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Prentice Hall
Boston San Francisco New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore Madrid Mexico City Munich Paris Cape Town Hong Kong Montreal

Preface xxxi xxxiii xxxvii xl

Revised Content Acknowledgments To the Student

Supplements to the Twelfth Edition xliii

Part One
Chapter 1 The Role and Environment of Managerial Finance page 2

Introduction to Managerial Finance 1

1.1 Finance and Business What Is Finance? 4
Major Areas and Opportunities in Finance 4 Legal Forms of Business Organization 5 Why Study Managerial Finance? Review Questions 9


Financial Institutions and Markets 22

Financial Institutions 22 Financial Markets 23 The Relationship between Institutions and Markets The Money Market 23 The Capital Market 24



The Managerial Finance Function

IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Berkshire Hathaway-Can Bffet Be Replaced? 28

StarbucksA Taste for Growth page 3

Organization of the Finance Function 10 Relationship to Economics 10 Relationship to Accounting 11 Primary Activities of the Financial Manager 13 Review Questions 13 1.3 Goal of t h e F i r m 13 Maximize Profit? 14 Maximize Shareholder Wealth 15 Corporate Governance 16 The Role of Business Ethics 17
I N PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Ethics at HP 19

Review Questions 1.5

29 29

Business Taxes 29 32 31

Ordinary Income Capital Gains Review Questions Summary 32

Self-Test Problem Warm-Up Exercises Problems 35

34 34

Chapter 1 Case: Assessing the Goal of Sports Products, Inc. 38 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 40 41 39

The Agency Issue 19 Review Questions 21




Chapter 2 Financial Statements and Analysis page 42


The Stockholders' Report 44



Profitability Ratios


The Letter to Stockholders The Four Key Financial Statements 44

IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Back to School on Ethics 45

Notes to the Financial Statements 51 Consolidating International Financial Statements 52

IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Is It Time to Change SOX? 53

Common-Size Income Statements 66 Gross Profit Margin 67 Operating Profit Margin 67 Net Profit Margin 67 Eamings per Share (EPS) 68 Return on Total Assets (ROA) 68 Return on Common Equity (ROE) 69 Review Questions 69 2.7 M a r k e t Ratios 69 69 70

Review Questions


Netflix, Inc-The Red Tide Is Coming page 43

Using Financial Ratios 53

Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio Market/Book (M/B) Ratio Review Question 71

Interested Parties 54 Types of Ratio Comparisons 54 Cautions about Using Ratio Analysis 56 Categories of Financial Ratios 57 Review Questions 57 2.3 L i q u i d i t y Ratios 58 59


A Complete Ratio Analysis 71

Summarizing All Ratios 71 DuPont System of Analysis 75 Review Questions 77 Summary 78 79 80

Current Ratio 58 Quick (Acid-Test) Ratio Review Question 59

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 81

2.4 A c t i v i t y Ratios 59 Inventory Turnover 60 Average Collection Period 60 Average Payment Period 61 Total Asset Turnover 62 Review Question 62 2.5 Debt Ratios 62

Chapter 2 Case: Assessing Martin Manufacturing's Current Financial Position 98 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 102 103 100

Debt Ratio 64 Times Interest Eamed Ratio 64 Fixed-Payment Coverage Ratio 65 Review Questions 65



Chapter 3 Gash Flow and Financial Planning page 104


Analyzing the Firm's Cash Flow 106

Sales Forecast 129 Review Question 129

Depreciation 106 Developing the Statement of Cash Flows 109 Operating Cash Flow 112 Free Cash Flow 115
IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Free Cash Flow at eBay 116


Preparing the Pro Forma Income Statement 130

Considering Types of Costs and Expenses 131 Review Questions 132

Review Questions



Preparing the Pro Forma Balance Sheet 132



The Financial Planning Process 117

Review Questions

Long-Term (Strategie) Financial Plans 117

Google, Inc.-Searching for a Use for Its Cash page 105 IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: How Much IsaCEOWorth? 118


