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The central bank of the country is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). It was established in April 1935 with a share capital of Rs. 5 crores on the basis of the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year 1949. The general superintendence and direction of the Bank is entrusted to Central Board of Directors of 20 members, the Governor and four Deputy Governors, one Government official from the Ministry of Finance, ten nominated Directors by the Government to give representation to important elements in the economic life of the country, and four nominated Directors by the Central Government to represent the four local Boards with the headquarters at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi. Local Boards consist of five members each Central Government appointed for a term of four years to represent territorial and economic interests and the interests of co- operative and indigenous banks. The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 was commenced on April 1, 1935. The Act, 1934 (II of 1934) provides the statutory basis of the functioning of the Bank.

RBI & Its Monetary Policy

Recent changes in RBIS monetary policy

RBIs monetary management has undergone some major changes since 1991. Before 1991, the RBIs monetary policy was closely linked with the financing of fiscal deficit. Now, the focus is more on promoting economic growth and maintaining price stability. 1) Multiple indicator approach: In 1980s and up to 1990s, the RBI used the monetary targeting approach to its monetary policy. Monetary targeting refers to a monetary policy strategy aimed at maintaining price stability by focusing on the changes in growth of money supply (M3). It was believed that a continuous rise in money supply caused inflation. After reforms in 1991, this approach became difficult to follow. Financial liberalization brought more innovative financial products. Earlier, RBI could monitor money supply as banks were the only financial intermediaries. As non- banking sources of finance grew, monitoring money supply and controlling inflation became difficult. Hence, RBI adopted the Multiple Indicators Approach in which it looks at a variety of economic indicators and monitors their impact on inflation and economic growth. This approach was formally adopted in April 1998. As a part of this approach, variables such as money, credit, output, trade, capital flows and fiscal position, as well as rates of return in different markets, inflation rate and exchange rate, are analyzed.

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2) Expectation as a channel of monetary transmission: Monetary policy transmission refers to the channel through which a change in monetary policy affects the economy. Traditionally, four key channels of monetary policy transmission are identified, interest rate, credit availability, asset prices and exchange rate channels. The interest rate channel is the most dominant has an immediate impact on interest rate and through it on prices, demand, consumption and growth. In the recent period, a fifth channel, expectations, has also emerged. Future expectations about asset prices, general price and income level influence the four traditional channels and is therefore, taken into consideration by RBI in evaluating monetary policy transmission.

3) Introduction of liquidity adjustment facility (LAF): LAF is a tool used in monetary policy that allows banks to borrow money through repurchase agreements. LAF was introduced by RBI during June 2000, in phases. The funds under LAF are used by the banks to meet their day-to-day mismatches in liquidity. Under the scheme, reverse repo auctions (for absorption of liquidity) and repo auctions (for injection of liquidity) are conducted. LAF has emerged as the most important factor in RBIs short term monetary management.

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4) Selective methods being phased out: With greater market orientation of monetary policy and rapid progress taking place in the financial markets, the selective methods of credit control are being slowly phased out. The quantitative methods are becoming more and more significant.

5) Delinking monetary policy from budget deficit: In 1994, an agreement has been reached between the central government and the RBI to phase out the use of ad hoc treasury bills. These bills were being used by the government to borrow form to finance fiscal deficit. With the phasing out the bills, RBI would no longer lend to the government to meet fiscal deficit.

6) Deregulation of administered interest rate system: The lending rates of banks used to be determined by the RBI earlier. Since 1990s this system has been changed and the lending rates are no longer regulated by the RBI but are determined by commercial banks on the basis of market forces.

7) Reduction in reserve requirements: CRR and SLR have been progressively lowered during the post-reform period. This has done as a part of financial sector reforms on the recommendations of the Narasimham

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committee report. As a result, more bank funds have been released for lending purpose. This promoted growth of the economy and improved profitability of banks.

8) Provision of micro finance: The RBI has introduced the scheme of micro finance for the rural poor by linking the banking system with Self Help Groups.RBI, along with NABARD, has been promoting various other microfinance institutions.

