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Whats inside: How the plan works Is the plan right for you?

u? Enrollment form Postage-paid envelope Plan agreement

Transfer on Death Plan Kit

To designate or change beneficiaries for your Vanguard nonretirement accounts

The Transfer on Death Plan offers a convenient way to pass certain types of Vanguard nonretirement assets to your heirs outside of probate. You retain full control of the assets during your lifetime; the named beneficiaries receive them only after your death. The plan can affect your tax strategies and estate plan, and may not be advisable for all investors. Consider it a supplement tonot a substitute foryour estate planning.

Start with legal advice

We strongly encourage you to consult with your legal advisor before you enroll. Once youre enrolled, your accounts will be set up to pass directly to your beneficiaries exactly as designated in the planeven if youve provided different beneficiary instructions in your will or trust document. If your plan beneficiary designations conflict with your will, trust, or other legal documents, you could inadvertently: Leave your assets to the wrong beneficiary. Subject your estate to additional taxes and expenses. Leave insufficient resources to pay your estates debts and expenses. Derail your estate planning goals. Review this kit carefully to determine whether the plan is appropriate for you. If you decide to establish the plan for your accounts, well update your beneficiary designations and send you a confirmation by mail.

Call us at 800-662-2739 on business days from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Eastern time. Well be happy to help you.

How the plan works

The Transfer on Death Plan is a straightforward way to designate beneficiaries for certain Vanguard nonretirement accounts, including Vanguard Brokerage Services accounts. The plan was established through Pennsylvanias Uniform Transfer on Death Act and is available to investors residing in any state. Under this plan, you retain control of these accounts during your lifetime, and after your death, ownership is transferred directly to the beneficiaries youve named, thus bypassing probate. You can easily add or change beneficiaries, or revoke the plan at any time by sending us written instructions.

Whats probate? Should you avoid it?

As you may know, probate is the process under which a state court reviews your will for validity and then oversees the distribution of your property. In some states, probate is costly and time-consuming; in others, it has become a much simpler process. If your states probate process is simple and you already have a will, you may not need a Transfer on Death Plan. The Transfer on Death Plan can help you bypass probate, but it doesnt allow you to place restrictions on how your assets are distributed to your beneficiaries like a will or trust can. See Is the plan right for you?

Which accounts are/arent eligible?

Eligible accounts Individual nonretirement accounts that are invested in Vanguard funds or held through Vanguard Brokerage Services Ineligible accounts Community property Joint accounts* IRAs (including SEP-IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs) Retirement plans (e.g., profit-sharing, money purchase pension, 401(k), and 403(b) plans) Uniform Gifts/Transfers to Minors Act (UGMA/UTMA) accounts Trusts

*You can no longer enroll a joint nonretirement account in this plan. However, you may continue to maintain and revise plans already established for such accounts.

Is the plan right for you?

This plan isnt a substitute for a comprehensive estate plan
Although the Transfer on Death Plan offers a simple way to transfer ownership at death and avoid probate, it works best only when your instructions are simple and direct. If you have a complicated estate or want to impose restrictions on how your beneficiaries will receive and use the assets, you may need a more complex document to ensure your wishes are carried out. For example, if you want your assets to be used for certain purposes, such as education or medical expenses, or if you want your heirs to receive your assets only after theyve reached a certain age or achieved a certain goal, a living trust could honor those conditions and also bypass probate. Unlike a Transfer on Death Plan, a living trust can be used for all types of property and offers broad planning flexibility. Living trusts do have a downside, however. Because theyre drafted by attorneys, theyre more expensive and time-consuming to establish and may be more difficult to modify than a Transfer on Death Plan. You may have other unique circumstances that should be considered. Consult an estate planning professional to help determine if the Transfer on Death Plan, a living trust, or other legal document would be appropriate for your situation.

Choose your beneficiaries wisely

Important: Your Transfer on Death Plan will control who inherits your nonretirement accounts after your death; if your beneficiary designations for the plan conflict with those youve made in your will or trust document, your plan designations will prevail. For example, if youve written your will to leave your entire estate to your three children in equal shares and you designate just one child as beneficiary on your Vanguard nonretirement accounts in your Transfer on Death Plan, that child will receive those accounts with no obligation to share them with his or her siblings. Therefore, be sure to consult with your estate planning attorney before choosing your beneficiaries. Beneficiaries you designate on the enclosed form will also completely replace any designations youve previously named for the Transfer on Death Plan. Therefore, be sure to complete the entire formeven if youre changing only a part of your designationor indicate that you want to carry over beneficiaries from a Transfer on Death Plan youve already established. You may update your plan beneficiaries at any time while youre alive, but your designations are irrevocable after your death.

