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Page 2

For Correct Soccer Equipment


Sports Department

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Opposite the G.P.O., BO:URKE STREET

GxcluJive :JailorJ
Now Specializing in

American Drape Suits

Prices from 25-30 210 FLINDERS LANE-1st
Telephone: FA 8059


4, 1952


Page 3

A Cup-:Jinal

By Mr. W. R. THOMAS,
the climax Final Day

of the V.A.S.F.A. countries, Council
Cup most

In all soccer playing

to the season and here III VIctorIa this year brings to a close the

C~p F~nal ?ay is

.,j ,

! \

successful season of soccer that Victoria has ever known. With no overseas team touring Australia this "';fearthere was some doubt in our minds as to what form the highlight of the Australian season .would take. The tentative suggestion that N.S.W. should stage an Interstate Carnival was turned down by that State, but Victoria grabbed at the chance and in June last put on the most spectacular Interstate Carnival ever held in Australia. As if we were merely not content with running the Carnival, our Victorian team succeeded also in winning it and carrying off the coveted F.A. Trophy which for 27 years has been held by New South Wales alone. The growth and exp~nsion of Soccer this season have been enormous. This will become more readily obvious to the reader wqen it is realised that no less than 30% of all soccer clubs in Victoria are now "country clubs." The five country associations affiliated with the V.A.S.F.A. are doing' a splendid job in spreading the gospel of soccer among country dwellers. expansion not by come about both spontaneoUSly, but the resultAll ofthis years of hard has work officials, association and has clubbeen in city
and in country. These gentlemen have also been responsible for the spread

1 ~

of junior soccer which has culminated in the formation of the Australian Junior Soccer Football Association, which was inaugurated and sponsored in Victoria by the Victorian Junior Soccer Association and also for the now obvious hold that soccer is taking in Victorian schools. Following in the footsteps of the senior team; the Victorian junior team won the Junior Interstate Carnival held in Melbourne in the latter half of the seaSftll. During the course of the season one writer in the "Argus" stated that the spread of soccer in Victoria was due'to "brilliant administration." I am . '\ proud to say that in the ranks of the Council of the V.A.S.F.A. (of which W'I nave the honour to be chairman) there are to be found men to whom the application of this t~rm is no exaggeration. Today, as the teams turn out to play for that beautiful trophy you see here today, and which was ,donated by that grand sportsman. Mr. Harry Dockerty, it is fitting that we should realise that it is to these officials of the


various associations and clubs (no matter how small), that our pleasure in
watching this grandest of all games today is due.

':f""';""~ Curtain Raiser Today--':Reserve Cup-Final ,


At 1.15 p.m.

League Winners:
MORELAND (Division 2)

Nolan, Wemyss, Hardmann, Gilbert. Clark, Sharpe, Swatter, Heath, Flynn.


Rough, Clarke,

POLONIA (Division 3)


.. October 4, 1952 SOCCER NEWS Page 5


Soccer "Who's Who"

Victoria'8 Captain
By REX BENSON "He flies through the air w\th the greatest of ease"-I1ot the well-known acrobat of the popular song, but Pat Clarke with one of his clearing headers which once cost him 15 teeth, but more of that later.

Pat burst upon th& world in 1926, in the coal-

~ining district of Lochgelly, in Fifeshire, a.nd has always been a full-back or centre-half, even when a toddler of 7 wIth the 'school. team. In those days he used his left leg. only to stand upon, but to encourage the use of the other, Mr. Clarke, senr., promised financial reward for the first window that he broke with his left foot while playing between the rows of miners' cottages. A case of "bang went saxpence" with a vengeance, but the offer was not repeated, of cpurse. As a juvenile he twice represented the county, and then signed for the junior club Dundonald Bluebell, which had a good enough sprinkling of old players to shtlw the youngsters that they had a lot to learn. Pat then took up the calling of a blacksmith, which improved his physique, but slowed up his legs. During four seasons as a junior he was indeed in the wars, having a cartilage operation on each knee, a broken right ankle, and the loss (all at once) of the 15 teeth to which-! referred earlier, when his hard head was mistaken for the ball. (Continued on Page 18)


MACCABI (Winners Division 4)




I .~

to right): M. Breitberg, Ch. Jakubowicz (Capt.), W. Greenberg, S. Wrobel. Back row: S. Rubinstein (President), Sz. Erlich (Secretary), H. Katz (Injured Player), Ch. Migdalik (V. Capt.), J. Greenbaum, Z. Helman, E. Gold, J. Bogengluck, Z. Hertz, M. Fiszman, M. Nowak (Official), M. Friede (Asst. Secretary), E. Gold (Manager).




