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Creating a Briefcase Drawing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start an AutoPLANT 3D application. The Open Project dialog displays. Click User Configurations.

Select a configuration from the list and then click OK. The application opens to create a drawing in briefcase mode.

Opening a Briefcase Drawing When a saved briefcase drawing is opened in briefcase mode it is opened without asking for a configuration. If the same drawing is taken to some other computer where that configuration does not exist on the same path it asks to link with a configuration (units must match). When a BC drawing is opened in BC mode all the data from xData goes to some temporary mdb in folder %LOCAL_ROOT%/dbwork. Once data is copied over there AutoPlant works normally. Changes are made in the temporary database and once the drawing is saved again all the data goes back to xData. Opening a Project Drawing in Briefcase Mode 1. 2. Start Plant Design for AutoCAD Select AutoPLANT 3D > Drawing Access mode. This is a toggle, which causes the Drawing Access Mode dialog to display when an AutoPLANT application starts. 3. 4. Open an AutoPLANT drawing that belongs to a project. Start an AutoPLANT application. The Drawing Access Mode dialog displays, indicating that the drawing was last saved in a project. 5. 6. Set the Configuration option. Click OK. The Open Configuration dialog displays. 7. 8. Select a configuration to associate with the drawing. Click OK. The drawing is converted to a briefcase mode drawing and is now longer associated with the project. Opening a Briefcase Drawing in Project Mode 1. 2. Start Plant Design for AutoCAD Select AutoPLANT 3D > Drawing Access mode. This is a toggle, which causes the Drawing Access Mode dialog to display when an AutoPLANT application starts. 3. 4. Open an AutoPLANT briefcase drawing. Start an AutoPLANT application. The Drawing Access Mode dialog displays, indicating that the drawing was last saved as a briefcase mode drawing. 5. 6. Set the Project option. Click OK. The Open Project dialog displays. 7. 8. Select a project to associate with the drawing. Click OK. The drawing now belongs to the selected project. Adding a Briefcase Drawing to a Project 1. 2. 3. Start the AutoPLANT Relationship Manager. Open the Project. Select Tools > Document Tools > Add to Project. Tip: Drag and drop the briefcase drawing file from Windows Explorer onto the Relationship Manager interface to import.

4. 5.

Select the briefcase mode drawing to add to the project. The drawing is imported into the project

Working with AutoPLANT 3D Configurations The installation program creates three sample AutoPLANT 3D application configurations. These are provided as examples only and should not be considered production samples. Sample imperial, metric, and mixed metric configurations are created in the path assigned to the CUSTOM_ROOT variable in the AT.INI file (by default, LOCAL_ROOT\Config). AT.INI resides in the LOCAL_ROOT\CFG folder. If CUSTOM_ROOT is not defined in AT.INI, then these configurations are created in the ..\Bentley Plant Configurations folder. Configurations appear as User Configurations when you start an AutoPLANT 3D application. They are created from the seed configurations installed in the NETWORK_ROOT\\Config folder. Configurations are only used when working with briefcase mode AutoPLANT 3D drawings. Upgrading Old Configurations This topic describes the procedure to convert old AutoPLANT Plant Design configurations to the V8i format. Custom configurations appear in the User Configurations folder. Custom configurations can be added to this folder to create projects or to use in briefcase drawings. The list of PDW configurations that display in the Configurations folder is propagated by reading your NETWORK_ROOT\CONFIG\CONFIGS.INI file. For example, the Imperial configuration is shown because the following group record for that configuration is defined in CONFIGS.INI. [Imperial] Desc=Imperial Loc=%Network_Root%\config\imperial Units=%Network_Root%\config\units State=Protected If you want your custom configurations to appear in this folder, you will need to copy the definition for the custom configurations from your CONFIGS.INI into the CONFIGS.INI file located in the following directory. %NETWORK_ROOT%\Bentley\Plant V8i\CONFIG\CONFIGS.INI

Creating Projects from Configurations 1. 2. 3. Upgrade the old configurations so that they appear in the User Configurations folder in the Project Administrator. Toggle the display of the User Configurations folder by selecting Edit > Preferences and then clicking on the General tab. Drag a configuration into an exiting Project Root Folder. The New Project Wizard dialog displays. 4. The 3D Modelling Units option is disabled on the Base Template and 3D Settings Dialog because the AutoPLANT 3D units are read from the copied configuration.

If you have existing AutoPLANT 3D drawings and want to import them into a project, please refer to the AutoPLANT Relationship Manager help.

Project Server Setup The following Databases are supported:

Oracle 10G Release 2. Version: and Oracle 11g Release 1. Version SQL Server 2005 (Standard and Enterprise) Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007

You must have a Project Server license in order to create project's with an Oracle or SQL Server project database. You may create MSDE or MS Access projects without this authorization.

