Iron Hands

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Iron Hands Legiones Astartes May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.

. Inviolate Armour Shooting attacks against models with the Legiones Astartes ( Iron Hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1 Stand and Fight Must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase. May not voluntarily go to ground. Rigid Tactics An Iron Hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type. Note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to Iron Hand armies. Ferrus Manus WS7 BS6 S7 T7 W6 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv2+/3+ Wargear: Medusan Carapace: 2+ armour save 3+ invulnerable save Incorporates nuncio vox and servo arm , may choose to fire any two of the following in shooting phaseplasma blaster , graviton gun , grenade harness ( unlimited usage ) , heavy flamer Forgebreaker: range melee , str x2 , ap 1 , melee , Concussive , Strikedown (if using him in the campaign , he no longer has Forgebreaker , since Fulgrim stole it , if so his points cost is reduced to [REDACTED] ) Special Rules: Primarch ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die ) Sire of the Iron Hands Ferrus Manus has Relentless and Smash special rules ( the latter may be used in conjunction with any of his close combat weapons or attacks) and shooting attacks against him suffer a -1 penalty to their strength. All models with the special rule legiones astartes ( Iron Hands ) in an army containing Ferrus Manus gain the Feel no Pain ( 6+ ) special rule (unless they already possess a superior version of this rule ). Master of Mechanisms: possesses Battlesmith special rule and passes repair rolls on a 3+ in addition , any vehicle with at least one armour facing of 13 in a primary detachment containing Ferrus Manus gain the It Will Not Die special rule Very Bulky

Night Lords

Night Lords Special Rules Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties Talent for Murder - if a unit with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords ) special rule outnumber one or more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to wound ( bulky models count as 2 models and very bulky count as 3) Nostraman Blood - all models with this special rule fall back +1 further than normal , if the fail a pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead Night Vision From the Shadows - all units with this special rule have a 6+ cover save on the first turn of the game . even in open ground this may be combined with stealth etc as normal , but other forms of cover which provide a higher save supersede it Seeds of Dissent - if an armies warlord is slain , each unit in the army with this special rule must take an immediate morale check as if they hailed just suffered 25% casualties from shooting Legion Specific Wargear: Nostroman Chainglaive Any model eligible to take a Power Weapon may instead take a Chainglaive. Range | Str +1 | AP 3 | Melee, Two-Handed, Rending Teleportation Transponder Any Night Lords Terminator Squad or Command Squad or Independent Character in Terminator Armor may be upgraded to have the Deep Strike special rule for [redacted] points. Trophies of Judgement Grants the character the Fear special rule Rites of Battle Terror Assault Cover of Darkness The force may impose Night Fighting for the duration of the first turn on any mission on a 4+ if not already occurring normally. Night Fighting imposed in this manner carries on to the second and third turn on a 5+ and 6+ respectively. Terror Tactics Night Lords Terror Squads must be taken as the compulsory Troops choices and may be taken as additional Troops if desired. Claw Assault Tactical, Veteran Tactical and Terror Squads may take either a Dreadclaw or Legion Drop Pod as a dedicated drop pod and begin the game in reserve. Limitations Must take an additional compulsory Troop choice May only take a single Heavy Support May only take a single consul as part of their HQ choices May not take fortifications or allied detachments

Terror squad ( elites ) executioner ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+ headsman ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+ 4 + headman wargear power armour bolt pistol chainsword or combat blade frag and krak grenades options upto 5 executioners any model in the squad may take one of the following boltgun , heavy chainblade , volkite charger , rotor cannon ( one per squad ) headsman may exchange cc weapon for power weapon , nostraman chainglaive , power fist , single lightning claw may exchange pistol for hand flamer , plasma pistol headsman may also take melta bomb , artificer armour special rules legiones astartes ( night lords ) fear infiltrate preferred enemy ( infantry) may choose a dreadclaw as a dedicated transport Night Raptors ( fast attack ) night raptor ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+ huntmaster ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+ 4 + huntmaster wargear power armour bolt pistol cc weapon jump pack frag and krak grenades options may add 10 additional night raptors

