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heading=Part II English - 300E&qname=300e

Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science

(Autonomous, affiliated to the Bharathiar University, recognized by the UGC)Reaccredited at the 'A' Grade Level by the NAAC and ISO 9001:2008 Certified CRISL rated 'A' (TN) for MBA and MIB Programmes Part II English - 300E Multiple Choice Questions. 1. 1. The temple of kali is in ________ A. Calcutta B. Mumbai C. Chennai D. Agra ANSWER: A 2. Jai Kali refers to__________ A. Energy B. Victory C. Happiness D. Cowardliness ANSWER: B 3. A portion of meat is first offered to _____________ A. A Man B. A Girl C. A Child D. Black faced idol. ANSWER: D 4. Kali is the goddess of _________ A. Protection B. Destruction C. Production D. Construction. ANSWER: B 5. Today the city is crammed with _______ million inhabitants. A. 9 B. 6 C. 2 D. 7 ANSWER: D 6. The temple was built alongside the bank of__________

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A. The Ganges B. The Sindh C. The Cauveri D. The Sutlej ANSWER: A 7. In________________ year the corporation handed the temple to Mother Teresa A. 1947 B. 1963 C. 1987 D. 1952 ANSWER: D 8. _______ is best remembered for his war sonnets and the poem "old vicarage grantchester" A. Rupert Brooke B. Robert Browning C. Rabindranath Tagore D. W.B.Yeats ANSWER: A 9. Menelaus is_________ to Helen. A. brother B. uncle C. father D. husband ANSWER: D 10. the poem "Menelaus and Helen" consists of _____sections. A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 4 ANSWER: C 11. Who wrote the poem Menelaus and Helen? A. Robert Browning B. . Tagore C. Rupert Brooke D. W.B.Yeats ANSWER: C 12. The reunion of Menelaus and Helen happened after_______years. A. 15 B. 10 C. 30 D. 5 ANSWER: B

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13. In the following phrase 'scamander side' refers to__________. A. river Menderes B. king C. tree D. palace ANSWER: A 14. Menelaus was the king of_____ A. Troy B. Sparta C. Milas D. Dinar ANSWER: B 15. Incident of the French Camp is written by ____________ A. Robert Browning B. John Keats C. Oliver Goldsmith D. William Shakespeare ANSWER: A 16. The French Stormed_________ fort. A. Madrid B. Ratisbon C. Yanina D. Red ANSWER: B 17. The name of the French Emperor was ______ A. Napoleon B. John C. Marshall D. Lannes ANSWER: A 18. Napoleon stood on a _____ on the day of storming A. Mountain B. Mound C. Hill D. Rock ANSWER: B 19. The name of the French Army leader was _________ A. Robert B. Lannes C. John D. Napoleon ANSWER: B
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20. Complete the line: ________ is in the market. A. The Army Chief B. The King C. The Marshall D. The Captain ANSWER: B 21. Robert Browning was a _____________ poet. A. Victorian B. Middle C. Beginning D. Modern ANSWER: A 22. I am ______ sir, And his chief beside, smiling the _____fell dead. A. Happy girl B. Wounded girl C. Killed boy D. Sad man ANSWER: C 23. You are ____________ I 'Nay', his soldier's pride. A. Fresh B. Alright C. Sad D. Wounded ANSWER: D 24. The Incident of The French Camp is a ______ poem. A. Religious B. Spirited C. Comical D. Humorous ANSWER: B 25. The poem Gitanjali is written by __________. A. William Wordsworth B. Sarojini Naidu C. Rabindranath Tagore D. Robert Browning ANSWER: C 26. The subject of Gitanjali is__________ A. Devotion to God B. Human relationship C. Worldly pleasures D. Sins
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ANSWER: A 27. __________ won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913. A. Robert Browning B. W. B. Yeats C. Mother Teresa D. Rabindranath Tagore ANSWER: D 28. _______________ is famous for his selfless patriotism. A. Rupert Brooke B. Robert Browning C. Tagore D. W. B. Yeats ANSWER: A 29. The term connubial means___________. A. marriage B. carnival C. party D. programme ANSWER: A 30. Tagore had a very deep religious caste of mind and profound____________. A. Intelligence B. Sarcasm C. Spiritualism D. Humanism ANSWER: D 31. Where the knowledge is not restricted by narrow ideas and ______________ A. Truth B. Loyalties C. Humanities D. Knowledge ANSWER: B 32. Incident on the French Camp is a ___________ poem. A. Objective B. Subjective C. Spiritual D. Ironic ANSWER: B 33. During the attack of French army on Ratisbon, _______________ was much worried about the result. A. Mrs Orr B. Ratisbon C. Napoleon
