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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________


Practice Cell Test

Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. The volume enclosed by the plasma membrane of plant cells is often much larger than the corresponding volume in animal cells. The most reasonable explanation for this observation is that a. plant cells are capable of having a much higher surface-to-volume ratio than animal cells. b. plant cells have a much more highly convoluted (folded) plasma membrane than animal cells. c. plant cells contain a large vacuole that reduces the volume of the cytoplasm. d. animal cells are more spherical, while plant cells are elongated. e. the basic functions of plant cells are very different from those of animal cells. 2. Under which of the following conditions would you expect to find a cell with a predominance of free ribosomes? a. a cell that is secreting proteins b. a cell that is producing cytoplasmic enzymes c. a cell that is constructing its cell wall or extracellular matrix d. a cell that is digesting food particles e. a cell that is enlarging its vacuole 3. Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported from the cell? a. rough ER b. lysosomes c. plasmodesmata d. Golgi vesicles e. tight junctions 4. Which of the following structures is most directly associated with the secretion of compounds that will become part of the plant cell wall? a. smooth ER b. rough ER c. plasmodesmata d. Golgi-derived vesicles e. Golgi apparatus 5. The Golgi apparatus has a polarity or sidedness to its structure and function. Which of the following statements correctly describes this polarity? a. Transport vesicles fuse with one side of the Golgi and leave from the opposite side. b. Proteins in the membrane of the Golgi may be sorted and modified as they move from one side of the Golgi to the other. c. Lipids in the membrane of the Golgi may be sorted and modified as they move from one side of the Golgi to the other. d. Soluble proteins in the cisternae (interior) of the Golgi may be sorted and modified as they move from one side of the Golgi to the other. e. All of the above correctly describe polar characteristics of the Golgi function.





Name: ________________________ ____


6. In animal cells, hydrolytic enzymes are packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components. Which of the following organelles functions in this compartmentalization? a. chloroplast b. lysosome c. central vacuole d. peroxisome e. glyoxysome Refer to the following five terms to answer the following questions. Choose the most appropriate term for each phrase. Each term may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. B. C. D. E. lysosome vacuole mitochondrion Golgi apparatus peroxisome






7. produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 8. contains hydrolytic enzymes a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 9. helps to recycle the cell's organic material a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 10. contains its own DNA and ribosomes a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E 11. a compartment that often takes up much of the volume of a plant cell a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

Name: ________________________


____ 12. contains enzymes that transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen, producing H2 O2 a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ____ 13. Organelles other than the nucleus that contain DNA include a. ribosomes. b. mitochondria. c. chloroplasts. d. B and C only e. A, B, and C ____ 14. Which of the following statements incorrectly describes common structural features of an animal secretory cell and a photosynthetic plant cell? a. Both cells have Golgi apparatus. b. Both cells have mitochondria. c. Both cells have chloroplasts. d. Both cells have a plasma membrane. e. Both cells have a nucleus. ____ 15. The chemical reactions involved in respiration are virtually identical between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In eukaryotic cells, ATP is synthesized primarily on the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Where are the corresponding reactions likely to occur in prokaryotic respiration? a. in the cytoplasm b. on the inner mitochondrial membrane c. on the endoplasmic reticulum d. on the plasma membrane e. on the nuclear envelope ____ 16. Which of the following pairs is mismatched? a. nucleolus-ribosomal RNA b. nucleus-DNA replication c. lysosome-protein synthesis d. cell membrane-lipid bilayer e. cytoskeleton-microtubules ____ 17. The cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and plant cells and the extracellular matrix of animal cells are all external to the plasma membrane. Which of the following is not a characteristic of all of these extracellular structures? a. They must be highly permeable to water and small molecules in order to allow cells to exchange matter and energy with their environment. b. They must permit information transfer between the cell's external environment and the cytoplasm. c. They must provide a rigid structure that maintains an appropriate ratio of cell surface area to volume. d. They are constructed of materials that are largely synthesized in the cytoplasm and then transported out of the cell. e. They are composed of a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates.

Name: ________________________


For the following questions, match the labeled component of the cell membrane in the figure below with its description.