Oracle Server Guidelines SQL Server Guidelines

New Project Wizard - Overview The Project Administrator provides a wizard driven interface to create new projects. The New Project Wizard will display a series of dialogs that walk you stepby-step through the process of creating a new project. The dialogs presented will depend on the method used to create the project. For example, if you are creating a new project from an existing one, then you will be required to specify if the data and documents from the source are copied into the new project. If you are creating a new empty project, you will not be prompted for this information, as there is no data and/or documents to copy. Project Templates The project database as well as the Bentley Process and Instrumentation (P&IW)application project standard template files used to create a new project are installed in your NETWORK_ROOT\Base directory. The Bentley AutoPLANT Plant Design (PDW) project configuration data files are installed in your NETWORK_ROOT\Config directory. These comprise the complete set of seed files used to create a project.

NETWORK_ROOT is the root installation directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\Bentley\Plant).

A list of dialogs that will appear for each method is given below:

New Project

The wizard dialogs will appear in the order shown below when you execute the New Project command when a Project Root folder is highlighted in the Project Administrator navigation tree. Click on a dialog below to display its help. Provider Type Dialog Base Template and 3D Settings Dialog Project Paths Details Dialog

Copy Project

The wizard dialogs will appear in the order shown below when you execute the New Project command when an existing Project folder is highlighted in the Project Administrator navigation tree. This will create a copy of the selected project under the same project root folder as the source project. If you want to create the copy under a different project root, drag the project to the new root to start the wizard. Click on a dialog below to display its help. Data and Documents Dialog Project Paths Details Dialog

New Project from Configuration

The wizard dialogs will appear in the order shown below when you drag a 3D configuration from the navigation tree's Configurations folder into an existing Project Root folder. This will create a new blank project and with the 3D modelling units defined from the selected configuration. Click on a dialog below to display its help. Provider Type Dialog Base Template and 3D Settings Dialog Project Paths Details Dialog Note: This option is primarily provided to enable AutoPLANT 3D v2.01 users to convert old configurations to the new Bentley Plant project database format. It also provides a mechanism for P&IW users to update their existing projects to support AutoPLANT 3D applications.

Integrating Project Administrator with PlantSpace Design Series Project Administrators using PlantSpace Design Series products will be able to use the Bentley Project Administrator to create and maintain PlantSpace Design Series projects as the default mode of operation. Project Administrator was enhanced for the XM Edition to accommodate the creation of PCF files during project creation. This feature is disabled by default for AutoPLANT users, but the following registry key is switched on using during the install of PlantSpace Design Series applications. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rebis\ProjectDB3] "sPSDS_PCF"="True" With the sPSDS_PCF feature enabled, Project Administrator will place a PCF file in the project root as each project is crea ted. This is accomplished by copying a template PCF file and adding the Project root and Project ID properties to the end of the file. The program assumes the template PCF file will be located and named as follows: %NETWORK_ROOT%\BASE\PROJECT\TEMPLATE.PCF A Base project for PlantSpace Design Series will be created during the PlantSpace Design Series Base Project install and placed in the Plant V8i directory structure. Once the PlantSpace Design Series Base project is set up, Bentley Project Administrator will provide a new PSDS base project to the user when a new project is created. This will be used as a template to create PlantSpace Design Series projects. Installing the PlantSpace Design Series Base Project will also add the DBLoader tool to the Project Administrator's Tools menu. The DBLoader has been enhanced to first look for a reference to a Bentley Plant Project in the PCF file. If this is present then the DBLoader connects to the project database. No further ODBC configuration is required. Sample Projects New Project Wizard - Provider Type The New Project - Provider Type dialog is used to assign the project's database provider type. It only displays if you are creating a new project by:

first selecting a project root folder in the navigation tree, or dragging a configuration from the Configurations folder into a project root folder.

The following database versions are supported in this release.

Microsoft Access 2003, 2007 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Standard, Express or Enterprise Edition) Microsoft SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 sp1 Enterprise Edition Oracle 10g Release 2. Version: Oracle 11g Release 1. Version: Oracle

Database Type

This selection is used to create the new project using the provided base database structures. Select the desired database type for your implementation from the Database Type list. Provider types that are not properly configured on your system will appear greyed out in the list.

Connection Properties Multi Project Mode

Lists the database connection properties for each provider type, including whether or not they are available. This option will only be available if you have selected an SQL Server or Oracle Database Type. It enables you to specify that the database used by this project may also be used by other projects. For example, if you create an Oracle project, you are required to specify the Oracle database connection information to create the project. If you create this project using multi-mode, you will be able to create subsequent projects that use this same Oracle database instance. Mixed mode projects are not allowed in the same database. i.e., if you create the first project in Central or Distributed mode, then

subsequent projects must be created in the same mode. PA will display a warning message if you attempt to create a project of a different type in the same database. You should note that there is a reasonably significant performance penalty to support multi project mode. Enabling this functionality will effectively add a new ProjID (project ID) column to every project table, which stores the project id for that database record. Every query on the project database must then include the ProjID in order to filter the query so that it only returns records related to that project. Oracle and SQL Server projects that were created using previous versions of Bentley Plant software were automatically configured to support multi project mode. For this reason, you are now given the option to not incur this penalty and avoid the multi project overhead by using the more pragmatic approach that a single physical database for each project provides. Once you create a project without multi project support, you cannot add this support at a later date. Selecting a SQL Server provider provides three options in this drop-down menu.