9) External sector: The monetary policy is now oriented towards the process of globalization of Indias financial markets. It has become sensitive to changes in the rest of the world as India is increasingly attracting large amount of foreign capital. RBI uses sterilization and LAF to absorb the excess liquidity that comes in with huge inflow of foreign capital. This is done to provide stability in the financial markets.

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Evaluation of monetary policy

Achievements: 1) Financial stability: RBI has been successful in maintaining financial stability during the global financial crisis because of its controls, regulation and supervision mechanism. It has also been able to maintain macroeconomic stability to a large extent during the global crisis period.

2) Short term liquidity management: The RBI has succeeded in managing short term liquidity in order to maintain stability in interest rate and exchange rate. It has developed various methods to do this through LAF, OMO and MSS. In spite of large inflows of foreign capital, the RBI has managed its sterilization operations very well.

3) Adaptability: RBI has adapted its monetary policy approach with changing times. It has developed new methods of credit control and has shifted from monetary targeting to multiple indicator approach. This has made the monetary system in India flexible, helping it to move with the times.

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4) Financial inclusion: RBI, along with Narbada, has made a great impact in the growth of microfinance. It has supported the Self Help Group model and promoted other microfinance institution. However, there is a lot more that needs to be done in this area.

5) Promotion of Growth: RBI has used its instruments effectively to maintain the growth of the economy even during the current phase of global slowdown. India at present has the second highest rate of GDP growth after china. Monetary policy has played a major role in this.

RBI & Its Monetary Policy

I. The State of the Economy Global Economy

Notwithstanding modest improvement in growth performance in parts of the world in Q3 of 2012, the global economy remains sluggish. In the US, growth in Q3 picked up relative to the earlier quarter. In the UK, after three consecutive quarters of contraction, growth turned positive in Q3. The euro area continued to experience contraction in output in Q2, and recessionary headwinds have persisted in Q3. Growth decelerated significantly in Japan. High unemployment relative to trend persisted in all major AEs, although in September the US unemployment rate declined to below 8 per cent for the first time in four years. As regards the other BRICS Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa they have also slowed in the first half of 2012, with China decelerating further in Q3. Reinforcing this perspective, the average level of the global composite PMI for Q3 remained nearly unchanged from the three year low in the previous quarter. In September, additional quantitative easing measures were announced by the US Fed, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan to which financial markets responded 3 positively as reflected in the prices of risky assets and narrowing of spreads. According to the October 2012 Global Financial Stability Report of the IMF, however, risks to financial stability have increased since April as confidence in the global financial system remains fragile, notwithstanding greater monetary accommodation by central banks.

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Domestic Economy
The loss of growth momentum that started in 2011-12 has extended into 2012-13 though the pace of deceleration moderated in Q1. Nevertheless, growth remains below trend and persisting weakness in investment activity has clouded the outlook. After decelerating over four successive quarters from 9.2 per cent y-o-y in Q4 of 2010-11 to 5.3 per cent in Q4 of 2011-12, GDP growth was marginally higher at 5.5 per cent in Q1 of 2012-13. The slight improvement in GDP growth in Q1 of 2012-13 was mainly driven by growth in construction, and supported by better than expected growth in agriculture. On the expenditure side, the growth of gross fixed capital formation decelerated from 14.7 per cent in Q1 of 2011-12 to 0.7 per cent in Q1 of 2012-13. The slowdown in growth of private consumption expenditure witnessed during Q4 of 2011-12 continued through Q1 of2012-13. External demand conditions and crude oil prices have also remained unfavourable, adversely impacting net exports. After declining for two consecutive months, the index of industrial production (IIP) posted a modest growth of 2.7 per cent in August. The upturn was visible in mining and manufacturing sectors. However, over the period April-August, industrial activity was lacklustre at 0.4 per cent as against 5.6 per cent during the corresponding period last year. Most significantly, reflecting the retrenchment of investment demand, capital goods production declined by 13.8 per cent during April-August. The seasonally adjusted manufacturing PMI in September was unchanged relative to its August level, but was below its level in June. The headline services business activity index, seasonally adjusted, was marginally higher in September than in August. Notwithstanding apprehensions earlier in the season, rainfall deficiency during the southwest monsoon was 8 per cent of the long period average (LPA). However, the uneven temporal and spatial distribution of the monsoon this year is expected to adversely impact the Kharif output. According to the first advance estimates, production of Kharif foodgrains at 117.2 million tonnes (MT) in2012-13 will be lower by 9.8 per cent than the record output in the

