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Michael the Archangel

He "Who is like G'd"

Though technically speaking Archangel Michael is not a Saint, sometimes this entity is venerated as one. In Hoodoo, he is petitioned to protect and shield from abusive people, harmful magick and demons, and their snares and trickery. In Santeria and sometimes ( by certain practitioners ) in New Orleans vodoun he is syncretized with Ogun, and sometimes with Legba as well.

The day of the weak associated with St. Michael is Sunday, so its clear that his planetary rulership is over the Sun. The Hebrew name translates to brilliant one or one who is brilliant and the Archangel plays important role in Abrahamic religions and Kabala , otherwise ( in other systems, such as Higher magick ) he is imported from those religions. His metals are gold and brass, and herbs and resins associated with this spirit are many, among most mentioned Angelica, Orange, Bay laurel, Benzoin, Ambergris, Cinnamon and Frankincense. It is said that the results of working with St. Michael are seen in seven days after the work with him.

Iconography and depiction of St. Michael is rather uniform really, he is depicted as mighty warrior with the flaming sword as his feature, sometimes also holding the scales to weigh the souls of the deceased. In Catholic and Orthodox Christian Iconography St.Michael is often depicted defeating the Adversary, trampling the Wicked One ( a nice example is Archangel Michael by Guido Renis )

Here is St. Michaels signature that can be inscribed on candles or petitioner paper ( candle colors are red or white )

We can find countless invocation, and compelling words of power relying on this spirit in many Western Higher magick works. Generally, in magick this spirit is seen as a blockbuster spirit spirit that clears away evil spirits, demons in particular, and makes their evil undone.Therefore, it should not surprise that St.Michael is petitioned in hex removal spells, uncrossing and reversal magickal acts, and here are few examples : Uncrossing spell

It is believed that if the crossing or hex is very powerful, old or material magicka used in casting negative spell, the originator is not known, or the crossing comes from wicked spirits, and common uncrossing procedures give no satisfactory results, St. Michael is to be called upon

Red candle is lit, in front of the St.Michaels image , dressed with any suitable oil ( Run D Run, St. Michaels oil, Reversing oil, Uncrossing oil, Jinx killer oil ) and a petitioner paper is placed bellow the candle. The petitioner prays to St, Michael for liberation from evil that has befallen on them ( or their client ) after what a purification bath, with the addition of the same oil ( used in ritual ) is suggested. Judika Illes suggest blending Frankincense, Myrrh and Salt in Almond oil as base, as suitable oil for such work. Reversing and protection spells St.Michael is also called upon, when returning the evil spells to their originator, and a very popular ( and very powerful ) method calls for writing Your enemy s name ( or just enemy, if unknown ) on a piece of papper, placing paper in the glas, sprinkling with sea salt and pouring ( spring or Holy ) water over it. The saucer is than placed over the glass and the glass is swiftly overturned, so that it rests on saucer, without any water spilt , I n the process, and should some water escape, the ritual act is repeated. Then, a white candle is turned upside down, so that one could pick out the wick from the bottom of the candle, now becoming the top. Candle is divided into nine partitions ( in some version into nine small candles ) , and burned atop the glass for nine ( in some version seven days ) while praying that the evil spells are returned to the originator. I like to use St. Michael prayer by Pope Leo XIII in any apotropaic or protective magick work with Archangel Michael ( even though Im an Orthodo x Christian ) , whether in Latin or other language . The English version is this: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God,

thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen There is a nifty protection spell I was taught to use employing the mentioned prayer, Psalm 91st ; Light a Novena candle to St. Michael the Archangel or white or red offertory candle fixed with St.Michaels oil. Read the Psalm 91st and then the prayer given above and it is believed that as long as the candle burns, You will be safe from all ills. Holy cards or St. Michael medallions are common ingredients in protection mojos and New Orleans Home Protection packets alongside protective herbs and salt. St. Michales holy card or printed images are often used in creating protective amparos a type of amulets used frequently in Latin America or Spain[1] Holy cards or St. Michael medallions are common ingredients in protection mojos and New Orleans Home Protection packets alongside protective herbs and salt. St. Michales holy card or printed images are often used in creating protective amparos a type of amulets used frequently in Latin America or Spain[1] St. Michael the Archangels oil This is my personal formula Id like to share with my readers, based upon cross-reference on various herbal correspondences given for this Archangel, as well as resin, and essential oils correspondences and my personal inclination towards certain of the ingredients This oil formula ( among many others ) will be available in my upcoming document that I will post on my Scribd page, so check often ; )
Frankincense resin Dragons blood resin Myrrh resin