Evaluation of Pro Forma Statements 134

135 135 137 139

Review Questions Summary

Short-Term (Operating) Financial Plans 118 Review Questions 120 3.3

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 139

Cash Planning: Cash Budgets 120

The Sales Forecast 120 Preparing the Cash Budget 121 Evaluating the Cash Budget 125 Coping with Uncertainty in the Cash Budget 127 Cash Flow within the Month 128 Review Questions 128

Chapter 3 Case: Preparing Martin Manufacturing's 2010 Pro Forma Financial Statements 150 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 153 153 151

Integrative Case 1: Track Software, Inc. 154


Profit Planning: Pro Forma Statements 128

Preceding Year's Financial Statements 129



Part Ttoo
Chapter 4 Time Value of Money
page 160
4.1 The Role of Time Value in Finance 162
Future Value versus Present Value 162 Computational Tools 163 Basic Pattems of Cash Flow Review Questions 166 4.2 A General Equation for Compounding More Frequently Than Annually 187 Using Computational Tools for Compounding More Frequently Than Annually 189 Continuous Compounding 190 Nominal and Effective Annual Rates of Interest 191
IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: How Fair 1s "Check Into Cash"? 192


Single Amounts


Eli Lilly and CompanyRiding the Pipeline page 161

Future Value of a Single Amount 166 Present Value of a Single Amount 170 Comparing Present Value and Future Value 172 Review Questions 173 4.3 Annuities 173 174 Types of Annuities

Review Questions



Special Applications of Time Value 193


Determining Deposits Needed to Accumulate a Future Sum Loan Amortization 194 Finding Interest or Growth Rates 196
IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice:

Finding the Future Value of an Ordinary Annuity 175 Finding the Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity 176 Finding the Future Value of an Annuity Due 178 Finding the Present Value of an Annuity Due 180 Finding the Present Value of a Perpetuity 181 Review Questions 182 4.4 M i x e d Streams 182 Future Value of a Mixed Stream Present Value of a Mixed Stream 184 Review Question 186 182

New Century Brings Trouble for Subprime Mortgages 197

Finding an Unknown Number ofPeriods 199 Review Questions 201 Summary 201 204 205

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 206

Chapter 4 Case: Finding Jill Moran's Retirement Annuity 222 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 223 225 222


Compounding Interest More Frequently Than Annually 186

Semiannual Compounding 186 Quarterly Compounding 186



Chapter 5 Risk and Return page 226

http: //www, youtube, com/ $" jyoutubei


Risk and Return F u n d a m e n t a l s 228

IN PRACTICE Global Focus: An International Flavor to Risk Reduction 248

Risk Defined 228 Return Defined 228

IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: What about Moral Risk? 230

Review Questions



j Pitt

Risk Preferences 232 Review Questions 233

Risk a n d Return: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 249



Home the Right Startup Can Lead to Big Gains page 227


Risk of a Single Asset 233

Types of Risk 249 The Model: CAPM 250 Review Questions 259 Summary 260 262 263

Risk Assessment 233 Risk Measurement 235 Review Questions 240

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 264

Venture CapitalistsFinding


Risk of a Portfolio


Portfolio Return and Standard Deviation 241 Correlation 242 Diversification 243 Correlation, Diversification, Risk, and Return 244 International Diversification 247

Chapter 5 Case: Analyzing Risk and Return on Chargers Products' Investments 275 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 277 279 277

Chapter 6 Interest Rates and Bond Valuation page 280


Interest Rates a n d Required Returns 282


Interest Rate Fundamentals

Populr Types of Bonds 296 International Bond Issues 297 Review Questions 298

IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: I-Bonds Adjust for Inflation 285


Term Structure of Interest Rates Risk Premiums: Issuer and Issue Characteristics 289 Review Questions 291 6.2


Valuation Fundamentals


Key Inputs 299 Basic Valuation Model 300 Review Questions 301 6.4 B o n d V a l u a t i o n 301 Bond Fundamentals 302 Basic Bond Valuation 302 Bond Value Behavior 304 Yield to Maturity (YTM) 307 Semiannual Interest and Bond Values 309 Review Questions 311 Summary 311 314 Self-Test Problems