Project Schema Location

Access database Project Database

The Access provider type only supports the access database. Press Next > to continue.

New Project Wizard - Data and Documents The New Project - Data and Documents dialog shown below only displays if you are attempting to copy an existing project. Options may be greyed-out in this dialog depending on its application. A project may be copied in the Project Administrator using one of the following methods:

Selecting it in the Project Administrator navigation tree, then executing the New Project command, Selecting it in the Project Administrator navigation tree then executing the Edit > Copy/Paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) command, Dragging the selected project node into a project root folder. See the Copy ProjectWise Project procedure when copying ProjectWise enabled projects

A description of the options in this dialog is provided below:

Project Standards

These options define whether Bentley P&IW standards in the source project will be shared by the new project, or copied locally.

Copy to Share with Projects: Enable this radio button to allow the new project to share pre-defined project standards (e.g., standard Loops, Field Panels, Cards, etc.) with the source project. Copy to Local Project: Enable this radio button to copy the standards defined in the source project to the new project.

Note: Modifications to project standards affect all projects sharing the same project standards. If you intend to modify the data structure of a project, independent of other projects that use the shared project standards, it is recommended that you copy the standards locally. You can change whether or not local or shared standards are used by a project after it is created via the project's Database > Paths property page in the Project Administrator's navigation tree. Project Data/Documents These options define how the data and/or documents in the source projects are copied into the new project.

Copy Data: copies only the data in the source project to the target project. Copy Data and Documents: copies both the data and documents in the source project to the target project. None: doesn't copy either the data or documents from the source project.

New Project Wizard - Base Template and 3D Settings As mentioned in the New Project Wizard Overview, a new project is created using a set of database schema templates, P&IW standard templates, and PDW configuration templates. The New Project - Base Template and 3D Settings dialog enables you to specify the templates that will be used to create your project.

A description of the options in this dialog is provided below:

Base Schematic Project Template Units

Defines the schematic project template from which the new project will be built. The Standard Base Project selection will use the database schema and Bentley P&IW standards from the Base project to create your new project. This project was installed in your NETWORK_ROOT\Base directory. Defines the AutoPLANT PDW configuration template that will be used to create the project to support PDW applications. A configuration consists of a set of files that define the drawing/model defaults and settings for a specific unit. These include the PDW units, specs, borders, drawing templates, module, component options, etc. These configurations were installed in your NETWORK_ROOT\Config directory. Note: If you used the Project Administrator to drag and drop a configuration or existing project to create a new project, then this option will appear greyed-out. The 3D Units will automatically be determined from the source project or configuration.

Use Central Project Mode

This setting only applies to the manner in which project data is managed by AutoPLANT PDW applications. Bentley P&IW applications will all function in central mode, storing all of their data in the central project database, therefore, this selection will have no effect on these applications. The Use Central Project Mode check box is not available for the Access database provider was selected on the wizard's Provider Type dialog. Otherwise, this selection will be disabled and the Distributed project mode will automatically be implemented. A brief description of the Bentley AutoPLANT PDW project modes is provided below.

Central Mode: This is a full project mode, where all data is stored in the project. Distributed Mode: This mode handles data in a manner that is most similar to that used in previous AutoPLANT PDW versions (v2.01 and before). Component data is still stored in the familiar PIPING, NOZZLE, and EQUIPMENT tables. Exceptions to this include: Line Number, Service, Unit, Area, etc. data, which is now stored in the project relationship tables.

Enable this check box to create a Central Mode project, or leave it disabled to create a Distributed Mode project.

New Project Wizard - Project Paths The New Project - Paths dialog shown below enables you to view/modify the default project paths that will be defined for the new project. You can always modify these paths after the project is created via the project's Database > Paths property page in the Project Administrator application.

If this screen displays as the result of a copy project operation, you should take extra consideration in reviewing and/or modifying the paths for the documents that will be copied as part of this process.

To change a path, simply double-click the field to display the Browse for Folder dialog. This will enable you to navigate to and select each project path.

New Project Wizard - Details The New Project - Details dialog enables you to enter project details that describe the project.

The following table describes the fields in this dialog.

Project Name Project Number Project Description Client Name Client Number Client Location

Enter the project name in this field. This will be the name of the main project folder as it appears in the Project Administrator navigation tree. Enter the new project number in this field. Enter a brief description of this project. Enter the name of the client for which the new project is being created, in this field. Enter the number of the client for which the new project is being created, in this field. Enter the location of the client for which the new project is being created, in this field.

