Cinnabon Clone Recipe

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Cinnabon Clone Recipe Gordon Family Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls Clone Recipe I found several postings mentioning their

recipe, but their website is down(for good?) !opefully we can preserve it here at "F# Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls Clone Recipe Cinnabon$s% &orld Famous Cinnamon Roll Recipe 'y( Ron and )hallen Gordon )erving )i*e( +, Rolls -reparation "ime( . to / !ours Categories( 'a0ing, 'read, 1uffins, Rolls, )tic0y2buns &e$ve wor0ed very hard over the past several years to develop an accurate clone or copy2cat recipe that you can prepare at home for Cinnabon%Cinnamon Rolls "he recipe below is not their recipe, but one we$ve engineered through e3tensive research, careful tests and much e3perimentation &e$ve improved upon our earlier recipe and after many test batches, we$re convinced that this revised copy2cat recipe will enable you to recreate that wonderful taste4 5ou may wish to visit their &eb site, "he Cinnabon 63perience, and review their wonderful presentation, "he Cinnabon )tory "here$s some interesting information at their site, but alas, no recipe since the actual recipe is proprietary 7lthough several other &eb sites claim to have the real recipe, we hope that you$ll find that the one presented here provides the most accurate taste and appearance &e$ve made every effort to closely reproduce their results and clone that great cinnamon roll flavor4 8udging from the many letters we$ve received from readers around the world who have used our recipe and achieved great results, we$ve evidently succeeded4 "his recipe has been si*ed so that the dough may be prepared using a large capacity (9 pound) bread machine

:ough 7mou nt +;/ + +;9 + +;/ + +;9 +;9 / +;9 + +;/

1easu re Cup Cup Cup ea tsp tsp Cup Cup "bsp o*

Ingredient and -reparation 1ethod &ater (9 o*) &hole 1il0 (< o*) 'utter, unsalted sweet cream, melted (= 9, lb, i e + stic0) 6gg, #arge Grade 77, well beaten >anilla Flavor (preferably alcohol free) )alt (= ==?, lb) )ugar, preferably )uperfine Granulated (= 99/ lb) @nbleached &hite 'read Flour (+ +;/ lb) >ital &heat Gluten (= =9+ lb) )7F -erfect Rise% Gourmet 5east (+ envelope, ? g)

Remove a large egg from the refrigerator and permit it to reach room temperature Gently melt the butter 7dd the &ater and &hole 1il0 "he resulting liAuid mi3ture should be permitted to cool so that it is between ?,BF (9/BC) and <,BF (.=BC) before proceeding further "hen add the remaining ingredients, in the order listed above, to the bread machine and prepare using the dough setting (Follow your bread machine instructions for dough preparation ) "o help you achieve the very best results, see also our additional notes on ingredients and preparation

Filling 7mou nt + , +;9

1easu re Cup "bsp Cup

Ingredient and -reparation 1ethod #ight 'rown )ugar, firmly pac0ed (= /9,, lb) Cinnamon, CorintDe Grade 77 (= =?/, lb) 1argarine (= 9, lb, i e + stic0)

