closure flaps jumpsuits
Comment: Open only when pulled from one Comment: Most modern zippers are nylon vs.
particular side. metal. Nylon comes in rolls and can
be cut to fit.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-25

Housings are spiral-wound flexible tubing. Almost all are
stainless steel. Their design is to route, house, and protect
the ripcord cable. They are anchored at the container end
and at the ripcord pocket or mount at the other end. Most
housings are compressible only, but some military hous-
ings used with seat parachutes are expandable as well.
With the advent of modern sport systems, smaller diame-
ter housing for ripcords is more common. In addition, the
3-ring release system has introduced an even smaller
housing for use with the coated release cables. Housings
are measured under slight tension. [Figures 3-89A
through 3-89C]
Figure 3-89B. Housing, flexible, ripcord.
Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A
Identification: ID approximately .26"
Common use: Most modern sport systems
Comment: Brass or steel ferrules.

Figure 3-89A. Housing, flexible, ripcord. Figure 3-89C. Housing, flexible, 3-ring.
Specification: PIA-H-7750 Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: ID approximately .375" Identification: .18" ID
Common use: Military parachute assemblies Common use: 3-ring release systems
Comment: N/A Comment: Brass ferrules.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-26


The standard ripcord used today on most parachute sys-
tems consists of a metal handle, stainless steel cable, a
terminal ball, and one or more pins swaged onto the cable.
The handles come in various shapes and sizes. The termi-
nal ball may be of several configurations such as a ball
and shank design. The pins usually are one of two basic
designs, either the elbow pin or the terminal pin. This
basic configuration is used primarily on reserve and emer-
gency parachute systems. Main ripcords may also consist
of plastic handles and nylon coated cable without pins.

On modern sport parachutes, the hand deploy pilot chute

replaced the conventional ripcord, by either throw-out or Figure 3-91. A. Pin, ripcord, terminal; B. Pin, rip-
pull-out. These configurations use the curved or straight cord, elbow.
locking pins attached to the pilot chute bridle. [Figures Specification: A. 55A6480
3-90 through 3-96] B. MS70107
Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A
Common use: Ripcords
Comment: N/A

Figure 3-90. Handle, steel, ripcord. Figure 3-92. A. Ball, terminal; B. Ball and shank.
Specification: MS70106 Specification: A. MS70093; B. MS20664
Strength: N/A Strength: A. 736 lb
Identification: As marked B. 920 lb
Common use: Ripcord assemblies Identification: N/A
Comment: A. Modern trapezoidal. Common use: Ripcords
B. Martin Baker. Comment: N/A
C. Helwedge.
D. Cloverleaf.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-27

Figure 3-93. 7x7 S/S cable. Figure 3-94B. Black pinless r/c cable.
Specification: MIL-W-5424 Specification: 1/16" 7x7 galvanized, nylon coated to
Strength: 920 lb 1/8"
Identification: N/A Strength: N/A
Common use: Ripcord cable Identification: Shiny black
Comment: N/A Common use: Pinless main ripcords for student sys-
Comment: The nylon coating is very hard to pre-
vent the loop from cutting into the

Figure 3-94A. Static line cable. Figure 3-94C. 3-ring cable.

Specification: 3/32" 7x7 galvanized, nylon coated to Specification: 1/16" 7x7 galvanized, Lolon F coated
5/32" to 1/8"
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: Translucent Identification: Yellow color
Common use: Main static line flex-pin, tandem Common use: 3-ring release cables
release cables Comment: Some are marked with “RW” on cable.
Comment: Softer nylon than the black cable.

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-28

The miscellaneous category includes remaining items
that do not fit in any of the other categories. [Figures
3-97 through 3-108]

Figure 3-95. Nicopress swage, 3/32" and 3/16".

Specification: N/A
Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A
Common use: 3-ring release cables and ripcord
Comment: A. 3/32"; B. 3/16"

Figure 3-96. A. Release pin, curved; B. Release pin, Figure 3-97. Cones.
straight. Specification: A. NPU 56-039
Specification: Commercial, stainless steel B. MS27763
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A Identification: MS27763 has three notches in the
Common use: A. Throw-out pilot chute bridles base.
B. Pull-out pilot chute bridles Common use: NPU 56-039 used with Navy
Comment: N/A stiffeners
MS27763 used on many different
Comment: MS27763 is the most common cone

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-29

Figure 3-98. A. Eyes; B. Hooks. Figure 3-100. Disc assembly, pilot chute ejector.
Specification: A. 43A21915 Specification: 53B7105
B. MS90295 Strength: N/A
Strength: N/A Identification: As marked
Identification: N/A Common use: Used with MA-1 pilot chutes
Common use: Military container systems and pack Comment: N/A
opening bands (POB)
Comment: These are the standard combination
used with POBs and eyes.

Figure 3-99. End tabs. Figure 3-101. Rubber bands, parachute suspension
Specification: A. AN 6572 line.
Specification: MIL-R-1832
B. MS70092
Strength: 45 lb new
Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A
Identification: N/A
Common use: Line stows
Common use: A. Navy seat packs
Comment: Commercial bands most common,
B. Army chest packs
several sizes.
Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-30

Figure 3-102. Clamp, housing, single. Figure 3-104. Stiffener, housing, Navy.
Specification: Commercial Specification: 60A113C29-1
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: 11.0R Identification: As marked
Common use: Securing ripcord housings Common use: NB-6 and NB-8 Navy back parachutes
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A

Figure 3-103. Clamp, housing, double. Figure 3-105. Stiffener, housing, Air Force.
Specification: Commercial Specification: 56C6392
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: 0809/2 Identification: As marked
Common use: Securing 3-ring housings Common use: Air Force parachutes, B-12, etc.
Comment: N/A Comment: N/A

CH 03.qxd 5/13/05 8:04 AM Page 3-31

Figure 3-106. Spring, pilot chute. Figure 3-108. Nylon hardware.

Specification: Commercial Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A Strength: N/A
Identification: N/A Identification: As marked
Common use: Reserve pilot chutes Common use: Lightweight, non-load bearing uses
Comment: N/A Comment: A. Sidelock; B. Adjuster.

Figure 3-107. Washers, locking, loop.

Specification: Commercial
Strength: N/A
Identification: As marked
Common use: Used on CYPRES® locking loops and
main locking loops
Comment: N/A

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CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:24 AM Page 4-1

Certificated parachute riggers represent a professional

cadre within the parachute community. According to
Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
part 65, subsection 65.129(f)(1), “No certificated para-
chute rigger may exercise the privileges of his certifi-
cate and type rating unless he understands the current
manufacturer’s instructions for the operation involved
and has performed duties under his certificate for at
least 90 days within the preceding 12 months.”

Manufacturers of main parachutes have packing tech-

niques that they have developed for their products.
Most of them follow established methods in common Figure 4-2. Grasp the line groups between your fingers.
use. Experience has shown that if the packing tech-
niques required for a specific main are too complex,
the market may not receive them favorably.


The most common packing method used today is the
Proper Ram-air Orientation (PRO) packing. Figures 4-1
thru 4-32 show this technique. There are several varia-
tions to this technique designed for special purposes.
Free fall cameramen may require a slower opening to
reduce the opening shock. Canopy Relative Work
(CRW) parachutists may want faster sub-terminal open- Figure 4-3. Run your hands up the lines pushing the slider
ings. The rigger should be able to provide guidance to ahead of them. Spread the line groups and shake out canopy.
the parachutist for the type of opening required.

Figure 4-4. Make sure the canopy is orientated with the nose
Figure 4-1. Prepare the slider. If collapsible, make sure the to rear and tail to front.This view is shown from the top of the
drawstring(s) is cocked. canopy looking down and towards the packer.

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:24 AM Page 4-2

Figure 4-5. Transfer all the lines to one hand. Figure 4-8. Clear the stabilizers on each side.

Figure 4-6. Starting with the cell nearest your legs, flake the Figure 4-9. View from front with slider moved upward for clar-
nose. ity. Note how the attachment tapes of each line group fall

Figure 4-10. Separate and clear material between line groups.

Figure 4-7. Grasp all the cells and tuck them between your

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:24 AM Page 4-3

Figure 4-11. Square the slider between the line groups. Figure 4-13. Grasp the center of the tail seam with the same
hand that holds the lines. With the other hand, pull the tail
seam downward. Repeat for the other side.

Figure 4-14. Pull both side seams together at the bottom.

Figure 4-12. Grasp the center of the tail.

Figure 4-15. Roll both seams together tightly starting at the


CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:24 AM Page 4-4

Figure 4-16. Hold the rolled tail between the legs and roll the Figure 4-19. Keeping the lines taut, lay the canopy bundle on
upper material tightly against the lines. the floor.

Figure 4-20. Triangular shape on the floor. Make sure the

slider is securely wrapped in the tail.
Figure 4-17. Smooth the air out of the rolled canopy.

Figure 4-18. Take the free hand and place it under the rolled
canopy bundle.

Figure 4-21. If used, cock the kill-line bridle.

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-5

Figure 4-22. Check the collapsed bridle. Figure 4-25. Fold the top of the canopy bundle back towards
the lines for a second “S” fold.

Figure 4-23. Dress the canopy bundle slightly wider than the Figure 4-26. Complete the “S” fold.
deployment bag.

Figure 4-24. Make a short “S” fold at the slider end of the Figure 4-27. Place one corner of the canopy stack in the bag.

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-6

Figure 4-28. Place the other side of the canopy in the bag. Figure 4-31. Secure the remainder of the mouth locking

Figure 4-29. Canopy fully in the bag. Figure 4-32. Stow the remainder of the lines on the side bag

When packing reserves and emergency parachutes, the

rigger must adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions
and is not allowed to deviate from them. When pack-
ing main parachutes, the manufacturer may specify a
certain packing method but then gives guidance and
leeway for alternative methods to use to vary the open-
ing according to the needs of the parachutist.

Figure 4-30. Secure the center locking stow with the line

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-7

DEPLOYMENT AND INFLATION or re-line it. This has a pronounced effect of improving
the openings as well as the flying characteristics, par-
ticularly on canopies made from zero porosity (ZP)
Main canopies have changed dramatically over the last
several years and, consequently, different opening
problems have emerged. One of the most common
The effect on fabric that originally had a porosity (per-
problems encountered is hard openings. The most
meability) of 0-3 cfm or 0-5 cfm, such as PIA-C-
effective method employed to reduce hard openings is
44378, may not be as dramatic. With these canopies,
to roll the nose of the canopy to close off the openings
changing the brake setting and increasing it by pulling
in the leading edge during the initial inflation process.
down the tail will speed up the inflation of the canopy.
This rolling technique varies from a single roll to sev-
The rigger must be careful not to set the brakes so
eral rolls. Figure 4-33 shows this technique. If this does
deeply as to place the canopy in a stall during opening.
not solve the opening problem, riggers should contact
If this does not work, then decreasing the size of the
the manufacturer for advice. Most manufacturers are
slider or the fabric type of the slider may help speed up
very cooperative and have considerable expertise in
the openings. Some of these problems, while appear-
working with their products.
ing to be main canopy related, are traceable to other
components of the parachute system such as the
deployment bag, bridle, or pilot chute.


Hand deploy pilot chutes are generally made from
either the PIA-C-44378 (F-111) fabric or more com-
monly, zero porosity (ZP) fabric. The PIA-C-44378
fabric begins as a very low porosity fabric but as it is
used, the permeability increases. As this happens, the
drag of the pilot chute decreases. Consequently, the
ability of the pilot chute to lift the weight of the canopy
decreases and the speed of the opening is affected.
Experience has shown that pilot chutes made from this
type of fabric exhibit a decrease in performance at
Figure 4-33. Rolling the nose of the canopy. around 500 jumps under normal use.
In the event the manufacturer cannot resolve the prob-
Pilot chutes made from the ZP fabric last considerably
lem, it may be necessary for the rigger to modify the
longer than those made from F-111. However, there
slider size, or deployment brake settings. Of these
has been some disagreement concerning the use of the
options, the easiest to do is to change the brake setting.
two different fabrics in pilot chutes. One canopy man-
Reducing the brake setting results in less pressure on
ufacturer advocates the use of F-111 type fabric only.
the canopy during opening, thereby reducing the open-
They believe the ZP fabric contributes to hard open-
ing force. The negative effect of reducing the brake set-
ings. Most parachutists like ZP pilot chutes because
ting is an increase in opening surge. The new brake
they last longer.
setting must find the balance of these results that best
fit the user. If changing the brake setting does not work,
The size of the pilot chute has a direct correlation to
then the rigger may wish to increase the size of the
the type of opening experienced. In the early days of
slider to slow the openings. This usually means replac-
hand deploy chutes, a 36" F-111 pilot chute was stan-
ing the slider with a larger one. This has the effect of
dard on most systems. As the canopies became smaller
increasing the drag on the slider and restricting the
and lighter, pilot chutes became smaller as well. Today,
canopy inflation.
24-26", 30", and 33" pilot chutes are all common.

As canopies age and accumulate substantial jumps on Several factors dictate the size of the pilot chute used.
them, many begin to develop slow openings, com- The first is the weight of the canopy. Another factor is
monly known as “sniveling.” If the canopy was origi- the main container closing configuration. Some systems
nally packed with the nose rolled, reducing the number are designed to hold the deployment bag so securely that
of rolls may speed up the openings. However, many it literally has to be jerked from the container. This type
times the slow openings are due to other causes. One requires a larger pilot chute than the type of container
of the most common is the canopy getting out of trim that allows unrestricted extraction of the bag. This same
due to the stretch of the suspension lines. The rigger problem can develop when an individual packs an over-
should check the trim of the canopy against the manu- sized main canopy into the main container. Usually, a
facturer’s specifications and either re-trim the canopy larger deployment bag is needed to hold the additional
CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-8

volume. When the bag is forcibly stuffed into the con-

tainer, the bag can be restricted from being pulled
smoothly from the container.

If the pilot chute is too small, a pilot chute in tow can

result. If the parachutist puts a larger pilot chute on the
system, the bag can be extracted from the container,
but the increased size of the pilot chute contributes to
increased snatch force during the opening sequence.
This results in perceived hard openings. Therefore, the
size of the pilot chute and the deployment bag can have
considerable effect on the opening characteristics of
the main parachute.
Figure 4-34. Rubber bands and Tube Stoes®.

The length of the bridle has an effect primarily on the
deployment of the main pilot chute. The bridle must be
long enough to place the deployed pilot chute past the
turbulence caused by the parachutist. If the bridle is
too short, the pilot chute will stay in the parachutist’s
burble. The length of the bridle from the locking pin to
the pilot chute averages around 7 feet. Recent years
have seen the growth of the use of the “Birdman” fly-
ing suits. Because of the increased surface area and the
decreased free fall speeds, the use of a longer bridle
has become common, with a 9-foot length working
well. Along with the longer bridle, containers have
been modified to allow the bottom to open fully and
the main bag to be extracted rearward towards the feet Figure 4-35. Line stow length comparison.
due to the more horizontal trajectory of the parachutist.

The rubber stow bands play an important part of the
deployment sequence, and serve two important func- The rigger should be familiar with the various types of
tions. First, they hold the mouth of the deployment bag canopy releases currently in use. In skydiving, the
closed and prevent premature deployment of the main most common release is the 3-ring release system. It
canopy. Secondly, they hold the line stows securely to was originally developed in 1976 for skydiving, but
allow a clean, orderly deployment of the lines. With has since become the dominant release system for
the advent of smaller diameter lines, such as 550 intentional jumping, both civilian and military.
Spectra® and HMA®, smaller diameter rubber bands
have been developed to properly secure these lines. If
the smaller rubber bands are not available, many para- Riggers must be familiar with the assembly of the 3-ring
chutists double stow the larger rubber bands around the release since they may have to connect new canopies to
small lines. There are other products such as Tube the harness and container, or have to disconnect the main
Stoes®, which are designed to replace rubber bands canopy to untangle it after landing. Figures 4-36 thru
and last longer. Figure 4-34 shows the various rubber 4-43 show the correct assembly sequence.
bands and Tube Stoes®. In addition to the correct rub-
ber bands, the length of the line stows is important as
well. In the past, 1" stows were common, but today, 3"
stows are recommended by several manufacturers.
Figure 4-35 shows the comparison between the two
lengths. The main point to remember is that the lines
must be stowed neatly and securely.

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-9

Figure 4-36. 3-ring layout. Figure 4-40. 3-ring loop from rear.

Figure 4-37. 3-ring middle thru large ring. Figure 4-41. 3-ring housing over loop (rear).

Figure 4-38. 3-ring small thru middle ring. Figure 4-42. 3-ring cable thru loop.

Figure 4-39. 3-ring loop over top ring. Figure 4-43. 3-ring finished from front.

CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-10

The rigger must also be able to inspect the 3-ring

release to determine any wear. In particular, the fol-
lowing areas need to be inspected:
• Harness 3-ring attachment. [Figure 4-44] Check for
wear on the webbing and any damage to the ring or
chipping of the plating.

Figure 4-46. Release housings.

Figure 4-44. Harness 3-ring inspection.

• Main riser rings. Check for webbing wear, hardware

plating, grommet wear, and locking loop wear/dam-
age. [Figure 4-45]
Figure 4-47. 3-ring release handle.


Advisory Circular (AC) 105-2—Sport Parachute
Jumping states that, “the assembly or mating of
approved parachute components from different manu-
facturers may be made by a certificated and appropri-
ately rated parachute rigger or parachute loft in
accordance with the parachute manufacturer’s instruc-
tions and without further authorization by the manu-
facturer or the FAA. Specifically, when various
parachute components are interchanged, the parachute
rigger should follow the canopy manufacturer’s
instructions as well as the parachute container manu-
Figure 4-45. Riser release end. facturer’s instructions. However, the container manu-
facturer’s instructions take precedence when there is a
conflict between the two.” This allows the rigger to
• Release housings. Check for damage to terminal end- assemble different canopies to different harness and
ings and grommet. Check for obstructions or dirt in container systems. This is an important ability for
housing. Check security of the housing tacking to the today’s rigger in that there are dozens of possible com-
harness. [Figure 4-46] binations.

• 3-ring release handle. Check the cable for cleanli- Determining compatibility is more than simply
ness and cracks, and ensure that the cable ends are determining the volume compatibility of a canopy
sealed; inspect the Velcro® on the handle. to a container size. Other factors, which need to be
[Figure 4-47] considered, are the deployment type, TSO certifica-
tion, and placard limitations.
Any questions concerning the particular harness 3-ring VOLUME
installation should be referred to the harness and con- The most important criteria in determining compati-
tainer manufacturer. bility is the volume of the canopy. The canopy has to
CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-11

fit into the container in such a manner as to not place round canopy utilizing a Type 1 configuration is
undue stress on the system when packing, and to be packed into a pilot emergency parachute system. In this
extracted by the pilot chute during deployment. The case the pilot chute is compressed directly onto the
container manufacturer usually provides a volume floor of the container system. [Figure 4-49] This same
chart of their systems stating what the volumes are for canopy can be packed into a sport reserve container,
the various model sizes. The canopy manufacturer but the sport rig has two internal or staging flaps that
should provide the volumes of the canopy models. compress and hold the canopy in place and are locked
Measuring canopy volumes has proven to be an impre- together by the bridle. [Figure 4-50] The pilot chute is
cise science as there are various methods that can be then packed on top of the internal flaps. The rigger
used. The most common method involves placing the needs to know and understand these differences to
canopy in a tubular chamber and compressing it with a determine how the two components interface for com-
standard amount of weight for a set time. The displaced patibility.
volume is then measured. Figure 4-48 shows the offi-
cial Parachute Industry Association (PIA) volume
chamber. The PIA has measured canopy volumes since
1984 and publishes a chart of canopy volumes in their
TS-104, Canopy Volume Study. While some canopy
manufacturers disagree with the resultant numbers,
most container manufacturers and riggers agree that it
is an independent test method and use this chart to
determine volume compatibility.

Figure 4-49. Type 1 deployment in a pilot emergency rig.

Figure 4-50. Type 1 deployment in a sport piggyback.


This area is one where many riggers have some con-
fusion. According to AC 105-2, “the strength of the
Figure 4-48. PIA volume chamber. harness must always be equal to or greater than the
maximum force generated by the canopy during certi-
DEPLOYMENT TYPE fication tests.”
Chapter 2—Design and Construction, described the
different types of canopy deployment devices. In some In the case where the harness is certificated under
instances, the container system needs to be of a spe- TSO-C23b and the canopy under TSO-C23c, the
cific configuration to accommodate a certain deploy- maximum generated force of the canopy must not
ment device. An example of this would be where a exceed the certificated category force of the harness
CH 04.qxd 5/13/05 8:25 AM Page 4-12

and container; i.e., Low Speed Category (3,000 For the current TSO-C23d, the average peak force
pounds) and Standard Category (5,000 pounds). In measured during the strength drops must be placarded
this instance, no additional marking on the container on the outside of the harness. In this case, the strength
is necessary. of the canopy must not exceed that of the harness.

All of the above areas must be considered by the rig-

In the case where the canopy is certificated under TSO- ger when making the determination as to whether a
C23b and the harness under TSO-C23c, the strength of particular canopy and rig combination is compatible.
the harness must be equal to or greater than the certifi- If there is any doubt, the rigger should contact the rig
cated category force of the canopy. manufacturer for guidance.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-1

For most people, parachute rigging is all about packing don the parachute and pull the ripcord as in a real life
parachutes. Rigging and packing may be synonymous, scenario to understand the correct fitting of the harness
but there is a distinct difference. In its truest form, para- and how to activate the system properly. This gives the
chute rigging is the practice of assembling a parachute owner a great degree of confidence that the parachute
system with its various components into an operative will work when needed. Doing so also lets the owner
assembly. Packing is the practice of folding the parachute know that the parachute will indeed be repacked and
canopy in an organized manner such that it fits into the not just “pencil packed.”
container system and allows the canopy to open when the
user activates the system.
Generally, customers leave the parachute to be repacked;
however, riggers should encourage their customers to stay
There are five distinct stages involved in packing the and observe the repack. Many riggers encourage this
parachute. They are: behavior since it results in a more educated individual. In
a busy loft environment, however, a scheduled appoint-
1. Identification.
ment might be needed to allow for the increased time nec-
2. Inspection. essary to explain the process. If the customer decides to
3. Rigging and/or repairs. watch the repacking, the rigger should allow at least twice
4. Packing. the usual time for the project. This allows the customer to
ask questions, which results in a more educated and safer
5. Documentation. parachute user. Another benefit of this is that the customer
gets to see the effort it takes to service a parachute.
The first thing the rigger should do when a customer
Figure 5-1 on page 5-2 shows a packing flow chart that
brings a parachute in for packing or repair is to confirm
details the sequence of events the rigger should follow
that the owner’s information is correct on the packing data
from receiving the parachute to collecting the money
card. This ensures that the rigger’s logbook entry is accu-
from the customer.
rate. In a commercial loft, a work order is filled out with
all the correct information about the customer and the
parachute. Many modern lofts input this information into Upon completion of the visual inspection, there are two
a computer database for tracking their customers. This options for continuing. If there are no visual indications
data is then used to send automatic repack notices to cus- of damage or contamination, move on to the next step of
tomers. This ensures that the reserve or emergency para- opening the parachute. If something suspicious is found,
chute is legal to use when the customer needs it. or if there is a hole in the container or discoloration to the
container fabric, the rigger needs to see if the damage
INSPECTION penetrated into the canopy. To do so, note the location and
check internally after opening the parachute.
The owner should bring the parachute to the rigger in
its packed condition. This practice should be encour-
aged for several reasons. The canopy is a fragile item If owners are participating in the inspection, it is a good
and is subject to damage or contamination if left idea to have them backed against the packing table or sim-
exposed to the elements, and the container is designed ilar surface when they pull the ripcord so the canopy will
to protect the canopy from damage. The parachute not fall out on the floor. This keeps the canopy clean, but
should be opened only in the controlled environment it also lets the rigger control the extraction of the canopy
of the parachute loft. This is so the entire system can from the container. It is good practice to hold the canopy
be examined externally for signs of damage or contam- in the container while the owner takes off the pack.
ination before it is opened. Next, the owner needs to Placing the rig on the table allows the rigger to thor-
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-2











Figure 5-1. Packing flow chart.

oughly examine the previous pack job and to check sure to check the Automatic Activation Device (AAD).
those areas previously identified as damaged or con- The newest data cards provide space for information
taminated. on the AAD to include service cycle and date of last
battery replacement. With the recent widespread
During the examination of the parachute for damage or acceptance of AADs, this is one area the rigger cannot
contamination, the rigger should also look at how the overlook.
previous rigger packed the canopy. Particularly in
regard to pilot emergency parachutes, riggers some- The battery life cycle and the unit service life cycle,
times exercise great latitude in interpreting the packing and how they interface with the repack cycle of the
instructions in order to make the parachute as comfort- parachute, are very important things to consider. The
able as possible for the pilot. Each rigger makes the major question the rigger must ask is: If the battery or
determination as to what is the correct packing method. unit service life expires during the upcoming repack
If the present rigger finds that the last pack job was in cycle, should the rigger pack the parachute and seal it,
error, the individual responsible needs to be notified of thereby certifying it for the next 120-day repack cycle?
the findings. A comparable situation would be if an airframe and
powerplant mechanic signs off an annual inspection
The rigger next should verify the make, model, and on an aircraft. The mechanic is saying that the aircraft
serial number of the parachute. Sometimes the canopy is airworthy at that time. However, the mechanic is not
may have been changed in an assembly, particularly in responsible for the future status of the aircraft if the
a sport rig. For sport rigs and some emergency rigs, be emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is due for battery
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-3

service during the next year that the annual is valid. shows a sample parts list for a typical sport parachute,
That responsibility lies with the aircraft owner. This having dual parachutes in a single harness system (a pig-
scenario can be reasonably extended to the AAD and gyback). This parts list delineates exactly what parts are
parachute. Generally, however, most riggers refuse to used in the assembly of the system. The rigger should
pack the parachute if the battery or unit life cycle check each component part and its identifying label or
expires during the 120-day repack cycle. stamp against the parts list. Mismatched component parts
are among the most frequent problems found in the field.
Some AAD manufacturers have specific rules regard- Many riggers are under the impression they can freely
ing battery and repack expiration dates. For example, interchange component parts, but this may be done only
the manufacturer might mandate that if the battery life within certain limits. Paragraph 11(a) of Advisory
expires during the 120-day repack cycle, then the rig- Circular (AC) 105-2C, Sport Parachute Jumping, states:
ger is not to pack it unless the batteries are replaced or “The assembly or mating of approved parachute compo-
the unit is removed from the assembly. Regarding the nents from different manufacturers may be made by a cer-
4-year service cycle, there is a 90-day grace period for tificated and appropriately rated parachute rigger or
servicing. If the 120-day repack cycle expires within parachute loft in accordance with the parachute manufac-
that 90-day period, then the rigger may repack and re- turer’s instructions and without further authorization by
certify the assembly. If the repack cycle extends past the manufacturer or the FAA. Specifically, when various
the 90-day period, then the rigger should not pack the parachute components are interchanged, the parachute
assembly with the AAD. In any case, the rigger should rigger should follow the canopy manufacturer’s instruc-
follow the directions of the AAD manufacturer for that tions as well as the parachute container manufacturer’s
particular make and model of AAD. instructions. However, the container manufacturer’s
The rigger must make sure to have the latest revision instructions take precedence when there is a conflict
of the packing instructions as well as any pertinent between the two.” In figure 5-2, note the bold print at the
service bulletins from the manufacturer or bottom of the page: “NO SUBSTITUTION OF COMPO-
Airworthiness Directives (AD) issued by the FAA. The NENT PARTS IS AUTHORIZED!” This manufacturer
rigger may have a set of packing instructions that spec- specifically states that you cannot use anything other than
ifies a certain method for folding the canopy. However, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts.
the manufacturer may have changed the method and Substituting other parts places the rigger in violation of
issued a revision to the manual or a complete new one. the Code of Federal Regulations.
If the rigger is not completely sure that he/she has the
latest information, then it’s time to use the most valu-
able tool in their inventory—the telephone. A quick
call to the manufacturer is all it takes to get the latest
information. Most manufacturers publish their service
bulletins in hard copy format and on their Web site. In
addition, the Parachute Industry Association (PIA) also
has a listing of service bulletins at It is
most important that all riggers make an effort to main-
tain a comprehensive library of packing instructions
and their associated service bulletins. Under Title 14 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 65, sub-
section 65.129(e), the certificated rigger may not
“pack, maintain, or alter a parachute in any manner that
deviates from procedures approved by the
Administrator or the manufacturer of the parachute.”
In addition, 14 CFR, subsection 65.129(f) also states Figure 5-2. Sample parts list.
that the certificated rigger may not “exercise the privi-
leges of his certificate and type rating unless he under-
stands the current manufacturer’s instructions for the A common problem found in the field concerns reserve
operation involved.” ripcords. Several manufacturers of sport rigs use a one-
pin ripcord with a mini trapezoidal handle and a cable
COMPONENT COMPATIBILITY length 27-29 inches long. Depending on the actual con-
Once the rigger has all of the current manuals and infor- tainer it goes into, it’s possible to use one manufacturer’s
mation, the inspection can continue. This covers not just ripcord in another container as long as the rigger feels
the canopy but also the entire assembly. In addition to there is sufficient excess cable for safety reasons.
looking for damage or contamination to the system, the However, imagine one ripcord is 27 inches overall and is
rigger must make sure that all of the component parts are used in a system that is approved under Technical
compatible and approved by the manufacturer. Figure 5-2 Standard Order (TSO) C-23b and is rated at 300 pounds.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-4

Another ripcord is 28 inches overall and is used in a 4. Container.

system approved under TSO C-23c, and is rated at 600
pounds for use with a Reserve Static Line (RSL) instal- 5. Harness including risers.
lation. The problem here is the mating of different TSO 6. Ripcord.
standard components. Installing the first ripcord in the
second container with an RSL lanyard may be degrad- Inspection/packing checklists allow riggers to track their
ing the safety aspect of the system. So how does the rig- progress as they do their inspection. [Figure 5-5] It is
ger tell which is which? The ripcord approved under desirable for riggers to complete their inspection unin-
TSO C-23b will have minimal markings, perhaps only a terrupted, which ensures that the inspection process is
manufacturer’s part number. The ripcord approved followed and nothing gets overlooked. This rarely hap-
under TSO C-23c will have several markings on the han- pens, however, due to normal interruptions such as phone
dle as required by the TSO. It should have the manufac- calls or customer questions. Using the inspection check-
turer’s part number, manufacturer’s identification, list ensures that after an interruption, the rigger is able to
TSO-C23c, and the batch or serial number or date of
manufacture. [Figure 5-3] In reality, as long as the cable
lengths are compatible, the function of the ripcord will
probably work. The problem surfaces in the event of a
problem or incident involving the system. At this point,
the FAA could find the mismatched component and take
action against the rigger who packed the parachute.

Figure 5-3. Reserve ripcord with TSO markings.

A bigger problem surfaces when the rigger substitutes a

reserve deployment bag made by another manufacturer.
Most reserve deployment bags are compatible with the
appropriate container based on dimensions and volume.
If the deployment bag does not fit correctly, there can be
a problem with proper functioning of the system. These
are two examples of the more common compatibility
issues that are regularly found in the field. There are oth-
ers that the rigger may encounter and need to address as
well. The best solution is for the rigger to follow the man-
ufacturer’s parts list strictly to ensure the safety of the
parachute system.

After the rigger has determined that all of the component

parts are compatible, he/she can now commence the
actual inspection of the parachute assembly. Figure 5-4
shows a typical pilot emergency parachute assembly with
a round canopy laid out on the packing table. Make sure
the canopy is straight and the apex lines are even. Then
apply firm tension to the canopy and lines using a tension
board. The standard is to start at the top of the assembly.

This assembly in figure 5-4 can be broken down into six

separate areas. They are:

1. Pilot chute and bridle.

2. Canopy and deployment device.

Figure 5-4. Round canopy pilot emergency parachute
3. Suspension lines and connector links. assembly.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-5

continue at the proper spot without missing anything. system on the table as if the wearer were lying face down,
This checklist is divided into seven sections that make it head toward the canopy. (On some models, such as mili-
usable for all types of parachute assemblies. It includes tary seat parachutes, it may be face down with the feet
an area for counting the tools at the beginning and end of towards the canopy.) Make sure to follow the manufac-
the inspection and packing procedure. This ensures that turer’s instructions. Ensure that the canopy is right side
no tools are overlooked or left in the parachute. While this out (i.e., the data panel faces out) and the gore numbers
may sound implausible to some, it has happened over the are readable on the outside. Attach the required tension
years, sometimes with fatal consequences. devices and apply light tension. Standing at the canopy,
split the riser line groups and grasp the two gores that sep-
ROUND CANOPIES AND PILOT arate them. The top panel should have line number 1 and
EMERGENCY SYSTEMS the last line of the sequence depending on the number of
The first thing the rigger should check is the continuity of lines on the canopy. Starting with number 1, the lines will
the canopy to make sure it is straight. Do so by laying the run in sequence counterclockwise around the canopy.

Figure 5-5. Inspection form.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-6

(See figure 5-6 for typical line sequences.) The four lines
attached to these two gores comprise the standard “four-
line check” for a round canopy. By running these four
lines from the canopy to the connector links, the rigger
can make a quick check of straightness. If the rigger was
the last person to pack the parachute, he/she may feel this
is sufficient to ensure continuity. However, most riggers
do a full check of all the lines, even on their own pack
If a rigger finds lines out of sequence or the canopy is
inside out, it becomes necessary to remove any twists,
tangles, or turns. There are two things to remember when
encountering this situation. First, if the parachute was
originally straight and the entanglement occurred from
handling, it is possible to untangle the parachute without
disconnecting anything. Second, if the parachute was
assembled incorrectly in the first place, it will be virtually
impossible to straighten it without disassembling it. Figure 5-7. Round canopy—split gores.
These two scenarios become particularly acute when the link of a four-link system or to the inside of a two-link
rigger is brought a parachute for repacking and it was system. [Figure 5-9] If these lines are correct, continue
assembled incorrectly. At first the rigger assumes it to be the checking of the line continuity.
correct, but when a correct continuity cannot be done, it
becomes very frustrating, and the rigger may spend an If the lines are not straight, release the risers from the har-
excessive amount of time trying to straighten the canopy. ness, if possible. If not, take one of the two top lines and
The rigger should always start at the top or apex end of untangle it until the line runs straight back to the canopy
the canopy. Make sure that the top gore with the data without going around any of the other lines. Untangle the
panel is facing up. Follow the gore to the apex so that the risers and harness/container until the rest of the lines are
upper lateral band is on the outside. Attach the apex to the straight. Repeat with the other riser, if applicable. Attach
upper tension device. Next, flake the gores in sequence to the rest of the connector links to the tension device and
see if the canopy is straight. Split the canopy so the left do a thorough continuity check from the canopy to the
and right line groups are separate at the skirt of the connector links. If the lines were incorrectly assembled,
canopy. [Figure 5-7] Pick up the two center gores and disconnect the link from the riser, remove the lines, and
grasp the four lines. [Figure 5-8] These will be line reinstall them onto the connector link in the correct order.
number 1 and the last line of the sequence. Run these Reinstall the connector link to the riser. Check the entire
lines down toward the risers and/or container. On most canopy for correct continuity. Make sure the connector
canopies, these lines will run to the inside, top connector link is tightened properly.

24 Foot Two-Link Canopies

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13

24 Foot Four-Link Canopies

6 5 4 3 2 1 24 23 22 21 20 19

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

26 Foot Conical Canopies

5 4 3 2 1 22 21 20 19 18

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

28 Foot Canopies
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 28 27 26 25 24 23 22

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Figure 5-6. Line continuity chart.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-7

Figure 5-8. Round canopy—four-line check at canopy. Figure 5-9. Round canopy—four-line check
at four-link system.


During the inspection process, the rigger may identify If available, use a canopy damage chart appropriate to
various discrepancies in the materials and/or the assem- the canopy for documenting your inspection for repair of
blies. While the following inspection processes call out any damage found. Figure 5-10 shows a typical chart for
what to look for, the specific descriptions and treatment round canopies.
of the damage are provided in Chapter 7—Repairs,
Alterations, and Manufacture.


1. Check the spring shape and tension; it should not have
an excessive bend to the length of the spring. There
should be no kinks in the wire or sharp edges or burrs.
The swages should be smooth and tight. Check the ten-
sion of the spring against the manufacturer’s specifica-
tions. Most current springs have between 20-30 pounds
of tension, but some run as high as 40-45 pounds. Too
strong a string is rarely an issue, but too weak often is a
problem. Some manufacturers specify a testing method
and frequency of testing.
2. Check the canopy cap for security to the canopy por-
tion along the stitching and seams. If it has a grommet in
the cap or an alignment strap, check the grommets for
tightness and smooth edges on the inside. Sharp edges
can cut the locking loop. Check the alignment strap for
centering and tacking. Figure 5-10. Round canopy damage chart.

