CV of Jacie Yang

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Mengchieh Jacie Yang


Doctoral Candidate,
School of Journalism
The University of Texas at Austin

1 University Station A1000

Austin, TX78712
(512) 965-1688
E-mail: [email protected]


University of Texas at Austin, School of Journalism, Austin, TX: Doctoral Candidate

in journalism. Dissertation topic: “Adoption and Consumption of News via Smartphones:
A Predictive Model.”
Anticipated graduation: May 2010

University of Texas at Austin, School of Journalism, Austin, TX: M.A. in journalism.

Thesis topic: “Exploring the Phenomenon of Wireless Internet Adoption.”
Graduated December 2005

National Chengchi University, School of Journalism, Taipei, Taiwan: B.A.

Graduated June 2003


Hsiang Iris Chyi & Mengchieh Jacie Yang (2009), Is online news an inferior good?
Empirically examining the economic nature of online news among users.
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly.

Hsian Iris Chyi, Mengchieh Jacie Yang, Seth C. Lewis & Nan Zheng, An empirical study
of online newspaper readership in local markets: Exploring differences between
hybrid and online-only users. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

Mengchieh Jacie Yang & Hsiang Iris Chyi, Competing with Whom? Where? And How?
An Empirical Study of Online Newspaper Competition. Manuscript submitted to
Journal of Media Economics.


Mengchieh Jacie Yang

Mengchieh Jacie Yang & Hsiang Iris Chyi (2010), Competing with Whom? Where? And
How? An Empirical Study of Online Newspaper Competition. Paper submitted to
Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of International Communication
Association, Singapore, June 22-26, 2010.

Mengchieh Jacie Yang & Hsiang Iris Chyi (2009), Who competes with online
newspapers? An empirical analysis of intra- and inter-media competition in local
and long-distance markets. Paper presented to the Media Management and
Economics Division, annual convention of the Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, August 5-8, 2009. To be submitted
to the Journal of Media Economics.

Seth C. Lewis & Mengchieh Jacie Yang (2009), Attracting the newspaper reader in a new
domain: Dimensions of user interest in news content online. Top Student Paper
Award and presented to the Newspaper Division, annual convention of the
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston,
August 5-8, 2009. To be submitted to the Journalism & Mass Communication

Hsiang Iris Chyi, Mengchieh Jacie Yang, George Sylvie, Seth C. Lewis & Nan Zheng,
(2009), One product, three markets: How market segmentation informs
newspapers about their online readership. Paper presented to the Newspaper
Division, annual convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication, Boston, August 5-8, 2009.

Mengchieh Jacie Yang (2009), Monopoly offline and oligopoly online: An empirical
analysis of U.S. newspapers’ local online market structure. Paper presented to the
Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of International Communication
Association, Chicago, May 21-25, 2009.

Hsiang Iris Chyi, Mengchieh Jacie Yang, Seth C. Lewis & Nan Zheng (2009), Local
newspaper readership in the 21st century: Exploring differences between ‘hybrid’
and online-only users. Paper presented to the Journalism Studies Division, Annual
Conference of International Communication Association, Chicago, May 21-25,

Hsuan-Ting Chen & Mengchieh Jacie Yang (2008), The image-setting research of
candidates in 2006 Taipei’s mayoral election: From the stimulus-determined and
the perceiver-determined perspectives. Paper presented to the Mass
Communication and Society Division, annual convention of the Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, August 6-9, 2008.

Hsiang Iris Chyi & Mengchieh Jacie Yang (2008), Is online news an inferior good?
Empirically examining the economic nature of online news. Paper presented at the
8th World Media Economics and Management Conference, Lisbon, May 18-22,

Mengchieh Jacie Yang

Mengchieh Yang (2006), Exploring the phenomenon of wireless Internet adoption. Paper
presented to the Communication and Technology Division, annual conference of
International Communication Association, Dresden, July 19-23, 2006.


