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Ignatavicius: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition

Chapter 1: Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Test Bank M !TI"!E C#$ICE 1. Which action demonstrates that the nurse understands the purpose of the Rapid Response Team? a. Monitoring the client for changes in postoperative status such as wound infection b. Documenting all changes observed in the client and maintaining a postoperative flow sheet c. Notifying the physician of the client s change in blood pressure from 1!" to ## mm $g systolic d. Notifying the physician of the client s increase in restlessness after medication change %N&' ( The Rapid Response Team )RRT* saves lives and decreases the ris+ for harm by providing care to clients before a respiratory or cardiac arrest occurs. %lthough the RRT does not replace the (ode Team, which responds to client arrests, it intervenes rapidly for those who are beginning to decline clinically. -t would be appropriate for the RRT to intervene when the client has e.perienced a /01point drop in blood pressure. Monitoring the client s postoperative status, maintaining a postoperative flow sheet, and notifying the physician of a change in the client s status after a medication change would not be considered activities of the Rapid Response Team. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' (omprehension45nderstanding R62' pp. 017 T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(ollaboration with -nterdisciplinary Team* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )%ssessment* 0. The ;oint (ommission focuses on safety in health care. Which action by the nurse reflects The ;oint (ommission s main ob<ective? a. 9erforming range1of1motion e.ercises on the client three times each day b. 6nsuring that the client is eating 1""= of the meals served to him or her c. %ssessing the client s respirations when administering opioids d. Delegating to the nursing assistant to give the client a complete bath daily %N&' ( -t is important for the nurse to assess respirations of the client when administering opioids because of the possibility of respiratory depression. The other interventions may or may not be necessary in the care of the client and do not focus on safety. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4%

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Test @an+


T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )&afety and -nfection (ontrol* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )%ssessment* 7. Which action by the nurse shows an understanding of the principle of self1 determination? a. %llowing a postoperative client to decide to ta+e medication with fruit <uice rather than water b. %llowing a teenager to decide not to go to a clinic when there is evidence that she is having profuse vaginal bleeding c. %llowing a parent to decide not to proceed with a lifesaving operation for a 101 year1old client d. %llowing an older client with dementia to decide not to ta+e cardiac medication throughout the shift %N&' % Respect for people is one of three basic ethical principles that nurses and other health care professionals should use as a basis for clinical decision ma+ing. Respect implies that clients are treated as autonomous individuals capable of ma+ing informed decisions about their care. This client autonomy is referred to as self1determination, or self1management, and is best illustrated by allowing a client to decide to ta+e medication with fruit <uice rather than water. The other answer choices would not illustrate self1determination appropriately and might possibly endanger the client s life. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:6thical 9ractice* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )%ssessment* !. The nurse is initiating a series of teaching sessions with an older client. What is the nurse s highest1priority, client1centered action before beginning the session? a. 6nsure that the client s family is present and will participate. b. Ma+e certain that the client is wearing his glasses. c. $ave printed handouts ready to use during the session. d. &chedule the session for early evening after the client s meal. %N&' @ The most important client1centered action is to ensure that the client is wearing his or her glasses. The ability to see adeAuately will outweigh the need for family presence, use of printed handouts, and hunger )or lac+ thereof*. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' $ealth 9romotion and Maintenance )9rinciples of Teaching43earning* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Teaching43earning

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Test @an+


/. Which action best demonstrates the nurse using client1centered care when planning a menu for a Bietnamese client who is newly diagnosed with diabetes? a. %s+ing the client what food he or she would eat on a standard diabetic menu b. %s+ing family members to ma+e selections for the client from a diabetic menu c. 8rdering a typical diabetic meal for the client and planning diet teaching d. Researching the Bietnamese culture before discussing diabetic meal planning %N&' D (lient1centered care is best illustrated by the nurse researching Bietnamese culture and native coo+ing before discussing meal planning. This shows that the nurse is interested and is involved in the client s care. The nurse can then suggest foods from the standard diabetic menu to the client and his or her family. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' 9hysiological -ntegrity )@asic (are and (omfort: Nutrition and 8ral $ydration* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Teaching43earning ?. The -nstitute for $ealthcare -mprovement )-$-* identified interventions to save client lives. Which actions are within the scope of nursing practice to improve Auality of care? a. -nsert a central line to give intravenous fluid to a dehydrated client. b. 5se sterile techniAue when changing dressings on a new surgical site. c. -ntubate a client whose o.ygen saturation is C0=. d. 9rescribe aspirin for a client who presents with an acute myocardial infarction %N&' @ The only intervention identified within the scope of nursing practice is to use sterile techniAue. (entral line insertion, intubation, and prescription are functions of the physician. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:3egal Rights and Responsibilities* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )-mplementation* D. Which action by the nurse demonstrates the best practice for nursing documentation on a computeriEed record? a. Deleting all documentation errors on the computeriEed record b. 5sing red font to denote all significant events that have occurred c. Waiting until the end of the shift to record a summary of information d. Documenting assessment data at the point of care %N&' D The best practice for nursing documentation is to document as soon as the assessment is completed. The other practices listed are ineffective and are not recommended. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4%