Angelica root Bay Laurel leafs or essential oil Cinnamon powder or essential oil Salt

Mind that cinnamon essential oil can act as skin irritant , so if using use a in a pinch, sort of say. All in base of either Almond or Ambergris oil. Expressing gratitude Though in Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity, there are no suggestions for a tribute, in Hoodoo its customary to pay a spirit after they have helped, and I myself find such practice reasonable, very respectful and very beneficial. A candle lit, or a contribution to loccal police or comunity watch shall do, among other. It does seem like least we could do, right :D

NOTES: This article was composed and written by myself, so If You wish to use any part of it, elsewhere provide credits Shadow of Shadows magick place, [email protected] or a direct link to this post. [1] to learn how to make St. Michaels amparo visit this brilliant video by Devi sprig The first image show Catholic holy card depiction of St.Michael and is from , page/entry about St. Michael ( lucky mojo amulets archive, St.Michael Archangel ) respectfully. The second image is edited by myself and show Angelic signature

San Miguel Arcngel, defindenos en la batalla. S nuestro amparo contra las perversidad y asechanzas del demonio. Reprmale Dios, pedimos suplicantes, y tu prncipe de la milicia celestial arroja al infierno con el divino poder

a Satans y a los otros espritus malignos que andan dispersos por el mundo para la perdicin de las almas.

Oracin a San Miguel Arcngel para pedir proteccin contra todo mal
con 132 comentarios Oracin original a San Miguel para ser realizada sosteniendo un crucifijo en alto (Levanta el Crucifijo y reza esta oracin con la seal de la cruz. Has esto en el nombre del

Padre, del Hijo, y del Espritu Santo. T vencers Reza esta oracin todos lo das, ya que la batalla es enorme)
Oh Glorioso prncipe de la Hueste Celestial, San Miguel Arcngel, defindenos en la batalla y en el terrible combate que estamos librando contra los principados y Potestades del aire, contra los Dominadores de este mundo tenebroso, en contra de todos los Espritus del Mal. Ven en ayuda del hombre, a quien Dios Todopoderoso cre inmortal, hecho en ayuda del hombre, a quien Dios Todopoderoso cre inmortal, hecho a su imagen y semejanza, y redimido por un gran precio, de la tirana de Satans. Pelea en este da la batalla del Seor, junto con los santos ngeles, igual que combatiste al lder de los orgullosos ngeles, Lucifer, y a su hueste apstata, quienes no tuvieron poder para resistirte y tampoco hubo ya lugar para ellos en el cielo. Esa cruel serpiente antigua, llamada el diablo o Satans, que seduce al mundo entero, fue arrojada al abismo junto con sus ngeles. Mira, este enemigo primitivo y asesino del hombre ha tomado fuerza. Transformado en un ngel de luz, anda alrededor del mundo con una multitud de espritus perversos, invadiendo la tierra para borrar el nombre de Dios y de Jesucristo, apoderarse, asesinar y arrojar a la eterna perdicin de las almas destinadas a la corona de la gloria eterna. Este malvado dragn vierte, como la inundacin ms impura, el veneno de su malicia en los hombres de mente depravada y corrupto corazn; el espritu de mentira de impiedad, de blasfemia, y de aire pestilente de impureza, y de todo vicio e iniquidad. Estos astutos enemigos han llenado y embriagado con hiel y amargura esta Iglesia, la esposa del Inmaculado Cordero, y han puesto sus manos impas en sus ms sagradas posesiones. En el Santo Lugar, en donde la sede de San Pedro y el asiento de la verdad han sido colocados como

