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Magical Mantras & Mantra Spellwork

Many magical practitioners find that chanting can help them center and focus before and during meditation or ritual, but did you know that it can be used to achieve magical goals as well? The magical power of words is recognized in spiritual traditions the world over, and mantras are among the most famous and ancient magical word formulas. Mantras are a form of magical prayer-chant that originates in the Hindu tradition. They were designed specifically to have dramatic transformative effects on those that recited them. When said aloud, each letter of the Sanskrit alphabet (which the mantras were originally composed in) creates energetic vibrations that, when combined into spiritually potent phrases can help the chanter attain their goals and desires - or even bring them into contact with the gods! While Hindu & Buddhist tradition holds that most mantras may only be recited by initiates, there are plenty of mantras that have been used and proven to be extremely effective (and safe) by Westerners. I spent 7 years working exclusively with the Hindu deities, and gained very valuable experience and knowledge on how to work with these deities in their traditional context, and through my relationship with them was guided into how to utilize their energies for magical ends using a more blended style of ritual. Through my contact with the occult and conjure communities, I have found that many others had been working with them in a similar style long-before I was led into it! These mantric practices can really help add an extra dimension to your work, and building a working relationship with these powerful spirits will be more than worth your while in the long-run! While I am addressing primarily Hindu mantras in this article, there are amazingly powerful traditions of mantra work in the Buddhist tradition as well you need only do some research on your own to find them!

How Do Mantras Work? Mantras work on the principle of like-attracts-like. When you are chanting a mantra, you are immersing your body and your environment with the vibrations created by the sounds of the words which are believed to be the sound of the vibration that that spiritual principle actually makes if you could hear it! For instance, if you could physically hear the vibration of the energy of Prosperity, it would sound like SHREEM, and so SHREEM is an important part of the mantras for Prosperity. By filling your environment with the vibration of Prosperity, Prosperity will naturally begin to manifest in your life. If you chant a mantra aloud long enough (about 3-5 minutes for me, but everyone is different) you will begin to feel the energy of the atmosphere around you change. This vibration will match the vibration of whatever goal the mantra was intended to achieve. The longer you chant, the longer you will sustain and release the energy of your mantra-spell out into the Universe where it can manifest. Repetition of the chant on a regular basis is important until you have attained your goal. People who decide you use mantras as a regular part of their spiritual practice usually obtain or make a string of japa, or prayer, beads to help them keep track of how many times they have said a particular chant. In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, mantras are usually repeated in some multiple of the sacred number 108, and so most malas, or rosaries, have 108 beads.

How Can Mantras Help Me? As in all spell-type work, the stronger and clearer the intent, the more successful you will be in achieving your magical goals. A mantra is intent crystallized into a specific vibration which you can tap into and use to improve your psychic abilities, deepen your spiritual practice - or just accomplish

mundane goals, such as gaining self-confidence, drawing more money into your life, or helping you do better in your career. Theres a mantra for nearly any aspiration! Here are some of the most popular mantras and what goals they can be used for: OM By far the most well-known and Universal mantra, it is believed to be the sound of Creation Itself. This mantra is a panacea of sorts, as it can be used in nearly any circumstance. It invokes Divine energy and can open many spiritual doors, and increase your intuitive capabilities. Chanting OM can sometimes trigger clairvoyant experiences or even spontaneous channeling. To direct its energy to a specific task, visualize your desire while chanting. I begin and end all my chanting sessions with a few repetitions of OM, as it fills the energetic atmosphere with a powerful and sacred vibration. OM Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! This translates into Hail Peace! Peace! Peace! and is a wonderful mantra for this hectic (and violent) day-and-age. It is an excellent addition to any magical workings for Peace, Calm, or Clarity that you may participate in. You can use this mantra to calm and center yourself if ever you are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and worry. Its vibrations can also cleanse and soothe an environment where lots of anger and fighting have been present. OM GAM Ganapatiye Namaha - This is the mahamantra of the Hindu Deity, Ganesha, Lord of Obstacles. Chanting this can open the road and clear away any obstructions, seen or unseen, which are standing in the way of you achieving your goal. I use this mantra more than any other, and have not once been disappointed! Life just seems to flow more smoothly when you chant this regularly. Use this mantra whenever you feel overwhelmed by delays or just generally stuck, and your path will soon be free and unimpeded. OM EIM Saraswatyei Swaha This roughly translates, Hail to the Goddess that which enlightens all artistic and educational undertakings! As you can see, this mantra invokes serious aid to any creative or scholastic project. When combined with a sincere effort to hit-the-books, this can help you pull your self up by your bootstraps and make the grade! It can also be chanted to inspire your artistic talents, or improve your overall academic prowess. This mantra is a powerful talisman for any student or artist! OM AIM HREEM SHREEM Chamundayei Vicche Namaha This mantra calls upon the Goddess Durga, who is a fierce warrior and extremely strong Mother figure. This particular mantra is extremely effective for personal transformation work aimed at increasing self-esteem and improving ones selfimage and overall self-worth. Use this whenever you are working towards mustering some extra courage, or need the strength to stand your ground, or just generally need to change self-abusive mental and behavioral patterns. It also invokes a greatly protective energy, so you can use this whenever you feel you are in need of spiritual protection and support. OM SHREEM Mahalakshmiyei Swaha This mantra invokes the presence and energy of the Goddess Lakshmi, who is the embodiment of Prosperit y in all its forms. Most commonly petitioned for financial prosperity, and so a perfect Goddess to petition for extra income, increased business, finding a job, or getting a raise at work, she can also bring prosperity in the forms of health, loving and supportive family and friends, and general good fortune and luck in life. She is very often petitioned alongside Ganesha, for a powerful one-two punch of Road Opening and Prosperity-drawing.

