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WWII: Barbarossa to Berlin


Factors Firing
Die Roll


Factors Firing


Die Roll

68 911 1214 15+

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 2

1 1 1 2 2

1 1 1 2 2 2

1 1 2 2 2 3

1 1 2 2 3 3

1 2 2 3 3 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 1 1 2 2

1 1 2 2 2 3

1 2 2 3 3 4

2 2 3 3 4 4

2 3 3 4 4 5

3 3 4 4 5 5

3 4 4 5 5 6

4 4 5 5 6 6

4 5 5 6 6 6


Terrain Type Combat Effect No Retreat Option Halt Advance


Die Roll


Die Roll



Clear Mountain Forest Swamp Desert1 Fort2 Urban Trench-1 Trench-2 River3 Beach Head4 SR Connection5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Att 1L Att 1L Att 1L Att 1L Att 1L, Def 1R Att 2L, Def 1R Att 1L Att 1L NA

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -

1 2 3 4 5 6

Allied MO Allied MO Soviet MO Stalin Orders Stalin Orders Stalin Orders

1 2 3 4 5 6

None None None None OKW MO Hitler Orders

SR Cost (12.1)
Each full or reduced SCU = 1 SR Point Each full or reduced LCU = 3 SR Points Stalin (5.5) = 1 SR

Replacement Point Cost (14.1)

Each SCU step = 1/2 RP Each LCU step = 1 RP

No SR through (12.3) Provides Limited Supply to units in the Fort space (13.1) Only if all attackers are across river Axis units may never enter (7.63) SR Only. LCUs may not use . Units must stop upon SRing across. Limited Supply across.

German Panzer Replacement Limit (14.52)

Before Totaler Krieg = 2 Panzer steps After Totaler Krieg = 3 Panzer steps


spaces controlled 0 1 2 3 spaces controlled 0 1 or 2

Vichy France: Vichy France enters the war at the first

Allied invasion at beaches C-U (17.3).

Achse: German LCUs may not operate in Italy/Sicily south

of Bologna-La Spezia until the Achse Event is played (19.5).

Axis 1 Allied 2

0 1

+1 0

+1 +1

1 NA

0 NA

Moscow: Reduce Soviet RPs by one (14.55) and no Soviet

SR (12.5) if Moscow is Axis controlled. Stalin leaving Moscow also affects RPs. Minimum Hand Size:

GMT Games P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

5* Maximum Hand Size: 8 (7.7)


*Axis Minimal Hand Size 2 on Turns 1618.

WWII: Barbarossa to Berlin

PanzerArmee Afrika (PzAA) LCU
Unless in Full Supply, always adds 1 OPS to the cost of Activation of the space it is in (13.3). May only be recreated at Tripoli or Alexandria (if not OOS) (14.3). One supplied German Panzer Corps must be removed from Libya/ Egypt and placed in the Reserve Box (7.62) when the PzAA arrives in Tripoli (event card).

Partisan Effects (16.3)

Prevent Axis SR into, out of, or through. Axis units may only trace Limited Supply through a Partisan space. Axis units may not retreat into a Partisan space if another route is available, and must halt their retreat in Partisan spaces. Axis units defending in a Partisan space lose all normal defensive terrain benefits (excluding Trenches). Unless occupied by an Axis unit, a resource or VP space counts as Allied while a Partisan marker is present.

British 1st Army

May only operate in Malta, French North Africa, Libya and Egypt, unless it is brought into play via the Sledgehammer invasion card (19.7).

Activation Cost (in OPS):

1 per Nationality in the space (if in Full Supply) (7.3) 1 per unit in Limited Supply* (13.3) 1 per unit OOS* (13.41) 1 additional for the PanzerArmee Afrika LCU if not in full supply (13.3) 1 per Axis LCU if tracing supply through Maikop, Armavir or Baku (13.6) *Limited Supply and OOS Activation cost is in place of the Nationality Activation cost.

British Desert Army

May only be recreated at Basra, Alexandria or Suez.

British 8th Army

Replaces the Desert Army, and is placed in the space occupied by the Desert Army, as long as the Desert Army is on the map and in Full Supply (7.62). May SR to the Reserve Box. May reenter the map through Invasion (the only way it can leave the Reserve Box). No other LCUs (besides the U.S. 7th Army) may enter the Reserve Box (7.63, 12.4).

Nationality Groups (7.3)

British, Canadian and Commonwealth Free French and U.S. Units in an Allied Beach Head are treated as one nationality for Activation purposes.

U.S. 7th Army

May SR to the Reserve Box. May reenter the map through the Husky or Anvil-Dragoon invasion (the only way it can leave the Reserve Box). No other LCUs (besides the British 8th Army) may enter the Reserve Box (7.63, 12.4).

LCU to SCU Replacement (11.31) Soviet Southwest Front (5-3-4)

Must take the first step loss (if any) when attacking (only) (11.32). Replaced in the Eliminated Units box with the Southwest Front 3-3-3 when eliminated (14.51). Soviet 5-3-4 and 3-3-3 Fronts are both replaced by a regular infantry Army. Axis Allied Armies are replaced by an infantry SCU of the same nationality. British Armies are replaced by a British or CW corps. The Canadian Army must be replaced by a CW corps. U.S. Armies are replaced by a U.S. corps. The German 1st through 5th Pz and PzAA Armies are replaced by a regular (non-SS) panzer corps. The German 6th SS Panzer Army must be replaced by an SS Panzer corps. German Infantry Armies are replaced by a German infantry corps.

Italian 8th Army

May only operate in the Soviet Union. If replaced by a corps, the corps may operate in the Soviet Union but is not required to remain there (19.4).

YPA (Yugoslav Partisan Army)

May only operate in or within one space of Yugoslavia. It is always in supply. If eliminated it may not be replaced as there is no Yugoslavian Corps to place in Reserve (19.6). May not stack with any other unit (9.2).

GMT Games P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

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