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MELCHOR VIRAY, RAMON TULAGAN, all Members of the Municipal Council of
Malasiqui in 1959, Malasiqui, Pangasinan, petitioners,
1978 Oct 23
1st Division G.R. No. L-29993/G.R. No. L-30183


These Petitions for review present the issue of whether or not the
celebration of a town fiesta authorized by a municipal council under
Sec. 2282 of the Municipal Law as embodied in the Revised
Administrative Code is a governmental or a corporate or proprietary
function of the municipality.
A resolution of that issue will lead to another, viz: the civil liability for damages of
the Municipality of Malasiqui, and the members of the Municipal Council of
Malasiqui, province of Pangasinan, for a death which occurred during the
celebration of the town fiesta on January 22, 1959, and which was attributed to
the negligence of the municipality and its council members.
The following facts are not in dispute:
On October 21, 1958, the Municipal Council of Malasiqui, Pangasinan, passed
Resolution No. 159 whereby "it resolved to manage the 1959 Malasiqui town
fiesta celebration on January 21, 22, and 23, 1959." Resolution No. 182 was also
passed creating the "1959 Malasiqui Town Fiesta Executive Committee" which in
turn organized a subcommittee on entertainment and stage, with Jose Macaraeg
as Chairman. The council appropriated the amount of P100.00 for the
construction of 2 stages, one for the "zarzuela" and another for the "cancionan".
Jose Macaraeg supervised the construction of the stage and as constructed the
stage for the "zarzuela" was "5-1/2 meters by 8 meters in size, had a wooden
floor high at the rear and was supported by 24 bamboo posts 4 in a row in front,
4 in the rear and 5 on each side with bamboo braces." 1
The "zarzuela" entitled "Midas Extravanganza" was donated by an association of
Malasiqui employees of the Manila Railroad Company in Caloocan, Rizal. The
troupe arrived in the evening of January 22 for the performance and one of the
members of the group was Vicente Fontanilla. The program started at about
10:15 o'clock that evening with some speeches, and many persons went up the
stage. The "zarzuela" then began but before the dramatic part of the play was
reached, the stage collapsed and Vicente Fontanilla who was at the rear of the

stage was pinned underneath. Fontanilla was taken to the San Carlos General
Hospital where he died in the afternoon of the following day.

The heirs of Vicente Fontanilla filed a complaint with the Court of First Instance of
Manila on September 11, 1959 to recover damages. Named party-defendants
were the Municipality of Malasiqui, the Municipal Council of Malasiqui and all the
individual members of the Municipal Council in 1959.
Answering the complaint defendant municipality invoked inter alia the principal
defense that as a legally and duly organized public corporation it performs
sovereign functions and the holding of a town fiesta was an exercise of its
governmental functions from which no liability can arise to answer for the
negligence of any of its agents.
The defendant councilors in turn maintained that they merely acted as agents of
the municipality in carrying out the municipal ordinance providing for the
management of the town fiesta celebration and as such they are likewise not
liable for damages as the undertaking was not one for profit; furthermore. they
had exercised due care and diligence in implementing the municipal ordinance. 2
After trial, the Presiding Judge, Hon. Gregorio T. Lantin, narrowed the issue to
whether or not the defendants exercised due diligence in the construction of the
stage. From his findings he arrived at the conclusion that the Executive
Committee appointed by the municipal council had exercised due diligence and
care like a good father of the family in selecting a competent man to construct a
stage strong enough for the occasion and that if it collapsed that was due to
forces beyond the control of the committee on entertainment, consequently, the
defendants were not liable for damages for the death of Vicente Fontanilla. The
complaint was accordingly dismissed in a decision dated July 10, 1962. 3
The Fontanillas appealed to the Court of Appeals. In a decision promulgated on
October 31, 1968, the Court of Appeals through its Fourth Division composed at
the time of Justices Salvador V. Esguerra, Nicasio A. Yatco and Eulogio S. Serrano
reversed the trial court's decision and ordered all the defendants-appellees to
pay jointly and severally the heirs of Vicente Fontanilla the sums of P12,000.00
by way of moral and actual damages: P1,200.00 as attorney's fees; and the
costs. 4
The case is now before Us on various assignments of errors all of which center on
the proposition stated at the opening sentence of this Opinion and which We
Is the celebration of a town fiesta an undertaking in the exercise of a
municipality's governmental or public function or is it of a private or proprietary
1. Under Philippine laws municipalities are political bodies corporate and as such
as endowed with the faculties of municipal corporations to be exercised by and

