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Topic: To find the number of molecules of water of crystallization in solid crystals of oxalic acid Research Question: How many

water molecules are there in one molecule of hydrated oxalic acid? Hypothesis: Using my knowledge of Chemistry, Titration is a method of volumetric analysis

in which a volume of one reagent (the titrant oxalic acid in this experiment) is added to a known volume of another reagent slowly from a burette until an end point is reached. The volume added before the end point is reached is noted. If one of the solutions has a known concentration, the concentration of the other one can be calculated. Oxalic acid is a strongly acidic, poisonous crystalline solid that is slightly soluble in water
Apparatus Required: most importantly protective clothing should be use such as goggles and gloves. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Beaker Weighing Scale Burette Measuring Cylinder Retort Stand Conical Flask Chemicals Required: Acid sample Distilled Water Laboratory Spoon Weighing Bottle Phenolphthalein

Independent Variable(s): Amount of Sodium Hydroxide Controlled Variable(s): Same volume of Sodium Hydroxide Molarity of Oxalic Acid Temperature
Procedure: Take 0.1 M NaOH in a beaker Take 10 cm3 of NaOH in a measuring cylinder and pour it in the conical flask standing with the support of a Retort Stand. Take some Phenolphthalein and add it to NaOH Take the oxalic acid from the beaker and start the Titration of the acid and the alkali. Repeat the process for 0.2 M and 0.3 M of NaOH

Dependent Variable(s): Volume of oxalic acid used

Data Collection:

Table showing the volume of Oxalic Acid used in each case: Serial Number 1 2 3 Volume of Oxalic Acid used with 0.1 M NaOH / cm3 ( 0.05 cm3) 6.80 8.50 5.00 Volume of Oxalic Acid used with 0.2 M NaOH / cm3 ( 0.05 cm3) 12.50 12.00 11.50 Volume of Oxalic Acid used with 0.3 M NaOH / cm3 ( 0.05 cm3) 14.20 14.45 14.35

Data Processing:

Concentration of NaOH (Molar) 0.1 0.2 0.3

Water of Crystallization of Oxalic Acid 3 2 2

When I titrated all the NaOH of different molarity with oxalic acid, I got different results for the number of molecules of water in one molecule of Hydrated Oxalic Acid. When NaOH was titrated with 0.1 M the number of crystals came out to be 3. But in the other cases, I got 2 water of crystallization of oxalic acid. So I concluded that the formula for hydrated oxalic acid is C2H2O4.2H2O.


Limitations the end point of the reaction was only observed with a naked eye. the human reaction time when turning the tap of the burette decreased the accuracy of the volume titrated the residues if oxalic acid on the glassware (it is only slightly soluble in water) could affect the results Errors the experiment was carried with a lot of precaution but few errors can be classed as random errors and systematic errors they include the readings on the apparatus used. The fact that the solutions are volatile i.e. they can evaporate easily may cause ambiguity in the readings.

Suggestions for improvement

the end point of the reaction could have been more precisely observed using a pH meter instead of indicator to decrease the uncertainty of the balance analytical one should be used instead of a semi-analytical one.
One last tip can also be included that is clear liquids readings must be taken from the bottom of the meniscuses in the apparatus and for the coloured liquids from the top of the liquid.

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