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Rules and Regulations

The Wave Condominium Association of St. Petersburg





( (
DBPR fonn CO 6000-6
Effective: 12123/02

Lease of Recreational and Other Facilities to be Used N/A

by Unit Owners with Other Condominiums (See s_
718.503(1Hbl 5, F.S. and 718.504, F.S.

Description of Management for Single Management of

MUltiple Condominiums (See 718.503(1 Hbl 5, F.S.
and s.718.504, F.S. N/A

Conversion Inspection Report x

Conversion Termite Inspection Report x
Plot Plan x
Floor Plan x
Survey of Land and Graphic Description of x

Executed Escrow Agreement x

Alternative Media Disclosure Statement (See Rule
618-17.011, F.A.C. N/A

Plans and Specifications x

Frequently Asked Questions x
and Answers

Evidence of Developer's
Ownership Interest x
Lead Paint Disclosure x

Executed this day of 200_

_ _ _:::-;-_-'-_ _:;-::,..---.,.-_,..-- Purchaser or Lessee :::-;- "..,.. _

Signature of Purchaser or Signature of Lessee·



Under the condominium documents, the Board of Directors of THE WAVE CONDOMINIUM
ASSOCIATION OF ST. PETERSBURG, INC. has the responsibility and authority for the operation of the
Association, management of the Condominium Property and for the establishment and enforcement of Rules
and Regulations. .

These Initial Rules and Regulations may be modified, added to or repealed at anytime by the Board.
Any consent or approval given by the Association under these Rules and Regulations shall be revocable at
any time, except for its approval of re-sales or leases. These Rules and Regulations and all others hereinafter
promulgated shall apply to and be binding upon all Unit Owners. The Unit Owners shall at all times obey said
Rules and Regulations and shall use their best efforts to see to it that they are faithfully observed by their
families, guests, invitees, servants, lessees and other persons over whom they exercise control and
supervision. Said Initial Rules and RegUlations are as follows:

1. The sidewalk, entrances, passages, if applicable, vestibules, stairways, corridors, halls and all
of the Common Elements must not be obstructed or encumbered or used for any purpose other than ingress
and egress, to and from the premises; nor shall any carriages, bicycles, shopping carts, chairs, benches,
tables or any other object of a similar type and nature be stored therein. Children shall not play or loiter in
halls, stairways, or other public areas.. For security purposes, all doors leading from the bUildings to the
outside or stairways shall be closed at all times and shall not be blocked open.

. . 2. Exterior apartment doors must not be blocked or otherwise left open.

3. The personal property of all Unit Owners shall be stored within their Condominium Units or
ass.igned storage areas.

4. No garbage cans, supplies, milk bottles or other articles shall be placed in the halls, on the
baiconies, or on the staircase landings, nor shall any linens, cloths, clothing, curtains, rugs, mops or laundry of
any kind, or other articles, be shaken or hung from any of the windows, doors or balconies, or exposed on any
part of the Common Elements. Fire exits shall not be obstructed in any manner, and the Common Elements
shall be kept free and clear of rubbish, debris and other unsightly material.

5. No Owner shall allow anything Whatsoever to fall from the windows, balcony or doors of the
premises; nor shall he sweep or throw from the premises any dirt or other substance into any of the corridors,
halls or balconies, elevators, ventilators, or elsewhere in the building or upon the grounds.

6. Refuse and bagged garbage shall be deposited only in the areas proVided therefore. In
this regard, all refuse must be bagged in sealed garbage bags. .
7. Water closets and other water apparatus and plumbing facilities on the Condominiull1
Property shall not be used for any purpose other than those for which they were constructed. Any damages
resulting from misuse of any of such items in the Condominium Unit or elsewhere shall be paid for by the Unit
Owner in whose Unit it shall have been caused or by the Unit Owner whose family, guest,invitee, servant,
lessee or other person who is on the Condominium Property pursuant to the;request of the Unit Owner shall
have caused such damage.


person who is on the Condominium Property pursuant to the request of the Unit Owner shall have caused such

8. No wind chime shall be placed in balcony/patio areas.

9. Employees of the Association shall not be sent out of the building by any Unit Owner at any-
time for any purpose .. No Unit Owner or resident shall direct, supervise or in any manner attempt to assert any
control over the employees of the Association.