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Test @an+ T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:3egal Rights and Responsibilities* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (ommunication and Documentation #. % client is scheduled for a mastectomy. %s she is about to receive the preoperative medication, she tells the nurse that she does not want to have her breast removed but wants a lumpectomy. Which response indicates that the nurse is acting as a client advocate? a. Telling the client her surgeon is e.cellent and +nows what is best for her condition b. (alling the surgeon to come and e.plain all treatment options to the client c. $olding the client s hand and offering to pray with her for a good outcome d. %rranging for a postoperative visit from a cancer survivor


%N&' @ (lients have the right to be fully informed about their treatment plans and to change their minds. % client who e.presses doubt, uncertainty, or a change of feeling about a treatment plan should be supported by the nurse and heard by the health care provider, and should serve as an active participant in treatment planning. The nurse would be functioning best as a client advocate by notifying the surgeon that the client wants a different treatment option. The nurse would not be acting as a client advocate by providing vague reassurance, arranging for a cancer survivor to come meet with the client, or offering to pray with the client because none of these options would address the client s desire for a different treatment option. (alling the surgeon to come and e.plain all treatment options also promotes communication and client advocacy. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:6thical 9ractice* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (aring C. What priority assessment data should be shared with the interdisciplinary team from a client admitted to the emergency department with a lacerated artery? a. -nformation regarding ne.t of +in to notify in case the client dies b. $istory about what medications the client is currently ta+ing c. Measurement of blood pressure and pulse d. %ssessment of rate and depth of respirations %N&' ( -n establishing an emergency database, assessment first focuses on the immediate problem, especially with a high probability for a life1threatening conseAuence. %ssessing vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse, which indicate the client s hemodynamic status, is the priority intervention. Determining the client s current medications, notifying ne.t of +in, or measuring the rate and depth of respirations is of less importance at this time. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' 9hysiological -ntegrity )9hysiological %daptation:

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Test @an+ Medical 6mergencies* )%ssessment* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess


1". Which intervention can the client e.pect to receive from a medical1surgical nurse in an ambulatory care setting? a. Drawing blood for routine or preoperative testing b. Teaching the client how to change a dressing on an incision c. 8btaining the client s signature on a surgical consent form d. 9erforming a comprehensive physical e.amination %N&' @ (lient teaching is a primary role of the medical1surgical nurse. 8btaining a surgical consent is usually the responsibility of the person performing the surgery. @lood drawing and performing physicals may be done by the nurse but are not primary nursing responsibilities. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(ontinuity of (are* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )9lanning* 11. %n emergency department )6D* nurse gives report on a client who is being transferred to the medical1surgical floor. @ecause of an identified ris+ for suicide, the 6D nurse suggests that the floor nurse contact a sitter and behavioral health. This statement represents which part of the &@%R hand1off? a. &ituation b. @ac+ground c. %ssessment d. Recommendation %N&' D The 6D nurse is giving recommendations to the medical1surgical floor nurse about interventions to start for the client who is being transferred. No communication is provided in the &@%R report about the situation, bac+ground, or assessment. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' Fnowledge4Remembering R62' p. ! T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(ontinuity of (are* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (ommunication and Documentation 10. The nurse is present when the physician discusses the potential effects of a chemotherapy regimen for a client with cancer. Weighing the benefits of the chemotherapy against possible side effects is an e.ample of which ethical principle? a. 9aternalism b. @eneficence c. ;ustice

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Test @an+ d. %utonomy


%N&' @ @eneficence stresses the importance of preventing harm and promoting the client s well1 being. When benefits versus negative effects of an intervention are compared, the client is better informed and can evaluate what could be done in his or her best interest. %utonomy implies self1determination, <ustice refers to eAuality, and paternalism refers to the male head of the family for decision ma+ing. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' (omprehension45nderstanding R62' p. ! T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:6thical 9ractice* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (aring 17. The physician prescribes warfarin )(oumadin* 1/ mg daily. The nurse notes that this is three times the normal dose for this client based on the client s medication profile and laboratory wor+. What does the nurse do first? a. Give the dose and document the concern. b. (all the pharmacy for a consultation. c. (all the physician to Auestion the order. d. $old the medication for that day. %N&' ( (ommunication between the physician and the nurse should be the first step in medication administration to ensure safety in client care. The pharmacy can be consulted but not as the first step. The other answers are not safe practices for the nurse. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )&afety and -nfection (ontrol:6rror 9revention* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (ommunication and DocumentationH Nursing 9rocess )6valuation* 1!. Which statement best describes the process of nursing case management? a. The coordination of care services to at1ris+ populations b. % collaborative process to promote Auality and cost1effective care c. The implementation of care to acutely ill, underserved populations d. % cost1effective care delivery model meeting the needs of specially defined groups %N&' @ The process of case management involves collaboration to assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate services to meet health care needs in a manner that promotes Auality and cost1effective outcomes. -t does not solely involve coordination of care services to at1ris+ populations, implementation of care to acutely ill and underserved clientele, nor a cost1effective model of care delivery that will meet the needs of specially defined groups.

