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Kannon Yamada https://twitter.


Published September 2013


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Table Of Contents
1.Introduction to Feedly  5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16  18 18 18 19 19 19 3

1.1What is Feedly and What Can It Do For Me? 1.1.1Immediate Updates on the Latest News, Everywhere 1.1.2Feedlys Evolution from RSS Reader to Google Reader Upgrade 2.Getting Started With Feedly 2.1Setting Up Feedly 2.1.1Importing Google Reader OPML files 2.1.2Adding Atom and RSS feeds to Feedly 2.1.3Exploring Feedly 2.2Feedly Overview 2.2.1Feedly Browser Extension (NOT available) 2.2.2Buffer Button, Toolbar and Social Media 2.2.3The Feedly Toolbar 2.2.4Must Read 2.2.5Adding Content 2.2.6Different Layouts 2.2.7Themes 3.Overview of Feedlys Advanced Features 3.1Hotkeys 3.2The Official Feedly Browser Extension 3.2.1The Feedly Browser Extension: Add to Feedly 3.2.1How to Use Add to Feedly 3.4Other Browser Extensions for Feedly 3.4.1Firefox 3.4.2Chrome 4.Taking Feedly Mobile 4.1Feedlys Official client 4.1.1Differing Views 4.1.2Content Discovery 4.2Feedly on Android 4.2.1Feedlys Official Android Client HTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COM KANNON YAMADA, @KANOYAMS 


4.2.2JustReader 4.2.3gReader 4.2.4Press 4.2.5FeedMe 4.3RSS Readers Using Feedly on iOS and Mac OS X 4.3.1Feedly iOS 4.3.2Newsify 4.3.3Byline 4.3.4Mr. Reader 4.3.5ReadKit 4.3Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8: NextGen 4.4Blackberry, Symbian/MeeGo: gNewsReader 5.Feedly Tips For Advanced Users 5.1Organizing Feeds in Feedly 5.1.1Folders: The Organize Feature 5.1.2Folders: Reorganizing Folders 5.2Feedlys IFTTT Channel 5.2.1Tweet new articles with a specific tag in Feedly 5.2.2Create Link Notes in Evernote from Feedly Articles Saved For Later 5.2.3Add a random Wikipedia Article to Feedly Daily 5.2.4Email articles to Yourself 5.3Feedly Pro 6.Conclusion 7.Image Credits 8.About the Author     20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29




1.Introduction to Feedly
Are you looking for aGoogle Readerreplacement? Or do you simply hunger for the best desktop and mobile RSS reader ever made? For both the hungry and the hopeful,Feedlysatisfies. But how did Feedly come to be the best? And what happened to Google Reader? After the announcement that Google Reader would not exist beyond July 1st 2013, Feedlys entry into the malnourished RSS reader market came as divine manna. For those of you who remember, Google Reader plunged into the RSS world like a double-edged sword. On one edge, Google Reader provided its users with a near-perfect reading experience. On the other side, it obliterated much of its competition, leaving the news aggregator landscape a blasted and desolate graveyard. Sometimes the death of one thing can give birth to others. Like the phoenix, Google Readers death brought about a resurrection in the quality and quantity of other RSS feed readers. Out of theexcellent RSS productsthat entered the market following Google Readers death, however, Feedly seized the throne adding features even Googles product lacked.

1.1What is Feedly and What Can It Do For Me?

