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SECTION 1 MEMBERSHIP 1.1 Ordinary Membership 1.1.1 Ordinary Membership residing within a 75-mile radius of Port Dickson shall pay a monthly subscription of RM53.00 (revised 22.4.2012). 1.1.2 1.1.3 Ordinary Members residing in Singapore and in West Malaysia outside the 75-mile radius of Port Dickson shall pay a monthly subscription of RM40.00 (revised 22.4.2012). All Ordinary Members, including Senior and Subscribing Members have to contribute RM2.00 towards the Staff Retirement Scheme (revised 24.4.2005) Ordinary Members upon application for Absent Membership shall be charged an administration fee of RM100.00 for maintaining the Absent Membership for a maximum period of three years. Senior Members shall not be liable for this fee. Corporate Members shall be entitled to nominate not more than three person, who are at least 21 years of age belonging to their organization who shall on their acceptance by the Committee be entitled to enjoy the full privileges of Ordinary Members, but shall have no voice in the Management of the Club. The entrance fee payable, in respect of Corporate Membership shall be laid down from time to time, by the Annual General Meeting or General Meeting. (approved 23.4.2006) The Entrance fee payable in respect of Corporate Membership shall be RM15,000.00. (approved 23.4.2006) The validity period of the Corporate Membership shall be five (5) years, from the date of approval. (approved 23.4.2006)






Application for Ordinary Membership 1.2.1 The Entrance Fee for Ordinary Membership is RM5,000.00 (revised 15.4.2007) together with a Security Deposit of RM500.00 (revised 24.4.2005). 1.2.2 Application Forms must be accompanied by the entrance fee and 2 copies passport-size photograph of the applicant, spouse and children from 12 to below 21 years of age. Applicants may use the Club facilities and subscription shall commence from the month of election. All applicants may be required to be interviewed by the Committee or Sub Committee prior to their election. Applicants appearing for interview must be accompanied by either the Proposer or Seconder unless this requirement is waived by the Committee. If an applicant fails to appear for interview without good reason, the application may be rejected on failure to appear for interview for three occasions. An administration fee of RM100.00 shall be charged for withdrawn application. Application forms for Ordinary Member of children and wards of Life and Senior Members must be accompanied by the entrance fee and security deposit together with a copy of birth certificate, two copies of passport size photographs and a copy of identity card.
(wef 1.2.2010.)





1.2.7 1.2.8


Subscribing Members 1.3.1 Subscribing Members shall pay subscription as 1.1.1 or 1.1.2. Short-Term and Visiting Members 1.4.1 Short-Term Members shall pay in advance with their application a minimum fee of RM500.00 for maximum of three months from date of approval (revised 15.3.1997).


1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4

Short-Term Members are not to use any facilities until their membership is approved. Visiting Members shall pay in advance a fee of RM75.00. Short-Term and Visiting Members are not entitled to credit facilities and shall make all payments by means of coupons purchased for cash.


Members Family 1.5.1 A members family shall comprise the spouse and children below the age of 21 years. 1.5.2 A members family may enjoy the privileges and facilities of the Club unless excluded from any area of activity by other specific Club Bye-Laws but shall not have any voting rights at any General Meeting. Spouses of deceased members can apply to the Committee for transfer of membership to them within six months of the members demise.



Membership Card 1.6.1 Membership Cards shall be issued for the identification of members and their families and should be carried whilst in the Club premises and produced when requested by an authorised employee or official of the Club. 1.6.2 1.6.3 A nominal charge of RM10.00 per card shall be levied. Periodic gate checks may be carried out by the Committee, and any member not in possession of his Membership Card shall notify the checking official or employee of his name and account number and provide other identification for verification. Membership Cards are not transferable.



Guests 1.7.1 Short-Term Members, Visiting Members, Affiliated Members and Members children are not allowed to introduce guests. 1.7.2 On entertainment nights a charge may be levied on guests as decided by the Committee. Such charges shall be posted on the notice boards. No person introduced as guest by any members is allowed to use facilities other than the Bar and Catering facilities on more than two occasions in any calendar month without the approval of the Committee. However this restriction does not apply to guests introduced by single members who must be of the opposite sex. If a member wants to introduce more than ten guests on weekends and public holidays, he is required to notify the Management one day in advance.




Members Accounts 1.8.1 A members family and guests are not allowed to sign for credit facilities unless authorised by the member in writing to the Club. 1.8.2 1.8.3 Members signing chits jointly may be individually held responsible for the full amount of such chits. Members who are late in settling their accounts after the stipulated period as per Rule 49 of the Club Rules, shall be charged the registered postal fee plus an administration fee of RM5.00. Defaulters upon reinstatement of membership shall be charged an administration fee of RM50.00 and may be required to place a deposit of RM500.00 (revised 15.3.1996) or more at the discretion of the Management Committee. The amount is refundable on resignation. Payment of the defaulted amount does not constitute a removal from the defaulters list. Application for reinstatement of membership, for defaulters less than six months, shall be granted by the General Manager and a General Committee Member. The General Committee shall approve reinstatement of defaulters of six months and below subjected to receipt of a letter of explanation. If an application for reinstatement is not received 2



within six months from date of payment, the membership shall be automatically deleted. (revised 15.7.2010) 1.8.6 Members whose cheques are dishonoured when presented to the Bank will be charged an administration fee of RM25.00 per cheque (revised 24.4.2005).

SECTION 2 CLUB HOURS AND DRESS CODE 2.1 Club House 2.1.1 The Club shall be opened to members from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 midnight except on Fridays, Saturdays and on eve of Public Holidays the Club shall close at 2.00 a.m. If the eve of Public Holiday falls during a mid-week, the Club will close at 12.00 midnight unless decided by the Committee. 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 Club hours may be extended from time to time as decided by the Committee. Club hours may not be extended unless prior approval has been obtained and arrangements made with the Committee. The hours for the use of specific areas of the Club for the purpose of sports and recreational activities shall be determined by the Committee. The hours during which such activities are permitted shall be posted on the Club notice boards.


