Syllabus in Characteristics of The Young Filipino

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Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in the Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Province of Zamboanga del Norte

P hilos ophy Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society. V is ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University envisions to become a center of excellence among institutions of higher learning in the local, national and global arena. M iss ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient services along instruction, research, extension and production. It commits itself to provide quality professional, technical and technological training with the aim of producing skilled, selfrenewed and globally competitive individuals. Goa ls Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates with the following attributes: E - xemplary performance that can compete in the local, national and global arena - enial delivery of services and - ommitment to provide the constituents with quality education and set as - xample to every clientele especially those who are potential - eaders imbued with - ove and dedication to serve the people and - xhibit a deep sense of patriotism while - urturing the educational environment with - ourage, competencies and cooptism, among the institutional members and - ffective and efficient leadership to attain quality holistic development


Course Code Course Description/Title Prerequisites Unit Credit Class Schedule Date of Revision : PRESCHL ED 102 : Characteristics of the Young Filipino : : 3 Credits : As scheduled by the Registrar, College Dean : October 28, 2013


This course includes the characteristics of young Filipino children in the different areas of development: physical/motor, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and moral; and their implications to the teaching-learning process.


The method of instruction will center on the cooperative learning approach to ensure maximum and active participation of students. The lessons will be delivered/presented using a short lecture/discussion method then followed by student activities through demonstration, forum, seatwork, team jigsaw, panel discussion, round robin brain storming, round table discussion, film showing, issue analysis, and projects. Inductive method will also be utilized to encourage more students involvement.



At the end of the course, the students should be able to: 1. Differentiate the concept of development from growth; 2. Discuss early childhood development; 3. Identify the characteristics of children according to the aspect of domain and age-level developmental tasks; 4. Recognize the characteristics of children with special needs; 5. Describe the period in the human growth process from, a single-celled zygote to a fully developed baby; 6. Explain the characteristics of a child influenced by heredity and environment; 7. Examine the major principles and approaches governing physical/motor, cognitive, language, social, emotional and moral development; 8. Trace the sequence of childs physical/motor, cognitive, language, social, emotional and moral development; and 9. Analyze the factors influencing childs physical/motor, cognitive, language, social, emotional and moral development.



1. Define early childhood development; 2. Value the importance of understanding early childhood development;

JRMSU: A Believer in Holistic Human Development

Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in the Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Province of Zamboanga del Norte

P hilos ophy Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society. V is ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University envisions to become a center of excellence among institutions of higher learning in the local, national and global arena. M iss ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient services along instruction, research, extension and production. It commits itself to provide quality professional, technical and technological training with the aim of producing skilled, selfrenewed and globally competitive individuals. Goa ls Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates with the following attributes: E - xemplary performance that can compete in the local, national and global arena - enial delivery of services and - ommitment to provide the constituents with quality education and set as - xample to every clientele especially those who are potential - eaders imbued with - ove and dedication to serve the people and - xhibit a deep sense of patriotism while - urturing the educational environment with - ourage, competencies and cooptism, among the institutional members and - ffective and efficient leadership to attain quality holistic development

3. Compare the different theories of development and the implications of knowledge of these theories to early childhood development; 4. Determine the functions of principles of growth and development to early childhood development; 5. Describe the different approaches in study young children; 6. Enumerate and explain the rights of the child; 7. Identify the needs of children; 8. Identify the characteristics of children according to aspect or domain and age-level developmental tasks; 9. Identify the indicator/behavior goals of motor, cognitive and language development; 10. Define some concepts on children with special needs; 11. Identify children with special needs; and 12. Find out what a teacher can do to help children with special needs in the classroom or in school.

Overview of Early Childhood Development Early Childhood Development Importance of Understanding Early Childhood Development Theories of Development and Their Implications Principles of Growth and Development Studying Young Children Different Approaches in Studying Young Children Childrens Right Needs of Children Characteristics of Children Birth to Six Years Motor Development Personal-Social Behavior Cognitive Adaptive Skill Children with Special Needs Categories of Children with Special Needs


MIDTERM COVERAGE Specific Objectives:

1. Describe the period in the human growth process from, a single-celled zygote to a fully developed baby; 2. Discuss the genetic code and its implications to prenatal development; 3. Consider how to prevent complications in prenatal development; 4. Be sensitive to the importance of prenatal care among pregnant women; 5. Discuss the key concepts of behavior genetics; 6. Describe the three types of correlational research in relation to heredity; 7. Explain how some characteristics are influenced by heredity and environment; 8. Explain in sequence the stages of vaginal childbirth or labor; 9. Discuss the causes and consequences of low birth weight; 10. Give the significance of the birth event in a family; 11. Identify the marked physical changes which happen a few days after the birth of a new born; 12. Determine the various approaches to the study of cognitive and language development; 13. Identify the definition and nature of language; 14. Determine the origin of language development according to different approaches;


JRMSU: A Believer in Holistic Human Development

Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in the Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Province of Zamboanga del Norte

P hilos ophy Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society. V is ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University envisions to become a center of excellence among institutions of higher learning in the local, national and global arena. M iss ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient services along instruction, research, extension and production. It commits itself to provide quality professional, technical and technological training with the aim of producing skilled, selfrenewed and globally competitive individuals. Goa ls Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates with the following attributes: E - xemplary performance that can compete in the local, national and global arena - enial delivery of services and - ommitment to provide the constituents with quality education and set as - xample to every clientele especially those who are potential - eaders imbued with - ove and dedication to serve the people and - xhibit a deep sense of patriotism while - urturing the educational environment with - ourage, competencies and cooptism, among the institutional members and - ffective and efficient leadership to attain quality holistic development

