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VERBS STRUCTURE TENSES WITH AUXULIARY DO Present Simple Affirmative I work Negative They dont work Interrogative Do you work P st Simple !ed/ irregu"ar Didnt Did $ %e t! Dont Did $ad to/ didnt/ nee#nt (In the &ast) I worked he didnt work Did we work I have to work %ou dont have to Did you have to (3rd) +s/es: he works she doesnt work Does it work #

S!me "!# ls (In the &ast)

$e has to work she doesnt have to #

I dont need to work does/ nt Do I need to work I didnt need to work yesterday'

TENSES WITH AUXILIARY BE Present C!ntin&!&s I am working %ou arent working Is she working P st C!ntin&!&s (he was working They werent working )ere you working %ou are going to work )e arent working Is it going to work

Be '!in' t! (In the &ast: was/ were) P ssi%e Be ( P st P rti)iple

TENSES WITH AUXILIARY HAVE Present Per*e)t Simple %ou have worked I havent worked $ave you worked Present Per*e)t C!ntin&!&s + P st Per*e)t Simple + P st Per*e)t C!ntin&!&s %ou have *een working $e had worked I had *een working (3rd) has

TENSES WITH AUXILIARY WILL Simple +&t&re I wi"" work $e wont work )i"" you work


PRESENT SI"PLE , PRESENT CONTINUOUS -" Present Simple se usa: ! &ara /ue a"go o.urre de forma genera" o /ue &asa re&etidamente: It doesnt rain very mu.h in summer in (&ain' ! situa.iones &ermanentes: I "ive in 0adrid1 Ive "ived there a"" my "ife' ! .on 2a"ways: I a"ways go to s.hoo" on foot'

3resent (im&"e &ara e" futuro: ! &ara horarios1 &rograma.i4n1 et.' )hat time does the fi"m *egin ! &ara &"anes /ue ya est5n fi6ados (.omo &or un horario) )hat time do you finish work tomorrow -" Present C!ntin&!&s se usa: ! &ara a"go /ue o.urre en e" momento de" ha*"a ("a a..i4n no ha terminado): )e .ant go out' Its raining now' ! situa.iones tem&ora"es: Im "iving in 0adrid with some friends unti" I find a f"at' (&or una tem&orada) ! .on 2a"ways no signifi.a /ue a"go &asa siem&re1 si no /ue o.urre .on m5s fre.uen.ia de "a norma": Ive "ost my key again' Im a"ways "osing things' %oure a"ways wat.hing T7' 0ove on and study' 3resent 8ontinuous &ara e" futuro: ! &ara a"go &re&arado .on anti.i&a.i4n )hat are you doing on (aturday evening Im going to the theatre' 1. Put the verb in the correct form, present continuous or present simple. ,' $urry u&9 -very*ody ++++ (wait) for you' :' A: 2 ++++++ (you/"isten) to the radio ;: 2No1 you .an turn it off' 3' A: 2 ++++++ (you/"isten) to the radio every day ;: 2No1 6ust o..asiona""y' <' The river Ni"e +++++'' (f"ow) into the 0editerranean' =' >ook at the river' It +++++'' (f"ow) very fast today ? mu.h faster than usua"' @' The .ars *roken down again' That .ar is use"ess9 It +++++++'' A' Dont &ut the di.tionary away' I ++++'' it' (use) B' Dont &ut the di.tionary away' I ++++'' it' (need) C' )ho is that man )hat ++++' (want) ,D' )ho is that man )hy ++++'' at us ("ook) WILL- .OIN. TO , PRESENT CONTINUOUS Will se usa .uando se de.ide a"go en e" momento (e" ha*"ante no se ha*Ea de.idido antes)' A: 2Ann is in hos&ita"' ;: 2Fh1 rea""y I didnt know' I"" go and visit her' Be '!in' t! se usa .uando ya se ha de.idido de antemano' A: 2Ann is in hos&ita"' ;: 2%es1 I know' I2m going to visit her tomorrow' A no hay mu.h diferen.ia entre will y be going to' 3or e6em&"o1 &uedes I think the weather wi""/is going to *e ni.e "ater' (i usamos be going to + inf es &or/ue &ensamos /ue o.urrir5 ya /ue "a situa.i4n /ue hay en e" &resente asE "o ha.e &rever (dedu..i4n) >ook at those *"a.k ."ouds' Its going to rain' (a/uE no se &uede usar will)


-n otro ti&o de situa.iones es m5s seguro usar will: I think Ann wi"" "ike the &resent we *ought for her' (no hay indi.ios /ue indi/uen /ue "e gustar5) (in em*argo e" uso de" Present C!ntin&!&s si indi.a .erteGa &or/ue se trata de &"anes ya fi6ados: Tom will &ro*a*"y arrive at night' (no sa*es a /ue hora) Tom is arriving at night' Im meeting him at the *us!sto&' (sa*es /ue ""ega &or/ue has /uedado en re.oger"e)' 2. Complete the sentences using will or going to: ,' A: Ive got a heada.he' ;: 2$ave you )ait there and ++'' an as&irin for you' (get) :' A: Fh1 Ive 6ust rea"ised' I havent got any money' ;: 2$avent you )e""1 dont worry' ++' you some' ("end) 3' A: )here are you going Are you going sho&&ing ;: 2%es1 +++' something for dinner' (*uy) <' A: $as Heorge de.ided what to do when he "eaves s.hoo" ;: 2Fh1 yes' -verything is &"anned' ++++(have) a ho"iday for a few weeks and then ++++ a .om&uter &rogramming .ourse' (do) PAST SI"PLE , PAST CONTINUOUS -" P st Simple se usa &ara a..iones ya .om&"etas1 fina"iGadas: I wa"ked home after the &arty "ast night' -" P st C!ntin&!&s se uti"iGa .uando a"go aIn esta*a o.urriendo: I was wa"king home when I met Dave' A menudo se usan "os dos tiem&os 6untos &ara /ue a"go o.urri4 en mitad de otra a..i4n: I was wa"king a"ong the road when I saw Dave' (o I sto&&ed and we had a .hat' 8om&ara: )hen Jaren arrived1 we were having dinner' (ya esta*amos .enando .uando ""eg4) )hen Jaren arrived1 we had dinner' (&rimero ""eg41 des&uKs .enamos todos)'

3. Put the verbs in the correct form, past continuous or past simple' ,' I ++++' (see) (ue in town yesterday *ut she +++++' (not/see) me' (he ++++' ("ook) the other way' :' I +++' (.y."e) home yesterday when sudden"y a man ++++ (ste&) out into the road in front of me' I ++++'' (go) /uite fast *ut ""y I ++++ (manage) to sto& in time and +++++ (not/hit) him' 3' $ow fast ++++++ (drive) when the a..ident ++++++ (ha&&en) <' Lohn ++++'' (take) a &hotogra&h of me whi"e I ++++++ (not/"ook)' PRESENT PER+ECT , PAST SI"PLE -" Present Per*e)t es un tiem&o de &resente' (iem&re nos di.e a"go so*re 2ahora' Tom has "ost his key' (Tom no tiene su ""ave ahora) -" P st Simple nos ha*"a so"o de" &asado' (i a"guien di.e Tom lost his key1 no sa*emos si "a tiene o noM s4"o sa*emos /ue "a &erdi4 en a"gIn momento de" &asado' No uses e" Present Perfect si no hay .oneNi4n .on e" &resente (e'g' .osas /ue &asaron ha.e mu.ho tiem&o) The 8hinese invented &rinting' (no have invente ) Osa un tiem&o de &asado &ara &reguntar: !hen "# )hen did they arrive )hat time did you finish work !hat time "#



8uando ha*"es de un tiem&o ya terminado (e'g' yesterday/ ten minutes ago / in ,CB= / when I was a .hi"d)1 usa un tiem&o de &asado' I ate a "ot of sweets when I was a .hi"d' (no have eaten) 3ero &ara un &erEodo de tiem&o /ue .ontinIa desde e" &asado hasta e" &resente usa e" Present Perfect (e'g' today/ this week/ sin.e ,CB=) Ian "ives in >ondon' $e has "ived there for seven years' Ian "ived in (.ot"and for ten years' Now he "ives in >ondon' 4. Put the verb into the most suitable form, present perfect or past simple. ,' 2)heres Jen 2$e +++++ out' $e"" *e *a.k in a*out an hour' (go) :' I did Herman at s.hoo" *ut I ++++' most of it' (forget) 3' I meant to &hone Diane "ast night *ut I ++++++(forget) <' I ++++++' a heada.he ear"ier *ut I fee" fine now' (have) =' ;en ++++ (*reak) his "eg' Pea""y $ow +++ (that/ha&&en) $e +++ (fa"") off a "adder' PRESENT PER+ECT , PRESENT PER+ECT CONTINUOUS -" Present Perfect Continuous se usa &ara a.tividades /ue ya han terminado (re.ientemente) o a.a*an de terminar' $ay una .oneNi4n .on 2ahora /ue se dedu.e &or "as .ir.unstan.ias' 3'3' I $ave run 3 ki"ometres this morning' 3'3'8' A: 2%ou "ook tired and youre sweating' ;: 2Fh1 yes' Ive *een running' 8on e" Present Per*e)t C!ntin&!&s hay m5s interKs en "a a.tividad1 no im&orta si est5 terminada o no' Anns ."othes are .overed in &aint' (he has *een &ainting the .ei"ing' (e usa &ara &reguntar o .uanto tiem&o dura a"go $ow long "# (una a.tividad /ue aIn .ontinIa) $ow "ong have you *een reading this *ook (todavEa no "o ha terminado) 8on e" Present Per*e)t "o im&ortante es /ue "a a..i4n ha terminado1 interesa e" resu"tado de "a a..i4n no "a a.tividad en sE' The .ei"ing was white' Now it is *"ue' (he has &ainted the .ei"ing' (e usa &ara .u5nto o .u5ntas $ow much% many% many times "# (a..iones .om&"etas) $ow many &ages of that *ook have you read $ow mu.h sou& have you eaten Theyve &"ayed .ards three times this week' 5. &ill the blanks with the correct verb tense, present perfect simple or continuous' ,' >ook9 (ome*ody +++++ (*reak) that window' :' %ou "ook tired' ++++++''(work) hard 3' A: 2 ++++++' (you/ ever/ work) in a fa.tory ;: 2No1 never' <' A: 2Lane is away on ho"iday' ;: 2Fh1 is she )here ++++++' (go) =' 0y *rother is an a.tor' $e ++++++ (a&&ear) in severa" fi"ms' PAST PER+ECT SI"PLE , PAST PER+ECT CONTINUOUS -" P st Per*e)t Simple (had + &ast &arti.i&"e) norma"mente se usa &ara situar una a..i4n antes de otra /ue o.urri4 en un momento de" &asado1 asE /ue es .omIn /ue "o en.uentres en una ora.i4n 6unto a" Past 'imple. )hen (arah arrived at the &arty1 3au" wasnt there' $e had gone home'
3au" arrived ,D 3au" went ,, (arah arrived ,,:3D (yesterday)


-" Past Perfect Continuous indi.a una .oneNi4n .on e" &asado y de*e ha*er una dedu..i4n &or "as .ir.unstan.ias' %esterday it had *een raining' (I got u& and "ooked out of the window' The sun was shining *ut the ground was wet') 6. Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous, past perfect or past perfect continuous ' ,' Lohn and I went for a wa"k' I had a diffi.u"ty kee&ing u& with him *e.ause he ++++'' (wa"k) so fast' :' 0ary was sitting on the ground' (he was out of *reath' (he ++++++' (run)' 3' )hen I arrived1 every*ody was sitting round the ta*"e with their mouths fu""' They +++'' (eat)' <' )hen I arrived1 every*ody was sitting round the ta*"e and ta"king' They were drinking .offee' They ++++++' (eat) =' I was sad when I so"d my .ar' I ++++' (have) it for a very "ong time' ADVERBS AND EXPRESSIONS O+ +RE/UENCY (lways, usually, often, sometimes, har ly ever, never -stos adver*ios van en mi )position (&osi.i4n intermedia)1 en genera" van antes de" ver*o y des&ues de" su6eto1 &ero van des&ues de am, are, is, was, were *be+' Im near"y a"ways at home in the evenings' I har ly ever go out' *casi nunca+ I often go to the theatre' (he is often "ate' 8uando un ver*o tiene varias &artes (tiem&os de & o .ontinuo1 o ver*os .on auNi"iar o moda") "a &osi.i4n m5s .omIn es detr5s de" &rimer ver*o auNi"iar' )e have a"ways "ived in this house' This 6o* wi"" never *e finished' Ann doesnt usua""y smoke' A"gunos adver*ios &ueden ir en &osi.i4n ini.ia"' F.asiona""y I try to write &oems' (ometimes we have &arties in the garden' ,ften es un .aso es&e.ia" /ue &uede ir tanto en &osi.i4n intermedia .omo fina"' Do you often .ome here Do you .ome here often

TI"E CLAUSES -n "as ora.iones su*ordinadas adver*ia"es de tiem&o1 norma"mente en.uentras un tiem&o ver*a" diferente a" de "a &rini.i&a"' Des&ues de "as .on6un.iones when, as soon as, before y while si e" tiem&o en "a &rin.i&a" es futuro *will+ en "a su*ordinada usamos e" &resente sim&"e' I"" give him a &un.h when I see him' (no when -ll see him) I"" &hone you as soon as I arrive' -n e" &asado .on while1 "a &rin.i&a" va en &asado sim&"e y "a su*ordianda en &asado .ontinuo: (ome*ody shouted in the .inema whi"e we were wat.hing the fi"m'


-n e" &asado .on when1 "a su*ordinada va en &asado sim&"e y "a &rin.i&a" &uede ir en &asado .ontinuo o &asado &' )hen I .a""ed u&on him1 he was wat.hing T7' )hen I .a""ed u&on him1 he has gone out' +OR- SINCE- A.O- WHILE , DURIN. -stas &re&osi.iones y adver*ios son im&ortantes &rin.i&a"mente &ara "os tiem&os Perfect' &or y 'ince am*as se usan &ara .uanto tiem&o dura a"go: +!r se usa &ar un &erEodo de tiem&o (two hours1 siN weeks1 et.') Ive waiting for two hours' Sin)e &ara e" de un &erEodo de tiem&o (B o."o.k1 0onday1 ,CB=) Ive waiting sin.e B o."o.k' -n interrogativas .on !hen "# (+3ast (im&"e) &regunta &or e" asE /ue "a res&uesta re/uiere 3ast (im&"e + '!0 )hen did it start raining It started raining an hour ago/ at , o."o.k' (&uede /ue haya de6ado de ""over) -n interrogativas .on $ow long "# (+3res' 3erf') &regunta &or e" &erEodo de tiem&o y "a res&uesta ne.esita 3'3 + for1 sin.e $ow "ong has it *een raining Its *een raining for an hour/ sin.e , o."o.k' (sigue ""oviendo)' No de*es .onfundir for .on #&rin'1 aun/ue "as dos se a" es&aQo" &or 2 urante' Ror + &erEodo de tiem&o ! se usa &ara .u5nto dura a"go Ive s"e&t for ,D hours today' During + sustantivo (&re&') ! se usa &ara .u5ndo &asa a"go I fe"" as"ee& during the fi"m' Tam&o.o de*es .onfundir uring .on while1 1$ile (mientras) se usa seguido de una ora.i4n (( + 7) I fe"" as"ee& whi"e I was wat.hing the fi"m' 7. !rite . interrogatives from this affirmative sentence, one with $ow long an the other with !hen ' ,' Jate is "earning Ita"ian' Put in since, while, uring or for. :' Toms father has *een doing the same 6o* +++ :D years' 3' (arah has "ived in >ondon +++ ,CB=' <' +++' 8hristmas1 the weather has *een /uite good' =' 3"ease hurry u&9 )eve *een waiting +++'' an hour' @' Jevin has *een "ooking for a 6o* +++ he "eft s.hoo"' A' )e met a "ot of &eo&"e +++'' we were on ho"iday' B' )e met a "ot of &eo&"e +++ our ho"iday' 2UST- YET , ALREADY >os tres se usan .on tiem&os Perfect' 2&st (ha.e &o.o tiem&o) 2)ou"d you "ike something to eat 2No1 thanks' Ive 6ust had "un.h' (norma"mente se tradu.e &or 2a.a*ar de' 2No gra.ias1 a.a*o de .omer') Alre #3 (ya) se usa &ara /ue a"go ha o.urrido antes de "o /ue se es&era*a' 2)hat time is 0ark "eaving 2$e has a"ready gone'


