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November 7, 2013

Visiting Fellow teaches about sustainable farming

staff reporter
Florence Reed, president and CEO of Sustainable Harvest International, visited campus this week to speak about her work as part of the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Lecture Series. Sustainable Harvest International (SHI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to working with rural Central American communities to implement sustainable landuse practices. The main goal of sustainable farming is to teach families new farming techniques to transition from chemical intensive farming to sustainable organic farming practices. These families can then use their crops as a source of food and income to improve their standard of living. Reed has grown the organization from working with only a dozen families to working with nearly 2,200 families in Honduras, Panama, Belize and Nicaragua. SHI has helped families plant 2.8 million trees, convert 14,000 acres of degraded land to sustainable farms and save an estimated 70,000 acres of tropical forest from slash and burn destruction. The organization provides hands-on assistance to these Central American families through a five-phase teaching process. Reed said that it feels great to impact so many lives, but her motivation is the other lives that have not yet been changed. Our goal is for each family to graduate from our programming being able to produce a healthy diet for themselves and able to produce enough income to meet their other 100 percent better income and each family trained on average seven more families. Reed said that helping others has always been a part of her life. I think I have been on a path toward this work my whole life, Reed said. My parents took me traveling a lot and instilled in me a love for other cultures. Tom Kennedy, dean of the Evans School, said that Reed is the type of person Berry students should strive to become. She is someone who is perceptive about and sensitive to the suffering and sorrows of other persons and has invested herself in bravely and creatively addressing that suffering, Kennedy said. I hope students, faculty and staff will be inspired by Florence Reed and her life of service. Molly Waters, co-manager of Berry Farms Seasons Harvest and Marthas Herbs, said sustainable farming is new to Berry but rapidly growing. Berry has about four acres used for sustainable farming in production at different times of the year. It takes a lot [of] time to perfect a sustainable system and right now in agriculture we are trying to reassess the past of conventional farming, Waters said. Its slowly becoming a thing of the past, but sustainable farming is still really new. p.2

fall in love with color

Fall Fashion


She is someone who is perceptive about and sensitive to the suffering and sorrows of other persons...
-Tom Kennedy
basic needs in a way that preserves the natural ecosystems and improves the environment, Reed said. Reed and her team have started going back and visiting some of the first families they helped to evaluate if the families actually continued the program after Reeds team left the country. 100 percent of the families in the program were still using the sustainable organic practices two to three years after they had graduated, Reed said. 100 percent eating better,

Genius p.8

Cross country p.10


4 6


Berry hosts Stop Hunger Now

Junior Emily Keyzer-Andre helped pack meals at the third annual Stop Hunger Now event hosted by the Wesley Foundation. Stop Hunger Now brings meals to schools in third world countries to encourage children to attend school. People, from members of the Wesley Foundation to families, gathered in Krannert Ballroom to pack meals to be sent. The meals consisted of rice, a soy based product, vegetables and a nutrition packet. After every 100 meals, a gong rang out to signal the workers of their progress. Everyone would then cheer. Its really fun and competative, said Chelsea Lemcke, member of the Wesley Foundation. This year, 91,620 meals were packed. More than 230,000 meals have been packed in the past three years.

NEALIE SMITH, staff photojournalist

Student awarded national Lambda Sigma scholarship

deputy news editor
Over the summer, junior Rachel Quillin received a scholarship from Lambda Sigma, an honor society for second-year students, which has 40 chapters in all. Quillin, former president of Berrys Lambda Sigma chapter, said an individual from each of the chapters was nominated for scholarships. One person from every chapter is nominated by that chapter and then they go into the running for [a limited number of] scholarships, Quillin said. According to the Lambda Sigma website, there are four scholarships that are offered annually to members of individual chapters. Quillin said she had to take part in an application process involving outside recommendations. I had to get three letters of recommendation as well as a letter of nomination from the chapter, Quillin said. The letter of nomination from the chapter was written by Kenneth Martin, an associate professor of chemistry and the faculty sponsor for Lambda Sigma. Martin said he believed that Quillin was an excellent candidate for nomination because she demonstrated a high level of scholarship as well as leadershiptwo of the four pillars of Lambda Sigma. She was an exemplar of both [leadership and scholarship], Martin said. She was an excellent president for the chapter, and, under her leadership, the chapter did quite a few on-campus and off-campus activities. She was very deserving of the award if for no other reason [than] her GPA, Martin said. Martin said Quillin demonstrated fellowship and service, the other two pillars of Lambda Sigma. Rachel did an excellent job organizing not only people in the



On Nov. 1 a student reported receiving harassing phone calls.

On Nov. 1 officers responded to a medical assist call at the Cage Center. The patient was transported to Redmond Regional Medical Center.


