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Complaint handling system for hotel guests I. Purpose: ?

In dealing with a variety of guest complaints, remain calm, patient, smiling, to take decisive, flexible and willing to accept the way that customers properly and timely resolution of guests complaints, without pre udice to the interests of the premise of the hotel, guests can experience both to the hotel!amp"#$%"s sincerity, but also make guests feel valued in the hotel and change are not satisfied for the satisfaction, so as to win more repeat business, create more social and economic benefits. &econd, the guests all the contents of complaints handling: ', of the facilities and e(uipment of the complaints )uests on business e(uipment, the complaints include: air conditioning, lighting, utilities, furniture and so on. *ven if the enterprise has established a variety of e(uipment, inspection, repair, maintenance system, can only reduce the incidence of such problems, but can not guarantee the elimination of all e(uipment of potential problems. +ttendants in receiving complaints from customers about the e(uipment, the best way is to immediately go to field observations, and then under the circumstances, to take measures. ,ater, again with the guest phone to confirm the re(uirements of the guests have been met. -, the attitude of service complaints )uests of the attendant attitude of complaints include: rude language, irresponsible response or behavior, cold attitude, if nothing had happened, indifferent reception mode, excessive enthusiasm, hospitality is not active, not passion, not pay attention to language training, collision guests, sarcastic, abusive customers" get items to customers is not !amp"(uot"delivered!amp"(uot" but rather !amp"(uot"throw!amp"(uot" or !amp"(uot"lost!amp"(uot" to the guests" no doubt base arbitrary removal of the hotel guest articles, or mistakenly think that they have not been checked out " $, complaints about service (uality )uests on the (uality of service complaints generally include: attendant not provide services according to customers re(uirements, telephone no answer, do not get to send items to send the wrong time or without the customers consent intruded guest rooms, guests do not respect the customs, forgotten or guest account handled by the wrong things, damage, loss of customers goods, room beds are not clean, do not change the sheets, the room . bath with hair or dirt inside, etc.. /, the complaint of abnormal events Power, water supply, theft, in ury, drunkenness, elevator card people, the room is locked, etc. due to complaints, re(uests attendants try to help within our best to help solve, make interpretation, coordination, follow0up processing. 1hird, the type of guest complaints +n oral complaint handling guests '.'. 1reat any guest complaint to be carefully and patiently listen to, which were highly responsible, on behalf of the 1able to apologi2e to the guests the hotel and thanks.

'.- Pay attention to the guests specific complaints 3occurred at a time, place, through involving the staff, etc.4 and fill out a complaint, log in time. If guests emotional skills of the guests to have a suitable place to talk please. '.$ +fter hearing the views of customers, avoid harbor hostility or argument with the guests on the guest experience should be in a timely manner that they understand and sei2e the opportunity to apologi2e to the guests feel the hotel is the attention to understand their views +nd try to help him solve the problem. './ +fter hearing complaints from customers, we must stay calm, without identifying the causes and after the case, can not arbitrarily take responsibility on behalf of the hotel, to be clear what was going on, then udge. '.5 contact with the relevant departments, on the guests complaining about the incident under investigation, or with customers to deal with the problem scene, the measures to be taken and the time re(uired to inform customers and to solicit the consent of the guests. '.6 right on the guests to answer (uestions, if possible, give guests the opportunity to provide several options. '.7 pairs of more than authority or can not solve problems, to contact higher authorities in time to obtain instructions and can not be free to 8old, indefinitely, any guarantee to the customers, so as not to impede the transaction of further processing. '.9 will be the guests of the complaint to notify the relevant departments to properly solve the problem timely. '.% on behalf of the hotel management to take remedial measures, such as complimentary fruit, gifts, apology letters to the complainant as a polite apology, the sincerity of the hotel to make guests feel, become dissatisfied as satisfied. '.': pairs of a number of vexatious guests, in the process to achieve reasonable manner, adhering to principles, but should pay attention to the attitude, language and manners to be polite, and take effective measures under the circumstances. '.'' to guest complaints and deal with after a detailed record, enhance training, to avoid repetition of similar cases. -. ;ealing with customers written complaints -.' read guest complaint letter, understand the customers grievances. -.- access to customer history records, information on the situation. -.$ 1he appointment complaint service point for people to understand what the circumstances. -./ If not check0out guests, as soon as possible contact with the customer, face to face communication with the guests. -.5 If the guest has check0out, should be representative of the hotel for guests to write a letter of apology, having received permission from )eneral <anager 1hen by fax, mail or *0mail sent to customers in the hands in time. -.6 complete the record sheet and send a complaint, the relevant departments. =ourth, the principle of handling customer complaints: ', the complainant should be polite language