Page - 6


October 4, 1952

How They Fared in This Year's Dockerty Cup

9/8/52 Juventus

16/8/52 Juventus



, ~' ' 0 R3


- R2 --" 3

UP. Yarra D. 0 Mordand 3 RI Juventus 7 Moreland 6 Juventus Woodlands Bye Woodlands 0 Apollo 2 Apollo Bye Apollo 3 Siham City Bye S'ham City 2 Dandenong Bye Dandenong t S'ham City 2 Fscray Who Eagles Bye White Eagles I Albury -Clty2F'scray City 2 F'scray City 3 F'scray City 3 --- Polonla Bye Polonla W.O. University Bye University L.M. Polonia 12 - -Polonla Pukka Rvrs Bye Pukka Rvrs. I Pukka Rovers 2


~ ~


.. ..


Bye Slovakia


Park Rang. Bye Park Rangets J.U.S.T 0 R3 J.U.S.T.

3 J.U.S.T 2 Sth. Melb. " 4 4 Brighton

& 4 I 2 Maribyrnong


~ ~ J.U.S.T. 2

Vallourn ~~I S. y. Melb.


O_RO -Bye Maccabi Bye Sth. Melb. ----17.



.; A.



Union Jack

0 Hakoah

BrIghton 2

.. ~ m

Brighton Bye Brighton Ma~I'nOng 4 Inter. Harv. 3 Marlbyrnong Slavla ' I Fairfield Fairfield 5 Coburg Bye Coburg Moorabbln Bye Moorabbln F.N.D. 4 Frankston I F.N.D. Vlc. Police 0 'Shine U. S'shine Untd. 8 'Shine City W.O. Olympic L~M.S'shine City R.A.A.F. Bye R.A.A.F. Geo. Cross Bye Geo. Cross Sth. Varra4 Prahran Prahran 7 Ringwood Bye Ringwood. Box Hili 2 Box Hili Morwell 0 Heidelberg Bye Heidelberg
Preston I Uisterville

Moorabbln City 2 S'shine


RO , . 2 S shine United 3

W.O. S'shlne City L.M. 2 Prahran 4 . 0 ' 8 Box Hili I

3 UI stervl . 11 e

Pra hran

3 Box Hili

:f"; . ~

- Ulsterville


The M.S.D. is headquarters for SOCCER

::~ T~~S toe~OI~!~;:SiZ~s~gl~~~l ~~k~.:. ~~d~.. ~~.~In.~: 46'6
"CUP TIE" English make. Best SHIN strap aeross GUARDS joint. In Canvas half-sizes, padded 5-11
padded with tapes KNICKSwith


leather, pair

59' 8111 6


plain front, elastIc back, Melbourne Sports Depot

10'9 12'6

55 Elizabeth and 255 Swanston Sts.

MU 7244

.; i::jm;mt&;~*1ThW~$;iiiitjj


4, 1952


Page 7



Last any club season, that has HAKOAH'S DOUBLE week we said' it was a long time since had won Division I and the Cup in the one Only club in the competition at present done so is Hakoah-in 1935.

ARSENAL GO PLACES ~. So Arsenal made 62,000 profit last se;tson. More than the total gate Weceipts of some clubs. All because they had faith in speculating years ago--a to those in Victoria who want the game to "mark time" instead lesson of looking ahead. . THISTLE, TOO In 1929 Footscray Thistle (now defunct) also completed and won the Cup and the League. the "double"

ENCLOSED GROUNDS A favourite quip of Bristol sportswriters used to be "one day we shall wake up to find the Rovers in the Second Division." That now looks a possibility, so I am putting into print: "One day we shall wake up to find
we have an enclosed ground of our owno"

PERSPIRING PRESIDENT It has been suggested in some quarters that the "pep talk" given by Mr. J. Stewart, president of Moreland, to his team at half-time on Sunday, when they were 3-'1 down to Juventus Reserv~team, may have been the speech of all time and should be printed and cIrculated to all clubs. It must have been good, for the Morelanders crammed on three more goals SNATCHED OUT OF THE FIRE Pat Clarke tells the juniors that the game is never lost until the final whistle. He had good cause to remember that when Juventus equalised against Moreland with the last kick before time in their first encounter. A game that 1s still remembered in London was a replayed Cup-tie between :Spurs and Everton at White Hart -Lane a few years beforoe the war. Everfin were leading 3-1 with seven minutes to go; then 'Spurs scored three ~mes to win. Their supporters who left early are still kicking themselves. WELSH WIZARD Dave Stoddart (Brighton and Victoria), known "Boy from Blaenau-Festiniog," may not play today trouble. Dave is always in trouble. Last year he at the Brighton picnic. This year it's his elbow pose?) Poor Dave! ! SCOTTISH LAMENT letting the honors go round? in some quarters as the as it seems he has elbow lost his "teef" in-the sea (Bending it again, I supafter half-time.

So the latest wail from over the Border (neglecting the pipes) is the failure of Rangers and Celtic to dominate the scene! What is wrong with


A sum in the neighborhood of 200 will go to the Lord Mayor's Hospital Appeal as the result of last Sunday's charity game. The paper for whose Hospital Appeal we ran a similar game last year, by some oversight omitted to publicise last week's game, but the "Argus" did not forget to do so.