Restricted Areas 2.2.1 No person is permitted to enter restricted areas of the Club except with approval of the Committee. 2.2.2 2.2.3 Such restricted areas shall be identified by signs. Children below 12 years of age are not allowed after 8.00 p.m. in the Rusas Rest and function room unless they are accompanied by their parents or guardians (revised 18.8.2001). Children below 12 years are not allowed to attend the Club dances. (Revised 3.12.2003)



Dress Rules 2.3.1 Swim-wear is not allowed in the lounge, Rusas Rest, function room, fruit machine room, office and billiards room of the Club at any time. 2.3.2 2.3.3 Wet clothing is not allowed in the lounge, dining and bar area, Rusas Rest, function room, fruit machine room, office and billiards room. After 8.00 p.m. members and guests will be required to be appropriately dressed in the lounge, dining and bar, function room, fruit machine room, office and billiards room. Sleeveless tshirts, singlets and slippers are strictly not allow at the Sunset Bar. At all times, appropriate attire must be worn in the Rusas Rest. Appropriate attire is defined as collared T-shirt, shirt, long trousers and shoes. Ladies wear is to conform with respectable dress requirements. Track suits are not allowed. Dress rules may be relaxed by the House Member or in his absence any Committee Member to suit special occasions and booking of private functions (wef 1.10.2011).

2.3.4 2.3.5


SECTION 3 BAR AND CATERING 3.1 Hours and areas of bar and catering services shall be decided by the Committee. These shall be posted on the Club notice boards. All bar and catering orders must be made through the Club staff. No members is allowed to approach the caterer directly for orders unless with permission from the Captain/Manager. No food (including fruits and snacks) or drinks may be brought into the Club except with approval of the Committee. Only snacks listed in the menu shall be served outside the dining room area. 3


3.3 3.4


The Committee may authorise and approve the use of a part of the Club premises by members and guests for cocktails or other parties. Particulars of accommodation, charges and dates may be obtained on application to the Manager. Permission must be obtained from the Manager for all external catering. There shall not be any cash transaction for all purchases and services rendered in the Club. No music shall be played after 9.00 p.m. at the lounge and garden during entertainment nights.

3.6 3.7 3.8

SECTION 4 CLUB CHAMBERS 4.1 The following rates shall apply for the Club chambers:Club Members RM75.00 per day RM85.00 per day Affiliated Members & Guests RM95.00 per day RM120.00 per day

Weekdays & Sundays Fridays, Saturdays & Eve of Public Holidays (revised 1.8.2008) 4.2

Chambers may be booked by members for their guests on not more than two visits in a month and not more than two nights per visit. Guests wishing to stay for more than two nights or extend their stay beyond two nights may apply for Visiting Membership under Club Rule 18. Only two chambers may be booked at any one time for a maximum period of two weeks. Any additional rooms required may be at the discretion of the Club. Provided always that in the event of non-occupancy, the Club shall have the discretion to let on the day of stay. Each members is eligible to book for two (2) Saturdays only in a month. Check-out time shall be 12.00 noon. Extension shall be allowed beyond 12.00 noon provided always that there is no other person waiting for the chamber. A charge equivalent to 50% of the daily rate shall apply for any extension not exceeding 6.00 p.m. For any extension beyond 6.00 p.m., the normal daily rate shall be charged. No meals shall be served in the chambers. No food/drinks shall be allowed into the Chambers. Advance booking for the chambers on a quarterly basis may be made by phone/fax/in person at any time during office hours. Reservation is open for booking on the 15th of the month preceding the quarterly period. A confirmation Notice of booking shall be sent. For any cancellation and on provision the chamber is not occupied, a charge amounting to 50% of the chamber rates for the number of days booked shall be levied if more than a weeks notice has been given. Cancellations giving less than one weeks notice shall be charged at full rates. A levy of RM20.00 shall be imposed on any cancellation giving less than a weeks notice even if the chamber is occupied (Revised 1.2.1997).


4.4 4.5

4.6 4.7



Only two adults are permitted to each chamber. An additional charge of RM5.00 per person will be levied on person/persons sharing the same room, subject to a maximum of four adults to a room. There shall be no charge for children under 12 years old. All members, affiliate club members and guests staying in the chamber/s are subjected to Inn-Keepers Act, a copy is available in the chamber. In the case of a major tournament/function the Organising Committee has the right to block the chambers in advance and shall be charged at the prevailing rates. (1.10.2008)



SECTION 5 TENNIS 5.1 Playing Sessions and Courts 5.1.1 Playing sessions are from 0800 hours to 2230 hours. (Revised 1.8.1994) Open Days 5.2.1 Except courts used for coaching and those which are booked, other courts are open courts. 5.2.2 The right to claim the court is by writing names on the white board in order of sequence. When a court is occupied, no member has the right to claim that particular court when there are other vacant courts available, except when the particular court is booked by the member. No singles matches shall be played during the hours of 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. except when no members use the courts. A short set only to be played and on completion of the short set the players must vacate the court.



5.2.4 5.3

Court Booking 5.3.1 Courts are only bookable from 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 a.m. Tennis Sub Committee reserves the right to make exceptions. 5.3.2 Time for booking of court is any time within 7 days before time of play. Transfer of booking shall not be accepted but cancellation can be done not later than 2 hours before time of play. A member is allowed to book a court for a period of one hour from 8.00 p.m. 10.00 p.m. No member of the same twosome or foursome are allowed to book courts continuously on the same day. Booking of courts must be in members name. Booking can be done either by the member or the spouse. The number of persons who are playing whether members or guests must be entered in the booking book. A grace of 15 minutes shall be allowed, after which time if the booked court is not claimed by the member who booked it, then the court shall become open court, this means, anyone can use it if it is not booked again by someone else. The member who does not turn up to use the booked court shall be fined a penalty fee. Members who book courts to play with their children 6 years and below must abide by ByeLaw 5.10.3.




5.3.6 5.3.7 5.4

Charges 5.4.1 Members shall be levied for playing tennis. The fees are as follows:Registered players - RM5.00 per month (Revised 1.8.2002) Tennis players below 18 years 2.50 per month ( Revised 1.8.2002) Non-registered players 2.00 per day To be a registered player, one must inform the Club Office that he/she wishes to pay the fee monthly. Non-registered players are those who choose to pay daily. Non-registered players must sign the Attendance Book before playing, failing to do so shall be fined RM5.00. 5.4.2 5.4.3 Fees for night playing refer to Bye-Law 5.13. Courts booking fee RM6.00 per hour per court. Members who do not turn up for the booked courts shall be fined RM5.00. Guests Fee RM2.00 each guest per day/night.