any model may exchange cc weapon for power weapon , nostraman chainglaive , single lightning claw one in every 5 may take flamer , meltagun , plasma pistol , plasma gun , hand flamer alternatively , any model may exchange pistol and cc weapon for a pair of lightning claws huntmaster may exchange pistol for one of the following volkite serpenta , hand flamer , plasma pistol may also take , melta bombs , artificer armour special rules legiones astartes ( night lords ) onslaught (onslaught in a turn which a model with this rule charges into combat , it gains D3 extra attacks instead of the usual 1 . in the case of a unit with multiple models with this rule , roll once for the entire unit ) ( nastiest assault unit so far imo )

Konrad Curze WS8 BS6 S6 T6 I7 A5 Ld10 Sv 2+ /4+ Wargear: The Nightmare Mantle: provides 2+ armour save and 4+ invulnerable save , grants Hit and Run , and Hammer of Wrath special rules (inflicting d3 HoW hits instead of the usual one) Mercy and Forgiveness: ( lightning claws ) range- melee str as user ap 2 melee , Shred , Specialist Weapon , Murderous Strike , Paired ( + 1 attack ) The Widowmakers: ( throwing knives ) Widowmaker volley R:12 S:4 AP:5 Assault 3 , Lethal Precision ( precision strike on 4+ , to wound rolls of 6 ignore armour AND invulnerable saves ) Special Rules: Primarch ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die )) Sire of the Night Lords Acute Senses , Night Vision. May always elect to have the first turn in any game use night fighting rule. A Night Lords force containing Konrad Curze gains the Fear special rule for any unit with the legiones astartes ( Night Lords ) special rule. Any afflicted units that already have the Fear special rule now impose a -1 penalty on the leadership of any enemy unit testing for fear against them.

The King of Terrors Fear tests taken against him are subject to a 3 penalty. In addition , should he be part of an assault where any enemy unit is destroyed outright, all enemy units subject to fear within 12 and with line of sight to the combat must take an immediate morale check or fall back Shrouded, Stealth, Bulky

Salamanders Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties. Strength of Will Automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning tests are failed. Promethean Gift All hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength. In addition, any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1 Nocturne Born all units with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1 Vulkan WS7 BS5 S7 T7 I5 A4 Ld10 Sv2+/3+ Wargear: The Draken Scale 2+ armour save , 3+ invulnerable save , halves the strength of any flamer , fusion , volkite, melta, or plasma weaponry used against him. Dawnbringer range melee S10 AP1 melee , Two-handed , Concussive , Armourbane , Instant Death , Earthshatter (Earthshatter instead of attacking normally , place a blast template ( 3 ) anywhere in base to base contact with him that does not cover any friendly models , all models under the template suffer a single automatic S8 AP3 hit with the Strikedown special rule ) The Furnaces Heart: R:18 S6 AP2 Assault 1, Rending , Line of Effect (Line of Effect draw a line from the primarch 1 mm wide and 18 long to determine the weapons area of effect , all units crossed by the line suffer a number of hits equal to the number of models in the unit the line crosses , this line may not pass through friendly models) Heavy Flamer ( str 6 ) Special Rules: Primarch ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die )

Sire of the Salamanders in an army which contains Vulkan , any models with the legiones astartes ( Salamanders ) special rule gain 1+ leadership and the Adamantium Will special rule. Blood of Fire may re-roll any failed It Will Not Die or Deny the Witch tests. Very Bulky