10. The parking facilities shall be used in accordance with the regulations therefore adopted from
time to time.

11. The type, color and design of chairs and other items of furniture and furnishings that may be
placed and used, where applicable, on any terrace or balcony may be determined by the Board of Directors of
the Association, and a Unit Owner shall not place or use any item, where applicable, upon any terrace or
balcony without the approval of the Board of Directors of the Association.

12. The exterior of the Condominium Units and all other exterior areas appurtenant to a
Condominium Unit, inclUding, but not limited to, balcony walls, railings, ceilings or doors, shall not be painted,
decorated or modified by a Unit Owner in any manner without the prior consent of the Association.

13. Other than an United States flag respectfully displayed, nothing, inclUding, but not limited to,
radio or television aerials or antennas, signs, notices or advertisements, awnings, curtains, shades, window
guards, light reflective materials, hurricane or storm shutters, ventilators, fans or air conditioning devices, or
other items shall be attached or affixed to the exterior of any Unit or balcony or exposed on or projected out of
any window, door or balcony of any Unit without the prior written consent of the Association. No one shall alter
the outside appearance of any window of any Unit without the prior written consent of the Association. The
consent of the Association to all or any ofthe above may be withheld on purely aesthetic grounds within the sole
discretion of the Board of Directors of the Association. in addition, pursuant to 718.113(4), Florida Statutes,
which was amended by Chapter 2003-23, Laws of Florida, effective July 1, 2003, a unit owner on Armed Forces
Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day is permitted to display in a respectful way,
portable, removable official flags, not larger than 4-1/2 feet by 6 feet, that represent the United States Army,
Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard.

14. No interior of a Condominium Unit shall be altered in any manner as such would have any effect
on the structural elements of the building or its electrical, mechanical, plumbing or air conditioning systems or
on any of the Common or Limited Common Elements without the prior written consent of the Association,
except that, to the extent permitted by law, this rule shall not apply to the Developer:

15. No Unit Owner shall make or permit any disturbing noises in the building by himself, his family,
servants, employees, agents, visitors and licensees, nor do or permit anything by such persons that will interfere
with the rights, comfort or convenience of the Unit Owners. No Unit Owner shall play upon or suffer to be played
upon any musical instrument, or operate or suffer to be operated a phonograph, television, radio or sound
amplifier in his Unit in such a manner as to disturb or annoy other occupants oftheCondominium. All parties
shall lower.the volume as to the foregoing after 11:00 p.m. of each day. No Unit Owner shall conduct or permit
to be conducted vocal or instrumental instruction at any time. _ 9

16. No sign, advertisement, notice or other lettering shall be exhibited, displayed, inscribed, painted
or affixed in, on or upon any part of the Condominium Unit or Condominium Property by any Unit Owner or
occupant without written permission of the Association or as otherwise provided in the Declaration.

17. No awning, canopy, shutter or other protection shall be attached to or placed upon the outside
walls or doors or roof of the building without the written consent of the Board of Directors of the Association. The
exterior appearance of all window coverings shall be white in color. .. .

18. The Association may retain a passkey to all Units. In lieu of a passkey, the Association shall
have a duplicate key. In the event the Unit Owner fails to supply either a pass-key or duplicate key, and entry
into the Unit by the Association is permitted in accordance with the Declaration, Articles, By-Laws or these
Regulations, the Association shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incidental to a forced entry into
the Unit. The agents of the Association and any contractor or workman authorized by the Association may
enter any Unit at any reasonable hour of the day for any purpose permitted under the terms of the Declaration of
Condominium or By-Laws ofthe Association. Entry will only be made after pre-arrangement with the respective
Unit Owner or the occupant of the Condominium Unit. Nothing herein shall relieve the Association of its duty of
ordinary care in carrying out its responsibilities, nor from its negligence or willful activities that caused damage
to a Unit Owner's property.

19. Complaints regarding the service of the Condominium shall be made in writing to the

20. No inflammable, combustible or explosive fluid, chemical or substance shall be kept in any Unit
or Limited Common Element assigned thereto or storage area, except such as are required for normal
household use.

21. Payments of monthly assessments shall be made at the office of the Association. Payments
made in the form of checks shall be made to the order of the Association. Payments of regular assessments
are due on the flrst (1 st) day of each month, and if such payments are ten (10) days or more late, they are
subject to charges as provided in the Declaration of Condominium.