How Do I Get Started? Once you have chosen a mantra that suits your needs, you may want to buy or make a mala, to keep track of your repetitions. Since saying a mantra the traditional 108 times at one sitting can be tough for a novice, the bracelet-sized wrist malas that contain 27 (one quarter of 108) beads are ideal. Decide how often you are going to chant your mantra. Daily practice is recommended if you are working toward a specific aim, but often it is hard to schedule time for meditation every single day.

What is important is to make a plan and stick to it. Now its time for you to start chanting!

How Do I Chant My Mantra? When you are first beginning, experiment by chanting the mantra at different rhythms and tempos, and also at various tones and volumes that are comfortable for your voice. You will probably find that chanting at a medium to slow pace, in the middle to lower register of your voice, at a fair volume will result in the energy of the mantra buzzing around and through you. As soon as this buzz intuitively feels right to you, you know youve found the correct way to say the mantra for you! Once youve been chanting for a few weeks, youll become familiar enough with the energetic vibration of the mantra, to be able to effectively chant it mentally. By imagining the vibrations surrounding you while you silently recite your mantra, you are no longer limited to when and where you can chant! I often use my wrist mala and chant on the subway or streetcar. This makes maintaining a daily practice much easier.

What If I Pronounce It Wrong? It is true that correct pronunciation is ideal, but if you mess it up a bit, youre not going to be hit by a thunderbolt from above! Many websites have audio clips that feature traditional pronunciations and rhythm structures of various mantras. I would recommend listening to these just to get an idea of what your mantra should sound like. I have found, however, that the intonation of the mantra changes from one traditional school to another, and I have personally experienced incredible results using Westernized inflections. Generally, if you take a few moments to sound it out, you will arrive at an effective pronunciation that you are comfortable with and can easily use to attain your goal. There is a Buddhist folk-tale about the spiritual fruits of a laymens incorrect - but faithful - recitation of a mantra, wholly surpassing the dogmatically correct but empty recitations of the same mantra by a monk. So even the Buddha agrees that earnest effort and a positive attitude is what really matters when chanting a mantra!

How Do I Incorporate Mantras Into Spellwork? Many spells involve praying to or otherwise petitioning a deity or spirit for aid in a matter. You can use mantras in place of, or in addition to any prayers or affirmations that you feel are appropriate to your cause. Lucky Mojo carries an amazing line of Hindu Deity condition oils, incense, and baths that you can acquire for a very reasonable price. A simple candle spell for money could go something like this: * a small picture of Lakshmi * green 7-day vigil candle * sandalwood incense * Queen of Pentacles' Money & Prosperity incense or Lakshmi incense * Queen of Pentacles' Money & Prosperity oil or Lakshmi oil * Queen of Pentacles Money-Drawing Herb Blend for candle dressing * white tea light (one for each day you will work the spell) * small glass of water * small dry food-item * 2x2 square of parchment paper * green ink pen * mala or other device to count repetitions of chants * Holy Oil (optional)