On Nov. 2 a student reported the theft of their bicycle. GRACE DUNKLIN, staff reporter

JUNIOR RACHEL QUILLIN HAS BEEN AWARDED a scholarship for her involvement with the honor society Lambda Sigma.
chapter to fellowship with each other but people across the campus and off the campus, Martin said. Martin said Quillin got involved an organization in Rome and started a program to teach children how to read. She identified the Open Door Childrens Home and got membership of the chapter involved with it, Martin said. What she discovered is that these children are functionally illiterate because they dont have parenting at home, so she started a literacy program for the Open Door Childrens Home, and that really caught a lot of peoples attention. Quillin said she was very surprised when she learned she had received the scholarship. I wasnt necessarily anticipating anything, and I hadnt heard anything in a while, so I thought that somebody else had probably been named, but I was definitely very flattered and honored to have received it, Quillin said. Martin was also very excited when he found out that Quillin had received the scholarship. I was elated, Martin said. Its the first time its happened to a Berry student, and, as soon as I found out about it, I wanted to make sure there was some PR on it. Quillin said the scholarship was worth $500 and she was allowed to use the money in any way she wanted. I personally have used a lot of it [the scholarship money] to go towards the Open Door Home and my program there, Quillin said. Martin said students who are interested in scholarships such as the one Quillin received need to identify and pursue their passions. Just like Rachel, they need to stand out from the crowd, Martin said. Identify what your passion is, find out how you can plug in to that passion, and, when you are doing something that you enjoy doing and helping others along the way, you cant help but get noticed.

On Nov. 2 a staff member reported the theft of a bicycle. The bicycle was recovered by officers an hour later.


On Nov. 4 officers located a bicycle which had been reported stolen on Oct. 28.

On Nov. 4 a student reported the theft of an amplifier from the College Chapel.

Random Fact:
Queen Elizabeth II served as a mechanic and driver in World War II.

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Berry College Theatre Company will be presenting Genius Nov. 7-17. Shows will be on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at 7:30 p.m. with an additional show at 2 p.m. on Sundays. Student cost is $5. CE

Guest Recital Piano Hoop Madness The Vikettes, Berry cheerleaders Trio and Platinum Streetballers will be
Three members of the music faculty at Middle Tennessee State University will be performing on Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ford Auditorium. CE

performing in the Cage Arena on Nov. 7 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. to mark the beginning of the basketball season.

Latin Ballroom

The Berry College Dance Troupe, the Swing and Ballroom Club, Sigma Delta Pi and Orgullo are hosting Gala, this evening of Latin dance and music. The event will be in the Ford Dining Hall on Nov. 8 from 7 to 11 p.m. CE

Berry Busters

KCAB will be hosting Berrys version of Dave and Busters with arcade games on Nov. 9 from 8 p.m. to midnight in the Krannert Ballroom.

International Tea Beauty Panel On Nov. 12 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tasting in Evans Auditorium, Empower will
Multicultural International Student Programs will be hosting a tea tasting in Krannert 250 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. be presenting a student-led panel to discuss how our culture perceives beauty. CE

Poetry Reading

Andrew Hudgins, a professor at Ohio State University, will be reading and discussing his poetry on Nov. 12 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in McAllister Auditorium. CE

El Estudiante

Sigma Delta Pi will be showing the film El Estudiante with subtitles in English in Krannert Underground on Nov. 13 from 7 to 9 p.m.

Diane Glancy

Cherokee poet, author and playwright Diane Glancy will be reading from her book Pushing the Bear: A Novel of the Trail of Tears on Nov. 14 from 5 to 7 p.m. in McAllister Auditorium. CE


KCAB is hosting a semi-formal dance on Nov. 16 from 9 p.m. to midnight in Krannert Ballroom.


Berry reaches settlement over Tenn. billboard dispute

news editor
Berry has settled its legal dispute with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) and will continue to have billboards in Tennessee. THEC had asked Berry to pay a fee to advertise in Tennessee and claimed that Berrys billboards in the Nashville area counted as educational activity in the state. THEC does not ask Tennessee private colleges to pay this fee. Berry sued THEC in May and alleged discriminatory treatment and a violation of its commercial free speech rights. The billboard involved in the dispute depicted two Berry students near the Ford Buildings with the words 26,000 Acres of Opportunity. Berry does not have a campus in Tennessee nor offer classes in the state, although over 200 of Berrys 2,100 students are from Tennessee. The college has advertised with billboards in Chattanooga since 2009 and in Nashville since 2010. We felt that we have students who come from Tennessee, and we can offer a great educational experience for students in Tennessee, and it was just not a fair determination, Chris Reinolds Kozelle, Berrys director of news and editorial services, said. U.S. District Court Judge Harold Murphy of the Northern District of Georgia dismissed

BERRY WILL CONTINUE to have billboards in Tennessee after reaching a settlement with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. The THEC had asked Berry to pay a fee to advertise in Tennessee.

