Syllabus GEM

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James S.

Rickards Middle School

6000 NE 9th Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334

August 2009

Course Title: GEM (Great Explorations in Mathematics)

Teachers: Mrs. LaVette

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:

Welcome to the GEM Program. The GEM program provides students with the foundation and
the opportunity to reach higher levels of success in mathematics than non-GEM students.


The GEM Program is designed to allow students to move faster than they would in a regular
program. Qualifying students for the GEM program must have a score of 380 or above in Math
and a 300 on the reading portion on the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) - Florida
Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Since some students are already good technicians,
they can follow rules and apply those rules to routine exercises. GEM students need to go one
step further, analyzing non-routine problems and digging beneath the surface in order to see
the beauty, elegance, and application of the mathematics being learned.

In sixth grade, students take a Pre-Algebra and Pre-Geometry course. During the first half of
the year, students study number theory, rational numbers, statistics, area and perimeter,
patterns, variables, and ratio and proportion. During the second half of the year, they begin to
work with symbolic representation needed to solve algebraic equations. Students also study
the Pythagorean Theorem, exponential growth, quadratic growth, probability, and
transformational geometry. These topics are studied in depth and prepare the students for
Algebra in 7th grade and Geometry in 8th grade.

Students in 7th grade take Algebra I, a mathematics "gatekeeper course"; one has to go
through it to reach the possibilities beyond. Algebra is the problem solving language of
mathematics and science. It is an abstract language that uses letters to generalize
mathematical operations. The purpose of the GEM Algebra curriculum is not merely to create
computationally efficient students, but to offer a learning environment where students are
challenged and engaged in complex mathematics problems that can be directly applied to real-
world settings. In a technologically-fueled society, not knowing algebra limits what one can do
in life.

Students in 8th grade take Geometry, a mathematics course that is the study of visual
patterns. The textbook that the students use is unique in that the students actually create
geometry for themselves as they proceed through the activities and problems. Concepts are
first introduced visually, then analytically, then inductively, and, finally deductively. Students
are first involved in investigating and conjecturing before they are exposed to formal proofs.
The purpose of the GEM geometry curriculum is not merely to create computationally efficient
students, but to offer a learning environment where students are challenged and engaged in
complex mathematics problems that can be directly applied to real-world settings.


6th grade - A score of 380 (1890 developmental score) or above on the mathematics portion
and a 300 (1593 developmental score) on the reading portion of the FCAT.

7th grade - Successful completion of GEM 6 with a grade of C or higher and 75% or higher on
district semester examinations.

8th grade - Successful completion of GEM 7 with a grade of C or higher and 75% or higher on
district semester examinations.

New-to-State Entrance Criteria - Students enrolling in 6th and 7th grade from out of state or
private schools without FCAT scores will be allowed in the program with an NRT score of 75%
in reading and an NRT score of 97% in math, providing there is space in the classes. Eighth
grade students must have an NRT of 75% in reading and an NRT score of 97% in math plus
show proof of having successfully completed an Algebra course.


It is recommended that a student at any grade level who is not showing success during the first
five weeks of class be removed from GEM and placed in an advanced math class.

At the end of:

6th grade – Any student who does not have a course average of C or above and 75% or
higher on district semester examinations should be exited from the program.

7th grade – Students should be placed on probation after receiving a D or an F for a quarter
grade and exited after receiving two Ds or Fs for quarter grades. Also, any student who does
not complete the year with a course average of C or above and 75% or higher on district
semester examinations should be exited from the program.
8th grade - Students should be placed on probation after receiving a D or an F for a quarter
grade and exited after receiving two Ds or Fs for quarter grades. Also, any student who does
not complete the year with a course average of C or above and 75% or higher on district
semester examinations should be exited from the program.


The GEM curriculum was prepared with several things in mind: yearly FCAT tests that include
two major FCAT tests at the 8th and 10th grade level and preparation for Algebra II and Pre-
Calculus which need a very strong background in Algebra and Geometry.

The 6th grade curriculum is Pre –Algebra. The 7th grade curriculum is Algebra I Honors and
the 8th grade curriculum is Geometry Honors. Students receive one high school mathematics
credit for successfully completing Algebra I and one high school credit for successfully
completing Geometry.


6th grade program: Pre-Algebra (Prentice Hall Mathematics) textbooks, Pre-Algebra Practice
workbooks, and GEM approved graphing calculators.

