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I. Problem statement What should Mr. M.

Lacdao do with Sylvia Gregorios offer of resignation as analyst of Center for Energy Research and Developments Solar section brought about by absence of organizational value system? Objectives: 1. To be able to establish camaraderie and rapport among employees of the center. 2. To be able to continue to attract the best and brightest employees. II. Areas of consideration 1. Value system Value system is a set of ethical values and measures used for the purpose of ethical or ideological integrity. Organizational value systems are standards of behaviors that govern individual employee behavior within an organization. A personal value system on the other hand is a set of principles or ideals that drive or guide a persons behavior. Absence of organizational value system encourages employees to pursue behaviors in line with their personal value system, which may not be the values the organization wants to develop. CERD lacks organizational value system. Its absence encouraged some women employees to develop exclusive groupings. It abetted unfair practice of exclusively grabbing training opportunities abroad by some management and training section personnel, curtailing equal opportunity and personal ambitions and career growth of other employees like Sylvia Gregorio. Other indicators include frequent discussions of male engineers drinking sessions, girls and disco prompting Sylvia Gregorio to lament that regular staff appears more intellectual than the engineers. There is also that gender bias, at least within the Solar section, where jobs usually involves installation works. Men are preferred over women as they are more flexible. Sylvia, subtly stated that with this current setup, there is no chance she will be promoted. 2. Compensation Compensation package appears uneven and subjective. Sylvia Gregorio managed to negotiate a higher amount. Although this is not extraordinary and irregular. In contrast, J. Velasco, with his apparent superior qualifications, is earning less than Sylvias, despite the fact that both entered CERD almost at the same time. Confidentiality of compensation packages of employees was also breached. The German consultant managed to get hold of confidential salary information that was used ostensibly

to force Sylvia Gregorio to report on time and avoid absences. Salary disparities are major source of frictions among employees and even with management. Once compensation packages leaks out to employees, the comparison starts. Questions like why Sylvia receives higher pay than her immediate supervisor leaves negative impressions and misinterpretations of co-employees. 3. Job Performance Appraisal Sylvia Gregorio is efficient as an analyst as Mr. Lacdao sees it. She was turning in good reports and is considered one of the best qualified staff CERD has according to him. In contrast, her co-employees speak the opposite. They complained with the OIC of Solar section due to inefficiency and consistent disappearance from office during office hours. She either comes late, disappeared during lunchtime or left office early. Sylvias performance is tied however to her personal values system and her desire to align those with that of the center. It is no secret that she does nt like to remain as an analyst forever. Career achievement, that sense of accomplishment, her desire to be respected all forms part of her value system that is incongruent with the values currently in practice by other employees at CERD that unofficially makes up as the value system of the center. It is important to note that job performance is strongly correlated with employee fulfillment. 4. Cost Considerations CERD is in cost cutting mode. Recent information that Sylvia Gregorio managed to get was the center would retrench 4 employees: two on absence without official leave and 2 inefficient employees. With Sylvia also resigning, CERD will further reduce operational expenses. 5. Employees Morale Solar sections employees complained with their OIC, J. Velasco, the inefficiency of Sylvia Gregorio and consistent disappearance from office during working hours. They complained she is either late, disappeared during lunchtime or left office early. J. Velasco is also silently complaining that Sylvia let her duties as a mother interfere with er work. He tried to hide his negative reactions toward her and tried to be civil with his relationship with Sylvia. III. Alternative Courses of Action

1. Refuse acceptance of Sylvia Gregorios resignation offer. Rather, will do the following: 1.a. Promote her as head of Solar section. J. Velasco will head Non-conventional Fuels Dept. (NFD) vice O. Sandoval, who will take full time AM position of CERD. Sylvia Gregorios offer of resignation, while it appears as nothing but job dissatisfaction on surface, is actually an upfront challenge to the organizations value system, or the lack of it. It begs the question whether CERD is a respectable organization that allow talents like Sylvia Gregorio to flourish. Theres no denying Sylvia is good at what she does. Shes efficient and turning in good reports as an analyst of Solar section. Although her co-employees sees otherwise due to frequent absenteeism and consistent disappearance from office, these are the manifestations of her job dissatisfaction due to incongruity and differing personal value systems of CERD employees. Is she the first to resign over conflicts of personal values? Will others follow? Only time will tell. But if CERD management wants to continue to attract employees, the best and brightest of them, it has to rethink its commitment to recognizing talents. Therefore, Sylvia Gregorio will be promoted as head of Solar section vice J. Velasco who will assume as division head of NFD. 1.b. Development of values oriented organization through HR with help from an external HR expert/consultant CERD will develop a value system that fits the organizations vision. A value system will be implemented in order to create desirable workplace while discouraging unpleasant behaviors like forming exclusive groups while promoting team spirit and rapport. 1.c. Introduce gender assessment and pay audit mechanism through HR One of the reasons of Sylvias dissatisfaction is that gender orientation is a requisite for career advancement. She feels that being a woman in a section that heavily relies on men to do installation works is a hindrance to her career advancement due to her lack of flexibility. Gender assessment will be implemented to validate such problem and recommend necessary corrective and control measures. 1.d. Introduce rewards and recognition system based on accomplishments and effectiveness.