____ 18. cholesterol a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ____ 19. glycolipid a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E ____ 20. When biological membranes are frozen and then fractured, they tend to break along the middle of the bilayer. The best explanation for this is that a. the integral membrane proteins are not strong enough to hold the bilayer together. b. water that is present in the middle of the bilayer freezes and is easily fractured. c. hydrophilic interactions between the opposite membrane surfaces are destroyed on freezing. d. the carbon-carbon bonds of the phospholipid tails are easily broken. e. the hydrophobic interactions that hold the membrane together are weakest at this point. ____ 21. What is one of the functions of cholesterol in animal cell membranes? a. facilitates transport of ions b. stores energy c. maintains membrane fluidity d. speeds diffusion e. phosphorylates ADP

Name: ________________________


____ 22. What membrane-surface molecules are thought to be most important as cells recognize each other? a. phospholipids b. integral proteins c. peripheral proteins d. cholesterol e. glycoproteins ____ 23. An animal cell lacking oligosaccharides on the external surface of its plasma membrane would likely be impaired in which function? a. transporting ions against an electrochemical gradient b. cell-cell recognition c. maintaining fluidity of the phospholipid bilayer d. attaching to the cytoskeleton e. establishing the diffusion barrier to charged molecules ____ 24. Which of the following adheres to the extracellular surface of animal cell plasma membranes? a. fibers of the extracellular matrix b. fibers of the cytoskeleton c. the phospholipid bilayer d. cholesterol e. carrier proteins ____ 25. The selective permeability of biological membranes is dependent on which of the following? a. the type of transport proteins that are present in the membrane b. the lipid bilayer being permeable to primarily small, nonpolar molecules c. the types of carbohydrates on the surface of the membrane d. A and B only e. A, B, and C ____ 26. Which of the following statements is correct about diffusion? a. It is very rapid over long distances. b. It requires an expenditure of energy by the cell. c. It is a passive process in which molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. d. It is an active process in which molecules move from a region of lower concentration to one of higher concentration. e. It requires integral proteins in the cell membrane. ____ 27. A patient has had a serious accident and lost a lot of blood. In an attempt to replenish body fluids, distilled water, equal to the volume of blood lost, is transferred directly into one of his veins. What will be the most probable result of this transfusion? a. It will have no unfavorable effect as long as the water is free of viruses and bacteria. b. The patient's red blood cells will shrivel up because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the cells. c. The patient's red blood cells will swell because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the cells. d. The patient's red blood cells will shrivel up because the blood fluid is hypertonic compared to the cells. e. The patient's red blood cells will burst because the blood fluid is hypertonic compared to the cells.

Name: ________________________


____ 28. Which of the following statements correctly describes the normal tonicity conditions for typical plant and animal cells? a. The animal cell is in a hypotonic solution, and the plant cell is in an isotonic solution. b. The animal cell is in an isotonic solution, and the plant cell is in a hypertonic solution. c. The animal cell is in a hypertonic solution, and the plant cell is in an isotonic solution. d. The animal cell is in an isotonic solution, and the plant cell is in a hypotonic solution. e. The animal cell is in a hypertonic solution, and the plant cell is in a hypotonic solution. ____ 29. All of the following membrane activities require energy from ATP hydrolysis except a. facilitated diffusion. b. active transport. c. Na+ ions moving out of the cell. d. proton pumps. e. translocation of potassium into a cell. ____ 30. Carrier molecules in the membrane and metabolic energy are required for a. osmosis. b. facilitated diffusion. c. active transport. d. B and C only e. A, B, and C ____ 31. What is the voltage across a membrane called? a. water potential b. chemical gradient c. membrane potential d. osmotic potential e. electrochemical gradient ____ 32. Which of the following statements about membrane structure and function is false? a. Diffusion of gases is faster in air than across membranes. b. Diffusion, osmosis, and facilitated diffusion do not require any direct energy input from the cell. c. The types of proteins that are exposed on one side of a membrane are nearly identical to those exposed on the other side of the membrane. d. Voltage across the membrane depends on an unequal distribution of ions across the plasma membrane. e. Special membrane proteins can cotransport two solutes by coupling diffusion down a concentration gradient to transport against the concentration gradient.


Practice Cell Test Answer Section

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: ANS: C B A D E B D A A C B E D C D C C E B E C E B A D C C D A C C C PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: PTS: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: TOP: Concept 6.2 Concept 6.3 | Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.5 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.4 Concept 6.5 Concept 6.5 Concept 6.5 Concept 6.6 Concept 6.7 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.1 Concept 7.2 Concept 7.2 Concept 7.3 Concept 7.3 Concept 7.4 Concept 7.4 Concept 7.4 Concept 7.4

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