Word Bearers Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties. True Believers All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule roll 3d6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest dice. Cut Them Down All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule must always make sweeping advances when possible and must re-roll results of a 1. Charismatic Leadership - Any primary detachment force chosen from the Word Bearers legion must take a second compulsory HQ choice on the force organisation chart ( where a second choice is allowed) this choice must always be either a Centurion or Chaplain consul. Lorgar WS6 BS6 S6 T6 W5 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv 2+ /4+ Wargear: The Armour of the Word 2+ armour save , 4+ invulnerable save (3+ against Witchfire and Force weapons) Illuminarium range melee , S+2 AP2 melee , Concussive , Master-crafted , Smash Archaotech Pistol Frag Grenades Special Rules: Primarch ( Independant character , Master of the Legion , Eternal Warrior , Fear , Adamantium Will , Fleet , Fearless , It Will Not Die ) Living Icon all models in the same detatchment with the legiones astartes (Word Bearers) special rule who can draw line of sight to Lorgar , gain +1 to their charge distance rolls , and are immune to Fear , and gain a +1 bonus to their total score of determining the result of an assault. Sire of the Word Bearers Lorgar has the Crusader special rule and confers this to any unit he joins , while he is on the table ( not in a transport ) all models with the legiones astartes (Word Bearers) special rule may use his leadership for all morale and pinning tests.

Dark Fortune may re-roll any failed Deny the Witch rolls , once per game , Lorgars player may elect to force a single enemy unit or model to re-roll all rolls of 5 and 6 to hit and to wound in a single player turn. The use of this power must be declared before the attacking player rolls any dice for the nominated model that turn. Erratic Psychic Power -level 2 psyker who may choose to roll powers from either Telepathy or Telekinesis disciplines , however when using said powers , must roll 3 d6 and take the two highest dice results Bulky ( Lorgar Transfigured . Player may elect to use Lorgar after the begin of his fall to Chaos , if so , this rule replaces Erratic Psychic Power. level 3 pskyer who may select ( not roll , SELECT) three powers in any combination from the Telepathy and Telekinesis disciplines at the start of the game. In addition when using said powers Lorgar rolls 3d6 and chooses the two lowest dice. Lorgar transfigured is treated as an upgrade that costs [ REDACTED]

Phoenix Terminator Squad ( elites ) terminator ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+ champion ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+ may include 5 extra terminators , may take sonic screamers , champion may have a grenade harness wargear tartaros terminator armour phoenix power spear special rules legiones astartes ( emperors children ) implacable advance stubborn sudden strike living icon ( sudden strike gainss +1 initiative on the turn they charge , this is cumulative with other bonuses ) ( living icon this unit , and all friendly units within 6 are considered to be victorious in any assauly which would otherwise be a draw ) phoenix power spear has two profiles , one for when the unit gets the charge , the other at all other times phoenix power spear range str +1/ as user ap 2/3 melee , two handed may take either a proteus , phobos or spartan as dedicated transport

Reaver Attack Squad ( fast attack ) reaver ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 3+ reaver chieftain ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 3+ wargear power armour bolt pistol chainsword or combat blade frag and krak grenades options may include upto 10 additional reavers each model may take : volkite charger , bolter with banestrike shells , combi weapon with banestrike shells one in every 5 may have : flamer , meltagun , plasma gun , plasma pistol any model may exchange cc weapon for : chainaxe , power weapon , powerfist chieftain may take : melta bombs , artificer armour , hand flamer entire squad may have jump packs special rules legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) assassins eye outflank ( assassins eye entire unit may make precision shots ) [ banestrike bolter shells boltgun - range 18" str 4 ap 5 rapid fire , banestrike combi bolter - range 18" str 4 ap 5 rapid fire , banestrike , twin linked banestrike - any rolls to would of 6 are ap 3 legion seeker squads with the legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) or legiones astartes ( alpha legion) may exchange their scorpios special issue ammunition with banestrike shells at no extra cost independent characters with the legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) or legiones astartes ( alpha legion) special rule may upgrade wither a bolter or combi bolter to use exclusively banestrike shells at [ redacted ] may take a rhino or dreadclaw as dedicated transport provided the do not have jump packs