3. Check the canopy fabric for any holes, burns, stains, or 1. Check the apex lines for damage and continuity as well
other damage. Check the seams for loose stitching and as the upper lateral band. If there is a tension loop, make
look over the mesh portion, if used. Small holes may be sure it is secure. If there is a vent collar ring, check the
allowed, but consult the manufacturer’s manual. Check elasticity of the material.
the attachment loop at the base of the pilot chute for secu-
rity. Check any hand tacking, if used, to secure the spring 2. Inspect gores and panel fabrics by starting at the top
to the base of the pilot chute. center gore of the canopy, working your way up one gore
4. If the parachute uses a sewn-on bridle, check the stitch- while inspecting the fabric, seams, tapes, and lines. When
ing. If it is a tied-on model, check the knots and any hand you reach the apex, pull the next radial seam toward you,
tacking called out in the instructions. Be sure to check the stretching out the fabric, and work your way down the
length against the parts list. Make sure the canopy end of gore to the lower lateral band. [Figure 5-11 on page 5-8]
the bridle is looped around the apex lines and not around This method is the most efficient use of your time and
a tension loop. If a floating loop is called out, make sure physical efforts. Work your way around the canopy,
the locator tacking is secure. inspecting each gore from top to bottom.
CH 05.qxd 5/18/05 12:54 PM Page 5-8

4. Along with the pull test, the AD also requires testing

the canopy mesh with a solution of Bromo Cresol Green
indicator to determine the presence of an acid condition.
The Bromo Cresol Green indicator is a dark blue liquid
in its standard state. It turns yellow when it contacts
acid—the stronger the acid, the brighter the yellow. If the
test is positive, the canopy will need to be treated to neu-
tralize the condition. The AD highlights the manufac-
turer’s service bulletin as to how to comply with this test
and procedure.

5. If the canopy has a deployment device such as a diaper,

check that it is securely attached, particularly after use.
Check the grommets, line stow bands, elastics, or other
line stow devices. Pay particular attention to where the
stitching attaches to the canopy fabric. This area can be
particularly prone to damage during opening.
Figure 5-11. Round canopy gore inspection.
3. The manufacturer may call for the tensile testing of the
fabric after inspection of the canopy for obvious visual
1. The lines, their attachment points, and the associated
damage. This is very important because there was a fabric
stitching should be checked for damage or missing
deterioration problem with certain parachutes several
stitches. With the older sheath and core nylon lines such
years ago. An AD was issued, and while the exact cause
as Ty-III found on military surplus canopies, the zigzag
was never determined, a side benefit was the development
stitching at the links are prone to raveling. The more
and adoption of a non-destructive fabric pull test method.
modern noncontinuous line canopies use Dacron® or
This method was adopted by the Parachute Industry
nylon braided lines. The common attachment at the links
Association (PIA) as Technical Standard TS-108,
for these lines uses the “finger-trap” method to secure the
Parachute Canopy Fabric Pull Test, Non-Destructive
lines to the link, with a bar tack securing the lines. Most
Method. This method of testing canopy fabric for strength
manufacturers now use a contrasting color thread for the
has been adopted by several canopy manufacturers as
bar tack in order to make inspection easier. Make sure all
suitable for testing their canopies. However, the rigger
bar tacks are in place. Figure 5-13 shows both methods of
must be careful in using this test method. The proper
line attachment to the links.
equipment is essential for accurate testing and the type of
material must be known in order to test to the correct
2. There are three basic types of separable connector
strength. The testing equipment is shown in figure 5-12.
links in common use today for round canopies. They are
The full standard can be found in Appendix I of this hand-
the standard “L” bar type, MS-22002; the Navy speed link,

Figure 5-12. TS-108 test equipment. Figure 5-13. Connector link line attachment methods.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-9

MS-22021; and the Quick link, commonly called the If the canopy has steering lines and a guide ring on the
Maillon Rapide® link, named after the French company riser, make sure the ring is secure and the steering line is
that first manufactured them. [Figure 5-14] The older mil- attached to the steering toggle correctly. With a round
itary surplus canopies are usually found with the two canopy, make sure the steering line has sufficient slack in
types of MIL-SPEC connector links. Modern sport it when under tension. If the line is too tight, it can fail at
canopies usually are found with the Rapide® links opening because of too much stretch.
because of their compatibility with the modern low bulk
suspension lines. 2. Continue down the risers. If canopy releases are
installed, check their operation. With the Capewell cable
release, open the release and make sure there is no dirt or
sand in the mechanism. Also, check for wear, particularly
on the cable ring.

3. Check all of the harness webbing for wear both from

chafing, abrasion, and sunlight degradation. Pay particu-
lar attention to the buffer and chafing strips where used
to prevent wear from the hardware. These buffers are
there to provide early warning before the load bearing
webbing starts to wear. Check the elastic keepers so the
running ends of the straps can be properly stowed.
Figure 5-14. Three types of connector links.
4. Check all of the hardware, paying particular attention
3. With the MIL-SPEC links, check the tightness of the
to the leg snaps. Quick ejectors are particularly prone to
screws that hold the links together. With the speed links,
failure of the springs. Obviously, those with broken
make sure the knurled side of the end cap is facing up and
springs should be replaced. B-12 snaps are prone to hav-
the plates face outboard on the riser. The screw should
ing the gate sides bent to the point they will not close
be checked for tightness at each repack.
properly. This gate may be repaired with a screwdriver
4. If the canopy is equipped with Rapide® links, they and pliers. [Figure 5-16] Straightening the side of the gate
should be oriented on the riser with the barrel inboard and allows the snap to close properly.
to the bottom so it tightens upward. The link should be
tightened hand tight, then approximately one quarter turn
further. The actual force recommended for a number 5
link is approximately 30 foot-pounds. Most riggers do not
possess the force gauge to measure this, so they use the
quarter turn guide. After tightening the links, a “telltale”
should be applied to the barrel. [Figure 5-15] A telltale is
a marker, usually nail polish, that provides a breakable
seal to show if the barrel has moved. If the seal is broken,
the rigger knows the link may be loose. In doing a repack,
if the telltale is intact, the rigger should not loosen the
link and retighten it because continual tightening can strip
the threads, causing the link to fail.

1. Starting at the riser end, check the webbing for any
wear or damage and inspect the stitching at the riser ends. Figure 5-16. B-12 snap gate repair.

5. An area of concern for many riggers, one for which

there is not much guidance, is how much plating wear and
associated corrosion of the hardware is allowable. This
depends on the location of the damage. If it is a solid ring
or buckle, and the damage has occurred from dragging or
abrasion in an area that is not in contact with webbing,
one solution is to clean the rust with a fine emery cloth
and cover it with clear nail polish. This keeps the area
from continued rusting. It will not, however, prevent fur-
ther damage caused by the original rusting. If the rusting
is caused by two pieces of hardware interacting with each
Figure 5-15. Telltale marker. other, the problem is more serious. If allowed to continue,
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-10

the rust pattern may cause the two pieces to fuse together the end. Metal frames, if used, should be straight. Buffers
under the most severe conditions. In this case, the hard- at the corners should be in good condition. Tackings, if
ware must be removed and replaced. If the hardware in used, should be secure.
contact with webbing, such as a leg strap adapter,
becomes corroded, it must be replaced. This problem fre- 3. The container-closing loop is an extremely important
quently arises when the parachute is exposed to salt water part of the container system. A worn loop may fail, which
and not properly rinsed. The hardware will rust inside the would cause a premature opening of the container. With
leg strap webbing causing accelerated wear and must def- the parachute still in a packed condition, check for the
initely be replaced. [Figure 5-17] correct length. If the loop is made too long or stretched
during use, the pilot chute can extend and move off cen-
ter. This may result in a poor launch or a pack job that is
uncomfortable for the user. After determining that the
loop is of the correct material and length, check the
eye(s) of the loop on the inside for wear. It is not
uncommon for the loop to appear to be in good condi-
tion when viewed from the outside, but worn partially
through when examined from the inside. [Figure 5-18]
Many riggers simply replace the loops at each repack,
regardless of the condition.

Figure 5-17. Rusty leg snap hardware.

6. The ripcord housing and pocket should be checked for

wear and fit of the ripcord. On the housing, check the ends
and the ferrules. On more modern assemblies, these fer-
rules are brass and more susceptible to wear than the MIL-
SPEC types. Look inside to make sure there are no
obstructions to interfere with the ripcord. The ripcord
pocket may be elastic, Velcro®, or a military style with a
spring to hold in the ripcord. Whichever type, make sure
the ripcord is held securely, yet at the same time make sure
it is not too tight so the ripcord can be removed easily.
Also, check the tackings that hold the housing and pocket.

1. As stated in the beginning of this chapter, the initial
external inspection of the container should alert the rigger
to any damage inside. Note any holes, abrasion, or fray-
ing of the pack material.
Figure 5-18. Worn closing loop.

2. Check the grommets for sharp edges and pulling out of

the material from under the grommet. Cones should have RIPCORD
the stitching secure. Check the plating on the cones in the There are a number of things that need to be inspected
area of the eye. Sharp edges can cause a cone lock. to approve the ripcord:
Eyelets should have the tacking secure. Snap fasteners
should be securely set in the material. Check for wear and 1. Check the pin(s) for straightness, smoothness,
security of the opposing parts. Make sure that “pull-the- cracks or other damage.
dot” types are set correctly for direction. Stiffeners, both
metal and plastic, should not be bent or cracked. There 2. Check the cable for fraying, kinks, or severe bends.
should be no sharp edges. Pack opening bands (POBs), 3. Check the swage for wear and security. Look for
if used, should be in good shape and not stretched out. signs of movement on the cable.
Make sure the hooks are in good shape, too. On the military
style POBs, it may be necessary to retack the pull tabs at 4. Check the handle for wear, damage, rust or abuse.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-11

Any damage or discrepancies found during the inspection RAM-AIR RESERVE CANOPY
should be noted and the appropriate repair performed by Figure 5-19 shows a typical ram-air reserve and harness
a certificated and appropriately rated rigger according to and container system layout. The terminology used in
the manufacturer’s instructions or approved manuals. describing the parts of the ram-air canopy is called out in
PIA Technical Standard TS-100, Standardized
AIRING AND DRYING Nomenclature for Ram-air Inflated Gliding Parachutes,
During the inspection process, the rigger must determine which can be found in the Appendix I of this handbook.
the condition of the canopy and system regarding dryness
and moisture. In the “old days” it was necessary for the
parachute to be aired and dried for 24 hours prior to pack-
ing it. According to 14 CFR, subsection 65.129(c), “No
certificated parachute rigger may pack a parachute that
has not been thoroughly dried and aired.” This determina-
tion is at the discretion of the rigger.


The following inspection procedures share much with the
previous section on round canopies. The differences
between ram-air reserves and sport piggyback systems
are identified in the following section. Inspect as follows:


1. The rigger should inspect the pilot chute in the same
manner as in the section on round canopies.

2. The free bag should be checked to include all grom-

mets, especially those bags that have a through loop
configuration. Any sharpness in this area can result in a
damaged closing loop. For those free bags that utilize a
Safety-Stow ® locking system, make sure the elastic loop
is of the correct size, the elastic is in good shape, and the
zigzag stitching is secure. Many riggers fabricate these
loops in the field, which, in most cases, is an unautho-
rized procedure. The Safety-Stow® loop is an integral part
of the approved reserve deployment system and is manu-
factured under an approved quality control system from
approved materials. The rigger should use only OEM
approved parts for this.

3. Check the bridle for any damage or wear. For those bri-
Figure 5-19. Ram-air/piggyback layout.
dles that have assistor pockets, make sure the stitching is
secure and the pockets are not damaged. Check the 1. When inspecting and assembling ram-air canopies, begin
Velcro® on the line stow pocket for wear and security. If with the upper surface of the canopy. [Figure 5-20 on page
the Velcro® does not hold securely, the parachute can 5-12] Work your way up and down the top panel of the cells
experience “line dump” during deployment, possibly looking for any damage or contamination. Check the seams
causing a malfunction or out of sequence deployment. for loose stitching and packing tabs if used, for security.
Some deployment bags use rubber bands to stow the lines.
If this is the case, check their condition and replace them 2. Check the trailing edge seam for secure stitching, pay-
if necessary. ing particular attention to the line attachment tapes and
their associated bar tacks. Next, look at the interior of the
4. There are still older ram-air canopies in the field that cells, carefully checking the crossports for damage or
did not use a free bag but a diaper deployment system. If fraying of the edges of the fabric.
this is the case, the diaper should be inspected the same as
that on a round canopy. Be sure to use the correct type 3. Now proceed to the lower surface of the canopy.
and length of bridle, since it is generally not the same as a Carefully check all the seams and the line attachment
round bridle. tapes and bar tacks.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-12

Figure 5-20. Ram-air canopy hanger—top skin inspection.

4. Some manufacturers require the use of PIA Technical

Standard TS-108, Canopy Fabric Pull Test at certain
intervals. In addition, the manufacturer’s warning/TSO
label may require that the rigger mark the label to signify
each time it is repacked and after each use. [Figure 5-21]
This label will be found on the upper surface, trailing
edge of the canopy. It is important to comply with this
requirement, not only because the manufacturer requires
it, but also it establishes the trail of use for the canopy,
which allows future riggers (and the manufacturer) to
track its use and condition over time. Some riggers feel
that they are doing their customers a favor by not mark-
ing the boxes in order to show it has little use when it
comes to selling it. Since most individuals have a spe-
cific rigger pack their parachute on a regular basis, it
does not take a lot of detective work to inspect the rig-
ger’s logbook to see how many times they have packed
any particular parachute.
Figure 5-21. PIA warning label.


The first task is to check the line continuity of the canopy. 4. Locate the leading edge and A line attachment. Follow
The following method may be used by riggers who do not the line 8A (10A) to the outboard side of its link and
have access to a canopy hanger. Figure 5-22 shows exam- attach the link to the right riser, finger tight.
ples of a seven-cell and nine-cell canopy when viewed
from the bottom as by the jumper when in flight. The 5. Pick up line 1A at the canopy attach point. Follow it
examples show the line attachment nomenclature referred down to the outboard side of its link and attach the link to
to in the continuity check. Figure 5-23 shows the standard the left front riser, finger tight.
canopy nomenclature as referred to in the continuity
check. 6. Turn the container over, harness down, and orient the
rear risers to receive their respective links. This simpli-
1. First, lay out the canopy on its left side, the slider span- fies C/D link attachment.
wise with its tape down, and lay out the container with the
7. Rotate the leading edge under the rest of the canopy.
harness up.
Split the aft section along with its associated control line
groups to make the C/D links easily accessible for rout-
2. If slider bumpers are used, thread one bumper over ing and installation.
each riser and down a few inches.
8. Locate the data panel at the center cell’s upper surface
3. Place the slider on the risers spanwise, with its tape fac- trailing edge. From this center reference point, follow the
ing the canopy. trailing edge to the left stabilizer and pick up line 1D.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-13

Figure 5-23. Ram-air canopy layout and nomenclature.

17. When the control line installation is complete, com-

Figure 5-22. Line attachment nomenclature drawing. pare the two toggle settings under equal tension to ensure
their uniformity.
9. Route this line to the outboard side of its link and attach 18. At this time, verify the continuity of the control line
the link to the left rear riser, finger tight. system. Begin at the trailing edge on each side, ensuring
that all twists have been removed from the upper and
10. Again from the center reference, follow the trailing lower control lines. Check that the lower control lines
edge to the right stabilizer and pick up line 8D (10D). have been properly routed through their appropriate slider
grommets and that the toggles have been properly secured
11. Route this line to the outboard side of its link and equidistant from the trailing edge.
attach the link to the right rear riser, finger tight.
19. Separate the aft section and control line groups to
12. Return to the center reference point of the trailing their respective sides and locate the center reference point
edge. Locate and pick up the left side upper control lines at the trailing edge.
consecutively. Verify their continuity to the junction with
the lower control line. 20. Following the trailing edge control surface outboard
will lead the rigger to the left stabilizer’s bottom seam
13. Removing twists as you go, follow the left lower con- and the attachment point of line 1D.
trol line to its running end. Route it through the appropri-
ate slider grommet, and then through the guide ring. 21. Holding D lines 1,2,3, and 4 (1,2,3,4,5) in your right
hand and D lines 5,6,7, and 8(6,7,8,9,10) in your left
14. Remove the toggle from the riser and route the run- hand, verify the continuity of the C and D lines through
ning end of the lower control line through the toggle the cascades to their respective rear risers.
attachment loop or grommet.
22. Gather in the control lines and flip the canopy over so
15. Slide the toggle up to the mark on the control line. the leading edge faces up. Verify this orientation by locat-
Secure it with an overhand knot tied closely to the toggle. ing the attachment points of A lines 1 and 8(10).

16. The control line attachment for the right side is done 23. In the same direction you flipped the canopy, rotate
in a similar manner. the container system harness up.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-14

24. Pick up the front riser groups, follow them to the

canopy, and separate.

25. Pick up A lines 8,7,6, and 5 (10, 9,8,7,6). If you have

continuous center cell lines, follow the bottom seam
down and pick up line 5B (6B). Verify continuity of the A
and B lines, through the cascades, to the right front riser.

26. Pick up A lines 1,2,3, and 4 (and 5). If you have con-
tinuous center cell lines, follow the bottom seam down
and pick up line 4B (5B). Verify continuity through the
cascades to the left front riser. The continuity check is
now complete.

27. Tighten the connector links with an appropriate size

wrench. Do not over tighten! Inspect the links for any
Figure 5-24. Slider bumpers.
marks or damage possibly done during the tightening
process. Mark the barrel of the connector links with a tell- 4. A new type of connector link, called the “soft link,”
tale mark. has been approved for use with certain reserve canopies.
[Figure 5-25] Manufactured from Spectra® line, they
28. Move the slider upward from the risers onto the sus- loop through the bottom of the suspension line and the
pension lines. end of the reserve riser. The strength of these soft links
far exceeds that of the metal links when installed prop-
29. Move the slider bumpers upwards and into position erly. If installed on the reserve, the rigger should have
over the connector links. Hand tack the bumpers in place the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure the correct
according to the type used. installation.

1. Starting at the lower surface of the canopy, check the
line attachment loops and their associated bar tacks.
Follow the line downward to the cascade junction, if
applicable, and check the bar tack at this location.
Continue down the line to the connector links and check
the bottom loop and bar tack.

2. Starting at the top and working your way downward,

inspect the steering lines. Check all junctions and bar
tacks, paying particular attention to the brake loops.
Check the security of the steering toggles to ensure the
correct attachment method is followed. If the toggles are
improperly tied, they may come off when the jumper
deploys the brakes. Make sure the toggle matches the
size of the brake loops. If they are too large, they may
hang up and not release when needed. For compatibility,
the toggles should be those supplied with the harness
and container. Figure 5-25. Soft links.

3. If Rapide® links are used on the canopy, check them as HARNESS

set forth in the section on round canopies. The link orien- 1. When inspecting the harness, start at the riser end,
tation and tightness will be the same. Some canopy man- checking the condition of the webbing and stitching. Pay
ufacturers provide and prescribe the use of “slider particular attention to the security of the steering line
bumpers” with their canopies. These are made from either guide rings and the method of stowing the excess steering
webbing or from vinyl or rubber tubing and are designed line. If these guide rings fail, it can result in fatal conse-
to protect the grommets of the slider from impacting the quences to the user.
connector links during deployment. If these bumpers are
used, it is recommended that they be tacked in such a 2. Check all of the hardware on the harness in the same
manner that they cannot slide up the lines and interfere manner detailed in the pilot emergency parachute section
with the slider during deployment. [Figure 5-24] in this chapter (page 5-5).
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-15

3. Check the canopy release system for wear and operation. frequently overlooked is the RSL attachment ring on the
The release in almost universal use today is the 3-Ring® main risers, which are frequently replaced. [Figure 5-27]
release system. [Figure 5-26] With this system, it is In many cases, the attachment ring does not match up to
imperative that the rigger also checks the release cable the original design. The rigger should inspect the release
housings for security and cleanliness. Without proper handle for proper cable lengths. If the design has only one
maintenance, this system can be subject to hard pull riser attached to the RSL, it is imperative that the cables
forces and the inability to release properly. Since the suc- be trimmed to release the side opposite the lanyard first
cessful operation of the reserve deployment is somewhat so that the reserve is not deployed before the risers are
dependent on cleanly releasing the main, a properly oper- separated from the harness.
ating release system is necessary. The primary areas for
inspection are the release locator Velcro® on the harness
and the cable housings. Check the housing ends for sharp
edges on the inside of the grommets. If the housings are
tacked to the harness, make sure these are secure. If the
customer did not bring the main canopy with the reserve,
the rigger should encourage the customer to at least bring
the 3-Ring® release handle in for inspection and service.

Figure 5-27. RSL/riser attachment.

3. Check the main deployment system, of which there are

three basic types in use today. The first is a ripcord simi-
lar to the pilot emergency system. The second type is the
throw-out pilot chute (TOP). The third is the pull-out pilot
chute (POP).

Figure 5-26. 3-Ring® release system. a. Next, inspect the main ripcord system. Check the rip-
cord and main pilot chute the same as with the pilot
CONTAINER emergency system. Inspect the ripcord pocket for
In addition to those container areas referenced under the proper holding of the ripcord handle.
pilot emergency system, the sport piggyback container
has features unique to this configuration. b. For throw-out pilot chutes, inspect the pilot chute fab-
ric and mesh for holes. Check the TOP handle at the
1. Check the installation of the AAD, if one is installed, top of the pilot chute for security, paying special atten-
making sure the stowage pockets, cutter mounts, and con- tion to the tape holding the handle, which is particu-
trol unit are secure. Check that the cables are routed cor- larly prone to wear. Check the bridle attachment to the
rectly. If they are exposed, they may get snagged during pilot chute. If it is of a centerline collapsible design,
packing and damaged or disconnected. Upon completion, check the centerline for wear and stretch, and make
inspect the condition of the closing loop. sure the length of the bridle is correct. Check the
curved locking pin for wear or damage as well as the
2. Check the Reserve Static Line (RSL). The RSL is not tape, which attaches it to the bridle. [Figure 5-28 on
considered part of the certified reserve system, but if it is page 5-16] Check the pilot chute pocket for fit and
installed, the rigger is responsible for the entire RSL wear. Most of today’s installations are what is known
assembly since it is attached to the ripcord handle, cable, as a “bottom of container” (BOC) configuration. It is
or housing. This includes the cable housings for tacking particularly important that the elastic material from
and security, any guide rings used, and the RSL lanyard which the pocket is made is in good condition. A
itself. Check the release or snap shackle, if used, and any loose pocket can result in a premature deployment of
Velcro® or other positioning or locating methods. An area the main parachute.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-16

All the areas mentioned in the pilot emergency parachute
section apply to the sport rig. In addition, some assem-
blies utilize a ripcord which has a webbing loop handle,
or a “pillow” type handle similar to the 3-Ring® release
handle. [Figure 5-30] It is important that the rigger check
these handles for proper markings and fit to the assembly.
Make sure that there is sufficient slack in the cable to
allow no loading of the pin in any attitude or position that
the wearer may conceivably get into. Most, if not all of
these style handles utilize Velcro® to secure them to the
harness. Make sure the Velcro® is in good condition for
holding ability but not so much as to inhibit the pull

Figure 5-28. TOP bridle with worn pin tape.

c. If repacking a pull-out parachute, check the pilot

chute and bridle in the same manner of the throw-out
parachute inspection. Check the lanyard and handle
for wear.

4. If Velcro® is used on the main pin protector flap, be

sure to inspect its condition. If a plastic closing flap or
tongue is used, check for deformation or breakage.
[Figure 5-29]

Figure 5-30. Loop and pillow ripcords.

Remember, while both the pilot emergency parachute and

sport piggyback assemblies share many areas in com-
mon, each has peculiar requirements for its use. It is
important for the rigger to recognize these and handle
each system accordingly.

Figure 5-29. Main pin protector flap plastic breakage.

When the entire assembly inspection is complete, the
rigger will have a list of the discrepancies found during
5. If Velcro® is used on the main riser covers, be sure to the procedure. At this point, a determination must be
check its condition. If plastic, check for breakage and made on how to remedy these defects. For senior riggers,
deformation. If the plastic is excessively deformed, it is certain remedial action may be outside the scope of their
a sign that the covers do not fit properly and may open certificate. If so, those riggers need to find an appropri-
prematurely, causing problems. ately certificated and rated rigger to do the work, or
return the parachute to the manufacturer for repair. In the
6. For the container-closing loop, the same criteria applies case of major canopy or harness work, this may be the
as in the pilot emergency parachute. In addition, make best solution regardless. Aside from the qualification lim-
sure the loop material is the same as specified in the itations of the rigger, the manufacturer may be better
owner’s manual, especially if an AAD is installed. With equipped to perform major repair or overhaul. They have
certain AADs, a particular type of knot and washer to be the original patterns, templates, and design data as well
used is specified as well. as the certified materials. In addition, their labor rate is

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-17

probably less than what the rigger may charge the cus- form of written approval from the manufacturer in what-
tomer, particularly if he/she has not done this repair ever form they will provide.
before. The factory has the experience and practice that
will result in the repair looking “just like new.” While The bottom line is that the purpose of the system is to pro-
some riggers may look at any given project with antic- vide an infrastructure that ensures the safety of the public.
ipation, they also need to look at what is best for the Professional riggers strive to do the “right thing” both
customer. morally and legally.

Many times, the master rigger has a repair facility and PACKING
stocks it with the necessary materials. In most cases, As stated before, packing is the heart of the rigging pro-
these materials come from sources with no traceability fession. Once riggers satisfy all the necessary inspection
as to their origin. The manufacturer is required to use requirements, they may then proceed with the packing
only those materials that have been tested, certified, and process. This section describes a generic round parachute
approved to meet the standards of their quality control packing method into a modern back type pilot emergency
system under the TSO system. During one recent rou- system. The steps for doing this are common to most
tine inspection and repack, the rigger found severe fail- parachutes of similar types. Once the basics are mastered,
ure of the harness stitching at the main lift web/leg strap it is a simple matter of following the manufacturer’s
junction. Upon further examination, it was determined instructions for other makes and models.
that the thread used to sew the harness was not nylon.
The harness was returned to the manufacturer, who then ROUND CANOPY INTO A PILOT
determined that the thread was indeed cotton and not EMERGENCY PARACHUTE SYSTEM
the required nylon. The thread broke at approximately The steps for packing this type of parachute are broken
10 pounds vs. 45 pounds for 5-cord nylon. Further down into the following:
investigation revealed that the harness was originally
1. Layout.
manufactured with a harness size 3 inches shorter.
There were telltale marks left from where the original 2. Flaking and pleating the canopy.
harness was stitched. This modification was evidently
performed by someone who either was not qualified to 3. Folding the skirt and the long fold.
perform the work or had gotten a batch of the wrong 4. Closing the diaper and stowing the lines.
thread by mistake and did not recognize the difference.
Attempts to find out who did the alteration were unsuc- 5. Skirt or diaper placement.
cessful. The manufacturer repaired the harness at no
6. Accordion fold of the canopy into the container.
charge and returned it to the customer. To preclude this
type of problem, many professional riggers and lofts 7. Closing the container.
establish good working relationships with the manufac-
turers and procure certain materials from them. They Before beginning, the rigger must have the necessary
keep these marked and in a separate area, and use them tools to pack the parachute. The packing manual includes
only on the appropriate projects. a list of tools necessary for the procedure. Figure 5-31
shows the recommended tools needed to pack the para-
Another area of concern is a master rigger who does chute described in this section. Don’t forget to count your
major alterations without proper approval of the manu- tools before beginning!
facturer. The rigger may do major repairs to return the
assembly to its original condition without further authori-
zation of the Administrator or manufacturer, but alter-
ations are another story. 14 CFR, subsection 65.129(e)
states that “No certificated parachute rigger may pack,
maintain, or alter a parachute in any manner that deviates
from the procedures approved by the Administrator or the
manufacturer of the parachute.” There are a number of
common alterations seen in the field. Among them are:
harness re-sizing, AAD installations, RSL retrofits, chest
strap relocation, and others. The manufacturer’s approval
can vary from a verbal message over the phone to a for-
mal engineering procedure complete with drawings and
specifications. If the work is done correctly, the truth
probably lies somewhere in the middle. If riggers want to
ensure they are following code, they should obtain some Figure 5-31. Round parachute packing tools.

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LAYOUT 2. Attach the canopy tension loop to the upper table ten-
1. The parachute must be positioned on the table face sion device, then attach the connector links or risers to a
down with the wearer’s head toward the canopy. The rear tension board or similar device at the bottom of the table.
of the canopy faces up. Normally the data panel is on the [Figure 5-33] Be sure to apply light tension.
middle gore that faces up. [Figure 5-32]

Figure 5-33. Riser and connector links attached

to the tension board.

3. Straighten the apex of the canopy making sure the lower

lateral band or skirt is somewhat even. [Figure 5-34] Apply
additional tension to the canopy and lines.

Figure 5-32. Round parachute assembly on packing table. Figure 5-34. Straightening the canopy apex.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-19


1. Flake the canopy in the normal manner with an equal
number of gores to each side. Figures 5-35 thru 5-41
show the proper technique.

Figure 5-35. Flaking 1.

Figure 5-36. Flaking 2.

Figure 5-37. Flaking 3.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-20

Figure 5-38. Flaking 4.

Figure 5-39. Flaking 5.

Figure 5-40. Flaking 6.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:32 AM Page 5-21

Figure 5-41. Flaking 7.

2. Pleat the canopy with an equal number of gores to each

side. Make sure the canopy skirt is even. [Figures 5-42
thru 5-44]

Figure 5-42. Pleating 1. Figure 5-43. Pleating 2.

Figure 5-44. Pleating 3.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-22


1. Fold the skirt so it is parallel to the radial seams.
[Figure 5-45]

2. Fold the canopy lengthwise in thirds and then fold once

more to the center in what is commonly called “fifths.”
[Figures 5-46 thru 5-48] Place packing weights on the
canopy to hold it in place.


1. Pull the container towards the canopy and form a
loop of suspension lines above the top of the diaper.
[Figure 5-49] Be sure to leave enough room to close
the diaper.
Figure 5-45. Folding.

Figure 5-46. 5ths 1.

Figure 5-47. 5ths 2.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-23

Figure 5-49. Locking stow 1.

Figure 5-50. Locking stow 2

Figure 5-48. 5ths 3.

2. Close the diaper starting with the top grommet. Lock

the grommet with a bight of line no more that 1.5 inches
long. [Figure 5-50] Close the middle grommet in the same
manner. [Figure 5-51] Figure 5-51. Locking stow 3.

3. Close the bottom grommet over the bottom rubber band

and then the end flap grommet over the side grommet. 4. Finish stowing the remainder of the suspension lines
[Figure 5-52 on page 5-24] Close with a bight of line no using bights no more than 1.5 inches long. [Figure 5-53
longer than 1.5 inches long. on page 5-24]

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-24

Figure 5-52. Locking stow 4.

Figure 5-53. Line stows.


1. Lay the risers in the container and close the riser cov- 1. Fold the canopy toward the bottom of the container
ers. Insert pull-up cords into both ends of the closing loop. leaving enough to fill the upper corner of the container.

2. Turn the skirt of the canopy 90 degrees and lay one 2. Fold the canopy toward the bottom of the container and
edge of the diaper even with the top edge and inside the leave approximately 4 inches of canopy past the bottom.
pack tray. [Figure 5-54] [Figure 5-55]

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-25

Figure 5-54. Diaper stow.

Figure 5-55. S fold 1.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-26

3. Fold the canopy back towards the top of the container

and spread the canopy sideways to fill out the width of the
container. [Figure 5-56] Make two folds between the
lower edge of the diaper and the lower end of the closing
loop. [Figure 5-57]

Figure 5-56. S fold 2.

Figure 5-57. S fold 3.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-27

4. Lay the remainder of the canopy and apex across the

middle of the container and fold in an appropriate manner
to fill the empty area of the container on the pack tray
stiffener below the diaper. [Figure 5-58]

Figure 5-58. Apex location 1.


1. Close the bottom flap of the container first, threading 2. Close the top flap, being sure to push the canopy and
the pull-up cord through the grommet at the upper end of diaper into the corners of the container while closing.
the bottom flap. Place the canopy protector flaps into Thread the upper pull-up cord through the upper grom-
position as shown in figure 5-59. met on the top flap.

Figure 5-59. Apex location 2.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-28

3. Thread the lower pull-up cord through the lower grom-

met on the top flap making sure the canopy protector flaps
are in position. [Figure 5-60] Pull the lower pull-up cord
through both grommets until the closing loop appears and
install a temporary pin.

4. Pull the upper pull-up cord through the grommet until

the upper closing loop appears and install a temporary
pin. [Figure 5-61]

5. Compress the pilot chute between the rubber bumpers

and make sure the pilot chute canopy fabric is tucked
into the coils of the spring. Thread the pull-up cords
through the grommets in the grommet strap. Removing
one temporary pin at a time, pull up the closing loops
and secure the pilot chute in place with two temporary
pins. [Figure 5-62] Close the Velcro ® on the top and
bottom flaps.

6. Close the right side flap. Close the left side flap and
install the ripcord pins. [Figure 5-63]

7. Seal the last pin according to the manufacturer’s

instructions or in an approved manner.


The correct packing is the most important aspect of
repacking a parachute, but the cosmetic appearance of the
container is important as well. This is true both for a pilot
emergency and a sport piggyback system. Pilots want
their parachute as snug and as flat as possible to keep the Figure 5-60. Closing bottom flap.

Figure 5-61. Upper temp pin seated.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-29

Figure 5-62. Pilot chute seated in position.

Figure 5-63. Ripcord pins in place.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-30

parachute comfortable when in use. Skydivers want theirs

as snug and streamlined as possible so it stays closed dur-
ing free fall. The key to these requirements is to make sure
the pilot chute is held down securely. To do that, the clos-
ing loop needs to be as short as the rigger can make it and
still meet the requirements for the maximum pull force.
Under the TSO system, the maximum allowable pull
force for the ripcord is 22 pounds. Most riggers develop a
feel for the closing of the container and what the resultant
force will be. However, new riggers need to check their
packing technique to measure the pull force, which is
done without a seal or thread.

Start by having someone put on the parachute to replicate

the real shape and conformity of the parachute system. To
pull the ripcord while the parachute is lying on the table is
not realistic. The rigger then takes the ripcord handle
from the pocket and attaches a calibrated scale to it.
[Figure 5-64] Ideally, a recording scale should be used to
register the maximum force during the pull. Next, the rig-
ger needs to pull the ripcord in a smooth, quick motion,
duplicating the motion of the user and the test require-
ments of the TSO. Take note of the force required to pull
the ripcord pin(s) clear of the locking loop(s) and activate
the system. If the force is less than 22 pounds, the rigger
can then re-close the container and seal the ripcord. If the
force is over 22 pounds, the rigger must make whatever
adjustments are needed, such as lengthening the locking
loop or re-stowing the canopy, to achieve a pull force
below 22 pounds. Figure 5-64. Ripcord pull test.

SEALING THE PARACHUTE Take a length of seal thread approximately 20 inches

As stated in 14 CFR, section 65.133, “Each certificated long. Fold in half and make two lark’s head knots around
parachute rigger must have a seal with an identifying the ripcord cable adjacent to the shank of the ripcord pin.
mark prescribed by the Administrator, and a seal press. [Figure 5-65] Pass one end of the thread through the seal
After packing a parachute, he shall seal the pack with his and then under the pin on the opposite side of the locking
seal in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommenda- loop or cone. [Figure 5-66] Bring the end back through
tion for that type of parachute.” Most manuals simply say the second hole in the seal and tie a knot with the other
to “seal the parachute.” The following describes a com- end of the thread. [Figure 5-67] Leave enough slack in
monly approved method. the thread to allow for movement of the pin without

Figure 5-65. Lark’s head the thread on the cable.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-31

Figure 5-66. Threading the seal thread.

Figure 5-67. Positioning the seal.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-32

Figure 5-68. Compressing the seal.

breaking the thread. However, make sure the pin cannot rigger must become thoroughly familiar with the other
be extracted from the locking loop without breaking the configurations before attempting to assemble and pack
thread. Slide the seal over the knot and compress the seal these systems.
with the seal press. [Figure 5-68] Trim the excess thread.
Count all of your tools. Fill in the appropriate information The following components are necessary to assemble the
on the packing data card and the rigger’s logbook. Place harness and container to the ram-air reserve:
the data card in the packing data card pocket.
1. The harness, container, and associated parts to include
the reserve pilot chute and free bag, reserve ripcord,
RAM-AIR RESERVE INTO A reserve steering toggles, reserve closing loop, and
In the preceding text, the discussion centered on a para-
chute system that was already assembled. This next sec- 2. Reserve canopy.
tion focuses on the assembly of a ram-air parachute
system, the component parts, and the process from the 3. AAD, if desired.
assembly stage through to packing. While this section
provides guidance and an overview of packing a ram-air Before progressing, the necessary tools must be available.
canopy into a sport piggyback system, it is imperative that The packing manual should include a recommended tools
the rigger receive proper training from a certificated and list. However, based on the rigger’s experience and pack-
properly rated rigger who has been trained to pack ram- ing technique, the numbers and types of tools needed to
air reserves. 14 CFR, subsection 65.129(f) states, “No pack this system may vary. Figure 5-69 shows the tools
certificated parachute rigger may exercise the privileges needed to pack the following ram-air parachute assembly
of his certificate and type rating unless he understands the using the technique described.
current manufacturer’s instructions for the operation
Begin the assembly procedure in the following manner:
The following procedure is typical of many current 1-pin
container systems. While this configuration comprises the 1. Connect the canopy to the risers of the harness, ensur-
majority of those manufactured today, there are other ing line continuity is correct.
designs still in use that require different techniques. The
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-33

4. Folding the canopy.

5. Placing the canopy into the deployment bag, and stow-

ing the lines.