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D. Lannes ANSWER: C 34. The incident reported in the French Camp poem happened in ________ A. 1805 B. 1708 C. 1908 D. 1809 ANSWER: D 35. Lannes in the French camp is the duke of ___________ A. Montebello B. Regensburg C. Canterburry D. Dnube ANSWER: A 36. The incident related in the poem is said by__________ A. Napoleon B. Mrs. Orr C. Lannes D. Ratisbon ANSWER: B 37. Ratisbon hoisted the flag of France on __________________ in pride. A. Napoleon B. Lannes C. Ratisbon D. Orr ANSWER: A 38. The poem Incident of the French Camp is in ______________ version. A. Dialogic B. Poetic C. Dramatic D. Fictional ANSWER: C 39. In May ___________ Kiran Bedi was awarded an honorary Doctorate by the university of New York. A. 2011 B. 2003 C. 2005 D. 2006 ANSWER: C 40. When Kiran Bedi was in the post of IG (prison), who invited her and expressed her desire to meet her? A. Mother Teresa B. Indira Gandhi
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C. Aishwarya Rai D. Parmesh Dangwal ANSWER: A 41. Kiran Bedi received the 1994 _____________ Award for Government service. A. Oscar B. Bharatha Ratna C. Crane Bedi D. Ramon Magsaysay ANSWER: D 42. Kiran Bedi received the 1994 ___________award for Government service. A. Oscar B. Bharath Ratna C. Kiran Bedi D. Ramon Magsaysay ANSWER: D 43. NCB stands for __________ control board. A. Narcotic B. Natural C. News D. National ANSWER: A 44. On 4 November 1993, the Vipasana Sadhana Sansthan established contact with the Tihar IG and offered a course a particular science relating to _____________. A. health science B. natural science C. physical education D. meditation ANSWER: D 45. In the year 1994, over thousand male prisoners and _____________ women prisoners separately undertook the Vipasana course. A. sixty B. ten C. fifty D. eighty ANSWER: A 46. The opportunity to prove herself came when Kiran was posted as _________________ A. DCP B. IG (prison) C. NCC Commander D. Sub divisional police officer ANSWER: B

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47. The concept of NAVJYOTI was born in June _____________ . A. 1986 B. 1985 C. 1980 D. 1987 ANSWER: A 48. In the year 1986 ___________ was the only one center in Delhi for the treatment of drug abusers. A. Ashian B. Ashiana C. Asian D. Asha ANSWER: B 49. In the year _____________ Kiran Bedi took over charge as Deputy Director of the NCB A. 1987 B. 1985 C. 1984 D. 1988 ANSWER: D 50. The exposition of _________ body used to be a momentous occation for the chairman community of India. A. ST.Xavier's B. St. Thomas C. St.George D. St. Paul ANSWER: A 51. During her academic years, Kiran Bedi was seriously and vigorously pursuing _____________ A. Throw ball B. Tennis C. Foot ball D. volley ball ANSWER: B 52. When Kiran was joined the government college for women at Amritsar the political science course and________________ influenced her the most. A. NCC B. Tennis C. NCC Uniform D. Professors ANSWER: A 53. When she was serving as DCP She earned the sobriquet___________________ A. Darling of media B. Crane Bedi C. Queen Bedi
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D. Iron Bedi ANSWER: B 54. _______________ is an American archaeologist and historian. A. Parmesh Dangwal B. Dorothy King C. Kushwanth Singh D. Rupert Brooke ANSWER: B 55. Who murdered Araham Lincoln ? A. George Wilkes Booth B. Thomas Wilkes Booth C. John Wilkes Booth D. Anton Wilkes Booth ANSWER: C 56. ____________ is one of the chief subjects of Lincol's thoughts. A. Corruption B. Law C. Bravery D. Slavery ANSWER: D 57. Abraham Lincoln was born in the state of Kentucky in __________________ A. 1808 B. 1806 C. 1809 D. 1805 ANSWER: C 58. People were affectionately called Abraham Lincoln _________ A. Honest Abe B. Truthful Abe C. Fortunate Abe D. Lovable Abe ANSWER: A 59. In the temple courtyard there is a _____________ wooden post. A. W-shaped B. X-shaped C. Y-shaped D. Z-shaped ANSWER: C 60. Kalighata was mispronounced as ______________ A. Kolkata B. Calcutta
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C. Calicut D. Kolgonda ANSWER: B 61. ______________Brahmin priests were attached to the temple. A. Four Hundred B. Two Hundred C. Six Hundred D. Three Hundred ANSWER: A 62. ________________ are the favourite food of the Goddess Kali. A. Fruits B. Sweets C. Vegetables D. Flesh and Blood ANSWER: D 63. Bhogoban Acchen means ______________ A. Soul is God B. There is God C. God is powerful D. God is superior ANSWER: B 64. Mr. Mukherjee asked the story keeper to deliver ____________ tins of biscuits to Mother Teresa. A. 20 B. 50 C. 30 D. 40 ANSWER: D 65. The people of ____________ cherish Teresa more than any other Indian A. Calcutta B. Kolgonda C. Calicut D. Cochin ANSWER: A 66. There is an image of ________________ above the entrance of Nirmal Hridaya with a dim light that burns at all hours A. Jesus Christ B. Virgin C. Mother Teresa D. Flower ANSWER: B 67. Dr. Roy paid Teresa handsome money on his ___________ birthday.