The Transfer on Death Plan . . .

May be appropriate if: You havent created a comprehensive estate plan with specific instructions for your Vanguard nonretirement accounts, and dont expect to create such a plan. You have a simple financial and personal situation and want to add a no-fee estate plan feature to your Vanguard nonretirement accounts. You dont want to impose restrictions on how your beneficiaries will receive and/or use the Vanguard nonretirement assets they inherit from you. Youve talked with your estate planning attorney and agreed that the plan is appropriate for you. May NOT be appropriate if: Youve already created and signed a will, trust, or other legal document that includes instructions for your Vanguard nonretirement accounts. You have a complex financial and personal situation.

You want to impose restrictions on how your beneficiaries will receive and/or use the Vanguard nonretirement assets they inherit from you. You want to avoid or reduce the impact of estate taxes.

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Name your primary and secondary beneficiaries

You can name both primary and secondary beneficiaries for your accounts covered by the plan. Your primary beneficiary is the individual or individuals, living trust, or organization you designate to receive your assets after your death. If any primary beneficiary is deceased at the time of your death, his or her assets will be divided proportionately among your surviving primary beneficiaries. Your secondary beneficiaries will inherit your assets only if you have no surviving primary beneficiaries at the time of your death. If you havent designated secondary beneficiaries and your primary beneficiary or beneficiaries die before you do, your assets will pass to your estate.

You cant name a group of individuals, such as my descendants or children, per stirpes, as your beneficiaries for a Transfer on Death Plan because an authorized party, usually your executor, must identify the members of the group after your death. If you dont plan to have an estate that will go through probate and dont have an executor, there may be no authorized party who can act on behalf of your estate to identify your descendants or other members of another group of beneficiaries. Note that Vanguard has no obligation to locate your beneficiaries or inform them of their status.

Review your plan regularly

If you decide to establish the plan for your accounts, its important to review your plan designations from time to time and update them, as appropriate. Its also advisable to keep a record of the plan with your other important estate planning papers and to include current contact information for the beneficiaries youve named, especially if your beneficiaries arent family members.

Choose from three categories

You can choose your primary and secondary beneficiaries from any of the categories listed below. On the form you must indicate the percentage of assets that you want to allocate for each beneficiary, ensuring that the total equals 100%. For any Vanguard Brokerage account you cover under the plan, the beneficiaries you designate will apply to both your money market settlement fund and your linked brokerage account.

Types of beneficiaries you can designate

Individuals, such as your spouse, your children, other relatives, or persons not related to you Living trusts Organizations/charities*

Persons specifically namedMary Smith, John Jones, Tommy Davis Jr. The Martin Family Trust U/A, dated January 15, 2010 American Red Cross, SPCA

*Vanguard wont be responsible for monitoring how the organization or charity uses the assets or whether it qualifies as tax-exempt or nonprofit under IRS rules.

2010 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

IDBP 0910

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Transfer on Death Plan Form

Use this form to establish, change, or terminate a Vanguard Transfer on Death Plan. The plan is available only for nonretirement accounts registered to an individual, including Vanguard Brokerage Services accounts. Dont use this form for IRAs, other retirement accounts, or community property accounts, or to enroll a joint, Uniform Gifts/Transfers to Minors Act (UGMA/UTMA), or trust account. Print in capital letters and use black ink.

Questions? Call 800-662-2739.

To designate your beneficiaries online, log on to your account at

1. Your information
Provide your full, legal name. If youve applied for an SSN or TIN but havent received it, enter the date on which you applied.

> >

Name of account owner first, middle initial, last Last four digits of Social Security number or taxpayer ID number (TIN) Zip code Daytime phone area code, number, extension Evening phone area code, number, extension

2. Plan information
Establish, change, or terminate a Transfer on Death Plan
Check one.

Establish a plan. Only nonretirement accounts registered to an individual may be

enrolled in the plan; you cant establish a plan for joint accounts not already enrolled. Before you add a Transfer on Death Plan, consult a legal advisor to determine if this step is right for you. Any beneficiaries you designate for the plan will override the instructions in a will, trust, or other estate planning document.