6. Placing the bag into the container and closing the con-


1. Anchor the risers at the connector links including the
steering lines. [Figure 5-71]

Figure 5-69. Ram-air canopy packing tools.

2. Tighten the connector links and seal with a telltale


3. If used, install and secure the connector link bumpers

per the canopy manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Route the control lines through the slider grommets

and guide rings on the rear of the riser. Fasten the
steering toggles in the required manner. [Figure 5-70]

Figure 5-71. Anchor risers.

2. Place packing weight on top of it.

3. Pull the slider down to the connector links. Make

sure the tapes face upward toward the canopy.
[Figure 5-72]

Figure 5-70. Tying toggles.

5. Install the AAD, if desired, according to the manufac-

turer’s instructions.

6. Install a closing loop of the correct type and length.

7. Attach the reserve free bag to the reserve pilot chute.

Figure 5-72. Pull slider down.
The steps for packing this type of parachute are broken
down into the following: 4. Lay the canopy on its right side. (Note: A mirror image
of the layout is permissible).
1. Layout, and setting up packing clamps.

2. Stacking and pleating the reserve canopy. 5. Flake the canopy so the top seams are even. Place a
clamp on the top of the canopy in line with each line
3. Setting the deployment brakes. attachment point as in figure 5-73 on page 5-34.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-34

It is imperative that the rigger maintains control over the

packing process at all times. In particular, it is important
to keep the lines taut and straight and to keep the center
“wind channel” of the canopy stack clear and the line
attachment tabs stacked neatly.

1. Pull tension on the “A” lines. Split the leading edge in

half. [Figure 5-75]

2. Fold half under “A” lines. [Figures 5-76 and 5-77]

3. Pick up the “B” lines by the clamp and hold vertically

over the “A” clamp. [Figure 5-78] Note the spread of
Figure 5-73. Clamps on top of canopy.
the leading edge panels.

STEP 2. STACKING AND PLEATING THE 4. Lower the “B” clamp and material down to the “A”
RESERVE CANOPY clamp. [Figure 5-79] Spread the cells equally to both
Note: The canopy stack should look like figure 5-74. sides. Keep the center cell in the middle.


3 — PANELS { Control Line

D Lines

4 — PANELS C Lines

B Lines

A Lines
3 — PANELS {
Figure 5-74. Drawing of canopy stack.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-35

Figure 5-75. Split the leading edge.

Figure 5-79. Lower “B” clamp to “A” clamp, spreading the cells.

5. Repeat this step with the “C” [Figure 5-80] and the
“D” line groups. [Figure 5-81]

Figure 5-76. Fold half under “A” lines.

Figure 5-77. Smooth panels under “A” lines.

Figure 5-80. Repeat with “C” lines.

Figure 5-78. Hold “B” clamp vertically over “A” clamp. Figure 5-81. Repeat with “D” lines.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-36

6. Split the trailing edge and separate the control lines

into right and left groups. [Figure 5-82]

Figure 5-84. Set the deployment brakes.

2. The finished toggles should look like figure 5-85.

Figure 5-82. Split the trailing edge.

7. Remove the “D” clamp. Hold down the “D” lines at

the line attachment point and pull down the control
lines. [Figure 5-83] Do not disturb the center of the
canopy stack. Figure 5-85. Completed brakes.


1. Fold all the trailing edge to one side, then pull the
stabilizer panel taut. [Figure 5-86]

Figure 5-83. Pull down the trailing edge.


1. Set the deployment brakes and stow the excess line in
the Velcro® keepers. [Figure 5-84] Figure 5-86. Pull stabilizer taut.
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-37

2. Flake the trailing edge of the canopy starting with the

outboard control lines. Fold each cell in half on top of
the “D” line group [Figure 5-87] until you get to the

Figure 5-89. Fold tail back for wind channel.

7. Create an “S” fold in the stack. [Figure 5-90]

Figure 5-87. Flake the tail.

3. Repeat with the opposite side.

4. Pull the slider up to the slider stops.

5. Remove remaining clamps from top of canopy. Make Figure 5-90. “S” fold drawing.
sure all suspension lines are in the center of the canopy
8. Position a packing paddle a third of the way up from
stack. [Figure 5-88]
the bottom of the canopy length on top of the stack.
[Figure 5-91]

Figure 5-88. Lines are taut in the center.

Figure 5-91. Packing paddle at 1/3rd location.

6. Fold the center of the trailing edge back to expose the 9. Place a gun cleaning rod at half the distance between
center of the “wind channel.” [Figure 5-89] the bottom and the packing paddle under the stack.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-38

10. Pull the rod up and move the canopy with paddle
towards container. [Figure 5-92]

Figure 5-92. Creating the “S” fold.

11. Pull the top center cell panel down to the bottom of Figure 5-94. Finish wrapping tail, four clamps.
the stack.

12. Wrap the center cell around the folded canopy with
the left and right about halfway to the center, then
secure with clamps, starting at the bottom. [Figure
5-93] The width of the folded canopy should be the
width of the D-bag plus 2 inches (5cm).

Figure 5-95. Bag positioned under canopy.

2. Make a second “S” fold to match figure 5-96.

Figure 5-93. Wrap tail, two clamps.

13. Continue to wrap the center cell around the canopy

stack and secure with additional clamps. [Figure 5-94]


Figure 5-96. Second “S” fold.
1. Lift the base of the folded canopy and slide the
reserve bag underneath. The grommets in the tongue
of the bag should be even with the bottom of the 3. Split the loose fabric at the top to form two “ears.”
stack. [Figure 5-95] [Figure 5-97]
CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-39

6. Fold the ends of the molar folds under to create the

bulk necessary to fill the top of the reserve bag.
[Figure 5-100]

Figure 5-97. Split fabric and form “ears.”

4. Gather the center cell material along the middle seam

until you reach the bottom. Roll the material under, but Figure 5-100. Fold molar ends under.
do not cover the center cell. [Figure 5-98]

7. When placing the canopy in the bag, allow the folded

canopy to stick out 2-3 inches at the mouth of the
bag to fill the corners of the reserve container.
[Figure 5-101]

Figure 5-98. Gather and roll center seam fabric.

5. Hold down the center cell material and then shape the
molar folds. [Figure 5-99]

Figure 5-101. Place canopy in bag.

8. Close bag and secure with the locking stows.

[Figure 5-102 on page 5-40]

9. Shape the bag. The shape of the bag should reflect

the desired shape of the reserve container.

10. Cover any exposed hook Velcro® to avoid contact with

Figure 5-99. Shape molar folds. the lines.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:33 AM Page 5-40

Figure 5-104. Place risers in the pack tray and spread.

Figure 5-102. Close bag and secure locking stows.

11. Stow the lines neatly leaving sufficient line between

the bag and riser ends. [Figure 5-103]

Figure 5-105. “S” fold the bridle on bag.

Figure 5-103. Stow lines.

12. Thread the pull-up cord through the closing loop.


1. Place reserve risers into the pack tray. Spread the risers
with the rear riser to the outside to minimize the bulk
against the back pad. [Figure 5-104] Figure 5-106. Fold the yoke over the bridle.

2. Place the reserve bag into the container and S-fold the
bridle in the center of the bag. [Figure 5-105] 4. Secure in place with a clamp. [Figure 5-107]

3. Fold the top yoke portion of the bag over the bridle. 5. Use the gun cleaning rod to thread the pull-up cord
[Figure 5-106] through the pilot chute. [Figure 5-108]

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:34 AM Page 5-41

6. Center the base of the pilot chute on the center

grommet of the deployment bag.

7. Compress the pilot chute while stuffing fabric and

mesh between the spring coils.

8. Position the cap of the pilot chute with the arrow

facing toward the top or bottom of the container.
[Figure 5-109] Secure with a temporary pin.

9. If an AAD such as a CYPRES® is installed, route the

pull-up cord through the cutter first, then through the
right (#1) side flap grommet. [Figure 5-110]
Figure 5-107. Secure yoke/bridle with clamp.

Figure 5-108. Gun rod through the pilot chute. Figure 5-110. Route pull-up cord through cutter and right flap.

Figure 5-109. Position pilot chute.

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:34 AM Page 5-42

10. Next thread the left (#2) side flap grommet. 11. Close the bottom flap (#3) and secure with a tem-
Simultaneously close the side flaps. [Figure 5-111] porary pin. [Figure 5-112]
Secure with a temporary pin.
Note: At this point, you should only be able to pull 1/4 –
1/2 inch of loop through the first three flaps. If you can
pull more, the loop is too long. Open container and
shorten loop.

12. Close flap #4 and insert ripcord pin. [Figure 5-113]

CAUTION: Place the closing plate on the bottom edge of

the inner top flap. This will protect the plastic stiffener if
you are kneeling on the pin protector flap.

Figure 5-111. Close right and left flaps simultaneously.

Figure 5-113. Close flap #4 and insert ripcord pin.

The rigger should determine how tight the closing loop

is, and decide whether to perform a pull test.



13. Once you are satisfied that the pull force is less than
22 pounds (10 kg), seal the ripcord and log the pack

14. Place the data card in the data card pocket. [Figure

Figure 5-112. Close #3 bottom flap. COUNT YOUR TOOLS!

CH 05.qxd 5/13/05 8:34 AM Page 5-43

is the primary component of the assembly. In recent years,

with the growth of sport parachuting, this configuration is
no longer standard. With the proliferation of many makes
and models of canopies and harness and containers, and
the ability to interchange components, it is necessary to
document the harness and container as well. The data
card shown in Chapter 1, Figure 1-8 has multiple identi-
fication spaces. With the widespread use of AADs, it has
now become necessary to document the information
required by the manufacturer such as the service cycle
and battery life. The newest cards have provisions for
this information.

With the ability to interchange components, what does

the rigger do when a reserve canopy is removed from an
Figure 5-114. Place data card in pocket. assembly? Where does the data card go? This is a some-
what gray area, but the common practice is for the card to
15. Complete the placard data on the orange warning remain with the canopy. If the harness and container have
label. Failure to do so will void the TSO. had work done that requires documentation, it may be
necessary for the rigger to fill out a duplicate card with
the appropriate notations as to the work done on the har-
DOCUMENTATION ness. Riggers should make sure that they note that this
One of the most important parts of the packing process is card is a copy of the original.
the requirement to keep proper records. 14 CFR, section
65.131 specifies the information the rigger is required to Finally, riggers are tasked with noting their name and
document. There are two forms of required records. The certificate number on the data card. In many cases, this
first is the rigger’s logbook. While the exact format is up information is illegible. Riggers who take pride and
to the rigger, there are commercially produced logbooks responsibility in their profession, and the work they do,
available that provide space for the required notations. have no hesitation in letting the public know who did the
The second required record is the parachute data card. work. Accordingly, many riggers have a permanent ink
Both of these items have been addressed in Chapter 1— stamp with their name, certificate number, and seal sym-
Regulations and Human Factors. bol that they use to stamp the card and then countersign
it. This is the mark of a truly professional rigger. While
There are several items of interest regarding the parachute the seal symbol is not required on the data card, it allows
data card. In the past, the data cards usually had informa- anyone to check the signature against the seal on the
tion only for the identity of the parachute canopy, which parachute.

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CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:41 PM Page 6-1

Riggers are taught that there are three things necessary to a packing paddle, a pull-up cord, and a temporary locking
do a proper job: knowledge to do the work, the correct pin. With some types of parachutes, these may be all the
materials, and the right tools. The job cannot be done cor- tools needed to pack them. Other riggers develop tech-
rectly without all three of these essentials. The right tools niques that utilize an array of tools designed to make the
include various types of sewing machines as well as a job easier or the end result neater. Some manufacturers
wide variety of specialized hand tools. have designed specialized tools to make their particular
parachute easier to pack and maintain. Each rigger will
The importance of learning the names and nomenclature develop a suitable technique and then obtain the tools to
of rigging tools and equipment cannot be overempha- support it.
sized. Just as learning the language of a foreign country
allows an individual to live and operate efficiently within In the past, the list of tools needed to pack and maintain
a society, learning the language of the rigger allows new military surplus parachutes was limited. Since most mili-
riggers to operate and interact within their profession. tary parachutes were simply variants of the same canopy
Without the necessary vocabulary, a rigger will not be designs, common tools could be used across the board. In
able to work with other riggers and, more importantly, today’s high-tech world, some of these original tools are
will not present a professional image to customers. still used along with a number of newer designs.

HAND TOOLS All riggers need to create a tool kit tailored for their
A new senior rigger must acquire enough tools to pack and particular situation. Figure 6-1 shows a commercially
maintain the types of parachutes for which he/she is rated. available field rigger kitbag with tools. Many riggers
In the course of training, the rigger candidate will be are “weekend” riggers, meaning they have a regular job
exposed to various tools and individual rigging techniques. during the week and work as a rigger on the weekend.
Some riggers adhere to a minimalist philosophy and use as This is typical of many skydiving riggers. Other riggers
few tools as necessary. This may initially consist simply of work full time in a loft or manufacturing environment.

Figure 6-1. Field rigger kitbag with tools.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:41 PM Page 6-2

Depending on their needs, riggers will have a different To stock the tool kit, figure 6-2 shows a list of necessary
approach towards their tools. The weekend rigger may tools that have been proven useful for today’s rigger. The
travel to a drop zone (DZ) where the primary job is pack- list of tools is broken down into two different categories.
ing. Therefore, the tool kit will be more basic as the Category 1, items 6-3 through 6-49 are mandatory tools.
purpose of this kit is not to take the whole loft to the Category 2, items 6-50 through 6-56 are optional tools as
DZ. The rigger who works in a full-time loft may have a most of them are for use in the loft.
more comprehensive tool kit since it does not have to be
hauled around. For the weekend rigger, there are several HAND TOOLS DESCRIPTION
field rigger kitbags available commercially which will The tool belt [Figure 6-3] is one of the most useful items
hold a full assortment of tools. Many riggers design and the rigger can have. Most tool belts are custom built by
build custom kitbags tailored around their individual the riggers themselves and include a selection of tools
requirements. Doing this is an excellent way to show off that are frequently used around the loft. It always seems
sewing skills while at the same time creating a needed that the tool the rigger needs at a particular moment is at
tool kit. the other end of the packing table or on another sewing
machine. The use of a tool belt makes riggers more effi-
cient as they are not always looking for and having to
retrieve their tools. A well-designed tool belt will hold
6-3 Rigger's tool belt
6-4 Seam rippers
the following tools as a minimum: scissors, thread snips,
6-5 Hemostats or clamp 6-inch ruler, marking pencils and pens, butane cigarette
6-6 Scalpel or Exacto® knife lighter, seam ripper, Exacto® knife or scalpel, and finger-
6-7 Thread snips
6-8 Butane cigarette lighter
trapping needles. Other tools can be added according to
6-9 6-inch stainless steel rule the tastes and needs of the individual rigger.
6-10 Fabric marking pencils & felt tip markers
6-11 Scissors
6-12 Finger-trapping needle
6-13 Finger-trapping wire
6-14 Packing paddles and packing fid
6-15 Pull-up cords
6-16 Locking pull-up cord
6-17 Molar strap
6-18 Temporary locking pins (temp pins)
6-19 Velcro® line protectors
6-20 Closing plate
6-21 T-bar positive leverage device
6-22 T-handle bodkin
6-23 Pilot chute threading tool
6-24 Pilot chute locking rod
6-25 Line separator (suspension line holder)
6-26 Connector link separator tool
6-27 Shot bags
6-28 Seal press
6-29 Lead seals and seal thread
6-30 Rigger’s logbook
6-31 Packing data card
6-32 Note pad
6-33 Rubber bands
6-34 Hand tacking needles
6-35 Straight & T pins
6-36 Navy end tab
6-37 Waxed nylon “supertack”
6-38 3-Cord cotton thread — waxed Figure 6-3. Rigger’s tool belt.
6-39 Tape measure
6-40 Shoulder strap hook
6-41 Pony clamps • Seam ripper—A small tool used in the sewing indus-
6-42 6-inch adjustable wrench try for “picking” stitches and ripping out seams. It has
6-43 Screwdriver — multi-tip a pointed sharp end and an inside cutting edge for
6-44 Needle nose pliers
6-45 Cable cutters slicing through thread. [Figure 6-4]
6-46 Ripstop roller
6-47 Beeswax
6-48 Spring scale and fabric testing clamps
6-49 Hot knife element w/cutting tip, basting tip, and stand
6-50 Hot glue gun
6-51 Tension board assembly w/apex tiedown
6-52 Size “O” rolled rim spur grommet handset
6-53 Hole punches
6-54 Cutting pad
6-55 Rawhide mallet
6-56 Binding tool

Figure 6-2. Rigger’s tool list. Figure 6-4. Seam rippers.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:41 PM Page 6-3

• Hemostats or clamp—Tools used by riggers for many • Butane cigarette lighter—A tool used for burning
clamping or retrieving operations. This tool was origi- thread ends to seal the thread and keep stitches from
nally a medical device for clamping off veins and raveling. It is also used for searing tapes, lines, and
arteries during surgery. Two or three sizes should be light webbing. [Figure 6-8]
obtained as well as both straight and curved models.
[Figure 6-5]

Figure 6-8. Butane cigarette lighter.

• 6-inch stainless steel rule—A tool used for making

fine measurements during work. At a minimum, the
scale should read to 1/16 inch and have a dual
(English/metric) readout. Certain models have one
rounded end. This model can be used for removing cut
stitches from work by rubbing the rounded end against
Figure 6-5. Hemostats or clamps. the thread thereby lifting it and making it easier to
remove. [Figure 6-9]
• Scalpel or Exacto® knife—A tool used for delicate
cutting of materials or thread. The Exacto® knife is
preferred as the handles come in various sizes and
with a wide selection of blades. [Figure 6-6]

Figure 6-9. 6-inch stainless steel rule.

Figure 6-6. Scalpel or Exacto® knife. • Fabric marking pencils and felt tip markers—Tools
used for marking webbing, tapes, and fabric. In partic-
• Thread snips—A tool used in the sewing industry for ular, Dixon #134s are used in the parachute industry.
trimming or “snipping” thread when sewing. Handier Other types have been found to contain abrasives and
and easier to use than scissors as the point is finer and compounds that, when used on canopy fabric,
allows more precise cutting of the thread. The weaken the material. This particular brand of pencil
ergonomic design takes some getting used to, but has been found to have minimal effect on the fabric.
proves superior in the long term. The stainless steel Various colors such as white, yellow, and red are use-
models are best, but some riggers prefer the plastic ful. Fine point felt tip markers are used for marking
ones, which have replaceable blades. [Figure 6-7] certain materials, such as Dacron® or Spectra® line,
which do not show the Dixon markers. Black, red,
and blue are most common. [Figure 6-10]

Figure 6-7. Thread snips. Figure 6-10. Fabric marking pencils and felt tip markers.
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:41 PM Page 6-4

• Scissors—A tool used for cutting all types of mate-

rials used in the parachute industry. A high-quality
scissors is lightweight, ergonomic, and comes in
right-hand and left-hand models. [Figure 6-11]

Figure 6-13. Finger-trapping wire.

• Packing paddle—A tool used for dressing the pack

of the parachute when packing. This tool is made
from either wood or aluminum. The MIL-SPEC pad-
dle has rounded ends and is 1 9/16" x 12" long and
tapers in thickness from 1/4" to 3/16". The wooden
commercial paddle is 1 3/4" x 15" long. [Figure 6-14 (A)]
Figure 6-11. Scissors.

• Finger-trapping needle—A tool used for inserting

suspension line into a “finger-trap” configuration.
They are actually a heavy-duty threaded needle
commonly called a “fid.” Plastic ones are available
commercially, but the best ones are custom made
from stainless steel or aluminum knitting needles.
Cut to length, they are then drilled and tapped with
screw threads in the flat end. The size 2, 6, and 8
needles are the most popular for the current line
sizes. [Figure 6-12]

Figure 6-14. Packing paddles and packing fid.

• Packing fid—A tool, similar to the packing paddle,

used also for dressing the parachute pack and tuck-
ing in flaps. The fid is approximately 1 9/16" x 8"
long and tapers from 1/4" to 1/8". It is made from
aluminum and was originally a U.S. Navy tool.
Many riggers have both the fid and the paddle, but
usually develop a preference for one or the other.
[Figure 6-14 (B)]

• Pull-up cords—Tools used to “pull-up” the locking

loop of parachute containers when closing and pinning
Figure 6-12. Finger-trapping needle. them. They are made from lengths of suspension line
or Ty-3 tape. [Figure 6-15]
• Finger-trapping wire—A tool used to finger trap line
too small to use a needle on. It is made from a wooden • Locking pull-up cord—A tool used to lock the thick-
or plastic dowel with a wire loop made from safety ness of a two-grommet reserve deployment bag when
wire. [Figure 6-13] packing the reserve canopy. Made from 72 inches of

CH 06.qxd 5/18/05 1:24 PM Page 6-5

prior to inserting the ripcord pins. All pins should have

long, brightly colored flags attached for recognition.
[Figure 6-18]

Figure 6-15. Pull-up cords. Figure 6-18. Temporary locking pins (temp pins).

red Ty-3 suspension line and a size 94 Cordlok nylon • Velcro® line protectors—Tools used to cover the
fastener. May be used on one-pin or two-pin reserve hook Velcro® on the line stow pocket of reserve free
bags. [Figure 6-16] bags during the line stow process. They are made from
pieces of 1" loop Velcro® with Ty-3 tape flags
attached. [Figure 6-19]

Figure 6-16. Locking pull-up cord. Figure 6-19. Velcro® line protectors.

• Molar strap—A tool used to control the folded • Closing plate—A tool used for closing one-pin con-
reserve canopy prior to inserting it in the reserve free tainers. Made from 1/4" aluminum with a “v” shaped
bag. Made from Ty-8 webbing and a Camlok nylon notch for pulling the closing loop up through the pack
buckle. The webbing should be at least 48" long and flaps while compressing the container. [Figure 6-20]
brightly colored to serve as a flag against leaving it on
the canopy. [Figure 6-17]

Figure 6-20. Closing plate.

Figure 6-17. Molar strap. • T-bar positive leverage device—A tool used to pro-
duce a “cranking” action to wind up the pull-up cord
• Temporary locking pins (temp pins)—Tools used to thereby increasing leverage when closing the con-
secure the pack in the temporarily closed condition tainer. It must be used carefully as it is possible that
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:41 PM Page 6-6

too much force can be applied, damaging the container the pilot chute launching disc. It is a tempered steel
or creating too much force on the pin. [Figure 6-21] rod approximately 18" x 3/16". [Figure 6-24]

Figure 6-24. Pilot chute locking rod.

• Line separator (suspension line holder)—A tool

used to keep the suspension lines of the canopy in
order while pleating. Made from aluminum with three
Figure 6-21. T-bar positive leverage device. “fingers” and two slots. [Figure 6-25]

• T-handle bodkin—A tool used primarily for clos-

ing container systems that have external pilot
chutes. A minimum of two is needed for the tool kit.
[Figure 6-22]

Figure 6-22. T-handle bodkin.

• Pilot chute threading tool—A tool used for threading

the pull-up cord through a one-pin pilot chute. A .22
caliber gun-cleaning rod works well. The best is a U.S.
Figure 6-25. Line separator (suspension line holder).
military surplus M-16 cleaning rod. It is made from
steel, as opposed to aluminum, and breaks down into
• Connector link separator tool—A tool used to sepa-
sections and a package that is 8" long. [Figure 6-23]
rate military style connector links, such as MS-22002
and MS-70118. Military P/N 11-1-176. [Figure 6-26]

Figure 6-23. Pilot chute threading tool.

• Pilot chute locking rod—A tool used to hold the

reserve pilot chute such as an MA-1 compressed on Figure 6-26. Connector link separator tool.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-7

• Shot bags—Tools used to hold the canopy and sus-

pension lines in place while folding. Packing weight
made from nylon fabric and filled with lead shot for
weight. These should be brightly colored to prevent
leaving in the parachute. Weight varies from 2-5
pounds according to needs. A minimum of four is
needed. [Figure 6-27]

Figure 6-29. Lead seals and seal thread.

Figure 6-27. Shot bags.

• Seal press—A tool used for compressing lead seals

when sealing the parachute under 14 CFR, section
65.133. The die of the press has the rigger’s seal sym-
bol engraved in the face for identifying the seal.
[Figure 6-28]

Figure 6-30. Rigger’s logbook.

that is normally made of Ty-Vek® material and is kept

with the parachute. [Figure 6-31]

Figure 6-28. Seal press.

• Lead seals and seal thread—Components used with

the seal press to seal the parachute, usually 3/8"
diameter. The thread is used to seal the parachute in
accordance to 14 CFR, section 65.133. A cotton
thread, usually ticket 20/4 with a tensile strength of
4.7 pounds. Also used as safety tie where required.
[Figure 6-29]

• Rigger’s logbook—A logbook used by riggers to meet

the record keeping requirements of 14 CFR, section
65.131. [Figure 6-30]

• Packing data card—A card used to fulfill the record

keeping requirements of 14 CFR, subsection 65.131(c) Figure 6-31. Packing data cards.
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-8

• Note pad—A pad used for recording miscellaneous • Straight and T pins—Tools used when doing canopy
information or making sketches when working on patches to pin the fabric together. The T pins are used
parachutes. [Figure 6-32] for heavier duty work such as container repair. [Figure

Figure 6-32. Note pad.

• Rubber bands—Bands used for stowing suspension Figure 6-35. Straight and T pins.
lines, bridles, or static lines. Three sizes are common
today. Besides the normal 2-inch size, there is a • Navy end tab—A tool used for assisting in hand tack-
smaller 1-inch size for the newer microline and a larger ing thick materials. This is a container end tab from a
one used for tandem parachutes. [Figure 6-33] U.S. Navy seat pack, modified with a “dimple.” The
dimple allows the needle to be pushed through the
material, and the holes in the tab allow gripping the
needle to pull it through. [Figure 6-36]

Figure 6-33. Rubber bands.

• Hand tacking needles—A variety of sizes of straight

and curved needles used for general sewing are neces- Figure 6-36. Navy end tab.
sary for every tool kit. [Figure 6-34]
• Waxed nylon “supertack”—Cord used for hand tack-
ing requirements because it has superior knot holding
properties. It is a waxed, flat, braided nylon cord that
serves as a modern replacement for 6-cord nylon.
Typically 80-90 pounds tensile strength, a 50-pound
version is also available. This cord is available in black
and white. [Figure 6-37]

• 3-cord cotton thread–waxed—Thread used for hand

tacking and break tacking on the risers and connector
links of emergency parachutes. Its tensile strength is
16 pounds. The color is usually natural. [Figure 6-38]

• Tape measure—A tool used for general measurement

of items such as suspension lines and bridles. A good
quality tape measure at least 25 feet long is necessary.
Figure 6-34. Hand tacking needles.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-9

Figure 6-39. Tape measure.

• Shoulder strap hook—A packing assist device used

to apply tension to the pull-up cord using upper-body
strength thereby freeing both hands to pin the con-
tainer. [Figure 6-40]

Figure 6-37. Waxed nylon “supertack.”

Figure 6-40. Shoulder strap hook.

• Pony clamps—Tools used for clamping material to

hold it as a third hand. Also used as a packing assistant
when packing square reserves. [Figure 6-41]

Figure 6-38. 3-cord cotton thread–waxed. Figure 6-41. Pony clamps.

If possible, get one with dual measurements • 6-inch adjustable wrench—A tool used for tighten-
(English/metric). [Figure 6-39] ing Rapide® links and other jobs. A good adjustable

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-10

wrench serves in place of several different sized

wrenches. [Figure 6-42]

Figure 6-45. Cable cutters.

• Ripstop roller—A tool used for applying ripstop

tape for canopy repairs. It removes air bubbles and
wrinkles. A standard wallpaper roller works well.
[Figure 6-46]
Figure 6-42. 6-inch adjustable wrench.

• Screwdriver–Multi-tip—A tool used for L-bar

connector links and general use. A good quality
screwdriver with interchangeable tips is the most
versatile model. [Figure 6-43]

Figure 6-46. Ripstop roller.

Figure 6-43. Screwdriver–Multi-tip. • Beeswax—Wax used for waxing 6-cord nylon or any
regular thread for hand tacking. [Figure 6-47]
• Needle nose pliers—A tool used for heavy-duty grip-
ping and pulling such as for needles in webbing.
[Figure 6-44]

Figure 6-47. Beeswax.

Figure 6-44. Needle nose pliers.
• Spring scale and fabric testing clamps—The spring
• Cable cutters—A tool used for cutting stainless steel scale is used for measuring the ripcord pull force on
cable and trimming the 3-ring release cable to length. reserve and emergency parachutes. With a minimum
A good quality cable cutter such as the Felco™ rating of 50 pounds, it is also used in conjunction with
model C7 cuts the cable cleanly. Electricians pliers or the fabric testing clamps to measure fabric strength or
diagonal cutters flatten the ends of the wire. [Figure reserve canopies in accordance with Parachute
6-45] Industry Association (PIA) TS-108. [Figure 6-48]

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-11

Figure 6-50. Hot glue gun.

Figure 6-48. Spring scale and fabric testing clamps.

• Hot knife element with cutting tip, basting tip, and

stand—A tool used for cutting and searing synthetic
materials such as nylon, Dacron®, and Spectra®. The
basting tip is used for fusing canopy material in place
prior to sewing during canopy repairs. The stand is
necessary to keep the hot elements from causing a fire.
[Figure 6-49]

Figure 6-51. Tension board assembly with apex tiedown.

steel model from Stimpson Co., Inc. is the most useful

grommet set because it has a replaceable die insert sec-
tion, which will wear out in time and can therefore be
replaced. It is also the highest quality. The stainless
steel set will work for both brass and stainless steel
grommets. [Figure 6-52]
Figure 6-49. Hot knife element with cutting tip, basting tip,
and stand.

• Hot glue gun—A tool used to replace staples and

hand basting in harness work. This modern tool has
changed harness repair and construction techniques.
[Figure 6-50]

• Tension board assembly with apex tiedown—A tool

used on the round packing table to apply tension to the
canopy when packing. There are two models available.
One is for military style L-bar connector links and
another, smaller one for Rapide® style connector links.
The straps should have a quick release feature to
release tension easily. [Figure 6-51]

• Size “O” rolled rim spur grommet handset—A tool

used for doing container repairs. The “O” stainless Figure 6-52. Size “O” rolled rim spur grommet handset.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-12

• Hole punches—Tools used for punching holes for • Binding tool—A tool used for turning corners when
grommets. Various sizes. [Figure 6-53] binding material such as para-pak or Cordura®. The
model shown in figure 6-56 is actually a soldering tool
from an electronics repair store. The plastic handle has
been replaced with a metal one. This is almost the per-
fect configuration for its use.

Figure 6-56. Binding tool.

The above tools will provide the rigger with the means to
pack and maintain most of the common parachutes in use
today. There are numerous other tools, both old and new,
Figure 6-53. Hole punches.
that individuals may wish to acquire for specialized para-
chutes. In particular, there are older styles and military
• Cutting pad—A tool used with hole punches. The
parachutes that cannot be packed without specialized
best are plastic, as these do not damage the punch.
tools designed specifically for them. At the same time, the
[Figure 6-54]
profession is constantly developing new tools to make the
job easier.

After the senior rigger has put together a personal tool kit,
the next step is to acquire a selection of sewing machines
in order to do minor repairs of defects found during
inspection prior to packing. For example, if you find a
small hole in the canopy, a sewing machine will be neces-
sary to make the correct repair. For this, a lightweight sin-
gle needle machine is the perfect beginning. As your
sewing skills progress, additional specialized machines
can be added as space and finances allow. Always remem-
ber, only those repairs allowed under your certificate may
be performed.

A bit of advice for those individuals who wish to buy their

Figure 6-54. Cutting pad.
own sewing machines: buy the best and newest machines
you can afford. Avoid old machines! They’re usually
• Rawhide mallet—A tool used when punching holes worn out, and parts may be hard to get, causing them to
and using grommet handsets. This is the only tool to be counterproductive. Buy self-lubricating machines as
use as the rawhide does not damage the other tools, opposed to ones you need to oil manually. Always get
and the weight makes the job easier and more consis- machines with a reverse mechanism. Get an adjustable
tent. The #2 size at 4 pounds is the most common. “K leg” stand and table. This allows you to set the height
[Figure 6-55] of the table to best fit your physical needs. Large people
bending over a short table for any length of time will
understand the need for this feature. If the rigger is buy-
ing a new machine, it is possible to order an oversize table
top in place of the standard 20" x 48" size. This allows
better control over harness and containers so they don’t
overlap the table.

When buying any machine, particularly from a sewing

machine dealer, get the operator’s manual and the parts
manual for the machine. The operator’s manual tells you
how to set up and operate the machine. The parts manual
is indispensable when the need to order parts arises. The
Figure 6-55. Rawhide mallet. average person could never figure out the names of some
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-13

of the parts, which makes it necessary to refer to the part

number. Without the parts manual, this is impossible. In
fact, some companies and individuals refuse to take deliv-
ery of new machines if the manuals are not with them.

Experience has shown that the average rigger who wishes

to set up a loft needs three initial machines: a lightweight
single needle such as a Singer 31-15 or Mitsubishi DB-
130 [Figure 6-57] for canopy repair and lightweight
maintenance; a double needle such as a Singer 212W140
or Mitsubishi LT2-220 [Figure 6-58] with a binder or tap-
ing attachment for binding material and light manufac-
ture; and a medium-duty double throw (308) zigzag
machine such as a Bernina Model 217 [Figure 6-59] for
suspension line repair and replacement. Figure 6-59. Bernina Model 217.

For those riggers who advance to master rigger and

wish to really get into the profession, they will need
additional specialized machines such as a medium-
duty, single needle, compound feed machine like a
Consew 226R or a Juki LU-563. [Figure 6-60] This
type of machine is used for doing container repairs
and light harness work. The next machine should be
a heavy-duty harness machine such as a Singer 7-33
or Consew 733R. [Figure 6-61] These machines spe-
cialize in sewing 5-cord nylon or heavier thread used
in the manufacture and repair of parachute harnesses.
Figure 6-57. Mitsubishi DB-130.

Figure 6-60. Juki LU-563.

Figure 6-58. Mitsubishi LT2-220.

For those individuals on a tight budget or with space con-

straints, a good idea is to buy a double needle machine
first. By removing one needle and bobbin, the machine
will perform excellently as a single needle machine.
Replace the needle and bobbin, and the machine again is
a double needle. This gives the rigger two machines for
the price and space of one. A good zigzag machine will
also do multiple duty. Its primary purpose is for zigzag
sewing. However, adjusting the stitch regulator allows the
rigger to do an acceptable job sewing bar tacks. By chang-
ing the stitch length and adjusting the width to the nar-
rowest setting, some machines will do good straight
stitching such as the Pfaff model 138. Figure 6-61. Consew 733R.
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-14

Lastly, a bar tack machine such as a Pfaff 3334 Figure 6-63 shows the comparative models of various
[Figure 6-62] or Singer 69 class allows fast, strong, types of machines currently available.
professional repairs and is invaluable in line replace-
ment and manufacturing. This selection of machines
provides the rigger with the ability to undertake vir- IDENTIFICATION AND NOMENCLATURE
tually any repair or modification needed on today’s The purpose of the following information is NOT to
parachutes. Remember, all sewing machine manufac- make you an accomplished sewing machine expert and
turers build models that fit within the various duty repairman. You should learn the basics about what makes
types. Those models mentioned are only representa- your sewing machines work and how to perform routine
tive for that category. maintenance and service. If you don’t, you will suffer
needless frustration for simple problems, and it will cost
you excessively in down time and service repair bills. The
information on troubleshooting provides you with the
basic knowledge needed to keep your machines running.
Some individuals find that they have an affinity for
repairing and maintaining sewing machines. For those of
you who do not, cultivate relationships with these people
carefully. They will be most valuable to you.

Figure 6-64 shows the front view of a modern light-

duty single needle machine. The numbers correspond
with the description.

Figure 6-62. Pfaff 3334.