Page 8


October 4, 1952

Today's Finalists:
BRIGHTON (Runners-Up Division 1)

Thomas, Greig, Mr. D. McDougall (president), Dickason, Walker, Mackenzie, Barr, Drummond, Parvin (capt.), Stoddart, Wilson, Balabanski.

Brighton Soccer Club

By JOHN HAWKER For the second year in succession and the sixth time in its twenty-eight-year history, Brighton has played its way into the Dockerty Cup final. On four 01 the previous five' occasiqns it has gone on to get its name inscribed upon th~rophy. First Cup success wli in 1933 and the second canA . four years later. Then in 1943 andl1944 it achieved t~, double-header. One of the oldest teams in the State, Brighton is also among the largest. In the 1952 season it has fielded three senior and six junior teams. Brighton has long been noted for its junior teams. In 1940, soon after World War II commenced, the club lost many of its members to the Forces and went into recess. Mr. W. R. ~omas, now chairman of ihe V.A.S.F.A., but at that time just a Brighton supporter, organised a boys' team. The next year there were two teams 1942 three. Since then, Brighton has always been well toand thein fore in there juniorwere football. . In 1942, the club had got together sjfficient members to field a team and again became active. Among the players at that time were N. Good, J. Kemp, G. Nichols and Ron Walker, some of whom later helped to form and build the new Sandringham team.



4, 1952

Page 9



I~ 1949, Brig;hton was rejuvenated by the arrival .of many new players. Smce then It has always been among the premIer clubs. Under the captaincy of Tom Jack it was undefeated .champion of the League in 1950 and third to Yallourn and Sunshine United in 1951, as well as reaching the Cup final. Ii. This year, with the addition of such talent as R. Parvin, Ralph Walker and Jack Wilson to stalwarts such as McKenzie, Stoddart, Barr and Drum. mond, it is runner-up to Juventus in the League and has again reached the Cup final. If today's teafu plays "Briphton" football, it must stand a very good chance of taking the famous cup back with it to Hurlingham Park.

:I G


.,...J~ DICKASON, \7 to senior

. Brighto.n



Bob.~EIght years plaYIng wIth BrIghton, from schoolboy team football. Played for Victoria in Under 15 team and later was

selected as reserve in Under 19 side. . DRUMMOND, Bill.-Played for Townhead Parish in the Scottish Churches League. Alfo represented Ss:ottish Churches against Irish Churches in 1947. Has since represented both Victoria and Australia. GREIG, D'lvid.-Elayed for junior teams in Edinburgh; was included In T. Walker's touring team in 1942-43 and later played for R.A.F. teams in India. Has been in Australia only 16 months. McKENZIE, Boss.-Learned soccer while at Brighton Technical School and has 'played for Brighton club for eight junior and senior teams. Represented Victoria (1948) again$t South Australia in Under 19. Played for Australia and Victoria against English tourists in 1951. PARVIN, Roger.-Born near Norwich, England, and played football at school on Tyneside and later for a works team in I;ondon. Joined Royal Navy and 'J played in service teams in many parts of the world. Before joining Brighton this year he played with Sandringham and Prahran. STODDART, Dave.-Welshman, born at Blaenau-Festiniog. Played with South Yarra for some time before going to Brighton in 1951. R~presented VicMcKENZIE toria against Jugoslavia and against South Aus.a -tralili (1950). THOMAS, Syd.-Qne of t~ most recent acquisitions to the teltm. . Has been in Australia only three months. Formerly played for Osborne in the WALKER, Ralph.-Played tor Oxford schoolboys and represented his County at 14. After games with other clubs, went to Oxford City. Joined R.A.F. and played for some time for Swlndon Town. Now in R.A.A.F. at East Sale, whence he travels each week; to play for Brighton. WILSON, Jack.-Well-known local product, formerly of Park Rangers. Represented Victoria against Jugoslavia and toured South Africa with Australian team in 1950. BALABANSKI, Rudi.-Played First Division football in Bulgaria,- 1937-40. Also represented Bulgaria against Germany. Later studied at-Munich and play~d with "1860" club. Is a civil engineer and has been two years in Australia.' BARR. f.-Iex.-Born in Glasg2.w. Played for school at 10, for Glasgow against Manchester and for.cotland against England at 12, and later in other junior representative teams. Played for service teams while in R.A.F. and since coming to Australia has played for Australia (v. Jugoslavia) and five times for Victoria in representative teams.

, ' :


Dundee JuniorLeague.



Page 10


October 4, 1952 ., ~vvw

Today's Finalists:
JUVENTUS (Winners Division 1)

r ..,



Top row (left to right): Fontana, Stewart (Masseur), Sabidussi, M, Carollo, Camilleri, Rubbini, Novaselich, Hirnic (Trainer), R. Carollo. Bottom row: Cernizza, Scalamera, Muzzin, Copeland, Trentini, Pittoni.

