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Contract No.



THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between: [NAME OF SECURITY COMPANY] [address of security company] (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) - and [NAME OF HOTEL] [address of hotel] (hereinafter referred to as the Hotel) WHEREAS, Hotel requires professional security and protective services for its hotel premises located at ___________________________ [insert location(s) of the buildings to be covered by the Agreement]; AND WHEREAS, Contractor represents to Hotel that it is professionally qualified, able and ready to provide such services; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the covenants and premises contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scope of Agreement

Hotel hereby retains Contractor as an independent security and protection service, to perform the services set out in Section 4 hereof, and such additional or amended services as the parties may agree in writing (collectively, the Services). 2. Term and Termination

2.1 This Agreement shall be effective for a period of ______ months/years, commencing on __________ [insert start date] and expiring on __________ [insert end date], unless renewed by the parties in writing. 2.2 This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon _________ days prior written notice to the other party. 3. Service Fees; Payment

3.1 The Services shall be provided for a monthly fee of _____________________ DOLLARS ($__________), excluding applicable taxes. 3.2 Contractor will issue a monthly invoice for its fees for the Services, plus applicable taxes. Invoices are due on receipt. Unless otherwise agreed to by Contractor, Hotel will make payment by check, money order or credit card. 3.3 Payment must be received within _____ days after Hotels receipt of the invoice. Invoices not paid within such ___-day period will accrue interest at the rate of _____% per annum, or the highest rate allowable by law, whichever is higher. 3.4 Contractors fees may be increased after the first ______________ months of the term if Contractors costs to provide its services hereunder have increased by more than _____%. Hotel shall have the right to audit Contractors records to verify any cost increase. Contractor agrees to give Hotel ________ days written notice prior to putting any increase into effect.



Services to be Provided

At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor will provide the following services (collectively, the Services) to Hotel, and will supply all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision and other items necessary to provide the Services: 4.1 Contractor will provide on-site security services to Hotel and protect its guests, visitors, customers and personnel, their respective persons and property, on a 24-hour per day, 7-day per week basis. There will be three (3) shifts in each 24-hour day, each shift running for a period of eight (8) hours. 4.2 The Services will be provided at Hotels premises, located at ___________________________________. The site consists of ____ building(s), an [outdoor / indoor] parking area [below ground / adjacent to the building], outdoor pool area, ______________________________ [list all areas which security personnel will be responsible for patrolling]. 4.3 Contractor is responsible for ensuring that there are ____ security guard(s) on duty during each shift, regardless of holidays, weather or road conditions. 4.4 Contractor shall be responsible for hiring, training, equipping, supervising, directing, discharging, and issuing uniforms and ID tags for all security services personnel. 4.5 Contractors security personnel will perform their duties in accordance with Schedule A Scope of Services, attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement by reference. 4.6 Contractor will recommend, when necessary or desirable in its opinion, improvements to safety and/or security measures and procedures, to increase the safety and security of Hotel premises and its guests, visitors and personnel. 4.7 Contractor will provide Hotel with an up-to-date duty roster of security personnel who are assigned to duty on Hotel premises. Such duty rosters shall detail the security personnels respective names, assignments, duty periods, etc. and each of the security guards who reports for duty must sign his/her name in the appropriate place provided in the form. This list must be signed in duplicate, one of which must be given to Hotel for its approval not less than ____ [hours/days] in advance. At all times one chief guard shall be on duty to act as the official liaison of Contractor vis--vis Hotel in all matters concerning the performance of duties at Hotels premises by Contractors personnel. 4.8 Copies of all activity reports, accident / incident reports and security guard timesheets will be submitted to Hotel each __________ [day/week]. 4.9 Contractor will establish and implement methods of ensuring that the keys issued to Contractor for Hotel premises are not lost, misplaced, or used by unauthorized persons. Contractor agrees not to duplicate any keys issued by Hotel. Contractor will immediately report any occurrences of lost or duplicated keys. 4.10 Contractor will equip each security guard with the following equipment: Item Flash light Spare batteries for flash light Reflective safety vest Uniform Rain gear Picture ID name tag 2-way radio Battery charger for radio Spare batteries for radio Holster for radio No.


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