Make Single Single Single Two Zigzag Bar tack Harness Harness
needle light needle needle needle medium machine machine
duty drop medium compound feed duty heavy extra
feed duty feed duty heavy
needle duty
Singer 31-15 111W151 111W155 112W116 17W15 68 or 69 7-33 97-10
Consew 292R N/A 206RB-4 333RB-1 199R-2A N/A 733-R2 N/A
Juki DLN-415 LU-563 LH-515
Brother B-791
Mitsubishi DB-130 DY-340- LT2-220 LZ-780-
12 LU2-400 11
Pfaff 138 3334
Bernina — — — — 217 — — —

Figure 6-63. Sewing machine model comparison.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-15


3 6

Figure 6-64. Front view of a modern light-duty single needle machine.

1. Machine head—This is the actual machine assembly. 6. On/off switch—Controls power to the motor.

2. Table top—This holds the head in position and the 7. Thread stand—This holds the spools of thread for
motor underneath. both the sewing machine and the bobbin winder.

3. Stand—This supports the table top. 8. Bobbin winder—This feeds the thread to the bobbin
during the winding process.
4. Motor—This powers the sewing machine.
9. Light—A good light is necessary to observe the
5. Treadle—This is the “gas pedal” which operates the sewing operation.
motor. Pushing forward makes motor start and push-
ing backward stops the motor.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-16

15 10 9 8 7 5



13 12


18 17


19 1

Figure 6-65. Closeup of head.

Figure 6-65 shows a closeup of the head only. Only those 7. Stitch regulator—The adjustor that controls the
parts, which the rigger must deal with on a regular basis length of the stitch. The larger the number, the longer
in order to operate and maintain the machine, are shown. the stitch, and the smaller the number, the shorter the
For those individuals who wish to become more involved stitch.
in the machine, a thorough study of the operator’s manual
and parts manual is encouraged. The following numbers 8. Pre-tension thread guide—The assembly that pro-
correspond with the part description. vides initial thread tension and thread straightening
before the thread reaches the main upper thread ten-
1. Bed—The base of the machine. sion assembly.

2. Arm—The upper casing of the machine. 9. Thread retainer—Provides direct guidance for the
thread to the upper tension assembly.
3. Uprise—The upright part of the machine that joins
10. Thread take-up cover—Covers the thread take-up
the base and the arm.
lever and protects the operator.
4. Faceplate—The cover that protects the needle bar 11. Right arm thread guide—Provides thread guidance
and presser bar mechanisms. from the upper tension assembly to the thread take-
up lever.
5. Balance wheel—The pulley assembly that drives the
machine via the motor and belt. 12. Upper tension regulating thumbscrew—Regulates
pressure of the tension discs on the thread.
6. Reverse lever—The mechanism that, when
depressed, reverses the sewing operation of the 13. Thread controller spring—Provides for the correct
machine. amount of slack in the needle thread when the needle

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-17

is descending so that the needle does not cut the


14. Tension discs—Provide tension on the upper thread.

15. Presser bar tension nut—Regulates the pressure of

the presser foot on the material.

16. Thread take-up lever—Provides for slack in the

needle thread after the stitch is formed and pulls the
correct amount of thread from the spool for the next

17. Needle bar—Holds the needle and carries the upper

thread downward through the material to where the
stitch is formed. Figure 6-66. First in sequence in forming a stitch.

18. Presser foot bar—Holds the presser foot in place to

hold pressure on the material.

19. Presser foot—Holds the material in place while the

feed dog moves the material forward for the next

20. Needle plate—Surrounds the feed dog and protects

the material during the movement process.

21. Slide plate—Covers the area of the bed to the left of

the feed dog and provides access to the bobbin

22. Feed dog—Feeds the material through the machine

from the underside. Figure 6-67. Second in sequence in forming a stitch.

Once the rigger has become familiar with the parts of the
machines, it is time to begin to understand the operation
and theory of how the machines sew. The primary form of
stitch pattern is what is called a 301 lockstitch. It is
formed by two threads, one from the top and one from the
bottom. The needle carries the thread from the top
through the material, and the bobbin holds the thread on
the bottom. The hook catches a small loop in the upper
thread and carries it around the bobbin, and the two
threads interlock between themselves to form the stitch.
Figures 6-66 through 6-70 show the sequence in forming
the stitch.

There are two types of principles of operation in sewing

machines. They are the “oscillating” hook and the Figure 6-68. Third in sequence in forming a stitch.
“rotary” hook. With the oscillating type, the bobbin and
hook are positioned in a vertical plane to the bed of the from the larger heavy-duty machines, most new machines
machine. The hook rocks back and forth in a half revolu- are rotary in operation. Figure 6-71 on page 6-18 shows
tion to complete the stitch. With the rotary type, the bob- an oscillating hook and figure 6-72 shows a rotary hook.
bin and hook may be either vertical or horizontal, and the
hook makes two complete revolutions to complete one There are three types of feed mechanisms to move mate-
stitch. The oscillating models are generally slower in rial through the machines. The first and simplest is called
operation while the rotary is the high-speed model. Aside a “drop feed” machine. With this type of feed, a feed dog
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-18

Figure 6-69. Fourth in sequence in forming a stitch. Figure 6-72. Rotary hook.

The second type of machine is the “needle feed”

machine. With this type, the needle bar moves in addi-
tion to the feed dog and helps move the material. This is
a medium-duty machine. The Brother B-791 is an

The third type of machine is a “compound feed”

machine. This is a combination of the drop feed and nee-
dle feed along with an alternating presser foot. This is a
more positive feed machine and is generally a medium-
duty to heavy-duty machine. The Juki LU-563 and
Consew 733R are good examples.

The needle is one of the smallest parts of the machine but
Figure 6-70. Fifth in sequence in forming a stitch. is probably the most important. It is the source of the per-
fect stitch and also the most aggravation. The use of the
correct type and size of needle is most important in
proper operation of a sewing machine. Improper needles
will cause a machine to produce poor stitching and may
damage the material, or the machine might not sew at all.
Using the wrong needle can also damage the machine.
Figure 6-73 shows the parts of a needle. Without getting
into the advanced aspects of needle technology, there are
a few simple things for the rigger to know.

1. There are three types of points—round, diamond,

and twist. Round is used for cloth as it separates the
fibers of the cloth as it passes through. The diamond
is used for leather as it cuts the material.

2. Each type of needle has a number to identify its size.

A typical description would be “16 x 95, size 20”.
Figure 6-71. Oscillating hook. The 16 is the size or diameter of the shank. The 95 is
the length and also describes the type of point. Odd
on the bottom rises up to press the material against the numbers denote round points and even, diamond
presser foot from the top and moves it along while the points. The size 20 is the diameter of the shaft.
needle bar and needle move up and down penetrating the
material and forming the stitch. This is generally the 3. The rigger should always follow the instructions in
lightest duty of machines. The Singer 31-15 and the operator’s manual for the proper needle, installa-
Mitsubishi DB-130 are typical of a drop feed. tion, and threading.
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-19

Figure 6-75. Shuttle of the machine.

Figure 6-73. Parts of a needle.


Before you first sit down in front of the machine, check to THE MACHINE
see that the power cord is plugged in. All single needle type machines have the needle posi-
tioned in the needle bar with the long thread groove
Many of the modern machines are self-lubricating and facing to the left. Make sure that the needle is installed
have an oil reservoir in a pan below the head. Make sure all the way up to the stop in the needle groove of the
there is oil of the correct type and to the correct level. needle bar. Check that the long thread groove faces left
[Figure 6-76] and that the needle clamp screw is tight.
Next, remove the bobbin case and bobbin from the
machine and the upper thread from the needle. This
allows you to check to see if the bobbin case is clear and
free in operation.

Without turning the power on, depress the treadle lightly

to release the clutch. Turn the balance wheel or drive pul-
ley TOWARD you and cycle the needle up and down sev-
eral times to see if the machine turns freely. Listen for any
sounds that seem abnormal and notice any feeling of
tightness or binding of the machine.

If everything seems normal, re-thread the needle. Take a

full bobbin, place it in the bobbin case [Figure 6-74], and
install it in the shuttle of the machine [Figure 6-75].

Figure 6-74. Bobbin case.

Cycle the needle down and pick up the bobbin thread. A

correctly threaded and timed machine will pick up the
bobbin thread on the first cycle. Figure 6-76. Needle with left orientation.
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-20

Figure 6-77. Thread the machine.

Take a cone of thread and place it on the thread stand. After cleaning, each machine should be lubricated to
Route the thread upward through the guide at the top of ensure smooth operation. For those machines which are
the stand and then to the pre-tension thread guide on top self-lubricating, check the level and condition of the oil in
of the arm of the machine. Thread the machine according the reservoir. For these machines, a #1 white oil, with a
to figure 6-77. Most modern machines use a similar higher viscosity should be used. Depending on the
method of threading. However, there may be additional amount of use, the oil should be changed every 6 months
thread guides of different shapes to route the thread to a year. In no case should the oil be changed less than
through. This is why the rigger should have a copy of the once a year. For machines that require manual lubrica-
operator’s manual for proper threading of each machine. tion, a #2 white oil should be used as it has a lower
viscosity to better adhere to the moving parts. This
Once the machine is threaded correctly, take a sample of should be done daily at the end of the workday. Oiling
material suitable for the type of machine, thread, and nee- the machine at this time allows the oil to seep downward
dle. Form several layers and place it under the presser through the mechanisms and collect on the bottom. In the
foot. Lower the presser foot while holding the upper and morning before use, take a clean rag and wipe off the
lower threads securely to the rear of the presser foot. Turn excess oil so it does not stain the parachute materials. Pay
the balance wheel again and run a few stitches by hand to particular attention to the shuttle race. Keeping this well
see if the machine sews properly. If everything works as lubricated will ensure smooth operation and a quieter
expected, turn the power on and begin sewing. If you are machine. One item that tends to get overlooked is the bob-
unfamiliar with this particular machine, begin slowly bin winder. The shaft of the winder has a small hole in the
until you get the feel of the clutch and speed of the top and a drop of oil should be added at least once a week
machine. to keep it free.

If the machine does not sew correctly, consult the trou- SEWING MACHINE ATTACHMENTS
bleshooting guide [Figure 6-78] to determine what the The most common attachment that the rigger will use is a
problem is and how to remedy it. tape folder or “binder.” This attachment folds tape, typi-
cally 3/4" Ty-3, used for binding the edges of container,
MACHINE MAINTENANCE bags, or any material needing an edge binder. Used in
The most important part of maintaining your sewing conjunction with a double needle machine, it folds the tape
machines is to keep them clean and lubricated. Each in half for a professional appearance and greatly speeds up
machine should be wiped down daily with a clean rag to the work. [Figure 6-79] There are two types of folders. One
remove oil and dirt. The amount of use each machine gets is a straight folder where the tape is fed straight into the
will dictate the cleaning required. However, on at least a machine under the presser foot. [Figure 6-80] This folder
weekly schedule the moving parts should be cleaned with is used for most straight binding, has minimal adjustments,
a small brush to remove dust, lint, dirt, and threads. An air and is the least expensive usually costing around $35. The
hose or bottle is useful in blowing dirt out of places the second type of folder is a right angle folder. [Figure 6-81
brush cannot reach. Be careful when doing this as small on page 6-22] The best models of these are custom built
particles can be propelled through the air and can strike by companies that specialize in attachments. They utilize
the eyes. At the very least, the dirt can be blown onto other special feed dogs, throat plates, and presser feet in
machines and work. addition to the folder. This type of folder is hinged to

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-21

Troubleshooting chart for light duty drop feed machine

Needle breakage Incorrect class and variety of needle being used Use correct class and variety needle
Needle loose in clamp Tighten needle clamp screw
Needle too small for fabric Use larger needle
Operator pulling on fabric Allow machine to feed material

Needle thread breakage Thread too heavy for needle Use larger needle or smaller thread
Right twist thread being used Use left twist thread
Machine incorrectly threaded Check machine for proper threading
Needle thread tension too tight Loosen needle thread tension
Thread take-up spring out of adjustment Adjust thread take-up spring
Burr on bobbin case, shuttle point or tension Smooth with emery cloth
Thread rubbing against presser foot Adjust presser foot
Needle is bent or has blunt point Replace needle

Bobbin thread breakage Bobbin tension too tight Adjust bobbin tension
Bobbin incorrectly threaded Thread bobbin to revolve clockwise
Bobbin wound too fully to revolve freely Remove some of the bobbin thread
Rounds of bobbin thread lapped over Ensure bobbin thread is straight when winding
one another bobbin
Bobbin case is dirty Clean and lubricate bobbin case

Skipped stitches Machine out of time Time needle to shuttle

Thread controller spring out of adjustment Adjust thread controller spring

Drawing of seam Both needle and bobbin tension too tight Loosen needle and bobbin tension

Stitches piled up Stitch regulator out of adjustment Adjust stitch regulator

Pressure on presser foot too tight Loosen presser foot adjustment screw

Feed dog striking Feed dog set too high Lower feed dog to correct height
throat plate

Figure 6-78. Troubleshooting guide.

swing out of the way for changing bobbins. Most

machines have several adjustments that allow for fine tun-
ing the folder for optimum performance depending on the
tape used. Folders cost several hundred dollars.

Figure 6-80. Straight binder.

Figure 6-79. Material with binding tape. the tape evenly to the needles. Yet another attachment is a
seam folder used to make a French fell seam in canopy
Another type of attachment is used to feed reinforcing construction. Figure 6-82 on page 6-22 shows both of the
tape such as 3/8" Ty-3 onto a canopy seam. This is a sim- above attachments used in conjunction with each other.
ple guide, which is attached to the presser foot and feeds Over the years, the sewing industry has developed literally

CH 06.qxd 5/18/05 1:36 PM Page 6-22


The term “loft” comes from earlier times when the area
used to pack and maintain parachutes was usually situ-
ated in the aircraft hangar above the aircraft. Hence, the
term “loft.” The name has continued to this day and is
synonymous with the parachute workshop.

Under 14 CFR, subsection 65.127(b), a rigger must have:

“Suitable housing that is adequately heated, lighted, and
ventilated for drying and airing parachutes.” Under 14
CFR, subsection 65.127(d), the rigger must have:
“Adequate housing facilities to perform his duties and to
protect his tools and equipment.” All of this only makes
sense in that the properties stipulated are those that are
best suited for storing and maintaining parachutes.
Figure 6-81. Right angle binder. Although these regulations have been in effect for over 40
years and were originally intended to apply to parachutes
hundreds of different attachments to speed up and with organic fibers in them, they still apply today. From
improve the sewing process. the practical side, keeping yourself and the parachute
warm promotes efficient work habits. Good lighting means
that you can properly inspect the parachute. Ventilated
means that the parachute is properly dried before packing.
Keeping your tools clean, dry, and serviceable means that
you can do the correct job on the parachute.

Most individuals have been to automotive garages where

there was oil on the floor and parts strewn everywhere. In
contrast, modern professional garages sometimes look like
hospital facilities in their cleanliness and organization.
Where would you take your car? The same is true with the
loft, as depicted in figure 6-83. A clean, organized, and well-
designed loft inspires customer confidence in the rigger’s
Figure 6-82. Tape feeder and French seam folder.
ability to work on the parachute.

3' X 40' Packing Table With Storage Shelving Below

and Metal


Square Canopy
Harness Work Table

Packing Area
12' X 16'
Rig Canopy
3' X 10'

4' X 8' Assembly Hanger

Work Glass Top Table
Table Cutting
Mitsubishi LT2-220

Mitsubishi DB-130
Harness Machine

Double Needle
Consew 733R

Single Needle

Single Needle
Brother B791
Walking Foot

Work Desk
Bernina 217
Juki LU-563

Pfaff 3334

Bar Tack



Figure 6-83. Loft drawing.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-23

Figure 6-84. Canopy hanger.

The loft facility houses the sewing machines and other Along with the canopy hanger, an assembly and
equipment over and above the hand tools that all riggers inspection table [Figure 6-85] is extremely useful. It
should have. A full-service loft will have the following allows the harness and container to be assembled to
areas: the canopy without laying it on the floor. The assem-
bly table allows the correct distance from the floor to
1. Packing and inspection area. A main part of the loft mate with the canopy and provides an ideal storage
layout is a suitable packing area. According to 14 area for the packing tools, wrenches, other equipment,
CFR, subsection 65.127(a), the rigger must have: “A and materials needed for assembly. Figure 6-86 shows
smooth top table at least 3 feet wide by 40 feet long.” a complete layout of the canopy hanger and layout
Technically this is still required, and is used prima- table.
rily for round canopies. However, with today’s
square parachutes, the accepted practice is to pack on
the floor on a suitable covering such as carpet. If the
rigger is packing round parachutes, a packing table is
a necessity as it makes the rigger’s job easier and
more comfortable. If there is no packing table, then
there needs to be an open area big enough to lay out
the square parachute. While not expressly required,
most lofts will have a canopy hanger [Figure 6-84]
for inspection, airing, and assembling square canopies.

Figure 6-85. Assembly and inspection table. Figure 6-86. Canopy and table layout.
CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-24

2. Work area including layout tables and sewing

machines. The work and layout tables are ideally 4 x
8 feet for optimum space usage. Any canopy layout
can be done on the packing table. The work tables
should be adjacent to the sewing machines for mini-
mum walking distance between them. Many lofts will
have a small table along the walls against which the
sewing machines are placed. This allows storage of
materials and other items needed during the sewing
operation. The right end of the sewing machine table
is placed against this table so that the left, or open end,
is available to lay canopies or containers on.

3. Harness table and machines. Because of the

nature of harness work, there are many specialized
materials and tools unique to harness work. The
table [Figure 6-87] will house the hot knife, hot
glue gun, templates, and rulers. The harness
machine should be adjacent to the harness table for
maximum efficiency.

Figure 6-88. Glass top table with cover.

[Figure 6-89] The grommetting area [Figure 6-90]

should be adjacent to the metal working area, since
several of the tools used to remove grommets will be
found there. The grommet machine or handsets are
kept in this area. Parachute containers or other parts
needing grommets are brought to this area for work.

Figure 6-87. Harness work table.

4. Cutting table. The cutting table is used for cutting

canopy fabric for canopy repairs, para-pak or
Cordura® for container repairs, or for cutting any-
thing for general manufacturing. Ideally, this cutting
table will have a glass surface for use with a hot
knife. One of the best designs utilizes a 4 x 4 feet
glass surface that is hidden below a wooden cover
that can be removed when needed and protects the
glass when not in use. This table serves dual duty as
a work table. [Figure 6-88]

5. Metal working area. It is important to segregate the

metal working area from the rest of the loft. Because Figure 6-89. Metal working area.
of the nature of the work, metal working creates con-
siderable contamination with metal shavings and 6. Office area. The office area will handle the adminis-
other particles injurious to parachute fabrics. The trative and record keeping functions of the loft. It
metal working area will have drills, grinders, swag- will have a desk, file cabinets, library or book-
ing tools, Nicopress® tools, and other tools needed shelves, telephone/fax machine, and computer. All
for repairing or overhauling metal components. work orders will be processed through here.

CH 06.qxd 5/13/05 12:42 PM Page 6-25

Figure 6-91. Pegboard wall storage.

stored. Rolls of fabric may be stored under the work

or packing tables or on wall racks.
Figure 6-90. Grommet area.
All of the above may be practical for the full-time profes-
sional loft, but for the individual rigger there may be certain
7. Materials storage area. The storage area may be a space constraints. Many riggers take over their garage,
separate room, a pegboard [Figure 6-91], or cabinets which makes a perfectly suitable loft with some cleaning
on the walls where thread, tapes, and webbing are and remodeling.

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Packing is the mainstay of the parachute rigger, but an 5. Equipment—Additional tools needed (in addition to
equally important part is the repair and maintenance of the sewing machines).
the parachute and its related systems. When the parachute
is new, it is expected to function as designed. As it is used 6. Procedure—The step by step guide through the
and ages, however, it begins to wear and its condition repair. This may include a disassembly and reassem-
changes, which, over time, could result in a malfunction bly procedure. Disassembly may be straightforward,
of the system. It is the rigger’s responsibility to identify but the reassembly instructions may provide special
any condition that might result in the parachute being tips or procedures to accomplish the task.
non-airworthy and therefore dangerous. In the course of
training, the rigger candidate will learn to identify those
7. Inspection—The final inspection of the finished
conditions that may be unsafe. The trainee will also learn
repair. This is a very critical part. In many cases, the
how to undertake the necessary repairs to return the para-
rigger is doing the work alone. Within the manufac-
chute to its original, airworthy configuration.
turing environment, the persons doing the work
generally do not inspect their own work. This is
As stated in Chapter 1—Regulations and Human Factors, given over to dedicated inspection personnel. For
it is imperative that riggers be able to distinguish between the private rigger, there may be no one around to
minor and major repairs. This ensures that riggers do not inspect the work. In the case of simple repairs, it is
exceed the limitations of their certificate or endanger the easy for the rigger to inspect the finished job. For
parachute user. The basic rule for repairs is to return the more extensive repairs, such as a harness main lift
damaged parachute or component to its original airwor- web replacement, there can be several areas that
thy configuration. However, in many instances, the need to be addressed such as dimensions, stitching,
remanufacture of the parachute may not be practical or and hardware orientation. By having an inspection
cost effective. In these cases, there are approved repair checklist, the rigger can be assured of not missing
techniques riggers can use to return the parachute to any critical area.
service. These techniques form an important part of the
rigger’s store of knowledge.
Each of the seven sections in this chapter has a list that
describes common repair procedures today’s rigger might
REPAIR TECHNIQUES use. While not necessarily encompassing everything, the
The following procedures use a format that provides the techniques used in these repairs can be expanded upon to
rigger with all of the necessary information to complete address almost any other scenario that might be encoun-
the repair properly. It has been used by at least one man- tered. If the rigger encounters a repair that he or she is not
ufacturer to provide the necessary documentation to familiar with, then the rigger should contact the manufac-
riggers in the field to perform major repairs or alterations turer for further direction and guidance. The rigger should
on that manufacturer’s equipment. The procedures pro- also remember that each procedure is just one method of
vide the following information to the rigger: accomplishing a given repair. There might be more than
one or an individual might develop a different technique
1. Applicable products—Those parts of the parachute to achieve the same results.
that the procedure addresses.
No matter what techniques or procedures that are fol-
2. Description—Brief explanation of the repair or lowed, remember that there are three basic requirements
alteration. to follow for any proper repair procedure.
3. Materials—Those items needed to perform the pro-
cedure. 1. The first is the knowledge to do the job. This includes
the required certification and authorization.
4. Machines—Those machines required to do the pro-
cedure. In addition to the machines, there may be 2. The second is the proper equipment, such as sewing
special attachments required to do the work properly. machines or hand tools.
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3. Third is the availability of the proper materials. The four primary areas of parachute repair and mainte-
nance are: canopy and lines; container; harness and ris-
The individual may be a master rigger with a complete ers; and accessory components. These areas are
parachute loft at his/her disposal, but without the materi- summarized within the seven sections of this chapter as
als as used in the original manufacture, the correct repair follows:
cannot be made. By following these simple guidelines,
riggers are always able to determine whether or not they Section 1. Canopy and lines.........................................7-3
can do the job properly. Section 2. Container...................................................7-39
Section 3. Harness and Risers....................................7-57
Most of today’s manufacturers provide guidance for the
Section 4. Accessory Components.............................7-79
repair and maintenance of their products. These instruc-
tions are the official guidelines that the rigger must follow. Section 5. Alterations.................................................7-93
Section 6. Manufacturing.........................................7-103
Section 7. Miscellaneous .........................................7-115

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There are two general categories of canopies: round and differ in their approach to methods of repair. Those called
square. While there are other canopy types, their con- out in this book are methods that have been proven to be
struction and repair techniques generally follow those practical and efficient and commonly accepted through-
of the round and square canopies. Figure 7-1 shows a out the parachute industry. The techniques are similar
round canopy repair table, created from current military with only minor differences in seam dimensions and tol-
manuals, and describes the types and limits of canopy erances. While these limits are practical from the techni-
repairs, most of which pertain to military or surplus cal point of view, the economic cost may not be in many
canopies. It must be mentioned that all of the services cases.


Type Certificated Non-certificated
Restitching No limit as to length and number. No limit as to length and number.
Ripstop tape Holes or tears not exceeding .5" and No limit as to size or number.
snags. Limit: 3 per panel,
10 per canopy.
Basic patch Size limit: 50% of panel. Limit: 3 No limit as to size or number.
per panel, 15 per canopy.
Panel patch Limit: 9 per canopy. No limit.
Radial seams Size limit: 12". No more than No limit as to size or number.
4 per canopy.
Lateral bands Damage size limit: 2". No limit as to size or number.
Upper Limit: 1 per canopy.
Lower Damage size limit: 36". No limit as to size or number.
Limit: 4 per canopy.
V-tabs No limit. No limit.
Pocket bands No limit. No limit.
Vent collar ring No limit. No limit.
Vent collars No limit. No limit.
Suspension lines
Continuous line No limit. No limit.
Noncontinuous No limit. No limit.
Line splice Not allowed. Limit: 1 per line. 8 per canopy.
Figure 7-1. Table of round canopy repairs and limitations.

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Figure 7-2 shows a table of square canopy repairs and rigger should consult with the proper manufacturer’s
limitations. These are for reference only and not all manual for what repairs are allowed on that particular
manufacturers allow the same types of repairs. The canopy.


Type Certificated Non-certificated
Restitching No limit as to length and number. No limit as to length and number.
Ripstop tape Not allowed. No limit as to size or number.
Basic patch Size limit: 50% of panel or rib. No limit as to size or number.
Limit: 3 per cell panel,
15 per canopy.
Panel patch Limit: 1 per canopy. No limit.
Suspension No limit. No limit.
Line splice Not allowed. Limit: 1 per line. 8 per canopy.

Figure 7-2. Table of square canopy repairs and limitations.

7.1 The following are the repairs found in Section 1 of

this chapter.

7.1.1 Seam restitching 7.1.8 Round canopy—Noncontinuous line

7.1.2 Canopy ripstop tape repair replacement

7.1.3 Round and square canopy—Basic patch 7.1.9 Square canopy—Main line replacement

7.1.4 Round canopy—Panel replacement 7.1.10 Square canopy—Line splice

7.1.5 Square canopy—Partial panel replacement 7.1.11 Square canopy—Control line replacement

7.1.6 Square canopy—Rib repair 7.1.12 Square canopy—Crossport repair

7.1.7 Square canopy—Pilot chute attachment 7.1.13 Square canopy—Trim check and retrim
point repair

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.1 Seam Restitching
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All canopies; round and square; main and reserve.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of broken or damaged seam threads.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match original
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Light Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper
1.0 On lightweight material, the rigger should first set up the machine with similar material and
thickness to set the tension of the machine before sewing the actual parachute.

1.1 Inspect the damaged thread or seam area. If the thread is

merely broken or frayed, overstitch the seam with a mini-
mum of 1.25" at each end.

1.2 If the seam is gathered or bunched up [Figure A], it may be

necessary to cut the thread in order to smooth out the seam
and then overstitch the damaged area with a minimum of
1.25" each end [Figure B].

1.3 If the restitching was done on a radial seam of a round

canopy, which has a tape or suspension line within the seam,
make sure you did not catch the tape or line in the stitching.

1.4 For zigzag stitching, such as

on suspension lines, a .25"
overstitch on each end is stan-
dard [Figure C].

2.1 Check that the seam tension and stitch length match the original. Make sure to check top and

2.2 Make sure that you have not captured any adjacent fabric in the seam. This is a common mis-
take on square canopies where you may have three panels joining together.

2.3 On radial seams, slide the seam material up and down over the tape or line to check for free

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.2 Canopy Ripstop Tape Repair
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All main canopies. Reserve canopies as specified by the manufacturer.
DESCRIPTION: Using ripstop tape for temporary or minor canopy repairs.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: Ripstop tape—color to match fabric
E thread—[Optional]
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI [Optional]
Shot bags
Wallpaper roller
Scotch tape (optional)

1.0 Note: Ripstop tape has in the past been a commonly used repair material. Time has shown,
however, that the adhesive used can be detrimental to the strength of the fabric over the long
term. Consequently, most manufacturers do not recommend its use on certificated canopies.
In addition, some of the modern, coated fabrics do not accept the use of the ripstop tape with-
out additional sewing to help hold it in place.

1.1 Spread out the canopy on a smooth surface.

1.2 Smooth out the damaged area and hold in place with the
shot bags [Figure A].
1.3 Inspect the damaged area.
1.4 Trim any loose threads and smooth any loose fabric back
into place.
1.5 For small holes, a single-side patch will suffice. For holes up to .5" in diameter, or a tear, a
double-sided patch is necessary.
1.6 If the damage is a tear, the two sides must be positioned so the edges touch. Use scotch tape
to temporarily hold the edges together [Figure B].
1.7 For a hole, cut a piece of ripstop tape 2" square. For a double-sided patch, cut two pieces
[Figure C]. For a tear, cut the tape approximately 2" longer than the length of the tear and cut
two pieces.
1.8 For the single-side patch, round the corners with approximately a 1/8" radius. For the dou-
ble-sided patches, place the two pieces face to face and round the corners of both pieces at
the same time. This ensures a perfect match and alignment [Figure D].

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1.9 For the 2 x 2" patch, peel back one edge of the paper backing and center the tape over the
damaged area. Press the exposed adhesive side of the tape to the fabric and smoothly peel the
rest of the paper from the fabric with one hand while smoothing the fabric with the other
hand [Figure E].

1.10 Use the wallpaper roller to smooth out the patch and remove any air bubbles from the patch
[Figure F].

1.11 For a double-side patch, turn the canopy or damaged material inside out. Align the second
piece of ripstop with the edges of the first and repeat the process. Again smooth out the tape
with the roller.

1.12 If the patch is to be a temporary one, the repair is complete. If, however, it is to be perma-
nent, it may be advisable to sew around the edge of the patch. In this case, use the single
needle machine and sew approximately 1/8" in from the edge of the tape. Overstitch a
minimum of 1.25" [Figure G].

2.1 The ripstop should be centered over the damaged area.

2.2 The tape should be smooth with no air bubbles.

2.3 Double-sided patches must be aligned.

2.4 If sewn, tension, edge spacing, and overstitch must be correct.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.3 Round and Square Canopy – Basic Patch
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All canopies; round and square; main and reserve.
DESCRIPTION: Application of a basic canopy patch.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Fabric—type and color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Light Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Patching square [Figure A]
Pin board
Straight pins
Basting iron
1.0 Note: Round canopies have the patch installed on the inside of the canopy. Square canopies
may have the patch applied to either inside or outside. Follow the manufacturer’s instruc-
1.1 Turn the canopy inside out and place on the repair table over the pin board. Smooth the
canopy fabric out. Pin the fabric to the pin board leaving a suitable distance around the dam-
aged area to work with.
1.2 Mark the damaged area line with the marking pencil [Figure B]. Make sure the marked area
aligns with the weave of the ripstop fabric.
1.3 Using the patching square, mark a parallel line 5/8" outside of the damaged area line
[Figure C]. This will be the patch fold line.
1.4 Again using the patching square, mark a parallel line 3/4" outside of the 5/8" line [Figure D].
1.5 Draw a line from the corners of the 5/8" line to the corners of the 3/4" line [Figure E].

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1.6 Take the basting iron and make a basting hole at the ends of the corner lines [Figure F]. These
holes will precisely mark the extent of the corner cuts and prevent unnecessary raveling of
the corners. In addition, if the canopy is made from dark colored material such as black,
when the rigger turns the patch over to do the inside folds, because the pencil marks do not
show through the dark material, the corners will be precisely defined for remarking the lines
on the inside.
1.7 Take the repair material and cut a patch piece approximately 3" larger in both directions than
the dimensions created by the 3/4" line perimeter. Make sure that two of the adjacent edges
are cut square with the weave of the fabric and form a right angle.
1.8 Take the patching square and draw a line 3/4" in and parallel to the two even edges [Figure
1.9 Take one edge of the patch and fold on one line. Lay it on the canopy and align the fold along
the 3/4" line and match up the corners. Pin or baste the patch in place [Figure H].
1.10 Fold the second side of the patch back at the 3/4" line and pin in place [Figure J].
1.11 Take the third side of the patch and fold back at the 3/4" line. Take the patching square and
measure 3/4" back from the fold. Trim the patch material at this line. Fold the patch UNDER
at the 3/4" line and pin in place [Figure K].
1.12 Take the last side of the patch and repeat step 1.11 [Figure L].
1.13 The basic patch should now be pinned in place.
1.14 Using the single needle machine, sew the outside of the patch in place with the seam approx-
imately 1/16" from the edge of the patch [Figure M]. Overstitch a minimum of 1.25".
Carefully release tension on the thread without pulling on the canopy fabric. Doing so will
result in pulled and distorted fabric. Trim the thread.

1.15 Remove the canopy from the machine.

1.16 Carefully trim the damaged fabric, cutting along the damaged area line [Figure N]. Next cut
the diagonal lines connecting the corners [Figure O]. Cut all the way to the basting hole at
the inside corner.
1.17 Fold the fabric along the patch fold line and pin in place [Figure P]. This edge should be
parallel to the outside seam. Sew around the inside of the patch approximately 1/16" from
the edge and again overstitch the ends a minimum of 1.25" [Figure Q].
1.18 Release tension on the threads and trim. Remove the canopy from the machine. Inspect
completed patch.
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2.1 The ripstop weave of the patch should align with the weave of the canopy.
2.2 The patch should be square with good sharp corners.
2.3 Stitching should be even and parallel with the outside edge of the patch.
2.4 Inside corners should be square with no raw material showing. Inside row of stitching should
be parallel with the outside row.
2.5 Tension should be even from both inside and outside view.
2.6 Overstitch of the ends should be minimum of 1.25".

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.4 Round Canopy – Panel Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All round canopies; main and reserve.
DESCRIPTION: Complete replacement of a panel section of a gore of a round canopy.
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Fabric—type and color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Light Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Large pin board
Straight pins

1.0 Note: This process of replacing the panel is in reality a panel patch and is similar to that used
in making a basic canopy patch. Because of the time and difficulty involved in removing and
replacing the actual panel, that technique is best left to the canopy manufacturer. This tech-
nique is the more commonly accepted practice for major panel repair. The major issue to be
dealt with in this technique is that of the amount of shrinkage that occurs during the repair.
The larger the area of the panel, the more shrinkage there will be. The following procedure
will describe a panel replacement on a block constructed, noncontinuous line canopy. A bias
constructed canopy will be similar but more “fullness” will need to be allowed for in the cut-
ting of the panel and sewing.

1.1 Lay the canopy out inside out on the pin board. Pin the canopy in place placing tension on the
seams and making sure they are straight.
1.2 Cut a piece of fabric larger than the damaged panel by approximately 6" around all sides.
Make sure that the weave of the panel matches that of the canopy. For a block constructed
canopy, the bolt of fabric will run parallel down the radial seams of the canopy. For a bias
constructed canopy, the bolt will run parallel to the
diagonal seams.
1.3 Trim one side of the panel to align the ripstop
weave with the cross seam.
1.4 Fold over the edge of the panel fabric approxi-
mately 3/4" and pin in place aligning the edge with
the outside of the cross seam [Figure A].
1.5 Smooth out the panel fabric over the damaged area
and align the opposite edge over the opposite cross
seam. Cut the panel fabric approximately 1" wider
than the panel. Fold the edge under and pin in place.
You will now have the top and bottom cross seams
of the panel in place [Figure B].

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1.6 Stitch the outside row of stitching starting and finishing approximately 1" short of the radial

1.7 Take the panel fabric along the radial seam and trim approximately 3/4" from the outside
edge of the radial seam. Fold under and pin in place. Repeat for the opposite radial seam
[Figure C].

1.8 Overstitch the end of the cross seam that was left open a minimum of 2" and proceed to and
down the radial seam and then overstitch the open end of the cross seam. Repeat for the
opposite side. It is advisable to hold a bit of tension on the seams as you sew to minimize the

1.9 Turn the canopy right side out. Trim out the damaged panel along the seams [Figure D], leav-
ing approximately 5/8". Also trim the excess edge of the panel as needed.

1.10 Fold the edge of the canopy under the panel to create the seam and pin in place.

1.11 Sew the inside of the panel seam in place. Again, hold tension on the fabric as you sew to
minimize shrinkage.

1.12 Remove the canopy from the machine being careful not to pull on the threads. Trim the
threads. Inspect the panel.

2.1 Check the weave alignment of the fabric panel to the canopy.

2.2 Check for proper thread tension all around.

2.3 Seams should be straight and parallel.

2.4 The resulting size of the panel should match approximately that of adjacent panels allowing
for shrinkage.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.5 Square Canopy – Partial Panel Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most main and reserve canopies.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of a partial panel(s) in a canopy where the extent of the damage
necessitates more than a single large or multiple small patches.
Fabric—type and color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Light Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI [Optional]
1" x 42 stitch bar tack [Optional]
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
36" ruler
Pin board or large cardboard box folded flat
Straight pins
Scotch tape or equivalent
Note: The repair described in the following procedure is a major tear across the bottom surface of
the canopy and includes damage to a non-load-bearing rib.
1.1 Determine the extent of the damage. Mark out the damaged area across the panel, following
the weave of the fabric. Unpick the loaded seams that hold the damaged fabric for at least 8-
10" past the damage area mark. It is always easier to unpick more of the seam to allow better
access to the damaged area. Restitching the seam is
one of the easiest operations. Fighting the canopy
is not.