1) Place the picture of Lakshmi on your working altar use a green or gold altar cloth if possible. 2) Annoint the picture with some of your oil, while concentrating on your intents and inviting Lakshmi to aid you. This will help fix the image to your uses. 3) While in front of your altar, but before proceeding with any work, say a prayer to Ganesha asking him to open the way for you to work with Lakshmi. If you wish you can chant OM GAM Ganapatayei Namaha as a way of doing this. 4) Hold the tealight in your hand and let some of your energy flow into the candle as an offering. You may also dress this candle with Holy Oil to further increase the energy of the offering. 5) Place the dressed tea light, the glass of water, and the food item on a small plate and place it in front of the picture. Light the tealight and the sandalwood incense while chanting OM SHREEM Mahalakshmiyei Swaha as an offering. Spend a few moments in positive communion with Lakshmi, and inviting her presence into your life with a loving heart. 6) Light the Money and Prosperity, or Lakshmi incense, or place some of the Money-Drawing Herb Blend onto a lit charcoal. 7) Take the green vigil candle and inscribe your intent into the top. If writing words is too difficult, then carve symbols, such as the $, that express your petition. 8) Dress the candle with your Money & Prosperity oil, or Lakshmi oil, while concentrating and praying your intent. 9) Finish dressing the candle by sprinkling some of the Money-Drawing Herb Blend onto the top of the candle. 10) Write your petition, in as clear and concise and specific wording as you can (if you need to be hired in the automotive industry, state that; if you need to permanently increase your monthly income to $5000, then state that; if you need $200 to cover the phone bill by next Friday, state that), onto the 2x2 square of parchment paper. Annoint the petition paper in a 5-spot pattern like the 5 side of dice with the Money-Drawing, Prosperity, or Lakshmi oil. 11) Place the petition paper underneath the fixed candle, and while concentrating on your petition, light the candle. 12) Take your mala or other chant counter out. Chant at least one full round (108 repetitions) of OM SHREEM Mahalakshmiyei Swaha while concentrating on your petition being granted. 13) When you are done, spend a few moments thanking Lakshmi for hearing your petition. Drink the water and eat the food offering this is the traditional Hindu practice, and it is a way for you to bring the energies of Lakshmi into your body and your life. Leave the tealight to burn out, and leave the vigil light working as well. 14) Each day that the vigil candle is burning, repeat # 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13. 15) Watch for signs of movement. Repeat as necessary until your results are achieved.

When Will I See Results? Mantras, like spells, manifest in their own mysterious timeframe. The exact time it takes will vary from person to person, depending on their goals. When working with mantras alone (as in, not as part of a

larger spell work) 40 days is the traditional amount of time for the results of mantra repetition to be perceived. However, I have personally had the effects of a mantra manifest in under a week, and the resulting sequence of events that it set off remaining active for months! This reinforces the old adage, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Basically, if you are going for a deep transformative effect using mantras, the effect can take longer to manifest, as the energies have to move around more people and events to get the desired result. I have found the hoodoo adage 3 days for a sign, 3 weeks for movement, and 3 months for the final result to hold fairly true for mantra work. While fun and easy to work with, mantras are an ancient and powerful form of magic, so you must be just as sure about your motives and the full consequences of the end-result before beginning to chant, as you have to be before casting a spell. If you would like to experiment with adding mantras to your magical toolbox, I would suggest making your first goals simple ones, until you get the hang of how to work with this particular piece of Arcanum.

Working Conjure with the Hindu Deities

Lately I have been getting asked or running into questions being asked about incorporating the Hindu deities into conjure. Because I have worked with them for the better part of 10 years now, I do have a set method of working that has been extremely successful for me, and which Im happy to share. It is a way of working that respects the cultural tradition from which they spring, and acknowledges their roles as full-fledged powerful and compassionate deities, and not just spirits that we can treat as totems for quick money or the like. I had previously written an article about using mantras with spellwork, which introduces the topic of petitioning Hindu deities for magical goals in a very basic sense. People have been requesting more detailed information, which I applaud, and so Im happy to provide my perspective. I am in no way saying that this is the only manner of working with them, I am just presenting what has worked for me and how the Hindu deities have guided me to work with them. Once you develop a relationship with them, they may guide you differently. So without further ado, here are some of the most common questions and concerns that I run into regarding blending work with Hindu deities into a rootworking or other folk magic context.