Courts Usage by Third Party 5.5.1 Any third party wishing to use the Clubs courts must write in to the Main Committee for approval and shall be subjected to the following conditions:


Court numbers to be used shall be at the discretion of the Sports Chairman and play to complete by 5.00 p.m. each day. In the event the courts allotted cannot be used due to unforeseen circumstances like bad weather, the Sports Chairman or in his absence the Clubs General Manager can decide on alternative courts to be used. If the play incurs the usage of courts floodlights, a fee of RM20.00 will be charged per night. The use of the service of ball-boys shall be for users account. The third party must submit the name of their representative who shall be responsible for the good conduct and behaviour of all his/her players and he/she shall be answerable to the Clubs General Manager. Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club shall be strictly adhered to. Usage of the Clubs facilities is confined strictly to Tennis and Bar & Catering only.


c) d)



Coaching (revised 1.8.2009) 5.6.1 Any member wishing to take coaching lessons to register at the Club Office. 5.6.2 A Club coach must be approved by the Committee and coaching fees must be sanctioned by the Committee. Such fees shall be debited to members account and the Club shall deduct 10%. i) ii) Coaching days are Monday to Sunday. Coaching hours: Morning session Afternoon session Night Hour Saturday


- 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. - 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. (wef 1.10.2011) - 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. - 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. - Court 3 and 4.


iii) iii) 5.6.4

Coaching court

No coaching on Sundays and Public Holidays from 2.00 p.m. onwards

Children Members children who are below age of 21 are allowed to take tennis lessons from the Resident Coaches on days and times approved by the Committee. Coaching Fees: Adults & Children RM30.00 per hour (1 person) RM50.00 per hour (2 persons) RM60.00 per hour (3 or 4 persons)


- RM25.00 per person - RM20.00/RM15.00 per person

Group Coaching for Children only (5 8 persons per court) RM60.00 per person monthly - 1 lesson per week RM80.00 per person monthly - 2 lessons per week Mini-Tennis Programme - RM40.00 each person Age: 4 - 8 years old (a group of 8 - 10 persons) 5.7 Club Tournaments 5.7.1 Club Tournaments shall be organised along the format as decided by the Sports Chairman and the Tennis Sub Committee. 5.7.2 Guests are not allowed to participate in the Tournament except when sanctioned by the Committee.


The entrance fee shall normally be RM3.00 per entrant per event unless otherwise decided by the Sports Chairman and Tennis Sub Committee. Failure to participate after signing will mean a fine of RM5.00.


Tennis Attire 5.8.1 Tennis attire are T-shirts (collar or collarless or long-sleeved), shorts/skirts, shoes with rubber soles and socks. Shoes and socks are to be predominantly white. Track bottoms are allowed. What are not allowed: a) T-shirts with cigarette, alcohol or beer advertisements. T-shirts complete with flowery design, shirts (kemaja) and singlets. b) Jogging shorts, football shorts, tights, pants, blouses, bermuda shorts (length below knees) and swimwears. Leather shoes, slippers or any shoes that have soles which can damage the court surface, sandals and boots.


c) 5.8.3 5.8.4

The groundsman has right not to allow anyone, not properly attired, to use the tennis courts. The groundsman has the right not to allow anyone not properly attired or wearing shoes with damaging soles to use the courts.


Tennis Balls New tennis balls shall be supplied every 3 then 4 playing days. Children 5.10.1 Allowed to play on Court 4 (previous no.1) during the hours 5.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. (revised on 22.4.2005) on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. They are allowed to play on Court 2, 3 and 1 during the hours 5.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. if no members are using them. But while they are playing, if members want to use the courts, they must finish the last game and vacate the courts. 5.10.2 Allowed to take part in monthly tournament, friendly matches and inter-club competitions only if approved by the Tennis Committee. Children 6 years and below are not allowed in the tennis courts unless accompanied and under supervision by adults/parents or Tennis Coach. The children are also not allowed to run about in the tennis courts while their parents/adults are playing. If members want to teach their children to play tennis on booked courts, they must ensure that the balls are not running wild to the adjacent courts which will disturb the game in progress. Bye-Law 5.8 must also be strictly adhered to.




Guests 5.11.1 A member is only allowed to bring a maximum of 3 guests on each occasion. 5.11.2 A guest is allowed to use the court 2 days in a month. During the hours 5.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m., guests are allowed to play only if no members want to play. Guests are not allowed to use the tennis facilities in the absence of the member by whom they are introduced.

5.11.3 5.12

National or State Players The National or State Nos. 1-5 ranking tennis players are allowed to use the Club tennis facility two days in a week either playing in open courts or booked courts. Charges shall be the same as for guests. They must sign their names in the Guests Book before playing. Fees shall be paid in coupons to the groundsman. Only three names recommended by the Tennis Sub Committee shall be allowed this privilege. Their ranking status shall constantly be monitored by the Tennis Sub Committee. These players are subject to abide by all the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club. Night Playing 5.13.1 Night playing starts from 8.00 p.m. The fees to be charged against members are as follow: i) Registered players - RM1.00 ii) Non-registered players - RM2.00


5.13.2 5.13.3

Members are required to sign the Attendance Book kept by groundsman or receptionist. Members can get the tennis balls from the groundsman or receptionist and must sign for them. After playing to return the balls to the receptionist. RM2.00 for loss of each ball shall be charged to members account. Members are not allowed to use the courts which are booked. Tennis Bye-Laws 5.2.2, 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 apply.

5.13.4 5.13.5 5.14

Warm-up Time Time allowed for warming-up, stroking is maximum of five minutes. Junior Tennis Programme 5.15.1 Members or non-members children are allowed to join the Junior Tennis Programme. Following are the conditions: i) ii) iii) They must fill in application form and sign by their parent/guardian. They must be properly attired as per Tennis Bye-Law 5.8. Non-members children are allowed to use the tennis courts, catering, bar and the changing rooms. They can buy food and drinks with coupons. The coaches will buy the coupons for them. Non-members children are only allowed to enter the Club during the tennis lesson hours. All children are to abide by the Rules and Tennis Bye-Laws of the Club at all times. Coaching fee is RM35.00 monthly to be paid: a) b) vii) Members children pay through their parents accounts. Non-members children coaches to collect and pay to the Club Office.



v) vi)

Only Club coaches or any other coaches/assistants appointed by the coaching Committee are allowed to coach. Courts 2 & 3 are reserved for the Junior Tennis Programme on days and times as follows: a) Morning Monday to Saturday Time 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday Time 8.00 p.m. 9.30 p.m.




Club will take 10% from the total coaching fee. 5.16 All the above Bye-Laws shall be enforced by the groundsman or Club Manager or Tennis Sub committee.

SECTION 6 - SQUASH 6.1 Playing Sessions and Courts 6.1.1 The squash courts shall be available from 0800 hours to 2200 hours. 6.1.2 Peak hours shall be defined as between 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on weekdays and all hours on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Players shall ensure that their shoes are free from grit and sand before entering the courts to avoid damage to the timber floor. Players should switch off the lights and fans when they have finished playing.