Red Butchers ( elite ) butcher terminator ws 5 bs 2 s 4 t 5 w 2 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+ devoured ws 5 bs 2 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 2+ may take 5 more red butchers wargear cataphractii pattern terminator armour power axe combi bolter options any model may exchange their combi bolter for a second power axe any model may exchange both for a pair of lightning claws the devoured may exchange power axe for power fist , chain fist , thunder hammer devoured may exchange combi bolter for a combi weapon special rules legiones astartes ( world eaters ) ravening madmen fearless hatred ( everything ) feel no pain ( 6 + ) unstoppable charge ( ravening madmen enemy models always hit the red butchers on a 3 + regardless of their weapon skill , red butchers can never be scoring units ) ( unstoppable charge may re-roll failed charge distances ) may take either a proteus , phobos or spartan as dedicated transport The Kakophoni of the Emperors Children ( heavy support ) chora ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+ orchestrator ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+ wargear power armour the cacophony bolt pistol combat blade or chainsword ( orchestrator only ) frag and krak grenades sonic shrieker options

may take 5 additional chora orchestrator may take : melta bombs , plasma pistol in exchange for bolt pistol , power weapon or power fist in exchange for cc weapon artificer armour special rules legiones astartes ( emperors children ) stubborn the cacophony range 36 str 6 ap 5 heavy 1 , gets hot , pinning , bio psychic shock bio psychic shock keep track of how many wounds are caused on a particular unit by weapons with this special rules seperately. at the end of the shooting phase , all units with leadership vales , and who do not have the fearless special rule that have suffered 1 or more unsaved wounds from weapons with the bio psychic shock special rule must take a leadership test with a negative modifier equal to the number of wounds they suffered . if the test is failed , then the unit immediately suffers d6 wounds at ap2 instant death , with no cover save possible. the player controlling the unit selects which models suffer these wounds. Grave Warden Terminator Squad ( heavy support ) warden terminator ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+ chem-master ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+ wargear cataphractii pattern terminator armour assault grenade launcher with krak and toxin grenades power fist death cloud options may add 5 more grave warden terminators and model in the unit may exchange power fist for a chain fist one in every 5 may take a heavy flamer with chem munitions chem master may exchange grenade launcher for a combi weapon special rules legiones astartes ( death guard ) assault grenade launcher krak range 18 str 6 ap 4 assault 2 toxin range 18 str * ap 4 assault 2 , blast ( 3 ) toxin , no cover saves toxin rather than to wound normally , after determining the ammount of hits caused on the unit , that unit must then take a number of toughness tests equal to the number of hits caused ,

with each failed test causing a wound on the unit , casualties removed as normal ( the weapon has no effect on models without a toughness value ) death cloud any unit with a toughness characteristic charging a unit with this special rule will be forced into making a disordered charge across dangerous terrain while doing so . in addition , the deathcloud can be used as a weapon with the following profile death cloud range template str * ap 4 assault 1 , toxin may take either a proteus , phobos or spartan as dedicated transport thats all the units for the first 4 legions Rites of War Sons of Horus the black reavingeffects encirclement any non vehicle unit which is part of the detachment which enters from reserve ( other than deep strike ) has the fleet special rule on the turn it arrives cut them down units with the legiones astartes ( sons of horus ) special rule taken as part of a detachment using this rite of war gain the rage special rule when they successfully charge an enemy unit that is already engaged in an ongoing assault reaver onslaught reaver squads may be chosen as troops the eye of the warmaster justearin terminators gain deep strike limitations must take a master of signal as compulsory HQ choice in addition to the preator or other character whose presense allows for the use of a rite of war must take more fast attack choices than heavy support must take an additional compulsory troops choice may not take fortifications World Eaters berserker assaulteffects berserk charge all models with the legiones astartes ( world eaters ) special rule subject to this rite of war gain the hatred special rule while outside of their own deployment zone , and must always attempt to make sweeping advances if able unstoppable wave all models with the legiones astartes ( world eaters ) special rule subject to this rite of war must re-roll failed pinning tests and must re-roll run rolls of 1 limitations must take an additional compulsory troops choice may not take more vehicles with the tank or flyer type than they have infantry units may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choices and may not take a librarian may not use fortifications or any other allied space marine legion detachment Emperors Children the maru skaraeffects the open blade if chosen as the armies primary detachment , all of the controlling players units using this rite of war deployed on the table may add +1 to theur normal movement and to their run and charge distances on their first player turn the hidden blade if chosen as part of the armies primary detachment , the controlling player must choose a minimum of one and a maximum of three units from its elites and / or fast attack choices . these , along with any attached independent characters are held in reserve and