In(uiries or complaints from customers when the waiter must not say: >o, do not understand, no, no, no, do not know, not my control. In order to implement the !amp"(uot"one0time method!amp"(uot", that the guests here once you get the problem resolved, must not be a matter not of his own department buck out of the ground. In case of their own can not solve the matter, should be mildly to please customers wait, while on duty immediately to the supervisor or manager asked to give customers a satisfactory answer. -, recognition of the fact that guest complaint, listened to =or a good understanding of the issues raised by the guests, guests must be careful to listen to the narrative, so that guests are business managers attached great importance to him. ,istener to watch the guests, nod from time to time, so that guests know we listened carefully to his views, and listen to the views of representatives of the guests time to time to say: I understand, I understand that we must seriously deal with it? In order to pacify the guests to gradually cool down, corporate director or manager on duty in their own language to repeat the content of guest complaints or complaints, the event is serious complaints guests, listening to guest comments, should also do some records to listen to show respect for the guests and reflects the problems of the attention. $, remain calm In the complaint, the guest is always ustified. ;o not refute the views of customers, do not argue with the customer. In order not to affect other guests, guests can go to the office, it is best to listen to customers complaints individually, in private conversation tends to calm customers. /, expressed sympathy and regret )uests must first understand, you are very concerned about the environment and suffered other leisure services are satisfactory. If the customers expressed on the issue very seriously, as the leading representatives of business, handling complaints of the parties, time to time to express sympathy for the guests, such as: @e are very sorry, very sorry to hear this matter, we understand you mood? 1hanks for telling us this? =or such incidents, we feel very sorry? I fully understand your feelings? +nd so on. If the guest!amp"#$%"s complaint is true, companies should be held responsible and should be given some compensation, then we will apologi2e to the guests and said: @e are very sorry, <r. 3<s.4, we will take responsibility for, thanks your valuable suggestions our business? 5, agreed to the guests decided to take measures to give ade(uate care @hen the guests complained and the complaint is substantiated, you would like to express sympathy and understanding at the same time when you decide to take action to correct the error, you must let the guests know and agree that you take specific measures to deal with decisions and the content. If the guest does not know or do not agree with your treatment decisions, do not blindly take action. =irst of all, you have to very politely informed the guests, you will be taken measures, and guests agree with you as far as possible plan of action" this will be a chance that you become satisfied customers complaints and make the guests generate gratitude.

6, to thank guests teach criticism +ny wise leadership at all levels of service businesses and even the waiter should always thank those who have business services or services to critici2e the standard of guidance guests, as guidance to these criticisms or complaints, or complaints will help us to improve the management level and (uality of service. If customers are not satisfied with the service encounter, he did not tell us, do not make any complaints" 8owever, as a patroni2ing our business customers, will tell his friends and people around them, this will greatly affect the future source markets, affect the company!amp"#$%"s reputation. 1o this end, all of us to critici2e, complain or even guest complaints, we not only welcome, but thanks. ?7, no diversion =ocus on the issue raised by the guests and should not be extended, do not marry the crime on others, not to shirk responsibility, can not blame the customers. 9, recorded points 1he main points of the guest complaint on record, will not only slow down the speech to the guests, the guests relaxed mood, you can also make customers confident that business problem is reflected in his attention. In addition, the recorded data can be used as the basis to solve the problem. %, fast action, compensation for loss of guest complaints @hen the guests totally agree with you in the improvement measures taken, you should take immediate action, you must not delay. )uests can only lead to further delays discontent, this time, time and efficiency is the greatest respect for the guests, but also the greatest needs of the guests at this time, otherwise the guests ignored. ':, to implement, supervise and inspect specific measures to compensate customers complaints =irst of all, to ensure the progress of improvement measures" &econd, for service (uality and service facilities in the best condition" again, by telephone or in person to visit the guests (uestioning the guests satisfaction.

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