Court Booking 6.2.1 Court no. 1 may only be booked on day of play for periods of 45 minutes. Courts no. 2 may be booked from 8.00 a.m. on the day prior to the day of play for periods of 45 minutes. The booking scheduled time of play for courts 1 and 2 shall be the same. 6.2.2 6.2.3 Bookings are not transferable and must be registered in the Club Office. Courts must be in the members name. This booking may only be done by the member or his family. Cancellation of bookings is allowed up to one hour before play. A grace period of five minutes shall be allowed for members to turn up for play. No player is allowed to play on either court for more than one session during peak hours. A player is only allowed to book for one session a day. A charge of RM5.00 shall be imposed for failure to turn up for booked courts. Members who have made booking must sign the book within one hour on completion of play. The book is kept at the office/reception.

6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8


Squash Attire 6.3.1 Proper squash attire must be worn at all times. 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 T-shirts with slogans, pictures or commercial advertisements and jogging shorts are not allowed. Shoes must have non-damaging soles. Shoes and socks shall be predominantly white. The Committee, Sub-Committee and General Manager shall determine what is proper squash attire and enforce the Rules.


Monthly Tournaments 6.4.1 The minimum number of entrants for monthly tournaments shall be 15 and guest are not allowed to participate except where sanctioned by the Committee. 6.4.2 The entrance fee shall be RM3.00 per entrant with a fine of RM5.00 for failure to participate.


Guests 6.5.1 A member is only allowed to bring a maximum of three guests on each occasion. 6.5.2 Guests are not allowed to use the squash facilities in the absence of the member by whom they are introduced. A guest is allowed to use the Squash Court two days in a month.

6.5.3 6.6

Children 6.6.1 Children of 12 years of age and below are not allowed on the courts or in the gallery unless accompanied by an adult. 6.6.2 Children of 17 years and below are not allowed to play between the hours of 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. on any day, unless playing with members or their spouses.


Squash Balls 6.7.1 Non-Marking squash balls are to be used. Coaching 6.8.1 Coaching is only available to members with the approval of the Committee. Any person wishing to take coaching lessons must register with the Club Office. 6.8.2 A Club Coach must be approved by the Committee and coaching fees must be sanctioned by the Committee. Such fees shall be debited to members accounts and the Club shall deduct 10%.



6.8.3 6.9

Coaching hours shall be determined by the Committee.

Guests Charges Guests shall be charged RM2.00 per person for the day when they use the courts effective 1st August 1988.

7.1 Swimming Sessions The swimming pool shall be open from 10.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. on weekdays and from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. on weekends and public holidays. Hygiene 7.2.1 A shower must be taken before entering the pool. 7.2.2 No person suffering from a contagious disease or having an open wound is allowed to use the swimming pool. Any person leaving the pool must use the foot-bath before re-entering the pool. To prevent contamination of the pool water nothing whatsoever is to be taken or thrown into the water except such articles as may be permitted or approved by the Committee. No food or drinks are allowed within one metre of the edge of the pool or in the pool itself. Smoking is strictly prohibited in this area. Members should ensure that they or their children make use of the toilet facilities. Swimmers with long hair must wear swimming caps.


7.2.3 7.2.4


7.2.6 7.2.7 7.3

Safety 7.3.1 Children of age 12 years and below are not permitted to use the pool unaccompanied by an adult at the Club. 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 No one may swim in the area beneath the diving board. Swimmers are advised to leave the pool during heavy local thunderstorms. The use of toys, balls or quoits, etc. and flippers, snorkels or aqualungs in the main and childrens pools is prohibited unless with approval of the Committee.


Attire 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3

Proper swimming attire of acceptable design must be worn while swimming or sunbathing. T-shirts are not allowed to be worn in the pool. The changing of clothes is not permitted outside the authorised changing rooms.


Coaching 7.5.1 Coaching is only available to members with approval of the Committee. Any person wishing to take coaching lessons must register with the Club Office. 7.5.2 A Club coach must be approved by the Committee and coaching fees must be sanctioned by the Committee. Such fees shall be debited to members accounts and the Club shall deduct 10%. Coaching hours shall be determined by the Committee.

7.5.3 7.6

Monthly Competitions 7.6.1 The minimum number of entrants per event during monthly competitions shall be four. Guests are not allowed to participate except where sanctioned by the Committee. 7.6.2 The entrance fee shall be RM1.00 for the first event and RM0.50 for each subsequent event with a fine of RM2.00 for failure to participate.




Guests Charges RM2.00 per guest

8.1 Billiards /Snooker Balls Billiards/Snooker Balls are kept at the Reception Counter and members can sign for them with all details properly filled in the book. Table Bookings 8.2.1 Members may book the table for any ONE game of either: a) b) c) 3-Ball Billiards (126 point game) or 3-Ball Billiards (100 point game) or A game of Snooker or Up to 60 minutes maximum at any one time.



Only one of the players can book the table. The same players cannot book the table for play for consecutive sessions. 8.2.2 Members who wish to book the table must write down their names and booking time sequentially on the Reservation Board. Once his game commences, he shall write down the starting time. Members who have finished their game must surrender the table to the next in line listed members on the Reservation Board. If this listed member fails to claim the table, a 5-minute grace shall be given after which the table shall be allocated to the next in line listed member on the Reservation Board. (i) Only parents and children above 18 years old are allowed to sign-out Billiards/Snooker/Number Balls and personally return the said balls and should ensure that the balls are received and signed by the Captain/Receptionist/Cashier at the Reception Counter. Member concerned would be charged for the full set of balls if a ball/balls are missing. Member concerned should not leave the borrowed balls lying at the Reception Counter. (8.2.4 New Bye-Law w.e.f. 1.8.1998) 8.3 Attire and Behaviour 8.3.1 No swimsuits/swimming trunks are permitted in the Billiards Room. 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.4 No smoking is allowed over the table. No climbing is permitted on the table The proper cue rest should be used. All players should return the cues and place them on the Cue Rack as provided. No cigarettes, glasses, cups, food, etc. should be on the billiards table at any time.





Children 8.4.1 Children below 12 years old are not allowed in the Billiards Room. Children between 12 to 15 years old may be permitted in the Billiards Room while accompanied by their parents/guardians. (revised 1.8.1998) 8.4.2 Children above 15 years old are allowed to play Billiards/Snooker and may be allowed to take part in the Clubs Tournament, subject to approval by the Billiards/Snooker Sub-Committee. (revised 1.8.1998)


Monthly Tournament 8.5.1 The minimum number of entrants for monthly tournaments shall be ten and guests are not allowed to participate except where sanctioned by the Committee. 11



The entrance fee shall be RM3.00 per entrant with a fine of RM5.00 for failure to participate.


Guests 8.6.1 A member is only allowed to bring a maximum of two guests on each occasion. 8.6.2 8.6.3 A guest can only use the Billiards facilities on two days in a month. Guests are not allowed to use the Billiards facilities in the absence of the members by whom they are introduced.