Yet (hasta ahora1 todavEa) muestra /ue e" ha*"ante es&era /ue &ase a"go' (o"o se usa en interrogativas y negativas' $as it sto&&ed raining yet Ive written the "etter *ut I havent &osted it yet' 8. /ea the situations an write sentences with 0ust, alrea y or yet ' ,' %ou are eating in a restaurant' The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your &"ate away' %ou say: )ait a minute9 +++++++++' (not/ finish) :' %ou are going to a restaurant this evening' %ou &hone to reserve a ta*"e' >ater your friend says 2(ha"" I &hone to reserve a ta*"e %ou say: No1 ++++++++ it' (do) 3' Ann went to the *ank1 she returned and now she is at home' (ome*ody asks 2Is Ann sti"" at the *ank %ou say: No1 ++++++'' (.ome *a.k) CASOS ESPECIALES DE VERBOS STATE VERBS >os state verbs son a/ue""os 2est5ti.os1 no son ver*os de a..i4n &or "o /ue no admiten "a forma de .ontinuo 4in'' >os ver*os /ue norma"mente no se usan en tiem&o .ontinuo son: "ike "ove hate want mean seem know need &refer *e"ong (to) rea"ise (of) .onsist (of) .ontain su&&ose de&end (on) *e"ieve (in) understand remem*er (of)

3ero eNisten eN.e&.iones en este gru&o &ues a"gunos ver*os si se usan .on un signifi.ado 2se.undario: Think $ave (ee ;e (2.reer NF) (2tener en mente (I) (2&oseer NF) (2&asar (I) (2ver NF) (2en.ontrarse .on (I) (2ser NF) ( (I) )hat do you think it wi"" ha&&en )hat are you thinking a*out Ni.e ho"iday' )e have a "uNurious room in the hote"' Ni.e ho"iday' )ere having a good time' I see her everyday' Im seeing the manager tomorrow' $e is .hi"dish' $e is so inno.ent' )hats u& with him $e is *eing so .hi"dish'

9. (re the un erline verbs right or wrong# Correct the ones that are wrong. ,' Im seeing the do.tor on Rriday afternoon' :' Im fee"ing hungry' Is there anything to eat 3' Are you *e"ieving in Hod <' This sau.e is great' Its tasting rea""y good' =' Im thinking this is your key' Am I right

.ERUND -" gerundio es "a forma 1ing de" ver*o' (e uti"iGa des&ues de" ver*o be &ara "os tiem&os .ontinuos1 I have *een working in the garden1 thats why Im so dirty' detr5s de a"gunos ver*os .atenativosS1 siguiendo a &re&osi.iones I en6oy very mu.h' $ow a*out &"aying tennis tomorrow

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO % tam*ien en varias eN&resiones

B $e wont .hange1 its no use worrying a*out it'

S("os m5s .omunes son: a mit, cant stan , consi er, ont min , en0oy, finish, give up, like, stop, imagine, suggest')

VERBOS CATENATIVOS5 ( IN. O (TO IN+INITIVO >os ver*os .atenativos son es&e.ia"es en tanto /ue re/uieren ser seguidos &or otro ver*o en una forma en .on.reto1 to+infinitive o ?ing' A0 Ver6! ( %er6! en 4IN.5 en6oy suggest de"ay fan.y invo"ve finish avoid deny kee& (on) mind .onsider &ost&one risk sto& admit &ut off .arry on give u& miss imagine go on

Ian en6oys (no -an en0oys to ance) >a forma negativa se .onstruye .on NFT + !INH: )hen Im on ho"iday1 I en6oy not getting u& ear"y' 3ara a..iones ya terminadas usamos: $A7INH + 3A(T 3APTI8I3>(he admitted having sto"en the money' 3ero no es estri.tamente ne.esario usar esta forma1 &ues so"o 1ing es 2(he admitted stea"ing' In."uso a"gunos ver*os admiten e" uso de T$AT: (he denied that she had sto"en the money' Ftros ver*os siguen "a estru.tura: 7-P;F + (ome*ody + !INH I .ant imagine Heorge riding a motor*ike' B0 Ver6! ( TO ( Ver6! en IN+INITIVO offer &romise manage forget &retend de.ide agree threaten fai" ."aim ho&e &"an refuse seem deserve aim arrange a&&ear attem&t afford "earn tend

It was "ate so we de.ided to get a taNi' >a forma negativa es 7er*o + NFT + TF: I &romised not to *e "ate' 3resta aten.i4n a" "ugar de "a &artE.u"a negativa no es "o mismo: I has not de.ided + # todavEa no he de.idido' I has de.ided not to + # he de.idido no + Adem5s de" infinitivo 2norma" eNisten otras dos formas: e" 2.ontinuo (to *e doing) y e" 2& (to have done) I &retended to *e reading the news&a&er' %ou seem to have "ost weight'


Des&uKs de "os siguientes ver*os se &uede uti"iGar una &arti.u"a interrogativa: )$ + + TF ask eN&"ain de.ide "earn know understand remem*er wonder forget

)e asked how to get to the station' C0 Ver6! ( !67et! ( t!: want 2d &refer te"" invite ask 2d hate order ena*"e he"& eN&e.t remind &ersuade 2d "ike *eg warn tea.h 2d "ove mean (tener inten.i4n de) for.e get

8an you remind me to &hone Ann tomorrow They warned me not to tou.h the swit.h' (I was warned not to tou.h the swit.h')P (S) 2ake y 3et rigen "a estru.tura 7er*o + o*6eto + infintivo &ero sin to' >et me .arry your *ag for you' They made (a""y o&en her .ase' ((a""y was made to o&en her .ase')P Sen a.tiva va sin to &ero "a &asiva "o re/uiere' D0 Ver6!s )!n 4in' ! t!5 Remem6er INH ($i.e a"go /ue ahora re.uerdo) TF (Pe.uerdo /ue tengo /ue a"go) Re'ret INH (>o hi.e y ahora me arre&iento) TF ((iento tener /ue +) .! !n INH (8ontinuar ha.iendo "o mismo) TF ($ a"go nuevo) Tr3 INH (-N&erimentar a"go) TF (Intentar1 esforGarse en a"go) Nee# INH (A"go ne.esita ser he.ho) TF (-s ne.esario /ue haga) Help INH (Cant help # no &oder evitar a"go) TF (Ayudar) Im sure I "o.ked the door' I remem*er "o.king it' 3"ease remem*er to &ost the "etter' I regret saying what I said' I shou"dnt have .a""ed you that' I regret to te"" you that we .annot a..e&t your offer' The minister went on ta"king for two hours' After the e.onomy1 he went on to ta"k a*out foreign &o"i.y' If the ma.hine doesnt work' Try &ressing the green *utton' I was very tired' I tried to kee& my eyes o&en *ut I .ou"dnt' The *atteries in the radio need .hanging' I need to take more eNer.ise' (he tried to *e serious *ut she .ou"dnt he"& "aughing' 8an you he"& me to move the ta*"e wash

10. Complete each sentence with one of these verbs: make listen apply ,' 8ou"d you &"ease sto& +++++'' so mu.h noise :' I en6oy ++++' to musi.' 3' I .onsidered +++++ for the 6o* *ut in the end I de.ided against it' <' $ave you finished ++++ your hair yet



Complete each sentence with a suitable verb. =' There was a "ot of traffi. *ut we managed ++++++ to the air&ort in time' @' Li"" has de.ided not ++++++' a .ar' Complete the 4uestions, make an offer%suggestion' A' $ave you got enough money or do you want ++++++++++ ("end) B' (ha"" I "eave the window o&en or wou"d you ++++++++++' (."ose) C' Do you know how to use the ma.hine or wou"d +++++++++ (show) Put the verb into the correct form, )ing or to' ,D' I dont en6oy ++++++ very mu.h' (drive) ,,' $as it sto&&ed ++++' yet' (rain) ,:' I refuse ++++ any more /uestions' (answer) ,3' I *e"ieve that what I said was fair' I dont regret +++++ it' (say) ,<' (fter a riving test' I regret ++++'' that you have fai"ed the eNam' (say) ,=' (ue needed to *orrow some money' (he tried ++++'' Herry *ut he was short of money too' (ask) ,@' I tried ++++' the she"f *ut I wasn ta"" enough' (rea.h) ,A' %ou dont need ++++'' that shirt' It doesnt need ++++' (iron N :)' USED TO O(-D TF + INRINITI7F (F>-P (tam*iKn se &uede usar 2a..ustomed to) Interrogativa: Did (you) use to + Negativa: didnt use to + / used not to +

(e usa &ara ha*"ar de un h5*ito /ue su.edEa regu"armente en e" &asado1 &ero ya no (no se &uede usar en e" &resente: not 2I use to)' I used to &"ay tennis a "ot *ut I dont &"ay very often now' Tam*ien se usa &ara a"go /ue era .ierto en e" &asado &ero ya ha .am*iado: This *ui"ding is now a furniture sho&' It used to *e a .inema' ;- O(-D TF + INH -(TAP A8F(TO0;PADF

(e &uede usar .on otros tiem&os ver*a"es: &asado1 &resente o futuro' I used to "ive a"one' No Im married' (antes vivEa so"oM &ero ya no) I am used to "iving a"one' Ive "ived this way sin.e I "eft .o""ege' (ahora vivo so"o1 "o hago desde ha.e tiem&o y ya me he a.ostum*rado) H-T O(-D TF + INH A8F(TO0;PAP(-1 ADTOIPIP ON $U;ITF (e usa .on varios tiem&os ver*a"es' At first he didnt want to get u& ear"y1 *ut he got used to waking u& at @:DD' Dont worry you"" soon get used to "iving in the .ountry' 11. /ewrite the following sentences with one of the structures above ,' If you dont usua""y "isten (.ottish &eo&"e a..ent1 its diffi.u"t to understand them' Its diffi.u"t + :' Did you a"ways &"ay *asket*a"" on Rridays at s.hoo" + 3' Dont worry a*out "iving near the *ears' They"" soon seem to you fami"iar' %ou"" soon +



VERBOS "ODALES >os ver*os moda"es tienen "a misma forma &ara todas "as &ersonas1 eN.e&to 2have to /ue se .on6uga en "a ter.era &ersona (he/she/it has to)1 ne.esitas e" auNi"iar 2do&ara formar "a interrogativa (do you have to) y "a nega.i4n (he doesnt have to)1 3ara e" &asado se uti"iGa e" infinitivo e perfecto (have + &ast &arti.i&"e)' A: 2I wonder why Jay didnt answer the &hone' ;: 2(he may have *een as"ee&' ABILITY C n (negativa .ant/ .annot): (e usa &ara /ue a"guien tiene "a ha*i"idad de a"go' 8an you s&eak any foreign "anguage Im afraid I .ant .ome to the &arty on Rriday' 8an so"o tiene dos formas (&resente) y 2.ou"d (&asado)1 asi /ue re.urre a be able to " .uando sea ne.esario: 3resent 3erfe.t: I havent *een a*"e to s"ee& re.ent"y' Infinitivo: Tom wont *e a*"e to .ome tomorrow' The roads are .ut *e.ause of the rain' C!&l# se usa .omo e" &asado de can si de "o /ue ha*"amos es de una ha*i"idad genera" en e" &asado: La.k was an eN.e""ent &ing!&ong &"ayer' $e .ou"d *eat anyone' 3ara ha*"ar de una ha*i"idad /ue tuvo "ugar en una situa.i4n &arti.u"ar se usa 1 s8 1ere 6le t! + o m n 'e# t! + (+ infinitivo)' La.k and me had a game of tennis yesterday' I &"ayed very we"" *ut in the end La.k was a*"e to *eat me' Coul nt se &uede uti"iGar en todas "as situa.iones: I &"ayed we"" *ut I .ou"dnt *eat La.k' OBLI.ATION , NECESSITY 2ust y $ave To: "os dos se usan &ara /ue es ne.esario a"go1 norma"mente no hay diferen.ia entre "os dos1 &ero hay un matiG /ue a sE es im&ortante' "&st: es &ersona"1 se usa .uando e" ha*"ante da su o&ini4n &ersona"' (o"o se usa en &resente y futuro1 no en &asado: (no !e must go yester ay) H %e T!: es im&ersona"1 se usa &ara he.hos1 no &ara a"go &ersona"' I must get u& ear"y tomorrow' There a "ot of things I want to do' I have to get u& ear"y tomorrow' Im going away and my train "eaves at A:3D' -n &reguntas y nega.iones .on $ave To norma"mente se usa e" auNi"iar o' )hy did I have to go to the hos&ita" Jaren doesnt have to work on (aturdays' Aun/ue tam*iKn es &osi*"e "a o&.i4n de 2$ave got to $ad you got to + / Jaren hasnt got to +' "&stnt y #!nt $ %e t! son .om&"etamente diferentes: %ou mustnt do smth (es ne.esario /ue NF hagas asi /ue 2No "o hagas)

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO %ou dont have to do smth

,: (no tienes /ue a"go &ero 2$aG"o si /uieres)'

Nee#nt es &are.ido a ont have to (e" signifi.ado es e" mismo) )eve got &"enty of time' )e neednt hurry' (no ha.e fa"ta /ue nos demos &risa) -n "ugar de nee nt + inf se &uede usar ont nee to + inf' -n &asado e" sentido de "a ora.i4n &uede .am*iar de&endiendo de /ue &arte de" ver*o sea &asado1 &uede ser e" ver*o 2need V 2didnt need - i nt nee to get up ear"y1 so I didnt' (No era ne.esario /ue hi.iera a"go1 "o sa*Ea en ese momento)' o e" infinitivo V infintivo de & - nee nt have got up so ear"y' I .ou"d have stayed in *ed "onger' ($i.e a"go y me doy .uenta /ue no era ne.esario /ue "o hu*iese he.ho: me "evantK tem&rano &or/ue &ensa*a /ue e" auto*Is ""ega*a a "as siete de "a maQana1 &ero era a "as siete de "a tarde)' S$!&l# no indi.a o*"iga.i4n &ues no es tan fuerte .omo must1 se usa m5s &ara dar .onse6os o eN&resar una o&ini4n1 nos ha*"a de "o *ueno o /ue' %ou "ook tired' %ou shou"d go to *ed' O&'$t t! se &uede*iar .on shoul ' 'houl nt and ought not to "o /ue no se de*erEa' H # 6etter se usa &ara /ue es a.onse6a*"e a"go &or/ue si no se ha.e1 ha*r5 a"gun &ro*"ema' (ha"" I take an um*re""a %es1 %oud *etter' It might rain'

$a better es simi"ar a shoul &ero no eNa.tamente igua"es' $a better so"o se usa &ara una situa.i4n en &arti.u"ar no &ara .osas en genera"' %oud *etter s"ow down1 youre driving too fast' 3eo&"e shou"d drive more s"ow"y' DEDUCTION- POSSIBILITY Osamos m 3 o mi'$t &ara /ue a"go es &osi*"e (se &ueden*iar) It might *e true' It may *e true' (-n e" rewriting &uedes en.ontrar: &erha&s1 may*e1 its &ossi*"e that+ 1 I dont know whether +')' >as formas negativas son may not y mightnt *might not+ It mightnt *e true' (/uiG5 no sea verdad) C!&l# &uede tener un signifi.ado simi"ar a may' The &hone is ringing' It .ou"d *e Tim' (&odrEa ser Tim) 3ero en negativa *coul nt+ es diferente de may not: (he was too far away1 so he .ou"dnt have seen you' (no fue &osi*"e /ue te vieraM .ou"dnt # &ast of .ant) "&st se usa &ara /ue se tiene "a seguridad de /ue es verdad' %ou have *een working a"" day' %ou must *e tired' -n e" rewriting &uedes en.ontrar (Im sure that +1 (ure"y1 I have no dou*t1 I &erfe.t"y know that +)



C nt indi.a /ue .on seguridad a"go no es &osi*"e' %ouve 6ust woke u&' %ou .ant *e tired' -n e" rewriting &uedes en.ontrar (Its im&ossi*"e1 Im sure + not + ) + (i imaginamos una es.a"a de &ro*a*i"idad1 Ksta /uedarEa asE: must .an may/ might might .ou"d may not/ mightnt .ant