la luz del mundo, ellos han levantado el trono de su abominable impiedad, con el designio inicuo de que cuando el Pastor sea herido, tambin las ovejas pueden ser heridas. Entonces levntate, oh Prncipe invencible, dale ayuda al pueblo de Dios en contra de los ataques de los espritus perdidos. Dale la victoria al pueblo de Dios: Ellos te veneran como su protector y patrn; en ti la gloriosa Iglesia se regocija con tu defensa contra el maligno poder del infierno; a ti te ha confiado Dios las almas de los hombres para ser establecida en bienaventuranzas celestiales. Ora al Dios de la paz, para que ponga a Satans bajo nuestros pes, derrotado para que no pueda ms mantener al hombre en cautiverio y lastimar a la Iglesia. Ofrece nuestras oraciones a la vista del Altsimo, para que pronto pueda encontrar misericordia a los ojos del seor; y venciendo al dragn la antigua serpiente que es el diablo y Satans, t nuevamente lo pongas cautivo en al abismo, para que no pueda ya ms seducir a las naciones. Amn. L: Miren la Cruz del Seor; y sean dispersos los poderes enemigos. R: El Len de la tribu de Jud ha conquistado la raz de David. L: Qu tu misericordia est sobre nosotros, oh Seor. R: As como hemos tenido esperanza en Ti. L: Oh Seor, escucha nuestra oracin. R: Y deja que mi llanto llegue a Ti. L: Oremos Oh Dios, Padre nuestro, seor Jesucristo, invocamos a tu Santo Nombre, y suplicantes imploramos tu clemencia, para que por la intercesin de la siempre Virgen Mara, Inmaculada Madre nuestra, y por el glorioso San Miguel Arcngel, T te dignes ayudarnos contra Satans y todos los dems espritus inmundos, que andan por el mundo para hacer dao a la raza humana y para arruinar a las almas. Amn.

Oracin a San Miguel Arcngel para proteger nuestro hogar

con 7 comentarios

Querido Arcngel Miguel, te imploro y te pido ayuda, manda a los ngeles a tu cargo a rodear y proteger mi hogar de arriba a abajo, por dentro y por fuera. Coloca un ngel en cada ventana y entrada para que nada ni nadie puede acceder excepto aquellos guiados por la Luz del Espritu Santo. Gracias Querido Arcngel Miguel, Amen

St. Michael Uncrossing / Wall of Protection


Thats Right, Beating Evils ass, ain't no Thing

I seriously after I posted the last blog about crossed conditions thought I should post an uncrossing ritual that I should use. As part of a promise to St. Michael, I am releasing this ( on his Feast day, a little late) to help people. I am releasing this as per the Angel's instructions to me in honor of his Feast day.

A couple things, I can give you this uncrossing and it may very well work. It has been tested by myself, my significant other, many members of the Quantum Life Science Institute, and other people. It might not work for you however. If you do not have a solid relationship with this angel, he simply may not work with you. Many of us have worked hard to obtain and get a solid relationship with St. Michael. This is probably true of any spiritual work. In fact, I could probably publish all of my secret rituals, and the same would be true. My relationship with the constructs, symbols, personal ability, and more make them work.

The fact is that reading a blog is not the same as experience, and in a situation of uncrossing this is important. I can read lots of rituals, but unless I have done them and had experiences backed by results, it is simply risky to do an uncrossing without experience. Fundementals, like what I go over in the first 25 chapters of Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current , make a HUGE difference. I mean it. If you have trouble getting this to work, and its a situation where you need help, DO schedule a reading with me at [email protected] and I can do the work to help you with this. I have over 12 years experience doing this type of work for clients. That said, this probably will help many of you.

This was derived through Channelling and divination and is well tested.


Adding a oil bottle because thats what we put it in.

Andrieh Vitimus's Firey Wall of Protection Oil

This is totally approximate, and is loosely a Firey Wall of Protection Oil 1/2 ounce Frankensence and Myrr, 1/3 ounce Dragon's Blood. and a couple teaspoons of cinnamon. 1/4 cup Salt. A couple grated tablespoons Ginger. Per Pint bottle of Olive Oil. I kinda wing it, and next time I will take more time to measure weights.

Take Frankincense and Myrr and grind these up to a fine powder. Add Crushed up Dragon's Blood to this mixture and add a small slivers of Ginger.

You can add Essential oils to this mixture ( Frankensece, Myrr, Dragon's Blood and Cinnamon). That will strengthen the mixture, but that is usually VERY expensive, and this mixture seems to work very well with or with out it. GO VERY light with the Cinnamon, if you use the essential oil. I usually make this by the pint and then give what I do not need away to my associates who LOVE it.

Andrieh Vitimus's St. Michael Uncrossing Base ( I'll explain how to use this in a second )
Start with 1 pound of Sea Salt. Mix in 1 ounce of Angelica

Mix in 0.5 ounce of Dried Basil Mix in 1 ounce of crushed Star Anise ( break) Mix in 0.5 ounce of White Sage Mix in 1 ounce of crushed Frankincense. Add a few drops of the St. Michael oil to the salt mixture. Mix and Stir.