Remove the margarine from the refrigerator once you$ve started the dough cycle and allow it to reach room temperature In a small bowl, mi3 the brown sugar and cinnamon 7fter the dough cycle has completed, roll and stretch the dough out on a lightly floured surface into a +,E by 9/E (.< cm by F+ cm) rectangle Cinnabon Rolls, ready to slice41ar0 off +E along the 9/E edge of the dough, closest to you 5ou will not spread any 1argarine or )ugar2Cinnamon mi3ture on this edge so that you can seal the roll )pread the softened 1argarine over the dough with a rubber spatula and then evenly distribute the )ugar and Cinnamon mi3ture 'e careful to leave your +E edge clean 7s a final step, use your rolling pin to lightly roll the )ugar and Cinnamon mi3ture )tarting at the far edge of the dough, roll it up tightly 'egin at the far edge and roll up the dough toward the +E clean edge "he clean +E edge is used to seal the finished roll "rim the left and right ends of the roll "he result will be a 9/E roll "rim off the left and right ends of the roll so that you have a flush end at each end of the roll "hen mar0 the roll every + +;9 inches (. < cm) Cut the roll into + +;9E long portions "his may be done with a 0nife, as they do at the store !owever we$ve found it easier to use dental floss (&e use cinnamon flavored dental floss Dust for dramatic effect4) Cutthe roll by placing the thread under the roll at your mar0, crisscross over and pull it to cut 5ou should get +, rolls #ine your ba0ing pans with parchment paper -lace , rolls into <E sAuare ba0ing pans +E apart (Gne roll in each corner, and one in the center ) Cover with a lint free cloth and let rise in a warm, draft free place until almost double, appro3imately + hour 7fter rising, rolls should be touching each other and the sides of the pan "his is important for best results "his gives the resulting rolls the soft, moist outer edge that most people prefer 7fter rising, ba0e in a convection oven at .+=BF for +, minutes If you are using a conventional oven, ba0e at ..,BF for 9= minutes "he resulting rolls should be only lightly browned &e ba0e only one < inch sAuare pan of rolls at a time to obtain uniform results

Cream 7mou nt / +;9 + .;/ + +;<

Cheese Frosting 1easu Ingredient and -reparation 1ethod re o* Cream Cheese (= 9, lb) Cup 1argarine (= 9, lb, i e + stic0) Cup +=3 -owdered )ugar (or )ugar Fondant) (+;9 lb) tsp >anilla Flavor (preferably 7lcohol Free) tsp #emon Flavor (preferably 7lcohol Free)

"here are several steps involved in the preparation of the frosting 'ut it is not difficult, and you$ll be surprised at the wonderful results you achieve For the fluffiest frosting, use >anilla and #emon flavors that do not contain alcohol 7 total of ,= minutes is reAuired to prepare the frosting, from start to finish &e normally prepare the frosting while the rolls are rising Generally, we use +=3 -owdered )ugar !owever, )ugar Fondant yields a smoother frosting -lease refer to our notes Remove the cream cheese and margarine from the refrigerator and place it into the mi3ing bowl #eave it for about half an hour so that it will not be too cold @se the Flat 'eater (or -addle) to blend the cream cheese and margarine for F minutes @se a speed of F, R-1, or the Eslow mi3ingE speed on your machine &e use setting H9 on our Citchen7id 1i3er )witch to the )tainless )teel &hip and whip the cream cheese and margarine mi3ture for += minutes @se a speed of +,= R-1, or the Emedium fast whippingE speed on your machine &e use setting HF on our Citchen7id 1i3er 7dd + cup of the powdered sugar and mi3 for + minute using the )tainless )teel &hip at F, R-1 7dd the remaining .;/ cup of powdered sugar and mi3 for an additional minute #astly, add the >anilla Flavor and #emon Flavor and whip for + minute using the )tainless )teel &hip at +,= R-1 !ere$s an easy to follow table for the preparation of the frosting( 7dd Cream Cheese and 1argarine to mi3ing bowl and let stand for .= minutes 1i3 using -addle at F, for F R-1 minutes @se )tainless )teel &hip at +,= for += R-1 minutes 7dd + Cup -owdered )ugar @se )tainless )teel &hip at F, for + R-1 minute 7dd .;/ Cup -owdered )ugar @se )tainless )teel &hip at F, for +

R-1 7dd >anilla and #emon flavors @se )tainless )teel &hip at +,= R-1

minute for + minute

"ransfer the finished frosting to a convenient covered container and refrigerate it Gnce the rolls are finished ba0ing, frost them while they$re still very warm and serve them immediately 5um, yum4