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previous year. According to the Reserve Banks order books, inventories and capacity utilisation survey (OBICUS), capacity utilisation of the manufacturing sector in Q1 of 2012-13 4 declined from the preceding quarter and a year ago. For Q2, business confidence, as measured by the business expectations index of the Reserve Banks industrial outlook survey (IOS), dipped relative to the previous quarter. Headline WPI inflation remained sticky at above 7.5 per cent on a y-o-y basis through the first half of 2012-13. Furthermore, in September there was a pick-up in the momentum of headline inflation, driven by the increase in fuel prices and elevated price levels of non-foodmanufactured products. While this is in part attributable to some suppressed inflation in the form of earlier underpricing being corrected, even after this, the momentum remains firm. Even while y-o-y inflation of WPI primary food articles moderated since July due to the softening of prices of vegetables, prices of cereal and protein-based items such as pulses, eggs, fish and meat edged up. WPI food products inflation increased in September, mainly due to the firming up of the prices of sugar, edible oils and grain mill products. Fuel group inflation registered a significant rise in September, primarily due to the WPI reflecting the sharp increase in prices of electricity effected from June, the partial impact of the increase in prices of diesel in mid-September and significant increase in non- administered fuel prices on account of rising global crude prices.Non-food manufactured products inflation was persistent at 5.6 per cent through July-September and continued to exhibit upside pressures from firm prices of metal products and other inputs and intermediates, especially goods with high import content due to the rupee depreciation. The momentum indicator of non-food manufactured products inflation (seasonally adjusted 3-month moving average annualised inflation rate) also remained high. The new combined (rural and urban) CPI (Base: 2010=100) inflation remained elevated, reflecting the build-up of food price pressures. CPI inflation excluding food and fuel groups ebbed slightly during June- September, from double digits earlier. Inflation based on the CPI for industrial workers recorded an upturn, primarily due to higher food

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inflation. The y-o-y increase in rural wages, though showing some moderation, has remained high. Reflecting some softening in inflation from the high levels observed in the last two years, urban households inflation expectations showed a marginal decline in Q2 of 2012-13, though they remained in double digits. The Reserve Banks quarterly house price index suggests that house price inflation remained firm in Q1 of 2012-13. Notwithstanding the Increase in house prices, the volume of housing transactions grew y-o-y at a faster pace than in the preceding quarter. An analysis of corporate performance in Q1 of 2012-13, based on a common sample of 2,308 nongovernment non-financial companies, indicates that y-o-y sales growth decelerated sequentially over the last three quarters, but remained positive after adjusting for inflation. Earnings, however, contracted sharply due to higher increase in expenditure 5 relative to sales, indicating a decline in pricing power. The early results for Q2 of 2012-13 indicate that the drop in sales growth and earnings may be bottoming out. Money supply (M3) moderated y-o-y to 13.3 per cent on October 5, 2012, lower than the indicative projection of 15 per cent set out in the Monetary Policy Statement 2012-13. This essentially reflected the deceleration of growth in aggregate deposits. Non-food credit growth at 15.4 per cent y-o-y was below the indicative projection of 17 per cent, reflecting the growth slowdown. Disaggregated data show that barring agriculture, credit growth decelerated on a y-o-y basis across all the major sectors, particularly infrastructure. The estimated total flow of financial resources from banks, non- banks and external sources to the commercial sector at around `4,700 billion in 2012-13 (up to October 5, 2012) was lower than `5,000 billion during the corresponding period of last year. Apart from the decline in the flow of resources from banks, the flow from external sources declined on account of lower external commercial borrowings (ECBs) and foreign direct investment (FDI) into India. Following the cut in the policy repo rate in April and the cash reserve ratio (CRR) in September, several commercial banks reduced their deposit and lending rates. During H1 of 2012-13, the modal deposit