Corporate Bonds


The Federal DebtA Huge Appetite for Money page 281

Legal Aspects of Corporate Bonds 291 Cost of Bonds to the Issuer General Features of a Bond Issue 293 Bond Yields 294 Bond Prices 294 Bond Ratings 295
Trust the Bond Raters? 296


IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Can We

CONTENTS Warm-Up Exercises Problems 316 314 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 326 327 325


Chapter 6 Case: Evaluating Annie Hegg's Proposed Investment in Atilier Industries Bonds 324

\ 7.1 Differences between Debt and Equity Capital 330

I N PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Psst-Have You Heard Any Good Quarterly Earnings Forecasts Lately? 356

Voice in Management 330 Claims on Income and Assets Maturity 331 TaxTreatment 331 Review Question 331

Review Questions



Decision Making and Common Stock Value 357



Common and Preferred Stock


Changes in Expected Return Changes in Risk 358 Combined Effect 359 Review Questions 359 Summary 359 363 363

Common Stock 331 Preferred Stock 335 Issuing Common Stock 336 Interpreting Stock Quotations Review Questions 342

Self-Test Problems 341 Warm-Up Exercises Problems 364


Common Stock Valuation 342

Market Efficiency 342 Basic Common Stock Valuation Equation 345

I N PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Understanding Human Behavior Helps Us Understand Investor Behavior 346

Chapter 7 Case: Assessing the Impact of Suarez Manufacturing's Proposed Risky Investment on Its Stock Value 371 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 373 373 372

Free Cash Flow Valuation Model 351 Other Approaches to Common Stock Valuation 354

Integrative Case 2: Encore International 374



Part Three
Chapter 8 Capital Budgeting Cash Flows
page 378

Long-Term Investment Decisions

8.1 Capital Budgeting Decision Process 380



Finding the Operating Cash Inflows 394

Motives for Capital Expenditure Steps in the Process 380 Basic Terminology 382 Review Questions 384 8.2 Relevant Cash Flows

384 384

Interpreting the Term After-Tax Interpreting the Term Cash Inflows 395 Interpreting the Term Incremental 396 Review Questions 399

Major Cash Flow Components Expansion versus Replacement Decisions 384

IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: A Question of Value 385 ExxonMobil-Maintaining Its Project Inventory page 379


Finding the Terminal Cash Flow 399

Sunk Costs and Opportunity Costs 386 International Capital Budgeting and Long-Term Investments 387 Review Questions 387
IN PRACTICE Global Focus: Changes May Influence Future Investments in China 388

Proceeds from Sle of Assets 399 Taxes on Sle of Assets 399 Change in Net Working Capital 400 Review Question 401


Summarizing the Relevant Cash Flows 401

403 403 404 405

Review Question Summary


Finding the Initial Investment 388

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 406

Installed Cost of New Asset 389 After-Tax Proceeds from Sle of Old Asset 389 Change in Net Working Capital 392 Calculating the Initial Investment 393 Review Questions 394

Chapter 8 Case: Developing Relevant Cash Flows for Clark Upholstery Company's Machine Renewal or Replacement Decision 417 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 420 421 419



Chapter 9 Capital Budgeting Techniques page 422


Overview of Capital Budgeting Techniques 424


Comparing NPV and IRR Techniques 434

Bennet Company's Relevant Cash Flows 424 Review Question 425 9.2 Payback Period 425

Net Present Value Profiles 435 Conflicting Rankings 435 Which Approach Is Better? 438
IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Nonfinancial Considerations in Project Selection 440

Decision Criteria 425 Pros and Cons of Payback Periods 426

IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Limits on Payback Analysis 427 Apple, Inc.-The iPhone Is Revealed page 423

Review Questions Summary 441


Self-Test Problem Warm-Up Exercises Problems 444

443 443

Review Questions



Net PresentValue (NPV) 429

Decision Criteria 430 Review Questions 431

Chapter 9 Case: Making Norwich Tool's Lathe Investment Decision 453 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise 455 455 454


Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 431

Web Exercise

Decision Criteria 432 Calculating the IRR 432 Review Questions 434

Chapter 10 Risk and Refinements in Capital Budgeting page 456

10.1 Introduction to Risk in Capital Budgeting 458

Review Question 458

10.4 Risk-Adjusted Discount Rates


Determining Risk-Adjusted Discount Rates (RADRs) 465

IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Environmental Compliance: Honesty Is the Best Policy 468

10.2 Behavioral Approaches for Dealing with

Risk 459 Risk and Cash Inflows 459 Scenario Analysis 461 Simulation 462
I N PRACTICE Focus on Practice: The Monte Carlo Method: The Forecast Is for Less Uncertainty 463

Applying RADRs 468 Portfolio Effects 470 RADRs in Practice 472 Review Questions 473

10.5 Capital Budgeting Refinements 473

Comparing Projects with Unequal Lives 473 Recognizing Real Options Capital Rationing 479 Review Questions 482

Review Questions


State Farm InsuranceFlooded with Claims page 457

10.3 International Risk Considerations 464

Review Question 465



CONTENTS Summary 482 484 484 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 498 498 497

Self-Test Problem Warm-Up Exercises Problems 486

Chapter 10 Case: Evaluating Cherone Equipment's Risky Plans for Increasing Its Production Capacity 495

Integrative Case 3: Lasting Impressions Company 499

Part Four
Chapter 11 The Cost of Capital page 502

Long-Term Financial Decisions

11.1 Overview of the Cost of Capital 504
Some Key Assumptions 504 The Basic Concept 504
IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: The Asbestos Penalty 505


Cost of Retained Earnings Cost of New Issues of Common Stock 515 Review Questions 517

Specific Sources of Capital Review Questions 507


11.5 Weighted Average Cost of Capital 517

Caiculating Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) 517 Weighting Schemes 518 Review Questions 520

11.2 Cost of Long-Term Debt 507

Net Proceeds 507 Before-Tax Cost of Debt 508 After-Tax Cost of Debt 510 Review Questions 511

United AirlinesTaking Off Again page 503

11.6 Marginal Cost and Investment Decisions 520

Weighted Marginal Cost of Capital (WMCC) 520

11.3 Cost of Preferred Stock 511

Preferred Stock Dividends Caiculating the Cost of Preferred Stock 511 Review Question 512 511

IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: EVAlue Creation 521

11.4 Cost of Common Stock 512

Finding the Cost of Common Stock Equity 512

Investment Opportunities Schedule (IOS) 524 Using the WMCC and IOS to Make Financing/Investment Decisions 524 Review Questions 526 Summary 526 Self-Test Problem 528

CONTENTS Warm-Up Exercises Problems 530 530 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 542 543 541


Chapter 11 Case: Making Star Products' Financing/Investment Decision 539

Chapter 12 Leverage and Capital Structure page 544

12.1 Leverage 546 Breakeven Analysis 547 Operating Leverage 550

IN PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Adobe's Leverage 553 Financial Leverage 554

Considering Risk in EBIT-EPS Analysis 577 Basic Shortcoming of EBIT-EPS Analysis 577 Review Question 577

Total Leverage 557

IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: The Buyout Binge 560

12.4 Choosing the Optimal Capital Structure 578

Linkage 578 Estimating Value 578 Maximizing Value versus Maximizing EPS 579 Some Other Important Considerations 580 Review Questions 580 Summary 581

Review Questions 560



12.2 The Firm's Capital Structure 561

Types of Capital 561 External Assessment of Capital Structure 562 Capital Structure of Non-U.S. Firms 563 Capital Structure Theory 564 Optimal Capital Structure 572 Review Questions 574

CVS/Caremark Corporation Optimizing Its Capital Structure page 545

Self-Test Problems 583

Warm-Up Exercises 584 Problems 585 Chapter 12 Case: Evaluating Tampa Manufacturing's Capital Structure 595 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 597 597 596

12.3 EBIT-EPS Approach to Capital Structure

Presenting a Financing Plan Graphically 575 Comparing Alternative Capital Structures 575