Teaching Areas
ƒ Multimedia & Online Journalism
ƒ New Media and Social Media
ƒ Communication Theory
ƒ Visual Communication

Multimedia Skills & Applications

ƒ Print Design: Quark Express, Adobe Indesign
ƒ Image Processing: Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator
ƒ Photo Showcase & Slideshows: Soundslides, SimpleViewer, TiltViewer, &
PhotoBucket, etc.
ƒ Audio Editing: Audacity, Goldewave, & Adobe Audition.
ƒ Video Editing: Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, & iMovie.
ƒ Flash: Adobe Flash
ƒ Web Basics: HTML
ƒ Web Publishing: Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, Microsoft FrontPage,
HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).
ƒ Content Management Systems: Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin,

Fall 2005 to present.
ƒ Fundamentals of Multimedia Journalism, Spring 2008 to present
Lab sessions are taught by TAs individually twice a week. Teaching
Evaluations (on a scale of 5): 4.3 (Spring 2008), 4.3 (Fall 2008), and 4.6
(Spring 2009).
ƒ Advanced Writing and Public Affairs Report, Spring 2007
ƒ Visual Journalism, Fall 2006 & 2007
ƒ Visual Design, Summer 2006
ƒ Theories of Mass Communication, Fall 2005 & Spring 2006

Research Assistant, School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin,

Summer 2009.
ƒ Media economics and online news user analysis, with Dr. Iris Chyi.


Fast Forward, Austin, TX (Spring 2009, see

Mengchieh Jacie Yang

Tech Tidbits, Austin, TX (Fall 2008, see

Multimedia Editor& Webmaster (online publication)
Setup and managed the Web site, as well as supervised 17 undergraduate students’
multimedia news packages.

Austzine, Austin, TX
Multimedia Editor (online publication)
Supervised 18 undergraduate students’ multimedia news package on Austin-wise
issues, including text, photo slideshows, and videos. See
Spring 2008.

9th International Symposium on Online Journalism, Austin, TX

Multimedia Editor (online publication)
Supervised 18 undergraduate students’ multimedia live coverage on 9th International
Symposium on Online Journalism, see
April, 2008.

The University News, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Managing Editor (print & online)
Supervised 40 undergraduate reporters on their reporting. Led weekly discussion
sessions and published editorial pieces.
September 2002 to January 2003.
Reporter (print &online)
Covered science and arts.
February to July 2002.
Copy Editor & Page Designer (print)
Performed content editing and page design. Won Best Design Award.
September 2001 to January 2002.

Chinese Taipei School Sports Federation, Taipei, Taiwan

Intern, Media & PR Associate (print)
Designed and edited the program of 2002 International High School Basketball
Invitational Competition. Media contact and PR of the competition.
July 2002.

The Journalist, Taipei, Taiwan

Campus Associate (print)
Assisted Director of Academic Program at The Journalist and organized campus
wide events and news coverage.
February to July 2001.


Mengchieh Jacie Yang

ƒ Pic Wagner Endowed Graduate Fellowship, School of Journalism, University of

Texas at Austin, 2009.
ƒ Ada Frances Miller Endowed Graduate Scholarship, School of Journalism,
University of Texas at Austin, 2009-10.
ƒ Top Student Paper Award, the Newspaper Division, AEJMC Annual Convention,
Boston, August 5-8, 2009.
ƒ Professional Development Award, Graduate School, University of Texas at Austin,
March 2009.
ƒ School of Journalism Travel Award, School of Journalism, University of Texas at
Austin, 2006-09.
ƒ Jesse Jones Fellowship, awarded by School of Journalism, University of Texas at
Austin, 2008-09.
ƒ Jesse Jones Fellowship, awarded by School of Journalism, University of Texas at
Austin, 2005-06.
ƒ Professional Achievement Award, The University News, National Chengchi
University, Taipei, Taiwan, Fall 2002.


ƒ Enrolled in cross-listed Cultural Studies by National Chengchi University (Taipei,

Taiwan) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Students were chosen based on
academic achievement and English proficiency. Weekly discussion among students
from both schools was carried on via MIT Web site. Spring, 2003.
ƒ Participated in the culture exchange program to Chinese University, Hong Kong.
Students were chosen based on academic performance and English proficiency.
Summer, 2002.
ƒ President of Journalism Student Council, School of Journalism, National Chengchi
University, Taipei, Taiwan. Spring 2001.
ƒ College Associate of Journalism Summer Camp, Education Bureau, Taiwan. Spring
ƒ Native Language: Chinese

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