When you are finished assigning the project information, press Finish to create the project. A record for the project will be added to the project database, AT_PROJ.DBF, which resides in the project root folder. A folder for the new project will be appear in the Project Administrator navigation tree under the selected project root folder with the Project Name you specified above. Clicking the + button to the left of the project folder in the navigation tree expands the folder to display nodes that provide access to the following project property pages. Some of these properties may only apply to P&IW or PDW applications as indicated below:

Project Configuration Group Database Configuration Group Datasheets Configuration Group (P&IW) ProjectWise Configuration Group (if ProjectWise is pre-installed) System Configuration Group (PDW) Model Configuration Group (PDW) Piping Configuration Group (PDW) Isometrics (and Auto-Iso) Configuration Group (PDW) Equipment Configuration Group (PDW) Isogen Configuration Group (PDW) Import-Export Configuration Group (PDW) Reports Configuration Group (PDW)

Refer to the help on each of these properties for more information.

Copy a ProjectWise Project using Project Administrator

The procedure to copy a ProjectWise project is the same as copying a standard Plant project with a couple of added steps when determining where the project is to be stored. The ensuing steps will guide you through the process of copying a ProjectWise enabled project using the Project Administrator. Begin by selecting the project in the Project Administrator navigation tree and use one of the following methods to copy:

Select the New Project command, Select Edit > Copy, click on the project root and select Edit > Paste, Drag the selected project node into a project root folder.

The New Project - Data and Documents dialog shown below only displays:

Click Here for more information on the fields in this dialog.

Select the Copy Data and Documents option and click Next to continue.

a ProjectWise Project - Step 2 The New Project - Paths dialog shown below enables you to view/modify the default project paths that will be defined for the new project. You can always modify these paths after the project is created via the project's Database > Paths property page in the Project Administrator application.

Because this screen displays as the result of a copy project operation, you should take extra consideration in reviewing and/or modifying the paths for the documents that will be copied as part of this process.

To change a path, simply double-click the field to display the Browse for Folder dialog. This will enable you to navigate to and select each project path. When finished click Next to continue.

Copy a ProjectWise Project - Step 3 The New Project - Details dialog enables you to enter project details that describe the project. By default, the original project name will display in the Project Name field.

Click Here for more information on the fields in this dialog.

Change the name of the Project add any additional details for the project. When you are finished assigning the project information, press Finish continue.

Copy a ProjectWise Project - Step 4 The following dialog displays prompting you to select the ProjectWise folder in which to store the project.

Create a New Folder for the project using the right-click menu.

Enter the new folder name and click OK to return to the Select Folder dialog above. Select the new folder from the Select Folder dialog and click OK to create the project. Copy a ProjectWise Project - Step 5 The Project Administrator will begin copying the project. The following dialog displays:

Click OK to continue. When prompted with the following message dialog, click Yes to complete the procedure.

Copy a ProjectWise Project - Step 6 The new project is copied in the Project Administrator as shown below:

Following is the project as displayed in ProjectWise Explorer:

Project Login and Selection When you execute a function or application that accesses a project, you will be required to Login. Once you have entered a proper login, an Open Project dialog will display to enable you to select the project that you want to open.

Click below for more information on these dialogs: Project Login Open Project

If you configure your project to use Bentley ProjectWise authentication instead of the Bentley Plant authentication, then the ProjectWise login dialog will display. Working with Bentley ProjectWise

Login to Project The following dialog displays when you attempt to execute applications or functions that require project permission for access.

Type your assigned User Name and Password, and then click OK.

The Password field "masks" your entry with asterisks for user protection.

The Save Password check-box may be set to encrypt and save your login information locally in the AT.INI control file. If this option is set, you will not be prompted with the dialog the next time you attempt to access this same project. The Show/Hide Details button toggles the display of the project information shown above. Project Supervisor/Administrator Note When you initially start the system, the administrator User Name/Password are set to Supervisor and Supervisor, respectively. Your first course of action should be to reset the password for the Supervisor, as this login has full administrative rights. This is accomplished via the Project Administrator application. Open Project AutoPLANT applications that require selecting a project or configuration (3D applications only) display the Open Project dialog.

The left panel lists the available project root folders. Clicking on a project root folder displays the projects in that root in the right panel. AutoPLANT 3D applications also support a standalone, or briefcase mode, which requires selection of a configuration. Clicking User Configurations displays these configurations in the right panel.

Add an existing project root folder to the list by clicking

A project root folder must contain the project list database, AT_PROJ.DBF, in order to display its projects.

The Project of Units Type option filters the project list based on units (e.g., Imperial, Metric, Mixed Metric, and/or All Units) for AutoPLANT 3D projects, Select a project from the list, and then press OK. Click Cancel to display a warning message that indicates that a project must be selected to continue. Press Yes to continue and select a project, or press No to shutdown the application. New Project Wizard

Project Packager Wizard The Project Packager Wizard enables you to package a complete project into a single ZIP file. By stepping through the Project Packager Wizard, a project and its associated databases are converted into a common structure that allows them to be un-packaged using the specified Database Provider Type as the resulting format. The Project Packager Wizard may be launched via the Bentley > Plant V8i> Project Tools > Project Packager Project Packager dialog will display as shown below. selection in your Windows Start menu. The

Note: You may also launch the "package-only" mode of this application from the Child Projects > Package Project selection in the Split/Merge Project application menu. If launched in this manner, you will automatically jump to the zip file package name and location step of the wizard.