Feedly aggregates, or collects,RSS feeds. An RSS feed provides a method for websites to publish information once and syndicate it automatically amongst millions of subscribers. An aggregator captures, and organizes, feeds to simplify the consumption of news. No longer do we need to constantly revisit the same site, wondering whats new. Now we only need add RSS feeds to our reader, also known as aggregators, and wait for the news to come to us. Readers provide information consumers with huge advantages, as I outlined in theMakeUseOf guide to RSS. Feedly possesses three advantages over most other RSS aggregation services. First, it provides its own hosting service, meaningFeedly stores RSS feeds on its own servers. Prior to July 1st 2013, Google hosted RSS feeds and provided an API key to developers interested in creating mobile applications reliant on Googles servers as a backbone. When Reader died, so did the hosting service that virtually all RSS readers relied upon. Fortunately, Feedly stepped in and offered to pick up Googles slack, preventing a mass dying off of RSS aggregators and other services. Second, Feedly is operating system agnostic, and the most widely used reader on the market. For those of you using the service from a browser, Feedly possesses a great variety of extensions available on Chrome and Firefox. Feedly is the only RSS aggregation service that includes both a browser interface and a first-party mobile app. This means that you can access your feeds from the location most convenient to you. Third, Feedly is attempting to resurrect Google Readers share feature in its Must Read category. For Google Reader refugees, you may remember a feature that allowed users to share content anonymously. Users in illiberal dictatorships freely shared content with one another without fear of government retribution. Googles short-lived experiment led to the establishment of an entire subcommunity, such as theSharebros, centered around the proliferation of interesting information. Feedlys attempt at bringing back an RSS community just might be its best feature.




1.1.1Immediate Updates on the Latest News, Everywhere

Anyone who wants timely, and regularly delivered, content on any subject should want to use an RSS feed reader. Even those who use RSS infrequently should want to use Feedly. The reason why everyone could use an RSS reader relates to the utility in accessing content from any location. Whether you casually, or religiously, consume data, Feedly can satisfy your needs. If youre waiting in line at the supermarket, you can get the latest news sports news on the Feedly smartphone app. Or if you only want news on your desktop, Feedly exists in the browser as well. It all stays in sync. For example: from home you can browse Feedly from your much faster desktop by opening the Feedly site directly from your browser. If you were later waiting in line at the supermarket, Feedly can quickly pop open using the official smartphone app picking up right where you left off from the desktop. But how did Feedly become so fully featured?

1.1.2Feedlys Evolution from RSS Reader to Google Reader Upgrade

Feedly didnt simply materialize out of the ether the company behind it,DevHD, released its flagship product in 2008, three years after Google Readers launch. Since then DevHD slowly added additional features to Feedly. By 2013, after continuously improving itself with new features, Feedly earned itself a place as the only real Google Reader competitor. It was truly something of a miracle for Feedly when Google dropped out of the RSS reader market; Feedlys advanced features made it the only reader offering both a browser interface similar to Google Reader as well as a highly polished mobile client on Android and iOS.




2.Getting Started With Feedly

Getting started with Feedly can take one of two paths: For Google Reader refugees, you will eitherimport your OPML filesfromGoogle Takeoutor attempt importing directly from Feedlys web or mobile interface importing directly from Googles servers, unfortunately, no longer works. For those simply seeking a new way of consuming RSS feeds, Feedly offers two methods: First, there exists an RSS feed search tool that allows you to find subjects based a specific keyword, such as sports or CNN. Second, you can browse Feedlys database of RSS feed categories. After youve imported your OPML (if you have any) you can then add individual RSS feeds.

2.1Setting Up Feedly

If youre jumping ship from Google Reader, you must set upFeedlyusing two basic steps: First, you can import your RSS feed subscriptions from an OPML file, which Google makes available through Google Takeout. To get your subscriptions, download a zipped archive from Google of your readers settings. This archive file contains not just the subscriptions, but also elements that Google removed from its reader, such as friends, Buzz and shared. First, download and unzip the archive. Here are some directions onhow to export your Google RSS data. The file youre looking for is subscriptions.XML. To access this file, open the folder where your Google Takeout information lies. The folder should look like this: [email protected]

Inside this folder should exist another folder, titled reader. Open the reader folder and you should see subscriptions. XML. Click and drag this file someplace where you can easily locate it such as your desktop. Next, navigate within your browser to the Feedly website. If you already have a Feedly account, you will simply click on the Import from OPML link in the left pane and skip to the next section. If you dont have a Feedly account, you will need to link your Google Account. If you never used Reader, and dont have a Google account, you can sign up for one here. After getting your account, you can then log into Feedly using Googles Oauth protocol, which handles everything with one click. Feedly will simply ask permission to view basic information about your account and, if you agree, youre ready to begin importing feeds.