HOW DO I WORK WITH THEM FOR MY SPELLS? I would suggest working to build your connection with them before trying to petition them for anything other than just their presence. It irks me to see people treating them like gum-ball machines thinking that if they put up a statue and pour some oil on it that money or love will just start to come right out at them. These are high-level gods and goddesses who are worthy and deserving of your respect, and because they have approximately 900 million native worshippers they are not dependant on

your offerings for their sustenance. They are compassionate deities who are more than willing to help those who call upon them with a sincere heart, and who may receive spiritual benefit from their interactions. While they are certainly happy to aid with your day-to-day mundane problems, they do have a much more expanded view of life and are more anxious to aid you so that you can develop spiritually, then they are to just give you stuff because you want it. Ultimately they are most concerned with maintaining the dharma, the right way of living. If helping you will help you be a better person and live a better life, then they will most likely be willing to lend aid. However if your goal has no real positive value, then you may find yourself unaided. Taking the time to develop a relationship with them shows that you have a vested spiritual interest in them and the disciplined commitment to some form of spiritual practice to be deserving of their attention and open to their positive influences. Spend time reading up on the various myths and scriptures associated with that deity that way you can learn their personality, as well as their likes and dislikes, and in what ways you can expect them to work with you. Set up an altar space for the deities you wish to work with, and make is beautiful and welcoming. At least burn some incense and a candle at the altar daily, while spending some time calling out to them and inviting their presence into your life. I recommend that you perform a small simple puja for them each day, and spend time chanting their mantras. As I spoke of in the other article, mantras are extremely potent and powerful and call in the attention and energies of a deity very quickly. You will want to make sure that you have successfully called the deitys presence into your altar image before petitioning for specific requests. There are rituals that one can perform to establish the deity into an image, however this generally requires an established relationship and connection between the deity and the person doing that ritual. So those first starting out would most likely not be able to accomplish them. However, daily devotions done at an altar will result in the deity being called into that space and establishing a presence there, if the devotions are performed with consistency and sincerity.

SO HOW DO I DO A SMALL PUJA? Puja is ritual devotion. If you look up traditional Hindu pujas that often look very intimidating and require many items that, unless you live near an Indian market, it will be unfamiliar to you and difficult to acquire (although online shopping has made it easier to get them). However, you dont need to offer all the various things that are culturally foreign to you. You simply want to offer something from each of the 5 elements, and that is sufficient.

Each day offer a small amount of food (Earth element) for the deity to take prana/energy from, some cool water (Water element) for them to refresh themselves with, some incense to sweeten the air with (Air element), some light in the form of a ghee lamp or candle (Fire element) for them to warm themselves with, and your mantras, hymns, and prayers of devotion and respect (Spirit element). Flowers are another common offering if you have them readily available, they are a nice addition; however if you do not have a garden, buying flowers daily can be costinhibitive, so this can be an options offering for special occasions. Another nice touch which you can experiment with is ringing a small bell as you make the offerings as bells are considered to bring the deities attention to the altar and cross through the various planes of existence. Generally speaking bhajans (hymns) to the deity will be sung while the offerings are being made. Most of these are in Hindi or another Indian-language, however you can easily find them for download online (I like for this), and its become common practice in modern times to simply play bhajans on a stereo during puja. This is what I generally do, though because Ive listened to them for so long I now know the words and can sing along. But it is nice to have the musical atmosphere. Again, the bhajans and music are optional. These are elements which can be added once it seems natural to do so, and neednt be seen as a requirement. When you present the offering to the deitys murti (image), it is traditional to circle it in front of their image 3 times in a clockwise motion. After presenting the offering, spend time praying and chanting. I recommend chanting the mantra at least 108 times, which is one round of mala (Hindu rosary), and then spend a few moments just speaking from the heart. Its easy to find mantras to the various deities through Google searching. But just in case you get confused, here are some simple ones for some of the more popular deities for your reference. Ganesha OM GAM Ganapateyei namaha Lakshmi OM SREE Mahalakshmiyei swaha Saraswarti- OM AIM Saraswatieyi namaha Durga OM DUM Durgayei namaha Kali OM KRIM Kalikayei namaha Shiva OM nama Shivaya Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

When you are finished chanting and communing at the altar, then partake of the food and water offerings that you made. In Hindu practice this is called Prasad, or grace the deities has taken what it wants from the offerings, and in turn has bestowed special blessings and energy onto them. Partaking of the offerings is a way of accepting the blessings of the deity and internalizing their presence and energy. This is similar to the Christian communion. If you would like to view a nice video showing a simple puja so that you can get an idea of how it is done in a more traditional Hindu context, you may enjoy the following video. Remember, you do not need to do a fully traditional Hindu puja to develop a relationship with the deities, but it is good to be somewhat familiar with what is done to honor them in their home culture. It will also make the instructions that Ive given above make a bit more sense.