through their respective municipal governments in conformity with law, and in

their proper corporate name, they may, inter alia, sue and be sued, and contract
and be contracted with. 5
The powers of a municipality are twofold in character public, governmental, or
political on the one hand, and corporate, private, or proprietary on the other.
Governmental powers are those exercised by the corporation in administering
the powers of the state and promoting the public welfare and they include the
legislative, judicial, public, and political, Municipal powers on the other hand are
exercised for the special benefit and advantage of the community and include
those which are ministerial, private and corporate. 6
As to when a certain activity is governmental and when proprietary or private,
that is generally a difficult matter to determine. The evolution of the municipal
law in American Jurisprudence, for instance, has shown that none of the tests
which have evolved and are stated in textbooks have set down a conclusive
principle or rule, so that each case will have to be determined on the basis of
attending circumstances.
In McQuillin on Municipal Corporations, the rule is stated thus: "A municipal
corporation proper has . . . a public character as regards the state at large
insofar as it is its agent in government, and private (so-cases) insofar as it is to
promote local necessities and conveniences for its own community." 7
Another statement of the test is given in City of Kokomo v. Loy, decided by the
Supreme Court of Indiana in 1916, thus:
"Municipal corporations exist in a dual capacity, and their functions are twofold.
In one they exercise the right springing from sovereignty, and while in the
performance of the duties pertaining thereto, their acts are political and
governmental. Their officers and agents in such capacity, though elected or
appointed by them, are nevertheless public functionaries performing a public
service, and as such they are officers, agents, and servants of the state. In the
other capacity the municipalities exercise a private, proprietary or corporate
right, arising from their existence as legal persons and not as public agencies.
Their officers and agents in the performance of such functions act in behalf of
the municipalities in their corporate or individual capacity, and not for the state
or sovereign power." (112 N.E., 994-995)
In the early Philippine case of Mendoza v. de Leon, 1916, the Supreme Court,
through Justice Grant T. Trent, relying mainly on American Jurisprudence
classified certain activities of the municipality as governmental, e.g.: regulations
against fire, disease, preservation of public peace, maintenance of municipal
prisons, establishment of schools, post-offices, etc. while the following are
corporate or proprietary in character, viz: municipal waterwork, slaughterhouses,
markets, stables, bathing establishments, wharves, ferries, and fisheries. 8
Maintenance of parks, golf courses, cemeteries and airports among others, are
also recognized as municipal or city activities of a proprietary character. 9

2. This distinction of powers becomes important for purposes of determining the

liability of the municipality for the acts of its agents which result in an injury to
third persons.
If the injury is caused in the course of the performance of a governmental
function or duty no recovery, as a rule, can be had from the municipality unless
there is an existing statute on the matter, 10 nor from its officers, so long as
they performed their duties honestly and in good faith or that they did not act
wantonly and maliciously. 11 In Palafox, et al. v. Province of Ilocos Norte, et al.,
1958, a truck driver employed by the provincial government of Ilocos Norte ran
over Proceto Palafox in the course of his work at the construction of a road. The
Supreme Court in affirming the trial court's dismissal of the complaint for
damages held that the province could not be made liable because its employee
was in the performance of a governmental function the construction and
maintenance of roads and however tragic and deplorable it may be, the death of
Palafox imposed on the province no duty to pay monetary consideration. 12
With respect to proprietary functions, the settled rule is that a municipal
corporation can be held liable to third persons ex contractu 13 or ex delicto. 14

"Municipal corporations are subject to be sued upon contracts and in tort. . . .