Juventus Soccer Club

By JOHN HAWKER Juyentus soccer club was founded in 1949 by ~. Fino Fontana, Mr. Antonio Jannucci, /!.nd the late Father Agostino Galante, in Carlton. Securing a ground in Royal Park,it played in the Third Division and in the first season won promotion to the Second Division, in which it stayed for two seasons.
Last year, largely due 'to the e~orts of its eoach


" J \11; Iii i

and trainer, Mr. Ivan Hernik, it gained promotion to ~~ the First Division and reached the semi-final of the Dockerty Cup. The Juventus club, although sometimes referred to as a national club, is, in fact, open to any sport-loving person without any discrimination of nationality, color or creed. Majority of its members come from Italy, but there are playing and non-playing members from MUZZIN several other countries. The club owes much of its success in the last two seaEons to the strength and guidance of a good committee which this year consists of Mr. Nino Borsari (president), R. Font~na


.(vice,president), E. Sartori (secretar~), p. Bedrossian (treasu~er), and

Includes This uniforms cared for Messrs. A. Sabras, Ian CampJjell, Renato, Rezzar and Tleppo. committee has tJxercised good contwl of its gifound and funds. All and tra~ning gear are ~rovided by the ,club and players are well at all tImes. The polICY of the rcomm~ttee has been to keep the


(Continued on page 12)

,'I ~l~ -~".'i ,~,-,~

J ~

October 4, 1952 SOCCER NEWS.

Page 11


How They Will


Drummond Wilson Scalamera Novaselich Cerinizza Muzzin.

Greig Thomas Balabanski Trenjini Stoddart Walker Barr. Copeland Bassi Camilleri JUVENTUS last-minute alterations.

-~~ ~~./




I k/~S ONL."T
r II



To The Editor

Sir,-1 read with disgust the letter from Mr. G. E. Clarke, of the Kiewa Valley. In his enlightening letter he used the expression "germ-spreading disease." Apparently this is a disease that England suffered from very,. very much prior to the 1939 war as, if Mr. Clarke takes the time to check back over international football in Britain for 25 years prior to 1939, he will find that Scotland led the field!. I would also like to inform Mr. Clarke that the country which won the World Cup in Rio de Janiero was coached by a Scottish coach. I would be very interested to hear from Mr. Clarke what, in his opinion, the difference IS between English and Scottish football. A.s far as I am concerned it is purely a matter of technique, aIlcd if Scottish football, in recent years, has slightly deteriorated, it can be put down to the fact that the majority of Scottish stars are at present playing in England where, due to greater population, higher gates permit higher salaries.-Yours, etc., ALEX. BARR.


Page 12


October 4, 1952



Juventus Soccer Club (Contd. from Page 10)

game clean. Only well disciplined players ,will be tolerated and those not amenable to discipline, unable to control their tempers, and in other ways undesirable, ha"e been weeded out and replaced. The club at present has two senior and one junior teams, and such is the high standard of play that while the First Division team has gained first place in the League, as well as reaching the Cup Final, the Reserve team has had exactly equal success in the Reserve League and Cup.


Juventus Players
BASSI, Sergio (33).-Has been playing senior football for 17 years. Played for Grion club at Pola, P:)..;c P!ltria at Busto Arsizio, and in 1946-47 played in trl/C4i games for the famous First Division Milano club. Represented Victoria at 1952 Carnival. . CAMILLFltI, Charles (28).-Native of Malta. Played soccer for a senior club and represented Malta against visiting teams from Hungary and Austria. Has been with Juveptus since. arriving in Australia. CERNIZZA. Antonio 2~).-Played football at school and later in senior teams. Before corning to Australia two years ago played for Green Cross team at Genoa.
BASSI COPELAND, soccer at BiIl.-Born Greenock. in Scotland Played for and Port learned Glasgow

Rangers. Selected nival team; also Western Australia.

as reserve for Victoria's played for Australian

1952 Carteam in

MUZZIN, Enzo.-Comes from Trieste. Played at school and for a C Series (3rd Division) Also played in Germany.

soccer team.

NOVASELICH, Antonio (20).-PJayed junior football in the boys' team fielded by Zara (1st Division club) and for Torino juniors. . In 1950 he played for B~noli for the Bar-Pipponi Cup. . , PITTONI,


Was formerly







player at Milan and in the Jugoslav National team at Bucharest. Played soccer for one season at Zara. ttUBBINI, Antonio (28).-Second season with Juventus. Previously played for Pola in "C" Series (3r~ Divi. sion) and for Triestini in .the 1st Division. Twelve years senior football experIence. I


SABIDUSSI, Giuseppe (28).-One year in Australia. Formerly played for . the Mildne (3rd Division) at Crotoni in Calabria and later-for Reserves of \ Udinese, a 1st Division club. SCALAMERA,


St. Giovanni Valdarno at Fiume.