treated differently from any other reserve units in the game ( and so do not count towards drop pod assault , maximum army reserves etc ) the controlling player must then after deployment , but before the game begins , secretly write a note listing either turn 2 , 3 or 4 as the turn on which they wish for their hidden blade units to arrive on. this note is then left face down in plain sight until the chosen turn arrives. when the chosen player turn arrives , the note is shown to their opponent and the hidden blde revealed. hidden blade units arrive from reserve as normal , and gain outflank limitations may not field units with the immobile , heavy or slow and purposeful special rules must take a legion champion as a second compulsory HQ choice may not take fortifications or allies space marine legion detachments if slay the warlord objective is being used , and the army using this rite of war fails to slay the enemy warlord , the opposing side gains +1 victory point. Death Guard the reapingeffects superior firepower death guard legion veteran tactical squads and legion heavy support squads may be taken as non compulsory troops implacable gains move through cover special rule dark arsenal any character or independent character may be given rad grenades limitations may not run or make flat out moves may not deply using deep strike ( units than must deploy via this method cannot be chosen as part of this detachment ) may only take a single fast attack choice Iron Hands- the head of the gorgon effects chosen groundinfantry units gain stubborn inside their own deployment zone war relics any infantry model in the force with a flamer may exchange this for a graviton gun , all vehicles gain the blessed autosimulacra special rule iron scions legio cybernetica battle automata maniples may be inclused as an elite choice . any infantry squad 10 strong or less eligable to take a rhino may instead take a land raider proteus or phobos as a dedicated transport armoured encirclement vehicles with the tank type placed in reserve gain the outflank special rule limitations may only take a single fast attack choice with the exception of the forge lord , may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choices may not take allied legion detachments Salamanders the covenant of fire effects obsidian forged all salamanders vehicles have a 5+ invulnerable save against melta , volkite , plasma and flamer weapons of all types as well as melta bombs veneration of wrath all meltaguns , inferno pistols and multimeltas have the master crafted

special rule , pyroclast squads make be chosen as non compulsory troops implacable gain move through cover limitations may not deploy via deep strike cannot take move heavy support and fast attack in total than they have troops choices with the exception of the legion champion type , may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choice Word Bearers the dark brethren effects arch-traitors gain preferred enemy ( loyalist space marines ) signs and portentsat the start of the game choose a single unit , after deployment . roll a d6 on a 1-3 all opposing units gain preferred enemy against this unit , on a 4-6 this unit counts have having the special rule preferred enemy against all opposing units from beyond may take allies from codex deamons hell follows with them all wounds caused by perils of the warp tests taken by the opposing side gain the instant death special rule limitations must take at least one diabolist as a HQ choice may not take more than one heavy support choice may not take take fortifications or allied legion detachments and treat all other allies except deamons as desperate allies no , kharn may not take a jump pack Miscellenous Castellax ws 3 bs 4 s 6 t 7 w 4 i 3 a 2 ld 7 sv 3+ comes as a single model , but can take 4 more for a squad mauler bolt cannon , two boltguns , shock charges and atomantic shielding Thralls ws 2 bs 2 s 4 t 3 w 1 i 2 a 1 ld 7 sv 5+ squad of 10 flak armour , las lock cc weapon feel no pain 6+ support squad fearless , may not overwatch or make sweeping advances , may not be taken as compulsory troops las lock range 18 str 4 ap 6 assault 1 destructors can take volkite culverin , photon thruster , irradiation engine or conversion beamer Gorgon Terminator squads ( elites ) gorgon ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 5 w 1 i 3 a 2 ld 8 sv 2+ hammerbreaker ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 5 q 1 i 3 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+ 4 + hammerbreaker