22. No bicycles, scooters, baby carriages, similar vehicles, toys or other personal articles shall be
allowed to stand in any driveways, Common Elements or Limited Common Elements.

23. The Condominium Unit shall be used solely for purposes consistent with applicable zoning
laws. No trade, business, profession or other type of commercial activity may be conducted in or from any
Condominium Unit.

24. A Unit Owner shall not permit or suffer anything to be done or kept in his Condominium Unit
which will increase the insurance rates on his Unit, the Common Elements or any portion of the Condominium or
which will obstruct or interfere with the rights of other Unit Owners of the Association.

25. Advance arrangements shall be made with the Association before moving furniture or bulky
personal belongings Into or out of the building.

26. Rugs, mats, etc. may not be placed outside the Condominium Unit entrance doors.

( (

27. No solicitors are to be permitted on the Condominium Property at any time except by individual
appointment with residents.

28. When in beach attire, all chairs and lounges must be covered with a towel before use.

29. Unit Owners are responsible for any damages to the Common Elements or Limited Common
Elements caused by themselves, their family, guests, Invitees, servants, lessees and persons who are on the
Condominium Property because of such Unit Owner.

30. Food and beverages may not be consumed outside of a Unit, except in such areas as are
designated by the Board of Directors of the Association.

31. Provisions in the nature of Rules and Regulations· are specified in the Declaration of

32. .The Board of Directors ofthe Association reserves the right to make additional Rules and
Regulatlonsas may be required from time to time. These additional Rules and R'lgulations .shall be as binding
as all other Rules and Regulations previously adopted.

33. Rules and Regulations as to the use ofthe recreational facilities shall be posted, and each Unit
Owner, as well as his family, guests and invitees, shall observe all Rules and Regulations

34. All owners, guests and renters must register at the office upon arrival and acknowledge receipt
of all House Rules and comply with same.

35 Each numbered space is assigned to a unit. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN SOMEONE ELSE'S
PARKING SPACE. Under no circumstances can you park in another owner's space without written permission
from the management or the owner. Parking spaces may be useq for parking automobiles that are In operating
condition and for no other purposes. Owners must vacate their space when the unitis rented. You must provide
parking for your. guest or renter. Otherwise, the renter must park outside in the undesignated space.· .Trucks,
commercial vehicles, campers, recreational vehicles, boats, trailers or any vehicle not susceptible to registration
by the State of Florida as an "automobile" may not be parked in parking spaces and may not be kept on the
common property. [This pertains to scooters, motorcycles and mopeds.] Driving and parking violations are
SUbject to a fine. Commercial vehicles of any type are not permitted to park overnight in any parking are or on
premises. A fee of $100.00 will be charged per day for any parking violation. This charge will be billed directly
to the unit owner. If the vehicle is not moved within five days after violation, it will be towed.

36. No animals, livestock, reptiles, insects, poultry or other animals of any kind shall be kept in any
Unit except the usual and ordinary domestic dogs, cats, fish and birds ~nside bird cages) which maybe kept as
household pets within any Residential Unit provided that they are not kept, bred or raised therein for commercial
purposes or in unreasonable quantities or sizes. As used in the Declaration, A unreasonable quantities@ shall
ordinarily mean (1) pet at thirty-five (35) pounds and two (2) pets not to exceed fifty (50) pounds (except with
regard to quan!ijies of fish) are permitted per Unit; provided, however, that the Board may determine that a
reasonable number in any instance· may be more. Pets should be kept on a leash at aU times. Owners are
required to pick up after their pets immediately and dispose ofthe matter in the designated pet waste receptacle
located outside Level 1 garage door. If a pet should constitute a nuisance in the opinion of the Board, the owner
will be required to remove the pet from the premises. - •

37;' The use of gas-fired or charcoal-fired cooking grills is prohibited. There is no cooking allowed of

any type on balconies.

38 Bicycle riding, skateboarding or roller-blading is prohibited in common areas.

39. The Association must approve any fiooring placed in the Units other than carpeting.

40. in the event any Rule or Regulation heretofore set forth or hereinafter promulgated, or any
sentence, clause, paragraph, phrase or word thereof is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, all remaining
provisions or portions thereof shall be and shall remain in full force and effect.

