Synonyms For Quit: English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary Level # 1

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English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1

Synonyms for quit

Q1 The train to Rotterdam ....... at 6 pm sharp. (a) exits ( ) goes (c) departs (d) deserts Q2 !ave yo" heard that #rs $ndre%s ....... &rom the oard o& directors' (a) departed ( ) a andoned (c) deserted (d) resigned Q3 This exercise %as very di&&ic"lt and I &inally ........ (a) le&t ( ) resigned (c) departed (d) gave "p Q4 (nloyal sailors o&ten ....... their ship. (a) a andon ( ) give "p (c) desert (d) depart Q5 )o" have to ....... smo*ing eca"se it+s not good &or yo", (a) leave ( ) -"it (c) a andon (d) resign Q6 The teacher as*ed the noisy st"dents to ....... tal*ing. (a) give "p ( ) leave (c) -"it (d) a andon Q7 #y est &riend ....... me in a time o& need. (a) -"itted ( ) deserted (c) departed (d) resigned Q8 !e easily ....... his career. (a) le&t ( ) departed (c) a andoned (d) stopped Q9 .hy did /ason ....... his %i&e' (a) depart ( ) -"it (c) a andon (d) resign Q10 0"c*oos "s"ally ....... their nests. (a) resign ( ) desert (c) give "p (d) -"it 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1

Synonyms for adapt

Q1 0hildren "s"ally ....... -"ic*ly to all changes. (a) s"it ( ) &it (c) change (d) ad2"st Q2 I can+t ....... to this climate yet. (a) &it ( ) s"it (c) adapt (d) ad2"st Q3 I li*e this coat very m"ch eca"se it ....... my shoes3 they are the same colo"r. (a) &its ( ) matches (c) s"its (d) corresponds Q4 I don+t %ant to ....... my plans to yo"rs again, (a) accommodate ( ) change (c) &it (d) trans&orm Q5 /ane isn+t s"re i& she can ....... to the ne% sit"ation. (a) change ( ) &it (c) adapt (d) match Q6 This m"sic really ....... my mood. (a) &its ( ) s"its (c) matches (d) acclimati4es Q7 )o" %ill accept the idea only i& yo" ....... yo"r mind to it. (a) &it ( ) adapt (c) ad2"st (d) change Q8 These tro"sers are my si4e3 they per&ectly ....... me. (a) match ( ) s"it (c) &it (d) correspond Q9 0an yo" ....... the pieces o& the 2igsa%' (a) match ( ) &it (c) s"it (d) ad2"st Q10 This plan ....... me -"ite %ell. (a) matches ( ) accommodates (c) &its (d) s"its 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 5

Synonyms for change

Q1 This *ey loc* is ro*en and %e have to ....... it. (a) change ( ) exchange (c) shi&t (d) interchange Q2 )o" can+t %ear this dress3 it+s too ig and the tailor has to ....... it a it. (a) change ( ) shi&t (c) alter (d) trans&orm Q3 I don+t really li*e this dress3 let+s ....... it &or another one. (a) shi&t ( ) change (c) alter (d) vary Q4 .hy did yo" ....... yo"r mind' (a) alter ( ) modi&y (c) change (d) vary

Q5 !e doesn+t have a reg"lar 2o 3 he ....... &rom one 2o to another. (a) shi&ts ( ) trans&orms (c) changes (d) exchanges Q6 Exc"se me3 %here can I ....... dollars &or e"ro' (a) s%itch ( ) exchange (c) trans&orm (d) shi&t Q7 I thin* she %ill ....... her opinion a&ter yo" tal* to her. (a) shi&t ( ) modi&y (c) trans&orm (d) change Q8 6on+t ....... the lame on to yo"r rother, (a) change ( ) shi&t (c) trans&orm (d) exchange Q9 Electricity can e ....... into light. (a) changed ( ) altered (c) shi&ted (d) trans&ormed Q10 The t%o sisters are very close3 they ....... letters every %ee*. (a) alter ( ) shi&t (c) exchange (d) s%itch 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 7

Synonyms for mo e
Q1 #y mother %as ....... do%n the hall lost in tho"ght. (a) straying ( ) pacing (c) 2"mping (d) %andering Q2 !omeless people o&ten ....... a o"t the streets. (a) move ( ) stagger (c) %ander (d) limp Q3 Every day a&ter %or* 8rian and /oan ....... together ac* home. (a) move ( ) %al* (c) t"rn (d) pace Q4 #y mother %as very angry3 she co"ldn+t stop ....... "p and do%n the hall%ay. (a) straying ( ) limping (c) pacing (d) strolling Q5 6on+t &orget to ....... the dog today, (a) %al* ( ) pace (c) move (d) stray Q6 I thin* this p"ppy is lost eca"se it has ....... &rom its mother. (a) moved ( ) %andered (c) t"rned (d) strayed Q7 .hy is this man .......' Is he dr"n*' (a) %al*ing ( ) %andering (c) limping (d) staggering Q8 .hy are yo" .......' Is yo"r leg h"rt' (a) staggering ( ) %al*ing (c) pacing (d) limping Q9 The old %oman ....... in &ront o& the shop and &ell do%n. (a) staggered ( ) strayed (c) st"m led (d) limped Q10 8e care&"l3 please3 eca"se yo" can easily ....... in the dar* and lose the %ay. (a) stray ( ) %al* (c) %ander (d) stagger 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 9

Synonyms for !a"#

Q1 )o" loo* tired. :et+s ....... aro"nd &or a %hile, (a) pace ( ) stride (c) stray (d) %al* Q2 .ill yo" ....... home3 please' (a) %al* ( ) %ander (c) pace (d) stray Q3 The night is very hot and those %ho can+t sleep are ....... in the streets. (a) pacing ( ) strolling (c) straying (d) going Q4 Stop ....... "p and do%n li*e this, $re yo" nervo"s' (a) strolling ( ) pacing (c) striding (d) %andering Q5 The "s station is very close3 yo" can ....... to it. (a) stroll ( ) %ander (c) go (d) %al* Q6 The small lam %as lost eca"se it had ....... &rom its &loc*. (a) strayed ( ) %al*ed (c) paced (d) %andered Q7 .here is yo"r rother' 6on+t tell me he is ....... in the mo"ntain again. (a) striding ( ) pacing (c) 2"mping (d) %andering Q8 .hy are yo" ....... aro"nd me so nervo"sly' Is there anything yo" %ant to tell me' (a) pacing ( ) strolling (c) striding (d) limping Q9 .atch the signs i& yo" don+t %ant to ....... &rom the road and get lost. (a) %al* ( ) stray (c) %ander (d) pace

Q10 I& yo" are not so tired3 %e can ....... home instead o& ta*ing the "s, (a) %al* ( ) %ander (c) pace (d) stray 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 6

