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Board of Editors N. RIDENOUB, Editor-in-Chief







and Woodward



and Kuper
and PurceU






13. PROPAGATION OF SHOBT R.\DIO WAvEs-Kerr 14. MICROWAVE lluFLExEss-8mul11n and Montgomery



and Whitmer



and WaUman Savre, and Williams MocNichol,

19. WAVEFORhfS-ChanCe,





and .JfacRae

and Valle~

and Uhlenbeck


Nichols, Karelitz,

and Phillips and Turner


28. lNDEXHenne~



Edited hy

















.l. YD


ilf(rG1/.iTfr-f IILL

BOOI{ 194s ,4




llc[~R.iIv-HILI,i300K PRI>-TE1) IX THE



















W. H.
J. R. P. C.


O. T.



K. P.





during NfJrl~l \\:Lr I I resulted not only in hundreds of radar sets for military (aml s(J[n(: f(Jr possible peacetime) use but also in a great body of inf~)rmuti(m urlfl n{w techniques in the electronics and high-frequency ficlrls. lJCCWM t1,is basic material may be of great value to science and engineering, it s{:l.rn~,l most important to publish it as soon as security permitted. The Radiation Laboratory of MIT, which operated under t}w su lx.rvision of the National Defense Research Committee, undm-tof)k t}w gr~,:l t, The work described }wrrin, tL(Jtrl,v(r,is task of preparing these volumes. the collective result of work done at many laboratories, ,Irmy, X uvy, university, and industrial, both in this country and in England, ( anwlu, and other Dominions. The Radiation Laboratory, once its proposals were approved and finances provided by the Office of Scientific Research and Development, chose Louis N. Ridenour as Editor-in-Chief to lead and direct the entire project. An editorial staff was then selected of those best qualified for this type of task. Finally the authors for the various volumes or chapters or sections were chosen from among those experts who ~~ere intimately familiar with the various fields, and who were able and willing to \vri tc the summaries of them. This entire staff agreed to remain at ~vork at MIT for six months or more after the work of the Radiation Laboratory was complete. These volumes stand as a monument to this group. These volumes serve as a memorial to the unnamed hundreds am] thousands of other scientists, engineers, and others who actually carried on the research, development, and engineering work the results of which are herein described. There were so many involved in this work and they worked so closely together even tbough often in wide] y separated laboratories that it is impossible to name or even to know those ~vho contributed to a particular idea or development. Only certain ones who \vrote reports or articles have even been mentioned. But to all those who contributed in any way to this great cooperative development enterprise, both in this country and in England, these volumes are dedicated.
development of raclar ancl relatecl techniques

HE tremendous






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Throughdesign and characteristiccs of pulse transformers. out this volume both the theoretical and the practical aspects of pulsegenerator design are given in order to avoid restricting the available information to radar applications. Although the major part of this volume is written by a few members of the Radiation Laboratory staff, many other individuals at the Radiation Laboratory and elsewhere have contributed their ideas in the preparation of thk material, and we hereby acknowledge their contributions. Particular mention must be made of the work done by Miss Anna Walter in connection with many of the mathematical analyses. Her painstaking work in checking the mathematical derivations and making the long and tedious calcul ations necessary for many of the curves and numerical examples is gratefully acknowledged. We are glad to acknowledge also the work of Miss F. Newell Dutton, who processed the numerous pulse photographs that appear throughout the VOI ume. We are also indebted to the many people who have contributed their time freely in reading various chapters and sections of the manuscript, and who have made valuable suggestions for the improvement of the discussion. We wish to acknowledge the help received in this way from Mr. J. P. Hagen and his associates at the Naval Research Laboratory; Dr. J. E. Gorham and his associates at the Army Signal Corps Laboratory; Dr. F. S. Goucher, Mr. E. P. Payne, Mr. A. G. Ganz, Mr. A. D. Hasley, Mr. E. F. ONeill, and Mr. W. C. Tinus of the Bell Telephone Laboratories; Mr. E. G. F. Arnott, Mr. R. Lee, Mr. C. C. Horstman, and Dr. S. Siegel and his associates at the Westinghouse Electric Corporation; Mr. H. W. Lord of the General Electric Company; Dr. A. E. Whitford of the Radiation Laboratory and the University of Wisconsin; and Dr. P. D. Crout of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The preparation of the manuscript and the illustrations for this volume would have required a much longer time if we had not had the aid of the Production Department of the (Mice of Publications of the Radiation Laboratories. We wish to express our appreciation of the efforts of Mr. C. Newton, head of this department, for his help in getting the work done promptly and accurately.

Juns, 1946.






. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

vii ix 1 1 5 6 13

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . CEAP.l. INTRODUCTION 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. . . . .

Parameters Fundamental to the Design of Pulse Generatore. . The Basic Circuit of a pulse Generator. Hard-tube Pulsere . . . . . . . . . . . . . Line-type Pullers . . . . ..8 A Comparison of Hard-tube and Line-type Puleers.





PULSER. 21 21 . 25 26 32 51


The Basic Output Circuit..


2.2. 2.3. The Output Circuit with a Resistance Load. The Output Circuit with a Biased-diode Load. OF THE STORAGE CONDENSER

TEE CHARGING 2.4. 2.5.

The Output Circuit with a High Resistance as the Isolating Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...52 The Output Circuit with an Inductance asthe Isolating Element.. . or an Inductive Resistor 61 . . . 69


Irnpedance-matching and Pulse-transformer Coupling to the Load 2.7. The Effect of Stray Capacitance on the Pulaer Power Output 243. Output Power Regulation. . 29. Effects of Pulse-transformer Coupling to the Load CHAP. 3. VACUUM 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. TUBES AS SWITCHES .

70 76 77 78 90 9(I 98

Required Characteristics The Characteristic Curves for Triodes and Tetrodes and their Importance to the Function of a Pulser Switch Tube. The Effect of Switch-tube and Load Characteristics on the Puleer Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...108 xi

CHAP. 4. DRIVER 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. CHAP. 5. CIRCUITS

CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

Tbe Bootstrap Driver, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...120 The Blocking Oscillator or Regenerative Driver . 124 The Multivibrator and pulse-forming-network Drivers . 132 APPLICATIONS . Pulser for . . ...140 152 160 Hard-tube . . ...165 140

PARTICULAR 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4.

The Model 3 Pulee*A Ligh&weight Medium-power Airborne Radar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . The Model 9 Pulser-A 1-Mw Hard-tube Pulser. A High-power Short-pulse Hard-tube Pulser. The Application of pulse-shaping Networks to the Pukwr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

CHAP. 6. THE 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6.




175 175 179 189 .207 213 . . . . . . 221


The Formation and Shaping of Pulses . . Networks Derived from a Transmission Line Guillemins Theory and the Voltage-fed Network Current-fed Networks. . . Materials and Construction. Test Procedures . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

CHAP. 7.

THE DISCHARGING 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5.




225 225 233 244 255 261 273 .275 276 283 289
294 296

General Properties of the Discharging Circuit Pulser Characteristics. . . Pulser Regulation and Efficiency. The Discharging Circuit and Pulse Shape. Computed and Actual Pulse Shapes FOR LINETYPE PULSERS.

. . .

CHAP. 8.

SWITCHES 8.1. 8.2. 8.3.


. . . . . .

. . . . .

Electrical Considerations in the Design of Rotary Spark Gaps. Considerations of Mechanical Design. Rotary-gap performance . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . of series Gaps. . . ..

ENCLOSED FIXED SPARK GAPS.. 8,4. 8.5. 8.6. 8.7. 8.8. General operating


Trigger Generators...,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3o4 Division of Voltage Across Series Gaps . 312 General Considerations for Gap Design. . 316 The Cylindrical-electrode Aluminum-cathode Gap . 318 327 332 335

8.9. The Iron-sponge Mercury-cathode Gap. 8.10. The Three-electrode Fixed Spark Gap THE HYDBOGEN THYRATRON. ... . . . . . . . . . .

. .

8.11. General Operating Characteristics of the Hydrogen Thyratron 336 8.12. The Anode Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 344 8.13. The Grid Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...349

. . . .

... mu 355 356 . 356 364 372


INDUCTANCE CHARGINGFROMA D-c POWER SUPPLY. General Analysis of D-c Charging Practical D-c Charging Reactors. The Design of D-c Charging Reactors . . . .


9,4. 9.5. 9,6. 9.7. 98. 99.

CHAP. 10.

General Analysis of A-c Charging . . A-c Resonant Charging. . . . . . A-c Nonresonant Charging Practical A-c Charging Transformers. The Design of High-reactance Transformers. Miscellaneous Charging Circuits. . .

. .

380 386 393 . . 400 . . 407 . . . 414 .

. . . 417


10,1, 102. 10.3.

Effects of Changes in Load Impedance Short Circuits in the Load. Open Circuits and Protective Measures.
. . .

. . . . 417 . . . 423 . . . 431

. . . . . . 435


10.4. 10.5. 103.


Normal Operation of the Magnetron Magnetron hlode-changing . . Magnetron Sparking. APPLICATIONS . . .

. . . . . .

435 . 438 .441 448



111. 11.2. 11.3. 11,4. 11.5. 116. 11.7. 11.8.

A High-power Rotary-gap R.dser. . . . . . . 448 A High-power Airborne Pulser. . . 454 Multiple-network Prdsers. . . . . . 463 The Anger Circuit .,..... . . . . . . . . . . . ...468 The Nonlinear-inductance Circuit . . 471 Special-purpose htput Circuits . . . 476 Multiple-pulse Line-type Pulsers. 485 Multiple-switch Circuit for Voltage Multiplication. 494




532 532 . . . 536 555



12,1. 122.
CHAP. 13.

General Transformer Theory Values of Elements in the Equivalent Circuit

DESIGN. Design Considerations . . . Designs.

PULSE-TRANSFORMER General Pulse-transformer Typical Pulse-transformer

13.1. 13,2. 133. CHAP. 14.

Design Methods . . . . . . . . .



The Effect of Pulse-transformer Parameters on Pulse Shapes on Resistance and Biased-diode or Magnetron Loads . . 563


CON TE.V TS The Effect of Pulse-transformer Parameters Rcgrncrativc Pulse (generators. The Effect Rmponsc JIATl~RIAIS lulsc-transformer . . . . . . . . . . AXD TIIEIR USES of on the Behavior of 575 on Frequency . . . ...591 5!)9 599

Pammctcrs . . . . . . IX DESICN




151. 152. 15.3. 15.4, 155.

D-c Iropwtirs and Test Results. Pulse Xlagnetizatinn

I{;ncrgy Imss and ltquiwdrmt ( ircuits .\driitional Aspects of Iulsc Jlagnctization Trchniqurw for \Icasuring (ore Pmforrnancc . . . . . .

599 613 626 633

639 648


157. JVirc App~NDrx A.

. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . ..

655 661 . . .. 662 662 667 Pulse hIcasurements in the Charging Circuit . .,.....,,.,690 . . 687 of a

. . . . .



OSCILLOSCOrlC \lETHOLrS. . . . . Al. A2. A3. A,4. Signal Presentation. 1UISC 3fcasurements Iractical Considerations in Making Voltage and Currcut llcasurcments Line-type Pulsar .,,......

METEFLING TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . A5.PulseV oltmctcrs . . . . . . A.6. The Average-current Nleter. A7. APPENDIX B. B.1. B2. B3. I.lSTOF INDEX . Auxiliary PULSI? hlcasuring DURATION Techniques. AND AMPI,lTUDE Conservation

692 692 701 706 710

13quivalcnt Rectangular Energy. . . . . F;quivalwrt Rectangular .4 Comparison .

Pulse by . . .

of Charge Areas

and 711 716 720 .. 723 729

Pulse by hlinimurn


of the lfethods.

SYIIIIO1,S . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



INTRODUCTION BY G. N. GLASOE Microwave radar has required the development of pulse generators that are capable of producing a succession of pulses of very short time durations. The pulse generators of a radar system fall into two principal categories, namely, those that are associated with the transmitter and those that are used in the indicator and ranging circuits. The principal distinguishing feature of pulse generators of these two types is the output power level. The radar transmitter requires the generation of high-power and high-voltage pulses whereas the indicator and ranging circuits require pulses of negligible power and relatively low voltage. The purpose of this book is to record information that pertains to the basic principles underlying the design of power pulse generators. Although most of these principles have been developed primarily in the field of microwave radar, they are equally adaptable to a very large number of applications not associated with radar. The discussion is general, and reference to specific microwave-radar applications is made only when they serve as examples of attainable results. Specific design information is given for some of the practicable circuits that have been built and have proved to be satisfactory. The most commonly used source of the high-frequency energy that is necessary for microwave radar has been the magnetron oscillator. The problem of power-pulse-generator design has, therefore, been greatly influenced by the characteristics of these magnetron oscillators. By virtue of this application many of the basic principles of pulse-generator design are better understood. The power pulse generators used in the transmitters of radar systems have been variously referred to as modulators, pulsers, and (keyers. Since the function of these generators is to apply a pulse of voltage to an oscillator and thereby produce pulses of high-frequency energy to be radiated by the antenna, the term pulser is a descriptive abbreviation for pulse generator. Throughout this book, therefore, the term pulser will be used in preference to the terms ( modulat or and keyer. 1.1. Parameters Fundamental to the Design of Pulse Generators. There are certain parameters of a pulser that are common to all types m



and that affect the design. The most important of these parameters are pulse duration, pulse power, average power, pulse recurrence frequency, duty ratio, and impedance level. Before proceeding to the detailed discussion of pulser design, therefore, it is well to introduce the parameters by defining some terms and indicating the ranges which have been common in the microwave-radar field. In its broadest aspects, the term pulse duration is the time during which a voltage or current maintains a value different from zero or some other initial and final value. The term pulse shape is used to refer to the form obtained when the pulse amplitude is plotted as a function of time. When referring to such a plot, it is convenient to discuss the details of a particular pulse shape in terms of the leading edge, the top, and the trailing edge of the pulse. If a pulse of voltage or current is truly rectangular in shape, that is, has a negligible time of rise and fall and is of constant amplitude for the intervening time interval, the pulse duration is simply the time elapsed between the deviation from and the return to the initial value. The term negligible time is, of course, For most practical relative and no strict boundaries can be attached. purposes, however, if the rise and fall times for a pulse are about a tenth or less of the pulse duration, the pulse is considered substantially rectangular. A current pulse of this type is required for a magnetron oscillator by virtue of the dependence of the output frequency on the current, which is called the pushing factor. For pulses which are definitely not rectangular, the effective or equivalent pulse duration is either the time measured at some fraction of the maximum pulse amplitude that is significant to the particular application, or the time corresponding to a The interpretation of rectangular equivalent of the pulse in question. pulse duration is discussed in Appendix B, and when particular cases come up in the text they are considered in more detail. The pulsers that have been designed for microwave-radar applications have pulse durations covering the range of 0.03 to 5 ~sec. The design of a pulser for short pulse durations with substantially rectangular pulse shape requires the use of high-frequency circuit techniques since frequencies as high as 60 to 100 hlc/sec contribute to the pulse shape and the effects of stray capacitances and inductances become serious. In the microwave-radar field the voltage required across the magnetron ranges from as 10]v as 1 kv to as big-h as 60 kv. If a voltage pulse is applied to some type of ciissipative load, a magnetron for example, there will be a corresponding pulse of current which depends on the nature of this load. The pulse current through the magnetron ranges from a few The combined considerations of amperes to several hundred amperes. short pulse duration and rectangularity therefore require that careful attention be given to the behavior of the pulser circuit and its components





under conditions of high rates of change of voltage and current. Thr rate of change of voltage may be as high as several hundred kilovolts per microsecond, and the current may build up at the rate of hundreds to thousands of amperes per microsecond. The product of the pulse voltage and the pulse current is the pulse power. When the voltage and current pulses are rectangular, the corresponding pulse power is unambiguous. When the pulses are irregularly shaped, however, the meaning of the term pulse power is not so clear because somewhat arbitrary methods are often used to average the product of voltage and current during the pulse. The peak power of a pulse is the maximum value of the product of the voltage and current. Thus, for rectangular pulses the peak power and the pulse power are the same, but for irregularly shaped pulses the peak power is greater than the pulse power. In this connection there are two general types of load that are discussed most frequently, namely, the linear load, such as a pure resist ante, The magnetron load and the nonlinear load, such as the magnetron. can be approximately represented as a biased diode with a dynamic resistance that is low and a static resistance that is about ten times higher. Static resistance is the ratio of the voltage across the load to the current, through the load, whereas the dynamic resistance is the ratio of a small When the change in voltage to the corresponding change in current. dynamic resistance of the load is small, the magnitude of the pulse current varies greatly with only small variations of the pulse voltage, and for loads such as a magnetron, for example, the behavior of the pulser with a linear load is not necessarily a good criterion. Since the pulse-power output of pulsers for microwave-radar application has ranged from as low as 100 watts to as high as 20 Mw, the average power output as well is important to the design. The average power corresponding to a particular pulse power depends on the ratio of the aggregate pulse duration in a given interval to the total time, and this in turn depends on the pulse recurrence frequency, PRF, which is the number of pulses per second (pps). If the pulse duration is 7 and the time between the beginning of one pulse and the beginning of the next pulse is T,, then P., =


PD.,- = ,( PRF)Pp . . . .

A similar equation can be written in terms of the current if the pulse voltage is essentially constant during the time corresponding to the current pulse, thus



Since the average current and the PRF are relatively easy to measure, this relation may be used to define a pulse current if the top of the pulse is irregular but the rise and fall times are negligibly small. It may also be used to define an equivalent pulse duration for a pulse shape that is trapezoidal and perhaps rounded at the top, but l\here some significance can be attached to a pulse-current measurement. The ratio T/T,or the product 7(1RF)is commonly called the pulser duty, f duty cycle, or preferably duty ratio, and is expressed as a fraction or a percentage. Thus l-psec pulses repeated at a rate of 1000 pps correspond to a duty ratio of 0.001 or 0.1 per cent. Pulsers have been constructed ~vith a duty ratio as high as 0.1, but for most radar As ~vith any applications a value of 0.001 or lolver is most common. power device, the over-all efficiency of a pulser is an important consideration in its design. This is particularly true ]Vhen the average po~ver output is high, that is, a combination of high pulse power and high duty ratio. This point is stressed in the discussion and is frequently a deciding factor in choosing one type of pulser in preference to another. The pulse recurrence frequency affects the design of a pulser in ways The pulser other than from the standpoint of the po~rer considerations. circuit may be considered to have a quiescent state that is disturbed during the pulse interval and to \rhich it must return before the initiation of the next succeeding pulse. If the PRF is very high, the problem of returning the circuit to this quiescent state becomes of importance. Such things as time constants and deionization times may impose a limit on how small the interpulse interval can be \vithout unduly comThis limit becomes especially important \rhenever plicating the design. it is necessary to produce a series of closely spaced pulses to form a code such as is used in radar beacons. The choice of the internal impedance of the pulse generator depends on the load impedance, the pulse-pol:er level, and practical considerations of circuit elements. Impedance-matching betlreen generator and load is of prime importance in some cases, especially with regard to the proper utilization of the available energy and the production of a particular pulse shape. Impedance-matching is not always convenient with the load connected directly to the pulser output; hoirever, matching can By this means it is readily be attained by the use of a pulse transformer. possible to obtain impedance transformations between pulser and load as high as 150/1, that is, a transformer with a turns ratio of about 12/1. The magnetrons ~~-hichha~,e been used in micro~va~,e radar have static impedances ranging from about 400 ohms to ahout 2000 ohms; in general, the higher the power of the magnetron, the lower its input impedance. The impedance-transformation characteristic of the pulse transformer also provides a means of physically separating the pulser and the load.







Thus the power may be transmitted from the pulser to the load through a low-impedance coaxial cable, provided that pulse transformers are used to match impedances. For most efficient power transfer such impedancematching is necessary between pulser and cable and between cable and load. In this way it has been possible to transmit high-power pulses of short duration over as much as 200 ft of cable without a serious loss in the over-all eficiency or a deterioration of the pulse shape. The pulse transformer has another function that is important to pulser design, namely, it provides a means for reversing the polarity of a pulse. This feature of the pulse transformer together with the impedancetransformation property considerably extends the range of usefulness for pulsers of any type. 1.2. The Basic Circuit of a Pulse Generator.The pulse generators discussed in this book depend on the storage of electrical energy either in an electrostatic field or in a magnetic field, and the subsequent discharge of a fraction or all of this stored energy into the load. The two basic categories into which the largest number of pulser designs logically fall are (1) those in which only a small fraction of the stored electrical energy is discharged into the load during a pulse, and (2) those in which all of the stored energy is discharged during each pulse. These two basic categories of pulsers are generally referred to as (1) hard-tube pulsers and (2) line-t ype pulsers. To accomplish this discharge, it is necessary to provide a suitable switch that can be closed for a length of time corresponding to the pulse duration and maintained open during the time t 1 Energyrequired to build up the stored energy again beL storage fore the next succeeding pulse. In its simplest Switch device form, therefore, the discharging circuit of a pulser can be represented schematically as shown Load in Fig. 1.1. The characteristics required for the switch will be different depending on whether or !__J not all the stored energy is discharged into the FIG. 1.1.Brwic dischmging circuitof a puker. load during a single pulse. Some pulse-shaping will be necessary in the discharging circuit when all the energy is to be dissipated. Since the charging of the energy-storage component of the pulser takes place in the relatively long interpulse interval, the discussion of pulsers may logically be divided into the consideration of the discharging circuit on the one hand, and the charging circuit on the other. Power supplies for ,these pulsers are, in general, of conventional design and therefore usually need not be discussed, but wherever this design has bearing on the over-all pulser behavior, special mention is made of the fact.



1.3. Hard-tube Pulsers.-In general, the energy-storage device for theee pulsers is simply a condenser that is charged to some voltage V, thus making available an amount of electrical energy +CV2. The term hard-tube refers to the nature of the switch, which is most commonly a high-vacuum tube containing a control grid. The closing and opening of this switch is therefore accomplished by applying properly controlled voltages to the grid. Since only a small fraction of the energy stored in the condenser is discharged during the pulse, the voltage across the switch immediately after the pulse and during the charging interval is It is therefore nearly the same as it is at the beginning of the pulse. necessary that the grid of the vacuum-tube switch have complete control This required characteristic of the of the conduction through the tube. switch tube rules out the possibility of using known gaseous-discharge devices for this type of pulser. It is generally desired that these pulsers produce a succession of pulses, and therefore some provision must be made to replenish the charge on the storage condenser. This is accomplished by means of a power supply The which is connected to the condenser during the interpulse interval. combination of the discharging Charging Discharging and charging circuits of the pulser p!k rc -4 may be represented schematically as shown in Fig. 1.2. In order to Storage avoid short-circuiting the power condenser Switch supply during the pulse interval, Isolating some form of isolating element element must be provided in series with the power supply. This element may be a high resistance or an Load Power = inductance, the particular choice supplyT[ 1depending on the requirements of over-all pulser design. The priFIG. I.Z.Charging and discharging circuit mary consideration is to keep the for a hard-tubepulser. ~ower-sumdv current as small as However, th~ ~m-pedance of this isolatpossible during the pulse interval. ing element should not be so high that the voltage on the condenser at the end of the interpulse interval differs appreciably from the power-supply volt age. Because of the high pulse-power output, pulsers for microwave radar require switch tubes that are capable of passing high currents for the short time corresponding to the pulse duration with a relatively small difference in potential across the tube. Oxide-cathode and thoriatedtungsten-filament tubes can be made to pass currents of many amperes for the pulse durations necessary in the microwave-radar applications





with a reasonable operating life expectancy. The cathode efficiency, that is, amperes of plate current per watt of heating power, is considerably less for the thoriated-tungsten filament than for the oxide cathode. For switch tubes with oxide cathodes it has been common to obtain about 0.3 to 0.5 amp/watt of heating power, although as much as 1 amp/watt has been obtained, whereas for thoriated-tungsten filaments this amount is generally less than 0.1 amp/watt. The tungsten-filament tube, however, is less subject to sparking at high voltages and currents and, within Radiation Laboratory experience, these tubes have not exhibited cathode fatigue, that is, a falling-off of cathode emission during long pulses. This cathode fatigue is sometimes a limitation on the longest pulse for which an oxide-cathode switch tube should be used. In order to obtain a high plate current in these switch tubes, there must be a fairly high positive voltage on the control grid and therefore considerable grid current. In the case of a tetrode, there is a high screengrid current as well The duty ratio permitted in a given pulser is often limited by the amount of average power which the particular tube can dissipate. The output circuit of a hard-tube pulser does not usually contain any primary pulse-shaping components, although its design, in combination with the load, has a marked effect on the ultimate shape of the pulse. In a pulser of this type, the pulse is formed in the driver circuit, the output of which is applied to the control grid of the switch tube. From the standpoint of over-all pulser efficiency, it is desirable that the switch tube be nonconducting during the interpulse interval. The control grid must therefore be at a voltage sufficiently negative to keep the tube cut off during this time, and consequently the output voltage from the driver must be sufficient to overcome this grid bias and carry the grid positive. For most designs of hard-tube pulsers, this requirement means that the driver output power must be a few per cent of the actual pulser output power. The resistance of available vacuum tubes used as switches in hardtube pulsers ranges from about 100 to 600 ohms. If the pulser is considered as a generator with an internal resistance equal to that of the switch tube, the highest discharge efficiency is obtained when the effective load resistance is high. Matching the load resistance to the internal resistance of the pulser results in an efficiency of 50 per cent in the output circuit and the switch tube must dissipate as much power as the load. Because of these considerations, the hard-tube pulser is generally designed with a power-supply voltage slightly greater than the required pulse voltage. This design practice has not been followed when the output voltage required is higher than the power-supply voltage that is easily obtainable. The power-supply voltage may be limited by available



components, size requirements, and other special considerations. A pulse transformer may then be used between the pulser and the load to obtain the desired pulse voltage at the load. 1.4. Line-type Pulsers.Pulse generators in this category are referred to as line-type pulsers because the energy-storage device is essentially a lumped-constant transmission line. Since this component of the linetype pulser serves not only as the source of electrical energy during the pulse but also as the pulse-shaping element, it has become commonly knolvn as a pulse-forming net!vork, PFX. There are essentially two classes, of pulse-forming netlvorks, namely, those in w-hich the energy for the pulse is stored in an electrostatic field in the amount +CVZ, and those in n-hich this energy is in a magnetic field in the amount +512. The first class is referred to as voltage-fed networks and the second as currentfed networks. The voltage-fed network has been used extensively in the microivave-radar applications in preference to the current-fed net\vork because of the lack of satisfactory s!vitch tubes for the latter type. The pulse-forming net!vork in a line-type pulser consists of inductances and condensers ~rbich may be put together in any one of a number of possible configurations. The configuration chosen for the particular purpose at hand depends on the ease with which the network can be fabricated, as \vell as on the specific pulser characteristic desired. The Ialues of the inductance and capacitance elements in such a network can be calculated to give an arbitrary pulse shape when the configuration, pulse duration, impedance, and load characteristics are specified. The theoretical basis for these calculations and the detailed discussion of the role of the various network parameters are given in Part II of this book. The discharging circuit of a line-type pulser PFN using a voltage-fed network may be represented Switch schematically as shown in Fig. 13. If energy has been stored in the network by charging the capacitance elements, closing the switch will Load allow the discharge of this energy into the load. When the load impedance is equal to the characFIG. 1.:l.lli,rtl~rgi]lg teristic impedance of the network, assuming the cucuit for a voltage-fed switch to have negligible resistance, all of the Ilet\Y,,l k. energy stored in the network is transferred to the load, leaving the condensers in the network completely discharged. lhe time required for this energy transfer determines the pulse duration and depends on the values of the capacitances and inductances of the net\rork. If the load impedance is not equal to the network impedance, some energy will be left on the rwtnwrk at the end cf the time corresponding to the pulse duration for the matched load. This situation leads to complica-





tions in the circuit behavior and is to be avoided if possible by careful design and construction of the network to insure an impedance match with the load. The voltage appearing across a load that matches the impedance of a nondissipative voltage-fed network is equal to one half of the voltag( to which the network is charged just before Charging closing the switch. The corresponding circuit for a current-fed t rc +F;W network may be represented as shown in Fig. Switch 1.4. In this case the switch acts to close the Losd PFN network-charging circuit and allows a current r Power to build up in the inductance of the network. ~ = supply When this current is interrupted by opening the switch, a high voltage, whose magnitude depends on the load impedance and the current III FIG. 1.4.Ch8rgingand in the inductance, appears across the load. dischargingcircuit for a CUrImpedance-matching between the load and a rent-fednetwork. network of the current-fed type results in a division of current such that ~he load current is one half of that in the network just before the switch is opened. The consideration of impedance-matching is of extreme importance in designing a line-type pulser because it affects the utilization of the energy stored on the network, as well as the ultimate shape of the voltage For these reasons, the nature of the load and current pulses at the load. must be known before proceeding to the design of the pulser. If the load is nonlinear, as in the case of a magnetron, it very often happens that the load characteristics can be taken into account only approximately, and the ultimate design of the network may have to depend on experimental tests with subsequent modifications to obtain the desired pulse shape. Pulse-forming networks can be designed to have any value of characteristic impedance, but matters of practical convenience, such as the available size of inductances and condensers and the maximum permissible switch voltage, often dictate that this value be different from that required to match the impedance of the load. When the network impedance is different from the load impedance, the matched condition is attained by the use of a pulse transformer. Again, for reasons of engineering convenience, it has been common to apply the pulser output directly into one end of a coaxial cable, thus facilitating the physical separation of the pulser and the load. The impedance of the cable matches that of the network, and a pulse tra~sformer at the other end provides the impedance match to the load. Since the cable that has been most available for applications of this type has a characteristic impedance of 100 ohms or less (commonly 50 ohms), most of the voltage-





fed lin~type pulsers for microwave radar have been designed for the 50-ohm level, thereby making the use of a pulse transformer a necessity with magnetron load. The pulse transformer therefore becomes an essential part of the discharging circuit in a low-impedance pulser used with high-impedance load, and as such its characteristics have an effect on the pulse shape and the over-all behavior of the discharging circuit. It is desirable and often necessary that the design of the pulse transformer and the design of the pulse-forming network be coordinated in order to obtain the most satisfactory pulser operation. Since the impedance-transformation ratio for a transformer is equal to the square of the voltage-transformation ratio, the use of a lowimpedance pulser with a load of higher impedance requires the use of a pulse transformer that gives a voltage stepup between pulser output and load input. Thus, when a line-type pulser with a 50-ohm voltage-fed network is used to pulse an 80&ohm load, for example, the voltage stepup ratio is about 4/1, and the current in the discharging circuit of the pulser becomes about four times the load current. Accordingly, the switch in the discharging circuit of a line-type pulser is required to pass very high pulse currents for high pulse power into the load. Since the switch is in series with the pulser output, its effective resistance must be small compared with the characteristic impedance of the pulse-forming network if high efficiency is desired. When a pulser uses a voltage-fed network, the voltage across the switch falls to zero at the end of the pulse because the stored energy is completely discharged. This consideration, in conjunction with the high current-carrying capacity and low resistance required of the switch, suggests the use of a form of gaseous-discharge device, which must remain nonconducting during the interpulse interval if it is desired to apply a If it is also required that the interpulse succession of pulses to the load. intervals be of controlled duration, the switch must have a further characteristic which allows a positive control of the time at which conduction is initiated. These switch requirements can be met by rotary spark gaps, which depend on overvolting by a decrease in the gap length, or by fixed spark gaps, in which the discharge is initiated by an auxiliary electrode. A grid-controlled gaseous-discharge tube such as the thyratron is particularly well suited to this application since it is possible to start the discharge in a tube of this type at any desired time, within a very small fraction of a microsecond, by the application of Pi oper voltage to the grid. Several grid-controlled hydrogen-filled thyratrons of different voltage and current ratings that cover the range of pulse-power output from a few kilowatts to almost two megawatts have been developed for this application. These hydrogen thyratrons have proved to be very practical switches for line-type pulsers because they fulfill ade-





quately all the switch requirements mentioned above and have a stability against ambient temperature variations that is considerably better than that of the mercury thyratron. Hydrogen thyratrons that have a satisfactory operating life and yet can hold off 16 kv with the grid at cathode potential and carry pulse currents of several hundred amperes for a pulse duration of 2 psec and a recurrence frequency of 300 pps have been developed and manufactured. The grid-controlled high-vacuum tube is not well suited to serve as the switch in a low-impedance line-type pulser using a voltage-fed network because of its rather low cathode efficiency and relatively high resistance during the conduction period. An oxide-cathode high-vacuum tube that requires 60 watts of cathode-heater power, for example, can carry a pulse current of about 15 amp for a pulse duration of a few microseconds, and under these conditions, this tube presents a resistance of perhaps 100 ohms to the circuit. A hydrogen thyratron, on the other hand, with equivalent cathode-heater power can carry a pulse current of about 300 amp, presenting an effective resistance to the circuit of about one ohm. As stated previously, a line-type pulser using a curren~fed network requires a switch capable of carrying a current at least twice that desired in the pulser load. The further requirement that this switch must be capable of interrupting this current. and withstanding high voltage during the pulse eliminates the gaseous-discharge type and points to The low current-carrying capacthe grid-controlled high-vacuum tube. ity of existing tubes has, therefore, been the principal deciding factor in choosing the voltage-fed network for line-type pulsers rather than the current-fed network. Several different methods are used to charge a voltage-fed network in a line-type pulser. Since the general aspects of these methods are not appreciably affected by the discharging Isolating PFN Switch circuit, the requirements imposed on element pulser design by the charging circuit Power = Load can be considered separately. If the supply = time allowed for the charging of the network is sufficiently long compared with the pulse duration, the charging FIO. 1.5.Charging and discharging circycle is simply that corresponding to cuit for a voltage-fednetwork. the accumulation of charge on a condenser. Figure 1.5 indic~tes schematically the relation between the charging and discharging circuits of a pulser with voltage-fed network. For example, the network may be recharged from a d-c power supply through




a high resistance, in which case the equilibrium voltage on the network can be nearly equal to the power-supply voltage. The requirement on the series-resistance isolating element in this charging circuit is simply that it must be large enough to allow only negligible current to be taken from the power supply during the pulse and the deionizing time for the switch, but not so large that the RC time constant becomes comparable to the interpulse interval. To get the highest network voltage from a given power-supply voltage with this arrangement, the length of the interpulse interval should be several times greater than the RC time constant in the charging circuit. This method of charging the network is inherently inefficient-its maximum possible efficiency is only 50 per cent. Since the efficiency of the network-charging circuit with a resistance as the isolating element is very low, the use of a nondissipative element, such as an inductance, suggests itself. When a capacitance is charged through an inductance from a constant potential source, the voltage across the capacitance is in the form of a damped oscillation the first maximum of which is approximately equal to twice the supply voltage if the initial voltage across the capacitance and the current through the inductance are zero. This maximum occurs at a. time equal to z ~ after the voltage source is connected to the inductance-capacitance combination. The inductance to be used with a given network is, therefore, calculated by setting the interpulse interval equal to T ~, where C is the network capacitance. This type of network charging is called resonant charging. If the pulse recurrence frequency is less that l/ir ~, some current will still be flowing in the inductance at the beginning of each charging period and, under equilibrium conditions, this initial current will be the same for all charging cycles. The network will again be charged to approximately twice the power-supply voltage. This type of network charging is called linear charging. With careful design of the inductance, the efficiency of the charging circuit is as high as 90 to 95 per cent, and the power-supply voltage needs to be only slightly greater than one half of the desired network voltage, resulting in a great advantage over resistance charging. A factor of 1.9 to 1.95 between network and supply voltage can be obtained if the charging inductance is designed so that the quality factor Q of the charging circuit is high. Resonant charging can also be done from an a-c source provided that the pulse recurrence frequency, PRF, is not greater than twice the a-c frequency. If the pulse recurrence frequency and the a-c frequency are equal, the network voltage attains a value r times the peak a-c voltage. This voltage stepup becomes greater as the ratio of a-c frequency to pulse recurrence frequency increases. The voltage gain soon becomes expensive, however, and it is not practical to go beyond an a-c frequency greater than twice the PRF.

SEC. 1.5]



1.5, A Comparison of Hard-tube and Line-type Pulsers.Although it is not possible to give a set of fixed rules to be followed in determining the type of pulser best suited to a particular application, it is possible to give a few general comparisons of the two types which may aid in choos. ing between them. The comparisons made here concern such things as: power output and efficiency, pulse shape, impedance-matching, short interpulse intervals, high-voltage versus low-voltage power supply, the ease with which pulse duration and pulse recurrence frequency can be changed, time jitter, over-all circuit complexity, size and weight of the pulsers, and regulation of the pulser output against variations in input voltage. This list does not include all the possible points for comparison, but only those that are of primary importance in choosing between the two pulser types. The over-all efficiency of the line-type pulser is generally somewhat higher than that of the hard-tube pulser, particularly when the pulsepower output is high. This is due in part to the fact that the hard-tube pulser requires a larger overhead of cathode-heating power. Furthermore, a high-vacuum-tube switch dissipates a greater portion of the available pulser power by virtue of its higher effective resistance than does a gaseous-discharge switch. The power required for the driver of the hard-tube pulser is not negligible and, since this component is not necessary in a line-type pulser, the over-all efficiency of the latter is thereby enhanced. The pulse shape obtained from a hard-tube pulser can usually be made more nearly, rectangular than that from a line-type pulser. This is particularly true when the network of the pulser has low impedance, and a pulse transformer must be used between the pulser and a nonlinear load such as a magnetron. In this case, small high-frequency oscillations are superimposed on the voltage pulse at the load. These oscillations make the top of the pulse irregular in amplitude. The amplitude of the corresponding oscillations on the top of the current pulse depends on the dynamic resistance of the load and, if this is small, these oscillations become an appreciable fraction of the average pulse amplitude. The hard-tube pulser is, therefore, generally preferred to the line-type for applications in which a rectangular pulse shape is important. Impedance-matching between pulser and load has already been mentioned as an important consideration in the design of line-type pulSSrs. Usually, an impedance mismatch of ~ 20 to 30 per cent can be tolerated as far as the effect on pulse shape and power transfer to the load k concerned, but a greater mismatch causes the over-all pulser operation to become unsatisfactory. The load impedance of the hard-tube pulser, however, can be changed over a wide range without seriously affecting the operation. The principal limitation in the latter case is that, if the load impedance is too low, the required current through the switch tube




[SEC. 1.5

is l:irge :in(l the power dissipated in the switch becomes a larger fraction t)f the t{Jt :d po\rcr, thus lo!rering the efficiency. In applications of the Iinu-typr pulser it is possible to effect an impedance match for any load by the proper choice of pldse t r:msfurmcr, but this procedure is sorneu-hat inconvenient if, for example, it is desired to vary the po~ver input to a nonlinear load bctjveen }vidc limits. S\vitchcs of the gaseous-discharge type, ~vhich are commonly used in the line-type pulser, place a stringent limitation on the minimum spacing bCt\YCCIl pulses. After the pulse, the net\rork must not charge up to any appreciable voltage until the deionization is complete, otherwise the slvitch ]~ill remain in the conducting state and the po!ver supply \vill be short-cirmlitcd. For this reason, the interpulsc interval must be several times :1s long M the slritch deionization time \vhcn the gaseous-discharge type is (MY1. lhe high-vacuum-tube s\vitch in the hard-tube pulser does not, prment any similar limitations on the intcrpulsc interval, but in this case the problcm bccomcs one of designing the circuit ~vith small RC and 1./1/ time constants. It has been possible, for example, to construct har(l-tube pulsers \vith 0,2-~sec pulses spacccl 0.8 ~sec bet~reen leading edges, It has been stated in the preceding discussion of hard-tube pulsers that a high-voltage po\vcr supply is necessary for highest efficiency. Ihis rcquircrncnt is sometimes a very serious limitation on the design of The low-irnpcdance line-type such pulscrs for high-pulse-polvcr output. pulser using resonant charging of the network, on the other hand, can be designed with a much lolrer pow-er-supply voltage for a pulse-power output comparable to that of a hard-tube pulser. For example, a hardtubc pulscr \vith a pulse-po~vcr output of 3 MW has been built with a 35-kv po~rer sllpply, ~vhcrcas for a line-type pulser with d-c resonant charging of the net\vork, the same po\\-eroutput is obtained with only about 14 kv from the pofvcr supply if a standard 50-ohm net!vork is used. ,~ line-type pulscr using a-c resonant charging, on the other hand, requires an a-c po\~m source giving a peak voltage of about 8 kv in order to provide a pulse-po\rcr output of 3 31w. It should bc stated, ho~vever, that in both of the line-type pulscrs mentioned here the pulse-forming networks arc charged to about 25 kv, but this voltage does not present such serious design problems from the engineering standpoint as the design of a power supply of equivalent voltage. It Jvould have been advantageous to have a poi~-cr-supp]y voltage greater than 35 kv for this 3-MJv hard-tube pulsrr, I)llt a higher voltage \vas impractical because the pulscr design NW limited by the available components, in particular by the s\vitch tul)e. [t is somctirncs desirable to have a pulscr capable of producing pulses of scvcrd different durations, the particular one to bc used being selected

SEC. 1.5]



The pulse duration is determined in by a simple switching operation. the driver of the hard-tube pulser, where this type of pulse selection is easily made since the switching can be done in a lo~v-voltage part of the circuit. In the line-type pulscr, holvcvcr, the pulse duration is determinedby the netlvork and in order to change the pulse duration a different This can be accomplished network must be connected into the circuit. by a switching operation, but because of the higher voltage involved it is not so simple as in the hard-tube pulser. A further complication may arisein the line-type pulser since a change of network affects the characteristics of the charging circuit, ancl practical considerateions of induct ante charging therefore limit the ranges of pulse duration and pulse recurrence frequency that can be covered. The ease with which the pulse duration may be changed in a hard-tube pulser provides a flexibility that is difficult to obtain with a line-type pulser. In many pulser applications it is important to have the interpulse In hard-tube pulsers and some line-type intervals precisely determined. pulsers,constant interpulse intervals are obtained by using a trigger pulse to initiate the operation of the pulser. These trigger pulses can be generated in a lowpo~rer circuit independent of the pulser, and it is a simple matter to design such a circuit so that the trigger pulses occur at prel~hen the successive output pulses from cisely known time intervals. the pulser start with varying time delay after the start of the trigger pulse, there is said to be time jitter in the output pulses. If the trigger pulses are used to initiate the operation of other apparatus, which is auxiliary to the pulser, this time jitter results in unsatisfactory over-all operation ot the equipment. Hard-tube pulsers can be easily designed to make this time jitter negligible, that is, = 0.02 gsec or less. The time jitter is also small in line-type pulsers that make use of a hydrogen thyratron as the slvitch. lVith line-type pulsers using the triggered spark gaps (series gaps), however, the time jitter is considerably greater, about 0.1 to 3 Kscc depending on the gap design. Recent development of a triggered spark gap having a cathode consisting of spongy iron saturated with mercury has made it possible to obtain time jitter as small as 0.02 tVhen a rotary spark gap is used as the psec with the series-gap switch. switch in a line-type puker, the interpulse intervals are determined by the rotational speed and the number of sparking electrodes. In this case time jitter refers to the irregularity of the interpulse intervals and may amount to as much as 20 to 80 ysec. Because the circuit for the hard-tube pulser is somewhat more complex and requires a larger number of separate components than that of the line-type pulser, both the problem of servicing and the diagnosis of faulty behavior of the hard-tube pulser are more difficult. Because of the combination of fewer separate components and higher efficiency, a



[SEC.I 5

Iinc-type pukwr can generally be designed for smaller size and weight than a hard-tube pulser \vith equivalent pulse- and average-po\~er output and with comparable safety factors in the individual components. TYPES TABLE1 1.COMPARISON OF THE Two PULSER Characteristics JMiciency .. . . . . . . . . llard-tube pulser Line-type pulser

Lower; more overhead power tfigh, particularly when the requiredfor the driver,cath- pulse-po,veroutput is high ode-heating,and for dissipa. tion in the switch tube Poorerrectangularpulse, parPulseshape. . . . . . . . . Better rectangularpulses ticularlythroughpulsetransformer Impedarl{:c-rllatching }Vide range of mismatch per- Smaller range of mismatch permissible ( +20 to 3070). missible Pulsetransformerwill match any load, but power input to nonlinear load cannot be varied over a wide range Interpulseinterval.. May be very short; as for cod Must be several times the ing beacons (i.e., < 1 pscc) deionization time of dischargetube (i.e., > 100 @cc) High-voltage supply usually Low-voltage supply, particuVoltage supply. . . . . larly with inductance chargnecessary ing Changeof pulseclura. Easy; switchingin low-voltagt Requireshigh-voltage switching to new network circuit tion Somewhat easier to obtain lligh-pOwer line-type pulsers Time jitter. negligible time jitter (i.e., with rotary-gap switch have largetimejitter; < 0.02 psec) than with a aninherently with care in design and the line-typepulser use of a hydrogen thyratron or enclosedgaps of mercurysponge type, a time jitter of 0.02 ~ec is obtainable Circuit complexity.. ~reatcr, leading to greater Less, permitting smaller size and weight difficultyin servicing IMccts of change il For design having maximum Betterthan a hard-tubepulser designed for maximum efficfficicncy, (AP/P) output = voltage 6(3 V/J) input. By sacri ciency since (A~/~) output ficingefficiencyin the design, = 2(AV/V) input for a linetype pulser, independent of (ti/~) output = 0.5(AV/V the design input can be obtained The effect on the power output of a pulser resulting from a change in the input voltage is sometimes of considerable importance to the particular application. For a line-type pulser, the percentage change in output power is about two times the percentage change in input line voltage, and

SEC. 1.5]




In the case of the little can be done to change .. this ratio appreciably. hard-tube pulser, hoirevw, this ratio m~y be controlled by the proper The percentage choice of the s!vitcb tube and its operating conditions. change in output polver from a hard-tube pulser may be varied over the This range of 0.5 to 6 times the percentage change in input line voltage. advantage with the hard-tube pulser is gained only at the expense of lower efficiency, hoircver, and the ratio is large when the discharging circuit is designed for maximum efficiency. These comparisons between hard-tube and line-type pulsers are summarized in Table 11. It should be evident from these general remarks concerning the relative merits of hard-tube and line-type pulsers that a perfunctory analysis of the requirements for a particular application cannot lead to an intelligent choice of the pulser type to be used. A detailed analysis requires a thorough understanding of the characteristics of pulsersin general, and It is the purpose of the following chapters, of the two types in particular. therefore, to present the available information on hard-tube and linetype pulsers in considerable detail in order that it may be of the greatest possible aid in the design of high-power pulse generators for any application.







BY G. X. GI,.+SOE 2.1. The Basic Output Circuit. Asstated in Chap. l, pulse-generator drsign and operation are discussed here from the standpoint of the basic circuit shoiyn in I~ig. 1.1, the essential elements of }Vhich are the reservoir forclcctrical crwrgy, the sin-itch, and the load. These components constitute the o[ltput circuit of the pulser, andtheiriuherent characteristics, togcthm \viththe circuit behavior, almost exclusively determine the pulse shape and amplitude. The power output from a pulser is usually rrqniredto be a succession of pulses occurringat more orless regular time intervals with a specified time duration for each pulse. The complete pulsercircuit must therefore contain, in addition to the output circuit, a mums of controlling the duration of the pulse and of replenishing the dectrica] rncrgy in the reservoir during the interpulse intervals. Since the plIlsc shape and amplitude are usually the most important characteristics of the pulscr output, it is logical to begin the discussion with a consideration of the output circuit. 1hchard-tube pnlser derives its name from the fact that the switch is a lligh-vticn~lmtulw, the conduction through ~rhich can be controlled by thoappli~ation of the proper voltage to a grid. In its simplest form such :1sjritch is a trioflc, l)llt, as is sllo\rn latcrl a tetrode or pentode can often pcrfnrm the s\vitching fllnction more satisfactorily. The choice of the tllhc to bc usrd as the slritch in a pulser designed for high pulse-power ontput drpcn(ls on the cap~bi]it y of the tubc to pass high peak currents and to stand off high voltagrs. The voltage drop across the switch tube must also be consi(lcrcd in connection with over-all pulser efficiency wrdallo\ralllc power dissipation in the tube, particularly if the duty ratio forthr pnlscr is high. The cliscussion of the design of hard-tube pulsers is therefore influenced to a considerable extent by the characteristics of the high-vacuum tubes that have been available. Condm,wr as the Energy Rrsmoir.-The reservoir for electrical energy in a t,ard-tUbe pulser may be either a condenser or an inductance. The h:ml-tllbr pulsers for micro!va~e-radar applications have most commonly hrcn of thr condenser type. The two possibilities may be represented schematically as shown in Fig. 2.1, where the load is indicated as a pure resistance. In Fig. 2. la s]vitch (1) is introduced only for convenience 21








in the present discussion and is replaced by a high-impedance element in the more cletailed discussion in the follo~ving sections. Assume that the sivitch (1) in Fig. 2. la is closed long enough to allow , the condenser to become charged to the po~ver-supply voltage. An amount of energy ~CJl~ is then available to be discharged into the load

I,,., ?.l. - lhic

EEf a
(a) (b)

type. (h) The i,ductmce hard-tube pulaercircuits. (a) TI,c CCI,ICICIMET type.

l)y ,Jp,,ning s~ritch (1) and closing s\vitch (2). During this condenser dist,l):trgc, the voltage across the load decreases \rith time according to the
]{,l:ttion ~1 = Ebbe (RI+~PJC- VP,

ivherc t is measured from the instant the switch is closed, and Vp = Zprp is the voltage drop in the s\ritch. If the s\vitch is closed for a time small cl)rnp:wcd Irith the t imc constant (R+ rP)C~, only a small part of the ttkal energy stored in the condenser is removed, and the voltage across t hc load and the current through the slvitch arc very nearly constant. 1he load is therefore subjected to a voltage pulse of duration corresponding to t}m length of time the s\vitch is kept closed. The capacitance that is nec(wary to keep the pulse voltage betlveen the limits VI and VJ AVI (,:111 (,asily be calculated if the pulse current and the pulse duration are sl)ccili(, (l. If the puke duration T is assumed to be small compared With t,lw fW time constant of the discharging circuit, the change in voltage of tllc ooudenser during the pulse may be written

AV1 = #


If s\~itch (1) is closed again for the time between pulses, after opening (2), the energy in the condenser is replenished from the pof~er Sllpply. .1 repetition of this switching procedure produces a succession of identical pulses. The important point of this discussion is that the siritch tube, represented by s~vitch (2), carries current only during the pulse interval. Hence the average po~ver dissipated in the switch tube is equal to Vplp T/T., }vhere V= is the tube drop, 1, is the plate current, 7 is
s\rit rlI







The power the pulse duration, and T, = 1/j, is the recurrence interval. dissipated in the switch tube is augmented slightly by replacing switch (1) by a high-impedance element, but for the present considerations this increase may be neglected. Figure 2.2 shows a sketch of the condenser voltage as a function of time when switch (1) is replaced by a high resistance.

FIG. 22.-Idealized sketchof the time variationof the voltageon the storagecondenser in a hard-tube pulser.
Inductance as the Energy Reservoir.Consider next the pulser represented in Fig. 2. lb, in which an inductance serves as the electrical-energy reservoir. When the switch is closed, a current builds up in the inductance according to the relation

where rP, the effective resistance of the switch, is considered to be small compared with R~, and the resistance of the inductance is assumed to be 1, the initial current negligibly small. If the switch is opened at a time t in the load resistance is iL(~l) and decreases with time according to the relation il(t) = iL(tl)e w

wheret is measured from the instant of opening the switch. If tl >> L~/Tp, the initial voltage across the load is EMRI/Tp. A pulse is produced by keeping the switch open for the time interval desired for the pulse duration. If this time is small compared with L~/Rt, the current in the inductance, and hence that in the load, decreases only slightly during the pulse, and a large fraction of the energy initially stored h the inductance is still there at the instant the switch is closed. As a result, the current in the switch at the start of the interpulse interval is almost as large as it was at the start of the pulse. If a succession of pulses is obtained by repeating the switching procedure, the average current through the switch tube is nearly equal to the pulse current.
Comparison of a Condenser and an Inductanc~ as the Energy Reser-

voir.The pulse current through the switch tube for a given pulse power into a load is the same whether the electrical energy is stored in an inductance or in a capacitance. Thus, the voltage drop across a given switch







[SEC. 2.1

tube is comparable in the two cases. The average power dissipated in the switch tube, however, is much higher when an inductance is used because the tube is conducting during the interpulse interval, whereas, when a capacitance is used, it is conducting only during the pulse interval. The idealized sketch shown in Fig. 2.3 indicates the current in the inductance as a function of time.

- -----------II II 1 1 II !-r

- .-------



Tv-r -

--~ -e.

FIG.2.3.Idealized sketchof the timevariationof currentin the storageinductance of hard-tube pulser.

Although the power-supply voltage required for a pulser with an inductance for energy storage is considerably less than the desired pulse voltage across the load, the switch tube must be capable of withstanding approximately the same voltage as when a capacitance is used. In a pulser of the type shown in Fig. 2. la, the maximum voltage across the switch tube is equal to the power-supply voltage, which must be greater than the load pulse voltage by an amount equal to the voltage drop in the tube. The maximum voltage across the switch tube in the circuit of Fig. 2lb is equal to the magnitude of the pulse voltage plus the powersupply voltage. Pulsers of the two types that are designed to give the same output voltage and current for a particular load therefore require approximately the same characteristics for the switch tube. If the effective resistance of the switch tube is reduced, the average power dissipation in the inductance pulser becomes a less serious matter. A tube of the gaseous-discharge type is capable of conducting a high current with a very small voltage drop across the tube, and hence introduces a low effective resistance into the circuit. With conventional tubes of this type, however, once the gaseous discharge is initiated it cannot be extinguished by application of voltage to a grid. For this reason, the known gaseous-discharge tubes are not practicable switches for the inductance pulser. There is a method by which the energy dissipated in the switch tube can be reduced to a reasonable value in spite of the relatively high effective resistance of high-vacuum tubes. The method is to allow all the energy stored in the inductance to be discharged into the load before the switch is closed again. As a result, the pulse current drops to zero and the pulse shape, instead of being rectangular, has the form il(t) = i(tl)e


SEC. 2.1]






The average power dissipation in the switch tube is kept small by closing the switch for only a short time interval before the start of the pulse. The current in the inductance as a __ function of time is shown in Fig. 2.4. The undesirable nonrectangular puke can be transformed into a rectangular pulse by making the ing ductance a part of a current-fed Switch tube Switch tube pulse-forming network. This posnonconducting conducting sibility is discussed in detail in Chap. FIG.2.4. Inductmcecurrentas a function of time whenall the energystoredin 6, where it is shown that with such the inductanceis discharged into the load. an arrangement the pulse current in the load is only one half of the current built up in the inductance. The average power dissipation in the switch tube is therefore reduced at the expense of a higher pulse-current requirement on the tube. Because of the preceding considerations and the characteristics of conventional high-vacuum tubes, the condenser was chosen as the electrical-energy reservoir for a hard-tube pulser. A detailed discussion of the pulse shape obtainable with such a pulser must involve the particular There is invariably characteristics of the load and of the switch tube. some distributed capacitance across the load which must be taken into account when considering the shape of the leading and trailing edges of the pulse. If, for example, the load is a biased diode, a conducting path must be provided in parallel with the load in order to allow the storage condenser to be recharged. In the following sections the possible arrangements for the pulser output circuit axe discussed, with emphasis on the effect of the various circuit parameters on the shape of II the output pulse and on the effiT Cw ciency of the discharging circuit. 1 RI THE DISCHARGING OF THE STORAGE CONDENSER In Chap. 1 and in the preceding section, the use of a reservoir for electrical energy in a pulse gen! erator has been emphasized and Fm 2.&-Hard-tube pulserwith a triodem reasons have been given for choosthe switchtube. ing a condenser to serve as such a reservoir in a hard-tube pulser. A pulser of this type is actually a Class C amplifier whose coupling condenser is considered to be the energy reservoir, as becomes evident when the circuit of Fig. 1.2 is redrawn with a threeelement vacuum tube in the switch position, as shown in Fig. 2.5. By = + Vg







[SEC. 2.2

comparing the circuit of Fig. 2.5 with that of Fig. 12, it is seen that the discharging circuit consists of the condenser C~, the load RI, and the tube 2. The charging circuit consists of the primary electrical-energy source Ebb, the isolating element R., the condenser CW, and the load RL As with the Class C amplifier, in order to operate this circuit as a pulser the grid of the vacuum tube must be biased beyond cutoff so that the tube is normally nonconducting. The application of a voltage V, of amplitude sufficient to overcome the grid bias causes the tube to conduct and a voltage to appear across the load RL There are two major differences, however, between the operation of such a circuit as a pulser and as a conventional Class C amplifier that make it desirable to deviate from the usual method of amplifier-circuit analysis in the discussion of pulser operation: 1. The ratio of conducting to nonconducting periods for the vacuum tube is considerably smaller in pulser operation than in amplifier operation. Thus, the pulser discussion is usually concerned with a ratio of the order of magnitude of 1/1000, whereas a conventional Class C amplifier involves a ratio slightly less than 1/2. 2. In pulser operation the shape of the voltage at the load is of fundamental importance. The effects of the various circuit parameters on the pulse shape can best be discussed by considering the discharging circuit from the standpoint of transient behavior. In the following discussion of pulse shape, a linear load is represented by a pure resistance and a nonlinear load by a biased diode. When the biased diode is used, it is necessary to introduce a conducting path in parallel with the load in order to provide a recharging path for the storage condenser during the interpulse interval. The effect of this shunt element on the pulse shape is considered for the cases where it is a pure resistance or a combination of resistance and inductance. 2.2. The Output Circuit with a Resistance Load.For the present discussion of the pulser discharging circuit, the switch tube is considered to function as an ideal switch, that is, as one requiring negligible time to open and close, in series with a constant resistance r=. Actually, the particular tube characteristics and the shape of the voltage pulse applied to the grid by the driver modify these considerations somewhat, as discussed in Chap. 3. The simplest form for the discharging circuit is shown in Fig. 2.6. In this circuit the condenser C, has been introduced to represent the shunt capacitance, which is the sum of the capacitance of the load, the capacitance of the switch tube, and the stray capacitance of the circuit wiring. In order to discuss the effect of the circuit parameters on the pulse

SEC. 2.2]






shape, it is necessary to find an expression for the voltage across the load as a function of time, that is, an equation for V~(f). For the present discussion the storage condenser is considered to be charged to a voltage VWthat is very nearly equal to the power-supply voltage. It is further assumed that the capacitance of C. is so large that the change in voltage during a pulse is negligibly small. The analytical expression for Vk(t)

FIG, 26.-Discharging circuitof a hardtubepulserwith a resistanceload and a ehunt capacitance.

lc5EIlR m
b b

FIG. 2.7.Equivalent output circuit for a hard-tubepulser with a resistance load. The charged storage condenseris replacedby a battery.

can be obtained by replacing the charged condenser Cw by a battery of voltage VW, as shown in Fig. 2.7, The complete shape of the voltage pulse across the load resistance R1 is determined in two steps: 1. The switch S, is closed at t = O and Vh(f) is evaluated over the time interval O S t S tl. 2. The switch ST is opened at t = tl and V&(t) is evaluated for t > tl. The time interval during which the switch is closed essentially determines the pulse duration T in many cases. It is sometimes desirable, however, to define pulse duration in a manner significant to the particular application and, although related to the time interval O s t s tl, 7 may be either greater or smaller than this interval. The expression for Vk(t) is found by solving the differential equations for the circuit subject to the initial conditions corresponding to the t~~o For this circuit and others to be discussed later, steps indicated above. the Laplace-transf orm method 12 will be used to obtain the solution of the circuit equations. A further simplification in the analysis of a circuit such as that of Fig. 2.7 can be accomplished by replacing the voltage source by a current source. 2 This interchange of source makes it possible to write a single differential equation instead of the t]vo simultaneous equations required for the two-mesh circuit. IYhen the voltage source VWand series resistance TPare replaced by a current source Iw and 1H. S. C!ars law and J. C. Jaeger,Operational M ethod.s in Applied Mathemat its, 2nd cd., Oxford,N-ewl-ork, 1943. t hl. F. Gardnerand J. L. Barnes, Transients in Linear Systems, Vol. 1., N-iley, NewYork, 1942.

z 28


shunt conductance

gP such that
1.= ~ = v~p,

the circuit shown in Fig. 28 is equivalent to the circuit of Fig. 27. Using Kirchhoffs current law, the differential equation for this circuit when the switch ST is closed is (9P + 9t)vk + cs + = z.. (1)

The Laplace transform of a function V(t) is written V(p), and is FIG.2,S.Equivalentcircuitfor calcu- defined by the equation lating the leading edge and top of the pulsefor a hard-tubepulserwith a resistance load, Im = gpV~, gp = I/TP and v(p) = - V(t)e-@ GY. (2) 01 = l/Rt. / o

(9P +
9Jvbu(P) + cJPvba(P)

The Laplace transform for the circuit of Fig. 2.8 is then Vta(o)l = :1 (3)

in which Vti(0) is the initial voltage on the condenser C, at the beginning of the time interval under consideration. The desired function Vba(t) is found by solving Eq. (3) for Vk(p) and evaluating the inverse Laplace transform, thus Vk(t) = S-qvh(p)]. Let VI(~) OStSt, be the value of V&(t) during the first step in the process of finding the pulse shape for the circuit of Fig. 2.6. Since the condenser C, is assumed to be completely discharged at the instant of closing the switch, Vk(0) = O. The Laplace transform for Vi(t) is obtained from Eq. (3) by putting Vb(0) = O.
1. VI(P) = c,~ + 5 (g, + 91)-


If the right-hand member of this equation is broken into partial fractions, there is obtained
V,(P) =


B g. + gl



SEC. 22]






in which A and B are evaluated by standard methods, giving

A=~=~R, 9P +


B=~= 9P + 91 $ R,

where R, is the effecti~,e resistance of Tp and RI in parallel. I,aplace transform of V,(p) can then be \vritten

The inverse

(7) Equation (6) gives the shape of the leading edge of the voltage pulse across the load resistance R1. If the sw-itch is closed for a time tl >> R, C,, the voltage at the top of the pulse is 9, 8) The second step in determining the pulse shape ~ F]c. 2.9,Equivalent involves calculating V&(~)~~t, with the switch ST circuitfor calculating the trailingedgeof thepulse open and the condenser G, charged to the potenfor a hard-tubepulse] tial difference V](t,) given by Eq. (6). The equivwith a resistance load. dent circuit for this step is showm in Fig. 2.9. The I,aplacr-transform equation for this case is obtained from Eq. (3) by setting IW = O, gP = O, and Vk(0) = V,(tl) and letting Vb(t)~2~, = V*(t). Thus v,(p) from which V2(Q~~~,= V1(~l)e02(tJ where 1 az = RIC. [f ~1>> R, C,, Eq. (8) may be used, and Eq. (10) becomes (11) (lo) V,(t,) =

J/ $ --ics









It is evident from Eqs. (6) and (10) that the stray capacitance across the out put of :Lpulwr-that is, across the loadhas an important effect The most efficient on the times of rise and fall of the pulse voltage. hurd-t (llw p~dser is one in ]~hich the load resistance is considerably larger than the effective resistance of the s]t-itch tube, and hence the time constant

U~der such conditions the time for the trailing edge of the pulse to return to zero, or the initial ~aluc, is greater than that required for the pulse vo(tage to build up to its maximum Yalue. In order to produce as nearly rectangular a puke as possible ~i-ith a given resistance load, C, must be kept small and r,, should be small. The effect of the connection to the power supply indicated in Fig. 2.5 has been ncglertcd in drawing the equivalent circuits for the pulser outpllt circuit. Since the isolating element in series ~vith the po~ver supply usually has an impedance that is high compared \vith r~,,its effect on the leading edge of the pulse is small. For the calculations for the voltage across the load after the switch is opened, the isolating element is in parallel \rith the 10M1and the shunt capacitance. Thcr~fore, unless the load resistance is also small compared ~rith that of the isolating element, the circuit clement gi in Fig. 29 must be considered as the sum of the conductanees of the load and the isolating element. From a practical standpoint, it is necessary to have some part of the output circuit at ground potential. The cathode of the s\ritch tube is grounded, since the contribution to C, introduced by the s]ritch tube is best minimized in this way, and the voltage pulse at the load is therefore negative. In wxler to obtain a positive pulse at the load, the cathode of the sivitch tube must be insulated to ~vithstand a high voltage, and consequently the capacitance of the filament-heating transformer also contributes to C,. The presence of C. results in an increase in the average power taken from the power supply for a given duty ratio and pulse power into the load, as is shown in Sec. 2.7. The effect of the capacitance C, and the conductance gl on the voltage pulse across a resistance load is illustrated in the photographs of oscillmcope traces shown in Fig. 2.10. These pictures were obtained with a hard-tube pulscr in ~rhich the capacitance of the storage condenser was 0,05 pf, the isolating element R. was 10,000 ohms, r= ]vas approximately 150 ohms, and the pulse voltage at the load was 10 kv. oscilloscope traces of the voltage pulse arc shown for values of C, equal to 50, 80, and 140 ~~f and for Rl equal to 1000, 5000, and 10,000 ohms. Also shown in Fig. 2.10 are the plots of the pulse voltage as a function of time calcu-

SEC. 2.2]






(a) RL = 1000 ohms.