wargear gorgon pattern terminator armour combi bolter power axe ( gorgons ) thunder hammer ( hammerbreaker ) options may take 5 more gorgons any gorgon may exchange axe for power fist , lightning claw or chainfist swap both for pair of lightning claws one in every 5 may have reaper autocannon , heavy flamer , graviton gun hammerbreaker may take combi weapon , grenade harness , cyber familiar ( gorgon pattern terminator armour at the end of any phase which at least one model in the unit passed at least one armour or invulnerable save , roll a d6 , on a 4+ all models within 6 take a blind test , friendly models may re-roll the result) Medusan Immortals ( elites ) immortal ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+ sergeant ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 5 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+ 9 + sergeant wargear power armour bolt pistol boarding shield boltgun frag and krak grenades options may take 10 additional immotals and immortal and or the sergeant may exchange boltgun for a volkite charger , chainsword or combat blade for every 5 models in the squad may take one of the following flamer , meltagun , graviton gun , lascutter sergent may replace boltgun and / or pistol with one of the following ( no option more than once ) plasma pistol , power weapon , lightning claw , power fist , thunder hammer sergeant may also take melta bombs , single breaching charge , artificer armour

special rules legiones astartes ( iron hands ) gun them down feel no pain ( 6+ ) hardened armour ( gun them down rather than making a sweeping advance as normal after a victorious assault , by passing a leadership test the squad may instead make snap shots at a single squad falling back away from them , this is done before any falling back models are moved , and casualties are selected just as in assault . if the unit fails its leadership test , no snap shots or sweeping advance may be made ) Pyroclast Squad ( heavy support ) pyroclast ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 9 sv 2+ warden ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ls 9 sv 2+ 4 + warden wargear artificer armour pyroclast flame projector combat blade frag and krak grenades options may take 5 additional pyroclast entire squad may take melta bombs warden may exchange coc weapon for power fist , power weapon. special rules legiones astartes ( salamanders ) mantle of ash ( pyroclast flame projector flame projector dispersed range template str 5 ap 5 assault 1 focused range 6 str 6 ap 1 assault 1 melta mantle of ash invulnerable save of 5+ against all flamers , plasma , volkite and melta weapons may take a phobos or proteus as dedicated transport

Firedrake Terminator Squad ( elites ) firedrake ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 2+ master ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 2 i 4 a 3 ld 9 sv 2+ 4+ master wargear cataphractii pattern terminator armour combi bolter power weapon ( firedrakes ) master crafted power weapon ( master ) options 5 additional firedrakes any model may exchange power weapon for power fist , chainfist , thunder hammer master may exchange master crafter power weapon for master crafted thunder hammer any model may exchange its combi bolter for combi flamer or combi melta , dragonscale pattern storm shield a single firedrake may take a heavy flamer ( dragonscale storm shield 5 + invulnerable save or increases an invulnerable save a model already has by +1 to a maximum of 3 . may not claim attacks for additional hand weapons. salamanders independent characters can have this also ) special rules legiones astartes ( salamanders ) implacable advance favoured of vulkan ( implacable advance firedrakes are scoring units ) ( favoured of vulkan , may be chosen as a command squad for any salamanders preator in terminator armour or vulkan himself ) may take phobos , proteus or spartan as a dedicated transport) Word Bearers diabolist new consul type gains the deamon special rule and preferred enemy , loyalist special rule added to all its close combat attacks may not be equipped with bike , jetbike , terminator armour a power fist of a thunder hammer if a diabolist is present the force has access to the dark channelling option. dark channelling [ redacted ] per squad roll a d6 for every squad this is given to at the beginning of the game