SO HOW DO YOU DO THE CONJURE PART OF THE WORK WITH THEM? But when you move into petitioning them, I always perform puja first, and only then ask their aid with my petition and conjure. I don't really change too much about the conjure itself at that point, except I use mantra instead of Christian-style prayer and of course I'm asking for their aid and not any other spirit from any other tradition. So however you would normally go about dressing and working your candles, or making your mojo bag or bottle spell, or whatever you may be doing, you basically do that the same way. However as I perform the conjure I chant an appropriate mantra to bring that deities energy and aid to the work, or you can just pray to the deity from your heart asking for their aid. This is like the prayer part of the work that you would normally do, you are just addressing the prayer to the Hindu deity, rather than a different saint or angel or other spirit. Finding an appropriate mantra is an important step if you wish to incorporate mantras into the work itself (which I always do). Healing Mantrasand Shakti Mantras are two great books by Namadeva Acharya (aka Thomas Ashley-Farrand) that help you find a mantra that energetically targets particular goals. The author also has accompanying CDs that you can purchase to learn how to properly chant a mantra, and also to have a track to chant along with which can be very convenient. As I chant an appropriate mantra, I visualize the sound taking the form of my petition being granted - so that see that happening with each recitation of the mantra. That's at least 108 times of seeing it happen in one sitting, though if you have the endurance doing 10 rounds of japa is ideal. Whats fantastic about incorporating mantras into your conjure, is that you can chant your mantra at any time and be working for your goal. Just hold your petition/intent

firmly in mind as you chant. This can help you work towards you goal throughout the day. Even if I have completed the ritual part of my conjure, for instance I am done with my 7-day prosperity candle ritual, I will still chant at the altar each day for my petition. This continues the work and helps infuse me and my space with the energy of that deities aid for my case. As an explicit example of my blended Hindu conjure work, lets take dressing a glass encased vigil light. I have all my conjure supplies at hand, and then perform the puja. Once the puja is complete I speak from the heart asking for the deities blessing and aid in my need. Then I begin preparing the candle dressing with oil, inscribing names/petitions, etc. I speak and pray from the heart to the deity while I do all this. Then I take the candle into my hands, and holding the candle in such a way that my breath will fall onto the top wax, I begin chanting 108 of the appropriate mantra for that deity and my petition. As I chant, I strongly visualize that deity aiding my cause and my petition being granted. When I am through chanting, I knock the candle on the table 3 times to seal it, and then light it to set it to work. I place the candle on the deitys altar, and then partake of the offerings while offering my sincere thanks for their aid, and for the blessings received through the prasad. One other thing that you can do is use the water portion of the prasad to sprinkle around your home or add it to a spiritually cleansing floorwash to bring in the blessings that way. However, I still recommend taking at least a small sip to take into yourself those blessings as well. When your goal has manifested, I recommend preparing a puja with more elaborate offerings (within your means) in thanks. Go out of your way to find out what exact foods and flowers are especially favored by that deity and offer them. Ganesha is particularly fond of sweet balls, called modaka or ladoo, but any sweet will do. Saraswati likes yellow sour candles, and yellow foods in general. Coconuts (and coconut water and coconut milk), mangoes, honey, fruits in general, and rice are always good offerings if you're not sure what else to offer. Try to include flowers in a thanksgiving puja as well, as well as some traditional music.

WHAT CONDITION PRODUCTS (OILS, INCENSE, ETC) DO I USE WHEN WORKING WITH THE HINDU DEITIES? I use the same products that I would normally use for that condition. If Im working to draw money, Ill use Money-Drawing, if Im working to open my way Ill use Road Opener or Van Van, if Im working for success Ill use Crown of Success, etc. If I have a specific image of a deity that I maintain on a separate altar, as in not an altar exclusively for them (for example the Ganesha and Lakshmi that I keep on my prosperity altar), I will anoint it with an appropriate condition oil at least once weekly. This helps keep it specifically attuned to the intent of that altar space; but I still

understand that the deity in question in much larger and multifaceted than simply that one particular aspect that I call upon at that altar. Also, Lucky Mojo does make a fantastic line of Hindu Deity condition products that can be incorporated into that work. I like to use the Lucky Mojo Hindu oils in my puja, and then blend some of the Hindu oils with the appropriate condition oils for my conjure for the actual spell work. So blending my Road Opening with Ganesha oil is pretty standard fare around my conjure studio, as is blending Lakshmi oil with Wealthy Way oil. As for general devotional work with the Hindu deities, sandalwood incense is always a great choice. Again, the Lucky Mojo Hindu incenses are a fantastic choice as well. If you do have an Indian market near you, you can find other incense blends that are made with a specific deity in mind. Generally these are all synthetically fragranced, though, so I dont use them in my conjure very often. But they can be nice altar offerings. IVE HEARD I HAVE TO HONOR GANESHA, EVEN IF I JUST WANT TO WORK WITH LAKSHMI? Yes, always acknowledge Ganesha in some way before moving into petitioning any other deities. He's the gatekeeper, and it's traditional Hindu protocol to honor him first. Trust me, it will make things go easier. If you are at all familiar with African Traditional Religions, then you may recognize this concept of a gatekeeper-type spirit that must be acknowledged before any of spirits. Papa Legba and Ellegua immediately come to mind. Ganeshas role is very similar, so to ensure that any obstacles are removed from you reaching the other deities, always acknowledge him in some way at the outset of your rituals. This can be easily accomplished by saying his mantra OM GAM Ganapatayei namaha once while intending that he hear and open the ways for your devotions and work. Its a tiny amount of effort to respect that spiritual protocol and reap the benefits of following it.

