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Soccer neU!j
Stoddart (Brighton)

Th Off ..




Clarke (Moreland)



Price 6d.

Vol. 4, No. 23


By v. J. M. DIXON..

If soccer is to continue to expand. strong action is required to ensure thai proper grounds a~d facilities are made available to the round ball. Since the English tour. when crowds of 30.000 or more attended at the M.C.G. and Richmond cricket-ground. we have slipped back to the old. haphazard week-to-week system. which has been our downfall for years. That this must stop is esseptial. The ridiculous position has arisen that although the Association is har~"put to find a ground to play the Dockerty Cup semi-finals yet in a Sunday game. with an open gate. no less than 212 can be collected

in donations.



More vigorous~ction on this question is needed both by the Association and club officials. The mere fact that. the whole amount required to purchase a ground is not immediately available mus1! not be allowed to retard the determined efforts of a fe~ enthusiasts who have already taken tentative' steps in the right direction. Many methods of raising the necessary money can and have been suggested. several thousands of pounds

The raising of ~ebentures is one. while a concert~d effort by all clubs to support
the Queen Carnlval could be the means of producmg



a season. That this is so has been proved in Western Australia. There the grounds fund has now thousands of pounds in hand. all raised in the above manner. Surely Victorians also can put a little of the necessary effort into such an

essential and worthy cause. We have seen this year that Olympic Park as the home of soccer is truly a broken reed. The powers that control it care nothing for soccer. The ground is given to all and sundry at a day or two's notice. and even allowed to be idle rather than allow the soccer association conslant use of it. In several suburbs are many fine grounds. They are practically empty on many Saturdays when second teams of Australian Rules clubs are playing. A game like soccer than can draw a box of several hundred should be allowed the use of these grounds' in conjunction with other codes. Clubs with a district connection should boldly take the step of approaching their councils and make an offer for the use of such a g;ound. Remember most councils are scratching for money all the time. Money collected .in a box could be multiplied many times with if turnstile. Any club obtaining the use of an enclosed ground could rest of assistance from all tJte Association. succeeds first in ( , their assured efforts matter little. We must realise that But to whoever succeed soccer must have enclosed grounds of its own. r," J

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Paae 2


Auqust 25, 1951


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Nels.n Street, Sandringham,S.8. '" Last week brought the cu~tomary early round surprises in the Dockerty I) Cup competition. Notable among them was the defeat of First Division leaders, Yalloum, by South Melbourne United, which had no fewer than four Under 19 junior,s playing. Brighton's heavy defeat of South Yarra, even with many of its p)ayers in New Zealand, was also something of a surprise, while Juventus put paid to the account of Sandringham City at Royal Park to the tune of 6-0. Footscray City meeting its old cup rivals, Box Hill. at Footscray won by one; odd goal iq three. ~' Undoubtedly the games which will create the greatest interest this w~!, are those between J.U.S.T. and .Polonia at Olympic Park. and between Sunshine, United and Brighton at Sunshine. Last week also we had the pleasure of seeing Victoria (Under 19) avenge its defeat of last year in South Australia by'downing South Australia' by 2 goals to 1 in the curtain raiser at Olympic Park. Bobby Traynor is to be congratulated on the fine showing his team put up against the much biilJer South Australians. With the whittling down of the teams in the cup com~tition "Soccer News" will no~ have to go UltO abeyance for two weeks. We shall reappear as usual for the semi-finals and final. To those clubs left in the competition "Soccer News" wishes the best of luck and no injuries. . ... ... ... SPEaAL NOTICE A benefit match will be; played at Fawkner Park, South Yarra. on Sunday, August 26, between South Yarra Under 19 (1950) and South Melbourne United in aid of Kenny Martin, of South Yarra Under 19's, who is gravely ill in St. Vincent's. NOTICE Owing to the small number of games being played there will be no "Soccer cr~:t News" next week. The next numbers will appear for the semi-finals and final !;"'. of the Dockerty Cup. ~EDITOR. PARK RANGERS' QUEEN CARNIVAL DANCE The Ladies' Social Committee are holding a dance for the Carnival Queen. on Saturday August 25. at Christ Church Hall. Acland Street. St. Kilda. Admission is 3/- (inc. tax). Supper provided and dancing 8 p.m. to 11.3r \-~ p.m. Everyone made welcome. ~J. W. GRAY, Secretary. '-'

be sent to the Editor, V. J. M. Dixon, 42

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ENGLISH BIJOTS "ATLAS" wide fitting, comfortable last, .olld block toes, strap across joint. In bait sizes, 5 to 11. 37/6. "CUP TIE" - best quality solid leather -made by English craftsmen. Strap across joint for added support. In half sizes, 5 '0 II, 45/6.

