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Answers all the questions.

Jawab semua soalan.

Instructions: Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the

correct answer.
Arahan : Setiap soalan diberi empat pilihan iaitu A, B, C dan D. Pilih jawapan yang betul.

1. The information below shows the reproducing process of an animal.

The mother lays eggs on the beach

The eggs hatch by themselves
The newborn move to the sea

Based on the information above, which of the following animal is being referred to ?

A Frog

B Crab

C Turtle

D Lizard

2. The diagram 1 below shows a fruit.

Diagram 1

What is the dispersal agent for the fruit above ?

A Wind C Animal

B Water D Explosive mechanism

3. How do birds ensure the survival of their species ?

I Build their nests on trees.

II Feed their young.

III Carry their young on their backs.

IV Bury their eggs in the sand.

A I and II only

B I and III only

C II and III only

D II and IV only

4. Which of the following statements is not true ?

A All green plants are producers.

B Food chain always begin with green plant.

C Consumers are organisms that can make their own food.

D An organism can belong to more than one food chain.

grasshopper frog

Paddy plant caterpillar bird



Diagram 2

How many food chains involve in the food web above?

A 3 C 5

B 4 D 6

6. Which of the following is a microorganism?

7. Which of the following ways can prevent diseases caused by microorganisms from

I Cover up open wounds

II Cover the mouth when coughing

III Wash hands after using the toilet

IV Wash hands before handling foodstuff

A I, II and III only

B I, III and IV only

C II, III and IV only

D I, II, III and IV

8. Diagram 3 shows two objects.

Diagram 3

What is the source of electrical energy for object P and Q in the diagram above?

A Hydroelectric power Dry cell
B Accumulator Solar cell
C Dynamo Accumulator
D Solar cell Hydroelectric power

9. Diagram 4 shows four objects.

Diagram 4
Which object will produce shadow when light is directed towards it?

A P and Q

B P and R

C Q and R

D Q and S

10. Diagram 5 shows the side mirror of a car.

Diagram 5

We can see objects in this side mirror because light

A is blocked.
B is reflected.
C is absorbed.
D travels in a straight line.

11. The diagram 6 shows a shadow of a ball on the screen. What will happen to the
shadow if the ball is moved closer to the light source?

Light source Screen


Diagram 6

A Its size become smaller.

B Its size become bigger

C Its size does not change.

D It becomes clearer.
12. Which will not happen when a substance gains heat?

A The substance will expand.

B The substance gains energy.
C The substance becomes warmer.
D The temperature of the substance will decrease.

13. Below are information about an electric circuit.

- Dry cell, bulb and connecting wires are provided

- Set up an electric circuit
- Connect to object X
- The bulb is lighted up

Based on the information above, what is object X ?

A Plastic ruler
B Rubber
C Metal spoon
D Paper

14. Diagram 7 shows a combination circuit.

Diagram 7

What will happen to the bulbs if bulb Q is burnt out ?

I Bulb P will not light up.

II Bulbs R and S will still light up.
III Bulbs P,Q and R will still light up.
IV All the bulbs will not light up.
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and IV

15. Wet clothes that are hung outside the house will dry after a few hours. This is caused by the
process of

A melting
B freezing
C evaporation
D condensation

16. The information below shows the processes involved when a matter change one state to
• When water frozen, it become ice
• When water is heated, it becomes vapour

What can be concluded from the information above?

A Water exists in three states of mater

B Water can be frozen into ice.
C Water can change into vapour.
D Water exist in liquid state.

17. The following shows the statements about air.

F – No fixed volume
G – Has a fixed shape
H – Has mass
I - Occupies space

Which of following true?

A F and G only
B H and I only
C F , G, and H only
D F , H and I only
18. Which of these show how water is circulated in the environment?

A cloud
water vapour rain

B. rain
water vapour cloud

C water vapour
cloud water

D water vapour
rain cloud

19. Why is the water cycle so important to us?

I Its give us constant supply of fresh water

II It protects us from the harmful rays of the sun
III It makes sure that the amount of water on the Earth remains the same

A I and II only.
B I and III only.
C II and III only.
D I , II and III.