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A. 50TH B. 75TH C. 60TH D. 80TH ANSWER: D 68. Dr. B. C Roy was the Chief Minister of _______________ A. Assam B. Andhra Pradesh C. Bengal D. Madhya Pradesh ANSWER: C 69. Mother Teresa was born in_______________ A. 1910 B. 1890 C. 1920 D. 1980 ANSWER: A 70. Teresa's missionary activity began at the age of ____________ A. 15 B. 10 C. 18 D. 12 ANSWER: D 71. Teresa returned from Dublin as a ______________ A. Lawyer B. Geography Teacher C. English Teacher D. Doctor ANSWER: B 72. Teresa described September 10th as _________________ A. Inspiration Day B. Auspicious Day C. Sisters Day D. Charity Day ANSWER: A 73. The Missionaries of Charity was instituted in ______________ A. Calicut B. Chandigarh C. Calcutta D. Dublin ANSWER: C

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74. ______________ spread a pall of gloom in the dimly lit of dormitories A. Light B. Humour C. Death D. Darkness ANSWER: C 75. The personality of Mother Teresa was written by ____________ A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Rabindranath Tagore C. Krishna Kripalani D. Kushwant Singh ANSWER: D 76. Fest houses for _____________ built in the vicinity of the temple are full. A. Women B. Pilgrims C. Men D. Guests ANSWER: B 77. ___________ years the priest served Goddess Kali in the temple. A. 25 B. 20 C. 35 D. 30 ANSWER: D 78. Only _____________ can take the Home for Dying Destitute in their stride. A. Stout-hearted B. Women C. Men D. Pilgrims ANSWER: A 79. _____________ gave Teresa his blessings. A. Mahatma Gandhi B. Rabindranath Tagore C. Jawaharlal Nehru D. The Pope ANSWER: D 80. Foreign missionaries have earned a bad name among the Hindus for their ________________ A. Invasion B. Proselytisation C. Discoveries D. Inventions ANSWER: B
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81. One of the most ardent admirers of Teresa was ___________________ A. Jyoti Mukherjee B. The Manager C. Dr. B. C. Roy D. The Commissionar of Police ANSWER: C 82. ______________ is the champion of the poor A. Kiran Bedi B. Mother Teresa C. Abraham Lincoln D. Malcolm ANSWER: B 83. The Incident of the French Camp is a___________ A. Poem B. Play C. Prose D. Fiction ANSWER: A 84. Who is Piram? A. Helen's father B. Helen's uncle C. King of Troy D. King of Sparta ANSWER: C 85. Helen is _________________ . A. Servant B. Princess C. Queen D. Dutchess ANSWER: C 86. Nirmal Hridaya denotes _____________ A. Sacred Heart B. Sanctified Food C. Dharmasala D. Victory ANSWER: A 87. Abraham's mother died when he was ___________ years old. A. 10 B. 7 C. 9 D. 5
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ANSWER: C 88. ____________ took the positions like manager of a book shop, postmaster, lawyer and president. A. Kiran Bedi B. Abraham Lincoln C. Mother Teresa D. Tagore ANSWER: B 89. Temple of Kali is in ____________ A. Calcutta B. Agra C. Chandigarh D. Cochin ANSWER: A 90. God had used __________________ as His instrument to help the needy. A. Jyoti Mukherjee B. Mother Teresa C. Sarojini Naidu D. Dr. Roy ANSWER: B 91. Menelaus and Helen is written the form____________________ A. Ballad B. Sonnet C. Dramatic monologue D. Lyric ANSWER: B 92. The poem, Menelaus and Helen deals with _______________ A. Myth B. Sprituality C. Tradition D. Love ANSWER: A 93. Kushwant Singh is a well-known _______________ novelist and journalist. A. American B. Indo-Anglian C. Canadian D. French ANSWER: B 94. Rabindranath Tagore is a ________________ writer. A. Gujarati B. English C. Bengali