12. Complete these sentences with one of the mo als e5plaine above' ,' )hen Tim was ,@1 he was a fast runner' $e ++++++ run ,DD metres in ,, se.onds' :' 2Are you in a hurry 2No1 Ive got &"enty of time' I +++++ wait' 3' I was fee"ing si.k yesterday' I ++++'' eat anything' <' 8an you s&eak u& a *it I +++++'' hear you very we""' =' >aura has hurt her "eg and ++++' wa"k very we""' @' 0y grandmother "oved musi.' (he +++++ &"ay the &iano very we""' A' A gir" fe"" into the river *ut fortunate"y we ++++' res.ue her' B' Im afraid I .ant .ome tomorrow' I ++++ work "ate' C' Im sorry I .ou"dnt .ome yesterday' I +++++'' work "ate' ,D' I dont want anyone to know' %ou ++++'' te"" anyone' ,,' $e ++++++'' wear a suit to work *ut he usua""y does' ,:' %ou +++++ wash those tomatoes' Ive a"ready washed them' ,3' This is a va"ua*"e *ook' %ou ++++++' "ook after it .arefu""y and you ++++'' "ose it' ,<' Im in a diffi.u"t &osition' )hat do you think I +++++ do ,=' I +++++ get u& ear"y tomorrow' Ive got a "ot of to do' ,@' I think every*ody ++++'' "earn a foreign "anguage' ,A' I .ant find Heorge anywhere' I wonder where he is' $e +++'' have gone sho&&ing' ,B' Do you think she saw you No1 she was too far away' (he +++ have seen me' ,C' %ou got here very /ui.k"y' %ou +++++' have wa"ked very fast' :D' ;i"" and (ue go away on ho"iday very often1 so they ++++' *e short of money' AD2ETIVOS5 EL CO"PARATIVO -" ad6etivo tiene tres grados: Neutra" (norma") smart interesting 8om&arativo *)er, more+ smarter more interesting (u&er"ativo *the 1est, most+ the smartest the most interesting

>a forma.i4n de" .om&arativo y e" su&er"ativo de "os ad6etivos en ing"Ks de&ende de" nImero de sE"a*as de "a &a"a*ra' >os ad6etivos de una sE"a*a1 eN.e&to a/ue""os /ue terminan en )e *bore , scare +1 forman e" .om&arativo agregando 9er1 y e" su&er"ativo 9est' -6: Ta"" (a"to)1 ta""er (m5s a"to)1ta""est (e" m5s a"to)' ;ig (grande)1 *igger (m5s grande)1 *iggest (e" m5s grande) ' A "os ad6etivos /ue terminan en )e s4"o se "es agrega una :r: &ara formar e" .om&arativo y :st: &ara e" su&er"ativo' -6: wise (sa*io)1 wiser (m5s sa*io /ue)1 wisest (e" m5s sa*io)' >a mayorEa de "os ad6etivos de dos sE"a*as y "os de una sE"a*a .omo bore 1 scare forman e" .om&arativo usando "a &artE.u"a more y e" su&er"ativo .on "a &a"a*ra most'



famous .arefu"

more famous more .arefu"

most famous most .arefu"

>os ad6etivos terminados en )y, )le o !ow1 forman e" .om&arativo agregando )er y e" su&er"ativo )est' heavy heavier heaviest sim&"e sim&"er sim&"est ho""ow ho""ower ho""owest A"gunos ad6etivos &ueden formar e" .om&arativo y e" su&er"ativo de am*as formas' .ommon: .ommoner/ more .ommon .ommonest/ most .ommon ."ever: ."everer/ more ."ever ."everest/ most ."ever

>os ad6etivos de m5s de dos sE"a*as forman e" .om&arativo usando m!re y e" su&er"ativo t$e m!st interesting more interesting most interesting

Cambios ortogr6ficos: A" agregar "os sufi6os )er y !est a a"gunos ad6etivos1 .am*ia "a ortografEa' (i se trata de un monosE"a*o /ue termina en .onsonante + vo.a" + .onsonante1 se do*"a "a .onsonante fina"' -6': *ig *igger *iggest thin thinner thinnest

-n e" ing"Ks *rit5ni.o "a )l fina" siem&re se do*"a a" agregar"e un sufi6o: -6': .rue" .rue""er .rue""est

(i una &a"a*ra termina en )y &re.edida de .onsonante1 "a )y se sustituye &or )i a" aregar !er o !est' -6': ear"y ear"ier ear"iest ha&&y ha&&ier ha&&iest !-P/0FP- (ad6etivo) T$AN

8F03APA8IFN-( D- (O3-PIFPIDAD: This .ar is faster than that' 8F03APA8IFN-( D- INR-PIFPIDAD

>-(( (ad6etivo) T$AN

The Ita"ian restaurant is "ess e"egant than the Rren.h one' 8F03APA8IFN-( D- IHOA>DAD This house is as *ig as a mansion' 8OANTF 0U( + 0U( The more you eat the fatter you *e.ome' Ad6etivos irregu"ares: Hood *etter ;ad worse Rar further 0u.h more >itt"e "ess *est worst furthest most "east A( (ad6etivo) A( (nom*re) (-sa .asa es TAN grande 8F0F una mansi4n') T$- ?-P/0FP- + T$- ?-P/0FP- + (8u5nto m5s .omas m5s gordo te &ondr5s')



TOO , ENOU.H En!&'$' 7a detr5s de adver*ios y ad6etivos' (he .ant drive a .ar' (hes not o"d enough' $e didnt get the 6o* *e.ause he wasnt eN&erien.ed enough' (no enough e5perience ) -" .ontrario es t!! ; $es too young to drive a .ar' $es on"y ,=' 7nough si a un sustantivo norma"mente va antes' $e didnt get the 6o* *e.ause he didnt have enough eN&erien.e (no e5perience enough)' -" .ontrario es t!! ; m&)$8 m n3' )e .ant go away on ho"iday' It .osts too mu.h money' (e di.e enough o too """" for things (a"guien Fi/ a"go Fd) I havent got enough eggs for a .ake' The shirt is too *ig for me' (e usa enough o too """" to o smth (a..iones1 not 2for doing) (hes not o"d enough to get married' (hes too young to get married' TF + INR

13. 2ake one sentence from two' ,' I .ant drink this .offee' Its too hot' The .offee is +++++' :' No*ody .ou"d move the &iano' It was too heavy ++++'' 3' Three &eo&"e .ant seat on this sofa' It isnt wide enough' This sofa ++++'' SO , SUCH (F + ADL-8TI7-/ AD7-P; I didnt en6oy the *ook' The story was so stu&id' (O8$ + NFON The fi"m is horri*"e' It is su.h a story' (O8$ + ADL-8TI7- + NFON I didnt en6oy the *ook' It was su.h a stu&id story'S S(a/ an se uti"iGa .on .onta*"es en singu"ar1 no "o uses .on in.onta*"es o .onta*"es en &"ura")' (F se &uede usar .on T$AT + Fra.i4n The weather was so "ove"y that we a"" went out' (O8$ tam*ien se &uede usar .on T$AT + Fra.i4n It was su.h a "ove"y weather that we a"" went out' On ti&o de rewriting /ue &uedes en.ontrar no te &ide /ue &ases de such a so si no /ue ne.esita e" su&er"ativo de" ad6etivo1 norma"mente va .on e" 3resent 3erfe.t y es de" esti"o: (Ive never read su.h an interesting magaGine')P This is + This is the most interesting magaGine Ive ever read in my life' Ftro rewriting no em&are6a so + that .on such y re/uiere e" uso de too o enough:



(F + ADL + T$AT (( 7) V TFF + ADL + RFP + Fi + TF ?INR V ADL + -NFOH$ + RFP + Fi + TF !INR (The .ase was so heavy that he .ou"dnt "ift it')P The .ase was too heavy + The .ase was too heavy for him to "ift' (sin 2it) F The .ase +(enough) The .ase wasnt "ight enough for him to "ift'S (Sne.esitas un ant4nimo) 14. 8oin the sentences from each column. 2ake on sentence from two. ,' (he s&eaks -ng"ish very we""' A' I dont where to *egin' :' Ive got a "ot of things to do' ;' )e s&ent the who"e day indoors' 3' I had a *ig *reakfast' 8' %ou wou"d think it was her native "anguage' <' It was horri*"e weather' D' I didnt eat anything e"se for the rest of the day'

RELATIVE SENTENCES $ay dos ti&os de ora.iones de re"ativo: D-RININH: (in .oma1 identifi.a a" ante.edente (ha.e referen.ia a un e"emento de "a ora.i4n /ue ya ha a&are.ido anteriormente)1 nos da informa.i4n esen.ia" so*re Kste' I s&oke to the woman who owns the hote"' (!ho: &ronom*re de re"ativo /ue ha.e referen.ia a &ersonaM en este .aso a woman /ue ya a&are.e antes) NFN!D-RININH: 8on .oma1 a" ante.edente ya es .ono.ido asE /ue "a informa.i4n /ue se aQade es eNtra' DavidWs sister offered to take my .at to the vet' DavidWs sister1 who "ikes &ets1 offered to take my .at to the vet. The guests who arrived "ate didnWt eat' * ef.: solo los huespe es 4ue llegaron tar e no comieron+ The guests1 who arrived "ate1 didnWt eat'*non) ef.: to os los huespe es llegaron tar e, ninguno comi9+ DE+ININ. W$!- W$i)$8T$ t De su6eto (e" &ronom*re .um&"e "a fun.i4n su6eto dentro de "a &ro&osi.i4n su*ordinada) (&ersona) (.osa1 anima") The runner who finishes first wi"" win ,DDDX. Did you see the "etter whi.h/that .ame this morning

De o*6eto (e" &ronom*re .um&"e "a fun.i4n Fd o Fi en "a su*ordinada) (&ersona) (.osa1 anima") 0arianne is the gir" who we invited to the &arty'S $ave you seen the *ook whi.h/that I &ut on the ta*"e S

W$!se (&osesi4n) (I have got a friend' $is *rother is an a.tor')P IWve got a friend whose *rother is an a.tor' W$en (tiem&o) Is there a time when we .an meet S W$ere ("ugar) (I work in a fa.tory' 0y fa.tory is going to ."ose down')P The fa.tory where I work is going to ."ose down'S :The fa.tory I work in is going to ."ose down'



S -n todos "os e6em&"os .on asterEs.o e" &ronom*re se &uede omitir sin a"terar e" signifi.ado de "a ora.i4n' 3resta aten.i4n a" .aso de where1 /ue se &uede omitirM &ero ne.esita una &re&osi.i4n' NON9DE+ININ. W$!- 1$i)$ (u6eto (JenWs mother is @A' (he has 6ust &assed her driving test')P Jens mother1 who is @A1 has 6ust &assed her driving test' (ues house1 whi.h is in the .entre of town1 is over ,DD years o"d' F*6eto ((arah (mith wi"" *e at the &arty' %ou met her in 0adrid')P (arah (mith1 who you met in 0adrid1 wi"" *e at the &arty' (he gave me the key1 whi.h I &ut in my &o.ket' (Tina $arris is a good friend o f mine' Tinas *rother is 3au" $arris1 the a.tor')P Tina $arris1 whose *rother is the a.tor 3au" $arris1 is a good friend of mine' ()e visited a town .a""ed ;risto"' )e had "un.h in that &"a.e')P )e visited a town .a""ed ;risto"1 where we had "un.h'

W$!se W$ere

W$en ()e are going on ho"iday in (e&tem*er' In this month the weather isnt so *ad')P )e are going on ho"iday in (e&tem*er1 when the weather isnt so *ad' >o /ue ne.esitas &ara e" rewriting es fi6arte en e" ante.edente1 en "o /ue se re&ite en "as dos ora.iones /ue te den' 3ero no siem&re re&iten "a misma &a"a*ra .omo en e" e6em&"o de factoryM si no /ue dos &a"a*ras distintas &ueden referen.ia a" mismo e"emento .omo en 'arah 'mith : her, ;ristol : place, 'eptember : month' Des&ues .onsidera si "a informa.i4n es eNtra o esen.ia"1 y en fun.i4n1 &on .oma o no' 15. 8oin two sentences to form a relative clause. ,' A"" &eo&"e say hes awfu"' A"" they have met him' :' The third nove" is his *est' Ive 6ust read it' 3' (evi""e1 is a very *eautifu" .ity' It has the *est Rair in the wor"d' <' (ome &eo&"e "ive in wooden houses' They shou"dnt insta"" fire &" there' =' There wasnt any dire.tory in the te"e&hone *oN' I was &honing from there' CONNECTORS <LIN=IN. WORDS +OR WRITIN.> C!n7&n)ti!ns: unen dos frases ( ( 7 .on6un.tion (7) Prep!siti!ns: des&ues de una &re&osi.i4n ne.esitas un nom*re o un ver*o en gerundio ( &r& + N / 7 ?ing) 8on6un.ts o #%er6s: se usan &ara entre"aGar y dar .oheren.ia1 unen ora.iones' ( F' (adver*) F) "a &osi.i4n de" adver*io varEa' ?0 TI0-: 8on6un.tions: 1$en- 1$ile- s .osas /ue su.eden a" mismo tiem&o: )hen I was wat.hing T71 the te"e&hone rang' As they were wa"king down the street1 they saw 0ary' I "isten to the radio whi"e Im having *reakfast. 1$en- *ter- 6e*!re- s s!!n s- &ntil <till> .osas /ue o.urren unas des&ues de otras: )hen I had finished *reakfast1 I went out' I"" &hone you as soon as I get home' )e waited unti" he arrived'S After he "eft s.hoo"1 he started working in a *ank'S



S <ntil1 before y after tam*iKn &ueden ser &re&osi.iones1 &ues &ueden ir seguidos de nom*res o ver*os en ?ing: )e waited unti" his arriva"/= o."o.k' After "eaving s.hoo"1 he started working in a *ank' Adver*: W$ene%er )henever I go sho&&ing1 I *uy sweets'

@0 8FN8-((I7-: (&onen un im&edimento a" .um&"imiento de "a a..i4n) 8on6un.tions: lt$!&'$- e%en t$!&'$- t$!&'$ (aun/ue) A"though I dont "ike foot*a""1 I"" go to the mat.h'

3re&ositions: in spite !*- #espite (a &esar de) (A"though it was raining1 we went to the .ountry')P Des&ite the rain1 we went to the .ountry' (-ven though they were "ate1 they didnt hurry')P In s&ite of *eing "ate1 they didnt hurry' (A"though they "ive very far1 we visit them very often')P Des&ite the fa.t they "ive very far1 we visit them very often' Adver*s: $!1e%er- ne%ert$eless- 3et- still- t$!&'$ (sin em*argo) They "ive very far' $owever/yet1 we visit them very often' $e was very rude to us1 yet/sti"" we forgave him' I dont "ike tennis1 I "ike *asket*a"" though'

A0 8FNTPA(T: 8on6un.tions: 3re&ositions: 1$ile- 1$ere s- 6&t I am very "aGy1 whereas my *rother is very hardworking'

in )!ntr st t!- )!ntr r3 t! In .ontrast to/ .ontrary to other T7 shows1 this one is very amusing' (I am very "aGy1 whereas my *rother is very hardworking')P In .ontrast to me1 my *rother is very hardworking'


!n t$e !ne $ n# ;;00 !n t$e !t$er $ n#- !n t$e )!ntr r3 (Fn the one hand) the .ity offers "ost of entertainments' Fn the other hand it is very noisy'S (o&tiona") A: 2I thought you "iked Ita"ian food' ;: 2Fn the .ontrary1 I hate it' B0 8AO(- FP P-A(FN: 8on6un.tions: 6e) &se- sin)e- s- *!r ;o* "eft ear"y *e.ause he had an a&&ointment' As it was raining1 we didnt go to the .ountry' (in.e it was "ate1 the sho&s were a"" ."osed' I asked them to "eave for I had a "ot of work'

3re&ositions: 6e) &se !*- !1in' t!- #&e t!- !n ))!&nt !*- t$e re s!n *!r ()e arrived "ate *e.ause the traffi. was terri*"e')P )e arrived "ate *e.ause of/ owing to/ due to the terri*"e traffi.' Fn a..ount of the storm1 many e"e.troni. *roke down' The reason for his sadness is that he has *roken u&' Adver*s: t$ ts 1$3- t$ ts t$e re s!n 1$3 (The reason for the &"anes de"ay is fog)P The reason why the &"ane arrives "ate is fog'