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rates of scheduled commercial banks declined by 13 bps across all maturities and the modal base rate of banks also declined by 25 bps. Liquidity conditions, as reflected in the average net borrowing under the LAF at `486 billion during July-September remained within the comfort zone of (+/-) one per cent of NDTL. However, liquidity conditions tightened in October, mainly on account of the build-up in the Centres cash balances and the seasonal increase in currency demand, taking the average LAF borrowing to `871 billion during October 15-25, well above the band of (+/-) one per cent of NDTL. During April-August, the Centres fiscal deficit was nearly two-thirdsof the budget estimate for the year as a whole. In view of evolving patterns of revenues and non-plan expenditure, the revenue deficit (RD) and the gross fiscal deficit (GFD) for 2012-13 are expected to be higher than budgeted. During Q2 of 2012-13, yields on government securities (G-secs)eased and have remained rangebound in October. Equity markets also improved in Q2 of 2012-13 on account of revival in sentiment and the turnaround in foreign institutional investor (FII) inflows. The adverse external environment and, in particular, the slump in world trade took its toll on export performance. Exports declined in September for the fifth month in succession. However, with imports also declining, the trade deficit in H1 of 2012-13 remained broadly at the same level as a year ago. In terms of external financing, net inflows on account of FDI and ECBs were sizably lower than in the first half of the preceding year, but the shortfall was largely offset by a surge innonresident deposits and a turnaround in FII flows in Q2. Reflecting these developments, the nominal exchange rate of the rupee vis-a-visthe US dollar moved within a relatively narrow range during Q2 compared with its behaviour in Q1. Overall, in H1 of 2012- 13, the rupee depreciated in nominal terms by 7.8 per cent. In real terms, it depreciated by 5.4 per cent. The impact of real depreciation on net exports is being offset by global demand conditions.

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II. Outlook and Projections Global Outlook Growth

Global growth prospects have deteriorated further and downside risks have increased, even as monetary policy in AEs remains supportive. Much depends on concrete policy actions in the euro area to ease the sovereign debt stress, balance growth-friendly structural reforms with fiscal consolidation, and carry forward integration at the area level, particularly in banking and fiscal domains. In the US, determined political resolve to agree on a credible medium-term fiscal consolidation strategy is critical to averting the fiscal cliff and to avoid once again encountering the debt ceiling deadline. In the absence of these efforts, the outlook for AEs appears bleak, with the risks of a prolonged downturn more real than before. Spillovers from AEs present a serious downside risk to the prospects for EDEs, notwithstanding their relatively stronger fundamentals and absence of financial strains. In its October 2012 World Economic Outlook (WEO), the IMF scaled down its projection of world GDP growth for 2012 to 3.3 per cent from its July projections of 3.5 per cent, and for 2013 to 3.6 per cent from its earlier projection of 3.9 per cent. Since September 2011, the IMF has been scaling down its projection of global growth for 2012, evidencing persistent and more than anticipated weakness in the global economy.

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According to the IMF (WEO, October 2012), consumer price inflation is likely to decline from 1.9 per cent in 2012 to 1.6 per cent in 2013 in AEs, and from 6.1 per cent to 5.8 per cent in EDEs. As a result of weakening of global economic activity, headline and core inflation are expected to ease. However, risks to this outlook remain as global commodity prices, particularly of crude oil, have corrected only marginally. Further accommodation in monetary policy in major AEs is likely to work in conjunction with supply constraints to keep commodity prices elevated and volatile.