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Test @an+ D-2' (ognitive 3evel' (omprehension45nderstanding R62' p. ! T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(ontinuity of (are* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )9lanning* 1/. Which client is best served by a case manager? a. %n older woman with chronic cystitis b. % middle1aged man with moderate hypertension c. %n older woman with chronic heart failure and diabetes mellitus d. % young adult with a fractured an+le from a sports in<ury


%N&' ( The case management process is reserved for clients who have comple. health problems )high ris+* and incur a high cost to the health care system. (lients with chronic cystitis, moderate hypertension, or a fractured an+le probably would not incur high costs to the health care system. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' (omprehension45nderstanding R62' p. ! T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(ontinuity of (are* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )9lanning* 1?. The client with a stro+e was admitted to a medical1surgical unit. Which tas+s does the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel? a. (omplete the nursing care plan. b. %ssist the client with meals. c. 6valuate the pulse o.imetry reading. d. %ssess level of consciousness. %N&' @ The nurse needs to +now the five rights of delegation' right tas+, right circumstances, right person, right communication, and right supervision. 5nlicensed assistive personnel can help with feeding, but only the nurse can care plan, assess the level of consciousness, and evaluate the o.ygenation of the client. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:Delegation* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (ommunication and Documentation M !TI"!E %ES"$NSE 1. The nurse on a medical1surgical unit notices that there has been an increase in the number of client falls. Which methods would be effective in promoting Auality improvement on this issue? (Select all that apply.) a. -dentify causes of falls on the unit by loo+ing at specific client cases. b. 3oo+ at the research and the literature on prevention of falls.

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Test @an+ c. (omplain to the manager that team members are neglecting the clients. d. 5se sit and stand alarms because they seem to be wor+ing on other units. e. Try more freAuent rounding on clients as suggested by co1wor+ers.


%N&' %, @, D, 6 Iuality improvement reAuires individual and systematic evaluation. 6vidence1based practice in the form of research and literature can aid in revision of care processes. %fter review of ways that falls can be prevented, specific recommendations can be made to improve care on the unit. (omplaining does not facilitate the resolution of a problem. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )&afety and -nfection (ontrol:%ccident4-n<ury 9revention* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )9lanning, 6valuation* 0. Which settings would reAuire ma.imum implementation of the nurse supervisor role? (Select all that apply.) a. %cute care setting b. $ome care setting c. &+illed nursing facility d. %ssisted1living facility e. Rehabilitation facility %N&' %, @, (, D, 6 -n all of the listed facilities and settings, numerous unlicensed assistive personnel are delegated various tas+s. The registered nurse is responsible for overseeing the actions of such personnel and therefore would implement the supervisor role to its ma.imal e.tent. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' (omprehension45nderstanding R62' p. / T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(oncepts of Management* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )9lanning* 7. a. b. c. d. e. f. Which activities are within the role of the case manager? (Select all that apply.) Gathering and organiEing data about a client from client records and interviews 9lanning care for a client with emphasis on client satisfaction (oordinating care among a variety of health care professionals and settings 9romoting the client s interests while negotiating necessary health care %dvocating for the client and the family throughout the continuum of care 5sing resources for appropriate client health care services

%N&' %, (, D, 6, 2 9rimary roles of the nursing case manager include wide1reaching assessment, planning for timely and cost1effective outcomes, facilitation, and advocacy. Roles of the nursing case manager do not include planning care for a client with emphasis on client satisfaction.

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Test @an+


D-2' (ognitive 3evel' (omprehension45nderstanding R62' p. ! T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:(oncepts of Management* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' Nursing 9rocess )9lanning* !. % client has metastatic lung cancer and is hospitaliEed for chemotherapy. Which intervention does the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel? (Select all that apply.) a. %ssist the client with repositioning. b. Teach the client to use the incentive spirometer. c. Ta+e vital signs every ! hours. d. Record inta+e and output measurements. e. 9romote the e.pression of grief and loss. %N&' %, (, D 5%9 can perform vital signs, record inta+e and output measurements, and aid in turning and positioning. Teaching and promoting client e.pression of feelings related to the grieving process are within the role of the nurse. D-2' (ognitive 3evel' %pplication4%pplying or higher R62' N4% T89' (lient Needs (ategory' &afe and 6ffective (are 6nvironment )Management of (are:Delegation* M&(' -ntegrated 9rocess' (ommunication and Documentation

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