Setting up the physical Altar

IIf you need to you could use a 7.5-8 inch glass candle plate, but it might be tight. If you can get a 10 one, you be happy. I only had a 7.5 inch one and it worked well.

You will need a 7 day St. Michael Candle. Personally, I use something like this one on the right. You should dress the candle. There are multiple ways to do this and I offer only one suggestion. Take a metal skewer and push 3 holes into to candle. Drip a few drops of the Oil I listed above into the holes in the candle. I tap the candle on the table. This should be done with intention and focus. If you need some help with these basics, check out my first book, Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current

Lay Down a layer of Andrieh Vitimus's St. Michael Uncrossing Base, yes I know its mostly just the salt. Try to make this even and as flat as you can on the glass plate. Finally, you'll need some 4 tea light candles and I like doing this with a picture of the person or some personal artifacts. This could be your own personal artifacts, and I have done this for myself using just a drop of my blood or salvia.

Add your photo in the middle.

I purposely put the arch-angel on top edge of the person's photo but not on top of their head or them. This is to say watching over, but not sitting down upon. AKA this is a blessing and the angel is watching over the person not sitting on top of the person, so I will have it touching the top of the photo as if to say the angel is watching from above. The altar in this configuration is very compact, and then energy is very condensed around the person. Usually I would put down a censor and burn some frankincense and you will need a candle snuffer. I will lay down a seal, Without going into too technical of a discussion, here are some Seals. I usually use the Seal on the Left but I am not sure of its origins. Usually, I do not use the seals, but they are helpful to get the Vibration Correct.

Michael Fire From Jason Newcomb

Rufus Opus has some interesting seals too.

What to Do Variant One ( Western Ceremonial Magic Required )

This type of work, should start with a ritualistic cleansing bath. There are several formula's online. In this earlier blog post, I give a few ways to create and work with one. Put on white clothing after you are done.

Start with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Usually, I start with a Cabalistic Cross, Do the Pentagram Construction, and then do the Angels. At this point, as I learned from a 30+ veteran in ceremonial magic, I hold off from doing the second Cabalistic cross. Lift the Picture of the person you are working on in EACH direction and say something akin to, "This is John Smith". Change John Smith to the person. See feel and hear the picture come alive. Again, I cover the details of this in Hands-On Chaos Magic: Reality Manipulation through the Ovayki Current in extensive details. You need to make the photo link to the person. You are doing this as if to have the very angels you called down in the LBRP WITNESS the act. Sure sure sure, I know this is not exactly traditional, but perhaps magic would work better if the angels were treated as something slightly more then mere mental constructs. Besides, this works EVERY time we do it.

Open the planetary Gateway of the sun. I do this by Intoning the Hebrew of the planetary Invoking Hexagram over the circle we are working with. Because the Sun is the center of the universe, there is no motion in the Hexagram. Intone The phrase 6 times, imagining that the sun is shining more and more brightly down on the entire circle of salt and especially over the person who's picture is on the salt. Imagine what it is like when the sun is shining down on you on a perfect day, and imagine that is shining down on the circle of salt.

Really, these are GREAT planetary foundations are in High Magic: Theory & Practice and I really Like Frater UD's Book. It also has the LBRP in it. I really love this book.

Project the Seal that feels right into the candle while chanting Mi-Cha-El. Use all 5 senses at this point to see, feel, and know the angel is present over the entire circle of salt. Usually, when I do this for a client, I will also sigilize a mantra of Protect and Cleanse the person. Again, Hands on Chaos Magic has the details. This gets me a combined mantra of Mi-Cha-El-"Ra-Dom-Syllables." Yes thats just a sleight of mind to help me focus. Once you feel and know that the Archangel is present, that is when this ritual gets even more interesting. This is a combined ritual uncrossing and Firey Wall of Protection. That will become obvious as this continues. This gives the client or yourself, first the cleansing and uncrossing needed to make steady improvement, but also extends a FIREY deterrent to the negative forces that were attaching in the first place. Continue chanting and knowing with all five senses that the Angel is present. Imagine an More intense beam of light extending from the angel into the person. This should be a very narrow and intense beam and imagine it going through their center point channel of their body. Try to feel the energy course through the center channel of their body. Clearly, you are working with a photo so you must use your imagination. If you are working on yourself, feel the beam run through the center of the top of head down through your whole body. Work with your imagine of yourself though, just make sure it mirrors your sensations in your body. Imagine any negativity in the person in this very concentrated and small column of light getting pushed out of the person and into the salt below them. The idea of this, is to create a center line to start working from. Simply put, in an uncrossing ritual, forcing this baseline is critical to success. Keep Chanting and evoking Michael as described while doing this. Once you get the center line, you can slowly extend that line out from the center line out from the center of the person to their whole body. Its important to go slowly. Make sure any negativity in the person gets pushed into the salt under their picture. This is critical. If you are honestly doing this, and it is really needed. This probably already would have been a couple-few days of work at this point.