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Berrys lawsuit in June and said that the suit should be handled in a federal court in Tennessee. Berry and THEC then reached a settlement out of court. The settlement provides a waiver of THEC rules for advertising and solicitation. Berry College President Stephen R. Briggs said he was satisfied with the settlement. We are very pleased that the settlement agreement provides exactly the resolution we were looking for, Briggs said in an Oct. 28 news release. It is important that high school students and their families have open access to the information they need to make informed college decisions, and that colleges compete on a level playing field in the market.

Check out archived issues of the Carrier at

November 7, 2013

Diminishing rape culture

At the beginning of October of this year, the social chair of a fraternity at Georgia Tech, Matthew Peterson, sent out an email to his bros about how to lure rapebait. If you find this funny, you are a part of what is called rape culture. Rape culture is where sexual violence is taken lightly and where jokes about rape are supposedly funny. Lets stop laughing at these blurred lines of consent and stop perpetuating the idea that rape is something to laugh about. Shortly after this email became public, Peterson wrote an apology letter to his schools newspaper, Technique. In the apology, he says, It was written as a joke for a small audience. I have now come to realize this is a very serious topic that should not be taken lightly. Its comforting that he eventually understood how insensitive what he said was. Today we seem to be experiencing an epidemic of sexual violence throughout various cultures, and this should be taken seriously but often isnt. To be aware of the extent of the matter and to stop being the person who says something insensitive like, that test just raped me, there are a few steps to take. The first step is realizing what rape is. It is easy to lose track of the real definition of rape in this society. Rape has become a term thrown around casually and, because of this, we face a cultural blind spot. Rape is any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person. The second step is asking the question, how is nonconsensual sex funny? When you realize the answer is obviously no, make it known to your peers that jokes about sexual violence arent funny. Even singing songs that promote non-consent isnt funny either. And yes, that includes that dumb top song of the summer Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke. So, lets stop promoting rape culture.

The Carrier editorial reflects a consensus of the editorial board.

LETTER SUBMIssION POlICY Letters to the editor must include a name, address and phone number, along with the writers class year or title. The Carrier reserves the right to edit for length, style, grammar and libel. E-MAIL: [email protected]

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Drop us a line at our e-mail to let us know: [email protected]


sports editor

Having the seventh-most passing yards in the National Football League (NFL) and a total quarterback rating of 91.7 across eight games is impressive. The Atlanta Falcons quarterback, Matt Ryan, is responsible for these statistics. Completing 225 out of 332 (68%) of attempted passes isnt too bad either. Throwing 15 touchdowns to 10 interceptions across eight games is well, that could be a better statistic, but its not necessarily horrible, especially considering the fact that Ryan has thrown for at least one touchdown in 14 straight games. These statistics look pretty good on paper, and they are solid statistics to hold as a franchise quarterback. But if your team cannot win games, then statistics mean nothing. Across their first eight games, the Falcons compiled a pathetic 2-6 record. This is their worst starting record since 2007 when Michael Vick, who currently plays for the Philadelphia Eagles, was jailed, and head coach Booby Petrino subsequently bailed on the team. That year, the Falcons compiled a 4-12 record, which still stands as the franchises worst record since 1996. And this seasons team is on track to do just as badly. But, I am not giving up all hope for the Falcons yet, as they do have great talent on their roster. Amongst that talent, they have a solid quarterback in Ryan who, despite his post-season incompetence, has lead the team to five-straight wining seasons. His rookie season, 2008, was the turnaround year for the franchise as current head coach Mike Smith was hired, and a new host of personnel both on the coaching staff and team were added. In 2008, Smith signed Michael Turner, who up until last year was one of the best rushers in the game, from

Hold out for a better season from the Falcons

his backup position in San Diego. However, following a disappointing showing on the ground from Turner during the 2012 season, they released him from the team and signed former St. Louis Rams phenom Steven Jackson. Jackson, too, has been lackluster this season, only running for 140 yards so far. Although it is important to note that, due to injury, Jackson has only played in four games. Not including this season, the Falcons have accumulated a 56-24 record since Smith took over and Ryan began signal calling. Until this season, Ryan had never lost back-to-back home games and amassed a 33-7 record at home. The only time that the Falcons have lost back-toback homes games since 2008 was when former backup quarterback Chris Redman took over for an injured Matt Ryan for three weeks during the 2009 season. Those two losses were to the Philadelphia Eagles and the New Orleans Saints. The 2009 campaign saw the Falcons amass their worst record (prior to this season) in the Ryan/Smith era; they finished 9-7, which was still a winning season. But enough of the boring stats and rambling about the past; now I want to take a look at some of the reasons why the Falcons are doing so poorly, after being 13-3 (14-4 including post-season) last season and one play away from a Super Bowl appearance. First, I would like to examine the injuries the Falcons have sustained this season. The Falcons have 10 players on injured reserve. This means they are out for the rest of the season, should no miracle take place. Among these 10 players are Julio Jones, Kroy Bierrman, Sean Weatherspoon and Bradie Ewing, all of who are essential players on the