2.1.1Importing Google Reader OPML files

Theres several ways to import OPML files. First, if youve never used Feedly before, you can import all your feeds from the Feedly launch page. If you already have a Feedly account, you can import directly from the left sidebar. To import from the launch page, click on the Import OPML in the center pane of the Feedly site. Youll then be directed to log into your Google Account. If you dont have one, you cancreate a Google account here. HTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COM KANNON YAMADA, @KANOYAMS 7


Feedly requires all users to either already possess an account or to sign up.

2.1.2Adding Atom and RSS feeds to Feedly

After setting up your account, Feedly allows adding additional feeds through its launch window. If you already have the RSS or Atom feed (typically designated by the .RSS, .XML or .atom extension at the end of its URL) on hand, then you simply click on the +Add Content button at the top of the left pane.

In the following window, copy and paste your URL into the box with the magnifying icon. You might notice the topical listings below it. Those boxes allow you to search for feeds by category. I highly suggest playing around with those boxes as content discovery provides half the fun of Feedly.




Feedly can actually function without signing up for anything. Its not necessary that you create a Feedly account to use the service but you really, really should. Creating an account gives you access to many of the most important Feedly features. Most important among these: An account allows you to keep track of read and unread articles.

2.2Feedly Overview

Feedly comes jam-packed with features that any beginning user will want to learn. Seven key features stand out: Feedly mini, the browser plug-in (currently not available); Buffer Button for social media; the toolbar for social media sharing; the Must Read feature; how-to add new content; some of Feedlys varying layouts; a variety of custom colors and themes.

2.2.1Feedly Browser Extension (NOT available)

Feedly has an official Chrome browser extension that permits adding content to your Feedly account, directly from the browser. Simply install the plugin (if you have Chrome) and whenever you visit a site with an available feed, Feedly Mini will display in the lower right-hand side of the screen. From there, clicking on the Mini icon will add the site to your repository of feeds. Unfortunately, this extension no longer works properly, as of August of 2013. HoweverFeedly announced plans to reactivate Miniin the near future, so keep your eyes peeled.

2.2.2Buffer Button, Toolbar and Social Media

The Buffer Button, which isnow integrated with Feedly, can simultaneously share an article across multiple social media sharing services. It can also schedule when you share an article. Buffer shows up in Feedlys toolbar on both the mobile and browser versions of Feedly. Anytime you pop open an article, the Buffer Button should be clearly visible in the toolbar as a stack of diamonds.




It works like this: First you must connect your social media accounts to Feedly. Second, after activating your social media accounts with Feedly, Buffer button. Buffer allows you to perform a variety of actions, most salient among these the sharing of news items across multiple social media accounts.

2.2.3The Feedly Toolbar

The Toolbar consists of seven social media sharing options:Google Plus,Twitter,LinkedIn,Facebook, Buffer, sharing through email and Saved For Later. Each of the social media options requires that you previously link those accounts with Feedly.

The linking process simply requires that you click on one, or each, of the share buttons. From there you receive a login prompt. After logging in, you must agree to give Feedly access to your Google account. After that, Feedly will share content to that particular social media account.




TheMust Readfeature is Feedlys attempt to recreate Google Readers lost share feature. In a nutshell, users can designate an individual feed as Must Read. Based on this categorization, Feedly will recommend new feeds, based upon the content of the feed. For example, if you marked MakeUseOfs RSS feed as particularly interesting, it would then recommend future feeds similar in content as featured articles. Unfortunately, this feature doesnt appear fully functional as of August of 2013. To mark a feed as Must Read, simply add the RSS address (usually either .XML or .RSS) to your feeds.

After adding it, check the box for Must Read. Optionally, you can then add it to a folder/tag. Then hit the Add button at the bottom of the pane.




Adding new content to Feedly is super simple: Just click on the Add Content tab at the top of the left pane and copy the URL of the RSS or Atom feed that youd like to subscribe to into the enter url, title or #topic text input box. After that youre subscribed!

2.2.6Different Layouts
Feedly offers four differing layouts, which you can change from the top right-hand side of the screen. The four options are: List, magazine, cards and full article. You can switch between the two by clicking on the rightward pointing arrow or you can click on each view individually. One of Feedlys greatest innovations is that it remembers which layout you used for each folder. I prefer using Full Article for high value folders and List or Magazine for content that I want to quickly browse. List:List mode displays RSS feeds in pure text, displaying only the title of the article and the first few lines of its text. Its best used for low-value folders.