Capacitance in

(c) R~ = 10,000 (b) R! = 5000 ohms parallel with the load = 50 ypf.


(d) Rt

= 1000


(e) RI = 5000ohms.


(-f) Rt = 10,000 ohms. in parallel with the load = 140 ppf.

(o) RL=


(h) RI = 5000ohms. (i) R! = 10,000ohms. ohms. Capacitance in parallelwiththe load = 80 p~f.

(j) Rt = 1000 ohms. Pulseshapes calculated

(k) R = 5000 ohms. (1) R1 = 10,000 ohms, from equivalent circuit (m) for shunt capacitance = 80 ~Kf.


FIG.2.10.Oscilloscope tracesand calculatedshapes ~ for 10-kv voltage pulses obtained with a bard-tube 10k l?, pulaer for variousvalues of load resistanceand shunt 150 { capacitance.Sweep speed: 10 div. = 1 gsec; vertical ~b~ scale:10 div. = 10 kv.

(m) Equivalent circuit for calculations.









[SEC. 2.3

lated from Eqs. (6) and (10) for the three values of RL with C. = 80 ~pf. Since the 10,000-ohm isolating element is taken into account in these calculations, the value of g~ in Fig. 2.9 is the sum (1/R[) + (l/R.). The calculated leading edge of the pulse differs slightly from the experimental value in that the observed time of rise is greater than the calculations indicate. This difference occurs because the switch tube does not behave as the ideal switch used for calculations, principally because of the shape of the driver output pulse. The difference is so small, however, that the calculated I values give a reasonably good picture of the pulse shape to be expected from the pulser. 2.3. The Output Circuit with a Biased-diode Load.In microwave-radar applications, the hardv & tube pulser has most commonly (a) been used with a magnetron load. The current-voltage characteristic of a magnetron for a particular magnetic field is shown in Fig. 2.11. As indicated in these sketches, the current through a magnetron is very small until the I voltage has reached the value V,. For most practical purposes the 1-V curve can be assumed to have the form indicated by the dotted line in Fig. 2.1 la, that is, a sharp ,, __ knee at the voltage V. and zero v ~ current below this voltage. In (b) some cases, however, the behavior ~lti. 2.1 I.Current Voltage characteristic of of a magnetron is approximated a magnetron. better by the 1-V characteristic indicated by the dotted lines of Fig. 2.1 lb. This approximation involves the assumption that the magnetron presents a high dynamic resistance to the circuit for voltages below a critical value V. and a 10}Ydynamic resistance above this voltage. Whether the I-V characteristic sketched in Fig. 2.1 la or b is to be used in any given case depends on the particular type of magnetron and the values of the circuit parameters. For the I-V characteristic of Fig, 2.1 la, the behavior of a magnetron as the load on a pulser is equivalent to that of an ideal diode, that is,

SEC. 23]






one that has a linear 1-V characteristic, in series with a battery of voltage V, whose polarity is in opposition to that of the pulse voltage. For circuit analysis, it is possible to represent such a load as a biased resistance in series with a switch that is assumed ~P ~ a to be closed only during the time when .91 the magnitude of the pulse voltage is greater than V,. Z8 5 The biased-diode load is used to 8 indicate the effect of nonlinear and r:~{ -? unidirectional characteristics of the
b load on the output of a hard-tube FIG. 2. 12.Discharging circuit of a pulser. The output circuit in this case hard-tube pulser with a biased-diode is shown in Fig. 2.12. In this circuit load and a rechargingpath for the storagecondenser. n is the dyn~mic resistance of the load, V. is the bias voltage, and St is a switch that is closed only when Vk z V,. The shunt path indicated as Z, must be provided with a load of this type in order to allow the charge s, s, a on the storage condenser to be replenished after the pulse. rp rl r Resistame for the Recharging Path .The R. AS [~> = v* ~ Vw simplest form for 2. is a resistance, and the corresponding equivalent circuit is shown in b Fig. 2.13. The calculation of the complete FIO.2.13.Equivalent out- pulse shape for this circuit involves four steps: put circuit for a hard-tube 1. The switch S, is closed at t = O, St is miserwith a biased-diode load and a resistance for the reopen and Vk(t) is evaluated up to time t= tl, The charged charging path. such that Vk(tJ = V,. storage condenser is replaced by a battery. 2. The switch ST is closed, St is closed at t = LI,and Vk(t) is evaluated over the time interval tl s t s tz, where tz is the time at which ST is opened. 3. The switch S. is open, St is closed, and Vb.(t) is evaluated over the time interval t, s t s t,, where f, is the time at which Vk(t,) = V..


FIG. 2.14.Sketch

of pulse shape indicating the four steps necessary in the calculations for a hard-tube pulser with a biased-diode load.

4. Both switches arc open and Vk(t) is evaluated for time t z ts. The procedure is represented in the diagram of Fig. 2.14.







[SEC. 23

The circuit equivalent to that of Fig. 2.13 with current sources in place of voltage sources is shown in Fig. 215. In this case Iw = gpV.

FIG. 2.16.Equivalent circuit for calculating the pulse shape for a hard-tube pulser with a biased-diode load and a resistance for the recharging path.

and 1, = g~V,, where g= = l/rP, g~ = l/rl and g. = l/R,. Using Kirchhoffs current law, the equation for this circuit with both switches closed is (gp+g~+g~)vb.+ C.s% = ~W+~S. (12)

The pulse shape is obtained by solving this equation for Vk(t) using the initial conditions imposed by the four steps indicated above. c~ g~ Step 1. The equivalent circuit for this case is shown in Fig. 2.16. Equam tion (12) reduces to b FIG. 2.16.Equivalentcircuit for Step 1 in the calculation of the (9P + 9Jvba + C*W = 1. (13) pulse shape for a hard-tube pulser with a biased-diode load. and the Laplace-transform
(9, + 9S)V1(P)

equation then becomes

+ CJPV1(P)

VI(O)] = ;J


for Vba(f,) in the time interval where Vi(p) is the Laplace-transform O ~ ~ ~ ~1,fl being the time at which Vba = V,. Since it is assumed that C, is initially uncharged, V,(0)
= O.

Solving Eq. (14) for Vi(p),







If the right-hand there is obtained

member of Eq. (15) is broken into partial fractions.

Vi(P) = (g, ;

r (p+&)] 16
g,) ;

SEC. 2.3]






The inverse Laplace transform of this equation is v,(t) where al =

9P + c, 9s.

= %:




If Eq. (17) is expressed in terms of the parameters of the circuit of Fig. 2.13, and the fact that the voltage function is to be evaluated over a specific time interval is taken into account, VI(40SW, where
R,= ~ s

= ~

I?I(l e

R,c, t )


Equation (18) gives the voltage at the pulser output as a function of time up to the time at which the magnitude of the voltage is equal to At the time t = t1, Vl(tl) = V., the that of the load bias voltage V,. switch S1is assumed to close, and the starting point for Step 2 is reached. Step 2. The equivalent circuit during the time interval tl s t s ~~ is that of Fig. 215 with both switches closed, and the Laplace transform of Eq. (12) is
(9P + 9. + 9JV2(P) + CS[PV2(P)

J2(~1)l= ~)


where Vz(t) is the value of Vti in the time interval tz tl, -and ?~((1) = 1, is the initial voltage on C, at the start of this inter~:d. The time (1 is that at which switch ST is to be opened. Solving Eq. (19) for 179(P), there is obtained (20)

where G the form


written for gP + g, + g~. Equation

(20) may be written in

= (9PVW+ 91VS) 1 _












[SEC. 23

Ihe inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (21) for the time interval under consideration is

Let R, be the equivalent resistance for rp, R., and rI, in 1 E= Then Eq. (22) becomes A+;+;=G. r-p ,





~,=~=(2+:)R2 -e-&(t-f)]+vae 2
Equation (24) gives the pulse shape after the voltage has reached the After some time value V, and up to the time when switch ST is opened. L < tz such that (ta t,) >> R,C,, the pulse voltage is very nearly constant, since the exponential become negligibly small, and Eq. (24) reduces to terms

2(s) ($+:)R,


This relation, therefore, gives the voltage at the top of the pulse. The leading edge and top of the current pulse in the load arc obtained from Eqs. (24) and (25) by calculating the current from the relation (26) From this equation it is evident that the current builds up from zero to its maximum value in the time required for the pulse voltage to build up from the value V, to I?(ta), and that this time is less than that required for the voltage to hllild IIp from zero to V, if V, is nearly equal to T,,, lhc time constant for the current lmil(lllp is R, C.. \Jhen the slritch ST is opened at f = f:, the voltage across the pulwr output starts to fall, find the --#--I[G. 217.-Equivashape of the pulse for the next timr interval is lent rirruit for Step 3 found by the procedure outlined in Step 3. in the calculation of the puke shape for a bardStep 3. The next calc(llat ion for the ~oltage tube IJulscr with a biascdVk covers the time t~kcn for the ~wltagr to fall diode load. from the valIIe T-2(1?)to 1, again, The c(llli~alcnt circuit is determined by keeping switch ST open and .S1closed as in[iicate(l in Fig. 2.17. The initial condition for this circuit is that the charge on

SEC. 23]






C, must correspond to the voltage V,(t,). Let the value of Vk(t) during the calculation be VS(t) and k be the time such that Vi(ts) = V,. The Laplace-transform equation for this circuit is then
(9, + 9JV3(P) + CJP173(P)


= ;


Solving for V3(p), Vz(t,)p + g+


= 4P+9*)


In a manner similar to that used in Step 2, the inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (28) gives

Ifg, +gi=+l

= *



1 + V2(t2)e

_c7.+91 -@l-f*)


-A(t v3(t)t,sts1, = $ R? [1 e C*

t,)] + v2(@e-&@-)


At some time k > tz the voltage Va(t) falls to the value V,, at which time the switch St is assumed to open, The final step in the pulse-shape calculation is then reached. Step 4. For this calculation both switches are open, and the initial The equivalent charge on C, corresponds to the voltage Vs(ts) = V,. circuit is now reduced to the simple parallel combinaa tion of c, and R, as shown in Fig. 2.18. The voltage Vm = V4(t)tZt, can be written imc. R, mediately, n &(H, ) (31) b V4(t)12t, = V,e FI~ 2.1S, The complete calculation of pulse shape for a cirfor ste~ 4 in the calculation of the cuit such as shown in Fig. 2.12 consists of the four steps carried out as above. The composite picture ~~~-~~~~ ~~~ee~ with a biaseddiode of the pulse is obtained by plotting the four voltage load. V3(t)1,stSt,, and functions Vl(t)oStSt,, VZ(t)t,Stst,, V4(t)t,S, as calculated from Eqs. (18), (24), (30), and (31) respectively, and is of the form shown in Fig. 214. The photographs of oscilloscope traces reproduced in Fig. 2.19a and b show the voltage and current pulses with a magnetron load. These traces were obtained with a hard-tube pulser in which C. = 0.05 pf, Z?, = 10,000 ohms, C, = 115 ~~f, r, = 150 ohms, and the isolatirig eleEquivalent circuit







[f%c. 23

mrnt NYLS a 10,000-ohm resistance. The characteristics of the magnetron were such that rl = 200 ohms ancf 1, = 8.5 kv. The voltage pulse sho\vn in Fig. 2 19a has a; amplitude of 10.5 kv, and the average amplit udc of the magnetron current pulse is 10 amp. The voltage-pulse shape tvas also calculated from the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2. 19g, in which the chnrged storage condenser is replaced by a battery and the voltage V. is represented as a biasing battery. For a 10.5-kv pulse across the magnetron, the condenser voltage Vw = 12 kv; therefore,




(b) Magnetron


(c) Magnetron


(d) M aR n c t ron volt a g. pulse calculated from cquivalent circuit (o1.

(e) Current in recharging path, 10-k NI resistor,

(-f) Current in recharging path, 10-k wirewound resister.

FIG. 219. - -Oscilloscope traces and calculated L.nltxgc pulse for a halcl-tuhr with a magnetron load, R rwi.tanre recharging path and C, = 115 ppf. The clotted line on thr calculated pulse (d) is the trailing cdgc ohtailled with the luw!nctron assumed to be infinite rcsl~tanrc :iftrr ,St ripen?, The solid line is the trall]ng V(IXCassun, ing an effcrtive rehihtance of 8000 ohms for the )nagnctron, that is, switch , closes when ,?! opens. Sweep s]]ecd: 10 di~.. = 1 psec.

(u) Equivalent circuitforcalculations.

V, = 0.7V,.. The trailing edge of the voltage pulse indicated by dotted lines in Fig. 2. l%! was calculated by assuming the I-V curve for the magnetron to be of the form sho~vn in Fig. 2.1 la, that is, that the magnetron becomes open-circuited as soon as the pulse voltage falls to the ~alue V,. (hl the basis of this assumption, the pulse voltage falls more slo}vly than it does on the oscilloscope trace. Another calculation was made by assuming that the magnetron presents an effective resistance of about 8000 ohms, instead of an infinite resistance, to the circuit for voltages less than V,, corresponding to the 1-V curve of Fig. 21 lb. The value of 8000 ohms was obtained by determining the effective magnetron resistance from the voltage and current pulses at several instants during the time

SEC. 23]






the pulse voltage is dropping. The resistance in parallel with C, during the fourth step in the calculations for the pulse voltage \vas therefore that of the 10jOOO-ohm charging path, the 10,000-ohm isolating clement, and the 8000-ohm magnetron resistance in parallel. The pulse shape calculated under these conditions, sho\rn as a solid line in Fig. 2, 19d, agrees very WCIIwith the oscilloscope trace of 1?g. 2. 19a. In Fig. 2.19 the traces (e) and (j) were obtained for the current flowing in the recharging path during the pulse, .~ noninductive resistor was used for the trace (e) and an ordinary ~vire-wound resistor for trace (j). The magnetron current pulses corresponding to these t~vo conditions are shown in Fig, 2. 19b and c where no essential difference is observable. It is evident from Eqs. (18) and (24) that the effect of R, on the leading edge of the voltage pulse is small, provided that the sn~itch-tube resistance and the dynamic resistance of the load are small. After the switch tube and the load have become nonconducting, however, the value of R, has a marked effect on the trailing edge of the pulse. If the load is a nonlinear resistance, that is, if there is no bias voltage or switch S~in the equivalent circuit, the trailing edge of the pulse is determined by the parallel resistance of R. and rl, and as T1increases this effective resistance also increases. It is advantageous, therefore, for R, to be as small as possible in order to have the pulse voltage drop quickly at the end of the pulse. Since R, is in parallel ~vith the load, some puke power is lost in it, thus increasing the necessary po~ver input to the pulser for a given load power. From the standpoint of pulser efficiency, it is In choosing a value desirable to ha~e as large a value for R, as possible. for f?,, a compromise must be made between the need for high efficiency and that for a steep trailing edge. Znduc/ante for the Rwharging Path .The power loss in the shunt element Z., ~rhich is necessary to provide a recharging path for the storage

I:IG. 221),-Discharging rircuit of a hard-tube plser with a biased-diode load nnd an inductive path for recharging the storage condenser.

l;IG. 221. -Equi\,alent output circujt for a hard-tube pulser with a biased-diode load and an inductive path for recharging the storage condenser. The charged storage condenser is replaced by a battery.

condenser, can be reduced by using an inductance in place of a resistance as just discussed. The output circuit of the pulser using an inductance for Z, is shown in Fig. 2.20 for a biased-diode load. AS before, the charged






[SEC. 2.3

condenser Cw may be replaced by a battery, and the circuit becomes that shown in Fig. 2.21. The equivalent circuit for calculating the pulse voltage as a function of time is again set up by replacing the batteries by current sources, and the circuit of Fig. 2.22, in which the conductance g, of Fig. 215 is replaced by the series L,R, combination, is obtained.

FIG. 222.-Equivalent circuit for calculating the pulse shape for a hard-tube pulser with a biase~diode load and an inductance for the recharging path.

In order to be able to write the Laplace-transform equation for this circuit, it is first necessary to find an expression for the Laplace transform of the current in the inductance in terms of V~. Considering this branch first, Vb = L, :1* + R,i,, for which the Laplace-transform


equation is

= Ls[Pis(P)

L(O)] + R,i,(P).


Solving for G(P),

i,(p) =


Lap + Rs


The complete Laplace-transform equation with both switches closed is, therefore,
(9P + 92) ~ba(P) + c*[Pvk(P)

for the circuit of Fig. 2.22

~ba(o)l + $y~() = ~, (35)

where Vk (0) and i,(0) are the initial voltage on C, and the initial current in L, respectively. Solving Eq. (35) for V&(p),

vba(P) =

P+ {[


+ ~+

i, (o) ~

(9P + 91) ~ + 1 + (g, + gJR.

CL. }

p +

(Iw + l.)R.




SEC. 2.3]






The calculation of the pulse shape in this case is again carried out, in the four steps shown in Fig. 2.14, for ~rhich the four equivalent circuits are shown in Fig. 2.23. The I,aplace transform of V~a(t) is found from Eq. (36) by using the initial conditions and circuit paramctws appropriate to the equivakmt circuit in each step. The procedllre is similar to the previous analysis for a resistive shunt element, but is complicated by the fact that the initial

a 4 Ls
R$ ~ !
9P + s

l,, I





, i

R8 bi ; h b
(b) Step 2: t, S t ~ t,.

m h (a) step 1:0 s

Vba = O,

Initial conditions:

Initialconditions:Vb. = V, (t,) = },,

i, = o.

Initialconditions:~b~= V2(t?), z, = i*(t2). FIG.2.23.Equivalent circuits for the four steps

a hard-tube pulser with a biased-diode

(c) Step 3: i, s t S h.

(d) Step 4: tj s t. Initial conditions:

Vb. = V.a(h) = V,.

.,, t, = is(h).

in the calculation of the pulse shape for load and an inductive recharging path.

current in the inductance must be evaluated by using Eq. (34) in each step except the first. The algebraic expressions for V*.(L) become rather involved, and are not given in detail here. Some general remarks can be made about the character of the pulse shape because the denominator of the Laplace-transform equation is of the same form for each of the four time intervals considered. The inverse Laplace transform
J3-[vti(p)] =


has similar algebraic forms for each step. The term in braces in the denominator of Eq. (36) may be written in the form


42 where







2(2= and

:+(:) .



(39) This term may be put in a form more convenient for finding $-l[vb(P) by completing the square, thus
p2+2ap+b=(p+a)2+u2 (40)

where ~Z=baQ. The right-hand member of the Laplace-transform broken up into partial fractions with the result
K.@=++ B,(P (P+ + a) + BZ U)2+U2

(41) equation can be


The where the terms A, Bl, and B, are evaluated by standard methods. form of the inverse Laplace transform now depends on the following three conditions that can be placed on U2: 1. If b > a, 2. If b = az, 3. If b < az, Condition is V~(t) = A + Ble-a cos d + ~ Condition is
V&(t) = A + W2 > 0. # = (), cd <


0. )
for Eq. (42) (44)


U2 >0.

The inverse Laplace transform e sin cot.


u = O.

The inverse Laplace transform for Eq. (42) B,e-ot + Bale-a. the inverse (45) Laplace

Condition 3. W2<0. transform for Eq. (42) is

Vk(t) = A +

Let U2 = IC2, then


cosh kt + ~


sinh id.


The Eqs. (44), (45), and (46) are of particular interest in connection with the calculation of the trailing edge of the pulse, that is, in Step 4 of Fig. 2.14. In this case the expressions for U*and kz are 1
2 = C,L, J R . 4L:


SEC. 2.3] and






(48) The trailing edge of the pulse is part of a damped oscillation if 449) and is aperiodic if (50) If condition (49) exists, the voltage across the pulser output oscillates at a frequency determined by Eq. (47) after the switch tube and the load become nonconducting. The voltage therefore passes through zero and reverses its polarity. This reverse voltage appearing at the pukr output is commonly referred to as the backswing voltage. The period of the oscillation becomes smaller as R, is decreased, and the traiLing edge of the pulse becomes steeper as the ratio R./L. is decreased relative to The damping of the oscillation depends on the exponential 2/dCaL,. terms in Eq. (44) and, since the exponent is R,/2L,, a lower value for R,/L, causes a decrease in damping and hence a higher value for the backswing voltage. A high backswing voltage is very undesirable because it adds to the power-supply voltage at the plate of the switch tube, and increases the danger of flash-over and sparking within the tube. The magnitude of the current that builds up in the inductance also has an effect on the rate at which the voltage drops at the end of the pulse, aa is evident if the coefficients A, B1, and B: are evaluated for the equivalent circuit of Step 4. From Eqs. (42) and (36) these values become
A=O, B, = V,(t,) = V,,

B,=~-a~. * #

When Bs is negative, that is,





V,R, 2L,

it is seen from Eq. (44) that, as is(ts) increases, the value of V4(t) decreases more rapidly for given values of the other parameters. The value of iJtJ increases with time up to a limiting value determined by the magAs long as the current in the inductance continues to nitude of R,. increase with time, therefore, the trailing edge of the pulse is steeper for


[SEC. 23

the longer puke durations than for the shorter ones. ~hc oscilloscope traces shown in Fig. 2.25 illustrate this lmhavior. The oscillating voltage at the cncf of the pulw is undesirable not only because it produces backswing vf)ltugc, but also Imcausc it bmomcs of thesame polarity asthcfor\v:ir[l p\llsevoltagc{ )nthcr(,il lrns\wing, T}iis post-pulse voltage may be large enough to cause apprecia})le current to flow in the load, andthcrcforc isaseconrla rypulsc. JV}lenthcdampirrg introduced by the resistance of the inductance is small, it is necessary to increase the damping by connecting a cliodc across the pulser output in such a way that it is conducting only ~vhcn there is backsiving voltage. The equivalent circuit ~vith a shunt dioclc is sho,rn in Fig. 2.24. The



FIG.224.-Equivalent circuit fur calculating the pulse >hapc for a pul~er with a biased-diode load, an inductive recharging path, and a shunt diode to reduce tl, c backswing voltage. diode is represented by the conductance g~ and switch & that is assumed to close only when the voltage Vk is opposite in sign to the normal pulse voltage. If gd is large, the backswing voltage is negligibly small, and no post-pulse voltage appears with the same polarity as the pulse voltage. The oscillating voltage after the pulse can also be avoided by making R,/L, > 2/-. For this purpose, an inductance with high resistance, that is, an inductive resistor, must be used and, under such conditions, the voltage corresponding to the trailing edge of the pulse becomes aperiodic, as shown by Eq. (46). The time of fall for the voltage dccrcases for smaller values of the ratio R,/L,, and the transition bet~vcen the aperiodic and oscillating condition occurs when this ratio equals 2/m. From a practical standpoint, such an inductive resistor is usually designed to have a ratio of R,/L, slightly less than the minimum for the aperiodic condition. For this condkion, the voltage is oscillatory, but the damping is high and the backswing voltage is correspondingly small. The choice between a large value of R,/L, without a shunt diode or a small \,alue of R,/L, with a shunt diode depends on the importance of having a small time of fall for the voltage pulse. It is difficult to make a detailed analysis of the effect of the circuit parameters on the leading edge of the voltage pulse \vithout actually carrying out the calculations for V~.(t) using numerical values for the

SEC. 2.3]






circuit components. A very general statement can be made, however, to the effect that, as the switch-tube resistance or the shunt capacitance increases, the time of rise for the voltage pulse also increases. The effect of the shunt inductance on the leading edge of the pulse over a fairly wide range of values for the ratio R./L. is rather small. If there is a resistance in parallel with the shunt inductance, the times of rise and fall of the voltage pulse become shorter: the smaller the resistance, the smaller the rise and fall times. Such a resistance is introduced into the circuit when the connection to a power supply for recharging the storage condenser, as indicated in Fig. 2.5, is considered. In Sec. 2.4 it is shown that for good pulser design, the resistance R. is large, but its effect on the trailing edge of the pulse is still appreciable. A set of photographs of oscilloscope traces illustrating the effects of various circuit parameters, together with the pulse shapes calculated from the equivalent circuits discussed above, are shown in Figs. 2.25,2.26, 2.27, and 2.28. The oscillosco~e traces reproduced in Fig. 2.25 were obtained with the magnetron and pulser used for the pictur~s of Fig. 2.19, replacing the resistance recharging path in the pulser by a lknh inductance and a shunt diode. In each case the magnetron voltage and current pulses and the current flowing in the 10-mh inductance are shown for pulse durations of 0.5, 1, and 2 psec. The pulse voltage and pulse current were The adjusted to 10 kv and 10 amp respectively for each pulse duration. effect of the increase in current in the shunt inductance is shown in the more rapid fall of voltage as the pulse duration increases. The calculated values for the voltage pulses (j), (k), and (1) take into account the 10,000ohm isolating resistance and an assumed equivalent resistance of 8000 ohms for the magnetron after the voltage has dropped to the value V.. The oscilloscope traces shown in Fig. 226 are for the l-psec pulse duration with a sweep speed about one tenth of that used for the traces of Fig. 2.25. The traces (a), (d), and (g) are the slow-sweep presentation of the l-psec pulses shown in Fig. 225, and indicate the effect of a good The traces (b), shunt diode, that is, one with high cathode emission. (e), and (h) were obtained with a shunt diode having lower cathode emission, and a small backswing voltage of about 1 kv is observable on the voltage pulse. The traces (d), (e), (g), and (h) show that the currents in the lo-mh inductance and in the shunt diode decrease more When rapidly when the shunt diode has a higher effective resistance. the shunt diode is removed from the circuit, a backswing voltage of about 6 kv appears after the voltage pulse, and the pulse shapes of Fig. 226c and f are obtained. The oscillation resulting from the use of the inductance for the recharging path is damped by the 10,000-ohm resistance of the isolating element that is in parallel with the discharging circuit for







[SEC. 23

(a) 0.5 psec.

(c) 2 psec. (b) 1 #sCC. Magnctuon voltage pulses of amplitude = 10 kv

(d) 0.5 #sCc.



(f) 2 psec. 1 /AsCc, current pulses of ax,crage amplitude = 10 amp.

(0) 0.5 WCC.

(h) 1 ~se.. curl .ent in the 10-mh-inductance

(i) ? psec. rcrhar~ir]z path.


0,5 WCC. voltage

(k) 1 Ksec. pulses calculated

(/) 2 #sec. from the cquiwdent circuit (m).

l:r~. ?25.-Osrilloscopc traces and calculated pulse shnlws for :1 IB:trd-tl]lw plllw-r with a magnetron load, :L 10-mh indurt:tllce m tltr mrharging path, a shunt ,Iimlc, :Ll,d (, = I 15 w(. Ioltage pulses mere cxlrul:ltwl (,oln tllr rqllix-:llcnt circuit (m) aud ,S7 clrwccl O < t< r.,SI ?lOs( -(1 f<,r 1!,,, > 0.7 E1,1,, SM closedwhen

ST ~ G 150 lok

.sd .5, L, C,


~[; ~b:

,sI Ol,c, is :~u,]u!itil 1-,,. = O, .~~closed for neg:ltive Values of 1-,,., Sweepspeed:10 div. = 1 psec.

10 200 ~ mh ~~5vb. 8k . /!f 500 0, ~ h =4 20

circuit for cal-

(m) Equivalent culations.

SEC. 2.3]






the shunt capacitance. The calculated values for the current in the 10-mh inductance are plotted in Fig. 2.26i, assuming the effective It can be seen that the resistance of the shunt diode to be 500 ohms. calculated current in the inductance for the l-psec pulse agrees very well with the corresponding trace obtained when the good diode was used.

(u) GoOd >huut diode.

(b) Poor shunt diode. hlagnetron voltage pulses.

(c) No shunt diode.

(d] Good shunt diode. (e) Poor shunt diode. Current in the 10-mh-inductance

(J) No shunt diode. recharging path.

(!21 @J~d shuut

(h) Poor shunt diode. diode. Current in tllc shunt diode.

I;l(:. 226.-0scilloscopc traces a],d calculated ~~~h~rgi~g-p~th ~Urrent~ for ~ h~rd-t~be pulscr with a Inaguctroli load and a 10-mh inductance as the recharging path. (a) and (d) arc tile Jow-sweep-speed presentations corresponding to the l-psec pulses of Fig. 2.25. Hurizor,tal scale = 1 pser/di\..

(i) Calculated currents in the recharging path for the circuit (m) of Fig. 2.25.

\\-hen an inductive resistor ~vith a resistance of 7500 ohms and an inductance of 3 mh is used for the recharging path in the pulser, the oscilloscope traces appear as show-n in Fig. 2.27. The small backswing voltage that appears after the pulse indicates that the value of R./L. for this inductive resistor is slightly less than the value for critical damping. The magnitude of this backswing voltage is so small, however, that a

(a) 0.5 psec.

(b) 1 #sec. Magnetron

(c) 2 psec. voltage pulses of amplitude = 10 kv.

(d) Voltage pulses calculated equivalcut circuit (h).


(e) 0.5 psec.


1 psec. Magnetron

(Q) 2 psec. current pulses of average amplitude = 10 amp

(h) Equivalent lations.




calculatedfrom the equivalentcircuit (h). FIC+. 2,27.Oscilloscope tracesand calculated pulseshapesfor a hard-tubepulserwith a magnetron load, a recharging path consisting of a 7W0-ohm resistance in wriea with a 3-mh inductanc~, and shunt capacitance of 115 ppf. In the calculations the effective resistance of the
Current in

(i) 0.5 @e..

(j) 1 psec.

(k) 2 LILWC.

(J) Currents

in the



the 7600-ohn3-mhrecharging path.


was assumed to be 8000 ohm. after .S, oPens. th=t i., SM C1OS..when S, opens.

Sweep .peod : 10 div. - 1

SEC. 23]


lil TH




From a comparison of shunt diode is unnecessary. of Fig. 2.27 with those of Fig. 2.25 it is seen that the psec pulse drops at alm~[t the same rate in each case. of 2 ~sec, the voltage drops faster \\-iththe 10-mh

the voltage pulses voltage for the 0.5.\t a pulse duration inductance for the

(0) 1)1*c

10 div.

(b) 1P wc = 1 div. (c) Calculated for circuit~. Magnetron voltagepulsesof amplitude= 10 kv.

(d) lU sec = 10 div. Magnetron

(e) 1P sec = 1 div. U) Equivalent circuit for calculations. current pulses of average amplitude = 10 amp.

(h) 1P sec = 1 div. (i) Calculated from circuit (-f). Current in the X)-mh inductanrc rechargi!,g path, FIG. 228.- Oscilloscope traces and calculated pulse shalms for a }I:ird-tube pulser with a magnet r-on load, a 20-mh inductance as the iholatittg clertlet, t, a X-1X,1, illduvta]lw as the ill the recharging Path, ]Lo ~llu!it diode, :it]d (. = 115Pfif, ~lJ[t;Lg(> ])UIX! >L!l<l rllr,c!)t 20-mh uxha,g]r,g ],ath calculated frc,m cquivale!,t circuit (J) witl, tl~e r<,,,ditioa,s: ,s~ opens at fz, St opens at t,, S.v, closed fj to t<, all switches open t, to /s, S.11,rlosed (J to /6, all switches open 16to 17. @) 1P sec = 10 div.

recharging path than with the 3-mh 7500-ohm ind~lctive resistor. The reason for this behavior is evident from a comparison of the currents in the recharging paths. For the oscilloscope traces of Figs, 2.25, 2.26, and 2.27 the isolating If an inductance having a low element was a 10,000-ohm resistance.







[SEC. 2.3

resistance is used for this isolating element, the damping of the oscillation that occurs after the switch tube becomes nonconducting is usually small, as shown by the pictures reproduced in Fig. 2.28. These pictures were obtained with the magnetron load, an inductance of 20 mh as the recharging path, and an identical inductance as the isolating element. Each of these inductances had a resistance of 160 ohms. The backswing voltage for this circuit becomes larger than the pulse voltage Since the when there is no shunt diode, as can be seen in Fig. 2.28b. damping in the circuit is small, the voltage swings back to the polarity of the main pulse and causes a small current to flow in the magnetron, as indicated by the trace (e). In calculating the voltage across the load as a function of time from the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 2.28f, it is therefore necessary to introduce an effective resistance for the magn~ tron during the time when this post-pulse conduction occurs. The calculated values plotted in Fig. 2.28c and i were obtained by assuming the effective resistance of the magnetron to be 8000 ohms, and the magnitude of the voltage for the trailing edge of the voltage pulse was considered to be less than V, but greater than zero. During the time corresponding to the backswing voltage, the magnetron is considered to be open-circuited, and hence to have an infinite resistance. When the post-pulse conduction occurs, the magnetron is assumed to appear as a lo,000-ohm resistance. The comparison of the plots for the load voltage and the current in the recharging path with the corresponding oscilloscope traces indicates good agreement between calculated and experimental values. The assumptions made in the foregoing calculations with regard to the effect of the magnetron on the behavior of the pulser output circuit lead to reasonable agreement with the experimental data. This agreement may be considered a justification for the assumption that the shape of the 1-V curve for a magnetron, shown in Fig. 21lb, can be C1OSCIY approximated by a high dynamic resistance for voltages less than V,, and by a low dynamic resistance for voltages greater than V,. If the load resistance is nonlinear, the functional relationship between n and Vk must be taken into account in the calculations, and the analysis of pulse shape becomes considerably more complicated. Another complication arises if it is necessary to consider the variation of switch-tube resistance with the plate current in the tube. At the start of this discussion of pulse shape as affected by pulser circuit parameters, it was assumed that the capacitance of the storage condenser was very large in order that the voltage across it could be considered constant during the pulse. It is stated in Sec. 2.1, however, that the storage-condenser voltage is less at the end than at the beginning of a pulse. This change in voltage depends on the magnitudes of the







puke current, the storage capacitance, and the pulse duration. As is shown in the following section, it is often impractical to have a storage capacitance that is large enough to keep this voltage change less than a few per cent of the initial condenser voltage. The actual pulse shape obtained from a hard-tube pulser of this type, therefore, does not have a flat top, but rather has a sloping top as indicated in the sketch of Fig. 2.29. Since with a resistance load g vmax the pulse current has the same FIG. 2.29.Sketch of the voltage pulse shape as the pulse voltage, the shape showing the effect of the drop in ratio AZ/1-, is equal to the ratio storage-condenser voltage during the pulse. AVIV-,. If the load is a biaseddiode or magnetron with a low dynamic resistance, however, the ratio In AI/Iw may be many times as great as the voltage ratio AV/V_. Sec. 24 it is shown that Al _ AV . V... I ma. vu= Vmax v. The effect of the drop in pulse voltage on the current in a load that has a low dynamic resistance can be seen in the oscilloscope traces shown in Figs. 2.19, 225, and 227. It is also evident that, if AV is large, it is possible for the pulse voltage to fall below V. before the switch ST is opened. As a result, the load current stops flowing before the end of the intended pulse interval. If the switch-tube resistance increases with time during the conduction interval, the effect is similar to a change in voltage on the storage condenser. Such behavior of the switch tube is experienced with some oxide-cathode tubes, particularly for long pulses and high currents, and It is very difficult. to take into account is referred to as cathode fatigue. the effect of cathode fatigue on the pulse shape, since it can vary so much from one tube to another of the same type. The magnitude of the cathode fatigue tends to increase as the tube gets older, but it is not uacommon for it to decrease during the first few hours of operation. THE CHARGING OF THE STORAGE CONDENSER The energy removed from the storage condenser during the pulse interval causes the potential difference across this condenser to be less If the output of the pulser 8t the end than at the beginning of the pulse. is to be a succession of identical pulses, it is necessary to provide some means by which the energy in the condenser can be replenished during the interpulse interval. This energy can be supplied by connecting the [=J ,


,., ,- +.,. ,;,:l ~.,

,, -







[SEC. 2.4

condenser to a primary electrical-energy source such as a battery or power supply during the interpulse interval. The ideal arrangement would be to make the charging and discharging cycles completely independent by using a switch as shown in Fig. 2. la. The use of such a switch is impractical for pulses that recur at rates of several hundred to several thousand per second. The pulser must therefore be designed with a conducting path between the condenser and the power supply that has the least possible effect on the discharging of the condenser during the pulse interval. One method that is used to isolate the power supply from the condenser-discharging circuit is shown in Fig. 2.5. In this method a resistance element is connected in series with the power supply. If this resistance is sufficiently high, the current that flows through the switch tube from the power supply is small enough to be neglected. When the switch tube is conducting for a very short time intervalthat is, for short pulse durationsan inductance in series with the power supply can This method has the disadvantage that provide satisfactory isolation. the current from the power supply increases \\-ithtime and, since this current flows through the switch tube, the tube drop during the pulse is also a function of time. Although the reason for introducing the isolating element is to keep the current flow-ing from the power supply through the switch tube as small as possible, there are other points to be considered in choosing the particular element. Since the condenser is connected to the power supply in order to be recharged, the isolating element must not make the charging time constant so large that the condenser voltage at the end of the interpulse interval differs appreciably from the power-supply voltage. The connection to the power supply during the pulse interval has an effect on the leading edge and on the top of the pulse. The magnitude of this effect depends on the relative size of the impedances of the isolating element, the switch tube, and the load. When the switch is nonconducting, this isolating element is effectively in parallel with the pulser output circuit and therefore has an effect on the trailing edge of the pulse. These effects on the pulse shape can be taken into account in the analysis of the discharging circuit, as discussed in Sees. 22 and 2.3, by introducing the isolating element as an additional circuit parameter. The ultimate choice of the element is generally based on a compromise between these considerations. 2.4. The Output Circuit with a High Resistance as the Isolating Element.The equivalent circuits for the pulser with a high resistance as the isolating element are shown in Fig. 2.30a and b. For reasons already stated, the resistance R. is assumed to be very large compared with r,. The analysis of the circuit behavior during the interpulse





interval (that is, when switches ~= and & are open), is similar for the two circuits (a) and (b) if Z, is a resistance. If Z, is an inductance, the algebraic expressions become complicated, and circuit (a) is therefore used as the basis for the present discussion.





(b) Biased-diode load, (a) Resistance load. Fm. 2,30.Hard-tube pulser circuits with a resistance as the isolating element in series with the power supply.

Assume that the switch AS, is open initially for a long time and therefore that the condenser C~ is charged to the voltage of the power supply, If the switch is then closed for a time 7 and open for a time T, ~, and this procedure is repeated, a succession of pulses is obtained with a recurrence frequency .f, = I/ T,. During the time , the conIf the denser voltage decreases and during the time T, T it increases. time 1, r is not many times greater than the time constant of the circuit, the condenser voltage is appreciably less than the power-supply voltage at the end of this inter~-al, Equilibrium values for the condenser voltage at the beginning and at the end of the interval 7 will be obtained if the switching procedure is repeated a sufficiently large number of times. This approach to equilibrium is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 231.
k 74--~r7

+ ~b iT___ 1 -___


FIG, 2.31 .The x.oltagc on the storage condenser of a hard-tube pulser as a function of time after the start of a series of regularly spaced puke, when a resistance Isolating element is used.

It is of interest to obtain the value of Vu ,EM for any given set of circuit parameters. Let l;, be the value for the condenser voltage at the start and V; be the voltage at the end of any particular pulse, During and let V,, and 1, be the equilibrium values of these voltages. a charging interval the switch ST is open, and the expression for the condenser voltage as a function of time is (52)









\vhere t is measured from the start of the interpulse condenser voltage at the end of the interval is then



(53) If it is assumed that R.>> r,, the connection to the power supply maybe neglected ~vhen considering a discharging (pulse) interval. The condenser voltage during this interval is thus (54) where t is measured from the start of the discharging condenser voltage at the end of this interval is then interval. The

For a continuous succession of pulses the equilibrium values of V; in f?qs. (53) and (55) must be equal and likewise the values of V;. Solving these equations for V;, there is obtained

(56) which may be written

Vu = EMy.


A similar solution for V: gives

From Eq. (56) it is seen that the value of the ratio Vw/Ew for a given set of circuit parameters increases as 7 is decreased and T, is increased. Also, for given values of r and T,, the condenser voltage approaches the By decreasing R,, power-supply voltage as R. and C. are decreased. however, the current through the switch tube is increased. This increase is particularly undesirable in high-power pulsers where the load current and hence the switch-tube current are already large. The effect of variations in T, T, and CWare illustrated in curves of Fig. 2.32. These curves were calculated from the exact expression for the equilibrium condenser voltage V., taking into account the effect of the power-supply connection on the discharging circuit. The equation for Vw is



Sm. 241 55


















and the voltage at the end of the pulse becomes (60)


If R. >> rP,

a =

(i-p + R,)cu


and # = -f. Thus, for R. = 100rp, the value of V,, calculated from Eq. (59) is about 1 per cent greater than the approximate value calculated from Eq. (56). In designing many pulsers, it is therefore sufficiently precise to calculate the equilibrium condenser voltage by neglecting the effect of the polver-supply connection on the discharging circuit. If only the charging circuit for the storage condenser is considered, an advantage is apparently gained by having the capacitance as small as possible. This supposition is contrary, however, to the conclusion reached by considering the discharging circuit. From Eqs. (59) and (60) the difference in the condenser voltage at the beginning and at the end of a pulse is

v, = Vw

7(1 c;) rp + Rt-y

(63) relation obtained

Equation (63) may be reduced to the corresponding from Eqs. (57) and (58) if R, >> r,, namely v,,. v. = 1,,[1 If 7<< (i-, +



Eq. (64) may be written

v,,, v, =

(r= +


Again, if V,,. V. is small, the change in load current during the pulse is small and

V,(. 11= r= + R

i%C. 2.4] A HIGH







\rhichleads to the approximation

This expression may be used to determine the magnitude of the capacitance required for a particular load current in order to keep the load voltage \vithin certain limits during the pulse. In general, it is desired that the load voltage during the pulse be as nearly constant as possible, and therefore C,. must be large. The same conclusion is reached if a corresponding analysis is made for a biased-diode load in the circuit of Fig. 2.3(W. If it is assumed that the potrer--supply connection may be neglected in [Determining the condenser voltage during the pulse inter~wl, the difference in condenser voltage at the l)eginning and at the end of the p~llsc is

v,, t. = (v,. V*) [1 c .+)r 1.


The relation (66) is obtained from Eq. (67) I),v the same reasoning used to obtain it from Ill. (64) using the approximation that

is may be seen from a consideration of the change in load current during a pulse, it is more important to keep the change in load voltage small for a biased-diode load than for a resistance load. >eglecting the power-supply connection again, the currents at the beginning and at the end of a pulse for a resistance load are,



For the biased-diode load, the corresponding currents are

(1;), = v,,. v. (69) (1;), l, l = r,; + f1 I



The ratio of the change in mlrrent (Illring tlic lnllsc tu the cllrrrnt at the







[%C. 2.4

beginning of the pulse for the resistance load is therefore (1,)0 (11), = vu);


and for the biased-diode load,


(1;)0 (1;)7 _ VW v,. (1;), v. v.


It is evident from Eqs. (70) and (71) that, for a given percentage change in load current, the ratio of the 0.4 value of Vu V, for a biased-diode load to that for a resistance load is


v. v. Vw
The effect of the capacitance of the storage condenser on the current through the load during a pulse is illustrated by the curves of Fig. 2.33. These curves are plotted from the equation (Zl), (Z1), = (1 ~-~,), (72)

QL (It )0 0.2



.o.1~ sec o 0,01 0.02

where a is the value given by Eqs. (61). From Eqs. (64) and (70) a similar expression is obtained in which a = 1/ (TP+ IL) C., namely,

Capacitance Cw in Af FIG.2.33.Ratioof the changein load currentduringa pulseto the load current at the startof the puke for variousvalueg of pulsedurationand storagecapacitance. This ratio is approximately equal to the ratio of the changein condenservoltage duringthe pulseto the voltageat thestart
of the pulse. The curves are plotted for R = 1000 ohms, R. = 10,000 ohms, and 7P = 100 ohmg.

Ul)r = [~ _ ~_ (r,+k)cw]

(11)0 =Vwv, v.
. (73)

Curves of the type shown in Figs. 2.32 and 2.33 can be used to determine the best value for the capacitance of the storage condenser for

must be made given values of r and T, when R, >> rp. A compromise between the equilibrium condenser voltage and the amount of voltage drop that can bet olerated during the pulse for the particular pulser application. From Eqs. (52) and (54) it is possible to calculate the time required for the condenser voltage to attain a value approaching VW after the beginning of a succession of pulses. This time can best be expressed in

SEC. 2.4] A HIGH







terms of the number of pulses such that (V~)m = kVw, with k some value slightly greater than one. The curves plotted in Fig. 2.34a and b give the values of n as a function of the capacitance of the storage condenser If the value for k = 1.01 and 1.001 and for several values of 7 and T,. VJEM is much less than 1.0, the number of pulses required to approach the equilibrium value may affect the operation of loads with low dynamic



j . :20 ; 2

7 / /
o! 0.060.0s 0.1 Capacitance C. inti [d 02 0.4



0.040.06 0.0s 1
C.3pwitmce C. i [b)



I?m.244.Numberof pulsesrequired for the storage-condenser voltageto reachkVw asa functionof Cufor variousvaluesof r and T,, withR. = 10,000 ohms, Rt = 1000 ohms, andrp = 100ohms,(a) k = 1.01, (b) k = 1.001. A large value of n indicates that the impedance such as the magnetron. current through the load is larger than the current obtained with continuous pulsing for a time that may be long enough to be deleterious to the magnetron cathode. This high current may also aggravate any tendency for sparking to occur in the load. In designing a hard-tube pulser with a resistance as the isolating element, it is important to know how much average power will be dissipated in the resistor. There are two major contributions to this power, that from the current flowing in the resistance during the pulse interval When and that from the current flowing during the interpulse interval. the switch tube is conducting, the current flowing in the isolating resist-

60 ante is






[SEC. 24

(i.) , =




where v= = iprP and iP is the total instantaneous plate current in the switch tube. For most practical purposes, it may be assumed that t, is constant during the pulse interval since its variation is usually small compared with 11~~ u=. The current (i.), is therefore considered to be constant for a time ~, having the value
(I.), = Ew ~, VP c

and the average power dissipated in R. is then

During the interpulse interval the amount of current flowing in R, depends on the power-supply voltage and on the voltage on the storage condenser. Thus
(i,), = EM ~ Vc c

where Vc is a function of time with the value given by Eq. (52), that is

In this equation the term R[ may be the ~.alue for either a resistance load Substituting or the recharging path if Z, in Fig. 2.30b is a resistance, Vc from Eq. (52), the expression for (i.), becomes

(75) The average power dissipated charging current is =( 1 T,-7) in R, corresponding (T,,) 1
(i.);R, dt.

to this condenser-


Using the value of (i,), in Eq. (75) and neglecting r because, generally, T, >> T, the integration in Eq. (76) gives

p, = C,,.(EW V,)(R,

R,) [l _



The total power dissipation in the isolating resist~nce is the sum of the

SEC. 25]








values for the pulse interval and that for the interpulse interval given by Eqs. (74) and (77). Thus
pR =

(~td R.

V,)z T



V,)(R. 2R.Tr

+ R,) [~ _

2T, ~-(Re+RG].


In many cases the contribution of the first term of Eq. (78) to the power dissipation in the isolating resistance is several times larger than that of the second term. Consequently, the approximate value of P, may be calculated some~vhat more simply by taking advantage of the fact that the average condenser-charging current is approximately equal to the average load current. The average load current is the value of the pulse current multiplied by the duty ratio. Since the condensercharging current as given by Eq. (75) is an exponential function of time, the rms and average values are nearly equal, provided that the time interval is not large compared ]vith the time constant (IL + RJC~. It

01 02
(a) t < ftC.

0.4 0.6



Fra.2.35.Ratioof rmsto tiverage CU{m,lt

(b) f > RC. as a function of !/hC for a current of the form

is seen from the plot of I,J1,. versus 7,/ (R, + R/) C in Fig. 2.35 that, for 2, = (R. + Ri)C~, the rms current is only 1.04 times the average current. For the value of rms current determined in this way, the average potver corresponding to ltq. (77) is

2.5. The Output Circuit with an Inductance or an Inductive Resistor as the Isolating Element.Thr equivalent circuits for the pulser with resistance 10W1 and biased-d iocle load are shoirn in Fig. 236a and b. The analytical expressions for tbe wlllilihriurn condenser voltages at the beginning and at the end of the puke are ronsi(krahly more complicated for these circuits than for those with a pure-resistance isolating element. A fe\v general conclusions can he drawn, hojvever, from a simplified analysis of the circuits of Fig. 2.36. l\hrn the recharging circuit alone is considered and the switch Sr is







[SEC. 2.5

open, the circuits of Fig. 2.36a and b, in which Z, is a resistance, reduce to a simple series LCR-circuit as represented in Fig. 2.37. The initial conditions imposed on the equation for this circuit are (1) that the condenser is charged to a potential difference V,, and (2) that a current iO

~z ;~ ~~q,s
(b) Biased-diode (a) Reeietance load. FIG. 2.36.Circuits for hard-tube puhers with an inductive isolating with the power eupply. load. element in series

is flowing in the inductance. circuit is therefore


The Laplace-transform


for the




+ ~


= ~


Let (R, + Rl) = R: and 1.(0) = i~.



if Eq.


(79) is solved for

RC Ic c

c. +~

I,(p), Eu
l,(p) =

V, + ~..


FIG. 2.37.Equivalent circuit for the condeneer-charging cycle in a hard-tubepulserwith an inductive isolating
element. where a2,

a =

(P + U)io + ~; r aio = J (80) (p + a) ~w

R~/2L., U2 =

a2, and b =


If b <

let a2 b = k2, and Eq. (80) becomes (p + a)iO +

I,(p) =

w; aiO



Equations (80) and (81) give the Laplace transform of the current for the cases in which it is oscillatory and aperiodic respectively. The critically damped condition corresponds to w = k2 = O. The inverse Laplace transform of Eq. (80) gives the time function for the current, thus

SEC. 2.5]






~ (t) = (EM l.)e- sin ~t + ~oe_at cos cd q sin d . , LW u ( )

Similarly for Eq. (81), ~ (t) = (Ebb Vr)e-o sinh k. + ~Oe-./ cosh .kt ~ sinh kt . c
L.k ( )



The voltage on the condenser expressed as a function of time is v.(t) = v, + & ~ I.(t) dt, m/ (84)

so the integration of Eqs. (82) and (83) gives the expressions for the voltage on the condenser during the recharging interval. Thus, for the oscillatory case where I/L.C. > R~/4L~, the condenser voltage is

c() = -b- )csin@+coso)85

Similarly, Eq. (84) and integration of Eq. (83) give the condenser voltage for the aperiodic case where l/L.Cm < R~/4L~, namely,
Vc(t) = EM e- (Ew V,)


~ sinh kt + cosh kt


For the critically damped case in which l/LL7. voltage is

V.(t) = EM

= R~/4L& the condenser


(Ew, V,)(at

1) $


t .


Equations (85) and (86) can be written in a more convenient form by combining the sine and cosine functions in the one case and the sinh and cosh functions in the other. Thus Eq. (85) becomes
V.(t) = EW e-A

sin (tit + w),


A= (EM J[ u V,)a


~ = tan-




EtJ V. (EA _ V,)a

iO C.u

w Similarly, Eq. (86) becomes


= EM e-OfB sinh (kt +





(Ebb Tr)a

iO _



(Ebb T,) o = tanh- y--~. (Ehh T ,)a _ ~:i i: u .$s the parameters L,, C,, and R: are varied, thr transition from the aperiodic to the oscillatory condition occurs \vhen 1>< = ~R;C,,; thus,
Minimum values of L,c for aperiodic case in mh














F(G. 238. -Valur.

Minimum values of ~ for aperiodic case , of L. and R. ?L, necessary to critically damp the condenser-charging current in the circuit of I;Lg. 2.37,

if 1., is larger than this T-a]ue,the condenser voltage ancf the po!ver-supply current oscillates. Since, for the critical-damping case,

values of

correspond to the oscillatory condition. The curves of Fig. 2.38 give the maximum values of L. and the minimum values of R: 2L, for aperiodic










}Vhen charging of the storage condenser for a range of R: and Cwvalues. the oscillatory condition is satisfied, the voltage on the condenser reaches a maximum value that is greater than the power-supply voltage by an amount depending primarily on the initial current in the isolating inductance, It is evident from the circuits of Fig. 2.36 that a current in thr inductance is built up during the pulse interval when ST is closed, and that its magnitude depends on the pulse duration, the po~vcr-supp]y If the pulse duration is small voltage, and the value of the inductance. and the switch-tube resistance and the resistance associated ~vith the inductance are small, the current can be calculated approximately from




The approximation is better the smaller the value of iOis, compared the maximum possible value when t is very large, namely, Ebb ma== R. + r, It is of interest to note that the aperiodic charging of the condenser, of Tc(/) to become larger as given by Eq. (89), may also cause the due than Ew. If i, iS large (actually, if in/C~k > (Ebb ~,)a/k), O k negative, and there is some value oft for l~hich VC(~)= Ebb. For t greater than this value, Vc(t) is greater than Ebb, reaching a maximum value after which it decreases and approaches the value Et,, asymptotically. Although the voltage on the condenser may rise to a value greater than the power-supply voltage during the recharging interval, the If V, is resultant pulser operation is not necessarily unsatisfactory. only slightly less than EW and io is not large, the maximum value of V,(t) The primary conmay not exceed EM by a dangerously large factor. sideration is to determine that the maximum value of Vc(t) does not exceed safe operating voltages for the condenser and the s}vitch tube, and that sufficient damping is present to make the amplitude of oscillation negligibly small at the end of the intcrpulse interval. For given values of R: and C. it is reasonable to assume that the quantity EM V, is independent of the value of L,, provided that thr resistance R, is always small compared with R1. Since, for small values of L., the charging is aperiodic with large values for io, the magnitude of B and o in Eq. (89) may be strongly affected by this initial current in the inductance. As L, is increased, the critically damped condition is .i still further approached and io decreases, becoming less effective. increase in L, leads to the oscillatory condition, and a maximum value for the frequency, an., = l/R~C., which occurs when L. = ~R~C.

80 -


0 0 t in 4
g sec

-40 i?: = Rt + Rc = 1000 ohms

I ~

L -80 -120 -160 -200


=Oj Rt+Rc=lOk


FIG, 2.39.Storage-condenser voltage interval for an inductive element in series The portion of the curves C, D, E, and F scales in (b) in order to show the transition as a funct,on of time during the recharging with the power supply; large values of R. /L.. beyond t = 150p sec are plotted on expanded from the aperiodic to the oscillatory conditions.