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In its April 2012 Policy, the Reserve Bank projected GDP growth for2012-13 at 7.3 per cent. In the First Quarter Review (FQR) of July, this was revised downwards to 6.5 per cent on an assessment that risks to domestic growth from the global slowdown, weak industrial activity and slower growth of services had materialised. By the time of theMid-Quarter Review (MQR) of September, growth risks had heightened on account of worsening global macroeconomic conditions, decline in domestic industrial activity and service sector growth falling below trend. Since then, global risks have increased further and domestic risks have become accentuated by halted investment demand, moderation in consumption spending and continuing erosion in export competitiveness accompanied by weakening business and consumer confidence. Although industrial output picked up marginally in August and the services PMI showed a modest improvement in September, the outlook remains uncertain. Notwithstanding the improvement in rainfall in the months of August and September, the first advance estimates of the 2012 kharif production are somewhat less buoyant in comparison to the previous year. Accordingly, even while prospects for agriculture appear resilient, the overall outlook for economic activity remains subdued. On these considerations, the baseline projection of GDP growth for 2012-13 is revised downwards to 5.8 per cent (Chart 1). 8

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Looking ahead, the path of inflation will be shaped by two sets of counteracting forces. On the downside, slower growth and excess capacity in some sectors will help moderate core inflation. Stable, or in the best case scenario, declining commodity prices will reinforce this tendency. An appreciating rupee will also help to contain inflationary pressures by bringing down the rupee cost of imports, especially of commodities. On the upside, persistent supply constraints may be aggravated as demand revives, resulting in price pressures. Rupee depreciation, which may result from global financial instability, will add to imported inflation. An important driver of inflation is the upsurge in both rural and urban wages, which is exerting cost-pushpressures. Finally, as under-pricing in several products is corrected as part of the fiscal consolidation process, suppressed inflation is being brought into the open. As necessary a step as this is, it will result in higher inflation readings. Taking into consideration the above factors, the baseline projection for headline WPI inflation for March 2013 is raised to 7.5 per cent from 7.0 per cent indicated in July (Chart 2). Importantly, it is expected to rise somewhat in Q3 before beginning to ease in Q4. Although inflation has remained persistently high over the past two years, it is important to note that during the 2000s, it averaged around 5.5 per cent, both in terms of WPI and CPI, down from its earlier trend rate of about 7.5 per cent. Given this record, the conduct of monetary policy will continue to condition and contain perception of inflation in the range of 4.0-4.5 per cent. This is in line with the medium-termobjective of 3.0 per cent inflation consistent with Indias broader integration into the global economy.

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Monetary Aggregates
Money supply (M3), deposit and credit growth have so far trailed below the indicative trajectories of the Reserve Bank indicated in the April Policy and reiterated in the July Review. Deposit growth has decelerated with the moderation in interest rates, especially term deposits. Credit growth has ebbed with the slowdown in investment demand, especially with regard to infrastructure, and lower absorption of credit by industry, in general. Keeping in view the developments during the year so far and the usual year-end pick-up, the trajectories of the monetary aggregates for 2012-13 are projected at 14.0 per cent for M3, 15.0 per cent for deposit growth and 16.0 per cent for growth ofnonfood credit. As always, these numbers are indicative projections and not targets. The wedge between deposit growth and credit growth, in conjunction with the build-up of the Centres cash balances from mid-Septemberand the drainage of liquidity on account of festivalrelated step-up in currency demand, have kept the system level liquidity deficit high, with adverse implications for the flow of credit to productive sectors and for the overall growth of the economy going forward.

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Risk Factors
The projections of growth and inflation for the remaining part of2012-13 are subject to several risks as detailed below: i)Downside risks to growth emanating from the global macroeconomic environment are now adjudged to be more elevated than at the time of the FQR of July and the MQR of September. Weak growth momentum and policy uncertainties are impacting the macroeconomic outlook of EDEs. Spillovers to the Indian economy through trade, finance and confidence channels could increase. Domestically, a revival in investment activity, which is key to stimulating growth, depends on a number of factors. In particular, recent policy announcements by the Government, which have positively impacted sentiment, need to be translated into effective action to convert sentiment into concrete investment decisions. ii)On the inflation front, despite recent moderation, global commodity prices remain high. While oil prices appear to have stabilised, balancing between weak demand prospects and abundant liquidity, upside risks from persistently high liquidity and geopolitical developments remain. Further, domestic prices of administered petroleum products do not reflect the full pass-through of global commodity prices, and under-recoveries persist. While corrections are welcome from the viewpoint of overall macroeconomic stability, theirsecond-round effects on inflation will have to be guarded against. As regards food prices, drought conditions in important foodgrain producing areas of the world are likely to impart an upside and persistent bias to international food prices with adverse implications for all countries that have relatively high weights for food in their inflation indicators. The behaviour of food inflation will also depend on the supply response in respect of those commodities characterised by structural imbalances, particularly protein items. Finally, the persistent increase in rural and urban wages, unaccompanied by commensurate productivity increases, is also a source of inflationary pressures. iii)The large twin deficits, i.e., the current account deficit and the fiscal deficit continue to pose significant risks to both growth and macroeconomic stability. A large current account deficit poses challenges for financing it in the current global environment. In a