C0 3OP3F(- FP RINA>: 8on6un.tions: t!- in !r#er t!- s! s t! + infinitivo in !r#er t$ t- s! t$ t + frase .on ver*o moda" I went to 3aris to/ in order to/ so as to "earn Rren.h' )e got u& ear"y in order NFT to/ so as Not to *e "ate'S (no 2NFT to)' I"" give you a key so that/ in order that you .an un"o.k the door' *!r + sustantivo )e went to a restaurant for "un.h'

3re&ositions: D0 P-(O>T: 8on6un.tions:

s!- s! (ad6etivo o adver*io) t$ t- s&)$ (sustantivo) t$ t $e was "ate so he ran to the station' The fi"m was so good that I went to see it again' It was su.h a good fi"m that I went to see it again' (It was su.h a .o"d night that we stayed at home')P The night was so .o"d that we stayed at home' s res&lt- t$ere*!re- )!nseE&entl3- t$&s $e was "ate' Therefore he ran to the station' It was raining hard' As a resu"t1 we didnt go out' $e .o&ied in the eNamM thus the tea.her .aught him' s res&lt !* As a resu"t of her high marks1 she was a..e&ted to university' After + Des&ite + In .ontrast + The tea.her + The reason + As a resu"t +



16. /ewrite the following sentences. ,' After she divor.ed1 0ary went out with many younger men' :' A"though there was an a..ident in the road1 the *us driver didnt sto&' 3' >u.y is very imaginative whereas her sister has no imagination at a""' <' The tea.her had to "eave the ."assroom *e.ause the students insu"ted him' =' The reason why my team "ost the mat.h is that there were many in6ured &"ayers' @' $e .o&ied in the eNam1 thus he &assed it' INDIRECT SPEECH

8on e" &aso de esti"o ((he said 2I want to sto&) a" ((he said that she wanted to sto&) "a ora.i4n sufre a"gunos .am*ios: .am*ia e" tiem&o de "os ver*os1 "os moda"es1 y "os adver*ios /ue hagan referen.ia a" tiem&o1 adem5s de "os &ronom*res' No o"vides e" neNo T$AT /ue introdu.e "a su*ordinada' (Li"" to"d 0ary 2 Ive 6ust finished ."eaning the room')P Li"" said to 0ary that she had finished ."eaning the room right then' Tiem&os ver*a"es: (im&"e 3resent V 3ast sim&"e 3resent 8ontinuous V 3ast 8ontinuous 3resent &erfe.t V 3ast &erfe.t 3ast sim&"e V 3ast &erfe.t 3ast .ontinuousV 3ast &erf' 8ont' 3ast &erfe.t V &ast &erfe.t 0oda"es: 8an V .ou"d )i"" V wou"d 0ay V might 0ust V had to $ave to V had to want : wante -m cleaning : - was cleaning - have finishe : ha finishe - saw : ha seen - was watching :ha been watching - ha come : ha come

shou"d V # wou"d V # might V #



Adver*ios: $ere V there At this momentV at that moment/time Tonight V that night NeNt 0onday V the fo""owing 0onday %esterdayV the day *efore1 the &revious day >ast 0onday V the &revious 0onday Tomorrow V the neNt day1 the fo""owing day

this V that1 the today V that day now V then

No so"o se uti"iGa say &ara e" esti"o indire.to1 tell *somebo y something+ es e" sustituto m5s usado1 &ero &uedes en.ontrar otros: Affirm1 argue1 ."aim1 state1 afirmar eN&"ain1 eN&" inform1 announ.e1 informar de."are1 de."arar o*serve1 remark1 &oint out1 una o*serva.i4n answer1 re&"y1 res&ond1 res&onder add1 aQadir Interr!' ti% s A" &asar una interrogativa de esti"o a de*es tener en .uenta si es una %-(/NF /uestion o una )$!' >as YES/NO /uestions re/uieren una res&uesta 2si o 2no1 y norma"mente est5n introdu.idas &or un ver*o auNi"iar: ($e asked me 2Do you know the answer ')P $e asked me if/ whether I knew the answer' -n estos .asos se uti"iGa "a .on6un.i4n IR o )$-T$-P >as WH- re/uieren una res&uesta /ue dK m5s informa.i4n1 est5n introdu.idas &or "as wh) particles (why1 what1 who1 when1 where1 how) ($e asked me 2)here is your sister )P $e wanted to know where my sister was'S S(o6o: en esti"o ya no hay &regunta y &or "o tanto e" orden inverso 7 ( no se mantieneM es .omo e" de una afirmativa .ua"/uiera ( 7) Rep!rte# Spee)$ )!n TO ( IN+INITIVO5 =. Frdenes *tell, forbi + (0ary said angri"y to Lohn 2Hive me that *ook')P (he to"d him to give her that *ook' (2Dont s&eak (&anish9)P (he to"d him not to s&eak (&anish'S (not antes de to) (he for*ade me to s&eak (&anish' .. Ravores *ask smb to o smth, beg+ (Tom said2 8ou"d you *ring me some water )P $e asked her to *ring him some water' (Lessy said 2 Dont "eave me a"one')P (he *egged not to "eave her a"one'

>. 8onse6os *a vise, urge, recommen + (-n "a frase /ue te dan &ara rewriting &uedes en.ontrar:shou"d1 ought to1 :nd .onditiona"1 had *etter) (2%ou shou"d/ought to go *y taNi')



(2If I were you Id go *y taNi') (2%ou had *etter go *y taNi')P $e advised/ urged/ re.ommended me to go *y taNi' <' 3romesas *promise+ ($e to"d me 2I"" write you soon')P $e &romised to write me soon' =' Adverten.ias *warn+ (2;e .arefu" with/ Take .are of/ )at.h out for &i.k&o.kets')P $e warned me a*out &i.k&o.kets' (2Dont .ross the road a"one')P $e warned me not to .ross the road a"one' @' AmenaGas *threaten+ (2If you shout again1 I"" te"" your father')P $e threatened to te"" my father if I shouted again' A' Ayuda *offer+ (2(ha"" I drive you home )P $e offered to drive me home' B' Invita.iones *invite+ (2)ou"d you "ike to .ome to dinner tonight )P $e invited me to .ome to dinner that night' C' Animar *encourage+ (28ome on 3ete9 Dont sto& running')P $e en.ouraged 3ete to go on running' ,D' Pe.ordar *remin + (2Dont forget to &ost the "etter')P $e reminded me to &ost the "etter' Rep!rte# spee)$ )!n +OR ( 9IN.5 =. (ugeren.ias *suggest+ (2)hy dont we go + (ha"" we go+ )hy not go+ )hat/ $ow a*out going+ to a &u* tonight )P $e suggested going to a &u* that night' 3edir &erdon *apologise for+ (2Im sorry1 Ive *een very rude')P $e a&o"ogised for having *een very rude' *thank for+ (2Thank you for "ooking after the .hi"dren')P $e thanked for "ooking after his .hi"dren'



Rep!rte# spee)$ )!n THAT =. Tue6as *complain+ (0y father said' 2I think the dinner was too eN&ensive')P 0y father .om&"ained that the dinner had *een very eN&ensive' :' Negar * eny+ ((he said: 2I didnt stea" the money')P (he denied that she had sto"en the money'



17. Transform into in irect style. ,' The .ondu.tor asked the musi.ian 2Are you sure you .an &"ay a &iano :' 0y mother asked me 2$avent you finished your homework yet 3' The fi"m dire.tor answered the 6ourna"ist 2Rame is 6ust a matter of "u.k1 do not *e"ieve in &ro&aganda' <' Lessy said in tears 2 Dont "eave me a"one1 Im afraid' =' There was a &ane" in the gate that said: 2;eware the dog' @' 0ary to"d the au!&air 2 Thank you very mu.h for taking .are of the .hi"dren' A' The guest to"d the hostress *itter"y 2Ive never seen a sheet as dirty as this' CONDITIONALS Y-PF 8FNDITIFNA> (7erdades genera"es) IR + 3P-(-NT 1 3P-(-NT If you heat water to ,DDZ 81 it *oi"s' If you dont eat1 you die' RIP(T 8FNDITIFNA> IR + 3P-(-NT 1 )I>> 0A% (+&ro*a*i"idad) INRINITI7(!&ro*a*i"idad)

I03-PATI7F (# infinitivo) (amenaGas) (.onse6os) (&osi*"es he.hos futuros) (.on im&erativo # &edir) (-8FND 8FNDITIFNA> IR + (I03>- 3A(T 1 )FO>D 0IH$T INRINITI7F 8FO>D If I earned more money1 I wou"d *uy a *etter .ar' If I were ta""er1 I wou"d *e a *etter *asket &"ayer' If I were you1 I wou"d work harder' If you stea" the .ar1 I wi"" re&ort to the &o"i.e' If you sto& smoking1 you wi"" fee" *etter' If I &ass my eNams1 my father wi"" *uy me a *ike' If you go out1 *uy the news&a&er'

($e.hos hi&oteti.os1 &ero &osi*"es) ((itua.iones im&osi*"es) (8onse6os) T$IPD 8FNDITIFNA> IR + 3A(T 3-PR-8T 1 (>amento1 arre&entimiento) (ustitutos de IR Unless (# if not) As l!n' s S! l!n' s Pr!%i#e# (that) Pr!%i#in' (that) On t$e )!n#iti!n t$ t S&pp!se/s&pp!sin' + - +F


3P-(-NT 3-PR-8T

If I had *een at home1 I wou"d have &ut out the fire'

(If it doesnt rain we wi"" go .am&ing')P On"ess it rains1 we"" go .am&ing'

(# on"y if)

I"" "end you my .ar as "ong as you &ay the &etro"'

(u&&ose I te"" you a se.ret1 wi"" you reve" it



In ) se (&or si)

(I"" take some money *e.ause I may want to *uy something')P I"" take some money in .ase I want to *uy something'

Ot$er1ise (de "o .ontrario) (If you dont hurry1 you"" *e "ate for your a&&ointment')P %ou *etter hurry' Ftherwise1 you"" *e "ate' 18. 2ake an if) sentence. ,' I dont go on ho"iday1 *e.ause I havent time' :' $e doesnt do any eNer.ise' $es very fat' 3' I went to the &arty' I saw my friends' <' I went out with my friends for a drink' I didnt &ass my eNam' I WISH , I+ ONLY 2If on"y + es .omo una .ondi.iona" &ero se introdu.e 2on"y &ara enfatiGar' IR FN>% + 3A(T (:[) V I )I($ + 3A(T (I03>A" imaginar situa.iones asE1 aun/ue se usa un tiem&o &asado1 e" signifi.ado es &resenteM se usa 2wish &ara /ue a"go no es .omo nos gustarEa /ue fuese: Its raining1 Im getting wet' I wish I had an um*re""a' *-f only - ha an umbrella+ IR FN>% + 3A(T 3-PR-8T (3[) V I )I($ + 3A(T 3-PR-8T $a*"amos de &asado1 2wish se usa &ara eN&resar arre&entimineto1 a"go /ue ya &as4 no tiene remedio1 te hu*iese gustado /ue no hu*iera o.urrido asE' I wish Id known that Hary was i""' I wou"d have gone to see him (I didnt know1 so I didnt go)' *-f only - ha known that ?ary was ill.+ I )I($ + )FO>D + -n este .aso e" su6eto de 2wish no es mismo /ue e" de 2wou"d ( 2I wish + it1 you + &ero no 2I) The &hone has *een ringing for five minutes' I wish some*ody wou"d answer it' (It wou"d *e ni.e to have a ho"iday *ut we .ant afford it')P I wish we wou"d afford a ho"iday' !oul nt tam*ien se usa &ara /ue6arse de .osas /ue a"guien ha.e re&etidamente (m5s de "o /ue de*iera)' I wish you wou"dnt kee& interru&ting me' 19. !rite sentences beginning - wish " ,' I "ive in a *ig .ity (and I dont "ike it)' :' I have to work tomorrow (*ut Id "ike to stay in *ed)' 3' )hen you were younger1 you didnt "earn to &"ay a musi.a" instrument' Now you regret this' <' %ouve &ainted the gate red' Now you think that it doesnt "ook very ni.e' =' Its raining' %ou want to go out1 *ut not in the rain' @' %ou .an hear a *a*y .rying and you are trying to study' A' A "ot of &eo&"e dro& "itter in the street' %ou dont "ike this'




8AT( (u6eto

-AT ver*o

0FO(-( .om&"emento


(u6eto &a.iente *e+ &arti.i&io ver*o 0FO(-( AP- -AT-N

*y + .om&"emento agente ;% 8AT(

!-" agente se &uede omitir en ing"Ks .uando: (no se .ono.e): 0y f"at was *urg"ed yesterday night' (no es im&ortante) The *ridge was *ui"t in ,BA@' (se so*reentiende) $e was fined X:DD for s&eeding' ;- &uede ser sustituido &or H-T en un esti"o m5s informa": No*ody got hurt'

>a &asiva se forma siem&re .on e" auNi"iar ;- + 3A(T 3APTI8I3>-: Tiem&os ver*a"es: 3resent (im&"e: 3resent 8ontinuous 3ast (im&"e 3ast 8ontinuous 3resent 3erfe.t 3rs'3erf' 8ont' 3ast 3erfe.t )e kee& the *utter here' The *utter is ke&t here' They are re&airing the *ridge' The *ridge is *eing re&aired' (omeone *roke the window' The window was *roken' They were .arrying the in6ured &"ayer to hos&ita"' The in6ured &"ayer was *eing .arried to hos&ita"' They have so"d the house' The house has *een so"d' They have *een &ainting the wa""s' The wa""s have *een *eing &ainted' (raro) I thought they had to"d you the news' I thought the news had *een to"d to you' you had *een to"d the news'

>os %er6!s m!# les (.an1 .ou"d1 must +) no .am*ian y siguen manteniendo su &osi.i4n: en a.tiva antes de" ver*o &rin.i&a"1 y en "a &asiva antes de" auNi"iar ;-: (%ou .an *uy ti.kets on the *us')P Ti.kets .an *e *ought on the *us'

PASIVA CON DOS OB2ETOS 7er*os .on dos o*6etos (Fi y Fd V some*ody something) $ay dos maneras de transformar a &asiva1 de "a misma forma /ue en "a a.tiva hay dos variantes: una .on TO y otra sin K"' The &ostman gave me a "etter' (Fi1 Fd) The &ost man gave a "etter to me' (Fd1 to + Fi) -n "a &rimera estru.tura e" .om&"emento &asa a ser e" su6eto de "a &asiva1 ne.esita to des&ues de" &ast &arti.i&"e: A "etter was given t! me (*y the &ostman) (Fd V ( &.t)



8on "a segunda e" e"emento /ue &asa a ser su6eto en "a &asiva es e" .om&"emento indire.to1 &or "o /ue ser5 un nom*re un &ronom*re &ersona" (/ue ya no ser5 ob0ect me sino /ue &asa a sub0ect -) I was given a "etter (*y +) HEARSAY <PEOPLE ;0> 8on "os ver*os de ha*"a (say1 .omment1 ."aim1 re&ort +) o &ensamiento (*e"ieve1 think1 know1 .onsider +) tam*iKn hay dos maneras de transformar a &asiva1 se .ono.e .omo impersonal passive o hearsay: (3eo&"e know that the (miths are "iving in Ameri.a')P (Fi V ( &.t) ("a m5s usada)

IT I( + 3A(T 3APTI8I3>- (ver*o de ha*"a o &ensamiento) + T$AT + FPA8I\N (( 7) VIt is known that the (miths are "iving in Ameri.a' (OL-TF (en "a a.tiva "o /ue va detr5s de that) + ;- + 3A(T 3APTI8I3>- + TF + INRINITI7F VThe (miths are known to *e "iving in Ameri.a' @$earsay in the past 3eo&"e ."aim that Tom ki""ed his gir"friend' It is ."aimed that Tom ki""ed his gir"friend' Tom is ."aimed to have kille his gir"friend' @*infinitivo e perfecto+

PASIVA CON PREPOSICIONES 3asiva .on &re&osi.iones o Phrasal verbs: (&re&osi.i4n a" fina" de "a ora.i4n) (They have to "ook after the .hi"dren')P The .hi"dren have to *e "ooked after' (They must write to him')P $e must *e written to'