1-3 unit gains zealot special rule 4-5 gains +1 strangth for duration of the battle 6 unit gains the deamon special rule for the duration of the battle , but no longer counts as scoring ( if it did before ) and counts as being destroyed at the end of the game for the purposes of calculating victory points Gal Vorbak ( elites ) dark brethren ws 5 bs 4 s 5 t 5 w 2 i 5 a 2 ld 8 sv 3+ dark martyr ws 5 bs 4 s 5 t 5 w 3 i 5 a 3 ld 9 sv 3+ 4+ martyr wargear power armour bolt pistol boltgun cc weapon frag and krak grenades options 5 additional brethren one in every five may take one of flamer, meltagun , plasma gun or power weapon martyr may exchange cc weapon for power weapon , power fist , single lightning claw may exchange both for pair of lightning claws may also take melta bombs , artificer armour special rules deamon stubborn bulky rage rending ( cc attacks only ) deep strike damned ( damned never counts as a scoring unit ) Ashen Circle ( fast attack ) incendiary ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 1 ld 8 sv 3+ iconoclast ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 1 i 4 a 2 ld 9 sv 3+ 4+ iconoclast

wargear hardened armour hand flamer axe-rake jump pack frag and krak grenades options additional 5 incendiaries any model may exchange axe-rake for power axe iconoclast may exchange hand flamer for inferno pistol , plasma pistol iconoclast may also take any of the following melta bombs , upto three phospex bombs , artificer armour Axe-Rake range str +1 ap 6 melee , grapple ( grapple enemies attempting to fall back after losing an assault to a unit equipped with axerakes suffer a -1 penalty to their fall back distance ) special rules legiones astartes ( word bearers) burning descent scorched earth bitter duty ( burning descent if the unit enters play via deep strike , as soon as it is placed on the table , all models with d6 suffer an immediate str 3 ap 5 hit ) ( scorched earth unit may always use its hammer of wrath attack , regardless of whether of not it has used its jump packs in the movement phase , and these attacks are carried out at strength 5. the hammer of wrathe attacks made by this unit are classed as flamer type attacks ) ( bitter duty this unit may not be joined by friendly independent characters ) Iron Hands Special Rules Appendix Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties Inviolate Armour - All shooting attacks against models with the legiones astartes ( iron hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1 Stand and Fight - must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase . may not voluntarily go to ground Rigid Tactics - an iron hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type , note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to iron hand armies

Legion Specific Wargear Blessed Autosimulacra - Cost [redacted] At the end of the turn, any vehicle with this upgrade that lost a Hull Point this turn may roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, that Hull Point is restored. Cyber Familiar Cost [redacted] Iron Father Any Praetor with the Legiones Astartes (Iron Hands) special rule may be made an Iron Father, gaining a Servo Arm in addition to their normal wargear, the Feel No Pain (6+) and battlesmith Special Rules for [redacted] points. If done, they may no longer be equipped with a jump pack, bike or jetbike. Rite of War The Head of the Gorgon Chosen Ground Infantry units gain Stubborn inside their own Deployment Zone War Relics Any infantry model in the force with a Flamer may exchange it for a Graviton gun at no cost. All vehicles gain the Blessed Autosimulacra upgrade at no cost. Iron Scions Legio Cybernetica battle automata maniples may be included as an elites choice. Furthermore, any infantry squad 10 or less models strong eligible to take a Rhino armoured transport may instead take a Land Raider Proteus or Phobos as a dedicated transport. Armoured Encirclement Vehicles with the tank type placed in reserve gain the Outflank special rule. Limitations May only take a single fast attack choice With the exception of Forge Lord, may only take a single Consul as part of their HQ choices May not take Allied Legion detachments. Salamanders Special Rules Appendix Legiones Astartes - may always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties Strength of Will - automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 on failed morale and pinning tests Promethean Gift - all hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength , in addition , any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1 Nocturne Born - all units with the Legiones Astartes (salamanders) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1 Purging Flame Any Heavy Bolters/Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters may be exchanged for Heavy Flamers/Twin-Linked Heavy Flamers or a Plasma Pistol to an Inferno Pistol at no cost.