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D. Urudu ANSWER: C 95. In the French Camp ____________ appeared from the closed smoke and dust. A. Rider B. Napoleon C. Ratisbon D. Roy ANSWER: A 96. Ratisbon has endured _________ sieges since the tenth century A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 18 ANSWER: C 97. The poem Incident of French Camp consists of _________ lines of regular rhythm. A. 35 B. 40 C. 45 D. 14 ANSWER: A 98. Who has viewed the role of the police as being primarily one of prevention of crime and criminality? A. Kushwant singh B. Kiran Bedi C. Abraham Lincoln D. Mother Teresa ANSWER: B 99. Browning describes the heroic action of a _________________ A. Warrior B. King C. Wounded Soldier D. Queen ANSWER: C 100. _____________ were defending Ratisbon with great determination and coverage A. French B. Germans C. Lannes and Napoleon D. Napoleon and his soldiers ANSWER: B 101. Ratisbon belongs to ___________ . A. Germany B. Italy
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C. France D. Greece ANSWER: A 102. ___________________ was awarded the prestigious title of Bharat Ratna and the Nobel Peace Prize. A. Tagore B. Kiran Bedi C. Robert Browning D. Mother Teresa ANSWER: D 103. Kiran adored and respected her ________________. A. NC B. NCC Uniform C. Tennis D. Political Science ANSWER: C 104. Gitanjali is called as _______________ A. Epic B. Lyric C. Ballad D. Song Offerings ANSWER: D 105. Tagore died in ___________ A. 1945 B. 1941 C. 1947 D. 1963 ANSWER: B 106. Tagore was sent to England for school education at the age of _________ A. 18 B. 15 C. 17 D. 12 ANSWER: C 107. Tagore started an experimental school at __________________ A. Shantiniketan B. Udhagamandalam C. Stratford D. Cambridge ANSWER: A 108. Mother Teresa was born in ________________ A. England
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B. America C. Yugoslavia D. Norway ANSWER: C 109. Kiran Bedi was born in _____________ A. 1989 B. 1969 C. 1949 D. 1890 ANSWER: C 110. The poem Incident of the French Camp is a ___________. A. Lyrical B. Realistic C. Poetic D. Harmonious ANSWER: B 111. Khushwant Singh capitalizes the personality of ______________ A. Mother Teresa B. Mahatma Gandhi C. Helen Keller D. Rabindranath Tagore ANSWER: A 112. Mind without fear is a poem about ______________ A. Flower B. The Almighty C. The King D. Bird ANSWER: B 113. Abraham Lincoln was __________ slavery and Douglas supported slavery A. affliated B. against C. afflicted D. associated ANSWER: B 114. Kiran Bedi was born in ______________ A. Amritsar B. Delhi C. Goa D. Peshawar ANSWER: D 115. ____________ is considered to be the patron goddess of Bengal.