Synonyms for $eat and stri#e

Q1 )o"r heart ....... really &ast, (a) stri*es ( ) hits (c) eats (d) po"nds Q2 6on+t ....... all the matches &rom this match ox3 please, (a) hit ( ) stri*e (c) slap (d) eat Q3 ;ever ....... me in the &ace again, (a) stri*e ( ) eat (c) %hip (d) hit Q4 .hen she sa% him3 her heart egan to ........ (a) hit ( ) stri*e (c) po"nd (d) %hip Q5 0an yo" ....... the eggs &or me3 please' I+m trying to ma*e a 0hristmas ca*e. (a) stri*e ( ) slap (c) hit (d) %hip Q6 I &eel so sorry &or the poor horse, Stop ....... it3 please, (a) %hipping ( ) slapping (c) po"nding (d) stri*ing Q7 /ohn ....... his mother in the &ace &or the &irst time in his li&e. (a) slapped ( ) po"nded (c) %hipped (d) eat Q8 ....... %hile the iron is hot, (a) eat ( ) stri*e (c) crash (d) %hip Q9 I thin* I heard a dr"m ........ (a) hitting ( ) stri*ing (c) %hipping (d) eating Q10 The &ather %as &"rio"s and ....... the ta le. (a) slapped ( ) *noc*ed (c) po"nded (d) %hipped 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # <

Synonyms for "one"y and a"one

Q1 $nnette never leaves her &ive=year=old son ....... at home. (a) lonely ( ) alone (c) single (d) lonesome Q2 #other tries to hide it3 "t %e *no% that she is a ....... %oman. (a) single ( ) alone (c) lonely (d) solitary Q3 .e have no neigh o"rs eca"se o"r ho"se stands ....... on a hill. (a) alone ( ) lonely (c) lonesome (d) removed Q4 $&ter his %i&e+s death3 his evenings have een long and ........ (a) single ( ) alone (c) solitary (d) detached Q5 #arion doesn+t see anyone. She leads a ....... li&e. (a) lonely ( ) lonesome (c) single (d) alone Q6 >or a long time no% %e have een loo*ing &or a ....... ho"se to live in. (a) solitary ( ) single (c) detached (d) alone Q7 !e didn+t say a ....... %ord to de&end himsel&. (a) single ( ) lonely (c) solitary (d) alone Q8 6o yo" *no% i& she is married or .......' (a) alone ( ) lonely (c) single (d) solitary Q9 )o" can+t li&t this heavy s"itcase ........ (a) lonesome ( ) alone (c) single (d) lonely Q10 #r Redding didn+t li*e to e ....... at meals. (a) lonesome ( ) single (c) alone (d) solitary 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # ?

Synonyms for mista#e and error

Q1 It is a ....... to arg"e %ith yo"r &riends. (a) error ( ) &a"lt (c) mista*e (d) slip Q2 The ne% assistant made a ....... and as a res"lt all the acco"nts %ere messed "p. (a) slip ( ) &a"lt (c) mis"nderstanding (d) l"nder Q3 6on+t lame yo"rsel&3 it+s not yo"r .......,

(a) &a"lt ( ) error (c) slip (d) mis"nderstanding Q4 The engineer %as -"ic* to point o"t the technical ........ (a) &a"lts ( ) slips (c) errors (d) l"nders Q5 I can "nderstand yo"r Spanish in spite o& the grammar ....... yo" ma*e. (a) mista*es ( ) slips (c) de&ects (d) mis"nderstandings Q6 Sorry3 I didn+t mean to say this3 it %as a ....... o& the tong"e. (a) slip ( ) mista*e (c) &a"lt (d) error Q7 .hose ....... is this' )o"rs3 I+m a&raid. (a) l"nder ( ) slip (c) &a"lt (d) error Q8 )o"r composition is &"ll o& ........ (a) de&ects ( ) mista*es (c) &a"lts (d) slips Q9 )o" %ill ma*e a terri le ....... in introd"cing her to yo"r parents. (a) l"nder ( ) slip (c) error (d) de&ect Q10 The child ro*e the expensive vase "t it %as his mother+s ....... &or letting him play close to it. (a) error ( ) de&ect (c) &a"lt (d) l"nder 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # @

Synonyms for ro$$er and thief

Q1 The ....... attac*ed the o%ner o& the ho"se and disappeared %ith the expensive painting. (a) ro ers ( ) thieves (c) stealers (d) criminals Q2 T%o mas*ed ....... %ent o"t o& the lac* car3 r"shed into the an* pointing their g"ns and carried a%ay more than 9A AAA dollars. (a) thieves ( ) stealers (c) "rglars (d) ro ers Q3 #ichael %as attac*ed y ....... in the dar* street and they too* his %allet. (a) ro ers ( ) thieves (c) andits (d) "rglars Q4 $ ....... had ro*en the ac* door and stolen my golden nec*lace. (a) andit ( ) ro er (c) "rglar (d) criminal Q5 The ship %as attac*ed y ....... near a deserted island. (a) "rglars ( ) gangsters (c) pirates (d) thieves Q6 :oo*, The attic %indo% is ro*en3 the ....... has pro a ly come inside this %ay. (a) criminal ( ) "rglar (c) thie& (d) andit Q7 I thin* that %oman is a ........ I sa% her p"t a so"venir in her ag %itho"t paying it. (a) ro er ( ) "rglar (c) thie& (d) shopli&ter Q8 The ....... stopped the car3 pointed a g"n at the driver and too* all his money and doc"ments. (a) thieves ( ) andits (c) "rglars (d) pirates Q9 There is a ....... in this o&&ice. Small things &rom my des* disappear very o&ten. (a) criminal ( ) thie& (c) ro er (d) gangster Q10 $ ....... too* /"dith+s s"itcase %hile she %as sleeping in the train. (a) ro er ( ) andit (c) thie& (d) "rglar 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1A

Synonyms for trip and %ourney

Q1 The Smiths decided to go to Scotland &or a short ........ They have already oo*ed ret"rn "s tic*ets. (a) travel ( ) trip (c) voyage (d) move Q2 $n archeological ....... %as organi4ed to investigate the remains o& the ancient settlement3 %hich had recently een &o"nd near the capital. (a) trip ( ) sa&ari (c) expedition (d) to"r Q3 #y ....... to %or* ta*es a o"t &i&ty min"tes y car. (a) 2o"rney ( ) exc"rsion (c) to"r (d) move Q4 I& yo" are planning a holiday in $msterdam3 yo"+d etter go y plane eca"se other%ise it is a three day ....... y "s &rom 8"lgaria to !olland.

(a) 2o"rney ( ) go (c) pass (d) expedition Q5 Roger entered the B"inness oo* o& %orld records &ollo%ing his ....... across the Caci&ic having spent more than three months all alone in an open oat. (a) 2o"rney ( ) to"r (c) tra&&ic (d) voyage Q6 /"lia chose to spend her holiday in $&rica. !er pac*age to"r incl"des %al*ing in the 2"ngle3 sailing do%n the ;ile3 as %ell as going on a sightseeing ....... to o serve lions3 tigers and vario"s types o& %ildli&e. (a) sa&ari ( ) tra&&ic (c) trac* (d) voyage Q7 #y idea o& a per&ect honey moon is to go on a %orld ....... and visit many interesting places. $s yo" can see3 I have already mar*ed some o& those places on the map. (a) trip ( ) sa&ari (c) expedition (d) to"r Q8 8eing a yo"ng scientist3 /osh"a is really excited to e going on his &irst ....... to the ;orth Cole %here he %ill e doing do some research %or* on %alr"ses. (a) o"ting ( ) expedition (c) exc"rsion (d) trip Q9 This holiday company arranges lots o& ....... &or gro"ps o& people to go into the mo"ntains and picnic y the river. (a) to"rs ( ) paths (c) exc"rsions (d) tra&&ics Q10 Dne o& my da"ghter+s &avo"rite movies is +The ....... o& Sin ad the Sailor+3 %hich tells o& the exciting experiences o& Sin ad at sea. (a) Eoyages ( ) Trips (c) D"tings (d) Sa&aris 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 1