Falcons roster. The Falcons picked Julio Jones in 2011 after they traded four picks in the draft to the Cleveland Browns in order to move up in the draft. Since his NFL debut with Atlanta, Jones has made a name for himself, not only on the Falcons roster but also across the NFL. In his rookie season, he tallied 959 yards and eight touchdowns on 54 receptions. Last season, he was targeted 129 times and made 79 catches on his way to 1,198 yards and 10 touchdowns which landed him in the top 20 for receivers last season. At the beginning of this season, Jones had the most catches and yards in the NFL across the Falcons first five games, tallying 41 receptions and 580 yards in only five games. Despite Jones numbers, the Falcons still had a measly 1-4 record across those five games prior to Jones breaking his foot and requiring season-ending surgery. Aside from the amount of season-ending injuries the Falcons have sustained, the team has experienced several other injuries that have put other starters, like Jackson or wide receiver Roddy White, out for weeks. But we can sit here and play the blame game because of injuries all day. But at the pro-level, all players are supposed to be competent enough to help carry the team should injuries occur, and that is the biggest problem with the Falcons. They do not have strong enough depth in their roster to carry the team when injuries occur. This is a major issue that the Falcons need to address as soon as possible if they want to return to winning form. While it is impossible to mimic the success of last season, I wouldnt count them out right away.

asst. sports editor

Americans should learn more about the Spanish language

Espaol juega un rol grande en nuestra sociedad como es un lenguaje que est hablado por todo del mundo. Solamente una porcin pequea de quienes que viviendo en los Estados Unidos lo saben el espaol. Entienden lo que esto dice? If you do not understand what these sentences are trying to say, then you are a part of the majority of Americans who do not speak or know Spanish. The sentences say that Spanish plays a large role in our society, as it is one of the most commonly spoken languages throughout the United States and the world. Although the Spanish language is not required in many high schools, universities and homes, it is something that everyone should know a little about. More than 400 million people worldwide speak Spanish, and about 45 million speak it within the United States. Among Spanish speakers, only 2.8 million in that number are non-Hispanics. The ratio between speakers and the United States population is about 5:32. This is a small ratio considering the number of people living in the United States. Spanish is the official language of 21 countries. As the second most commonly spoken language in the world behind Chinese and the unofficial second language of the United States, you would think that more people would understand Spanish. Hispanics are the largest minority group in America, and their vote alone can shift the results of the presidential elections. The United States is one of the few countries that does not have an official second language. In fact, America doesnt even have an official language. English is just the language that the majority of people speak. Many outside the United States learn English as a second language as it is such a dominant language in many different countries. If Spanish is such a widely-spoken language in the United States, why would we not teach it as a second language? We force Hispanics to learn our language, and we put very little effort into learning theirs, yet the Hispanic population is almost 20 percent of the nations population and growing. By the year 2050, the United States is predicted to be the largest Spanish-speaking country and the majority of the population will know Spanish. Our children will be speaking Spanish. Why not choose to learn Spanish now? Knowing Spanish as a second language opens the door to many opportunities and various benefits. There are more jobs available to those who are bilingual as they become a more competitive source in our society. They are able to reach out to prospective clients and a part of the community that could not be reached without knowing Spanish. It can also lead to an increase in salary. Many companies now demand that their employees be Spanish speakers. Knowing a second language helps to improve the cognitive skills that are not associated with language and reduces the risk of Alzheimers and helps to shield against other sources of dementia. One benefit of knowing Spanish is that it can help improve your English. This is because it is derived from Latin, as is the English language. It allows you to improve your cultural understanding of this rapidly growing diverse population in America. I am not saying that every American needs to be fluent in Spanish, but in order to understand an influential and growing voice in our country, Americans should make the effort to learn more about the Spanish language. If everyone put forth this effort to learn at least basic conversational Spanish, we would have the potential to unite different cultures and strengthen our country.

Whats your favorite thing about fall?

Emily Bruder-Mattson, Freshman

The color of the leaves.

Wearing sweaters.