Igor (20).-Before -Was

corning to Australia: a year ago, played for


I] '~



Division) club.


a Reserve player with Lucchese,.a "B" Series (2nd







4, 1952

- - -





of the "Argus"

Here is a warning that soccer fans must heed at the close of the 1952 season: It has been a wonderful year for Victorian soccer-more clubs, more matches, more publicity. But the publicity,
l ! has from very often come Why? from brawls, Because abandoned soccer is games, menaced by and the demonstrations temperamental spectators.


player, and more particularly by his supporters. ,The migration policy has --' ...been responsible for many leading players from overseas coming to Vic. ~oria. This is good. But, one wonders, are full national teams assets to the game? It is doubtful! ! Demonstrations by irritated or violently partisal\ spectators are becoin, ing monotonous. When a game is abandoned, there is nothipg but ill-feel. ing everywhere. These outbursts nearly always result in headlines and sensational new stories, but in the ultimate summing.up a llrst-class game is better publicity than ~ description of a hot-tempered b'rawl or an abaoooned game. ' Officials have a heavy responsibility and that means everyone from club presidents to the referee. The tone of voice used ~owards people who do not understand our way of speech, or our casual acceptance of a situation, which to them is a tragedy, can cause fireworks, but those fireworks can be turned into damp squibs if the tone of voice proves to be sympathetic, and there is proof of tolerence. Admittedly there is always the danger of political and national feelings being vented on the soccer field, and this is dynamite to any game. Referees who are seldom skilled linguists, are unable to stop bull-baiting because they are ignorant of the situation, and the inner meaning of the wisecracks. And, one must remember there'is no silence rule in the soccer code. One wonders .if the officials realise the story that lies behind many of our newcomers. Is there.a history of brutality and fear? A grim histo;ry of terror, legend from a concentration camp? a fear which springs to the surface sending self-control to the winds. But this is not part of the soccer code, and a factor officials may have overlooked. A mixture of British born with Continental players might solve the problem of these violent outbursts. '..J~Several clubs have already signed on players irrespective of nationality,
and the result has been successful. '

Spectators are a problem. They are the life-blood of the game. National teams, too, have by far the biggest following, but their unbridled enthusiasm is a liability which the soccer association has yet to turn into an asset. While hundreds of excitable New Australians will swell the box office, it is their excitement which brings police to the field, and unsavory headlines in the Press. Box office is not the backbone of soccer, but it is the ribs, and without it the game could not survive. If soccer is to continue to expand, there must be a New Deal. Officials must adopt a more tolerant attitude, players must learn to count ten, and spectators must remember it's a game, not a war. The soccer code is international. Admittedly there are different interpretations, but the basic rules are the same. There is no sound excuse for major misunderstand, ings, but the minor ones can provoke a scene. This could be avoided if the soccer association provided translations in multiple tongues of the varia. tions as practised in Australia. It is a simple remedy which so far has not been tried. (Continued on Page 17)

. ..

Page 14 SOCCER NEWS October 4, 1952

Ii .
'~ '




By JACK OLSEN, Secretary

A.J.S.F.A. and U..J.A.S.F.A.

Season 1952 the has first beenAustralian the most Junior successful in our history. the month of August Carnival was held in During Melbourne, and Victoria gained the honor of being the first winners of the Dawnay-Mould Cup. The Victorian teams' performances against both Queensland and South Australia was a credit to Victoria. As the prime movers of the formation of the Australian Junior Soccer Association, which ultimately arranged for the conducting of these carnivals, it was a reward indeed to Victoria to win the honors for the very first carnival to be held in Australia. In the entertainment of its visitors and organisation of the carnival generally, Victoria did a grand job and were congratulated by all State delegates at a ~onference held at the close of the carnivaJ: We I:ollowed up this achievement by a visit, from Christ Church Under 16 soccer team from Gladesville (N.S.W.). Mr.~) Myles"the Gladesville team's manager, remarked onI1torethan one occasion, "We cannot poSsibly return the good time Victoria has given us." Words Such as these give us encouragement to go ahead in our work in the de~elop. ment of the code, in our own State, and right throughout the whole of Aus. tralia. The good feeling we have helped to create between ourselves and our sjster States is indeed gratifying to all those concerned with the game in Victoria. We could not have carried out this job so effectively had it not been for the valuable financial assistance given to us by the council of the V.A.S.F.A. and also the Sunday International Committee. To ~oth these organisations we extend our most grateful thanks. Juniqr Association Executive me to express, on thei" The behalf, their, appreciation to all Committee clubs for has the asked co-operation they have rendered to the committee during the season. They have also requesteq that
I congratulate.. on their behalf, achievements during 1952:the following successful club~ for their

.. ;

League winners..-Under 19, Brighton; 15, Brighton; Under 14, Coburg.

Cup winners.-Junior Liston Cup, Prahran; Blue

Under 17, Sunshine United;



Cup, Brighton; Miller Cup, Riband Cup, Sunshine City.


Sunday, October 5 . At 1.30p.m.

! I



At 3.00p.m.