Synonyms for adapt

Q1 This oo* is very di&&ic"lt &or children aged ten and I+m a&raid yo" %ill have to ....... it. (a) ad2"st ( ) &it (c) adapt (d) alter Q2 This machinery needs to e ....... e&ore p"tting it into operation. (a) s"ited ( ) ad2"sted (c) accommodated (d) con&ormed Q3 St"dents "s"ally &ind it very easy to ....... to college li&e. (a) &it ( ) adapt (c) reconcile (d) s"it Q4 I %ill have to &ind a %ay to ....... mysel& to the ne% re-"irements. (a) match ( ) s"it (c) accommodate (d) change Q5 The pict"re on the television is not very clear and pro a ly something needs to e ........ (a) s"ited ( ) ad2"sted (c) adapted (d) &itted Q6 It+s een months since he moved to the ;orth "t he can+t ....... himsel& yet. (a) &it ( ) match (c) acclimati4e (d) harmoni4e Q7 This plan o& yo"rs really ....... me, (a) s"its ( ) matches (c) &its (d) s"&&ices Q8 .e are happy to in&orm yo" that yo" are the candidate %ho est ....... o"r -"ali&ications. (a) harmoni4es ( ) adapts (c) s"its (d) accommodates Q9 I admit it+s een a hard thing to do3 "t I &inally ....... my %ay o& thin*ing %ith yo"rs. (a) reconciled ( ) acclimati4ed (c) s"ited (d) matched Q10 I li*e those shoes so m"ch3 I %ish they ....... me. (a) harmoni4ed ( ) &itted (c) accommodated (d) corresponded 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 1

Synonyms for change and shift

Q1 I *no% that they have ....... their address "t I don+t have the ne% one. (a) altered ( ) changed (c) exchanged (d) modi&ied Q2 #arina had to ....... her opinion i& she %anted to please her parents. (a) trans&orm ( ) alter (c) modi&y (d) change Q3 I+ve lost a lot o& %eight &or the last co"ple o& months and most o& my clothes need to e ........

(a) altered ( ) modi&ied (c) shi&ted (d) exchanged Q4 This political change %ill completely ....... the str"ct"re o& the city administration. (a) shi&t ( ) trans&orm (c) modi&y (d) exchange Q5 I& yo" ....... yo"r voice3 she %ill not recogni4e yo" on the phone. (a) change ( ) modi&y (c) trans&orm (d) transmit Q6 I& these shoes don+t &it yo"3 %e can ....... them &or another pair. (a) shi&t ( ) trans&orm (c) exchange (d) alter Q7 Since she %as in a h"rry %e only managed to ....... a &e% %ords. (a) change ( ) exchange (c) transmit (d) shi&t Q8 I+m a&raid this letter so"nds rather r"de. 0an yo"3 please3 ....... it to ma*e it more polite, (a) "pdate ( ) change (c) modi&y (d) vary Q9 This %as the %orst experience in her li&e and no s"rprisingly it had ....... her completely. (a) varied ( ) trans&ormed (c) shi&ted (d) exchanged Q10 $&ter months o& practicing3 she &inally learned ho% to ....... clay into ea"ti&"l sc"lpt"res. (a) shi&t ( ) alter (c) trans&orm (d) modi&y 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 5

Synonyms for fit and adapt

Q1 The plot o& this oo* is very di&&ic"lt to "nderstand. 6o yo" thin* it can e ....... &or the stage' (a) adapted ( ) ad2"sted (c) &itted (d) agreed Q2 /oan moved to $"stralia more than a year ago "t she can+t ....... into that ne% %orld yet. (a) s"it ( ) &it (c) accept (d) harmoni4e Q3 #ary ....... her s*irt and le&t the room pro"dly. (a) &itted ( ) adapted (c) ad2"sted (d) s"ited Q4 She admired his a ility to ....... himsel& to ne% things. (a) &it ( ) adapt (c) s"it (d) agree Q5 The la%yer tried hard to ....... his statements to the &acts. (a) adapt ( ) s"it (c) accommodate (d) harmoni4e Q6 .e o"ght a ne% piano stool &or o"r son "t it t"rned o"t to e too high &or him and it needs to e ........ (a) &itted ( ) ad2"sted (c) adapted (d) accommodated Q7 .hy don+t %e meet in &ront o& the cinema tomorro% a&ternoon' .hat time %ill ....... yo"' (a) &it ( ) s"it (c) accommodate (d) con&orm Q8 The light s"ddenly %ent o"t and I co"ldn+t see anything "t little y little I ....... my eyes to the dar*ness. (a) adapted ( ) &itted (c) accommodated (d) matched Q9 The soldiers &o"nd it hard to ....... themselves to the hot dry climate. (a) &it ( ) adapt (c) agree (d) match Q10 I li*e the idea o& ecoming yo"r partner and %hich is more3 this "siness really ....... me. (a) ad2"sts ( ) li*es (c) s"its (d) con&orms 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 7

Synonyms for surrender

Q1 The yo"ng scientist ....... his career &or the sa*e o& his children %ho lost their mother in a car accident. (a) s"rrendered ( ) a andoned (c) le&t (d) &orsoo* Q2 The island %as so -"iet3 it loo*ed li*e all living creat"res had ....... it. (a) -"itted ( ) resigned (c) deserted (d) &orgotten Q3 $ntoinette co"ldn+t possi ly elieve that he ....... her at the party li*e that. (a) deserted ( ) -"itted (c) s"rrendered (d) resigned Q4 /osh"a %as preparing to ....... his %i&e %itho"t %arning her. (a) -"it ( ) give "p (c) leave (d) s"rrender Q5 This %ar %ill contin"e "nless %e ........ (a) leave ( ) desert (c) a andon (d) s"rrender Q6 )o" can+t 2"st ....... school li*e that. )o" aren+t old eno"gh to &ind a 2o and s"pport yo"rsel&. (a) -"it ( ) desert (c) resign (d) s"rrender

Q7 It %ill ecome very complicated i& #r 0onrad ....... his o&&ice eca"se there+s no one %ho can replace him on this position. (a) -"its ( ) resigns (c) s"rrenders (d) leaves Q8 >or once in yo"r li&e3 please3 "nderstand that yo" have to ....... drin*ing eca"se it+s *illing yo". (a) give "p ( ) resign (c) desert (d) leave Q9 $&ter her h"s and+s death #arion %as desperate and ....... all hope &or a etter &"t"re. (a) -"itted ( ) deserted (c) s"rrendered (d) resigned Q10 They %ent to co"rt only to ....... their claim. (a) -"it ( ) leave (c) a andon (d) resign 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 9

Synonyms for !a"# and go

Q1 Elephants ....... the %ild $&rican 2"ngle. (a) range ( ) stroll (c) stride (d) %al* Q2 The girls %ere ....... a o"t the village3 %asting their time. (a) striding ( ) pro%ling (c) sa"ntering (d) straying Q3 She had a &eeling that there %as a %ild animal ....... in the "shes. (a) %al*ing ( ) pro%ling (c) straying (d) ranging Q4 >ollo% the yello% line3 don+t ....... &rom it or yo" %ill get lost, (a) stray ( ) %al* (c) stride (d) %ander Q5 $ moment later I sa% her ....... into the room3 pro"d o& her s"ccess. (a) stride ( ) stal* (c) pro%l (d) %ander Q6 $ll day long the h"nters %ere ....... the mo"ntains. (a) striding ( ) %al*ing (c) straying (d) roaming Q7 It+s yo"r t"rn today to ....... the dog, (a) range ( ) stray (c) %al* (d) stride Q8 The oss ....... restlessly across the o&&ice. (a) ranged ( ) stal*ed (c) ram led (d) strolled Q9 $ltho"gh it %as dar*3 I thin* I sa% her. She %as ....... a o"t the large hall. (a) ram ling ( ) ranging (c) stal*ing (d) tottering Q10 The poor oy ....... the &ields all alone loo*ing &or some privacy. (a) stal*ed ( ) roamed (c) pro%led (d) strayed 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 6