Berry College
entertainment editor

asst. photojournalism editor

Olivia Mund, Freshman

Editorial Board
editor-in-chief managing editor copy editor

Dont just do it right, do it better

I have always tried to live by the mantra, Do things right, or dont do them at all. While I still hold tight to that, I realize that it has become a bit of a dated clich and, more importantly, that it is not the best advice I can give someone. Doing it right simply is not enough. Doing things fully and correctly is very important. If I tell someone I will do something for him or her, I am going to do it. Not only is it negatively affecting them if I flake out, it reflects badly on my character as well. But we know this. It has been drilled into our heads for quite some time now. People generally do not stop to wonder if there is a better way to accomplish their current activity. They usually do not think about performing tasks better than the instructions call for, better than the other person trying to get the same job. From a professional standpoint, employers notice when a potential employee does something better than the bare minimum. Even current employers will recognize workers who go above and beyond their job description, and the good ones will promote the employee accordingly. It is so easy to fall into the trap of doing exactly what is required and no more, be it a school assignment, a job or even a favor for a friend Publixs recent arrival in Rome gives us a great example of this. All we really expect a grocery store to do is keep their shelves stocked and ready for their customers. Publix employees, however, go the extra mile. They bag your groceries like no other, know the store back to front, are always willing to help, and they will even push your cart full of groceries out to your car. There is no reason that Publix has to do this, but they have chosen as a company to go above and beyond what we consider the minimum and do what is better, and they are perhaps one of the most loved grocery stores because of it. With that said, doing something better does not have to mean more work. In fact, finding a better way of doing things may make the process more efficient. Once again, this will save you time and energy, and employers will see that you are saving them money too. This is important for craftsmen and those in more creative fields, such as myself. As a photographer, I have been able to take technically correct photographs for some time, but I will never succeed in the field if I am not constantly striving to find new and better things to do with my camera. This is why newspapers dropping photojournalists in favor of sending out reporters with smartphones is so depressing. Photojournalists can take better photos than reporters. Their sole job is to take better photos than any one else can. Sure, people can get by in life by just doing the bare minimum, and most people probably do. But who wants to be one of those boring people? The people who make a difference in the world are the ones who actually want to be better so that they can make the world better. Take the time to improve your craft and your life in general. It will pay off in the long run. I promise.


news editor

MATTHEW MURPHY deputy news editor

APRIL HEARN asst. features editor

JUSTIN DAVIS asst. photojournalism editor

EMILY LYKINS asst. sports editor

Wearing leggings and sweatshirts.

Janae King, Sophomore

features editor

asst. graphics editor

CHRISTIAN TURNER photojournalism editor

STEVEN EVANS sports editor



asst. entertainment editor

online editor

opinions editor graphics editor

p.r. director advisor



CAMPUS CARRIER P.O. Box 490520 Berry College Mt. Berry, GA 30149 (706) 236-2294 E-mail: campus_carrier@

Recipient of Georgia College Press Association Awards.

The Carrier is published weekly except during examination periods and holidays. The opinions, either editorial or commercial, expressed in The Carrier are not necessarily those of the administration, Berry Colleges board of trustees or The Carrier editorial board. Student publications are located in 103 Laughlin Hall. The Carrier reserves the right to edit all content for length, style, grammar and libel. The Carrier is available on the Berry College campus,

Thanksgiving food.
Zach Cleland, Junior

one free per person.

Trevor Sutton, Senior


November 7, 2013

Fall fashions according to students

Joshua Willis: Sweaters
On campus, a lot of people know me by my sweaters. In fact, when introducing myself at parties, more than one person has responded with oh, right, youre that sweater guy! I kid you not. But, as far as reputations go, this is a pretty accurate one. Half of my closet space is taken up by big, bulky, wonderful sweaters. My friends joke that I have one for every day of winter. I shamelessly admit it; I love sweaters. And here are just three reasons why: Theyre comfortable. In fashion, comfort and style rarely go hand-inhand. Sweaters are the exception to the rule. Unlike many other articles of clothing, you do not have to sacrifice one for the other. Its a good chance that the snazzy sweater you bought online is just as comfortable as the hideous rag you inherited from your father and only wear when absolutely no one else is around to see. Like pet dogs, the pretty ones treat you just as well as the most unfortunate ones. Theyre versatile. If you have a good sweater, you can wear it with almost anything. Feeling casual? Throw one on with nice jeans or leggings and a well-chosen pair of shoes. Need to dress up? Put a blouse or oxford under that sweater. Add scarf, blazer, and/or skirt for extra preppiness. Hating the world during finals week? Slap on the hideous rag I mentioned earlier, grab some coffee, and avoid all human contact. Basically, the sweater is the answer to all lifes problems. There is so much variety. You can put pretty much anything on a sweater and get away with it. There are plain sweaters, stripped sweaters,

Cari Voutila: 4 simple fall outfits 1.