1.1.2 Unpick the non-loaded seam the same distance as

the loaded seams.

1.1.3 Lay the canopy on the floor, take the pin board or
cardboard box and position it under the damaged
area. Take the scotch tape and tape the raw edges of
the tear together to stabilize the panel [Figure A].

1.1.4 Pin the damaged panel to the pin board. Don’t over-
stretch the fabric but make sure to take all the slack
out and that the panel is square. In this instance, the
canopy had spanwise reinforcing tapes, which were
used to stabilize the canopy [Figure B]. However,
one of them was damaged, and will require replace-

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1.2 Mark a line on the fabric at least 2" from the damage area [Figure C] on both sides of the
damaged panel.
2.1 Cut a piece of fabric approximately 6" wider and longer than the damaged panel area. Make
sure that one of the edges is straight and even with the weave of the fabric. Trim one of the
adjacent sides at 90 degrees to the straight edge.

2.2 Mark a line parallel to the straight edge at .75" from the edge. Center the new panel on the
damaged one. Fold the fabric on this line and pin in place along the damage line [Figure D].
Smooth the new panel fabric over the damaged panel to the opposite side. Trim the new panel
.75" longer than the damage line. Fold the fabric at the line and pin in place [Figure E].

2.3 Check the tension of the two panels. They should be equal.

2.4 Take a straightedge and mark the location of the spanwise reinforcing tape [Figure F].

2.5 Sew the panel along the outer edge at .12" from the folded edge.

2.6 Turn the panel inside out. Trim the damaged panel at .62" from the edge of the panel edge
[Figure G].

2.7 Fold the fabric under to create a French fell seam. Sew a stitch row .12" from the folded

2.8 Sew a piece of reinforcing tape on the bottom of the replacement panel along the line for the
spanwise reinforcing tape [Figure H].

2.9 Repair the non-load-bearing rib with a three-sided patch [Figure J].

2.10 Draw a line along the edge of the partial panel on each side from the point where the old
panel meets the new one. Trim the fabric along this line [Figure K].

2.11 Check the tension of the new partial panel piece against the edges of the other panels that
formed the original seam. They should all be equal [Figure L].

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2.12 Refold the original seam with the three panel edges and
stitch as per the original seam [Figure M]. Overstitch a
minimum of 2" on each end.

2.13 If a line attachment has been removed for the repair, the
tab must be replaced. Make sure that the line/tab does not
have a twist in it. Locate it at the correct location and re-
attach as per original.
3.1 Check the fabric tension of the replaced panel. It should be
equal to that in the remainder of the cell.

3.2 Spanwise reinforcing tape should be straight and sewn.

3.3 Seams should be folded correctly and thread tension even along both rows of stitching.

3.4 Line should be attached correctly and have no twists.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.6 Square Canopy – Rib Repair
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square canopies; main and reserve.
DESCRIPTION: Rib repair on a square canopy.
Fabric—type and color to match
Reinforcing tape—type and color as per original
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack
Double needle with puller attachment [Optional]
SPI to match original
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
Pin board
Straight pins
Patching square
Note: Repairing a rib of a square canopy is similar to doing a partial panel repair. The biggest dif-
ference comes when the rib is either [1] a “loaded” rib or one with support tapes for the line attach-
ment points, or [2] a crossport is damaged and needs to be repaired and recut. In this case, the
crossport area needs replacement [Figure A].
1.1 Determine the extent of the damaged area and unpick the
top and bottom seams to access the rib [Figure B]. In most
cases, restitching the rib to the top and bottom panels is
fairly straightforward. Because of this, opening up the
seam for a good distance (18" plus either side of the pro-
posed patch) will allow easier access and sewing.

1.2 Pin the damaged rib to the pin board to stabilize the mate-
rial for marking. Mark out the damaged portion of the
panel, following the weave of the fabric [Figure C]. This
will be the patch fold lines and the limits of the partial rib
panel. Note that the tears of the crossports have been taped
together and that the crossport has been pinned down to
stabilize the fabric during the marking process.

1.3 Using the patching square, mark a parallel line .75" inside
the patch fold lines and then another one .62" inside the
second line [Figure D]. The inner lines will be the trim
lines for the rib patch.

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2.1 Cut a piece of fabric approximately 4" wider and longer than the damaged panel area. Make
sure that one of the width edges is straight and even with the weave of the fabric.

2.2 Fold the straight edge .75" from the edge and pin in place across the damage line. Make sure
the fabric is centered on the existing panel.

2.3 Remove the pins from the crossport area and smooth the new panel fabric over the damaged

2.4 Fold the new fabric outwards at the patch fold mark and pin in place. Use the patching square
to mark a line at .75" in from the fold line [Figure E].

2.5 Trim the repair panel at the inner line [Figure F], fold under and pin in place.

2.6 Check the tension of the two panels. They should be equal. Mark the top and bottom edges
[Figure G] and the crossport location [Figure H].

2.7 Remove the rib from the pin board. Sew the two outboard seams approximately .06" from the
edge with the single needle [Figure J].

2.8 Trim the original damaged panel to the trim lines [Figure K]. Fold the fabric under to create
a French fell seam. Repeat with the opposite seam [Figure L].

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2.9 Sew the inside row to complete the seam [Figure M].

2.10 Cut the new crossport to match the original location and shape [Figure N].

2.11 Trim the top and bottom edges as marked [Figure O].

2.12 Pin the top seam back onto the top panel. Sew in place with either the single needle or if
available, with the double needle machine and puller [Figure P]. Repeat with the bottom

2.13 Inspect finished work [Figure Q].

3.1 Seam alignment should be straight.

3.2 Check the tension of the replaced rib material.

3.3 Make sure the seams are restitched correctly.

3.4 Verify that the crossport is cut correctly.

3.5 The line attachment tape must be replaced correctly with no twists in the suspension line.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.7 Square Canopy – Pilot Chute Attachment Point Repair
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square main canopies.
DESCRIPTION: Repair of the main canopy pilot chute attachment point.
Fabric—type and color to match
Reinforcing tape—type and color to match
Reinforcing fabric—type and color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
12" ruler

Note: This repair is quite common. If the canopy is inspected regularly, the beginnings of the dam-
age will be noticed and a simple restitching will solve the problem. However, many times it is not
and the resultant damage is quite extensive requiring repair of the rib as well as the top panel.


1.1 Inspect the damaged area to determine the extent of the damage [Figure A]. If the stitching
that holds the attachment point to the canopy is simply coming loose, restitch as per the

1.2 If the canopy fabric is damaged, then turn the canopy inside out. The center rib should have
a reinforced area that brackets the attachment point [Figure B].

1.3 Detach the top of the

rib from the top surface
of the cell where the
attachment point is
located [Figure C]. If
the rib is damaged,
then a rib repair will be

1.4 Usually the top skin of

the cell will need to be
repaired. Again, depending on the extent of the damage, either perform a patch on the
panel or a partial panel replacement.

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2.1 After the top skin is repaired, a new reinforcement patch will need to be installed on the
center of the cell so that it is centered over the attachment point.

2.2 Take the pre-cut reinforcement panel and sew it in place with two rows of the single needle
machine. The corners should be folded in at a 45 degree angle to eliminate any point loading
on the corners [Figure D].

2.3 Reattach the rib to the top surface of the canopy as per the original configuration.
2.4 Install a new pilot chute attachment tape and ring at the appropriate location [Figure E].

3.1 Check that rib and panel repairs have been made as needed.

3.2 Verify the new top reinforcing panel is in place with two rows of single needle stitching.

3.3 Check the new attachment tape and ring for the appropriate stitch pattern.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.8 Round Canopy – Noncontinuous Line Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Round canopies; main and reserve.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of a suspension line on a round canopy with noncontinuous line
Suspension line—type and color to match
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack [Optional]
Packing table
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
60 pound fish scale or equivalent
Finger-trapping needle

Note: The most common need for this type of repair today is as a result of the suspension line of the
reserve being damaged during packing or occasionally during use after landing. The newer, light-
weight braided lines are very susceptible to being snagged on the hook portion of Velcro® closures
on the container if care is not taken by the rigger.
1.1 Lay the canopy out on the packing table. Straighten the canopy ensuring the apex is straight
and even tension on the lines.

1.2 Remove the damaged line from the canopy.

2.1 Cut a new line from the same material as the original
approximately 36" longer than the damaged line.

2.2 Pre-stretch the line by applying approximately 10 percent

of its rated strength for a minimum of 15 minutes.

2.3 Attach the line to the connector link in the same manner
as the original. Most of the newer canopies use braided
line and a finger-trap attachment technique [Figure A].
Zigzag or bar tack the line, whichever is appropriate.

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2.4 Run the free end of the line to the canopy. If the canopy utilizes a V-tab configuration, route
the line through the V-tab [Figure B].

2.5 Pull the V-tab down until it is even with the rest of the skirt. Mark the line at the edge of the
skirt and pin in place [Figure C].

2.6 Sew the line to the canopy with the zigzag machine duplicating the original manufacture
[Figure D]. Trim the excess line from the canopy.

2.7 Return the canopy to the packing table, straighten, and apply tension. Check the trim of the
replaced line against the others.

3.1 Verify the line length is the same as the original with the same tension.

3.2 The connector link and canopy ends must be sewn correctly.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.9 Square Canopy – Main Line Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square main canopies.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of main suspension lines of square canopies.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack [Optional]
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Finger-trapping needle
60 pound fish scale or equivalent
Note: Many of the modern canopies are using Spectra® or other aramid fibers in place of nylon or
Dacron lines. These materials are stronger, lighter, and less bulky. An example is the 825 pound
Spectra® line common on many main canopies. The strength is higher but the bulk is smaller than
the 525 pound Dacron used in the past. Accordingly, the techniques needed to work this material are
more refined and precise.

1.1 Lay the canopy out on one side and straighten the lines.

1.2 Remove the damaged line. If the cascade is undamaged, remove the cascade line from the
junction of the main line. If the cascade is damaged, remove it as well.

2.1 Cut a new main line approximately 24" longer than the old one.

2.2 Finger-trap a loop at the connector link end

[Figure A]. Make sure that the size of the
loop duplicates the original or adjacent
lines. If the loop is made too small, there
may be difficulty in changing connector
links or risers as needed. Sew the finger-
trap with either a zigzag or bar tack.

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2.3 Pre-tension the line. With Spectra®, load the line with approximately 30 pounds for 30 sec-
onds. Place the line on the connector link.

2.4 Feed the running end of the line through the slider and directly to the line attachment tape on
the canopy. Make sure that there are no twists to the line or it is around the other lines. Run
through the attachment tape and re-create the original knot [Figure B].

2.5 Tension the line using adjacent lines for reference [Figure C].

2.6 Mark the location for the entry point for the cascade line [Figure D].

2.7 Cut a piece of line approximately18" longer than the original cascade.

2.8 Finger-trap the cascade into the main line and sew with either a zigzag or bar tack
[Figure E].

2.9 Attach the main line to the line attachment loop as per the original knot configuration.

2.10 Tension the line against the adjacent lines and secure the knot [Figure F]. Repeat with the

2.11 Finger-trap the running end of the lines and sew with either a zigzag or bar tack [Figure G].

3.1 Check the length of the main line and the cascade line under tension against adjacent lines.

3.2 Check stitching such as zigzag or bar tacks.

3.3 Check line continuity.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.10 Square Canopy – Line Splice
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square main canopies.
DESCRIPTION: Line splices for all square main canopies with braided type suspension line.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Suspension line—type and color to match
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Finger-trapping needle or wire
Hot knife
Small safety pins

Note: This procedure consists of two types of splice. The first is an internal. The second is a joining
splice. The internal splice is used when there is minor damage to the line but the line is still intact.
The joining splice is used only when there is not sufficient line available to affect a full replacement.
In an emergency, used line can be used to make the splice. This type of repair is not acceptable for
repairs on certificated canopies.
1.1 Lay out the canopy and straighten the lines.
1.2 Inspect the line to determine the damage.
2.1 For an internal splice, take a piece of line approximately
12" longer than the damaged area.

2.2 Using a finger-trapping needle or wire, finger-trap a section

of line inside the damaged area so that it overlaps the dam-
aged area a minimum of 3" in each direction. Make sure the
ends of the line are cut on a taper [Figure A].
2.3 Use the zigzag machine to overstitch the damaged area a
minimum of 1" on each end [Figure B].
2.4 For a joining splice, mark each end of the separated line with
two marks. The first mark is made at 10" from the end and
the second mark is placed at 16" from the end. Trim the ends
with a hot knife.
2.5 Next take a piece of line for the splice approximately 36"
long. Trim one on an angle with the hot knife. Mark one end
of the line at 10" and 16".
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2.6 Using a finger-trapping needle or wire, insert the end of the splice line into the main line at
the 10" mark on the main line and out at the 16" mark. Pull the splice line up until the two
10" marks align [Figure C]. Pin the splice with a safety pin to prevent movement.

2.7 Next take the end of the main line and finger-trap the end directly into the splice line approx-
imately .25" from where it enters the main line and then exit at the 16" mark.

2.8 Figure D shows the resultant configuration.

2.9 Take the blank end of the splice line and finger-trap it into the other end of the main line at
the 10" mark and exit at the 16" mark.

2.10 Have one person apply tension on the main line. Adjust the finger-trap tension to provide the
correct length of the line against the adjacent lines [Figure E]. The spliced line should have
slightly less tension to allow for the last finger-trap.

2.11 Take the running end of the main line and finger-trap it into the splice line approximately
.25" from the insertion point as was done with the lower splice. Exit at the 16" mark.

2.12 Pull the finger-trapped sections tight [Figure F]. Again check the length of the line against
the adjoining lines. If the length is correct, trim the excess lines so that they disappear into
the finger-trap.

2.13 Sew the finger-trapped sections with the zigzag machine set for 5-7 stitches per inch
[Figure G].

3.1 Check the length of the line against adjacent lines for trim.

3.2 Check the zigzag overstitch of the finger-trap sections.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.11 Square Canopy – Control Line Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square main canopies.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of the control line assemblies on square main canopies.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Suspension line—type and color to match. Most control line assemblies uti-
lize two or more types of line: one for the upper control lines and a stronger
one for the lower control lines.
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack [Optional]
Seam ripper
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Tape measure
Small safety pins w/marker flags

Note: Some manufacturers provide line measurements for their canopies in their owner’s manu-
als. If so, the rigger should thoroughly measure the control line assembly and compare the meas-
urements against those in the manual. Over time and use, the control lines have a tendency to
stretch and change dimensions. At the same time, the rigger needs to compare the right and left
side assemblies against each other for any differences. It is not uncommon for the left and right
control lines to be different
Allow at least 6 inches
lengths, having been changed to extra for Finger-Trapping
remove a slight turn or change
the opening characteristics. Mark

Figure A is a sample chart that the

rigger can fill in to document the

various dimensions needed to A - UST - Upper Steering Lines

repair or replace control lines. B - Lower Control Line(s)
C - LST - Lower Steering Lines
D - BRK - Tog Line
E - Lower Control Line
Toggle Setting
Left Right
B Brake-Set Loop
Toggle Mark

Figure A

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1.1 After measuring the control lines, remove them from one side only. Leave the other side for
a reference to check the new lines against both for measurements and construction.
2.1 Determine how many upper control lines there are on the canopy. Four is the most common
and this procedure will use this number for the example. With four upper control lines, there
are really two continuous lines forming the assembly. Each pair of upper lines is folded in the
middle to form two legs of the upper assembly. Each line is therefore measured at twice the
A dimension plus 12". If the upper control lines have different lengths, make sure to use the
longest measurement to determine the cut length for A (Refer to Figure A).

2.1.2 Using a finger-trapping needle or wire, finger-trap

a loop at the center of each of the lines, so the
result is a line with a loop at the center with two
legs extending from it [Figure B]. The eye of the
loop should be no more than .25" with the finger-
trapped portion 1" long. Bar tack or zigzag the fin-
ger-trapped section.
2.1.3 There are two types of lower control line configu-
rations: a continuous line and a noncontinuous
line. The continuous line is one piece with a brake
loop finger-trapped into it at the proper location.
The noncontinuous line consists of two pieces which form the upper lower and lower lower
control line as well as the brake loop. The continuous line configuration is found primarily
on the older generation main canopies and on many of today’s reserve canopies. The non-
continuous configuration is found on most of the modern main canopies due to the ease of
replacement because of wear. Paragraphs 2.2 thru 2.2.3 will describe the continuous line
design. Paragraphs 2.3 thru 2.3.11 will describe the noncontinuous method.
2.2.1 Take a piece of line used for the lower control line and cut a line equal to the B dimension in
Figure A plus 12". On this line, measure from one end 8" plus the C dimension from Figure
A and mark at that location. This will be the bottom of the brake loop. Mark the brake loop
location according to Figure C.
2.2.2 Take another piece of the lower brake loop line approximately 12" long. Finger-trap the
brake loop assembly according to Figure D. Make sure the ends are scissor cut and tapered.
Bar tack or zigzag the assembly [Figure E].

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2.2.3 Measure and mark the C dimension from the bottom of the brake loop. Run the bitter end of
the lower control line thru the eyes of two of the upper control lines and finger-trap the line
back into itself [Figure F]. Adjust the finger-trap to allow for shrinkage. This completes the
continuous line method of lower control line fabrication.


2.3.1 Take a piece of line used for the lower control line and cut it at the C dimension from Figure
A plus 12". Mark at 6" from one end and finger-trap a loop .5-1" long as per Figure G.
2.3.2 Take a second piece of control line material and cut it to the D dimension from Figure A plus
12" additional. Mark at 6" from one end.
2.3.3 Finger-trap this line thru the loop at the end of the upper lower control line. Make sure there
is a minimum of 4" finger-trapped in the line and that the lower loop is tight against the upper

2.3.4 Bar tack or zigzag the finger-trapped portions to secure them [Figure H].
2.3.5 Measure and mark the C dimension from the bottom of the brake loop. Run the bitter end of
the lower control line thru the eyes of two of the upper control lines and finger-trap the line
back into itself. Adjust the finger-trap to allow for shrinkage. This completes the noncontin-
uous line method of lower control line fabrication.
2.3.6 Measure the upper control lines according to dimension A plus .5". If the upper control lines
are of uneven dimensions, make sure that they are marked accordingly.
2.3.7 Lay the canopy on the floor with the trailing edge flat and straight and the line attachment
tabs exposed. Lay the upper control lines so that they run to the correct attachment points and
route them through the tabs [Figure J].
2.3.8 Make sure that the lines do not have a twist in them and finger-trap the lines back into them-
selves with a minimum of a 4" finger-trap. Leave the running ends exposed [Figure K]. Do
not trim the excess line.

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2.3.9 Anchor the brake loop securely and apply tension through the complete control line assem-
bly. Measure the dimension A plus B starting at the outside corner of the trailing edge. Adjust
the tension of the finger-trap to allow for shrinkage. Pin the finger-trapped section with a
marker flag [Figure L]. Repeat with each upper control line until complete.
2.3.10 After setting the dimension for each upper control line, bar tack or zigzag each section. Trim
the excess so that the end retreats into the line.
2.3.11 Measure the dimension D on the lower control line to set the toggle location [Figure M]. If
the canopy is on risers, route the lower control line thru the guide ring and tie the steering
toggle in place.
3.1 Check finished dimensions against original dimensions according to Figure A.

3.2 Check that all finger-trapped junctions are secured with either a bar tack or zigzag.

3.3 Make sure that there are no twists in the lines.

3.4 Check that the steering toggles (if used) are tied on securely.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.12 Square Canopy – Crossport Repair
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square main canopies with crossports.
DESCRIPTION: Repair of damaged crossports in square main canopies.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Fabric—type and color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Pin board
Straight pins
Patching triangle
Hot knife

Note: There is no limit as to how many crossports may be repaired on a main canopy. Reserve
canopies are another matter. The number and authority to repair crossports on a reserve varies
between manufacturers. Before attempting to repair the crossports of a reserve, first check with the
1.1 Many times, when the crossport is damaged, there is extensive gathering and distortion of the
fabric. Before progressing, smooth out the fabric to reshape the rib as close as possible to its
original shape.
2.1 The basic idea of the crossport repair is a three-sided patch sewn the same as a standard
French fell seam patch. The fourth side is open and recut to the shape of the crossport
[Figure A]. However, if the damage is extensive enough, it may be advisable to patch the
complete crossport area and then recut the crossport in its original shape with a hot knife.

2.2 Pin the rib to the pin board.

2.3 Mark out the damaged area as you would a standard

patch. Lay the patch material in place and pin.

2.4 Sew the patch in place with a seam 1/16" from the

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2.5 Turn the patch over, fold the seam, and sew as a standard
patch [Figure B].

2.6 Lay the repaired rib on a suitable surface and recut the
crossport shape in the exposed edge of the patch material
with the hot knife [Figure C].
3.1 Verify the seams of the patch are even and thread tension is

3.2 Hot knifed edge of the crossport must

be smooth and even.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.1.13 Square Canopy – Trim Check and Retrim
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Square main canopies.
DESCRIPTION: Retrimming the suspension lines of main canopies to return to the original trim
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI or
1" x 42 stitch bar tack [Optional]
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
25' Tape measure
Pony clamp
Note: Checking and retrimming main canopies is a common requirement for riggers. All canopies
and all kinds of suspension lines get out of trim in time with use. The rigger that knows how to
quickly check the trim on a customer’s canopy, and then determine how much work it will take to
return it to the original configuration, is performing a valuable service. In most cases, as long as the
suspension lines are in good condition, retrimming a canopy will add hundreds of jumps to the life
of the canopy and return the performance to almost as good as when new.
This chart and procedure are tailored to apply to normal ram-air canopies. Certain designs, such as
elliptical canopies, may have nonstandard trim measurements that require more detailed measure-
ments. The rigger should consult the manufacturer’s manuals or technical data for these canopies.
1.1 The first thing the rigger must do is to complete a measurement of the lines of the canopy.
Figure A shows a matrix for measuring the lines of the canopy. Simply fill in the boxes for
each dimension measured.
1.2 Start by laying the Line 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
canopy on the left A
side, anchor the B
connector links, C
and flake it out as if D
for packing. Most UST Left Right
canopy lines are 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1
measured from the
inside of the con-
nector links, which
is called the “zero” point. Figure A

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1.3 Anchor the end of the tape measure even with the zero
mark at the end of the lines using the pony clamp [Figure
1.4 Start with the top outside right front corner line of the
canopy. This line will be line 1A. Depending on the num-
ber of cells to the canopy, on a 7-cell canopy, the left cor-
ner line will be line 8A. On a 9-cell canopy, this line will
be line 10A. Make sure that the canopy is oriented cor-
rectly so that the measurement sequence follows the
boxes on the chart.
1.5 Measure all the A lines first, then proceed to the B, C and D line groups. The lines should be
measured under approximately 10 pounds of tension. As the rigger moves through the lines
and changes riser groups, the end of the tape measure should be moved to the corresponding
connector link and re-clamped.
1.6 Measure the control line groups and fill in the boxes.
2.1 Compare the measurements to the original line lengths as in the manual.
2.2 Depending on the type of canopy and type of line used, most canopies tend to have the cen-
ter A lines stretch due to the load on opening. The outside lines that attach to the stabilizers
and the control lines, tend to shrink due to the friction generated by the slider on opening.
The key concept to remember is that the length of the lines is not the critical dimension.
What is most important is the trim differential, which determines the angle of attack of the
canopy. The trim differential is the difference in the line length between the A,B, C, and D
lines. The most accurate method of measuring this is to use the A lines as the base dimension
and then measure A-B, A-C, and A-D. This method takes into consideration the tolerance
allowed. This dimension is what makes the canopy open and fly correctly. If the overall
length of the lines is 2-3" longer or shorter, but the trim is correct, there will probably be no
appreciable effect on the canopy. With this in mind, it may be desirable to in effect “short-
line” the canopy during the trim process in order to not have to replace any main lines.
2.3 Because of the fact that the cascaded main lines may stretch at different rates, the adjustment
to be made to the lines that have stretched (i.e., gotten longer) will need to be done at the
canopy end and not at the connector link.
2.4 Remove the bar tacks or zigzag stitching at the canopy end of the lines.
2.5 Adjust the line length as needed to return to the original dimensions. Re-tie the knots or fin-
ger-trap as necessary and resew as per the original.
2.6 For the lines that may have shrunk in length, it may be possible to gain as much as 2-3" of line
adjustment by utilizing the extra line that is finger-trapped into each line attachment point.
Depending on the type of line used on the canopy, the amount of excess line finger-trapped may
vary. Dacron lines can have as little as 2-3" inserted into the finger-trap and hold securely. The
smaller and more slippery Spectra® line is recommended to have at least 6" of line inserted into
the finger-trap. So, depending on the amount of line that is needed to be gained for the trim adjust-
ment, the rigger may be able to adjust each end of the line to gain the necessary adjustment.
2.7 If this needed line can be gained, remove the bar tacks or zigzag at each end of the line and
reattach after adjusting the length. Before permanently attaching, the rigger should simply tie
the lines in place and check the trim. If everything is within limits, then re-tie or finger-trap
and restitch with bar tacks or zigzag as per the original.
3.1 Check final trim dimensions against original.
3.2 Check continuity so there are no twists or crossed lines.
3.3 Verify all junctions are either knotted or finger-trapped and sewn as per the original.
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Container repairs share some techniques with canopy 7.2 The following are repairs found in Section 2 of this
repairs, such as single-side patches. Most repairs, how- chapter.
ever, involve replacement of panels or flaps, Velcro®, 7.2.1 Container fabric panel repair
grommets, plastic stiffeners, worn binding tape, and bro-
7.2.2 Container grommet replacement
ken hand tackings. Even more so than canopy repairs,
the cosmetic results of the container repair are most 7.2.3 Container Velcro® replacement
important to the customer, and thus the rigger. A shoddy 7.2.4 Container plastic stiffener replacement
repair to the container is immediately obvious each time
7.2.5 Main container side flap replacement
the user puts on the parachute. Even if it is functional, it
has to look good to instill confidence in the user. 7.2.6 Bottom of container (BOC) pocket
7.2.7 3-ring release housing replacement

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.1 Container Fabric Panel Repair
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All types of parachute container systems.
DESCRIPTION: Application of a patch repair to container panels.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Fabric—type and color to match
Nylon tapes—assorted types and widths such as Ty-3, Ty-4, or Ty-12
MACHINES: 301 Straight stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Hot knife
Hot glue gun
Butane lighter
Ripstop tape (optional)
Straight pins
Note: Besides holding the canopy, the container’s main function is to protect the canopy from dam-
age. To that end, a certain amount of wear and damage is to be expected. The most common repairs
involve restitching broken threads and binding tape repairs. Other damage involves tears, punctures,
and fabric abrasion. The appropriate repair will vary according to need. There are five primary repair
procedures to basic panel repairs. They are: restitching, binding tape repair, hidden patches, overlay
patches, and single-side fabric patches.
1.1 Remove all extraneous parts from the container, including canopies, handles, toggles, etc.
1.2 Inspect the damaged area to determine which repair method is appropriate.

2.1.1 Using the same type and color of thread, sew directly over the original stitching. The amount
of overstitch may vary according to location. If the affected area is completely exposed and
accessible, overstitch the ends of the damaged area a minimum of 1.25". If this is not possi-
ble, then backstitch a minimum of 3 stitches to lock the
ends. Repair complete.
2.2.1 Many times the binding tape will be worn through due to
bridle abrasion or other wear patterns [Figure A]. Rather
than remove the panel and rebind it, a practical and cost
effective repair is to overlay a section of new binding over
the damaged area.
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2.2.2 Cut a piece of binding tape a minimum of 1" longer than the damaged area. Scissor cut the
tape and then lightly sear with the butane lighter [Figure B]. If the tape is cut with a hot knife
and then folded, the cut edge will crack at the hot-knifed end. Searing with the lighter results
in a more flexible end. Fold the tape in half lengthwise to form a crease. Take a marking pen-
cil and mark the crease [Figure C].
2.2.3 Overlay the new tape over the damaged area and mark the start of where the new tape begins
and covers the damaged area completely [Figure D].

2.2.4 Overstitch the original tape on the inside row up to the point where the new tape is to start.
Leave the needle in the material. Place the folded tape over the damaged area and hold tightly
in place. Make sure that the edge is pushed up against the original and the end is against the
needle [Figure E]. The next stitch should catch the new tape.
2.2.5 Stitch the new piece and overstitch the end a minimum of 1.25" or 3 stitches. Repeat with the
outside row of stitches. Repair complete.
2.3 HIDDEN PATCHES. This type of repair has never had a name, but it is self-descriptive. It
works well on tears and punctures. Done properly, it is a very cosmetic and cost effective
2.3.1 Take a piece of adhesive tape and place on the outside of the damaged area to hold the edges
together [Figure F].
2.3.2 Turn the panel inside out, take the glue gun and glue a small piece of Ty-3 tape 1" longer over
the damaged area [Figure G]. Do not fold the ends under. Remove the adhesive tape from the

2.3.3 Stitch around the outer perimeter of the Ty-3 tape using matching colored thread to the con-
tainer fabric. If necessary, increase the upper thread tension so that the outside (bottom)
thread shows good tension.
2.3.4 Take the zigzag machine, again with matching color thread, and set the stitch width to its
widest setting and 7-11 SPI length. Overstitch the exposed edges of the cut area to draw them
together [Figure H]. Repair complete.
2.4 OVERLAY PATCHES. These are similar to a fabric patch but use a piece of tape or webbing
to cover the damaged area. In effect it is the same as the hidden patch but usually larger and
is on the outside of the panel. It is a sturdy patch but not very cosmetic.
2.4.1 Using a hot knife, cut a piece of tape or webbing such as Ty-12, big enough to cover the dam-
aged area. Allow enough to fold the cut ends under. Fold the ends under and glue down to
itself [Figure J].
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2.4.2 Lay the patch in place over the damaged area and mark the corners with a marking pencil
[Figure K].

2.4.3 Take a straight pin and transfer the corners of the patch area through to the inside [Figure L].
2.4.4 If on a main container, take a piece of Ty-3 tape big enough to match the outside patch as
marked. Cover the inside of the damaged area with the tape.
2.4.5 Pin or glue the tape patch to the inside as marked. Use the single needle to sew around the
patch overstitching the ends a minimum of 1".
2.4.6 Take the zigzag machine and stitch the edges of the damaged area together as in 2.3.4 [Figure
M]. Repair complete.

2.5 SINGLE-SIDE FABRIC PATCHES. For most fabric patches on a container panel, there is
not enough area to perform a proper French fell seam patch. Consequently, the single-side
patch is the most common technique used. By using matching fabric and thread, a large dam-
aged area may be covered to affect the necessary repair. While called a single-side patch, in
effect it is an enlarged version of the overlay patch. A smaller piece of webbing or fabric is
used to cover the damaged area on the inside and the outside is covered with the single-side
patch. This technique is used where there may be large holes or widespread damage and
replacement of the panel not practical.
2.5.1 Duplicate steps 2.4.1 thru 2.4.5 but substitute webbing for the inside patch and use container
fabric for the outside patch.
2.5.2 Fold the edges of the outside patch under a minimum of .5". Stitch around the perimeter
approximately .12" from the edge. Run a second row of stitches approximately .25" inside
and parallel to the first. [Figure N] This will give added strength to the patch and an appear-
ance of a French fell seam patch. Repair complete.
3.1 Check thread tensions, stitches per inch, and overstitch lengths.
3.2 Damaged area must be covered completely.
3.3 For the overlay and single-side patches, make sure the stitch patterns catch both sides of the
patch materials completely.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.2 Container Grommet Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All types of containers that use grommets.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of damaged grommets of all types.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Grommets—size, type, and material to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Grommet die set—Size to match grommets
Leather mallet
Grommet cutting board
Hole punch to match grommet size
Basting tip (optional)
Diagonal wire cutters—8" minimum

Note: There are many types of grommets used in parachute container manufacture. Older style
military surplus containers used flat grommets made of brass with a chrome finish, which were
designed to work with cones. Most modern container systems use rolled rim spur grommets and
washers. The most common size is the “O.” For many years, regular brass grommets were used and
then nickel plated ones became the norm. In recent years, stainless steel has come to be the preferred
type due to the ability to resist deformation and corrosion. Today, there are two types of “O” stain-
less grommets. The first is the regular or “short shank.” Recently, a long shank version has become
available. It has proven to be very versatile and popular. This repair procedure will focus primarily
on the “O” spur grommet and washer, but the technique can be applied to all types of grommets.
for replacing a damaged grommet or
changing from brass to stainless steel.

1.2 Use the cutters to remove the grommet.

If the grommet is set into a fabric/web-
bing base, fold the material back to
expose the washer. Using the diagonal
cutter, cut through the washer [Figure A]
and then peel it back from the grommet
[Figure B]. Grasp the grommet and peel
it from the material.

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2.1 GROMMET REPLACEMENT. If the hole is intact and undamaged, simply insert the
replacement grommet into the material from the correct side, and set with the grommet die.
Make sure that the grommet is set sufficiently so that there is no exposed edge to snag lines
or material.

2.2 MATERIAL REPAIR AND GROMMET REPLACEMENT. If, after removing the grommet,
the fabric is damaged so that the grommet cannot be set properly, use the zigzag machine to
stitch around the perimeter of the hole, reducing its size [Figure C].

2.2.1 Take the basting tip and pass it through the hole, searing the material [Figure D]. This will
solidify the frayed and raw edge of the damaged material.

2.2.2 Set the grommet in the repaired hole [Figure E].

3.1 Check the grommet orientation.

3.2 Grommet must be set tightly.

3.3 There should be no sharp edges on inside of grommet.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.3 Container Velcro® Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most parachute assemblies that use Velcro®.
DESCRIPTION: Main riser cover Velcro® replacement.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Velcro®—color, width, and type to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Note: The name Velcro® is a trade name for what is known as “pressure sensitive hook and loop fas-
tener.” It is a commonly used material for closure systems. Before the advent of Velcro®, snaps and
zippers were the preferred method of closing containers. Velcro® changed how the parachute indus-
try designed products. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, there was a tendency to overdo the use of
Velcro® and problems with durability and interaction with other materials became known. Since
then, the use of Velcro® has been reduced to those applications where it is superior to other methods
and can be easily replaced.
1.1 Identify the nature of the use of the Velcro®. Before you remove the piece, note how it is
attached to the container. Some designs are such that several layers of construction have to be
reversed to get to the location where the Velcro® was sewn on. If this is the case, the rigger
may have to make a very expensive repair to replace a small piece of Velcro®.
2.1 Cut the replacement Velcro® to size. Velcro® is normally scissor cut, not cut with a hot knife.

2.2 Position the Velcro® and stitch around the perimeter at .12" from the edge. For any pieces 1"
in width or wider, sew a row of stitching down the center [Figure A]. This prevents the
center from being pulled up from the material and loading the outside row of stitching
[Figure B].

2.3 Some applications have the Velcro® sewn to a piece of

tape for support. Again, if it is 1" or more wide, sew
down the center to prevent lifting.

2.4 Depending on the application, the mating loop piece

of Velcro® may be wider than the hook to provide
additional protection. That is, the hook may be .75"
wide and the loop 1" wide.

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3.1 Check that thread tension is

3.2 Verify orientation is correct.

3.3 Check that center stitching is

used where needed.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.4 Container Plastic Stiffener Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All types of containers which use plastic stiffeners.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of damaged plastic stiffeners of all types.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Grommets—size, type, and material to match
Plastic stiffeners—type and thickness to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight stitch—Medium Duty 7-9 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Grommet die set—Size to match grommets
Leather mallet
Grommet cutting board
Hole punch to match grommet size
Basting tip
Diagonal wire cutters—8" minimum
Heavy shears or tin snips
Electric drill & 3/8" drill bit
Feeler gauge—.010"
Note: The term “plastic,” when used in conjunction for the materi-
als used as stiffeners in modern parachute containers, is a mis-
nomer. In reality, the composition of the material varies. The most
common material used today is MDS nylon, molydisulfide nylon.
In addition, Lexan®, a clear polycarbonate material and HDPE,
high density polyethelyne, are also used. The most common thick-
nesses used are .025", .040", and .060", which are standard com-
mercial thicknesses commonly available.
Stiffeners are used primarily as backing for grommets to spread the
load placed on closing flaps. Instead of focusing the load on the
diameter of the grommet, it is spread out across the length of the
stiffener, resulting in a smoother flap and container. Consequently,
replacing plastic stiffeners almost always requires replacing the
grommet as well. Usually the plastic breaks at the grommet loca-
tion because the hole for the grommet is the weak point. The fol-
lowing procedure shows the replacement of the bottom main flap
stiffener of a Javelin container.
1.1 Unpick the stitching that holds the binding tape to the bot-
tom flap [Figure A]. Remove the grommet.
1.2 Remove the stitching that holds the stiffener in position. Remove the stiffener.
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2.1 Use the original stiffener as a template to cut a new stiffener [Figure B]. While many of the
older containers use HDPE or other materials, most of the newer designs use MDS nylon
because of its superior properties. Because of this, many riggers use MDS exclusively for
replacing any stiffeners.