Synonyms for !ander

Q1 $lan spent his childhood ....... seas and oceans %ith his &ather %ho %as a captain o& a ship. (a) ranging ( ) %andering (c) going (d) straying Q2 !"ngry lions have een ....... the desert &or a long time no%. (a) %al*ing ( ) straying (c) ranging (d) pacing Q3 8e care&"l %hen yo" go to the &orest eca"se there are %olves ....... all over &or a prey. (a) %al*ing ( ) going (c) striding (d) pro%ling Q4 The pirates ....... all over the Caci&ic in search o& rich victims. (a) pro%led ( ) ranged (c) %ent (d) strode Q5 )o"+d etter get ac* to %or* instead o& ....... nervo"sly "p and do%n the corridors. (a) pacing ( ) ranging (c) strolling (d) stal*ing Q6 $nn didn+t %ant to leave the ho"se as she %as a&raid that thieves %ere ....... in the dar*. (a) %al*ing ( ) strolling (c) pro%ling (d) ranging Q7 #y doctor advised me to ....... every day &or at least hal& an ho"r. (a) stride ( ) %al* (c) %ander (d) range Q8 It %as so &"nny to see her ....... over the lo% "shes. (a) striding ( ) %al*ing (c) pro%ling (d) pacing Q9 I+m a&raid there are no ca s and %e+ll have to ....... to the center. (a) stray ( ) %ander (c) %al* (d) stal*

Q10 $rth"r %as one o& the a%arded men and %hen they called his name he ....... pro"dly among the people in the a"dience to get to the stage. (a) pro%led ( ) paced (c) strode (d) stal*ed 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # <

Synonyms for $eat

Q1 )o" have no right to treat me this %ay and ....... me li*e an animal, (a) stri*e ( ) eat (c) span* (d) po"nd Q2 8rian came home very angry3 he started sho"ting at the *ids and ....... the ta le. (a) span*ing ( ) eating (c) po"nding (d) thrashing Q3 I hate her ha it o&....... the *ids &or no partic"lar reason. (a) *noc*ing ( ) po"nding (c) stri*ing (d) span*ing Q4 The soldier %as ....... in the arm y a "llet. (a) po"nded ( ) str"c* (c) eaten (d) *noc*ed Q5 I+ve hand against the door t%o times already. (a) eaten ( ) slapped (c) slammed (d) hit Q6 Bive me a hand3 please3 I need yo" to ....... those t%o eggs in a o%l. (a) eat ( ) stri*e (c) hit (d) *noc* Q7 $ltho"gh the icy %ind %as ....... their &ace3 they *ept on %al*ing. (a) hitting ( ) %hipping (c) stri*ing (d) slapping Q8 :ightning ....... his &avo"rite oa* tree %hich he "sed to clim as a child. (a) str"c* ( ) %hipped (c) eat (d) *noc*ed Q9 #y heart ....... at the tho"ght o& seeing my rother a&ter his three years+ a sence. (a) *noc*ed ( ) %hipped (c) po"nded (d) hit Q10 .e too* /ohn to the hospital eca"se th"gs ....... him %hile he %as %al*ing in the par* late last night. (a) thrashed ( ) hit (c) *noc*ed (d) ro*e 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # ?

Synonyms for so"itary and sing"e

Q1 I *no% ho% to en2oy my privacy and I never really &eel .......3 even %hen there is no ody aro"nd. (a) single ( ) alone (c) solitary (d) apart Q2 #arion %ent all ....... on this 2o"rney. $ll the others &rom the &amily decided to stay home. (a) solitary ( ) lonely (c) "naccompanied (d) alone Q3 $t the end o& s"ch a "sy day /ohn only %anted to ta*e a ....... %al*. !e didn+t %ant to see people aro"nd &or a %hile. (a) solitary ( ) lonely (c) single (d) lonesome Q4 It %as the cry o& the a y next door that made her &eel even more ....... and depressed. (a) single ( ) alone (c) lonesome (d) solitary Q5 $&ter his mother+s death Ceter "sed to spend long ....... ho"rs at the ar. (a) single ( ) solitary (c) alone (d) lonesome Q6 I &eel so ....... a&ter my sister got married and moved to live %ith her h"s and. (a) lonely ( ) single (c) apart (d) solitary Q7 :ately one can see a lot o& ....... children on a &light. (a) lonely ( ) lonesome (c) "naccompanied (d) single Q8 /ane *ne% that her h"s and had een having an a&&air &or -"ite a %hile "t she never said a ....... %ord a o"t it. (a) lonely ( ) single (c) alone (d) solitary Q9 !e can a&&ord the est apartment in the hotel "t he al%ays ta*es a ....... room. (a) lonesome ( ) "naccompanied (c) single (d) solitary Q10 >or the &irst time /ason thoro"ghly en2oyed his ....... dinner. (a) lonely ( ) solitary (c) lonesome (d) single

English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # @

Synonyms for mista#e and $"under

Q1 There m"st e some .......3 I thin* %e have come to the %rong ho"se. (a) error ( ) &a"lt (c) mista*e (d) slip Q2 The train crash %as d"e to a ....... o& the engine=driver and many people died eca"se o& his carelessness. (a) l"nder ( ) slip (c) mis"nderstanding (d) inacc"racy Q3 )o" sho"ldn+t %orry a o"t this3 it %as only a ....... o& the tong"e and no one really noticed. (a) mis"nderstanding ( ) slip (c) mista*e (d) l"nder Q4 I am telling yo" &rom my personal experience F don+t go there on holiday3 it %ill e a ......., (a) error ( ) mis"nderstanding (c) l"nder (d) mista*e Q5 $ll the in&ormation %as lost eca"se o& an ....... in the comp"ters. (a) incorrectness ( ) inacc"racy (c) error (d) inexactness Q6 !e paid a lot o& money &or the high -"ality machinery "t a lot o& technical ....... started to appear in the long r"n. (a) errors ( ) l"nders (c) slips (d) ga&&es Q7 It is the &irst time /ason has %ritten a love letter and no %onder he made a &e% ....... o& the pen o"t o& excitement. (a) l"nders ( ) slips (c) mista*es (d) errors Q8 /"lia married to an old rich man %hen she %as only eighteen eca"se all she %anted %as to e rich. )ears later she reali4ed it %as a ig ........ (a) error ( ) l"nder (c) inacc"racy (d) mista*e Q9 $t the eginning o& o"r marriage %e had some ....... "t little y little %e smoothed them a%ay. (a) mista*es ( ) &a"lts (c) mis"nderstandings (d) ga&&es Q10 .hat he did %as inappropriate to his social stat"s3 as a president o& the co"ntry he didn+t reali4e %hat a ....... he had made. (a) mista*e ( ) error (c) mis"nderstanding (d) ga&&e 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 1A