"The rule of law is a general one, that the superior or employer must answer
civilly for the negligence or want of skill of its agent or servant in the course or
line of his employment, by which another, who is free from contributory fault, is
injured. Municipal corporations under the conditions herein stated, fall within the
operation of this rule of law, and are liable, accordingly, to civil actions for
damages when the requisite elements of liability coexist . . ." (Dillon on Municipal
Corporations, 5th ed. Secs, 1610, 1647, cited in Mendoza v. de Leon, supra, 514)
3. Coming to the case before Us, and applying the general tests given above, We
hold that the holding of the town fiesta in 1959 by the municipality of Malasiqui
Pangasinan, was an exercise of a private or proprietary function of the
Section 2282 of the Chapter on Municipal Law of the Revised Administrative
Code provides:
"Section 2282. Celebration of fiesta. A fiesta may be held in each municipality
not oftener than once a year upon a date fixed by the municipal council. A fiesta
shall not be held upon any other date than that lawfully fixed therefor, except
when, for weighty reasons, such as typhoons, inundations, earthquakes,
epidemics, or other public calamities, the fiesta cannot be held in the date fixed,
in which case it may be held at a later date in the same year, by resolution of the

This provision simply gives authority to the municipality to accelebrate a yearly

fiesta but it does not impose upon it a duty to observe one. Holding a fiesta even
if the purpose is to commemorate a religious or historical event of the town is in
essence an act for the special benefit of the community and not for the general
welfare of the public performed in pursuance of a policy of the state. The mere
fact that the celebration, as claimed, was not to secure profit or gain but merely
to provide entertainment to the town inhabitants is not a conclusive test. For
instance, the maintenance of parks is not a source of income for the town,
nonetheless it is private undertaking as distinguished from the maintenance of
public schools, jails, and the like which are for public service.
As stated earlier, there can be no hard and fast rule for purposes of determining
the true nature of an undertaking or function of a municipality; the surrounding
circumstances of a particular case are to be considered and will be decisive. The
basic element, however beneficial to the public the undertaking may be, is that it
is governmental in essence, otherwise, the function becomes private or
proprietary in character. Easily, no governmental or public policy of the state is
involved in the celebration of a town fiesta. 15
4. It follows that under the doctrine of respondent superior, petitionermunicipality is to be held liable for damages for the death of Vicente Fontanilla if
that was attributable to the negligence of the municipality's officers, employees,
or agents.
"Art. 2176, Civil Code: Whoever by act or omission causes damage to another,
there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done. . . ."

"Art. 2180. Civil Code: The obligation imposed by article 2176 is demandable not
only for one's own acts or omission, but also for those of persons for whom one is
responsible . . ."
On this point, the Court of Appeals found and held that there was negligence.
The trial court gave credence to the testimony of Angel Novado, a witness of the
defendants (now petitioners), that a member of the "extravaganza troupe"
removed two principal braces located on the front portion of the stage and used
them to hang the screen or "telon", and that when many people went up the
stage the latter collapsed. This testimony was not believed however by
respondent appellate court, and rightly so. According to said defendants, those
two braces were "mother" or "principal" braces located semi-diagonally from the
front ends of the stage to the front posts of the ticket booth located at the rear of
the stage and were fastened with a bamboo twine. 16 That being the case, it
becomes incredible that any person in his right mind would remove those
principal braces and leave the front portion of the stage practically unsupported.
Moreover, if that did happen, there was indeed negligence as there was lack of
supervision over the use of the stage to prevent such an occurrence.

At any rate, the guitarist who was pointed to by Novado as the person who
removed the two bamboo braces denied having done so. The Court of Appeals
said. "Amor by himself alone could not have removed the two braces which must
be about ten meters long and fastened them on top of the stage for the curtain.
The stage was only five and a half meters wide Surely, it would be impractical
and unwieldy to use a ten meter bamboo pole, much more two poles, for the
stage curtain." 17
The appellate court also found that the stage was not strong enough considering
that only P100.00 was appropriate for the construction of two stages and while
the floor of the "zarzuela" stage was of wooden planks, the posts and braces
used were of bamboo material. We likewise observe that although the stage was
described by the petitioners as being supported by "24" posts, nevertheless
there were only 4 in front, 4 at the rear, and 5 on each side. Where were the
The Court of Appeals thus concluded:
"The court a quo itself attributed the collapse of the stage to the great number of
onlookers who mounted the stage. The municipality and/or its agents had the
necessary means within its command to prevent such an occurrence. Having
failed to take the necessary steps to maintain the safety of the stage for the use
of the participants in the stage presentation prepared in connection with the
celebration of the town fiesta, particularly, in preventing nonparticipants or
spectators from mounting and accumulating on the stage which was not
constructed to meet the additional weight, the defendants-appellees were
negligent and are liable for the death of Vicente Fontanilla." (pp. 30-31, rollo, L29993)
The findings of the respondent appellate court that the facts as presented to it
establish negligence as a matter of law and that the Municipality failed to
exercise the due diligence of a good father of the family, will not disturbed by Us
in the absence of a clear showing of an abuse of discretion or a gross
misapprehension of facts. 18