2.1.1 Mark out the outline of the original stiffener on the MDS.
Mark the center of the hole for the grommet very precisely.
2.1.2 Use the basting tip to mark the center of the hole for the grom-
met. Push the tip through the MDS until the shoulder of the tip
makes an indentation in the MDS [Figures C, D, E]. This
forms a pilot hole for the drill.
2.1.3 Using heavy shears or tin snips, cut the MDS nylon to shape.
Clip the corners to remove the sharp ends and if the edges are
sharp or rough, sand them with sandpaper.
2.1.4 Secure the MDS against a piece of wood and drill a 3/8" hole.
While this hole may seem big for the shank of the grommet,
when installed and the material is punched, it will be the right
size. A common mistake is to make the hole too small and
when the grommet is set, it cracks the plastic.
2.2 Insert the stiffener in between the layers of fabric of the bot-
tom flap and let it float inside.
2.3 Baste the two layers of fabric together with the single needle.
2.4 Restitch the binding to the bottom flap [Figure F].
2.5 Slide the stiffener to the edge of the flap and align the hole in
the stiffener with the hole in the fabric. Use an “O” grommet
to align the holes [Figure G].
2.6 Stitch the stiffener in place as per the original installation.
2.7 Insert the grommet with the correct orientation, and set with
the grommet set [Figure H]. Make sure that the grommet is
set sufficiently so there is no exposed edge to snag the lines
or material. Use the feeler gauge to check the gap under the
edge of the grommet [Figure J]. It should be no more than
.010". If more, hit the set again to tighten the grommet.
3.1 Verify the stiffener backing is resewn.
3.2 Check the grommet orientation.
3.3 The grommet must be set tightly and measured.
3.4 There should be no sharp edges on the inside of the grommet.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.5 Main Container Side Flap Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most modern container systems.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of a main container side flap.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
Ty-3 3/4" tape—color to match
Replacement flap
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 5-9 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
301 Double needle with tape folder 5-9 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack

Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Hot knife
Note: The following technique is typical of many modern container systems. This procedure
addresses only the disassembly of the container and replacement of the factory made part. It does not
address the manufacture of a replacement part.
1.1 Remove all extraneous parts from the harness/container assembly.
1.2 Open the bottom corner of the main container on the appropriate side.
1.3 It will be necessary to remove the Ty-3 binding tape on the inside seam joining the main
body to the side flap. Depending on the container construction configuration, there are two
options how to do this.
1.3.1 Option 1, the salvage method. With this method, the binding tape is left undamaged and sewn
back in place after replacing the flap. A slower method, but good if the rigger doesn’t have
the necessary replacement tape.
1.3.2 Using a seam ripper, unpick the two rows of stitch-
ing that holds the side flap to the main container
[Figure A]. Start at the lower corner and continue
until approximately 2" past where the side flap joins
the riser cover.
1.3.3 Remove the side flap.
1.4 Option 2, the replacement tape method. With this
method, the binding tape is destroyed during the
removal process and replaced with new. A faster
method, but new tape is required.

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1.4.1 Use a hot knife to melt the stitching that holds the binding tape that attaches the side flap to
the main container [Figure B]. When doing this, have the side of the tape that faces the dam-
aged side flap facing up in case you slip so the wrong flap won't be damaged. Proceed to the
point where the side flap stops. Trim the melted tape at this point.

1.4.2 Using a seam ripper,

unpick the tape approxi-
mately 2" past the end of
the side flap. Remove
the side flap.

2.1 Take the new flap and sew it in place on the main container starting approximately .38" from
the corner [Figure C]. On this design and others like it, the lower end of the main riser cover
is unstitched during removal of the main flap. When sewing the new flap in place, make sure
that the side flap is sewn to the main container first and then the riser cover on top of it. Look
at the opposite side to see which is on top and duplicate.

2.2 If option 1 was used, take the original binding tape, fold over the seam and sew in place with
two rows of stitching. Note that there is a second row of stitching sewn directly on top of the
inside row of stitching for reinforcement [Figure D]. This is very important.

2.3 If option 2 was used, it will be necessary to replace the binding tape with new. Stitch down
the loose end of the binding tape at the top and then overlap the tape by approximately 2"
using the double needle machine and tape binder [Figure E]. Overstitch the inside row for

2.4 Trim the bottom end of the binding tape at the corner.

2.5 Note that the junction of the side flap and riser cover is overstitched and reinforced as needed
[Figure F].

2.6 Close the bottom of the container as per the original and reinforce as required.
3.1 Check that the flap is installed correct side out.

3.2 Check the inside binding for reinforcing stitching.

3.3 The side flap/riser cover should be stitched and reinforced.

3.4 The container bottom must be closed correctly and reinforced.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.6 Bottom of Container (BOC) Pocket Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Any main container with a BOC pocket configuration.
DESCRIPTION: Installation of a BOC pocket to the main container.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-9 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
Note: The following technique is typical of many modern container systems. This procedure
addresses only the disassembly of the container and replacement of a factory made replacement part.
It does not address the manufacture of a replacement part. Depending on the size of the container
assembly, it may be possible to do the replacement of the BOC pocket with the reserve packed.
However, the smaller the system, the more difficult it will be. If
the container cannot be placed under the machine, then remove
the reserve canopy.
1.1 Mark the location of the corners of the BOC pocket on
the container with a marking pencil.

1.2 Open the lower right corner of the main container

[Figure A].

1.3 Remove the old BOC pocket.

2.1 Locate the new BOC pocket on the container at
the marks of the old pocket and pin in place
with T-pins [Figure B].

2.2 Stitch around the perimeter of the pocket with

the single needle machine. Backstitch at the
corners for reinforcing [Figure C].

2.3 Restitch the corner of the main container as per

the original configuration.
3.1 Check the orientation of the pocket with the
opening to the right (unless for left-handed

3.2 Check the stitching and corner reinforcing.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.2.7 3-Ring Release Housing Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All harness and container systems equipped with a 3-ring release
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of damaged or missing 3-ring release housings.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: Nylon supertack
3-ring housings of the correct length
Heat shrink tubing—1/2" diameter
Owner’s Manual for the harness and container assembly, if available
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Hand tacking needle
Heat gun
Crimping tool (optional)
Note: Replacement of the 3-ring housings may be necessary due to wear, damage, or stretching
of the housings. Correct installation and tacking of the housings are important to ensure proper
operation of the 3-ring release system.
1.1 Inspect the original installation to determine the exact routing of the housings. Some systems
have dedicated channels and/or loops through which they are routed. In others, the housings
are routed under or over back straps or reserve ripcord housings. If necessary, draw a dia-
gram of the routing or take a picture so that the replacement housings are routed correctly.

1.2 Remove any tackings or clamps that hold the housings together and/or to the container.
Remove the housings from the system.
2.1 Install the replacement housings into their respective loca-
tions as per the original installation. Usually the longer
housing is installed first and then the shorter one.

2.2 Make sure that the flat side of the housing terminal end is
orientated outward so that it lays flat against the rear of the
main riser when the 3-ring release is assembled correctly
[Figure A].

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2.3 Align the handle end of the housings and secure as per
the original installation. This may be with either a double
clamp [Figure B] or hand tacking. Figure C shows a typi-
cal method of using supertack to secure the housings

2.4 If hand tacking is used, it is desirable to cover the tacking

with heat shrink tubing. Place a length of tubing over the
housing ends and shrink using the heat gun [Figure D].

2.5 Secure the double housing to the container/back pad or

pocket assembly. Depending on the manufacturer, it may be necessary to provide a certain
amount of “float” to the housings in order that the loop of the riser is not loaded or under ten-
sion when the main canopy is deployed. If available, consult the owner’s manual for correct
positioning and tacking.

Some systems use a double clamp to secure the housings together as well as to the container
or pockets. If these are used, inspect the clamp to make sure that it was not damaged when
removing the housings and can be reused. Crimp the housings, making sure that the clamp is
tight so the housings cannot work loose [Figure E].
2.6 Route the release cables through the housings to make sure there are no obstructions.

3.1 Check for correct routing of the housings.

3.2 Verify correct orientation of the terminal ends.

3.3 Housings should be secured together at the handle ends.

3.4 Housings should be secured to the container/back pad or pockets with either clamps or super-

3.5 There should be sufficient slack or “float” in the housings.

3.6 Housings should be clear.

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Harness repairs are almost always a major repair. There are four primary areas of concern that need to be
Consequently, they are master rigger work. About the addressed in any repair program. They are:
only repairs open to a senior rigger are replacement of
ripcord pockets and Velcro®; and replacement of hand 1. Inspection, damage identification, and repair plan-
tackings for ripcords, comfort pads, 3-ring housings, ning.
and other hardware. Major harness repairs are the most 2. Teardown and cleanup.
critical maintenance operations a rigger can perform on
a parachute assembly. Even seemingly innocuous 3. Preparation and reconstruction.
repairs, if done incorrectly, can have fatal conse- 4. Quality Control inspection and record keeping.
quences. Depending on the type of harness design,
repairs to the harness main lift web or leg straps involve Main risers are components that are subject to extreme
major repair or remanufacture. wear and tear. The only items that are practical for
repair are the 3-ring locking loops and the toggle
According to Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations mounting/Velcro® assembly. Once the webbing begins
subsections 65.129 (e) and (f), “No certificated parachute to show wear, it is more practical to replace than repair
rigger may – (e) Pack, maintain, or alter a parachute in them.
any manner that deviates from procedures approved by
the Administrator or the manufacturer of the parachute; 7.3 The following are repairs found in Section 3 of this
or (f) Exercise the privileges of his certificate and type chapter.
rating unless he understands the current manufacturer's
7.3.1 Chest strap replacement
instructions for the operation involved...” In other words,
because this operation is a major repair, the person doing 7.3.2 Lower leg strap shortening
the work must be a currently certificated master parachute 7.3.3 Ripcord pocket Velcro® replacement
rigger with the appropriate ratings.
7.3.4 Articulated upper leg hardware replacement
In the past, many master riggers felt that they were 7.3.5 Standard harness main lift web replacement
empowered to undertake almost any task. The attitude
was, “We can lift the TSO label, build a new harness, and 7.3.6 Main riser 3-ring locking loop replacement
put the TSO label back on.” This is not the case. Just 7.3.7 Main riser steering toggle Velcro® replace-
because an individual has a master rigger license does not ment
mean he or she is qualified to undertake a complex repair.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.1 Chest Strap Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most standard harness configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of chest strap due to damage or for lengthening.
5-cord nylon thread
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7-33 or equivalent-stitch length to
match the original
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI

Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
Hot glue gun
Hot knife

Note: This procedure deals with the longer side of the chest strap, usually the left, which is threaded
through the chest adapter or through an adjustable V-ring. Replacing the opposite side would mirror
this process.
1.1 Examine the chest strap/main lift web (MLW) junction to determine if the backpad needs to
be removed from the harness to access the junction. If so, remove the pad from the harness to
allow access to the junction [Figure A].

1.2 Many harnesses have the reserve ripcord housing located on the left side. The housing needs
to be disconnected at this location. It is usually secured to a loop located at the chest strap
junction. During the replacement process, this loop will be removed and may be reused if in
good condition.

1.3 Remove the harness

stitching and any other
stitching from the junc-
tion making sure not to
damage the main lift
web [Figure B].

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1.4 Remove the old chest strap webbing from the main lift web. Pay particular attention to the
end of the webbing. While most chest straps are installed at right angles to the main lift web,
some have an angle cut at the end for better fit. If the webbing has an angle, make sure to
duplicate it.
1.5 Clean the junction area of old thread, as well as any glue residue on the inside of the main lift
1.6 Take the marking pencil and mark the points of the stitch pattern for the reassembly [Figure
C]. Most chest straps are
installed with a 3-point W-
W in a horizontal orienta-
tion, but the rigger should
duplicate the original
1.7 If the procedure is a
replacement of a damaged
chest strap, then it should
be replaced to the original
length. If so, then remove the rolled stop end so that the finished length may be determined.
If the chest strap is to be lengthened, then an appropriate length of webbing will need to be
determined. The finished length should be measured from the outside of the main lift web
plus 3.50" [Figure D].
2.1 Cut a piece of webbing to the appropriate length. If needed, cut the MLW end of the strap at
an angle [Figure E].
2.2 Insert the end of the webbing into the MLW junction. Align the end of the chest strap with
the outside edge of the MLW. Insert the housing loop back into the junction as well. Lightly
glue the MLW to the chest strap [Figure F]. Do not use too much glue.
2.3 Some harnesses are pre-sewn along the edges with a medium duty machine and E thread. If
so, duplicate this.

2.4 Using the harness machine and 5-cord nylon thread, sew the junction as marked with the
original pattern [Figure G].
2.5 Mark the length of the chest strap to include enough needed for the stop end. If the chest
strap is to be configured for a thread-thru adapter, an additional 3.50" will be needed for the
roll back.
2.6 After determining the cut length, place a mark at 3.50" on the BACK side of the chest strap.
Fold to this mark [Figure H] and then fold the webbing one more time for three layers [Figure
2.7 Using the zigzag machine, sew across the center of the stop end fold. This will result in a
loose fold that will jam against the adapter in the event of slippage of the chest strap
[Figure K].

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2.8 If the MLW was attached to the backpad assembly, reattach as per the original configuration.
If the backpad is attached in such a manner that does not allow inspection of the back side of
the MLW, inspect the stitching at this time before reattaching the backpad.
2.9 Reinstall the ripcord housing and secure.
3.1 Inspect the harness stitching for correct stitch length, tension, and appropriate pattern.
3.2 Reattach the MLW to the backpad as needed.
3.3 The stop end must be sewn and oriented correctly.
3.4 Verify the chest strap is the correct length.
3.5 The ripcord housing must be reinstalled and tacked.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.2 Lower Leg Strap Shortening
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All harness configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Shortening of the lower leg straps.
MATERIALS: 5-cord nylon thread—color to match original
MACHINES: Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7-33 or equivalent 5-7 SPI

Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
Hot knife

Note: The shortening of the leg strap, while a relatively straightforward process, is an extremely
important procedure. If done improperly, it could result in the harness fitting improperly or the leg
straps to come unthreaded and the user to fall out during opening.
1.1 If the leg strap is of the thread-thru configuration, unthread the webbing from the leg adapter.
If the leg strap has an adjustable “V” ring used in conjunction with a snap, disconnect the
“V” ring from the snap. Lay the leg strap out flat.

1.2 Remove the harness stitching from the rolled end of the webbing.

1.3 Measure the required distance from the end of the

strap that is required for shortening and mark
accordingly [Figure A].

1.4 Trim the webbing at the mark using the hot knife.
2.1 For the thread-thru configuration, place a mark at
3.50" from the end of the webbing on the bottom of
the webbing [Figure B]. This will be the “fold to”
mark for the first fold of the webbing. Fold one more time for a total of three layers of web-
bing [Figure C].
2.2 Sew the rolled stop end according to Figure D with the harness machine.

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2.3 For the “V” ring configuration, place a mark at 2.00" from the top end of the webbing. This
will also be the “fold to” mark for the first fold. Make two additional folds for a total of four

2.4 Sew the rolled stop end according to Figure E

with the harness machine.

3.1 Check the stitching for the correct pattern and
thread tension.

3.2 For the thread-thru configuration, make sure there is no twist to the leg strap and thread the
webbing through the leg adapter. The rolled end should face outward.

3.3 For the “V” ring configuration, connect the “V” ring to the snap. The rolled stop end should
also face outward.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.3 Ripcord Pocket Velcro® Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Any harness configuration with a Velcro® style ripcord pocket
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of the Velcro® of the ripcord pocket.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match original
Hook and loop Velcro®—width and length to match original
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Glue gun

1.1 Depending on the configuration, it may be necessary to remove the ripcord housing from its
attachment point on the harness for access to the pocket. If the harness is attached to the
backpad, disconnect this as well.

1.2 Remove the E thread stitch pattern that forms the pocket on
the main lift web (MLW) [Figure A].
1.3 Mark the ends of the old Velcro® and remove from the inside
of the webbing. Note which side of the webbing the hook and
loop are located.
2.1 Cut the replacement Velcro® to the correct length.
2.2 Glue the Velcro® pieces to their respective locations on the inside of the webbing.
2.3 Using the single needle
machine, sew around the
perimeter of the Velcro® as
well as a row of stitching
down the center [Figure B].
Repeat for the opposite side.
2.4 Resew the pocket with two
rows of single needle stitch-
ing with E thread [Figure C].

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2.5 Reattach the harness to the backpad.

2.6 Reinstall the ripcord housing to the harness.

3.1 Verify the correct orientation of the Velcro® in the pocket.

3.2 The correct stitch pattern must be used for the Velcro®.

3.3 Verify the ripcord pocket is resewn.

3.4 The backpad must be reattached (if needed).

3.5 The ripcord housing must be reinstalled.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.4 Articulated Upper Leg Hardware Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most articulated harness configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of the upper leg strap hardware.
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
5-cord nylon thread—color to match
Ty-8 webbing—color to match
Ty-12 webbing
Ty-4 1" tape
Replacement adapter—MS-22040
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Heavy-duty harness machine, Singer 7-33 or equivalent, stitch to match the
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
Glue gun
4-point W-W pattern template
Note: The following procedure is required when the knurling on the friction bar has worn to the
point that the leg strap would slip on opening. In addition, the webbing at the ring location shows
wear and is replaced at the same time. This procedure is typical for a Flexon and Talon 2 articulated
harness configuration.
5 5010 RING 1 RW-0 ---
3 RING BUFFER 1 TY-4 3.00"

1.1 Remove the leg pad assembly. 2 ADAPTER BUFFER


1.2 Remove the leg strap by cutting the webbing.

2.1 Use Figure A to cut a replacement leg strap and parts. 4
2 3 1 5

5 10.50

1 3.00


Figure A
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2.2 Take the Ty-8 webbing and sew a bowtie fold with the
Ty-4 tape buffer at the 3.50" mark [Figure B].

2.3 Turn the adapter upside down and install the Ty-8 web-
bing as shown and glue in place [Figure C].

2.4 Install the bowtie around the ring and glue in place
[Figure D]. The picture shows the inside orientation of
the harness.

2.5 Double check the correct orientation of the hardware [Figure E].

2.6 Mark the stitch pattern [Figure F].

2.7 Sew the webbing with the harness machine in a 4-point W-W pattern [Figure G].

2.8 Reinstall the leg pad. Route the upper pad flap through the adapter from the bottom
[Figure H] and zigzag.

2.9 Fold the bottom pad under and zigzag in place [Figure J].
Note that the ends of the upper and lower pads are offset to
reduce the thickness to be sewn.

3.1 Verify the hardware orientation is correct.

3.2 Verify the stitch pattern is correct.

3.3 The leg pad must be reinstalled correctly.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.5 Standard Harness Main Lift Web Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most standard harness configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Complete replacement of one side of a standard harness main lift web.
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match Ty-4 1" tape—color to match
5-cord nylon thread—color to match Ty-3 tape—color to match
Ty-7 webbing—color to match 1 1/2" Velcro®—hook and loop
Ty-8 webbing—color to match 1" Velcro®—hook and loop
Ty-12 webbing—color to match
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7-33 or equivalent 5-7 SPI
Hot knife and cutting glass Marking pencils
Hot glue gun Scissors and thread snips
Measuring rulers: 6", 18", and 36" Exacto® knife or scalpel
Sewing pattern templates Hemostats

BACKGROUND. The following steps provide an overview of the procedure to follow.

The first thing the rigger must do is to inspect the parachute harness to identify the make and model
and determine the extent of the damage. In some cases, particularly for older designs, it may not be
practical or economically feasible to repair the harness. If the rigger determines that repair is practi-
cal, he/she must then establish a repair plan for the project. There are two reasons for this. One, that
the project is done logically and efficiently. And two, if not having done this type of repair before,
having contacted the manufacturer for guidance, the rigger can explain what he/she intends to do to
effect the repair.
The rigger must make detailed measurements of the harness. Figure A shows a typical harness con-
figuration and the needed dimensions. On a situation where one side of the harness is intact and can
be used for reference, the rigger still needs dimensions to work against to determine how much
material to order or bill to the job. If both sides of the harness are damaged, great care must be taken
to ensure the correct measurements of the final repair.



Figure A
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Teardown and cleanup is the second most important part of the process. It is important that all the
old thread, glue, and damaged webbing are removed. Leaving any of these in place and sewing over
them will result in a poor appearance. Also, it is not uncommon to find additional damage or wear at
this point that was not identified during the initial inspection process.
After the teardown and cleanup, the replacement webbing can be measured, cut, and pre-sewn in
preparation for installation to the harness assembly. The construction sequence is followed. In cer-
tain cases, it may be desirable to replace not just damaged parts but worn ones to give the final result
a more cosmetic appearance. An example is when replacing a main lift web, it does not look good to
reuse the old chest strap webbing when the main lift web is new material.
After the repair is completed, a thorough quality control program is undertaken. This is especially
critical in a situation where the rigger is working alone and there is no one to rely on for cross-
checking the work. All the critical points of the repair must be identified and checked as well as
the finished dimensions.

1.1 Remove all housings, leg pads, and any other parts that may interfere with the work from the
Disassemble the leg strap/horizontal back strap junction [Figure B].
Disconnect the upper main lift web (MLW) from the yoke
portion of the backpad if necessary.

1.2 Disassemble the junction of the diagonal back strap and

main lift web at the 3-ring attachment point [Figure C]. Be
very careful not to damage the diagonal back strap. If it is
damaged, it is a major project to replace this on most assem-

1.3 Lay out the main lift web assembly and check the measure-
ments against the initial dimensions. Check against the
opposite side MLW for symmetry.

1.4 If this side of the harness has a TSO or identification label

attached, carefully remove it for use on the new assembly. If
it is damaged, it may be necessary to get a new label to
replace it. Contact the manufacturer for guidance. They may
require the rigger to return the old label in exchange for a
new one.
2.1 Note that this configuration consists primarily of two main pieces of webbing. The front
MLW is TY-7 webbing and the rear is TY-8.
2.2 Measure the new webbing for the main lift webs. Add 5" for the riser end fold back and allow
at least 6" extra for shrinkage. While this may sound like a lot, nothing is more discouraging
than to get to the end of the project and find that the webbing is short by an inch or two. A
couple inches of scrap is a small price to pay at this point.

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2.3 Starting at one end of the webbing, measure the riser end configuration. Fold back and glue
in place. If there is a toggle stow loop on the old harness, do not forget to glue in place before
sewing [Figure D]. Mark the 4 point W-W pattern and sew with the harness machine and 5-
cord nylon thread.
2.4 Install the steering line guide ring with a duplicate stitch pattern as per the original [Figure
E]. In some instances, the manufacturer may have used a special bar tack or other stitch pat-
tern to attach the ring. If the rigger does not have the same machine, it will be necessary to
contact the manufacturer for an acceptable alternative. This should have been identified in
phase one. Check the distance from the end of the riser to the top of the ring. The industry
standard is 4", but there may be special dimensions for some applications.
2.5 Install the toggle Velcro® keepers as per the original [Figure F]. Complete any other sewing
needed such as the end of the toggle stow loop.

2.6 If needed, reattach the TSO label at the appropriate location. If the label is the original one
and is made from material such as Ty-vek®, try to follow the original needle holes to avoid
perforating the material. Too many holes will cause the label to tear out.

2.7 Working from the measurement diagram in Figure A, mark the location of the 3-ring.

2.8 Working downward, mark the location of the chest strap, the ripcord pocket, and the bottom
of the upper leg strap [Figure G]. NOTE: It will be necessary to allow for a certain amount of
shrinkage during the sewing process. There will be four areas of shrinkage to allow for:

1. The harness stitching at the 3-ring.

2. The harness stitching at the chest strap.
3. The ripcord pocket.
4. The harness stitching at the leg strap junction.

The standard rule of thumb for the sum of these patterns

is approximately .75" for the length. In other words, the
marked length of the MLW should be .75" longer than
the desired finished length. Most of the shrinkage will
be in the ripcord pocket and the leg strap junction. If the
rigger has not done this operation before, he/she may
want to build a sample MLW to check the measurements
and the resultant shrinkage.

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2.9 Sew the Velcro® in place for the ripcord pocket [Figure H].

2.10 Glue the chest strap in place. In this instance, don’t forget the housing loop.

2.11 Using the single needle, pre-sew the front and rear main lift webs. Use of the sewing pattern
in Figure J will accomplish this and at the same time will create the ripcord pocket. Sew the
chest strap 3-point W-W with the harness machine [Figure K].

3-RING 1




9 8 4


2.12 Reassemble the upper diagonal back strap and the 6 5

3-ring hardware by threading the rear riser through
the large ring followed by the front riser. 7

Figure J

2.13 Position the 3-ring at the mark on the main lift web and glue in place. Install the Ty-12 con-
fluence wrap below the 3-ring and mark the 4-point W-W pattern [Figure L].

2.14 Sew the confluence wrap with the harness machine [Figure M].

2.15 Re-create the leg junction. Glue the upper leg strap in place first and then the horizontal back
strap second [Figure N].

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2.16 Mark the 4-point W-W and then sew with the har-
ness machine. Start the stitch pattern at the front
side of the MLW and complete with the overstitch
the full length of the pattern [Figure O]. This will
provide additional reinforcing at the upper leg
strap/MLW location.

2.17 Measure the length of the lower leg strap allowing

3.50" for the rolled stop end. Trim to length and
then install the stop end with the harness machine.

2.18 Reattach the backpad to the upper MLW using the

308 zigzag machine.

2.19 Reinstall the leg pads using the 308 zigzag machine.

2.20 Reinstall the ripcord and 3-ring housings and hand tack in place.
3.1 Check the finished dimensions against the original dimensions in Figure A. If only one side
has been replaced, check the new MLW against the opposite side for comparison. The gener-
ally accepted tolerances for this type of construction are ± .25". In particular, reserve riser
length and the overall MLW length are the most important. If either of these are mismatched
to their opposites, then the flight of the canopies may be affected.

3.2 Start inspecting from the riser end working down. Use the inspection chart in Figure P as a
guide for the inspection points.

After the inspection, all appropriate paperwork must be completed. This includes the rigger’s
logbook, the packing data card for the parachute, and any shop or business forms or log.

Figure P

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.6 Main Riser 3-Ring Locking Loop Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All 3-ring riser assemblies.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of the 3-ring riser locking loop.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
5-cord nylon thread—color to match
Ty-IIa nylon cord or equivalent
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 10 SPI
Heavy-duty harness machine—Singer 7-33 or equivalent
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Glue gun
Hot knife
1.1 Mark the locking loop at the bottom edge of the conflu-
ence wrap [Figure A].

1.2 Place a mark at the bottom of the confluence wrap and

carefully remove the confluence wrap from the riser.

1.3 Remove the old locking loop.

2.1 Cut a new loop the length of the old one plus 2.00".

2.2 Fold the new loop in half and lay alongside the old loop. Transfer the marks from the old
loop to the new one [Figure B].

2.3 Align the marks on the loop with the mark at the bottom of the confluence wrap on the riser
[Figure C]. Glue the loop in place.

2.4 Sew the loop with the 308 zigzag machine [Figure D]. Set the stitch width at approximately
1/8" and 10 SPI.

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2.5 Trim the excess loop off at the top [Figure E].

2.6 Reinstall the confluence wrap using the harness

machine [Figure F].

3.1 Before installing the confluence wrap, make sure
the zigzag stitching is complete.

3.2 The loop length should be the same as the old


3.3 The confluence wrap must be reinstalled.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.3.7 Main Riser Steering Toggle Velcro® Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most main risers with a Velcro® toggle installation.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of the Velcro® toggle keeper on main risers.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
Velcro® of the appropriate width and type
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler

NOTE: The term “Velcro®” is used in a generic fashion for hook and loop fastener. While the rigger
should replace the Velcro® to match the original configuration, this installation has proven superior
for its holding ability and the secure line stow configuration.
1.1 Mark the location of the old Velcro® [Figure A].

1.2 Remove the old Velcro®.

2.1 Cut a new piece(s) of Velcro® to match the original.
2.2 Position the Velcro® to the original location.

2.3 Sew the hook Velcro® with a single needle machine.

Sew an additional row of stitching down the center of the Velcro® [Figure B]. This keeps the
center from lifting during use and tearing out the edge stitching.

2.4 Position the loop line

stow Velcro® to match the
hook and sew along the
edge, overstitching the
ends [Figure C].
3.1 Check that the location of
Velcro® is the same as the

3.2 Check stitch patterns and center stitching.

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Accessory components are comprised of the reserve pilot Main components, on the other hand, are subject to exten-
chute, reserve deployment bag or device, main deploy- sive wear and tear. Most jumpers do not take time to
ment bag, main pilot chute and bridle, main and reserve inspect their main components on a regular basis and gen-
toggles, reserve static line (RSL) lanyard, 3-ring release erally operate on a “repair as broken” basis. By the time
handle, and reserve ripcord. the rigger sees the components, it is easier and more cost
effective to replace than to repair them. However, there
The reserve components generally do not suffer much are regular wear trends that the rigger can make their cus-
wear due to their infrequent use. In addition, with their tomers aware of so they can look for them and have them
frequent inspection during the repack cycle, any neces- taken care of.
sary repairs become obvious and are taken care of before
they become major problems.
1. Metal ripcords usually are not repairable and must be 7.4 The following are repairs to accessory components,
replaced when they are damaged. found in Section 4 of this chapter.
2. Reserve pilot chutes experience torn mesh, minor 7.4.1 Reserve pilot chute repair—Mesh, tackings,
canopy damage, broken hand tackings, and damaged and bad grommet
grommets in the cap.
7.4.2 Reserve free bag repair—Grommet pullout
The reserve free bag may have the grommets in the clos-
ing flap pull out of the material. The high-drag bridle is a 7.4.3 Main pilot chute repair—Top canopy
critical area and is usually not repairable. reinforcing
7.4.4 Main pilot chute collapsible bridle replace-
The RSL lanyard is another critical item that is usually ment
not repairable, except for the replacement of a defective
snap shackle. 7.4.5 Main deployment bag repair—Closing flap
grommet pullout

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.4.1 Reserve Pilot Chute Repair – Mesh, Tackings, and Bad Grommet
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most reserve pilot chutes.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of cap grommet.
MATERIALS: Nylon supertack
Stainless steel sheet grommet—same as original
Seam ripper or scalpel
Hand tacking needle
Grommet set
Diagonal cutters
Note: The canopy fabric portion of a reserve pilot chute would be repaired as necessary with similar
patching techniques as used on a canopy. The mesh portion, however, may be subject to different
techniques. Another area of common damage is the thru grommet in the top of the pilot chute. The
following procedure describes the replacement of the grommet in the top of the pilot chute. Figure A
shows a damaged grommet.
1.0 DISASSEMBLY: Grommet replacement.
1.1 Remove the hand tackings used to secure the base of the
pilot chute to the spring [Figure B].

1.2 Turn the pilot chute upside down and push the canopy
down until the grommet is exposed [Figure C].

1.3 Using diagonal cutters, remove the damaged grommet

being careful not to damage the fabric of the cap [Figure D].

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2.1 Using the handset, set a new grommet. Be careful not to catch any fabric during the process
[Figure E].

2.2 Reposition the canopy over the spring. Grasp the skirt at the bottom end of the spring. Make
sure that the radial tapes run directly from the bottom to the cap in a straight line [Figure F].
If the tapes “barberpole” around the spring, the pilot chute may not inflate properly on

2.3 Hand tack the bottom of the canopy to the bottom of the spring [Figure G].

3.1 Verify the grommet is secure.

3.2 Tapes should be straight.

3.3 Tackings should be secure.

4.0 DISASSEMBLY: Mesh repair.

4.1 Remove the tackings used to secure the base of the pilot chute to the spring.

4.2 For small holes, turn the mesh inside out and zigzag the edges together.

5.1 Reattach the bottom of the pilot chute to the spring with hand tacking.

6.1 Tapes should be straight.

6.2 Tackings should be secure.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.4.2 Reserve Free Bag Repair – Grommet Pullout
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most reserve free bags.
DESCRIPTION: General repair to the reserve free bag.
1 1/2" Ty-3 tape
Grommets to match the original type and size
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI

Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Hot knife
Grommet set
Hole punch
Note: Most reserve free bag designs are fairly robust. The most common types of damage seen are
the pulling out of the grommets in the tongue of the bag [Figure A] and tearing out of fabric from the
binding tape due to overstressing during packing. Damage to the bridle portion of the free bag is
generally not repairable nor allowed by most manufacturers. Consequently, any damage in this area
would necessitate the replacement of the bag. The following procedure deals with the repair of the
tongue area and replacement of the grommets.
1.1 Remove the grommets from the tongue [Figure B].

1.2 Remove the binding from the tongue area by unpicking the
stitching [Figure C].
2.1 Cut two pieces of 1 1/2" Ty-3 tape and overlay them on each
side of the damaged area. Sew around the edges of the tape
and down the center to secure it [Figure D].

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2.2 Trim the ends of the tape to match the shape of the tongue.

2.3 Using the single needle machine, reapply the binding tape around the edge of the tongue
[Figure E].

2.4 Punch new holes over the exact position as the original ones [Figure F].

2.5 Insert new grommets [Figure G].

3.1 Reinforcing tape must be secure.

3.2 Binding must be resewn.

3.3 Grommets must be set and secure.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.4.3 Main Pilot Chute Repair – Top Canopy Reinforcing
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most main hand deploy pilot chutes.
DESCRIPTION: Repair of the apex area of a hand deploy pilot chute.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
3/4" Ty-3 tape
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Hot knife
Note: Most repairs of the main pilot chute consist of fabric or mesh repairs and may be repaired sim-
ilar to canopy procedures. The most common damage seen on main pilot chutes is in the area of the
apex and the hand deploy handle [Figure A]. This area is subject to fairly severe stress and strain.
The following procedure deals with the apex area repair. It should be noted that if the repair is too
complex, it’s probably more cost effective to replace rather than repair the pilot chute.
1.1 Working through the hole in the base, turn the pilot
chute inside out. Unpick the seam at the junction of
the canopy and mesh and between two of the radial
tapes [Figure B]. This will allow good access to the
apex area.
2.1 Take a piece of 3/4" Ty-3 tape and overlay the rein-
forcing material at the apex, covering the damaged
area [Figure C].

2.2 Resew the canopy and

mesh panels as per the orig-
inal. Turn the pilot chute
right side out.
3.1 Damaged area must be cov-

3.2 Canopy seam must be

restitched correctly.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.4.4 Main Pilot Chute Collapsible Bridle Replacement
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most kill-line pilot chute bridle configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Replacement of the bridle of a kill-line collapsible pilot chute.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
Replacement bridle
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI [Optional]
Seam ripper or scalpel
Green felt tip marker
6" ruler
Pony clamp
Hot glue gun
Note: There are three basic main bridle configurations: One, a standard non-collapsible bridle. Two,
a bungee collapsible bridle. Three, a centerline or “kill-line” collapsible bridle. The standard bridle
is a simple design and any damage usually results in the replacement of the bridle. The exception to
this is if the tape attaching the curved pin is worn. The replacement of the tape is a simple task. The
most common bridle in use today is the kill-line collapsible type. The replacement of the bridle is
described in the following procedure.
1.1 Remove the old bridle from the pilot chute [Figure A].
2.1 Thread the loop ends of the bridle through the bottom sup-
port tapes of the pilot chute [Figure B].

2.2 Glue the ends in place with the glue gun [Figure C].

2.3 Bar tack the bridle along the sides. Do not capture the cen-
terline [Figure D].

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2.4 Align the bridle tapes on the center of the pilot chute attach-
ment tapes and bar tack in place [Figure E].

2.5 Check the trim of the pilot chute centerline. When the cen-
terline is taut, the apex should be even with or no more than
1" below the skirt of the canopy.

2.6 Anchor the bag end of the pilot chute at the bag stop. Grasp
the Spectra® centerline and pull to “cock” the bridle.
2.7 Route the free end of the Spectra® centerline up through the
center of the pilot chute and through the loop of the pilot
chute centerline at the apex. Grasp the handle of the pilot
chute and apply tension so that the centerline of the pilot
chute and the bridle are equal. Pinch the Spectra® line so
that the location will not move. Secure with 2 half hitches
[Figure F].

2.8 Change the anchor point to the end of the bridle. Stretch the
bridle so that the pilot chute is collapsed. Lay the pilot chute
out with the mesh exposed and secure the radial tapes with
the pony clamp at the mesh/fabric seam [Figure G]. Pull
moderate tension on the pony clamp and check the location
of the apex of the pilot chute at the opening of the bridle.