Synonyms for threat and danger

Q1 The operation o& the heart %as s"ccess&"l and the patient is no% o"t o& ........ (a) danger ( ) peril (c) crisis (d) threat Q2 This %as 8rian+s &irst voyage as a sailor and he %as not s"re i& he %as ready to &ace the ....... o& the ocean. (a) advent"res ( ) "ncertainties (c) perils (d) crisis Q3 Since yo" live in a region o& tornadoes and h"rricanes3 thin* a o"t ins"ring yo"r property &or all ........ (a) dangers ( ) ris*s (c) threats (d) "ncertainties Q4 Boing in the 2"ngle all alone at night seems li*e a real ....... to me. (a) harm ( ) threat (c) chance (d) advent"re Q5 The &oot all &an stopped thro%ing stones eca"se o& the policeman+s ....... to arrest him. (a) ris* ( ) danger (c) peril (d) threat Q6 I hope yo" reali4e that as a clim er yo" %ill e exposed to the ....... o& the severe mo"ntains. (a) perils ( ) advent"res (c) harms (d) in2"ries Q7 )o"r li&e is in constant ....... i& yo" al%ays drive as &ast as this. (a) crisis ( ) advent"re (c) danger (d) peril Q8 This military operation is a ....... to national sec"rity. (a) chance ( ) peril (c) harm (d) threat Q9 $ lot o& co"ntries &rom the third %orld live "nder the constant ....... o& &amine. (a) vent"re ( ) peril (c) threat (d) harm Q10 These are the "s"al ....... o& the desert F scorpions3 sna*es3 heat3 lac* o& %ater3 etc.

(a) ris*s ( ) harms (c) "ncertainties (d) crises 20032006

English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 11

Synonyms for profit and $enefit

Q1 I& yo" are interested in ma*ing a -"ic* .......3 yo" %on+t ma*e a lot o& money in a h"rry r"nning a 0hinese resta"rant in this to%n. (a) compensation ( ) payment (c) &avo"r (d) pro&it Q2 The many ....... in living in a ig city rather than in a village are that yo" have the chance to &ind an interesting 2o 3 more cinemas and more places %here yo" can have &"n. (a) advantages ( ) reasons (c) pro&its (d) e&&ects Q3 I saved "p all my pay to spend %hat I tho"ght %as a cheap t%o %ee* holiday in 8ra4il "t in the end I spent the e-"ivalent to three months+ ........ (a) &ees ( ) ene&its (c) earnings (d) capitals Q4 #y &amily recently o"ght a small china shop and %e hope &or some ....... &rom o"r investment. (a) pro&it ( ) advantage (c) compensation (d) help Q5 .hat is the ....... o& st"dying Dld English no%adays %hen no one spea*s it or "ses it. (a) help ( ) earning (c) point (d) a&&ect Q6 This shop sells 2eans at 9A dollars there y ma*ing a ....... o& a o"t 5A dollars as the o"tlay is only 1A dollars a pair. (a) advantage ( ) pro&it (c) acco"nt (d) capital Q7 The ....... o& these ne% school r"les is that they are a help to oth st"dents and teachers so that everyone *no%s exactly %hat their d"ties are. (a) gain ( ) earning (c) income (d) ene&it Q8 $ltho"gh this constr"ction company ma*es a good pro&it3 it has to pay o"t considera le s"ms in ....... to %or*ers %ho are in2"red. (a) ene&it ( ) compensation (c) payment (d) income Q9 The 8ro%ns don+t have any reason to complain a o"t the rising cost o& living eca"se oth h"s and and %i&e have s" stantial ........ (a) ene&its ( ) advantages (c) incomes (d) &ees Q10 Dne o& the great ....... to the st"dents %hen they go on a mo"ntain %al* is that they learn a lot a o"t %ild &lo%ers. (a) ene&its ( ) ret"rns (c) s"pports (d) pro&its 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Intermediate level # 11

Synonyms for tas# and duty

Q1 !i3 6ave. I+m calling to see i& yo" have any ....... &or the %ee*end. .e co"ld go o"t and have some &"n i& yo" li*e. (a) plans ( ) aims (c) targets (d) am itions Q2 !i3 #ario. I do act"ally have a home%or* ....... to do. The deadline+s #onday and I+m a&raid I+ll have to do it d"ring the %ee*end3 so I+ll e -"ite "sy. (a) %or* ( ) assignment (c) 2o (d) d"ty Q3 .hat+s the ....... o& yo"r home%or*' .hat+s the topic yo"+ve got to %rite a o"t' (a) o 2ect ( ) s" 2ect (c) s" 2ective (d) arg"ment Q4 .ell3 it+s &or my architect"re co"rse. I+ve got to %rite something a o"t the interior ....... o& l"x"ry hotels. )o"

*no%3 the %ay they loo* inside3 &"rnit"re3 colo"rs. (a) theme ( ) strategy (c) design (d) pattern Q5 6ave3 I can help yo" i& yo" %ant. I+m very good at dra%ing and I co"ld ma*e some ....... &or yo" to sho% %hat it loo*s inside3 2"st -"ic* dra%ings %itho"t too m"ch detail. (a) s*etches ( ) scratches (c) plans (d) paintings Q6 #ario3 that+s great. I %as thin*ing o& as*ing yo" "t I didn+t %ant to ta*e "p yo"r time. It+s not a partic"larly easy ....... having to do this sort o& home%or* and I+m not really *een on it3 either. (a) goal ( ) tas* (c) e&&ort (d) role Q7 Dh3 no3 on the contrary. I+d love to help yo". 6ra%ing is a ho y o& mine3 so3 don+t %orry. I+ll loo* on it as a pleas"re rather than a ........ (a) chore ( ) p"rpose (c) a&&air (d) action Q8 In that case3 %hy don+t yo" come home so that I can explain to yo" exactly the main ....... o& my home%or*. (a) intention ( ) p"rpose (c) end (d) o 2ect Q9 .e can %or* o"t a ....... a it at a time (a) plan ( ) design (c) &orm"la (d) method Q10 &or the ....... %e+ve got to complete. It+ll e easier and more &"n i& %e do it together and may e a&ter%ards %e co"ld go o"t and en2oy o"rselves. (a) programs ( ) assignments (c) sched"les (d) series 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 1

Synonyms for !a"#

Q1 #arian %as very exha"sted at the end o& the day so she ....... slo%ly along the each on her %ay ac* home. (a) paced ( ) stal*ed (c) %al*ed (d) strode Q2 .hen they %ere yo"nger3 they "sed to ....... in the par* %ith their *ids every %ee*end. (a) stagger ( ) stroll (c) meander (d) halt Q3 $s 8rian is having his s"mmer vacation he is ....... a o"t the village all day long. (a) striding ( ) staggering (c) %al*ing (d) sa"ntering Q4 The man %as very %orried a o"t his %i&e eing so late and he %as ....... nervo"sly "p and do%n the sittingroom. (a) striding ( ) pacing (c) %al*ing (d) sa"ntering Q5 $s it had no choice trying to escape &rom the v"lt"re3 the doe ....... -"ic*ly over the streamlet. (a) strode ( ) paced (c) strayed (d) meandered Q6 ;o%3 a&ter he had %on the coveted pri4e3 /ason ....... into the room smiling. (a) strode ( ) l"ndered (c) stal*ed (d) paced Q7 They spent their &irst day as a married co"ple ....... a o"t the streets o& Eenice as to"rists. (a) striding ( ) gadding (c) tottering (d) %andering Q8 !e soon retired and %ill &inally have eno"gh time to ....... over the co"ntry. (a) mosey ( ) roam (c) gad (d) stride Q9 It got very dar* in the &orest3 so they easily ....... &rom the path and got lost. (a) strayed ( ) moved (c) %al*ed (d) meandered Q10 !er &riends le&t her all alone in a strange to%n and she ....... a o"t "naccompanied all day long. (a) staggered ( ) stal*ed (c) strayed (d) gadded 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 1