To illustrate the effect of the inductance of the isolating element on the charging of the storage condenser, the six curves shown in Fig. 2.39a have been plotted using the values of [Vc(~) llb~] calculated from Ikqs. (88) and (89) forvarious values of L.. The calculations were made for R: = 1000 ohms, Ebb = 10 kv, and C~ = 0.05 yf in the circuit Since the equations for V.(t) involve the terms (Eb, V,) of Fig. 2.36a. and io, it was also necessary to specify a particular pulse duration. Fol these calculations r = l~sec was chosen, and the assumptions were made that R. = rP for all values of L., and that the voltage on the storage condenser was equal to Ebt, at the start of the puke. The values of (EM V,) and io used in the calculations were therefore obtained from the relations.
(E,, V,) = &i.W




For the values of the circuit parameters given above, (EW V,) = 200 volts and io = 102/L. amp. The curves .4 and B are obtained for L, equal to 5 mh and 10 mh respectively. These values of L. are less than the value for critical dampWhen L, = ~R~Cm = 12.5 mh, ing, so curves A and B are aperiodic. the curve C is obtained, which corresponds to the critically damped condition. Curves D, E, and F are oscillatory, ~vith L. equal to 16 mh, 25 mh, and 50 mh respectively. The value of 25 mh corresponds to L. = ~R~Cw, producing the maximum frequency for the oscillation. Portions of the curves C, D, E, and F are plotted in Fig. 239b with an expanded ordinate scale in order to show the details of the curves when L. is larger than the value for critical damping. The curve G in Fig. 2.39a shows the effect of a 10,000-ohm noninductive resistance as the isolating element, and is included to emphasize the rapid buildup of the condenser voltage when an inductance is used. The curves of Fig. 239 also apply for values of C~ other than 0.05 pf With if R{, Ebb, and r are not changed and a scale factor is introduced. the scale factor K cc (Ebb V,)/R~, the ordinate scale corresponds to [Vc(t) Et,b]/K and the abscissa scale is Kt. The condition is imposed that (L.), 1 (Cw), Oxj = m, = R where the values of (L.) 1 are those that correspond to the curves of Fig. 2.39 for wh~ch K = 1. Thus, if (C~) z = O.Ol~f, the scale factor is 5 and (L.)i for curve A, for example, is 1 mh. The curves C and E again







[SEC. 2.5

correspond to the critically damped and the maximum-frequency condL tions respectively. To illustrate the effect of small damping on the charging of the storage condenser, the curves shown in Fig. 240 were calculated from Eq. (88). For the three curves A, B, and C a value of R~/Lc = 10 ohms per mh was used with C. = 0.05 pf, EM = 10 kv, and ~ = 1 psec. The values of L. are 5 mh, 10 mh, and 20 mh, respectively, for the curves A, 1?, and C. The effect of adding some resistance in series with Lo is indicated by the curve A for which L. = 5 mh and R: = 500 ohms. These curves are 600 r 400 200 i ~ k -200 A . .

-600FIO. 240.-Storage-condenser voltage as a function of time during the recharging interval for an inductive element in series with the Power supply; small values of R. /L.. For curves .4, B, and C the value of Rt/L. is 10 ohms per mh with ~.= 5 mh, 10 mh, and 20 mh respectively. For curve A, ~. = 5 mh and R. = 500 ohms. Et.b = 10 kv and Cu = 0.05pf for all curves.

indicative of the way in which the storage-condenser voltage varies during the interpulse interval if small inductances and small values of RJL. are used both for the isolating element and for the recharging path Z, of Fig. 2.36b. There are two principal advantages to be gained by the use of an inductance as the isolating element. The possibility of having the condenser voltage equal to the power-supply voltage at the start of each pulse provides better utilization of the available power-supply voltage. Also, the power dissipated in the resistance associated with the inductance can be less than in the case of a high-resistance isolating element. In any pulser design, these advantages must be weighed against the undesirable possibility that the recharging of the condenser may be oscillatory, and also against the increase in current through the switch tube with time during the pulse interval. The latter consideration is perhaps the more serious, since it may cause a larger drop in pulse voltage during the










pulse than that which results from the change in the storage-condenser voltage. The more rapid increase in the storage-condenser voltage during the interpulse interval, ~vhich is possible with the inductive isolating element, can be used to advantage in pldsers designed for closely spaced pulses, part icularly if the int erpulse intervals are of nonuniform duration, as in the case of pulse coding. When an inductive element is used in parallel with the load in order to bring the trailing edge of the puke down rapidly, as discussed in Sec. 23, this inductance becomes part of the recharging circuit as ~vell. The current floiving in the ind~lctance may be oscillatory and of sufficient magnit~ldc to exert consi{lerahlc in flllcnce on the initial conditions for the recharging cvcle. It is therefore obvious that a complete analysis of the recharging of the storage condcnscr is too complex to permit as detailed conclusions to be drawn as are possible in the case of the resistive isolating element. POWER TRANSFER TO THE LOAD One of the important consi(lerations involved in the design of a pulser is the magnitude of the p(llse poit-er to be delivered to the load. This pulse polrcr is etlual to the product of the voltage ancl current during the pulse. If the pu]aes of \-oitage and current are constant in amplitude for \tle pulse duration, the trrms pulse po\rer and peak po~ver have ;he same significance. lVhcn the pulsc amplitude is not constant during ,he pulse, the peak power refers to the maximum voltage-current product, ml the pulse power is the product Ofan average amplitude for the voltage md current pu]scs. There are several possible methods by \vhich this iveraging may be done (see .Ippendix B). For the hard-tube pulser,

thevoltage and ~Urr~nt plllsrs !Yner:dly have a top that is relatively flat, md the meaning of average pulse amplitude is reasonably clear. For the present discussion the term [pulse po~ver refers to the average voltage-current product for pulses that do not deviate very much from constant arnplitu(lc. It may he necessary to have some circuit elements in parallel ~vith tho load in order to change pulse shape or to provide a recharging path for the storage condenser, as sho\rn in Sees. 2.2 and 2.3. Some po!ver is (Iissipatwl in these sh(mt elements, and this polrer must be taken into accollnt in (Iesigning a pulscr for a given poiver output to a load. By rareful desi~n, ho!vever, it is generally possible to make the poiver loss small romparwl \vit, h thr load pulse polrer. The present discussion of po!ver transfer to the load on a hard-tube pulser is simplified by the :Lss(lmption that any shunt losses may be considered as part of the pulser ]v:ld.








It is evident from the circuit of Fig. 25 that the current through the switch tube is approximately equal to the current through the load. Also, the pulse voltage across the load is approximately equal to the power-supply voltage minus the voltage drop in the switch tube. These considerations are of fundamental importance in the design of a hardtube pulser when a definite load impedance and pulse-power output are specified. The connection of the load to the pulser as indicated in the circuits discussed in Sees. 22 and 23 is referred to as a direct-connection. If the pulse power and the load impedance are specified, the require ments for the switch tube and the power supply are almost completely determined for the load dhectly connected to the pulser. Thus, if the pulse power is PI and the load impedance is R, the pulse voltage is V1 = -l and the load current is II =. @z/Rz. The switch tube must therefore be chosen so that the current 11 can flow without making the voltage drop in the tube too high. When the magnitude of this voltage drop is known, the required power-supply voltage is also known. The switch tube must also be capable of withstanding the power-supply voltage during the interpulse interval. The switch tubes that have been available for microwave-radar applications of hard-tube pulsers have had effective resistances ranging from about 50 ohm: to several hundred ohms. Most of these tubes have a maximum current-carrying capacity that is determined by available cathode emission or by electrode power dissipation. For pulsers with low average power, the cathode emission determines the maximum current, and for pulsers with high average power, the allowable electrode power dissipation usually imposes the limit on the current. The effective resistance introduced into the puise circuit by the switch, tube is relatively constant over the usable range of current, except for special design, such as operation on the flat portion of the pulse characteristic of a tetrode (see Chap. 3). 2.6. Impedance-matching and Pulse-transformer Coupling to the Load.-A hard-tube pulser may be considered as a generator with an internal impedance equal to the effective resistance of the switch tube. If the resistance of the load is high compared with the generator internal resistance, the eficiency is also high but the power delivered to the load is small compared with the maximum power that could be obtained. It is shown in most textbooks on electricity that the maximum power is delivered to a load when the load and generator resistances are equal. This condition means, however, that as much power is lost in the generator as is delivered to the load, and the eficiency is only 50 per cent. Shce a maximum of 50 per cent efficiency can not be tolerated in most hard-tubepulser applications, impedance-matching is seldom used. Impedance-matching is important in the line-type pulsers to be discuswd in Part II. Since for these pulsers the internal impedance is

SEC. 2.6]



nondissipative, the above-mentioned difficulty for hard-tube pulsers is not encountered. It is possible, however, to achieve some gain in hardtube pulsers designed for low pulse-power output by changing the load impedance presented to the pulser. In particular, it is possible to use a lower power-supply voltage for a given pulse power into a high-impedance load if a pulse transformer is used to transform the load impedance to The details of pulsea lower value at the pulser output terminals. transformer design and construction are given in Part III. A brief discussion of the considerations involved in the use of a pulse transformer with a hard-tube pulser serves to indicate when such an arrangement is advantageous and to point out the limitations. For this purpose, the hard-tube pulser is represented as a battery in series with the switch-tube resistance, as shown in Fig. 2.41. The primary of the pulse transformer is connected to the pulser output terminals, and -mDR the load is connected across the secNF N~ ondary. The secondary is considered FIG. 2.41.Equivalent circuit for a
to the have rz times and as the many turns as hard-tube pulser with pulse-transformer coupling to the load. to be determined by experience with only by shunt transprimary, power-transfer is assumed justified

efficiency, losses. formers

q, of t,he t,rausformer This in the assumption is




The following


may then be written: V.9 =n T, and (91) thus I,=y. The power into the load is (93) and
Vp = Vw Vs = IsRi, IprP,





where the switch-tube current 1= is equal to the primary current 1P and the load current It is equal to the secondary current I,. Combining these relations, the expression for the load power becomes







[SEC. 2.6 (96)

V~n2q2Rl z = (Z?lq + rPn2)2

The condition for maximum polver in the load, as governed by the transfornwr turns ratio, is obtained by differentiating Eq. (96) with respect to n an(l equating the result to zero; thus, (97) and the maximum power is (P,)max = p.


Equation (98) is the familiar result for a generator with matched load, except that in this case it is modified by the efficiency of the pulse transIhis efficiency may be between 75 and 95 per cent, depending former. on the transformer construction.


\\ltb PLLISC transformer, po!ucr output

X-o pulse transformer,load direct-connected

q = 0.85
71,. =


9.2 = 3.16 X 103\rolts

VI =

1/ = ~
= I, = < Et P,

3,16 X 103volts

0.316 amp

II = 0.316 amp 1. = I! = 0.316 amp VW=

Vi + 1.?9 =

3.2 X 103volts 10-3 = 0.1 watts

AveragePp (switchtube) = I~rPX 10-3 = 1.2 watts


= I~rP X

* Tmtccmditiom;
Load resistance, R, = 10,000 ohms. Load pulse power, Pi = 1kw. Switch-tube resistance, rp = 100 ohms. Duty ratio = 0.001.

If the load resistance is greater than the switch-tube resistance, the maximum-power condition requires a stepup transformer, that is, n > 1. The voltage that appears across the load is then (99)

SEC.2.6] and the switch-tube



current is (loo)

The significance of these considerations is best brought out by comparing the values of the pulser parameters for the case of the directconnected load on the one hand and that of the transformer-coupled load with maximum power output on the other hand. The results are given in Tables 21 and 2.2 for two values of load resist ante and pulse power. TABLE2.2.COMPARATIVE VALUES FORTHEOPERATION OFA HARD-TURE PULSER WITHA PULSE TRANSFORMER ANDMAXIMUM POWER OUTWJT, ANDWITHA DIRECT-CONNECTED LOAD *

With pulse transformer,maximum power output ~ = 0.85 n.= V1 = < F=



No pulse transformer,load direct-connected


I, =





1, = ~

34 amp vo,t~

I1, =II =
Average P,

11 = 10 amp 10 amp

v _~=7x10, .-nm
* Teat conditions:

v. = V[ + Ipr, = 11 x 103volts
(switch tube) = 10 watts

Average~p(switchtube) = 120 watts

Load resistance, R, = 1000 ohms. Load pulse power, Pi = 100 kw. Switch-tube resistance, r, = 100 ohms. Duty ratio = 0.001.

Examination of these tables indicates that, with the 10,000-ohm load and l-kw pulse power, the gain in using the pulse transformer is large as far as power-supply voltage is concerned. The switch-tube current is more than ten times the load current, but is still within the operating range of available tubes. The power dissipation of 1.2 watts in the The question to be decided in this switch tube is also not prohibitive. case is whether or not the reduction in power-supply voltage, from about 3 kv to 700 volts, is important enough to warrant the use of a switch tube that can pass a current of 3.4 amp with the additional power loss of approximately one watt. For the 1000-ohm load and 100-kw pulse power, the increase in switchtube current from 10 amp to 34 amp produced by using the pulse transformer and maximum power design is generally more serious than the







[SEC. 2.6

factor of 10 increase in the previous case. A relatively small tubel can be used to provide the 0.3 or 3.4 amp, whereas the increase in plate voltage from 700 volts to 3 kv may both increase the size of the tube and impose greater problems in its fabrication. The increase in tube current from 10 amp to 34 amp, however, may necessitate the use of two or three tubes in parallel or the use of a larger cathode, which is generally a serious moblem in tube manufacture. For tubes that have been available fo~ the microwave-radar applications, the gain introduced by the reduction of plate voltage from 11 kv to 7 kv does not offset the difficulties introduced by the increase in plate current. The increase of more than 100 watts in power dissipation in the switch tube also imposes a more serious problem than the l-watt increase for the 10,00@ ohm load. These examples show that the use of a pulse transformer to reduce the necessary power-supply voltage is not a priori always advantageous to pulser design. However, the pulse transformer is not used only to give the maximum power output. There are situations in which a small reduction in the necessary power-supply voltage may be warranted at the expense of slightly higher switch-tube current. Under these conditions, it is necessary to use Eq. (96) for power output in terms of the circuit parameters in order to determine the design best suited to the available components. The above design considerations lead to the minimum values of switch-tube current and power-supply voltage for a given load impedance and pulse power. To these values must be added any contributions resulting from the connection between the charging circuit and the discharging circuit as discussed in Sees. 2-I and 25. These contributions can usually be kept small, but in some cases, such as a design for closely spaced pulses, it may be necessary to allow for increases of as much as 25 to 50 per cent above the minimum values.

Fm. 2.42.Two

possible arrangements for the use of a pulse transformer pulser. with a hard-tube

A pulse transformer maybe used with a hard-tube pulser in either of two ways. The two possibilities, with a triode as the switch tube, are shown schematically in Fig. 2.42. In Fig. 2.42a the primary of the pulse 1R. B. Woodbury, Pulse Characteristicsof Common Receiver Type Tubes,; RL Report No. 704, Apr. 30, 1945. See also tube data given in Chap. 3.





transformer takes the place of the load in the circuits of Sec. 2.2. In the circuit of Fig. 2.42b the storage condenser is eliminated and the pulsetransformer primary is in series with the power supply and the switch tube. It has been mentioned previously that, from a practical standpoint, some part of the circuit must beat ground potential, and reasons were given for connecting the switch-tube cathode, rather than the plate, to ground. Thus, if point g is connected to ground in Fig. 2.42a, one end of the pulse-transformer primary is grounded, and the winding must be insulated only for the maximum pulse voltage. If the cathode of the switch tube is connected to ground in the circuit of Fig. 2.42b, the primary of the transformer must be insulated for the d-c power-supply voltage. This voltage is greater than the pulse voltage by the amount of the voltage drop in the switch tube, which may amount to 10 to 20 per cent of the power-supply voltage. The problem of providing adequate insulation for d-c voltages in such a transformer is somewhat more serious than This difficulty causes a transformer for an equivalent pulse voltage. designed for the circuit in Fig. 242b to be somewhat inferior to a transformer suitable for the circuit of Fig. 242a as regards the effect on pulse shape. There is a greater deviation from a rectangular pulse shape at the load because of the less satisfactory ratio of leakage inductance to distributed capacitance in the transformer. The transformer for circuit in Fig. 2.42b may also have a somewhat lower power-transfer efficiency. There is a further argument in favor of the use of a storage condenser with pulse-transformer coupling to the load. If the load is a magnetron or some other device that may exhibit sudden changes in impedance because of sparking or voltage breakdown, a high-voltage surge occurs at the plate of the switch tube. This transient voltage may be sufficient to cause the switch tube to spark internally, thus vitiating the control of When the grid loses control, the time the grid over the tube conduction. during which the switch tube is conducting may exceed the desired pulse duration by a large factor. In the circuit of Fig. 2.42b this behavior causes more energy to be discharged into the load than that corresponding to the normal pulse, with the result that the sparking condition is aggravated. In the circuit of Fig. 242a, the same sequence of events is not as se -ious, since the available energy in the storage condenser is considerably less than that in the filter condensers of a power supply. Because of the inherent characteristics of a pulse transformer, it is actually possible to use a smaller capacitance for the storage condenser in the circuit of Fig. 2.42a than that necessary for a direct-connected load in order to obtain a given flatness for the top of the pulse. If a pulser is designed to use a pulse transformer and no storage condenser, the versatility of the unit is decreased. A pulser of the type







[SEC. 27

shown in Fig. 2.42a can be used equally well with a direct-connected load With a load substituted for the pulse within the limits of its design. transformer in the circuit of Fig. 2.42b, the load or the switch tube must be operated at high d-c potential with respect to ground. 2.7. The Effect of Stray Capacit ante on the Pulser Power Output. When the duty ratio is high, the average-power considerations may outweigh the pulse-power requirements in governing the choice of components for the pulser. As has already been mentioned, the switch-tube dissipation can impose a limit on the maximum allowable pulse current. The choice of the capacitance for the storage condenser is also affected by a high-duty-ratio requirement, but in different. ways depending on whether the high duty ratio is due to a long pulse duration, or to a high recurrence frequency. Thus, if the pulse duration is long and the interpulse interval is also long, the storage condenser must have a high capacitance in order to keep the pulse current as constant as possible during the pulse. When the recurrence frequency is high, ho~vever, the interpulse interval is small, and the condenser capacitance must be as small as possible to best utilize the power-supply voltage, and it may also be necessary to have a higher current from the power supply during the pulse interval. The stray capacitance in parallel with the pulser load becomes an Important consideration when the recurrence frequency is high and the pulse voltage is large. This capacitance becomes charged during the time required for the pulse voltage to build up, and its discharge starts when the switch tube becomes nonconducting. The energy stored in this capacitance, therefore, does not contribute to the pulse power in the load except during the time corresponding to the trailing edge of the pulse. The average-power loss that corresponds to the charging of this capacitance is simply the energy stored per pulse multiplied by the number of pulses per second, that is, PRF X lC,g~, In the example used for the values of Table 22, a stray capacitance of 100 ppf introduces a loss of about 5 watts if the 0.001 duty ratio corresponds to a PRF of 1000 pps. At a PRF of 10,000 pps, ho~vever, this power loss is 50 watts, which is one half of the average power delivered to the load. The current required to charge the stray capacitance also has an influence on the pulse power for which the pulser is to be designed. If it is desired to have a high rate of rise for the voltage pulse, the currentcarrying capabilities of the switch tube must satisfy the relation
dVl IC = Cs ~.

SEC. 2.8]





If the value 100 p~f is again taken as an example, this current is 10 amp for dVJdt = 100 kv/~sec, which corresponds to a time of rise of O.lpsec for a 10-kv pulse. In the example used for the values of Table 2.1, a switch tube capable of carrying 0.5 amp is adequate for the direct-connected load, but the maximum dVJdt is then 5 kv/psec, corresponding to a time of rise of 0.6 ysec for a 3-kv pulse. Thus, the peak-current limitation for a particular switch tube may be high enough to satisfy the load pulse-power requirement and still limit the maximum rate of rise of the pulse voltage. 2.8. Output Power Regulation.-The change in output power from a hard-tube pulser, which is caused by a change in the power-supply voltage, may be expressed in terms of the switch-tube and load characteristics. This relation is of practical importance in pulser applications because it gives an indication of the stability of the power output as a function of the voltage input to the pulser. If the change in the power output is APl, the ratio APJPl, expressed in terms of the ratio AELJEw for the power-supply voltage and the circuit parameters, gives the regulation of the output power. Thus, for a given set of conditions, the regulation is determined by the relation (101) If k is large, the regulation is poor, that is, the percentage change in output power is large compared with the percentage change in power-supply voltage. Conversely, if k is small, the regulation is good. The value of k in Eq. (101) depends on the pulser parameters and on the load characteristics. In order to find an expression for k, let it be assumed that a biased-diode load is used, and that the voltage on the The storage condenser differs very little from the power-supply voltage. power into the load is (102) Pl = VIIl and Vt v. II = J (103) T1 where V, is the bias voltage and rz is the dynamic resistance of the load. The voltage across the load is
VI = Eti IlrP,


where the effects of elements in parallei with the load and of the recharging circuit are neglected in considering the switch-tube current. Combining Eqs. (102), (103), and (104), the expression for the power becomes
P1 =











Differentiating Eq. (105) with respect to Ebb and forming there is obtained

the ratio

If the load dynamic resistance is equal to the switch-tube resistance and the bias voltage in the load is 0.8 times the power-supply voltage, Eq. (106) gives 2 APL AEbb ~ g%. (107) PC = Ebb 1.8 X 0.2 = 56 Ebb Thus, for these conditions, the percentage change in the output power is about six times as large as the percentage change in the power-supply voltage, Since the values chosen for this example are typical for the medium-power magnetrons used in microwave radar, this result is important in pulser applications with magnetron loads. If the bias voltage is zero, that is, V. = O, Eq. (106) becomes (108) The power regulation for a pure-resistance load is therefore considerably better than that for a magnetron or biased-diode load. In the discussion of Chap. 3, it is shown that advantage maybe taken of the characteristics of tetrodes as switch tubes in order to improve the power regulation for a hard-tube pulser. As in any power-generating device, however, improved regulation is obtained at the expense of additional power loss. 2.9. Effects of Pulse-transformer Coupling to the Load. There are three principal advantages to be gained by coupling the output of a hard-tube pulser to a load by means of a pulse transformer. One of these has already been indicated in the discussion of Sec. 2.6, namely, that a transformation of the load impedance can be accomplished with a pulse transformer, that is, the impedance presented to the output of the pulser can be made either higher or lower than the load impedance. A gain in voltage, current, or power at the load can be obtained in this Another advantage is manner for given pulser and load characteristics. obtained by the use of two pulse transformers, a stepdown transformer at the pulser output terminals and a stepup transformer at the load, with a This arrangement facilitates the low-impedance cable between them. physical separation of the load and the pulser, which is a desirable engineering convenience in many cases. The third advantage of transformer

SEC. 2.9]





coupling is that it provides a means of reversing the polarity of the pulse at the load. The use of two pulse transformers with different turns ratios for the stepup and stepdown transformers makes it possible to obtain all three of the advantages simultaneously. In microwave applications, pulse transformers are used with hardtube pulsers primarily because of the advantages to be gained by the physical separation of the load and the pulser. Serious difficulties arise in transmitting high pulse power and the correspondingly high pulse voltage more than a few feet from the pulser to the load. The use of stepdown and stepup pulse transformers makes it possible to transmit the pulse power at relatively low voltage over flexible coaxial cable for distances as great as several hundred feet. Associated with this added convenience, however, there is some power loss, some pulse-shape distortion, and sometimes increased backswing voltage. In any given case, therefore, it is necessary to weigh these disadvantages against the advantages. The purpose of this section is to indicate the extent to which the disadvantages may affect the design of the hard-tube pulser. The theory of pulse transformers and the considerations involved in their design and construction are given in detail in Part III. There it is shown that the equivalent circuit for a pair of pulse transformers may be
Output termmals of a pulser (LL)l Cable

L,, 4






c~ J =:,,
Stepdown transformer FIG. 243.-Equivalent

cc , _


(LI, )2 LC 1>, R,

s, [.,, t






Stepup transformer


c, = v, TI

circuit for a stepdown anda stepuppulse-transformer combination for a hard-tube pulser and a biased-diode load,

represented as in Fig. 243. The elements L., L., and Cc are associated with the low-voltage winding of the transformer, which is referred to as the primary, L. being the effective shunt inductance and Cc the distributed capacitance of this winding. The so-called charging inductance, Lc, is introduced to account for the nonuniform current distribution along the coil corresponding to the flow of charge into Cc. The element L~ is the leakage inductance, R, represents the effective shunt loss in the transformer, and L. and C. have the same significance for the high-voltage







[SEC. 2.9

or secondary winding that Lc and Cc have for the primary winding. The capacitance introduced by the load is represented by Ct. In Sec. 14.1 it is shown that the leading edge of the pulse is affected principally by the elements L~, R,, and c., which cause the time of rise for the voltage pulse to be greater than it would be for a load directconnected to the pulser. This effect may cause a rounding of the leading edge at the top of the pulse. \Vith a pure-resistance load and no bias voltage, this increase in the time of rise for the pulse voltage becomes very noticeable. The best design of a pulse transformer for optimum pulse shape results when the static resistance of the load ~,=~,=
11 zLL


where XL= is the total leakage inductance of the two transformers plus the inductance of the cable (which is usually negligible), and
C= CD+C1.

Since the capacitance of the load is invol~ed, it is necessary to have a knowledge of this parameter before designing the transformer. lYhen the load is a biased diode or a magnetron, the load current does not start to flolv until the voltage V~ is greater than the bias voltage V,. For a load that is direct-connected to the pulser, as discussed in Sec. 2.3, the load current builds up to the value

The current Zt is referred to as the in a very short time, and J~ = V.. normal load current. For the present, the cable between the pulse transformers is assumed to have negligible length. During the time required for the pulse voltage to build up to the value V,, there is a current zCflowing through the leakage inductance that corresponds to the flow of charge into the capacitances C,, and Ct. Thus, when the switch St is closed, there is a current flowing in LL the magnitude of which may be greater than, equal to, or less than the normal load current. If the effective series inductance inherent in the load itself is small, the load current builds up to the value ic in a negligibly short time after switch St If ic is larger or smaller than 11, the current during the pulse closes. interval decreases or increases respectively until the value Z1 is reached. For zC= 1,, the static resistance of the load must be equal to V-. the top of the current pulse droops, that is, \\hen R, > v-, the the current decreases during the pulse, and when R1 < vC, top of the current pulse rises. The effect of L. is to cause a small droop







in the current pulse even for the optimum value of ~~. A series of oscilloscope traces that illustrates the foregoing statements is remw.duced in Figs. 2.44 and 2.45.

(a) Fti > 1100 ohms

(b) R, = 1100 ohms, Magnetron current pulses.

(c) Rt < 1100 ohms.

(d) RI > 1100 ohms,

(e) Ri = 1100 ohms, Magnetron voltage pulses,

(f) RI < 1100 ohms,

(h) R~ = 1100 ohm,. (z) R( < 1100 Ohll]S 1100 ohms. Voltage pulses at the input terminals of the stepdown transformer. FIG. 244.-Oscilloscope traces for 2-Psec pulses of magnetron current, magnetron voltage, and pulser output voltage for a hard-tube pulser with pulse transformers and 6 ft of 50-ohm pulse cable. The 232AW stepdown and the 232BW stepup transformers, for which v/ ZL~/C = 1100 ohms, were used for these traces.

(o) RL>

The effect produced by the effective shunt inductance and transformer losses may be seen by comparing the pictures of Figs. 2.44 and 2.45







[SEC. 2.9

for the cases where RI = V 2L./C. It is to be observed that the current pulse droop is greater for the 135A W-14 lBW transformer combination

(a) R, >


(b) r = Sso 011111s. Maguetrou current pulses.

(c) Rt




R~ >

880 ohms,

(e) R, = 8S0 ohms. Magnetron voltagepulses.

(-f) RI <880


ohms. (i) R/ <880 ohms. (h) R, = 880 ohms. Voltage pulses at the input terminals of the stepdown transformer. ~lG. ~45.-@Cdl06C0pe traces for j?.psec pulses of magnetron Current, magnetron voltage, and pulser output voltage for a hard-tube pulser with pulse transformers and 6 ft of 50-ohm pulse cable. The 135.\W stepdown and the 141 B\V stepup transformers, for which #XLL/C = 880 ohms, were used fcr these traces. (LJ) IZ[ >880

than for the 232 AW-232BW combination. The latter pair of transformers have higher efficiency as determined by calorimetric measurements of power loss.

SEC. 2.9]





When the current in the leakage inductance is greater or less than the normal load current, the rate at which the pulse current decreases or

(a) I& >1250


(b) Rt = 1250 ohms. Magnetron current pulses.

(c) RI <1250


(d) RI > 1250 ohms.

(e) R, == 1250 ohms. %fagnetron voltage pulses.

(J) R, <1250


(h) R! = 1250 ohms. (u) R >1250 ohms. (0 R[ <1250 ohms. Voltage pulses at the input terminals of the stepdown transformer. FIG. 2.46.Oscilloscope traces for 2-psec pulses of magnetron current, magnetron voltage, and pulser output voltage for a hard-tubs pulssr with the 232AW and the 232BW The 50-ohm cable impedance is pulse transformers and 175 ft of 50-ohtir pulse cable. transformed to 1250 ohms at the output of the pulser and the input to the magnetron because the turns ratio for each transformer is 1 to 5. The transit time for the transformers and cable is 0.42Wec.

increases during the pulse depends on the time constant ~LL/ (~~ + @, where r= is the internal resistance of the pulser. For the 232 AW-232BW transformer combination and the magnetron used to obtain the oscilloscope traces of Fig. 2.44, this time constant is about 0.3 Psec, whereas









for the 135AW-141BW combination it is about 0.18 psec. ference is observable in the pictures of Figs. 2.44 and 2.45.
Reelection Effects Caused by Impedance Mismalch with Long

This difCable.

Another effect is observed when the cable is so long that the time required for the pulse to travel from one transformer to the other is an appreciable Discrete steps appear on the top of the fraction of the pulse duration. current pulse as a result of an impedance mismatch between the load and the cable. Some photographs of oscilloscope traces showing this phenomenon are reproduced in Figs. 246 and 247 for the 232AW-232BW

(a) RI >1250

ohms. Magnetron

current pulses.

(c) R, > 1250 ohms Magnetron

(d) R, = 1250 ohms. voltage pulses.

FIG. 2.47.Oscilloscope traces for 2-psec pulses of magnetron current and voltage for a hard-tube pulser using the 232AW and 232BW pulse transformers with 100 ft of 50-ohm pulse cable. The transit time for transformers and cable is 0.25Wec.

transformer combination and 175 ft and 100 ft of 50-ohm coaxial cable. These transformers have a turns ratio of 5/1 for the secondary and primary coils. Thus the 50-ohm impedance of the cable is transformed into an impedance of 1250 ohms at the high-voltage windings of the transformers. The combination of pulse-transformer and cable may be considered as a transmission iine of characteristic impedance 20 = 1250 ohms. If the impedance of the load is different from 1250 ohms, a voltage reflection occurs whose magnitude and sign depends on the reflection coefficient = 21 20 21+2.

SEC. 2.9]





Let VP be the pulse voltage at the pulser output and let 6 be the time required for the pulse to travel in one direction through the transformers and the cable. 1 If VI denotes the pulse voltage traveling from the pulser to the load, the magnitude of VI at the pulser is VP. Because there is some attenuation of the pulse voltage in traversing the transformers and cable, the voltage appearing at the load end is kVi=, where k <1. When Z1 > Zti, the reflection coefficient at the load is positive, and the reflected voltage is
V: = kVP


z, Zo


This voltage therefore adds ta the incident voltage at the load, producing an actual load voltage V)l



The load pulse voltage can be larger than the output voltage of the pulser, M in the first series of pulse pictures of Fig. 2.46. The reflected voltage travels back toward the puleer, where it is again reflected. At the pulser the reflection coefficient

z, z, ZP+ZO

For a hard-tube where ZP is the internal impedance of the pulser. pulser Z, is merely the switch-tube resistance r,. Since, in general, Zp is considerably less than 1250 ohms, the reflection coefficient is negative, and the polarity of the reflected voltage is opposite to that of the main-pulse voltage. At a time 26 after the start of the pulse at the pulser output, the voltage at the input terminals of the stepdown pulse transformer is
v: = Vp + kv; + V2,

(111) (112)


V:= k(V, + V,)

The pulse voltage traveling away from the pulser toward the load is now V, + Vz, which is less than VP because V2 is of opposite polarity to V,. At the time 36 this new pulse voltage appears at the load, where a reflection again occurs such that

1The velocity of propagationin the cablesusedwithpulsersfor microwaveapplica450 ft/p sec. The observed time delay in the pictures of Fig. 246 is 0.42 paec,indicatingthat the two transformers introducea delay of about 0.03 psec in addition to that of the cable.
tions is about










[SEC. 2.9

and the load is subjected to a voltage

(v,), = k(v, + v,) + Vj= lc(v,+ v*) 1+



Since (V, + V,) < V,, the pulse voltage at the load changes suddenly at time 3ti from the value given by Eq. (110) to that given by Eq. (114), producing the first step that appears in the pictures of Fig. 2.46. If the pulse duration is several times longer than 26, a succession of these steps occur as indicated in the sketch of Fig. 2.48. The successive steps become progressively smaller, as evidenced by the fact that (Iz)3 and (11), in Fig. 2.47 are almost equal. These pictures were obtained with the same transformers and magnetron, but with 100 ft of cable instead of the 175 ft used for the pulses shown in Fig. 2.46. When the impedance of the load is less than that of the cable, the steps are in the opposite direction, as can be seen in the third series of pictures in Fig. 2.46. As a result of the change in load impedance during the time the pulse voltage is built up, reflections of Fx~. 2.48. =Skitch of voltshort time duration occur. The effect of age and current pulses indicatthese reflections is evident from the second ing the stepsresulting from an impedance mismatch between series of pictures in Figs. 2.46 and 2.47, in theloadandthecablewhentwo w,hlch the load and cable impedances are apare used with pulsetransformers a hard-tube pulser. The load proximately equal. Small irregularities occur impedance is greater than the at the times corresponding to the steps in the cable impedance referred to the high-voltage windings of the other two series of pictures. transformers. As an example of the foregoing discussion, the experimental and calculated values corresponding to the first series of pictures in Fig. 2.46 are given. The voltage at the pulser output is
V, = 8.55 kv

and that at the load is

(V,), = 9.36 kv

, mce 9 (I,), = 4.82 amp, 9.36 X 103 (z,) , = = 1940 ohms. 4.82 The reflection coefficient at the load is therefore

zl Zo . ZI + Zo

1940 1250 = 0,216

194o + 1250






and the value of k may be determined with the aid of Eq. (110), that is, k= 9.36 x 10 = 0.9 8.55 X 103 X 1.22

The reflected voltage traveling toward the pulser is then l; = 0.9 X 855 X 103 X 0.216 = 1.65 kv. The reflected voltage, V2, at the pulser is
V, = 0.9 X 1.65 X 103(0.82)

= 1.20


where the reflection coefficient (K = 0.82) is obtained by assuming the switch-tube resistance to be 125 ohms. The pulse voltage traveling toward the load after time 26 is therefore
V, + V, =

(8.55 1.20) kv = 7.35 kv.

When this voltage reaches the load at time 38, the reflected voltage is determined by a new load impedance, since the pulse voltage is less than the original value of 9.36 kv. In this case the new reflection coefficient is 0.346, and (V,), = 0.9 X 7.35 X 103 X 1.35 kv = 8.90 kv. The dynamic resistance of the magnetron used for the pictures of Fig. 2.46 was determined experimentally to be 250 ohms, and the starting voltage V, was 8.10 kv; thus

)2 f90i:0)=~2amp
This calculated value for the magnetron current after the first step agrees reasonably well with the value of 3.4 amp measured experimentally. The above numerical example is given to justify the previous argument explaining the presence of the steps in the load current and voltage pulses when a long cable is used between the transformers. It is possible to derive relationships from which the load current and voltage may be calculated for the successive steps. To do this, it is necessary to know the load pulse voltage and current before the first reflection is effective, the dynamic resistance and bias voltage for the load, the cable impedance referred to the secondary of the transformers, and the pulser internal If the attenuation factor k is known from auxiliary experiresistance. ments, the initial pulse voltage and current at the load need not be known, and the pulse voltage at the pulser output terminals can be used as the starting point for the calculations.






., .,=-m. , -, ..>.,---,-. a II AI<I1-1( LS121>( Lhfitc

[SEC. 2!)

(a) 0.5-psec voltage pulse,



voltage pulse.

(c) ?-pw Volt:wc Wd.c. 11(; 2.4!). Obrilluscopc trzrcs of vo]tagc l)ldsci .lbowill~ u.rill:ttio]ls auljc]illlposed on the gctlcr:d Ixwksu-]]lg volt:wc tl]at is cllaractelistlr of tllc 1L5C of pulw tr:lllbfol lIBcrh with a Im,d-tutm pulser. Pulse amplitude = 11 kv.

In the pulse pictures of Figs. 2.44 and 2.45, the steps resulting from reflections are not resolved since the transit time for the transformers and the 6-ft cable is only about O.O4 psec as compared with 0.42 psec for the 175-ft cable and 0.25 psec for the 100-ft cable. The effect of the reflections is present, howe~~er, even for the short cable, and is superimposed on the current pulse droop or rise resulting from a value of R1 different from v=. In order that neither of the two effects occur, the pulse transformers must be designecf so that the normal load impedance matches the cable impedance, and at the same time is equal to { zL~C. In the pulse pictures of Figs. 244, 2.45, 2.46, and 2.47 there are small oscillations superimposed on the top of the current and voltage pulses. These oscillations are due to the shock excitation of the circuit containing the elements L/, a n d C,. Their amplitude is greater w-ith some transformers than with others, as can be seen by comparing the pictures in Fig. 244 with those of Fig. 245. Backswing Voltage.It Was indicated in Sec. 2.3 that the voltage at the pulser output terminals reverses its polarity at the end of the pulse when there is an inductance in parallel with the load. This backs~ving voltage is inherent in p u 1s e rs using pulse transformers. In this case it is due to the current built up in the shunt inductance L, during the pulse.






It is sho\vn in Sec. 14.1 that the amplitude and duration of the backslving \-oltage depends on L., R,, C, and i~., the current flofving in L. at the For any given pulse instant the switch-tube becomes nonconducting. transformer the maximum amplitude of the backs\ving voltage increases as the pulse duration is increased. IVhen it is necessary to use a pulse transformer for a range of pulse durations, a compromise must be made bet!veen a high backswing voltage for the longest pulse and a slow rate of fall for the shortest pulse. The Ho\vslow rate of fall is not serious if the backs\\-ingvoltage is aperiodic. e~er, there are high-frequency oscillations superimposed on the general backswing voltage because of the current flowing in the leakage inductance at the end of the pulse, and the presence of the capacitances CD and Cl. For short-pulse operation these oscillations may be large enough to cause the load voltage to swing over to normal pulse polarity again and cause some load current to flow. In microwave-radar applications this occurrence may cause some post-pulse energy to be radiated, leading to confusion with the echoes from nearby objects. The form and amplitude of the oscillations is indicated in the oscilloscope traces reproduced in Fig. 2.49. When the load is unidirectional, these oscillations are damped only by the transformer losses represented by the shunt resistance R,. A high backswing voltage is to be avoided in the operation of a hardtube pulser, as is stated in Sec. 2.3. Since the voltage appearing across the switch tube is the sum of the power-supply and the backswing voltages, a high backswing voltage may seriously aggravate any tendency for the switch tube to spark. However, a shunt diode may be used tc pre~ent the backswing voltage from becoming effective.



BY G. N. GLMSOE 3.1. Required Characteristics.The switch used in a pulser with a condenser as the electrical-energy reservoir is a high-vacuum tube rather than a gaseous-discharge tube when only a small part of the stored energy is discharged during a pulse, hence, the name hard-tube pulser. The reasons for this choice of switch are mentioned briefly in Chaps. 1 and 2. The purpose of this section is to elaborate upon them, and to discuss the characteristics required of the switch tube for satisfactory pulser operation. The following sections of this chapter consider the inherent characteristics of available high-vacuum tubes with particular reference to switch-tube operation. As is evident from the discussion of the pulser output circuit in Chap. 2, there are four major considerations that determine the properties a tube must have in order to function satisfactorily as the switch: 1. Current. During the pulse interval the switch must conduct a current that, under the most favorable conditions, is slightly larger than the pulse current at the output terminals of the pulser. 2. Effective resistance. The switch is in series with the pulser load during the pulse interval. For maximum efficiency, therefore, the effective resistance of the switch must be as small as possible, that is, the potential difference across the switch tube, called the tube drop, must be small during the conduction period. 3. Voltage. During the interpulse interval the switch must be able to withstand the power-supply voltage, which is slightly larger than the pulse voltage at the pulser output terminals. (If backswing voltage is present, it must be added to the power-supply voltage for this consideration.) The current through the switch during this interval must be negligibly small. 4. Transition from the conducting to the nonconducting state. It must be possible to change the switch from the conducting to the nonconducting state, and vice versa, in a negligibly short time. This transition must be possible while the power-supply voltage is applied to the switch terminals. 90

SEC. 3.1]


CIIA RA (; Y);I<I,Y TlC,5


The characteristics of a gasc{)lls-{list,tlarge tulw sllch as thr t hyrat r{,n satisfy the current and tube-drop requirements better than th~)sc ~JIconventional high-vacuum tu}~es. The thyratron can }Ie kept nfmcfmtlllcting if the grid is near cathode potential, or somewhat negative witb r(,h[)()(,t to the cathode, before the plate voltage is applied. Oncc the g:~s is ionized, however, and the tube is conducting, the noncorr(lucting state cannot be attained again without first removing the plate voltage for a time long enough to allow complete deionization of the gas. It is this feature of available thyratrons that prevents their use as s~vitchm in pulsers of this type. A similar objection can be raised against the use of triggered spark gaps. In contrast to the thyratron, it is possible to control the conduction through a high-vacuum tube merely by changing the voltage of the conThe voltage on the grid of a hightrol grid with respect to the cathode. vacuum tube has a large effect on the tube drop and the plate current, but in order to make the best use of the available electron emission from the cathode it is necessary to apply a high positive voltage to the gri(l, hereafter referred to as the positive grid drive. This positive grid drive causes a grid current to flow, and requires power to be delivered to the grid during the pulse interval. For a given cathode material, size, and temperature the positive grid drive that is necessary to obtain a particular plate current depends on the number and disposition of electrodes in a high-vacuum tube. The plate current in a triode is given by



where Eg, is the grid voltage, VP is the plate voltage, P is the amplification factor, and k is a constant sometimes referred to as the per~eance. Ihis relation indicates that the influence of the plate voltage on the plate current is increased by decreasing A. A low value of p, however, is inconsistent with the need for a low cutoff bias. In a tetrode the space current (the sum of the plate and screen-grid currents) is influenced very little by the plate voltage, and is given by

where Eo, is the control-grid

p~g . I F. E. Terman, Radio par. 6.


E,, is the screen-grid



dE,, dE,,

1, ,O,ta~~

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1943,Sec. 4,





[SEC. 3.1

is an amplification factor analogous to that of a triode, and k is a constant As indicated by this relation the depending on the electrode geometry. tetrode is preferable to the triode because a reasonable cutoff bias can be obtained with a low value of p.., and the required positive grid drive is therefore less because of the effect of the screen-grid voltage on the plate The choice of the particular tube to serve as the switch in a current. given pulser design requires some compromise between the necessary positive grid drive, the grid power, the cathode-heating power, the effec~ive tube resistance, the ability to withstand high voltage, and the physical size of the tube. In order to maintain the nonconducting condition in the high-vacuum tube, it is necessary to apply a sufficiently large negative bias voltage to the grid. The transition from the nonconducting to the conducting state is then accomplished by removing or neutralizing this bias voltage The time and supplying enough voltage to carry the grid positive. required for this transition depends on the rapidity with which the grid voltage can be changed, which in turn depends on the associated circuit and the grid capacitance. Since the total change in grid voltage during the pulse, called the grid swing, is the sum of the bias voltage and the positive grid drive, it is desirable that the required bias voltage be as small as possible. For this reason, a switch tube having a sharp cutoff is generally used in order to have a negligible amount of current flowing through the tube during the interpulse interval. For example, in a pulser designed to deliver 100-kw pulses to a load at 0.001 duty ratio, suppose that the plate voltage on the switch-tube during the nonconducting interval is 11.5 kv. If the unbiased current through the tube is 1 ma, the average power dissipated in the tube is 11.5 watts. The switch-tube current during the pulse is about 10 amp, and for available high-vacuum tubes the tube drop is about 1.5 kv. Thus, the average power dissipated in the tube during the pulses is 15 watts. Although the l-ma plate current during the interpulse interval is only one-ten-thousandth of the pulse current, the corresponding tube dissipation is almost equal to that resulting from the pulse current. If the tube does not have a sharp cutofi, it may therefore be necessary to use a very high bias voltage in order to keep the tube dissipation small during the interpulse interval. This high bias voltage increases the required grid swing and input power and makes the grid-driving circuit more complicated. The desirability of using a switch tube that is nonconducting during the interpulse interval arises from the consideration of average power. For a conduction period corresponding on] y to the pulse interval, it is possible to use a smaller tube for a given output pulse power and duty ratio. For this reason, it has been possible to use available

SEC. 3.1]




high-vacuum output.

tubes as switches for pulsers having a high pulse-power

Characteristics Affecting Pulser Design and Circuit


Behavior.For microwave-radar applications, it has been necessary to design hard-tube pulsers within the limits imposed by commercially These tubes have generally been designed available high-vacuum tubes. for c-w oscillator or amplifier service, and not for pulse applications, and their voltage and current ratings are accordingly based on satisfactory The upper operation in conventional oscillator and amplifier circuits. limits for these ratings are usually determined by the allowable power dissipation for the tube elements. It is not surprising, therefore, that experience with these tubes has proved that they may be used as pulser switch tubes with plate voltages and pulse currents many times greater than the maximum values given in the normal tube ratings. A separate set of specifications has been developed for some tubes that gives the allowable values of plate voltage and plate current that are applicable to pulse operation. The maximum allowable pIate voltage for pulse operation generally depends on the tendency for sparking to occur between the tube elements. The ability of a tube to withstand a high plate voltage with the grid biased beyond cutoff depends on the tube construction and the nature of the tube elements, particularly the cathode. One of the first tubes used successfully in a high-power pulser for microwave radar was the Eimac 304TH. This tube has a rating of 3 kv for oscillator use (that is, 6 kv peak), but it has been used as a switch tube with as much as 15 to 20 kv applied to the plate during the interpulse interval. The cathode of the 304TH is a thoriated-tungsten filament that requires 125 watts of heater power, and the plate and grid are such that they can be very thoroughly outgassed during the evacuating process. The pulser design is limited, however, by the pulse current that can be obtained with this tube for a reasonable positive grid drive. The tube was successfully used with a pulse plate current of about 6 amp, but the necessarily high bias voltage makes the required grid swing about 1300 volts. Another tube that has been widely used as an oscillator and amplifier and has proved to be a useful switch tube is the RCA 829 beam tetrode. This tube has a maximum plate-voltage rating of about 750 volts and a d-c plate-current rating of about 200 ma. The tube has an indirectly heated oxide-coated cathode that requires 14 watts of heater power. In pulser circuits it has been possible to use this tube satisfactorily with a plate voltage as high as 2 kv and a pulse plate current of several The plate-voltage rating for this tube is limited because of amperes. internal sparking at relatively high plate voltages. This sparking is con-






sidered to be caused by foreign matter introduced into the tube by the mica sheets used tospace andsupport the plates. By removing the mica and using ceramic spacers for the plates, it was possible to place a rating of 5 kv on the tube. It was then found, however, that the ceramics tend to limit the operation of the tube in a high-frequency oscillator, and therefore two tube types were designated. The tube suitable for normal high-frequency oscillators and amplifiers was called the 829B, and that for pulser applications was designated the 3E29. The 829B can be used up to a plate voltage of about 2 kv and a pulse plate current of about 2 amp, whereas the 3E29 is rated at a plate voltage of 5 kv and a pulse plate current of 8 amp. The 829B and 3E29 tubes are almost identical in construction, and the difference in ratings corresponds to limitations of the tests to which the tubes are subjected by the manufacturer. Experience with commercial tubes has shown that those having a thoriated- or a pure-tungsten filament can be operated at a plate voltage considerably higher than that at which tubes having oxide cathodes can be operated. A partial explanation lies in the fact that it is difficult to outgas a tube with an oxide cathode to the extent possible with one having a tungsten filament. Also, the oxide-cathode tube is apt to have small particles of the oxide material on various parts of the tube elements, and these increase the tendency for a spark to occur. Tungsten-filament tubes have been used with plate voltages in excess of 35 kv, but about 20 kv have been the limit with available oxide-cathode tubes. The 715B is an oxide-cathode tube, with aligned grids, which was developed in the Bell Telephone Laboratories primarily for pulser applications and was manufactured by the Western Electric Company and by the Raytheon Company. This tube has a plate-voltage rating of 15 kv and a pulse-plate-current rating of 15 amp. The 5D21 tube is identical in construction to the 715B, but has a plate-voltage rating of 20 kv. This increase in the maximum safe plate voltage was made possible by a more careful processing of the tube, and by tube selection in the final testing of completed tubes. It is not meant to imply here that 20 kv is a practical upper limit for tubes with oxide cathodes; improvement in the tube manufacture will undoubtedly raise the allowable plate voltage for nonsparking operation in pulser applications. The nature of the sparking in tubes with an oxide cathode is such that it is difficult to correlate cause and effect. Some tubes spark violently when subjected to a steady high plate voltage with the grid biased beyond cut off. When these tubes are used as the switch in a pulser and made alternately conducting and nonconducting, however, the plate voltage may sometimes be increased without sparking to as much as 25 per cent The explanation is someabove the limit for a steady-state operation. what difficult to determine because the interpulse interval may be 99.9






[SEC. 31

experience Ivith the tulms, and correspond to reasonable values of positive grid drive, tulje drop, and operational life. To obtain satisfactory sivitch-tube operation \vith a high plate voltage it is necessary to accept



Ml 0

the disad~antage inherent in the high cathode-heating potver required for tungsten filaments. .k has been mentioned, it is usually necessary to drive the grid of a






[SEC. 31

experience Ivith the tulms, and correspond to reasonable values of positive grid drive, tulje drop, and operational life. To obtain satisfactory sivitch-tube operation \vith a high plate voltage it is necessary to accept


Ml 0

the disad~antage inherent in the high cathode-heating potver required for tungsten filaments. .k has been mentioned, it is usually necessary to drive the grid of a





tube positive in order to obtain the recluired plate current. The grid current associated ~rith tube operation of this type causes a certain amount of po}ver dissipation in the grid. During the outgassing process in tube manllfacture, some of the material that is always vaporized from the cathode may settle down on the grid ~vires. Since this vaporized material contains thorium from the thoriated filaments and barium from the oxide cathodes, it lo~vers the work function of the grid-wire material. Thus, when the grid becomes heated, there is a greater tendency for the emission of primary electrons from the grid. The emission of secondary Electron emission, whether primary electrons may also be enhanced. or secondary, is very undesirable for proper tube operation, and can vitiate the control of plate current by the externally applied grid voltage. T-arious methods have been used to minimize this contamination of the grid. Gold plating and platinum plating of the grid wires have both been fairly successful in this connection. The practical difficulty, in many instances, is the evaporation of the plated material during the processing of the tube, which may progress to such an extent that the operational life of the tube is materially shortened. Since it is almost impossible to detect this evaporation in a tube by tests in the manufacturing plant, the best safeguard seems to be the rigid control of the processing schedule, correlated with life tests on completed tubes. Oxide cathode tubes have exhibited a behavior that was never observed at the Radiation Laboratory with thoriated-tungsten-filament As a result of cathode fatigue, some tubes, namely, cathode fatigue. tubes show a marked decrease in plate current during a pulse. This decrease may be as much as 40 to 50 per cent during a 2-psec pulse. The phenomenon seems to be correlated with inherent cathode activity, but the wide spread of values obtained with tubes of a given type indicates that the reason for this fatigue is probably complex. Some tubes that exhibit cathode fatigue to a marked extent when they are first put into operation tend to improve with age for a short time and then become worse, other tubes show a progressive deterioration from the very beginning of operation, and still others may never exhibit the fatigue during Cathode fatigue is probably many hundreds of hours of operation. related in a complex way to the method of processing and inherent characteristics of the cathode material, and to the manner in which the material is activated in the completed tube. In most microwave-radar applications of hard-tube pulsers, the ability to withstand a high plate voltage and to conduct a high pulse current have been the major considerations in the choice of the switch tube because the duty ratio is of the order of magnitude of 0.001, and averagepower considerations are therefore not important. When the duty ratio






[SEC. 3.2

becomes high, however, the average power dissipated in the switch tube may govern the choice of the tube to be used. It may then be advisable to use two or more tubes in parallel, rather than a single larger tube. Pulsers with as many as six tubes in parallel have given completely satisfactory operation. The most serious difficulty encountered in such an arrangement is usually the difference in the plate current for tubes of the same type corresponding to a given positive grid drive and tube drop. If the tubes are very different in this respect, the total plate current is nonuniformly distributed between the tubes. A fairly large factor of safety must be allowed in the power dissipation and the pulse current required of each tube when assuming equal current distribution. 3.2. The Characteristic Curves for Triodes and Tetrodes and Their Importance to the Function of a Pulser Switch Tube.As with any application of vacuum tubes, the functional relationships between the various tube parameters such as plate current, plate voltage, grid voltage (or voltages), and grid current (or currents) are important in the proper choice of the operating conditions for a switch tube. In general, these relationships are difficult to express analytically, for a wide range of values, and graphical representations given by the so-called characteristic These curves are plotted for corresponding curves are used instead. values, obtained experimentally, of any two of the tube parameters, holding all others constant. A third parameter may be introduced by plotting a family of curves, each one of which corresponds to a particular (Each curve of such a family is actually value for this third parameter. the boundary of the intersection of a plane with the surface generated by plotting the corresponding values of the three quantities along the axes of a rectangular-coordinate system. 1, For conventional oscillator and amplifier applications, the static The data for such curves characteristics for a tube are usually adequate. are obtained by applying d-c vol~ages to the plate and to the grid or grids, and measm-ing the d-c plate and grid currents. For the operation of a pulser switch tube during the pulse interval, however, the range of values for the plate current and the control-grid voltage given in the static characteristics is generally too small. The limiting values of these quantities are usually imposed by the average power dissipation allowable in the tube elements. In order to extend the range of values, it is necessary to apply a pulse voltage to the control grid and to measure the pulse plate and grid currents ~~-ithd-c voltage applied to the plate, and, in the case of a tetrode, to the screen grid as well. The curves plotted from data obtained in this way are referred to as the pulse characteristics. In the following discussion the pulse characteristics are those obtained 1E, L Chaffee,Theoryof York, 1933.
Themionic Vacuum Tubes,

1st ed., McGraw-Hill, New

SEC. 3.2]






with l-psec voltage pulses applied to the control grid at a recurrence frequency of 1000 pps. Plate-current+ rid-voltage Characteristics. During the interpulsc interval the switch tube is nonconducting; therefore, the ttibe charact eristic of interest is the curve showing the plate current as a function of rmgative grid voltage. As mentioned in the preceding section, the plate voltage during this interval can exceed the normal tube rating in many cases. It is necessary, in such cases, to extend these curves in order to include the higher plate voltages required for pulser operation. Since the interpulse interval may be very long compared with the pulse duration, the data for such curves must be obtained in the manner used for the static characteristics of the tube. The shape of these cur~-es in the region of .$s small plate current is particularly important to pulser design. pointed out previously, a plate current as small as 1 u can cause an appreciable amount of power dissipation in the switch tube for a high-power pulser. F A plate current of this magnitude can often O ,L be the result of leakage current in the tube. 2 u ~ This leakage current may be due to a bent grid wire or to a grid structure that is im:: properly placed so that it fails to screen a small portion of the cathode from the plate. . ...-/ - Negative grid voltage When this condition exists, there is a small llG, 32-Plate-currenresidual plate current that is relatively grid-voltage rharacterlstic of a unaffected by an increase in negative grid high-vacuum tube showing the effect of leakage currcut resulting voltage. This effect is indicated by the from improper grid strurture. two curves sketched in Fig. 3.2, in which the solid line represents the normal tube characteristic and the dotted line shows the behavior when leakage current is present. The negative grid voltage necessary to make the plate current equal to some arbitrarily chosen small value is callecl the cutoff bias voltage, or simply the cutoff bias. The particular value of plate current chosen for cutoff depends on the application, and often on the shape, of tbe For switch-tube applications, a good choice is the maxicharacteristic. mum plate current that is allowable during the interpulse inter~al. There are three aspects of the tube cutoff that should be considered in connection with pulser design. First, it is desirable to have as small a cutoff bias as possible because the required negative grid ~oltage must be added to the positive grid drive in order to determine the necessarY grid swing. The second aspect is the range of cutoff bias voltage for different tubes of a given type. Tf this range is large, provision must be made for a bias voltage considerably higher than that needed for an average tube in order to insure a small plate current for all tubes. This





[SEC. 32

increase is a serious matter \~hen the necessary minimum bias voltage is already large. The third aspect is the variation of cutoff bias \vith plate voltage and, in the case of a tetrodc, \rith screen-gri{l voltage as well The pulser must hc designed to provide a bias voltage large enough to be dfect,i}-e for the highest plate and screen-gritl voltages that may he encountered in the operation of the pulscr, particldarll- \\-hcn the pul.ser is designed to have diffcreut output po\\-ersfor various applications. In the operation of a harfl-tube pulser, the olltpllt po\\-ercan mmt readily be varied I)y ch:luging the po\\er-sllpply Ioltagc, Becalm of the effect of the scrceu ~ri(l, the clltoff hiss for a tetrode is llsuall~ less tluin that nt,c(,ss:lrv for a tri<](lc h:ilillg comp:lral)le (atl]()([( 102x

102 x 10 u

G% y> z

all, -

5D21 ~ o 1;,,, = 1.200 v





SEC. 32]






variation in screen-grid voltage, by an amount that is large enough to give preference to the tetrode.
Plate-currentPlate-voltage and Grid-currentPlate-voltage Characteris-

tics.rt has already been mentioned that a higher plate current can be used with pulse operation of available high-vacuum tubes, and that, consequently, the range of values must be extended beyond those of the This extension is accomplished by ordinary static characteristics. applying the pulse voltage to the control grid and measuring the resulting pulse plate and grid currents. The measurements of the pulse plate current are made by using the tube as the sivitch in a hard-tube pulser with a noninductive resistance of known low value as the load. The pulse voltage developed across this resistance by the pulse clu-rent can be measured with the aid of a synchroscope, as descrilml in .{ppendix .~. The plate voltage or tube drop corresponding to the pulse current is the difference between the power-supply voltage (measured ~vith a d-c voltmeter) and the load pulse voltage. For high values of plate voltage the load voltage may be neglected, since about 50 volts is adequate for the precision required in such meas500 urements. For low plate voltage, 1200 however, the correction for load ~ & E 92 voltage should be made in order f 400 + I that the curves may be used pro- 0 1000 & perly. If the voltage pulse across ? 800 the resistance load is rectangular %300 ~ in shape, and the pulse duration z / --%i-and pulse recurrence frequency ? are accurately knowm, the average power-supply current can be Plate voltage in kv used to calculate the pulse current FIG. 3.4.Variation of cutoff bias with screen-grid and plate voltages for the 5D21 with reasonable precision. The tetrode, 1P = 0.2 ma, principal error introduced in this procedure is due to the contribution to the average power-supply current resulting from the recharging of the storage condenser. The pulse grid voltage can also be measured with the use of a synchroscope. Since it is the value of positive grid voltage that is important, the negative bias voltage must be subtracted from the pulse-voltage measurement. The latter is a rather difficult measurement to make with high precision because of the self-bias generated in the grid circuit. The preferred way of measuring this positive grid voltage has been with a positive peak voltmeter. The precision that can be obtained in such a measurement depends on the flatness of the top of the grid-voltage pulse. For pulse-characteristic measurements, it is necewary to be able to view d


& (-i. LIBRARY




-.<- *(. -~, >


:,/:.; -, --;






the grid pulse on a synchroscope in order to make the top of the pulse as flat as possible. If a spike is present on the top of the pulse, the peakvoltmeter reading may correspond to the spike maximum, thus giving an The pulse grid current is erroneous reading of the positive grid voltage. difficult to measure, and has usually been obtained from the average grid current and the measured duty ratio. Although this procedure is lacking in precision, it has been adequate for pulser applications in microwave-radar systems. In order to obtain the data necessary for the pulse characteristics of small tubes of the receiver type, a circuit was devised which made it possible to read pulse voltages and currents directly on ordinary d-c meters. i This circuit uses pulse voltmeters to measure pulse voltages, and the pulse currents are obtained by measuring the pulse ~roltages across precision noninductive resistors connected in series with the grids and the plate of the tube under test. A block diagram of this circuit is shown in Fig. 3.5, and a schematic diagram in Fig, 3.6.
Pulse in ! Variable bias

Tube *
R9 under test

vfpb~ voltage RP

1 ,



Peak detector

19 meter

Peak detector and eg meter

Peak detector and

1P meter

eP meter
of a tuba

Peek detector and

FIG, 35.-Block

diagram of a circuit used to determine the pulse characteristics of the receiver type.