2.9 Again anchor the bridle at the bag stop and cock the bridle.
Check the position of the apex of the pilot chute. It should
be within 1" of the skirt [Figure H].

2.10 Finger-trap the running end of the Spectra® centerline for a

distance of 3" [Figure J]. Bar tack or zigzag to secure. Trim the excess line.

2.11 Cock the bridle. Take the hemostats and grasp the Spectra® centerline at the eye of the bridle
[Figure K].

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2.12 Pull the centerline out to expose approximately 3" each side of the hemostats. Take the green
felt tip marker and place a mark at the hemostat location and 1" either side [Figure L]. Color
the line between the marks and on both sides [Figure M].

2.13 Pull the bridle tight to reposition the centerline and check the green color of the eye [Figure
3.1 Check the bar tack at the pilot chute loops and at the base.

3.2 Verify the Spectra® centerline is knotted, finger-trapped and sewn.

3.3 Verify the colored eye location of the centerline is marked green.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.4.5 Main Deployment Bag Repair – Closing Flap Grommet Pullout
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All main deployment bags.
DESCRIPTION: Repair of main deployment bag.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
Ty-4 tape or equivalent.
Grommets to match original
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Grommet set
Hole punch
NOTE: The most common repair needed to a main deployment is the repair of the closing flap in the
area of the grommets. The grommets work loose and pull out, damaging the material. The tongue
will need reinforcing and new grommets.
1.1 Remove grommets from the tongue of the bag.

1.2 Unpick the binding along the edge of the grommet reinforc-
ing tape [Figure A].
2.1 Overlay a piece of 1.5" Ty-4 tape on the top of the bag tongue
and sew down [Figure B].

2.2 Punch new holes through the Ty-4 from the back side in the
same location as the original location.

2.3 Overlay the back side of the tongue with a piece of 1.5" Ty-3 tape and sew down [Figure C].
Punch new holes through the tape.

2.4 Sew down the binding tape and rebind as needed [Figure D].

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2.5 Set new grommets in the

original locations [Figure
3.1 Verify stitching is secure.

3.2 Verify new grommets are


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In the “old days” when military surplus equipment was In certain cases, a rigger might want to perform an alter-
common, there were a number of alterations available to ation on a product for which the manufacturer is no longer
make the surplus equipment suitable for sport use. Since in business. This is commonly known as an orphaned
then, however, the sport has progressed and purpose-built product. If this occurs, the rigger should obtain approval
sport equipment is now the rule, so most equipment does from the Administrator. Refer to Advisory Circular (AC)
not need any specialized alterations for use. Most alter- 105-2—Sport Parachute Jumping. Alterations to
ations now deal primarily with harness size adjustments approved parachutes must be performed only by a certifi-
for individuals, or they are designed to enhance the per- cated and appropriately rated master parachute rigger, a
formance of the parachute. parachute manufacturer, or any other manufacturer that
the Administrator considers competent. To receive
In the past, alterations were often done by well-inten-
approval from the Administrator, a person qualified to
tioned individuals who knew how to do them but in most
alter a parachute would first contact the FAA Flight
cases did not have the authority to perform them. The
Standards District Office (FSDO) to discuss the proposed
common attitude was, “I’m a master rigger; I can do any-
alteration with an FAA inspector. The inspector requires a
thing.” As long as the work was done reasonably well and
description of the proposed alteration along with a sam-
no one got hurt, this was an accepted practice. While there
ple, technical data, and proposed test data to ensure that
may be a few individuals who still adhere to that philoso-
the altered parachute meets all applicable requirements.
phy, as a whole, the rigging profession is much more
After discussing the proposed alteration, the two parties
aware of limitations in regard to alterations. Under Title
agree on a suitable plan of action. The individual then
14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR), subsec-
drafts an application, in letter form, addressed to the local
tion 65.129(d), “No certificated parachute rigger may –
FSDO. Along with the letter, the following information
(d) Alter a parachute in a manner that is not specifically
needs to be attached:
authorized by the Administrator or the manufacturer.” In
today’s world, manufacturers are much more concerned 1. A clear description of the alteration.
with the alterations being performed on their products.
With the advent of the Internet and other means of high- 2. Technical information that includes drawings and
speed communications, riggers have much more access to photographs, materials used, stitch patterns, and
the manufacturer and are more likely to communicate location of altered components.
with them as to what can be done. Also, due to liability 3. A means of identifying the altered parachute such as
issues, many riggers are reluctant to undertake alterations model and serial number and identification of the
without the manufacturer’s approval. person having performed the alteration.
What constitutes the manufacturer’s approval for an alter-
ation? To be safe, the rigger should always have some- After the inspector reviews the application, if he/she is
thing in writing that specifically addresses the alteration satisfied, he/she indicates approval by date stamping,
the rigger wishes to perform. There should be a two way signing, and placing the FSDO identification stamp on
line of communication for this. One, the rigger should the letter of application. Upon receiving this approval, the
specifically request from the manufacturer the authority master rigger can then perform the alteration.
to perform the alteration. This should include serial num-
ber, make, and model of the product involved, and a 7.5 The following are alterations found in Section 5
description of the alteration. Two, in return, the rigger of this chapter. (* Denotes approval needed by the
should receive, in writing, authorization to perform the Administrator or the Manufacturer)
alteration. The manufacturer specifies the form of this 7.5.1 * Articulated harness main lift web resizing
authorization, but it should have the date, the rigger’s
name and certificate number, and a reference to the rig- 7.5.2 Leg pad resizing
ger’s original request. This fulfills the requirements of the
7.5.3 * Automatic Activation Device (AAD)
regulations and protects both parties involved.
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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.5.1 Articulated Harness Main Lift Web (MLW) Resizing
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most articulated harness configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Resizing of an articulated harness.
5-cord nylon thread
Ty-7 webbing, or as original
Ty-4 1" tape
MACHINES: 308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Heavy-duty harness machine, Singer 7-33 or equivalent 4-6 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
18" ruler
Hot glue gun
Note: Resizing of a harness is usually considered an alteration. However, because of the simplicity
of the procedure, most manufacturers do not object to a qualified master rigger performing the pro-
cedure. It would be wise, however, for the rigger to contact the manufacturer for permission before
undertaking the procedure. The following procedure is shown on a VoodooTM system.
1.1 Measure the main lift web to check if the harness is even.

1.2 Remove the ripcord pocket/MLW cover [Figure A].

1.3 Measure the lower MLW [Figure B].

1.4 Remove the lower MLW [Figure C].

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8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



1.50 D



XXS 12.00 4.75-11.00-15.75 5.25
B XS 13.00 5.00-11.50-16.50 5.50 B
SM 14.00 5.75-13.25-19.00 6.38
MED 15.00 7.12-15.88-23.00 7.62 CONTRACT No.

LG 16.00 8.00-17.75-25.75 8.62

XL 17.00 9.00-19.50-28.50 9.25 PREP S. REID 12-1-03
S. REID 12-1-03
XXL 18.00 10.00-21.50-31.50 10.25 CHKR
2 BUFFER 1 TY-4 1" 3.00

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Figure D

2.1 Measure the webbing for the lower main lift web [Figure D].

2.2 Zigzag the bowtie folds as marked including the Ty-4 buffers [Figure E].

2.3 Glue the MLW in place. Make sure that the open end of the webbing is on the rear and ori-
ented up towards the chest strap.

2.4 Mark the stitch pattern on the MLW and sew with the harness machine. Use a 3" W-W pat-
tern at the top as shown in Figure F. Include a box pattern on the lower section of the MLW.

2.5 Reattach the ripcord pocket/MLW cover [Figure G].

3.1 Check that the new harness dimensions are correct and symmetrical.

3.2 Verify the harness stitching is correct for SPI and tension.

3.3 The ripcord pocket/MLW cover must be reattached.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.5.2 Leg Pad Resizing
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most harness leg pad configurations.
DESCRIPTION: Shortening the length of the leg pad.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
301 Double needle with tape folder 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
6" ruler
Hot knife

1.1 Measure the amount that the pad is to be shortened and

mark on the sleeve of the pad [Figure A].

1.2 Remove all bar tacks or zigzag stitching from the bind-

1.3 Using the hot knife, remove the binding from the pad
[Figure B].

1.4 Unpick the sleeve from the body of the pad. Fold the pad under and using the hot knife,
shorten the sleeve by the required amount.

1.5 Measure the pad and mark. Trim with the hot knife [Figure C].


2.1 Using the double needle machine and binder, bind the end of the sleeve [Figure D].

2.2 Sew the sleeve to the pad and pre-sew the foam with the single needle.

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2.3 Trim the ends of the tape.

2.4 Rebind the pad starting at

the upper corner [Figure
E]. Make sure the inside
curve of the pad is fully
captured by the binding.

2.5 Bar tack at the original

locations [Figure F].


3.1 Verify the length is correct.

3.2 Check that the bar tacks are at the original location.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.5.3 Automatic Activation Device (AAD) Installation
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most 1-pin sport piggyback systems.
DESCRIPTION: Installation of a CYPRES® AAD to a 1-pin sport piggyback harness and
container system.
MATERIALS: E thread—color to match
CYPRES® installation kit
Spandex® fabric [Optional]
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
12" ruler
Hot knife
Wallpaper roller
Note: The following procedure is representative of a typical installation of the CYPRES® AAD into
a modern 1-pin reserve container system. While providing guidance for this operation, it is impera-
tive that the rigger possesses the proper instructions from both the harness-container manufacturer
and the AAD manufacturer.
1.1 Open the right side corner of the reserve container
[Figure A]. While this might not be needed on some size
containers, it generally makes the installation of the
pocket easier and it’s not that hard to close the corner
back up.
2.1 Mark the center of the container wall at the bottom [Figure B].
2.2 Mark the center of the Spandex® portion of the CYPRES® pocket [Figure C]. Do not mark
the center of the entire pocket. The Spandex® must be centered on the wall to allow for the
correct positioning of the CYPRES® processing unit.
2.3 Align the marks and the pocket as close to the bottom of the wall as possible [Figure D].

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2.4 Sew around the pocket with the single needle machine.
Backstitch .5" at each of the corners for reinforcing.
2.5 Next, install or create a cable channel for the control cable.
Some systems such as the one shown, can be modified to
provide the channel. Others need to use the adhesive backed
channel provided with the CYPRES® kit.
2.6.1 Mark the bottom and top of the pack tray cover as shown
[Figure E]. Place a hand tack at the A position. Unpick the
stitching between the corner bar tack and the hand tack at
the A position. Also, unpick the stitching between the B bar
2.6.2 There is now a built-in channel to slide the control cable thru
and stow the excess cable as well [Figure F].
2.7.1 Measure the distance along the long axis of the reserve con-
tainer from the bottom of the pocket location to the top of
the container near the planned location for the control unit
[Figure G].
2.7.2 Cut a piece of the adhesive backed channel to the same
length. Remove the adhesive covering and position the chan-
nel in place. Roll the channel with the wallpaper roller to
secure the adhesive.
2.8 Locate the position for the control pocket. Unpick the stitch-
ing that holds the main container to the backpad [Figure H].
2.9 Insert the pocket with the mouth towards the channel open-
ing and restitch the container to the backpad [Figure J].
Make sure the control head will fit into the pocket.
The location of the cutter will be specified by the container
manufacturer’s instructions and should be strictly adhered
to. The following location is specified for the Talon system.
2.10.1 Lay the CYPRES® unit on the pocket and route the
cutter/cable assembly out the top of the pocket and in as direct
a line to the side flap as possible. It will be necessary to cut a
hole in the bottom launching flap to access the side flap.
2.10.2 Where the cable will pass through the bottom launching flap
as close to the wall as possible, place a line approximately
.5" long [Figure K]. Take the hot knife and cut a single slit
the length of the mark. DO NOT CUT ANY OTHER
2.10.3 Route the cable thru the slit and then along the side flap as
shown [Figure L].
2.10.4 Place marks along the binding showing the start and finish
locations for the cable channel. Again, the rigger can use the
adhesive backed channel or make a channel out of the
Spandex® material as shown [Figure M].
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2.10.5 Route the cutter thru the channel and out the end nearest
the side flap grommet.
2.10.6 Slide the cutter elastic over the cutter and position the
cutter over the grommet with the hole to the outside of
the grommet and the elastic facing inwards on the flap.
Mark the corners of the cutter as shown [Figure N].
2.10.7 Remove the CYPRES® from the container completely.
Position the elastic sleeve to the marks and sew in place
with the zigzag machine [Figure O].
2.11 Re-close the corner of the reserve container as per the

3.1 Verify the CYPRES® pocket is sewn with the Spandex® pocket centered on the wall.
3.2 Control cable channel must be installed.
3.3 Control unit pocket must be installed.
3.4 Cutter cable channel must be installed.
3.5 Cutter elastic must be installed.
3.6 Verify the reserve container corner is closed, as necessary.
3.7 Check the fit of CYPRES® in the entire installation.
3.8 Log installation data on the packing data card. Remember, this is an alteration.

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There might come times when it is more practical for the The rigger who is undertaking the manufacture of these
rigger to manufacture replacement parts in order to return components needs to have, at the minimum, the follow-
a system to operation. The items listed in section 7.6 are ing sewing machines: medium duty single needle, dou-
those that are either main component parts or the reserve ble needle machine with a binding attachment, and a
closing loop, which is simple to make and usually within zigzag machine. In addition, the rigger needs grommet
the purview of the senior rigger to do so. It is important setting tools and a basic selection of webbings, materi-
for the rigger to recognize just what parts are legal to als and fabrics.
make. One item some riggers make, but one in which they
are not usually approved to do so, is the Safety Stow™ 7.6 The following are outlines of construction pro-
for the reserve free bag. As part of the TSO-C23d compo- cedures for the manufacture of the listed items
nent, it is manufactured from approved materials and found in Section 6 of this chapter.
under an approved Quality Control system. As simple as
this item is, if it is not manufactured according to the orig- 7.6.1 Main and reserve closing loop manu-
inal configuration, there is a very good chance for a fail- facture
ure of the reserve deployment system. The best rule of 7.6.2 Main deployment bag
thumb to follow is this: If the component is part of the
approved assembly, then it is probably not something that 7.6.3 Bottom of Container (BOC) pocket
may be manufactured in the field. The common exception
to this rule is the reserve closing loop.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.6.1 Main and Reserve Closing Loop Manufacture
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All harness and containers that utilize a fabric closing loop config-
DESCRIPTION: Fabrication of fabric closing loops.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
Loop material—725# Spectra®
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
308 Zigzag—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack [Optional]
Seam ripper or scalpel
Marking pencil
18" ruler
Hot knife
Finger-trapping needle or fid
Finger-trapping wire
Note: The terms “locking loops” and “closing loops” are synonymous, and are used interchange-
ably. Fabric locking loops have become the preferred method of closing most modern parachute con-
tainers. Dating from the mid 1970s, the most common material was Type-III suspension line. It was
soon recognized that other materials such as Dacron® were superior for this use. Today Spectra® is
widely used for reserve locking loops while Dacron® has remained preferred for main loops due to
its durability. The following technique will demonstrate the fabrication of a 1-pin and a 2-pin loop.

1.0 PREPARATION: 1-Pin Loop.

1.1 Measure the length of the original loop. If the stop knot is too tight to untie, allow extra
length (you can always cut it down, but you can’t glue it back on).

1.2 Cut an appropriate length of material and hot knife one end on an angle.


2.1 Fold the line in half and mark

the center [Figure A].

2.2 Place a mark at 1" from the

center on the hot knifed end.

2.3 Take the finger-trapping fid

and screw it onto the hot
knifed end [Figure B].

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2.4 Insert the pointed end of the fid into the line at the farthest mark by separating the weave of
the material so that the fid then passes through the length of the braided line and out the scis-
sor cut end [Figure C].
2.5 Draw the line through until the two marks are aligned. This will result in a loop eye of
approximately .5" [Figure D].
2.6 Pinch the eye of the loop with one hand and smooth the material from the eye to the end. Hot
knife the running end.
2.7 For short loops used with a main container, simply tie an overhand knot in the loop for the
required length. A metal washer is used to keep the loop from pulling through the grommet
[Figure E].

A B Center D

Enter Out Enter

X = Required Length + 2"
Y = 1/2 X + 2"
Finished Eye Size = 1/2"
Figure G

2.8 If the loop is to be used with a reserve container, it may be

required to sew the finger-trapped part of the loop for
security. If this is the case, simply sew the length of the
finger-trapped portion of the loop with a single needle
machine before hot knifing the end. Start at the running
end and sew towards the eye of the loop. Stop sewing
approximately .12" from the eye and then backstitch a
minimum of 1" [Figure F]. Trim the end with the hot

3.0 FABRICATION: 2-Pin Loop.

3.1 Measure and mark the line according to Figure G. Cut

both ends with the scissors.
3.2 Using the finger-trapping wire, finger-trap one end to
form the loop and have the running end exit approxi-
mately 1" past the center mark [Figure H].
3.3 Repeat with the opposite end. Exit again past the center
so that the two lines overlap at the center [Figure J].
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3.4 Pull the loop tight to remove any slack.

3.5 Bar tack or zigzag the loop ends [Figure K].
3.6 Trim the running ends [Figure L].
3.7 Bar tack or zigzag the center overlap junction [Figure M].
3.8 Measure the finished loop.

4.1 Check the loop length.
4.2 Verify stitching is secure and backstitched.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.6.2 Main Deployment Bag
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All sport systems that utilize a main deployment bag.
DESCRIPTION: Fabrication of a main deployment bag.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
Nylon para-pak fabric
Ty-3 3/4" nylon binding tape
Ty-1 9/16" nylon tape
Ty-4 1" nylon webbing
Ty-4 1 1/2" nylon webbing
Ty-12 nylon webbing
#3 Rolled rim spur brass grommets
#5 Rolled rim spur grommet
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 5-9 SPI
301 Double needle with tape folder 5-9 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack
Marking pencil
36" ruler
Carpenter’s square
Hot knife
#3 & #5 Spur grommet sets
Note: This procedure allows for either [1] duplicating an existing main bag, or [2] measuring a con-
tainer to determine the correct size bag required.

1.1 Measure the container according to Figure A or measure an existing bag according to Figure B.

Figure A

Figure B

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1.2 Transfer these dimensions to Figure C.

1.3 Lay out bag pattern on the para-pak according to
Figure C.
1.4 Cut para-pak and all required tapes and webbings.
2.1 Fold Ty-12 to center and sew to the inside of the
bag fabric at the top grommet location [Figure D].
2.2 Sew 1 1/2" Ty-4 tape at the outside tongue loca-
tion [Figure E].
2.3 Sew 1" Ty-4 tape at the outside mouth location.
At the same time, sew down the two side stow
band tapes and the three mouth stow band tapes
[Figure F].
2.4 Bind the mouth of the bag with the double needle
Figure C
binding machine. Leave the tapes long at the ends.

2.5 With the bag inside out, match the edge of the mouth with the alignment marks on the tongue
[Figure G].
2.6 Trim the excess tapes at the edge of the bag.
2.7 Starting at the inside corner of the bag, bind the inside seam [Figure H].

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2.8 Trim the inside ends of the binding leaving a 2" tail. [Figure J]
Double the tail back and bar tack.
2.9 Bar tack the stow loops at the appropriate locations [Figure
2.10 Install a #5 grommet at the top center of the bag. Orient the
grommet from the inside with the washer on the outside
[Figure L].
2.11 Install the three #3 grommets in the tongue of the bag with
the grommets from the outside and the washers on the
inside [Figure M].

3.1 Sewing should be straight.

3.2 Binding should be secure.

3.3 Verify all bar tacks are in place.

3.4 Grommets should be oriented correctly and secure.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.6.3 Bottom of Container (BOC) Pocket
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: All containers that have a BOC pocket configuration.
DESCRIPTION: Fabrication of a BOC pocket.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
Para-pak fabric
Spandex® or equivalent elastic fabric
5/8" elastic tape
Ty-3 3/4" binding tape
MACHINES: 301 Straight Stitch—Medium Duty 7-11 SPI
301 Double needle with tape folder 7-11 SPI
1" x 42 stitch bar tack
Marking pencil
18" ruler
Carpenter’s square
Hot knife
1.1 Draw the shape of the BOC pocket on the para-pak fabric to the size required to fit the pilot
chute. This will be the base panel.
1.2 Fold the Spandex® fabric in half and cut to the same size as the base panel. This will be the
pocket panel. Make sure the grain of the fabric is parallel with the length of the pocket for
stretch. Trim 1/2" off the end opposite the fold [Figure A].
2.1 Open the sides of the pocket at the folded end and insert the length of elastic tape. Sew the
tape in place with the single needle on both sides.
2.2 Mark the center of the mouth and bar tack the elastic reinforcing as shown [Figure B].

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2.3 Lay the pocket on the para-pak base and sew in place [Figure C]. (Hint—Sewing with the
Spandex® on the bottom and the para-pak on top will minimize stretch from the presser foot.)
2.4 Bind the pocket, starting at the bottom corner opposite the mouth of the pocket [Figure D].
2.5 Bar tack the mouth of the pocket securing the elastic reinforcing on both sides [Figure E].
2.6 The pocket is now complete and ready for installation.

3.1 Verify that the size is correct.

3.2 Binding should be secure.

3.3 Verify the bar tacks are in place at the center of the pocket and at the sides.

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7.7 The following are miscellaneous procedures

used in repairs and alterations found in Section 7
of this chapter.

7.7.1 Hand tacking techniques

7.7.2 Cleaning and washing procedures

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.7.1 Hand Tacking Techniques
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Any systems requiring hand tacking.
DESCRIPTION: Securing housings, hardware, etc., with hand tackings.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: Nylon supertack tacking thread
Assorted hand tacking needles
Modified navy end tab

Note: Hand tacking is an integral part of rigging skills. There are numerous places where compo-
nents or parts are joined. Hardware, housings, cones, and other parts require hand tacking to secure
them to their positions. The following examples show typical tacking techniques.


1.1 Take the needle and supertack and pass it through the
reinforcing tape at the bottom of the pilot chute mesh
capturing the spring coil [Figure A].

1.2 Cross over the radial seam reinforcing tape and again
pass the needle through the reinforcing tape and cap-
turing the spring coil as before [Figure B].

1.3 Secure the ends of the supertack with a surgeon’s knot

and locking knot [Figure C]. Trim to a 3/4" tail.


2.1 Position the housing end flush with the end of the housing channel.

2.2 Take the needle and supertack and tie an overhand knot approximately 1" from the end.

2.3 Pass the needle through the inside of the housing channel and then around the outside below
the housing end [Figure D]. The purpose is to choke the end of the channel so that the hous-
ing does not protrude from the end.
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2.4 Next take the needle and pass it through the top of the channel fabric over the housing [Figure E].

2.5 Take the needle and locate the grooves in the housing [Figure F]. Make three loops through
the channel, trapping the supertack in the grooves [Figure G].

2.6 Secure the running end with a surgeon’s knot and locking knot.

2.7 Twist the supertack together and trim with a 3/4" tail.

3.1 Take the needle and doubled supertack and pass it through the leg pad from the bottom next
to the edge of the leg snap [Figure H].

3.2 Pass the supertack over the bar of the snap and down through the pad [Figure J].

3.3 Continue with two more turns over the bar keeping the tackings next to each other [Figure

3.4 Secure the two ends on the bottom

of the pad with a surgeon's knot
and locking knot [Figure L].

3.5 Twist the ends together and trim to

a 3/4" tail.

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Parachute Repair Procedure

TITLE: 7.7.2 Cleaning and Washing Procedures
APPLICABLE PRODUCTS: Most harness and container systems.
DESCRIPTION: Cleaning and washing parachute components.
AUTHORIZED REPAIRMEN: FAA Senior or Master Parachute Rigger
MATERIALS: Woolite® or similar mild liquid soap
LOTS of clean fresh water
MACHINES: Jumbo tumbler type commercial washing machine. It is not recommended to
do this in your home washing machine.
Medium stiffness scrub brush
Large pillowcase or laundry bag
Wash tub
Assortment of rags
Extra laundry

This procedure applies only to harness and container systems. Most canopy manufacturers do not
approve of washing their products to clean them. Doing so may alter the performance characteristics
of the canopy. Follow the instructions in the owner’s manual for each make and model of canopy.

COLORFASTNESS. It is important to check for colorfastness of certain types of materials. Colored

E thread and Ty-3 binding tape have shown a tendency for their colors to run when wet or damp. Red
is particularly prone to doing so. Before using the following procedures, the rigger or owner should
check for colorfastness. Do so by wetting a small area of the container including the binding tape
and then lay a damp piece of WHITE cotton t-shirt on the wet area. Leave for 30 minutes. Check to
see if any color has transferred to the cotton fabric. If not, then it is PROBABLY OK to wash the rig.
Remember, this procedure in no way guarantees that the colors will NOT run.

1.1 Remove all canopies, AADs, and component parts such as toggles, RSL, ripcords, bags, and
elastic keepers as well as the packing data card.
2.1 Soak the rig in lukewarm water. Apply straight Woolite® or soap onto the dirtiest areas and
scrub with the brush. Soak in lukewarm water for 20 minutes.

2.2 Scrub the rig vigorously all over. Soak for another 20 minutes.

2.3 Repeat step 2.2. For particularly dirty rigs, empty the first batch of soapy water and wash in
a fresh batch of soapy water.

2.4 Squeeze out as much soapy water as possible. Immerse in fresh, clean, cool water and rinse
several times until no further soap comes out.

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2.5 Hang to dry out of direct sunlight. The use of a fan directly onto the rig will greatly speed up
the drying process.


Wrap the hardware of the rig with the rags to pad them so they don’t beat the inside of the

3.1 Soak the rig in lukewarm water and apply Woolite® or other soap directly onto the dirtiest
parts. Scrub these parts vigorously. Allow these parts to absorb the Woolite® during the time
traveling to the laundromat.

3.2 Place the rig into the pillowcase or laundry bag and add extra padding such as some of your
extra laundry. Levi's® work exceptionally well for this. Tie off the pillowcase or bag to hold
everything in. Place in the washing machine, add more washing and Woolite® and wash in
warm water.

3.3 Run through at least two rinse cycles or hand rinse several times until no soap comes out.

3.4 Hang to dry out of direct sunlight. The use of a fan onto the rig will greatly speed up the dry-
ing process.

The use of Scotchgard® brand fabric protector has become commonplace in recent years.
This fabric treatment seals the pores of the fabric against dirt and other stains. Scotchgard® is
NOT a magical “silver bullet” against dirt. However, it has shown good results in keeping
lighter colored fabric cleaner longer under normal use. Grinding in on grass or asphalt or
other heavy abuse will still stain and/or damage the rig materials.

Scotchgard® is not harmful to today’s container fabrics

such as para-pak and Cordura®. There are currently sev-
eral Scotchgard® formulas. The standard fabric and uphol-
stery formula is in the RED CAN [Figure A]. Do not use
the rug and carpet formula in the blue can.

After the rig is completely dry, hang it in a well ventilated

CAN, apply the protector to the entire OUTER SUR-
FACE of the rig. For those areas such as the inside of the
leg pads, backpad, and bottom of the main container, and
light colored panels such as white, etc., apply a second
coat after the first has dried. Do not intentionally spray the hardware, housings, and clear
vinyl CYPRES® window. After the rig has dried, it may then be reassembled and placed back
into service.

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Appendix I—Technical Documents
PIA TS-100—Standardized Nomenclature for Ram-Air Inflated
Gliding Parachutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-3
PIA TS-108—Parachute Canopy Fabric Pull Test, Non-Destructive
Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-19
TSO C23d—Personnel Parachute Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-25
SAE AS 8015B—Minimum Performance Standards for Parachute
Assemblies and Components, Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-27
TSO C23c—Personnel Parachute Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-37
SAE AS 8015A—Minimum Performance Standards for Parachute
Assemblies and Components, Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-39
TSO C23b—Parachutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-45
NAS 804—Specification–Parachutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-47

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Attachment I


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NOTE: This method uses the corner dots or the right angles as the guides for
fabric clamps.

Examples of actual size canopy markings

Figure 4


DATE: DEC 25 1992

Example of completed test

Figure 4

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Glossary.qxd 5/13/05 10:33 AM Page G-1


scoops at the top of a sleeve, which
person certificated by the FAA to per- provide drag and aid in anchoring the
form maintenance or inspections on sleeve as the canopy is pulled out.
ACCORDION FOLDING— an aircraft’s airframe or powerplant. Also, fabric pockets on the bridle of a
The folding of the canopy for stack- free bag, which aid in the deployment
ing in the container prior to closing. of the bag in the event of a horseshoe-
AIRWORTHINESS type malfunction.
A D M I N I S T R ATO R — T h e by the Federal Aviation Admin-
Federal Aviation Administrator or istration (FAA) to notify owners and AUTOMATIC
any person to whom he/she has dele- users of aeronautical products of ACTIVATION DEVICE
gated his/her authority in the matter unsafe conditions and the mandatory (AAD)—A device for automati-
concerned. corrections under which the product cally releasing the reserve or emer-
may continue to be used. Each AD is gency parachute. Utilizes barometric
an amendment to Title 14, Code of
ADVISORY CIRCULAR— and rate of descent sensors.
Federal Regulations, part 39; as such,
The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) issues advisory circulars it is part of the Federal Public Laws.
(ACs) to provide guidance and infor- AUXILIARY
mation in a designated subject area AIRWORTHINESS—A com- PARACHUTE—A reserve para-
or to show a method acceptable to the plete parachute assembly is consid- chute.
Administrator for complying with a ered airworthy when it conforms to
related Code of Federal Regulation its TSO and/or properly altered con-
(CFR). Each AC is issued with a dition, and is in condition for safe B
number corresponding to the subject operation.
it addresses in the Code of Federal
Regulations. Unless incorporated BACK PARACHUTE—A
into a regulation by reference, the ALTERATION—A change to
the original configuration or any parachute which is worn on the back.
contents of an AC are not binding on
the public. other major change to any portion of
the parachute from its original manu- BACKSTITCH—Used to anchor
facture specifications. a row of stitching by turning the
A E R O DY N A M I C S — T h e
material and sewing over the stitch-
study of the behavior of moving air
and the forces that it produces as it APEX—The center and topmost ing for a short distance.
passes over or around certain shaped point of a round parachute canopy.
objects such as wings, propellers, or BACKPAD—A foam-filled pad
parachute canopies. APPROVED—An item which in placed between the harness and the
its present form has received official wearer which provides comfort
AGL—Above ground level. certification from the FAA. and/or holds the harness in place.
Glossary.qxd 5/13/05 10:33 AM Page G-2

BACK STRAP—A part of the BOLT—A compact package or roll lines, from which the load is sus-
harness which extends across the of fabric. pended. The drag surface of the
wearer’s back. It may be diagonal, decelerator.
horizontal, or vertical, and may or BREAK TIE—Any tie or tacking
may not be adjustable. designed to break under a specified CENTERLINE—Lines which
amount of stress. run from the risers to the apex of a
BAG, DEPLOYMENT—A canopy and are used to pull the apex
BREAKAWAY—The jettisoning down such as on a Para Commander.
container, usually fabric, and usually
of the malfunctioned main parachute
enclosed in a parachute pack contain-
by activating riser releases and
ing a parachute canopy. deployment of the reserve parachute.
Also known as cutaway. design for chest parachutes.
BAR TACK—A concentrated
series of zigzag-like stitches used to BREAKCORD—A thread or CERTIFICATED—A personnel
reinforce points of stress. tape tied between parachute compo-
parachute holding an FAA TSO cer-
nents that is intended to break under
tificate. Also used to refer to other
BECKET—A piece of tape or the desired load during deployment. FAA-approved parachutes, such as
webbing sewn to a parachute or pack BRIDLE—A line which attaches Government surplus personnel mod-
to form a loop through which a cord the pilot chute to the apex of the els, which were manufactured under
or thread may be passed. canopy or to a sleeve or bag. military contract.

BEESWAX—A wax, usually BUNGEES—Pack opening bands. CFM—Cubic feet per minute. A
mixed 1:1 with paraffin and heated.
Webbing is dipped into it to prevent BURBLE—The turbulent and measure of permeability.
fraying. unstable airflow behind a falling
object such as a skydiver in free fall. CHAFING STRIP—A light
BELLYBAND—A reserve tie- piece of webbing positioned between
down strap. the load bearing webbing and a piece
C of hardware which acts as a buffer
between the two.
Construction where the warp and
filler threads of the material are at 45
ble cable joining the locking pins and parachute worn on the wearer’s chest.
degrees to the centerline of the gore.
the ripcord handle.
BIAS CUT—A diagonal cut CHUCK—The upper part of the
CALENDAR—The process where tool used to install fastener or grom-
across a piece of fabric. Canopy fab- a machine with heated rollers is used
ric may be cut on the bias and assem- met parts.
to finish fabric. The heat and pressure
bled so that both warp and fill threads process lowers permeability by forc-
run at a 45 degree angle to the verti- ing the fibers between each other and
CHUTE—A contraction of the
cal centerline of the gore. flattening them. term “parachute,” and used inter-
changeably with it.
An arrangement of the gores such WORK (CRW)—A skydiving CLAMP—A medical hemostat
that the warp threads are parallel to discipline, where the parachutists fly used by riggers for picking threads or
the peripheral hem. their open canopies in a formation retrieving small objects.
formed by grasping the canopies or
BOBBIN—A small spool used to lines using the hands or legs. CLOSING LOOPS—Fabric or
hold thread. Commonly found in CANOPY RELEASES— cord loops used to secure the con-
sewing machines. tainer closed. Used in place of lock-
Devices which allow immediate
release of the parachute canopy. They ing cones.
BODKIN—A large-eyed needle, disconnect the harness main lift webs
flat or round, and usually blunt, used from the risers. CLOTH—A pliable fabric, woven,
to draw tape, ribbon, elastic, or cord felted, or knitted from any filament;
through a loop or hem. Used to pull CANOPY—The umbrella-like commonly fabric of woven cotton,
pack opening bands through contain- surface of a parachute and its frame- woolen, silk, nylon, rayon, or linen
ers. work of cords, called suspension fiber.
Glossary.qxd 5/13/05 10:33 AM Page G-3

CLOVERLEAF HANDLE— the collapse of the canopy in the DEPLOYMENT—That portion

A ripcord handle with a cloverleaf event one riser becomes discon- of a parachute’s operation occurring
shape. Commonly found on chest nected. from the moment of pack opening to
parachutes. the instant the suspension lines are
CROSS SEAM—A seam joining
fully stretched but prior to the infla-
COCKING—Setting the collapsi- sections of a panel.
tion of the canopy. Also known as
ble bridle for operation.
CUTAWAY—The cutting of risers
CONE, LOCKING—A cone or suspension lines to release the
deployed canopy while the para-
shaped metal device used in conjunc-
tion with end tabs and ripcord pins to chutist is still in the air. Also known PARACHUTE RIGGER
hold the container flaps closed. as breakaway. EXAMINER (DPRE)—A mas-
ter parachute rigger appointed by the
CONFLUENCE WRAP—A Administrator to conduct oral and
piece of webbing which wraps D practical tests required for the certifi-
around the confluence of two or more cation of parachute riggers.
pieces of webbing. Prevents the DAISY CHAIN—A method of
stitching from splitting. Most com- gathering the suspension lines when DIAGONAL SEAM—A French
mon use is on main risers and the field packing a parachute so as to fell seam of the canopy which joins
3-ring harness ring installation. reduce the possibility of their becom- two sections of a gore. Diagonal
ing entangled. seams meet the centerline of the gore
at angles of 45 degrees and 135
QUICK—A large hook-shaped, DAMAGE CHART—A graphic degrees.
spring-loaded snap, two of which are representation of a canopy used to
used to quickly attach the chest-type identify and mark damaged areas for
parachute to the two D-rings on the
DIAMETER—The greatest dis-
repair. tance across a flat canopy, from skirt
to skirt, measured when the canopy is
DART—A short, tapered seam. lying flat. This measurement desig-
CROSS—A short length of web- nates the size of the parachute in feet.
DATA POCKET—Small patch
bing sewn across a lift web assembly pockets sewed to the inside and out-
between the snaps of a chest para- side surfaces of a parachute container
DIAPER—Generally, a fabric
chute. This webbing is designed to for carrying the parachute record panel secured by the suspension lines
prevent a “streamer” if only one side card. which is sewn to and wrapped around
of the left web assembly is engaged the canopy. Used to control and
to the harness. Also known as a DECELERATE—To slow down. reduce opening forces. Found mostly
spreader bar. A free-falling body will decrease its on round reserves.
rate of descent due to pressure of the
CONTAINER—That portion of atmosphere against its frontal area. DIE—The lower part of the tool
the parachute assembly which holds This resistance will gradually used in a press to install snap fasten-
the canopy in place after being increase as the falling body nears the
ers or grommets.
folded. This is not to be confused earth due to increasing atmospheric
with the term “pack.” pressure.
CONTAMINATION —Where DENIER—A unit of measurement LINE SYSTEM—A static line
foreign materials or substances come of silk in which the size of yarn is deployment system where the bag is
into contact with parachute materials quoted as its weight per length. This attached to the static line and the
and possibly cause degradation or is determined by weighing 9,000 canopy deploys free into the
weakening of the materials. meters and quoting the size of the airstream.
yarn in grams. Thus, if 9,000 meters
CORDS—Suspension lines. weigh 30 grams, the size of the yarn DOUBLE THROW ZIGZAG
is then known as 30 denier. STITCHING—Stitching in which
CROSS CONNECTOR the needle makes a center stitch
STRAP—A webbing strap DEPLOYMENT DEVICE— between each left and right stitch.
attached between the risers to prevent A sleeve or bag. Also known as a No. 308 stitch.
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DOUBLE-W—A three-point END TABS—Metal tabs on the FID—A small flat, tapered bar of
cross-stitch. end flap of the pack (principally chest metal or wood used to insert the corner
and seat containers) used to secure it flaps into the container when packing.
D-RING—A metal fitting shaped closed.
like a D into which snap connectors FINGER TRAP—A method of
are hooked. EYE—A small steel-wire loop attaching or splicing lines by insert-
attached to the parachute pack, into ing one line into another. Used pri-
which a hook on a pack-opening elas-
DROP TEST—Dropping a marily on hollow braided lines.
dummy or other load from an aircraft tic is fastened.
in flight or otherwise simulating a FINISH—The condition of the
live jump to prove serviceability of a
F parachute fabric caused by the
application of heat and pressure
whereby the fibers are forced closer
DROP ZONE (DZ)—A speci- FABRIC, CANOPY — The fab- together. This treatment is used to
fied area upon which personnel or ric used in the fabrication of para- determine the permeability of the
equipment are dropped by parachute. chute canopies. It is light in weight fabric.
and woven to withstand the impact of
DRYING TOWER—A facility air pressure when the parachute
FISH SCALE—A spring scale
where parachutes are suspended for opens. The canopy fabric is woven
used to measure the ripcord pull force
airing and drying. from nylon yarns usually in a ripstop
or fabric strength test.
FOLDER—A device used as an
PACKS—A sport assembly con- FASTENER, SLIDE—A zip-
attachment to a sewing machine to
sisting of a main and a reserve para- per.
guide and fold fabric.
FASTENER, SNAP—Metal FORCE—A push or pull which
DUMMY (PARACHUTE)— fastening device that usually consists
Torso-shaped dummy of variable tends to change the velocity or direc-
of four parts: button, socket, stud, and
weight used for testing parachutes; tion of a body’s motion.
eyelet. Device is manufactured in var-
may be of fixed or articulated con- ious shapes and sizes.
struction. FORGING—A high-pressure
shaping of hot metal. The process
DUMMY DROP—A parachute FASTENER, TAPE— used to make parachute hardware.
test using a dummy as the suspended Velcro®.
load. FORWARD SPEED—The rate
FEDERAL AVIATION at which a parachute moves horizon-
DURABLE DOT FAS- ADMINISTRATION tally in a mass of air.
TENER—The common snap fas- (FAA)—An organization within the
tener used for closing flaps, etc. Department of Transportation. The FOUR LINE CHECK—On a
FAA establishes aviation rules and round canopy, the four lines that run
regulations as well as enforces those to the top center and bottom center
E policies. The purpose of the FAA is
to set the standards for civil aircraft
gores. Used to check the line conti-
nuity. On a 28-foot canopy, they are
in the interest of public safety.
lines 1, 14, 15, and 28.
PARACHUTE—A certificated FEED DOG—A mechanical FPS—Feet per second.
parachute intended for emergency device located under the throat plate
use. of a sewing machine which feeds the FREE BAG—A type 5 reserve
material through a sewing machine. deployment device used with ram-air
END FLAP—The fabric on the canopies. Not attached to the canopy,
end of a pack as opposed to the side, FERRULE—Device which pro- it is designed to allow deployment of
used to enclose and protect the vides a strong and smooth finish on the canopy in the event of a horse-
canopy. the ends of a ripcord housing. shoe-type malfunction.