Synonyms for a$andon

Q1 !e tho"ght he co"ld ma*e it "t a&ter considering the complicated sit"ation3 he ....... all hope. (a) deserted ( ) a andoned (c) -"itted (d) resigned Q2 8rian got so "pset and &or the &irst time in his li&e his presence o& mind ....... him. (a) le&t ( ) resigned (c) deserted (d) &orsoo*

Q3 Sometimes good &riends %ill ....... yo" 2"st %hen yo" need them. (a) -"it ( ) s"rrender (c) resign (d) &orsa*e Q4 I thin* yo" sho"ld ....... school and get a 2o . (a) a andon ( ) -"it (c) desert (d) leave Q5 $ltho"gh he %as very sic*3 he didn+t even try to ....... drin*ing. (a) desert ( ) give "p (c) leave (d) s"rrender Q6 The doctor told the patient that he sho"ld ....... smo*ing. (a) retreat ( ) -"it (c) s"rrender (d) depart Q7 6espite c"rrent pro lems3 they hadn+t ....... their commitment to the idea. (a) le&t ( ) given "p (c) departed (d) deserted Q8 The soldiers %ere exha"sted and they &inally ....... the city to the enemy. (a) gave "p ( ) deserted (c) s"rrendered (d) resigned Q9 /ospeph said he %o"ld accept the agreement only on the condition that the manager %o"ld ....... his o&&ice position. (a) cede ( ) a andon (c) resign (d) depart Q10 .hat time does the plane ....... exactly' (a) desert ( ) depart (c) a andon (d) retreat 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 5

Synonyms for e&change

Q1 I am very pleased to &ind o"t that yo" have ....... &or the etter. (a) altered ( ) changed (c) shi&ted (d) trans&ormed Q2 Till his last day /aco %as not s"re %hether he sho"ld ....... his %ill. (a) modi&y ( ) alter (c) shi&t (d) vary Q3 She %as planning this trip &or a long time "t the "nexpected death o& her &ather ....... her plans. (a) trans&ormed ( ) modi&ied (c) changed (d) altered Q4 This is my &avo"rite dress "t since I+ve lost a lot o& %eight it needs to e ....... e&ore I p"t it on. (a) altered ( ) changed (c) modi&ied (d) exchanged Q5 6on+t yo" ever try to ....... the lame on me again3 please, (a) move ( ) shi&t (c) exchange (d) s%itch Q6 The manager decided to ....... the terms o& o"r agreement. (a) m"tate ( ) modi&y (c) exchange (d) trans&orm Q7 /ohn &inds it hard to &ind a permanent 2o 3 he+s een ....... &rom one 2o to another &or as long as I can remem er. (a) changing ( ) deviating (c) shi&ting (d) varying Q8 #arriage completely ....... his character. (a) converted ( ) m"tated (c) trans&ormed (d) shi&ted Q9 The prime o 2ective o& this "siness meeting is to ....... ideas a o"t the latest pro2ect o& the company. (a) exchange ( ) shi&t (c) change (d) vary Q10 I& the %ind doesn+t ....... to the %est3 it %ill e impossi le &or the cyclists to ma*e it to the &inish. (a) change ( ) deviate (c) shi&t (d) move 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 7

Synonyms for stagger and !a"#

Q1 !e %as sad at the sight o& the old %oman ....... do%n to the store every morning. (a) ho ling ( ) pacing (c) striding (d) staggering Q2 #y head ....... at the tho"ght o& 2"mping o"t o& an airplane. (a) moves ( ) %eaves (c) reels (d) &alters Q3 The sailor came o"t o& the p" so dr"n* that he ....... all the %ay to the ship. (a) st"m led ( ) %al*ed (c) staggered (d) paced

Q4 $ll o& a s"dden the teacher &elt di44y3 he ....... &or a second and &ell do%n. (a) staggered ( ) tottered (c) st"m led (d) limped Q5 The &oot aller t%isted his an*le and ....... to the ench to ta*e a seat. (a) staggered ( ) strayed (c) l"rched (d) tottered Q6 The lights %ent o"t and /ane ....... a o"t the room loo*ing &or a candle to "rn. (a) l"rched ( ) l"ndered (c) st"m led (d) stal*ed Q7 The heavily loaded %agon ....... along the old co led road. (a) l"ndered ( ) l"m ered (c) staggered (d) l"rched Q8 The little oy ....... and almost &ell do%n %hile chasing the all3 "t he regained his alance again. (a) l"ndered ( ) staggered (c) st"m led (d) limped Q9 They %ere experiencing the &irst storm since the voyage started3 the %ind %as so &ast that the ship ....... and people &rom the dec* started &alling o"t o& it in the open sea. (a) careened ( ) staggered (c) &altered (d) reeled Q10 $ltho"gh this anti-"e cloc* hasn+t een %or*ing &or ages no% it loo*s to me that its ig hand is ....... &rom time to time. (a) reeling ( ) l"rching (c) vacillating (d) straying 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 9

Synonyms for $eat

Q1 /aco called the police and the emergency3 eca"se his neigh o"r ....... his %i&e lac* and l"e. (a) po"nded ( ) eat (c) hit (d) crashed Q2 #r .illo% is the eldest in the &amily "t no one ever listens to him. Every time he %ants to get attention3 he has to ....... the ta le a heavy lo%. (a) stri*e ( ) eat (c) slap (d) %hip Q3 $&ter trying hard &or a long time3 the soldier &inally managed to ....... the target. (a) slap ( ) %hip (c) hit (d) eat Q4 She heard his &eet ....... on the thic* carpet "pstairs. (a) po"nding ( ) hitting (c) slapping (d) crashing Q5 I& I see him3 I s%ear I %ill ....... him &or %hat he has done. (a) thrash ( ) crash (c) stri*e (d) %hip Q6 The &ast %ind %as ....... the %indo%=pane and that so"nd %as driving her cra4y. (a) hitting ( ) %hipping (c) po"nding (d) slapping Q7 #ary is a very calm and patient mother "t lately she o&ten ....... her na"ghty son. (a) crashes ( ) %hips (c) span*s (d) po"nds Q8 /oan heard the cloc* ....... midnight and reali4ed that she had &orgotten a o"t their appointment. (a) stri*e ( ) hit (c) eat (d) po"nd Q9 The na"ghty oy ....... the hedge to &righten the horses. (a) %hipped ( ) thrashed (c) slapped (d) eat Q10 The %oman %as standing on a roc*3 desperately loo*ing at the %aves ....... the shore. (a) hitting ( ) %hipping (c) slapping (d) eating 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 6

Synonyms for a"one and "onesome

Q1 $ll the other people at the party had gathered together in small gro"ps3 having the time o& their li&e3 and only she %as le&t standing ........ (a) single ( ) removed (c) lonely (d) alone Q2 $&ter the good ne%s o& my promotion I &elt li*e %al*ing in the par*3 "t not .......3 and my sister %as the only one I &elt li*e %al*ing %ith.