Ankle boots are a growing trend, and look great with dark pants or leggings tucked in. The camel color of the boots coordinates with the simple tunic and subtle embroidered lace edges.

chevron sweaters, Fair Isle sweaters, polka dotted sweaters, floral sweaters, argyle sweaters, etc. Heck, I even have a sweater version of Hieronymus Boschs "The Garden of Earthly Delights." If it exists, it is probably on a sweater somewhere. Now that Ive made you allergic to the word sweater, I hope you too appreciate the glory and essentiality of a nice sweater. So next time youre at Goodwill, make sure to check out the sweater section. Youll probably see me there, so make sure to say hi.


Burgundy jeans look great with a chambray shirt, and the darker brown riding style boots with the pop of yellow from the scarf pull the whole fall look together.



features editor

asst. features editor

OLIVIA MURPHY, staff photojournalist

One of the comfiest trends as of late is the flannel plaid button-down layered with a vest over top. It can be worn with jeans or dark leggings, boots and the go-to scarf for extra warmth.


Different neutrals look good layered together, as Kimberly has with her gray knit sweater and cream scarf over a simple black top. The burgundy corduroys give the neutrals a subtle color, and go well with the lacy black ballet flats.

The cold weather provides all sorts of new clothing possibilities. However, if you are looking to keep up with the latest looks, fashion can be exhausting. Layering can provide more options for your outfits, but then everything has to match or contrast in the right way, and there is the ever present struggle of knowing if your chosen ensemble is appropriate for the

Fall Fashion
"What is your favortite fall fashion item?"
"Boots." Stephanie Schwartz, freshman "Flannel shirts." Will Howell, junior "Jeans." Blake Petty, sophomore

events of the day. Jackets, scarves and boots are some of the most common fall weather items, but there are endless ways to style them. Whether you spend five minutes or two hours getting ready for your classes in the mornings, here are some basic guidelines that can help you beat the cold and look great doing so.

"Cardigans." Kate Holman, sophomore

"Scarves." Bailey Powers, junior

"What article of clothing is a big seller right now?"

"Sweater Dresses." Annie Fox, Asst. Manager and Lead expert over women's fashion at J.C. Penny

"Three button sweaters for men and flannels for both men and women." Kennedi Ragland, Sales Associate at American Eagle

"Men's leather jackets." Sandi Wyatt, Store Manager at Rue 21

colors to look for this fall

November 7, 2013 7

Devised piece features all-female cast

staff reporter


Genius, a devised piece by Jan Lewis and Robert Fieldsteel, opens Thursday night at the E.H. Young Theatre. Directed by Lewis, performers from the Berry College Theatre Company give viewers a glimpse into the minds of geniuses. Based on true events, the play portrays the lives and times of Gertrude Stein, the avant-garde writer and collector of modern art, her lover Alice B. Toklas and their salon of artistic and literary visionaries in early 20th century France. The costumes are of subdued hues, occasionally enlivened with plaid and floral prints. Because members of the all-female cast often play male characters, their clothing is largely simple and gender-neutral; the use

of hats, coats and other props helps to differentiate between characters. Though pleasing, the costumes and set designs rightfully do not distract from the acting and the show. The show is a snapshot of the Parisian salon scene from the turn of the century to right after the Second World War. Though primarily concerned with the relationship between Stein and Toklas, other famous figures such as Pablo Picasso, George Braque and Zelda Fitzgerald also make appearances in Genius. Even if the play is appreciative of the time in which it is set, it is by no means nostalgic or sentimental. The vicious bickering, manipulations, and inflated egos of the era are depicted right beside the innovations. With the help of a well written show, the talented cast attempts to explain the complex nature of genius and celebrity. Freshman Hope Beebe, who played Gertrude Stein,

Puzzle of the week

Instructions: To complete the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column, and 3x3 box must contain the numbers one through nine. Remember, no number may be repeated within each row, column, or 3x3 box. (Difficulty: medium)

enjoyed the experience, though it was a difficult one. Playing Gertrude is a very intimidating experience, Beebe said. She is a hard character to play because she was such a strong woman and we are very different in many ways. It is very rewarding and fun, though, trying to accurately portray someone as complex as she was. Sophomore Heather Pharis also appreciated the chance to bring the iconic figures of George Braque and Zelda Fitzgerald to life. I am so glad that I am able to play these largerthan-life roles, said Pharis. Zelda Fitzgerald was such a fascinating, multifaceted woman; she has long been one of my personal heroes. As for Braque, he practically revolutionized art and the way we look at it. Getting into their heads was an experience I will never forget, Pharis said. Freshman Miranda Flack believes that the play is an important one because it tackles the still-relevant concept of celebrity. I think Genius is important because it examines both the legend

JUSTIN DAVIS, asst. photojournalism editor

FRESHMAN HOPE BEEBE (LEFT) AND FRESHMAN MIRANDA FLACK (RIGHT) PORTRAY iconic public figures in this poignant performance. The show will run Nov. 7-17 with performances at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and matinees each Sunday at 2 p.m.
of the characters and who they actually were, Flack said. The show reveals that celebrities are people too, with f laws and all. It is a relevant play, so I think people should definitely come and see it.