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A. Kali B. Lord Muruga C. Budha D. Siva ANSWER: A 116. ____________ through their mispronunciation changed Kali-ghata into Calcutta A. American B. Indian C. British D. France ANSWER: C 117. ____________ taught Kiran Bedi the value of hard work and perseverance and how it is important to be both mentally and physically strong. A. NCC B. Tennis C. Political science D. Meditation ANSWER: B 118. _________ was tall, odd figure of keen-minded, eager and startlingly clever lawyer A. Abraham Lincoln B. mother teresa C. Kiran Bedi D. Parmesh Dangwal ANSWER: A 119. On 23 April 1915, the day of St.George and Shakespeare's birthday__________ died at Scyros. A. Robert Browning B. Rupert Brooke C. Tagore D. W.B.Yeats ANSWER: B 120. According to Rabindranath Tagore____________rule had robbed India of its Pride and dignity A. government B. strict C. narrow D. British ANSWER: D 121. Gitanjali explains that people would work for____________ in the clear light A. money B. perfections C. development D. wealth ANSWER: B
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122. Tagore sketches a ____________ picture of the nation. A. moving B. clear C. bright D. successiv ANSWER: A 123. According to Gitanjali the word of truth comes from depths of the ______________. A. language B. mind C. heart D. thought ANSWER: C 124. Browning paints the picture of an ____________of the French Camp A. officer B. incident C. idea D. orphan ANSWER: B 125. Who had got attacked in the French army_______________. A. Gandhiji B. Netaji C. Ratisbon D. Napoleon ANSWER: C 126. Colonel Ray Johnson was the member of Indian ______________Service. A. Military B. Medical C. Missile D. Marine ANSWER: B 127. Ray Johnson was posted as District Medical Officer in ___________ A. Salem B. Madras C. Delhi D. Calcutta ANSWER: A 128. ________are Ray Johnson's friends whom he meets in evenings A. Officials B. Patients C. Trees D. Reporters
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ANSWER: C 129. The doctor usually ___________to the trees. A. Fells B. Talks C. Prunes D. Crops ANSWER: B 130. The tree has been growing there for___________years A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50 ANSWER: C 131. ____________and Humanity call for the free expression of one's resentment. A. Culture B. Civilisation C. Tradition D. Discipline ANSWER: B 132. Colonel Ray Johnsons son died in the _____________campaign A. Japanese B. Burma C. Russia D. China ANSWER: B 133. Which of the following trees was felled?__________ A. Banyan B. Pipal C. Asoka D. Teak ANSWER: B 134. The spirit of the tree was__________ A. Speaking B. Walking C. Crying D. Singing ANSWER: D 135. The tree was __________sapling once upon a time A. Pipal B. Ashwatha C. Neem
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D. None of the above ANSWER: B 136. C.Rajagopalacharis letter appeared in __________mail. A. Calcutta B. Bombay C. Madras D. Delhi ANSWER: C 137. Who deported to Mandalay?________ A. Gandhiji B. Nehruji C. Lala Lajpat Rai D. None of the above ANSWER: C 138. __________ was the issue, C.Rajagopalachari brought out in his letter. A. Politics B. Election C. Felling trees D. Independence ANSWER: C 139. Rjagopalachari was constantly discouraged by_________ of the Bar Association A. Members B. Secretary C. President D. Vice president ANSWER: C 140. C.Rajagoplachari was a renowed statesman as well as a man of___________. A. Words B. Actions C. Letters D. None of the above ANSWER: C 141. C.Rajagoplachari interpreted the Indian Epics in simple_________. A. Hindi B. Tamil C. Bengali D. Telugu ANSWER: B 142. Fritz Karinthy began his literary career in__________ A. 1908 B. 1907
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C. 1910 D. 1912 ANSWER: B 143. Journey Round My Skull is Fritz Karinthys_________ A. Drama B. Parody C. Autobiographical novel D. Poem ANSWER: C 144. In the play, The Refund, the principal receives the parents only during _________ A. Office hours B. Break hours C. Weekends D. All time ANSWER: A 145. According to the servant in the play, The Refund, Wasserkopf appeared _______ A. Dull B. Intelligent C. School Inspector D. Beggar ANSWER: B 146. You have to raise your voice a little when talking to him. He's a little hard of hearing A. stubborn B. quiet when he speaks C. deaf D. distracted ANSWER: C 147. I went to a real nice restaurant yesterday. The food cost was cheap and they served a lot of food. I had to ask for a doggy bag because I couldn't eat the whole thing. A. package to store left over food so the person can take it home B. dog bowl so you can give the rest of the food to your dog C. special order where you get smaller meal sizes D. kid's meal ANSWER: A 148. Fabian was a doormat. No wonder his classmates were always giving him a hard time A. snob B. geek C. coward D. chubby boy ANSWER: C 149. So, is everything plain as a pikestaff? Oh, yes indeed sir!