Magazine: Magazine mode includes a thumbnail picture from the articles featured image. Like List mode, Magazine mode provides a terse list of articles and provides utility to anyone that requires seeing each articles featured image.




Cards:Cards includes a bit more information than either list or magazine display. When you click on any item from within Cards view, the card enlarges, showing some text from the body, the featured image, the tool bar and a direct link to the full text. You can close a card by clicking on the x in the upper-right corner of the card.

Full Article:Full article includes the most amount of information, but covers the fewest number of articles. This display mode will mark each article as read as you scroll past them, however, which some users may desire for speedy reading. I find full article most useful for feeds where I read the entirety of each item in the feed.




Feedly offers several basic looks. You can customize your browser based on 16 different colored themes ranging from Moai to Giraffe. These color themes change the left and right sides of the screen and the color of some text, most notably the mark and read and save options.

I suggest the Aqua theme, as it makes text links appear in a light blue coloration; blue remains the most visible out of all the themes. On the downside, Feedly does not yet appear to offer customizable fonts with its themes.




3.Overview of Feedlys Advanced Features

Feedly includes a number of features that beginning users may find difficult to use. However, as your list of feeds expand, utilizing a greater depth of Feedlys features will dramatically improve both the speed with which you consume RSS feeds and the utility of the service. Two of the most important elements of Feed are hotkeys and the Feedly browser extension Add to Feedly.


For those looking to improve their reading efficiency, try hotkeys. For Google migrants, Feedlys hotkey keymap will feel extremely familiar to that ofGoogle Reader.

3.2The Official Feedly Browser Extension

The official Feedly browser extension at one point allowed users to add feeds directly from web pages to their Feedly account. Unfortunately, at this time, it doesnt appear to work. However, it will likely receive a revision in the near future, so stay tuned. iOS Firefox Chrome

3.2.1The Feedly Browser Extension: Add to Feedly

A third party browser extension, Add to Feedly, allows users to add feeds directly from their favorite websites to their RSS subscriptions. However, in order to add a feed, you must go directly to the feeds address either an XML, RSS or Feedburner URL. HTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COM KANNON YAMADA, @KANOYAMS 15

UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO FEEDLY 3.2.1How to Use Add to Feedly

While the official Feedly Mini extensions currently does not function, alternatives exist. Theres an independently developed Add to Feedly extension, which approximates Minis function. If you want to add an RSS or Atom feed, navigate directly to that pages RSS feed and click on the Feedly button in the upper-right hand side of the browser window. The extension will then redirect you to Feedlys main site.

3.4Other Browser Extensions for Feedly

Quite a few Feedly extension exist for other browsers, in particular: Firefox and Chrome. These can improve your browsing experience, or simply make Feedlys interface more like Google Readers and a great deal more. On the downside, the majority of extensions exist on Chrome.

Feedly Notifier: This extension functions the same as Feedly Checker. After installation Notifier will display the number of unread articles in red over the Feedly icon.

Feedly Checker: Its possible to check Feedly directly from your browser. Just install the extension. Feedly Launcher: This extension simply adds a launcher icon to the Chrome start page. GGReader: This aesthetically minimal extension allows the user to reduce onscreen clutter.

Feedly Readable: Readable modifies the web version of Feedly in order to reduce onscreen clutter. Readly: Readly also attempts to make Feedlys web interface appear more like Google Reader. It also tries to improve on Google Reader by adding the ability to open articles in background tabs using the shortcut v. Feedly Preview Window: This extension opens the full text of an article in a new background window. For those seeking to avoid cluttering up the current window, while opening tabs in the background, this provides an ideal Feedly experience.




Feedly Background Tab: Background Tab allows users to open tabs in a background tab. This is particularly useful on slower Internet connections. Users can let multiple articles load in the background, without opening the tab and waiting until it shows. Just select an article in list view and use the ; key to pop the article open in the background. You can also customize the shortcut key in the extensions options.




4.Taking Feedly Mobile

Feedly offers both an official app as well as hosting services to many third party RSS readers, available on all major mobile platforms. Essentially, Feedly replaced Google as the middleman, so instead of syncing your app with Google, you now sync with Feedly.

