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CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA Council Report December 3, 2013

To: From: Submitted by: Subject:

Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Jason Stilwell, City Administrator Sharon Friedrichsen, Public Services Director Consideration of a resolution accepting a grant award from the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District in the amount of $4,600 for new playground apparatus in Forest Hill Park; authorizing the City Administrator to execute the grant agreement and approving a budget adjustment request to appropriate the funds

Recommendation(s): Adopt the resolution. Executive Summary: On November 6, 2013, the City was informed that it was awarded a grant

from the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District for playground improvements at Forest Hill Park. This item is before Council to accept the grant; to authorize the City Administrator to execute the grant agreement; and to appropriate $4,600 for the expenditure of the equipment.
Analysis/Discussion: The City submitted a grant request to the District for $20,000 for five

projects and received an award of $4,600 to replacement two toddler play apparatus (project #1) and install a new play apparatus (project #2) . Acceptance of the grant requires appropriate recognition signage be place on site and project completion by November 30, 2104.
Fiscal Impact:

Grant fund s are received on a reimbursement basis so the City General Fund would be required to fund the cost of the playground equipment until the reimbursement is received. The cost of the playground equipment will be pa id from the Forest, Parks and Beach division of the Public Services Department. There may be some minor departmental costs incurred for materials during installation of the new apparatus.

Budgeted (yes/ no)

Funding Source( general fund, grant, state)


MPRPD grant


Previous Council Action/Decision History:

The City Council authorized submittal of a grant application to the MPRPD during the September 10, 2013 regular meeting.

MPRPD grant award letter MPRPD grant agreement Resolution Budget Adjustment request

Reviewed by:

City Administrator Asst. City Admin. Public Safety Dir City Engineer


City Attorney Dir of CPB Library Dir


Administrative Services Dir of Public Svcs Other



WHEREAS , the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District is awarding grants for parks, open space, and coastal preservation projects within its boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea applied for a grant to improve and enhance the children's playground area in Forest Hill Park; and WHEREAS, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District has awarded a grant to the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea in the amount of $4,600 for replacement of two toddler apparatus and installation of a new play apparatus; and WHEREAS, a budget adjustment request recognizing the grant revenue and increasing expenditures by the grant amount will enable work to proceed within the grant period. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA DOES: 1. Accept the grant of $4,600 from the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District for replacement of two toddler apparatus and installation of a new play apparatus in Forest Hill Park. 2. Authorize the City Administrator to enter a grant agreement between the City of Carmelby-the-Sea and the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District. 3. Approve budget adjustment request 2014-01 as provided as Exhibit A attached to this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THESEA this 3rd day ofDecember 2013, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES : ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS : COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS :





Jason Burnett, MAYOR ATTEST:

Daryl A. Betancur, CMC Deputy City Clerk



Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget Adjustment Requests

Adjust If 2014-01

Department Public Services Revenue

01-78045 01-38xxx

Account Description Materials and Supplies Grant Revenue

Amount Reason for Adjustment 4,600.00 Forest Hill Pa rk playground 4,600.00 MPRPD Grant

Current Budget 10,000 15,000

Proposed Adjusted Budget 14,600.00 19,600.00



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Content Approved by Admin Services _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Recommended by City Administrator _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Authorized by City Council


Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District

60 Garden Court, Suite 325 Monterey, California 93940-5341

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kelly Sorenson -Ward 1

[email protected] Marina, northern Ft. Ord

Christine Dresslar Moss -Ward 2

[email protected] Seaside, northern Sand Cily, southern Ft. Ord

Michael Adamson -Ward 3

[email protected] Monterey, southwest Seaside, southern Sand Cily, Del Rey Oaks

November 6, 2013 Mike Branson, City Forester City of Carmel-by-the-Sea PO Box CC Carmel, CA 93921
Re: MPRPD Parks, Open Space and Coastal Preservation Grant Award

Kathleen Lee - Ward 4

[email protected] Pacific Grove, New Monterey, northern Pebble Beach

John Dalessio -Ward 5

[email protected] Carmel, Carmel Valley, Big Sur, southern Pebble Beach


[email protected]

Dear Mike:

The Board of Directors of the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District is pleased to inform you that a total grant amount of $4,600 has been awarded to the City of Carmel for the project listed below:
Grant Award

Forest Hill Park Pia


Enclosed is a grant agreement (G201314-01) for you to have signed and return. We will then sign the agreement and send a fully executed copy to you for your records. Please pay special attention to the project deadline, November 30, 2014 and the recognition signage requirement. Congratulations on your successful grant application. We look forward to collaborating with you on funding for this beneficial community project.