Coming soon to theaters

Thor: The Dark World
Release Date: Nov. 8

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Release Date: Nov. 22

Release Date: Nov. 22





Students release their inner wild thing

Alternative housings late night event, Wild Rumpus, featured a Bohemian theme inspired by the popular childrens book, Where the Wild Things Are. The trees on the lawn of Barnwell Chapel were adorned with colorful lights, and a bonfire roared as students roasted marshmallows to make smores. The music at the event was a hit, and participants enjoyed dancing the night away to the unique collection of alternative tunes. From left: sophomore Marissa Fulton, junior Hannah Grice, sophomore Rachel Elliot and junior Sierra Greene are all smiles as they enjoy the nights festivities.

BRAD TILKA, staff photojournalist

Enders Game delivers stunning visual tale

asst. photojournalism editor
Enders Game is a tale of a brilliant child turned into a nobody. It is a tale of doing all it takes to save humanity. It is simultaneously thought-provoking and beautiful. Ender Wiggin is a child prodigy in a military school, and the commanders of the school hope he will be humanitys savior in the war against the insect-like alien race called only the Formics. Through various manipulative tests, battle games and simulations, the schools leaders run Ender through the gauntlet to see if he has what it will take to keep Earth safe. The film version of Orson Scott Cards book really fires on some cylinders but, unfortunately, misses on others. The film follows the plot of the book fairly well but differs significantly on a few personality developing moments for Ender. Aside from the plot issues, Enders Game will, without a doubt, send Asa Butterfield on to greater success. The Hugo star showcased his talent with his portrayal of Ender Wiggin. Butterfield makes this incredibly complex character a reality in the sharpest way possible. He holds his own alongside Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley, proving that he can act with the big boys. True Grits Hailee Steinfeld also further proved her merit in the role of Enders close friend Petra. The battle room and the war with the Formics come to life through some pretty impressive cinematography and effects work. Zero-gravity is surprisingly hard to tackle in film, but director Gavin Hood and his team took the time to make sure it looked right. The recruits participate in a competetition without the luxury of gravity, which is a tricky and complex undertaking, but the movie manages to make it easy for the audience to understand. The space-based battles with the Formics are insanely chaotic, but somehow, it works. All of the environments and visual elements are beautifully designed. The foreign world of the Formics is supremely alien, yet awe-inspiring. The Formics themselves are a hive entity, and the movie captures that. Rather than visually terrifying monsters, the sheer number and swarm-like nature of the alien race makes them frightening. The contrast between this chaos and the strict order of the human fleet is strangely captivating. What makes Enders Game so powerful, however, is not its beautiful battle scenes. Despite his young age, Ender is a recruit in the military. This may seem like something extreme and futuristic, but the film still asks its audience to step back and think about what members of the military have to go through to keep their families safe. It is an extremely powerful and important message that many may only experience through the film. Enders Game may not quite stand up to the cornerstone of military fiction that is Cards book, but it is still a fun blockbuster that just might inspire some thought in its audience. Really, it is worth seeing for Butterfields incredible performance alone, but the intriguing visual exploration of a possible future Earth makes for an engaging, if terrifying, view of humanity.

Conclusion: Wait until it comes out on DVD.


November 7, 2013

Berry hosts SAA Cross Country Championships

asst. sports editor
Berry hosted the 2013 Southern Athletic Association (SAA) Cross Country Championship in the Clara Bowl on Saturday. The race was an 8K, and a huge opportunity for Berry and the cross country teams as the chance to host the conference tournament only happens every eight years. Both of the Berry cross country teams had a successful run during the tournament as the womens team placed fifth and the mens team placed second in the championship. According to a poll released by the United States Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association (USTFCCCA), the Viking men are now ranked sixth in the South/ Southeast Region. This is the best ranking that the Vikings have ever received by the USTFCCCA. Freshmen Matthew Myers said their success is no coinsidence, and is due to the dedication of the whole team. We went into the race with it being our first year in DIII, so we had a lot to prove, Myers said. We were ranked third before the race, and we knew that we could do better. Coach Deaton told us that, if everyone ran a great race and we placed second, then it would be like winning the Super Bowl. In addition to it being the first year of official NCAA membership for the Vikings cross country teams, it was also their first time competing in the South Region meet. Head coach Paul Deaton said that one of the many benefits of competing in NCAA Division III is the large competitive field. The Region championship will feature many teams that have had an equal chance of success. Last year, the SAA conference gave us the opportunity to compete in the conference championship for the first time, said Deaton. But this will be our first year to compete in the NCAA Region championship. In 2012, we had team goals of finishing in the top half of the SAA conference. The men are having a very competitive year ahead of expectations. Finishing second in the conference is a milestone accomplishment. The cross country team finished ahead of Rhodes College, who has 70, with a score of 47 points. Junior Michael Klein stated that Rhodes is one of the most established cross country teams in the region. We are excited with our ranking and that we are being noticed for our efforts, said Klein. It establishes our credibility as a team, but, more importantly, it reflects the hard work we have put in all season.