20. Transform into the passive. ,' The ON is sending food to starving refugees' :' They thought that three men had *een arrested' 3' It is *e"ieved that the wanted man is "iving in New %ork' <' )i"" they ask us many /uestions =' Fne shou"dnt eat an orange if no*ody has &ea"ed it *efore' @' Did the noise frighten you A' $ave you done a"" the housework B' )e havent found a so"ution to the &ro*"em yet' CAUSATIVE HAVE HAVE ( O# <S"TH> ( DONE $ave something one se usa &ara /ue es otro (norma"mente un &rofesiona") e" /ue ha.e un tra*a6o &or nosotros' The roof of Li""s house was damaged in a storm' Li"" re&aired the roof' (e""a misma "o re&ar4) Li"" had the roof re&aired' (un o*rero hiGo e" tra*a6o) 3resta aten.i4n a" orden de "as &a"a*ras: e" &arti.i&io de &asado va des&uKs de" o*6eto' Tam*iKn se &uede usar 2get en "ugar de 2have1 &rin.i&a"mente en ing"Ks informa" ha*"ado: I think you shou"d get your hair .ut'



21. <se the wor s in brackets to complete the sentences. ,' Ive "ost my key' %ou must ++++++++' (.o&ies/ make)' :' %ou "ook different' +++++++++++ (your hair/ .ut) 3' This .oat is dirty' %ou shou"d +++++++'in a "aundry' (it/ ."ean)' <' If you want to wear earrings1 why dont you +++++++' (your ears/ &ier.e)' OTROS E2E"PLOS DE REWRITIN. W$!se ()hose is this .ar )P 3uedes usar 2own /owner (ser dueQo de) )ho owns this .ar )ho is this .ars owner F 2*e"ong to(& a) # r t$er 23refer es un ver*o .atenativo /ue &uede ir .on to + infinitivo o .on 1ing' A" esta*" una .om&ara.i4n (&referir a"go antes /ue otra .osa) se &uede .onstruir .on tres estru.turas distintas: ,' :' 3' 3P-R-P + INH + to + INH 3P-R-P + TF + INR + rather than + (INR)S )FO>D PAT$-P + INR + than + (INR)S S(a se &uede /uitar) )ho does this .ar *e"ong to

,' (I &refer driving to trave""ing *y train')P :' I &refer to + I &refer to drive rather than trave" *y train' 3' Id rather + Id rather drive than trave" *y train' SDe "a misma forma I wou"d/Id "ike + TF + INR vs I "ike + INH *- like to fly once in my life % - ont like flying+ Its ne)esss r3 2Need es un ver*o .atenativo /ue &uede ir .on ing o to + inf. 8on to: (I need to take more eNer.ise')P Its ne.essary+ Its ne.essary for me to take more eNer.ise' N-8-((AP% + RFP + (0; + TF DF (0T$ (The *atteries in the radio need .hanging')P Its ne.essary + Its ne.essary to .hange the *atteries in the radio' N-8-((AP% TF DF (0T$ WH9 EVER !hoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever y however tienen e" mismo signifi.ado /ue 2-t oesnt matter wh" ( no im&orta +)' 3ero a diferen.ia de it oesnt matter wh...1 estas &a"a*ras son .on6un.iones1 &or "o /ue hay una diferen.ia gramati.a": so"o &ueden usarse &ara unir dos ora.iones' It doesnt matter where you go' )herever you go'S ( ne.esitas dos ora.iones1 &rin.i&a" y su*ordinada) )herever you go1 I"" go with you' W$!e%er5 )hoever to"d you that was "ying' (su6eto su*ordinada re"ativo)

8on 1ing:



W$ te%er5 3uede ser e" su6eto Tam*ien e" o*6eto

)hatever you want is fine with me' 3risoners have to eat whatever theyre given'

3uede usarse .omo determinante antes de" sustantivo a" /ue )hatever &ro*"ems you have1 you .an a"ways .ome to me for he"&' W$i)$e%er (e usa de forma simi"ar a whatever1 &ero .asi siem&re antes de un sustantivo' )hi.hever day you .ome1 we"" *e &"eased to see you' W$ene%er 2No im&orta .uando 2A .ua"/uier hora /ue W$ere%er H!1e%er )henever you .ome1 you"" *e we".ome' %ou .an &hone me whenever you "ike' )herever you go you"" find 8o.a!8o"a' $owever you trave"1 it"" take you at "east two days'

8on un ad6etivo o un adver*io1 signifi.a por muy " 4ue " -sta estru.tura tiene un orden de &a"a*ras es&e.ia" (however + ad6/adv + su*6e.t + ver*) $owever fast you drive1 I a"ways fee" safe with you' No de*es .onfundir este uso de however .omo .on6un.i4n .on e" de adver*io *pero, por otro la o+ A8AN n# THE Osamos 2the .uando &ensamos en un a"go en &arti.u"ar1 &or e6em&"o .om&ara: Tom sat on the .hair nearest the door' (esa si""a en .on.reto)' Tom sat on a .hair' (en .ua"/uiera de "a ha*ita.i4n) 2The se usa .uando s4"o hay uno1 es Ini.o: The -arth goes round the sun' A" referirse a .osas o &ersonas en genera" no usamos e" determinante 2the: Do.tors are &aid more than tea.hers' ;anks s&end your savings in advertisements' (i &or e" .ontrario ha*"amos de una .osa o a"guien en &arti.u"ar si ne.esitamos 2the: Im i""1 Im going to the do.tor' The *ank in the .orner was ro**ed yesterday' A" ha*"ar de a"guien o a"guna .osa .omo una unidad1 &ero sin es& .u5" usamos a/an: 0y friend is a do.tor' Is there a *ank near here .ENITIVO SA2GN 3ara eN&resar &osesi4n en ing"es es muy .omIn e" uso de genitivo sa64n1 &ara "o /ue re.urrimos a" uso de" a&4strofe 2s' >a .asa de Luan' 3oseedor 2s &osesi4n Luans house'



3ero si e" &oseedor no es un anima" o una &ersona sino una .osa1 norma"mente se usa FR y se forma a" igua" /ue en es&aQo"' The name of the *ook (e" nom*re de" "i*ro') Aun/ue a nos a&are.e "a misma forma de" genitivo sa64n &ero sin 2s' The garage door ("a &uerta de" gara6e)' SIN.ULAR AND PLURAL (e usa e" &"ura" &ara una .osa /ue .onsiste en dos &artes1 scissors, trousers' 0y trousers are too "ong' Ftros nom*res sin em*argo (terminados en ?i.s) electronics, economics usan e" ver*o en singu"ar' 3hysis.s is my favourite su*6e.t' A"gunos sustantivos en singu"ar se usan .on e" ver*o en &"ura" government, family, team, police, people, company. 3eo&"e are kind if you smi"e' 0y fami"y are waiting for you to eat' THERE ; n# IT ; Im&ersona" -t and There1 en varios ti&os de ora.iones en ing"Ks en.ontrar5s 2it o 2there en "a &osi.i4n de su6eto' ]stas son norma"mente ora.iones 2im&ersona"es1 en "as /ue no hay un su6eto natura"' ,' Im&ersona" ^it_ 3ara ha*"ar de" tiem&o: a"go: Its raining' Its .o"d' It was sunny yesterday'

^)ho is it _ ^Its me'_ ^)hat is it _ ^Its a .at'_ ^)hat time is it _ ^Its five o."o.k'_ ^)hat day is it _ ^Its Thursday'_ ^$ow far is it to Toronto _ ^Its <DDD ki"ometres'_

$a*"ar de" tiem&o (horario): Distan.ias:

:' Im&ersona" ^there_ -n ing"es se usa "a forma T$-P- ;- (.on6ugado) &ara nuestro 2hay1 &ara /ue a"go eNiste en un "ugar determinado' $ay un restaurante nuevo en esa calle. There is a new restaurant in that street. >as ora.iones en ing"es siem&re ne.esitan un su6eto1 &ara 2ha*er re.urrimos a there' - ont like this town. There are yonkies everywhere. Date .uenta /ue des&uKs de 2there *e siem&re hay un (O(TANTI7F1 sin em*argo en "as ora.iones /ue uti"iGan 2*e .omo su6eto "o /ue sigue es un ADL-TI7F' - ont like this city. )))) T$7/7 is a lot of noise here. *'<'T(AT-B,+ )))) -T is very noisy. *(C87T-B,+ -" ver*o to be se &uede .on6ugar tanto en &ersona .omo en tiem&o: there wi"" *e there was there are + INTERRO.ACIGN A" formar "a interrogativa en ing"Ks de*es tener en .uenta e" .am*io en e" orden de &a"a*ras: (OL-TF + 7-P;F 'he has gone de "a afirmativa &asa a 7-P;F + (OL-TF $as she gone en "a interrogativa1 &ero esto es asE en "os tiem&os .om&uestosM "os tiem&os ver*a"es sim&"es ne.esitas e" auNi"iar' - go%'he goes%!e went Co - go#%Coes she go#% Ci we go#



-n .aso de a& una &arti.u"a interrogativa en "a ora.i4n est5 va en &rimer "ugar y e" orden sigue siendo inverso v*+s6' !here o we go# )ho to"d 0ary a 6oke He to"d 0ary a 6oke' S&7et! )h + 7 )ho did he te"" a 6oke $e to"d " r3 a 6oke' O67et! )h + AuN + ( + 7 )hat did he hit )hat hit him $e hit t$e 6 ll' A 6 ll hit him'

3APT`8O>A( INT-PPFHATI7A( (e uti"iGan &ara re/uerir informa.i4n' (on "as .ono.idas 2@w ,' )hat (/uK) :' )here (d4nde) 3' )hen (.u5ndo) <' )hy (&or /uK) =' )ho (/uiKn) @' $ow (.4mo) )hose! De /uiKn A "as /ue &odemos aQadir: $ow many (.u5ntos) (.onta*"es en &"ura") $ow mu.h (.uanto) (in.onta*"es) $ow "ong + (.u5nto tiem&o) norma"mente .on 3rs' 3' $ow long have you been waiting# $ow often (.on /uK fre.uen.ia)
HOW00000F H!1 m&)$F<?> ahau ma.h b SI.NI+ICADO USO E2E"PLO


3ara in.onta*"es: money1 Ho !"#$ oes it cost# mi"k1 sugar' DCu6nto cuesta# Ho !%&' pens o you have#DCu6ntos bolEgrafos tienes#

H!1 m n3F <@> ahau meni b


3ara .onta*"es: *ott"es1 a&&"es1 things'

H!1 m n3 timesF ahau meni taims b <A>


Ho !%&' ()!*+ i you 3ara eN&resar nHmer! #e see her# DCu6ntas veces %e)es0 la viste# Ho ,%- )+ )(# 2a ri from 3on on. D( 4uF istancia est6 2a ri 3on res. Ho .o&/ oes it take# DCu6nto tiempo se tar a# Ho .o&/ oes it last# DCu6nto ura#

H!1 * r is itF ahau far isit b <B>

cA /uK distan.ia est5

3ara eN&resar distan.ia entre un "ugar y otro'

H!1 l!n'F (C)

c8u5nto tiem&o

3ara eN&resar e" tiem&o /ue trans.urre desde un &eriodo de tiem&o determinado a otro' No .onfundir .on ^how mu.h time_

H!1 m&)$ timeF (D> ahau ma.h taimb

c8u5nto tiem&o

3ara eN&resar e" tiem&o Ho !"#$ ()!* o we /ue se uti"iGa (no e" /ue nee # DCuanto tiempo trans.urre) No .onfundir necesitamos# .on dhow "ongd Ftra manera de &reguntar Ho .%(* o you work# "a hora enfatiGando e" D$asta 4ue hora he.ho de /ue ya es tarde' traba0as#

H!1 l te is itF ahau "eit isib

cTuK hora es



H!1 * st00F

cA /uK ve"o.idad''

3ara &reguntar "a ve"o.idad

Ho ,%+( can he rive# D( 4uF veloci a con uce#

H!1 )!meF ahau kamb

c3or /uK

Ftra manera de &reguntar Ho #o!* she i nGt dc&or /uK y &edir un erstan it# DPor 4uF eN&"i.a.iones' no lo enten i9# 3ara &reguntar &or "a Ho $)/$/.o can it fly# a"tura (e"eva.i4n) de una D( 4uF altura pue e .osa' volar# Ho (%.. is your brother# 3ara &reguntar "a estatura DCu6nto mi e tu de "as &ersonas' hermano# 3ara &reguntar &or e" tamaQo de una .osa! &ersona 3ara &reguntar si es *uena una .osa o &ersona' Ho 0)/ is your house# DHuF tamaIo tiene tu casa#

H!1 $i'$8l!1F ahau haib cTuK a"tura'''

H!1 t ll re 3!&F ahau to" ar iub

c8u5nto mides

H!1 6i'F ahau *igb

cTuK tamaQo tiene

H!1 '!!#Fahau gudb

cTuK ta" es

Ho /oo1 is that test# DHuF tal es ese test#

)hi.h (/uK) (e tradu.e igua" 2what &ero 2whi.h a&are.e en ora.iones en "as /ue te dan o&.iones a e"egir1 &or "o /ue serEa m5s"o &or"' !hat sport o you like# !hich sport o you like, football or basketball# )hose )ho su6eto: )ho o*6eto: )ho o*6eto: )ho su6eto: )hat su6eto: )hat o*6eto: )here: )hen: )hat time: )hy: $ow: $ow "ong: )hi.h: )hose: (de /uiKn) Lohn gave 3eter a &resent' Lohn gave 3eter a &resent' Lohn has to wait for 3eter' Lohn has to wait for 3eter' The dog ki""ed the .at' The dog ki""ed the .at' Lohn wi"" meet 3eter at the station' Lohn wi"" meet 3eter tonight' Lohn wi"" meet 3eter at :::DD' Lohn shouted at 3eter *e.ause he was angry' Lohn shouted at 3eter fier.e"y' Lohn has *een waiting for an hour' I "ike the red T!shirt1 the *"a.k one is ug"y' This .ar is Lohns' )ho gave 3eter a &resent )ho did 3eter give a &resent )ho has Lohn to wait for )ho has to wait for 3eter )hat ki""ed the .at )hat did the dog ki"" )here wi"" Lohn meet 3eter )hen wi"" Lohn meet 3eter )hat time wi"" Lohn meet 3eter )hy did Lohn shout at 3eter $ow did Lohn shout at 3eter $ow "ong has Lohn *een waiting )hi.h T!shirt do you "ike )hose .ar is this

/UESTION TA.S (e usan &ara .onseguir informa.i4n /ue .reemos .orre.ta1 .onfirmar "o /ue .reemos' 8uando e" ver*o &rin.i&a" est5 en afirmativa "a 2/uestion tag es N-HATI7A' %ou "ike i.e!.ream1 donet you 8uando e" ver*o &rin.i&a" est5 en negativa "a 2/uestion tag es ARPI0ATI7A' A"e.k didnet stay u& a"" night1 did he (i e" ver*o &rin.i&a" es dto *ed1 dto haved1 d.and o dto dod1 se re&ite en "a 2/uestion tag' %ou havenet got two dogs1 have you



PRONO"BRES PERSONALES >os &ronom*res .um&"en "a fun.i4n de sustituir a un nom*re' >os &ronom*res &ersona"es su6eto rea"iGan "a a..i4n de" ver*o1 mientras /ue en "os de !67et! "a a..i4n de" ver*o' $e builts houses. 8ohn hit me. 8ohn gave a present to me. 3ron' 3ers' (6 3ron' 3ers' F*6' (Fd) 3ron' 3ers' F*6' (Fi) -" &ronom*re ref"eNivo se usa &ara situa.iones en "as /ue "a a..i4n de" ver*o so*re e" mismo su6eto' - shave myself. *2e afeito.+ 3ron' 3ers' (OL-TF I %ou $e (he It )e %ou They 3ron' 3ers' F;L-TF 0e %ou $im $er It Os %ou Them 3ron' P-R>-fI7F 0yse"f %ourse"f $imse"f $erse"f Itse"f Furse"ves %ourse"ves Themse"ves