Chapter 13 Dividend Policy page 598

13.1 Dividend Fundamentals


13.4 Types of Dividend Policies 611

Constant-Payout-Ratio Dividend Policy 611 Regulr Dividend Policy 611 Low-Regular-and-Extra Dividend Policy 612 Review Question 613

Cash Dividend Payment Procedures 600 Tax Treatment of Dividends


I N P R A C T I C E Focus on Practice: Capital Gains and Dividend Tax Treatment Extendedto2010 602

Dividend Reinvestment Plans Review Questions 603


13.2 Relevance of Dividend Policy

Microsoft Corporation Giving Back to the Shareholders page 599

13.5 Other Forms of Dividends




Residual Theory of Dividends Arguments for Dividend Irrelevance 606 Arguments for Dividend Relevance 607 Review Questions 607

Stock Dividends 613 Stock Splits 615 Stock Repurchases 616

IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics:
Are Buybacks Really a Bargain? 618

Review Questions Summary 619


13.3 Factors Affecting Dividend Policy 607

Legal Constraints 608 Contractual Constraints 609 Internal Constraints 609 Growth Prospects 609 Owner Considerations 609 Market Considerations 610 Review Question 610

Self-Test Problem Warm-Up Exercises Problems 622

621 621

Chapter 13 Case: Establishing General Access Company's Dividend Policy and Initial Dividend 629 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 631 631 630

Integrative Case 4: O'Grady Apparel Company 632



Part Five
Chapter 14 Working Capital and Current Assets Management page 636

Short-Term Financial Decisions

14.1 Net Working Capital Fundamentals 638
Short-Term Financial Management 638 Net Working Capital 638 The Tradeoff between Profitability and Risk 639 Review Questions 640


14.4 Accounts Receivable Management 652

Credit Selection and Standards Credit Terms 657 Credit Monitoring 659 Review Questions 661

14.5 Management of Receipts and Disbursements 661

Float 662 Speeding Up Collections 662 Slowing Down Payments 663 Cash Concentration 663
I N PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Stretching Accounts Payable-Is It a Good Policy? 664

14.2 Cash Conversion Cycle 641

Calculating the Cash Conversion Cycle 641 Funding Requirements of the Cash Conversion Cycle 642 Strategies for Managing the Cash Conversion Cycle 645 Review Questions 645

AT&T-Outsourcing Is in the Cards page 637

14.3 Inventory Management

Zero-Balance Accounts 665 Investing in Marketable Securities 666 Review Questions 668 Summary 668 670 671


Differing Viewpoints about Inventory Level 646 Common Techniques for Managing Inventory 646
IN P R A C T I C E Focus on Practice: RFID: The Wave of the Future 651

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 671

International Inventory Management 651 Review Questions 652

Chapter 14 Case: Assessing Roche Publishing Company's Cash Management Efficiency 677 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 679 679 678



Chapter 15 Current Liabilities Management page 680

15.1 Spontaneous Liabilities 682

Accounts Payable Management Accruals 686 Review Questions 687 682

Use of Accounts Receivable as Collateral 698 Use of Inventory as Collateral 700 Review Questions 702 Summary 702 706 706

15.2 Unsecured Sources of Short-Term Loans 687

Bank Loans 687
IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Loan Fraud 688

Self-Test Problem Warm-Up Exercises Problems 707

Commercial Paper
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer CenterReducing Accounts Payable Expenses page 681


I N PRACTICE Focus on Practice: Commercial Paper Boom to Continue after Depressed Start to the Decade 694

Chapter 15 Case: Selecting Kanton Company's Financing Strategy an Unsecured Short-Term Borrowing Arrangement 713 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 715 715 714

International Loans 695 Review Questions 696

15.3 Secured Sources of Short-Term Loans 697

Characteristics of Secured Short-Term Loans 697

Integrative Case 5: Casa de Disefio 716



Part Six
Chapter 16 Hybrid and Derivative Securities page 720

Special Topics in Managerial Finance

16.1 Overview of Hybrids and Derivatives 722
Review Question 16.2 Leasing Types of Leases 722 722 722 723 724 Value of Warrants Review Questions 740 742