To package a project, enable the Package Project radio button, then press Next. To un-package a project, enable the UnPackage Project radio button, then press Next.

Package Project Wizard - Step 1 When you select Package Project and press Next from the initial wizard dialog, the following dialog displays to enable you to select the project that you want to package.

Press Select Project to display the Open Project dialog shown below.

You will be prompted to Login to the selected project, then the selected project's information will display in the wizard's dialog as shown previously. Press Next to continue, or press Back to return to the main Project Packager Wizard screen. Press Cancel to close the Project Packager utility.

Package Project Wizard - Step 2 The second step in packaging a project is to select a location for the packaged project. Once you have selected a project and pressed Next, the dialog shown below displays.

Type the appropriate directory and file name (.ZIP extension only) in the Select location for package zip file field, or press the Browse button to display the Select Project Package Zip File dialog shown below. This dialog enables you to select a location and specify the file name for the packaged project.

Navigate to the desired location, then enter a name for the export package and then press Open. This value will propagate the location field in the wizard dialog. Press Next to display to continue, or press Back to return to the previous dialog. Press Cancel to close the Project Packager utility.

Package Project Wizard - Step 3 The final step in packaging a project is to confirm the start of the packaging process.

Press Next to start the packaging process. Press Back to return to the previous wizard dialog. Press Cancel to close the Project Packager utility. Note: This process may take several minutes, depending on the size and database type of the project being packaged.

Package Project Wizard - Step 4 When the packaging process is complete, the following dialog will display to acknowledge that the process has been completed successfully.

Press Finish to close the Project Packager utility.

Un-Package Project Wizard - Step 1 When you select UnPackage Project and press Next from the initial wizard dialog, the following dialog displays. This dialog enables you to select the ZIP file to un-package and to specify the "new" directory to which the file will be un-packaged.

Press the Browse

button next to the Select package zip file field, to display the dialog shown below.

Navigate to and select the desired zip file, then press Open to propagate the Select package zip file field in the wizard. You may now either manually enter the location to un-package the zip file, or press the Browse to display the Browse for Folder dialog shown below. button next to the Select location to unpackage project field

Navigate to and select the desired location, then press OK to propagate the Select location to unpackage project field in the wizard. Note: The Select location to unpackage project field value can not be a location where a project of a similar name exists. Press Next to continue, or press Back to return to the Package Wizard main dialog. Press Cancel to exit the dialog. Un-Package Project Wizard - Step 2 The final step in un-packaging a project is to confirm the start of the un-packaging process.

Press Next to start the un-packaging process. Press Back to return to the previous wizard dialog. Press Cancel to close the Project Packager utility. The Project Database type dialog will display as shown below to enable you to specify the Database Provider type for the new project.

Select the desired provider type from the dialog, then press OK to start the un-packaging process.

Note: This process may take several minutes, depending on the size and database type of the project being un-packaged. When the process is complete, a dialog will display indicating whether or not it was successful.

Un-Package Project Wizard - Step 3 When the un-packaging process is complete, the following dialog will display to acknowledge that the process has been completed successfully.

Press Finish to close the wizard.

What Is Split/Merge Project The Split/Merge Project utility enables you to split a project into smaller, more manageable child projects. Please note that the data/drawings are not removed from the parent or source project. Through the use of this utility, you can also merge the sub-projects back into the parent project to update it with changes made in the child projects. This utility also enables you to create a single project from multiple projects by merging the projects together.

Bentley Split/Merge Project may be launched via the Bentley > Plant V8i> Project Tools > Split or Merge Project Child Projects Menu Commands

selection in your Windows Start menu

The Child Projects Menu commands enable you to create a child project from the current parent project, view and update the differences between a parent project and child project, package a project, and remove a child project. Click on a menu command to display the Help Topic for that command. Create New Child Synchronize with Child Package Project Remove Child

Create New Child The Child Projects > Create New Child command enables you to create a new child project from the current project. This command executes the New Project Wizard. Since it passes information such as the local standards, project database provider, etc. from the parent, you will only be prompted with the new project details screen shown below. This screen prompts you to enter the project details (e.g., Project Name, Project Number, Project Description, etc.) to create the child project as shown below.

Press Finish when you are done to create the child project under the same project root folder as the parent project. The new project will appear in the list of Child Projects in Split/Merge's main dialog and the Child Project Synchronization dialog will display to enable you to compare and update data and documents in the parent and child projects.