AD2ETIVOS Y PRONO"BRES POSESIVOS >os ad6etivos &osesivos1 a" igua" /ue .ua"/uier otro ad6etivo1 van de"ante de" nom*re indi.ando /uien es e" &oseedor' -" &ronom*re &osesivo sustituye a un ad6etivo &osesivo y a" nom*re a" /ue &or e6em&"o: This is my car )))): This is mine. ADL-TI7F &osesivo 0y %our $is $er Its Fur %our Their 3PFNF0;P- &osesivo 0ine %ours $is $ers Its Furs %ours Theirs

Theres no nee you len me your soap. I will wash !'+*., with !)&*, its in !' bag. *Ao es necesario 4ue me prestes tu 0ab9n. 2e lavarF con el mEo, est6 en mi bolsa.+ AD2ETIVOS Y PRONO"BRES INDE+INIDOS >os ad6etivos y &ronom*res indefinidos "os uti"iGamos &ara referirnos a &ersonas1 anima"es o .osas no determinadas' ADL-TI7F( N! (ningIn) No horse .an run faster than mine' E%er3 (todos) -very seat in the theatre was taken' S!me (a"gun) en afirmativas) >eave us some oranges' An3 (a"gun) en inter1 y neg') Did you *uy any a&&"e 6ui.e Loe doesnt have any *rother or sister' " n3 (mu.hos .onta*"es &"ura") )e take many &hotogra&hs' +e1 (unos &o.os ^ ^ ) I have a few oranges to s/ueeGe' "&)$ (mu.ho in.onta*"es) )e didnt do mu.h sho&&ing' Little (&o.o in.onta*"es) I have a "itt"e work to do' A l!t !* (mu.ho) )e s&ent a "ot of money' Plent3 !* (demasiado) There was &"enty of food in the *uffet' E )$ (.ada) -a.h one of you must do his &art of the work' B!t$ (am*os) ;oth restaurants are very good' Neit$er (ningIn) Neither restaurant is eN&ensive' Eit$er (.ua"/uiera) )e .an go either restaurant1 I dont mind'

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO All (todos) W$!le (a" .om&"eto) 3PFNF0;P-( S!me6!#38!ne (a"guien +) An36!#38!ne (a"guien ? y ) N!6!#38!ne (nadie)

3: A"" of us en6oyed the &arty' $ave you eaten the who"e &a.ket of *is.uits (ome*ody has sto"en my *ike in the &arking' 8an any*ody he"& me1 &"ease No*ody "ikes the fi"m' No*ody doesnt "ike the fi"m'S (no &uede ir .on formas negativas')

>o mismo .on s!met$in'- n3t$in' y n!t$in'' (a"go1 nada)' LAS PREPOSICIONES -n "a mayorEa de "os .asos1 "a tradu..i4n de una &re&osi.i4n est5 determinada &or &a"a*ra a "a /ue en "a ora.i4n1 determinados ver*os se usan .on determinadas &re&osi.iones1 &or e6em&"o epen ,A, get -A, <P" (son "os .ono.idos .omo &hrasa" ver*s)' Cepen e el precio% -t epen s on the price. 'oIF con 2arEa% - reamt about 2aria. -nsisti9 en pagar% $e insiste on paying. A se usa una &re&osi.i4n en es&aQo" &ero no en ing"Ks: 'e va a casar con mi hermana% he is going to marry my sister. F a" .ontrario: 2ira esta foto% look at this fotograph. De "ugar Fn! en in! en under! de*a6o de''' a*ove! en.ima de''' *ehind! detr5s de''' in front of! frente a''' neNt to! .er.a de''' *etween! entre *y! &or De movimiento a"ong! a travKs de''' down! de*a6o de''' into! dentro de''' out of! fuera de''' over! so*re''' &ast! &asadas "as''' through! a travKs de'''/ &or' *e"ow! de*a6o de''' u&! en.ima de'''

De tiem&o: in! J -n =KKL, -n may, -n the morning. on) ,n 'un ay, ,n &ri ay evening, ,n =. th 8uly. at! (t eight oM clock, at the weeken . EL ADVERBIO >os adver*ios son &a"a*ras /ue ha.en referen.ia a "as .ir.unstan.ias o estados en "as /ue se en.uentran "as .osas o &ersonas de "as /ue ha*"amos' >os adver*ios de modo se forman genera"mente aQadiendo ly a" ad6etivo *slow%slowly+' ! "os ad6etivos terminados en le1 .am*ian "a e a y *comfortable%comfortably+ ! >os a.a*ados en ll s4"o aQaden una y *full%fully+ ! >os terminados en y "a sustituyen &or una i antes de" sufi6o ly *noisy%noisily+ ! >os a.a*ados en ue &ierden "a e *true%truly+ A"gunos ad6etivos se usan .omo adver*ios (fast1 straight1 tight1 et.''')' >os .om&arativos y "os su&er"ativos de "os adver*ios siguen "as mismas reg"as /ue "a de "os ad6etivos' 3ero de*es &restar aten.i4n a una serie de ad6etivos terminados en ly *rother"y ! fraterna" .oward"y ! .o*arde dead"y ! morta" .hi""y ! frEo .rum*"y ! desmenuGa*"e death"y ! se&u".ra" .ost"y ! .ostoso .ur"y ! riGado e"der"y ! mayor

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO ghost"y ! fantasma" ho"y ! santo kind"y ! *ondadoso "one"y ! so"itario miser"y ! ta.aQo &riest"y ! sa.erdota" sur"y ! hos.o AD2ECTIVES 4ED OR 4IN.

33 heaven"y ! divino home"y ! &o.o atra.tivo "ike"y ! &ro*a*"e "ove"y ! en.antador mother"y ! materna" saint"y ! santo time"y ! o&ortuno hi""y ! montaQoso 6o""y ! a"egre "ive"y ! animado man"y ! varoni" order"y ! ordenado si""y ! ridE.u"o1 tonto wor"d"y ? mundane

Bo-)&/ des.ri*e .4mo es una &ersona o situa.i4n' Bo-*11 en .am*io1 se uti"iGa &ara des.ri*ir un 2estado' c84mo es Luan Luan es a*urrido' c84mo est5 Luan Luan est5 a*urrido' )hat is Lohn "ike Lohn is *oring' $ow is Lohn Lohn is *ored'

I saw an interesting movie/fi"m' 7i una &e"E.u"a interesante' Cescribo c9mo fue la pelEcula 4ue vi. Iem interested in &o"iti.s' Cescribo 4uF es lo me interesa. -stoy interesado en "a &o"Eti.a'

I heard some very epressing news' Iem going to "ose my 6o*' I fee" terri*"e' 8heer u&' Donet fee" so epresse ' There are &"enty of other 6o*s' AD2ECTIVES ( PREPOSITION (0F(T 8F00FN) A..ording + to A..ustomed + to Afraid1 frightened1 terrified1 s.ared1 &roud1 ashamed1 6ea"ous1 envious1 sus&i.ious + of (someone / something) Angry1 annoyed1 furious + a*out (something) / with (someone for doing something) AnNious + a*out Aware1 .ons.ious + of (something) 8a&a*"e1 in.a&a*"e + of (something) 8rowded + with (&eo&"e) De"ighted1 &"eased1 satisfied1 disa&&ointed1 *ored1 fed u& + with (something) Different + from (someone / something) -N.ited1 worried1 u&set + a*out (something) Ramous + for (something) Rit + for Rond + of (someone / something) Ru"" + of (something) Hood1 *ad1 eN.e""ent+ at (doing something) / for (someone / something) Im&ressed + *y (someone / something) Interested + in (something) Jeen + on (something) 0arried1 engaged + to (someone) Nervous + of Ni.e1 kind1 good1 generous1 mean1 stu&id1 si""y1 inte""igent1 ."ever1 &o"ite1 rude1 unreasona*"e + of (someone) 3re&ared + for Peady + for Pes&onsi*"e + for (something) (hort + of (something) (imi"ar + to (something) (orry + a*out (something) / for (doing something) (u..essfu" + in (ur&rised1 sho.ked1 amaGed1 astonished + *y (something)

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO Tired + of (something) Osed + to


VERB ( PREPOSTION (0F(T 8F00FN) To a..use (someone) of (something) To a&o"ogise to (someone) for (something) To a&&"y for (a 6o*) To ask (someone) a*out (someone / something) To ask (someone) for (something) (&edir a"go) To *e"ieve in (something) To *e"ong to (someone) To *"ame (someone / something) for (something) To *orrow (something) from (someone) To .om&are (something) with (something) To .om&"ain to (someone) a*out (someone / something) To .on.entrate on (something) To .ongratu"ate (someone) on (something) To .rash into (something) (estre""arse) To de&end on (someone / something) To die of (an i""ness) To divide (something) into (&arts) To dream a*out (someone / something) To eN&"ain (a &ro*"em) to (someone) To forgive (someone) for (something) To ha&&en to (someone / something) To hear a*out (something) To insist on To invite (someone) to (a &arty) To "augh at To "isten to (someone / something) To "ook after (someone / something) To "ook at (someone / something) To "ook for (someone / something) (to try to find) To "ook forward to To o*6e.t to (someone / something) To &ay (someone) for (something) To &ersist in To &refer (someone / something) to (someone / something) To &re&are for To &rote.t (someone / something) from (someone / something) To &rovide (someone) with (something) To &unish (someone) for (something) To remind (someone) of (someone / something) (me ha.e redordar) To remind (someone) a*out (something) (re.ordar"e a a"guien a"go) To run into (something) (estre""arse) / (someone) (atro&e""ar) To s&end (money) on (something) To shout at (someone) (angri"y) / to (someone) (&ara /ue se entere) To smi"e at To s&eak to (someone) a*out (someone / something) To su..eed in To suffer from (an i""ness) To take .are of (someone / something) To ta"k to (someone) a*out (someone / something) To thank (someone) for (something) To think a*out (someone / something) (ref"eNionar so*re a"go1 re.ordar) To think of (&ensar en a"go1 imaginar1 re.ordar) To throw (something) at (someone / something) (&ara go"&ear"e) To throw (something) to (someone / something) (&ara /ue "o .o6a) To trans"ate (a *ook) from (one "anguage) into (another "anguage) To wait for (someone / something)



To warn (someone) a*out (someone / something) To write to (someone) DO- "A=E >a mayorEa de "os "i*ros de gram5ti.a sue"en /ue ^make_ es .on "as manos1 .onstruir1 .rear1 fa* y ^do_ es m5s a*' 3ero no es toda "a verdad ya /ue hay unas eN&resiones /ue van .on ^do_ y otras .on ^make_1 sin /ue eNista ninguna raG4n' Dado /ue en es&aQo" s4"o eNiste ^ha.er_ es norma" .onfundirse' (,) 8on fre.uen.ia e" ver*o dto maked tiene .omo signifi.ado: .onstruir1 .rear1 &rodu.ir1 .am*iar1 renovar' (he made a new arti."e' I make dinner every day' (:) dTo maked tam*iKn signifi.a: mandar1 forGar1 instruir1 a"go' )e made Lohn *uy us .ho.o"ates' The made the so"dier mar.h /ui.k"y' (3) -" ver*o dto dod des.ri*e una a..i4n no muy &re.isa: 3au"a is doing her *est at s.hoo"' $e did some work in the garden this morning' (<) -" ver*o dto dod se uti"iGa adem5s .uando se uti"iGa "a &a"a*ra dworkd (tra*a6o): )ho does the work in this offi.e 0y father usua""y does the .ooking on (unday' 0AJto make an a&&ointmentM arrangementsM an attem&tM a *edM .ertainM a .hoi.eM .offeeM a .om&"aintM a .onfessionM a de.isionM a dressM a dis.overyM in/uiriesM an eN.useM an eN.e&tionM an effortM im&rovementsM a 6ourneyM friends with '''M a fortuneM fun of'''M a fuss of '''M "oveM a mistakeM a noiseM moneyM a suggestion1 a te"e&hone .a""M the most of ''''''M &ea.eM &re&arationsM a &rofitM &rogressM room for '''''M senseM sureM timeM trou*"eM u& onees mindM use of '''M warM a wi""' 8omo reg"a genera"1 dto maked se uti"iGa .on m5s fre.uen.ia /ue dto dod' DF to do your *estM *usinessM an eNamM an eNer.iseM a favourM goodM harmM a 6o*M 6usti.e to'''M onees *estM onees dutyM a servi.eM the sho&&ingM a testM a trans"ationM the wash!u&M wondersM the work' #! ,'ha.erM g something9 hhaG a"go9M are you ging anything this evening cvas a a"go esta no.he M to have something/nothing to g tener a"go/no tener nada /ue ha.erM .an I g anything to he"& c&uedo ayudar en a"go M I donet know what Iem going to g with you9 hno sK /uK voy a .ontigo9M :'(.arry out) i6o*/taskj ha.erM to g onees homework "os de*eresM to g the .ooking .o.inarM we"" done9 hmuy *ien9 3'(as 6o*): what do you g ca /uK se dedi.a M what does he g for a "iving cen /uK tra*a6a <'(a.hieve1 *ring a*out): shees done it: ites a new wor"d re.ord "o ha "ogrado: es una nueva mar.a mundia"M now youeve done it9 hahora sE /ue "a has he.ho *uena9 (ir4ni.o)M =' a'(fiN1 arrange1 re&air): I have to g my nai"s me tengo /ue arreg"ar "as uQasM she had her hair done se hiGo &einar *'(."ean) idishesj "avarM i*rass/windowsj "im&iar @'(make1 &rodu.e) a'imea"j &re&arar1 ha.erM



wou"d you g the .arrots cme &re&aras (or &e"as et.) "as Ganahorias *'idrawing/trans"ationj ha.erM m Ie ,'(.reate1 &rodu.e) i&aint/.arsj ha.er1 fa*ri.arM idressj ha.er1 .onfe..ionar (frm")M imea"/.ake/sandwi.h/.offeej ha.er1 &re&ararM ifi"mj ha.er1 rodarM ire.ordj gra*arM ifire/nest/ho"ej ha.erM i"ist/wi""j ha.erM to g a noise ruidoM to g a note of sth anotar a"goM made in (&ain he.ho or fa*ri.ado en -s&aQaM ites made of wood/&"asti. es de madera/&"5sti.oM donet g an enemy of her no te "a e.hes en.ima .omo enemigaM :'(.arry out) ire&airs/.hanges/&aymentj ha.er1 efe.tuar (frm")M i&re&arations/arrangementsj ha.erM i6ourneyj ha.erM *'iremark/announ.ementj ,'(.ause to *e): Ie"" g you ha&&y/ri.h te harK fe"iG/ri.aM donet g "ife diffi.u"t for yourse"f no te .om&"i/ues "a vidaM that made me sad eso me entriste.i4 or me a&en4M the work made me thirsty/s"ee&y e" tra*a6o me dio sed/sueQoM what gs me angry is + "o /ue me da ra*ia es +M I .ou"dnet g myse"f heard a*ove the noise no &odEa .onseguir /ue me oyeran .on e" ruidoM BOTH8BOTH O+- NEITHER8NEITHER O+- EITHER8EITHER O+ ;oth restaurants are good' ;oth of the restaurants are good' B!t$ (rNak n# 7l ;ulli are very eN&ensive restaurants' *tanto " c9mo+ Neither restaurant is eN&ensive' Neiteher of the restaurants we went 1 s81ere eN&ensive' I dont "ike neit$er 8hinesse n!r food' *ni " ni+ )e .an go to either restaurant' I havent *een to either of those restaurants' )e .an go eit$er to a *urguer !r an Ita"ian restaurant' *o " o+ /UITE AND RATHER /&ite es menos /ue very1 &ero m5s /ue a little' *bastante+ 7a antes de a%an y a se usa + sustantivo (sin ad6etivo) Its /uite .o"d' %oud *etter wear a .oat' It was /uite a ni.e day' I didnt eN&e.t them' It was /uite a sur&rise' Tam*iKn se usa .on a"gunos ver*os1 es&e.ia"mente like y en0oy' I /uite "ike tennis1 *ut its not my favourite s&ort' Huite a signifi.a .om&"ete"y si va .on a"gunos ad6etivos: sure right true ."ear different in.redi*"e .ertain wrong safe o*vious unne.essary eNtraordinary Are you sure amaGing im&ossi*"e

%es1 /uite sure' It ha&&ened *efore my very eyes'