AM I SUPPOSED TO KEEP GANESHA BY MY FRONT DOOR? Ganesha does serve as guardian of the thresholds, and so is often kept by doorways in Hindu practice. Keeping a statue of Ganesha by the front door is something that I first learned from an Indian furnace-repairman that came to our home early last winter (can you guess why he was there LOL).

I have a very small Ganesha statue that I used to keep by my computer. When we moved into the new house, he got packed away, and when I finally unpacked that box he ended up going onto a shelf with some other small statues that I had in the basement. As the repairman was leaving he saw the Ganesha statue and turned to look at me, re-noticed that I am definitely not Indian, and asked who else lived here. I answered just me and my husband. He looked puzzled and asked why we have a Ganesha statue (he hadnt walked through any of the rooms where my large altars are, or he would have gotten an eyeful of all kinds of Hindu deities and Christian saints). I said that Ive honored Ganesha ever since I studied Hinduism in university. He nodded and said, You should really keep him facing your front door. He will bring blessings and guard the home. But he must face your front door!. I thanked him for telling me that as he left. I now keep my large stone Ganesha statue facing my front door on my prosperity altar in my living room and my blessings have definitely increased! You don't HAVE to keep Ganesha near your front door, it is just one folk practice associated with him that I have adopted. For most of the time I've been a devotee of him he had altar space in a variety of different places in my home and our relationship was fine. So don't feel obligated to keep him near your door - it is just one way that you may do it. If you would like to develop a relationship with Ganesha, I would recommend that you start by reading one of the best resources available on the topic, Loving Ganesa, which is available online for free!

WHAT PSALMS DO I PRAY WHEN WORKING WITH HINDU DEITIES? I've been asked a couple times in the past week if I use Christian prayer/psalms, etc with the Hindu deities. If I'm petitioning the Hindu deities, I just leave it with them and keep it within the Hindu tradition. I try to keep my spirit-systems separate unless I get specifically guided to blend them. I don't think Ganesha would mind working with other spirits, but Durga and Kali might depending on the circumstances, and I'm sure there some others that might not get on so well with other pantheons, and remember that many Christian spirits are quite against polytheistic traditions and may not play well with others in that regard as well! That is a generality to keep in mind, not a hard and fast rule. Jesus is often worshipped alongside the Hindu deities on some Indian altars. In my healing studio, St. Michael and Durga share a space on a protection altar. They actually get along fairly well, as both are divine figures who actively fight demons! However your Durga may feel otherwise so make sure to ask, or at least make adjustments if you feel that two spirits from different cultures arent fairing well sharing space.

I do know that some people still pray psalms when working with the Hindu deities, and their work is successful. That is fine if you wish to try it, go ahead. For me it just feels off, and so I do not do that when I work with them. The energy is just too different for me. But if you feel drawn to try it, please feel free to experiment. If you do like having scripture to read as part of your work, I encourage you to look up the scriptures of the deities you are petitioning. Most of them will have many different texts associated with them that you can find online or at a good library. There are truly stirring pieces of sacred literature and devotional poetry that make excellent additions to ritual work with them.

