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Summer Haury

Changes in the Community

Changes in the Community Lesson Plan #5

Essential Questions Standards of Learning (be sure to include integrated standards here too) How have buildings, jobs, transportation, and population changed over time? What causes change? Virginia SOL History 2.3 The student will identify and compare changes in community life over time in terms of buildings, jobs, transportation, and population. NCSS Theme Time, Continuity, and Change Studying the past makes it possible for us to understand the human story across time. National Standards for Art Education: Theater Grade K-4 Theater Standard 4 Content Standard Directing by planning classroom dramatizations Achievement Standard Students collaboratively plan and prepare improvisations and demonstrate various ways of staging classroom dramatizations The students will be able to 1. Identify things that change 2. create two tableaus by working in a group of 3 3. name an invention Teacher Materials: SMARTBoard Slips of paper with inventions written on it (telephone, computer, car, light bulb, glasses, cd player, cell phone, refrigerator, tv, Wii or Xbox, microwave) Student Materials: Writing utensils Props from around the room Social studies notebooks Introduction (5 minutes): Hook1. Watch the Hasbro Mickey Mouse Toy Phone Commercial. 2. Ask students to Think-Pair-Share: Would you want a toy like this as a gift? Why or why not? Link1. Say, Earlier this week we looked at different inventions and how those inventions have changed. Who can remember one invention we looked at? (possible answers: computer, GPS, old phone/ cell phone, etc.) Today we are going to be thinking about ways that inventions change our lives and our community.



Procedures (introduction, instructional strategies, summary/close)

Instructional Strategies (40 minutes):

1. Say, Each of you will be assigned a small group. You will work in a group of three. Everyone will be responsible for cooperating and working together to create a picture for the class. Only

Summer Haury

Changes in the Community

instead of using paper and writing utensils, you will use your bodies to create the picture! This is called a tableau. In your tableau you will pose like you are posing for a picture. Lets try one to get our bodies moving! Everyone stand up. I want you to create a picture with your body as though you are ice skating. Remember you have to freeze! You cant move in a picture. You also cant talk. Okay, relax. Now I want you to make your body look like you are eating a pizza. Have some students model their tableaus. Then try a few examples where the students pair up with one other student. Say, It looks like we have the idea. Now, lets write down some things we know about a tableau. On chart paper or SMART Board write student ideas like: it is silent, you cant move around, it tells a story, its like a picture. Say, In your small groups you will create two tableaus, or pictures. Each group is going to get an invention. In your tableaus you are going to show how this invention is used, or how it has changed your life or someone elses life. In your first tableau, show what life was like without that item. In your second tableau, show how the invention is used, or how it makes life easier. When we perform our tableaus for our classmates, they are going to try to guess which invention you have so keep it a secret. Split the class into groups of three, pass out slips of paper. Students should be closely monitored as they work with their groups. After 15- 20 minutes, ask students to come to the carpet to perform their tableaus. After each group performs, ask students to guess what invention they were acting out. Then, hold a small group discussion and talk about ways that the community has changed due to that invention. Write ideas on the SMART Board in two columns. On the left side write Then and on the right side write Now. Ask, What was life like before this was invented? and What is life like now that we have this invention?

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Close (10 minutes):

1. In their social studies notebook, have the students write to the prompt: Which invention has had the biggest impact on your life? 2. Bring students back to the carpet and say, Today we got to explore ways that inventions have changed our lives and our community. Do you think any of you would like to be an inventor and change the way the world works? I know you can do it if you put your mind to it! When you go home tonight, be thinking of ways that inventions make your home a good place to be. Are there any inventions that you would like to have at home that could make your life easier? Tomorrow we are going to continue to think about changes in our community.

Formative Assessment

Objective 1: The teacher will take anecdotal notes in a notebook, recording student responses to discussion questions. Objective 2: The teacher will take anecdotal notes in a notebook, recording student performance. Students will be awarded the following points: 3 if they contributed an idea to tableau, 2 if they participated and performed tableau, 1 if they worked with group but did not perform tableau, 0 if they were disruptive or did not participate. Objective 3: The students will be writing about inventions in their social studies notebook.

Summer Haury Differentiation

Changes in the Community

1. English Language Learners: Ensure that these students are working with others who are verbal, possibly other students who speak the same language. 2. Multiple Intelligences: This lesson suits the bodily-kinesthetic learner since the students are role-playing and using lots of movement. Also, the interpersonal learner will benefit from working in cooperative learning groups. 3. Learning Styles: Kinesthetic learners are able to move around in this lesson, visual learners benefit from having the ideas written on the SMART Board, and auditory learners will exchange ideas with others in class discussion. 4. Content/Process/Product: The product will vary by group because each group is assigned a different invention to design their tableaus around. 5. Students with Special Needs: These students can have the option of participating as an audience member only. 6. Extensions: Students will be given the option of writing a script for a play, designing costume pieces, and/ or designing sets.

Technology Integration (if applicable)

The SMART Board will be used for posting responses in the class discussion and watching the video in the introduction.

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