The pulse characteristics for several tubes are shown in Figs. 3.7-3.11. From curves such as these, the effective resistance of the tube and the grid-driving power can easily be determined for the pulse current corOne of the first hard-tube responding to the pulser output power. pulsers to be used extensively in a microwave-radar system used two Eimac 304TH tubes in parallel as the switch. A pulse-power output of about 150 kw with a pulse voltage of 12 to 13 kv was required for this 1R. B. Woodbury, Pulse Characteriaticaof Common Receiver Type Tubea, RL Report No. 704, Apr. 30, 1945.







[SEC. 3.2

pulser. The 304TH \~asfound to \rithstand the high plate voltage during the intcrpldsc interval. The curves of Fig. 3.7 indicate the reason that t]VOt~lbes in pamllel \vere needed to carry the pulse current. From these curves it is seen that a positive grid drive in excess of 400 volts E % is required to obtain a pulse plate + current of 12 amp, and that, under 1200W these conditions, it is necessary to 1000 v 800V operate the tube ~vith a tube drop L of 4 to 5 kv. For t!ro tubes in parallel, however, the required pulse plate current can be obtained with a positive grid drive of about 200 1 2 4 3 in kv Plate voltage volts and a tube drop of about 2 (a) 5D21 (\YE) and 715B (if-E and l{ay kv. The low grid-driving polrer theon), EC = +200 volts necessary to operate the 304TH as 30 the pulser switch tube ~vasan addiE E % tional reason for its selection. One m I c +200 v of the most undesirable features is = : 20 k the high cathode-heating power . required, 125 watts for each of the : .two tubes. ! 10 After the 715B tube was devel; ~ oped by the Bell Telephone Laboraa +200 v o tories, it was possible to construct 0 1 2 4 3 a hard-tube pulser for 150-kw power Plate voltagein kv (b) .51)21 (\\-E) anti 71,5B (\\ E and nay output with a higher over-all effitheoll), E<,. = 1?00 .-oIts ciency and more satisfactory pulser g 20 operation. The curves for this tube m Eg, c are shown in Fig. 3.7, where it can .E + be seen that a pulse current of 15 : + 400 v > 10 E91=2wv +V amp can be obtained with a tube ; drop of about 1.5 kv and a positive & +100 v 1P I v grid drive of 200 volts. In this :() m 91 go 1 23 4 case also, the grid-driving power is : Platevoltage m kv small because a grid current of less (c) 304TH (Ei,nac), than 1 amp is necessary. Since F~~. 3 7.Pulse-characteristic curves the cathode-heating power for the for the 5D21 and 715B tetrodes and the 304TH triode. 715B is 56 watts, a saving of about 200 watts is effected when this tube is used in preference to tlro 304TH tubes. Also, slightly less power is dissipated in the i 15B tube than in two 304TH tubes because of the lower tube drop. The power dissipation resulting from the screen-grid current is not suf-

SEC. 32]






ficient to offset the decrease in plate dissipation. The screen-grid voltage, required because the 715B is a tetrode, can generally be obtained from the power supply for the driver circuit, and the pulser design is not further complicated. In addition to the positive grid drive and the tube drop necessary in order to obtain a given value of plate current, the shape and disposition of the characteristic curves as a function of grid voltage are also important

Plate voltagein volts (a) E,, = +200




Plate voltage in volts

(a) E,, = + 200 Volts


e .

~.lo ~ o v ~
lJ5 % ~ : 0 0










Plate voltagein volts

(b) E,, = S00 volts FIG. 3S.-Pulae-characteristic curves for the two sections of the S29 beam tetrode (RCA, NU, Kenrad, Raytheon).

Plate voltage in volts

(b) E,, = Soo volts FIG. 39,-Pulse-characteristic ~rve,q the 3D21 beam tetrode (Hytron). for

to pulser operation. The effect of variation in grid voltage on the output pulse of the pulser may be illustrated by dra~ving the load line on the plate-currentplate-voltage diagram. In Fig. 3.12 a family of characteristic curves is drawn for a tetrode such as the 715B for constant screengrid voltage. Two load lines are drawn on this diagram. Line (1) corresponds to a low-resistance load in series with a bias voltage, such as the dynamic resistance of a magnetron or biased diode, line (2) corresponds to a high-resistance load of the same magnitude as the static resistance of the biased diode for the operating point Op. From this diagram it is evident that a change in grid voltage corresponding to the





[SEC. 3.2

curves A, B, and C has a negligible effect on the operating point for the switch tube. The only change in the operating point is due to the slight shift of the curves toward lower plate voltage as the grid voltage is lowered. This effect is observable in the tetrode characteristics shown in F&. 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9, and is caused by the smaller grid currents that correspond to the lower values of positive grid drive. The load voltage 3 E m

; so
c .E e 20

.E :2 ~

E9, = +150V /

5 ~ M10 ~

Eg,=+1500N ~g,=+looo~ 1P

: .= %1 ~ ~ 2

192 Eg, =+1500v ; J9, o kiiiizl 12345 ??0 in kv Plate voltage

(a) 6J121 (Raytheon), ,??02= 2kv.

0 0





Plate voltage in volts

(a) 6SN7 (both sections). 120-

:30 c .; Z. k 2 : v . a

Eg, =+1500v Eg,=+ 1000 v 1P 19, m .EO=+1501)V

~ ~ b ~ 40 ; ~

m .s z 80 :

Eg, =

+2 kv


E9, = +1 kv
\ Eol = +2 kv

10 12345

g1<\ Eg, = +1 kv

;0 so


Plate voltage in kv

3 4 in kv Plate voltage

(b) 6C21 (Eimac, Westinghouse, GE, Machlett). FIG. 3. 10,Pulse-characteristic curves for the 6D21 tetrode and the 6C21 triode.

(b) 527 (Eimac). FIG. 3.11 ,Pulse-characteristic curves for the 6SN7 and 527 triodes.

and the load current therefore remain very nearly constant even though the grid voltage may change within this range during the pulse. Therefore, if adequate positive grid drive is provided to keep the operating point for the tube somewhat below the knee of the characteristic curve, irregularities in the top of the grid voltage pulse are not observed on the pulser output pulse. This consideration is of considerable importance to the design of the driver circuit. If the initial operating point corresponds to the curve C of Fig. 3.12 and the grid voltage changes over the range C to E, a different situation obtains. In this case both the load voltage and the load current are

SEC. 3.2]






affected. For the low-resistance load the change in voltage is AV, and the change in current AI,. Similarly, for the high-resistance load the corresponding changes are AVt and A12. Because of the slight upward slope of the characteristic curves abcve the knee, the change in current is greater for the low-resistance load and the change in voltage is less. When the pulser switch tube is operated in this manner, irregularities in the grid-voltage pulse are transferred to the load pulse. When the characteristic curve of the switch tube does not have a knee as shown in Fig. 312, the shape of the grid-voltage pulse must be controlled more carefully in order to obtain a flat-topped pulse at the

AVI -i


~Av2-1 v
of plate-current-plate-voltage curves with load lines corresponding to a low and a high resistance showing the effect of a change in grid voltage on the operating point of a pulser switch tube; A, B, C, D, and E are curves for different values of Eg, with E,, = constant. load. As an example, see the curves for the 304TH tube in Fig. 3.7. There are triodes that exhibit a knee in the characteristic, as shown by the curves for the 6C21 and the 527 in Figs. 3.10 and 311. If these curves are compared with those for the tetrodes in Figs. 37, 3.8, and 3.9, however, it is seen that the curves for different grid voltages are separated by a greater amount below the knee. The change in the operating point that results from a change in grid voltage is not as great as that resulting from operation above the knee of the characteristic curve. For a 6D21 tetrode this knee occurs at such a low current that the tube is usually operated well above the knee. Because of the greater slope of the upper portion of the curves for this tube, the variation in grid voltage does not have as great an effect as it does for comparable operation of the 6C21 t riode. A comparison of the curves for the 6C21 and the 6D21 in Fig. 310






[SEC. 33

with the curves for the 5D21 and 715B in Fig. 3.11 indicates that the latter tubes are better from the standpoint of plate current and griddriving power. The only reason for using a 6C21 or a 6D21 as a pulser switch tube is the fact that they can stand a higher plate voltage than can the 5D21 or 715B. This comparison illustrates the increased difficulty involved in designing a hard-tube pulser for a power-supply voltage in excess of 20 kv with existing high-vacuum tubes. liThen pulse power of the oricr of magnitude of several megawatts is wanted, however, this disadvantage must be accepted until better tubes are available. A 1-.Mw hard-tube pulser using three of the 6C21 tubes in parallel as the switch has been built and used extensively. This pulser has a pulse output of 25 kv at 40 amp. The 6D21 was used in a pulser designed to have an output of 3 Mw, 30 kv at 100 amp. In this case five tubes were used in parallel. The highest power hard-tube pulser built at the Radiation Laboratory used six 527 tubes as the switch. This pulser had an output of about 25 kv at 400 amp, and a grid-driving power of about, 700 kw. An effect similar to that resulting from variation in grid voltage is The observed if the screen-grid voltage of a tetrode is allowed to change. effect is illustrated by the family of curves for the tetrodes in Figs. 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 in which the control-grid voltage is constant and the screengrid voltage is varied. For satisfactory operation of a tet rode as the switch tube, therefore, the voltage of the screen grid must not be allowed to change during the pulse. Because of the flow of pulse current to the screen grid and the plate-to-screen capacitance, it is necessary to provide a large bypass condenser between the screen grid and the cathode. For most effective operation, this condenser must be connected as close to the tube clement as possible. The curves for the 829 beam tetrode shown in Fig. 3.8 illustrate another consideration in the operation of a tetrode as the switch tube. For a given pulse plate current and tube drop it is advantageous to use the highest possible screen-grid voltage and the lowest possible positive grid drive. The curves of Fig. 3.8 indicate that the control-grid current decreases as the screen-grid voltage is increased for a gi~en positive griddrive voltage. Since the screen-grid current increases with the screengrid voltage, some compromise must usually be made between the two grid voltages for most efficient tube operation. The shape of the characteristic curves has another effect on pulser operation. If the grid \-oltages are held constant, there is still the possibility of changing the operating conditions by varying the power-supply voltage. This effect is discussed in detail in the follotving section. 3.3. The Effect of Switch-tube and Load Characteristics on the Pulser Regulation.-The characteristics of the switch tube in a hard-tube pulser

SEC. 3.3]





may be utilized to a certain extent to minimize the change in load current resulting from :1 change in the power-supply voltage. This po\versupply voltage may vary because of changes in either the input voltage to the pulser or t hc a~erage current from the po\ver supply. The change in a~~eragrcurrent may be brollght about by variations in the duty ratio that occur as a result of changes in either the pulse duration or the pulse The discussion of this section sho~vs the \vay in recurrence frcq~lenry. \vhich this regulation depends on the characteristics of the load and the s\vitch tllt~e. Those features of a hard-tube pulser that are essential in this discussion arc showm sc]mmat ically in Fig. 3.13. In this circuit ~= and rP represent the s\ritch tube, Ebb is the po\ver supply, R. is the isolating Cw


I Po
~-lG. 313-Equiv:dcnt r]rruit of a hardtube pulser with a biased-diode load.

I:IG. 3. 14.Currcnt-voltage characteristic of a high-vacuum switch tube.

resistor, CWis the storage condenser, Z, is the condenser-recharging path that is necessary \vhen the load is unidirectional, and r-l, S1, and V, represent the load, The considerations are restricted to the voltages and currents that correspond to the top of a pulse when the pulsing is continuous, and to pulse durations that are considered small compared with the interpulse interval. The plate-current-plate-voltage characteristic of the svitch tube may be represented as sho~vn in Fig. 3.14. For the purposes of the present discussion, the lP-VP curve is very nearly a straight line above some current value Z~,, and for the greater part of the curve belo\v some current lP,. The knee of such a curve, already referred to in the preceding sect ion, is the region bet \vecn 1,, and In,. TN-O tube resistances may be defined, one for the operation of the switch tube below the knee, and the other for the operation above the knee, Thus 1 =tanb= and (2) d v,, (-)dI,, 1,<1,, (1)

----1 _ -

r _______




1Vp o








[SEC. 3.3

For a tetrode, two families of characteristic curves may be drawn, It is evident from one for Eg, constant and the other for EO, constant. the tetrode curves shown in Figs. 37, 38, and 3.9 that the values of r-~for various values of the grid voltages are essentially the same. The value of r~, however, does change somewhat with variations in either of the grid voltages. The change is small, and is neglected in this discus-

(a) E,, constant, FIG. 3.15.Idealized

(b) Eo, constant. current-voltage characteristics of a tetrode.

sion. Theidealized curves foratetrode aresketched in Fig. 3.15. The The curves of Fig. 3.15a may also be considered applicable to a triode. value of rP is more dependent on Eu, in a triode than it is in a tetrode, but the characteristic curves shown in Figs. 3.10 and 3.11 indicate that r; is practically independent of E,,. The most general load that can be considered is one having a nonlinear current-voltage characteristic as sketched in Fig. 3.16. The magnetron or biased-diode load dis/ cussed in Chap. 2 is a special case of the nonlinear load in which the current t below V. is considered negligibly small I 1~ and the 1-V curve above V, is linear. 0 Compare Fig. 3.16 with Fig. 2.11. In / / discussing the effect of the load charac/ / teristics on the pulser regulation, it is / not necessary to restrict the argument to this special case since only the v II ~ values of V1 and Z1 at the top of the FIG. 3.16.Current-voltage character- pulse are being considered. It is asistic of a nonlinear load. sumed, however, that the range of voltage and current values is so small that the Z-1 curve may be considered linear at the operating point. The static resistance of the load is given by
RZ=J; =&fi


and the dynamic resistance is








111 (4)

For a small range of values about a particular operating point, the following relationships hold approximately:
VI =

v. + Tlrt


and VI v, 11 = y. (6)

By using the above relations for the switch-tube and load characteristics, and referring to the pulser circuit of Fig. 313, it is possible to derive the relationships that express the load operating voltage and current in terms of these characteristics and the circuit parameters. In particular, there are two operating conditions for the switch tube to be considered, namely, (1) operation above the knee of its characteristic curve corresponding to the point marked A in Fig. 315 (type A opemtion), and (2) operation below the knee corresponding to the point B indicated in Fig. 3.15 (type B operation). Operation of the Switch Tube above the Knee of the l,-VP Curve.As stated previously, the power-supply voltage Ew varies principally because of changes in line voltage and duty ratio. Variation of the line-voltage input to the pulser causes a change in all the voltages in the pulser, and therefore changes the voltages applied to the grids as well as the plate voltage of the switch tube. As indicated in Fig. 3.15 changes in the grid voltages cause the value of the intercept 1~, indicated in Fig. 3.14, to change. Therefore, in considering the effect of line-voltage changes on the operating conditions for the load, the variation in Z~ must also be taken into account. The change in operating values for the load and switch tube that results from the simultaneous variation of Ew and IL may be written as follows: (7) (8) (9) Referring to Fig. 3.14 and the definition of r; given by Eq. (2) the plate current for the switch tube is given by (lo)





[SEC. 3.3

Considering the pulser circuit of Fig. 3.13, the plate current is 1, =11+1.+1,. (11)

As discussed in Chap. 2, the voltage across the condenser, VW,is never very different from EM if the capacitance is sufficiently large. For steady pulsing the condenser voltage is slightly less than the power-supply voltage, but for the purpose of this discussion it is reasonable to neglect The voltage across the this difference and to assume that Vw = EW load with switches ST and St closed is, therefore,

The currents Z, and I. in Eq. (11) can be expressed in terms of Vl, thus, (13) where Z, is the effective impedance Also I= c

of the condenser-recharging

path. (14)

E&vP =;,

Thus from Eqs. (6), (10), (11), (12), (13), and (14), the expression for the load current becomes

From Eqs. (6) and (15), (16)

From Eqs. (12) and (16),

It is seen from Eqs. (7) and (15) that the variation of load current can be made zero if

The characteristic curves for tetrodes shown in Figk 37, 38, and 39 and sketched in Fig. 315 indicate that it is possible to satisfy this rela-

6EC. 3.3]







tion. For a particular tetrode and for moderate changes in grid voltages, the following relations are approximately true:
dI~ = = (kldEO,)



dI; (k,dll,,)~,,cn~,.

If the characteristic curves for the switch tube are known and the values of kl and kz therefore determined, it is possible to devise a control circuit that changes the grid voltages, as EM varies, in such a way as to satisfy Eq. (18). Since the voltage outputs of the grid and plate power supplies may depend on the input line voltage to approximately the same degree such a control circuit should not be very complicated if the duty ratio When the duty ratio changes, however, the average remains constant. currents also change, and the added factor of inherent regulation in these power supplies has to be considered, which complicates the design of the control circuit considerably. For a low-power pulser using a tetrode switch tube, grid voltages of only a few hundred volts are generally required. Power supplies that are electronically regulated against variations in input voltage and output current can easily be built for these voltages. It is not economical, however, to construct a high-voltage power supply with similar regulation. The changes in load and switch-tube operating values that are due to variations in the high-voltage power supply only may be obtained from Eqs. (15), (16), and (17) by differentiating with respect to EM. Since the denominator of each of these expressions is the same, let

i)=rl+ r;+*+*.
c *


aI1 1 Z=D a vl _ n d& ~

(22) (23)

and ~:+ av.

dEti = Drl D

+-. L-+Ql
R, D


The Eqs. (15), (16), and (17) do not explicitly involve time. If the condenser-recharging path 2, is an inductive resistor, however, the





[SEC. 3.3

time measured from the start of the pulse is included because, for this case,

1 _


where R, is the resistance and L. is the inductance of the element. cases are of interest in this connection:


1. When the recharging path is a wire-wound resistor whose inductance is not negligible. In general, L,/R, <<t where & = , (the pulse duration), so Z. = R,. 2. When the recharging path is an inductance coil of low ohmic

resistance such that L,/R .>> t where t- = r. Expanding e-~ and using only the first two terms, Z, z L,/t. 3. When the recharging path is a combination of inductance and resistance for which L./R, = T. If, for a particular value of r, L,/R, = T, then Z, = R#3.63. When the recharging path is an inductance having low resistance Condition 2 obtains, and the load current decreases during the pulse, as is evident from Eq. (15) in which the term r~,fZ, increases with time. For long pulses, that is, with a duration of 2 psec or more, this effect may become prominent. This decrease in load current during the pulse occurs in addition to the change in load current given by Eq. (22). Other effects already discussed, such as the drop in voltage across the storage conaenser and the possible change in cathode emission in the switch tube, can also cause the load current to change during a pulse. Operation oj the Switch Tube below the Knee of the lP-VP Curve.The switch tube is now operated at point (B) indicated in Fig. 3.15. If Fig. 314 is again referred to, it is evident that the relationships derived above also apply to this case, when rP is substituted for r; and Iw is substituted for Z~. The value of 1,0 may be expressed in terms of V@, thus (26) With these changes, the Eqs. (15), (16), and (17) become



SEC. 3.3]








In general, Vw is so small compared with EM that it may be neglected. When the switch tube is operated below the knee of the lP-VP characteristic curve, it is evident that changes in line-voltage input to the pulser affect the operating values for the load only because of the resulting change in the power-supply voltage, since all the terms in Eqs. (27), (28), and (29) except EM are independent of the pulser input voltage. The pulser regulation is therefore obtained simply by differentiating these equations with respect to EN without considering the variation of grid voltages. The resulting expressions are identical with Eqs. (22) to (25) when rP is replaced by r;. Examples of the Two Types of Switch-tube OperaLion.The order of magnitude of the effect of variations in the high-voltage power supply on the operating values for the load and switch tube is illustrated by the following typical values for two pulser-load combinations. As an example of a medium-power combination, the operation of a pulser is considered with a 715B switch tube and a 725A magnetron as the load. The 2J41 magnetron operated with a pulser using a 3D21 switch tube is an Data are given for the two types example of a low-power combination. of switch-tube operation in each case. The term type A operation refers to operation of the switch tube above the knee of the l~-VP curve, and the term type B operation refers to operation below the knee of the curve. For type A operation of the715B tube, the applied screen-grid voltage is about 1000 volts, and the positive grid drive must be about 100 volts in order to obtain a current of 10 amp through the 725A magnetron. With a magnetic field Gf about 5000 gauss the voltage across this magnetron is approximately 11 kv for a 10-amp current pulse. In order to obtain the same operating conditions for the magnetron with type B operation of the 715B, the screen-grid and control-grid voltages must be raised to about 1200 volts and 150 to 200 volts res~ctivelv. The normal operating voltage and current for a 2J41 magnetron are about 2.5 kv and 1 amp. The 3D21 switch tube in a pulser operating with this magnetron requires about 300 volts on the screen grid and a 25-volt positive grid drive for type A operation. For type B operation of the 3D21, these grid voltages must be increased to about 400 volts and 50 volts respectively. Values of pulser and switch-tube parameters considered typical for





[SEC. 8.8

the above-stated operating conditions are given in Table 32. The dVJdEt,t,, and dVP/dEti that have values of the quantities dIJdE~, been calculated from these data and from Eqs. (22), (23), and (25) are also tabulated. It is to be noted that the quantities r~ri/R~ and r~rl/Z, may be neglected for all practical purposes, since their sum is only one A negligible error would therefore or two per cent of the sum (TP+ n). have been introduced for these examples if the switch-tube current had

715Bswitch tube, 725A magnetron, 3D21 switch tube, 2J41 magnetron




B operation

type A operation

type B operation



10,000 ohms (1) 10

15,000 ohms 15,000 ohms +

15,000 ohms 15,000 ohms +

5 mh 15,000 ohms 5 mh +

(1) 10 mh z.
(2) (7500 ohms + 3 mh) 2500 ohms .. .


(2) (7500 ohms -t 3 mh) . .. ...

5 mh 15,000ohms + 5mh
30730 ohms

,. ...,, ... ,.. .

75 ohms

100 ohms 125 ohms 200 ohms


125 ohms

20G ohms

31 ohms

............ I

47 ohms

... ..........

r& z,

for t = 10-s sec (1) 31 ohms (2) 46 ohms

.... .

for t = 10-6 sec 44 ohms




1 ohm

,, . . . . . . . . . . for t = 10-6 sec (1) 1.25 ohms (2) 1.5 ohms .... ....... . for t = 10-6 sec 1 ohm

3.7 x

10- ~

4.4 x


2.6 X 10- ~

3.6 X 10-3 ~











OF ,S1lITCff

.4.VD LO.4D



It is rdso evident that, been assumwl to ~Je equal to the load current. for the type A opertition of the sjvitch tube, the value of r-lmay also be neglecte(l in the ckmominat or of the expressions (22), (23), and (25) without causing serious error in the calculated pulscr regulation. These examples indicate that the change of load current that is due to the variation of the high-voltage supply is decreased by a factor of about 10 if the sivitch tube is operated above rather than beloiv the knee It must be remembered, ho\vever, that in of the lP-V,, characteristic. orclcr to realize this gain, the screen-grid voltage and the positive grid .1s pointed out in the previous drive must not be allouwl to change. section, \rhen the load line crosses the slritch-tube characteristic above the knee, the shape of the control-grid volttige pulse is transferred to the load pulse. In order to take a(lvantage of the bettrr regulation against po\versupply variations, and thus to realize an outpllt-pulse amplitude that is constant throughout the p(lkc t!llration, the control-grid pulse must have a flat top. The partic~llar applictition to which a pulser is to be adapted generally determines the type of siritch-tube operation that is desirable. Some pulser applicat i(ms reqllire that the opcrat ing conditions for the 10:u1must not clamgc even t llo~lgll thr duty ratio may vary over wide For such a p~llser, eitlwr the high-voltage power supply must limits. I)e regulat [d for a Iargc lariat ion in the average current delivered, or the reg(llation must IN ol)tained by type .i operation of the s\ritch tube, in Irhich case the voltage ucross The slritch tube changes by almost the It is therefore necessary sarnc zrnmmt as the po\rer-supply yoltage. to adjust tllc pulscr VOlt:lgCS so th:lt the lolvest value of EM to be expected in the operation does not, ca(ise the tube drop, V=) to fall below the value V=, indicated in l~ig. 3.14. For a pulser designed to operate at constant duty ratio, the variation in polver-supply \-oltzge produced by the change in a}rerage current is less important than that caused by changes in the line voltage. It must be decided, therefore, \vhether or not the improved regulation provided by type A operation of the stvitch tube compensates for the difficulty of regulating the grid-voltage polvcr supplies. If the effect of line-voltage variation is not serious, there are some advantages to be gained by operating the switch tube belo\v the knre of the lP-VP curve. Besides the smaller effect of change in grid voltage mentioned in the previous section, there is also the a(l]antagc that a lo\rer poirer-supp]y voltage is required, as can be seen from the relative positions of points .4 and B in Fig. 3.15. Nhen the load has a dynamic resistance that is 10JV compared \vith its static resistance, the variation of load current is generally of more interest than the variation of load voltage. (In the operation of a magnetron the





[SEC. 3.3

oscillation frequency is a function of the magnetron current. The change of frequency, f, caused by current change is referred to as the pushing figure of the magnetron, and is generally expressed as the value of d~/6Z., where 1- is the magnetron current.) For a magnetron load, the ratio dZJIl is often more significant than the value of dI1. From the equations developed in the preceding discussions it is possible to express Thus Eq. (22) gives the ratio dZt/Zl in terms of the ratio dEw/E~. (22) Dividing by the value of 11 given by Eq. (27) for type B operation,

For type B operation of the 715B switch tube, a 725A magnetron operating at 11 kv and 10 amp, and the data given in Table 3.2,
v. = 9750 volts

Ebb =

12 kv.

With these data, Eq. (30) gives

This value is the same as that obtained in Sec. 28 by the use of Eq. (2. 106) assuming that n = r.. Thus, the variation in load current leads to very nearly the same regulation factor as the variation in load power when the dynamic resistance of the load is small. If the high-voltage power supply has very good regulation, the percentage change in the input line voltage and in the power-supply voltage is almost the same. The percentage change in load current is therefore about six times the percentage change in input line voltage for an average magnetron load. For a pure-resistance load, 1. = O, and the percentage change in load current is equal to the percentage change in input line volt age.



BY G. N.

In the preceding discussion of the hard-tube pulser circuit, it is assumed that there is an available means of making the switch tube conducting for a controlled length of time that corresponds to the desired pulse duration. The control of the pulse duration can be accomplished by the application of the proper voltage to the grid of a high-vacuum tube. The circuit that performs this function is called the driver, and is an essential part of a hard-tube pulser. In the discussion of switch-tube characteristics in Chap. 3 it is pointed out that, in order to obtain the necessary plate current, the grid of the switch tube must be at a positive potential relative to the cathode during the pulse. Since this grid must be maintained at a high negative voltage during the interpulse intervals, the output voltage of the driver must This required equal the sum of the bias and positive grid-drive voltages. voltage out put is called the grid swing, and may vary from about a hundred volts to several kilovolts depending on the switch-tube characThe pulse-power output of the driver is, therefore, the product teristics.

of this grid swing and the grid current in the switch tube. For very high power pulsers, for example, the one using six 527 tubes in parallel mentioned in Sec. 32, the driver output power may amount to as much as ten per cent of the pulser output power. In general, however, it is more nearly of the order of magnitude of one per cent of the pulser output power. The pulse duration is entirely determined by the characteristics of the driver circuit for a hard-tube pulser. The circuit should, therefore, be designed so that all the pulses, in a long succession, are identical, and their duration can be determined accurately. For such a succession of pulses, it is generally desired that the interpulse intervals, as well as the The control of the interpulse intervals pulses, be of controlled duration. is usually accomplished by constructing the driver circuit in such a way that it does not produce an output pulse until it has received the proper impulse at its input terminals. These impulses are called trigger pulses, and are produced by some form of auxiliary timing circuit that has a negligible power output. In order to keep the pulser design as versatile as possible, this trigger generator is ordinarily not a part of the pulser, 119




[SEC. 4-1

and is commonly used for other functions in addition to starting the action of the driver. One of the principal advantages of the hard-tube pulser over the line-type pulser is that the pulse duration is determined in a For this reason, the driver circuit can relatively low power circuit. be designed so that the pulse duration and the interpulse interval may be changed readily over a wide range of values without necessitating any major changes in the circuit. A given design of a hard-tube pulser may therefore be adapted to a large variety of applications with little difficulty; therefore, a pulser of this type is particularly suitable for research and development work where the specific values of pulse duration, interpulse interval, and output power desired are not definitely known. There is an inevitable time delay between the start of a trigger impulse and the start of the pulse at the pulser load. When this time delay varies in a random manner from pulse to pulse, there is said to be (time jitter in the output pulses. This time jitter causes unsatisfactory operation when the functioning of auxiliary circuits depends on both the trigger impulses and the pulser output pulses. 4.1. The Bootstrap Driver.-Many circuits that are available for generating voltage pulses are incapable of delivering enough power to The obvious procedure is theredrive the grid of a pulser switch tube.

, Input-pulse

+ + ----h 4
+ --,++

I ;i~


Input pulse




> >

output pulse

.1X (b)


FIG. 4.1.(a) Plate coupling; requires on tube for a positive output pulse. (b) Cathode follower; requmes off tube for positive output pulse, voltage gain less than one. (c) Bootstrap cathode follower; requires off tube for positive output pulse, voltage gain greater than one

fore to design an amplifier with a power gain sufficient to deliver the requisite power. Several stages of amplification may be necessary, and the problem of maintaining good pulse shape becomes rather serious. The sc+called bootstrap driver was devised to generate a pulse at a low-power level, and to amplify it with a minimum number of tubes and circuit elements Although with the development of satisfactory pulse

SEC. 4.1]





transformers this circuit has become obsolete, it is discussed here because it was one of the first uses of the pulse-forming network as a means of determining pulse duration. Since the driver output pulse must be positive, the coupling to the plate of an amplifier tube, as indicated in Fig. 4.1, requires that the tube be conducting during the mterpulse interval and nonconducting during the pulse interval. When it is considered that the output pulse must supply a current of the order of magnitude of several amperes to the grid of the switch tube, it IS obvious that such plate coupling is very wasteful of power. The cathode follower provides a means of getting a positive output pulse with a normally off tube, as is indicated in Fig. 4.Ib. The disad~ antage of this arrangement is that the ratio of the voltage output to the voltage input is less than one. The arrangement of Fig. 4. lc, however, provides both a voltage and a power gain greater than one. However, the circuit generating the input pulse must be able to rise or fall in potential as the potential of the cathode rises or falls as a result of the flow of current in the cathode resistor.

of r

FIG. 4.2.Circu]t

for a bootstrap


The complete circuit of a bootstrap driver is shown in Fig. 4.2 The pulse is generated in the part of the circuit that is enclosed in the dotted lines. This pulse generator is merely a low-power line-type pulser in which the pulse-forming network, PFN, determines the pulse duration (see Part II for the detailed discussion of line-type pulsers). The gaseous-discharge tube Tz is the switch tube, and the resistance RZ, in parallel with the input resistance of the amplifier tube T2, is the pulser load.




[SEC. 4.1

In the quiescent state of this driver circuit, the reference potential for all voltages is determined by the grid-bias voltage required for the switch In Fig. 42 this voltage is indicated tube in the pulser output circuit. as (E.,).. Thus, the plate voltages for the two tubes are (E~)z and (J?ib)S, and the grid voltages are (E.,)z and (E~,)s for tubes Tz and T, respectively. The grid voltages are adjusted to be sufficiently negative to keep the two tubes nonconducting. When tube T2 is nonconducting, the PFN is charged to a potential difference equal to (~b)2. The operation of this circuit is initiated by applying a positive trigger voltage to the grid of Tz through the capacitance Cl and the diode T1. When this grid is raised in potential relative to the cathode, the gas in the tube becomes conducting, and the PFN is connected directly across the resistance Rz. The point A is thus raised in potential relative to point B by an amount depending on the characteristic impedance of the PFN In general, an attempt and on the effective resistance between A and B. is made to match these impedances so that one half of the network voltage appears across Rz. By virtue of the coupling capacitance Cs, the The resistance Ra grid of Ts is raised in potential along with point A. must be large enough to decouple the grid from the bias-voltage supply during the pulse. If the potential difference across R2 is greater than the bias voltage (Ec,)s, the grid of Ta becomes positive with respect to the cathode (point B in Fig. 42). Tube T3 is thus made conducting, and a current flows in the cathode resistance Rs. This current causes the point B to rise in potential and, if the current is large enough, the grid of the pulser switch tube becomes sufficiently positive with respect to ground to make the plate current sufficient to obtain the required pulser output It is to be observed that, as the point B starts to rise in potential current. because of conduction in tube T,, all the parts of the pulse-generating The circuit is referred to as a bootcircuit must also rise in potential. strap driver, since it is raised in potential by its bootstraps, so to speak. The duration of the pulse from this circuit is determined by the time required for a voltage wave to travel down the PFN and return. When this time has elapsed, the network is completely dischargecj (if the PFN impedance is matched by the resistance between A and B), and P This drop in potential potential difference across R, falls suddenly. cuts off the current in both T3 and its cathode resistor, thus removing the grid drive from the pulser switch tube. The bootstrap action of this circuit has important consequences that must be taken into account in the design. When point B rises in potential, it causes the cathode of the gaseous-discharge tube to rise with it; therefore, the life of this tube is seriously affected if the grid can not also rise in potential. In order to permit the potential of the grid to increase, the capacitance Cz, shown in Fig. 42, is added. The capaci-






tance C, and diode T, are introduced todecouple effectively the grid of Tz from the trigger-pulse-generating circuit during this action. The network of resistances R 1 provides decoupling between the trigger input and the bias supply, and allows the circuit to return to its quiescent The resistance Rs provides decoustate during the interpulse interval. pling between the pulse-generating circuit and the power supply during the pulse. The value of this resistance should be as large as is possible without seriously reducing the voltage on the PFN at the end of the interpulse interval. Another consequence of the bootstrap action is that the stray capacitance of the circuit to ground (wiring, components, filament transformers, As the circuit rises in potential, etc.) must be kept as small as possible. this stray capacitance must be charged, and, unless it is small, the pulse shape is seriously distorted. At the end of the pulse the charge on this stray capacitance must leak off, and, as indicated in Chap. 2, if the RC time constant for the discharge is large, the trailing edge of the pulse falls slowly. In order to make the voltage drop more rapidly at the end of the pulse, the inductance L is introduced in parallel with the cathode resistance R3. This circuit was used successfully to drive the grids of two 304TH tubes in parallel as the pulser switch tube. A bias voltage of about 1000 volts and a positive grid drive of +300 to +400 volts were necessary. Thus, the voltage developed across the cathode resistance R3 had to be about 1300 to 1400 volts. This voltage was obtained with (E,), equal to 1550 volts when an 829 beam tetrode was used as the tube Ta. The gaseous-discharge tube T2 was either an 884 or a 2050, the performance of the latter being somewhat more satisfactory. The voltage (E.,) Z for either of these tubes was critical: if it were too large or too small, the tube would tend to remain conducting. The value of (E.,) Z usually had to be adjusted for the particular tube being used. For this application, the circuit was designed to give three different pulse durations, ~, 1, and 2 psec. By the use of a selecting switch, any one of three For the high different networks could be connected into the circuit. recurrence frequency (2000 pps) used with the shortest pulse, the PFN did not become charged to the full value of (Eb) z if R6 were very large. On the other hand, reducing Rb made it more difficult to prevent tube T2 from becoming continuously conducting. With careful adjustment of the circuit voltages and the values of the circuit elements, however, it was possible to obtain satisfactory operation at 4000 pps. The particular gaseous-discharge tube to be used had to be selected carefully, since the long deionization time for some tubes did not allow the charge on the PFN to accumulate fast enough to produce the full network voltage before the initiation of the next pulse. The values finally used were





(E,), = 500 to 600 volts and Rb = 0.6 megohm. The characteristic impedance of the PFN was about 1500 ohms, and Rz ranged from 1500 to 2500 ohms. The other values of the circuit components were as follows: Cl = 0.005 ~f, Cz = C~ = Ci = 0.01 pf, R, = 100,000 ohms, R8 = 1000 ohms, R, = 25,000 ohms, R6 = 30,000 ohms, L = 2.5 mh. 4.2. The Blocking Oscillator or Regenerative Driver.With the development of transformers capable of passing pulses of short duration, it became possible to design a driver circuit using a single tube. A circuit of this type was used extensively in pulsers with medium-power output (150 to 250 kw) for airborne microwave-radar systems, and became known as the blocking-oscillator driver. This name was given to the circuit because of a similarity between it and the blocking oscillators used to produce pulses in television applications. The driver circuit is not an oscillator in the same sense as the circuit used in television, and may more properly be referred to as a regenerative pulse generator. This term is not exclusively distinctive, however, since there is a large class of circuits, such as the multivibrator for example, which could go by the same name. The particular type of circuit discussed here is called a regenerative driver in an attempt to avoid confusion with the circuit used in television. There are two essential differences between the regenerative driver and the conventional blocking oscillator: 1. The regenerative driver can be kept in its quiescent state for an indefinite length of time, and starts its operating cycle only when the proper impulse is applied to the input terminals. 2. The output pulse is almost constant in amplitude throughout the pulse duration, as a result of the circuit and tube characteristics. There is still a third difference that is not always essential, namely, that the pulse duration from a regenerative driver is usually determined by a line-simulating network, whereas that from most blocking oscillators is determined by a parallel LC-combination. A regenerative driver circuit arrangement which incorporates an iron-core pulse transformer together with a line-simulating network in the grid circuit of a vacuum tube is shown schematically in Fig. 4.3. As discussed later, the range over which the pulse duration may be varied, by changing the network parameters, depends on the pulse transformer characteristics. Because of the line-simulating network, the blocking circuit has sometimes been referred to as a line-controlled oscillator. The triggering pulse for this circuit is introduced directly onto the grid; this arrangement is called parallel triggering in contrast to the method of series triggering shown in the circuit of Fig. 4.4. The latter circuit has been widely used in pulsers for microwave-radar systems,

SEC. 4.2]





and the regenerative feature is therefore discussed from the standpoint of Fig. 4.4 rather than the earlier arrangement of Fig. 4.3. The series-triggering arrangement proved to be somewhat more stable and less critical in regard to the values of circuit parameters than the parallel-triggering circuit.

[ n!
~ -q,



E It+/

grd of :rswkc!) U*

~ Leed IIIf-y



.4 Input tri er pu* Y

FIG. 4.4.Circuit for a regenerative seriee trigg&ing.

driver with

FIG. 4.3.Circuit of a regenerative tilver with parallel triggering.

The circuit of Fig. 4.4 consists of a tube T,, pulse transformer PT, line-simulating network PFN, and power supplies for the tube-element voltages. The tube T, is represented as a tetrode, but triodes can be used as well. The grid voltage for the tube is sufficiently negative to keep the tube nonconducting when the full values of plate and screen grid voltages are applied. The operating cycle of this circuit is initiated by applying a positive trigger pulse to one terminal of the PFN. This trigger voltage raises the potential of the line, the transformer winding (3), and the grid of TI to a value sufficient to start a flow of plate current Because of the flow of plate current, the voltage at he plate in the tube. of T1 falls, causing a potential difference to appear across the primary winding (1) of the transformer. A voltage therefore appears simultaneously across the other two windings, (2) and (3), of the transformer. The grid of T, is connected to the winding (3) in such a way that the voltage on this winding raises the potential of the grid. A regenerative action is thereby started, which continues until grid current starts to flow. The voltage across the grid winding of the transformer is divided between the PFN, the grid-cathode resistance of T,, and the output .4 cathode-follower output is generresistance of the trigger generator.





ally used for the trigger generator in order to ensure a relatively low effec-

The voltage appearing across the PFN starts a voltage tive resistance. wave traveling toward the open end, where it is reflected and returns toward the transformer end. When this cycle is completed the PFN is fully charged, and the potential of the grid of T, starts to fall abruptly. The plate current in the tube then begins to fall, reducing the voltage across winding (1). This process results in a reduction in the voltage across winding (3) that makes the grid still more negative, and causes a The voltage across the grid regenerative shutoff of the plate current. winding then disappears, and the PFN discharges through the resistances R, hnd Rz, driving the grid below cutoff. The bias voltage (EJ1, keeps the tube nonconducting until the next trigger pulse starts another cycle. The above description of the action of a regenerative driver is very qualitative. The analysis of the effect of transformer and tube characteristics on this circuit is extremely difficult. An approximate analysis has been made with a simplified circuit for the effects introduced by the pulsetransformer parameters. This analysis is given in Sec. 14.2. In the action of the regenerative-driver circuit a voltage is induced across the winding (2). This winding is connected between the bias In order for this circuit to supply and the grid of the pulser switch tube. function as the driver for the switch tube, the voltage appearing across this transformer winding must be equal to the required grid swing. The load introduced by the grid circuit of the switch tube has a strong influence on the flatness of the top of the voltage pulse appearing at the grid. If the load on winding (2) is small, the voltage pulse generally has oscillations of appreciable magnitude superimposed on its top. Since switch tubes of a given type vary considerably in their grid-voltage grid-current characteristics, it is sometimes necessary to introduce resistors across one or more of the transformer windings to damp out the oscillations. These oscillations are the result of the inherent leakage inductance and distributed capacitance of the transformer, and they may therefore be miniFIQ. 4.5.Voltage pulse at the grid of a mized to some extent by careful 715B tube obtained from a regenerative driver using an 829 tube. Sweep speed: transformer design. The oscillo10 div. per psec; p61se amplitude: 1000 volts. scope trace reproduced in Fig. 4.5 indicates the character of the pulse obtain~d at the grid of a 715B s~tch tube from a regenerative driver using an 829 beam tetrode.

SEC. 4.2]





Both the maximum and the minimum pulse durations obtainable with a given regenerative driver are dependent on the pulse-transformer characteristics. The maximum is determined by the magnetizing current and core saturation. When the magnetization of the transformer core approaches saturation, the magnetizing current increases very rapidly, increasing the tube drop and thereby reducing the voltage acrosa winding (1), and hence across winding (3). This decrease in voltage causes the regenerative shutoff to start before the PFN is fully charged. The pulse may be terminated by this same process, even if the transformer core does not become saturated, if the magnetizing current becomes too great. The minimum obtainable pulse duration is determined by the inherent inductance and capacitance of the circuit (including the transformer), exclusive of the pulse-forming network. For intermediate values of pulse duration, the duration of the output pulse corresponds reasonably well with the calculated value based on the inductance and Thus, if LN is the total inductance and CN capacitance of the network. is the total capacitance of the network, the time required for a voltage wave to travel from one end to the other is dLNCN and the pulse duration ~=zm. It has been possible to design regenerative drivers in which the pulse duration may be varied over a wide range merely by changing the constants of the PFN. With an 829 tube and a GE 68G627 pulse transformer, satisfactory operation can be obtained in this manner over the range 0.5 psec to 5 psec. The relatively low voltages involved in the circuit make it possible to change from one puke duration to another by It is thus feasible to adapt a means of small remote-controlled relays. single design to a number of different applications. The range of pulse duration may be extended beyond 5 psec merely by connecting the corresponding windings of two pulse transformers in series. In this way the circuit has been made to operate satisfactorily at 10 psec. A second transformer can also be introduced with the aid of small relays, which thus provides a range from 0.5 ysec to 10 psec with no major change in the circuit. The lower limit of the range in pulse duration that can be obtained with a given 68G627 pulse transformer is considerably less than 0.5 psec. Below this value, however, the inevitable small variations in transformer parameters from one unit to another begin to have a greater effect. With any given unit, it is possible to construct a pulse-forming net work that produces a O.25-IEiecoutput pulse from the driver. Although the same PFN in another circuit with a different transformer may produce a pulse duration as much as 50 per cent greater, the 0.25-~sec pulse duration can generally be obtained by adjusting the constants of the PFN. It is, therefore, possible to have the range 0.25 psec to 10 psec available






from such a driver if the PFNs for the shortest pulses are properly adjusted for each individual case. When the desired range of pulse durations does not extend higher than about 1 psec, a smaller pulse transformer than the 68G627 can be used. The Utah 0A18 transformer has been found satisfactory for the shorter pulses. Using this pulse transformer, it has been possible to use pulse durations as short as 0.1 psec with no serious difficulty. When very short pulse durations are desired, the shape of the trigger pulse becomes important for reasons that are discussed below.

(a) Six-section pulse-forming Z~ = 1000 ohms.

network with

(b) Two-section pulse forming network with Z,V = 1000 ohms.

FIG. 46.-Oscilloscope traces of the pulse shapes occurring at various points in a regenerative-driver circuit with a GE 68G627 pulse transformer and an 829 tube. The letters correspond to the labelling on the circuit diagram of Fig. 44. Sweep speed = 10 div. per psec. It has been found experimentally that, with some transformers and tubes, it is possible to maintain a reasonably good pulse shape for pulse durations as long as 2 psec and as short as 0.1 psec by reducing the network to a single inductance and a single condenser. The pulse shape is not as good as that obtained from a multisection line, but, with a switch tube such as the 715B, the pulser output pulse can be made considerably more rectangular -than the grid-driving pulse. (Compare Fig. 4.5 with Figs. 2.25, 226, 2.27, and 2.28. ) The possibility of simplifying the network in this way has made it possible to adjust the pulse duration as







much as +20 per cent by varying the inductance of the single coil. This. inductance may be varied either by means of a slug of magnetic material, which may be moved in or out of the inductance coil, or by moving a piece of copper toward or away from the end of the coil. Oscilloscope traces of the voltage pulses appearing at various points in the circuit of Fig. 4.4 are reproduced in Fig. 4.6a and b. These two pictures indicate that the output pulse from the driver is the same whether a two-section or a six-section pulse-forming network is used to determine the pulse duration. of the PFN used in a The characteristic impedance Z. = #LN/C~ regenerative driver circuit has an effect on the circuit behavior. It has been found experimentally that there is a range of values of Z. that The extent of this range, however, varies allows satisfactory operation. with the particular combination of tube and pulse transformer. With an 829 tube and a GE 68G627 transformer the mean value of ZN for this range is about 1000 ohms, and the operation does not become seriously affected until ZM is reduced to about 500 ohms or increased to about 1500 ohms. At the high impedance values the pulse duration may be too short, and there is sometimes a tendency for several short pulses to occur At the low in the tine corresponding to the normal pulse duration. impedance values the pulse duration tends to become longer than it should be, and is finally limited by the transformer characteristics Thess effects are illustrated in the oscilloscope traces reproduced in Fig 4.7a, b, and c. As the desired pulse duration becomes shorter, the total capacitance of the PF.N becomes smaller, and the magnitude of the trigger pulse that appears at the grid of the tube for a given input trigger pulse also becomes If the trigger-pulse amplitude at the grid becomes sufficiently smaller. small, the regenerative action may not start. Thus, for a low-capacitance line or a slow-rising trigger pulse, there can be an uncertainty in the time at which the regeneration starts. This effect is indicated by the sketches of Fig. 4.8 for a given network capacitance and for both a fast- and a slow-rising trigger pulse. Time jitter, that is, the uncertain y in the starting time for the grid pulse shown in Fig. 4.8b, is observed when a The effect shown in Fig. 4.8b is also succession of pulses is desired. obtained when the capacitance of the PFN is very small, even though the trigger-pulse voltage may rise fast enough for satisfactory operation with longer pulse durations. When this situation exists, it can generally be corrected by introducing a trigger amplifier and sharpener between the trigger generator and the driver input. The time delay between the start of the trigger pulse and the start of the driver output pulse also depends on the rate of rise of the voltage pulse appearing at the grid of the driver tube. For a given tube and


[SEC. 4.2

SEC. 4.2]





given circuit voltages, this time delay remains very nearly constant over long periods of time. The actual value of this time delay is a complicated function of the tube characteristics, the bias voltage, and the rate of rise of the trigger-pulse voltage. For a few pulser applications, for example, for pulse-coding in radar beacons, it is required that some of the interpulse intervals be comparable with the pulse duration. When it is necessary to have successive pulses of about l-psec duration follow each other at intervals as short as 10 to 15 psec, special attention must be given to the driver design. The regenerative driver is readily adaptable to this application. By referring to the circuit of Fig. 44, it may be seen that the voltage of the grid of Z1 becomes considerably more negative than the bias voltage at the end of

FIG. 4.8.Sketch made rishg trigger pulses on the trigger pulse at the input to tube. Curve C is the grid

from oscilloscope traces showing the effect of fast- and slowstart of regeneration in a regenerative driver. Curve A is the the PFN. Curve B is the trigger pulse at the grid of the driver voltage after regeneration starts.

the pulse because of the discharging of the PFN through the resistances RI and RZ. The time constant of this discharge is therefore dependent on the capacitance of the network and on the values of these resistances. Since R, serves to decouple the grid from the bias power supply during the pulse, it cannot be reduced in value without affecting the grid voltage at that time. The obvious alternative is to use a small inductance in comFor bination with a small resistance in place of the high resistance R,. pulses with durations of the order of magnitude of 1 psec, this inductance can be about 1 mh. A driver having an inductance of 0.5 mh in series with a resistance of 5000 ohms in place of R 1 and an 829 for T1 produces satisfactory 2-~sec pulses at a recurrence frequency of 80 kc/see. The regenerative-driver design has proved to be a versatile one for use with a hard-tube pulser. In addition to the available flexibility in pulse duration and interpulse interval, it is also possible to accomplish some changes in pulse shape. For one particular application it became necessary to reduce the rate of rise of the output pulse at the magnetron load. Although this reduction can be effected in the output circuit, as indicated in Chap. 2, it was easier in this case to make the change in the driver circuit. The requisite change in rate of rise of the output voltage pulse was obtained by introducing a small inductance in series When such an inductance is with the plate of the tube in the driver.




[SEC. 4.3

used alone, large oscillations are superimposed on the pulse. They may be damped out, however, by inserting a resistance in parallel with the inductance. A regenerative driver using a single 829 tetrode provides a power output and grid swing that are sufficient to drive the grids of two 715B or 5D21 tubes in parallel. This power output is 2 to 3 kw with a grid swing of about 1000 volts. The power output of the pulser is about 250 to 300 kw. 4.3. The Multivibrator and Pulse-forming-network Drivers.-Multivibrators are used extensively to generate pulses at low-power levels. Several arrangements of the multivibrator circuit are discussed in Vol. 19 of the Radiation Laboratory Series. For microwave-radar systems, the so-called biased multivibrator has been adapted for use as the pulse generator in the driver of a hard-tube pulser. This circuit is suitable for driver application because it has a single stable state. It is therefore possible to obtain an output pulse from a biased multivibrator only when the proper triggering impulse is applied to one of the tubes, and the length of the interpulse intervals can be determined by a timing circuit that is independent of the pulser. A driver circuit utilizing a biased-multivibrator as the pulse generator has been devised for a 1-Mw hard-tube pulser (described in detail in The switch in this pulser consists of three 6C21 triodes in Sec. 5.2). parallel. It is evident from the discussion of switch tubes in Chap. 3 that the driver for such a pulser must deliver a pulse power of about 15 kw to the three 6C21 grids. The grid-voltage swing required for 1-Mw power output from the pulser is about 2.5 to 3 kv. Since it is impracticable to try to obtain this much power at the output of the multivibrator, it is necessary to use amplification. The shape and duration of the output pulse from a multivibrator depends on the load and on the values of the circuit elements and tube voltages. In practice, some variation must usually be expected in these parameters, and it is therefore necessary to allow sufficient latitude in the circuit design to accommodate a reasonable range of values. The most serious aspect of this characteristic of the multivibrator in the driver application is the possible variation of pulse duration. In this driver the difficulty was avoided by introducing an auxiliary means for determining the pulse duration, which consisted of a delay line connected between the output of the driver and the input of the amplifier following the multi vibrat or. The block diagram of this driver circuit, shown in Fig. 4.9, indicates the way in which the pulse duration is determined. The multivibrator pulse generator is constructed so that the pulse fed into the amplifier at B is of longer duration than the pulse desired at the output of the driver.

SEC. 4.3]






When the leading edge of the pulse reaches A, a voltage wave starts to travel from A to B through the delay line. This voltage wave reaches B after a time determined by the constants of the delay line. If the pulse fed into the amplifier at B is positive and the pulse voltage at A is negative, it is possible to neutralize the positive voltage at the amplifier input, The pulse duration and thereby to terminate the pulse appearing at A. at the driver output is thus fixed by the time it takes a voltage wave to travel the length of the delay line, independent of the multivibrator cmtput. This arrangement has been expressively called the tail-biting circuit. In order to insure that only one pulse appears at the driver output for each trigger pulse, the output pulse of the multivibrator must not
Input trigger pulaa

Biaaad multivibrator




diagram of the driver for a hard-tube generator.

pulser ueing a multivibrator


last longer than twice the transit time for the delay line. For pulse durations of about a microsecond, this latitude for the multivibrator output is ample. When the desired pulse duration is very short, however, more care must be exercised in the design of the circuit. The buffer amplifier is introduced to minimize the effect of loading on the output pulse shape and pulse duration obtained from the multivibrat or. If the amplifier is carefully designed, the shape of the pulse at the driver output can be considerably better than that fed into the amplifier, and the dependence of driver output on multivibrator output is further reduced. A simplified schematic diagram for this driver circuit is shown in Fig. 410. The biased multivibrator, which consists of the two halves of a 6SN7, delivers a negative pulse to the grid of the normally on buffer amplifier tube, a 6L6. A positive pulse is then obtained at the grid of the first 3EZ9 amplifier. The negative pulse that appears at the plate of this 3E29 is inverted by means of a pulse transformer, and the resulting positive pulse is applied to the grids of two 3E29 tubes in parallel. The negative pulse obtained at the plates of these tubes is also inverted by a pulse transformer in order to give a positive pulse at the grids of the 6C21 tubes. A part of the negative pulse at A is impressed across the end of the delay line by means of the voltage dhider consisting of RI and R,. After traversing the delay line, thk negative pulse appears at B






with amplitude sufficient to neutralize the positive pulse output from the 6L6. This negative pulse lasts for a time corresponding to the pulse duration at point A and, if this time plus the delay time is greater than the duration of the pulse from the multivibrator, the bias voltage maintains the 3E29 nonconducting when the pulse is over. The pulse duration from this driver may be varied by changing the length of the delay line between points A and B. The switch S,, indicated in Fig. 4.10, is provided to facilitate this change. The switch S,

Dela~ line

To grid of pulsar switch tube

FIG. 4. 10.Simplified schematic diagram of the driver for a hard-tube pulser using multlvibrator pulse generator and a delay line to determine pulse duration.

is mechanically coupled with sl in order to change the pulse duration at the multivibrator output at the same time that the length of the delay line is changed. The constants in the multivibrator circuit are chosen so that the pulse delivered to the amplifier is about 25 to 40 per cent longer than the pulse duration desired from the driver. The operation of this driver requires two of the tubes, the 6L6 and one half of the 6SN7, to be conducting during the interpulse interval. When the pulser is being operated at a low duty ratio, where the interpulse interval is about 1000 times as long as the pulse interval, it is desirable to have the power dissipated by these normally on tubes as small as possible. The multivibrator power output should be kept small for this reason also, and the necessary output power from the driver must be provided by pulse amplification. Another driver circuit making use of a biased multivibrator has been devised for the 200-kw hard-tube pulser of a microwave-radar system







used in aircraft. The switch in this pulser consists of two 5D21 tetrodes In this driver, the multivibrator serves a somewhat different in parallel. purpose than it does in the circuit just discussed. The pulse shape and pulse duration are determined in this driver by a current-fed net-work (see Part II for the detailed discussion of pulse-forming networks). The function of the multivibrator is to start and stop the current in this network. This circuit should, therefore, more properly be referred to as a PUISe-fOrming-network fiver H rather than a multivibrator driver. The operation of this driver circuit is best discussed with reference to the circuit diagram shown in Fig. 4.11. The two tubes, 6AG7 and 3E29,

Input trigger pulse +

c. ?. K1


Fm. 4.11 .Driver

for a hard-tube puhwr using a biased multivibrator and a current-fed network for pulse-shaping.

with one stable etate

and associated circuit elements constitute a cathode-coupled biased multivibrator. The values of the circuit elements and voltages are such that the 6AG7 is normally conducting and the 3E29 is nonconducting. A negative trigger pulse applied to the &d of the 6AG7 makes this tube nonconducting, and the plate rises in potential. As a result, the grid of the 3E29 is raised in potential by virtue of the coupling capacitance C,, and plate current starts to flow. The current flowing in the cathode resistance of the 3E29 then raises the potential of the cathode of the 6AG7 through the niedium of the coupling capacitance C,, keeping this tube in the nonconducting state. The 3E29 remains conducting until the potential of the 6AG7 cathode falls sufficiently to allow this tube to become conducting again. The time required for the cycle to be completed is determined by the time constant of the capacitance (72 and the cathode resistance. A current-fed network is connected in series with the plate of the 3E29. In its simplest form, such a network is a short-circuited linesimulating network, as indicated in Fig. 4.12a. The configuration






actually used for one of the networks in this driver is shown in Fig. 4.12b. The network of Fig. 4. 12b is used in preference to that of Fig. 4.12a in order to obtain a better pulse shape. During the time that the 3E29 is conducting, current builds up in the inductance of the network, When the 3E29 suddenly thus storing energy in the amount 4L12. becomes nonconducting at the end of the multivibrator operating cycle, the network begins to discharge through the load presented by the grid circuit of the switch tube. A positive voltage pulse is thus started at the plate of the 3E29 and the grid of the pulser switch tube. If the netIB+

4.12.Current-fed FKG,



networks used to form the pulse in the driver circuit shown in Fig. 4.11.

work is well designed and the load presented by the grid circuit of the switch tube matches the characteristic impedance of the network, the pulse voltage drops to zero when the energy stored in the inductance is The construction of the network therefore completely discharged. determines both the shape and the duration of the chiver output pulse. The pulse duration obtained from this driver may be changed by In one connecting different pulse-forming networks into the circuit. pulser design, which was widely used in airborne microwave-radar systems, three pulse durations can be selected by remote-controlled switching of networks. For all three of these pulse durations, ~, l+, and 2$ ~sec, the conducting period for the 3E29 is the same. In this particular case, the multivibrator is designed to allow 4.5 psec for the buildup of current in the network. A considerable range of pulse duration at the driver output may therefore be obtained without changing the constants of the multivibrator circuit. The time delay between the start of the trigger pulse and the start of the driver pulse is inherently longer with this circuit than for those previously discussed because of the time required for current to build up in the inductance of the pulse-forming network. The dependence of








the pulse duration of the multivibrator output on the circuit voltages affects this time delay. If, for any reason, the voltages applied to the tubes of the multivibrator are subject to random variations, the change in time delay appears as time jitter in the output pulse. Because of the effect just mentioned,. a later version of this driver incorporated a modification of the multivibrator circuit such that the 6AG7 tube is returned to the conducting state by the positive pulse obtained by connecting a short-circuited delay line in parallel with the trigger input as shown in Fig. 4.13. Foc this modification, indicated


PFN c,

trigger rmlse . . .. .



I YE29i
e -


Delay hne

ZA=150 ohms 28= 4.5psec


for a hard-tube pulser using a biased multivibrator with one stable state and one quasi-stable state. The pulse-shaping is obtained with a current-fed network.

in Fig. 4.13, the coupling capacitance between the cathodes of the two tubes is removed, and a direct connection is made in its place. The two tubes have, therefore, a common cathode resistor. The behavior of this circuit when a negative trigger pulse is applied to the grid of the 6AG7 is the same as that for the circuit of Fig. 4.11. The 3E29 is changed from the conducting to the nonconducting state by the positive pulse at the 6AG7 grid, and, because it is again desired to have 3E29 conducting for 4.5 psec, the delay line is constructed so that it has a two-way transit time of 4.5 psec. This circuit, as well as the earlier version, has a single stable state, but, because of the long time constants in the grid circuits, the state in which the 3E29 is conducting can be considered quasi-stable as far as the circuit operation is concerned. The principal advantages of this arrangement over the previous one are a smaller dependence of circuit behavior on the 3E29 characteristics, and the possibilityy of better control over the length of the PFN-charging period.