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situation of volatile capital flows, the deficit could exacerbate downward pressures on the rupee. A persistently large fiscal deficit reduces the space for a revival in private spending, particularly investment spending, without quickly re-kindling inflationary pressures. iv) Liquidity pressures pose risks to credit availability for productive purposes and could affect overall investment and growth prospects adversely. On the other hand, excess liquidity could aggravate inflation risks.

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III. The Policy Stance

In response to rising inflation pressures in the period January 2010 - October 2011, the Reserve Bank started monetary tightening. This helped in moderating inflation from its peak of 10.9 per cent in April 2010 to an average level of 7.5 per cent over the period January- August 2012. Over this period, however, growth slowed down and is currently below trend. This slowdown is due to a host of factors, including monetary tightening. Since April 2012, the monetary policy stance has sought to balance thegrowthinflation dynamic through calibrated easing. The transmission of these policy impulses through the economy is underway, and in conjunction with the fiscal and other measures recently announced, should work towards arresting the loss of growth momentum over the next few months. As inflation eases further, there will be an opportunity for monetary policy to act in conjunction with fiscal and other measures to mitigate the growth risks and take the economy to a sustained higher growth trajectory. It is important, however, to note that inflation turned up again in September. To some extent, this reflected the partial pass-through of revisions of diesel and electricity prices which, notwithstanding their contribution to inflation, were absolutely necessary. Besides, underlying inflationary pressures reflected in non-food manufactured products inflation has remained stubbornly above comfort levels. Accordingly, it is critical that even as the monetary policy stance shifts further towards addressing growth risks, the objective of containing inflation and anchoring inflation expectations is not deemphasised. Against this backdrop, the stance of monetary policy is intended to: 1.Manage liquidity to ensure adequate flow of credit to the productive sectors of the economy; 2.Reinforce the positive impact of government policy actions on growth as inflation risks moderate; and 3.Maintain an interest rate environment to contain inflation and anchor inflation expectations.

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IV. Monetary Measures

On the basis of current assessment and in line with the policy stance outlined in Section III, the Reserve Bank announces the following policy measures:

Cash Reserve Ratio

It has been decided to: 1. Reduce the cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks by 25 basis points from 4.5 per cent to 4.25 per cent of their net demand and time liabilities (NDTL) effective the fortnight beginning November 3, 2012. As result of this reduction in the CRR, around `175 billion of primary liquidity will be injected into the banking system.

Repo Rate
The policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) has been retained at 8.0 per cent.

Reverse Repo Rate

The reverse repo rate under the LAF, determined with a spread of 100 basis points below the repo rate, stands at 7.0 per cent.

Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) Rate

The Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate, determined with a spread of 100 basis points above the repo rate, stands at 9.0 per cent.

Bank Rate
The Bank Rate stands at 9.0 per cent.

The reduction in the CRR is intended to pre-empt a prospective tightening of liquidity conditions, thereby keeping liquidity comfortable to support growth. It anticipates the projected inflation trajectory which indicates a rise in inflation before easing in the last quarter. While risks to this trajectory remain, the baseline scenario suggests a reasonable likelihood of further policy easing in the fourth

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quarter of 2012-13. The above policy guidance will, however, be conditioned by the evolving growth-inflation dynamic.

Expected Outcomes
These actions and the guidance that is given are expected to: i.enable liquidity conditions to facilitate a turnaround in credit growth to productive sectors so as to support growth; ii.reinforce the growth stimulus of the policy actions announced by the Government as inflation risks moderate; and iii.anchor medium-term inflation expectations on the basis of a credible commitment to low and stable inflation.