4.1Feedlys Official client

Feedly offers an official Android app, which performs several of the features available in the browser. In particular, it includes the same differing view modes and content discovery, except squeezed into a mobile screen. Feedlys official client ranks among the most beautifully designed and functional out all the RSS reader applications. On the downside, its only available on iOS and Android and on Android, only on versions 4.0 and above.

4.1.1Differing Views
Feedlys Android app provides many of the features available within the browser, including Magazine, Cards, List and Full Article. To change views, simply tap on a tag or folder, in the left pane. To bring up the left pane, swipe from left to right.

The left pane contains all your folders. By tapping on one of these folders, you will be able to read content contained within. Once youve entered the folder, its possible to change your view. Just click on one of the four icons. From left to right: List, Cards, Magazine and Full Article.




To find additional content using the Feedly client, simply swipe from right to left. This will bring up the search bar and the various content categories that you can choose to browse through. I recommend trying both, particularly if you are new to using RSS readers.

4.2Feedly on Android

As mentioned above, Feedly offers free access to its servers, allowing any developer to create an RSS reader that syncs to the Feedly cloud. Without Feedly, many RSS reader apps wouldnt work.

4.2.1Feedlys Official Android Client

The official Android app for Feedly combined elegant design with raw functionality. On the downside, it requires Android 2.2 and above. It includes almost all the features available in the browser, primarily all four of the browsers views, the save for later feature, a feed search tool and more. Save for Later:To mark an RSS item in order to read it later, simply long-press on an article. A bookmark icon will appear beneath the articles content. Content discovery:To find new content, swipe from the far-right hand side of the screen to the left. This brings up the content discovery pane. From this location you can find new content.

Hashtags:Feedly also supports hashtags. Simply search for content appended with the # sign and all RSS feeds related to that particular key term will appear. For example, if you search for #tech (without quotation marks) all RSS feeds tagged as such will show up. This is a particularly helpful feature for those seeking and promoting content relating to a specific subject. For more information on acquiring a Feedly hashtag for your site, visitFeedlys site. HTTP://MAKEUSEOF.COM KANNON YAMADA, @KANOYAMS 19


Differing views:All four of Feedlys views are available in the mobile client.

My favorite RSS reader for older handsets, tablets and for offline consumption of articles,JustReaderremains the fastest and most efficient out of all the RSS clients on the market.JustReaderalso offers gesture support: By swiping left or right you can either star an article or mark it as read.




gReaderoffers one of the best RSS reading experiences. Like JustReader, it works on a wide variety of Android devices, both old and new. It also includes podcast integration and experimentally supports swipe gestures to mark as read. Amongst RSS enthusiasts, gReader is regarded as one of the best, if not the absolute best, RSS readers around on any platform.

The Press appis among the most visually impressive RSS reading apps available. It also includes offline reading support and social network integration. MakeUseOf ranks it among one of itsbest apps for Android. Check out our complete review and guide for Press.

The FeedMe appremains completely free. Its currently the only ad-free RSS reader with Feedly support, other than Feedlys official client. It uses a simple, straightforward interface. If youre interested in getting started with RSS on your mobile device, this is a great introductory app. Its also among the best readers on all mobile operating systems.




4.3RSS Readers Using Feedly on iOS and Mac OS X

4.3.1Feedly iOS
On iOS,Feedlys official appremains one of the best RSS readers. Its identical to the Android application with the exception that it works on almost all iOS devices, with very few bugs.

Newsifyis an RSS news reader available on iOS. It combines an elegant magazine like reading experience with offline reading mode, multiple accounts and the ability to search articles.

Byline, for iOS, features social integration, swipe gestures and offline mode. Although optimized for the iPhone 5, Byline runs on all iOS products. It costs $2.99.




Mr. Reader, available only on iPad, provides a tablet optimized RSS reader. It includes folder support, drag and drop reordering of folders and more. It costs $3.99 from the iTunes store.

ReadKitremains one of the best apps on all platforms for using multiple RSS accounts simultaneously. For example, if you have Feedly, Fever, NewsBlur, FeedWrangler, Feedbin and more, you can place all your content into one location and read it even when offline.