[SEC. d-~

For reasons already mentioned, it is desirable to have the normally on tube of the multivibrator dissipate as little power as possible. It is also desirable to keep the conducting period for the 3E29 short in order to maintain a high over-all efficiency. A pulse-forming-network driver can also be designed with a voltagefed network. In this case the driver is a line-type pulser of the type described in detail in Part II of this volume. Although the pulse generator used in the bootstrap driver, discussed in Sec. 41, is such a line-type pulser, the output power is too small for the driver function, and it is The subsequent development of necessary to provide amplification. pulse-forming networks and satisfactory gaseous-discharge tubes capable of handling high pulse power has eliminated the necessity of amplification. With the 3C45, 4C35, and 5C22 hydrogen thyratrons it is now possible to design line-type pulsers having a range of pulse-power output from a few kilowatts to several megawatts. The schematic circuit for one possible arrangement of a pulse-formingnetwork driver using a voltage-fed network is shown in Fig. 414. The




& Fm. 4.14.PuL?-e-forming-network driver for a hard-tube ptdser.

PFN is charged during the interpulse interval from the d-c power supply through an inductance and a diode in series. The output pulse is initiated by the application of a positive trigger pulse to the grid of the gaseous-discharge switch tube. When the tube is conducting, the PFN discharges into the load, which consists of the cathode resistor and the grid circuit of the high-vacuum switch tube of the pulser output circuit. The pulse shape and the pulse duration are determined by the characteristics of the PFN and its discharging circuit. The reader is referred to Part II for further details concerning the operation of line-type pulsers. When the pulser application requires only one pulse duration and recurrence frequency, it is unnecessary to have a diode in the charging Circuit of the network. With the diode, however, it is possible to change recurrence frequency over a considerable range, and the pulse duration may be changed by connecting different networks into the circuit.








By using a pulse transformer, it is possible to connect the cathode of the gaseous-discharge tube to ground, as shown in Fig. 4.15, and thus to eliminate the need for a filament transformer with high-voltage insulation.

PFN supply Input switchtube

FIG.4.15.Pulse-forming-network driverwith pulse.trrmsforrner couplingto the grid of thehigh-vacuum switchtub. A possible disadvantage is that the introduction of the pulse transformer may result in a somewhat poorer pulse shape at the grid of the highvacuum switch tube.



BY G. h.

5.1. The Model 3 PulserA Light-weight, Medium-power Pulser for Airborne Radar Systems.The original specifications for this pulser, based on the requirements for a light-weight airborne search radar, ASV, and an aircraft-interception radar, AI, were formulated in the winter of 1941. By the summer of 1945 this pulser had been incorporated into The pulser six different radar systems and their various modifications. was manufactured in very large numbers by the Stromberg-Carlson Company and the Philco Corporation. A revised model of the pulser, Mark II, in which improvements were made in engineering and manufacturing details, was manufactured during the last year of the war. A few circuit modifications were also incorporated as a result of the experience gained in the operation of the original version, Mark I. The revised pulser was designed to meet the requirement that it be physically and electrically interchangeable with the original unit. The stringent requirements placed on the size and weight of this pulser resulted in some departures from accepted engineering practices. Improvements in techniques and in the design and manufacture of components, however, warranted such departures, and extensive laboratory tests proved their feasibility. Because of the small size of this pulser compared with others that had previously been constructed for an equivalent power output, the unit was facetiously referred to as the vest-pocket pulser.

The Model 3 pulser was designed to meet the following specifications: Output pulse power: 144 kw (12 kv at 12 amp). Duty ratio: 0.001 maximum. Pulse duration: 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 psec. (Remote control of pulse selection. ) Size: must fit into a cubical space 16 in. on a side. Weight: preferably no greater than 60 lbs. (External fan to be Ambient-temperature range: 40 to +50C. provided with ambient temperature above +30C.) Altitude: must operate satisfactorily at 30,000 ft. Input voltages: 115 volts at 400 to 2000 cycles/see and 24v d-c. (The a-c frequency range was changed to 800 to 1600 cycles/see when the revised pulser was being designed.) 140

SEC. 5.1]





The design of a pulser to meet these specifications was undertaken before satisfactory pulse transformers and line-type pulsers were developed. The design, of necessity, included the high-voltage power supply associated with a hard-tube-pulser design. The coml)ined size, weight, and altitude specifications therefore required that the pulser be housed in an airtight container in order to maintain atmospheric pressure around the high-voltage parts of the circuit, regardless of the reduced external pressure at high altitude. The need for an airtight housing complicated Because the lack of ventilation and the the problem of heat dissipation. high external temperature caused the components to operate at high tcrnpcraturcs, it was imperative that the over-all efficiency be as high as possible. The size and weight specifications imposed the necessity of using small components, resulting in small factors of safety. The completed pulscr Imit was mounted on a square base 15 in. by 15 in. by 44 in. The airtight housing was a cylinder having a diameter of 15 in. and a {lomc-shaped end of dimensions such that the over-all height was 11$ in. The combined heights of the base and housing were 16 in. A space under the base was provided for mounting a magnetron, TR tube, preamplifier, and miscellaneous parts associated with the r-f components. The original unit manufactured by Stromberg-Carlson weighed 64 lb, and the lhilco unit weighed 60 lb. The revised pulser, which was manufactured by Stromberg-Carlson, weighed 53 lb. Photographs of the Stromberg-Carlson pulser are reproduced in Figs. 5.1 and 52, and the schematic diagrams for these two units are shown in Figs. 5.4 and 5.5. The control circuit and connections to the primary power source are omitted for the sake of clarity. The Output Circuit.The original plans for the Model 3 pulser called for its operation with the 2.J21 and 2,J22 magnetrons. THe 725A magnetron, \vhich was developed later, replaced the 2J21 as soon as it became available. From a knowledge of the operating characteristics of these magnetron oscillators, it was decided that the output voltage pulse obtained from the pulser could be allowed to drop as much as 2 per cent during a l-psec pulse without seriously affecting the frequency of the magnetron output. The minimum capacitance of the storage condenser to be used in the pulser was, therefore, determined from the relation AVz = 11 At/C., as indicated in Chap. 2. For a pulse voltage of 12 kv and a pulse current of 12 amp, the capacitance of the storage condenser is
c. = 2 X 1o-

12 x 1 x 106 x 12 x 100 = 0.05 X 10-6 farad.

Operation at a pulse duration of 2-~sec was considered satisfactory, even t bough it resulted in a 4 per cent drop in pulse voltage at the magnetron


[SEC. 5.1


.. .







[SEC. 5.1

input, because these pulses were intended only for beacon interrogation. The current drop in the 2J21 and 2J22 magnetrons corresponding to this change in pulse voltage was approximately 10 to 15 per cent for a l-psec pulse. When using the TR tubes and receivers first developed for rnicrowaveradar systems, it was considered necessary that the trailing edge of the voltage pulse applied to the magnetron drop to zero in ~ psec or less.


showing the two types of airtight tube pufser.

housingusedwiththe Model3 hard.

In order to accomplish this voltage drop when using a resistance as the recharging path for the storage condenser, this resistance had to be only three or four times the static resistance of the magnetron. Since the resulting pulse-power loss in the recharging resistance was appreciable, made this arrangement impractical. A the need for high efficiency
lo-mh the the inductance edge current was of the in this chosen pulse shunt for the recharging quickly is only and path wasted at the because less end it brought power since trailing pulse down path

1.2 amp

of a l-~sec







In the original design the isolating element in series with the highvoltage power supply was a 5-mh inductance. Oscillations in the voltage of the storage condenser occurred during the charging interval, as indicated in the curves of Figs. 239 and 2.40. The amplitude of these oscillations was sufficient to induce voltages in other parts of the circuit,

-Low-capacitance winding

72 3:;4


0.25 Power-SUPPIY


0.15 =) 200 72


3&4 m

Fm. 5.4.Schematic diagramof the originalModel3 hard-tubepuleer.

Pulse-selecting ?*F: 0.3 ---!: 5k:1

r-=J=-~~~~~$~e 13 c+

3B2 2mh

Magnetron filament

!SiJ . 7!J

-Low-capacitance winding

-Ilo,bl,,, -f8WWto
72 3;4



0.3 &




,2 3;4 _

Fm. 6$.-Scheme.tic

dlagrarn of the revised Model 3 hard-tube

causing false signals to appear on the indicator of the radar system. It was therefore necessary to introduce a 500-ohm resistor in series with the 5-mh charging inductance in order to eliminate these oscillations. The result of the addition is shown in Fig. 2.40. Since it proved difficult to find a satisfactory 500-ohm resistor that was not too bulky, the 5-mh inductance was soon replaced by a 10,000-ohm resistor. The shape of the trailing edges obtained with the lo-mh recharging path and the






10,000-ohm isolating resistor for the three pulse durations is shown in the oscilloscope traces reproduced in Fig. 225. The traces reproduced in Fig. 219 indicate the corresponding behavior when the 10-mh inductance was replaced by a 10,000-ohm resistor. As the development of radar systems and components progressed, it became evident that the importance of having a steep trailing edge on the voltage pulse had been overemphasized. Therefore, in the design of the revised version of the pulser less attention was given to this detail. Perfectly satisfactory operation of the radar system could be obtained with a voltage pulse that dropped to zero in as much as 1.5 ysec. The use of an inductance m the recharging path causes a positive backswing voltage to appear at the end of the pulse. This positive voltage is added to the power-supply voltage at the plate of the switch tube and may result in sparking, particularly when the power-supply voltage is near the safe upper limit for the tube. It is therefore necessary to introduce a shunt diode, as indicated in Chap. 2. When an inductive resistor is used as the recharging path, and the magnetron is connected directly to the output of the pulser, the shunt diode is unnecessary. (This was one of the modifications incorporated into the revised design as a result of the relaxed requirement on the time for the voltage to fall to zero.) The photographs of Fig. 2.27 show the voltage pulses obtained with an inductive resistor in parallel with the magnetron load. It is generally desirable to have some available means of monitoring In a hard-tube pulser, the average the current through the magnetron. magnetron current is equal to the average current corresponding to the recharging of the storage condenser. This current may be measured simply by connecting an ammeter in series with the recharging path as indicated in the Figs. 5.4 and 5.5. This meter must be bypassed by a capacitance sufficiently large to prevent the meter from being damaged by the pulse current that flows while the switch tube is conducting. The precautions necessary for such average-current measurements are discussed in detail in Appendix A. A resistor is usually connected in parallel with the meter in order to provide a conducting path when the meter is disconnected. This resistance must be large enough so that it introduces a negligible error in the ammeter reading, but not so large that it appreciably increases the condenser-charging time constant. (In the Model 3 pulser this resistance was about 200 ohms.) When a shunt diode is used in the pulser, the average-current meter must be connected in such a way that it measures the sum of the currents in the diode and the recharging path. When the design of the Model 3 pulser was begun, no really satisfactory switch tube was available. The 304TH, which had been used in previous designs, required so much cathode-heating power that it could






not be considered for a small airtight unit. The development of the 715B provided a tube that was capable of withstanding the high voltage and had sufficient cathode emission for the required plate current. Since this tube has an oxide cathode, much skepticism was expressed concerning its suitability for an application where a plate voltage of as much as 15 kv and a pulse-plate current of almost 15 amp were needed. Extensive life tests, however, showed that factory tests could be devised that would eliminate the relatively few tubes that could not meet the pulser requirements. The 715B tube is a tetrode and, as indicated in Chap. 3, its pulse characteristics make it very suitable as a pulser switch tube. The bias voltage that is necessary to keep the tube nonconducting during the interpulse interval is about 500 volts, although occasional tubes require as much as 750 volts. The Model 3 pulser was designed with a bias voltage of at least 650 volts in order to insure a negligible plate current during the interpulse interval for the majority of 715B tubes. The bias voltage and the screen-grid voltage of +1250 volts are both obtained from the power supply in the driver circuit. Since a high resistance is connected in series with the screen grid as a protection against excessive screen grid current, it is necessary to bypass the screen grid to the cathode This capacitance was 0.06 pf in with a reasonably large capacitance. the original model, but was increased to 0.3 ~f in the revised pulser. The increase in size of the bypass capacitance improved the pulse shape for marginal tubes, since it decreased the drop in screen voltage during the pulse. With a screen-grid voltage of 1250 volts and a positive grid drive of 200 to 250 volts, a pulse current of 12 amp can be obtained in the magnetron for a tube drop of about 1.5 kv in the 715B. The plate current at the start of the pulse consists of the load current and the current thl ough the 10,000-ohm isolating resistor. At the end of the pulse, the current that has been built up in the 10-mh shunt inductance is an additional As stated previously, this additional contribution to the plate current. plate current is about 1.2 amp for a l-psec pulse. Thus, the plate current should increase from 12 amp to 13.2 amp during the pulse if the magnetron current remains constant. The drop in the voltage on the storage condenser, however, causes the load current to decrease by an amount which may actually be more than the increase in current occurring in the 10-mh inductance, and as a result the net plate current may be less at the end than at the beginning of the pulse. A plot of the components of the cathode current in a 715B switch tube used in one of these pulsers is shown in Fig. 5.6. The pulse current in the magnetron load, the current in the 10-mh inductance, the screengrid current, and the total cathode current were measured by means of a




[SEC. 5.1

synchroscope and calibrated noninductive resistors. The block labeled l., + ZIO~Am, + errors was not measured, but its magnitude agrees well with the expected value. With a power-supply voltage of 12 kv and a magnetron-pulse voltage of 10.5 kv, the current in the isolating resistor is about 1 amp, which leaves a value of about 0.5 to 0.9 amp for the control-grid current. This value agrees with the pulse characteristics for the 715B shown in Fig. 3.7. The drop in voltage on the 0.05-pf storage condenser for a 2-psec pulse should be about 480 volts. The observed drop in magnetron current was 3 amp, corresponding to a dynamic resistance of 160 ohms, a value that is also in agreement +lZkv with the known characteristics of 1s[16;1 the 725A magnetron used for these 16 measurements. From this plot it rs 1.9a 14 may be seen that the total cathode mh / current actually decreases slightly 2.2a * 12 during the pulse. The slight dei 2.3a crease in the screen-grid current g lo is due to a drop in screen-grid voltE g fl is Envelope cath&Je age during the pulse caused by a 8 k currant * bypass condenser of insufficient pul* 3 6 ~ capacitance (0.06 pf). ~ 9.3a Because of the high frequency 4 of the primary power source, 400 to 2400 cycles/see for the airborne 2 radar systems, it was possible to 00 consider using a voltage-doubler 1 2 Timeinfi sec rectifier for the high-voltage supFIG. 5.6.Components of 715B cathode+ ply. The size of the power transcurrent pulse with magnetron load. former and the voltage on the filter condensers for this design were less than those for an equivalent half-wave or full-wave rectifier. The over-all specifications for the systems using the Model 3 pulser called for reasonably good regulation of thevoltagefrom the alternators. Therefore, because the inherent voltage regulation of the voltage-doubler power supply was poor, it was necessary to specify that the same duty ratio be used for each of the three pulse durations. The high-voltage power supply in this pulser consisted of two O.15-pf 8-kv condensers in a single can, and two RKR72 rectifier tubes. (Later the 3B24 became available and replaced the RKR72.) The high voltage could be changed by means of an 8-ohm variable resistor connected in series with the primary of the high-voltage transformer. In order to








cover a wider range of voltage without using a larger resistance, there were three taps on the transformer primary. The regulation of the power supply was considerably poorer with the resistance in the circuit. The curves of Fig. 5.7 indicate the regulation obtained with and without the 8-ohm resistance. The average current taken from the high-voltage power supply during the operation of a pulser serves as a convenient means of monitoring the circuit behavior. A powersupply current that is higher than the value corresponding to the average current in the magnetron in5 Power supply voltage in kv dicates the breakdown of insulation FIG. 5.7.Regulation obtained with somewhere in the high-voltage part the voltage-doubler power supply used in a of the circuit. In this way, it is light-weight medium-power airborne pulser. Curve A is for S ohms in series and B is for often possible to detect the start of no resistance in series with the primary of breakdown of the insulation in the the power transformer. filter and storage condensers. The average current is measured in the ground connection to the power supply in the same manner used to measure the magnetron average current. In this pulser, the average power-supply current was about 5 ma higher than the average magnetron current, in the range 8 ma to 12 ma, when a 0.001 duty ratio was used. One of the major circuit modifications made in the design of the revised Model 3 pulser was a change in the high-voltage power supply. At the beginning of the description of the pulser output circuit, it is stated that a 2 per cent drop in pulse voltage was considered allowable for a l-~sec pulse. One of the factors involved in this consideration was the physical size of the storage condenser. If it had been possible to use a capacitance larger than 0.05 ~f in the available space, a drop in voltage smaller than 2 per cent would have been desirable. A smaller drop in voltage during the pulse was obtained by combining the condensers of the voltagedoubler rectifier with the storage condenser, as shown in Fig. 5.5. The same condensers serve both purposes, and the effective storage capacitance was therefore 0.15 pf. Thus, the drop in voltage is one third of that obtained with the 0.05-pf condenser of the original design. The power-supply arrangement of the revised pulser had one disadvantage, namely, that the effective filtering action was not as good as that obtained with the original arrangement. This disadvantage was alleviated, however, by the fact that the minimum frequency of the primary power supply had been raised from 400 cps to 800 cps by the time




[SEC. 5.1

this revision was considered. With the 800 cps a-c supply, a small amount (two or three per cent) of amplitude jitter was observable on the magnetron current pulse. This small amplitude jitter was not found to have any observable effect on the magnetron operation. The Driver Circuit.The regenerative driver designed for this pulser The circuit for used an 829 tube and a GE 68G627 pulse transformer. this driver is discussed in Sec. 4.2 and is shown in detail in Figs. 5.4 and 5.5. The power supply for the driver consisted of two half-wave rectifiers, one for the positive and one for the negative voltages required. The same positive voltage was used for the 829 plate and the 715B screen grid. The 829 screen grid and bias voltages were obtained from taps on the bleeder resistance connected across the two parts of the power supply. In the revised design, the filter condensers in the driver power supply were made considerably smaller than those in the original, again because of the higher frequency of the a-c input. The pulse-forming networks used in the early driver units consisted As stated in Sec. 4.2, of several inductance and capacitance sections. the impedance of these networks is not critical, so it was possible to use standard sizes of condensers and then adjust the inductances to produce the desired pulse duration. The general procedure in designing such a network is to make an approximate calculation of the values of LN and with C. from the two relationships r = 2and ZN = d~i z. = 1000 ohms. The actual value of L. is then determined empirically using the nearest standard condenser size. Once the constants for the networks are found, it is somewhat of a problem to control the production methods so as to have pulse durations that lie within a + 10 per cent tolerance about the nominal value. This problem arises from the fact that the actual pulse duration depends on many factors, such as the network itself, the pulse transformer, the stray inductances and capacitances in the driver circuit, the tube characteristics (to some extent), and also the load presented to the driver by the grid circuit of the switch tube. The final procedure adopted by the pulser manufacturers was to test each completed network for proper pulse duration, rather than to depend on inductance and capacitance measurements. Experience with the regenerativedriver circuit indicated that a satisfactory pulse shape could be obtained with pulse-forming networks that were reduced to single inductances and condensers, at least for a pulse-duration of 1 ~sec or less. Accordingly, the networks used in the revised design were built in this manner, as shown in Fig. 5.5. It thus t,ecame feasible to make the single inductance variable, and thereby to have an available means for varying the pulse duration. In the units man ufact ured by the St romberg-Carlson Company the inductance was varied by means of a copper slug that could be moved toward or away

SEC. 5.1]





from the end of the coil. This copper slug provided an adjustment of In units manufactured by about f 10 per cent in the pulse duration. the PhIlco Corporation, the variation was obtained by means of a ferromagnetic slug that could be moved along the axis of the coil. A variation of about +20 per cent was made available by this arrangement. The variable inductance proved to be a great convenience because it allowed the pulse duration to be adjusted after the completion of the whole driver unit. Protective Measures. Because of the strict limitation on the size of the Model 3 pulser, it was decided that a minimum of time-delay and overload-protection devices would be incorporated. Consequently, the control circuit was made as simple as possible. Two relays were provided to be actuated by the available 24 v d-c. The first controlled the By energizing the a-c input to all except the high-voltage transformer. second relay, the high-voltage power supply was turned on. The only control over the delay time required after turning on the filaments and before turning on the high voltage was a sign warning the operator to Instead of a relay for overload protection, two fuses wait three minutes. were provided, a 10-amp fuse in the main a-c line to the pulser, and a 5-amp fuse in series with the high-voltage power transformer. In the original unit, a bleeder resistance was provided across the high-voltage power supply. When the input circuit to the power transformer was opened, this bleeder reduced the voltage on the filter condenser rapidly enough to give reasonable protection against electric shock. The bleeder resistance could not be used with the revised pulser, however, and it was therefore necessary to provide a shorting device. This device was a mechanically operated shorting bar that short-circuited the power supply when the airtight housing was removed. Heat Dissipation. -Since the unit was required to be airtight, it was necessary to circulate the air within the housing in order to obtain as much heat transfer as possible to the walls. This circulation was accomplished by means of a small blower with a 24-v d-c motor. The outside of the housing was corrugated to increase the surface area exposed to the external air. The power input to the original pulser was about 45o watts for an output of 144 watts. Thus, about 300 watts were dissipated within the airtight container. The temperature rise within the unit under these conditions was about 55C. With an external fan blowing air against the outside of the housing at the rate of 60 fts/min, this temperature rise was reduced to about 40C. The heat dissipation in the revised pulser was reduced slightly from the above figure and, with improved heat transfer to the walls of the housing, the internal temperature rise was about 40C without an external fan. In the revised design, better heat transfer to the outside air was obtained by the use of a double-walled




[SEC. 5.2

housing. The internal blower forced the heated air to pass between the walls of the inner and outer housing wall, as shown in the sketch in Fig. 5.3. Because of the high temperature at which the components of this pulser must operate, special attention was given to the choice of the The Sprague Vitamin Q condensers proved satisfactory up condensers. to 105C, and were therefore used in both the original and revised Model 3 pulsers. 6.2. The Model 9 PulserA 1-Mw *d-tube Pulser.-The need for a high-power pulser to be used in the testing of magnetrons became urgent early in 1941. The research and development that was started at this time led to the design of a hard-tube pulser that could deliver a pulse power of 1 Mw (25 kv at 40 amp) to a magnetron. The original design of this unit was called the Model 4 pulser, but after some modifications were introduced, particularly in the driver circuit, the pulser became known as the Model 9. In addition to its use in determining the performance characteristics of magnetrons, this pulser was used in some ground-based radar systems. One of these systems in particular was widely used as a mobile radar unit in both defensive and offensive operations during the war. The Model 9 pulser was used in this radar application because its operational characteristics satisfied the requirements for precision ranging and automatic following. The operational use of this radar system demanded that a very high degree of reliabilityy be main- 1 tained over long periods of time under conditions of almost continuous operation. Because of the somewhat unsatisfactory life of the available switch tubes and magnetrons with the full 1-Mw pulse power, the pulser was operated at a pulse-power output of about 800 kw. The Model 9 pulser was designed to meet the following specifications: Output pulse power: 1000 kw (25 kv at 40 amp). Maximum duty ratio: 0.002. Pulse duration: 0.25 to 2.0 psec (remote control of pulse selection). Size and weight: As small as possible compatible with good engineering design. Input voltage: 115 volts, 60 cycles/see, single phase (the units for the mobile radar system were built for three-phase supply). The specified voltage and current output for this hard-tube pulser required that the high-voltage power supply be designed for about 30 kv and 100 ma. Because of this high voltage and average current, it was impractical to design the pulser and the power supply as a single unit. Consequently, the pulser was built in one cabinet and the power supply in another, necessarily making the total weight larger than it would be for a single unit. The completed pulser occupies a cabinet 26 by 34 by 55 in. and weighs about 800 lb. The power-supply cabinet is


A 1-MW




approximately the same size but weighs about 1200 lb. The photographs reproduced in Fig. 5.8 indicate the disposition of the components in the pulser cabinet. The schematic diagram for the hlodel 9 pulser with control circuits omitted is shown in Fig. 5.9. The Output Circuit.For the measurements necessary in determining the performance characteristics of a magnetron, it is desirable to have the shape of the output pulse from the pulser as rectangular as possible. It was therefore decided that the top of the voltage pulse should be flat to better than the 2 per cent figure allowed in the Model 3 pulser design. The choice of the actual energy-storage capacitance to be used was influenced by the available high-voltage condensers. Since a value of 0.125 pf was chosen, the drop in pulse voltage for a l-psec pulse is about 1.3 per cent at the full output power from the pulser (25 kv at 40 amp). This value of the storage capacitance was considered sufficient for the majority of the applications, and for many of these, the drop in voltage was not greater than 1 per cent because the actual pulse current used was less than the maximum value of 40 amp. As in the case of the Model 3 pulser, the trailing edge of the voltage pulse was required to drop to zero in less than 0.5 psec. With a magnetron load, the rate of fall of the pulse voltage depends on the amount, of energy stored in stray capacitance during the pulse, and on the nature of the recharging path for the storage condenser. The stray capacitance and voltage were larger for the Model 9 pulser than for lower-power pulsers, and consequently, if a resistance were to be used as the recharging path, its value would have to be so small that a large amount of pulse It was therefore decided to use a 5-mh inductpower would be wasted. ance in place of the resistance, this value being adequate even for the 0.5- and 0.25-psec pulses. The isolating element in series with the high-voltage power supply is a 10,000-ohm resistance. Thus, a pulse current of about 2.5 amp flows through this resistance at maximum pulse voltage output from the pulser. The power lost during the pulse interval in this resistance at the maximum duty ratio of 0.002 is, therefore,
P = l~R.,(PRF)

= (2.5)

X 104 X 0.002 = 125 watts.

If the maximum duty ratio of 0.002 corresponds to operation at a pulse duration of 1 psec and a PRF of 2000 pps, the interpulse interval is 5 X 104 sec. If it is assumed that the 10,000-ohm resistor constitutes the entire recharging path for the storage condenser, the power dissipated during the interpulse interval may be calculated as outlined in Sec. 2.4. Thus, in this case, the time constant is
RC =

104 X 0.125 X 10-0 = 1.25 X 10-3 sec.




[SEC. 5.2

and the interpulse interval is equal to 0.4RC. The rms charging current is then 1.006 times the average current. For operation at full pulse power and 0.002 duty ratio, the average recharging current is 80 ma, so (1,)= 80.5 ma, and the power lost in the charging resistor is (0.08) X 104 = 64 watts. The isolating resistance must therefore be capable of dissipating about 200 watts. Because of the high voltage

FIG. 5.8.Photographs


across this resistance, the pulser was designed with four 2500-ohm units in series. In order to eliminate the backswing voltage inherent in the use of the inductance recharging path, it was necessary to incorporate a shunt diode into the pulser design. This diode had to be capable of passing a pulse current of several amperes, and of withstanding an inverse voltage of 25 kv. The choice of tube for this function was somewhat limited, and it proved to be more economical of space and cathode power to use two 8020 diodes in parallel, rather than a single large tube. It was necessary


A 1-MW




to use more than one 8020 tube because the plate dissipation was greater than that allowed for a single tube. The average magnetron current is measured by a meter connected in series with the recharging path for the storage condenser. In the Model 9 pulser, a current-sensitive relay is connected in series with this meter. The contacts of this relay are connected in series with the primary winding

the Mo del 9 1-Mw pulser.

of the transformer used to heat the magnetron cathode. By adjusting a resistance in parallel with the coil of this relay, it is possible to have the magnet ron-cat bode heater current shut off when the average magnetron current reaches a certain minimum value. This feature was added to this pulser because the back-bombardment heating of the magnetron cathode became large enough at high average power to keep the cathode hot without any current in the heater. This automatic reduction of the cathode-heating power minimized the danger of overheating the cathode, and the consequent shortening of the life of the magnetron.



4700 --.---. 10k /{

2 4.6 k +_. -_-_ h

-___ ]8k

-__ --- +450

-----I 1


----n i

----------f4 I

------- +750 v

-----. i.-

, I ;

i I


1 I I

0.25 t

I I : 1$

1.0+ 8k 12h I

4.05 4.9

4.0 ~


110v 60Cps m

Control circuits aranotshown

FIG. 5.9.Schematic

--- ---kiiiiii
LwdLu!d ~~i

diagram for the Model 9 1.Mw hard-tube


Control circuits are not shown,






A survey of available tubes that could be used as the switch in the Model 9 pulser indicated that the Eimac 1000 UHF triode, later called The pulse characteristics for this tube, the 6C21, was the best choice. shown in Fig. 310, indicate that three tubes in parallel are required to obtain a pulse current of 40 amp in the pulser load. It proved to be more economical of cathode-heating polver and grid-drive power to use several of these tubes in parallel, instead of a single large tube that could withstand the plate voltage of 30 kv and carry the required pulse current. Although the 1000 UHF was rated for a considerably lower plate voltage, laboratory tests proved that the tube could be operated at 30 kv under the conditions of pulse operation. The pulse currents in the 10,000-ohm isolating resistance and in the 5-nlh recharging inductance must be added to the load pulse current when determining the total plate current for the switch tubes. For a 40-amp load current in the Model 9 pulser, the total plate current is 45 to 50 amp. The curves of Fig. 3.10 i~dicate that this plate current can be obtained with three 6C21 tubes in parallel if the positive grid drive is 1000 to 1500 volts and the tube drop is 4 to 5 kv. Under these conditions the pulse-grid current becomes about 1.5 to 2.5 amp for each tube. In order to keep the 6C21 tube from conducting during the interpulse interval, the grid must be biased at least 1200 volts negative when the plate voltage is 30 kv. The pulser was designed with a grid bias of 1500 volts to insure a negligible plate current during the interpulse interval for any tube. The grid-driving power necessary for the switch-tube operation in this pulser is therefore about 20 kw. Thk value is not unreasonably large for a 1-Mw pulser. The Driver Circuit .The driver circuit used for the Model 9 pulser A block diagram and a simplified schehas been described in Sec. 43. matic of this driver are shown in Figs. 49 and 410. The 3E29 tube was chosen for the final pulse amplifier in this driver because the grid swing of 2.5 to 3 kv required for the 6C21 tubes could not be obtained from an 829 tube. As stated in Chap. 3, the 829 tube has a plate-voltage rating for pulse operation of 2 kv, whereas the 3E29 was designed for a plate voltage of 5 kv. Although the grid current of 5 to 8 amp in the three 6C21 tubes could be obtained with a single 3E29 tube, the driver was designed with two of these tubes in parallel in order to provide a greater factor of safety. A plate voltage of 4 kv and a screen-grid voltage of 720 volts was used for these final amplifier tubes in the driver. Since the voltage output available from the 6L6 buffer amplifier following the multivibrator was not sufficient, an intermediate amplifier tube was necessary. An 829 could serve this purpose, but in order to reduce the number of tube types, another 3E29 was used instead, which operated with the plate voltage and the screen-grid voltage obtained from a 750-volt polver supply.





As stated in Sec. 4.3, the pulse duration obtained from this driver is changed by varying the length of the delay line in the feedback (tailbiting) circuit. This variation is accomplished by means of a series of taps onthedelay line which can deselected by a switch. This switchis mechanically linked with another switch that changes the constants in the multivibrator in order to keep the pulse duration for the multivibrator about 25 to 40 per cent larger than that desired at the output of the driver. The driver for the Model 9 pulser was constructed in a unit physically separable from the rest of the pulser. This arrangement provides an easy means of servicing the driver and making any desired modifications. All the d-c voltages necessary for the driver circuit, with the exception of the 4-kv supply for the 3E29 plates, are obtained from power supplies contained in the driver unit.
Modifications to Obtain Continuously Variable Pulse Duration over the

of the driver circuit made it possible to vary the pulse duration continuously over the range 0.5 to 5 psec. This variation was accomplished by removing the delay line entirely and introducing a variable resistance in place of the switch and the series of fixed resistances in the grid circuit of the normally on half of the 6SN7 multivibrator tube. Since the pulse duration is approximately an exponential function of this grid resistance, a tapered potentiometer was designed to allow the pulse duration to vary with the position of the adjustment control in a reaI.P The modTo sonably linear manner. ~r~ ified multivibrator is shown in Fig. 5.10. The circuit elements indicated in heavy lines are those that were changed from the original arrangement shown in Fig. 5.9 in order to obtain satisfactory operation over the 0.5-to 5.o-psec range -15v +200V in pulse duration. The only other FIC.5.10.Modified multi vibratorcircuit change in the driver circuit necfor driverin Model 9 pulser to provide pulse durations continuously variable over the essary for this purpose was the range 0.5 to 5 ~sec. addition of an inductive resistor wit h a resistance of 1000 ohms and an inductance of 160 ph across the secondary of the pulse transformer following the first 3E29 tube. This element was necessary to make the driver output pulse fall more rapidly; it was not needed in the original circuit, because the feedback pulse through the delay line provided a sufficiently fast rate of fall for the driver plilse. 13csi&s these changes in the driver circuit, two other modifications were reads in the Model 9 pulser for the extension to 5-Ysec operation.

Range 0.5 psec to 5 psec.A slight modification



A 1-MW




The O.125-pf storage capacitance was replaced by a 0.3-~f capacitance. With the larger capacitance, the drop in voltage during a 5-psec pulse is about two per cent at the full power output of 25 kv and 40 amp. The other change in the output circuit consisted of replacing the 5-mh induct35k +600V

0.5 70 k 100#h




3.2n. w



I 1.0 10 50 10 3E29

4.5 kv *


driver for 0.1- to 0.5-pse,c operation

of the Model 9 pulser.

ante in the storage-condenser recharging path by a 2.5-mh inductance and 4000-ohm resistance in series. With this inductance-resistance combination, the trailing edge of the voltage pulse is brought down quickly, and the pulse current in these elements is considerably less than that in the 5-mh inductance for long-pulse operation.






Modsation to Obtain Pul.ser Operation over the Range 0.1 psec h 0.5 psec.A regenerative-driver circuit similar to that described in Sec. 4.2 was also designed to be used with the Model 9 pulser for pulse durations from 0.1 to 0.5 ~sec. The schematic circuit is shown in Fig. 5.11. This driver was constructed to be physically and electrically interchangeable with the variable-pulse-duration driver, thus providing a pulser that can be operated over the range in pulse duration from 0.1 to 5 psec. For the operation, from 0.25 to 0.5 psec, the 400@ohm resistance in the storage-condenser recharging path is short-circuited in order to make the voltage pulse fall quickly, and for O.l-~sec operation only 1 mh of the 2.5-mh inductance is used. When a long tail on the voltage pulse is not objectionable, the output circuit of the pulser can be used in the same manner as for the longer pulse operation. Protective Measures. Because of the high voltage necessary for this 1-Mw hard-tube pulser, great care is taken to protect the operator from Interlocks are provided on all doors, and all the power accidental shock. supplies have bleeder resistances to dkcharge the filter condensers. An automatic shorting bar is actuated so as to discharge the storage condenser when the cabinet doors are opened. Overload relays and fuses are incorporated to protect components against abnormal increases in voltage and current in critical parts of the circuit. Since several kilowatts of power are dissipated inside the pulser cabinet, it is necessary to provide protection against overheating of components. A large blower is therefore installed to draw air through a filter from outside the cabinet and circulate it inside the cabinet. 6.3. A High-power Short-pulse Hard-tube Pulser.This pulser was designed and constructed for the purpose of determining the behavior of magnetrons and the operation of radar systems under conditions of high pulse power and very short pulse duration. For these tests it was specified that the pulser be capable of delivering pulse power of 1 Mw or more to a magnetron at various pulse durations in the range from 0.03 psec to 0.15 psec. The pulse shape was to be as rectangular as possible in order that a reasonable evaluation could be made of the magnetron It was and radar-system performance in terms of the pulse duration. further rqquired that the pulse-power input to the magnetron be adjustable from small to large values without any appreciable change in the The combination of these requirepulse shape or the pulse duration. ments dictated that the pulser be of the hard-tube type. The schematic diagram for the pulser circuit designed to meet the above requirements is shown in Fig. 5.12. Photographs of the unit constructed for the laboratory tests are reproduced in Fig. 5.13. !fhe Output Circuit. -Because of the limitation imposed by available components, particularly the switch tube, the pulser was designed for a







maximum voltage-pulse amplitude of about 30 kv, and a pulse current of about 35 amp. Since it was desired that the short pulses be nearly rectangular, the output circuit had to be designed for a very high rate of rise of voltage. The inductance and the shunt capacitance in the pulser circuit therefore had to be kept as small as possible. In order to minimize the inductance introduced by the circuit connections, the components were mounted as close together as their physical size would permit, allowing for the spacing necessary to prevent high-voltage flash-over. The importance of keeping the stray capacitance small is evident when
+tiv 30-35 kv


10 k 50 h 10 0.004 ~ 1 10 10

*91 3F=tl!?i?T51.R I
-- .

Cable length
4.5 n. 5.8ft. 10.2K 21.7ft

-150V Pulse duration 0.02 0,03 0.05 ? 0.1 2k


0.002 100k


30 k



10 0.004 J

85 mh

FPS. 6. 12.Schematic the charging current, c. G?vt/dt, for across at the

diagram of the circuit for a high-power short-pulse hard-tube pulser. this the load capacitance output is to is considered. of the ~pulser in 0.01 must to For is capacitance voltage pulse current tube, may pulse the be power terminals rise to 30 kv this current needed than that ~sec, flow a to a is 60 amp. maximum considerably to the load. cathode by plate Since switch of dv/dt current obtain greater The and the needed may have magnetron anode, pulser of 10 to 15 ppf, capacitance between so it is obvious circuit must be introduced

example, 20 ppf the and

if the the

condenser-charging the value

through large deliver

the required

capacitance that small. the


~ 162

[SEC :. 5.3 .-T. . ,.+,~,

r .

w El

SEC. 5.3]






The storage capacitance used for this pulser consisted of two 0.05-pf 15-kv condensem connected in series. The effective capacitance of 0.025 pf was ample for the short pulse durations, since the drop in voltage is only 140 volts for a O.l-psec 35-amp pulse. These condensers were arranged so as to keep the connections short and the stray capacitance to ground low, as may be observed in the photographs of Fig. 5.13. One of the most serious problems encountered in the design of this pulser was the choice of a satisfactory switch tube. The requirements of high pulse voltage and high pulse current could not be met by a single tube of any available type. It was necessary to choose the 6D21 tetrode from the standpoint of the high plate voltage needed, and to use four of these tubes in parallel in order to obtain the plate current required for the maximum pulse-power operation. The curves of Fig. 3.10 indicate that four 6D21 tubes are capable of a total plate current of 70 to 80 amp, which is sufficient to allow the voltage pulse to rise at the rate of 3000 kv/psec for a stray capacitance of about 20 pgf. In order to minimize the inductance in the pulse circuit, the plate terminals of the four 6D21 tubes were interconnected by means of a thick brass plate. This brass plate served also as the mechanical support for one end of the storage condenser in order to provide a short connection and to keep the capacitance to ground small. The other terminal of the storage condenser was attached to the magnetron-cathode terminal as can be seen in Fig. 5.13. The inductance of the ground connection to the cathodes of the four 6D21 tubes was also kept small by mounting the sockets on a heavy brass plate that served as the common ground terminal for the pulser circuit. The low value of stray capacitance across the pulser output aided the quick return of the pulse voltage to zero at the end of the pulse. In order to make the voltage fall to zero in a few hundredths of a microsecond, however, it was still necessary to use a relatively low resistance for the storage-condenser recharging path. A value of 2000 ohms was used, although this value was only about twice the normal load resistance. The use of an inductance for the recharging path was not considered, because it would then be necessary to add a shunt diode to eliminate the backswing voltage, and the addition of such a diode to the circuit would It was considered more of necessity increase the stray capacitance. important to keep this capacitance small than to decrease the pulse power lost in the shunt path by the use of an inductance. The Driver Circuit. Because of the relatively large pulse power required to drive the grid of four 6D21 tubes, it was decided to use a pulse-forming network driver of the type discussed in Sec. 43. This driver was a line-type pulser using inductance charging of the pulseforming network. A hold-off diode was used in the network-charging




[SEC. 53

circuit in order to provide some flexibility in the range of pulse recurrence frequencies that could be used. The circuit was so arranged that the screen-grid voltage for the 6D21 tubes was obtained from the power supply used to charge the network. The pulse-forming network in this driver consisted of a short length The pulse duration could then be of 50-ohm high-voltage pulse cable. easily changed by varying the length of the cable. The lengths actually used for various pulse durations were obtained experimentally, and are indicated in the diagram of Fig. 5.12. The approximate length to be used for a particular pulse duration can be calculated since it is known that the velocity of propagation for a voltage wave in this cable is about 45o ft/~sec and that the wave must traverse the length of cable twice during the pulse. The coil of cable used for the pulse-forming network may be seen in the photograph of Fig. 5.13. In order to obtain a fast rate of rise for the pulse applied to the grids of the 6D21 tubes, it was necessary to keep the connection between the driver and the grid terminals as short as possible. The 4C35 switch tube of the driver was therefore mounted upside down beneath the plate supporting the four tubes. Since the cathode of the 4C35 must rise and fall in potential along with the 6D21 grids, a low-capacitance transformer was used to supply the cathode-heating power. Operation. This pulser was operated at pulse durations as short as 0.02 usec and at a pulse power of 950 kw with a magnetron load. The magnetron pulse current was not observed in the usual way (see Appendix A), in which a resistor is introduced between the magnetron anode and ground, because for these short pulses the added capacitance and inductance introduced b.v such a resistor was sufficient to cause distortion of the pulse shape. The pulse current was determined from the measured average magnetron current, the pulse recurrence frequency, and the pulse duration. The pulse duration was measured for the r-f envelope pulse, and the oscilloscope sweep speed calibrated by measuring the frequency difference between the first minima on either side of the center frequency of the r-f spectrum. This calibration was done with a O.l-psec pulse whose frequency difference of 20 Mc/sec could be measured with reasonable precision. Photographs of the oscilloscope traces for some voltage and r-f pulses obtained with this pulser are reproduced in Fig. 514. The time delay between the start of the voltage pulse and the start of the r-f pulse is characteristic of magnetrons, and its magnitude depends on a large number of factors (cf. Chap. 9 of Vol. 6). The relatively slow rate of rise for the r-f envelope pulse is due in part to the detector and the oscilloscope circuit used to obtain the trace. The fraction of the observed time required for the r-f pulse to build up that was due to the circuit and the

SEC. 5.4]





fraction that was inherent in the magnetron output were not determined in these cases. Other experiments have indicated that the time for this buildup may be about 0.01 psec. One of the interesting results obtained with this pulser is the fact that a magnetron can operate satisfactorily with considerably higher pulse-power input as the pulse duration is decreased. With a 725A magnetron, for example, the operation ~vas satisfactory, that is, there was no sparking, \vith a pulse-power input of 900 kw at a pulse duration of 0.03 ~sec. The r-f power output under these conVoltage pulse r-f pulse (a) ditions was 195 kw. In contrast, the magnetron could not be operated above 15 kv and 15 amp without sparking ~vhen the pulse duration ~vas about 2 psec. 5.4. The Application of Pulsekhaping Networks to the Hardtube P u 1s e r .Throughout the Voltage pulse preceding discussions of the design (b) of hard-tube pulsers, the effect of Fro. 5 14.Photographs of oscilloscope traces for voltaee and r-f nulses obtained the value of the storage-condenser with a high-po-wer short-~ulse bard-tube capacitance on the change in pulse pulser. (a) 0,1 gsec pulses, (b) 0.03 psec pulses. voltage and pulse current during a pulse is emphasized. It is shown in Chap. 2 that, if the time constant for the discharging circuit of the storage condenser is large compared with the pulse duration, the drop in pulse voltage during the pulse is given approximate] y by the relation A VI = llr/CW. If the pulse voltage changes, the pulse current also changes, but, as indicated in Chap. 2, the above relation is a sufficiently good approximation when AV1 is only a small percentage of the pulse voltage. When the load on a hard-tube pulser is a pure resistance, A1 . I m., A~ v.,:

where Z~.1 and V~., are the maximum load current and voltage at the beginning of the pulse. With a magnetron or biased-diode load the dynamic resistance is generally only a small fraction of the static resistance, and AI/In.. > AV/ V~=, the inequality becoming larger as the 1F. F.
Rieke and R. C. Fletcher, Mode Selection in Ifagnetrons, RL Report No. W9 Sept. 28, 1945.





dynamic resistance becomes smaller, In some cases the magnitude of the current change may be so large that the operation of the magnetron oscillator is unsatisfactory. For given values of Z1and T the magnitude of AV can be decreased by increasing C., but the resulting increase in condenser size becomes a serious problem when the size and weight of the completed pulser are important. The purpose of the present discussion is to point out a method for reducing the change in load current during the pulse without increasing the storage capacitance. The method consists of adding a network in series with the discharging circuit of the storage condenser. The network may be simply a resistance and an inductance in parallel, or it may be a more complex combination of resistance, inductance, and capacitance. In order to indicate the effect of such a network on the load current during the pulse, an example in which the network consists of an inductThe folance, L, and a resistance, R, in parallel is discussed in detail. lowing discussion deals only with the load current associated with the top of the pulse, so the output circuit of the pulser may be simplified by neglecting the stray capacitance and inductance inherent in any design. The circuit is further simplified by considering an ideal switch with its effective resistance combined in the load re ~ Ri +The analysis is made for the circuit sistance. = c. shown in Fig. 5.15 with a pure-resistance L iz T load. The initial voltage on the storage ST R; condenser is Vw, and the current in L is Ii assumed to be zero before the switch & is closed in order to start the pulse. The rea F1o. 5.15.Simplified out- sis tance R; includes any resistance in series Put circuit of a hard-tube
the effective resistance (RJ + TP) for a resistance load Rl and a switch tube of resistance Tp. Using Kirchoffs laws, the Laplace-transform equations for this circuit are pulser with an LR-network to minimize the change in load current during the pulse. with the pulse the circuit exclusive of that introduced by network. Thus

R{ represents


+ R;~z(P)



~w p Y


Ri,(P) and



iz(p) = 12(p).
Eqs. (l),

(3) (2), and (3),

An equation for Ii(p) with the result

is obtained

by combining

I,(p) = 2 + R;) () RR;Cw -1-L (R + (R +

p+: R (R + R;)LCw (4)

Rj)LCw p +

SEC. 5.4]





RR;Cw % = + L (R + R;)LC. R b = (R + R;)LC.


and (6)

Then Eq. (4) may be written

v. ~,(p) = (R + R;) (p+a)+u


p + ~

(7) (8)

where Oz = b a2. The inverse Laplace transformation of Eq. (7) gives

(9) If b < az, let kz = uz = az b. ~it) = (R If b = az, (11) These three equations give the load current as a function of time for any Since in most pulser designs the combination of the circuit parameters. time interval involved is very small, the point of interest is whether or is a not a condition can be found for the circuit parameters such that I(t) slowly varying function near t = O. This condition can be determined by differentiating Eqs. (9), (10), and (11) with respect to time and equating the derivative to zero. Thus from Eq. (9)
dIl dt = (R FR;) -a [ -U

R ~kLa)

e- cosh kt + ~R;) [

sinh kt .


sin d + R ~La)

cos d a(R

a Cosd
sin tit 1

La) Lu


Equating this derivative to zero for t = O gives the condition

R = 2La.


With the value of a from Eq. (5), Eq. (13) becomes

L = R2Cw.







The identical condition is obtained by carrying out the same procedure with Eqs. (10) and (11). If the relation of Eq. (14) is used, Eqs. (9), (10), and (11) become 11(0 = (R yR{) 11(0 = (R fiR{) and t(t) =

t 1 e ZRcW cos d + sin d , 2RC.W ( ) sinh kt , e Zic- cosh kt + &k w ( )

(15) (16)




Thus, when the condition of Eq. (14) is satisfied by the components of the LR-network, the plot of load current as a function of time has a zero slope att=O. The equation for the load current without the LR-network in the pulser output circuit is v. e-&. 11(0 = ~ (18)

Since the plot. of current versus time from this equation has a slope not equal to zero at t = O, the decrease in load current obtained from Eqs. (15), (16), and (17) should be less for small values of t than that from Eq. (18). A numerical example shows more specifically the effect of the LR-network on the change of load current during the pulse. Assume the following values for the circuit parameters for Fig. 5.15:
Vm = 12.5 kv. R! = 1000 ohms. Cw = 0.05 pf. R = 50 ohms. L = R2Cw = 125 ph.

r = 1 psec. If L = RZC~ is substituted in Eqs. (5) and (6), Eq. (8) becomes
3R 2 = b a = 4R2C:(R R; + R;)


In the present example, 3R < R;, so k2=a2b= and the current is given by Eq. (16).
R; 4R2C~(R 3R 1-R;)


The change in current during

SEC.5.4] 1
psec is





theref ore AI1 = 12~O&108 [1


(cosh 0.18 -1-1.1 sinh 0.18)]

= 11.9 X 0.005 = 0.06 amp. Without the LR-network, (18) is the change in load current obtained from Eq.

All =

12~o~010 [1
AV1 = $


= 12.5 X 0.02 = 0.25 amp. Using the approximate voltage is AVl = ~5 and AIl = ~~ = 0.25 amp. = 250 volts, calculation T, the change in pulse

V.t +6- /.,-

Thus the droop in the current pulse is decreased by a ~actor of four wh& the LRnetwork is inserted. ~ If the load is a biased diode or a magnetron, Fm. 6.16.-SimpliSed outthe output circuit of the pulser appears as ~~tm~tic~~h ~ ~ia~d~ifi~ shown in Fig. 5.16. The analysis for this load and an ZX-netw.rk to minimizethe changein load circuit is identical to that for the circuit current during the pulse. of Fig. 5.15, T{ replacing R; and Vw V, appearing in place of Vw. The resistance T; represents the sum of the dynamic resistance of the biased diode and the effective switch-tube As another numerical example indicating resistance, that is,, (T1+ T,). the effect of the LR-network, consider the following values for the circuit parameters: Vw = 12.5 kv. V, = 10 kv. Cw = 0.05 pf. l; = 200 ohms. R = 50 ohms. L = R2Cu = 125 ph. T = 1 psec. Since r; > 3R, Eq. (16) again applies, and the change in load current during 1 psec is AIl = ~ [1 e-o (cosh 0.089 + 2.2 sinh 0.089)] = 10 X 0.015 = 0.15 amp.






[SEC. 5.4

Without the LR-network, AIz = ~

the change in current according to Eq. (18) is

(1 e-o.) = 12.5 X 0.095 = 1.19 amp. calculations for AV, 12.5 = 250 volts V1 = 0.05

Using the approximate

and AIl = $= = 1.25 amp, which agrees reasonably well with the value of 1.19 amp calculated by the exact relation of Eq. (18).

;:q%%s ~qps
Circuit A
Circuit B
0.9 \ %?? \ 4 @ % 0.6 + 0.8 0.7 1,t?) ~


Circuit B \


0.3 0

2 4 6810 t infi sec alter clwing ST

FXQ. 5. 17.Change in load current as a function of time with and without an LR-network in series, with the output circuit of 8 hard-tube pulser.

In order to keep the load current constant within 0.15 amp by increasing the capacitance of the storage condenser, this capacitance has to be about 0.4 pf. It is therefore evident that a significant advantage results from the use of the LR-network in series with the discharging circuit of the storage condenser. If the allowable drop in the load current is larger than the values obtained in the above examples, the use of an LR-network makes it possible to have a smaller capacitance for the storage condenser.






The general effect of the addition of the network on the load current is indicated by the curves of Fig. 5.17. One set of curves is given for a 900-ohm resistance load, and another set for a biased-diode load with a 100-ohm dynamic resistance, the switch-tube resistance being 100 ohms for each set. These curves show that a marked improvement in the slope of the top of the current pulse can be obtained even for relatively long The curves also indicate that the use of an LR-network pulse durations. is more important in the operation of the pulser with a low-resistance load. The examples given above indicate that there is also a disadvantage The presence of the resistassociated with the use of the LR-network. ance R in series with the load results in a lower pulse current for a given For the resistance load, the maximum value of condenser voltage V.. the pulse current is 12.5 amp without the network and 11.9 amp with the network. For the biased-diode load, the corresponding current values are 12.5 amp and 10 amp. Thus, the pulse power delivered to the biaseddiode load having a dynamic resistance of 100 ohms is 110 kw with the LR-network, and 141 kw without it. In order to obtain the same pulse power in the load in both cases, it is necessary to increase the condenser voltage from 12.5 kv to 13.1 kv when the network is used. The actual power loss in the resistance of the LR-network is small (about 5 kw in the example given here), but the requirement of a higher condenser voltage is sometimes an inconvenience. In the design of a hard-tube pulser, it is therefore necessary to weigh the reduction in pulse power or the increase in condenser voltage against the drop in load current during the pulse or an increase in the capacitance of the storage condenser.

FIG. 5.lS.Output circuit of a hard-tube pulse. with a network of passive elements to maintain approximately constant load current during the pulse.

Another method by which the pulse current can be kept approximately constant for pulse durations of about a microsecond is indicated in the diagram of Iig. 5.18. This arrangement was first suggested to members of the pulser group at the Radiation Laboratory by Mr. A. A. Varela of the Naval Research Laboratory, Anacostia, D.C.





This arrangement has an advantage over the in that the network consists of passive elements. There is, however, a loss in pulse voltage, which makes it necessary to charge the condenser Cw to a higher voltage than is required without the network for a given pulse voltage at the load. Another possible disadvantage of this arrangement is the need for three circuit elements, including a condenser with a relatively high voltage rating.





,The general characteristics of line-type pulsers are given in Sec. 1.4, and a comparison of some features of the two principal types of pulsers are made in Sec. 1.5. The next six chapters of this volume present a detailed discussion of the line-type pulser. Before going into the analysis of the components and circuit behavior, it is well to summarize the general philosophy from which the line-type pulser has been developed. Fundamentally, the pulser consists of a reservoir of electrical energy that is allowed to discharge completely into a load at predetermined times to form the pulses, and that is connected to a source in such a way that the same amount of energy is stored in it during each interpulse interval. Obviously, there are many types of energy reservoirs that are unsatisfactory because the rate of discharge of their energy into the load does not produce the desired pulse shape. Chapter 6, dealing with pulseforming networks, sets forth the analysis by which combinations of inductances and capacitances are determined to approximate a specific output pulse shape, and gives the results obtained by various methods of analysis for the pulse shapes most commonly used in pulsers for microwave radar. The pulse-f orming networks have been derived by considering circuits that do not include losses, or stray capacitances and inductances, and for which the load resistance is equal to the network impedance. The effects on the output from the pulser of nonlinear loads, of impedance mismatch between load and network, of losses and of stray capacitances in the circuit are considered in Chap. 7. Chapter 8 gives a discussion of the types of switches most commonly used with line-type pulsers, and of the auxiliary circuits that they require. The different methods of restoring the energy to the pulse-forming network between pulses are considered in detail in Chap. 9, and the over-all performance of the pulser as it is affected by the various components and by variations in load impedance is discussed in Chap. 10. Finally, Chap. 11 gives a few examples of pulsers in use at present, and also indicates the possibilities of some variations in the usual pulser circuit. It is worth noting again that the fundamental circuits of line-type pulsers are always very simple. There can be many variations, depending on the required polarity of the output pulse and the power supply available. Possibly their greatest advantage, next to their inherent







simplicity, stems from the fact that only sufficient energy for one pulse is stored at any one time; by comparison, the energy stored in the reservoir of the hard-tube pulser is nearly always twenty to fifty times that required by the load for a single pulse. The possibility of damage to the load or to the pulser is thus naturally greater with a hard-tube than with a linetype pulser. The circuit simplicity results in less flexibility than can be obtained from hard-tube pulsers. The latter type can usually be altered with little effort to satisfy new requirements of pulse duration and recurrence frequency. In the present state of development, a line-type pulser requires a new pulse-forming network if the pulse duration is to be changed and, in the case of a-c charging of the network, it is also inflexible as to recurrence frequency.



The pulse-forming network serves the dual purpose of storing exac~ $ the amount of energy required for a single pulse and of discharging t & energy into the load in the form of a pulse of specified shape. ~he required energy may be stored either in capacitances or in induct . . Networks in which thF&T~ in combinations of these circuit elements. is stored in an electrostatic field are referred to as voltage-fed net~~ ~ networks in which the energy is stored in a magnetic field are refer~tew * -:? as current-fed networks. Networks of the voltage-fed type are almost universally in practice because only with this type can the d ~j~ K--gaseous-discharge switches, such as spark gaps and thyratrons, be # The current-fed networks have certain important advantages, but far no suitable switch is available that permits high-power oper @ .U Therefore, the discussion of networks is confined largely to the consl~H tion of the voltage-fed type. of 6.1. The Formation and Shaping of Pulses. Determination Pulse-forming Networks for Generating Pulses of Arbitrary Shape. A general mathematical procedure exists for the determination of pulseforming networks to generate pulses of arbiPuls&~l#g trary shape, and the outlines of the theory are given for the case of voltage-fed networks. Pul=shaping nelwork If it is assumed that all the energy is stored in C// one condenser, the pulse-generating circuit ZN takes the fotm of Fig. 6.1. The required curWitch RI rent pulse i(t) flowing in the circuit may be } arbitrary in shape but practical considerations ~ 6.1.Basic circuit limit it to finite single-valued functions hav~0,~e~eratil,~~d=~ .f ~rbiing a finite number of discontinuities and a trary shape (voltagefed finite number of maxima and minima. In etWork) analyzing this problem the Laplace-transform method is used. The transform for the current may be found from the definition of the Laplace transform, and is . (1) ~ i(t)ep~ dL i(p) = / 1Section6.5 by P. R. Gillette,Sec. 6.6 by J. V. Lebacqz, the remzinderof Chap. 6 by H. J. White. 17s





The Laplace-transform

equation for the circuit of Fig. 61 is






where R; is the load resistance, ZN is the network impedance, CN is the network storage capacitance, and QN is the initial charge on the network. The amplitude of i(p) is determined by V., the initial voltage on CN. For the present, VN may be considered as a known constant, and Eq. (2) may be solved explicitly for the unknown impedance of the network, giving 1 VN





As a simple illustration, suppose that the current pulse is specified as being rectangular with amplitude 12and duration r, and that the load is a pure resistance of value R1. Then i(p) is found from Eq.(1) to be
i(p) = ;

(1 ~q .

Substituting in Eq. (3), there is obtained ZN = or rearranging, pvx pZl(l e-~)

R, &,

If the numerator and denominator

are multiplied by e~iz,


VN = 2Z&1, there is obtained

Z. +

&p= Rl coth


The right-hand member of Eq. (4) is recognized as the impedance function for an open-circuited lossless transmission line of characteristic








impedance 20 = RI, and transmission time 6 = 7/2. Hence, in this case, either the pulse-shaping circuit plus the capacitance CN must be an electrical equivalent for the transmission line, or the transmission line itself may be considered as one form of the network that generates the required rectangular pulse. Unfortunately, in all but the simplest cases it proves very difficult to recognize an actual physical network from the form of ZN given by Eq. (3), and there is no straightforward method for changing the expression into a form which is so recognizable. The difficulty is increased by the fact that ZN generally contains dissipative as well as reactiv e elements. Hence, actual designs are usually based on more specialized and indirect approaches to the problem, the most important of which are discussed below.
Pulses Generated by a Lossless Tran.wnis-

the microwave oscillators for which most pulsers have been designed require the application of an essentially rec! ho 1 tangular pulse, the lossless open-ended transFIG. 6.2.Schematic cir. cuit diagram for producing an mission line considered in the foregoing example ideal rectangular pulse from may be taken as a starting point in the discusa transmission line. sion. The nature of the transient produced by the discharge of such a transmission line into a resistance bad (see Fig. 6.2), may be studied in more detail by further application of the Laplace transform or operational method of analysis. The a-c impedance, Z, of the transmission line, is given by elementary transmission line theory as Z = 20 coth ju&. The Laplace-transform impedance is found by substituting where p is the transform parameter. Then Z(p) = Z, coth pa, p for ju,

won Line.Since


where 6 is the one-way transmission time of the line, and 20 is its characteristic impedance. The current transform is then

~b) =

P(RL + 20 coth P~) 1

Vo p(Zo+RJ)l+~

@P6 R1

20 +

V3(1 e-~) R12e-4ti Z, R1 e-,ti ~ zo p(zo + 2?1) [ lZO+R1 () ZO + R1








where VO is the initial voltage transform gives the current as v,

(t) = Z. + R1

on the transmission


The inverse



RI [u(~




1u@-2@-zo+R2 W[u(t4a) () U(t66)] ... , (7)


for At >0 t7(At) = 1 for At<O .?7(At) = O n = 2,4,6, At = (t n~),

If Rl = 20, that is, if the line is matched to the load, the current consists of a single rectangular pulse of amplitude 11 = VO/2Z0 and duration ~ = 28. Current and voltage pulses for Rl = 20, Rl = 2Z0, and R; = ~ZO are shown in Fig. 6.3.


