Comparision of Dahi

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Comparative Test

Dahi Food For The Gods!

Dahi or Dadhi has been part of the collective subconscious of Indians since mythic times. It is part of temple rituals and its a food which is a favourite of the gods. Keeping the tradition alive in their daily lives, dahi is still a part of everyday victuals of most Indians almost a staple a food for all seasons and for all times and in a hundred variations. Sweet, sour, salty, set or liqueed, it is eaten, drunk, applied, offered to the gods- it is the favourite food of Indians.
The following information should be marked legibly on each container: a) Name of the material b) Type of the product c) Class of milk used the starter culture used, initial quality of milk and other ingredients added. Dahi obtained by lactic fermentation through the action of single or mixed strains of lactic acid bacteria or by lactic fermentation accompanied by alcoholic fermentation by yeast from milk. d) Sweetened or Unsweetened e) Net Content f) Permitted flavouring agent g) Batch of code number h) Any other requirements as laid under the standard of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977. i) Each container may also be marked with the ISI certification mark or similar certification mark j) Expiry date/use by date k) Misleading claim: Brand Mother Dairy of probiotic category claimed 98% fat free which could confuse consumers, hence we deducted its weightage and gave it 7 out of 10 points. Amul Masti did not provide any culture information thus it was given 9.5. All other brands had adequate information.

ahi (Curd) is a product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make dahi are known as "dahi cultures". Fermentation of lactose by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give dahi its texture and its characteristic tang. Probiotics are live micro-organisms thought to be beneficial to the host organism. According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: "Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host". Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifido bacteria are the most common types of microbes used as probiotics; but certain yeasts and bacilli may also be used. Probiotics are commonly consumed as part of fermented foods with specially added active live cultures, such as in dahi or as dietary supplements. The organized dairies in our country have started production of fermented milk products specially Dahi. Due to good digestibility, large sections of population in India consume fermented milk products specially dahi after converting it into a refreshing beverage. The quality of dahi depends on

Brands Tested
VOICE tested nine (9) regular/most selling brands of plain and probiotic dahi, where 7 brands were of plain dahi and 2 brands were of probiotic dahi. Name and the ranks based on the performance of the brands of the lab tested dahi brands are as follows: Brand Probiotic Dahi Mother Dairy b-Activ Nestle Actiplus Plain Dahi Nestle Verka Mother Dairy Vita Reliance Dairy Life Amul Masti Britannia Daily Fresh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 Rank

Acidity as lactic acid

Acidity is due to lactic acid produced by the action of bacteria on lactose in milk. As the acidity increases with the storage time, this parameter is also a means of checking storage conditions. As per the Indian Standards, acidity of dahi should be in the range of 0.6 to 0.8%.



Comparative Test
We found acidity of dahi in the range of 0.65 to 0.72 which is well within the required range, this shows that the storage condition was adequate for all the dahi brands we tested. Mother Dairy was given full score, getting 4 out of 4.

Milk Protein
Proteins are an extremely important class of naturally occurring compounds that are essential to all life processes. They perform a variety of functions in living organisms ranging from providing structure to reproduction. Milk proteins represent one of the greatest contributions of milk to human nutrition. Indian Standard has not prescribed any requirement for protein content in dahi. Brands Mother Dairy B-Active, Nestle Actiplus, Amul Masti did not meet their claim for protein content, they were found to be deficient, while they claimed a higher protein content. Probiotic dahi brands were found slightly lower in comparison to plain dahi in protein content. Brand Nestle plain dahi was found with the highest protein content (3.95%)

followed by Reliance (3.93%) & Vita (3.92%). Brand Nestle Acti Plus was found with lower protein content (3.79%) followed by Mother Dairy B-Active (3.83%). The scores were out of 5 points allotted for this parameter.

Whey as separated water

After the fat and casein have been removed from milk, one is left with whey, which contains the soluble milk salts, milk sugar and the remainder of the milk proteins. All the brands of dahi were found free from any separation.

Key Findings
All the tested brands contained the useful bacteria for packaged (regular as well as probiotic) Dahi. Brand Mother Dairy had the highest quantity of probiotic bacteria, in the Probiotic category (over trillion in count) and Nestle and Mother Dairy in the plain Dahi. All tested brands complied with the National Standards requirement for the laid down parameters. Most of the tested packaged Dahi taste proved to be close to home made curds. None of the brands had separated water, hence all had good texture. All brands were found with phosphorus and calcium as micro nutrients in certain quantities. All brands were safe from pathogenic bacteria and toxic metals. All brands had cholesterol in their dahi but Mother Dairy & Amul Masti plain dahi had more than 9 mg per 100gms. Brand Verka & Vita from Punjab & Haryana states cost only Rs. 22 per 400 gms against other brands costing between Rs.35 to 48.