Mid-Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13

The next Mid-Quarter Review of Monetary Policy for 2012-13 will be announced through a press release on Tuesday, December 18, 2012.

Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2012-13

The Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy for 2012-13 is scheduled for Tuesday, January 29, 2013. 13

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Developmental and Regulatory Policies

This part of the Statement reviews the progress on various developmental and regulatory policy measures announced by the Reserve Bank in recent policy statements and also sets out new measures. Since the Monetary Policy Statement of April 2012, risks to global financial stability have increased, despite some improvement in markets associated with exceptional liquidity operations. In advanced economies, significant fiscal challenges could morph into broadermacro-financial concerns. For emerging and developing economies (EDEs), financial stability risks are embedded in potential spillovers, apart from those associated with domestic challenges of managing slowdown in growth, while countering lingering inflationary pressures in some. These unsettled conditions have nevertheless spurred movements towards globalised regulatory reforms intended to make financial systems safer, less complex and more transparent, and financial institutions less leveraged, better capitalised and thus able to effectively manage various risks. Many of these reforms are at various stages of implementation. In India, in the face of a challenging global environment and a difficult growth-inflation dynamic, developmental and regulatory policies have focused on building a sound, efficient and vibrant financial system that ensures the effective provision of financial services to the widest sections of society. Financial sector reforms have moved in step with evolving international best practices, but with a country-specific orientation. Accordingly, financial market development, credit quality, credit delivery, customer service and financial inclusion within a participative and consultative approach with involvement of all stakeholders have been pursued. This review of Developmental and Regulatory Policies for SQR of Monetary Policy 201213 focuses on certain key areas while assessing the progress made on the measures instituted in recent policy statements: reviewing interest rate policies and products; carrying forward financial market development and strengthening the market infrastructure, including payment and settlement systems; further improving credit delivery and financial inclusion; expanding customer service initiatives; upgrading the regulatory and supervisory

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framework in terms of progress towards Basel III, risk based supervision (RBS), nonperforming assets (NPAs) management/restructuring and resolution frameworks; and strengthening currency management.

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I. Interest Rate Policy Fixed Interest Rate Products

In the Monetary Policy Statement of April 2012, it was noted that while interest rates on deposits are predominantly fixed, most of the retail loan products, especially home loans, are sanctioned on a floating interest rate basis, thereby exposing the borrowers to the uncertainties of interest rate movements and associated interest rate risk. In order to examine the issue, a Committee (Chairman: Shri K.K.Vohra) comprising external as well as internal experts has been set up to assess the feasibility of introduction of long-term fixed interest rate loan products by banks. 1. The draft report of the Committee will be put out on the Reserve Banks website by midNovember 2012 inviting views/suggestions from the public/stakeholders.

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II. Financial Markets Development of Trade Repository for OTC Derivatives

Pursuant to the announcement made in the Monetary Policy Statement of April 2010, the reporting platform for over-the-counter (OTC)inter-bank foreign exchange forwards, swaps and options was launched in July 2012. It has been decided to extend this arrangement, in phases, in terms of a welldefined roadmap, so as to cover: Trades in foreign currency-rupee forwards and options, foreigncurrency-foreign currency forwards and options between banks and their clients under a suitable protocol to ensure confidentiality of client trades reported by banks to the repository. Currency swaps, interest rate swaps (IRS)/forward rate agreements (FRAs)/caps/floors/collars in foreign currency and client trades in rupee IRS.