Change my existing plan. The designations you make on the next page will
completely replace any prior designations. Therefore, its important to list all the primary and secondary beneficiaries you want to designate, even if youre updating information for only one beneficiary.
If you check this box, skip to Section 4.

> Terminate my plan. If you terminate the plan on a joint account, you cant reestablish
the plan on that account.

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Accounts to be included in the plan

Check and complete A, B, or C.

A. All nonretirement accounts held solely in my name. B. All of our joint tenant accounts already enrolled in the plan.
This option applies only if youre changing an existing plan that currently includes the joint accounts; you cant establish a Transfer on Death Plan for joint accounts not already enrolled. All tenants must sign in Section 4.
Name of joint account owner (if applicable) first, middle initial, last

C. Only the accounts listed below.

Changes will apply to ALL funds held in each account listed.
If you have a Vanguard Brokerage Services account, the beneficiaries you designate here will apply both to your money market settlement fund and to your linked brokerage account.

Account number Account number Account number


3. Beneficiaries you want to designate

Beneficiaries will share equally in the accounts/registrations covered under the plan unless you specify different percentages.

Primary beneficiaries

Check all that apply.

Those you designate as your primary beneficiaries will be first to inherit your plan assets upon your death. Beneficiaries on joint accounts dont inherit plan assets until after the death of the last surviving joint owner. Indicate the percentages of your assets to be distributed to the designated primary beneficiaries upon your death. The total of the percentages below and on the next page must equal 100%.

Name of individual first, middle initial, last Name of individual first, middle initial, last
Attach a separate sheet if you want to list more names.

Birth date mm/dd/yyyy

Birth date mm/dd/yyyy

% >
Name of individual first, middle initial, last Birth date mm/dd/yyyy

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This applies to an existing trust only; you cant create a trust with this form.

To the trustee of an existing trust created under an agreement


Name of trust

Date of trust mm/dd/yyyy

Organizations/Charities Name of organization or charity

Attach a separate sheet if you want to list more names.

% >
Name of organization or charity

If the percentages dont total 100%, Vanguard will allocate equal percentages totaling 100%.




Secondary beneficiaries

Check all that apply.

Those you designate as your secondary beneficiaries will inherit your plan assets only if there are no surviving primary beneficiaries upon your death or after the death of the last surviving joint owner, if applicable. Indicate the percentages of your assets to be distributed to the designated secondary beneficiaries upon your death. The total must equal 100%.

Name of individual first, middle initial, last Name of individual first, middle initial, last
Attach a separate sheet if you want to list more names.

Birth date mm/dd/yyyy

Birth date mm/dd/yyyy

% >
Name of individual first, middle initial, last Birth date mm/dd/yyyy


This applies to an existing trust only; you cant create a trust with this form.

To the trustee of an existing trust created under an agreement


Name of trust

Date of trust mm/dd/yyyy

Organizations/Charities Name of organization or charity

Attach a separate sheet if you want to list more names.

% >
Name of organization or charity

If the percentages dont total 100%, Vanguard will allocate equal percentages totaling 100%.




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4. Signature(s) of account owner(s)

Read carefully before signing.

I/We, the undersigned plan account owner(s), hereby acknowledge that I/we have received and read the Vanguard Transfer on Death Plan Agreement and accept all terms and conditions set forth in the agreement and this form. I/We understand that the Transfer on Death Plan will supersede any conflicting provisions that I/we or my/our representatives have made or may make in any will, trust, agreement, or other instrument relating to the accounts enrolled under the plan.
Signature of account owner

Date mm/dd/yyyy

Signature of joint account owner

Date mm/dd/yyyy

If additional signatures are required, attach a separate sheet.


Mailing information
Make a copy of your completed form for your records. Mail your completed form and any attached information in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
If you dont have a postage-paid envelope, mail to:


Vanguard P.O. Box 1110 Valley Forge, PA 19482-1110 Vanguard 455 Devon Park Drive Wayne, PA 19087-1815

For overnight delivery, mail to:


Print Entire Kit

Print Form Only

2012 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved. FDBP 082012 Vanguard Brokerage Services is a division of Vanguard Marketing Corporation, member FINRA.