Brand Nestle Plain dahi was found with a higher carbohydrate content (5.84%) followed by Mother Dairy B-Active (5.81%) and Mother dairy plain dahi (5.76%). Brand Vita was found with lower carbohydrate content

Total Milk Fat

The fat content of milk is the proportion of milk made up by butterfat. As per the Indian Standards, dahi should have the same minimum percentage of milk fat as the milk from which it is prepared. Where dahi or curd is sold or offered for sale without any indication of class of milk, the standards prescribed for dahi prepared from buffalo milk shall apply. All brands have met the minimum requirement for fat content, specified as 4.5 for standardized milk , 3.0 for toned milk and 1.5 for double toned milk. Brand Probiotic Dahi Mother Dairy B-Active Nestle Actiplus Plain Dahi Amul Masti Britannia Daily Fresh Reliance Dairy Life Mother Dairy Nestle Vita Verka 3.12 3.15 3.09 4.57 3.16 3.20 3.13 Toned Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk Standardized Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.58 1.54 Double Toned Milk Double Toned Milk 1.5 1.5 Result, % Milk used for making dahi as claimed Min. Requirement of FSSAI for Fat



Comparative Test
Solid Not Fat (SNF)
Milk has two inherent major ingredients, one is fat and the other is SNF. Remaining is water in higher percentage. SNF stands for Solid Not Fat i.e. apart from fat all other solids, like vitamins, minerals, protein & lactose put together make SNF. SNF is the most essential part of the milk. As per the Indian Standards, dahi should have the same minimum percentage of milk solid not fat as the milk from which it is prepared. Where dahi is sold or offered for sale without any indication of class of milk, the standards prescribed for dahi prepared from buffalo milk shall apply. Brand Probiotic Dahi Nestle Actiplus Mother Dairy B-Active Plain Dahi Britannia Daily Fresh Mother Dairy Verka Reliance Dairy Life Amul Masti Nestle Vita Result, % 11.44 10.87 11.68 11.03 10.71 10.57 10.46 10.16 9.89 Double Toned Milk Double Toned Milk Toned Milk Standardized Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk Toned Milk Milk used for making dahi as claimed Requirement of FSSAI for SNF 9.0 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 9.0 8.12 7.83 7.71 7.61 7.34 7.10 8.49 7.98 Score out of 9 (1.8%). Brand Amul Masti & Verka had highest saturated fat content (2.2%). Their scores were from 2 points.

Brand Amul Masti did not meet its claim for phosphorus content hence got lesser weightage. Brand Nestle Actiplus had a higher phosphorus content however brand Nestle plain dahi had a lower phosphorus content.

Brand Mother Dairy B-Active and Amul Masti did not meet its claim for calcium content hence got lesser weightage. Brand Britannia Daily Fresh had a higher calcium content however brand Mother Dairy B-Active had lower calcium content.

Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are metallic or chemical elements that have a relatively high density and are toxic or poisonous at high concentrations. We analyzed dahi for Lead & Arsenic. All the brands of dahi were found within the safe limit of heavy metal content.

All the brands of dahi met the minimum requirement for SNF content and were found with more than the minimum specified requirement, which is good news for consumers. Brand Britannia Daily Fresh- plain dahi had the highest percentage (11.68%) of SNF followed by Nestle Actiplus dahi (11.44%) and Mother Dairy Plain dahi (11.03%). (5.58%) followed by Nestle Actiplus (5.64%) and Amul Masti (5.68%). for cholesterol content and had cholesterol content beyond its claimed value. Brand Mother dairy was found with highest cholesterol content (9.34 mg/100g) followed by Amul Masti (9.02 mg/100g) and Mother Dairy B-Active. Brand Nestle Actiplus was found with the lowest cholesterol content followed by Reliance Dairy Life andVerka .

Microbiological Tests
Microbiological contamination is a very serious issue for milk products.Microorganisms are responsible for many food borne diseases. We conducted this test for Yeast & Mould & Coliform count. All the brands of dahi were found free from any microbial contamination hence got full weightage.