Liability rests on negligence which is "the want of such care as a person of

ordinary prudence would exercise under the circumstances of the case." 19
Thus, private respondents argue that the "Midas Extravaganza" which was to be
performed during the town fiesta was a "donation" offered by an association of
Malasiqui employees of the Manila Railroad Co. in Caloocan, and that when the
Municipality of Malasiqui accepted the donation of services and constructed
precisely a "zarzuela stage" for the purpose, the participants in the stage show
had the right to expect that the Municipality through its "Committee on
entertainment and stage" would build or put up a stage or platform strong
enough to sustain the weight or burden of the performance and take the

necessary measures to insure the personal safety of the participants. 20 We

Quite relevant to that argument is the American case of Sanders v. City of Long
Beach, 1942, which was an action against the city for injuries sustained from a
fall when plaintiff was descending the steps of the city auditorium. The city was
conducting a "Know your City Week" and one of the features was the showing of
a motion picture in the city auditorium to which the general public was invited
and plaintiff Sanders was one of those who attended. In sustaining the award for
damages in favor of plaintiff, the District Court of Appeal, Second district,
California, held inter alia that the "Know your City Week" was a "proprietary
activity" and not a "governmental one" of the city, that defendant owed to
plaintiff, an "invitee", the duty of exercising ordinary care for her safety, and
plaintiff was entitled to assume that she would not be exposed to a danger
(which in this case consisted of lack of sufficient illumination of the premises)
that would come to her through a violation of defendant's duty. 21
We can say that the deceased Vicente Fontanilla was similarly situated as
Sanders. The Municipality of Malasiqui resolved to celebrate the town fiesta in
January of 1959; it created a committee in charge of the entertainment and
stage; an association of Malasiqui residents responded to the call for the
festivities and volunteered to present a stage show; Vicente Fontanilla was one
of the participants who like Sanders had the right to expect that he would be
exposed to danger on that occasion.
Lastly, petitioner or appellant Municipality cannot evade responsibility and/or
liability under the claim that it was Jose Macaraeg who constructed the stage.
The municipality acting through its municipal council appointed Macaraeg as
chairman of the sub-committee on entertainment and in charge of the
construction of the "zarzuela" stage. Macaraeg acted merely as an agent of the
Municipality. Under the doctrine of respondent superior mentioned earlier,
petitioner is responsible or liable for the negligence of its agent acting within his
assigned tasks. 22
". . . when it is sought to render a municipal corporation liable for the act of
servants or agents, a cardinal inquiry is, whether they are the servants or agents
of the corporation. If the corporation appoints or elects them, can control them in
the discharge of their duties, can continue or remove them, can hold them
responsible for the manner in which they discharge their trust, and if those
duties relate to the exercise of corporate powers, and are for the peculiar benefit
of the corporation in its local or special interest, they may justly be regarded as
its agents or servants, and the maxim of respondent superior applies." . . . (Dillon
on Municipal Corporations, 5th Ed., Vol. IV, p. 2879)

5. The remaining question to be resolved centers on the liability of the municipal

councilors who enacted the ordinance and created the fiesta committee.

