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Pre Review of Bipolar Behavioral Intention

As we are going to learn about the behavioral intention of bipolar consumers at first we
need to evaluate the research that we have established in order to understand more on the
definition of bipolar consumer behavior intentions.

Definition of Behavioral Intention

First behavioral intention idea was founded by Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) and his first
is the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which was used as base and the TRA aims to measure
behavioral intention as prediction of actual behavior. Also, Ajzen described that intentions are
“assumed to capture motivational factors that influence a behavior” and can also be a measure of
how much effort someone is willing to exert when performing a behavior. Attitude is defined as
an individual’s feeling, either positive or negative, about performing the behavior.. It is an
indication of an individual's readiness to perform a given behavior. It is assumed to be immediate
antecedent of behavior (Ajzen, 2002b). It is based on attitude toward the behavior, subjective
norm, and perceived behavioral control, with each predictor weighted for its importance in
relation to the behavior and population of interest.

Attitude and Subjective Norm are factors that are used to predict behavioral intention . letstry
define what is attitude and subjective norm.

Behavioral intention was found to be primarily determined by attitude
Further analysis revealed a strong correlation between the global measure of attitude and the sum
of outcome beliefs . Correlations of the remaining individual belief items with overall attitude
indicated that the dominant reasons for buying in dairy feed were uniformity of quality, followed
by access to ingredients and advice on feeding practice. The correlation between “cost” and
attitude was so weak that it is apparent that respondents did not believe that buying-of feed
would reduce their costs.
Subjective Norm
Inclusion of subjective norm in the model offered virtually no improvement compared with a
simple correlation between attitude and behavioral intention. The presence of co linearity, and
the correlation between the global measure of subjective norm and attitude to behavior will have
reduced the predictive power of subjective norm in the equation, but only slightly.

. Model of Behavior Intention

• Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975)
The above two model clearly defines how the buying behavior of any consumer is formed and
what are the factors which can affect them in making intentions to buy a particular thing.. there
is one more conceptual model defining buying intentions.
Conceptual Model of Behavioral Intentions:-


Behavioral intention of purchasing .



Before going into the details of the variables affecting consumers’ behavioral intentions
there are several more in detail whichcan force consumer to buy different extreme brands at a
same point of time.

1. Advertising:
This is perhaps the most important independent variable that possibly can actually affect
the behavioral intentions of a person in particular. The thing which attract consumers’ mind
would be put as a center of attraction of the advertisement
2. Social Event:
Social Event also has the effect on the purchasing decision of consumer too because if the
consumers perceive that the company care for the social or participate in the social activities, in
other word care for social means care for them (consumers), they will perceive that the company
is good and the products should be good too so they are going to buy the products.

3. Premium and discount:

These are perhaps the second most important aspects for intentions of consumer because
it directly affects how consumer will buy unlike social event that indirectly affects the purchase
intentions of the buyer

Now let’s try understand what is bipolar behavior.

Bipolar behavior is derived from word bipolar . the dictionary meaning of the word
Bipolar means =
1 having two poles, as the earth.
2. of, pertaining to, or found at both polar regions.
3. Characterized by opposite extremes, as two conflicting political philosophies.
4. Electronics. of or pertaining to a transistor that uses both positive and negative charge

Now lets try see what does bipolar disorder means in medical terms
What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is usually diagnosed after a person has one or more manic episodes. People who
have the classic form of bipolar disorder experience alternating periods of depressed moods and
periods of manic or excited moods. This condition is sometimes referred to as "mood swings" or
manic depressive disorder. Other people with bipolar disorder have episodes of a manic mood
without episodes of depression. Still others with bipolar disorder have a mixture of depression
and mania, a state of hyperactivity, at the same time.

Now what is bipolar consumer

Consumers breaking all of the conventional rules of shopping behavior. The same consumer
shopping at BIG BAZAR is also taking luxury spa vacations. And they have a HUMMER H3
sitting next to a CHEVROLET SPARK in the driveway.A consumer who has extreme buying
habbits. (almost extreme mood swings as found in bipolar disorder patients, but they are not
patients at all)

The personality factor and bipolar consumer

Many traditional problems in marketing have implicit assumptions about human nature and more
specifically about personality. Personality refers to both a person’s social reputation and his or
her inner nature The first aspect refers to the way in which a person is perceived by those around
him or her, including family, friends and colleagues. The second refers to the structures,
processes, propensities and dynamics inside a person that explain why he or she behaves in a
particular way. This is of clear relevance in explaining why people do or do not
purchase different types of brands at same time…
so personality of a person plays a very major role in making him bipolar consumer. And
personality can be affected by external environment., globalization, exposure to media,
education, attitudes, believes. Etc

The research conducted by us to know how many among us are bipolar in nature and what
drive them to be a biplor.


For understanding the bi-polar behaviour of consumer while making purchase decision Primary
data collection method was adopted.