Cholesterol is a sterol (a combination of steroid and alcohol) a lipid formed in the cell membrane of all body tissue. Cholesterol plays a central role in many biochemical processes but is best known for its association with cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol, especially the bad one also increases the risk of nervous system problems, brain synapse connectivity, gall bladder stones and perhaps even cancer. It is expected to be as low as possible. Brand Amul Masti and Reliance Dairy Fresh did not meet their claim

Sensory Panel Tests

This is a very important parameter where subjective Panel tests were conducted based on the critical examination and opinion of panelists. Since most consumers are very critical about the selection of products from retial store, price also plays an important role to make a brand most / least acceptable. During this test,

Saturated Fat
Is expected to be less in dahi. BrandBritannia Daily Fresh did not meet its claim for saturated fat content which was found to be beyond the claim value. Brand Reliance Dairy Life was found with the lowest saturated fat content



Comparative Test
Useful (Probiotic) Bacteria
Useful or healthy bacteria are those microorganisms which give good health effects. We tested dahi brands of both probiotic and plain dahi category forLactobacillus acidophilus, S. thermophilus, Bifidobacterium and L. bulgaricus. We foundLactobacillus acidophilus, S. thermophilusin allplaindahi brands. Probiotic dahi brands claimed that they have more beneficial bacteria that is good for health, however we found in our study that plain dahi also had good bacteria in significant quantity. Bulgaricuswas absent from all brands. Lactobacillus acidophilus cfu/gm Probiotic Dahi Mother 24 10^7 Dairyb-Activ Nestle 20 10^7 Actiplus Plain Dahi Nestle 50 10^7 Mother Dairy 25 10^7 Verka 22 10^7 Vita 5 10^6 Amul Masti 36 10^4 Reliance 32 10^3 Dairy Life Britannia 30 10^3 Daily Fresh Brand S. thermophilus Not claimed-not detected Not claimed-not detected 95 10^5 125 10^5 17 10^4 35 10^4 15 10^3 10 10^2 12 10^2 5.4 10^7 Not claimedNot detected Not claimed Not claimed Not claimed Not claimed Not claimed Not claimed Not claimed 294000000 200000000 509500000 262500000 220170000 5350000 375000 33000 31200 9.0 8.5 10.0 8.75 8.6 6.0 4.0 2.1 2.0 Bido bacteria Total useful Score out bacteria of 10 plus (b-Activ) and Nestles probiotic, we found Bifido bacteria as additional bacteria in the brand Mother Dairy which was in 5.4 (10^ 7) counts. Both these brands were produced from doubled toned milk. Brands Britannia & Reliance Dairy Life had lesser quantity of useful bacteria as compared to brands Mother dairy & Nestle (regular dahi), that had the useful bacteria in more than billions. In terms of fat, all the brands conform to the requirement of Dahi prepared from double toned/toned & standard (standards as well as the one declared, based on which category of milk it is produced from), falling closer to the minimum specified requirement. In terms of SNF (solid not fat), brands Britannia,Nestle & Mother Dairy had the highest % of SNF. Brand Vita had slightly lesser SNF. The important test which was conducted, was to determine cholesterol levels, which is inherent, found due to its presence in fresh milk. It was lowest in the brands Nestle Acti Plus, Verka & Reliance Dairy Fresh. The highest was in the brands Mother Dairy (9.34%) Amul Masti (9.02%). There were also various other quality tests, namely protein, calcium, phosphorus, carbohydrates as well as safety tests that were conducted where all the brands met the specified requirements. In the overall test performance brand Nestle and Verka are the top performers in Plain Dahi.

Note:L. bulgaricus bacteria was found absent and was not claimed in any brand samples, chosen for testing. Probiotic Dahi:Mother DairyB-Activwas found to have more Probiotic bacteriathan NestleActiplus. Plain dahi: Brand Nestle plain dahi had the highest quantity of useful bacteria, followed by Mother dairy plain dahi and Verka. Brand Britannia Daily Fresh had the lowest content of useful bacteria followed by Reliance Dairy Life and Amul Masti. we determine the overall organoleptic (sensory) quality of the product in terms of consumptions. We conducted the sensory tests for Colour & Appearance, Flavour, Taste, Sweetness, after taste feel & Overall acceptability. These tests were conducted in the lab involving panel members and under the supervision of trained experts.

Conclusion of packaged Dahi

One of the major tests conducted on the packaged curd (Dahi) were the useful bacteria namely lactobacillus acidophilus etc. mainly used to make the Dahi. This bacteria was found in quantities varying from tens of thousands to millions/billions. In the ideal/normal case, it should be in billions (1x10^7). In probiotics additional friendly bacteria are added to produce the probiotic Dahi to give added advantage to consumers, desiring to consume this variant. In this variant of brands of Mother Dairy


Brand Mother Dairy B-Active was found most acceptable in organolaptic properties followed by Vita and Verka. Brand Britannia Daily Fresh was least acceptable in sensory tests.

Best Value for money Verka



Comparative Test
Difference between Cow and Buffalo Milk Description
Cows and buffaloes are both large domesticated cattle animals of the bovine subfamily, but differ in their tribe and genus. A good cow gives around 15 to 20 liters of milk, whereas a good buffalo gives anywhere between 7 to 11 liters milkper day.