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FREE FALL—A parachute jump

in which the parachute is activated H INSPECTION—A step by step
procedure for examining a parachute
manually at the discretion of the prior to packing to identify any dam-
parachutist. H.A.L.O.—High Altitude, Low
age or non-airworthy condition.
(LSC-2)—A plain overlap in HANDLE—Ripcord handpull or canopy has been turned completely
which the material is folded over on grip. inside out. Also see partial inversion.
itself and stitched so as to prevent
raveling. HARDWARE—All metal parts
associated with parachutes, parachute J
FRICTION BURNS—The systems, and their suspended loads.
result of two textile surfaces rubbing JOINT EFFICIENCY—The
together rapidly and generating fric- HARNESS—An arrangement of comparison of the strength of the
tional heat which reduces the tensile cotton, linen, or nylon webbing
strength of the textile and causes dete- junction or joining materials against
which is designed to conform to the the original materials.
rioration of the individual threads; it shape of the load to be carried in
occurs primarily during parachute order to secure it properly so that the
deployment and initial inflation. JUMPING—To engage in a pre-
opening shock and the weight of the
load are evenly distributed during meditated parachute jump.

series of webbing loops which hold
G FORCE—The measure or the suspension lines in an orderly KEEPER, HARNESS—
value of the gravitational pull of the position in the container when the Elastic webbing used to hold harness
earth as modified by the earth’s rota- parachute is packed and which pay straps in place.
tion, equal to acceleration of a freely the lines out in sequence (hesitate) for
moving body at the rate of 32.16 feet orderly deployment. KICKER PLATE—A launching
per second. Example: If a 100-pound
disc which is placed under the pilot
load places a 300-pound stress on the HOT KNIFE—An electrically
heated cutting tool used to cut and chute.
parachute during opening, the shock
is 3 Gs. sear webbing and fabrics.
ENER—A metal plate sewn to the A main pilot chute bridle configura-
dles on a sewing machine.
top flap of the main parachute con- tion whereby the pilot chute is
tainer and used to hold the ripcord collapsed by use of a retractable
GLIDE—The horizontal move-
cable housing in place and to give centerline after it has deployed the
ment of the canopy. rigidity to the housing. Designed to parachute.
provide stiff separation between the
GORE—That portion of the housing and the top cone for an auto- KNOT, CLOVE HITCH—A
canopy contained between two adja- matic opener. type of knot used for attaching the
cent suspension lines and the area
between them, extending from the suspension lines of a parachute to the
apex of the canopy to the skirt. connector links.
or material that absorbs water readily
from its surroundings.
GROMMET—A metal eyelet, KNOT, OVER HAND—A sim-
used as a reinforcement around a ple knot tied in each running end of a
hole in fabric. Grommets are used on
pack flaps to fit over locking cones or
I piece of cord above a square knot or
surgeon’s knot to prevent the ends
loops. INITIAL LAYOUT—Process from slipping back through the knot.
in which the canopy is stretched out
GROSS WEIGHT— The com- on the table with the top center gore KNOT, SQUARE—A strong
plete weight of the parachute assem- on top in preparation for securing knot for joining two cords or lines,
bly. proper layout. which does not slip or loosen easily.
Glossary.qxd 5/13/05 10:33 AM Page G-6


of knot commonly used for tying used to separate and hold the lines of Usually identified as a small, rectan-
nylon threads or cords in place of a a round parachute during the packing gular metal fitting used to connect
square knot to prevent mis-tying. process. ends of risers or lift webs to suspen-
sion lines. The suspension lines are
tied and sewn above one part of the
LINE STOWING—The process
L of drawing the suspension lines into
link, the webs being stitched about
the lower part. The design of the link
suspension line retaining loops in the
may vary in size and shape according
L/D—Lift to drag ratio. parachute pack; accomplished to pre-
vent entanglement or twisting of the to the intended use.
lines during opening of the parachute.
LAP PARACHUTE—A para- Stows may be held by retaining loops
chute which rests in the lap of the LOCKSTITCH—Type of stitch-
or rubber bands. ing used in manufacturing para-
wearer and attaches to the harness
with risers to snaps and D rings on chutes. This type of stitch is formed
the front. Resembles a chest para- LINE STRETCH—Occurs dur- by two threads. A loop of the thread
chute with long risers. Not in current ing deployment, after the lines are is passed through the material where
fully extended. Follows snatch force it is entered by the supply of the other
and line extension. thread. The loop of the first thread is
drawn into the material to the extent
LATERAL BAND—Lower (in LINE, GUIDE OR CON- that the loop or lock is approximately
the periphery) or upper (in the vent halfway between the two surfaces of
TROL—One or more parachute
hem), a reinforcement web. the material. Also known as a type
lines that run from a slot or orifice in
301 stitch.
a steerable canopy to the harness pro-
LAUNCHING DISC—A viding better steerability.
kicker plate placed under the pilot LOFT—A facility for the repair
chute. LINE, STATIC—A line, cable, and maintenance of parachutes.
or webbing, one end of which is fas-
LEG STRAP—That part of the tened to the pack, the other to some
part of the launching vehicle; used to
LOGBOOK—A format for com-
harness webbing which encircles the
plying with 14 CFR part 65, subsec-
wearer’s leg. The leg straps can be open a pack or to deploy a canopy.
tion 65.131(a) in regards to recording
adjusted to fit the user.
the work done by the rigger on para-
LINE-OVER—A type of deploy- chutes.
LIFE CYCLE—Service life. The ment malfunction. It occurs when one
time that a parachute may be consid- or more suspension lines pass over
ered usable. the top of the canopy during deploy- LOOPS, HESITATOR —
ment preventing complete, normal Retain the suspension lines in a neat
inflation. Not to be confused with and orderly arrangement in the para-
LIFT WEB (MAIN)—The por-
“partial inversions.” chute pack. These loops are made in
tion of the harness from the shoulder to
varying sizes and materials.
the hip area. Generally from the canopy
releases to the leg strap junction. LINES, SUSPENSION—Cords
or webbing of silk, nylon, cotton,
LIFT WEBS—The front portion rayon, or other textile materials
which connect the drag surface of the
of the harness from the shoulder to
parachute to the harness. They are the MACHINE HEAD—The entire
the leg strap junction. Includes the
means by which the wearer or weight metal housing which supports the
risers if there are no riser releases. is hung or suspended from the moving parts and bearings of the
inflated canopy. machine.
LIFT—The force perpendicular to
drag which helps reduce vertical LINK, CONNECTOR, SEP- MAIN PARACHUTE —A
ARABLE—Any connector link parachute assembly, excluding the
comprised of readily separable ele- harness, that is used in conjunction
LINE EXTENSION—When ments, which may be used to facili- with a reserve parachute assembly as
the lines are fully deployed. Prior to tate assembly of parachute canopies the primary assembly for a premedi-
line stretch. to a riser system. tated jump.
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MAIN SEAM—That which joins MAXIMUM OPERATING NEEDLE—A small, slender,

two adjacent gores in a canopy. Also WEIGHT—The total weight of pointed piece of steel with a hole for
known as a radial seam. the parachutist and all equipment that thread used for sewing.
exits the aircraft with the jumper.
The main load-carrying member of NICOPRESS—A copper sleeve
MILDEW—A type of fungus or used to join cables to form loops or
the harness formed by two lengths of
mold which forms on fabric and leather splices.
webbing, beginning at the shoulder
in damp environments. Mildew weak-
adapter or D-ring, continuing down
ens some materials and if it appears on
across the seat and up the other side,
a parachute canopy, the areas must be
ending at the opposite adapter or D- NYLON, RIPSTOP—A type of
cleaned, repaired, or replaced.
ring. weave designed to prevent tears from
spreading. Extra numbers of yarns
MAINTENANCE—Inspection, MILITARY SPECIFICA- are closely woven into the cloth inter-
overhaul, repair, preservation and mittently across the width and across
TION (MS) — A specification
replacement of parts but excludes the length.
(MIL-SPEC) set by military agencies
preventative maintenance. and used for the procurement of mili-
tary supplies and equipment.
that, if improperly done, might like weave, seamless, and pressed
appreciably affect weight, balance, MINOR REPAIR—A repair flat, similar in appearance to tape, but
structure strength, performance, other than a major repair. stronger and hollow in the center.
powerplant operation, flight char-
acteristics or other qualities affect-
ing airworthiness; or that is not MODIFICATION—1. A change. NYLON—A synthetic material of
according to accepted practices or 2. Often refers to the removing of protein-like structure derived from
cannot be done by elementary oper- canopy area to effect steerability and coal, air, and water, which is adapted
ations. forward glide. for fashioning into filaments of
extreme toughness, strength, and
MALFUNCTION OR elasticity, and used in the manufac-
MOUTH LOCK—A device ture of parachutes.
DEFECT REPORT—FAA which holds the mouth of the canopy
Form 8330-2 used to report serious closed until the lines are deployed.
defects or other recurring unairwor-
thy conditions of parachutes or air- O
craft. MPH—Miles per hour.
MALFUNCTION—The decelerating force exerted on the load
MSL—Mean Sea Level. following that of the snatch force.
complete or partial failure of the
parachute canopy to effect proper Caused by the acceleration of the
opening and descent. Some malfunc-
MS—Military Specification under canopy and the air mass associated
tions are canopy damage, twisted the MS system. with it.
suspension lines, inversion or
semi-inversion of the canopy, a line OPENING TIME—The time
over, etc. N elapsing between the opening of a
parachute pack and the opening of
MARQUISETTE—Netting. the canopy to its fullest extent.
NAS-804—National Aircraft Stan-
MASS—The quantity of matter in OPENING, PREMATURE—
dards Specifications Number 804;
an object. this is the minimum performance Any accidental opening of the para-
standards required by Technical chute prior to the intended time.
MASTER PARACHUTE Standard Order, TSO-C23b, for para-
chute assemblies manufactured under OSCILLATION —Pendulum-
RIGGER—An individual certi- like swinging of the suspended load
fied by the FAA to pack, maintain this TSO.
beneath the inflated canopy. Usually
and alter parachutes. The highest the result of trapped air escaping
classification of parachute rigger. NAS—National Aircraft Standards. under the lower lateral band.
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OUTBOARD—Meaning facing PACKING TABLE—A table pins are pulled from the pack, the
to the outside such as a ripcord fac- used in packing parachutes, normally parachute opens, and a “break tie”
ing to the side of the jumper rather 3 feet wide by 40 feet long with a breaks, freeing the parachute.
than toward the breastbone. smooth top surface.
PARACHUTE—An umbrella-
OVERHAND KNOT—A sim- PACKING—The operation of like device designed to trap a large
ple knot tied separately in each end folding the canopy and enclosing it in volume of air in order to slow the
of a piece of cord above a square, sur- descent of a falling load attached to
the container.
geon’s, or other knot to prevent the the parachute. The word “parachute”
end from slipping through the lower is formed from the French words
PANEL—A subdivision of a gore. “para,” for shield and “chute,” to fall.
knot. Also known as a section. Thus, “parachute” literally means “to
defend from a fall.”
P international trade organization com- type of deployment malfunction. It
posed of parachute manufacturers, occurs when one or more gore sec-
dealers, riggers and others involved tions near the skirt become inverted
PACK—A synonymous term for during deployment and form a small
in the parachute industry.
the parachute container. pocket which inflates, causing a par-
PARACHUTE PACK—Such tial inversion of the canopy. The con-
PACK OPENING BAND—A dition may or may not work out or
as a back pack or chest pack, means
cloth covered steel spring assembly may become a complete inversion;
the parachute assembly less the har- i.e., the canopy turns completely
with hooks at each end, used to expe- ness. That is, it means the container,
dite the opening of the pack by rap- inside-out. It is the skirt, not the line,
canopy, suspension lines, pilot chute which is “over;” not to be confused
idly pulling the flaps away from the
risers and connector links. The terms with a “line-over.” Also known as a
“pack” and “container” are not syn- “Mae West.”
onymous in the terminology of this
Generally, metal stiffeners used in by covering a hole or tear in a canopy
military assemblies to give shape and PARACHUTE RECORD or pack.
form to the pack.
CARD—A card kept in the record
pocket, which records the packing PERFORMANCE STAN-
PACK TRAY—The portion of the intervals of the parachute and other DARDS—The specifications which
container or deployment device important information as required define the minimum performance and
under 14 CFR subsection 65.131(c). safety standards for certificating
where the lines are stowed.
Also known as the “packing data parachutes. There are three standards
card.” that have been used or are in use.
PACKING BAR—A long, flat They are NAS-804, AS-8015A, and
bar of metal or wood used in the fold- PARACHUTE RIGGER—A AS-8015B.
ing of the canopy of a parachute dur- person certified by the Federal
ing the packing process and to aid in Aviation Administration who is PERMEABILITY—The mass
closing the container. Also known as authorized to perform packing and rate of flow or the volume rate of
a long bar, paddle, or fid. maintenance on parachutes. flow per unit projected area of cloth
for a prescribed pressure differential.
In the U.S., permeability is measured
PARACHUTE STANDARD in cubic feet of air through one
hook-like tool used to draw the sus-
(PS)—PIA Specification for para- square foot per minute at 1/2" of
pension lines into place in the hesita-
water pressure. Sometimes confused
tor loops. Pull-up cords are chute materials.
with porosity.
sometimes used for this purpose.
narrow piece of metal or wood used A parachute operated by a length of designed expressly for human use as
to form the packed container. Also webbing after a jumper has fallen the opposed to cargo drops or aircraft
known as a packing bar, or fid. length of the static line. The ripcord deceleration.
Glossary.qxd 5/13/05 10:33 AM Page G-9

PIGGYBACK—A single har- POROSITY—The ratio of void or

ness, dual parachute system used for interstitial area to total area of a cloth
intentional parachute jumping where expressed in percent. The ratio of
both parachutes are mounted on the open space to covered area of a drag QUALITY CONTROL—A
back of the jumper. surface. Used for ring slot, ribbon, method of describing the inspection
ring sail, and rotafoil canopies. Not to and test procedures necessary to
be confused with permeability. ensure that each article produced con-
PILOT CHUTE ASSIST forms to the type design and is in a
SYSTEM—A connection of condition for safe operation.
breakcord or Velcro® between the PREMATURE OPENING—
static line and the pilot chute of a sport Opening of a parachute before the
parachute which pulls the pilot chute user is clear of the aircraft; any acci-
out of the pack and then separates. dental opening of a parachute. R
PILOT CHUTE—A small para- ing two gores which extends in a
The inspection made on the parachute
chute used to accelerate deployment; radial direction from the vent to the
constructed in much the same manner prior to its packing.
skirt hem.
as the main canopy and from similar
material. Some types of pilot chutes PRESSER FOOT—The part of
are equipped with a spring-operated, the sewing machine above the feed RAM-AIR PARACHUTE—
quick-opening device. The frame is dog that holds the fabric in place. Generally, a rectangular, double sur-
compressed so as to open immedi- face canopy with airfoil shaped ribs
ately when released from the pack. PREVENTATIVE MAINTE- inflated by the air flowing into the
NANCE (PM)—The systematic front openings to produce an airfoil
PIN PROTECTOR FLAP— care, servicing, and inspection of shape.
A flap which covers the locking pins equipment and facilities for the pur-
and cones to prevent the pack from pose of maintaining them in a serv- RATE OF DESCENT—The
being opened by any means other iceable condition and detecting and vertical velocity, in feet per second,
correcting incipient failures. Simple
than the ripcord. of a fully-opened parachute.
or minor preservation operations and
the replacement of small standard
PINS, LOCKING—Straight or parts not involving complex assembly RATING—A statement that, as a
curved metal pins used with a throw- operations. part of a certificate, sets forth special
out or pull-out pilot chute for secur- conditions, privileges, or limitations.
ing the container closed. PROOF LOAD—The testing of
an item for conformance with RAVEL (UNRAVEL)—To sep-
PLATE, TENSION—A device strength requirements. arate, untwist, or unwind, leaving a
hooked into the connector links in frayed or ragged edge. “Unravel” is
order to put tension on the canopy
PROPER LAYOUT—Process often used with the same meaning,
by which the canopy and suspension although grammatically incorrect.
while packing.
lines are arranged on the packing
table for inspection and packing.
PLEAT—A fold sewn in the fabric. RAW EDGE—The unfinished
PULL THE DOT—A particular edge of the material; liable to ravel-
POCKET, DATA—A small type of snap fastener that can only be ing.
patch pocket sewed to a parachute opened or closed by pulling in one
pack for carrying the parachute pack- direction designated by an indented REEFING—A temporary restric-
ing data card. dot on the button. tion of the skirt of a parachute to a
diameter less than the fully inflated
PULL-UP CORDS—Nylon diameter. Reefing is used to decrease
POCKET, RIPCORD HAN- cords of varying length used to pull drag area, and/or to obtain stability.
DLE—Elastic or spring edged up the sides and ends of the container
pocket that holds ripcord handle in an flaps over the container cones, and to
accessible position on the harness. pull the cones through the grommets. REINFORCEMENTS—
The chest-type pocket consists of a They are also used to pull the suspen- Commonly strong tape or webbing
piece of straight elastic webbing sion lines into place in some types of used to strengthen parts of the
serving the same purpose. containers. canopy, container, or harness.

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RELATIVE HUMIDITY— parachute so that it is ready for imme- RIPSTOP NYLON—Nylon

Ratio of the amount of water vapor diate use. Parachute rigging also fabric woven in intermittent box form
present in the air to that which the air includes fitting and adjusting the har- with additional closely-picked yarns.
would hold at saturation at the same ness.
temperature. RIPSTOP TAPE—Ripstop
RIG—To pack. A set of sport para- nylon fabric with a pressure sensitive
chute equipment. To assemble a para- adhesive. Used to repair small tears in
chute. canopies.
PRESSURE—A device of the
automatic opening of a free-fall para- RING, V—Used in conjunction RISER—That portion of the sus-
chute operating on the differences of pension system between the lower
with snaps to fasten the harness
barometric pressure. around the wearer. Larger than the end of a group of suspension lines
newer triangle ring. and the point of attachment to the
RELEASE, RISER—A canopy load.
release. RIPCORD CABLE—A flexible ROLL PACKING — A method
metal cable 3/32" diameter made of of packing a ram-air parachute
REPACK CYCLE—The time 49 strands of stainless steel wire. The whereby the nose and the tail are
cable runs from the ripcord grip to the rolled towards the center of the
that a certificated parachute is con-
locking pins. It is housed in a flexible,
sidered to be airworthy before being canopy.
inspected and repacked. The current protective tube.
U.S. repack cycle is 120 days. ROUTINE INSPECTION—A
RIPCORD HOUSING visual inspection of all parts of a
CLAMP—A metal clamp located packed parachute which may be
RESERVE PARACHUTE— on the outside of the end flap of back checked without opening the para-
The second or “auxiliary” parachute and seat-type parachutes. The clamp chute.
worn by a person making a premedi- secures the ripcord cable and power
tated jump. cable of the actuator.


(RSL)—A backup device for acti- flexible tubing in which the ripcord is
S.A.E.—Society of Automotive
vating the reserve after a cutaway. installed for protection and to provide
Usually a line, webbing or cable, a free path for the ripcord.
which connects the main risers with SADDLE—The part of the harness
the ripcord handle, housing, or cable. RIPCORD PIN, positioned under the seat of the
LOCKING—A small metal wearer.
RESTITCHING—The process prong, slightly smaller in diameter
of sewing directly over base or bro- than the ripcord cable and fastened to SAFETY TIE—The thread used
it by means of a swage fitting or serv- in sealing a parachute.
ken stitching.
ing and solder. One pin is attached to
the end of the cable and the others SCISSORS—A cutting instrument
RETAINER BAND—A rubber (when two or more are used) are set at with two opposing blades.
band used to hold folded suspension intervals on the cable. The spacing of
lines or static lines to the parachute the pins is dependant on the distance SEAL PRESS—A mechanical
pack. between the cones on the container press used for compressing lead seals
flap. The locking pins pass through to seal parachutes in accordance with
the locking cones of the flaps and thus
RIGGER ROLL—To prepare 14 CFR subsection 65.133.
serve to lock the container until such
an unpacked parachute for storage by time as the pins are withdrawn.
rolling the canopy into a ball with the SEAM RIPPER—A small tool
suspension lines around it. used for picking or cutting threads in
RIPCORD—A locking device
which secures the pack in a closed sewing operations.
RIGGING, PARACHUTE— condition and by which the release of
The process of inspecting, repairing, the parachute is effected. It may con- SEAM, DIAGONAL—The
and replacing minor parts of a para- sist of a handle, cable, locking pins diagonal or horizontal seams which
chute assembly, and of repacking the and a cable swage. join the section of each gore.
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SEAM, RADIAL—A seam SEWING MACHINE—A SKIRT—The reinforced hem form-

extending from the skirt to the apex, machine with a mechanically driven ing the periphery of a canopy.
joining two gores. A portion of the needle used for sewing.
suspension lines may be concealed in SKYDIVING—A popular name
the tube formed by the radial seam. SEWING PATTERN—A for sport parachuting.
design outlined in drawings for join-
SEAMS—Where two pieces of ing parts. SLAG—A type 6 deployment
fabric are joined together. device. A short sleeve configuration
SHOCK CORD—A straight used on ram-air parachutes.
SEAR—Damage to fabric or lines elastic cord comprised of continuous
by heat generated through rubbing. strands of rubber encased in a braided SLEEVE—A tapered, fabric tube
The melting of webbing, fabric or cover. Used today primarily for in which the canopy is placed to con-
line of nylon to prevent fraying. Safety Stow® loops on free bags. trol deployment. A deployment
chute positioned below the back of
force exerted on the canopy by infla-
the wearer. Forms part of the seat
tion. This maximum force may be the
cushion in the aircraft. SLIDERS—A reefing device usu-
snatch force or it may be the opening
ally for ram-air canopies. Comprised
SECTION—Any one of the of a fabric panel with grommets at the
pieces of cloth which, when assem- corners through which pass the sus-
bled, form one gore of a parachute
SHOCK, OPENING—The max- pension lines of the canopy.
imum force developed during infla-
canopy. Also known as a panel.
tion of the canopy. Follows the snatch SNAG—A fabric imperfection.
SELVAGE EDGE—The edge of
cloth which is so woven as to prevent
SHOT BAG—A parachute pack- QUICK—A hook-shaped, spring-
ing tool. A rectangular bag filled with loaded snap which snaps over a D-
shot and used to hold folded gores in ring to connect two webbings.
position during packing.
RIGGER—An individual certi-
fied by the FAA to pack and main-
SHOULDER STRAP—That TOR TYPE—A harness snap that
tain parachutes. A journeyman
part of the harness webbing which attaches to the V-ring to secure two
level classification of parachute
crosses the wearer’s back diagonally parts of the harness together. An ejec-
rigger. between the shoulder blades and the tor arm expels the V-ring when the
horizontal backstrap. finger-grip lever is pulled outward.
ted metal or wood device used to
hold suspension lines at the canopy
SIDE FLAP—A fabric extension SNATCH FORCE—The shock
on each of the long sides of the pack produced on the load when the para-
skirt after separation into groups dur-
which fold over to enclose the chute assembly fully strings out and
ing packing.
canopy. becomes suddenly accelerated to the
SEWING MACHINE KNEE same speed as the load. Comes just
LIFTER—A knee operated mech- SILK—A fiber produced by the silk prior to opening shock.
anism which lifts the presser foot of a worm.
sewing machine.
SNIVELING—Slow opening of a
SEWING MACHINE A harness release which has a single
UPRISE—The uprise is the closure such as the T-10 type; also, a SPEC—Specification, MIL-SPEC,
upright part of the head (generally canopy release system operated by (military specification).
located on the right side of the head) one hand or action.
that houses a portion of the moving SPIRAL VANE PILOT
parts that transmit motion through SINGLE THROW CHUTE—A pilot chute with a
mechanical shafts and linkages to the ZIGZAG—A machine zigzag cone-shaped, cloth-covered coil
mechanisms in the base of the stitch from left to right to left, etc. spring used in free-type parachute
machine. Also known as a 304 stitch. assemblies.
Glossary.qxd 5/13/05 10:33 AM Page G-12

SPLICING—The process of join- such as materials, parts, processes, or VELOCITY—A vector quantity
ing together, as the interweaving of appliances used on civil aircraft. that includes both magnitude (speed)
strands, overlapping and stitching of and direction relation to a given frame
materials. THREAD—A thin continuous fil- of reference; also the time rate of
ament made by spinning fibers and change of position.
SPLIT SADDLE—The lower combining the strands.
part of a harness which has independ- VENT CAP—A piece of fabric
ent leg straps; no saddle cross strap. TITLE 14 OF THE CODE OF sewn to the upper lateral band and
FEDERAL REGULATIONS covering the vent. Also known as a
SPORT PARACHUTING— (14 CFR)—The rules, regulations, vent patch.
The making of premeditated para- and guidelines established by the
chute jumps for pleasure. FAA to govern the operation of air- VENT—The opening at the top, or
craft, airways, airmen, and the safe peak, of the canopy.
SPORT RIG—A skydiving har- operation of civil aircraft.
ness and container system. V-RING—A metal fitting shaped in
TOGGLE—A knob or webbing the form of a closed letter V, used
SQUARE KNOT—A knot in loop at the end of the steering line for with snaps to secure or attach a load
which the terminal and standing parts grasping by the parachutist. to a parachute.
are together and parallel to each
other. TRIMMING—Clipping or paring
SQUARE PARACHUTE—A to reduce to a neat orderly state. W
gliding or ram-air canopy, having a
TUCK—A shortening of material WARP—The threads which run
square or rectangular shape.
caused by pulling fabric up in folds parallel to the selvage edge of cloth;
STAND—A sewing machine table. and stitching across the gathered those which are crossed by the filling
fabric. threads.
parachute system which is attached WEAVE—The forming of a textile
to the aircraft with a line and auto- U by interlacing yarns. The making or
matically deploys the parachute. manufacturing of cloth on a loom by
ULTIMATE LOAD— interlacing warp and filling yarns.
STRAPS—The webbing compo- Maximum load that can be applied
nents of a harness. without causing any part of the struc- WEBBING—A stout, close-
ture to fail. woven tape used for straps, belts, har-
SWAGES—The ball or other nesses, etc.
device used at the end of a ripcord to ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT
secure the cable to the handle. DAMAGE—Degradation of nylon WEIGHT (FABRIC)—The
weight of fabric measured in ounces
fabric by exposure to sunlight or fluo-
T rescent lights. Identified by a yellow-
per square yard.

ish color on white fabric or excessive WEIGHT—Gravitational force on

TAIL POCKET—A deployment fading to colored fabric. a mass.
device sewn onto the tail of a ram-air
canopy used to stow the suspension UNITED STATES PARA- WRINKLES—A series of small
lines. CHUTE ASSOCIATION—A pleats.
nonprofit division of the National
TANDEM—A dual harness, dual Aeronautic Association (NAA) which Z
parachute system for use by two peo- governs sport parachuting activities in
ple under the same main parachute. ZIGZAG—A stitch formation of
the U.S.
alternating left and right throw
TAPES—Narrow woven ribbons
used for reinforcing parachutes. V stitches, usually made on a sewing
machine which moves the needle bar
alternately left and right during
TECHNICAL STANDARD VELCRO®—The commercial sewing.
ORDER—A minimum perform- name for hook and pile nylon tape
ance standard for specified articles fastener. ZIPPER—A slide fastener.
Index.qxd 5/13/05 10:35 AM Page I-1

ADMINISTRATOR, 1-1, 1-8 CONTAINER, 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 5-10, 5-15, 5-40
SAE AS 8015A, A-39 CORDS, 3-10
ALTERATIONS, 7-1, 7-65
assembly of components D
and compatibility, 4-10 thru 4-12
assembly of the main canopy to the harness and DAMAGE IDENTIFICATION, 5-7
container, 4-8 thru 4-10 DATA CARD, 1-7, 6-7
DEPLOYMENT BAG, 5-38, 5-41
BEESWAX, 6-10 DEPLOYMENT DEVICES, 2-2, 2-9, 2-11
BRAKES, 5-36 ascuitto, 2-10
BRIDLE, 2-2, 2-9, 2-12, 4-8, 5-7, 5-11 canopy first, 2-10
BRIDLE LENGTH, 4-8 free bag, 2-11
half diaper, 2-10
C handbury, 2-10
piglet-style flat diaper, 2-10
CABLES, 3-26 preserve full diaper, 2-10
CANOPY, 4-1, 5-6, 5-7, 5-11, 5-12, 5-24, 5-38 sleeves, 2-11
CANOPY ASSEMBLY, 5-12 two-stow diaper, 2-10
CANOPY DESIGN, 2-3 DESIGN, 2-1, 2-3, 2-6, 2-7
CLAMP, 6-3

Index.qxd 5/13/05 10:35 AM Page I-2

ETHICS, 1-9 scalpel, 6-3

EXACTO® KNIFE, 6-3 seal press, 6-7
seal thread, 6-7
seam ripper, 6-2
F shot bags, 6-7
spring scale, 6-10
t-bar, 6-5
temporary locking pins, 6-5
tension board assembly, 6-11
testing clamps, 6-10
t-handle bodkin, 6-6
thread snips, 6-3
threading tool, pilot chute, 6-6
Velcro® line protectors, 6-5
FREE BAG, 5-11
waxed nylon, 6-8
HARNESS, 2-1, 2-2, 5-9, 5-14
INSPECTION, 5-1, 5-14
beeswax, 6-10
binding tool, 6-12 J
clamp, 6-3
closing plate, 6-5
connector link separator, 6-6
cutting pad, 6-12
Exacto® knife, 6-3 L
finger-trapping needle, 6-4
finger-trapping wire, 6-4 LANYARD, 2-19
grommet handset, 6-11 LAYOUT, 5-18, 5-33
hand tacking needles, 6-8 LEAD SEALS, 6-7
hemostats, 6-3 LINE CONTINUITY, 5-12
hole punches, 6-12 LINE SEPARATOR, 6-6
hot knife, 6-11 LINES, 3-10
lead seals, 6-7 LINES REPAIRS, 7-29
line separator, 6-6 LOCKING ROD, PILOT CHUTE, 6-6
locking rod, pilot chute, 6-6 LOFT, 6-1
logbook, 6-7 LOGBOOK, 6-7
molar strap, 6-5
navy end tab, 6-8
packing data card, 6-7 M
packing fid, 6-4
packing paddle, 6-4 MAIN PARACHUTE, 2-1, 2-2
pony clamps, 6-9 MAIN PILOT CHUTE, 4-7
pull-up cords, 6-4 MAIN RISER ATTACHMENT, 2-18
rawhide mallet, 6-12 MANUFACTURE, 7-1
ripstop roller, 6-10 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS, 3-1

Index.qxd 5/13/05 10:35 AM Page I-3

MATERIALS, 2-4, 3-1

cables, 3-26
cords, 3-10
fabrics, 3-1 RAM-AIR RESERVES, 5-11, 5-32
fasteners, 3-13 RATINGS, 1-2
hardware, 3-13 RAWHIDE MALLET, 6-12
housings, 3-25 RECORD KEEPING, 1-6
ripcords, 3-26 RELEASE MECHANISM, 2-2
swages, 3-26 REPAIR TECHNIQUES, 7-1
tapes, 3-6 accessory components, 7-79
threads, 3-10 canopy, 7-3
webbing, 3-6 container, 7-39
MOLAR STRAP, 6-5 harness, 7-57
lines, 7-3
N risers, 7-57
REPAIRS, 5-16, 7-1
NAS 804, A-47 RESERVE CANOPY, 5-7, 5-34
RIPCORD, 2-2, 2-19, 3-26, 5-10, 5-16
PACKING, 1-8, 5-1, 5-17 RISERS, 2-2, 2-18
PACKING, 1-8 SAE AS 8015A, A-39
SAE AS 8015B, A-27 SEALING, 5-30
PIA TS-100, A-3 SEAM RIPPER, 6-2
PIA TS-108, A-19 SERVICE LIFE, 1-9
PILOT CHUTES, 2-2, 2-14, 5-7, 5-11 SETTING UP, 5-33
5-17 identification, 6-14
PILOT VS PARACHUTE SIZE, 1-9 maintenance, 6-20
PLEATING THE CANOPY, 5-19, 5-34 needles, 6-18
PONY CLAMPS, 6-9 nomenclature, 6-14
POROSITY, 4-7 operation, 6-19
PULL FORCE, 5-28 theory, 6-17
Index.qxd 5/13/05 10:35 AM Page I-4


SPRING SCALE, 6-10 14 CFR Part 1, 1-8
STACKING, 5-34 14 CFR Part 39, 1-8
STATIC LINES, 2-2 14 CFR Part 65, 4-1
STEERING TOGGLES, 2-2 14 CFR Part 91, 1-8
STOWING LINES, 5-22, 5-38 14 CFR Part 105, 1-8
SWAGES, 3-26 TSO C23B, A-45
TSO C23C, A-37
TSO C23D, A-25
TAPES, 3-6
T-BAR, 6-5
2-2, 4-11
TSO C23C, A-37
TSO C23D, A-25 W
PIA TS-100, A-3 WAXED NYLON, 6-8
PIA TS-108, A-19 WEBBING, 3-6


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