Shuran J. Parker Human Resources Director

Attachments: 1) Grant Agreement 2) Grant Program Guidelines

Admin. Office (831) 372-3196 E-mail: [email protected] www.m Fax (831) 372-31 97


MPRPD Grant#:


GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONTEREY PENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT AND CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA FOR FY2013-14 PARKS, OPEN SPACE AND COASTAL PRESERVATION GRANT PROGRAM This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of this date: November 6, 2013, by and between the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District ("District"), a California Special District, and City of Carmel-by-the-Sea ("Grantee"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the District has made funding available from proceeds of the Parks, Open Space and Coastal Preservation Assessment District Fund; and WHEREAS, the Grantee has submitted an executed application to the District for said grant funds for FY2013-14 which application is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein ("Grantee Application"); and WHEREAS, the District has approved the Grantee Application and now desires to make a grant of funds to the Grantee, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, to carry out the project ("Project") as described in the Grantee Application; and WHEREAS, any environmental, administrative and legal clearances required to be obtained prior to the District's release of grant funds to the Grantee, have been obtained. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals, which are hereby fully incorporated into this Agreement, and the mutual covenants contained herein, the District and the Grantee agree as follows: 1. GRANT AMOUNT AND STATEMENT OF WORK

A. Scope of Project - The District has allocated grant funds to the Grantee in the maximum aggregate
amount of Four Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($4,600.00) to be used for the eligible costs associated with the project described as follows : 1. Forest Hill Park Playground Improvements: a. Item 1 on Project Narrative- Replacement Toddler Apparatus (or similar) b. Item 2 on Project Narrative- Bobble Rider Apparatus with Installation (or similar) B. Eligible costs include labor, materials, equipment and other related project costs that the District may deem appropriate for reimbursement. Costs for normal maintenance and operations. administrative overhead . staff time. insurance and other ongoing costs are not eligible. C. MPRPD Objectives - The Grantee certifies that the activities carried out with Grant funds provided by the District to the Grantee under this Agreement will meet one or more of the priority objectives as outlined in the District Grant Program Guidelines attached.
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MPRPD Grant#: G201314-0l