Buffalo milk contains higher total solids thancow milk, which makes it thicker. Buffalo milk has 100% morefat content than cow's milk, which makes it creamier and thicker. Due to high peroxidase activity (family ofenzymes that are a catalystfor reactions), buffalo milk can be preserved naturally for a longer period. Buffalo milk contains more calcium, a better calcium tophosphorousratio and less sodium and potassium which makes it a betternutritional supplement for infants. Cows milk is extremely rich in iodine. It has good amounts ofmineralslike Calcium and Phosphorus.

Top consumers/producers
India followed by Pakistan is thetop producer of buffalo milk. China and Italy follow. India is the top producerand consumer of cow and buffalo milk. Western countries consume mostly cow's milk.

212mg per 100 g of fat) compared to cow milk (total cholesterol 330 mg and free cholesterol 280mg per 100 g of fat) Buffalos milk is good for healthy bones, dental health, cardiovascular health and weightgain. Cows milk is beneficial forhealthy bones, dental health, obesity reduction in children, protection from thyroid and protection of heart. w w w. d i ffe n . c o m / d i ffe re n c e / Buffalo_Milk_vs_Cow_Milk

Health benefits
Higher total solids in buffalo milk also provide for more calories than cow milk (100 calories are derived from 100g of buffalo milk while 70 calories from 100g ofcow milk). Buffalo milk contains less cholesterol (total cholesterol 275 mg and free cholesterol

Comparison chart
Buffalo Milk Uses: Produces thick and creamy dairy products suitable for the manufacture of traditional (indigenous) milk products like Khoa, Yogurt, Paneer (Cottage cheese), creamy desserts, Malai, Kul and Ghee India is top followed by Pakistan. Not consumed in western countries apart from Italy More cholesterol, more fat, more calories. 100% morefat contentthan cow's milk; preserved for longer Cow Milk Dairy products: curds, sweets, cheese but less thick and creamy

Top consumers/ producers: Health benets: Properties: Description:

Consumed all over the world, especially western countries Less cholesterol, less fat, lesser calories. Lower in fat than buffalo milk; preserved for less time.


White, non-transparent liquid from the mammary animal, the White, non-transparent liquid from the mammary buffalo. animal, the cow.





Probiotic Dahi Plain Dahi

Comparative Test

Mother Dairy b-Activ Nestle 400 42/42 3.70 7.34 3.25 2.26 1.81 1.76 1.93 6.74 4.64 3.0 10.0 6 3 20.14 2.7 10.0 88.3 3 20.84 2.7 10.0 86.7 6 8.6 2.85 3.0 8.75 6 3 19.22 2.7 10.0 85.7 4.08 4.20 6.67 6.49 1.81 1.81 1.92 6.82 4.48 2.93 6.0 6 3 21.57 2.7 10.0 84.9 1.84 1.84 1.82 1.62 1.71 1.71 2.32 2.12 2.25 2.32 2.0 1.85 1.83 6.38 4.03 3 2.1 6 3 20.27 3.0 10.0 80.3 2.76 2.76 2.67 2.95 7.83 8.12 7.10 7.71 3.80 4.0 3.90 3.90 3.50 7.61 3.09 2.20 1.62 1.90 1.89 6.44 3.82 2.93 4.0 6 3 19.46 2.7 9.5 79.7 22/22 35/35 22/22 40/40 32/32 400 400 400 400 400 Verka Mother Dairy Vita Amul Masti 400 36/36 3.80 7.98 2.68 2.22 1.81 1.94 1.79 6.74 3.92 2.93 9.0 6 3 21.60 2.7 7.0 85.1 82.9 10.0 2.7 16.63 3 6 8.5 2.86 3.70 6.44 1.82 1.95 1.90 2.92 2.26 8.49 3.70 48/48 400 400 40/40 3.70 9.0 2.44 2.28 1.90 1.87 2.0 6.72 4.18 2.93 2.0 6 3 17.06 2.7 10.0 77.8 Nestle Actiplus Reliance Dairy Life Britannia Daily Fresh




Net weight, gms

MRP/Retail Price, Rs.

Physico-Chemical Tests


Acidity as lactic acid

Solid not fat



Saturated fat



Total milk fat

Milk protein

Heavy metals as lead & arsenic

Microbiological tests

Useful bacteria as l.acidophilus , S.thermophilus ,bido bacteria (A)


Harmful Bacteria as

Yeast & mould , Coliform (B)

Net weight

Sensory Tests*





Overall Score (rounded off)


Rating: >90 Excellent *****, 71-90- Very Good ****, 51-70- Good ***, 31-50- Average **, upto 30 Poor *

* Sensory tests include Colour, Appearance, Flavour & Odour conducted with panel experts.

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