A recognition and rewards system for employees with excellent job performances will be introduce to encourage employees to be more productive and behave according to what is expected upon them. This is very important in molding n overall organizational values that rewards performers and good behaviors. 2. Refuse acceptance of Sylvia Gregorios resignation offer. Rather, will do the following: 2.a. Reassign Sylvia Gregorio no another office within CERD. As initially indicated to Sylvia by Mr. Lacdao, she will be reassigned to another office withi CERD to convince here to stay with the center. Mr. Gregorio recognizes the potential of Sylvia but her behavior brought about by dissatisfaction with her job as analyst had somehow strained her relationship with co-employees. Therefore, to ease up the tensions while keeping Sylvia with CERD, it becomes imperative that Sylvia be reassigned and given a fresh start with a new job other than veing with Solar section as an analyst. 2.b. Development of values oriented organization through HR with help from an external HR expert/consultant. 2.c. Introduce gender assessment and pay audit mechanism through HR 2.d. Introduce rewards and recognition system based on accomplishments and effectiveness. 3. Accept the resignation offer of Sylvia Gregorio. Sylvia Gregorios values and behavior as exhibited by her constant disappearance and absences should not be tolerated. Her efficiency as an analyst in turning in good reports is clouded by complaint with the OIC coming from her section of inefficiency and work related issues that are affecting the morale of her co-employees and even that of her OIC. IV. Analysis 1. Alternative action 1 This alternative digs deep into the circumstances why Sylvia Gregorio wants out of CERD. It not just answer the question of job dissatisfaction but also the outline the steps to take in order to align employee values with that of the organization and what its visions are. It takes into account the recognition of talent, efficiency at work and the values that employees must

develop in order to create an organization that encourages camaraderie, rapport and team success rather than being confined to few individuals or genders. The promotion recognizes the abilities of Sylvia Gregorio. Despite her lack of flexibility being a woman in the section dominated by male employees and works that need men, it remains a vital step in the right direction because it signals a shift in thinking that being a woman is not a hindrance to ambition and career advancement at CERD. It also recognizes that a change of direction within CERD is necessary, made apparent by Sylvias offer to resign. That change must be anchored on value syste m that will set the bar on employees individual behaviors at CERD to create values centered organization. It also introduces steps toward performance appraisal and job recognition, things that are near the hearts of employees who work hard for the organization. It also addresses issues of compensation disparities, a source of friction among employees at CERD. The pros and cons of this alternative are outlined below. 1.a. On promotion of Sylvia Gregorio as head of Solar section: Advantages:

Talent retention Job satisfaction resulting in increased productivity, less absenteeism and boredom at work. Signals commitment to efficiency and job performance recognition


Resistance to authority due to masculine dominated workplace and lack of respect Will be viewed as rewarding inefficiency, encouraging other employees to duplicate Sylvia Gregorios actions.

1.b. On development of values oriented organization: Advantages:

Signals shift in workplace exclusivity values to camaraderie and rapport leading to a desirable workplace.

Results to self-integration, happiness, fraternization, harmony, concern for others among employees. Creates a respected organizational identity founded on vision and value systems congruent with personal ethical values of its employees.


The development of value system is complex and has far reaching implications in so far as individual behaviors are concerned. Therefore the process will take time. May encounter resistance from entrenched value systems in the organization, making it harder to implement and monitor progress of values and ethical changes. Cost is a concern moreso now that CERD is cutting on expenses.