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Vanguard Transfer on Death Plan Agreement

Article I: Introduction
1.1 In General. You may establish a Vanguard Transfer on Death Plan (the Plan) by submitting a completed and signed Vanguard Transfer on Death (TOD) Plan (formerly the Vanguard Directed Beneficiary Plan or DBP) Form (the Application Form) to Vanguard, subject to Vanguards acceptance. Eligible accounts established under the Plan are deemed registered in beneficiary form in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania. The Plan will cover the eligible Vanguard accounts that you designate in writing to be covered by the Plan (the Plan Accounts). You may make changes to the Plan or may terminate the Plan by submitting a written request to Vanguard to such effect. This Vanguard Transfer on Death Plan Agreement (Agreement), together with the Application Form, contains the terms and conditions that will apply to your Plan. In addition, your Plan Accounts will be subject to all terms and conditions included in the current prospectuses of the relevant Vanguard mutual funds or the Vanguard Brokerage Services Securities Account Agreement, if applicable. 1.2 Purpose of Plan. The Plan provides a way for you to pass ownership of your Plan Accounts, without probate, to your designated Plan beneficiaries after your death (or the death of the last surviving joint owner of your Plan Accounts, if applicable). As described in Article 3.3, your Plan will supersede any conflicting provisions that you or your representatives have made or may make, in any will, trust, agreement, or other instrument relating to your Plan Accounts. However, your Plan will not supersede any rights that creditors or other persons may have to your Plan Accounts under applicable law. 2.3 Types of Accounts Eligible for Plan. Only individual nonretirement accounts are eligible to be designated as Plan Accounts covered by your Plan. Other types of accounts that you may maintain with Vanguard, including trust accounts, accounts subject to community property laws, Uniform Gift/Transfer to Minors Act (UGMA/UTMA) accounts, and retirement accounts, are not eligible. Vanguard reserves the right to modify the types of accounts eligible for the Plan at any time and from time to time, provided that, if Vanguard determines to discontinue offering the Plan for a particular account type, the discontinuance will not impact any account established under the Plan and in effect prior to the effective date of the discontinuance. 2.4 Management of Account During Lifetime of Owner. Subject to Vanguards policies and procedures, the account owner(s) and/or the account owners duly authorized and acting representative have the right to manage the assets in the account as long as any owner of the account is living. An agent, attorney-infact, guardian, conservator, or other duly authorized and acting representative of the account owner may not change the beneficiary designation, nor add or terminate the Plan, unless the authority to make and change beneficiary designations and to enter into and revoke contracts is expressly granted in the instrument granting such representative the authority to act on behalf of the account owner. 2.5 Effect of Change From Eligible to Ineligible Account. If assets in an account under the Plan are transferred by change of ownership, change of registration, or otherwise to a type of account ineligible for the Plan, those transferred assets will no longer be covered under the Plan, and the Agreement will be deemed revoked to the extent of such transfer.

Article II: Plan Accounts

2.1 Enrollment in Plan. You may enroll in the Plan by completing and signing the Application Form, or, if available, by enrolling online through Your enrollment will be effective upon Vanguards receipt and acceptance of your Application Form during your lifetime. 2.2 Designation of Plan Accounts. So long as you continue in the Plan, your Plan will apply to any eligible accounts that you designate to be covered by the Plan. Any changes to your designation of Plan Accounts must be made in writing and submitted to Vanguard. Except as indicated in this Article II, your other Vanguard accounts, if any, will not be covered by your Plan.

