Course Policy Setting The Ground Rules

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Course Policy Setting the ground rules 1.

Personal Conduct: Listen actively -- respect others when they are talking. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). Practice timely attendance. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks -- focus on ideas. Participate to the fullest of your ability --It promotes personal and professional growth both individually and as a group. Instead of invalidating somebody else's story with your own spin on their experience, share your own story and experience. The goal is not to agree -- it is about hearing and exploring divergent perspectives. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses -- they can be as disrespectful as words. 2. Reading assignment: From both the textbooks and the reading material. Assignments are crucial to your understanding of the course material. Note that not all the text material will be covered in class. Completing all reading assignments each week remains students responsibility. 3. Attendance is mandatory: Any student with more than 20 % absence will not be allowed to sit for the exam unless they have a valid excuse or medical report. 4. Participation is as important as attendance. Participating in class discussions is a good tool to practice your communication skills. Sharing your experiences, opinions and raising questions will be beneficial to all. 5. Talking in class: It is expected that students show respect in class. It is very disrespectful to talk to your neighbor while someone is speaking. If you need assistance regarding a point you missed, please ask. 6. Being on time for class is important. If you will be late for the class, you are allowed to enter the class and not miss it. However, note that regular tardiness will lower your grade. 7. Raise your hand when you would like to speak. It is not rare that most of students want to speak at the same time. Raising hand will facilitate our discussions and will assist us respect everyone equally. If you will ignore this rule, your word will be ignored as well. 8. Cell phones should be turned off or silenced. 9. In cases of emergency, please let the lecturer know before the start of class. 10. If you need to go out, please do so quietly without disturbing the class process. 11. Late Assignment will be penalized. For each day the paper or the assignment is late, points will be deducted. 12. Cheating & Plagiarism will lead to severe consequences. Copying your friends work during a test, assignment or paper is not acceptable. If someone gives you the permission to copy his/her work, this is still considered cheating and both individuals will suffer the consequences. Documentation Required for Missed Examinations: 1. An attending Physicians, Psychologists, or Counsellors statement. The statement must include: i. the full name, contact address, and telephone number of the physician, ii. the nature of the illness and its duration (i.e., specific dates) iii. An indication of whether the illness and/or medication prescribed would have seriously affected the students ability to study and/or perform over the period in question.

Note: the physicians/psychologists/counsellors office may be contacted to verify that they completed the forms. Examinations missed or extensions for Assignment/reports/presentation on grounds of nonmedical circumstances must be supported by appropriate documentation (e.g., death certificates, obituary notice, automobile accident reports, and airline/train/bus ticket/receipts with date of booking on ticket for emergency travel). Airline/train/bus tickets/receipts for emergency travel must indicate destination, departure and return dates.

Module Coordinator

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