Guests Charges Guests shall be charged RM5.00 per person for the day when they use the Billiards/Snooker tables. (Revised 1.11.1992) Damages (New Bye-Law implemented 1.11.1992) Members/Guests/Children who damage the existing facilities in the Snooker Room will be billed for the damage accordingly.


SECTION 9 - TV ROOM (implemented on 19.1.1996)

9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 Silence must be maintained at all times while the TV is being switched on. No food/drinks are allowed in the TV room Wet attire is not allowed in the TV room. Smoking is strictly not permitted. Members are not allowed to tamper with the TV set. Children below 4 years old are required to be accompanied by an adult. Chairs/Sofas are not to be used as foot stools. Lying down on the settees is disallowed. The first member entering the room will have the privilege of selecting the channel of his/her choice. The last member leaving the room is responsible for switching off the TV.


10.1 Eligibility Only members and their spouses are allowed to play the fruit machines. Members children or guests are not allowed to play or enter the room. Playing Time 10.2.1 The fruit machines shall be available for play daily form 12.00 noon to 12.00 midnight except Saturdays from 12.00 noon to 1.00 10.2.2 Apart from time taken for coin changing, bar service or urgent telephone calls, members may not reserve the machine.



Coins/Credit Only cash is allowed for exchange of coins. Members are not allowed to take coins on credit. Tampering/Damage to Machines 10.4.1 Members are not allowed to tamper or interfere with the machines at any time. 10.4.2 Any member who, wilfully and/or intentionally, damages any of the machines shall be responsible for the cost of the repair. Members are not permitted to switch on/off the machines at any time.



Jackpot Claims Payment for jackpots must be witnessed and verified by any Committee Member or in their absence the Manager. 12



Food and Drinks Only snacks and drinks shall be allowed to be consumed in the Machine Room.

11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 The monthly darts tournament is open to members and spouse only. The darts tournament shall be organised along the format as decided by the organising committee. The entrance fee shall normally be RM3.00 per participant. Failure to participate after signing for the tournament will mean a fine of RM5.00. Shorts, smoking, food, slippers, barefoot, collarless t-shirts and children under 12 years old are prohibited in the darts room. Members are not allowed in the darts room wearing: shorts, collarless tee shirt or barefoot. Food and children under twelve are also prohibited. (revised wef 15.8.2009) No smoking or holding of cigarettes during throws. A minimum of 15 entries is needed to conduct the tournament. The registration will closed 15 minutes before play-off. A 10 minutes grace period is given for every game after which a walkover is given. The game will be played on a single, double or foursome basis. The players must stand behind the throwline during the throws. A throw consist of 3 darts. A bounce out does not score and no rethrow is given. No throwing of darts while the scores are being written. The term CHECK DART means a player has finished the game in double. A score of green bull carries a point of 25 and a red bull is 50 points. For 301 points a player starts the game by scoring a double and finishes by double. For 501 points a player start without a double and finishes with double. i.e. 40=double 20, 32=double 16. If you score more than the remaining amount, then your score is a bust and you lose your turn. The player to start first, will be based on a throw nearest to bull. Round the clock means a player starts the game by scoring no. 1, then no. 2 till no. 20, after which the player will have to go for the green bull and red bull. The participants play at their own risk. Members are not allowed to represent RPDYC in any other Club Tournament as a Team or Individual without prior approval of the Darts Committee. (wef 15.8.2009)

11.6 11.7 11.8

11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16

11.17 11.18 11.19

11.20 11.21

12.1 Vehicles 12.1.1 Only cars with Club car stickers are permitted to enter the Club premises unless permitted by the Committee/Manager. Club car stickers shall only be issued for members cars. 12.1.2 Each member is entitled for two (2) Club car stickers valid for a 2-year period. All members will be debited RM2.00 for one sticker at the beginning of the first year. Another RM2.00 will be charged upon application for the second sticker. A levy of RM7.00 shall be charged for the first replacement and subsequent replacement will be at RM10.00 if the original stickers are not returned. 13


12.1.3 12.1.4 12.15 12.2

Vehicles may be parked at the Club premises only in areas approved by the Committee. Members shall remove their vehicles at the request of any authorised Club Official or guards. A levy of RM20.00 shall be charges for the third car stickers.

Complaints 12.2.1 Any complaint with regard to the conduct of any employee of the Club or another member, guest or child should be made personally or in writing to the Manager. Under no circumstances may any member reprimand a Club employee. 12.2.2 All other complaints may be made to the Manager personally, in writing or in the Complaints/Suggestions Book provided. Only members with voting rights have the right to complain. All complaints should include members name and Club number.

12.2.3 12.2.4 12.3

Notice Boards 12.3.1 With the exception of official Club notices, no notices or posters shall be posted in the Club premises without the permission of the Committee. Any notice or poster so approved shall not be displayed until it has been initialled by the Manager. 12.3.2 Advertisements relating to property for sale, or accommodation, domestic staff and similar matters may be accepted for display. A fee of RM5.00 per month or part thereof shall be charged for this service.


Radios and Musical Instruments 12.4.1 The use of radio receivers, television sets, gramophones, tape recorders and musical instruments in the Club premises is prohibited except when authorised by the Committee. 12.4.2 This prohibition does not apply to battery operated portable radios or television receivers used with headphones and where no sound is audible to other Club users. Television; Priority viewing - sports channels and news. No member may operate the television (change channel or alter the volume). You may request a Bar Staff/Captain or Management to make the change. When more than one member is watching, the majority will decide which program to view. The Club may allow the usage of the PA system for the purpose of giving speech and playing CDs, VCDs and DVDs only. Strictly not to be used for singing purposes.

12.4.3 12.4.4

14.4.5 14.4.6


Maids 12.5.1 Maids may be brought to the Club members for the purpose of minding young children but such maids are restricted to the childrens pool area, playground area and open dining area of the Club building. Children must not be left in sole charge of maids. 12.5.2 Maids are not permitted to use the social and recreational facilities of the Club.


General 12.6.1 No spitting or littering is allowed in the Club premises. 12.6.2 12.6.3 12.6.4 The office telephone is for official Club use only. A pay phone is available for members use. No animal shall be brought into the Club premises without approval from the Committee. No Club property may be removed from the Club premises without approval from the Committee. The Club accepts no responsibility for any accident or fatality to members, their guests and families, or any visitors, or for the loss or damage to private property, however caused.





Any member causing damage to Club property or who loses Club property which is under the members responsibility is liable to be charged the total cost of replacement of such property as decided by the Committee. Sub Committees are empowered to enforce the Bye-Laws of their respective sections. All notices and signs posted in the Club are deemed to be Bye-Laws of the Club. Where there is a conflict between the posted signs/notices and the written Bye-Laws, the written Bye-Laws shall govern.