BRIGHTON v. MORELAND Proceeds in aid 01 Brighton Hospital Appeal

This space kindly donated by. i I

j I~,
~, !i

ROTHFIELD &. CO. LTD. Manufact~rers of Sewing Cotton and Slide-Fasteners III the Interest of Amateur socc~~--




4, 1952


Page 15

Peninsula Soccer Association

By TED MOUNT The P.S.A. has completed its fixtures for its first active season, and we can "take stock" of our efforts during the first yeaI: of competitive soccer on the Peninsula. Early this year, after the preliminary contacts had been made before Christmas, we received two setbacks. Flinders Naval DeIlot's commitments did not permit them to entet a team, and Baxter were unable to raise a team. However, at the first meeting of those interested, we formed the P.S.A. With only a few weeks tQ go to the opening of the season difficulties arose over grounds and their availability to P.B.A. teams. Eventually a fixture list was drawn up and published. It was not quite as satisfactory .,~s we had hoped, but it used the fixed date grounds to the best advantage, "Vnd so we were playing competitive soccer. As with any new organisation, mistakes have peen made both by the association and clubs. This year may be claimed the "educational year". for all. The association should have learnt from its mistakes, and clubs sho~ld have learnt to bring their worries and criticisms to the meetings. Here they can be reviewed and if possible changes made where the material is available, or they are found necessary. If all concerned have learnt to bring everything to the association, and to accept the decisions made, the biggest hurdle of all has been overcome. With two competitions in our first season, soccer has been placed on a firm footing on the Peninsula. Attendances, though small, have been improving. The standard of play has improved also. This year we have not been able to invite teams from other organisations to meet a representative side. This point will receive close attention next year, with, we hope, visits to other associations. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking the V.A.S.F.A. for the trophy donated for the League Championship, and for their advice and assistance throughout the year; also Mr. Dixon; the Editor of Soccer News, for his advi~e and ever-ready ear to our troubles. In this Cup Final e~tion we would like to thank the donor, Mr. C. .T. Mount, for the P.S.A. Challenge Cup. While it is difficult to single out individuals from the willing workers, much of the organisation has been due to the efforts of Mr. C. Coleman, hon. treasurer, and chairman of the League Committee, and Mr. V. Lock. w06d, of the committee. Last, but not least, this Association owes a lot to the efforts Mr. Percy-Ims (first secretary of the P.S.A.), who did so much of the earlyof organising.

LatrobeValley Association

By BILL DOUGLAS Hon. Sec. L.V.S.A. In this, our second year of soccer in the Latrobe Valley, many improvements have been "made. Another two clubs, R.A.A.F. (Sale) and .O.C.C. entered the League, bringing our strength up to six teams. O.C.C. proved to be a strong entry and ran out premiers. Morwell having won two cups areagaintQ the forefront. The soccer season is stillgoibg stI:ong. with the ~'Battle of Britain" Cup still to be played. Only one club entered for the Dockerty Cup and travelled to Melbourne to give Box Hill a hard fight in their first round tie. The standard of the game generally in the Latrobe Valley has been a credit to players and officials of all clubs. At present the crowds are not as' big as they might be that watch the boys in action, but I feel sure this will soon be overcome. It is hoped that a re1\resentative team from the V.A,S:F.A. will be able to visit the Latrobe Valley during October. The association feels that such a game will tremendously stimulate interest in soccer in the district.

Page 16 SOCCER NEWS October 4, 1952


Border District Association19 S2

By CLEM MARTIN, Hon. Sec. B.D.S.F.A.

For its first season of competitive football the B.D.S.F.A. has had a
very successful yeai'. The atrocious weather conditions hit the clubs and the association heavily from a financial point of view, but the round ball code has a definite hold in the district and the crowds are growing with every match played. Naturaijy the first season in any code is a trying ope and mistakes were made, but the old saying, "Live and learn," is being applied. Next season should see everything going much more smoothly. Beginning with only four teams, the competition grew to six. After listening to reports,. it will not be surprising to see at least eight or pos. sibly 10 teams next year. ~ Albury City are to be congratulated on winning the premiership, and did not lose a game in League fixtures, to finish Ull seven points in front of
nearest rival.


Wodonga carried off the Williamson Cup and ended second in the premiership. Bandiana commenced the season badly, but at the end of the season had a team that could turn the tables on any other in the League at present. Mt. Beauty United were third to Wodonga on goal averages, and pl/lyed a stirling game against the Moreland team when they visited there. ~\ Several good games were witnessed towards the end of the season. Moreland visited Albury and gave the B.D,S.F.A. team a lesson in positional play and team work. However, the local lads proved too strong for the Northern Victorian Association team and ran out winners, 6 goals to 1. As pointed out by Mr. Dixon, of Soccer News, visiting teams are essential to improve the standard of play in the district. The best game witnessed in the district was the British Isles v. Europe match. This game finished in a thrilling 4-all draw-a fitting climax to a grand contest. All members of clubs and the association are sincerely thanked for their tireless work during the season, under trying conditions. Should the "weather man" be kind to us next season, I think ,ve will find bigger and better crowds at the matches. We thank the Victorian association for their gesture in sending along the Morel@d team. Their conduct on and~off the field did wonders for the code in the district. Summing up, I feel sure that for our first season we have done par- 1\\ ticularly well. Next season, as stated before, if the gods are with us, wEWJ will give the other t~o rival codes, Australian Rules and Rugby League, somethin,g to scratch their heads about.