7th grade program: Algebra I (McDougal Littell) textbooks, Algebra I Practice workbooks, and
GEM approved graphing calculators.

8th grade program: a class set of course appropriate: Geometry (Prentice Hall Mathematics)
textbooks, Geometry Practice Workbooks, and GEM approved graphing calculators.

 4 composition books (per subject)
 Pen (blue or black)
 No.2 pencil (at least three)
 Pencil sharpener (Non-electrical) w/holder
 eraser
 1 pack of graph paper
 1 ream of white copier paper
 Ruler
 Loose-leaf paper
 Protractor
 1 Tissue
 1 Scissors
 2 highlighters
 3x5 pack of 100 index cards
 1 box of manila folders
 the student expresses sincere motivation to perform well in the desired course
 the parent/guardian is willing to provide academic and/or emotional support for the
student (such as tutoring, extra study time, regular monitoring of student performance,
and encouragement)
 the student and parent have realistic expectations of the grades a student may receive
in the non-recommended course (grades of A and B are often not probable in
coursework that is extremely challenging to the student)
 the student and parent/guardian have consulted with school staff and understand the
reasons for the course recommendations made by school staff
 the student and parent/guardian understand that the student may be exited from the
course if a grade D or F is earned at the end of the first semester


Grades will be based on regular tests, daily quizzes, classwork and/or homework, occasional
math journal writings, monthly binder check, class participation, and projects.


6th Grade 6th Grade
Test/Quizzes/Project 60% Semester Exam 25%
Homework/Classwork 20% Test/Quizzes/Project 35%
Notebook 20% Homework/Classwork 20%
Notebook 20%

7th Grade 7th Grade

Test/Quizzes/Project 70% Semester Exam 25%
Homework/Classwork 15% Test/Quizzes/Project 45%
Notebook 15% Homework/Classwork 15%
Notebook 15%

8th Grade 8th Grade

Test/Quizzes/Project 80% Semester Exam 25%
Homework/Classwork 10% Test/Quizzes/Project 55%
Notebook 10% Homework/Classwork 10%
Notebook 10%
A (90% – 100%) C (70% – 74%)
B+ (85% – 89%) D+ (65% – 69%)
B (80% – 84%) D (60% – 64%)
C+ (75% – 79% F (Below –60%)


Homework will be given nightly (Monday through Friday) and will be due at the beginning of
class. Failure to have completed on time a homework assignment will result in a 0 (zero)
grade. Make-up work will only be provided to students with excused absences. Students that
were absent will, the day of their return, review missing assignments from the homework folder
located in the classroom. There will be no extra credit assignments given to improve an
existing grade. Students have a responsibility to maintain a C grade at all times throughout
the school year, otherwise the student will be placed in another course to provide the best
opportunity for success.

Tutoring will be available on Wednesdays and Thursdays between the hours of 4:05pm –
5:00pm. Transportation is NOT provided unless your child is enrolled in an after school

1. Punctual: Be quietly sitting in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings, and
copying the daily agenda from the board into your planner.
2. Prepared: Come to class on time with everything you need to learn: supplies,
homework, and a positive attitude. Sharpen your pencil before class begins, and never
during a lesson.
3. Respectful: No insults, swearing, touching, or fighting. No getting out of your seat
without permission. Be respectful to everyone in the classroom.
4. Productive: Read instructions carefully then ask questions if you do not understand.
Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking.

1. Warning 1. Praise and Recognition
2. Parent contact (letter/phone call) 2. Parent contact
3. Written assignment
3. Work posted
4. Detention
4. Special privilege (such as
5. Student/parent conference going on field trips)
6. Referral
Once you have read and understand the items set forth in this syllabus, please print and
sign your name in the appropriate space below. Along with your signature, I am requesting
your contact information. After signing, please return the signed portion as
acknowledgement that you have received and agree to the syllabus.

______ _____ _____ _________

Student (print name) Student Signature

_______________ _____ _________

Parent (print name) Parent Signature

Home telephone #_________________________

Work #__________________________________

Cellular #________________________________

Other #__________________________________

E-mail address____________________________
Once you have read and understand the items set forth in this syllabus, please print and
sign your name in the appropriate space below. After signing, please return the signed
portion as acknowledgement that you have received and agree to the syllabus. If you
should have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule a conference, you may
call the school at 754-322-3200 and ask to speak with your child’s grade level guidance

______ _____ _____ _________

Student (print name) Student Signature

________________ ___________ _____

Parent (print name) Parent Signature

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