Disdain for the Dark Age May not take a Moritats, Destroyers, or phosphex weaponry. Legion Specific Wargear Artificer Weapons All Characters (including Sergeants, etc) with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule may apply the master-crafted special rule to a single weapon they possess for XXX points noted before the battle begins. Dragonscale Storm Shield Provides a 5+ invulnerable save or increases an invulnerable save by +1 (to a maximum of 3+). Models with a Storm Shield may not claim the attack bonus for being armed with an additional close combat weapon. Mantle of the Elder Drake A praetor with this upgrade has the Eternal Warrior special rule. Rite of War The Covenant of Fire Obsidian Forged - all salamanders vehicles have a 5+ invulnerable save against melta , volkite , plasma and flamer weapons of all types as well as melta bombs Veneration of Wrath - all meltaguns , inferno pistols and multimeltas have the master crafted special rule , pyroclast squads make be chosen as non compulsory troops Implacable All units gain move through cover Limitations may not deploy via deep strike cannot take move heavy support and fast attack in total than they have troops choices with the exception of the legion champion type , may only take a single consul as part of their HQ choice Word Bearers Crusade List Appendix Legiones Astartes True Believers All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule roll 3D6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest Cut them Down All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule must always make sweeping advances whenever possible and must re-roll results of a 1. Charismatic Leadership Any primary detachment force chosen from the Word Bearers Legion must take a second Compulsory HQ choice on the Force Organization Chart (Where a second choice is allowed) and this choice must always be either a Centurion or Chaplain consul. Legion Specific Wargear Diabolist Consul Upgrade. Gains the Daemon and Preferred Enemy (Loyalist Marine) special rules. May not be equipped with a Bike, Jetbike, Terminator Armor or take a

Powerfist or Thunder Hammer. If a Diabolist is taken, the force has access to the Dark Channelling option: Dark Channeling ([redacted] per squad) Roll a D6 for every squad upgraded in this way at the beginning of the game. 1-3 The unit gains the Zealot special rule 4-5 The unit gains +1 Strength for the duration of the battle 6 The unit gains the Daemon special rule for the duration of the battle, no longer counts as scoring and counts as being Destroyed at the end of the game for the purposes of VP. Rite of War The Dark Brethren Arch-Traitors Gain preferred enemy (Loyalist Space Marines) Signs and Portents At the start of the game choose a single unit. After deployment, roll a d6, on a 1-3, all opposing units gain preferred enemy against this unit. On a 4-5 this unit counts as having the special rule preferred enemy against all opposing units. From Beyond - May take allies from Codex: Daemons Hell Follows with Them All wounds caused by perils of the warp tests taken by the opposing side gain the instant death special rule Limitations Must take at least one Diabolist as an HQ choice May not take more than one Heavy Support choice May not take Fortifications or Allied Legion detachments, and treat all other allies except Daemons as Desperate Allies

Added onto by Brother Garrod to those consolidated lists you can add.. Salamanders purging flame any heavy bolters / twin linked heavy bolters in a salamanders legion detachment may be exchanged with heavy flamers / twin linked heavy flamers at no extra cost any salamanders character eligable to take a plasma pistol may instead take an inferno pistol.Word Bearers-burning lore any word bearers preator , diobolist , centurian or chaplain has access to the burning lore wargear upgrade. turns them into a level 1 psyker with access to the biomancy or telepathy disciplinestainted weapon any word bearers character that has the option to take a power weapon , may instead take a tainted weapon tainted weapon range str user ap melee , specialist weapon , instant death( forgot these yesterday lol )

High Chaplain Erebus ws 5 bs 4 s 4 t 4 w 3 i 5 a 3 ld 10 sv 2+ wargear artificer armour iron halo frag and krak grenades plasma pistol master crafted power maul special rules independent character zealot legiones astartes ( word bearers) burning lore master of the legion marked by dark fates harbinger of chaos adamantium will ( harbinger of chaos if erebus is your armies warlord , all units may benefit from dark channelling and the army may take deamons as an allied contingent Kor Phaeron ws 4 bs 4 s 4 t 3 w 4 i 3 a 2 ld 10 sv 2+ wargear the terminus consolaris pair of lightning claws digi-flamer special rules independent character legiones astartes ( word bearers) burning lore master of the legion harbinger of chaos jealous command

( the terminus consolaris cataphractii pattern terminator armour with feel no pain ( 6+ ) digi-flamer hand flamer ( one use )

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