20. Which of the following processes show the transformation from a liquid to solid substance?

A Evaporation
B Boiling
C Melting
D Freezing
21. Diagram 8 above shows what happened when ice cubes were left in a container for a few
hours. Identify the processes involved in the above changes.

Ice Water Vapour

Diagram 8

I Freezing
II Boiling
III Melting
IV Evaporation

A I and III only

B III and IV only
C I, II, and III only
D I, II , III and IV

22. The information below show the properties of an object.


Cannot be Has a fixed shape Fixed volume


Which of the object below have all the above properties ?

A Alcohol C coin
B Cooking oil D Water wapour

23. The diagram below shows four different objects.

Which of the following sources can produce electricity?

24. Diagram 9 shows three activities.


Diagram 9

Which of the following activities require energy?

A J only
B J and K only
C J and L only
D J, K and L

25. Which of the following is the metric unit for measuring temperature ?

A Degree Celcius
B Cubic metre
C Kilometre
D Millilitre

26. Amira found a dented ping pong ball in his cupboard. Which of the following methods
enables the ping pong ball to be used again ?

A Cool the dented ping pong ball in cold water.

B Heat the dented ping pong ball in hot water.
C Rub the dented ping pong ball with wet towel.
D Bounce the dented ping pong ball on a soft carpet.

27. There are gaps at railway tracks. These gaps are important because

A they can enable the trains to move faster.

B they allow for expansion in cold weather.
C they allow for expansion in hot weather.
D they can prevent the railway tracks to contract in cold weather.

28. The diagram 10 below shows two type of fruits.

Diagram 10
Which of the following uses the same way of dispersal as for the fruits above?

A Lalang

B Water lily

C Lovegrass

D Guava

29. The following diagram 11 show two types of plant seeds dispersed by animals.

Diagram 11

Which of the following characteristics helps in dispersing the plant seeds?

A Attractive colour
B Good taste
C Have hooks
D Small in size

30. If a species of living thing does not reproduce its own kind, this species will one day

A become extinct
B become stronger than other species
C change to an egg-laying species
D change into another species

Answers all the questions.

Jawab semua soalan.

Instructions: Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Arahan : Tulis jawapan anda pada tempat kosong yang disediakan.

1. Read the statements below and state “True” or “False” in the appropriate boxes below.
Baca pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah dan nyatakan “Benar” atau “Salah” dalam kotak yang
disediakan di bawah.

a) Matter can exist in the three states.

Bahan boleh wujud dalam tiga keadaan.

b) An opaque object does not let the light pass through it.
Objek legap tidak membenarkan cahaya melaluinya.

c) A fan change electrical energy to light energy.

Kipas mengubah tenaga elektrik kepada tenaga cahaya.

d) A shadow is formed when there is no light source.

Bayang-bayang terbentuk bila tiada sumber cahaya.
[4 Marks]

2. Complete the diagram 1 below.

Lengkapkan rajah 1 di bawah.

Evaporation Freezing Melting

Water gas Condensation

(iii) Boiling / (iv)


ais wap air

(solid) (liquid) (ii) ( )

(v) (vi)

Diagram 1 [6 marks]
3. Three similar wet towels are left to dry in the Sun as show below.
Tiga tuala yang sama tahap kelembapannya dibiarkan supaya dikeringkan oleh matahari seperti yang
ditunjukkan di bawah.

Towel A Towel B Towel C

Tuala A Tuala B Tuala C

Diagram 2

a) Which towel will dry out the fastest ?

Tuala manakah yang paling cepat kering ?
[1 mark]

b) Give one reason for your answer in (a).

Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda di (a).

[2 marks]

c) What is the process that involved in the phenomena above ?

Apakah proses yang terlibat dalam fenomena di atas ?
[1 mark]

d) Arrange the towels in the correct order beginning with the towel that takes
the shortest time to dry.
Susun tuala-tuala dalam susunan yang betul bermula dengan tuala yang mengambil
masa yang paling singkat untuk kering.
[2 marks]
e) In this experiment,
Dalam eksperimen ini,

i. what are keep the same ?

apakah yang dimalarkan ?
[1 mark]
ii. what is changed ?
apakah yang dimanipulasikan ?
[1 mark]

f) What conclusion can be made from the experiment ?

Apakah kesimpulan yang boleh dibuat daripada eksperimen ini ?

[2 marks]

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