)!GR"#5 7F"6R )!6 returned from her most recent trip to >ietnam, 8erilyn 'russeau greeted me at the threshold of her 0itchen clutching a woody2loo0ing scroll and smiling mischievously E!ere it is,E she said, holding out a curled2up bolt of something about the si*e of a rolling pin E"his is the cinnamon bar04 I cut it myself from a tree E :ull gray and mottled, it loo0ed li0e a piece of, well, bar0 EI guess I had e3pected something more cinnamon2colored,E I said, and instinctively brought it up to my face to ta0e a whiff "he cool, greenish2gray log gave off no smell whatsoever ECan I brea0 off a little piece?E I as0ed E5es,E she said, still smiling that smile )he was a sorceress watching for the results of her latest charm to ta0e hold &hen I bro0e it, the bar0 released an invisible cloud of its essential oil, and the shard went immediately into my mouth It was surprisingly sweet, not cloying or sharp li0e sugar, but definitely sweet E"his is ama*ing E 7nd it was "he woody bar0 yielded to my teeth and became immediately slippery as it dissolved into a flood of slow2burning warmth and powdered happiness E"otally ama*ing E ECinnamon is li0e that,E she said &ithin minutes, 'russeau had summoned cinnamon stic0s and powders from Dars and cabinets around the 0itchen, and we were tasting and comparing EI cut the big piece of bar0 myself from a tree outside >ien )on village in the 5en 'ai province of >ietnam E 'russeau has traveled e3tensively in >ietnam with -eace "rees, a proDect of the 6arthstewards Ietwor0, a nonprofit organi*ation she founded with her husband, :anaan -arry, before his death E"his is what they used to call )aigon cinnamon E #i0e most of the cinnamon enDoyed in the @nited )tates, >ietnamese cinnamon is, technically spea0ing, cassia Iative to southeast China and northern >ietnam, it is strong and sweet CorintDe cinnamon, grown in Indonesia on the island of )umatra, is the same plant, but climate and soil differences render it smoother than the cassia grown in )outheast 7sia ECorintDe is what we wor0ed with when I helped Rich Comen develop the recipe for Cinnabon Gnly there, we called it 1a0ara E "rue cinnamon is Auite unfamiliar to most 7mericansJ it$s 0nown in the trade world as Ceylon cinnamon @sually sold in parchment2li0e bundles, Ceylon cinnamon has a papery te3ture and a citrusy aroma It has absolutely no bite whatsoever EIf you as0 me,E says 'russeau, Ecinnamon is very romantic E If you as0 me, it$s magical
Greg Atkinson is a contributing editor for Food Arts magazine. He can be reached at [email protected]. Benjamin Benschneider is a Pacific Northwest magazine staff hotogra her.

"!6 Cinnabon Recipe I found it4 7bout ten percent of my search engine hits are people loo0ing for this recipe It was saved as a word document on the old computer &hen cleaning out my cabinet the other day, I came across the original !ere it is( Rolls( +K o* pc0g 5east + c warm mil0 L c granulated sugar +;. c melted butter (do not subsititue margarine2 blech4) + t salt 9 eggs / c all2purpose flour Filling( + c pac0ed brown sugar (I Dust sprin0le as much as I can and li0e, never measuring) 9L "') cinnamon +;. c butter Icing( ? "') butter, softened +L c confectioners sugar K c (9 o* ) cream cheese L t real vanilla e3tract (or almond e3tract, which I prefer and use) +;< t salt (I don$t always use the salt, and in fact, li0e the taste better without it) Rolls( Gven to /==B F (+) :isolve yeast in mil0 (9) 1i3 in sugar, butter, salt, eggs, flour 1i3 well (.) "urn dough out onto lightly floured surface Cnead into a large ball CoverJ let rise + hour (/) Roll dough into a 9+E 3 +FE wide rectangle &ith the butter softened, I Dust use my fingers to spread it generously over the dough #oad $er up with the filling (see below) (,) Roll from long2side to short2side -inch the ends (F) @sing very sharp 0nife (I prefer a serated one) cut into + inch wide rolls, ma0ing si3teen If want fewer, bigger rolls, cut them wider (F) Grease (butter) your preferred ba0ing pan (I li0e mine to be all sAuished up ne3t to the other)2 I generally use an ++E3 +,E pan "hen place rolls in pan and into oven #et the rolls rise for .= minutes (<) 'a0e until the rolls are slightly browned and not doughy "his will vary according to your oven 8ust don$t overba0e (M) &hen done, ta0e $em out and cover them in the delicious icing (+=) :o I have to admonish you to EenDoy?E )urely not "hen go eat4 Filling( &hile dough is rising, prepare the filling and the icing Clean2up a little and then go read a chapter or two in your boo0 (+))often butter, so that it is spreadable (9) 7fter dough has been rolled out to the gigantic rectangle, spread the softened butter all over (.) )prin0le brown sugar over entire buttered rectangle @se more if you li0e more (/) Iow sprin0le the cinnamon over the now sugary, buttery, doughy, rectangle