Working Group on G-secs and Interest Rate Derivatives Markets

As announced in the Monetary Policy Statement of April 2012, the report of the Working Group (Chairman: Shri R. Gandhi) was put out on the Reserve Banks website for feedback from market participants. Based on the feedback received, the Group finalised its report on August 10, 2012. The Working Group has recommended measures to promote liquidity in the secondary market, to improve retail participation in the G-secs market, and to develop the market for interest rate derivatives. Its recommendations include consolidation of outstanding G-secs, gradually bringing down the upper limit on the Held to Maturity (HTM) portfolio, steps to promote the term repo market, centralised market makers for retail participants in G-secs in the long-run, and permitting cash-settled 10-year Interest Rate Futures (IRFs), subject to appropriate regulations. Some recommendations like truncating the time-window for bidding in the primary auction, andreissuances of existing securities in State Development Loans have been implemented. Following the Groups recommendations, it has been decided to:

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1.Change the settlement cycle of the primary auction in Treasury Bills (T-Bills) from T+2 to T+1. 2.Undertake reissuance/introduce fungibility of T-Bills/CashManagement Bills with identical maturity dates. 3.Standardise IRS contracts to facilitate centralised clearing and settlement of these contracts. Operational guidelines in this regard are being issued separately. The remaining recommendations are being examined by the Reserve Bank in consultation with stakeholders.

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Financial Market Infrastructure Working Group on Export Reporting and Follow-up

Under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999, it is obligatory on the part of exporters to realise and repatriate the full value of exports to India, and monitoring and follow-up in this regard is done by Reserve Bank through the Authorised Dealer banks. It has been observed that there has been an increase in the number of unmatched export transactions between customs and bank reporting which, in turn, attenuates export realisation follow-up. Accordingly, a Working Group (Chairperson: Smt. Rashmi Fauzdar) was constituted to identify gaps/lacunae in the current export reporting and follow-upprocedure and to recommend suitable re-engineering of the system. The Group submitted its report on September 27, 2012, recommending implementation of an IT - based solution using a secured website of the Reserve Bank to update the export database on a real time basis to facilitate quicker follow-up/data generation/policy formulation. It has been decided: 1. To put in place the envisaged architecture by September 2013. 16

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III. Financial Stability Assessment of Financial Stability

The fifth Financial Stability Report (FSR) of June 2012 observed that the domestic financial system remained robust, notwithstanding an increase in risks to stability. The Reserve Banks Second Systemic Survey Review reflected concerns about evolving global risks. On the domestic front, lower growth, elevated inflation and high fiscal and current account deficits were identified as posing risks to financial stability. Despite rising NPAs in the banking sector, simulations of shocks under different scenarios for banks as at end-June 2012 showed that the system-level CRAR remained above the required minimum of 9 per cent. Banks also remained resilient to credit, market, and liquidity risks. However, distress dependencies between banks have risen, warranting closer monitoring. The Financial Stability Report reflects the collective assessment of the Sub- Committee of the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) on potential risks to financial stability.

RBI & Its Monetary Policy

Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) and its Sub-Committees

The Sub-Committee of the FSDC is assisted by two Technical Groups,viz., the Technical Group on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy and the Inter-Regulatory Technical Group. In addition, theSub-Committee approved the creation of an Inter- Regulatory Forum under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Governor in charge of banking supervision in the Reserve Bank with Executive Director level membership from other regulatory/supervisory agencies to institutionalize the framework for supervision of financial conglomerates (FCs) and for monitoring and management of systemic risks emanating from their activities. This Inter-Regulatory Forum would have responsibility for framing policies for FCs such as identification, group-wide risk management, and corporate governance as well as for conducting high-level supervision. The Forum would also seek to strengthen the supervisory co- ordination/cooperation mechanism amongst domestic supervisors for effective supervision.

RBI & Its Monetary Policy

RBI has powers to supervise and control commercial and co- operative banks with a view to developing an adequate and a sound banking system in the country. The RBI has powers to issue licenses to new banks and branches, prescribe minimum requirements regarding paid up capital and reserve, maintenance of cash and other reserves and inspect the working of banks in India and abroad. The RBI has also powers to conduct ad-hoc investigations from time to time into complaints, irregularities and frauds in banks. The functions of RBI include issue of currency notes, banker to the government, bankers banks, and exchange control authority audit control and agriculture finance. The monetary policy of RBI is regulatory policy whereby the central bank maintains its control over the supply of money for the realization of general economic goals.

RBI & Its Monetary Policy


Books Monetary, banking and financial development in India -Nitinbasin. RBI functions and working Shri.M.Jesudasan. RBI volume 3. Business economics.

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