(a) alone ( ) solitary (c) lonesome (d) single Q3 /oan+s h"s and a andoned her "nexpectedly3 leaving her ....... and "ncertain a o"t the &"t"re. (a) single ( ) lonely (c) alone (d) "naccompanied Q4 She hates 0hristmas eca"se she &eels so sad and ....... despite all the people coming y to greet her. (a) single ( ) lonesome (c) apart (d) detached Q5 $s the path %as very narro% and dangero"s3 the g"ide told them they sho"ld %al* in ....... &ile. (a) alone ( ) solitary (c) single (d) detached Q6 !e %as %al*ing along the streets %hich %ere "s"ally so cro%ded3 "t that a&ternoon &or some reason they loo*ed ........ (a) lonely ( ) lonesome (c) desolate (d) detached Q7 #arion didn+t imagine she co"ld ever en2oy those ....... %al*s in the mo"ntain. (a) single ( ) solitary (c) lonesome (d) alone Q8 !er mind %as occ"pied y one ....... tho"ght and that %as to leave this &amily &orever. (a) lonely ( ) alone (c) single (d) detached Q9 >inally they &o"nd %hat they %ere loo*ing &or3 it %as the ho"se o& their dreams= t%o storeys3 a ea"ti&"l green garden and a ....... garage. (a) lonely ( ) detached (c) lonesome (d) alone Q10 The nights %ere the %orst part &or she %as ha"nted y ....... tho"ghts %hich %ere *illing her. (a) alone ( ) lonely (c) lonesome (d) single 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # <

Synonyms for danger

Q1 In %inter months there is al%ays a ....... o& catching cold. (a) danger ( ) peril (c) 2eopardy (d) ha4ard Q2 The $rctic ears are a le to s"rvive the ....... o& the li44ards. (a) 2eopardy ( ) perils (c) ha4ard (d) ris*s Q3 Since yo" have o"ght a rand ne% ho"se I thin* yo" sho"ld ins"re it &or all ........ (a) ha4ards ( ) ris*s (c) perils (d) crises Q4 There %as a ....... he %o"ld do the %rong thing eca"se he sa% the re%ard "t not the ris* o& crime. (a) peril ( ) 2eopardy (c) danger (d) ha4ard Q5 Cregnant %omen do not seem to reali4e that smo*ing and drin*ing expose their a ies to a serio"s health ........ (a) danger ( ) 2eopardy (c) ha4ard (d) crisis Q6 This old car has no ra*es F yo" drive it at yo"r ........ (a) danger ( ) chance (c) peril (d) ha4ard Q7 0hildren %ho are le&t "ns"pervised are at ....... o& dropping o"t o& school. (a) peril ( ) danger (c) ris* (d) chance Q8 !er inexperienced la%yer p"t the res"lt o& the case in ........ (a) ris* ( ) ha4ard (c) crisis (d) 2eopardy Q9 I& yo" %ant to s%im eyond that point yo" have to do it at yo"r o%n ....... eca"se no one %ill ta*e responsi ility &or %hatever happens to yo". (a) peril ( ) 2eopardy (c) ha4ard (d) ris* Q10 >iremen p"t their li&e in ....... in order to save people+s li&e. (a) ris* ( ) 2eopardy (c) crisis (d) chance 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # ?

Synonyms for error and fau"t

Q1 I haven+t done this and yo" are ma*ing a terri le ....... in s"specting me. (a) error ( ) mista*e (c) l"nder (d) ga&&e

Q2 Eli4a eth reali4ed that it had een a ....... to ta*e her da"ghter to the ho"se %here her &ather %as *illed some years e&ore. (a) mista*e ( ) slip (c) &a"lt (d) mis"nderstanding Q3 The accident %as d"e to the ....... o& the driver. (a) slip ( ) error (c) l"nder (d) lapse Q4 .itho"t her glasses she made a ....... and &illed in the %rong &orm. (a) error ( ) l"nder (c) lapse (d) &a"lt Q5 /ac-"eline is a good secretary "t lately she o&ten ma*es ....... in s"ch simple things as typing and "ploading in&ormation. (a) l"nders ( ) errors (c) &a"lts (d) mis"nderstandings Q6 #y literat"re teacher spea*s so -"ic*ly that he o&ten ma*es ....... o& the tong"e. (a) mista*es ( ) &a"lts (c) slips (d) l"nders Q7 6on+t even thin* o& shi&ting the lame on me3 please, It+s not my ....... &or %hat happened. (a) &a"lt ( ) error (c) ga&&e (d) mis"nderstanding Q8 I %o"ldn+t call this a ad mista*e3 it is simply a ....... o& the pen. (a) error ( ) l"nder (c) ga&&e (d) slip Q9 It is %ritten here that I have a sister "t there m"st e some ....... eca"se I am an only child. (a) error ( ) mis"nderstanding (c) &a"lt (d) slip Q10 !e %as in a comma &or more than t%o %ee*s a&ter the accident "t no% he has %o*en "p and the doctors say he has a ....... o& memory. !e can hardly remem er %hat had happened. (a) ga&&e ( ) lapse (c) slip (d) error 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # @

Synonyms for ro$$er and $urg"ar

Q1 $ll vehicles driving thro"gh this %ild god&orsa*en region have een attac*ed y ........ (a) trespassers ( ) ro ers (c) "rglars (d) andits Q2 I am a little a&raid to go on a honeymoon holiday in this mo"ntain eca"se the area is notorio"s &or the ....... %ho attac* and ro people. (a) ro ers ( ) andits (c) &elons (d) thieves Q3 I& I %ere yo" I %o"ldn+t "y this old ho"se eca"se it+s not sa&e against ........ $nyone co"ld easily rea* thro"gh these old %ooden doors. (a) andits ( ) &elons (c) "rglars (d) trespassers Q4 !o% co"ld yo" possi ly thin* o& moving to live in this neigh o"rhood, It+s &"ll o& ....... and too dangero"s &or the children to play o"tside. (a) andits ( ) ro ers (c) intr"ders (d) "rglars Q5 This deserted ship %as "sed y ....... many years ago. They stored here the goods they had ta*en illegally &rom one co"ntry to another. (a) sm"gglers ( ) criminals (c) andits (d) intr"ders Q6 Even no%adays ....... are still ranging the oceans and no one can &eel sa&e against them. (a) sm"gglers ( ) pirates (c) trespassers (d) thieves Q7 This is private property and %e are not s"pposed to go eyond this point eca"se they %ill prosec"te "s as ........ (a) andits ( ) trespassers (c) thieves (d) &elons Q8 This is a ne% store and there are cameras all over the place to %atch &or ........ (a) &elons ( ) intr"ders (c) shopli&ters (d) trespassers Q9 She is thin*ing o& loc*ing "p the edroom %indo% eca"se ....... have got into the ho"se thro"gh it a co"ple o& times so &ar.