OLIVIA MURPHY, staff photojournalist ABOVE: VIKINGS SENIOR RYAN JAMES LEADS the Vikings on their way to a second place finish in the Southern Athletic Association Cross Country Championship which was held at Berry. Below: Lady Vikings Senior Charlotte Collins led the Lady Vikings as she finished in fifth place overall. The Lady Vikings subsequently placed fifth.
Deaton said the region raters demonstrated confidence in the mens cross country team with the sixth place ranking heading into the region championship. Such a vote of confidence is encouraging, Deaton said. Of course, the final outcome will be our greatest interest. We are ready to compete with our best on the day that counts. Senior Brandon Davis said that, from an individual standpoint, the team had some guys step up big and run their best times of the season. Davis finished sixth overall with a time of 25:35:35. I couldnt ask for a better senior year, said Davis. I run with a great group of guys. Getting the opportunity to compete and improve alongside them has made it more than worthwhile. Klein and Myers also noted that the team is prepared and will continue

to go up from here. At the Berry College Cross Country Invitational on Saturday, Oct. 19, the mens team placed fifth out of 22 teams. They finished as the top NCAA Division III team. We have a very committed group of guys, said Myers. We know how

to push ourselves and each other to be faster. I am excited to see what the track season and the future holds. The next cross-country meet for the Vikings is on Saturday, Nov. 16, in the NCAA Division III South/ Southeast Region Championship at Christopher Newport University


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sports editor
The Lady Vikings won their seventh straight match and improved to 14-3 and 6-1 in the Southern Athletic Association (SAA) with the 5-1 victory over the Oglethorpe University Stormy Petrels on Saturday. Getting the win and completing the sevengame win streak has made it a great season and a great turn around from last year, sophomore defender Mallory Campbell said. It was amazing to see how much our hard work paid off. Freshman midfielder Maggie Midkiff compiled her second straight hat trick, or three points in one game, in the win as the Stormy Petrels fell to 6-10-1 and 1-6 in the SAA. Midkiff had previously recorded a hat trick in the Lady Vikings previous game against the Birmingham-Southern Panthers on Sunday, Oct. 27. The Lady Vikings defeated the Panthers 4-2.

Volleyball vs. Trinity (Tex.) L: 0-3 Football vs. Millsaps L: 3-38 Mens Soccer at Oglethorpe T: 0-0 Cross Country (M) Cross Country (W) SAA Championship SAA Championship 2nd of 7 5th of 8 Womens Soccer at Oglethorpe W: 5-0 Mens Swimming & Diving vs. Emmanuel W: 164-94

Lady Vikings top Oglethorpe, close out regular season on seven-game win streak
The hat trick felt good, Midkiff said. It felt great to get the win and secure our spot. Hat tricks are fun, but it was important to get the win no matter who scored what goals. The Lady Vikings started off the game statistically conservative, scoring one goal and not allowing any goals by the Stormy Petrels. Three of the Lady Vikings five goals were scored within three minutes and 30 seconds of match play from each other to help put the game out of reach. The Lady Vikings lead the Stormy Petrels 21-3 in shots on goal. Oglethorpes sophomore goalkeeper Sarah Craig made 15 of the Stormy Petrels 16 saves, but earned the loss while Lady Vikings freshman goalkeeper Melissa Sanchez recorded two saves and earned the win. The win felt great, sophomore forward Sara Dillon said. it felt almost like we elected a female president. [The win was] just amazing! During the regular season, the Lady Vikings outscored their opponents 55-14. This margin was exciting to the Lady Vikings. Dillon compared scoring the amount of goals the team

JASON HUYNH, staff photojournalist

THE LADY VIKINGS PASS and dribble the ball through Piedmont College defenders during an earlier game of the season.

scored to opening up gifts on Christmas. The Saturday win concluded regular season for the Lady Vikings. They will face the Stormy Petrels again in the SAA tournament tomorrow

at 6 p.m. in Birmingham Alabama. We are super excited to be ranked the number two seed and are really hopeful for the tournament, Dillon said.




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November 7, 2013 11

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