R t$er es simi"ar a 4uite1 &ero se uti"iGa &rin.i&a"mente .on &a"a*ras o ideas negativas' The eNam wi"" *e rather diffi.u"t1 Im afraid' (hes /uite inte""igent1 *ut rather "aGy' (i se usa .on una idea &ositiva es &or/ue signifi.a /ue inusual o sorpren ente' The a&&"es are rather ni.e' )here did you *uy them The ones I *ought yesterday were so'



LISTA DE LOS PHRASAL VERBS Ver6 sI someone !&t "e nin' invite on a date EJ mple ;rian sIe# Ludy !&t to dinner and a movie' I sIe# r!&n# *ut no*ody has seen my wa""et' %our &ur.hases ## &p t! X:D='3:' %oue"" have to 6 )I &p your .ar so that I .an get out' 0y wife 6 )Ie# me &p over my de.ision to /uit my 6o*' The .ar 6le1 &p after it .rashed into the fen.e' )e have to 6l!1 =D *a""oons &p for the &arty' Fur .ar 6r!Ie #!1n at the side of the highway in the snowstorm' The woman 6r!Ie #!1n when the &o"i.e to"d her that her son had died' Fur tea.her 6r!Ie the fina" &ro6e.t #!1n into three se&arate &arts' (ome*ody 6r!Ie in "ast night and sto"e our stereo' The firemen had to 6re I int! the room to res.ue the .hi"dren' I need to 6re I these shoes in *efore we run neNt week' The T7 station 6r!Ie in to re&ort the news of the &residentes death' 0y *oyfriend and I 6r!Ie &p *efore I moved to Ameri.a' The kids 6ust 6r!Ie &p as soon as the ."own started ta"king' The &risoners 6r!Ie !&t of 6ai" when the guards werenet "ooking'

sI r!&n# ## &p t! something 6 )I something &p

ask many &eo&"e the same /uestion e/ua" reverse

6 )I someone &p


6l!1 &p


6l!1 something &p

add air

6re I #!1n

sto& fun.tioning (vehi."e1 ma.hine)

6re I #!1n

get u&set

6re I something #!1n

divide into sma""er &arts

6re I in

for.e entry to a *ui"ding

6re I int! something

enter for.i*"y wear something a few times so that it doesnet "ook/fee" new interru&t

6re I something in

6re I in

6re I &p

end a re"ationshi&

6re I &p

start "aughing (informa")

6re I !&t




6re I !&t in something 6rin' someone #!1n 6rin' someone &p

deve"o& a skin .ondition make unha&&y raise a .hi"d

I 6r!Ie !&t in a rash after our .am&ing tri&' This sad musi. is 6rin'in' me #!1n' 0y grand&arents 6r!&'$t me &p after my &arents died' 0y mother wa"ks out of the room when my father 6rin's &p s&orts' $e drank so mu.h that he 6r!&'$t his dinner &p in the toi"et' )e ) lle# r!&n# *ut we werenet a*"e to find the .ar &art we needed' I ) lle# the .om&any 6 )I *ut the were ."osed for the weekend' Lason ) lle# the wedding !** *e.ause he wasnet in "ove with his fian.K' The &rofessor ) lle# !n me for /uestion ,' )e ) lle# !n you "ast night *ut you werenet home' Hive me your &hone num*er and I wi"" ) ll you &p when we are in town' %ou are sti"" mad' %ou need to ) lm #!1n *efore you drive the .ar' I donet ) re *!r his *ehaviour' %oue"" have to run faster than that if you want to ) t)$ &p with 0arty' )e wi"" get the hote" keys when we )$e)I in' %ou have to )$e)I !&t of the hote" *efore ,,:DD A0' The .om&any )$e)Is !&t a"" new em&"oyees' C$e)I !&t the .raGy hair on that guy9 (he )$eere# &p when she heard the good news'

6rin' something &p

start ta"king a*out a su*6e.t

6rin' something &p


) ll r!&n#

&hone many different &""e

) ll someone 6 )I

return a &hone .a""

) ll something !**


) ll !n someone

ask for an answer or o&inion

) ll !n someone

visit someone

) ll someone &p


) lm #!1n not ) re *!r someone%something ) t)$ &p

re"aN after *eing angry

not "ike (forma") get to the same &oint as someone e"se arrive and register at a hote" or air&ort "eave a hote"

)$e)I in

)$e)I !&t )$e)I someone%something !&t )$e)I !&t someone%something )$eer &p

"ook at .arefu""y1 investigate

"ook at (informa")

*e.ome ha&&ier



)$eer someone &p

make ha&&ier

I *rought you some f"owers to )$eer you &p' If everyone )$ips in we .an get the kit.hen &ainted *y noon' 3"ease )le n &p your *edroom' I ) me )r!ss these o"d &hotos when I was tidying the ."oset' The to& and *ottom )!me p rt if you &u"" hard enough' 0y ne&hew ) me #!1n 1it$ .hi.ken &oN this weekend' The woman ) me *!r1 r# with her hus*andes finger &rints' The art of origami )!mes *r!m Asia' I am )!&ntin' !n you to make dinner whi"e I am out' 3"ease )r!ss !&t your o"d address and write your new one' 0y do.tor wants me to )&t 6 )I !n sweets and fatty foods' )e had to )&t the o"d tree in our yard #!1n after the storm' %our father )&t in whi"e I was with your un."e' The *us driver got angry when that .ar )&t in' The air .onditioner )&ts in when the tem&erature gets to ::k8' The do.tors )&t !** his "eg *e.ause it was severe"y in6ured' The &hone .om&any )&t !** our &hone *e.ause we didnet &ay the *i""' 0y grand&arents )&t my father !** when he remarried' I )&t this ad !&t of the news&a&er'

)$ip in )le n something &p )!me )r!ss something

he"& tidy1 ."ean find uneN&e.ted"y

)!me p rt )!me #!1n 1it$ something )!me *!r1 r# )!me *r!m somewhere )!&nt !n someone%something )r!ss something !&t


*e.ome si.k vo"unteer for a task or to give eviden.e originate in re"y on

draw a "ine through

)&t 6 )I !n something

.onsume "ess

)&t something #!1n

make something fa"" to the ground

)&t in

interru&t &u"" in too ."ose"y in front of another vehi."e start o&erating (of an engine or e"e.tri.a" devi.e) remove with something shar&

)&t in

)&t in

)&t something !**

)&t something !**

sto& &roviding

)&t someone !**

take out of a wi"" remove &art of something (usua""y with s.issors and &a&er)

)&t something !&t



#! someone%something !%er

*eat u&1 ransa.k (;r'-'1 informa")

$ees " to *e a"ive' $is sho& was #!ne !%er *y a street gang' 0y tea.her wants me to #! my essay !%er *e.ause she doesnet "ike my to&i.' Ites time to #! 1 3 1it$ a"" of these o"d taN re.ords' D! your .oat &p' Ites snowing9 Ites a fan.y restaurant so we have to #ress &p' Andrea #r!ppe# 6 )I to third &"a.e when she fe"" off her *ike' I might #r!p in8638!%er for tea some time this week' I have to #r!p my sister !** at work *efore I .ome over' I #r!ppe# !&t of (.ien.e *e.ause it was too diffi.u"t' I donet fee" "ike .ooking tonight' >etes e t !&t' )e en#e# &p renting a movie instead of going to the theatre' 0y new dress *ell p rt in the washing ma.hine' The &i.ture that you hung u& "ast night *ell #!1n this morning' The money must have * llen !&t of my &o.ket' $is hair started to * ll !&t when he was on"y 3=' I need to *i'&re !&t how to fit the &iano and the *ookshe"f in this room' 3"ease *ill in the form with your name1 address1 and &hone num*er' The form must *e *ille# !&t in .a&ita" "etters' I a"ways *ill the water 6ug &p when it

#! something !%er

do again (N'Amer')

#! 1 3 1it$ something #! something &p #ress &p

dis.ard fasten1 ."ose wear ni.e ."othing

#r!p 6 )I

move *a.k in a &osition/grou&

#r!p in8638!%er #r!p someone%something !** #r!p !&t

.ome without an a&&ointment take someone/something somewhere and "eave them/it there /uit a ."ass1 s.hoo" et.

e t !&t

eat at a restaurant

en# &p

eventua""y rea.h/do/de.ide

* ll p rt

*reak into &

* ll #!1n

fa"" to the ground

* ll !&t

se&arate from an interior (of hair1 teeth) *e.ome "oose and unatta.hed understand1 find the answer to write information in *"anks (;r'-') to write information in *"anks (N'Amer') fi"" to the to&

* ll !&t

*i'&re something !&t

*ill something in

*ill something !&t *ill something &p



is em&ty' *in# !&t dis.over )e donet know where he "ives' $ow .an we *in# !&t )e tried to kee& the time of the &arty a se.ret1 *ut (amantha *!&n# it !&t' I tried to 'et my &oint )r!ss8!%er to the 6udge *ut she wou"dnet "isten' I was sur&rised how we"" my new gir"friend and my sister '!t l!n'8!n' $e 'ets r!&n# fine in his whee".hair )e worked so hard this year that we had to 'et 1 3 for a week' Lason a"ways 'ets 1 3 1it$ .heating in his maths tests' )e '!t 6 )I from our va.ation "ast week' >iG fina""y '!t her (.ien.e notes 6 )I from my room!mate' 0y sister '!t 6 )I t me for stea"ing her shoes' (he sto"e my favourite hat' I fina""y '!t 6 )I int! my nove" and finished it' )eere going to freeGe out here if you donet "et us 'et !n the *us' I 6ust '!t !%er the f"u and now my sister has it' The .om&any wi"" have to ."ose if it .anet 'et !%er the new regu"ations' I donet know when I am going to 'et r!&n# t! writing the thank you .ards' >etes 'et t!'et$er for a ;;T this weekend' I '!t &p ear"y today to study for my eNam' %ou shou"d 'et &p and give the e"der"y man your seat'

*in# something !&t 'et something )r!ss8!%er 'et l!n'8!n 'et r!&n# 'et 1 3


.ommuni.ate1 make understanda*"e

"ike ea.h other have mo*i"ity go on a va.ation do without *eing noti.ed or &unished return

'et 1 3 1it$ something

'et 6 )I

'et something 6 )I

re.eive something you had *efore

'et 6 )I t someone

reta"iate1 take revenge *e.ome interested in something again ste& onto a vehi."e re.over from an i""ness1 "oss1 diffi.u"ty over.ome a &ro*"em fina""y find time to do (N'Amer': 'et r!&n# t! something) meet (usua""y for so.ia" reasons)

'et 6 )I int! something

'et !n something

'et !%er something

'et !%er something

'et r!&n# t! something

'et t!'et$er

'et &p

get out of *ed

'et &p




'i%e someone 1 3

revea" hidden information a*out someone take the *ride to the a"tar

$is wife ' %e him 1 3 to the &o"i.e' 0y father ' %e me 1 3 at my wedding' 0y "itt"e sister ' %e the sur&rise &arty 1 3 *y a..ident' The "i*rary was 'i%in' 1 3 o"d *ooks on Rriday' I have to 'i%e these skates 6 )I to RranG *efore his ho.key game' 0y *oyfriend didnet want to go to the *a""et1 *ut he fina""y ' %e in' They 'i%e !&t free &erfume sam&"es' I am 'i%in' &p smoking as of Lanuary ,st' 0y maths homework was too diffi.u"t so I ' %e &p' 0y *rother tried to '! *ter the thief in his .ar' I 1ent *ter my dream and now I am a &u*"ished writer' )e are '!in' ' inst the *est team in the .ity tonight' 3"ease '! $e # and eat *efore the food gets .o"d' I have to '! 6 )I home and get my "un.h' )eere '!in' !&t for dinner tonight' Lesse has *een '!in' !&t 1it$ >uke sin.e they met "ast winter' 3"ease '! !%er your answers *efore you su*mit your test' I havenet seen Tina for a "ong time' I think Ie"" '! !%er for an hour or two' )hen I was young1 we 1ent 1it$!&t winter *oots'

'i%e someone 1 3

'i%e something 1 3

ruin a se.ret

'i%e something 1 3

give something to someone for free

'i%e something 6 )I

return a *orrowed item

'i%e in 'i%e something !&t 'i%e something &p

re"u.tant"y sto& fighting or arguing give to many &eo&"e (usua""y free) /uit a ha*it

'i%e &p

sto& trying

'! *ter someone

fo""ow someone

'! *ter something

try to a.hieve something

'! ' inst someone

.om&ete1 o&&ose

'! $e #

start1 &ro.eed

'! 6 )I '! !&t '! !&t 1it$ someone

return to a &"a.e "eave home to go on a so.ia" event date

'! !%er something


'! !%er

visit someone near*y

'! 1it$!&t something

suffer "a.k or de&rivation



'r!1 p rt 'r!1 6 )I 'r!1 &p

sto& *eing friends over time regrow *e.ome an adu"t

0y *est friend and I 're1 p rt after she .hanged s.hoo"s' 0y roses 're1 6 )I this summer' )hen La.k 'r!1s &p he wants to *e a fireman' -"iGa*eth needs a new &air of shoes *e.ause she has 'r!1n !&t !* her o"d ones' This *ike is too *ig for him now1 *ut he shou"d 'r!1 int! it *y neNt year' I $ n#e# my o"d .omi. *ooks #!1n to my "itt"e .ousin' I have to $ n# in my essay *y Rriday' )e wi"" $ n# !&t the invitations at the door' The &o"i.e asked the man to $ n# !%er his wa""et and his wea&ons' H n' in there' Iem sure youe"" find a 6o* very soon' H n' !n whi"e I gra* my .oat and shoes9 Instead of going to the &arty we are 6ust going to $ n' !&t at my &"a.e' $e didnet say good*ye *efore he $&n' &p' I had to $!l# my dog 6 )I *e.ause there was a .at in the &ark' Lamie $el# 6 )I his tears at his grandfatheres funera"' 3"ease $!l# !n whi"e I transfer you to the (a"es De&artment' H!l# !nt! your hat *e.ause ites very windy outside' A man in a *"a.k mask $el# the *ank &p this morning' =eep !n stirring unti" the "i/uid .omes to a *oi"'

'r!1 !&t !* something

get too *ig for

'r!1 int! something

grow *ig enough to fit give something used to someone e"se su*mit to distri*ute to a grou& of &eo&"e

$ n# something #!1n $ n# something in $ n# something !&t

$ n# something !%er

give (usua""y unwi""ing"y)

$ n' in

stay &ositive (N'Amer'1 informa")

$ n' !n

wait a short time (informa")

$ n' !&t

s&end time re"aNing (informa")

$ n' &p $!l# someone%something 6 )I $!l# something 6 )I

end a &hone .a""

&revent from doing/going

hide an emotion

$!l# !n $!l# !nt! someone%something $!l# someone%something&p Ieep !n #!in' something

wait a short time ho"d firm"y using your hands or arms ro*

.ontinue doing



Ieep something *r!m someone Ieep someone%something !&t Ieep something &p

not te""

)e Iept our re"ationshi& *r!m our &arents for two years' Try to Ieep the wet dog !&t of the "iving room' If you Ieep those resu"ts &p you wi"" get into a great .o""ege' I need you to *e on time' Donet let me #!1n this time' 8an you let the .at in *efore you go to s.hoo" I have to l!!I *ter my si.k grandmother' -ver sin.e we sto"e that .ho.o"ate *ar your dad has l!!Ie# #!1n !n me' Iem l!!Iin' *!r a red dress for the wedding' Iem l!!Iin' *!r1 r# t! the ho"idays' )e are going to l!!I int! the &ri.e of snow*oards today' >ook out9 That .ares going to hit you9 Donet forget to l!!I !&t *!r snakes on the hiking trai"' 8an you l!!I !%er my essay for s&e""ing mistakes )e .an l!!I her &hone num*er &p on the Internet' 0y "itt"e sister has a"ways l!!Ie# &p to me' Losie m #e &p a story a*out a*out why we were "ate' )e were angry "ast night1 *ut we m #e &p at *reakfast' 0y sisters m #e me &p for my graduation &arty' I miJe# &p the twinse names again9 $is un."e p sse# 1 3 "ast night after

sto& from entering

.ontinue at the same rate

let someone #!1n

fai" to su&&ort or he"&1 disa&&oint

let someone in l!!I *ter someone%something l!!I #!1n !n someone l!!I *!r someone%something l!!I *!r1 r# t! smth l!!I int! something l!!I !&t l!!I !&t *!r someone%something l!!I something !%er

a""ow to enter

take .are of

think "ess of1 .onsider inferior

try to find *e eN.ited a*out the future investigate *e .arefu"1 vigi"ant1 and take noti.e *e es&e.ia""y vigi"ant for

