Mass Balance

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Material Balance Fundamentals

Material balances (mass balances) are based on the fundamental “law of

conservation of mass (not volume, not moles)”. In particular, chemical
engineers are concerned with doing mass balances around chemical

Doing a ‘mass balance’ is similar in principle to accounting. In accounting,

accountants do balances of what happens to a Company’s money. Chemical
engineers do a mass balance to account for what happens to each of the
chemicals that is used in a chemical process.

Thus far, we have learned about the process variables that we need to
describe the chemicals entering a process stream. Now, we must learn how
a) Specify a process stream
b) Specify a process unit
c) Do a mass balance on a process unit
d) Do a mass balance on a sequence of process units.

Classification of Processes
A. Based on how the process varies with time.

a. Steady-state process is one that does not change with time.

Every time we take a snapshot, all the variables have the same
values as in the first snapshot.

b. Unsteady-state (Transient) process is one that changes with

time. Every time we take a snapshot, many of the variables
have different values than in the first snapshot.

B. Based on how the process was built to operate.

a. A Continuous process is a process that has the feed streams

and product streams moving chemicals into and out of the
process all the time. At every instant, the process is fed and
product is produced. Examples are an oil refinery, a power grid
and a steady salaried job.
b. A Batch process is a process where the feed streams are fed to
the process to get it started. The feed material is then processed
through various process steps and the finished products are
created during one or more of the steps. The process is fed and
products result only at specific times. Examples are making a
batch of a product, like soup or a specialty chemical.

c. A Semi-batch process (also called semi-continuous) is a

process that has some characteristics continuous and batch
processes. Some chemicals in the process are handled batch-
wise. Some chemicals are processed continuously.

Types of Balances
a. Differential Balance is a balance taken at a specific instant in time. It
is generally applied to a continuous process. If the process is at steady
state, a differential balance applied at any time gives the same result.

We will apply differential balances to steady-state continuous


Each term in a differential balance represents a process stream and

the mass flow rate of the chemical(s) in that stream.

b. Integral balance is a balance taken at two specific instants in time. It

describes what has happened over the time period between the two
points. An integral balance is generally applied to the beginning and
the end of a batch process. It accounts for what happens to the batch
of chemicals.

We will apply integral balances to batch processes.

Each term in an integral balance represents a process stream and the

mass of the chemical(s) in that stream.
The Mass Balance Equation
The law of ’conservation of mass’ states that mass cannot be created or
destroyed. We will use this law in the form of a general mass balance
equation to account for the total mass all of the chemicals that are involved
in the process. The total mass balance equation can be written as


I − O = A

If the process is at steady-state, there is no accumulation of mass within the

process. In CHEN 200, we will deal only with steady-state processes. Thus

I = O

When we apply this equation to a process, it is best to write it as

ΣMasses entering via feed streams = ΣMasses exiting via product streams

We understand that we must include the mass of every chemical in every

stream. The above equation can applied to batch and continuous processes

ΣMass in = ΣMass out for a batch process, and

ΣMass in by flow = ΣMass out by flow for a continuous process.

If the process involves chemical reaction(s), we must account for the

formation of product chemicals and the consumption of feed chemicals. We
must remind ourselves that the law of conservation of mass means total
mass. For this case, we must write a mass balance for each chemical and
account its formation and consumption as follows

ΣMass in + Mass formed by reaction = ΣMass out + Mass used by reaction

Or, written more simply as

in + formed = out + consumed

What balances can one write?

1. A mass balance can be written using the total mass in each process
stream. This is called a total balance.
2. A separate mass balance can be written for each chemical component
involved. These are called component balances.

Example: A process unit involves 3 chemical components. How many mass

balances can be written?

Solution: We can write 4 balances. We can write a total balance and 3

component balances.

Independent balances: Not all balances are independent since the total
balance in the sum of all of the component balances.

Thus, the number of independent balances we can write = the number of


Which of the following must be conserved in a chemical process?

Total mass
Mass of a chemical
Total moles
Moles of a chemical
Mass of a specie (i.e. SO2−− )
Moles of a specie (i.e. SO2−− )
Mass of an element
Moles of an element

What’s next? You need to develop skill at using a systematic approach to

solving mass balance problems. And later, skill at using a systematic
approach to solving mass and energy balance problems.
Where am I? Where am I going ? How do I get there?
To answer the first question, you need to
1. Read, study and understand the problem.
2. Draw a flow sheet for the process.
3. Label it with all given information, including symbols for the
4. Note any special relationships.

To accomplish this step, you need to learn

1. The information needed to specify a stream.
2. How to use symbols to represent the required stream data.
3. How to determine the mass of each component in a stream (each mass
will be a term in a mass balance)

Required Stream Information

1. Stream name & symbol (1)
2. Component masses/ stream composition (n)
3. Stream temperature and pressure (these are needed only when an
energy balance is being done, phase behavior is included or to specify
chemical properties.

How to represent the required information

1. Specify each stream and total mass --- Select a stream name & symbol
a) Use a single Capital letter to represent the total mass( or mfr) of the
b) Select a stream name to clearly identify the stream, by the location or
purpose of the stream on the flow sheet.
c) Put the mass/mfr on the flow sheet using an equation symbol = value
(if the mass is known) or symbol = ? (if the value is unknown)

Example: The reactor is fed with 25 kg/s of a hot feed stream and a
recycle stream. Label the reactor inputs.
Solution: The reactor has two input streams. We draw and label them as

Hot Reactor Feed, H =25 kg/s

Recycle, R=?

NOTE: The total mass balance will be written using the symbols
selected for the stream names.

Next we must learn how to represent the component masses so we can write
the component balances.

2. Component masses/ stream composition A component mass can be

represented directly, using a lower case letter and a subscript, or
indirectly using the fractional composition times the stream total (use
and reserve x,y,z for fractional composition).

Note that a component mass can be calculated as the product of the total
and the fractional composition.

Example1: Stream F contains 500 kg of O2 and 700 kg of CH4. Label the


Solution: Note that the component masses must add to the total. The total
mass in F is 1200 kg. Thus,

Stream F F=1200 kg
m O2 = 500 kg
m CH4 = 700 kg

Example2: 1200 kg of a mixture of O2 , N2 and CH4 are fed to a process. The

stream has 20% O2 by mass. Label the stream.
( Note the Mass of i in the stream is F xi )

Solution: The composition is partially known. Note that the fractional

compositions must add to 1.0. Thus, we can write two alternatives

Using fractional composition

Feed Stream F, F=1200 kg

xO2 = 0.2
xN2 = ?
xCH4 = 1. – 0.2 - xN2 = 0.8 - xN2

or using component masses

Feed Stream F, F=1200 kg

mO2 = 240 kg
mN2 = ?
mCH4 = 1200 - 240 - mN2 = 960 - mN2

Some Suggestions for Component Labeling

1. If the stream composition is unknown (or if some of the component

masses are known) represent the component masses directly and use a
lower case letter for each chemical.
Eg. If stream F contains chemicals a, b and c, label the flow
rates as F, aF, bF and cF=F- aF - bF

2. If the stream composition is known from fractional compositions,

represent the component masses directly and label as in 2.

3. If stream composition is partially known with fractional compositions

and the total is known, represent the component masses indirectly and
use lower case x,y,z for each fractional composition.

4. Avoid the creation of a product of two unknowns—this will result in

a non-linear equation.
Pass: tranvansang

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