Article III: Transfer of Plan Accounts After Death

3.1 Individual Accounts. If your Plan Accounts are registered as individual accounts, Vanguard will transfer ownership of such accounts to your Plan Beneficiary (as defined in Article IV) after your death, upon receipt of the required documentation described in Article IV. 3.2 Accounts Registered as Joint Tenants With Right of Survivorship for Plans Established Prior to January 1, 2007, Only. If your Plan Accounts were established on or before December 31, 2006, and are registered as joint tenants with right of survivorship
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accounts, Vanguard will transfer ownership of such Plan Accounts to your Plan Beneficiary following the death of the last surviving joint owner, if your Plan Account remains under the same registration as when you established the Plan. The surviving owner(s) may change the beneficiary designation, revoke the Plan, or change the registration after the death of an account owner in accordance with Vanguard policies and procedures. The surviving owner(s) must submit a new Application Form in order to establish the Plan on any new eligible account. 3.3 Conflicting Provisions in Wills, Trusts, and Other Instruments. Your Plan will supersede any conflicting provisions that you or your representatives have made or may make relating to your Plan Accounts in any will; trust; premarital, marital, or divorce agreement or decree; or other instrument. Vanguard will not honor any demand to transfer your Plan Accounts to any beneficiary other than your Plan Beneficiary unless directed to do so by court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Plan Beneficiaries at the time of your death, your Plan assets shall be payable to your secondary (contingent) Plan Beneficiaries, if any, who shall succeed to the rights of a primary Plan Beneficiary under this Agreement. 4.2 Changes to Plan Beneficiary. You may change your Plan Beneficiary at any time and from time to time. Any such change will revoke all prior Plan Beneficiary designations in their entirety. To be effective, a Plan Beneficiary change must (i) be made in a form and manner acceptable to Vanguard; (ii) be received by Vanguard prior to your death; and (iii) indicate the names and, if applicable, percentage entitlements of your new Plan Beneficiaries. Vanguard will not honor any change to your Plan Beneficiary purported to be made by a will, trust, agreement, or other instrument or state statute presented to Vanguard after your death, unless directed to do so by court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. (See special rules for joint accounts in Article 4.3.) 4.3 Special Rules for Joint Tenants With Right of Survivorship Accounts. If your Plan Accounts are jointly held, you can change the Plan Beneficiary by sending instructions to Vanguard signed by all joint owners. Following the death of one or more joint owners, the surviving owner(s) has the right to change any prior Plan Beneficiary designation. 4.4 Minors as Beneficiaries. If, upon the death of the last surviving account owner, a Plan Beneficiary known to Vanguard to be a minor is entitled to receive any undistributed assets of the Plan Accounts, Vanguard may, in its absolute discretion, transfer or distribute the assets to which the minor is entitled to an account for the benefit of the minor or to a person or persons demonstrated to Vanguards satisfaction to be authorized to act on behalf of the minor. Any person or entity representing his, her, or its authority to act on behalf of a minor shall submit such documentation to authenticate such authority as reasonably requested by Vanguard. The minors representative may be the guardian, conservator, or other legal representative of the minor; the natural parent of the minor (provided that, if the minors parents are divorced, Vanguard may deem only the parent having legal custody of the minor to be authorized to act on behalf of the minor); a custodian appointed for such minor under a Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, or similar act; a person appointed by the account owner in a trust document or the owners last will and testament as admitted to probate; or any person having control or custody over the minor. 4.5 Plan Beneficiarys Rights and Responsibilities. A Plan Beneficiary has no rights to your Plan Accounts until after your death (or until after the death of the last
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Article IV: Plan Beneficiary

4.1 Designation of Plan Beneficiary. You may designate one or more persons, trusts, or other entities, such as charities, as your beneficiary (Plan Beneficiary) on your Plan Accounts. Your designation must be in writing and will remain in effect until you revise or revoke it by a subsequent designation. Vanguard reserves the right to refuse to accept any designation made under the Plan. You may designate both primary beneficiaries (those beneficiaries first entitled to receive your Plan Accounts after your death) and secondary or later contingent beneficiaries (those beneficiaries entitled to receive your Plan Accounts after your death if none of your primary or prior contingent beneficiaries survive you). Plan Beneficiaries must survive you or, if an entity, be in existence as of the date of your death in order to receive any of your Plan assets. If none of your Plan Beneficiaries survive you or survive the last surviving account owner, if applicable, then your estate or the last surviving account owners estate, as the case may be, will be treated as the Plan Beneficiary. If you have named more than one primary Plan Beneficiary and you either have not indicated the percentages to which each beneficiary may be entitled or have indicated percentages that do not total 100%, payment will be made to the surviving primary Plan Beneficiaries in equal shares. If you have named more than one primary Plan Beneficiary, the share of any primary Plan Beneficiary who has not survived you or is not in existence as of the date of your death will be divided proportionately among the surviving primary Plan Beneficiaries, if any. If there are no surviving primary