1 0


RI =Zo


. . . .











Rl =


-F6 46
a series same sign


bii ---86


FIG. 6.3.Current and voltage pulees for a losslees transmission line discharging into a resistance load. The solid and broken lines represent the voltage and current pufsas, respectively. The the effect of mismatching discharge. the These load steps is to introduce are all of of steps into when



Rz >20, and alternate in sign when RI <2.. An elementary explanation of the steps can be made in terms of reflections caused at the terminals of the line by mismatching the load resistance. These reflections traverse the line to the open end in time 6, are completely reflected there, and travel back to the load end in a total time 26, where they appear as posi-

SEC. 6.2]







tive or negative steps depending upon the mismatch ratio. The reflections continue in this way, with constantly diminishing amplitude, until all the energy initially stored in the line is dissipated in the load resistor. Both the design and operation of line-type pulsers are affected by these reflections. A transmission line having a one-way transmission time of 8 generates a pulse of duration 26; assuming a pulse of l-psec duration and a signal velocity on the line of 500 ft/psec (a representative value), a line of length It is obvious that a high-voltage 1 = 500 X 1/2 = 250 ft is required. line or cable of this length would be impractical because of its large size and weight, and hence, that a substitute in the form of a line-simulating network is necessary for any practical equipment. Pulse-forming networks have other advantages in that the pulse shape may be altered by varying the values of the network parameters and the number of elements. 6.2. Networks Derived from a Transmission Line.-The development of pulse-forming networks that simulate a transmission line is a As may be anticipated, no mathematical problem in network synthesis. network having a finite number of elements can exactly simulate a transmission line which in reality has distributed rather than lumped parameters. As the number of elements for a given network type is increased, the degree of simulation will improve. It may happen, however, that the network pulse is a good approximation to the rectangular pulse during For example, the network pulse may only a portion of the pulse interval. exhibit overshoots and excessive oscillations, especially near the beginning and end of the pulse. These possibilities must be kept in mind, and the properties of networks derived by formal mathematical methods must be investigated with care to determine how closely the networks approximate transmission lines. Network Demved by Rayleighs Principle. From the mathematical point of view, physical problems involving distributed parameters give rise to partial differential equations, whereas lumped-parameter problems give rise only to ordinary differential equations. Inasmuch as the partial differential equation for a physical problem may usually be derived by taking the limit of a set of ordinary differential equations as the number of equations in the set approaches infinity, 1 it is clear that a finite number can at best give only an approximate answer to the distributedparameter problem, but that the degree of approximation improves as the number of equations, and therefore the number of physical elements, This line of reasoning also appears plausible on purely is increased. physical grounds.

1Usually referredto as Rayleighs principle. See, for example, A. C,. Webster, Differential Equatiom of Mathematical Physics, 2nd cd., Stechert,New York, 1933,pp. 93-97.




[SEC. 6.2

Application of Rayleighs principle to the transmission line yields the two-termirml line-simulating network shown in Fig. 6.4. The properties of the line-simulating network of Fig. 6.4 may conveniently be investigated by findsimulatmg network Line ing its impedance function. For present purposes the operator function is used rather than the a-c alternative forms are equivalent, but the operator form is particularly useful in calculating the tran.sient response. FIG.6.4.Two-terminal line-simulating netThe impedance function may workderivedby Rayleigha Principle. be found by writing down the set of n transform equations for the network and noting that these are difference equations, each equation except the first and last being of the form ~ ~


impedance functio TheS

where r is the rth mesh. is i,(p) = Ae + Bee


The general solution of this difference equation (9)

where cosh o = 1 + (LC/2)p2, and A and B are arbitrary constants to be determined by substitution in the first and last mesh equations. Consider first the case for which the resistance RI, in series with the battery v~, is put equal to zero. The circuit is then composed of purely reactive elements, and the currents that flow upon closing the switch persist that is, the currents continue indefinitely and represent a steady-state rather than a transient condition. Transients can arise only if dissipative elements are present. Solving for the arbitrary constants A and B and reducing to hyperbolic functions, the following expression is obtained for the current transform i,(p): ii(p) The corresponding


sinh nO sinh (n + 1)0 sinh nO transform for the network is then

= a = ~

sinh(n+l)o_l. sinh (no) [


It maybe of interest to find the limiting form of Z(p,n) as n approaches infinity in such a way that the total inducts.nce and capacitance of the network remain constant.








h n4

m @n)

1 = n:m. Gp = J5n

sinh (n + 1)0 _ ~ sinh (ntl)


[cosh O + coth no si.nh O 1]


But Cosho=
LC l+~P=l+7j--#-P!

sinh O = dc05h*e-l= no = which f@eS

m n pm


2n sinh-l



coth p GN (11)

= ZH coth pa,

whioh is the exact form for the impedance function for a transmission line given in Eq: (5). Thus, the network impedsnce function reduces in the limit to the transmission-line impedance function, in accord with Rayleighs principle. The pulse shape generated by the line-simulating network of Fig. 64 on matched resistance load, Rl = = ~C, may be found by calculating the charging-current pulse when the voltage VN is applied to the circuit of Fig. 6.4. If the voltage transform is divided by the sum of the load resistance and the network impedance [Eq. (10)],

() ++i[sin~i$:,)e= w. 11
(n + 1)0 PVTc+ [ sinhsinh m? _ ~

; 1

but from the value of o in Eq. (9)

sinh ntl


sinh (n + 1)0 +


2 sinh ~ 1 sinh nt? ( )






Equation (12) is valid for any number of sections n. The simplest case occurs when n. = 1, that is, when the network is reduced to a single mesh. In this case sinh o ii(p) = Cv,v sinh 26 +
. Cv.v

2 sinh ~ 1 sinh o )

w. 2+ v. . L P+*CP+* Lcp+mcpl

which is recognized as the current transform for a one-mesh RLC-circuit with R = ~L/C. By the method used in deriving Eq. (11), the limit of i,(p) as n approaches infinity in such a way that the total distributed capacitance C. and the total distributed inductance L. remain fixed is shown to be lim i,(p) n+ =a
= JM

(1 e--p),


2 J Gp This is the Laplace transform for a rectangular current pulse of amplitude

v. 2 4LN/CN

and of duration 2 m, and is the result to be expected according to Rayleighs principle. In order to check the theory, both calculated and experimental pulse shapes were obtained for a five-section uniform-line network on matched resistance load, that is, when R1 = ZN. The calculated pulse shape was found by using Eq. (12) with n = 5. In carrying out the solution, it is necessary to convert from the hyperbolic to the algebraic form corresponding to Eq. (12). Since the denominator is of the 10th degree ( = 2n), the roots are tedious to find. The resulting pulse shape is plotted in The correFig. 6.5a, using dimensionless ratios for the coordinates. sponding experimental pulse shape, shown in Fig. 6.5b, was obtained by using an experimental network for which the actual values of all the parameters were within 1 per cent of the theoretical values. The correspondence between the calculated and experimental pulse shapes is

Bxc. 6.2]







very close, the only significant difference being in the initial overshoot for which the calculated value is about twice the observed value. This difference occurs probably because the hydrogen-thyratron switch used in the experimental pulse-generator circuit does not close instantaneously, and also because there are, in any physical system, unavoidable losses and distributed capacitances and inductances. A

(a) Calculated Fm. 6.5.Pulse

puke. by a fiva-eaction resistance load.

(b) Observed puke. uniform-line network on matchad

shapes produced

FIG. 6.6.Voltsge

(a) RI = ZN. (b) RI = 2ZN. Pukw shapas obtained with the network of Fig. 6.5 as aean with a slow aweep apaad.

The oscillograms in Fig. 6.6 were taken with the same network; Fig. 66a is identical with Fig. 65b except that a slower sweep speed was used in order to show the complete pulse tail. The effect of mismatch with Rl = ZZN is shown in Fig. 6.6b, in which the series of steps as shown It may be conin Fig. 6.3b is evident, although not very well defined. cluded that the five-section uniform-line network is a poor equivalent for a transmission line. A larger number of sections would give better linesimulation, but this approach is not a very promising one. Relation to Steady-state Theory.The network of Fig. 6.4 comprises a low-pass filter for alternating sine-wave currents. The correspondence between its transient d-c pulse properties and steady-state sine-wave properties is of considerable interest. For steady-state sine-wave currents, the solution of the network is of the same form as Eq. (9), that is,

184 for the rth mesh





i,(t) = A e + Beo, where Ois now defined by the expression cosh e = 1L+.


(15) only if O has a nega-

Equation (14) shows that i,(t) will be attenuated tive real component, that is, if




Then, as cosh 0 can be expressed in the form cosh e = cosh a cos iil j sinh a sin b, it is clear that, for a = O, cosh a = 1, sinh a = Oand cos d = 1 LCQ2/2. Inasmuch as cos P must satisfy the inequality Ices PI S 1, there results l-~sl, or (16) Thus all frequencies, O S f S l/r ~, are passed without attenuation, whereas all higher frequencies are increasingly attenuated. The Fourier series for a succession of identical and uniformly spaced rectangular pulses contains discrete frequencies extending throughout the band to infinity. Most of the pulse energy is accounted for, however, in the frequency band between zero and several times 1/?. A very conservative estimate for the significant upper frequency limit might be taken as 10/,. Thus, it is reasonable to set the cutoff point for the lowpass filter that will transmit such rectangular pulses without appreciable distortion as 10 f.=& =7, or (17) The quantity m represents the delay time per section of the lowpass filter; therefore, an n-section filter structure, when used as a pulsegenerating network, should produce a pulse of duration r=2n~. (18)

SEC. 6.2]







The factor 2 arises from the fact that the pulse wave traverses the filter twice and is reflected back to the load from the open end once. If Eqs. (17) and (18) are solved for n, the number of sections, a value of q~=~= 16 is obtained. Less conservative estimates for the frequencytransmisaion band required might yield, for example, n = 5 or 10.
Networks liw Impedance Derived and by Rational-fraction Admittance E4pawona of Transmission-

other networks that simulate a transmission line may be derived by the process of expanding the transmission-line impedance and admittance functions in an infinite series of rational fractions, and then identifying the terms of the series thus obtained with network elements. As given earlier in Eq. (5), the operational form of the impedance function for a lossless open-ended transmission line of characteristic impedance ZO and one-way transmission time 6 is Z(p) = Z, coth pb.

The rational-fraction

expansion for Z(p) isl


= *


~P . 1



The term ZJO is the operational impedance of a capacitance of value C. = fi/ZO. The remaining terms represent the operational impedance of a series of parallel combinations of capacitance and inductance. For such a combination the imped2L~ ance operator is 2. = p 1 + LnCnp2 cM-b
% % c, -2-

By comparison of coefficients,

= ~~,


Fm. 6.7.Two-terminal network to aimuIate an open-ended transmimion line, ob~~~~a~er:~i~~ion expansion of the

The resulting network is shown in Fig. 67. The second line-simulating network is found by making a similar expansion of the admittance function 1
Y(P) = ~~ = ~ ~. tanh p6,


1 E. T. Whittaker and G. N. Watson, Modem A TULZVG, Americancd., Macmillan, New York, 1943, pp. 134-136.

186 that is,



[SEC. 6.2




P (2n 1)2 + ~



n=l 7f2(2~ 1)2 inductance-capacitance circuit

Each term can be identified lvithaseries for which Y,, =

C.p M&p+

A comparison of the coefficients shows the values of C. and Ln to be 8 6 8CN c = (2n 1)7r z = (2n l)%F and ~ . _zoa_g, 22 (2.%)

and the resulting network is shown in Fig. 6.8. The networks of Figs. 6.7 and 6.8 are approximately equivalent for a finite number of sections, but become exactly equivalent as n approaches infinity, that is, for an infinite number of sections. The total capacitance for the network of Fig. 6.8 is

cN=zc.=%z(2n:l)2 n-1



which is equal to the series capacitance in the network of Fig. 67, and is also the sum required by energy considerations when the network and transmission line are charged to the same constant potential. It is difficult and tedious to obtain solutions for the current-pulse shapes to be expected on resistance load when FIG. 6S.-Two-terminal network to using more than two or three sections ~imulate an open-ended transmission line, obtained by rational-fraction exfor the networks of Fig. 6.7 or Fig. 6.8. pansion of tbe admittance function. However, certain conclusions can be drawn from other considerations. For the network of Fig. 6.7 with a finite number of sections, it is clear that the current at the first instant (on matched resistance load) is double the matched value. The nature of the pulse to be expected for the network of Fig. 6.8 with a finite number of sections can be investigated by calculating the input current when a unit step voltage from a generator of zero internal imped-

!3Ec. 6.2]







ante is applied to the network. This is a particularly simple calculation as each network section acts as an isolated unit, and the total current is The current simply the sum of the currents for the individual sections. for the rth section is

and the total current is then


4 i(t) = ;

c. ~


(2r L

. (2r 1); . t 1) n 2 -N



Equation (24) with n - m is the Fourier-series expansion for a rectangular wave of amplitude ~m and period 4 m, that is, the waveform that would be obtained for the original transmission line. The degree to which the Fourier series, Eq. (24), converges toward a rectangular wave determines the extent to which the network simulates a transmission line. The convergence of a Fourier series is uniform in any region for which the original function is continuous (and has a limited total fluctuation), but is nonuniform in any region containing a point of ordinary discontinuityy. In the present instance, the only points at which trouble might be expected are the points of discontinuity which occur at t = O and at integer multiples of t = 2 #LNCN. Hence, the convergence of the series should be investigated near these points. Denote the sum of the series (24) by S.(t). Then, it can be shown that, at time t slightly greater than zero, lim L%(O+) = ~ ~ nh w / o
dO = 0.926.

Hence the maximum instantaneous current is given by i(c)+) = 4(0.926) r = 1.179 (25)

Thus, the current rises initially to a value about 18 per cent above the value that would be obtained for an actual transmission line, and at this point the network fails in its simulation of the transmission line. A similar effect occurs for t = 2+ c, where c approaches zero. An overshoot of the same type occurs when using a finite number of network sections. (This overshoot effect of the Fourier series near a point of ordinary discontinuityy is known as the Gibbs phenomenon.) It is clear then that the networks of Figs. 6.7 and 68 fail to give a rectangular wave in that substantial overshoots occur near the beginning




[SEC. 6.2

and end of the wave, even though the number of network sections is increased without limit. The response of the networks of Figs. 6-7 and 6.8 in a pulse-generating circuit is similar, in a general way, to their performance in the rectangular wave-generating circuit just discussed, except that a single pulse is produced instead of a continuing rectangular wave. When using a large number of sections of Fig. 6.8 and any number of sections of Fig. 6.7, this single pulse exhibits the same overshoat phenomenon near its beginning, and the amplitude of the overshoot is not reduced by increasing the number of network sections. The pulse shapes produced on resistance load by the networks of Figs. 6.7 and 6.8 are only approximately the same for a finite number of sections, but become identical as n approaches infinity (for an infinite number of sections), The pulse shape produced by the network of Fig. 6.7 with a finite number of sections haa a high initial spike because the net work has no series inductance, consisting merely of a series of anti-resonant .9ections This spike and a series condenser, is illustrated in the experimental pulse shape of Fig. 6.9 obtained with a six-section network; the pulse shape is a poor simulation of a rectangular pulse. The high initial current is clearly in evidence, and is followed by a series of damped oscillations. The initial current does not reach twice the matched value as theoretically expected because of the distributed capacitance of the load and the initial voltage drop in the hydrogemthyratron switch used in the experimental pulser. In contrast, it may be noted that the network of Fig. 6%, which consists of resonant sections in parallel, does have inductance in series with all the condensers. The initial current must therefore be zero, and there is not likely to be a high current spike as long as the number Fm. 6.10.Voltagepuke shape for the of sections is not very large. This six-section networkof Fig. 6.8. premise is corroborated by the shape of the experimental pulse of Fig. 6.10, taken for a six-section network. Figure 6.1 la shows the same pulse photographed with a slower sweep speed; Fig. 6.1 lb shows the effect of mismatching the load resistance R1.

SEC. 6.3]





In this case, RI = 2Z~, or twice the characteristic impedance of the network. The steps on the pulse tail are well defined, and four of them are clearly visible. A comparison of this pulse with the corresponding ideal pulse that would be produced by a lossless transmission line, as shown in Fig. 63b, reveals a very close similarity. Therefore, for a line-simulating network of the admittance type, it may be concluded that the generated pulse shape on resistance load is good for a finite, but not very large, number of sections. It has been shown that a very large number of sections produces overshoots on the pulse. The six-section network appears to have an insufficient number of sections to produce the optimum pulse shape, as is indicated in Fig. 6.10 by the fact that the initial peak is somewhat lower than the average top of the pulse. An increase in the number of sections would be expected to bring the first peak up to the average top of the pulse and, for a large enough number of sections, above that average. It is, therefore, to be expected that some intermediate number of sections produces the optimum pulse shape. 6.3. Guillernins Theory and the Voltage-fed Network.-The results of the preceding section show that networks designed to simulate a lossless transmission line have limitations of a fundamental nature. In the generated puke these limitations are evidenced by overshoots near the beginning of the pulse and excessive oscillations durhg the main part of the pulse as evidenced by Fig. 6.9. Guillemin correctly diagnosed these difficulties as being due to the attempt to generate a discontinuous pulse by means of a lumped-parameter network. In other words, the ideal rectangular pulse generated by a lossless transmission line has an infinite rate of rise and fall, and cannot be produced by a lumped-parameter network. Guilleminl then argued that, inasmuch as it is impossible to generate such an ideal rectangular pulse by means of a lumped-parameter network, the theoretical pulse that is chosen should intentionally have finite rise and fall times. Mathematically, this condition means that the discontinuityy in the pulse shape is eliminated, and that the Fourier series for the generated wave has the necessary property of uniform convergence throughout the whole region. The property of uniform convergence insures that overshoots and oscillations in the pulse can be reduced to I E. A.
Guillemin, A Historical Net works, Account of the Development N-o. 43, Ott. of a Design Pro cedure for Pulse-forming RI. Report 16, 1944.







any desired degree by using a sufficient number of sections. The introduction of an arbitrary pulse shape leads to a new difficulty, however, in that the impedance function necessary to produce the given pulse shape is unknown. The logical way to determine the impedance function would be to use the basic circuit of the line-type pulser and work backward from the specified pulse shape to the impedance Voftage-fed function necessary to produce it. This pulse-forming network procedure proves too difficult, how+-, VN ~ ever, and instead, the steady-state problem for the circuit of Fig. 6.12 is rI J solved. The alternating-current wave FIG. 6.12.Circuit for producing a shape produced by this circuit is spespecified steady-state alternating-current wave similar to the desired singlecified to be similar to the pulse shape pulse shape. desired. It is then assumed that the net work determined on this basis will, when used in the basic line-type pulser, produce a pulse shape reasonably close to the desired form. This assumption has proved surprisingly valid in practice. There is a wide choice of reasonable pulse shapes possible. Two of those originally discussed by Guillemin are shown in Fig. 6.13a and b.


(a) Trapezmdal alternating-current wave. (b) Alternating-current wave with flat top and parabolic rise and fall. FIG. 6.13, in to Fig. 6. 13b top is formed of for the the by wave; an the inverted falling rise is The rising portion and joins of the wave parabola portion smoothly but reversed. the The flat is similar equation parabolic

i(t) =2;



The Fourier series for these waves may be found by the ordinary method as follows:
wave. As i(t) is an odd function, Case 1. Trapezoidal contains ordv sine terms. and there is no consr~hen

the series


SEC.6.3] where






and i(t) is defined by the equations

The indicated integrations for b. yield b=4 v .. sinwra J ma m where v = 1, 3, 5, 0 . ..


Case 2. Wave with jlat top and parabolic rise and fall. Again i(t) is an odd function, so that only sine terms occur in the Fourier series. Again, . i(t) = 12 where


b, sin ~,


is defined by and i(t)

Ssa) .(2:-:) , i LE-%1 -asts 3)


From these equations, b, is found to be 2 sin a

b,=:> J

It is of interest to note that the order of convergence waveforms considered is Rectangular Trapezoidal


where v = 1, 3, 5, . . ..


of the several

wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wave with flat top and parabolic rise and fall. . . . . . like $





[SEC. 6.3

These results could have been predicted from the general theory of the Fourier series. Likelrise, it can be predicted that the Fourier series for a wave that has continuous derivatives up to order n, but a discontinuous nth derivative, will converge like l/v+l.

of Parameters Generate a

of the Admittance Specified Steady-stale




Waveform. Each

term of the Fourier series, Eq. (27), consists of a Such sine wave of amplitude b, and frequency v/2r. a current is produced by the circuit of Fig. 6.14.


6.14, Cir-

cuit generating a sinusoidal steadystate current.

i, = VS


C,. n m

~ = 1,3, 5,....


The value of L, and C, may be determined by comparison with the coefficients of the Fourier series, Eq. (27), which gives

L _ Z.VT,



c, =

impedance of

where ZN = VM/ll, and may be called the characteristic

the network. The resultant network required to produce the given wave shape consists of a number of such resonant LC-sections in parallel, as shown in Fig. 615. The values of FIQ. 6. 15.Form of voltage-fed network derived by Fourier-series analysis of b,, L., and C, for the several waves a specified-alternating-current waveform. studied are given in Table 6.1. Networks of the parallel admittance type derived above are often inconvenient for practical use. The inductances have appreciable
TARLE 6.1.VALUES W7avef0rm

TT------F+ J2LI-J2TC


4 VT


rise and 4 =(=)



4 _._l Ad


4 T sin ma v27r2 ZN ma @% vra

z v,

Flat top and parabolic fall

sin $vra

(%32 &


SEC. 6.3]





distributed capacitance, which in effect shunts them and therefore tends to spoil the pulse shape, whereas the condensers have a wide range of Therefore, values which makes manufacture difficult and expensive. it is desirable to devise equivalent networks that have different ranges of values for capacitance and inductance. Theoretically, it is possible to determine a large number of equivalent networks. The methods for carrying out the determinations are all based on mathematical operations on the impedance function of the network. I From the mathematical point of view, the impedance function completely characterizes the network, and all networks that have the same impedance function are equivalent. The determination of equivalent networks is therefore primarily a mathematical problem. Equivalent Network Derived by Fosters Reactame Theorem.The admittance function for the network of Fig. 6.15 may be written by inspection, and is



=1,3,. . .



The right-hand member of Eq. (35) can be converted into the quotient of two polynomials the denominator of which is the product of all the denominators in the sum. Then, by inverting the quotient thus found, the impedance or reactance function, Z(p), is determined, that is,

=1 ,3,...


1) (36)
+ 1)


. (L,Cyp CYp fi 2 ,= 1,3,... y=l,3, . . . 7= YMotittid

The numerator is of degree 2n and the denominator of degree 2n 1; The zeros of consequently, Z(p) has a pole at infinity as well as at zero. Z(p) are the poles of Y(p), as must be true from circuit theory. The poles of Z(p) must be found by carrying out the indicated operations and finding the roots of the resulting polynomial. As usual, the labor in finding these roots may be heavy. The function Z(p) may then be expanded in partial fractions about its poles, and an expression of the following form is obtained: 2n2 (37) ~,;: ~ + l@ 2 =2,4, . . 1For a detaileddiscussionof equivalentnetworke,see E. A. Guillemin,Communicdion Networks, Vol. II, Wiley, New York, 1935,pp. 184-221. z(p) = $-L +




[SEC. 6.3 for the network of

Equation (37) represents the impedance Fig. 6.16. By inspection,


of network equivalent to that of Fig. 6.15 derived by Fosters reactance theorem.


= +>



c, C2 Fm. 6.16.Form


and it can be shown that the remaining elements are given by

L, = A,, c, = ~.


The values for C. and L,. are found from Eq. (35) by noting that

(7. = Jmo ~ Y(p) and that



=1,3,. . .



lim pY(p)

=1 ,3,...



Thus, C.vis equal to the sum of the C;s shown in Fig. 61.5,and Lt. is equal to the inductance of all the L.s in parallel.
Equivalent Networks Derived by Cauer s Eztension of Fosters Theorem.

Two additional forms of physically realizable networks may be found by making continued-fraction expansions of the reactance or admittance functions and identifying the coefficients thus obtained with network elements. The continuedexpansion represents a fraction FIG. 6. 17.Form of network yielding a ladder network, as can easily be continued-fraction impedance function. seen by forming the impedance function, Eq. (41), for the ladder network of Fig. 6.17 by the method commonly used in finding a-c impedances: 2 =2,+ 1 y, + 1 Z3 + 1 y4+

2.-1 + ~ Y.


SEC. 6.3]





An equation of the form of Eq. (41) may be formed from Eq. (36) by dividing the denominator of Eq. (36) into its numerator, which gives zI, inverting the remaining fraction and dividing again, which gives v2, and continuing this process. The first division to find zl gives by inspection

Z1 = Lb,

where ~


=1 ,3,...

1 z

and is equal to the series inductance of the Foster network of Fig. 6.16. When the network involves more than a very few sections, this process can, from a practical point of view, be carried through only with numerical coefficients. It can be shown, however, that the network of Fig. 616 always yields a network of the form of Fig. 6.18.
L: L!,

~ o=


.---fi : =; TLn-Tc %<:~

FIG. 6.19.Form of network equivalent to that of Fig, 615 derived by expansion continued-fraction of the admittance function.

of network equivalent to that of Fig. 6.16, derived by continuedexpansion of the fraction impedance function.


A network of the admittance type, shown in Fig. 615, can also be transformed into a ladder network by an exactly similar process, starting, however, with the admittance function Eq. (35) rather than with the reactance function. The form of the network thus obtained is similar to that of Fig. 6.18, except that the inductances and capacitances are interchanged, as is shown in Fig. 6.19. The values of C; and L: can be determined by simple means, for it is clear from Eq. (34) that

c: = ho:

}(p) =




that is, C; is the sum of all the capacitances from Eq. (34), 1 = lim pY(p) P. p-) m =

C, of Fig. 6.15. n # z



=1 ,3,,, .

Summarizing the discussion on equivalent pulse-forming networks, it may be said that three additional canonical forms of networks that are equivalent to the admittance network of Fig. 615 can be found by mathematical operations on the admittance and impedance functions.







Many more equivalent networks can be found by combining these mathematical operations in various ways, but most of these additional The form or forms of networks to networks are of only limited interest. be used in practice are determined by such practical considerations as ease of manufacture and specific pulser requirements. Networks of Equal Capacitance per Section.The most important pulse-forming network obtained by combining the canonical network forms is the type shown in Fig. 6.20, which has equal capacitances. From the standpoint of mass production in manufacture, it is highly desira%:~---$1 ble to have all capacitances of equal a-----fic value. This is particularly true for FIG.6.20.Pulse-fmming network having high-voltage networks because the equalcapacitances. condensers for these constitute bv far the most difficult and expensive item to manufacture. The ne~work of Fig. 6.18 has capacitance values that are not very far from equal, and is therefore chosen as the starting point in deriving the network of Fig. 6.20. The network derived under the condition that the capacitances be equal may be expected to have inductances in the shunt legs to compensate for the altered values of the capacitances. If the actual capacitance in a given shunt leg is increased in transforming from the net work of Fig. 6.18 to that of Fig. 6.20, the compensating inductance may be expected to be negative, and vice versa. The detailed procedure for the derivation of the equal-capacitance network is described below. The capacitances of Fig. 620 are all known, each being equal to C~/n where C~ is the total energy-storage capacitance, whereas the inductances are all unknown. The admittance and impedance functions for the network are the known functions specified by Eqs. (35) and (36). In the unknown network of Fig. 6.20 it is noted that, if an impedance L ,p is subtracted from the impedance function Z(p) so that
21(P) =

-z(p) LIP,


a zero of Z1(p) appearsthat is, the series combination of LIZ and C The corresponds to a zero of Z1(p) or to a pole of Yl(p) = l/Z,(p). admittance of the series combination the poles of Yl(p) be given by of L,2 and C is L,2CP2 + 1


corresponding to the Llz and C resonant section must r 1

p=+ and Yl(p)

d L,2C

= +pl,

can be expressed in the form








where Yz(p) is a remainder admittance function regular at + pl. The constants al and az can be found by algebra, for al = . $ Likewise, 1 a = z/(p,)L, 8ince Z(p) al=as=a. is a function of p, as may be seen by differentiating Eq. (37), Thus Yl(p) can be expressed as
Y,(p) = @--2:PP; + Y,(p). [Z(P)

lim (p

P1)Y(P) = P!+l+, z(p)


[ 1


= Z(p,)



The first term of the right-hand member of Eq. (46) must be the admittance of LH and C in series, so 1
Cp L,,cp + ~P _ 2ap p p;

1 =

2 + L,*C


The identity (47) gives the following two equations for determining the two unknowns pl and LIZ: 1
=%= Z(p,) 2 Ll (48a)


= p:,


where pf is a root of Z(p) Llp = O; thus, L1 = Z(pl)/pl. From Eq. (36) it is evident that the roots of Z(p) L,p = O are all of the form The root p: is found by eliminating p:, and that there are n such roots. L,, between Eqs. (48a) and (48b), and is given by 1 P? ~=T [ z~(p,)
Z(p,) ~


Since the value of C is known and only p, is unknown, Eq. (49) determines pl.

198 Then




[SEC. 63

~ = Z(p,) 1 p,
L,, = cp~

= ; [Z(p,)L,]. (50b)

It is clear that L 12 is negative for all cases for ~vhich p? is positive, and vice versa. In order to examine further the sign of the root p;, suppose that Z,(p) is expressed as the ratio of two polynomialswhich is always possiblethat is,
21(P) = N(P) ~

The coefficient of the leading term of N(p2) then contains the factor (L; L,), \rhere L{ is the first inductance in the network of Fig. 618. All the other factors for all the coefficients of the polynomial N(p) are positive because they are comprised of combinations of the inductances By Descartes rule of signs, N(p) = O and capacitances of the network. can have no positive roots unless the coefficients of its terms have at least one change of sign \vhen considered as a sequence. This change of sign can occur only if (I.; L J < 0, that is, if Ll > L;, in which case there is a single positive root. Hence, if p; >0, it follows that L, > L;, for \\-hichcondition LIZ is negative. The nature of the root p; may also be seen by expressing Eq. (49) in a somewhat different form. For this purpose it is noted that


P 2n2

[1 P


If the form of Z(p)

given by Eq. (37) is used,

.=2,4, . . 2.2

z(p) y+ PP

A, z B,p2 +

+ AZ.

d PI ~ Z(P)
[-1 P

. p=,,

2.4, _

_ ~
=2,4, . . .

A ,B,P: z (B.p: + 1)2

Using this result, Eq. (49) becomes


c A,+ .= 2,4,..

A ,B,p; (Bp; +









or, as AO = l/CN and l/C n1


= n/CN,

(Bpp; z VZ-2,4

A,B.P; +



The range of variation possible for C maybe between zero and infinity. The limits are 1 = A. = $N, n

found by letting p: vary

when p; = O,




B, =CN


The C~s are for the network of Fig. 6.16. Inasmuch as the series inductance Lzn of the network of Fig. 6.16 is equal to L{ of Fig. 6.18, it is clear that the first capacitance C; of the latter network must be given by

Thus C must satisfy the inequalities





In particular, it is noted that

C; <c=:

is a condition to be satisfied if p? is to be a positive root of iV(p2) = O. The foregoing procedure serves to determine Llz and Ll, and reduces the degree of Zl(p) by 2. The whole process may then be repeated on the remainder function Z(p) = l/Yz(p), where Y,(p) is deiined by Eq. (46), and L2 and LM are thereby -LIZ LZJ n-l,n -determined. A new remainder function z,(p) = 1/Y*(p) is left, L,-L,2L: L,;L2 LjiLn.l,,L ~---Lm and the whole process can be repeated again and again until all a----u of the roots are exhausted. mutual. Fm. 6.21.Equal-capacitance Since negative inductance can inductance network equivalent to that of
be realized mutual LIZ, &, physically by the use of the network of Fig. 6.20. Fig. 6.20, in which the inductances inductance,

are negative, may be realized by a mutual-inductance network of the form shown in Fig. 6.21. The latter network, how. . . L(m-l)m






ever, is a very practical form because all the inductances, including the mutual inductances, may be provided by winding coils on a single tubular form, and the condensers may then be tapped in at the proper points. Design Parameters jor Guillemin Networks.As has been seen, there are only a few canonical types of network that simulate rectangular waves. In contrast, Guillemins networks have a pulse-shape parameter (a in the formulas) which is, in effect, the fractional rise and fall time of the generated pulse. This parameter may be chosen arbitrarily to have any value between zero and one-half. The value zero corresponds to the rectangular pulse and the value one-half corresponds to a triangular pulse. The number of network sections required to simulate the pulse shape corresponding to any given value of a is more or less in inverse proportion to a, that is, a one-section network is satisfactory for a = ~, whereas a very large number of network sections are required to give a rectangular pulse shape, corresponding to a small value of a. In addition to the parameter a, there is another factor in Guillemin net works which may be varied, namely, the shape of the rising and falling sections of the pulse. The treatment herein has been limited to pulse shapes having linear and parabolic rising and falling sections. A great many more types are possible, but it does not appear profitable to consider them here, lulse shapes having rapid rates of rise can be satisfactorily generated by networks that simulate trapezoidal pulses having small values of a; pulse shapes having slower rates of rise are satisfactorily produced by networks that simulate parabolic-rise pulses having somewhat larger values of a. The first Guillemin networks were designed on the basis of a trapezoidal pulse shape having a rise time of approximately 8 per cent. Both five- and seven-section networks were built, but the improvement of the seven-section over the five-section network was very slight. NO more than five sections are therefore necessary to generate a pulse having an 8 per cent rise-time parameter. Elimination of the fifth section was found to have an appreciable, although small, deteriorating effect on the pulse. The number of network sections necessary to give good pulse shape can be estimated with fair accuracy by observing the relative magnitudes of the Fourier-series coefficients for the corresponding steady-state alternating-current wave. In the case of the five-section network just discussed, the relative amplitude of the fifth to the first Fourier coefficient is 0.04 and that of the sixth to the first is 0.02. In this case, the elimination of all harmonic components having amplitudes relative to the fundamental of 2 per cent or less has an inappreciable effect on the pulse shape, whereas the effect of eliminating the 4 per cent harmonic is appreciable although still smal!.

SEC. 6.3]





The basic network derived by the Guillemin design procedure is shown in Fig. 6.15, and consists of a series of resonant LC-elements connected in parallel. Design parameters for the first five sections of a network of this type, as well as the corresponding Fourier-series coefficients, are given in Table 62 for pulses having both linear and parabolic rise and fall, and for a range of values of the rise-time parameter a. 0.0893
0-l 9.466 0.0202 0.0075 0.0026

0.0781 ~
0.0646 0

0.0632 0,0658


0. loe3
B Type












0.456 O-I( 0.195 0 0.054 0.009 0.0012 0.000076

inductances are in henrysand the capacitances in faradsif pulseduration* is expressed in secondsand networkimpedance ZNin ohms. It may be noted that a few negative values of inductance and capacitance are listed for a trapezoidal pulse with a = 0.20. These negative values are, of course, not realizable in a physical network. Equivalent networks can be derived from the values liskd in Table 6.2 by the mathematical procedures outlined above. A set of equivalent networks for the five-section network producing a trapezoidal pulse with a rise time of about 8 per cent is shown in Fig. 6.22. Examples of one-, two-, and three-section networks, all for pulses

FIG.6.22.Equivalent forms for fivwjection Guillemin voltagefed network. Multiply the values of the inductances by ZNTand the valuesof the capacitance by r/ZN. The

!5 N1



Fourier coefficients !, b, b, I bs I I b, bs L, L, . 0.1415 0,2500 0.2500 0.2500 0.1s19 0.0988 0.2510 0,2595 0.2777 0.1474 0, 04S2 0.2526 0.2753 0.3303 0.1015 0.0155 0 2542 0.2912 0.3927 0,0669 0.0393 0.0147 O 2672 0.4455 0.1194 0,2507 0.2547 0.2632 0.1640 0.0691 0,2521 0.2694 0. 30s4 0,1194 0.0017 0 25S4 0.3393 0.616s 0.0246 0.0017 0 2632 0.4065 1.1292 0.0035: 0.0064 0,2742 0.616s 6. S493 0.00331 0,0015 0 2857 0.9821 m 0, 00s5 0. 0030( 0.0014 0 30s5 2 7747 7 7160 Lb 0.250Q 0.357s 0,447s 0.6796 1.1561 0.2773 0. 380s 1. S472 12. SS7 13,44 5.346 15.15 0.2500 0.357s 0.7340 2.2S75 2.4052 0.2961 0,5122 20.94 21.37 5.5556 23.15 25.00 L, L* .


o 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.25 o 33 0,40 0,50

c, c,



c, .


z h : ~ >

Rectangular Trnpezoidd Trapezoidal Trapezoidal Trapezoidal Parabolic rise Parabolic rise Parabolic rise Parabolic rise Parabolic rise Parabolic rwe Parabolic rise

1.2732 0.4244 0.2547 1.2679 0. 40s9 0.2293 1.2601 0.3854 0.1927 1.2524 0.3643 0.1621 1.1911 0.2141 0 1.2699 0 4166 0.241S 1 2627 0.3939 0.2064 1.2319 0,3127 0.1032 1.2092 0.2610 0.0564 1 1609 0 1720 0. 00?330 1,1142 0, 10s0 o 1.0319 0,03S2 0. 00S25

0 4053 0.04503 0.01621 0.4036 0.0431s 0.01459 0.4011 0.04089 0.01227 0. 39s7 O.03S65 0.01032 0.3791 0.02272 0 0.4042 0.04420 0,01539 0 4019 0.04179 0.01314 0 3921 0.0331s 0.00657 0 3s49 0.02769 0.00359 0,3695 0.01S25 0.00059 0 3547 0.01146 0 0.32S5 0,00406 0.00053

0. 06S27 0,00500 0.00670 0.00349 0.00462 0.00170 0.00304 0,00055 0.00179 - -0.00052 0.00745 0.00422 0.00543 0.00244 0,00112 0.00006 0.00016 0.00006 0.00015 0.00023 0.00005 0.00039 0.00014 0.00005

in farads if the pbje draticm

j s

Multiply the inductacea by ZW and the capacitance~by r/ZN. The inductances are given in henrys and the capacitance andb. in expreeaed in seconds and the network impedance ia in ohms. a i8 fracticmal ri.e time of wave, me Figs 6-13a

i(t) = fi


=1,3, . .

b. sin $.

SEC. 6.3]





with parabolic rise and for various values of the rise-time factor a, are shown in Fig. 6.23. The two- and three-section examples are of the type known as type A and consist of one or more antiresonant sections in series with an inductance and a storage condenser. Calculated pulse shapes produced on a matched resistance load by these three networks are shown

(a) One-cection,
a = 0.S0.



ao606 0.190



Two-section,a = 0.33.



02a2 0.382 (c) Three-section, a = 0.25.
FIG. 6.23.Theoreticcl parameters of one, twc-, and three-cection type-A voltage-fed networks for parabolic rise. Multiply the inductances by ZNT and the capacitances by r/ZN. The inductances are in henrys and the capacitances in farads if pulce duration r ic exprecced in seconde and network impedance ZN in ohnm

in Figs. 6.24, 6.25a, and 6.26a respectively. The calculated pulse shape for the five-section network of Fig. 6.22 is shown in Fig. 6.27. Considerable improvement in the pulse shapes from networks of more than one section can be produced by slight departures from the theoretical values of the parameters. Figure 625b shows the improvement over Fig. 6.25a resulting from a 15 per cent increase in the series inductance, and Fig. 6.25c shows the 12 further improvement resulting from a 5 per cent increase in the capacitance of the storage condenser. Figure *Z~i~[~~8 6026b shows the improvement over VM 0.4 Fig. 6.26a resulting from similar increases in inductance and capacitance in the three-section network. The o 5 fact that these improvements can be Fm. 6.24.Calculated pulse shape for made is perhaps an indication that the the one-section networkof Fig. 6.23a. correspondence between the steadystate waveform and the transient pulse, which was assumed to be exact, is in reality only approximate. Design Parameters for Equal-capacitance Networks.The physically realizable form of the equal-capacitance network in Fig. 6.22 is shown in Fig. 6.28. The values of inductance given in Fig. 6.28 are obtained from those given for the type D network in Fig. 6.22 by making the algebraic sum of the inductances around corresponding meshes the same in the two cases. As has been stated, all the inductances and the mutual induct-








2ZN i(t)

w: o

(a) Theoretical parameters.

o 0.5

1.0 1.5

(c) l,, increased 16 per cent, CN in~rea~ed 5 per cent from theoretical value.

1.2 0.8 2ZNi (t)

f N 0.4

16 per oent from theaklu. 6.25.Caloulated

~ N


P+ d


~. Parablic rise.

(b) L4 increased


pulse shapes for the two-section

network of Fig. 6.23b.



0.8 2ZN ;N(t) VN 04

0.8 2ZM i~(t) v 04


0 .5

0 m

0.5 t/7


(a) Theoreticrd parameters.

(b) L4 increased

21 per cent, (,, imvwwc[i -t per cent from theore tic,,] vwle.


Flu. &26.-Caiculated

a= ~ parabolic rise pulse shapes for the tilree-sect io,) nrt work of Fig. &WC

SEC. 6.3]






antes may be obtained by winding coils on a single tubular form, and by ndj ust,ing the spacing between successive coils; however, care must be taken to insure that mutual-inductance effects between alternate coils are negligible. 1 The networks derived from the theoretical type D network by replacing the negative inductances 2zNiN(t)0 in series with each condenser by VN mutual inductances between ad0 jacent coils are normally referred Experito as type E networks. mental work done in early 1942 5 by J. R. Perkins proved the validt/7 pulse shape for the ity of the assumptions made in FIG. 6.27.Calculated five-secticm networkof Fig. 6.22. designing networks with inductantes as given in Fig. 6.28. Further simplifications can be made, however, by noting that the values of the inductances of the three center sections and of the mutual inductances from section to section are very nearly equal. It has been found in practice that they can be made equal without affecting the pulse shape appreciably. One way of reducing a type E network to thk latter physical form consists in winding a continuous solenoid in such a way that its LN = rZ~/2. total inductance The total network capacitance, A C~ = r/2Z~, is divided equally 04801 between the sections, and each condenser is connected to a tap on the solenoid. The taps are located to obtain equal inductance for all sections except the ends, which should have 20 to 30 per cent more self-inductance, and the mutualFm. 6.28.Equal-capacitance ratio of length to diameter of the inductance network equivalent to the equalcapacitance network in Fig. 622. The coil is chosen by a method involvinductancesare in henrys and the capaciing the use of Nagoakas function tances in farads if the pulse duration is expressed in seconds and network impedance to give a mutual inductance which in ohms. is 15 percent of the self-inductance of each center section. The relative values of inductance and capacitance obtained by this method show good agreement with those given in Fig. 6.28, and networks of five or more sections built in this manner give excellent results. The same pulse shapes can be obtained, however, by the use of coils judiciously designed and located, as long as the sum of




[SEC. 6.3

their self- and mutual inductances agrees closely with the values of Fig. 6.28. If networks of less than five sections are to be designed, it is usually found that it is no longer possible to obtain satisfactory pulse shapes by If the values corresponding to a using the same inductance per section. type D network are knonm, the necessary values of self- and mutual inductances can again be computed, and the coils wound and spaced the Or, charts can be obtained right distance to duplicate these values. experimentally to determine the percentage inductance for each section and the total mutual inductance required to give a pulse shape that has certain characteristics of time of rise and ripple. The number of sections in the network varies with the time of rise required for the particular application: practical experience indicates that it is not always desirable to obtain a very fast rise (see, for instance, discussion on magnetron modechanging in Chap. 10 of this volume and in Chap. 8 of Vol. 6); and, in general, a shorter time of rise results in a ripple of higher amplitude on the top of the pulse. Practical considerations involving the size of the condensers and the inductances, as well as the effect of other pulser components, make it generally undesirable to use a large number of sections for very short pulses. Experience gained with type E networks shows that optimum over-all results are usually obtained for the following number of sections: 1 to 3 for pulse durations of less than 0.5 psec, 2 to 5 for pulse durations from 0.5 to 2.5 ~sec, and 3 to 8 for pulse durations from 2.5 to 5.0 psec. To recapitulate, the Guillemin theory provides a means of designing pulse-forming networks that duplicate accurately the pulse shapes norIt is then possible to compute the mally required on a resistance load. actual pulse shape produced by the t heretical network and, by judicious changes in some of the parameters, to approximate even more closely the desired pulse shape. The theoretical design procedure is likely to be lengthy, especially In practice, therefore, it was for networks of more than two sections. found easier to derive experimentally any variations from the Guillemin design for a given pulse shape and number of sections, rather than to work through the detailed theory for each variation. The experimental procedure is necessary in any case to compensate for unavoidable simplifications in the theory. Stray capacitances and inductances, the effect of different qualities of dielectrics, the nonlinear and reactive characteristic of the load, and losses in the network cannot be accounted for easily in any kind of theoretical computation. For instance, the pulse photographs of Fig. 6.29 show the modifications in pulse shape that can be obtained by altering some of the parameters of the network of Fig. 6.30. The first photograph shows the






(a) Normal.

(b) 20 per cent added capacitance between points 1 and4.

(c) 20 per cent added cd pacita,lce between points 3 and 4.

(d) 10percent added inductance at point O.

(e) 10 per cent added ductance at point 3.


(f) 10 per cent added capacitance between points 1 and5.

(h) 10 per cent added ca- (f) 10 per cent added capacitance between pacitance between points 3 and 5. points 1 and 5, 2 and 5, and 3 and 5. FIG. 6.29.Effect of variations in the values of L and C on the pulse shape obtained with a type E network. The numbered circuit points correspond to those shown in Fig. 6,30.

(p) 10 per cent added capacitance between pointe2 and 5.

Iesired pulse shape after the parameters of the network had been adjusted experimentally. The next four indicate the effect of changing the value of some of the parameters, and the Pulse-forming netwerk ~._. _7 last four show the effect of stray ca, I pacitance from various points of the r ,U 1 23 ~oil to ground. The ~hanges in i pulse shape obtained for small vari--ations in parameters indicate the ease with which it is possible to meet specific requirements, but the~ also 10 40 , show the necessity of holding the 5 u! ., ,. values of elements to close toler~ ,o,y~chrmco:--------antes and of minimizing the stray FIG.6.30.Circuit diagram forFig.6.29. capacitances. 6.4. Current-fed Networks. -Current-fed networks are distinguished from voltage-fed networks in that the energy is stored in inductances









instead of in capacitances. A current-fed network is therefore recharged by building up a current in an inductance that is an integral part of the network. Upon discharge, a portion of the built-up current appears in the load in the form of a puke whose shape may be controlled by varying the network construction. The whole theory of current-fed networks is entirely analogous to that of voltage-fed networks, except that the current rather than the voltage plays the primary role. As in the case of voltage-fed networks, it is instructive to consider first those current-fed networks that produce ideal rectangular voltage pulses on resistance load. The voltage across the resistance load for an ideal rectangular pulse is defined by the function o(t),


The corresponding Laplace transform, v(p), is

v(p) = ~



for O<t for t > T.


(1 e~).


In solving this problem, it is simpler to consider the inverse case-that is. the case for which the puke is produced by charging the network in parallel with the load resistance from a Current-fed constant-current source. Since the G, 1/? nelwork of pulse produced by discharging the dmittance Y vt~) s network is identical with the charging pulse, the two cases are equivalent as far as determining the form of the FIG. 6.31 .Schematic circuit for generating a rectangular voltage pulse network is concerned. by charging a current-fed network and The charging pulse is generated a load of conductance GJ in parallel. by opening the switch S in the circuit shown in Fig. 6.31. The Laplace-transform equation for the circuit written on a current-node basis is


(YN + G,) u(p) =



where Y~ is the network admittance, GJis the load conductance, and IN is the initial current from a constant curfent source. Solving for YN,
IN Gl= G1


VI(1 e-~)


Sac. 6.4]




If the numerator and denominator aremultiplied bye~i2and rearranged to introduce the coth function, there results

the terms

The constant Choosing
IN has


been treated as known, but is in fact arbitrary. 1~ = 2G1V2,

the expression for YN reduces to Y. = 1 coth $. (58)

By substituting Eq. (58) in Eq. (55) and solving for v(p), the unknown quantity, it may be seen that ZN = 2G1V1 is the correct choice for IN. The expression G1 coth pr/2 is recognized as the input admittance of a lossless transmission line of characteristic impedance Zo = I/Gl and of electrical length r/2 when the far end of the line is short-circuited. The required current-fed network must, therefore, be either a transmission line of this type, or an electrical equivalent of such a line. The functioning of the short-circuited transmission line in producing the desired rectangular pulse nMy readily be understood in terms of the elementary theory of wave propagation on such a line. At the instant at which the switch is opened, the current 10 from the constant-current source divides equally between the line and the resistance load if the resistances of the two are equal. A rectangular voltage wave of amplitude ~lOZOtravels down the line, is totally reflected with reversal of sign at the short-circuited end, and travels back to the input end in a total elapsed time of 28 = r. When the reflected wave reaches the input end, the voltage there drops immediately to zero and remains zero thereafter because the line is properly matched by the resistance RI = 20, and there is no reflection at the input end. However, the line is fully charged with magnetic energy because a constant current of value 10 is flowing through it. The voltage pulse generated at the load during the charging period clearly has an amplitude of 410Rl and duration 26. If the circuit between the constant-current source and the transmission line is then broken, an exactly similar voltage pulse is generated by the resulting discharge of the magnetic energy stored on the line. The total energy stored on the line is ~Ld& where LO is the total distributed inductance of the line. This ener~ must be equal to that dissipated in the load, or




[SEC. 6.4

which reduces to the relation (59) The analogy between the transmission line used as a voltage-fed current-pulse-generating source and as a current-fed voltage-pulse-generating source is very close. The far end of the line is open-circuited when it is used as a voltage-fed network and short-circuited when it is used as a current-fed network. In the first case, the line is charged to a voltage Vo, which produces a current pulse on matched load of amplitude VO/2RI; in the second case, the Ine is charged to a current 10, which produces a voltage pulse on matched load of amplitude
IO fml= I@. 2

Current-fed Networks Derived from a Transmission Line.Current-fed networks may be derived from the short-circuited transrnission line by methods exactly analogous to those used in Sec. 6.3 in deriving voltagefed networks from the open-circuited transmission line. A summary of the networks thus derived is included, but the details of the derivations are omitted as they are considered sufficient y obvious. Current-fed Principb.-This Network Simulating a Uniform Line Derived by Rayleigh s

network, shown in Fig. 6.32, is identical in form to the voltag~fed network of Fig. 6.15 except that the far end is shorbcircuited instead of open-circuited.

FIG. 6.32.Current-fed pub-forming work of the uniform-line type.

21!TI!I m---cl
netFm. 6.33.Current-fad network derived by rational-fraction expansion of the WmmniAon-line admittance function.

Current-fed Admittame



by Rational- fradion


of the

Transmissionline. -These are analogous to the similar networks derived by rationalfraction expansions of the impedance and admittance functions for the open-circuited transmission line. The network derived by expanding the admittance function
and Impedance Functions of a Short-circuited

Y = Yo coth ~ is shown in Fig. 6.33.

SEC. 6.4]




Similarly, the network derived by the rational-fraction the impedance function Z = Z, tanh $ is illustrated by Fig. 6.34.

expansion of

Curreti-fcd Networks of the Guillemin Type. lhe theory of the Guillemin current-fed network is similar to that of the voltage-fed network, except that the roles of the voltage and current are interchanged. Instead of generating a specified steady-state alternating current by applying a constant-voltage source to the unknown voltage-fed network,

Fto. 6.34.Current-fed network derived by rational-fraction expansion of the transmission-line impedance function.

Fm. 6.35.Circuit for generating a specified alternating-voltage wave similar to the desired singbprdw shape.

a specified steady-state alternating voltage is generated by applying a Compare constant-current source to the unknown current-fed network. the circuit of Fig. 6.12 with that of Fig. 6.35. The alternating-voltage wave in this case is started by opening the switch rather than by closing it as in the case of the voltage-fed network. A Fourier-series expansion is made for the specified alternatingvoltage wave 6hape and the coefficients of the resulting series are identified with the network of Fig. 6.36. The voltage across the vth antiresonant section is given by
v, = Ih. L, . ln

J c


FIG. 6.36.Form of current-fed network derived by Fourier-series analysis of

A comparison of Eq. (60) with Eq. a specified alternating-voltage waveform. (33), which is the corresponding expression for the voltage-fed network, shows that the two are identical in form with the exception that IN appears in Eq. (60) instead of V~ and AH of the results derived for the voltthat L, and C, are interchanged. age-fed network may be immediately applied to the current-fed network by making the changes stated in the previous sentence. In particular, the values of L, and C, are given by the equations


212 and




(62) The parameter values given in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 for the voltage-fed network of Fig. 6.15 apply direct] y to the current-fed network of Fig. 6.36, provided that the L,s and C,s are interchanged and the induct-

0.0646 0.0781





0.0658 0.0111



0.00378 0.00169

w ,


,~ 1 H) ,. t (uI 0.367 0.270 0.547 0.740 TyCw l\ l\ II Ii 1{ 0.195 0.~~2 0.423 1.83 {).2 l\ 1( l\ Type 0.0012 0.000076 . }

(TypeD not physically realizable)

FIG. 6.37.Equivalent forms for five-section Guillemin current-fed networke. Multiply the inductances by Zwr and the capacitances by r/Z,V. Inductances are given in henrys and capacitances in farads if the pulse duration r is in seconds and the network im@=ce ZN is in ohms.



a = 0.50.

(b) Two-section,

a = 0.33.

(c) Three-section, a = 0.25. FIG. 6.3S.On&, t we-, and three-section type A current-fed networks. Multiply the inductances by ZNT and the capacitances by r/Z~. Inductances are given in henrys and capacitances in farads if the pulse duration r is in seconds and the network impedance ZN is in ohms.

SEC. 6.5]





antes are written in terms of r/ YN = Zm and the capacitances in terms of Ym = ,/2. As an example, reference to Table 6.1 row 1 gives the following values for the corresponding current-fed network

Likewise the voltage-fed networks shown in Figs. 6.22 and 6.23 can be transformed to current-fed networks by following an identical procedure. The current-fed networks thus derived are showm in Figs. 6.37 and 6.38. The five-section networks are correspondingly designated in Figs. 6.22 and 6.37. The type D current-fed network is not realizable in physical form because some of the capacitances are negative. It is therefore omitted from Fig. 6.37. 6.6. Materials and Constructional Cmk.The losses in the coils of a network can be determined by calorimetric measurement during operation, provided that the coils can be thermally insulated from the condenser elements. An alternate method is to calculate the frequency

Fm. 6.39.Condenser-discharge


in the four-eection

type-,?l network

f]ho wn in

Fig. 6.40.

distribution of the currents in the various coils, and to determine the Q of the coils at those frequencies either by calculation or by measurement. The Q of a coil may often be calculated approximately with the use of one of various empirical formulas which are given in handbooks. It is usually much easier, however, to measure the Q of a sample on an r-f bridge, The frequency distributions may be calculated from Table 6.2. The calculation of losses in the coils and in the condensers of a type E network during discharge may be simplified by the usc of a single effective frequency instead of the band of frequencies given by Table 6.2. The discharge currents in the condensers of a four-section type E network are shown in the oscillogram of Fig. 6.39 as obtained with the circuit of Fig. 6.40. I By P. R. Gillette.





[SEC. 6.5

The following approximate method of calculating this effective frequency leads to values of losses that are accurate enough for all practical purposes, although the frequency itself may be inaccurate. The actual currents shown in Fig. 6.39 may be represented approximately by por?ulse!ormmgnetwork tions of sine waves as shown in Fig. 6.41a. R1.~N~_7 The current in the end condenser is assumed to consist of two overlapping waves of the same form as those for the other condensers. These waves may be added 1. It, i2i3i41 to give the coil currents, as indicated in Fig. 6.41. The frequency of the sine waves, in terms of the number of sections and the L________. J FIG. 6.40.Circuit diagram for pulse duration, is given approximately by lJig. 6.39. the expression f = n/2r. The effective frequency for the rise and fall of current is given to a similar degree of accuracythat is, to within a factor of two-by the same expression. The discharge currents in the coils may each be broken up into a rising, a fla,t, and a falling portion, and the losses calculated separately for each portion. The power dissipated in a coil during the rise and fall may be calculated on the assumptions (1) that the current is a sine wave of period equal to four times the rise time and of peak amplitude equal to the pulse amplitude, and (2) that the effective resistance is the a-c resistance corresponding to the frequency (a) in the condensers, of this sine wave. The power dissipated during the flat portion of the pulse may be calculated on the assumption that the current is a direct current of magnitude equal to the pulse amplitude. The power dissiTime pated during the charging period may (b) in the coils. be calculated on the assumption that Fm. 6.41 .Simplified represents. tions of currents in the elements of ,S the current is a sine wave of frequency pubs-forming network. equal to half the mdse recurrence freq;ency. The to~al average power dissipated in the coil is the sum of the values of losses computed as above. In this way the correct wire size, the respective merits of solid, stranded, and litz wire, and coil shapes (single-layer, bank-wound, etc), may be determined. The power loss is usually a far more important consideration than is current density in the choice of wire size. Losses in coil forms may be reduced by the use of materials having low dielectric

--. m!

SEC. 6.5]





loss and by the use of hollow rather than solid forms. Increasing the Q of coils by increasing their size may cause difficulties unless care is taken to keep the self- and mutual inductances constant. In addition to the generation of heat, the effect of losses in the coils A pulse with a smoother is prirnarily to attenuate the high frequencies. top and a slower rate of rise is thus produced with coils of higher losses. Condemwrs.-A network that satisfies all electrical requirements can be constmcted of separate coils and standard mica condensers of suitable current and voltage ratings. A bulky network results, however, because of the problem of insulating the separate components, and also because the current ratings of standard condensers are based on continuous operation rather than on duty ratios of about 0.1 per cent. The expedient of overrating smaller conventional condensers is,dangerous because they are designed with interdependent voltage and current ratings. It haa therefore been found necessary to develop new techniques in design and construction. All components are put in one container, with common means of insulation. The condensers are designed to withstand the high voltages, but have a smaller current-carrying capacity than is ordinarily associated with such voltages. Losses in the condenser elements can be calculated and measured by methods analogous to those suggested for coils. The losses may be measured calorimetrically, or the effective frequencies may be calculated by one of the two methods outlined in the discussion of coil losses, and the effective dissipation factor of the completed condenser either measured The effective dissipation factor or calculated for those frequencies. includes the losses in the dielectric, the foil, and the impregnant. Under most conditions, the effective current through the condenser foils is well within the current-carrying capacity of the thinnest commercial foils. For high duty ratios and short pulse durations, where the skin depth is less than the foil thickness, the foil resistance may become a limitation. Dielectrics such as mica, oil-impregnated paper (hereafter referred to as paper), and a relatively new material known as diaplex have been used successfully. Diaplex is m organic-inorganic material that was developed as a substitute for mica, and has been used in a number of special applications for which the requirements are especially stringent. Paper, the material used most commonly in high-voltage condensms, has found by far the widest application in network manufacture. Mica and paper condenser elements are almost always oil-filled; diaplex units are usually oil-filled, but it is also possible to use a plastic material as a bonding medium. In general, best results are obtained when the losses in a network are evenly divided between the inductive and capacitive reactance. If this rule is followed, it is generally possible to use paper dielectri$ for the





[SEC. 6.5

In this case, the temperature-limiting constituent of the condensers. condensers is the paper dielectric, and that of the coils is the enamel or insulation. If mica or diaplex dielectrics are used in the other organic condensers, and the coils are wound with glass-insulated wire, the phenolic insulating members, impregnating oil, and solder become the temperature-limiting Constituents. Mica or diaplex is therefore used as the dielectric in high-temperature units, and special high-temperature types of phenolics, oils, and solders are employed in the construction of the networks. A hot-spot temperature, the maximum stable operating temperature of the materials, is generally taken as a maximum both for Con&nsers and coils. In paper condensers, the amount (thickness) of paper dielectric is determined by the hot-spot temperature, which is usually 125eC. If the thickness of dielectric has been chosen with regard to this temperature, the occurrence of corona in the paper may easily The same consideration applies be avoided by conventional methods. to diaplex at low and medium voltages. However, corona will appear at the higher voltages if a liquid impregnant is used, apparently because strong electric fields drive the oil out from between the layers of dielectric material. For mica condensers, the losses increase at a much greater rate than the applied voltage, partly because of corona in the voids of the mica itself. Hence, measurements made when the input power is low are not adequate to determine the maximum power that can be applied without exceeding the safe temperature for the other components. Mica is unique among dielectrics in that corona of moderate intensity does not produce chemical degradation of the dielectric, which would induce further 10SWS. In this respect, paper is by far the womt of the three types of dielectric under discussion. Dielectric losses may also increase faster than the Hence, empirical lifeapplied voltage with materials other than mica. testing of the network is an important part of the design procedure. Some of the electrical characteristics of mica, diaplex, and oil-impregnated paper condensers are listed in Table 63.