• The Primary Data was collected by personally visiting the Shoppers Stop (Ansal Plaza),
Westside (Center Stage Mall Noida), Mc Donald’s (Connaught Place), Provoge (Pacific mall),
Janpath, Sarojni Nagar market

• The Data was also collected through survey and observations.

• A structured questionnaire was prepared to find out the given objective.

• Personal Interactions were done at retail shops, restaurants, and road-side shops.

• A set of 50 questionnaires were filled. (50% were filled at places like Westside, shoppers stop,
Provoge, rest 50% at places like Janpath, Sarojni nagar market.)

Market research is a systematic process used by a business to find out about its customers
and its markets. A market research is conducted to understand he buying behaviour of customer
that what customers want to buy, what influences his buying behaviour. This should be a
continuous process. It’s very important to understand the bi-polar tendency of the customer, not
every customer is bi-polar, but those who are it’s important to understand the rationale behind


Research Design-Descriptive and Cross-sectional

Source of Data – Primary survey covering Delhi,

Method of Research –
Structured questioning
Personal visit
Printed questionnaire

Sampling Technique – Random Sampling

Sampling, by definition, is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of
individual observations intended to yield some knowledge about a population of concern,
especially for the purposes of statistical inference. Each observation measures one or more
properties of an observable entity enumerated to distinguish objects or individuals.
We visited almost seven places. And at these places I interacted with more than 50 consumers
trying to figure out the bi-polar tendency in them, the results were to my utter surprise.

The sample size is 50.


It is the analysis of the questionnaire which was made to find the objective of the research.

Date: ________ Time _____ City _________ Location ________ Outlet __________

1. AGE

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

25-30 YEARS 30-35 YEARS 35-40 YEARS 40-45 YEARS >

While Conducting a survey we focused mainly on the age group between 20-25 years as they are
regular buyers of fashion acsessories, this section generally belongs to college pupil and the
posibility of finding bi-polar attitude is more in this group, though we also concentrated on other
age sections mainly 30-35 age group was our second priority as this age group people are self
dependent and there buying behaviour may varry with economic factors(Ups and Downs of

2. Does buying a brand matters to you?

From the above data we analysed that most of the people love to wear brands, they find style
statement, and status symbol in wearing brands, there was a set of people who said they really
don’t care about brands as they cost too high, but yes they get the pirated brands out side at much
cheap rates.

3. Have you ever tried wearing non branded cloths from markets like Janpath,
Sarojni Nagar or Palika Bazar.

To my utter surprise the people who strongly advocated wearing just brands also
said they don’t mind going to low fashion streets, their were various reasons
stated for the same, what we infer is that:- you get good deals , you can bargain
great, you get pirated brands , also you can wear branded jeans and show off
the tag that’s visible outside where as T-shirts you can get from low fashion
streets as no one picks up your collar or t-shirt to see the brand. What I
understand is that bi-polar attitude exists in many consumer there was only a
very small set of people who said they will never try down town markets, most of
these customer were from westside and shoppers stop.

4. Right now are you wearing both your trouser/jeans, and shirt of a known brand?

Here again we witness bi-polar attitude of consumer there were people who were wearing
branded trousers/jeans(mostly) and local made t- shirts, there were people who were wearing
linen trouser worth more than INR 2000, and a shirt worth INR 350 local made (unknown
brand), this also depicts bi-polar attitude , the reason supported by people were different, some
said it’s what matches best with my trouser in my wardrobe, some stated I never paid heed to this
concern I just wear what I feel like, some even said jeans you buy once and it’s done for a year or
two whereas t-shirt is something you keep on changing very frequently with time so better you
buy a local cheap shirt rather than buying an expensive one and sticking to it for long.

5. Do you visit Mc Donald’s frequently?

The answer to this was 100% yes; every one stated that they keep on visiting Mc
Donald’s quite frequently.

6. Do you go to Fine dines and hotels to enjoy meals.

The answer to this question also came too affirmative a 100% yes, the people
stated that it depends on the mood and situation(mainly) that determines there
visit to a Mc Donald’s or a fine dine, some stated that when their kids press them
for eating burgers or taking away free toys that Mc Donald’s give the have to
come to Mc Donald’s also its convenient as its availability is good, if they go to
fine dine its quite planned, also when people are with their business clients they
prefer going to hotels. Here also we see a bi-polar attitude of customer the one
who enjoys Rs 20 burger, don’t mind spending Rs 1500 for a buffet at Taj Palace,
not every customer was going to Taj palace, but yes there were many who
visited fine dine restaurants and spend like Rs 500 or above on their meals. The
main contrast we can see Is that a person spending Rs20 on a burger don’t mind
spending more on fine dines, one important factor which was brought to our
notice was the economic conditions, people said as the inflation rate is too high
they have rather stopped going to expensive places.
What we conclude is that a bi-polar attitude exists in good number in consumer
(Indian Context), what drives them most is the need, situation and mood as a
factor to make buying decision

What’s OUR point?
One size never fits all in marketing. Whether planning for real worlds or virtual
ones—how well do you know your consumer? Is the biggest challenge for future

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