Child Project Synchronization Dialog The Child Project Synchronization dialog shown below is automatically displayed when you create a child project. It may also be accessed by selecting Child Projects > Synchronize with Child from the menu, or by double-clicking on a child project name in the list shown in the main Split/Merge dialog. This option will only be available if you have created a child project. Document View and Tag View tabs are provided on this dialog. The primary difference in these two tabs is that the Parent and Child lists will either show the project's Documents, or Tags, depending on which tab you have selected. Otherwise, these tabs provide basically the same set of options.

The following sections describe the options and sections in this dialog. Project Document/Tag Lists When the dialog is first displayed, or a different tab on the dialog is selected, the function will automatically compare all documents or tags in the parent project versus those in the selected child project. The legend below the list of documents/tags for the parent and child project describes how items in these lists will be color-coded based on this comparison. For example, if a new document has been added to the parent or child project, this new document will be highlighted in red in the list on the Document View tab. If the Document View tab is active, you can also view all of the tags associated with the document by pressing the expand + node to the left of the document name in the list. This enables you to view changes to specific tags by document. Document/Tag records may be marked with a lock symbol to indicate whether or not the document is locked by the current child project or by another child project. A more detailed explanation of locking is presented later in this topic. Selecting a document/tag, then right-clicking on that record will display a context menu of options as shown below:

A description of each of these options is provided below: <- Update Parent Update Child -> Unlock Parent These functions are described later in this topic. This option is provided to enable you to manually remove the lock that was placed on the selected documents/tags. WARNING: If you manually remove this lock, you will no longer be able to update the parent from the child in which the lock was originally created. Delete from child Shared Tag/Document Deletes the selected document from the child project. NOTE: This option is not available for Microsoft Access projects. This option is only available for MSDE, SQL Server, or Oracle projects. WARNING: This option is provided to enable you to manually override a lock that exists on a parent project document or tag. Enabling the Shared property on a lock will enable the document/tag to be modified in the parent project. You should only make a lock shared if you consciously intend on making a changes in the locked parent, with the understanding that the child that locked this parent will no longer be in synch with these changes. This is a manual override and it is your responsibility to do a compare if you later update the parent from the child. It is your responsibility to manually not accept updates from the child that will overwrite changes to the parent that you allowed by setting the lock mode to shared. By default, the lock mode is set to NOT Shared. You can set the default value that will be assigned when you lock a document/tag through the Split/Merge main dialog's Lock Mode menu. Sort Expand All Collapse All Provides short-cuts to sort the documents by Id, Name, or Type. This option is only available from the Document View tab, and will expand all document nodes to show their associated tags. This option is only available from the Document View tab, and will collapse all expanded document nodes to show only the document nodes and not their associated tags.

Update Parent/Child The Update Parent button enables you to update a parent project with documents/tags from the child project, while the Update Child button enables you to update a child project with documents/tags from the parent project. You should notice that documents that exist in both the parent and child will appear on the same line within these lists. When you select a record in one project list, it automatically highlights its corresponding record in the other project list (if it exists in both). You can select multiple records by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you select the records. Select documents/tags from the list, then press the Update Parent or Update Child button. If the documents/tags exist in the target project, they are updated with the changes found in the source project. If the documents/tags do not exist in the target project, they are copied into the target.

If the tags found in the source document have other documents associated with them (i.e., Datasheets, loop sheets, etc.), you may be prompted with the Documents Not Selected dialog to enable you to also select these documents to complete the transfer.

Update and Lock The Update process described above may be further clarified by the selection you make in the drop-down menus to the right and left of the Update Parent and Update Child buttons, respectively. If the Update only option is selected for either update, the process will simply update the target project as described above. In this case, you are simply creating a copy of the selected documents/tags in the child project. You can do whatever you like with these objects in the child, but cannot update the parent project with any changes made in the child. If Update and Lock option is selected from the Update Child drop-down, then Update Child is pressed, in addition to updating the child as described above, the function will place a lock on the selected documents/tags in the parent project (as indicated by the lock symbol to the left of the selected documents/tags). This lock will prohibit the modification of these locked documents/tags in the parent project. You will only be able to modify these locked documents/tags in the child.

When you have completed the modifications in the child, you can either simply update the parent with these changes and retain the lock, or update the parent and remove the lock. To update and retain the lock, select Update only from the Update Parent drop-down, then press Update Parent. To update the parent and remove the lock, select Update and Unlock from the Update Parent drop-down, then press Update Parent. You can only update a parent if it was locked by the child form which you are trying to perform the update. It should be noted that the legend at the bottom of the list area of the dialog shows that a green lock symbol to the left of a document/tag indicates an object that was Locked by this Child Project, while a red lock symbol indicates an object that was Locked by other Child Project. Filter Options The following describes the options provided along the left side of the dialog to filter the display of records shown. Show only These radio buttons enable you to filter the tags displayed in the Document View Tab or Tag View Tab as follows:

Mismatched: display documents/tags that exist in both projects, but have been modified in either the child or the parent project. New: only display new documents/tags. All: display all documents/tags in both projects (default)

Filter for tags like Filter by Type

Press Apply to filter the list. This field enables you to filter the display of document/tag records by a specific pattern entered in this field. For example, if you only want to display document/tags that start with the string "1-F, simply enter1-F in this field, then press Apply. Enable this check box to display a drop-down list of filter options related to the active tab as described below.