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A. clean B. clear C. messy D. in position ANSWER: B 150. We are having a pot-luck dinner at Tim's house tomorrow. Everybody is invited! A. dinner where everybody brings something to eat B. dinner where everybody chips in C. dinner where only soup is served D. dinner where people eat and play games at the same time ANSWER: A 151. I need everybody's help. The wedding is tomorrow and we haven't even started with the decorations yet. We have no time to lose. A. been procrastinating B. to remember what time it is C. extra time D. to start right now ANSWER: D 152. Just keep your wig on. Everything is going to be alright, okay? A. hold your wig so it won't fall off B. get another hair cut C. calm down D. throw a fit ANSWER: C 153. Kyle was saved by the bell when his sister walked in and asked him to take her to ballet practice. A. rescued from an unwanted situations B. detained from his duty C. obligated to comply D. obliged to cooperate ANSWER: A 154. I would stay away from that guy if I were you, he has a screw loose. A. is dangerous B. is annoying C. is a flirt D. is crazy ANSWER: D 155. We sat as he narrated the stories of his adventures. A. All eyes B. All ears C. Eager D. All ear ANSWER: B
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156. Since her husband is she feels quite lost. A. Any more B. No more C. Above board D. None of these ANSWER: B 157. I find their movements suspicious: they are - something. A. Into B. Up to C. Off to D. Bend on ANSWER: B 158. They own a posh house and a luxurious car. They must be A. Well on B. Well after C. We off D. Well of ANSWER: D 159. In the desert a glass of water is A. Worth its weight in gold B. More precious than gold C. Worth gold D. Worth having ANSWER: A 160. The mule is a A. Animal of burden B. Beast of burden C. Animal of use D. Beast of the jungle ANSWER: B 161. Come to the point. Dont -the bush. A. Beat on B. Beat about C. Walk about D. Walk around ANSWER: B 162. Dont expect me to be at your - all the time. A. Beck B. Beck and call C. Disposal D. Calling
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ANSWER: B 163. Stardom is no A. Bed of flowers B. Bed of lotus C. Bed of roses D. Bed of lilies ANSWER: C 164. He is hell becoming a film star. A. Bent on B. Bend on C. Bent at D. Bent in ANSWER: A 165. The hunter __________ till the deer came out of the bush. A. Bade his time B. Bade his fortune C. Bade his fate D. Bade his circumstances ANSWER: A 166. As we looked down from the aeroplane we got a ____________of the city. A. Bird's view B. Eagle's view C. Bird's eye view D. Camel's eye view ANSWER: C 167. Birds of a ____________flock together. A. Wing B. Feather C. Color D. Kind ANSWER: B 168. He is the _____________ of his Family. A. Black cat B. Black dog C. Black wolf D. Black sheep ANSWER: A 169. The indulgent mother is ____________ the shortcomings of her son. A. Blind to B. Blind in C. Blind at
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D. Blind of ANSWER: A 170. The work ____________ by me. A. Has completed B. Has been completed C. Have been completed D. Have completed ANSWER: B 171. My pen ____________ by somebody yesterday. A. Has stolen B. Has been stolen C. Was stolen D. Stolen ANSWER: C 172. The patient is ___________ after by the nurse. A. Looked B. Being looked C. Looking D. Been looked ANSWER: B 173. The sparrows ________________ by the old woman. A. Were being fed B. Have been feeding C. Were feeding D. Has been feeding ANSWER: A 174. The committee _______________ an unrealistic policy. A. Has adopted B. Has been adopted C. Was adopted D. Is adopted ANSWER: A 175. Let the door_________________ A. Be opened B. Been opened C. Is opened D. Was opened ANSWER: A 176. The thief _____________ red handed by the policeman. A. Is catching B. Caught
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C. Had caught D. Was caught ANSWER: D 177. She had ____________ her work before sunset. A. Been finishing B. Been finished C. Finished D. Finishing ANSWER: C 178. His behavior ________________ me. A. Was surprised B. Surprising C. Surprised D. Was being surprised ANSWER: C 179. The field _______________ by the farmers. A. Is being ploughed B. Has being ploughed C. Has ploughed D. Had ploughed ANSWER: A 180. This book ______________ by John. A. Was brought B. Was bringing C. Brought D. Has brought ANSWER: A 181. Let this rubbish _____________ away A. Be thrown B. Is thrown C. Was thrown D. Has thrown ANSWER: A 182. Your failures ______________ by anybody. A. Will not be shared B. Will not been shared C. Will not shared D. Will not been sharing ANSWER: A 183. You _____________ by me in everyday. A. Will be helped