JERSEYS All cotton in popular club colours and various designs. Prices on applleation KNICKS Tailored from finest quality English Swansdown. Black or white, 12/-. ALL-WOOL SOX . Popular club colours in hooped design,. contrasting tops o~ plain colours.

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Page 3
"""",i", """'" "" ,



WATCH THAT LACE Leslie, well-known coloured inside-left of Plymouth Argyle, had to quit football wheI)c! loose lac~ from a football flicked his eye and affected his sight. FOOTBALLER FINED On his return to England from Bogota, in Columbia, Mountford of Stoke vity was fined 250 by the English F.A., and suspended for a period. Columbia is not a member of the F.I.F.A. and poaching foreign players is frowned upon. ENGLISH CLUBS IN BRAZIL Arsenal lost five ou~ of the six; games they played in Brazil, and Portsmouth, also touring that country, had a player sent off the field by' an English referee. He was sent home. ,. SCOTLAND HUMILIATED Having lost to Austria at Hampden Park, Scotland suffered a severe defeat in the return game in Austria. To add to this their well-known inside-forward, Billy Steel, was sent off the field during the game. I I , OFFSIDE AGAIN! Player receives the ball in his own half of the field and is given offside. Impossible you say? Not if he was in an offside position in the other half of the field when a player of his OWI\ side kicked the ball to him. Running back into his own half to receive the pass would not put him onside, as the rule hinges on "whel'i the ball was last played." RECORD IN HAT-TRICKS Dixie Dean, record goalscorer in the English Football League, recorded 37 hat-tricks during his career. DON'T FENCE ME IN Steve Bloomer, who held the'goalscoring record until beaten by Dixie Dean, spent many year~ playing behind barbed-wire.. He was coaching in Germany in 1914 and interned at the outbreak of war. Steve, who is now dead, visited Australia many years ago for his health..

.,I ,


Second A nnuatCataret Rtt

WEDNESDAY, 12th SEPTEMBER, 1951 SOUTH MELBOURNE TOWN HALL 8 p.m.-2 Tickets 15/6 (Inc. Tax) All clubs are reminded that tickets' for the above are limited. A real good night has been planned, so if you haven't made any reservations,please hurry along and do so. Reservations:Mrs. T. White XU 1112. I~ Gray LA 1345 (D:iytime) , J. W, Gray (Treasurer). .J


Page 4


August 25, 1951


Second Ro~d D. H. Laidlaw Cup.
IRELAND v. MALTA. 2 p.m. JUGOSLAVIA v. CZECHOSLAVAKIA. 3.30 p.m. S~day, August 26. South Melbourne Ground, Middle Park. SOUTH AMERICA CLAIM TO SOCCER BEST The defeats of two leading English soccer team. Arsenal and Portsmouth, ir. Brazil. have helped Argentine critics to the opinion that South American footb~)l is the world's best. reports Reuter from Buenos Aires. After saying that he would have liked to have seen Arsenal and Portsmouth play in Argentina fol)owing their Brazilian tour, a leading sports writer said: "We wanted to see them play in order to confirm with our own eyes what we believe,: that European football is much below the level of ours." WORLD CUP 2nd ROUND Ireland:s team to play Malta next Sunday, August 26. The fol1owinr }) players are requested to meet at the Green Gate Cafe, comer of Flinders anc..l:/ Elizabeth Streets, at .2 p.m. sharp: Rogers. Ftnlay (Capt.), Brown, Newberry, Managh. Branagh, Smith, Murray tUlsterville) , Watts,'Nixon, Chonely (Coburg) , Rice (Geelong), Hanna (South Yarra), Weatherall (Moreland), Wallace (Ulsterville), A. Mulcahy (V. Capt., Park Rangers). All players are to come with theil1 strip. Come all ye Irish supporters and help the lads to a win. -A. MULCAHY.



Readers who have been saving all their copies of "Soccer News" this season may get them tastefully bound into book form by our printers at the end of the season. Copies must be in the hands of Asher & Co., 285 Lennox Street, r Richmond, within two weeks of the final number appearing and must be accompanied by a cheque or cash for the sum of .15/-, including tax and return postage.

