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17.11.2013 NF-Board and OMF Attn: Mr.

Jean-Luc Kit

Re: False and defamatory statements made by NF-Board to Confederation of Independent Football Associations regarding their foundation, their members, their board and their World Championships 2014 in stersund, Sweden Dear Mr. Kit: I am writing you in the name of the Confederation of Independent Football Association (ConIFA) in connection with the above-referenced matter. The NF-Board, its directors, officers, agents, employees and assigns are hereby warned and notified to CEASE AND DESIST making false and defamatory statements regarding ConIFA and its members and its ongoing matters with Jean-Luc Kit. It has come to our attention that false statements were made by Jean-Luc Kit and the NF-Board official homepage. - The main page of the NF-Board calls the renaming of a Facebook group "fraudulent confiscation". - A letter to the members published on the homepage quotes: " Worst even, some like Per Anders Blind are actually using some documents and the name of the NFB in order to redirect members to their profit. If jurisdictional approaches have been made in order to solve all those dysfunctions and irregularities described earlier, the jurisdictional procedures will be maintained in the name of NFB in order to get reparation for the damages." - In a current mail, dated 15.11.2013, Jean-Luc Kit calls ConIFA " group of pirates named ConIFA". He also states "These pirates use wrong names on their "Organisation Chart" and wrong FA or they create some new illegal FA for their next supposed tournament." and "Hijacking our initial tournament in stersund, they used our name to approach sponsors. They used our initial facebook Group pirating the name, they use the photos of the VIVA World Cup tm under copyright without our authorization on their propaganda." He goes on saying: "Kurdistan = wrong; Ile of Man = pirate team; Samiland = probably pirate team (we await the official info); Quebec = ask yourself to the Quebec Soccer Association...; Tamil Eelam = pirate team (we received an official protestation from their legal president, and this groupe uses illegaly the official logo created during the last VIVA WC 2012 by him)". - In another mail, dating from 17.11.2013, Mr. Kit said: "ConIFA [...] lies to you and still uses on its web site the names of persons and FA againts their will. For example, the letter of support from the FA of Kurdistan which you will find enclosed with this letter. Recently, the FA Isle of Man protested. We have doubts on the legality of names used by Padania, Lapland and Quebec. The president of the legal FA Tamileelam has already protested." The statements made by the NF-Board and Jean-Luc Kit regarding ConIFA are false, defamatory, constitute tortious interference with business, and as such, are actionable under French and European law. If we are forced to commence a lawsuit against Jean-Luc Kit in order to stop continued false and defamatory or insulting statements, be advised that we will seek recovery of all attorneys fees and costs incurred herein as a result. While we certainly hope this is not necessary, we are prepared to pursue whatever avenues are necessary on behalf of our client to stop the continued false and defamatory statements made against ConIFA by the NF-Board and Jean-Luc Kit.


Per-Anders Blind, President of the Confederation of Independent Football Associations

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