Leasing Arrangements

Lease-versus-Purchase Decision
IN P R A C T I C E Focus on Practice: Leases to Airlines End on a Sour Note 725

Effects of Leasing on Future Financing 729 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing 730 Review Questions 730
Boeing-"We Will Build the Dreamliner; Others Will Lease It" page 721

16.5 Options 742 Calls and Puts 742 Options Markets 743 Options Trading 743 Role of Call and Put Options in Fund Raising 744 Hedging Foreign-Currency Exposures with Options 744
I N P R A C T I C E Focus on Ethics: Options Backdating 745

Review Questions Summary 746


16.3 Convertible Securities 731

Types of Convertible Securities 731 General Features of Convertibles 732 Financing with Convertibles 733 Determining the Value of a Convertible Bond 735 Review Questions 737

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises Problems 750

748 749

Chapter 16 Case: Financing L. Rashid Company's Chemical Waste Disposal System 756 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 758 759 758

16.4 Stock Purchase Warrants 737

Key Characteristics 738 Implied Price of an Attached Warrant 739



Chapter 17 Mergers, LBOs, Divestitures, and Business Failure page 760

17.1 Merger Fundamentals


Voluntary Settlements 786 Review Questions 787

Terminology 762 Motives for Merging 764 Types of Mergers 766 Review Questions 767

17.5 Reorganization and Liquidation in Bankruptcy 787

Bankruptcy Legislation 787
IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Is It Unethical to Declare Bankrupcy? 788

17.2 LBOs and Divestitures

767 767

Leveraged Buyouts (LBOs) Divestitures 768 Review Questions 770

17.3 Analyzing and Negotiating Mergers

Reorganization in Bankruptcy (Chapter 11) 788 Liquidation in Bankruptcy (Chapter 7) 790 Review Questions 792



792 794 795

Sprint NextelGrowing by Merging page 761

Valuing the Target Company 770 Stock Swap Transactions 772 Merger Negotiation Process 778 Holding Companies 780 International Mergers 782 Review Questions 783
IN PRACTICE Global Focus: International Mergers 784

Self-Test Problems Warm-Up Exercises

Problems 796 Chapter 17 Case: Deciding Whether to Acquire or Liquidate Procras Corporation 802 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 805 805 804

17.4 Business Failure Fundamentals 784

Types of Business Failure 784 Major Causes of Business Failure 785



Chapter 18 International Managerial Finance page 806

18.1 The Multinational Company and Its Environment 808

Key Trading Blocs 808 GATT and the WTO 810 Legal Forms of Business Organization 810 Taxes 811 Financial Markets 813
IN PRACTICE Focus on Ethics: Cracking Down on Bribery for Business 814

Capital Structure 826 Long-Term Debt 827

I N PRACTICE Global Focus: Take an Overseas Assignment to Take a Step Up the Corporate Ladder 828

Equity Capital 829 Review Questions 830

18.5 Short-Term Financial Decisions 831

Cash Management 832 Credit and Inventory Management 835 Review Questions 836

Review Questions


18.2 Financial Statements

General Electric Co.Establishing a Presence in China page 807


Subsidir/ Characterization and Functional Currency Translation of Individual Accounts 816 Review Question 817 18.3 Risk Political Risks 817 817 824 822

18.6 Mergers and Joint Ventures 836

Review Question Summary 838 840 840 837

Self-Test Problem Warm-Up Exercises Problems 841

Exchange Rate Risks Review Questions

Chapter 18 Case: Assessing a Direct Investment in Chile by U.S. Computer Corporation 843 Spreadsheet Exercise Group Exercise Web Exercise 845 845 844

18.4 Long-Term Investment and Financing Decisions 824

Foreign Direct Investment Investment Cash Flows and Decisions 825 824

Integrative Case 6: Organic Solutions 846



Financial Tables


Solutions to Self-Test Problems B-l Answers to Selected End-of-Chapter Problems C-l

Web Chapter: Financial Markets and Institutions on the book's Companion Website Glossary Index 1-1 G-

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