Dielectric constant (25C, l kc/see) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.7 Dissipationfactor (25C, lkc/see, %) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15

4.8 0.35



The variation with frequency and temperature of the capacitance and dissipation factor of condensers constructed with the three different types of dielectric is illustrated by the curves in Figs. 6.42 and 643.







Whereas the dielectric constant of mica and diaplex is nearly independent of frequency, that of paper decreases as the frequency is increased, Therefore, the energy stored in paper particularly at low temperatures. condensers of a pulse-forming network cannot be entirely removed in high frequency components of the pulse shape. Thus, at low temperatures, short pulses of 0.5 wsec or less have a duration shorter than that which is predicted from low-frequency measurements. I

3 .E : BG .

L =Gil
-- ---------___ = A. 0,.

1.GE condenser with oil-n papr_dieletric__ ---- K Bonded16apTex condenser ASprague mica condenser



100 C/S&

1 kc/see

10 kc/see Frequency

100 kc/aec

1 Mc/!

FIG. 6,42.Variation

of capacitance with frequency and temperature.

The dissipation factor of paper becomes very great at high frequencies, indicating that, as the time delay per section is decreased, the proportion of losses in a paper network increases rapidly. In a mica or diaplex network this effect is not nearly so pronounced. The increase in dissipation with frequency also causes the pulse from a paper network to be more rounded than that fmrfi a similar mica or diaplex network. The curve showing dissipation factor as a function of temperature leads to the interesting conclusion, borne out in practice, that the losses in a paper network are a minimum at 75C. To summarize, both mica and diaplex may be used to advantage in small light-weight high-temperature units. Paper, because of its lower maximum operating temperature, gives, in general, a more bulky network. It may be used in the storage condensers of type A networks, but the antiresonant sections usually require higher Qs than may be achieved with paper. Finally, the rapid decrease in dielectric constant at low temperatures discourages the use of paper in units required to Since paper is the least expenoperate at extremely low temperatures. sive of the three dielectrics discussed, it is generally chosen for applications in which only a normal range of ambient temperature is encountered.






After the type of dielectric to be used in a given network is chosen, the required volume must be determined. This volume depends not only upon the amount of energy to be dissipated, but also upon the maximum hot-spot temperature that the dielectric can withstand in normal operation, the efficiency of heat transfer from the dielectric to

.. liiiiiiiiiii


ho C/s&

I 1 kq$ec 10 kc/eec

100 kc/see


1 Mc\sec



\ , , ,,

I , ,

Fm. 6.43.Variation

of dissipation

Frequency factor with frequency and temperature.

the case, the efficiency of heat transfer from the case to the surroundings, and the maximum temperature of the surroundings. The efficiency of heat transfer from case to surroundings may be improved by mounting the case so that there is a large area of contact between it and a heavy metal plate, by the proper use of fins, and by forced air circulation. The efficiency of heat transfer from the dielectric and coil to the case may be improved by spacing the elements in the case in such a way as to achieve

SEC. 6.5]





the freest possible convection of oil, and hence the maximum convective cooling action. Improvement in any of these factors reduces the required volume of the dielectric.

I?IG. 644.Typical



Ezamples.The four network designs listed in Table 6.4 are typical examples of networks used in pulsers for radar systems. The networks are shown in Fig. 6.44, and the pulse shapes produced on the appropriate .resistance loads are shown in Fig. 6.45. TABLE 6.4.TYPICAL Peak chargillg vOltage, kv . 3.5 2 8 . Nominal pulse power, kw 50 . 50 25 TYPE E NETWORKS Dimenaionn* No. of 8ectiona


Pufse duration, *ec 0.84 2.24 0.25 0.50 2.60 5.20 .

PRF, pm

lmpedance, ohrm

w., in. li . 2 .

1 ., ht., in. in. 12 Oz 3! 2i lot 5i



1 .

S40 420 1600 Soo 460 200

3 4

8 17

1.0 1000 2,0 300

50 25

3 3+5 200 2 2 4 4+4 200 5 2000 2

Airborne GE Airborne Sprague

5 lb 9 on

3i 4* 5* 4* 13* 94

Ground- Sprague besed 24 lb Ground- GE 11 Oa bawd

4 lb 906

Not including insulators.







(a) Network No. 1; 0.84-@ec


(b) Network

No. 1; 2.24-psec pulse

(c) Network

No. 2; 0.25-@ec


1 I


11 I


I 1~

I 1 I I i

I I t 1 i

I I I ,11!



Ii 1 1 I 1 , r H++++tw-h 1111 I I
.L_. (f) Network ._!

I ,


,.,.,..dtl-ttm I I I 1 I
ttu Ili I II


(e) Network

No. 2; 2.5-#see pulse

No. 2; 5-Wee pulse

(p) Network No. 3; l-psec pulse (h) Network No. 4; 2-usec pulse FIG. 6.45.Pulse shapee on resistance load from the networks hated in Table 6.4.






The construction of network No. 3 maybe considered as typical of that It is housed in a terneemployed in the majority of type E networks. The can is of sufficient resiliency plate can \vith metalized glass bushings. The five condenser sections are to take care of differential expansion. designed to distribute the voltage effectively by four series sections and to minimize the inductance arising from the lead connections. The gradient is approximately 210 volts per roil. The condenser sections are held bet\veen bakelite end plates by means of metal bands. The total capacitance of the net\vork is adjusted so that it will be within t 5 per cent of the rated value after impregnation. The inductance consists of two close-wound coils wound on a +in. bakelite form. The input inductance is wound with 32 turns of No. 22 enameled wire and is mounted separately from the main coil, which consists of 26, 26, 26, and 31 turns of the same size wire. Although the input inductance must be separated from the other inductances because of the choice of can size and shape, it is possible to obtain a satisfactory wave shape on resistance load. The coils are mounted in a bakelite frame that can be attached to the end plates of the condenser bank before the assembly is placed in the can. 6.6. Test Procedures. -The electrical tests to which networks are subjected include a voltage-breakdo\vn test, an insulation-resistance test, and a dissipation factor test; tests involving the determination of
pulse finally, efficiency) those tests dllration, rate of rise, of of the the unit general pulse shape rise and (w-hich impedance; is a measure conditions. in this and, of Only section. determinations and life temperature under normal




for net!vorks

are described

For temperature-rise and life tests, the network is operated under normal rated conditions in a pulser of a type similar to that in \vhich it is to be used. Tests are conducted at both the maximum and minimum ratings for continuous operating temperatures, as ll-ell as at normal room temperature. The impedance of a network may be measured in se\eral Trays Probably the most obvious method is to discharge the network into a pure-resistance load through a bidirectional switch and to adj~lst the resistance until no reflection is obtained after the pulse, The resistance of the network is then equal to the load resistance. The main dra\vback of this method is that it introduces an unknown qllantity, the switch by the use resistance. This difficulty can be avoided to a certain extent of a long cable \vhose impedance has previously bern dctrrmined hy othrr methods, but the possible difference in its impe{kmce under pulse and r-t In addition, the conditions makes this expedient of doubtful value. voltage of the first step is related to the voltage of the main pulse by 1By
J, V.








which can be rewritten



lE =~


In practice, the voltage V, has to be 1 to 2 per cent of VI in order to give a noticeable deflection on the CRT screen and, under these conditions, the maximum accuracy for measuring Z. is only 2 to 4 per cent. Actually, the error is greater because of the change in switch resistance during conduction after the pulse and the variation in pulse shape introduced by network attenuation and phase shift. For the same reasons, it has not proved satisfactory to measure impedance of actual networks by intentionally using a load that gives a large mismatch, and computing the impedance from the above formula as a function of the ratio of step voltages. Other methods used for cables (r-f bridge measurements of open-circuit and short-circuit impedances) are usually not applicable to pulse-forming networks because of distortions introduced by the lumped constants, and because only two terminals are available in the majority of cases. Pulsed bridge circuits were tried, and proved to be the most satisfactory means of measuring network impedance.
HighvoltaRe inp~t ~ puls4forming network 1-

rrigger input J-L .

TTi!_ m

{R3 &N
RI v, .-To scope R2


FrQ. 6.46.Schematic

diagram of pulsed bridge.

The circuit finally adopted at the Radiation Laboratory is given in Fig. 6.46. As can readily be seen, the circuit is essentially a conventional bridge in which the external voltage is supplied by a pulse-forming network. Although with this system the switch resistance has no effect on the value obtained for impedance, great care must be exercised to eliminate stray capacitances and small additional inductances. This circuit has been used in either of two ways: as a matching method, or as a computation method. In the matching method, the switch S is

SEC. 6.6]




a commutator and RI is made equal to R2. The resistance lh is then varied until the traces of the voltage across RI and Rz appear superimposed on the CRT screen through the action of the switch S, as indicated in Fig. 6.47a. The value of Z~ is then equal to R3. In the computation method, all the resistora are fixed, and the value of ZM is easily obtained by measurement of the voltages VI and Vz because

The matching method is more convenient for the routine checking of networks. Difficulties are apt to arise, however, because of the inductance unavoidably introduced in building a variable resistance capable of

(a) Os.illogram showing balance of irpedance in puked bridge. Trace A is obtained from the network arm of the bridge and trace B from the resistance arm.

e(b) OsciUogram showing effect of noninductive resistor in pulsed bridge. Trace

A is obtained

with an inductive


and trace B with a noninductive FIG.6.47.

withstanding the power and voltage requirements. In the setup that has been used at the Rdation Laboratory, the resistor consists of noninductive elements connected through three selector switches to enable variations in steps of 10, 1, and 0.1 ohms. The additional connections necessitated by this system result in the appearance of oscillations on the top of the pulse, as indicated by Fig. 647b. This figure shows the wave shape through the resistance arm of the bridge only; the smoother trace corresponds to use of a noninductive resistance for Ra, the other cme to the use of a variable resistance for Rs. The two resistors were equalto within 0.1 ohm. The choice of the best possible pulse-forming network for the source still remains to be discussed. Experience has indicated that the value obtained for the-impedance of the network under test depends slightly on







It is necessary to keep the resistances the characteristics of the source. RI and R2 small in order to produce the desired amount of deflection on the scope if the measurement is to be made at a power level comparable to that for which the network is designed. Thus, if the two networks have very nearly the same impedance, the source network is working into a load impedance that is considerably smaller than its own impedance. It has also been observed that this amount of mismatch has an effect on the oscillations on the top of the pulse. Figure 6.47a indicates that the response of a network and of a resistance to the leading edge of the pulse is not the same. In view of this fact, it is probably desirable to use for a source network one that has an impedance approximately equal to that of the load and whose other characteristics correspond, as nearly as possible, to those of the network under test. In order to meet these conditions, however, a large number of special source networks are required. In practice, either a network of the same series, or one of approximatee]y the same pulse duration and impedance as the one under test, is used. The values of impedance obtained by pulsed-bridge methods can be duplicated easily with a circuit of the same type. Any discrepancies in the results that are obtained by the two methods (these discrepancies have been as high as 5 per cent) are caused chiefly by the inductance of the adjustable resistor that is used in the matching method,




7.1. General Properties of the Discharging Circuit.The basic characteristics of the discharging circuit are determined entirely by the elements making up that circuit: the pulse-forming network, the switch tube, and the load. A pulse cable and a pulse transformer are often added between the pulser and the load although they are not essential The pulse cable is usually added to the operation of the equipment. only for convenience in engineering, and for greater flexibility in the physical location of the pulser and the load. The pulse transformer, on the other hand, can often be considered a necessary component of the pulser because it reduces the maximum network voltage that is necessary, and thus eases the problems of switching. As a result, the design problems are simplified, and a saving in weight and an increase in reliability are generally effected. The introduction of a ~ulse cable and a pulse transformer also affects the general characteristics of the discharging circuit. The general properties of the discharging circuit can conveniently be arrived at by considering the simple circuit of Fig. 7.1. As has been seen in Chap. 6, a charged lossIess transmission line produces a rectangular pulse of energy if it is connected through an ideal switch to a pure resistance equal in magnitude to the ! 1 characteristic impedance of the line. In practice, FI~. 7.1.Si m pl e
however, cate the pulse-forming the pulse line. in a line-type pulser is not required to open the circuit at shape networks obtained do not from duplia lossexactly schematic diagram of the discharging circuit for a line-type pulser.

less transmission The switch

the end of the pulse because the current ceases to flow when all the energy stored in the pulse-forming network is dissipated. This important property of the circuit makes it possible to take advantage of the high current-carrying capacity and low voltage drop that are characteristic of gaseous-discharge switches. The mechanism of the, switch operation has an important effect on the operation of the circuit, as is discussed later.







[SEC. 7.1

The loads to which pulsers must supply power are not, in general, pure resistances. For most radar applications, the oscillator tube can be considered as a biased diode, as is already shown in Chap. 2 (Fig. 2.1 1). Random variations in the values of either the bias voltage or the dynamic resistance may occur from pulse to pulse or during a single pulse, and their effect on pulser performance Z. must be considered. Some of the characteristics of the circuit s &~ can be determined by considering the disRI charge of a lossless transmission line of r impedance ZOthrough a resistance R1. ConFm. 7.2.Ideal discharging sider the circuit of Fig. 7.2, in which the
circuit for a line-type pulser. switch can be closed instantly, and is assumed

to have zero resistance when closed. If the line is charged to a potential VO,the current in the load after closing the switch is given by v, + R1 i(t) = Z. + where for At >0, U(At) = 1 for M <0, U(At) = O At = (t m$, n = 2,4,6,... In general, only the energy transferred to the load during the first time interval 26 is of practical value, and in that case,

lu(t26) [ () =,

= 2 [U(t 43) -

[U(t Za) U(t 46)]

U(t 66)] . . , 1 (6.7)


and Vt = The pulse power in the load is

v, +0
v% + z,)


= 21 = (R,
and the energy dissipated in the load is


[ =r = (R,

-I- Zci)2


where r = 26 is the duration of the pulse at the load. As can immediately be seen from the foregoing equations, the pulse power and the energy

SEC. 7.1]






dksipated in the load per pulse area function of the load resistance. The value of load resistance for maximum power transfer can be obtained by differentiation of Eq. (3);

and the maximum power transfer is obtained when

Rl = 20.


With this condition,

11 = $,

(6) (7) (8)

VI = ;,



The value of load resistance for maximum pulse power given by Eq. (5) could have been anticipated from physical considerations; Eqs. (1) to (4) apply only for the first interval 26. If the load impedance equals the line impedance there are no reflections, and all the energy stored in the line is dissipated in the load during the interval 23. Any mismatch causes part of the energy to be dissipated in the load after the time 26, and thus results in a decrease in power during the main pulse. 1.0


0 0 0.5 1,0 R1/ZO 1.5 2.0

F1m 7.3.Effect

of load mismatch on power transfer.

Fortunately, exact matching of the load to the transmission-line impedance is not particularly critical from the standpoint of power transfer, as long as the mismatch does not exceed 20 to 30 per cent, as can be









shown by taking the ratio of the power into any load resistance Rt to the power into a matched load 20. This ratio is

P.r _ P.,

(R, + Z,) R v% 420

= ~ ~, 20

R, () l+ZO 2


The values obtained for Eq. (10) are plotted in Fig. 7.3, showing the flatAs an example, the values of ness of the curve near the maximum. RJ20 for which 3 per cent of the energy stored in the transmission line is dissipated after the time 26, equal to the pulse duration ,, are found rLS follows:

1 0.03 1

= 0,97 = 4

0 ~+gl 20 ()


zo, (-) R, (-)

20 = 2

1.42, 0.70.

Thus, from power considerations alone, the matching of the load to the line impedance has very little effect on the discharging circuit, since only 3 per cent or less of the energy stored in the transmission line is not tlissipated in the load if the load impedance varies from 70 to 142 per cent of the transmission-line impedance. The energy dissipated in the load lmdcr matched conditions is eq(lal to the energy stored in the transmission-line capacitance before the pu]+e, or

which gives the fundamental

relation T = 2COZ0. (11)

The pulser design is affected by the pulse-pmvrr fin(l energy-lwr-p~ilsr mquircmcnts in sevrral \\ays. I;qllation (8) shoits that the ])(lIs( t~lltp~lt is proportional to the square of the Voltage 011the transnlisit)l~ Iinr or nct\vork, and in~crsely proportional to the line or ncl ii (irk im~mlan cc. I~ig~lre74 gi~m the maxin~~lnl p(llsr po\vcr IzOtll:~t can IN cx~xrtcti from an ideal p(llser for variolls line impedances and voltages. If nearly matrhwl con(iitions arr to lw rc:llizc(t, it ran he seen that the voltage necessary to s(lpply a high pl]lsc polver to a l~igl~-il~~~lecl:~nce IOMI becomes prohibitively high. For example, for a pulse-pm~er require-

SEC. 7.1]






ment of 1 hlw into an 800-ohm load, the theoretical transmission-line voltage is60kv. Thepractical figure ishigher because thelosses in the discharging circuit have been neglected. A slightly lower network voltage can be used if the line and the load are intentionally mismatched

4,000 2,000


/ /{ /

600 400 /

v /



pulse power output vs. transmission-line levels.

voltage at various im >edance

because the power transfer is not seriously affected. In practice, UP to = 1.4), and under this about 40 per cent mismatch can be tolerated (RJz, condition, the line impedance is approximately 600 ohms with an 800-ohm load, and the voltage is 50 kv instead of 60 kv. Handling voltages of this order of magnitude presents serious engineering problems. The most important problem is that of securing a suitable Gaseous-discharge switches are not readily suited to the very switch.








high voltages required in the high-impedance circuit. Neither would these circuits use the high current-carrying capacity of these switches to the best advantage. On the other hand, vacuum tubes have a high effective resistance, and the losses that occur when these are used as switches in high-impedance line-type pulsers result in low efficiency. The small storage capacitance that results from the use of a highimpedance transmission line or network leads to other di%iculties. This capacitance is given by CO = r/2Z0 [Eq. (11)] and, for a given pulse duration, decreases proportionally to the increase in line impedance. Assuming, for example, an 0.8-~sec pulse and an 800-ohm transmission line, co = 0.8 X 10-6 = 500 pgf. 2 X 0.8 X 108 The small transmimion-line or network capacitance may prove a serious handicap in the design of the charging circuit because a charging diode with peak inverse voltage greater than 30 kv is required to prevent the size of the charging inductance from becoming prohibitive. Also, the construction of the network itself presents very serious problems because the network inductances increase proportionately with the impedance, and the effect of distributed capacitance on wave shape becomes proportionately greater as the total active network capacitance is decreased. In spite of these difficulties, several line-type pulsers were designed in the early days of the Radiation Laboratory to operate directly into highimpedance loads. However, a much more satisfactory solution to the problem was achieved by the development of an impedance-matching pulse transformer. These pulse transformers can be used over the wide range of output power (from 500 watts to 20 Mw) required from puhwra and over a range of pulse duration from less than 0.1 to more than 5 IJsec without seriously affecting the shape of the output pulse. The impedance ratio of a puke transformer is essentially equal to the square of the turns ratio. For a 1-Mw pulser supplying an 0.8-psec pulse to an 800-ohm load, and using a 4/1 pulse transformer, the load RIz = 800 ohms that is across the secondary appears across the primary as
Rg, = %& = 50 ohms.

The maximum line or network voltage is now about 15 kv and its capacitance co _ 0.8 X I&g = 8000 ppf. 100 The disadvantages of a pulaer coupled directly to a high-impedance load have now disappeared. Another advantage in the use of pulse transformers is the possibility of introducing a physical separation between the

Szc. 7.1]






pulser and its load. In many radar applications, it has been found necessary to separate the oscillator from the pulser itselfin some cases, becauw+ of the physical motion of the oscillator. Under these conditions, a @jtY cable links the pulser to the load. Theoretically, pulse cables can be made in almost any impedance range, but. practical considerations limit their impedance to less than 100 ohms. In the United States, the W-ohm impedance level for pulse cable was standardized, and, for convenience in matching cable to pulser when necessary, the great majont y of line-type pulsers were designed to use 50-ohm pulse-forming networks. In special applications requiring an exceptionally high-power output, however, networks of 25 and even 12.5 ohms were used. In Great Britain, on the other hand, the network impedance was centered around 80 ohms-again for convenience in cable matching. Since the loads used in microwave radar usually have input characteristics similar to those of a biased diode, the performance of the pulser circuit with this . I load must be considered in some detail. The / 1 ] / method of approach, however, can be extended I ,/1 to pulser circuits with loads of any type I /l 1= I imaginable. / ! 1 The current-voltage characteristic of a biI I ,/ / I I ased-diode load can be represented by Fig. 7.5. For any point along the load characteristic, ~ v~1=~1=




FIG. 7.5.Voltaga-current characteristics of a biased. diode load.

_ u
Il(rl + Zo)

Under these conditions where rl is the dynamic resistance of the diode. the general expression (see Eq. (l)) for the current in the load becomes



;11[1 + z,
= v, +

R; + Zo

or zl=vo~=Ko_ rl + z, so
Rl = rl + V, &&~

1+3 Zo





v, v.













[SEC. 7.1

In this case, the conditions for optimum power transfer between the transmission line and the load depend on the bias voltage as well as on the initial voltage on the line. Substituting R1 = Z, in Eq. (12b),


n) (v,

v,) = -V.(?-1 +
rl v, _ ~v,~


which may be simplified to

20 =


or 2V. v, = . q Equation (15) expresses the voltage to which the transmission line must be charged in order that the load operate at the only point corresponding to matched conditions, or to maximum power transfer. Then, for matched conditions, (15)



(18) It is seen that the expressions for current, voltage, and pulse power are identical with Eqs. (6), (7), and (8) obtained for a pure-resistance load.

Fm. 7.6.Simplified equivalent circuit for a line-type pulser with a resistance load.

FIQ. 7.7.SimpMied equivalent circuit for a linet ype pulser with a bked-chode load.

Expressions identical to those for the current and the voltage in the line-type pulser can be obtained from the consideration of a simple series circuit containing a battery of constant voltage V, and internal resistance 20, a switch closed for the timer, and a load resistance Rl (see Fig. 7.6).

SEC. 7.2] For this circuit




VI = Vo z,

+ ~1

[See Eqs. (1) and (2).] resistance rl,

For a biased-diode
v, 11= v,

load (Fig. 7.7) of dynamic



v,= v.+ r,v+

= qojy.

[See Eqs. (12) and (13).] Since the circuits of Figs. 7.6 and 77 give the same results as those obtained by the transmission-line theory, they can be considered adequate equivalent circuits for a further discussion of the currents and voltages in line-type pulsers. On the other hand, this circuit is not satisfactory for determining energy relations because ZOis not physically a dissipative element. The value of ZO is determined from a fundamental consideration of the charging of an infinite transmission line, across which a battery voltage is suddenly applied, and is then defined as the ratio of voltage to current in the line. If the line is assumed to be lossless, the impedance, ZO = ~~~, has the dimensions of a pure resistance, hut does not dissipate energy. It can easil y be seen that the circuits of Figs. 7.6 and 7.7 are identical with those of the hard-tube pulser discussed in Chap. 2. The principal difference lies in the ratio of 20 to Rt or T1. For most practical applications of line-type pulsers, ZO is very nearly equal to Rj, v, or to rr ~. _ ~v, J whereas, in general, a hard-tube pulser is operated with a load whose impedance is high compared with the pulser internal impedance (effect ivel y the resist ante of the switch tube, which is dissipative). This difference is very important in the consideration of pulser regulation, efficiency, and the effect of other circuit parameters on pulse shape. 7.2. P u 1s e r Characteristics. A typical discharging circuit for a linetype pulser can be represented by the diagram of Fig. 78. The ideal FIG. 7%.-Block diagram of the disrectangular pulse that was considered charging circuit of a line-type pulser.
in the preceding section is usually

unobtainable in practice because of the characteristics of the various components used in the circuit. Some of the effects on pulser behavior and on






~8M. 7.2

pulse shape introduced by the characteristics of the separate components A brief n%umh of are discussed in this and in the following sections. the characteristics that affect the behavior of the discharging circuit is given here to facilitate reference. The Pulse-jormi~ Network.-As explained in Chap. 6, the pulseforming netwo&s used in practice can only produce an approximately rectangular outputpulse on a pure-resistance load. In order to simplify the mathematical analysis, it is aaT sumed in this chapter that the pulse shape FIG.7.9.Electrical equigenerated by the network ia either rectangular valentof a pulse-forming network for the study of potsa It should be noted, however, or trapezoidal. slmpea that most practical networks also produce amplitude oscillations during the flat portion of the pulse-that is, between the end of the rise and the beginning of the fall. In general, these oscillations are small and are neglected. In addition, actual neb works always have stray capacitances to ground that must be taken into account when particularly fast rates of rise or fall i are desired. For simplicity in analysis, the stray capaciv tances to ground are lumped and connected at the capacitance input terminal of the network. The pulse-forming network can then be represented as ~ ---, L in Fig. 7.9, in which the subscripts O for a Ioseless ta ttransmission line have been replaced by N. The Switch.-Three types of switches have been ~ti~~d~~~~~~~~~~ of time. used extensively in pulser operations: rotary spark gaps, fixed triggered gaps, and thyratronz. In general, the electrical characteristics of these three types are the same during the main pulse or conducting period. Fixed gaps and thyratrone both show a rapid decreaee in tube drop from time t = O (when the tube begine to conduct), and the tube drop stays very nearly constant for the remainder of the pulse. A typioal curve of tube drop during a pulse is shown in Fig. 710. The time ta required for the voltage to decrease to a steady-state value, VP vanes with the particular switch considered Iand is usually about 0.3 psec for triggered gaps, and Fm. 7.11.Tyw 0.1 Peec for thyratrons. For a given tube the steady ical switch drop as functionof current. value of the tube droD is very nearly independent of the current, as shown ~y Fig. 7T11. Tie ave;age values for VP under actual operating conditions are approximately 120 to 150 volts per gap for typical fixed spark gaps, and 70 to 110 volts for typical hydrogen tb yratrons.

Snc. 7.2]




The data taken with rotary spark gaps points to approximately the same results as were obtained with fixed gaps or thyratrons. Rotary gaps, like thyratrons, have been used successfully at pulse durations of the order of magnitude of 0.1 Ksec, indicating a very fast decrease in voltage drop across the gap after the initiation of conduction. .Although the time jitter of the rotary gap does not directly affect the discharging circuit, it may affect the final charging voltage of the network. Under unfavorable conditions, the resulting change in power output from pulse to pulse may be several per cent. The principal difference that is introduced in the behavior of the circuit by the switches occurs immediately after the pulse. Rotary gaps and triggered fixed gaps are essentially bidirectional devices, but the thyratron is unidirectional, and therefore holds off any negative voltage appearing at the plate aa a result of impedance mismatch. This fact has a definite effect on the shaping of the tail of the pulse, causing postpulse conduction for bidirectional switches and a higher voltage backswing for the thyratron switch. Different principles of circuit-element protection must also be applied because of difninaty L/. ferences in the switches. The Pulse Transformer. -An equivalent LD circuit adequate for the discussion of the effect of pulse transformers is derived in Sec. 121, Cf, and is given in Fig. 712 for reference. To n Fm. 7.12.Equivalent circuit make the analysis easier, however, further for a pulse transformer. simplifications are usually introduced, and those circuit elements that have little effect on the particular portion of the pulse under consideration are neglected. For simplicity, it is assumed in the following discussions that any pulse transformer introduced in the circuit having a voltage stepup ratio of n is replaced by a 1/1 transformer, and equivalent circuits for line-type pulsere are all referred to the secondary of the pulse transformer. Under these conditions, the actual primary voltages are multiplied by n, the actual primary currents are divided by n, and the actual impedances are multiplied by n2, that is,
Rw Lw = ntRti, = n2LP~,

CM = -j C&i.
The assumption that the losses in the pulse transformer are negligible is sufficiently accurate for discussions of pulse shapes, and is warranted by the simplifications it introduces in the mathematics. When the losses have to be taken into account, it can be assumed that the voltage trans-






~8Ec. 7.2

formation is conserved, that is, the ratio of primary to secondary voltage is equal to the ratio of the number of turns in the pulse transformer. The losses then appear as shunt losses and aflect the ratio of currents and impedances as follows: V- = ?lVd,

where q~is the efficiency of the pulse transformer. The Load. -As previously stated, the load most widely used in radar applications of pulse generators has the characteristics of a biased diode. In addition, a certain amount of capacitance is usually present in parallel with the load, and its effect on the leading and trailing edges of the pulse must be considered. Although the scope of this chapter does not permit a specific study of all the possible types of pulser loads that can be used, an important special application of the circuit has been found in the triggering of series gaps. In this case, the puke shape is relatively unimportant, and the load is essentially a pure capacitance until the breakdown of the gaps, at which time the load is short-circuited. This particular case is considered in Chap. 8. Equivalent Circuit for a Line-type Pulser.-A complete equivalent discharging circuit for a line-type pulser, obtained from the above considerations,l is shown in Fig. 7.13.

Fxc+. 7.13.EquivrJent
diechsrting circuit for a line-type pulser.

For the remainder of this section, further simplifications can be made m this circuit. First, the output-power pulse is considered to be rectangular, even though it is shown in Sec. 7.4 that a perfectly rectangular pulse is unobtainable in practice. It is therefore necessary to define the pulse duration. In general, the pulse duration of any shape pulse is considered here to be that of a rectangular pulse that has an amplitude equal to the average amplitude (see Appendix B) of the top of the pulse under 1The series reaistsnce R= includesthe equivalentswitch resistanceand the series lossesin the networkand pulse transformer.






consideration, and that delivers the same amount of energy to the load Then the equation as does the pulse under consideration. T.



gives the equivalent pulse duration, where V1 and 11 are the amplitudes of the voltage and current pulse averaged over the top of the pulse, and V1 and ii are the instantaneous values of voltage and current. The general circuit that is of interest in this discussion includes the losses of the components that make up the circuit. With the above definition of pulse duration, however, it is not necessary to refer to the actual pulse shape in order to determine the power and energy relationships; instead, the equivalent rectangular pulse is considered. The equivalent circuit of Fig. 7.13 can thus be further simplified by the following assumptions: 1. The series inductances are neglected, since no voltage can appear across them during the top of a rectangular load-current pulse. 2. The time constant of Z~ and CD is considered to be so small compared with the pulse duration that the charging time of CD, and therefore C,, itself, can be neglected. 3. The voltage drop across Z~ and the series resistances produced by current flowing through L. is considered to be negligible, since the output current pulse is assumed to remain rectangular in sha~e, and- thus L. can also be neglected.

(b) Switch drop is independent (a) Switch resistance is independent of current. current. FIG. 7.14.Equiva1ent circuits for the study of power transfer.




series can,





switch, into

network, one resist




ante R,, as indicated in Fig. 7.14a. This assumption is equivalent to saying that the switch has a constant resistance that is independent of the current. In cases where the switch drop is not very small (less than 10 per cent) compared with the network voltage, it is preferable to assume that the switch has a constant voltage drop VP,
former in general, be lumped






[SEC. 7.2

as indicated in Fig. 714b. In this case, the value of the series resistance is represented by R;.
Pulse Power, Power Transfer, and Load Line.If the case of a resistance load, for which V, = O and rl = Rz, is considered first, the current in Ri corresponding to Fig. 7.14a is given by


which can be written (19)


the coefficients


R, R,


Eq. (19) becomes

11 =


VN + Rla


A comparison of this expression with Eq. (l),


Zo + RI


indicates that the load current is reduced by the losses in the circuit, since VO and ZO are equivalent to VN and ZN respectively (the subscript zero refers to lossleee transmission lines and the subscript N to actual networks). For this reason, the coefficients a and @ are referred to as loss coefficients, a representing the shunt losses, and f3the series losses. From Eq. (20), the load voltage is given by

V1 = zNBVNRZ + Ria
and the pulse power by
V~Rl 1 = (ZN13 + R,a)



SEC. 72]




The relation between Rl and Z. for maximum power transfer into the load for a given network voltage can again be found by differentiating Eq. (22), and equating the result to zero; thus
dPl ~ = v; (zN@ + Rla)2 V$R& (ZN~ + Rla) = 0

or ZM9 + Rla 2RUZ = O

RL = ZN $


Equation (23) showB that, when 10WS are taken into account, the maximum power transfer to the load is obtained for a value of load resistance that is different from the characteristic impedance of the network. If only series losses exist (R. = ~), ~ximum power transfer is obtained for a load resistance that is equal to the network impedance plus the resistance corresponding to the series 10SSWJ, that is, Rt = ZN + Rp If onJy shunt losses exist (IL. = 0), the value of load resistance for maximum power transfer must be equal to the equivalent resistance of the network impedance and shunt-loss resistance in parallel, that is,
Rl = ZNRe ZN + R.

In general, the series and parallel losses are of the same order of magnitude (a = /3). Therefore, it is usually sufficient to make ZN equal to
Rl, and the departure from optimum power transfer is not great because of the flatness of the power-transfer curve (Fig. 7.3). When the conditions for maximum power transfer are realized for a resistance load, the expressions for load voltage, current, and power are

The load current, voltage, and power are easily obtained by the same methods from Fig. 7. 14b if VN is replaced by VN VP) Rp by R;, a by a and # by b, giving
11= VJ = : zNb (;N;, -v,, + Rw VP)RZ + Rw, J

(27) (28)

240 and






~SEC. 7.2


v. V,)2RZ (zN@ + lid)


The mruimum power that can be delivered by the circuit is

(WCU =





The principal reason for a representation of this type in the study of the obtainable pulse power is to emphasize the effect of tube drop in the design of low-power pulsers. As long as the tube drop is only a few per cent of the network voltage either presentation is adequate. However, the rapid increase in losses, arid the corresponding decrease in available power as the switch drop increases, are more evident from Eq. (3o) than from Eq. (26). For instance, if Vp is about 10 per cent of VA.,the 10WS in the switch amount to nearly 20 per cent of the load power. are plotted. The In Fig. 7.4 a series of curves for P,, = ~/(4ZJ same curves can, of course, be used to represent Eq. (26) if the coordiand VM instead of P%, and VO, or nates are made to represent [ad PJJ and (VN V,) Eq. (3o) if the coordinates are changed to [aB(Pi)_] respectively. If the load is considered in the more general terms of a biased diode of instantaneous static impedance E, = v. + In

the expression for load current [Eq. (20)] becomes

This equation can be rewritten as

1= Z./l

Viv Vsa + T@


which is of the same form as Eq. (12). With the value of 11 from Eq. (31), the voltage across the load,
VI = Iml + V,,

becomes V1 = and the pulse power is p, = Vlrl = (v.r~ + V,ZNB)(VN

(ZM9 + m) V.a)o

VNrl + V.ZN/3

zAf3 + rw







Maximizing the power as a function of TJ,it is found that the network voltage giving maximum power transfer to the load is (34)

A comparison of Eqs. (15) and (34) shows that when the losses in the circuit are considered, the voltage on the network for maximum load power is greater than that obtained when the losses are neglected, by a factor approximately equal to a. The same expression may be obtained by maximizing the power as a function of V., or by introducing the expression for static impedance of the biased diode into Eq. (23) and using Eq. (31). It is therefore evident that there is only one operating point for a nonlinear load where maximum power is obtained and, accordingly, that there is only one definite value of network voltage that leads to operation at that point. It is fortunate that the circuit performance is not greatly affected by slight deviations from the conditions giving maximum power transfer. To demonstrate this point, Eq. (33) may be rewritten to express the pulse power as

By introducing Eq. (34) into Eq. (33), the pulse power corresponding maximum power transfer is found to be


(35) The power-transfer relation PJ(P& can be expressed as


(+5) 3)

When V,/VN equals zero, the special case of a pure-resistance load is obtained. For any value of VJVN greater than l/a, the power output drops to zero because the expression gives a negative value for power under this condihion. The curves of Figs. 7.15 and 7.16 indicate the effect of the losses in the circuit on the conditions required for optimum power transfer when the 10SScoefficients have the values 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2,










~ 0.8 s 41.0 A I




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 r,/zN 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Fua. 7. 15.Power-transfer

curves for various values of V./ VN, a and8.



- ,


I a=(f=l.2 0.1 a=l.2 o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 ~/zN 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Fm. 7.16.Relation


V,/VN and rijZN for maximum values of 10ss coeficienta.

power transfer for various

SEC. 7.2]




which cover the range ordinarily encountered in line-type pulsers. These curves also show that very lit tle loss in power results from a slight mismatch, as was already determined in Sec. 71 (Fig. 74) for a resistance load and a lossless circuit. More important, these curves show thrvt, in order to achieve maximum power transfer, the dynamic resistance of the load must decrease as the bias voltage is increased. This phenomenon can best be explained physically by a consideration of the load line of the pulser, a curve that gives the relation between output current and output voltage as the load resistance is varied, all other conditions remaining the same. Referring to the expressions (20) and (21), and eliminating Rl between them, there is obtained (37) which is the equation for the pulser load line plotted in Fig. 7.17. By inspection of this equation, it can be seen that the open-circuit load voltand that the age is VN/CY, the short-circuit load current is VN/(ZN@),

Fm. 7. 17.Diagram

showing the determination of the load characteristic

of the load voltage and current by the line with the pulser load line.

function is linear. The load characteristics can be represented on the same plot; thus a resistance load is represented by a straight line passing through the origin, whereas a biased-diode load is represented by a straight line intersecting the V axis in the positive region. The intersection of the pulser load line with the Ioad characteristic line gives the operating point. A load characteristic line has been drawn for
Rl =









@EC. 7.3

corresponding to optimum power transfer from the pulser to the load. Its intersection with the pulser load line at point A corresponds to a voltage VN/(h) and a current VN/(2ZN19), the only point on the load line for which optimum power transfer obtains. Conversely, any load whose characteristic passes through that point enables the pulser to operate under the conditions of maximum power transfer. Such a load could be the biased diode represented in the Fig. 7.17. It is evident from Eq. (36) that, unless negative resistance is considered, the highest value of bias voltage that permits operation at point A is V~/(2a) (see Fig. 7.16). It is also apparent that the higher the bias voltage on the diode, the steeper the load characteristic must be if it This condition corresponds to a small is to pass through point A. AV/A1 or dynamic resistance, and explains why the maxima in the curves of Fig. 7-16 shift toward small values of rz/Z,v when V,/VN is increased. 7.3. Pulser Regulation and EfEciency.-Pulser regulation refers to the changes in pulser output voltage, current, and power resulting from These changes may take place either changes in operating conditions. during a pulse or from pulse to pulse. The present discussion neglects the circuit inductances and stray capacitances, and is valid as long as the transient regulation is not considered. The results therefore apply to the cases where a change in circuit parameters has taken place between two pulses, or, if the change takes place during the pulse itself, the results are valid only after any transient effects have been damped out. There are two types of regulation to be considered: (1) that produced by changes in the network voltage, and (2) that produced by changes in the load characteristic. In either case, transient regulation may appear. The effect on the pulser output of possible oscillations or irregularities on the top of the input voltage pulse can be analyzed only by methods similar to those of Sec. 7.4 used in studying pulse shape. If, on the other hand, the load characteristics suddenly change during a pulse, the transient behavior from one characteristic to the other depends on the values of the distributed capacitance across the load as well as on the seiies inductance introduced by the pulse transformer. Neglecting transients, the circuit of Fig. 7.14 can be used for the study of regulation, leading to the expressions for load voltage, current, and power obtained in Sec. 7.2, namely, V1 =
vNrt +


zN~ +

(32) (31)



lZ = zNj3 + ?la

SEC. 7.3]






PI =

(~,vr, + ~szN6) (VN tad, (z,vj3 + r,a)


The regulation may be obtained from these equations by differentiation. Regulation against Variations in Network Voltage.The voltage regulation is obtained by differentiation of Eq. (32), which gives
dl1 dV~ rl = ZJ3 + rla

Multiplying by dV.v, dividing by VI, multiplying numerator and denominator of the right-hand member by V., and replacing the differential by a finite difference, there results

For operation at maximum power transfer, 1 ;;, v,




and the expression for voltage regulation becomes

The expressions for current and power regulation same way, with the following results:

are obtained

in the


~,w= l

1 V. F.








For the case of maximum power transfer, these equations may be sim-







[%C. 7.3

plified to (42)


(-) (-)

AR ?1 ,N=



For a resistance load, V, = O, and the expressions for regulation reduce to _ AVN

VN= VN AIz _ AVN, VN (-)11 ,.





= ~ AVN


whether or not the load resistance is matched to the characteristic impedance of the network in order to obtain maximum power transfer. An examination of expressions (38) and (40) shows that, for a biased diode, the load voltage always changes less rapidly than the network voltage, whereas the load current changes more rapidly. For instance, assuming zN/rl = 10, a = @ = 1, and maximum power transfer, Eq. (39) gives AVZ
(-) vi

= VN

2 V~ iim

= () 182 ~, vii AVN 182 m

and Eq. (42) gives AIL () z v 2 AVN mm=

corresponding to the above assumptions is 0.45 The value of V./VN (Fig. 716). It must be noted that the current regulation is improved is decreased. For instance, for (made smaller) if the ratio of V./VN v,/vN = 0.4,

It is interesting to note that the output-current regulation against a It is also change of network voltage depends only on the ratio V,/VN. worth noting. that, since the network voltage is directly proportional to the input voltage to the pulser circuit, V,v can be replaced by EM in the above expressions. This fact is important in pulser design, where

SEC. 7.3]






tolerances on the input voltage are usually known. For alf practical operating conditions of magne ron load encountered to date, V,/ Vx is in the neighborhood of 0.4 to 0.45, and hence the percentage change in magnetron current resulting from pulser regulation alone is approximately 1.75 times as great as the percentage change in input voltage. Regulation against Variations in Load Characteristic. -Two typesof regulation of the pulser output against load variation are discussed here. First, it is assumed that the bias voltage, V,, of a biaseddiode load may change either from pulse to pulse or during a pulse, but that the dynamic resistance, rl, stays constant (this case corresponds quite closely to mode-changing in magnetrons). The expressions obtained for this case




Z,vp + T@ V.v,a Z.@ + T@ .

AV, AV, = 1 T ~ ..VN1 W v, a





-E V,=

For operation at the point corresponding to maximum power transfer, the expressions for regulation against load bias voltage become AVI () Tr V.= rl CY 1 Z.V B AV, . rl a v. 1+~~



It is obvious that the power regulation at the point of matched condition is perfectthat is, a small change in load bias voltage around that point produces no change in power output from the pulsersince the







[SEC. 7.3

tangents to the power-transfer curves (Fig. 715u) are parallel V,/V. axis at the points of maximum power transfer (matched tions). For the same reason, the values of voltage and current tion must be equal, but of opposite sign. For ZN/rl = 10 and a =

to the condiregula~ = 1,


AVZ mv.

0.9 AV. _ 082 ~,. =fiv. ~.

The second case to be considered is that in which the bias voltage, V,, stays constant, but the dynamic resistance varies. Of special interest is the condition V, = O, giving the regulation as a function of load variation for a pure-resistance load as



and (52)

For operation at maximum power transfer,


() () ()

AVL 1 AM . R, 2R1 % 1 AR1 AIz =2R,, ~ R, APJ ~

= R,


It must be noted again that the above expressions apply only to small If the load variation is variations in the value of the load resistance. very large, as in the case of an accidental short circuit at the load, it is better to refer to the load line of the pulser under consideration. A special case of regulation from pulse to pulse, corresponding to the pulser using a unidirectional switch, is considered later (see Sec. 102). As has already tieen pointed out, the network energy is conserved under








these conditions if RJ/ZN k less than one, and the network voltage after the next charging cycle is higher than normal. Since a discussion of this phenomenon involves the over-all pulser circuit it is beyond the scope of this section, which is concerned primarily with the characteristics of the discharging circuit. Eficiency.-The over-all efficiency of a line-type pulser can be obtained only by a consideration of the different parts of its circuit. Losses occur in the discharging as well as in the charging circuit. If ~d and qc are the efficiencies of the discharging and charging circuits respectively, the total efficiency m of the pulser circuit is qP = w X q.. This efficiency, however, does not take into consideration all the power that has to be supplied to the pulser. For d-c charging, a rectifier circuit For a-c charging, having an efficiency Tb usually has to be introduced. the frequency of existing power supplies is such that a special motoralternator or frequency converter is usually needed, which is also considered to have an efficiency ?l*. Finally, there are overhead losses, some of which are associated with the switch and some with the auxiliary circuits and equipment. The hydrogen-thyratron switch requires filament power and sometimes a trigger amplifier, the series~gap switch requires a trigger generator, and the rotary-gap switch requires a driving motor (whose power loss may already be included in ~b). The auxiliary circuits and equipment include line-switching relays, control circuits, cooling fans, etc. If the power required for the overhead is designated as PL, the over-all efficiency is given by m.. . _. Vbllp

= (P,)..

~ + PL?lb~~


The following discussion is concerned principally with the efficiency of the discharging circuit, with an occasional reference to the over-all pulser efficiency. The over-all efficiency for a few special applications is considered in Chap. 11. The discharging-circuit efficiency is the ratio of the energy transferred to the load to the energy taken from the pulse-forming network per pulse. This definition of discharging efficiency is considered because, under some conditions of load mismatch, some of the energy may be conserved on the network when a unidirectional switch is used, as is evident from consideration of an idealized circuit (Fig. 7.2). The energy dissipated in the load is given by

and the voltage left on the network after the main pulse is







@EC. 7.3

If R, > Z~, VM_l is of the same polarity as V., and the network di5 charges completely even through a unidirectional switch. If Rl < Z~, an amount of energy ~CNV~_l is left on the network because a unidirectional switch does not permit the network voltages of polarity opposite to that Under the latter condition, the amount of energy of VN to discharge. taken from the network is w. = ; CN(vfi vj_J = ; C?+vj ~ _ (RI z.) [
(R, + z.)

As was shown in Sec. 7.1, TN = 2CNZN, and the energy taken from the network is


which is exactly equal to that transferred to the load, provided that 71 and r. are equal. This condition is obviously attained in a circuit containing only pure-resistance components, such as that of Fig. 7.2. It maybe concluded from the above considerations that it is desirable to use unidirectional switches and permit the load to be mismatched. Other disadvantages, however, result from changes in load impedance (see Sec. 102), and usually make it desirable to drain off most of the energy left on the network after the pulse. Accordingly, in the remainder of this discussion this energy is considered to be lost, that is, the network is considered to be completely discharged after each pulse. In Sec. 7.2 it has been shown that the maximum pulse power in the load is given by
(P,)= g $.


Then, if rZ is the duration of the power pulse at the load, the maximum energy per pulse is given by (54) and the energy stored in the network is N 1 Vj = 3 CNV$ = m. N (55)

SEC. 7.3]






where n and TN are the equivalent pulse durations at the load and at the network. It must be noted that these pulse durations are not necessarily equal. Since the pulse power considered above is the average of any oscillations that may be present at the top of the pulse, the effect of the inductances and capacitances is small and has been neglected. The only factor that may be significant is the voltage drop across 2.8 caused by the current flowing through L. and CD. Actually, the time constants are such that the effect of CD can, in general, be neglected except for the first 0.1 ~sec. In order to avoid introducing the pulse duration into the expressions for pulse power, and because the pulse shape was considered rectangular, the effect of L. has been neglected until now. Actually, the effect of the shunt inductance cannot be neglected in discussions of efficiency. For simplicity, however, an approximate expression may be used. It is assumed, as before, that the voltage across the load remains constant for the duration of the pulse, instead of drooping because of the additional voltage drop across the network impedance Under these conditions, that results from the current flowing through L.. the current through L. at any time is given by
tL. =, L.

where tis the time elapsed from the beginning of the pulse, and the energy stored in the inductance at the end of a pulse of duration n is
;L.t~ = ~ 2L,

The assumption of constant voltage VI introduces a value for the losses On the other in the inductance L. that is in excess of the actual value. hand, any energy stored in the series inductance, L., of the circuit at the end of the pulse is neglected because the value of this inductance is For this reason, an assumption leading to small compared with L.. the higher value for the losses in the shunt inductance seems to be reasonable. The losses in the total shunt capacitance across the load C, = C. + Cl appear only when the load is a biased diode, and can be written as ~C,V~. If the inductances and capacitances are neglected, the energy output under the conditions for optimum power transfer is
( Wl)mu =

. gN@

Actually, this energy output is decreased by the losses in L. and C, to

(Wl).ff = *










For optimum power transfer vl=~ from Eq. (24),

from Eq. (34), and (Wr)eff = *B

a2L. a (2


Since ZN = rN/2CN, the discharging circuit efficiency can be expressed as

d =

WN =-


1 afl [



where ~ = C,/C~. In general, ,1 is nearly equal to r~; therefore only a very small error in introduced by rewriting

d=+ 1-%41-2)1 [


The equation for efficiency for unmatched conditions is not given because it cannot readily be expressed in terms of the pulser parameters; however, it can usually be determined with sufficient accuracy by multiplying the efficiency for optimum power transfer by the actual power transfer. An examination of Eq. (57b) shows that the efficiency of the discharging circuit decreases when the pulse duration is increased, and when ~ (the ratio of distributed to network capacitance) is increased. If the distributed capacitance is constant, -yvaries inversely with pulse duration; consequently, the third term of the expression causes a decrease in eficiency when the pulse duration is decreased. Since the effects of the last two terms of Eq. (57a) are in opposition to each other, the curve showing efficiency as a function of pulse duration for a given set of pulser paramThe expression for the eters may be expected to have a maximum. particular pulse duration that corresponds to maximum efficiency is easily obtained by the differentiation of Eq. (57b), and is (58) Assuming the usual ratio of 0.1 for rl/Z~ and values for L. and C, that are found in typical pulse transformers and loads, the pulse durations corresponding to maximum efficiency are found to be about 0.5 to 3 psec.








Actually, the efficiency for very short pulses decreases much more rapidly than is indicated by Eq. (57) because of the nonlinear characteristic of the switch drop as a function of time. As explained in Chap. 8, a great part of the power loss in the switch occurs during the first 0.3 ~sec, and sometimes during an even shorter time. As a result, the coefficient@ should actually be a function of time; however, the values obtained by For expression (57) are sufficiently correct for most practical purposes. very short pulses, the efficiency obtained from Eq. (57) is usually too high unless a value of P that holds for these short pulses can be used. The efficiency can also be expressed as the ratio of the average power transmitted to the load to the average power supplied by the pulse-formSince ing network.
(P,).. = w,
x j,

(Piv)a. = w.
x f,,

the expression is the same as that obtained above. The efficiency of the charging circuit is discussed in Chap. 9. For d-c charging, it is given as

~==l+e2Q 2 and, for a-c charging, as Vc = 1%

Hence, the over-all circuit efficiency q. can be obtained from the relation ~= = ~. X ?ld. The pulser power output is usually measured by two methods. The average power input into a magnetron may be represented by
(Pt).v = = V2 x v,


71 x f,. (60)

or by

12 x

If Eq. (59) is used, the average magnetron current is measured directly by an appropriately protected d-c milliammeter (see Appendix A). For Eq. (60), a current-viewing resistor is used to present the current pulse on the screen of the cathode-ray tube of a synchroscope. The average amplitude of the top of the pulse z~, as well as the pulse duration 71 (at ~lJ, is either measured directly with the synchroscope, or the area

\ .-

j it dt is integrated


from photographs

of the oscilloscope

trace. In general, readings of individual points by the two methods agree to within a few per cent; most of the difference can be attributed to experimental errors and, for a large number of readings, these errors cancel






~~EC. 7.3

each other. In some cases, however, a systematic difference in the readings is introduced, either by a small amount of post-pulse conduction, or by capacitance currents that may be recorded by the average-current meter, but are neglected in interpreting the oscilloscope trace. A Systematic difference greater than two per cent, however, usually indicates some fundamental difficulty with the calibration of either the sweep speed, the recurrence frequency, or the average-current meter. All three calibrations are apt to be troublesome, those of the sweep speed and the recurrence frequency because they may vary slightly from time to time, that of the average-current meter because of the change in calibration produced by the shunt resistance that is usually introduced for protection in the metering circuit. It must be pointed out that, at best, Eqs. (59) and (60) are approximate. They are rigorous only for a biased-diode load having a dynamic impedance equal to zero because they are obtained by assuming that the load voltage stays constant during the current pulse. In general, the results obtained from these equations are sufficiently precise as long as the top of the voltage pulse is flat and the duration of the top of the current pulse is long compared with the sum of the times of rise and fall of the current. Because of these restrictions, the method is not usually very precise for short pulses (less than 0.5 Psec), for which the time of fall of the current is often of the same order of magnitude as the duration of the top of the pulse. Obviously, the average-current meter cannot be used to measure average-power output for a resistance load, since the network-charging current flows through the meter and cancels the reading of the discharging Under these conditions, the average power may be computed circuit. from oscillographic observation, or measured by a calorimeter. The power input to the circuit can be measured by the standard procedure, a d-c voltmeter and an ammeter giving the output from the power supply when d-c charging is used, and a wattmeter giving the input to the resonant transformer for a-c charging. The average network power can be obtained by measuring the peak forward network voltage V~, that is,
(PN).V = iicNv;jr.

If a unidirectional switch is used without shunt diodes to bleed the inverse voltage left on the network by load mismatch, (PN).V = *cN(vj Vir-,)j,.


The correction can usually be neglected because a value VN_JVN = 0.2, which corresponds to a mismatch larger than usually tolerated, introIn practice, it is difficult to obtain duces an error in PN of only 4 per cent.

SEC. 7.4]








an accuracy greater than 2 per cent in measuring VN, which corresponds to a 4 per cent inaccuracy in the value of (PN).v. Because of the inherent inaccuracy in the measurement of (PN).., it is generally not advisable to give as much weight to the measured values for the efficiencies of the discharging and charging circuits as is given to measurements of over-all circuit efficiency. Values of over-all circuit efficiency for line-type pulsers may range from less than 60 per cent to about 80 per cent depending on the power level, on the type of switch, and on the load. 7.4. The Discharging Circuit and Pulse Shape.-A basic equivalent circuit that can be used to study the behavior of line-type pulsers during the discharge of the pulse-forming network has been obtained in Sec. 7.2 (Fig. 7.13) by considering the characteristics of the various components This same circuit can also be used for an analysis of the of the circuit. output-pulse shape. Some further simplifications are necessary, however, if the equations are to be kept workable. Examination of the circuit indicates that those elements that have a large influence on the shaping of some parts of the pulse can readily be neglected in the study of other parts of the pulse without introducing appreciable errors. The number of meshes, and hence the degree of the differential equations, is thereby reduced. Thus, the discussion on pulse shape is divided into three parts concerning the leading edge, the top, and the trailing edge of the pulse. The Leading Edge of the Pulse.The time variation of the switch drop during the ionization period undoubtedly affects the rise of the voltage across the load. Except in a few special cases, however, the complications introduced in the equations by a nonlinear parameter are not warranted by the change in the results. A few examples are treated later to show the order of magnitude of the effect of variation in switch resistance, but for the remainder of the discussion the series losses are represented by a resistance Rp, assumed to be constant, and the series resistance ZN + RP is replaced by 21. The effect of capacitance C.N (of the order of magnitude of 20 ~pf) can be neglected because the time constant of this capacitance and its series resistance 21 (about 1000 ohms) is approximately 0.02 psec. Hence, c,~ is almost entirely charged in about 0.08 psec, and the effect of charging this capacitance can be neglected except when very short rise times or very short pulses are considered. Since the pulse-transformer shunt inductance, L., is always much larger than the other inductances in the circuit, the pulse current flowing through it during the first few tenths of a microsecond is very small, and can be neglected for practical purposes. The load distributed capacitance Cl is, in general, much smaller than the pulse-transformer distributed capacitance CD. The two can be lumped Actually, neglecting together if the charging inductance L~ is neglected.







[SEC. 7.4

Cl introduces some difference only at the very beginning of the pulse, as explained later, whereas neglect ing L D leads to unsatisfactoryy conditions at the transition between the rise and the top of the pulse; hence, Cl is neglected here. The pulse-transformer shunt losses, represented by R., are usually so small (that is, R, is so large) that they have little effect on the voltage buildup across the load. For this reason they are neglected, and, until the output voltage exceeds the bias of the diode load, FIG. 7.1S. Simplified equivalent circuit of a linethe circuit of a line-type pulser may be simtype pulser for the analysis of plified as shown in Fig. 718. Assuming that the leading edge of the pulse. the initial current through the inductances and the initial charge on the condenser are zero, the differential equation for this circuit is

Ihe Laplace-transform

equation is then
ZIZN(P) + ~ = thJ(p).

(L. +
Solving for i~(p),



= C~(LL

C.pv,V(p) + L~)p2 +



and the Laplace-transform

equation for u is obtained from the relation

Vi(p) =

LDp~N(p) + ~~
(LDcDp +


and is given by
l) VN(P) l(P) =


~D)p2 + ZIC.P


For any specific form of applied voltage v~(t), the Laplace transform vi(P) defines a time function vz(t) that expresses the voltage applied to the A load. As long as UJ(L)< V,, the circuit of Fig. 7.18 is applicable. time t, can be found at which v~(t) = V,, and the values of current i~(~,) through the inductances and voltage vc(t,) across the condenser at that time can be determined. The value of vc is obtained by the Laplacetransform equation

At time t = tl, 1 Vc, = ED / t, ~ iN dt.











This is the initial condition that applies to the study of the top of the pulse, during which time the load is taking power from the pulser. The Top oj the Pulse.The simplifications of the equivalent circuit of a line-type pulser applying to this part of the discussion are essential y the same as those used for the rising portion of the pulse. The capacitance C,~ can be neglected, and R. is, in general, so large compared with R1 (static impedance of the load) that it may be omitted also. The pulse transformer shunt inductance L, should be included in this part of the discussion. The simplification of the equations, however, makes it advisable to consider the effect of L, independently. If it is assumed that ~ ~ the voltage across L. is very nearly constant during the pulse, the current through it is L Q given by ~L = El ~.

~ c. :T v, In general, this current does not exceed 10 1 I L per cent of the load current, so its effect is F1o, 7.19.Simplified usually to introduce only a slight additional equivalentcircuit of a linetype pulser for the analysis voltage drop across Z,, with a resulting droop of the top of the pulse. in the voltage and current pulses. Since this droop is neglected in the following discussion, the circuit for analyzing the top of the pulse reduces to that of Fig. 7.19. The differential equations are, for t, s t ~ tz,
Z,iN+L. ~+ L.$(i~ i,)+& / (ZN i,) (it = Uv(t),

, mL. ~T
~(t V*

L.&-iJ+& / (i, iv) d + nil =

with the initial conditions ih = iN(tl) = Z~, and v= = w(tl) = Vc,. The Laplace-transform
(C.p-z, +
cDLLp + cDLDp

equations can be written

+ l)i.(p) = (c,~.p ~., + + l)iz(P) p~.,



+ L.)],

(CmL~p2 + l)i,v(p)


+ 1 + nC~p)i,(p)

= CD(V,

Vc, +LDpIL,).

By usual methods, the expressions for the current transf orms are found to be
i,(p) = N+


258 and





[SEC. 7.4


NL(P) ~


and the voltage transform VIis u(p) = :

A r, = p ( cDLLLDp~ + C.[?-l(L. + L.) + .LDz,]p2

V.A + p?lN,(p)
TA(P) =


_ _ N(P), A


[C. V,(LL + L.) +

(LL + CDTIZI)~ + (z, + ?I)





+ L. C. ZIIL,

+ [.L~L, + CDZ,(VC, ~,) + ~N(p)]p V,,

_ ~(p) CD


~L~L,]P3 + {@D[UN(p) + ZLi(~L + ~.)] V8CDLD]P2

+ [~r,.(p) + ~LZL,



+ TZUN(P)]P3


+ [rlC@LVC,
+ {LL(V.