ff ~,-

In a fast, vigorous match which at times became rough with tempers becoming flayed,. Cobram and Bandiana drew. Playing fine, open football at the changeover, Bandiana were two goals up. After the change, Cobram opened more det~rmined and in five minutes Jim Purdin scored from a nice following a corner. Shortly afteI:, Peter Brubaart scored from a penalty by a roc4et shot. After 20 minutes, Rossi Lorenzo scored a third. Bandiana added a third, and the match ended even at 3-3. A fair result to a good, hard game. Cobram Reserves defeated Bandiana Reserves, 4-3.-G. MUSCARELLA.

~~~~ --~~




4, 1952

School Soccer
By V. J. M. DIX,?N, V.A.S.F.A. Director of School Soccer The Victorian Amateur Soccer Football Association's new scheme to promote the playing of soccer in Victorian State Schools (and others) has met' with considerable success in its first season. Of 50 schools visited by myself since the inception of the scheme, six were already playing soccer in addition to other sports. Assistance has been given to them by the V.A.S.F.A. Of the other 44 schools, no fewer than '1,1have allowed soccer to be played since the scheme commenced. When it was realised that it was only at the beginning of July that the first contacts were made with s~hools, and that 'the school football season finished some nine weeks later, it will be seen that the V.A.S.F.A.'s ) approaches were far more readily received than many doubters anticipated. u-" While no fewer than 22 State schools now encourage soccer to a greater lesser d~gree, it is encouraging to note that of the 15 technical schools in Melbourne,. 10 now permit soccer to be played. Seyen High Schools also are now fostering soccer teams which play in school competitions. . All this has not cOme about spontaneously, for of the 50 schools contacted, only two had teachers capable and willing to coach and referee school'soccer. The succes& of the scheme so far therefore has been due to the wonderful effort of the voluntary coaches who came forward and offered their services in mid-week. It is impo~sible to give credit to one of these gentlemen more than another, for eliLch one gave the maximum time that he could spare. To these gentlemen, therefore, the V.A.S.F.A. and soccer generally owe a very great debt. To Messrs. Tom Jack (Box Hill) Alec Branagh (Ulsterville) Arthur Scott (Brighton) Fred Lang (V.A.S.F.A. Council) Arthur Reynolds (Box Hill) Bill Sinclair (Brighton) Don Hambridge (Coburg) Jock Sin claire (Sandringham) Dennis Chambers (Referees' Assn.) Jack Davies (Sandringham) Joe Bambro (Prahran) Harry Ashworth (late Prahran) Harry Pritchard (Brighton) and members whose names I do not know and who went to sch061s from various clubs, whose assistance I asked, I offer on behalf of the V.A.S.F.A. my sincere thanks and express the hope that they will be available next, season. Many clubs also were quick to see the advantages to be gained by themselves by the provision of Juniors and next season many new Junior teams will be entering the competition.
J, Wd

1 .-.,

these clubs already have Juniors, the advantage of a steady source of juniors will be seen before many years have passed. It will be noticed that two of the clubs mentioned have teams in the Peninsula Association. This

Fairfield, Brighton, Frankston clubs,

Sandringham, Heidelberg, all were quickly off the

Williamstown, Mornington mark, and although two of


is a fine augury for the future of country soccer. Although as time passes and numbers increase, opposition frorn other codes may be encountered, yet


: (..
, ,

