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Gen Con Bowl 2013 Rules

When: Where: Cost: SWAG: Saturday, 17 August, 2013 GEN CON 46 Indianapolis, IN $12 Event Catalog (Code TBA) All participants will receive two GenConBowl 2013 D6s and a Custom Dugout

Official Schedule: 7:30-8:30 8:30-10:30 10:45-12:45 12:45-1:30

Registration/Setup Round 1 Round 2 Lunch/Shopping

1:45-3:45 4:00-6:00 6:15

Round 3 Round 4 Awards

Note: the schedule is tight to allow participants time to attend other GenCon events. Please be courteous and pay attention to time Things to Bring: Your Painted Team 3 copies of your teams roster (one to turn in, one for your opponent, one for you) GW or NAF Blocking Dice and a D8 for scatter. GenConBowl D6s will be provided and should be the only D6s used during this tournament Blood Bowl Board and templates if you have them. (We cant guarantee how many extra sets we will have.) NAF Tournament Info: This is a NAF approved US Tournament. If you wish to receive limited edition colored Block Dice and have your tournament progress tracked, there will be a NAF Official on-site accepting registration for the cost of $10/year. More information can be found at Team Building Rules: GenConBowl 2013 will be using the CRP/LRB6 rules Download it here - GenConBowl 2013 will be using the additional NAF-Approved Teams Download it here - You are given 1,100,000 gold pieces to build your team. You may purchase players, rerolls, fan factor, coaches, and cheerleaders as normal. You may then choose one of the skill packs listed below to improve some of your players Wizards, Journeymen, Special Play cards, and Mercenaries are NOT ALLOWED You may purchase any other inducements for your team, including Star Players Note: If you are including a Star Player, you must have 11 players on your team BEFORE hiring the Star. Having 10 players plus a Star is not allowed. Remember: You cannot have the same Star Player as your opponent, if both of you attempt to field the same player, then both of those players sit out for this game. Also, you cannot use Igors or Apothecaries on Star Players.

Additional Skills: Players will not gain skills with SPPs. Before the tournament begins, you will choose one of the Skill packages and assign skills to your players. These will be the only additional skills your team will have for the tournament. Please make a note on your roster as to what package you choose. No player may be given more than one additional skill/upgrade. Package A: (6 normal skill rolls) You may give 6 different players on your team one skill they could normally obtain on a regular skill roll (non-doubles). Package B: (1 double and 4 normal) You may give 1 player on your team a skill they could obtain on a doubles roll as well as giving 4 other players skills they could obtain on normal skill rolls. Package C: (2 double and 2 normal) You may give 2 players on your team a skill they could obtain on a doubles roll as well as giving 2 other players skills they could obtain on normal skill rolls. Tournament Rules: 4 games of Swiss pairing First, second, and third place will be chosen by highest point total after four games. Weather will be rolled by each table The Kickoff table in the LRB 6.0/C.R.P. will be used. Tournament will be a resurrection style tournament. Any injuries your team suffers will not carry over to the next game, and any SPPs earned will also be erased. The roster you start the tournament with will be the same for each round you play. Apothecaries always work Illegal Procedure: In the spirit of good sportsmanship, Illegal Procedures will not be called. The 4-minute turn rule will not be strictly enforced. But if the Tournament Referee feels the game may not finish in the 2-hour time allotted, he may insist you use a timer and begin enforcing the 4-minute rule. Dice: Everyone that attends will be given a set of GenCon 2013 D6s. These should be the only D6s used throughout the tournament. Before each match you and your opponent should agree on dice sharing, what constitutes a cocked die, etc. Tournament Match Ups: Tournament pairings will be setup in a Swiss style, so you will be paired up with coaches who have similar scores as yourself after each round. No Overtimes will be played!

Scoring: After each round you will fill Game Sheet awarding the following Game Points: a WIN is worth 60 pts a DRAW is worth 30 pts a LOSS is worth 10 pt Bonus points: +5 points for keeping it close (lost by 1) +5 points for winning by 2 TD +10 points for winning by 3+ TDs +5 for causing 1 more Cas than your opponent +10 for causing 2 or more Cas than your opponent Tie-breakers for Swiss pairings determined by head-to-head, then net Touchdowns (TD for - TD against), then net Cas (Cas for - Cas against). Additional tie breakers will be instituted by the Tournament Organizer as needed Painting and Modeling: All teams are expected to meet the minimum painted guidelines: They must have 3 colors on them and have had some attempt at making them appear finished. Models must be representative of their position (i.e. and Orc blitzer must look like an Orc and be easily identifiable as a blitzer). Extra skills should be marked or easily denoted on the figure. Sportsmanship: We are here for the fun of the game. Sportsmanship is not just encouraged from the coaches it is required! An important note on sportsmanship: fouling 16 turns in a row and running up the score is not poor sportsmanship, but gloating and ridiculing your opponent while doing so is. After the final round of the tournament, each coach will be asked to pick two coaches they played that were the most sporting opponents. Awards: Trophies for First, Second, Third Place, and Best Sportsman Awards and Certificates for: Most Casualties Best Painted Wooden Spoon Most TDS Stunty Cup Best Defense Dirty Deeds

Many other situation awards to be included as well. This event will use the Spread the Wealth system. If you are eligible for more than one award, you will be asked which one you prefer. By default, First, Second, and Third Place will take precedence. Stunty Cup - to be eligible for the Stunty Cup, you must play a Halfing, Goblin, Ogre, Underworld with no Skaven (that includes Skaven Star Players) or a Lizardman team with just skinks and a rookie Kroxigor (only Skink Star Players) Dirty Deeds - the team with the most foul attempts win this award. Note that this is attempts, not ejections. Start early!

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