PepsiCo Press Release

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PepsiCo Announces Targeted Investment of Rs. 33,000 Crores in India by 2020 Investment wi furt!er strengt!

en PepsiCo"s position as one of India"s eading food and beverage companies #trategic initiative wi fund investments in innovation, manufacturing, se ing and go$to$mar%et infrastructure, and agricu ture

&ew 'e !i, &ovember ((, 20(3 - PepsiCo, Inc., one of the largest food and beverage businesses in India, today announced plans for the company and its partners to invest Rs. 33,000 crores ( !"#.# billion$ in India by %0%0. &a'ing the announcement, PepsiCo Chairman and Chief ()ecutive *fficer Indra +ooyi said, -India is a country .ith huge potential and it remains an attractive, high-priority mar'et for PepsiCo. /e0ve built a highly successful business in India over the course of many years, and .e believe .e0ve only scratched the surface of the long-term opportunities that e)ist for PepsiCo and our partners. 1his investment is PepsiCo0s vote of confidence in India0s future and it represents our deep commitment to this great country.2 India currently represents one of PepsiCo0s largest mar'ets globally. 1his Rs. 33,000 crore investment is e)pected to further strengthen and e)pand PepsiCo0s capabilities in the strategic areas,

Innovation, PepsiCo .ill continue to e)pand the range of foods and beverages in its portfolio to cater to the .ide and evolving needs of Indian consumers. PepsiCo has a long history of successfully innovating for the Indian mar'et, and PepsiCo India already has organically built eight brands that generate Rs. 3,000 crores or more in

estimated annual retail sales. (Pepsi, 4ay0s, 5ur'ure, 6 P, !lice, &irinda, &ountain 7e. and 89uafina$

)anufacturing,PepsiCo plans to significantly increase manufacturing capacity to meet the demand for its foods and beverages. PepsiCo and its partners plan to e)pand their production capacity in India to more than double current levels by %0%0. Infrastructure, PepsiCo and its partners plan to ramp up selling and delivery infrastructure throughout the country, .ith a particular focus on rural mar'et e)pansion. 8s part of this strategic initiative, PepsiCo .ill .or' .ith its partners to deploy ne. technologies designed to enhance service to retail customers and increase efficiency across go-to-mar'et systems. Agricu ture,Resources .ill be allocated to e)pand PepsiCo0s .ell-'no.n collaborative farming program, .hich provides farmers .ith access to good 9uality seeds, technical agronomic e)pertise, ban' loans and crop insurance. 1his program currently reaches %:,000 farmers, positively impacting their income and social standing in addition to strengthening the reliability and 9uality of PepsiCo0s supply chain.

1he PepsiCo India system has made significant progress in recent years to align its business interests .ith those of India. ;or e)ample,

PepsiCo India achieved Positive /ater <alance in %030, .ith the margin of .ater replenishment e)ceeding usage in each successive year. PepsiCo0s .or' .ith Indian farmers has reduced the amount of .ater used in rice cultivation, conserving more than 3% billion liters of .ater in %03% alone. &ore than :0 percent of the energy re9uirement of PepsiCo0s company-o.ned food and beverage plants in India comes from sources. PepsiCo0s food

plants in Pune, 5ol'ata and Channo each have installed biomass boilers, enabling 60 percent of the energy needs of these facilities to be met through energy.

PepsiCo0s !athariya beverage plant .as a.arded 4((7 =old =reen ;actory <uilding Certification by the Indian =reen <uilding Council in %033, mar'ing India0s first beverage or food plant to receive this distinguished certification. PepsiCo continues to e)pand its >ua'er grain-based and 1ropicana fruit-based offerings in India to meet consumer demand for convenient and nutritional products. +ourishCo, a ?oint venture bet.een 1ata =lobal <everages and PepsiCo, launched 1ata /ater Plus, India0s first nutrient .ater.

8bout PepsiCo PepsiCo is a global food and beverage leader .ith net revenues of more than "@# billion and a product portfolio that includes %% brands that generate more than "3 billion each in annual retail sales. *ur main businesses A >ua'er, 1ropicana, =atorade, ;rito-4ay and Pepsi-Cola A ma'e hundreds of en?oyable foods and beverages that are loved throughout the .orld. PepsiCoBs people are united by our uni9ue commitment to sustainable by investing in a healthier future for people and our planet, .hich .e believe also means a more successful future for PepsiCo. /e call this commitment Performance .ith Purpose, PepsiCoBs promise to provide a .ide range of foods and beverages from treats to healthy eatsC to find innovative .ays to minimiDe our impact on the environment by conserving energy and .ater and reducing pac'aging volumeC to provide a great .or'place for our associatesC and to respect, support and invest in the local communities .here .e operate. ;or more information, please visit *or furt!er information, p ease contact+

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