12.6.7 12.6.8


Monthly Tournaments 12.7.1 In the event of more than one monthly tournament being held on the same day, members (and families) are ONLY entitled to ONE allocation per person.

SECTION 13 GYM 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 The gym will be open from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. daily (1.8.2002) Food and drinks are not permitted in the gym. No smoking is allowed inside the gym. Proper sports attire are to be used when in the gym i.e. sports shoes and socks, shorts and singlets, Tshirts with or without sleeves, track suits, leotards and tights. No child under 14 years to be allowed into the gym, children between 14 18 years are permitted into the gym but may only use the equipment under adult supervision. A guest can only use the gym facilities two days in a month. Personal towel is to be used when using the bench press. All equipment will be used with care at all times. Cost of all wilful damage caused by members or guests sill be charged to the members concerned. Members and guests using the gym facilities are responsible for their own safety. The Club will not be responsible for any accidents or mishaps. No bags are allowed into the gym. No equipment is to be removed from the gym without prior permission from the Committee. Guest charges RM2.00 per guest per day.


13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10

13.11 13.12 13.13

14.1 The Library is open to all members and their spouses. There will be no charges for the loan of books. Children will be allowed to borrow books on the authorisation of their parents. The Library will open from 4.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. daily. On Saturdays, Sundays & public Holidays the times will be 11.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Closed on Thursdays. (revised 1.9.2011) Three months old magazines/periodicals are allowed to be borrowed. Only two books are permitted per family member and must be returned within two weeks. However extended borrowing time is permitted by re-borrowing the book i.e. return within two weeks and record a re-borrow for another two weeks. Book card must be duly filled in and endorsed by the staff-in-charge before removal from the Club premises. If a member damages a book, a fine of RM2.00 will be imposed with immediate effect. If a member losses or irreparably damages a book or magazine, a fine will be imposed, equivalent to replacement cost for new book/books and RM2.00 for magazines. 15


14.3 14.4




14.7 14.8

Children of 4 years and below are not allowed in the Library. Overdue books If a book is not returned two weeks after the reminder has been sent, a fine of RM10.00 will be imposed and charged in the next Club bill. At the end of the following month and if the book is till not returned, the member will be charged with the replacement cost. (revised 15.3.1997) No bags are allowed in the Library.


15.1 Committee 15.1.1 The Committee should be elected from 8 active sailing members who are prepared to devote time to running the affairs of the Sailing Section. 15.1.2 It is the responsibility of the Committee to ensure the smooth functioning and harmony of the Sailing Section. The Committee may draw up new regulations on an ad hoc basis during their term of office. The regulations will be posted on the Committee notice board for members attention. If it is considered necessary to make the regulations permanent a vote will be taken at the AGM, and if accepted will be incorporated into the Bye-Laws. The composition and responsibilities of the Sailing Committee are listed below: Commodore/Vice President Responsible to the President in conducting the affairs of the Club. Particular overall responsibility for Sailing Section affairs. Vice-Commodore/Committee Member budgeting, cost control. Rear Commodore/Sailing Secretary Responsibility for all sea matters, racing calendar, rules, liaison MYA, inter-club events, organisation of boat boys, OOD. To advise the Sub Committee in rule interpretation, protest procedures, regatta protocol, procedures, and proper implementation of IYRU racing rules. Bosun Responsible for the maintenance of all sea equipment e.g. motor boats, motors, life jackets, moorings, course markers. Particular responsibility for Club hire boats, i.e. Laser l, Laser 2, Optimist and other. This requires among other things, to ensure boats are properly maintained, spare stocks are maintained, and hirers meet their responsibilities. Responsible for the maintenance of all Sailing Section shore facilities. There is a need to ensure bays are properly allocated, records are properly kept, and fees are properly charged. Seahorse Responsible for the Sailing Section of the Club newsletter and for race results. Bar & Social Member To organise the Sailing Section social activities, Bridge bar facilities and to administer the sailing trophies. The Bar & Social Member should be a member of the Bar and Catering Sub Committee. General Member To assist in the running of the Sailing Section. 15.2 Membership 15.2.1 Providing members observe all Bye-Laws they have full access to all Sailing section property and facilities.



Non-members may not participate in any sailing events without the prior approval of the Committee. Deleted (17.8.2003)

15.3 15.4

Car Parking 15.4.1 Only vehicles bearing RPDYC stickers are eligible to park at the Sailing Section. One space is permanently reserved for the Commodore. 15.4.2 Visitors are not eligible to park on Club premises.



15.4.3 15.5

Vehicle owners should park in designated area or as directed by security guards.

Safety 15.5.1 All sailors must be certified by the Rear Commodore in order to sail from the Club premises. 15.5.2 15.5.3 All dinghies and boards must bear sail numbers. Any sailor participating in a Club organised sailing event, or using a Club owned boat, must wear a proper buoyancy jacket. A limited number of buoyancy jackets are available at the Club for rental. Refer to rate schedule. The Club strongly encourages members who regularly participate in sailing events to provide their own buoyancy jackets. 15.5.4 Any behaviour which is deemed by a Committee Member to cause danger to another in the water, whether a member or not, will be reported to the Committee who may hold an inquiry, and take the appropriate action. If a boat is sailed after 6.00 p.m. or taken away overnight, either a boatman, a Committee Member or the Club Manager should be informed. The Committee should have available the following life saving equipment: a) b) c) d) Life buoys in the motor boat. First-Aid Kit (checked monthly) in the Club. A stretcher in the rescue shed. Rescue boat to be kept ready on Sundays and Public Holidays.




Boat Bays 15.6.1 The Sub Committee on the recommendation of the Bosun may allocate boat bays to an active Club member. Rental will be charged to the members account on a monthly basis. 15.6.2 The Committee is empowered to ask the owner to remove a boat that is not being used on a regular basis. If the owner fails to contact the Committee or remove his boat, the Committee is empowered to remove the boat from the boat bay and allocate the boat bay to the next sailor on the waiting list. The Committee is not responsible for any damage or loss caused to the boat whilst in the Club boat bays or being handled by the Club staff unless there are extenuating circumstances. Boat bay fees refer to schedule. Sole occupancy Laser I Laser II GP Optimist Sailboards Open parking Vegos Vegos Motor boats RM 60.00 12.00 18.00 16.00 6.00 8.00 0.20 per sq. ft. (min. RM40.00) 20.00 open parking (wef 1.6.2006) 40.00 covered parking (wef 1.6.2006) 50.00



As we are a dinghy Club we do not encourage the parking of motor boats on the Club premises and owners should not assume that they will be allocated a place. The above rates are periodically reviewed by the Sailing Sub Committee and will be revised by them when necessary. 15.7 Boat Boys The boat boys are employed by the Club and report directly to the Sailing Sub Committee. Their functions include the following: a) b) Launch and return individuals or Clubs boats. Assist in rigging Clubs or individuals boats. 17


c) d) e) f) g) 15.8

Lay course. Operate the rescue boat. Maintain Club property. Permanently employed boat boys should be available at all times specified by the Committee. Boat boys are not employed by the Club to repair or mend individuals boats.

