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Safety Toolbox Talk WORKING IN PUBLIC

Our works will have an impact on the surrounding area and community; many in the community will have great concerns over the start of construction in the neighbourhood, whilst others will be interested in our works. The public will often be afraid that our construction work will bring noise, dust, road closures and increased heavy road traffic and disruption to normal life. This means that during the course of our works all those involved in the project, at all levels, should act with consideration for all those who live and work in the area surrounding the construction site to minimise their inconvenience. By doing so we hope to be able to: Improve Public Image of both the company and of the construction industry Avoid Delays; !f the public complain to their "ocal #uthority about dust or noise nuisance, the "ocal #uthority could impose conditions and or restrictions on working, which can lead to delays. Avoid Prosecution; if problems caused by dust or noise, are not satisfactorily resolved the "ocal #uthority can prosecute. Reduce Costs, if good relations are established and maintained with the local community, issues such as access to site, deliveries and working hours can all be improved through friendly negotiation. $o be polite and considerate to members of public at all times, if possible answer any %uestion they may have. e.g. project duration. $o take accurate notice of any complaint made by a member of the public and pass it on to your supervisor Only use approved routes to access the site &se only designated parking spaces, if none provided or available park your vehicles with consideration for the needs of others. $o keep dust and noise to a minimum $o keep doors and covers to plant and machinery closed at all times to reduce noise $irect site lighting and task lighting away from neighbouring properties $o tell site supervision of any rubbish skips or bins that are full or nearly full $o tell site supervision immediately if you find any fly tipped waste in the area $O'(T obstruct vehicle accesses or entrances to neighbouring properties $O'(T obstruct )ublic rights of way such as pavements and footpaths $O'(T place mud onto the roads outside the site. *nsure vehicle wheels are clean before leaving site $O'(T leave engines running unnecessarily #+O!$ shouting on site or have radios on to loud $O'(T shout or whistle at passers by $O'(T drop litter or leave work places untidy $O'(T peer into neighbouring surrounding buildings $O'(T start working before ,-..,hrs without prior approval from management $O'(T leave gates and fences open. $O'(T trespass on to neighbour(s property

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