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B. Will be helping C. Will helping D. Will have helped ANSWER: A 184. I offered him a chance and he ____________ it. A. Has grabbed B. Grabbed C. Was grabbing D. Was grabbing ANSWER: B 185. No survivors _____________ A. Could be finding B. Could be found C. Was finding D. Had found ANSWER: B 186. The child __________________ by the speeding car. A. Has run over B. Was run over C. Was been run over D. Run over ANSWER: B 187. Resistance to antibiotics is a worldwide problem, but medical experts list ways to help slow resistance and keep current drugs effective. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: B 188. When you go to the doctor with a cold or the flu, don't automatically ask for antibiotics A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: C 189. Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and antibiotics don't work to fight them, so you should discuss other remedies with your doctor. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: B
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190. If the doctor prescribes antibiotics, follow directions and take all of the medicine. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: D 191. Not taking the medicine as prescribed could allow the infection to re-establish itself in your body and become more resistant to the drugs later. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: A 192. Taking more than one antibiotic at once or taking left over antibiotics in your medicine cabinet may increase the chance of resistance. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: A 193. Keep current with your vaccinations; this can prevent you from getting infectious diseases and needing the antibiotics. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: B 194. Remember to practice personal cleanliness as simple hand washing and proper food handling can help protect you from infectious diseases. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: C 195. Improper use of antibiotics helps develop drug resistance, so many medicines that were strongly effective a few decades ago don't work at all in the present. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: D

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196. When bacteria is resistant to antibiotics, the only option may be to remove the infection with surgery. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: C 197. Germs are smart, and if you use a lot of one drug in many patients, the germs will find a way to become immune to it. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: D 198. While many factors are creating this problem of resistance, experts agree that a major cause is doctor's tendency to easily prescribe antibiotics. A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: C 199. Joe waited for the train, but the train was late A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: B 200. Juan and Maria went to the movies after they finished studying A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: C 201. Alica goes to the library and studies every day A. simple B. compound C. complex D. compound/complex ANSWER: A 202. Bishop was___________ A. Gentle Man B. Kind hearted Man C. Arrogant Man
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D. Noble Man ANSWER: B 203. The Bishop followed the teachings of _____________in the true heart A. Jesus Christ B. Phanes C. Gaia D. Tartarus ANSWER: A 204. ______________was also an ardent humanist A. Leek B. Convict C. Persome D. Bishop ANSWER: D 205. ________ was a worldly women,neither as self-less as her brother nor so noble in the Bishops candlesticks A. Amal B. Gaffer C. Persome D. Bishop ANSWER: C 206. The Bishop told that accused was his friend and that he himself had given the ___________ to him A. Candlesticks B. Book C. Apple pie D. Lamp ANSWER: A 207. The Convict had stolen only to feed his ill and starving ____________ A. Cousin B. Children C. Brother D. Wife ANSWER: D 208. ____________ released the Convict and went away the Bishops Candlesticks A. The Police sergeant B. The Inspector C. The Deputy Commissioner D. The Constable ANSWER: A 209. Mark twain once said that ___________and Napoleon were the most interesting characters of the nineteenth century
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A. Kiran Bedi B. Helen Keller C. Pratibha Patil D. Prem Mathur ANSWER: B 210. Wasserkopf studied in the school __________years ago A. 17 B. 28 C. 19 D. 18 ANSWER: D 211. The old friend who gave Wasserkopf the idea of Refund is __________ A. Herr Schwefler B. Lederer C. Oliver Sacks D. None ANSWER: B 212. Fritz Karinthy is a/an _______ writer A. American B. Russian C. Hungarian D. Irish ANSWER: C 213. Wasserkopf has with a __________ certificate. A. Joining B. Leaving C. Medical D. Merit ANSWER: B 214. In the play The Refund, Wasserkopf initially did not know about ___________________ A. Dollars B. Stock exchange C. Foreign exchange D. Trade ANSWER: C 215. Wasserkopf threatened the Principal that he would lodge a complaint against the school in_________ A. Court B. Ministry of Education C. Human Rights D. The Police Station ANSWER: B