Race Officers In the event of a boathand being unavailable as a race office of the day, the committee may appoint race officers from amongst Committee Members and active sailors on a rota system. The responsibilities of the race officers are:a) b) c) d) Ensure the course is properly laid. The race starts as scheduled by the OOD. All safety equipment/boats/engines etc. are functioning. Complete the race results.


Race Participation 15.9.1 All sailors must sign on prior to a race. 15.9.2 15.9.3 Non-members unless registered guest or visiting Clubs, are not eligible to participate. All races are sailed under RRS Rules except as modified by the Sailing Sub Committee.


Club Boats Members and registered guests must observe the rules governing the hire of Club boats/boards posted on the notice board. Social 15.11.1 Bridge Bar The bar is open from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on Sundays and on special occasions agreed by the Sailing Sub Committee. Rates for hire and lease of Club-owned dinghies 15.12.1 Rates for day-hire Optimist (revised 1.3.04) : RM10.00 Laser (grade B) : 25.00 Laser (grade A) : 55.00 Pico (wef 20.7.2008) : 25.00 Vego (wef 20.7.2008) : 60.00 15.12.2 Rates for long-term lease Lease fee (RM/month) for consecutive months: Optimist (Wooden/Saga) Optimist (Winner) Laser 1 (grade B) Laser 1 (grade A) Laser 2 (grade A) 1st 40 60 80 113 160 2nd 38 58 75 105 150 3rd 36 56 70 97 140 4th 34 54 65 90 130 5th 32 52 60 82 120 6-onwards 30 50 55 75 110



15.12.3 Allocation The allocation of dinghies and gear shall be administered by the Sailing Sub Committee 15.13 Coaching and Training/Boat Rental 15.13.1 Optimists The Optimist Coaching Programme is conducted throughout the year. It typically comprises practical and theoretical training for six sessions on Saturday afternoons and races on Sundays, under the direction and supervision of the Club Coach or a Sailing Sub Committee Member. Participation in the Optimist coaching programme costs RM160.00 per child and non members child at RM320.00 (paid in advance), the fee includes boat rental and buoyancy jacket.



15.13.2 Lasers A sailing course for adults consist of six afternoon sessions. The sessions will be held on consecutive Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The Club will provide an instructor, a Laser 1 and a buoyancy jacket. The minimum number of participants for a course is three persons. The course fee for six sessions is RM600.00 per person. Guests are to be charged at RM650.00 for six sessions (revised 30.3.2012). Fees are to be paid in advance. A condensed sailing course for adults consists of two afternoon sessions, in one weekend. The Club will provide an instructor, a Laser 1 and a buoyancy jacket. The minimum number of participants for a course is two persons. The course fee is RM100.00 per participant. Alternative arrangements with respect to the consecutive afternoons require agreement by the coach. The Club will not refund fees or parts thereof for course participants failing to appear. SECTION 16 HIRING OF CANOES 16.1 (a) (b) The canoes are available for hiring by members/spouses during the following times: 10.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. (Sunday) The canoes may only be taken out if the weather is permissible (calm sea with light breeze and no rain). A levy of RM4.00 shall be charged for a period of one hour. The hirer can extend the hours on condition the canoe is free of booking. Booking of the canoe cannot be cancelled and the levy will be billed to the hirer concerned irrespective of usage. The usage of the canoes shall be limited to those who can swim. Life jackets are compulsory and must be worn while canoeing. Life jackets will be provided on hire at RM2.00 each. The hirer is responsible for the loss or damage to the canoe/s and/or the paddles and life jackets. The hirer shall also ensure that the equipment is in good order before acceptance of the hired canoe. All equipment should be cleaned before returning them. The canoes may only be taken out to a distance within sight from the RPDYC Bridge. The hirer shall undertake full responsibility of all accidents and RPDYC shall not be held responsible for any loss of life or injury.





16.6 16.7 16.7

SECTION 17 BEACH VOLLEY BALL 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 Only members, spouses and children are allowed to play. The ball and net to be signed-out and signed-in at the reception. This activity must not obstruct the public using the beach. Public are not allowed to join the game. Members damaging the net and ball will be charged for replacement cost. The ball and net are not allowed to be passes on to another member unless these have been signed-in. The Club Management is not liable for any injuries sustained by members and their families playing the game. All games to finish by 6.30 p.m.





SECTION 18 - GOLF 18.1 18.2 Objective: To promote the game of Golf amongst members and their spouses of RPDYC. The Golf Committee: a) The Golfing section shall be managed by the Sub Committee appointed/nominated by the Chairman of Sports 1 of the Club. b) The Sub Committee shall consist of: i. Convenor ii. Competition Member iii. Rules Member iv. Lady Member/Secretary The Chairman shall preside all meeting and if he shall not be present, at such meeting, he shall delegate his power of the Sub Committee member. The Convenor shall be responsible for all aspects pertaining to the game of Golf including administration of the Golf Section, control and supervision of the duties of each of the Sub Committee member. The Secretary: a) The Secretary shall assist the Convenor to carry out the necessary administrative duties such as maintaining the necessary records of all Golf Members including their Handicap. b) Submit to the Club Secretary/Manager all competition results for publication in the Club Newsletter. Competition Member shall be responsible to organise Competitions and Medals as decided by the Golf Committee and to keep accurate records of the Competitions/Medals. Rules Member shall ensure that the rules of the game, the local rules of the respective Clubs where the game is played are adhered to. He shall keep records of Rules made for any specific Competition organised by the Golf Committee. Eligibility: All bona fide members and their spouses who are interested in playing Golf may register with the Secretary of the Golf Committee. Handicap : i. All gentlemen Golfers with certified Handicap of not more than 24 and Lady Golfers with certified handicap of not more than 36 shall be eligible to participate in the Organised Games. ii. For Members without Handicap, the Golf Committee may at its sole discretion from time to time impose such condition as it deems fit before allotting an handicap of not more than 24 for men and 36 for ladies. iii. Clause iv. Is subject to the Rules of the Golf Club at which the game is played Minimum of 15 entries for men and 3 entries for ladies are required for a competition.