(a) trespassers ( ) "rglars (c) ro ers (d) &elons Q10 The acco"ntant o& the an* t"rned o"t to e one o& the mas*ed ....... %ho r"shed armed into the "ilding and too* all the money &rom the sa&e. (a) thieves ( ) "rglars (c) ro ers (d) sm"gglers 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 1A

Synonyms for #i"" and murder

Q1 The &ire spread all over the anti-"e oo*shop and ....... all the val"a le oo*s and man"scripts in it. (a) *illed ( ) destroyed (c) li-"idated (d) removed Q2 The plag"e in the nineteenth cent"ry %as a terri le disease that ....... millions o& people. (a) *illed ( ) m"rdered (c) exec"ted (d) destroyed Q3 Since $lice retired her li&e has een deprived o& emotions F no "siness meetings3 trips or coc*tail=parties. The ro"tine o& her present li&e simply ........ (a) destroys ( ) *ills (c) demolishes (d) crashes Q4 In #iddle $ges andits and criminals %ere p" licly ....... y hanging. (a) *illed ( ) assassinated (c) exec"ted (d) slain Q5 The ma&ia people "s"ally *idnap rich men+s children &or money and a&ter that they ....... them. (a) assassinate ( ) exec"te (c) m"rder (d) destroy Q6 The president o& the co"ntry %as ....... eca"se no ody li*ed his hostile politics. (a) *illed ( ) r"ined (c) slain (d) assassinated Q7 The trial against the criminal %ho ....... the senator %as ad2o"rned eca"se o& lac* o& evidence. (a) m"rdered ( ) exec"ted (c) dispatched (d) assassinated Q8 Tho"sands o& co%s and other cattle %ere ....... eca"se o& the anthrax epidemic a &e% years ago. (a) sla"ghtered ( ) *illed (c) exec"ted (d) li-"idated Q9 $ lot o& Indian villages %ere ....... a&ter %hite men settled in the ne% continent. (a) exec"ted ( ) *illed (c) massacred (d) dispatched Q10 $ngela has een an in&ormer o& the ma&ia &or many years no%. She gets %ell paid &or this dirty 2o "t she *no%s that people li*e her do not live long. Dne day they the ma&ia itsel& %ill ....... her. (a) assassinate ( ) li-"idate (c) sla"ghter (d) exec"te 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 11

Synonyms for $usiness and emp"oyment

Q1 /osh"a and #ichael inherited a small company &rom their &ather. Their ....... is pac*ing meat and selling it %holesale. (a) employment ( ) appointment (c) cra&t (d) "siness Q2 #arylyn %as heart ro*en %hen she &o"nd o"t that her h"s and had een having an ....... %ith his secretary &or a long time. (a) occ"pation ( ) involvement (c) a&&air (d) engagement Q3 Ceter is a lac*smith y ....... "t presently he is "nemployed. (a) "siness ( ) career (c) occ"pation (d) art Q4 I noticed that yo" visit !olland very o&ten. 6o yo" go there on ....... or &or pleas"re' (a) %or* ( ) 2o (c) calling (d) "siness Q5 Stay o"t o& this pro lem and do not inter&ere3 please, It+s none o& yo"r ......., (a) 2o ( ) "siness (c) action (d) %or* Q6 .e are pro"d that all o"r st"dents grad"ated and &o"nd ....... in good companies and at good %ages. (a) employment ( ) commerce (c) calling (d) d"ty Q7 This orchestra is one o& the est in the co"ntry and they have many concert ....... each month.

(a) engagements ( ) d"ties (c) missions (d) a&&airs Q8 Samantha tr"ly elieves that it is her ....... to ecome a doctor. She &eels she %as orn &or it. (a) 2o ( ) calling (c) engagement (d) appointment Q9 $ltho"gh I don+t &eel it as my calling3 I have decided to choose my mother+s ....... and ecome a la%yer. I *no% this %ill ma*e her happy. (a) "siness ( ) pro&ession (c) trade (d) employment Q10 /"lia is a yo"ng la%yer and she has 2"st got her &irst promotion "t she is resolved to ma*e a disting"ished ....... in the legal pro&ession. (a) calling ( ) career (c) art (d) p"rs"it 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 11

Synonyms for see and !atch

Q1 The to"rists stood there ....... at the lovely scenery. Dne co"ld see the admiration in their eyes. (a) peering ( ) ga4ing (c) staring (d) seeing Q2 Some animals and irds &ind no di&&ic"lty moving at night as they have the a ility to ....... in the dar*. (a) %atch ( ) loo* (c) vie% (d) see Q3 $s Gathryn %as in a h"rry and so h"ngry she simply ....... at the men" and ordered a sand%ich and some salad. (a) noticed ( ) glanced (c) &lashed (d) sa% Q4 They decided to spend a romantic night sleeping on the each and ....... at the stars. (a) glimpsing ( ) noting (c) &oc"sing (d) ga4ing Q5 $s /eremy had never een in a city li*e ;e% )or* e&ore3 he 2"st stood in &ront o& the tall s*yscrapers %ith his mo"th open and ....... at them. (a) vie%ed ( ) gaped (c) peeped (d) concentrated Q6 .hen /"lia sa% her h"s and %ith another %oman3 she %as so shoc*ed that she co"ld do nothing "t ....... at him in dis elie&. (a) %atch ( ) peer (c) ga4e (d) stare Q7 This man %as their only hope and %hen he let them do%n they all ....... at him in alarm. (a) stared ( ) &ancied (c) o served (d) vie%ed Q8 8rian had a &eeling that the lac* >ord had een &ollo%ing him. !e ....... in the rearvie% mirror to see i& the car %as still ehind him. (a) remar*ed ( ) glanced (c) noticed (d) gaped Q9 The *ids %ere told o&& many times &or ....... thro"gh the *eyhole %hile their parents %ere having an arg"ment in the edroom. (a) s"rveying ( ) ro%sing (c) peeping (d) detecting Q10 !e ....... at his %i&e %hen she act"ally dared to oppose him. (a) peeped ( ) glared (c) perceived (d) glimpsed 20032006
English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / $dvanced level # 15

Synonyms for spea# and shout

Q1 I heard the teacher ....... o"t my name &rom the class register. (a) cry ( ) call (c) scream (d) prono"nce Q2 I don+t li*e o"r 0hemistry teacher eca"se he+s al%ays ....... at "s. (a) sho"ting ( ) roaring (c) tal*ing (d) voicing Q3 6id yo" hear some ody ....... &rom the *itchen' I thin* they %ant "s to come. (a) saying ( ) crying (c) calling (d) ya%ning Q4 )o" don+t have to ....... at me, I can hear yo"3 I+m not dea&,

(a) sh"t "p ( ) "tter (c) yell (d) %hisper Q5 .e had to ....... at each other at the party last night eca"se the m"sic %as so lo"d it %asn+t possi le to have a normal conversation. (a) spea* ( ) m"rm"r (c) sho"t (d) m"tter Q6 $ltho"gh 6avid entered the o&&ice -"ite happily3 he let o"t a ....... the moment he ca"ght sight o& the dead ody lying on the &loor. (a) cry ( ) ya%n (c) scream (d) call Q7 The &oot all &ans ....... %ith excitement immediately they sa% their &avo"rite players. (a) screamed ( ) %hispered (c) m"ttered (d) sighed Q8 There %ere times %hen 6orothy+s na"ghty little son drove her cra4y and that+s %hen she ....... at him. (a) screamed ( ) yelled (c) m"m led (d) called Q9 The children %ere ....... %ith la"ghter in the schoolyard at the sight o& one o& the teachers trying to catch the school g"inea pig. (a) shrin*ing ( ) shrie*ing (c) piercing (d) so ing Q10 The little girl ....... o"t in pain %hen the dentist p"lled o"t her tooth. (a) roared ( ) hollered (c) exclaimed (d) cried

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