D. Performance Monitoring - The District will monitor the performance of the Grantee in light of the project description, schedule and goals as outlined in the Grantee Application or as may be otherwise agreed by the District and the Grantee. Substandard performance, as determined by the District at its sole discretion, will constitute non-compliance with this Agreement. If action to correct such substandard performance is not taken by the Grantee within a reasonable period of time, but no later than 60 days after being notified by the District, the District may suspend any pending disbursements of Grant funds or may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement in the manner provided herein. 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT The Grantee shall complete the Project as outlined in the Grantee Application on or before November 30, 2014, unless an extension of time is agreed to by the District Board of Directors and documented in writing by the District. An extension should be requested no later than 45 days prior to grant expiration. This agreement shall expire on the date the District remits the last reimbursement payment to the Grantee pursuant to this Agreement. Every effort shall be made by the Grantee to complete the Project within the identified time frame. If the Grantee does not complete the Project within the identified time frame, or extended time frame, as agreed to by the District, or Grant funds are no longer needed for the project awarded, the District will have no further obligation to disburse Grant funds to the Grantee under this Agreement and may reallocate the Grant funds not yet drawn to another eligible project. 3. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS The District shall reimburse the Grantee with grant funds for eligible Project costs. The District has no obligation to reimburse the Grantee for costs that are deemed to be beyond the scope of the Project as identified in the Grantee Application and/or this Agreement. In addition, the aggregate amount of the reimbursement paid to the Grantee shall not exceed the allocated Grant funds. The Grantee shall submit a "Request for Disbursement" to the District to request reimbursement for eligible Project costs. Each request for reimbursement shall include documentation to verify that the expenditure of funds is consistent with the Grantee Application, as approved by the District. Prior to approving a request for reimbursement, the District will verify that the Grantee has met all applicable District regulations and guidelines. The District shall not provide any payments or reimbursement in advance of actual expenditures by the Grantee nor for any expenditures unrelated to the Project. (For certain hardship situations, the MPRPD Board may approve a Grantee's written request for payment of grant funds in advance of expenditure by the Grantee). Receipts, canceled checks, paid invoices including an itemized statement of all costs are samples of appropriate methods of reimbursement documentation. Ten percent (10%) of grant funds will be withheld from each request for disbursement. The final ten percent withheld will only be disbursed to the Grantee upon the District receiving satisfactory evidence that signage recognizing the District for the grant award has been installed. Where a project site exists, recognition signage shall be placed in a visible manner at that site, Where no project site exists, the Grantee will coordinate with the District to ensure that appropriate recognition is in place acknowledging the grant award. The Grantee may request reimbursements on at least a quarterly basis after this agreement is approved and until the expiration date, or any amended expiration date, of this Agreement.
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MPRPD Grant#: 6201314-01

4. NOTICES Communication and correspondence related to this contract shall be directed to the following contract representatives: DISTRICT: Shuran Parker 60 Garden Court, Suite 325 Monterey, CA 93940 [email protected] 5. LABOR, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES The Grantee shall furnish or coordinate the provision of all labor, materials and services and bear all expenses necessary to complete the Project as outlined in the Grantee Application. Under this Agreement, the District's only financial obligation to the Grantee is to disburse the Grant funds as allocated by the District to the Grantee under this Agreement. 6. RECORDS AND REPORTS The Grantee shall, at a minimum, maintain the following records and reports to assist the District in complying with its record keeping requirements: A. Documentation of all Grant funds received from the District. B. Documentation of expenses as identified in the requests for reimbursement. C. Any such other related records as the District shall require or as are necessary to document eligible Grant funds expenditure. The Grantee shall maintain appropriate accounting records for the Grant funds provided by the District. District representatives shall have access to all books, documents, papers and records maintained by the Grantee in connection with the Project for the purpose of audit, review and evaluation, and shall retain such records for a minimum of five (5) years past the expiration date for this Agreement. 7. CHANGE IN USE OF FUNDS Changes in the use of Grant funds must be approved in advance by the District Board of Directors. If the Grantee desires a change in the use of the Grant funds following approval of this Agreement, a written request must be submitted to the District for review by the Board of Directors. No change in use of Grant funds will be permitted by the District without prior formal approval by the District. 8. NONDISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The Grantee shall comply with all State and Federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in the provision of services and the equal opportunity employment of personnel. GRANTEE: Mike Branson PO Box CC Carmel, CA 93921 [email protected]

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MPRPD Grant#: G201314-0l

9. SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT The District may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving said suspension or termination upon the Grantee with at least a ten (10) day prior written notice. 10. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT The Grantee agrees to defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless the District, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, or liability of any kind or nature which the District, its officers, employees, and agents may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Grantee's actions or negligent or wrongful acts or omissions in performing or failing to perform under the terms of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the sole negligence of the District. 11. ASSIGNMENT OF AGREEMENT The Grantee shall not assign this Agreement or any monies due hereunder without the prior written consent of the District. 12. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS Subject to the provisions of the "Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement", all terms, conditions, and provisions hereof shall inure to and shall bind each of the parties hereto, and each of their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 13. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Grantee warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Grantee and has the authority to bind the Grantee to the performance of its obligations hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first written above. MONTEREY PENINSULA REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT:

Rafael Payan, General Manager


Jason Stilwell, City Administrator

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