SECTION 19 RECIPROCAL CLUB FACILITIES 1.1. 1.2. Introduction cards shall not be issued to members whose accounts are in arrears. Introduction cards must be collected personally. Members may, however request for Introduction cards to be faxed to the affiliated Clubs. The fax charges and an equivalent sum as administrative fee will be imposed per request. Any complaint received from any Reciprocal Club regarding the behaviour of a member of Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club shall render such member ineligible for further Introduction card to the Complainant Club.


SECTION 20 MEMBERSHIP CARDS 1. Members are required to produce this card upon request by authorized personnel of the Club/Management staff or at the Food and Beverage outlets for transaction when using the facilities. 20


NO card no service. 2. This card is non-transferable and to be returned to the management upon termination of membership. Lost cards must be reported to the Clubs Receptionist as soon as possible. A members report form must be completed and submitted to the office. Lost cards will be replaced at a charge of RM20.00 per card. Two (2) full working days are required before the new card is processed to be collected at the Reception. Members who require the card to be mailed will be charged an additional RM10.00 for courier charges. Transaction that occurred during the lost card period is solely the responsibility of the member and shall not be disputed if not reported. During the lost card period, members can request for a temporary pre-paid card. Any balance from the pre-paid card upon return will be credited into the new membership card. A refundable deposit of RM10.00 will be imposed for the pre-paid card. Credit limit for all membership cards will be set at RM2,500.00 (inclusive of supplementary cards). Once the limit is utilized members will have to credit into their account for reactivation of the card. Members who wish to hold functions, which may exceed the credit limit, will have to obtain approval from the General Committee for increase in credit terms. Members can request for long/running bill provided that the membership card will be retained by the cashier until the settlement of the account. The management shall not entertain any disputes, which arises on long bills. Members shall be responsible to collect their cards thereafter. Any member who is found of card frauding shall have his card suspended immediately and shall be referred to the General Committee. The General Committees finding will determine the reactivation of the card. Members having any dispute on card transaction shall forward all queries in writing to the Club office. The investigation will be conducted and will be replied in writing by the office. Any further disputes will be forwarded to the General Manager for investigation. All cards issued are the property of the Club and must be returned if any members resign or are permanently terminated. The Rules and Regulations of RPDYC govern the use of this card.











SECTION 21 PREPAID CARDS 1. A refundable deposit of RM10.00 for prepaid card is required and it shall remain a property of the Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club. Lost card must be reported to avoid unscrupulous usage. Each prepaid amount shall be valid for 60 days and extension is not allowed upon expiry. The balance of a valid prepaid (excluding deposit) card is non refundable. The minimum amount for each prepaid card is RM10.00. Such cards are only valid for use within Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club excluding the slot machines.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

SECTION 22 - TABLE TENNIS 1. Daily Playing Session Table Tennis can be played from 0800 hours until 2200 hours free of charge. Bats and balls are available at the reception. Members can obtain them from the receptionist and when they have finished playing, they must return them to the receptionist. They are not allowed to pass the bats and balls to other members to use. Loss/damage of bats or balls, members have to pay for it. The charge shall be as per cost of each item. Children are not allowed to sign out bats and balls. 21



Monthly Tournament Minimum of 15 entries are required. There will be no tournament if there are insufficient entries. Each entrant is charged RM3.00 as entry fee and this shall be debited to the members account. A fine of RM5.00 shall be imposed for failure to turn up to play. The Sub Committee shall determine the format of play. Proper sports attire and footwear must strictly be adhered to. Members must accompany their children 12 years old and below as they are responsible for their behaviour and safety. Guests and affiliated members are not allowed to participate in this monthly tournament unless approved by the Committee. Closed Tournament RPDYC Closed Tournament is open to members of Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club and their spouses and children. The Sub Committee has the right to make exception who can also participate. Port Dickson District Closed Table Tennis Tournament This tournament is open to all Royal Port Dickson Yacht Club members and their families and the bona fide residents of Port Dickson and their families.



Friendly Matches The aim of having friendly matches is to foster greater interaction among the Table Tennis fraternity. The committee, in liaison with the Club General Manager, to contact other clubs to have home and away friendly matches. Members and their spouses and children, who have a certain level of playing standard and also know the rules of the game, shall be invited to play. The cost of running theses friendlies shall be as per approved budget. Table Tennis Coaching Coaches approved by the Club are allowed to coach in the Club. Coaching is conducted every Sunday from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. The coaching fees are: Adults RM50.00 per month per person Juniors RM40.00 per month per person Coaching fees are charge to members account. Children of non members are allowed to join the coaching. Collection of payments and decorum of non members shall be the responsibility of the coach. Proper attire and footwear must be worn at all times. Guests Guests are subjected to Club rules but playing table tennis is free of charge. Members who signed them in shall be responsible for their demeanour in the Club and charges if any.



SECTION 23 - RPDYC HASH CHAPTER 1. 2. The Hash Chapter Committee will be under the purview of the Sports Chairman 2. The Hash Committee will manage their own finance and runs. There shall be no allocation from the Club. The Hash Committee will indemnify the Club from any claims and liability in respect of death or personal injury of any members arising in any way or otherwise howsoever arising. The Hash member must be confined to Club members and their spouses only. Children below 21 years of age are not allowed to participate. Children above 21 years must be a member of the Club. No guests are allowed. The Hash members must abide by the Club Rules and Bye-Laws. Invitation Runs Shall be confined to Affiliated Clubs only and must have prior approval from the General Committee. Monthly Run Are to be held on the third Friday of the month. No runs will be allowed on Saturdays, Sundays, eve of Public Holidays and Public Holidays.

3. 4.

5. 6.





Food & Beverage No outside food, and soft drinks shall be brought into the Club premises during the Run or any other related function held at the Club. All food and non alcoholic beverages shall be purchased from the Club. Beers brought in must be declared at the office in advance. A corkage charge of RM1.00 per bottle/can shall be levied. No refund of corkage or storage of beers will be allowed on unfinished beers. All unfinished beers must be removed from the Club premises after the function. No imported or duty free beers shall be allowed. All food bills must be signed and charged into a Club members personal account. Venue & Operation hours The venue of the function will be at the Bridge grounds and the Bridge bar whenever available. The operating hours of the Club must be observed strictly. All administration work shall be done by the Hash Committee. The RPDYC staff will not be involved in any administration work of the Hash Chapter (i.e. typing, photostating, telephone calls) The letterhead for official letters will read RPDYC Hash House Harriers. A copy of official letters must be extended to the Sports Chairman and the General Manager of the Club. The General Committee has the sole right to discontinue this arrangement in the event of failure to abide by the Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club.

9. 10.




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