Once you get the body/mind stabilized, then start extending that line of Angelic power Outside the body of the person. What you are working on here, is any external spirits, attachments spellwork. Really the method is the same each time. Start at the center line and work outwards EVERY time. Some days might seem like its like you took a step backwards. Thats just the nature of the uncrossing, that literally might be your psychic impression of the person having a bad day, and the negativity seeping in. If this is a situation where there is active magical work being done against the person, this usually means the other side has reinforced what they are doing. Stay the course. Start from the center line. Extend out through body, then Extend out to entire circle. Any negative impressions you

get, force them with Michael's help to go down and out into the salt. Work for a good 60 minutes in a day on this. End with the Second Cablistic Cross.

7 or 30 days
If you are experienced, and have a safe area to do this in, you can do this as a normal 7 day process. It usually works great. Leave the Candle burning between sessions, and replace the tea lights each session. If you are less experienced or the personal situation is personally worse, I recommend a different way to work this ritual. Do this every day for 30 days. Snuff the candles and tea lights with the snuffer ( DO NOT blow them out), re-lighting them every day. This means the active imagination you are putting on this is much greater. At the end of the 30 days, however, do let the candle burn as you would with a normal 7 day setting candle. At the end of the ritual, take the salt from this ritual to a crossroads and leave it there ( paying the crossroads to take it of course with some rum). Theres a lot of salt, just dont put it on a tree, it will hurt the tree. Separate other remains into a separate bag and throw them away. Keep your own Photo and put it on your personage ( or give it to the person the work was done for, and have them put it on their personage).

Results and how this Flows

First of all, if you got this far, thank you for reading. While I do not work cheap, I will work as hard as I can for you if this seems like too much work. I am happy to do a reading and then get to work, if you need something like this done for you. Email me today at [email protected] and I can do the work to turn the situation around. So again, why did the angel ask me to release it, mostly cause I know some people can't afford it, and it seems like things are in a weird bubble where things are getting harder. Consider it community service. This ritual not only cleans up the person but tends to put up a firery wall of protection. So while the first stage is cleansing, the secondary effect is a very aggressive protective energy. When I have done this for clients, if there is any magical work being thrown against them, I usually find out that the people they thought might behind it, suddenly have issues and its usually issues in line with some sort of fire imbalance, Justice, or the truth being revealed. The clients and myself, have seen vast improvements in the situation, as well. All of these things, tend to be the providence of St. Michael. This is not just a defensive uncrossing, it in practice seems to form a very protective shield around the

person that lasts for a while ( several months, and can be extended by the person lighting some candles and praying themselves for much longer). That shield is very aggressive. Now, of course, its still defensive, its just not passively defensive like so many of the psychic self defense techniques out there. Since it works on the inside then to the outside, it is very stable at breaking a Crossing or set of cursed conditions, and then setting up a new foundation while giving the person the space to rebuild after a series of unfortunate events. If some tries to double down on them, whether internal or external, theres still an angelic circle that deflects it.

Para pedir la proteccin del Cielo:

Oh gloriossimo San Miguel Arcngel, prncipe y caudillo de los ejrcitos celestiales, custodio y defensor de las almas, guarda de la Iglesia, vencedor, terror y espanto de los rebeldes espritus infernales. Humildemente te rogamos, te digne librar de todo mal a los que a ti recurrimos con confianza; que tu favor nos ampare, tu fortaleza nos defienda y que, mediante tu incomparable proteccin adelantemos cada vez ms en el servicio del Seor; que tu virtud nos esfuerce todos los das de nuestra vida, especialmente en el trance de la muerte, para que, defendidos por tu poder del infernal dragn y de todas sus asechanzas, cuando salgamos de este mundo seamos presentados por t, libres de toda culpa, ante la Divina Majestad.

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