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216. The Principal has served in the school for______________ years. A. 18 B. 20 C. 45 D. 30 ANSWER: D 217. Wasserkopf demamded money back from the school because _______________. A. He has lost his job B. He was leaving to abroad C. He wanted to start a new business D. None of the above ANSWER: A 218. In the play, The Refund which teacher was able to trap Wasserkopf? ________. A. Physics B. Maths C. History D. Geography ANSWER: C 219. The total amount Wasserkopf demanded as refund is _____________crowns. A. 1800 B. 4200 C. 6450 D. 2400 ANSWER: C 220. In the play, The Refund, the boast of the school is in this school a pupil simply _________fail. A. Can B. Cannot C. Shall D. Must ANSWER: B 221. Wasserkopf answered the History Master that the Thirty years war lasted for _________. A. 8 metres B. 7 metres C. 11 metres D. 9 metres ANSWER: B 222. The play, The Bishops Candlesticks by Norman McConnel is adopted from the celebrated novel of _____________. A. Robert Frost B. Victor Hugo C. Jonathan Swift D. Daniel Defoe
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ANSWER: B 223. Jean Valjean is a __________ A. Bishop B. Constable C. Convict D. None of the above ANSWER: C 224. The convict started stealing inorder to save his starving_________. A. Mother B. Wife C. Sister D. Son ANSWER: B 225. Persome was worried because the Bishop did not return even after _________. A. 11 oclock B. 9 oclock C. 8 oclock D. None of the above ANSWER: A 226. Persome is Bishops _________. A. Mother B. Sister C. Aunt D. Servant ANSWER: B 227. The Bishop went to pray for Maries sick ________. A. Sister B. Mother C. Brother D. Father ANSWER: B 228. Maries Mother is ___________Gringoire. A. Pere B. Mere C. Frere D. Meme ANSWER: B 229. The Bishop sold the silver_____________. A. Cups B. Spoons C. Salt Cellars
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D. Candlesticks ANSWER: C 230. ___________ were the gift given to the Bishop by his mother. A. Salt Cellars B. Candlesticks C. Spoons D. Cups ANSWER: B 231. What is the explanation of the name W. W. Jacobs? A. William Wymark Jacobs B. Washington Wymark Jacobs C. Wagner Wymark Jacbos D. Walborgd Wymark Jacbos ANSWER: A 232. W. W. Jacobs is most famous for his horror story __________________ A. The Lady of the Barge B. The Monkey's Paw C. The Toll House D. Punch ANSWER: B 233. Jacobs' novels and short stories were for many years illustrated by __________ A. Aldous Huxley B. Aaron Copland C. Will Owen D. Lascelles Abercrombie ANSWER: C 234. Somers told them about a house that was haunted by __________ A. Angles B. God C. Spirit D. Super natural power ANSWER: C 235. What is a thief name in "The Ghost of Jerry Bundler"? A. Jerry Bundler B. Malcolm C. Beldon D. George ANSWER: A 236. Penfold even revealed that his __________ himself if had seen the ghost of the thief A. Mother B. Sister
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C. Brother D. Father. ANSWER: D 237. Who was fond of playing practical jokes in "The Ghost of Jerry Bundler"? A. George B. Leek C. Hirst D. Malcolm ANSWER: C 238. Jacobs published his first book in__________ a collection of short stories entitled Many Cargoes. A. 1897 B. 1898 C. 1899 D. 1896 ANSWER: D 239. "A Black Affair," A humorous ghost story, appeared in the _____________issue of The Idler. A. April 189 B. Nov 1897 C. Oct 1898 D. July 1896 ANSWER: A 240. The Ghost of Jerry Bundler. The play was performed in______________ A. Newyork B. London C. Mexico D. Washington ANSWER: B 241. Several of Jacobs' books are available from __________ W. W. Jacobs: A Biography, by Anthony James, was published in 1999. A. Tosefta B. Wildside Press C. Mishnah D. Neviim ANSWER: B 242. The Ghost of Jerry Bundler shows how a pratical __________may be fatal at times. A. Theory B. Incident C. Jokes D. Situation ANSWER: C 243. Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer
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vacation A. Simple B. Complex C. Compound D. Simple and Compound ANSWER: B 244. The Ghost of Jerry Bundler shows how a pratical __________may be fatal at times A. Theory B. Incident C. Jokes D. Situation ANSWER: B 245. Bruno went to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and Pauline went to Cape Cod. A. Simple B. Complex C. Compound D. Simple and Compound ANSWER: C 246. I have to ____________ with him. A. Score an account B. Settle an account C. Settle a score D. Settle a matter ANSWER: B 247. If you had been a little more proactive, this golden oppurtunity would not have ____________ A. Escaped your fingers B. Slipped through your fingers C. Slipped through your head D. Escaped your hands ANSWER: B 248. Whatever be the consequences I shall not leave to your fate. We shall _____________ A. Sail B. Work C. Sink or swim D. Live ANSWER: C 249. Which statement is more correct ? A. We were jolted by the news. B. The cat slept peacefully on the couch. C. The cat slept peacefully on the couch. D. Ilse was tired after her long hike ANSWER: C
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250. Many tricks had been learned by the dolphins. A. Active B. Passive C. Pharse D. Clause ANSWER: B


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