.he.k1 eNamine sear.h and find information in a referen.e *ook or data*ase have a "ot of res&e.t for

l!!I something &p

l!!I &p t! someone

m Ie something &p

invent1 "ie a*out something

m Ie &p

forgive ea.h other

m Ie someone &p miJ something &p p ss 1 3

a&&"y .osmeti.s to .onfuse two or more things die



a "ong i""ness' p ss !&t faint It was so hot in the .hur.h that an e"der"y "ady p sse# !&t' The &rofessor p sse# the teNt*ooks !&t *efore ."ass' I p sse# &p the 6o* *e.ause I am afraid of .hange' Thanks for *uying my ti.ket' Ie"" p 3 you 6 )I on Rriday' That *u""y wi"" p 3 *!r *eing mean to my "itt"e *rother' I pi)Ie# !&t three sweaters for you to try on' Ie"" p!int my *oyfriend !&t when he runs *y' %ou .an p&t the gro.eries #!1n on the kit.hen .ounter' The students p&t the su*stitute tea.her #!1n *e.ause his &ants were too short' )e are p&ttin' !** our tri& unti" Lanuary *e.ause of the hurri.ane' The neigh*ours p&t the fire !&t *efore the firemen arrived' I have to p&t the .ri* t!'et$er *efore the *a*y arrives' I donet think I .an p&t &p 1it$ three sma"" .hi"dren in the .ar' Donet forget to p&t !n your new earrings for the &arty' I r n int! an o"d s.hoo"!friend at the ma""' I a..identa""y r n !%er your *i.y."e in the driveway' >etes r&n !%er8t$r!&'$ these "ines one more time *efore the show' The .hi"d r n 1 3 from home and

p ss something !&t

give the same thing to many &eo&"e

p ss something &p

de."ine (usua""y something good)

p 3 someone 6 )I

return owed money *e &unished for doing something *ad .hoose

p 3 *!r something

pi)I something !&t p!int someone%something !&t p&t something #!1n

indi.ate with your finger &ut what you are ho"ding on a surfa.e or f"oor

p&t someone #!1n

insu"t1 make someone fee" stu&id

p&t something !**


p&t something !&t


p&t something t!'et$er p&t &p 1it$ someone%something p&t something !n r&n int! someone%something r&n !%er someone%something r&n !%er8t$r!&'$ something r&n 1 3


to"erate &ut ."othing/a..essories on your *ody meet uneN&e.ted"y drive a vehi."e over a &erson or thing rehearse1 review "eave uneN&e.ted"y1 es.a&e



has *een missing for three days' r&n !&t have none "eft )e r n !&t of sham&oo so I had to wash my hair with soa&' 0y "etter got sent 6 )I to me *e.ause I used the wrong stam&' Fur *oss set a meeting &p with the &resident of the .om&any' The &o"i.e set &p the .ar thief *y using a hidden .amera' I want to s$!p r!&n# a "itt"e *efore I de.ide on these *oots' $e a"ways s$!1s !** on his skate*oard %ou shou"d sleep !%er tonight if the weather is too *ad to drive home' )e need to s!rt the *i""s !&t *efore the first of the month' %ou wi"" "ose weight if you sti)I t! the diet' The "ightes too *right' 8ou"d you s1it)$ it !**' S1it)$ !n the .ar radio' I t Ie *ter my mother' )e are *oth im&atient' $e t!!I the .ar *rakes p rt and found the &ro*"em' I have to t Ie our new T7 6 )I *e.ause it doesnet work' 0y &"ane t Ies !** in five minutes' T Ie !** your so.ks and shoes and .ome in the "ake9 8an you t Ie the gar*age !&t to the street for me 0y grand&arents t!!I us !&t for dinner and a movie' I t!re &p my eN!*oyfriendes "etters and

sen# something 6 )I

return (usua""y *y mai")

set something &p

arrange1 organiGe

set someone &p

tri.k1 tra&

s$!p r!&n#

.om&are & a.t eNtra s&e.ia" for &eo&"e wat.hing (usua""y *oastfu""y) stay somewhere for the night (informa") organiGe1 reso"ve a &ro*"em .ontinue doing something1 "imit yourse"f to one &arti.u"ar thing sto& the energy f"ow1 turn off start the energy f"ow1 turn on resem*"e a fami"y mem*er

s$!1 !**

sleep !%er

s!rt something !&t

sti)I t! something

s1it)$ something !** s1it)$ something !n t Ie *ter someone

t Ie something p rt

&ur&ose"y *reak into &

t Ie something 6 )I t Ie !** t Ie something !**

return an item start to f"y remove something (usua""y ."othing) remove from a &"a.e or thing &ay for someone to go somewhere with you ri& into &

t Ie something !&t

t Ie someone !&t te r something &p



gave them *a.k to him' t$inI 6 )I remem*er (often + to1 sometimes + on) .onsider )hen I t$inI 6 )I on my youth1 I wish I had studied harder' Ie"" have to t$inI this 6o* offer !%er *efore I make my fina" de.ision' )e t$re1 our o"d furniture 1 3 when we won the "ottery' 3"ease t&rn the T7 #!1n whi"e the guests are here' I t&rne# the 6o* #!1n *e.ause I donet want to move' %our mother wants you to t&rn the T7 !** and .ome for dinner' Ites too dark in here' >etes t&rn some "ights !n' 8an you t&rn the musi. &p This is my favourite song' Fur .at t&rne# &p after we &ut &osters u& a"" over the neigh*ourhood' Iem going to tr3 these 6eans !n1 *ut I donet think they wi"" fit' I am going to tr3 this new *rand of detergent !&t' The kids &se# a"" of the tooth&aste &p so we need to *uy some more' )e have to 1 Ie &p ear"y for work on 0onday' %ou .an 1 rm your feet &p in front of the fire&"a.e' I a"ways 1 rm &p *y doing sit!u&s *efore I go for a run' 0ost of my make!u& 1!re !** *efore I got to the &arty' I 1!rI !&t at the gym three times a week' Fur &"an 1!rIe# !&t fine'

t$inI something !%er

t$r!1 something 1 3

dis&ose of de.rease the vo"ume or strength (heat1 "ight et.) refuse

t&rn something #!1n

t&rn something #!1n

t&rn something !**

sto& the energy f"ow1 swit.h off

t&rn something !n

start the energy1 swit.h on in.rease the vo"ume or strength (heat1 "ight et.) a&&ear sudden"y

t&rn something &p

t&rn &p

tr3 something !n

sam&"e ."othing

tr3 something !&t


&se something &p

finish the su&&"y

1 Ie &p 1 rm someone%something &p 1 rm &p

sto& s"ee&ing

in.rease the tem&erature

&re&are *ody for eNer.ise

1e r !**

fade away

1!rI !&t 1!rI !&t

eNer.ise *e su..essfu"



1!rI something !&t

make a .a".u"ation

)e have to 1!rI !&t the tota" .ost *efore we *uy the house'

LISTA DE LOS VERBOS IRRE.ULARES INRINITI7F 3A(ADF (I03>Arise Arose Arisen Awake Awoke Awoken ;e/ am1 are1 is )as / )ere ;een ;ear ;ore ;orne / ;orn ;eat ;eat ;eaten ;e.ome ;e.ame ;e.ome ;egin ;egan ;egun ;end ;ent ;ent ;et ;et ;et ;ind ;ound ;ound ;id ;id ;id ;ite ;it ;itten ;"eed ;"ed ;"ed ;"ow ;"ew ;"own ;reak ;roke ;roken ;reed ;red ;red ;ring ;rought ;rought ;road.ast ;road.ast ;road.ast ;ui"d ;ui"t ;ui"t ;urn ;urnt /;urned ;urnt / ;urned ;urst ;urst ;urst ;uy ;ought ;ought 8ast 8ast 8ast 8at.h 8aught 8aught 8ome 8ame 8ome 8ost 8ost 8ost 8ut 8ut 8ut 8hoose 8hose 8hosen 8"ing 8"ung 8"ung 8ree& 8re&t 8re&t Dea" Dea"t Dea"t Dig Dug Dug Do (Does) Did Done Draw Drew Drawn Dream Dreamt/(ed) Dreamt/(ed) Drink Drank Drunk Drive Drove Driven -at Ate -aten Ra"" Re"" Ra""en Reed Red Red Ree" Re"t Re"t Right Rought Rought Rind Round Round R"ee R"ed R"ed R"y R"ew R"own Ror*id Ror*ade Ror*idden Rorget Rorgot Rorgotten Rorgive Rorgave Rorgiven RreeGe RroGe RroGen Het Hot Hot / Hotten Hive Have Hiven Ho (Hoes) )ent Hone Hrow Hrew Hrown Hrind Hround Hround

3APTI8I3IF 3A(ADF TPADO88I\N (urgir1 "evantarse Des&ertarse (er / -star (o&ortar1 dar a "uG Ho"&ear >"egar a (er -m&eGar Do*"ar A&ostar Atar1 en.uadernar 3u6ar 0order (angrar (o&"ar Pom&er 8riar Traer Padiar1 emitir -difi.ar1 .onstruir Tuemar Peventar 8om&rar Arro6ar 8oger 7enir 8ostar 8ortar -"egir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar 8avar $ Di*u6ar (oQar ;e*er 8omer 8aer A"imentar (entir >u.har -n.ontrar $uir 7o"ar 3rohi*ir F"vidar 3erdonar $e"ar1 .onge"ar F*tener Dar Ir 0o"er

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO $ang $ave $ear $ide $it $o"d $urt Jee& Jnow Jnee" Jnit >ay >ead >ean >ea& >earn >eave >end >et >ie >ight >ose 0ake 0ean 0eet 0istake Fver.ome 3ay 3ut Pead Pide Ping Pise Pun (ay (ee (eek (e"" (end (et (ew (hake (hear (hine (hoot (how (hrink (hut (ing (ink (it ("ee& ("ide (me"" (ow (&eak (&eed (&e"" (&end (&i"" $ung $ad $eard $id $it $e"d $urt Je&t Jnew Jne"t Jnit >aid >ed >eant >ea&t >earnt/>earned >eft >ent >et >ay >it >ost 0ade 0eant 0et 0istook Fver.ame 3aid 3ut Pead Pode Pang Pose Pan (aid (aw (ought (o"d (ent (et (ewed (hook (hore (hone (hot (howed (hrank (hut (ang (ank (at ("e&t ("id (me"t (owed (&oke (&ed (&e"t (&ent (&i"t / (&i""ed $ung $ad $eard $idden $it $e"d $urt Je&t Jnown Jne"t Jnit >aid >ed >eant >ea&t >earnt/>earned >eft >ent >et >ain >it >ost 0ade 0eant 0et 0istaken Fver.ome 3aid 3ut Pead Pidden Pung Pisen Pun (aid (een (ought (o"d (ent (et (ewed / (ewn (haken (horn (hone (hot (hown (hrunk (hut (ung (unk (at ("e&t ("id (me"t (owed / (own (&oken (&ed (&e"t (&ent (&i"t / (&i""ed

<C 8o"gar Tener Fir F.u"tar Ho"&ear Agarrar1 .e"e*rar $erir 8onservar1 guardar (a*er1 Arrodi""arse $ &unto 3oner (mesa1 huevo '') 8ondu.ir1 ""evar a A&oyarse1 in."inarse ; A&render De6ar 3restar 3ermitir -.harse -n.ender 3erder $ ( -n.ontrar1 -/ 7en.er1 su&erar 3agar 3oner >eer 0ontar >"amar >evantarse 8orrer 7er ; 7ender -nviar 3oner (se) 8oser (a.udir -s/ui"ar ;ri""ar Dis&arar 0ostrar -n.ogerse 8errar 8antar $undir (entarse Dormir Pes*a"ar F"er (em*rar $a*"ar A.e"erar De"etrear Hastar Derramar

REPASO 2 BACHILLERATO (&in (&it (&"it (&oi" (&read (&ring (tand (tea" (ti.k (ting (tink (tride (trike (wear (weat (wee& (we"" (wim (wing Take Tea.h Tear Te"" Think Throw Thrust Tread Onderstand Ondergo Ondertake )ake )ear )eave )ee& )et )in )ind )ithdraw )ring )rite (&un (&at (&"it (&oi"t / (&oi"ed (&read (&rang (tood (to"e (tu.k (tung (tank/(tunk (trode (tru.k (wore (weat (we&t (we""ed (wam (wung Took Taught Tore To"d Thought Threw Thrust Trod Onderstood Onderwent Ondertook )oke )ore )ove )e&t )et )on )ound )ithdrew )rung )rote (&un (&at (&"it (&oi"t / (&oi"ed (&read (&rung (tood (to"en (tu.k (tung (tunk (tridden (tru.k (worn (weat (we&t (wo""en (wum (wung Taken Taught Torn To"d Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Onderstood Ondergone Ondertaken )oken )orn )oven )e&t )et )on )ound )ithdrawn )rung )ritten

=D $i"ar -s.u&ir $ender1 &artir1 ra6ar -stro&ear -Ntender (a"tar -star en &ie Po*ar 3egar1 engomar A&estar Dar Gan.adas Ho"&ear Lurar (udar ;arrer $in.har Nadar 8o"um&iarse 8oger -nseQar Pasgar 3ensar Arro6ar1 tirar 3isar1 ho""ar -ntender (ufrir -m&render Des&ertarse >"evar &uesto Te6er >"orar 0o6ar Hanar -nro""ar Petirarse -s.ri*ir

CO"O HACER UNA REDACCION Divide "a .om&osi.i4n en tres &artes (norma"mente tam*iKn tres &5rrafos) ,' Introdu..i4n: da una idea genera" de "o /ue vas desarro""ar des&uKs1 so"o de*e .ontener "a idea &rin.i&a"' (ome &eo&"e argue that'''1 0any &eo&"e think that'''1 It is said that''' :' 8uer&o: es "a argumenta.i4n1 "a eN&"i.a.i4n o 6ustifi.a.i4n de "a idea &rin.i&a" anterior' (i /uieres argumentar tu o&ini4n .on datos /ue a&are.en en e" teNto (o datos es&e.Efi.os /ue tI usa: A..ording to'''1 (tatisti.s show''' 3ara .om&arar o .ontrastar dos .osas uti"iGa: ;oth (of them)1 Fn the one hand1 (*ut) Fn the other hand1 In s&ite of (the fa.t that)1 In .om&arison with1 Fn the .ontrary $a*"ar de "as desventa6as o in.onvenientes:



I am in favour of1 I am for1 I am against1 It has advantages1 +*ut it a"so has disadvantages1 This .an *e inter&reted in different ways1 The &ros and the .ons1 Ror and against 3ara mostrar tu o&ini4n: 3ersona""y1 I think''' Rortunate"y/unfortunate"y1 F*vious"y1 In my o&inion1 I *e"ieve1 I agree/disagree (with/that)1 It seems to me1 Rrom my &oint of view1 As far as Iem .on.erned1 To *e honest1 The way I see it' -s.ri*e "as ora.iones siguiendo un orden "4gi.o y uti"iGando (so*re todo si vas a enumerar): Rirst("y)1 (e.ond1 Then1 >ater1 NeNt1 (in.e then1 Rina""y1 (and) >ast *ut not "east >os .one.tores son muy im&ortantes &ara unir ideas: 0oreover1 Rurthermore1 In addition to' (i /uieres in."uir e6em&"os: Ror instan.e (for eNam&"e)1 (u.h as' 3ara .ontrastar ideas: )hereas1 A"though1 $owever1 In .ontrast1 Though' 3ara un tema/idea nuevo: As for1 As regards to1 It .ou"d *e said that 3ara reforGar ideas /ue ya has eN&resado: That is1 I mean1 There is no dou*t that1 As I have said a*ove 3' 8on."usi4n: re"a.ionado .on e" &rimer &aso sin ser re&etitivo' (i en "a reda..i4n has tratado a"gIn &ro*"ema a.tua" &uedes dar tu &ro&ia so"u.i4n o seQa"ar "as .onse.uen.ias de .ontinuar asE: If I were1 There shou"d(nt) 8on."usi4n: In .on."usion1 Rina""y1 In summary1 To sum u&1 In short1 Therefore1 Thus'

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