1.c. On introduction of gender assessment and pay audit mechanism Advantages:

Increase gender integration and awareness. Eliminate practice of gender bias in the workplace. Alignment of compensation vis a vis job responsibility. Promotion of equal opportunity regardless of gender. Encourage ambitions and career advancement regardless.


Resistance among male workers. Further occupational segregation.

1.d. On introduction of rewards and recognition system Advantages:

Will increase productivity and work efficiency Results to self actualization and happiness Increased prospect of career advancement


Will encourage unhealthy competitions Rewards and recognition mechanisms may be manipulated in favor of selected employees

2. Alternative action 2

This alternative addresses the issues of job dissatisfaction brought about by lack of motivation, apparent lack of confidence at her section head, the gender issue that keeps her from moving up the ladder at her section and her boredom of doing the same analysis and reporting works. More than addressing Sylvias issues, this will also address the concern of her c oemployees. They have lodged a complaint with the OIC because they see her as inefficient. The pros and cons of this alternative are: 2.a. On the reassignment of Sylvia Gregorio to another office within CERD. Advantages:

Talent retention Will be upbeat on the new challenge resulting to greater productivity, less absenteeism.


May create friction with new co-employees.

2.b. On development of values oriented organization: Advantages:

Signals shift in workplace exclusivity values to camaraderie and rapport leading to a desirable workplace. Results to self-integration, happiness, fraternization, harmony, concern for others among employees. Creates a respected organizational identity founded on vision and value systems congruent with personal ethical values of its employees.


The development of value system is complex and has far reaching implications in so far as individual behaviors are concerned. Therefore the process will take time. May encounter resistance from entrenched value systems in the organization, making it harder to implement and monitor progress of values and ethical changes. Cost is a concern moreso now that CERD is cutting on expenses.

2.c. On introduction of gender assessment and pay audit mechanism


Increase gender integration and awareness. Eliminate practice of gender bias in the workplace. Alignment of compensation vis a vis job responsibility. Promotion of equal opportunity regardless of gender. Encourage ambitions and career advancement regardless.


Resistance among male workers. Further occupational segregation.

3. Alternative action 3 This action ignores the opportunity to correct any ills the organization may have. This may lead to exits of valuable assets like Sylvia Gregorio. Advantages:

Will eliminate one of the sources of dissatisfactions by her co-employees in the section. Will further streamline cost of the center. Will provide opportunities to other employees to move in as an analyst


Will lose one of the highly qualified and efficient employees. Will send a wrong signal to prospective employees and even those that are already employed at CERD that when you have the same set of attitudes and gender orientation with Sylvia Gregorio, there is a good chance your career will stagnate.

The analysis of the alternatives and its pros and cons can be summarize in numerical values as outlined in the table below: Sylvia Gregorio Summary Assessment

Alternative Courses of Actions* Relative Areas of Consideration Weights (#1) (#2) (#3)

40% 1. Value system 10% 2. Compensation 20% 3. Job Performance Appraisal 10% 4. Cost Considerations 20% 5. Employees Morale

3.6 Index: Relative Weight x Rating *Rating system: 1 5 with 5 being the highest and 1 as the lowest. V. Recommendation



Mr. Lacadao is facing a key decision he must make over Sylvia Gregorios resignation offer and whether acceptance is good move that will benefit the organization. Based on the preceding analysis, we recommend Alternative Action 2. Her offer to resign made apparent a more serious issue that has developed over time: absence of organizational value system. At the same time, her negative behaviors brought about by her dissatisfaction as an analyst of Solar section have raised some issues that prompted co-employees to complain. This reassignment will provide a fresh start for Sylvia Gregorio and may allow her career to flourish. It will also eliminate one source of friction among co-employees in the Solar section. VI. Plan of Action

Mr. Lacdao to call Sylvia Gregorio about his decision to reassign her to another office. Then, Mr. Lacdao will convene a meeting among division heads on the need to develop a values guided organization. The division heads will be the core wxorking group that will be tasked to identify, measure, diagnose, decide and implement core values aligned with what CERD stands for. The development will be with the help of an outside HR expert for objectivity and expert guidance of recommendations. The division head will be directed to assess their respective employees values. Then once values are assessed, it will be diagnosed on what strong values that exist around the organization which they can build on as a foundation. After identifying those strong desirable values, the group will debate and decide what core values to implement. Once decision has been made, the embedding process will now start. Revisions to employees handbook/code of ethics will be made.

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