Beginning of the Childs Life Prenatal Development The Germination Period up to Third Trimester Last Three Months The Science of Genetics Prenatal Influences Role of Heredity and Environment Key Concepts of Behavior Genetics Characteristics Influenced by Heredity and Environment The Birth Process and the Newborn The Birth Process The Newborn Appearance Understanding the Young Childs Physical/Motor, Cognitive, and Language Development Physical/Motor Development Motor Development Physical Development of Preschoolers Motor Development of Preschoolers Cognitive Development New Approaches in Cognitive Development Cognitive Development of Preschoolers Language Development The Origin of Language Development: Different Approaches Language Development of Preschoolers

FINAL COVERAGE Specific Objectives:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Define social development; Explain the effects of early social experiences; Trace the sequence of social development and social behavior; Identify the common forms of social behavior as well as the unsocial behavior patterns; Define emotional development; Describe some learning methods involved in emotional development during childhood Describe the characteristics of childrens emotions; Explain he common emotional patterns of childhood; Define moral behavior, immoral behavior, unmoral/non-moral/amoral behavior; Explain moral development; Identify guidelines for promoting moral development among preschoolers; and Discuss the factors affecting or influencing moral development.



Understanding the Young Childs Social, Emotional and Moral Development Social Development Social Development in Early Childhood Common Forms of Social Behavior Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Theory Emotional Development Characteristics of Childrens Emotions Common Emotional Patterns of Childhood Moral Development Piagets View of Moral Development Guidelines for Promoting Moral Development Among Preschoolers

JRMSU: A Believer in Holistic Human Development

Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in the Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Province of Zamboanga del Norte

P hilos ophy Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society. V is ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University envisions to become a center of excellence among institutions of higher learning in the local, national and global arena. M iss ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient services along instruction, research, extension and production. It commits itself to provide quality professional, technical and technological training with the aim of producing skilled, selfrenewed and globally competitive individuals. Goa ls Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates with the following attributes: E - xemplary performance that can compete in the local, national and global arena - enial delivery of services and - ommitment to provide the constituents with quality education and set as - xample to every clientele especially those who are potential - eaders imbued with - ove and dedication to serve the people and - xhibit a deep sense of patriotism while - urturing the educational environment with - ourage, competencies and cooptism, among the institutional members and - ffective and efficient leadership to attain quality holistic development

VI. STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES Lecture, demonstration, discussion, film showing, seatwork, project, question and answer, round robin brainstorming, panel discussion, forum, debate, jigsaw, round table discussion, issue analysis, etc. VII. MATERIALS USED Laptop, projector, CD ROMs, illustrations, books and modules VIII. EVALUATION The students will be evaluated through oral recitation, projects, report, group work, reflection, demonstration, reaction paper and paper-pencil test. IX. GRADING PLAN Grades are computed using the following formula: Grade = (raw score)/(total score) x 50 + 50 The raw scores are the total points earned for a certain criterion (quiz, exam or class participation). The term grade is computed using the formula: a. TERM Grade = 40% Exam Grade 30% Quiz Grade 30% Participation/Project/ Assignment/Attendance 100% Term Grade 33% Prelim Term Grade 67% Midterm Grade 33% Midterm grade 67 Final Term Grade

b. PRELIM Grade c. MIDTERM Grade d. Final Grade

= = = =


X. REFERENCES 1. Estrada, Aurelia T. (2011). Developmental Characteristics of Young Children. Rex Bookstore, Inc. Manila. 2. Other i nternet sources CLASSROOM RULES OF CONDUCT 1. Attendance: a. Students are expected to attend all classes. Students who is absent for more than 20% of the total number of class hours (54 in a 3 unit course) may be dropped from the course/ subject. (JRMSU Code). b. Any student who finds it necessary to be absent from class must present a letter of excuse to his/her instructor/professor. c. If absences reach ten (10) times, the instructor/professor may recommend to the Dean that a student be dropped from the course or be given a grade of 5.0 2. Course requirements (projects, written output) must be submitted on time. 3. Wearing of the prescribe uniform and ID is required. XII. AFFIDAVIT My signature below indicates that I have read and understand this syllabus and have been given a copy of my own to keep. ____________________ Students Signature ________________________ Date


JRMSU: A Believer in Holistic Human Development

Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in the Province of Zamboanga del Norte
Gov. Guading Adaza St., Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Province of Zamboanga del Norte

P hilos ophy Jose Rizal Memorial State University adheres to the principle of dynamism and cultural diversity in building a just and humane society. V is ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University envisions to become a center of excellence among institutions of higher learning in the local, national and global arena. M iss ion Jose Rizal Memorial State University pledges itself to deliver effective and efficient services along instruction, research, extension and production. It commits itself to provide quality professional, technical and technological training with the aim of producing skilled, selfrenewed and globally competitive individuals. Goa ls Jose Rizal Memorial State University focuses on developing graduates with the following attributes: E - xemplary performance that can compete in the local, national and global arena - enial delivery of services and - ommitment to provide the constituents with quality education and set as - xample to every clientele especially those who are potential - eaders imbued with - ove and dedication to serve the people and - xhibit a deep sense of patriotism while - urturing the educational environment with - ourage, competencies and cooptism, among the institutional members and - ffective and efficient leadership to attain quality holistic development

Prepared by: JOHN WAYNE V. JACINTO Instructor Recommended by:

NARCISA S. BUREROS, Ed.D Dean, College of Education

Approved by: ARLENE P. BAES, Ed. D. IMD Director CECILIA S. SAGUIN, FfUP, Ed. D VPAA

* Revision of this syllabus maybe made as the course progresses. Please indicate any suggested topics for possible revision.



JRMSU: A Believer in Holistic Human Development

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