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Each participant creates a Knight (Fighting Man or Cleric) to enter the lists.

Roll 3d6 (in order of STR, INT, WIS, DEX, CON, and CHA) for your characters starting abilities. Fighting Men roll 2d6 hit points, and Clerics d6. Each Knight also rolls 3d6 x 10 for starting gold pieces. After determining your starting ability scores and class, you next roll on the character station table to determine your position in the ranks of the Nobility. KNIGHT'S STATION 2d6 Roll 2 3-4 5-9 10-11 12 Starting Station Imposter Mercenary Bachelor Landed Nobility Armor -2 0 +2 +4 +6 Shield -2 0 +1 +2 +3 Horse -2 0 +1 +2 +3


Station Imposter Mercenary Bachelor Landed Nobility Mod. -2 0 +1 +3 +6 Charisma 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-17 18 Mod. -4 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

STARTING SQUIRE (d10 + Mods from table above)

d10+ <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Class / Level None 0 Level T1 F1 T1 C1 F1 T1 T1 MU1 T1 MU1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F1 F2 F2 F2 C2 HP 3 3 5 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 7 7 16 12 14 10 AC 10 10 8 8 10 5 10 10 6 8 10 6 6 6 4 6 5 4 5 4 Gear Sword Silver Dagger Boiled Leather, Dagger, Sword Long Bow, Boiled Leather Armor, Sword, Dagger Cudgel Scale Mail, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger Short sword Dagger Dagger, Spell Book with Sleep and Read Magic Boiled Leather, Dagger Dagger, Spell Book with Charm Person and Sleep Ring Mail, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger Ring Mail, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger Ring Mail, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger Mail Hauberk, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger Ring Mail, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger Mail Hauberk, 2H Sword, Dagger Mail Hauberk, Wooden Round Shield, Sword, Dagger 2H Hammer, Sword, Dagger, Mail Hauberk Mace, Mail Hauberk, Wooden Round Shield

After determining your station, use the modifiers from the Knights Station Table above, roll on the starting armor, shield, and horse tables below for your Knights starting equipment. STARTING ARMOR d8+Mods Armor 0-4 Boiled Leather (AC 8) 5-9 Mail Hauberk (AC 5) 10-11 Mail & Plate (AC 4) 12 Full Plate (AC 3)

STARTING SHIELD d6+Mods Shield 0-2 Wooden Round Shield (BF# 1-4) 3-4 Wooden Kite Shield (BF# 1-3) 5-6 Reinforced Round Shield (BF# 1-2) 7-9 Reinforced Kite Shield (BF# 1) STARTING HORSE
d6+Mods 0-2 3-4 5-6 7-9 Horse Riding Horse Light Warhorse Medium Warhorse Heavy Warhorse Mod to Save -2 0 +1 +2 Mod to Dmg +0 +1 +2 +3

15 16 17 18 19 20

STARTING RETINUE (total of modifiers from above)

Total Mod.
<0 1-2 3-6 7-9 9 10

None, you are alone in the world. 2 Filthy Peasants you pay to guard your camp. 5 Men-at-Arms (0 Level) Armed with clubs. 5 Men-at-Arms (0 Level) Boiled Leather Armor, Swords 1 Sergeant (FM1) Boiled Leather, Sword + 5 Men-AtArms (0 Level) with Spears 1 Sergeant (FM1) Ring Mail, Sword + 10 Men-At-Arms (FM 1) Boiled Leather, Spears

Your Knights starting horse affects his Save vs. Unhorsing and his ability to damage an opponent when striking to Injure. The next step is to generate your Knights squire and his starting retinue of henchmen. This is modified by your characters Station and Charisma score as seen on the tables below.

Each joust will consist of three passes, and during each pass both contestants must declare the Aiming Point (AP) and Defensive Posture (DP) for the pass. The results of each pass will be judged secretly by the JM (Joust Master, of course).

AIMING POINT (see shield diagram) Helm Dexter Chief (DC) Chief Pale (CP) Sinister Chief (SC) Dexter Fess (DF) Fess Pale (FP) Sinister Fess (SF) Base DEFENSIVE POSTURES 1: Lower Helm 2: Lean Right 3: Lean Left 4: Steady Seat 5: Shield High 6: Shield Low Certain DP are not allowed when some AP are used. Use the table below to determine if your DP and AP are compatible. If a JM finds your DP/AP combination illegal, he will determine randomly your DP/AP for the pass. So choose wisely. ALLOWED DEFENSIVE POSTURE Aiming Point Defense Helm 4-6 Dexter Chief (DC) 3-6 Chief Pale (CP) Any Sinister Chief (SC) 2,4-6 Dexter Fess (DF) 4-6 Fess Pale (FP) Any SF (Sinister Fess) 4-6 Base 1,4-6

RESULTS B G H I M U Broken Lance* Glances Off Helm Knocked Off* Injured Miss Unhorsed

Any knight who breaks his lance or has his helm knocked off must assume a steady seat (4) next pass.

The Jousting Table above is taken from the Chain Mail rules for jousting. However, please take note of the following additions to the Results table. Results of Unhorsed will actually consist of a saving throw based on your STR or DEX score (whichever is best). A failed save means the knight has fallen from the saddle and lost the round (unless both Knights have been unhorsed see below). Results of Broken Lances may also break the defenders shield (based on a shields breaking factor BF, as seen in the shield table). A Knight may continue the joust without a shield if he has not purchased a backup for such contingencies. A result of Injured will require a secret to -hit roll versus the defenders AC based upon the attackers level and modifiers. If the Knight is hit for damage, he must also make a saving throw vs. Death to remain on the horse. Regardless of the saving throw, the Knight will take full damage from the hit with the lance. This can sometimes cause death, a risk all tourney Knights must face.

Aiming Point Helm Dexter Chief (DC) Chief Pale (CP) Sinister Chief (SC) Dexter Fess (DF) Fess Pale (FP) SF (Sinister Fess) Base 1 M U B/U/I G B/U/I B/U G B 2 M B U M B/U G M G Defensive Posture 3 4 5 M H U M B B G B B/U B G G M B M B B/U B/U/I B/U G G U B B/U/I 6 M M U/I U/I B B G B

A result of Helm Knocked Off will require a saving throw vs. Dragon Breath to prevent being unhorsed. A failed saving throw results in a loss (unless both Knights are unhorsed).

The object of the joust is obviously to unhorse your opponent, and that results in an immediate win. However you only have 3 passes to attempt to unhorse the opponent. If neither side is able to unhorse the other (or they are both unhorsed on the same pass) then a score will be used to determine the winner. The table below shows the points scored for various hits in the joust. In the event of a draw, both Knights will advance to the next round.


Result Opponent's Helm Knocked Off (not unhorsed) Opponent's Helm Knocked Off & Unhorsed In One Pass Opponent's Shield Broken Opponent Unhorsed Opponent Injured You're Injured Your Lance is Broken Your Shield Broken Score +1 +4 +1 +3 +1 -1 +1 -1

Each knight must pay a ransom after each loss in a joust or forfeit his armor (not shield) and horse. The amount of ransom is equivalent to the cost of the armor type and horse based on the following price chart (a modified version of the Labyrinth Lord rules).
Mount Type Riding Horse Light Warhorse Medium Warhorse Heavy Warhorse Armor Type Boiled Leather Mail Hauberk Mail & Plate Full Plate Ransom 50gp 75gp 125gp 200gp Ransom 10gp 75gp 200gp 350gp

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