Icing( Cream it all together with an electric mi3er (or by hand if you Dust want to e3haust yourself for some reason) )pread on hot rolls

Copy2cat Cinnabon recipe I thought I$d share this recipe with you guys It$s a divine recipe for a Cinnabon copy I li0e them better than the real thing (not blowing my own horn, it$s Dust that good a recipe even I can$t mess it up ) )ervings ( +9 "a0es about three hours on the whole Ingredients( + cup of warm mil0 (/, degrees C) 9 eggs +;. cup of butter or marg melted (melt it slowly, don$t ma0e it too hot4) / +;9 cups of all purpose flour (I use /=,) + teaspoon salt +;9 cup of white sugar + pac0age fast acting yeast + cup of brown sugar 9 +;9 tablespoons of ground cinnamon +;. soft butter Cream Cheese frosting ( / o* (or roughly one pac0age or -hiladelphia cream cheese) cream cheese +;9 cup butter;marg + .;/ icing sugar (usually amounts to about one regular si*ed pac0age as you buy it in the store) + tsp vanilla flavoring ; essence +;< tsp lemon flavoring =r lemon Duice 1ethod( &ithout a bread machine( (!ow I do it() :issolve the yeast in the mil0 in a large bowl 1i3 in the sugar, butter, eggs and salt 7dd the flour and mi3 in well, 0neading the dough with floured hands into a large ball "he dough should clean the sides of the bowl -ut it bac0 into the bowl and cover the bowl with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and put it in a draft2free and warm place for about an hour till it$s doubled in si*e &ith a bread machine( -ut the ingredients into the bread machine as instructed by your bread machine$s manufacturer for ma0ing dough &hile the dough rises, mi3 the brown sugar and cinnamon -reheat the oven to +<= :egrees For both methods( Gnce the dough has doubles in si*e lay out on a floured surface, and roll it into a rectangle measuring .<3F=cm )pread the butter;marg over the whole rectangle, barring a strip of about a centimeter at the long edge of it 5ou will need this little strip clear so that it seals nicely at the end

7fter you$ve spread the butter, sprin0le the cinnamon and sugar mi3ture evenly over the dough, and press it into the butter and dough with either a spatula and your fingers Iow roll the dough up tightly starting at the far edge toward that clean edge(so you have one long sausage shape at the end) -ress the clean edge down to seal when you are done 1a0e sure the ends stay in line or trim them when you$re done Iow measure out your rolls into +9 pieces (@sually about ,cm for each roll) 5ou can cut the roll using a 0nife, but some people do it using dental floss I use a 0nife For the pan, ideally you should use a pan about M3+. inches wide I don$t have one that si*e, so I use a round pan M3M, and they come out great It depends I suppose how perfectly you want them shaped? "hey simply need to be in a pan where they can be placed rolled side down and be touching -lace rolls in a greased pan, lined with ba0ing paper, and cover the pan #eave for about +;9 hour to let the rolls rise In the meantime, ma0e the icing 'eat the butter with an electric beater till very soft 7dd the cream cheese and beat until light 2 a few minutes at least 7dd the sugar and beat for a couple more minutes and lastly beat in the vanilla and lemon flavours -ut in the fridge till ready to use -ut the rolls in the oven for +, 2 9= minutes "he rolls should be golden brown, so start chec0ing on them from about +, minutes 7 handy tip for when the rolls are done (&hen you ta0e the rolls out tip the pan inside down and allow the cinnamon fillings to run bac0 into the rolls, this ma0es them lovely and moist, and coats the rolls )pread the frosting on warm rolls and serve

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