Document View: provides a list of document types in the drop-down list to filter the documents displayed on this tab. For example, if you only want to display P&ID documents, enable the Filter by Type check-box, then select AT_PID from the dropdown pick-list and press Apply. Tag View: provides a list of tag types in the drop-down list to filter the documents displayed on this tab. For example, if you only want to display control valve tags, enable the Filter by Type check-box, then select AT_CVALVE from the drop-down picklist and press Apply.

Filter by Area

This option enables you to filter the display of document/tag records based on Area. Enable this check box to display a drop-down list of Area values defined in the parent and child projects. Select an area from the drop-down list, then press Apply to filter the display.

Documents Not Selected Dialog The Documents Not Selected dialog shown below may display when you are updating a project via the Child Project Synchronization function. This dialog lists documents/tags that are associated with the documents/tags that you selected when you executed the update, but were not selected originally as part of the update. This dialog gives you an opportunity to include these associated document/tags in the update. You can select the documents listed individually by enabling the check box in the last field to the right of each record, or press the Select All button to select all documents in the list. Press Unselect All if you do not want to include any of these documents in the update. After the desired documents have been selected/unselected, press OK to begin the update. Press Cancel to abort the update process at this point.

Package Child Project The Child Projects > Package Project command will execute the Project Packager wizard, which creates a single zip file of the selected project. Since the project that you want to package is passed to the wizard, you will not be prompted with the first few wizard dialogs. You will only be prompted to specify the location and name of the packaged zip file as shown below.

A packaged project may be un-packaged to any destination using the specified Database Provider Type as the resulting format using the Project Packager application. This application may be launched from the Project Administrator's Tools menu, or from the Bentley > Plant 2004 > Project Tools folder in your Windows Start menu. Select Location and Name for Packager Zip dialog enables you to specify the file name, and location for the selected child project ZIP file. Indicate the location of the zip file in the Look in field, then select the file type (.ZIP only) from the Files of type drop-down pick-list, then type the name of the file in the File name field, then press Open to create the child project ZIP file. Press Cancel to abort the ZIP process.

Remove Child The Child Projects > Remove Child command enables you to delete the selected child project from the list of children for the current parent project, and remove the links to the child project inside the parent project. A confirmation dialog will display as shown below. Press Yes to delete the current child project, or press No to exit the dialog without removing the child project.

Select Multiple Source Projects Dialog The Select Multiple Source Projects dialog enables you to select multiple projects to merge into one project. Once the appropriate projects have been added to the Projects List, and the Target Project has been specified, press OK to merge the projects. Press Cancel to exit the dialog without merging the projects.

The Split/Merge Project utility does not allow merging two projects with different Unit Types. To avoid being prompted to log in each time multiple projects are opened, enable the Save Password checkbox in the Login dialog.

A description of the options in this dialog is provided below.

Project ID Project Name Project Description Project Root Select Target Project Project List Update Schema From Update Config From Update Specs From Add Remove

This read-only field displays the Project ID of the target parent project. This read-only field displays the Project Description associated with the selected target project. This read-only field displays the Project Description associated with the selected target project. This read-only field displays the directory associated with the selected target project. Displays the Open Project dialog, which enables you to select an existing project that will be designated as the Target Project. Lists the projects that have been selected to merge into the Target Project. If you want to automatically update the target project with any data that is missing, but exists in the source project's SCHEMA, enable this check-box. If you want to automatically update the target project configuration with the source project configuration, enable this check-box. If you want to automatically update the target project specifications with the source project specifications, enable this check-box. Displays the Open Project dialog, which enables you to navigate to and select projects that you want to add to the merged projects list. Removes the selected project from the merged projects list.

If duplicate tag numbers exist in the source and target projects, the Duplicate tags detected dialog displays as shown below. Press Yes to resolve the duplicate tags and display the Resolve Duplicate Tags dialog. Press No to merge the projects with duplicate tag numbers. If you press No, a database integrity check must be run from the relevant application to remove duplicate tag numbers from the merged project.

Resolve Document Paths Dialog If document path errors occur when merging a project into a parent project, the Resolve Document Paths dialog displays as shown below. Press OK to move the document(s) displayed in the Original Location column to the path displayed in the New Location column. Press Cancel to exit the dialog without moving the document(s).

Press the Browse button within the New Location column to select an existing directory or create a new directory.

Resolve Duplicate Tags Dialog The Resolve Duplicate Tags dialog enables you to resolve duplicate tag numbers when merging multiple projects. To change a tag number, press the Browse button within the Tag No column (or double-click on teh appropriate tag number) to display the Edit Tag dialog. After the duplicate tag numbers have been resolved, press Close to continue the merge multiple projects process.