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AuQust 25, 1951


Page 5

"c \

Secretary's Notes


Press Reports.-Many complaints have been received by me following incorrect press reports lately. Unfortunately the Association is not in a position to rectify them. As I have previously ~tated the press are a free body to write as they deem fit. Last week is a typical example when a sub-committee meeting was held. and the following morning three papers published an account of the proceedings. One paper stated facts only which were correct. the second paper made publicity by certain people making silly statements on the spur of the moment and the third paper published wrong facts. Followers of the game can take their choice but it seems obvious that one paper is being purchased ,teadily because soccer is receiving the space which it is entitled to. \"'v Olympic Park.-Today will see a first-class gam~ at Olympic Park between two new Australian teams. It sas a jot for these clubs to get over the language difficulty and also show many clubs how soccer should be played. Telephone...,-The telephone number of the Secretary of the V.A.S.FA. is U 8347. If you have any queries please phone after 6.30 o'clock each evening. ResuIts.-Last week the results of matches did not come in the way they should have. I suggest to the clubs that if they want an efficient association they must co-operate to achieve that aim. Special General Meeting.-AII clubs and affiliated bodi~s are reminded that a special general meeting of the V .A.S.F .A. will be held on W ednesdav. August 29. 1951, at 7.15 p.m.. in Room 11, Temperance Hall (Savoy Theatre Buildings), Russell Street. Melbourne. A fine of 20/- will be imposed on all clubs who fail to appear without reasonable excuse. It is suggested to clubs outside Melbourne that they appoint proxy delegates or notify the secretary if they are unable to attend. Clubs are advised that a policeman must be provided by the home club where a crowd of at least 500 spectators is expected. Junior Section.-Under 19 Division games listed for August 18. in league fixtures are to be played on September 1, rlext Saturday.. S. BEATON. Secretary. V.A.S.F.A. ... ... ... ENGLISH TOUR FIGURES Total aggregate attendance "figures (all gaI!les in Australia) were 299,869, of which Victorian figures were approximately 75.000. Total gate receipts were 46.500. Expenditure is not yet to hand. (EDITOR.)

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--Pol"'e h SOCCER NEWS August 25,1951

Club Jottings
BRIGHTON Last Saturday'~ game against South Yarra, in the second round of the Dockerty Cup was a game that will live long in the memory of the Brighton supporters, The score of four goals to one. in our favour. was a true r~flection of the game. The lads from: Yarra will be the first to admit that they were well and truly beaten. A feature was the wing-half play of Reg. Shrubsole. He was outstanding all day and hi,., triangular football with Gamble and Balabanski on the left-wing was copy-book stuff. All the Brighton players played wen, but honour., of the day go to Reg. for a display which puts him among the best wing-halves of Victoria, and also to Ra<;JiBalabanski for his hat-trick, ~very goal well taken. and how this lad enjOys his football. Radi or Bubbles as he is known to th~ Brighton very popular. Th~nks }adies for that "Cuppa' after the game. the boys enjoyed It. As I have said before, you are doing ~ good job for the club. and it is appreciated. Sunshiqe next week. and the Spiders are looking forward to the usqal good game we always have with the United and also hoping to reverse a coup1y of decisions they have had on us this sea~on, anyway. may th? hest team win. Don't forget September 1; Amateur Night i~ the Scout Hall. ALEX MAC. PIPERS Prom all sides came congratulations last week after our Cup "-'in against Sunsqine City. and although we say it ourselv~s. we deserved the pats on the back. For the first time in our history, we've survived the second round. 3nd everyone is looking forward to at least a semi-flqaI.. We came back from a goal down at half-time. with two lovely goals from Harry Morgan. Everyone played above himself and once again, we are back to the old team spirit of the Fifers. Thank yOU very much ladi~s, for a very nice spread after the game. Now you have~broken the ice in this direction, we know you will continue the good work. Sorry for such short notice re the social news. When the RiHe Club Hall burnt down.. the committee really speeded up and tonight. we hope to see you aU at Mr. and Mrs. petrie's house party. Thank you. Bert and Faith, for your magnificent co-operation-and I think a word of praise to Les wouldn't be cut of place. At the time of writing, we don't know our next opponents, but whoever they may be-the best of luck against the new Fifers.

Now available. - 120GilkonEnlargers. Complete with 6.3 CoatedLens.

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Auqust 25, 1951


Page 7

In the second round of the Dockerty Cup, Frankston lost to Park Rangers by 8 goals to 2. Unfortunately the score does not give the real difference between the two teams, as I feel sure that Park Rangers will be the first to agree that they were not six goals better than Frankston. C. Davenport scored both of the Frankston goals within five minutes just after the interval. We would like to thank Park Rangers for a most sporting game and also wish them a1l the best in the next round of the cup. We would now like to arrange friendly matches for any Saturday afternoon here at Frankston. If possible, we would also like to arrange "friet1dlies" for our Junior team or else our Reserve team here at Frankston, , to st;\rt at 1.30 p,m. r may be contacted at Frankston 7 during th'e day or messages may be left at Frankstoh 901 during the evening. P. IMS. POLONIA " One of the hardest games we had this season was the game played against 'Vnternational Harvester, played at Geelong on Saturday, August 18, 1951. The victory came in the extra 30 minutes play when we succeeded to score two goals. The Harvesters played a nice game and the wet groun'd spoiled many chances of scoring goals by both teams.. . On Sunday, Polish national team defeated Greece 5-0., in the World Cup competition. Our boys played a nice game and victory was easy and deserved. -T. CH.