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Vendors Rules and Regulations

Construction Guidelines
1. Vendors, Movers and Cleaning Servi ces are not permitted to work on weekends. Work is permitted Monday
thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Please notify your vendor of this rule in
2. Unit Access The owner must e-mail, fax, or call the office giving permission to allow unit access. This
rule applies to family members. No entry is granted without authorization.
3. License and Insurance License and insurance info.rmation must be provided to the management before
the subcontractors will be given permission to commence work.
4, Notification of Construction Crews to be on Site The contractor, sub-contractors or owner of the unit
must submit a specification plan and authorization form to the Manager at least three days in advance. This
will allow staff to protect, common areas and to review the plans to ensure compliance,
5. Sub-contractors' Parking Vendors are required to park vehicles in designated parking area. Vendors
must register at Management.
6. Specifications A copy of specifications outlining the exact procedure, color and material to use
in order to remain uniform throughout the property may be obtained at the Management Office
and must be followed. [Written approval must be obtained from the Board of Directors for the
following trades: 1- Hurricane Shutters. 2- Satellite Dish, 3- Floor tile for correct underlayment. l

7. Trash Removal Trash generated from sub-contractors may not be disposed of on the Property.
8. Responsibility for Damage to Building Grout or thin set may not be disposed of in the unit
plumbing. Workers will be expected to remove their own material. Sub-contractors are not to
leave or perform any work in the common areas. Trades using material such as paint, tile,
woodwork, etc., must neatly lay heavy paper or plastic from the elevator door to the unit in order
to prevent any damage to carpet. All common' areas will be inspected at the end of each day.
The cost of any repairs to the common area or to the other units will be assessed to be



In order to provide for congenial occupancy of the Condominium Property and for the protection
of the values of the Units, the use of the Condominium Property is restricted to and in
accordance with the following provisions as set forth in the Rules and Regulations as well as in
Sections 18 and 26 of the Declaration of Condominium for THE WAVE, A CONDOMINIUM:

a. Promptly pay the Assessments levied by the Association.

b. Maintain in a clean and sanitary manner and repair his Unit and all interior surfaces
within and maintain and repair the fixtures therein and pay for any utilities which are separately
metered to his Unit.

c. Not use or permit the use of his Unit except for purposes consistent with the laws of
governing authorities having jurisdiction over the property.

d. Not permit or suffer anything to be done or kept in his Unit which would increase the
insurance rates on his Unit of the Common Elements, or which will obstruct or interfere with the
rights of other members or annoy them with unreasonable noises or otherwise; nor shall a
member commit or permit any nuisance, immoral or illegal act in his Unit or on the Common

e. Conform to and abide by the By-Laws and uniform Rules and Regulations in regard to
the use of the Unit and Common Elements which may be adopted in writing from time to time by
the Association, and to see that all persons using the Owner's property, by, through or under
him do likewise.

f. Make no alteration, decoration, repair, replacement or change of the Common Elements or to

any outside or exterior portion of the building without the prior written consent of the

g. Allow the Board of Administration or the agents and employees of the Association to
enter any Unit for the purpose of maintenance, repair or replacement of any Common Elements
or building system or for making emergency repairs which are necessary to prevent damage to
the Common Elements or to another Unit or Units. If no key has been provided to the
Association, then the expense of entry into a Unit for emergency purposes shall be borne by the
Owner of the Unit.

h. Show no sign, advertisement or notice of any type on the Common Elements or his Unit, and
erect no exterior antennas and aerials, except as provided in uniform regulations promulgated
by the Association. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, a Unit Owner is
permitted to respectfully display a United States Flag. In addition, pursuant to 718.113(4),
Florida Statutes, which was amended by Chapter 2003-23, Laws of Florida, effective July 1,
2003, a unit owner on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, and
Veterans Day is permitted to display in a respectful way, portable, removable official flags, not
larger than 4-1/2 feet by 6 feet, that represent the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, or Coast Guard.
i. Abide by any regulations regarding children as may be established by the Association,
except that no regulations shall prohibit children from residing in or occupying a Unit.