The Court of Appeals held the councilors jointly and solidarily liable with the
municipality for damages under Article 27 of the Civil Code which provides that
"any person suffering material or moral loss because a public servant or
employee refuses or neglects, without just cause, to perform his official duty may
file an action for damages and other relief against the latter." 23
In their Petition for review the municipal councilors allege that the Court of
Appeals erred in ruling that the holding of a town fiesta is not a governmental
function and that there was negligence on their part for not maintaining and
supervising the safe use of the stage, in applying Article 27 of the Civil Code
against them, and in not holding Jose Macaraeg liable for the collapse of the
stage and the consequent death of Vicente Fontanilla. 24
We agree with petitioners that the Court of Appeals erred in applying Article 27
of the Civil Code against them, for this particular article covers a case of nonfeasance or non-performance by a public officer of his official duty; it does not
apply to a case of negligence or misfeasance in carrying out an official duty.
If We are led to set aside the decision of the Court of Appeals insofar as these
petitioners are concerned, it is because of plain error committed by respondent
court which however is not invoked in petitioners' brief.
In Miguel v. The Court of Appeals, et al., the Court, through Justice, now Chief
Justice, Fred Ruiz Castro, held that the Supreme Court is vested with ample
authority to review matters not assigned as errors in an appeal if it finds that
their consideration and resolution are indispensable or necessary in arriving at a
just decision in a given case, and that this is authorized under Sec. 7, Rule 51 of
the Rules of Court. 25 We believe that this pronouncement can well be applied in
the instant case.
The Court of Appeals in its decision now under review held that the celebration of
a town fiesta by the Municipality of Malasiqui was not a governmental function.
We upheld that ruling. The legal consequence thereof is that the Municipality
stands on the same footing as an ordinary private corporation with the municipal
council acting as its board of directors. It is an elementary principle that a
corporation has a personality, separate and distinct from its officers, directors, or
persons composing it 26 and the latter are not as a rule co-responsible in an
action for damages for tort or negligence (culpa aquiliana) committed by the
corporation's employees or agents unless there is a showing of bad faith or gross
or wanton negligence on their part. 27



"The ordinary doctrine is that a Director, merely by reason of his office, is not
personally liable for the torts of his corporation; he must be shown to have
personally voted for or otherwise participated in them." . . . (Fletcher Cyclopedia
Corporations, Vol. 3A, Chapt. 11, p. 207)

"Officers of a corporation 'are not held liable for the negligence of the
corporation merely because of their official relation to it, but because of some
wrongful or negligent act by such officer amounting to a breach of duty which
resulted in an injury . . . To make an officer of a corporation liable for the
negligence of the corporation there must have been upon his part such a breach
of duty as contributed to, or helped to bring about, the injury; that is to say, he
must be a participant in the wrongful act." . . . (pp. 207-208, ibid.)



"Directors who merely employ one to give n fireworks exhibition on the corporate
grounds are not personally liable for the negligent acts of the exhibitor." (p. 211,
On these principles We absolve the municipal councilors from any liability for the
death of Vicente Fontanilla. The records do not show that said petitioners directly
participated in the defective construction of the "zarzuela" stage or that they
personally permitted spectators to go up the platform.
6. One last point We have to resolve is on the award of attorney's fees by
respondent court. Petitioner-municipality assails the award.
Under paragraph 11, Art. 2208 of the Civil Code attorney's fees and expenses of
litigation may be granted when the court deems it just and equitable. In this case
of Vicente Fontanilla, although respondent appellate court failed to state the
grounds for awarding attorney's fees, the records show however that attempts
were made by plaintiffs, now private respondents, to secure an extrajudicial
compensation from the municipality; that the latter gave promises and
assurances of assistance but failed to comply; and it was only eight months after
the incident that the bereaved family of Vicente Fontanilla was compelled to seek
relief from the courts to ventilate what was believed to be a just cause. 28
We hold, therefore, that there is no error committed in the grant of attorney's
fees which after all is a matter of judicial discretion. The amount of P1,200.00 is
fair and reasonable.
PREMISES CONSIDERED, We AFFIRM in toto the decision of the Court of Appeals
insofar as the Municipality of Malasiqui is concerned (L-30183), and We absolve
the municipal councilors from liability and SET ASIDE the judgment against them
Without pronouncement as to costs.

Teehankee (Chairman), Makasiar, Fernandez, and Guerrero, JJ., concur.


1. pp. 3-4 of Petitioner's brief

2. pp. 35-37, rollo L-29993.
3. pp. 42-44, ibid.
4. pp. 21-31, ibid.
5. Sec. 2125, Art. 1, Municipal Law as embodied in the Revised Administrative
6. Mendoza v. de Leon, 33 Phil. 508; 56 Am Jur 2d 254, sec. 199; Martin on the
Revised Administrative Code, 1963 ed,, pp. 482-483, citing Cooley's Municipal
Corporation, pp. 136-137.
7. 2nd Ed. Vol. 1, Sec. 126, p. 381, cited in Dept. of Treasury v. City of
Evansville, Sup. Ct. of Indiana, 60 N.E 2nd 952, 954.
8. supra, p. 509.
9. Dept. of Treasury v. City of Evansville. supra, p. 956.
10. For instance, Art. 2189, Civil Code provides

"Art. 2189. Provinces, cities and municipalities shall be liable for damages for the
death of, or injuries suffered by, any person by reason of the defective condition
of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and other public works under their
control or supervision."