with wise provision of finance, careful handling and adequatf!! coaching, there is no reason why within a few years soccer amongst schoolboys should not be as popular in Victoria as it is in all other countries. Danger Ahead (Contd. from P,age 13) 'Soccer is on the up and up, but if that up.ward grade is to be maintained, firm but fair and just handling is essential. It will be a tragljdy if uncontrolled temperament returns the game to the doldrums where it stagnated before the migration policy gave it new life. It rests with the soccer associations' not only in Victoria, but in the whole of Australia, to harness this vital new force and cpnvert it into a handsome dividend.

i l j

r t
/ I , I


Page 18


October 4, 1952


""" ..

) '

SEASON 1952 1st Division

~ ~ ..


0: S

. Eo:

:;: ==


, ~s.;...; .
BrIghton J.U.S.T. Box . HIli .,.. ...,.

2-2 3-3 2-4


1-1 4-2 2-2
4-2 6-1 2-2 0-1 2-0 2-6 1-3' 2-3 1-9 0-3 1-8 3-1 0-0 0-3 ~-3
> ~





0: '"

~' '"


U p,



5-2 6-1 3-4 3-1


H'-4-0 A-I-): H 1-1

A H A H It A H A H A' H A H A H A 0-4 3-3 ~-4

3,3 3-3
2-2 2-2

1-36-0 3-1 1-1 2-6 1-2

4-1 4-0 LP 0-2

.i-. 1-03-1 4-1 1-1 2-1 1-1

4-3 5-1 5-0 9-1


00': 6-0 2-2 2-0
2-0 1-3 3-2 0-0


~ p ~

4-2 3-0 4-1

5-3 1-1 6-1 3-2

~'-2 1-0 3-3 8-1


Yallourn Prahran Park Rangers City..

Fo,otscray South

Yarra United


1-3 3-1 1-1 0-6 1-4 0-1 1-1 1-3 2-2 0-6 0-3 ~-4

1-4 6-2 2-5 2-1 3-4 1-2 2-2 1-7 O-~ o-~ 3-5 1-4
.c: '"

WO 0-4 4-3, 1-6 0-5 1-5 3-3 0-1 ~-3 3-1 1-6 1-1

3-2 0-4 3-2 1-3 1-0 1-3. ~-~ 1-1 1-1 1-3
~;:= 0

4-0 2-3 0-0 2-3 0-3 2-4 1-1 1-1 1-0 3-3

3-1 2-3 3-2 0-0 1-2 1-1 2-4 0-8 1-~ 0-3

3-1 0-1 4-2 3-0 1-1 2-1 0-0 1-~ 0-3 5-~
. :S

1-1 2-2 1-1 1-1 8-0 4-2 2-1 0-0 -' 1-0 1-1 ,
Q! ~
.. ","

3-1 1-1 3-3 1" 141

~-5 3-0 1-1 0-1 .' 4

1952 2nd Division

Moreland ~ ...,.


~ ~


~ .
_. 6-4 4-3 0-3 3-4 2-3 0-11 0-5 2-4 0-5 0-3 0-7 1-6 2-6 3-5




- 2...0 4:) 11-0 3-2 1-0 2-3 5-1 1-2 1-2 5-1 1-1 2-3 4-1 1-2 1-2 0-3



Melb. Hakoah Preston Int. Harvester City..

Sandringharn Sunshine F,N.D. 8th. Melb. City

.,.. United

George Cross

-H A H A H -1. H A H; A H A H A H A


0-10 0-12
0-8 3-7

3-4 4-6 1-1 4-3 1-4 0-2 1-10 2-1 2-10 1-5 0-6 0-1 0-3 1-3

- . 3-~ 1-1 4-3 3-0 3-2 0-1 4-3 3-5 0-1 1-2 1-1 1-0 2-1 0-3 1-6 1-4


- 3-~ 10-1 4-2 5-0 5-3 3-4 2-1 1-5 2-2 2-2 2-0 0-1 1-3 2-6


~ .

5-1 10-~ 3-0 5-0 2-1 1-0 1-5 '2-1 2-2 2-2 5-2 1-3 1-2 4-1 2-3 1-5

1-0 6-0 6-1 1-0 0-1 1-1 3-2 1-1 1-0 0-2 8-1 2-5 5-1 0-1 2-4 7-1

3-1 3-0 5-3 6-2 3-0 1-2 2-1 1-4 6-2 3-1 1-4 2-1 1-0 1-5

~ Q


1-3 8-0 4-1 9-0 4-1 6-1 3-0 2-1 1-0 0-2 5-1 3-2 1-1 4-% 6-0 2-5

3-6 2-4
0-9 1-4

2-1 0-1

1.2 1-3

1-4 1-2

1-0 0-3

3-0 0-3

1-3 1-0
5-2 0-6

1~-0 10-0 4-2 6-3 1-0 1-2 3-1 2-1 2-1 4-1 3-0 0-1 3-0 0-3 0-1 3-1

2-1 5-1

2-() 0-1

1-5 1-2

"Who's Who" (Contd. from Page S)

OUr Scottish defender reached Australia in June, 1950, and it is creditable to record that he signed for Moreland, then already doomed to relegation from, thf! 1st Division, and played in the last two League games, and then had the satisfaction of being in the wfnning Cup team. He has played for Moreland ever since. He represented the State against South Australia in 1951, and was a res~rve against the English team. He was one of the "Kangaroos" that toured New Zealand, and then came the honor of captaining Victoria in their victorious State Carnival. It is perhaps strange to nl;lte that in the same team was the Moreland captain, Eric Heath. Naturally enough he played for the Australjan Eleven that visited Western Australia recently, and now sports a new State blazer that he will take back to Scotland, for, my readers, as I mentioned in an earlier edition, Pat is returning soon to the land of his birth. H~ has this to say to the present-day juniors: "Keep your positions, make the ball do the work, and save your energy. Never ,question the referee's decision, and remember a game is never won or lost until the final whistle." 'c-

October. 4, 1952


Page 19

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"\i Page 20 SOCCER NEWS October 4, 1952


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Soccer Football


.1 -


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