Lock Mode

The option in this menu enables you to toggle the default lock mode setting that will be applied to any lock on a tag or document via the Child Project Synchronization dialog.

By default, the lock mode is set to NOT Shared.

WARNING: In the Child Project Synchronization dialog, you can manually override a lock that exists on a parent project document or tag by setting its lock mode to Shared. Enabling the Shared property on a lock will enable the document/tag to be modified in the parent project. You should only make a lock shared if you consciously intend on making changes in the locked parent, with the understanding that the child that locked this parent will no longer be in synch with these changes. This is a manual override and it is your responsibility to do a compare if you later update the parent from the child. It is your responsibility to manually not accept updates from the child that will overwrite changes to the parent that you allowed by setting the lock mode to shared. Project Types Overview When you create a new project in the Project Administrator application, one of the New Project Wizard screens prompt you to select a project mode. Projects are created with the Project Administrator application. There are three AutoPLANT 3D project types: Distributed Mode Distributed Mode stores PDW model data in a manner similar to that used in AutoPLANT PDW v2.01. The PDW model and its associated database exist as separate files. However, the model is part of a project , where all project specific data (e.g., relationships, etc.) are stored in that project database (PROJDATA.MDB). This project type may be created using either MS Access, MSDE, SQL Server, or Oracle as the database provider. Central Mode Central Mode may only be configured if you selected MSDE, SQL Server, or Oracle database as the database provider type. Each PDW model created in this manner will be have all of its drawing and relational data stored in the project database. No individual drawing database will exist.

You must have a Project Server license in order to create project's with an Oracle or SQL Server project database. You may create MSDE or MS Access projects without this authorization.

Briefcase Mode This mode is only supported by Bentley AutoPLANT 3D applications. Bentley P&IW applications do not support this mode. Briefcase Mode in AutoPLANT 3D Changing a Project's Type What is the Project Type Conversion Wizard? The Project Type Conversion Wizard converts an existing Central mode project to a Distributed mode project or vice-versa.

This wizard will only work on Central and Distributed projects initially created using MSDE, SQL Server, or Oracle database types (i.e., you cannot convert a Distributed project that was initially created using the Access database type).

The Project Type Conversion Wizard may only be launched from the Project Administrator's Tools menu. Project Selection You will initially be prompted to select a project. This project will define the source of the documents to be converted to the new project format. Converting Documents to the New Project Format Once a project has been selected the project's document registry is scanned and a list of documents to be converted will be presented in a dialog. The wizard will determine the current mode of the project, either Central or Distributed by examining the value of the DBAccessType field in the Properties3D table of the PROJDATA.MDB database. If the value of the DBAccessType is currently set to 1 (Distributed), you will be asked if your intention is to convert this to a Central Type database; if the value is currently set to 2 (Central), you will be asked if your intention is to convert this to a Distributed type database. Once you confirm, the documents selected are acted upon depending on the target project type requested. Convert to Central If the target project is to become a Central project type, then each database associated with each document is accessed and used to populate the central database equivalent tables. i.e., the associated database that contains data in each of the tables identified in RebisTable with the State property set to 1 is extracted and used to directly populate the equivalent table in the central project databases. Once all table data has been successfully populated the external database is removed. This

process is repeated for the entire document selection. Once completed, the Project database Type ( DBAccessType) is set to 2 to indicate that this project is now a Central Type project. Convert to Distributed If the target is to become a distributed database, then for each document in the project an associated database is created with the tables defined in the RebisTable and identified with the State set to 1. The data is then extracted from the project and used to populate the individual databases. Once completely populated, the associated data in the project database tables is removed. This process is repeated for all document entries in the project. Once all documents have been processed, the Project database Type (DBAccessType) is set to 1 to indicate that this project is now a Distributed Type project. Project Type Conversion Wizard Start The Project Type Conversion Wizard is only used by Bentley AutoPLANT Plant Design (PDW) applications. This wizard is NOT used by Bentley P&IW applications, as the concept of project modes is not important in P&IW project. The Project Type Conversion Wizard may only be launched from the Project Administrator's Tools menu. The introduction dialog shown below will display.

Press Next to continue. Source Project Selection When you press Next from the initial wizard dialog, the Source project selection dialog appears as shown below. The first step in the conversion process is to select the source project.

Press the Select Project button to display the Open Project dialog. Select the project that you want to convert, then press OK. You will be prompted to Login to the project. The selected project's information will display in the wizard's Source project selection dialog. Press Next to continue. Document List The next step in the process is to review the selection set of documents that was compiled based on the project you selected in the previous step. If their are documents missing in your project, the Missing documents in project dialog displays, which enables you to remove these documents from the converted project. The Document list from source project dialog displays as shown below.

Press Back to return to the previous screen and select a different project, or Press Finish to convert the project and its documents to the new format indicated in the dialog. A ProjectConversion.log file is created in the project directory, which details the conversion process.

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