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Brighton Preston Under 19 Division ~ P W L D F A P 11 9 1 1 29 9,19 13 9 4 0 35 19 '18
12 "10 10 10:; 9 8 ~

Box Hili Coburg

P W L D F A P 13 9 1 3 48 11 6 13 1 10 2 9 29 4 Under 15 DIvisIon
11 10 14 9 14 10 11 9 13 7 1 3 4 1 5 0 2 0 1 1 43 7 20 51 12 jO 42 15 ~O 31 4 19 28 19 1:;

Juventus Sunshine United South, Melb, United Sandrlngham C~y Yallourn

3 1 29 18 17 ~ 0 27 11 14 3 2 24 12 12 4 1 24 I! 11 4 1 1s",!" 9

Sunshine United Brighton "A" Brighton' "B" Sth. Melb. United Northcote

Moorabbin City 11 4 6 1 Footscray City ,., 10 .2 8 0 Northcotc 10 1 8 1 Hakoah J.R.C. 12 0 10 2 Under 17 "A" Division
Brighton 12 10 0 4 3

14,21 9 12 2!, 4 20 3" 3 6:;41..2 ,~"

26 21 19 12 9 22 20 19 30 27 9 9 9 8 6

2 44 3 1 1 2 2

South Yarra',
Sandrlngham ~it~".., Army Apprentl~::!':A Park Rang~rR Sunshine CIty SunRhine United

1IJ 8 10 11 11 13 13 13 9 3 4

6 1 19 2.'\~1


Preston Park Rangers Box Hill Ring\vood BoYR Moreland

South Yarra

13 12 14 11 11

6 7 4 4 4 8 3 8 110
Q 12

0 19 20 4 12 18 2~1 42 a 15 34 0 5:;9
0 3 40

12~ 12 10 6 2

Under 14 Division
14 12 1 15 111, ~ 15 10 15 9 14 15 15 15 3 6 1 67 7 2:; 3 76 18 23 2 64 16 22 0 :32 24 JR 0 15 60 11 1 786, 0 664 4 1 6 87 3 .

3 2 6 7 4 2

6 7 3 :; 6 4

Coburg Sth. Melb. United "A" Park Rangefs Sandrlngham City" Sun Rhine City'

15 10 3 2 65 13 22 15 7 8 0 47 30

Under 17 "B"
Nortllcote ~. Melb United PreRton Army ApprenticeR "B"

4 19 1& 16 1 18 12 15 3 17 2311 3 9 27 7

Box Hill


BrightOn lIfoorabbln City Sth. Melb. United Box HiiI "B"

5 9 3 11 2 13 1 13




. ; ;

was certainly courting (rouble when mentioning the offside decision after the ball had struck the bar. A former referee,Mr. W. Harvey, of Hampton, has called me to task and enclosed diagrams from his referees' handbook which unfortunately do not deal with th~ exact incident. The ruling I mentioned was given by Jimmy Jewell against Joe ("Ten-goa!") Payne of Luton Town in 1937. J~well refereed the 1938 Cup Final~o was in the top class. I stated


in my notes that the ruling would lead to ditcussion, as at the ti~e I thought the player was onside, -Y@urs, e,tc., REX BENSON,
" .,c",1Ic


SOUTH MELBOUR~ UNITED CLUB'S DANCE" Club members and supporters of the South Melbourne United Soccer Club. are advise.d that the next club dance ~iIl be' held at St",A~selm's Hall, Langridge Street, Middle Park, on Saturday, ~ptember 8. Members and supporters of other clubs are also welcome, and a good night is guaranteed. -V. BATES,

i l


VI -:-

(""-. SocialSecretary.
\ 1.


DOCKERTY CUP " Fourth ~und. September1. Balwyn United 01'Fifers v. G~org~Cross or South Melbo~rne United. Royal Caledonians 01: Moreland v. J.U.S.T. or Polonia
Juventus or Park Rangers v, Coburg or Maccabi Footscray City or Preston v. Sunshine United or Brighton


..I "


~: .


1 Hazeldon Place, South Yarra.

Phone: BJ 5487,

2 Powell Street. South Yarra.





Prop,: R. H, Mass (Late of Vienna)

Printed by Asher & Co. Pty. Ltd., 285.287 Lennox Street Richmond, V:ctoria, for toe Victorian Amateur Soccer Foofball Association.


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