surviving joint account owner, if applicable). Vanguard has no responsibility to locate or notify any Plan Beneficiary or the personal representative of the account owner or of any Plan Beneficiary of the existence of your Plan. It is the responsibility of the Plan Beneficiary to notify Vanguard of your death (or the death of the last surviving joint account owner, if applicable) and to provide Vanguard with (i) proof of your death, in form and substance acceptable to Vanguard; (ii) inheritance tax waivers or proof of payment of inheritance taxes, if required by state law; and (iii) any other documents that Vanguard deems necessary to transfer ownership of your Plan Accounts. Vanguard, in its sole discretion, may require and may rely upon a certification of the identity of Plan Beneficiaries from an authorized party, and shall be under no duty to make any inquiry or investigation thereof. Vanguard may request such additional information and documentation from the authorized party as Vanguard deems necessary regarding the distribution of the Plan Accounts. The authorized party may be the executor, administrator, or personal representative of the account owners estate; the trustee of a trust Plan Beneficiary; the Plan Beneficiary; or any other person deemed appropriate by Vanguard to act on behalf of the estate of the account owner or of the Plan Beneficiary after the account owners death. You agree that Vanguard shall be fully indemnified against any cost or damage it incurs in connection with its good-faith reliance upon the representations of the authorized party.

attorneys fees, arising out of or relating to (i) any provision of any statute, will, trust, agreement or other instrument, or any verbal arrangement or understanding, that conflicts with your Plan; or (ii) Vanguards reliance upon any certification, information, or documentation provided by you or an authorized party. 5.4 Amendment of Plan. Vanguard may amend this Agreement at any time (including retroactively). For these purposes, you shall be deemed to have consented to any Agreement amendment if you do not object to it by terminating your Plan in a form and manner acceptable to Vanguard within 30 days after Vanguard sends you notice of the amendment to the address of record for your Plan Accounts, or, if you have consented to online delivery of agreements, to your e-mail address of record. The terms of the Agreement in effect at the death of the last surviving account owner will control the disposition of assets under the Plan. 5.5 Termination of Plan. You may terminate your Plan at any time by giving Vanguard appropriate notice. To be effective, the termination notice (i) must be in a form and manner acceptable to Vanguard; and (ii) must be received by Vanguard prior to your death (or prior to the death of the last surviving joint owner, if applicable). Vanguard may terminate your Plan at any time by notifying you in writing. Any such termination notice by Vanguard will be effective 30 days after the date of notification. 5.6 Notices. Any notice, request, designation, change, or instruction made under this Agreement shall be made in writing, and may be made electronically through Vanguards website, if and to the extent available. 5.7 Disputes. In the event of any dispute or reasonable doubt as to the interpretation of this Agreement, any beneficiary designation submitted to Vanguard under the Plan or the appropriate actions to be taken regarding the ownership or transfer of the Plan Accounts, Vanguard reserves the right to seek judicial determination in a court of competent jurisdiction, which determination shall be binding upon all parties claiming an interest in the Plan Accounts. The costs of seeking such determination, including all costs, fees, and expenses (including attorneys fees), shall be borne by the Plan Accounts. 5.8 Governing Law. The Plan shall be governed by, construed, administered, and enforced according to the laws of Pennsylvania.

Article V: Miscellaneous
5.1 Vanguards Limited Role. The Plan may or may not be suited to your personal financial situation and estate planning objectives. In the absence of a separate written agreement, Vanguard has no responsibility for determining whether the Plan is suitable for you. Vanguard strongly encourages you to seek professional advice in making the determination that the Plan is appropriate before establishing your Plan. Vanguard has no fiduciary duty as trustee or otherwise under this Agreement. 5.2 Fees. Vanguard currently charges no special fees to establish or maintain your Plan. However, if deemed necessary, Vanguard reserves the right to impose such fees in the future. 5.3 Indemnification. You, your estate, and your successors-in-interest agree to indemnify and hold harmless Vanguard and, in the case of a brokerage account, Vanguard Marketing Corporation and its successors, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, and employees, from and against all claims, actions, costs, and liabilities, including reasonable

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2009 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved. TODPA 052009

Amid all the noise in the marketplace about what you should and shouldnt do to invest successfully, we believe the key is to pay attention to the few things that really matter: low costs, diversification, and a long-term perspective. Vanguard helps you stay focused on these essentialsand that can make a difference in your net investment results.

P .O. Box 2600 Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600

Connect with Vanguard > > 800-662-2739

Investments are subject to risk. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market.
Vanguard Brokerage Services is a division of Vanguard Marketing Corporation, member FINRA and SIPC.

2010 The Vanguard Group, Inc. All rights reserved. BDBPCV 0910

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