4.3Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8: NextGen 4.4Blackberry, Symbian/MeeGo: gNewsReader

NextGen Reader is one of the few RSS reading apps from the Windows Store capable of syncing with Feedly. It costs $2.99.

To my knowledge,gNewsReaderpossesses the distinction as the only RSS reader available on the Symbian operating system capable of syncing with Feedlys servers. The app allows feed browsing by folder, social integration and includes keyboard support.




5.Feedly Tips For Advanced Users

Feedly starts getting really interesting when you start using a dedicated folder system and services like IFTTT. A folder system allows the sorting of feeds using elements, such as priority and subject. Services like IFTTT offer automation services that turn RSS into one of the most flexible information aggregating tools ever created.

5.1Organizing Feeds in Feedly

Theres no single best method for organizing folders, or tabs, in Feedly. I prefer creating folders with two uses priority and category. For important subjects I append a letter and a number. The most important subject material is marked A1. Each folder includes also a subject. So my most important tech feeds are labeled A1 Tech. Be default, folders are organized by alphabetic order, so by appending a letter to the front of the folder name, you will not need to reorder your folders from within Feedlys settings. However, if you ever need to reorder folders, thats a snap.

5.1.1Folders: The Organize Feature

To get started labeling folders, simply click on the Organize button at the top of the left pane. You may need to move your mouse over onto the left side of the screen to materialize the left pane.

Once you click on the Organize button, if you already have folders created, they will show up in this window. Simply drag and drop subscriptions into the required folders.




If you want to create a new category of folder, drag and drop your subscription onto the NEW CATEGORY box.

5.1.2Folders: Reorganizing Folders

To reorder your folders, simply drag and drop the title of the folder (for example C3 FILLER) onto another section of the folders. As you move the folder the orders will automatically adjust. Once you release, the folder will assume its new position.




5.2Feedlys IFTTT Channel

The web automation service If This Then That, also known asIFTTT, created a directory of recipes that offer integration with Feedly. These recipes allow the user to automatically perform actions using other web services based on preset behaviors in Feedly. It sounds complex, but it isnt. For example, if you wanted to send an email to yourself every time you saved an article for later in Feedly,IFTT has a recipejust for you. Theres actually so many recipes that its impossible to name them all. Heres some of my favorites:

5.2.1Tweet new articles with a specific tag in Feedly

In Feedly, you can choose to tag certain articles.This IFTTT recipeallows you to automatically tweet articles marked with a specific tag.

5.2.2Create Link Notes in Evernote from Feedly Articles Saved For Later
For those of you who use Evernote,this IFTTT recipeallows you to create a note containing the articles URL automatically, every time you save an article for later in Feedly.



UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO FEEDLY 5.2.3Add a random Wikipedia Article to Feedly Daily

This recipeautomatically adds a randomly selected Wikipedia article to your Feedly articles. This is a must-have feature for Wikipedia fanatics.

5.2.4Email articles to Yourself

This IFTTT recipeallows you to use the save for later feature in Feedly to email articles to yourself, instead. This is highly useful for using your email to read feeds, rather than relying on the mobile apps. If you have a mobile device that isnt compatible with any Feedly-enabled app, this is a great recipe.

5.3Feedly Pro

The Feedly team announced a paid version of their service, known as Feedly Pro. It launched in the Fall of 2013, bringing with it advanced search, HTTPS, Evernote integration and a higher tier of technical support for $5 a month or $45 a year.




Feedly offers features that no other RSS service can match. It dominates in five areas of RSS feed readers: First, its large community support created a variety of highly useful features in the shape of smartphone apps and browser extensions; its broad availability on all major operating systems; its rapidly evolving ability to suggest new content to its users; its IFTTT integration. Not only does Feedly provide the premiere RSS reading platform, it also supports its competitors reading platforms. Rarely does a product so thoroughly dominate the market.

7.Image Credits
RSS Icon via Shutterstock




8.About the Author

Kannon is a freelance writer for MakeUseOf.com and Feedly enthusiast. He has worked as a computer technician, studies foreign languages and has a BA in journalism and an MA in international affairs. You can check him out onTwitter.
Guide Published: October 2013



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