j. Make no repairs to any plumbing, air conditioning systems or electrical wiring within a
Unit, except by plumbers, repairmen or electricians authorized to do such work by the
management of the Association. Plumbing, air conditioning and electrical repairs within a Unit
shall be paid for and be the financial obligation of the Owner of the Unit. The Association shall
pay for and be responsible for plumbing, air conditioning repairs and electrical wiring within the
Common Elements. The Association shall have the right to exclude any unauthorized repairmen
from the Condominium.

k. Return the "Condominium Parcel" for the purpose of ad valorem taxes to the respective
taxing authorities having jurisdiction over them for separate Assessment against his
Condominium Parcel. For the purposes of ad valorem taxation, the interest of the Owner of a
"Condominium Parcel" in his "Condominium Unit" and in the "Common Elements" shall be
considered as a Unit. The value of said Unit shall be equal to the proportion or percentage of
the value of the entire Condominium, including land and improvements, as has been assigned
to said Unit in Exhibit "B" of the Declaration attached hereto as Schedule "1." The total of all
said proportions or percentages equals the value of all of the land and improvements thereon.

l. Not replace and/or remove screens, jalousies or other enclosures on balconies, patios
or terraces or on other parts of the building, even though such areas may be Limited Common
Elements, except with prior written approval of the Board of Administration.

m. No balconies, patios or terraces shall be extended, enclosed or decorated in any way

whatsoever by a Unit Owner without the prior written consent of the Board of Administration.

n. Except as otherwise provided herein, not divide or subdivide a Unit for purpose of sale
or lease, except that a Unit may be combined with a contiguous Unit and occupied as one-
dwelling Unit.

o. Not hang any laundry, garments or other objects which are visible from outside of the
Unit, except for draperies, blinds, shades or other suitable window coverings. Decorative
window coverings shall not include any type of reflective film on any glass windows or doors.
The exterior appearance of all window coverings shall be white in color.

p. Not allow any rubbish, refuse, garbage or trash to accumulate in places other than the
receptacles provided therefor, so that each Unit, the Common Elements and Limited Common
Elements shall at all times remain in a clean and sanitary condition.

q. Not make any use of a Unit that violates any laws, ordinances and regulations of any
governmental body having jurisdiction thereof.
r. No livestock, reptiles, insects, poultry or other animals of any kind shall be kept in any
Unit except that usual and ordinary domestic dogs, cats, fish, and birds inside bird cages may
be kept as household pets within any Residential Unit provided that they are not kept, bred or
raised therein for commercial purposes or in unreasonable quantities or sizes. As used in the
Declaration, "unreasonable quantities" shall ordinarily mean one (1) pet at thirty-five (35)
pounds and two (2) pets not to exceed fifty (50) pounds (except with regard to quantities of fish)
per Unit; provided, however, that the Board may determine that a reasonable number in any
instance may be more. No potbellied pigs, snakes, pitbull dogs, Doberman dogs, or any other
animals determined in the Board's sole discretion to be dangerous or a nuisance may be
brought onto or kept on the Project at any time. The Board shall have the right to require that
any pet which, in the Board's opinion, endangers the health or security of any Owner or
occupant of a Unit or creates a nuisance or unreasonable disturbance, be permanently removed
from the Project upon seven (7) days written notice. If the Owner or occupant fails to do so, the
Board may remove the pet. Any pet which, in the Board's sole discretion, presents an
immediate danger to the health, safety, or property of any Owner or other Occupant of a Unit
may be removed by the Board without prior notice to the pet's owner. Animals belonging to
Owners, occupants or their licensees, tenants or Invitees within the Property must be kept
inside the living element of a Residential Unit (and shall not be left or located unattended on the
Exclusive Use Balcony Area or Exclusive Use Patio Area of that Unit), and must be held by a
person capable of controlling the animal when outside of a Unit. Furthermore, any Owner shall
be liable to each and all remaining Occupants, their families, guests and Invitees, for any
unreasonable noise or damage to person or property caused by any animals brought or kept
upon the Project by an Occupant or by members of his family, his tenants or his guests. It shall
be the duty and responsibility of each such Owner to clean up after such animals which have
deposited droppings on any public street abutting or visible from the Property and properly
dispose of any animal waste. Any Occupant who keeps or maintains any pet upon the Project
shall be deemed to have indemnified and agreed to hold the Association, its directors, officers,
and agents, and the Declarant free and harmless from any loss, claim, or liability of any kind or
character whatever arising by reason of keeping or maintaining such pet within the Project.

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