ARE THERE CERTAIN THINGS I SHOULD AVOID WHEN WORKING WITH THE HINDU DEITIES? Speaking of some spirits not getting along with others... there are some inter-Hindu feuds between the deities, and taboos for certain spirits that you may wish to be aware of. Taking time to learn about the deity you wish to work with will also give you a good idea of what they like and what they do not. One example is that you should never have Lakshmi and Saraswati on the same altar together unless you put someone else there as well to mediate - usually you'll see Ganesh in that role, though sometimes you'll find Durga playing go-between. (This isn't universally practiced, because Hinduism is far too big of a tradition for that. But it is present in some regions, so if you find your Lakshmi and Saraswati not getting along, it's something to be aware of.) In some traditions, Ganesha and Shiva do not like tulsi, so never use tulsi malas (commonly used in devotion with Krishna and other Vaisnava deities) in his devotions; sandalwood or rudraksha are safer bets. Apparently the reason behind this is that tulsi (holy basil) is used to exorcise spirits, and Shiva is the patron god of ghosts and gouls, so he does not appreciate the presence of a botanical that removes his friends. Ganesha is the son of Shiva, and has the role of opening the gates for spirits and deities, and so he also isnt overly appreciative of the plant that can hinder him. Of course NEVER offer meat of any kind to Krishna as he is a very strict vegetarian, and generally don't offer beef or alcohol to the Hindu deities unless you are petitioning a tantric aspect that accepts such things, or you're working in another blended tradition that has its own methods of offering that's been negotiated with the deities. So there are just little things like that to be aware of, but mostly if you honor them with sincerity they will help guide your practice. I find Ganesha is actually the most active guide in that respect. I've had some pujaris and priests tell me the same thing. Finding out the likes and dislikes of the deity you're working with is definitely part of

the reason you should do some research into their myths and scriptures and traditional worship. It will only help deepen your relationship with them to take the time to do so. And always listen to the deity! They will speak to you and let you know how best to serve them. SO, HINDU GODDESSES DONT GET ALONG THEN? It's not goddesses in general that don't get along, it's specifically Lakshmi and Saraswati. In the Shakta traditions they are considered sisters with Durga as their mother. In those areas Durga is the mother of Laskhmi, Saraswati, Ganesha, and Murugan; and Shiva is a mostly absent father who spends all his time away from home smoking hashish and hanging out the ghosts and ghouls. Durga becomes more like a struggling mother who tries to keep peace among her family in those traditions, which are very folk based and speak to the experience of many poor rural women. Laskhmi and Saraswati have a fierce sibling rivalry, and so simply cannot be in the same space together alone without huge fights breaking out - so to keep the peace there must always be a third between them. Generally you see Ganesha, as he is their brother, and peacekeeper, and mediator of the gods; but sometimes you'll find Durga since she is their mother. IVE HEARD OF HINDU GODDESSES POSSESSING PRIEST/ESSES SORT OF LIKE WHAT HAPPENS IN VODOU? IS THIS TRUE? Yes, this happens most commonly in certain areas of Northern India. If that is a topic that you would like to explore more, I think a book you would be very interested in is Offering Flowers, Feeding Skulls by June McDaniel. It's about the folk Shakta traditions in Bengal, and they talk a good deal about the various devotees that get chosen by Durga or Manasa Devi, and in many cases become possessed and channel the goddesses at certain times. These men and women are approached from people all over for herbal remedies and cures, spiritual advice for dealing with various issues in their lives. You'll also find many tree spirits and other nature spirits being honored, as well as trees and rocks that are believed to be manifestations of particular goddesses and so provided with devotions. Those folk traditions are much more shamanic than mainstream Sanskritic Hinduism, and share a good deal in common with indigenous spirit-working traditions around the globe, including the African ones. Generally speaking though, this is not a common event even within Hinduism in India. It is a fairly localized phenomenon.

IM AFRAID OF WORKING WITH KALI, SO I WORK WITH DURGA INSTEAD. IS THIS RIGHT? It's neither right nor wrong, really. Durga is a very protective force. I was taught to use OM DUM Durgayei Namaha as a very strong protective mantra to practice if you want to invoke her protection. But Kali and Durga, while being intimately related since one is an aspect of the other, have very different energies and serve very different functions. As Kali is the fiercest aspect of Durga, you can certainly call on Durga and once you've developed the connection with her ask her to aid you in connecting with Kali in the way that is most appropriate for you at that time. You will see then how different their energies are! As to the dichotomy of Durga and Kali, a good friend of mine, Kalipadma, explained it thusly (and I find that to be very accurate) - Kali is the negative/entropic force, meaning that she tears things down, destroys, levels, brings chaos...all of this is the doorway for new beginnings. The old has to be destroyed or die, before the new can take its place. Durga is the positive force, meaning that she comes in and re-builds, fortifies, lifts up, brings order...all of this helps make things stronger and better. Kali can be rough, but it is always out of compassion - though admittedly it can be hard to handle sometimes. That's why I always like to invoke Ganesha into any Kali works, because he helps mitigate and smooth over the chaos, making it more bearable. But there are forms of Kali that are much more gentle. So if you feel called to develop a relationship with Kali but feel intimidated by her nature, start with one of the more soft Motherly manifestations of her -Bhavatarini, for example. This is the manifestation that means "savioress of the world", or "redeemer of the universe". Use an image of her that emphasizes her beauty, as well as Motherly and Compassionate nature, rather than her fierce nature and call on her by her gentle names. I hope that this information has helped you and inspired those who wish to incorporate devotion to the Hindu deities in their folk magic practice.