11. Mendoza v. de Leon, supra, p. 513. In Palma v. Graciano, the City of Cebu, et
al., 99 Phil. 72, the Court held that although the prosecution of crimes is a
governmental function and as a rule the province and City of Cebu are not civilly
liable by reason thereof, nonetheless when a public official goes beyond the
scope of his duty, particularly when acting tortiously, he is not entitled to
protection on account of his office but is liable for his acts like any private
12. L-10659, January 31, 1958, Unrep., 102 Phil. 1186.
13. Municipality of Paoay, Ilocos Norte v. Manaois, et al., 86 Phil. 629;
Municipality of Moncada v. Cajuigan, et al., 21 Phil. 184.
14. Mendoza v. de Leon, supra, p. 513.

15. We came across an interesting case which shows that surrounding

circumstances plus the political, social, and cultural backgrounds may have a
decisive bearing on this question. The case of Pope v. City of New Haven, et al.,
was an action to recover damages for personal injuries caused during a Fourth of
July fireworks display resulting in the death of a bystander alleged to have been
caused by defendants' negligence. The defendants demurred to the complaint
invoking the defense that the city was engaged in the performance of a public
governmental duty from which it received no pecuniary benefit and for
negligence in the performance of which no statutory liability is imposed. This
demurrer was sustained by the Superior Court of New Haven Country. Plaintiff
sought to amend his complaint to allege that the celebration was for the
corporate advantage of the city. This was denied. In affirming the order, the
Supreme Court of Errors of Connecticut held inter alia:

"Municipal corporations are exempt from liability for the negligent performance
of purely public governmental duties, unless made liable by statute . . .

"A municipal corporation, which under permissive authority of its charter or of

statute, conducted a public Fourth of July celebration, including a display of
fireworks, and sent up a bomb intended to explode in the air, but which failed to
explode until it reached the ground, and then killed a spectator was engaged in
the performance of a governmental duty." (99 A.R. 51)

This decision was concurred in by three Judges while two dissented.

At any rate the rationale of the Majority Opinion is evident from this excerpt:

"July 4th, or, when that date falls upon Sunday, July 5th, is made a public holiday,
called Independence Day, by our statutes. All or nearly all of the other states
have similar statutes. While there is no United States statute making a similar
provision, the different departments of the government recognize, and have
recognized since the government was established, July 4th as a national holiday.
Throughout the country it has been recognized and celebrated as such. These
celebrations, calculated to entertain and instruct the people generally and to
arouse and stimulate patriotic sentiments and love of country, frequently take
the form of literary exercises consisting of patriotic speeches and the reading of
the Constitution, accompanied by a musical program including patriotic airs,
sometimes preceded by the firing of cannon and followed by fireworks. That such
celebrations are of advantage to the general public and their promotion a proper
subject of legislation can hardly be questioned . . ." (ibid., p. 52)

16. See page 8 of Court of Appeals decision, p. 28 rollo L-29993.

17. p. 29, ibid.
18. De Gala-Sison v. Manalo, 8 SCRA 595; Ramos v. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co, 19
SCRA 289; Tan v. Court of Appeals, et al., 20 SCRA 54; Chan v. Court of Appeals,
et al., 33 SCRA 737, among others.
19. 19 Cal. Jur., p. 543; Corliss v. Manila Railroad Co., 27 SCRA 674.
20. Respondents' brief, p. 70, rollo L-29993.
21. 129 P. 2d 511, 514.
22. See page 8 of this Decision for quotation from Dillon on Municipal
23. p. 31, rollo L-29993
24. pp. 1-3, petitioners' brief
25. 29 SCRA 760
26. Banque General Belge, et al. v. Walter Bull & Co., Inc. and Walter Bull, 47 Off.
Gaz., No. 1, 140
27. See Mindanao Motor Line, Inc. et al. v. Court of Industrial Relations, et al., 6
SCRA 710
28. pp. 34, 72-73, rollo L-29993.

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