Lord Ganesha

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Lord Ganesh
Lord Ganapati also known as Ganesha ,is the most widely worshiped deity in the Hindu Pantheon. You can find his image throughout all India Many Hindu Sects worship him regardless of their spiritual affiliations. Moreover, devotion to Ganesha is widely diffused and it extends Buddhists,Hindus,Jains and beyond India (including some Christians predominating Latin American Countries). Although Ganesha is known by many other attributes, Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom. Some practitioners of magic rely on his power to remove any obstacle in the Universe that might affect the outcome of any spell. For some Syncretists- including myself- he is the first deity to be worshiped at the beginning of any activity including magic, spell casting, studies, work, travel and more.

Lord Ganesh and Magic

In Syncretist Magic, the attributes of Lord Ganesh as remover of obstacles serve to boost up any kind of spell craft (Wiccan, Pagan, Stragheria, Chaos Magic...) I will share one of my favorite spells that have helped me in many situations in where I found myself with no way to turn and suffocated by situations that seemed not to have a solution at that time, but thanks to this Syncretist Candle Spell To Lord Ganesh I was able not only able to figure out a solution to my problems, but to remove those obstacles that didn't allow me to succeed as a person.

What You Will Need: -A picture or statue of Lord Ganesha. You can download pictures of Lord Ganesha over the internet. Choose the image of him that moves you and inspires you. -The Ganesha Mantra .You may choose your favorite Mantra but to remove obstacles I recommend the Ganapati 108 Obstacle Breaker: OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA - A Silver Candle. I would recommend you not to use one of those decorative candles, but a devotional candle. You can either buy one at a Religious store, Botanica or if you preffer, order one online custom made for your particular needs. (check out my favorite seller online as she prepares candles personalized with your particular needs.) -A White Dish - 2 Sheets of Paper. Depending on what you need you may use up to 4 sheets. -Wooden Matches. -A bowl or any recipient in where you can burn paper safely -A Small Plastic bag or a pouch (if you preffer) where you can collect ashes. - 1 Green Ink Pen -1 Blue Ink Pen Instructions On your 2 pieces of Paper using Green and Blue Ink you will write 2 different letters to Ganesha With blue ink Write your full name date of birth and place of birth start by saying I John Doe, born on at. Then state your goals everything you want to accomplish- Do not include any wishes about money yet. You may use a whole sheet of paper (both sides) or just a piece of paper. Be as concise and precise that you can be. Then, write a whole paragraph stating on

how your life would be once you accomplish all these goals and at the final paragraph state why you want this wishes to come true. . Take your second Piece of paper and in Green Ink write all your wishes that have to do with Money Be concise and precise follow the same directions as on the first paper Find your white dish and burn the candle. Let Some Wax drop at the center of the Dish and sit the candle there. Make sure it sticks. Focus on the flame imagine all your goals been accomplished. Take the picture of Lord Ganesh and said: OH GREAT GANESH, HERE I AM WITH SO MANY OBSTACLES TO BREAK WITH SO MANY DESITIONS TO MAKE PLEASE BREAK ALL MY OBSTACLES AND HELP ME ACCOMPLISH ALL THESE GOALS STATED IN THESE LETTERS Then Burn both sheets of paper chanting this mantra OM GAM GANAPATAYE NAMAHA (3 Times per paper) Let the paper burn on your bowl (or recipient resistant to fire) when burning has finished collect the ashes and place them in the plastic bag or pouch. Keep the ashes in the plastic bag for 3 nights under your pillow. On the first morning after the three nights blow some ashes by the window asking the wind to take them up to the sky where Ganesh is. Take the rest and open your faucett and run the ashes in water(or if possible, go to a place with running water and throw the ashes asking the spirit of the water to take them to the universe) Keep the picture of Ganesha close to your heart. Never trash it, keep it with your personal belongings and if you want, you can make an 108 repition of the mantra or as often as you can. You will see results very soon. Many Blessings
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Lord Ganesh

Favorite Ganesh Items

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Where to Find More Spells and Ganesh Items

Astral Plane Market This is a Safe Place to Purchase Different Spells and Readings from Experienced Psychics. TheSyncretistRealm - About The Realm Here you can find wonderful Spells with Ganesh that can help you meet your needs. You can also purchase and have your candles custom made.

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