V,CrADZ,]p cDzlvc,])p + V,Z1.

+ ?-,1,,) + Tt[uN(p) +

Again, for any particular time function UN(~),the Laplace transforms for load voltage and load current lead to time functions that can be computed. The complexity of the solution is such, however, that little can be said about the effect of individual parameters. Examples are treated later, and more detailed discussions of a few special cases are given. This circuit can be used to obtain a reasonable approximation of the pulse shape until a time h. This time is defined as that for which the static resistance RL of the load equals the shunt resistance R. of the pulse transformer. The Trailing Edge of the Pulse.The trailing edge is the part of the pulse that is applied to the load following the main pulse of energy delivered by the pulse-forming network. The shape is determined principally by the energy stored in stray capacitances and inductances in the circuit if it is assumed that maximum power transfer to the load is obtained, as is discussed in Sec. 7,3. .4ccordlngly, it is assumed that At this time, the energy that UN(~) = O after t = tz as defined above. has been stored in the shunt inductance of the pulse transformer cannot be neglected. Since this inductance was not considered in the previous calculations, it is necessary to estimate the current flowing through it

SEC. 7.4]








at the time tz. This current is given with sufficient precision by

At the time corresponding to zero current in the load, the currents in the transformer leakage and charging inductances (L. and LD) cause This energy can be neglected, energy to be stored in these elements. however, by comparison with that stored in the shunt inductance. Energy stored in the distributed capacitance C. must, of course, be considered. The discharging circuit may then be reduced to a parallel RJLC~-combination. At this point, however, the assumption that the pulse-forming network may be replaced by a source of internal impedance Z~ no longer holds because, on this assumption and with ti~(t) = O, ZN is in parallel with the discharging circuit, causing a very fast dissipation of the energy stored in that circuit. Since a pulse-forming network is not a dissipative element, but rather is capable of storing electrical energy, the above assumption is obviously false. Practical networks are made up of series-parallel combinations of In order to reduce the number of loops capacitances and inductances. to a minimum, it is assumed that the network can be replaced by a simple series LC-circuit, with the conditions that
z, = L; ~~~ LM Le CD Re

d r,

and ~ = 2CNZN,


FIG. 7.20.Simplified leading to the equivalent circuit of Fig. 720. equivalentcircuit of a lineIf the pulse-transformer leakage inductance is type pulser for the analysis of the trailing edge of the not negligible compared with the network pulse. inductance LN, itcan be added in series with LN. The same equivalent circuit is still applicable if LN is replaced by (LN + L.) in the equations. The initial conditions for this circuit are determined as follows. The voltage on CD and the current through L, are obtained from the analysis of the top of the pulse. Since it is assumed that the energy stored in the the network has been entirely dissipated in the load before the time tz, voltage across the network capacitance CN can be assumed equal to zero at the time k. However, the voltage across the network is not zero, but is given by V,(h) = VC,, and causes a rate of change of current through the network inductance given by
diN .4 dt V, L. .









The current through the network is considered to be equal to the current Z~, that was flowing through the source at the time h, and can be obtained from the analysis of the top of the pulse. This value satisfies Kirchhoffs law of currents in the present circuit, but implies a small amount of energy left in the network inductance; however, this energy is usually very small compared with the energy stored in the pulse-transformer shunt inductance. The equations for the circuit of Fig. 7.20 can then be written

giving the following Laplace-transform

L~i,V(p)p Le[iL(p) + L.[iN(p)


i~(p)lp + ~


+ LJ1,Z.

i~(p) cDp

iL(p) it(p) = _LezL2 _ !k.

C.p + il(P)Re P = 2-


From these, an expression for the Laplace transform can be obtained, which, multiplified by R., gives
vi(p) = R.ii(p) N{(p) = R. ~,

of the current


N{(p) = L.[L~C~C~Vc,p3 + LALN(IN2 1.z)p2 +


A = LNLeReC,VCDpd 1- L.vL.C,vpz + RJL,C~ + L.C. + LNCN)p2 + L.p + R..

For most practical values of the coefficients at least two of the roots of the denominator A are complex, and result in a damped oscillation of high frequency (I/f is of the order of magnitude of T). This oscillation is superimposed on a low-frequency damped oscillation that corresponds to the voltage backswing on ~he network after the pulse. This voltage backswing can be estimated fairly accurately by obtaining the Laplace transform i.(p), from which the net work-condenser voltage is obtained as

iN(p) VN(p) = ~

SEC. 7.5]







This backswing has a polarity opposite to that of the original source voltage, and, if a unidirectional switch is used, is approximately equal to the inverse voltage left on an actual network. 7.6. Computed and Actual Pulse Shapes.In order to keep the treatment as general as possible, the previous discussion makes no reference to the time function that can be used, and pertains to a biased-diode load, which was chosen because of the flexibility that results from varying either its bias or its resistance. If the load is highly capacitive, it js possible to use the same procedure by replacing the distributed capacitance C. by the load-plus-transformer capacitance. If the load is a pure resistance, V, = O, and the first step is eliminated. It is conceivable that a pulser may be used to initiate an arc of negative-resistance characteristic; it should then be possible to use a negative value for n to fit the arc voltage-current characteristic over the appropriate range, and again the general solution holds. The pulsers most widely used by the Radiation Laboratory had magnetron loads, and therefore the following examples consider the case of a magnetron such as the 4J52 operated from a typical pulser. Assuming that the characteristics of this magnetron are V. = 13 kv, and rt = 100 ohms, and its operating current is 15 amp, the corresponding In discussing examples of static load resistance is about 1000 ohms. this type, it is convenient to refer all quantities in the pulser discharging circuit, including the pulse-transformer parameters, to the secondary of the pulse transformer. The sum of pulse-forming-network impedance and estimated series losses is thus assumed to be Zl = 1200 ohms, which necessitates a network voltage equal to
v. = v, + (7-


JJ(R1 + 21) = (13,000 + 100 X 15)2200 ~ 32 Ow volts 7 1000


The characteristics of the pulse transformer are: L. = 90 ph, = 22 Ah, c. = 60 wf, L, = 50 mh, and R. = 20,000 ohms. For the first example, the function UN(Ois assumed to be a trapezoidal pulse with a time of rise equal to zero, a flat top of 2.5 psec, and a time of fall of 0.25 psec. The second example considers a similar pulse shape with a time of rise equal to 0.25 psec, a flat top of 2.5 Psec, and a time of fall of 0.5 @cc. The time function of the applied voltage for the rising edge of the pulse is ~M(t) = VN, which gives the Laplace-transform u+) equation = ;.







[SEC. 7.5

Introducing the voltage transform in Eqs. (61) and (62), the following time functions are obtained: i~(t) _ e~~sin CJ _ (L. + L.)(.O v. m(o _ ~ _ eat
3z L.

( L. + L.

Cos d +

a 2LD + LL sin ~t OJL~+LD )

where z, a = 2(LL + L.) and





The voltage time function is plotted in Fig. 721. It may be noted that the voltage time function does not start from zero voltage, as is obviously never the case in practice. The two assumptions responsible for this





applied pulse, instantaneous rise).

FIG. 7.21.Computed

3.5 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 tin flwc and voltage pulses for a line-type pulser (trapezoidal

apparent discrepancyy are (1) that the rise of applied voltage is instantaneous, which is not possible in practice, and (2) that the capacitance across the load has been added to the pulse-transformer distributed capacitance. Hence, at the first instant, the total applied voltage appears across the series inductance of the circuit, and, since part of that inductance is directly across the load, a fraction of the voltage equal to LD/(IJL + L.) must appear across the load.

Sl!c. 7.5]







This analysis is carried on until, is found such that time tl Ut(tl) . v,

by successive v. . v.


The current through the circuit and the voltage across the condenser CD at that time are then computed. For the particular values of parameters chosen above, tl= 0.087 psec, IL,/VN = 416 X 106 mhos, and Vc,

= 0.383.

The general form of the time function for the top of the pulse is too complex to permit a useful analysis of the effect of individual parameters, even with an applied voltage of the simple form assumed here. For the particular values chosen for the parameters, the load voltage is of the form

in which the first term has the value ~zl+n

A.= ;, +,1 = 0.452,

which is the steady-state value of the voltage arrived at from other considerations in Sec. 7.2. The term Bud is an exponential with a very rapid decay, corresponding to the increase from starting to operating voltage. Again, for this example, B. = 0.0048, and b = 14.5 for texpressed in microseconds. The last term corresponds to the oscillations on the top of the pulse, for which C? = 0.416, c = 2.24 for t expressed in microseconds, WI = 27.35, and O = 1.431. The time function for the current ia of the same form as that for the voltage; the coefficients are given by


and the exponents, frequency,

and phase angle are the same.







[SEC. 7.5

A plot of the load-voltage time function obtained with the above The amplitude of oscillations is much assumptions is given in Fig. 721. greater than that observed in practice because of the shock excitation of This excitation is introduced partly by the pulse-transformer circuit. the discontinuous function chosen for the applied voltage, and partly by the assumption that the switch voltage drops instantaneously to its operating value. When the applied voltage begins to decrease at t = 2.5 psec, its time function is given by




with t = O at t = 2.5 ~sec, where tis expressed in microseconds a = 0.25 psec. The Laplace transform for the voltage


introduced in Eqs. (63) and (65) leads to a time function containing terms of the same form as those for o.df) = VN, Plus a term that is directly proportional to the time. For the particular example chosen, the oscillatory term is negligible, and the expressions for the load voltage and current can be written



0.475 0.308t


and 106 ~ = 687 3077t 230e1452~ mhos.

tz having been defined as the The expression for m(t) is used until t = tz, time for which V1 = R,.

The load static impedance at any instant is given by

Equating this value to R., the load voltage is determined as a function of load parameters, that is

Vl(t,) = v, #-1

SEC. 7.5]







The time hat which this voltage is reached can now be obtained from the time function for vI. In the present example, it is 2.71 psec. This value is used in turn to determine the initial currents to be introduced in the circuit from which the trailing edge of the pulse is computed. The amplitude of oscillations on the top of the current pulse is determined to a large extent by the energy stored in the charging inductance of the pulse transformer, and their frequency is determined almost entirely by the distributed capacitance and charging inductance of the pulse transformer. Since the applied voltage vw(t) is considered equal to zero for t > h, the initial conditions fo? the trailing edge of the pulse can readily be found as follows:

~_ VN

v~Le (t2 h) = ~00~~o_3

X 2.62 X 10-=

24 X 10- mhos,

v., = 0.408, VNL and

The values for L. and C. are found to be

~, = 2..5 x 1O = 1000 X 1012 farads,


L. =

Z;CN = 1.4 X 103 henrys.

If these values are introduced in the Laplace-transform equation for this circuit (Eq. (65)), the time function for the voltage across R. is found to be zu(t)t>t, _ 0.178e-0022 sin (0, 134t O.132) v. 0.386e-0.3g4 sin (3.52t 1.49). As can be seen from Fig. 7.22, the load voltage during the tail of the pulse consists essentially of two damped sine waves, one of relatively high amplitude, frequency, and damping that corresponds approximately to the LNCD-circuit, and one of lower amplitude, frequent y, and damping that corresponds very nearly to the L.CiwCirCUit. The voltage buildup on the network capacitance CN is given by the expression vN(t)t>t, = 0.182e-0.022$ sin (0.134t 0.121) VN +0.022e-o.a sin (3.52i! + 1.434),






[SEC. 7.5

and is also plotted en Fig. 7.22. If the switch is unidirectional, the network voltage V~ reaches a maximum negative value, at which time the discharging circuit is disconnected from the network, and only the charging circuit needs to be considered.
0.6 > 3 v L2 0.2 \ >2 go m ~z >0.2 A ---- -+ ~ -


0 5


tinusec 15 20


FIG. 7.22.Computed voltage pulse on the load and backswing voltage on the load and on the pulse-forming network (trapezoidal applied pulse, instantaneous rise).


1.2X 103


%(t) ~ II
~1 [TN I / b B VN \

0.8 8 t 0.6 .~ ~z \ 0.4 -

*= m 0.6 ~z b ~ $0.4

0.2 / 0 0.5


1.5 t in



pulser (trap-.


load-current and load-voltage pulses for a line-type zoidal applied voltage, finite time of rise).

One assumption that is implicit in the above discussion is that the charging circuit has no effect on the shape or on the trailing edge of the pulse. This assumption is correct only if the charging inductance is

SEC. 7.5]







very large compared with the shunt inductance of the pulse transformer. The effect may become appreciable if the ratio ~~ is less than 10. Figure 7.23 shows the voltage and current pulse shapes obtained for the same circuit conditions as those applying to the preceding discussion, but with an applied pulse shape that has a finite time of rise. The detailed analysis is not repeated, but it is worthy of note that the amplitude of the oscillations on the top of the pulse is reduced by a factor of at least two by the decrease in the shock excitation in the circuit, as is to be expected. In actual practice, the amplitude should be reduced even more because, as explained later, the switch-resistance characteristics in a line-type pulser tend to decrease the rate of rise of the pulse on the load even though a unit step function of voltage is applied to the circuit.

0,4 ~ 0
FIG. 7.24.Computed

20 tin fisec voltage pulse on the load and backswing voltage on the load and
network (trapezoidal applied voltage, finite time of rice).



on the pul-forrning

The similarity between Fig. 724 and Fig. 722, showing the load voltage during and immediately after the pulse, and the voltage on the network capacitance, is quite obvious. The principal difference between the two cases is a phase shift of the post-pulse oscillations corresponding approximately to the time of build-up of the front edge of the pulse. The series of oscillograms shown in Fig. 7.25 have been obtained with a circuit simulating a line-type pulser in order to indicate the effects of distributed capacitance and pulse-tranformer inductances on the top of the pulse. It may be noted that the damping of the oscillations is faster than that predicted by theory as a result of the losses in the simulating circuit, which were neglected when making computations. It is highly probable, however, that the losses in the actual circuit are even higher than those obtained by the use of air-core inductances and micri condensers. The frequency of the oscillations on the top of the puke is









seen to depend on the value of the charging inductance Ld and on the distributed capacitance, but not on the leakage inductance. The ampli-

(a) LL = 45 ~h. Lll = 7 ph.

(fJ) LL = 110 ph. CD= 90 #if.

(c) LL = 45@.

(d) L.

LD = 16 Mh,

CD= 90 PPf.


(e) LL = 45 ph. LD = 7 ph.

(j) L. = 11OJLL CD = 150 ~Llf.

(g) LL = 45

LD = 16 ph.

(h) ~L =


110 ~h. 150 PPf. circuit for a line-type pulser.

Fm. 7.25.Observed

output pulsee from an equivalent

tude of the first oscillation is, to a certain extent, determined by the leakage inductance and the distributed capacitance, but it is evident that the principal factor contributing to that amplitude is the charging inductance.








A comparison of these photographs with those shown in Fig. 7.30 indicates that the amplitude of the oscillations obtained in an actual pulser circuit and with a magnetron load is less than that to be expected The circuit constants used for the above from theoretical considerations. computations and photographs are very nearly equal to those obtaining for Fig. 7.30. The simplifying assumptions, such as the lumping of capacitances and inductances to obtain a workable circuit, account for this difference. Eflect oj the Switch Resistance. During the foregoing discussion the s\vitch resistance is assumed constant in order to simplify the equations, although it is a function of time for the start of the pulse. A very simple example is treated here to show the effect of the switch resistance on the front edge of the voltage pulse on a resistance load. Figure 726 repre-

o FIG.7.26.Equivalent
discharging circuit for study of the effect of switch resistance.


FIe-. 7.27.Assumed switch-resistance acteristics.

sents the discharging circuit and Fig. 727 gives the assumed switchresistance characteristics. Two assumptions are made concerning the variation of switch resistance as a function of time (discussed in Chap. 8): 1. That the beginning to Rp. for 2. That the value R=a resistance decreases linearly from a value RPO at the of the pulse to a value R,a at a time t = a, and is equal the remainder of the pulse. decrease in resistance from the same value R=O to the at t = a is parabolic.

This latter method avoids any discontinuity if the vertex of the parabola is at point A and if its axis is parallel to the resistance axis. For a linear drop in resistance, the switch resistance from the time t = O to the time t = a is expressed as
Tp=Rpo+ Rp ~ Rpo t= Rp. +( Rpo RJ () 1:1

and the voltage across the load resistance RI is then given by

V,v(t)& ~(~) =

Z~ + RI + rp

for O<t


270 or





[SEC. 7-5

w(t) VN(t) = ZN+Rl+R..

+( RpO Rp.) ~_j


Assuming that v~(t) = O for t <0, that u~(t) = V~ for t >0, and that Z~ = Rl, R,O = 2R,, R,a = 0.05 Rl, and a = 0.25 psec, the time function of the load voltage may be simplified to Vi(t) =

1 4 7.8t For t > a,

for O < t < a, where t is expressed in microseconds.



Z,v + Ri + R,.

_ 1 = 2.05

for the values chosen. Assuming a parabolic decrease in resistance, the expression for resistance becomes



for (O < t < a),

and the load voltage becomes Vi(t)

%= ZN+RI+Rpa+(Rpo RpJ () 1: RI

Again, for t > a,

Vi(t) T= Rl Z.v + Rl + R..

With the values of constants assumed for a linearly varying resistance, the expression for the voltage across the load 05 .resistance becomes 0.4 1 v~(t ) . i03 v. 4 15.6t + 31.2tz ~ :~02 The effect of a variable switch resistance is shown in Fig. 7.28. This effect is seen to 0.1 be essentially the same as that obtained from m 00 0.1 02 03 0.4 0.5 a time function v.~(t), with a time of rise 1mu sec Hence, the method of approach described earlier in this section can I-si~tanCe ]Oad ~n~arectang. be used with reasonable accuracy, if the ~ w applied pulse. proper assumptions are made concerning the time of rise of the applied voltage v~(t).
switch resistance FIG. 7.2S.C o m p ut e d effect of a variable switch .~~i~tanoe on the front edge ,.,f the voltage pulse for a longer than the actual one, and a constant


SEC. 7.5]







Eflect oj Pulse Cable between Pulser and Load. -If a pulse cable is inserted between the pulser and the pulse transformer, its effect on the pulse shape does not lend itself to easy mathematical treatment for the In general, it can be said that, if the load loads encountered in practice. is a biased diode, the shapes of the top of the current pulse and the trailing edge of the voltage pulse are affected by changes in the length of a cable between pulser and load. Oscillograms of 0.2-psec voltage and current pulses obtained with a 4J52-.magnetron load using 6 and 50

(a) 6 ft of cable, fact sweep.

(b) 50 ft of cable, fast sweep.

(c) 6 ft of cable, slow sweep. Fm. 7.29.OsciUograms showing

(d) 50 ft of cable, elow sweep. the effect of cable length on the pulse shapes for 0.2-psec current puke.

ft of cable are shown in Fig. 729. S1OWand fast sweeps were used to show both the top of the current pulse and the trailing edge of the voltage pulse; sweep calibrations of 5 and 1 Me/see respectively are also shown. Two facts are immediately obvious: (1) in this particular case, the current amplitude tends to decrease as a function of time if a short cable is used, and to increase if a long cable is used, and (2) high-amplitude oscillations are present on the trailing edge of the voltage pulse when the long cable is used. Not enough information is available at present to evaluate exactly the causes for the changes introduced in the pulse shape by the cable; the problem-involves, in addition to the cable characteristics, the variety






[SEC. 7.5

These characterisof parameters considered previously in this section. tics include impedance, attenuation, and phase shift, which may vary as a function of frequency. Thus, individual cases lead to entirely different results. Another example is shown in Fig. 7.30, where voltage and current pulse shapes on a 4J52 magnetron are shown for a 2.4-psec pulse. In this case, additional oscillations appear in the current pulse when a long cable is used. After the first 0.7 psec, these oscillations take the shape of

(a) 6 ft of cable, fast sweep.

(b) 50 ft of cable, fast sweep.

(c) 6 ft of cable, slow sweep. FIG. 7.30. Oscillograms showing

(d) 50 ft of cable, slow sweep. the effect of cable length on the pulse shapes for a 2.4-psec current pulse.

a distorted damped rectangular wave superimposed on the current pulse. Graphical subtraction of the two current pulses leads to the conclusion that this distortion is the result of a highly damped sine-wave oscillation superimposed on a slightly damped rectangular wave. The half period of this distorted rectangular wave is slightly longer than the two-way transit time in the cable; the difference can almost entirely be accounted for by the time delay in the pulse transformer. The amplitude of oscillations on the trailing edge of the voltage pulse is essentially the same for both long and short cables; the period, however, is slightly increased by the addition of ~ long cable.




BY J. V. LERACQZ,H. J. WHITE, J. R. DILLINGER, A. S. JERREMS,AND K. J. GERMESRAUSEN Some of the requirements for switches that can be used to initiate the discharge of the pulse-forming network have already been mentioned in Chap. 1. Briefly, these requirements may be summarized as follows: 1. The switch should be nonconducting during the charging period. 2. The switch should be capable of closing very rapidly at predetermined times. 3. The switch resistance should be as small as possible during the discharge of the network. 4. The switch is not required to interrupt the pulse current, since the current drops to zero or nearly to zero at the end of the pulse. 5. The switch should regain its nonconducting state rapidly after the end of the pulse. The requirements of low resistance and rapid closing of the switch suggest that either spark gaps or gaseous-discharge tubes should be used as switches in line-type pulsers. The problem of closing the switch or initiating the discharge at predetermined times has beeq a serious one because, for some applications, an accuracy of about 0.02 psec is desired. Both thyratrons and triggered spark gaps have been developed to meet this exacting requirement successfully. Rapid deionization of the gas after the discharge is essential if high recurrence frequencies are required. Since the nature and pressure of the gas, the electrode geometry, the total ionization produced by the pulse current, and the type of charging circuit used all affect the deionization time, some compromise may have to be reached between the pulse power and the maximum recurrence frequency, independent of the safe allowable average power. In spark gaps electrode erosion occurs, changing the gap geometry and the breakdown characteristics. Attention must also be given to the residual gases produced by the spark under certain conditions. Since rotary spark gaps had been used successfully in radio code transmitters, they were suggested for use in radar pulsers, and proved very satisfactory. They presented three main disadvantages, however: (1)





they are not well suited for high recurrence frequencies, (2) they have an inherent uncertainty in the time of firing, which may be as high as 50 ysec, and (3) they cannot readily be adapted to applications requiring airtight enclosures. As a result, developmental work was started on both fixed spark gaps and thyratrons. The early investigations covered such possibilities as veatrons (vacuum arc devices)a nd ignitrons, 1fixed two- and three-electrode gaps operating in air with a forced circulation of the air in order to aid deionization, 2 and mechanical switches operating in a vacuum. 3 The %rigatron, 4 an enclosed three-electrode gap was found to be satisfactory for lowpower applications in which long life was not required. Some work was done on an enclosed three-electrode gap for applications requiring high power and long life. s Of all these devices, an enclosed fixed gap having two electrodes and operated in series with one or two similar gaps showed the greatest promise of early satisfactory development, and the effort was therefore concentrated on these so-called series gaps. e A series-gap switch is preferable to the rotary spark gap for the following reasons: (1) the time fluctuations in the initiation of the discharge are smaller (1 to 2 ~sec for one type of series gap, O.O2 ~sec for another type), (2) it can easily be operated at more than one pulse recurrence frequency in a given installation, (3) it can be operated at recurrence frequencies that are higher than those conveniently obtained with a rotary gap, and (4) each fixed spark gap is completely enclosed. Early work on existing mercury thyratrons indicated the desirability of developing a switch that would eliminate the variation of characteristics as a function of ambient temperature, and that would use a gas that would not damage the cathode when passing the high peak currents required. A@ much experimentation, the hydrogen thyratron was developed at the Radiation Laboratory, and proved to be the most satisI C. M. Slack, Report on PulserTube Development, NDRC 14105,
house Electric 2 L. Tonks cuits, Corporation, May 15, 1942. (General Electric Company), Fixed Spark WestingCir-

Gaps and Associated

Spark Gap ColLogUiU~, RL Report No. 50-1, Sept. 28, 1942.

R. G. Fluharty, Life Test Report on Triggered Spark Gaps Developed by L. Tonks at the G. E. Company, RL Internal Report 51-Apr. 7, 1943. ~J. V. Lebacqz, H. O. Anger, and T. W. Jarmie, MechanicalVacuum Switches, TransmissionLineand RC PulsingCircuits, NDRC 14-156,U. of Calif., June 1, 1943. of Triggered f J. D. Craggs, M. E. Haine, and J. M. Meek, The Development
Gaps with Particular Reference to Sealed Gaps, Co., Ltd., Report No. C-31 1, September 1942. Metropolitan-Vickers Pressure Electric

C. M. Slack, and E. G. F. Arnott, Report on Enclosed 14-150, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Dec. 31, 1942.

Gaps, NDRC

6 F. S. Goucher, J. R. Haynes, W. A. Depp, and E. J. Ryder, for Radar, Bell Sysfem Technicul Journal, Oct. 1946.

Spark Gap Switches

TA. W. Hull (General Electric Company), Mercury Vapor Thyratron, lator CoUoguium, RL Report No. 50-2, June 9, 1943, pp. 11S-120.






factory switch throughout the power range which it covers. With this switch, the time fluctuation can easily be kept to 0.02 ysec or less, and the auxiliary circuits required for the trigger puke are very simple compared with those necessary to supply a high-voltage trigger pulse to the seriesgap switch. The characteristics, uses, and special requirements of rotary spark gaps, enclosed fixed spark gaps, and hydrogen thyratrons in pulser circuits are considered in this chapter. THE ROTARY SPARK GAP BY J. V.

A very brief discussion of the sparking mechanism at or near atmospheric pressure may be helpful in understanding the limitations and advantages of the different kinds of rotary spark gaps. A spark may be defined, for the purpose of the present discussion, as the transient, unstable breakdown of a gas between electrodes whereby the gas is suddenly changed from a good insulator to a relatively good conductor. It results from the formation of a highly ionized path between two electrodes, and, within the limits of voltages considered here, the final voltage-current characteristics of the spark usually depend more on the external circuit than on the gap dimensions. A spark is initiated between two electrodes by raising the voltage to, or above, the static-breakdown voltage. The static-breakdown voltage is the minimum voltage that, if applied to a given gap for a long enough time, eventually causes it to break down. The concept of time is introduced here because the breakdown is initiated by the ionization of the gas molecules by free electrons accelerated in a strong electric field. Under favorable conditions, the process is cumulative and breakdown results; however, the time lag, or the time elapsed between the application of the static-breakdown voltage and the initiation of the discharge, If a voltage higher thah the staticmay be as long as several minutes. breakdowh voltage is applied, or if a large number of electrons are made available in the gap, the chances of obtaining conditions favorable to ionization increase and the statistical time lag decreases. In general, if the voltage applied to the gap is two to three times the static-breakdown voltage, and if some initial ionization is provided, the time lag of the gap can be reduced to 109 to 107 seconds. Once the ionization process has been initiated, some time still elapses before the breakdowm takes on the character of a spark, This time is referred to as the breakdown time of the gap and depends on its geometry and on the pressure and nature of the gas, as well as on the shape of the applied voltage wave. Observations indicate that the breakdown







time is usually very smallof the order of magnitude of 106 sec although it increases for very nonuniform fields, and for low gas pressures. Since the breakdown of a gap can be controlled accurately by adequate overvoltage, the problem becomes that of obtaining the necessary overvoltage. This overvoltage can be obtained either by applying a high transient voltage to one of the electrodes if the gap geometry is fixed, or by varying the gap spacing as a function of time, as in the rotary spark gap. 8.1. Electrical Considerations in the Design of Rotary Spark Gaps. Rotary spark gaps consist of a set of moving electrodes rotating in front of one or more fixed electrodes. The minimum spacing is adjusted so that the corresponding static-breakdown voltage is smaller than the voltage required on the network, and the motion of the electrodes is synchronized in such a way that the maximum network voltage is obtained Although the final a short time before the minimum spacing is reached. design of successful rotary gaps has been achieved primarily by trial and error, there are some fundamental factors to be kept in mind, and some experimental data that can be used as a guide. These factors are the gap geometry, the nature of the gas and electrode materials, and the number of electrodes. Gap Geometry.Nearly all the successful rotary spark gaps used in pulsers were designed with cylindrical electrodes. It is necessary to minimize the changes in gap geometry which are unavoidable in spark gap operation, if the operating point is to remain reasonably constant during life. The gaps were therefore built either with parallel electrodes having sufficient overlap to increase the effective area which the spark may strike, or the electrodes are in two planes normal to the axis of rotation. The moving electrodes are radial and the fixed electrode makes an angle of 20 to 40 with the raidus, so that the gap geometry is essentially unaltered as the electrode wears away slowly from its tip. Simple considerations of the voltage gradient between two moving cylindrical electrodes with parallel axes may be used to bring out some of the limitations of a gap of this type. Consider two electrodes (Fig. 81) of equal diameter d, and having a minimum spacing a. For any distance s between the axis of the moving electrode and its position corresponding to minimum spacing, the breakdown distance between the two electrodes is given by

For a rotary gap, the angular velocity of denotes the time at which D = Then, if to as a function of angular velocity u and the center of the electrode. Then s

the moving electrode is constant. a, the distances can be expressed radius r of the circumference of = CM-(tO t). This equation is








correct only to the same approximation that u(to t) ==sin u(to t); forusual rotary-gap practice, theangle over which thespark may take place isalways so small that theerror introduced is negligible. Hence, the average voltage gradient between electrodes can be expressed as


tis+(d+a) -(i=


v. Uur(to t) + (d+ a) d

where V~ is the network voltage. For reasons explained later, resonant charging is nearly always used for rotary-gap pulsers. In this case, the network voltage is so nearly constant near the discharge point that it may be assumed constant without introducing appreciable error. An exact discussion of the sparking phenomena requires a knowledge of the maximum electric field between elec200 trodes for every position of the moving electrode. In the following discussion it is assumed that the voltage gradient E is uniform between the < electrodes. It is also assumed that a z ~w spark may occur at any time after the ~ electric field exceeds 30 kv/cm, and ~ occurs instantaneously if the electric field reaches a value of 70 kv/cm. These assumptions are obviously far o from correct, and are not intended to s m cm give a quantitative solution to the Moving problem of gap design. If made con~ ~ i electrode sistently for various conditions, how* : s + Direction of motion ever, they do lead to results that are Q in accord with experience, and are a therefore sufficiently accurate to ind Fixed electrode dicate the expected trends of the phe nomena. For instance, it is shown FIG. S.1.Average field between later that the experimental average rotary-gap electrodes. Curve A is for gradient before static breakdown for VN = 10 kv. a = o.os Cm CurveB is

VN = 10

a gfven gap varies as a function of curve C is for V,v = 20 kv, a = 0.10 cm. spacing, and is higher than 30 kv/cm at the smaller spacings. The introduction of this variation in the minimum average gradient in the discussion at this point would result in many additional complications without altering the conclusions. For any given vaIues of applied voltage, electrode dimensions and minimum spacing; and velocity of the moving electrode, a time t = tl can be found at which the voltage gradient reaches 30 kv/cm. Similarly, a The time t = tz may be defined as the time at which E = 70 kv/cm.



a = 0.10

cm, and





[SEC. 81

spark then occurs between tl and tz. Thus, (b tJ corresponds to the maximum time jitter that may be expected because of uncertain y in the initiation of the gap discharge. As an example, consider the hypothetical gap of Fig. 8.1, and assume that the electrodes are 0.25 cm in diameter. The average gradient has been plotted as a function of s for several values of V. and a. Then, with the assumptions made above, a spark may take place at any point between s = 0.25 and s = 0.5 cm for curve A; between s = 0.18 ands = 0.43 cm for curve 1?; and betweens = 0.41 ands = 0.85 cm for curve C. To express these results as a function of time, some Taking r = 10 cm and a rotor electrode velocity must be assumed. speed of 60 revolutions per second, the linear velocity of the moving electrode is Or = 27r X 60 X 10 = 3750 cm/sec Then, the maximum time jitter can be estimated as 0.25/3750 sec or 65 ~sec for curves A and B, and about 115 psec for curve C. These values are larger than those normally found in practice (1) because of the crudeness of the assumptions concerning field distribution and breakdown voltages, (2) because the time lag at minimum breakcfowm voltage has been considered equal to zero, and (3) because the possibility of the formation of corona has been neglected. Actually, for the gap geometry considered, the minimum value of the average static gradient at If this value is chosen, breakdown is probably nearer 40 than 30 kv/cm. and if the gap is assumed to break down with a time lag smaller than 1 psec when the voltage is equal to 150 per cent of the minimum breakdown voltage, 60 kv/cm in this case, the values obtained for inherent time jitter in the gap are 30 psec for curves A and i? and about 50 ~sec for curve C. >Tevertheless, the results can be used either to compare the behavior of gaps having different geometries, that is, where the ratio of the minimum spacing to the electrode diameter varies, or to compare the operation of gaps with similar geometries at different voltages. The time jitter to be expected is inversely proportional to the relative Thus, in order to decrease the inherent time speed of the electrodes. jitter caused by the statistical nature of the sparking process, it is theoretically sufficient to increase the steepness of the curve sho}ving the variation of field with spacings or time within the range of \roltage gradients that is most apt to produce a spark. One method of achieving the desired result is to increase the speed of the moving electrode. A judicious choice of electrode diameter and spacing for a gil-en operating voltage is also necessary. For instance, referring to Fig, 81 and the previous discussion, it is seen that the time jitter of the gap \vith a minimum spacing of 0,10 cm for an applied voltage of 20 kv is almost t!vice its value for an applied voltage of 10 kv,









If the moving-electrode velocity is held constant, the inherent time jitter of a gap that has an electrode diameter and minimum spacing that are twice those of the gap considered in the previous example and that operates at 20 kv is still much greater than that of the gap operating at 10 kv. Since the mechanical design imposes a limit on the maximum electrode velocity, it is advantageous, in some cases, to use two gaps in series if the total vo)tage becomes very great. This method has been used in some rotary gaps designed at the Radiation Laboratory. If the voltage across a rotary gap is increased gradually, the gap begins to break down erratically when the field corresponding to the minimum spacing reaches the critical gradient at which the spark may occur with a long time lag. If the voltage is further increased, the gap begins to break down on every pulse, and usually reaches a point of optimum operation. If the voltage is increased still further, the length of the gap at which the spark jumps increases, as well as the time jitter. Another very important consideration in gap design is that of deionization. As pointed out previously, the gap is not required to interrupt the main pulse current. The network, however, starts to recharge immediately after the pulse, and care must be taken that its voltage does not exceed the breakdown voltage of the gap at any time before the end of Since the air in the vicinity of the the desired interpulse interval. electrodes is highly ionized by the passage of the spark current, it is safe to assume that there is very little time lag before breakdown, even for the minimum voltage gradient. If losses are neglected and the network is assumed to discharge completely, the voltage across the gap may be expressed as UN= ; (1 Cos cod)

for d-c resonant charging, and the average field is

As an example, consider the gap of Fig. 8.1 where D is defined as before. curve A with V~ = 10 kv, and assume that the spark has taken place If the pulse recurrence frequency is 600 pps, when E = 40 kv/cm.
1). =

5(1 COS600 rt),

and the electrode velocity is 3750 cm/sec. Thus, the voltage gradient across the gap can readily be plotted as in Fig. 8.2 for various positions of the moving electrode. For the particular values of parameters chosen, there is no danger of the gap restriking and establishing a short-circuiting. arc across the power supply. If the same gap were used at VM = 20 kv,







however, the network discharge might take place at s = 0.7 cm. Then, the voltage built up on the network at the time of minimum spacing between the electrodes would be about 610 volts, corresponding to an average gradient greater than 12 kv/cm. Because of the nonuniformity of the field, which can be caused by rough electrodes resulting from long operation, the gap may be expected to restrike under these conditions. The average voltage gradient as a function of pin spacing has been plotted for this case in Fig. 8.2. In conclusion, some practical results are given. Experience has shown that high-power gaps work satisfactorily with an average gradient between 60 and 70 kv/cm corresponding 8 in cm to minimum spacing (Fig. 81), and -Direction of motion FIG. S.2.Average field between that low-power gaps may be built electrodes during the beginning of a and operated with minimum spaccharging cycle for d = 0,25 cm, a = 0.05 cm, f, = 600 PPS, wr = 3750 cm/see, ings that would correspond to averwhere d, a and s are shown in Fig. 8.1. age gradients of between 200 and 300 kv/cm if the gap did not break down before that point were reached. These figures are only indicative of the range that has been used, and each case has to be considered separately, depending on the required recurrence frequency, the time jitter, the type of charging circuit, and the type of load. to the most widely accepted Gas and Electrode Material.-According theories, gap breakdowm takes place exclusively in the gas and is independent of the material used for electrodes, except inasmuch as it may contribute to the initial ionization of the gas, either by radioactivity y or by photoelectricity. Thus, the choice of electrode material is determined by other considerations, such as the necessity of obtaining a long troublefree operating life. Since high temperatures are developed in high-current sparks, refractory material should be used for the electrodes, and consequently tungsten was chosen for the initial tests on rotary spark gaps. Because of the satisfactory operation of these gaps, tungsten electrodes were used in nearly all the rotary gaps designed at the Radiation Laboratory. The original gaps were designed to operate in air at atmospheric pressure, where a breakdown field of 30 to 50 kv/cm, depending on the spacing, is applied. Tests on sealed rotary gaps, as well as on fixed spark gaps, indicated that the presence of oxygen was The necessary to obtain a satisfactory life from the tungsten electrodes. exact reason is not known, but it is believed that the formation of a layer of tungsten oxide provides a protective covering for the gap spark-

SEC. 8.1]







ing surfaces that greatly reduces the electrode wear. Ventilated rotary gaps using tungsten electrodes have been used in the great majority of radar applications, although they cannot be used in airborne radar sets because of the change in breakdown voltage with pressure. Sealed rotary gaps have been used in one airborne radar. set, for which the life requirements are much less severe than for ground-based or shipborne sets. A number of life tests on rotary gaps have been made both at the Radiation Laboratory and at the Bell Telephone Laboratories. The results are all in reasonable agreement, and show that the rate of cathode wear is much larger than that of anode wear. Since the electrode wear appears to be approximately proportional to the total charge passed by the gap, a logical unit for rate of wear is the loss of mass per unit charge. In practice, a convenient unit for rate of wear is milligrams per ampere-hour. Experimental data obtained both at the Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Radiation Laboratory show that, for pulse currents from 40 to 170 amp, the rate of cathode wear in air varies between about 2 and 6 mg/amp-hour, 3 or 4 mg/amp-hour being the median value. In nitrogen or gas mixtures that do not contain oxygen, the rate of wear is 10 to 20 times greater. The order of magnitude of the rate of anode wear in air is only ~ that of the cathode.

0.4 ) 0.3


/ (


8 ()

0 Electrode diameter
FIG. S.3.Diameter Figures average obtained ln these 83 and and gap the 8.4 the designs fixed
in inches


diameter in inches

and life. power and

of the moving electrode for satisfactory show the relationship of have is the wear can be is the given anode divided regarded

gap operation pulse fixed

between moving and

current from gaps, moving indicated

diameters that

electrodes, life. always The safe

satisfactory and,

operating are them. maximum

electrode the curves

as there between

several values

electrodes, b.y the



operating power and current for any given electrode diameter, as determined from present experience, that allows a satisfactory gap life.





[8Ec. 8.1

Number of Electrodes.The number of fixed and rotary electrodes, Nf and N,, is related to the angular velocity, W,of the rotor (in revolutions per second) and the required pulse recurrence frequency, j,, by the relation f,= N,N#. .

This relation applies only if the respective positions of fixed and rotating electrodes are such that the minimum spacing between electrodes is never reached simultaneously by more than one fixed and one rotating electrode. If, for instance, there are six rotor and six stator electrodes all spaced 60 mechanical degrees apart, the total number of sparks per revolution is six, the same number that would be obtained for one, two, or three stator electrodes equally spaced. If, on the other hand, there are five rotor and three stator electrodes equally spaced, the number of sparks per revolution is 15, and f, = 15w

FIG. 8.4.Diameter

Electrode diameter in inches
of the fixed


o for satisfactory

Electrode diameter
in inches

0,200 and life.

gap operation

In general, because of the mechanical difficulties involved, only one fixed electrode is used, except for special applications such as the Marx circuit (see Sec. 11.8) or the half-wave a-c charging circuit (see Sec. 11.6). In these cases, it is necessary to obtain two or more sparks simultaneously, and the number of fixed electrodes must therefore be at least equal to the total number of discharge paths desired. It should also be pointed out that the formula gives the average recurrence frequency for one complete cycle, and does not specify the actual value of the recurrence period. In general, it is desired to make all the interpulse intervals equal, so the angle between rotating electrodes is constant and equal to 27r/Nr for the usual case of one fixed electrode. The radius of the circle of rotating electrodes is determined by considerations of electrode velocity necessary to minimize the time jitter and to prevent the restriking of









the spark between electrodes during the charging period. It has been found that satisfactory operation can generally be maintained if the distance in inches between consecutive electrodes is greater than one tenth the maximum network voltage expressed in kv. A factor of between one sixth and one eighth is commonly used to provide a desirable factor of safety, Finally, the length and overlap of the electrodes should be considered. Although no general rules can be given, a few facts can be used as a guide. The -overlap should be large enough to allow a reasonable sparking area in order to prevent the gap geometry from being changed very rapidly by the wearing away of the electrodes; on the other hand, it has been found that the time jitter increases if the overlap becomes excessive. The total length of the electrodes protruding from the rotor or the stator bushing must be sufficient to produce as little field distortion as practiThe values which have cable at the ends of the cylindrical electrodes. been used in the rotary gaps designed at the Radiation Laboratory are given in Table 8.1, and can be used as a guide in the design of gaps of similar specifications. From considerations of electrode wear, the rotating electrodes are usually made the cathode of the gap. With the pulser circuits most commonly used, it is therefore sufficient to ground the rotor to complete Possibly the simplest way of accomplishthe pulser dk.charging circuit. ing this grounding is to use a solid metal rotor and let the bearings carry the current; however, because of the local sparking and electrolysis action which takes place, the life of the bearings is considerably reduced if Consequently, all rotors should current is allowed to pass through them. be built with an insulating disk between the shaft and the sparking electrodes. The pulse current can then be collected either by brushes, which are satisfactory for low voltages and low power, or by a sparking segment that is located very near the rotor. 8.2. Considerations of Mechanical Design.-The speed of rotation, the rotor diameter, the minimum electrode spacing, the number of electrodes, and their size and shape can be dethmined by considerations of electrical design. There still remains to be determined the rotor size, the motor power, the gap housing, and methods of mounting the electrodes. Actually, both mechanical and electrical design have to be For example, carried out simultaneously, at least up to a certain point. the rotor speed may have to be determined by the motor speeds available, and the number of electrodes adjusted to obtain the required recurrence frequency. Size o.f Rotor.The rotor disk must run true on the motor shaft, must be free from wobble, and must have a thickness sufficient to insure rigidity and to permit machining. Nickel-plated brass is commonly used as





[SEC. 8.2

the rotor material, and the thickness varies from ~ to ~ in. The holes for mounting the tungsten pins used as electrodes are either bored or ground and tapered to insure an accurate fit. In order to obtain smooth satisfactory operation of a rotary gap, it is important to maintain the positions of the rotary electrodes within the specified maximum tolerances. A precision index head must be used for this purpose. The importance of machining tolerances can readily be understood from the following discussion. Let

be the average peripheral spacing between rotary electrodes, and assume that Nf = 1. If one of the rotary electrodes is displaced by an amount AL along the circumference from the position it should occupy, so that the dist ante to adj scent pins is (L + AL) respectively, the corresponding interpulse intervals are given by
T, AT, =~(L AL)

T,+ AT, =~(L+ AL),

if the effects of time lag in breakdown discussed in Sec. 8.1 are neglected. It is thus seen that, for a displacement AL in one electrode, the expected time jitter produced by mechanical inaccuracy is given by AT, = ~ T,# If a tolerance of 1 is imposed on the peripheral location of the electrodes, the minimum and maximum spacings between consecutive electrodes may vary from (L 2J) to (L + 21) and the maximum time jitter that may be expected from this cause alone is . AT, = +T,

Errors in the radial position of the electrodes have a similar effect, as can readily be understood from Fig. 8.1. If, for V~ = 10 kv, the minimum distance a is increased from 0.05 to 0.1 cm (about 0.02 to 0.04 in., or a radial displacement of 0.02 in.), and the breakdown of the gap is assumed to take place without time lag for an average field of 40 kv/cm, the distance s at which breakdown takes place is decreased from 0.40 to 0.33 cm. Hence, the effect on time jitter is the same as if the spacing between consecutive rotary electrodes varied by 0.07 cm. This particu-









lar case must be considered as an exception, in that the radial tolerance in position leads, in general, to less time jitter than an equal peripheral tolerance, and not to more as indicated by this example. The tolerances at the sparking point, which is usually near the tip of the electrode and not at the rotor disk, are the values to be controlled. 13xpcrience at the Radiation Laboratory indicates that, for most satisfactory operation, these tolerances should not exceed O.OO5in. for peripheral and 0.003 in. for radial alignment at that point. Assuming that the electrodes are 1 in. long and perfectly spaced on the rotor, they have to be aligned with a deviation of less than 10 min of arc in order to satisfy the tolerance requirements. The results of tests on a 7-pin rotary gap with an outside diameter of 5.5 in. and rotating at 3450 rpm indicate the effect of machining inaccuracy on time jitter. The average peripheral spacing was about 2 in., and the measured radial tolerance was f 0.002 in. For a maximum measured variation in peripheral spacing of 0.036 in., the maximum theoretical time jitter from this cause alone would be 45 psec, and the observed time jitter \ras approximately 50 ~sec. When the variation in peripheral spacing was reduced to 0.010 in., the observed time jitter was reduced to approximately 25 ~sec; a value of 13 psec would be expected from the error in spacing alone. The figures for observed time jitter were obtained under conditions of network voltage corresponding to a minimum jitter. Mofor and. Ifousing.In all practical gaps designed at the Radiation Laboratory, the rotor is mcunted directly on the shaft of the driving As has motor; hence, the speed of the motor is easily determined. been mentioned previously, a compromise usually has to be reached betiveen the number of electrodes and the speed of rotation. One of the factors limiting this speed is the life of the bearings: very fast motors normally tend to develop play in the bearings, \vhich adds to the tolerances of the gap and may render it inoperative in a very short time. Once the motor speed is determined, its power can be obtained by considerations of rotor inertia, ~vhich determines the required starting torque, and its Ivindage and friction losses, Irhich determine the running torque. Because of the required rigidity, the shaft and bearings have to be chosen as large as is practicable for the motor size required. In Table 8.1 the pertinent motor data for a large number of rotary gaps are Iistcci, which can be used as a guide in design. All rotary gaps have The main purpose of the housing is been enclosed in a metal housing. to allow for self-ventilation of the gap and to prevent the corrosive vapors formed by the spark from escaping into the cabinet containing the pulser components. The nitric acid, which can be formed by combination of these vapors and water vapor in the air, must not be allowed to condense on any vital part of the pulser. By enclosing the gap in a housing it is









also possible to reduce noise, to protect against accidental electrode breakage, and to reduce the windage losses with a corresponding saving in motor size. Housings have been made of pressed steel, cast iron, or cast aluminum. The cast housings are usually preferred for the higher powers, and are used almost exclusively for gaps in a-c charging pulsers. In this case, the housing is required to perform the additional function of phasing the gap breakdown with the applied-voltage wave shape. This phasing is usually accomplished by rotating with respect to the frame of the motor the part of the housing that carries the high-voltage fixed electrode. Any number of screw and gear arrangements can be used to achieve this purpose, and the housing has to be machined in order to permit some rotation, the amount of which depends on the number of rotary electrodes. In some cases, the phasing adjustment is motor-driven in order to permit remote control. The self-ventilation of the rotor and pins is usually sufficient to provide an air circulation of 1 or 2 ft3/min, which is adequate for the cooling of the gap and removal of the corrosive vapors. The air inlet and the exhaust port leading to the outside air through pipes are usually equipped with sound absorbing mufflers or silencers, and also with Davy screens if explosive gases or vapors are likely to accumulate in the neighborhood of the gap. Types oj Rotary Gaps.Of all the possible gap configurations, several have been used extensively and have proved the most satisfactory. In all of these gaps, the electrodes were tungsten rods, so the types of gaps are classified by their geometry. Figure 8.5a shows a perspective view of the parallel-pin rotary gap with sparking sector. A gap of this type was used extensively for a pulse-polver range of 500 to 3000 kw. The clearance between the rim of the rotor disk and the sparking sector is usually from 0.010 to 0.050 in., corresponding to a static-breakdown voltage between 1 and 5 kv, approximately. Hence, little time delay occurs once the gap bet ween the pins has broken down, and most of the network voltage appears between the pins until this gap is broken down, since capacitance between them is very much smaller than that between the rim and ground. An important advantage of the parallel-pin gap is that its operation is relatively independent of the exact amount of electrode overlap, which in turn means that close end-play tolerances are not required of the motor driving shaft. Figure 85b shows a variation of the preceding design called the parallel-pin double gap. In this case, the rotor must be insulated for the full network voltage, and not just for the breakdown voltage of the sparking sector. The rotary pins extend on either side of the insulating rotor, and spark to two fixed pins. A gap of this type is especially useful

SEC. 8.2]







when using a Marx-circuit pulser (see Sec. 11.8) because, by using as many pairs of fixed pins as there are stages in the Marx circuit, the need for more than one rotor is avoided. It is well suited for use in highvoltage circuits. The radial-pin gap is commonly used for handling high powers. The fixed pin normally wears away rapidly, but it can be set at an angle as

L[?$ \ ,~sector.

FIG. 8.5.Types of rotary gaps. (a) Parallel-pin gap with a sparking sector. (b) Parallel-pin gap, double gap with an insulating rotor. (c) Radial-pin gap with a sparking sector. (d) Opposing-pin gap with a grounding brush. (e) Gap with holes in insulating disk.

indicated in Fig. 8.5c in order to maintain very nearly constant gap geometry despite the erosion. For powers in excess of 3 Mw, the minimum gap spacing can be made greater than 0.05 in. As a result, the motor end play need not be kept to unusually small values; however, it is clear that, at small minimum spacings, the shaft end play must be very accurately controlled. A gap of this type has been successf~dly used in a






[SEC. 8.2

1O-MW a-c charging pulser in which the gap current exceeds 1000 amp. It was conservatively estimated that the fixed electrode would not need replacement in less than 1000 hours. Figure 85d shows the opposing-pin gap, which was used in early experimental sets. Thk gap was unsuitable for long service because of the rapid change in geometry with erosion. Except for very low powers, the grounding brush has also been abandoned because of the rapid deterioration of the brush and slip-ring surface. Many other types of gaps have been tried, including the paddle Two others wheel, adopted directly from the old radio transmitters.

rotary FIG.S6.-Photograph of a parallel-pin


deserve brief mention. Attempts at improvement of the types of gaps described above were made by introducing one or more corona points, in order to supply a larger initial ionization. In practice, it was found that the corona point improved the gap performance only over a very narrow range of voltages near the lowest operating point of the gap, and was ineffective or even had an adverse effect at higher voltages. As a result, the corona points were not used, except in a few gaps designed to operate below 6 kv. A gap in which both electrodes are stationary, and where breakdown is obtained by varying the dielectric constant and dielectric strength of the gap space, has also been built and operated satisfactorily. This variation was accomplished in one case by the method sketched in Fig. 8.5e. which shows a micalex disk rotating between two fixed massive electrodes. A series of holes drilled in the micalex causes the gap oharac-

SEC. 8.3]




teristics to change as the holes pass between the electrodes, in such a way that a spark takes place at that time. The life of a gap of this type is limited by the eventual deterioration of the insulating disk, which is eaten away by the sparks. Since this gap has no particular advantage over those of Fig. 8.5a, b, or c, it has not been used in radar pulsers. Photographs of rotary gaps of the parallel-pin and radial-~in tv~es are .. shown-in Figs. 8.6 and 8.7 respectiv~ly. -

FIG. S7.-Photograph 8.3. obtained scientifically dearth built pletely their sented Rotary-gap for rotary satisfying Performance. gaps, and it

of a radial-pin rotary gap. -Little is of had experimental difficult data to has been a this were commakes preof

accordingly gap two



performance. causes: their (1) the

Probably gaps was that not

of extensive worked

investigation even (2) the

satisfactorily, and and are

though time jitter


understood, study in this difficult section


in the the

gaps result,s

unrewarding. believed to be,

Nevertheless, on the whole,


rotary-gap Gap gap

performance. E&tienc~.-Considering may such be expected case. one the to general be high, characteristics and general carried this of a spark, experience out by the the has Bell The 7 kv, the 70

efficiency that

indicated Telephone test amp, was and

is the

Measurements gap methods network recurrence power input corroborate on a gap

Laboratories made by


conclusion. at

calorimetric a 50-ohm psec the and average the

operating load; 1600 load

discharging was 0.75


a 50-ohm

pulse Under 300

duration these

frequency to the

pps. about









watts, and the power loss about 12 watts, resulting in a gap efficiency of approximately 96 per cent. The gap efficiency may be expected to be higher at larger currents and longer pulse durations. The driving power of the gap, of course, is not included in the efficiency figure quoted above, and must be considered in order to obtain the over-all pulser efficiency. Time and Amplitude Fluctuation of the Pulses. -As has been pointed out before, the minimum spacing between electrodes is normally adjusted so that the gap is overvolted by a factor of 2 to 10 at the point of closest approach. As a result, the spark always takes place before the closest approach is realized, and the uncertainty in the time of breakdown produces time jitter. In order to reduce time jitter to a Dynamic minimum, as explained in Sec. -breakdown 8.1, it is desirable to have the steepest part of the average field& spacing characteristic (Fig. 8.1 ) f i static breakdown occur at those fields at which (H.V. negative) breakdown is most likely to occur, or at about 40 kv/cm. (see Fig. 8.8). If sufficient ionization is available, usually as a result of o 1,0 preceding sparks, the time jitter 0.5 Gap length in cm of the gap can be held to less then FIG. 8.8.Breakdown characteristics of the 10 psec. This figure depends on rotary gap used in a 1-Mw pulser. the relative velocity of the electrodes, and decreases as the velocity increases; it does not take into account the time jitter produced by mechanical inaccuracies, as discussed in Sec. 8.2. Amplitude jitter, or fluctuation, of pulses produced by a rotary-gap pulser proved, in general, to be of secondary importance as long as a-c or d-c resonant charging was used. The reason is obvious from a consideration of the shape of the charging wave near the discharge point. For d-c resonant charging, the network voltage, neglecting losses, is given by VN = EM(1 COSd), so that, for t = T,, VN = 2E~ and, for t = T, AT,, UN = 2Eti COS (urAT,). If AT, = 0.05 T,, UN= 2Eti COS~
= 1.975Ew

SEC.8.3] If AT, = 0.02 T,,




N =

2EW Cos

&2E4 -a2EW( 00005

In other words, a time jitter equal to 5 per cent of the recurrence period results in an amplitude variation in network voltage of about 1.2 per cent. The resultant variation in pulse power is less than 2.5 per cent. For a 2 per cent time jitter, the pulse-power variation is only 0.1 per cent. Since the time jitter is nearly always less than 2 per cent of the recurrence period, the pulse-amplitude jitter can usually be neglected. The performance of the rotary gap for a-c resonant charging is somewhat different from that for d-c resonant charging. A complete theoretical anal ysis of the clifference has not been made. However, a partial analysis indicates that, with d-c resonant charging, the operation of the rotary gap tends to be slightly unstable. If the gap breaks down prematurely on one spark, there is a residual current left in the charging reactor which causes the subsequent voltage wave to rise to a slightly higher peak value at a somewhat earlier time. The next succeeding spark thus tends to occur still earlier. This effect may be cumulative over several cycles, and th~ spark thus tends to fluctuate in a statistical way about some mean time interval determined by the electrode spacing. With a-c resonant charging, on the other hand, the rotary-gap operation appears to be stable. In this case, if the gap breaks down prematurely, the subsequent voltage wave rises to a slightly higher peak, but at a somewhat later time. Thus the gap voltage at a time T. after a premature spark is not appreciably affected. There is therefore no tendency for the gap to break down still earlier, as in the case of d-c resonant charging, but rather there is a tendency to prevent the gap from breaking down prematurely. Thus slight variations in the breakdown time are not magnified by the charging circuit, and the operation tends to be stable with respect to such variations. It should be pointed out, however, that a rotary-spark-gap pulser using a-c charging requires a careful selection of the effective charging inductance and careful adjustment of the gap phasing before the best stability can be obtained. If d-c linear charging is used, the amplitude fluctuation in the network voltage is almost directly proportional to the time jitter, and the percentage variation in pulse power is twice the ratio of the time jitter to the recurrence period. There is, in addition, some danger of the gap restriking at the beginning of the charging period because of the rapid increase in the voltage across the electrodes, which are still approaching each other. As a result, the rotary spark gap is unsuitable for use with pulsers having d-c linear charging. Breakdown Voltages and Fields of Rotary Gaps.The average field at







TABLE 8.1.DEsIGN D-c Type of charging D-c resonant charging charg-


ing Electricalratings Voltage range,kv Peak current,amp Normal operating voltage, kv Normal operating current, amp . 7-16 5->9 12-22 12-22 5->9 8-13 12-25 12-24 . 130 250 480 160 >90 220 220 >90 . . . . . 12 8 =18 =18 . 8 13 25 20

120 80 180 180 80 . . 70 45 100 130 130 Normalaveragecurrent,ma Pulse recurrencefrequency, 410 825 800 800750; 375 pps _ . 0.9 1.5 0.9 0.9 1*; 2+ Pulseduration, paec Pulse power, kw 300 600 360 1500 1500 . .

130 250 400 . 70 92 140 580 0.9 410 350

0.9 1.0 700 3000 4000 _ 1 1 . 10 7 6 1



!ixed pins

1 7 .

1 14

2 10 _

2 14 .

2;1 4 _

No. of rotary pins, . . . . . . . .

Dia. of tixedpins, in. Dia. of rotary pins, in. Dia. of rotary-point circle, in. Pin length, in. Minimum spacbg, in Overlap,in. Motor Type

0.100 0.188 0.125 0.150 0.125 0.120 ,0 1500.150 _ . 0.100 0.125 0.100 0.100 0.125 0.120 0.120 0.120 _ _ _ 4.5 9 10 14 6 7 7.5 9.6 _ _ _ . $ ; fi, ~ 1+ 1* 1+ 1++ 1~ . . _ _ 0,015 0.028 0.020 0.020 0.010 0.015 + * _ _ + & * A + + i + _ _ _ _ _

ind. ind.
T$ 3500 Z% power, speed, H.P.

_ *

. + 3400

_ 25 5600

_ 7?. 3450

ind. _ 4*

ind. 5*

Driving Motor






* Driven the main pulse generator as well as the rotary gap.

ind. = induction motor






A-c remnantcharging

Halfcycle, a-c remnant charging 13-25

A-c Blumdiode ~& barging

M-27 .


15-27 1220 712 712 1225 8-12 . 120 250 1170 200 120 120 240 . .
20 24 18

250 22 . 220 130 8.5








~10 250 1000 180 110 . 130 350 100 80 40 90 . 350 630 800 400 400

120 45

65 30

1000 350

650 1,0

400 0.9 64)0

120 5.0 2300

420 1.0


0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 . 600 3000 2000 10,OOO 1600 600 . . 1 1 11 0,120 0,120 6 1 11 1 14 7 1 7 1

\ 1.0

200 10,OOO 1 7 1 6

1 6

4 .4 3-0.080 14.120 . 0.120

0.2 0.120 0.080 0.080 0.120 0.100 0.2 0.120 0.080 0.080 0.120 0.080 . 12* 1~ i 1 9.6 lH i * 5.5 1* & } . 5.5 7. 5 4 1


0.2 0.2


1+$ 4 i

1* 1++ & . $1+

9.6 1~ A 0.015 . A i 1


2-cycle gae

M-G M-G M-G engine . G 5 124 4 3500 3500 3400 3450 3450 3450 4000 wu . Bynchronouamotor M-G w motor-generator







: 1800 36CKI

12 3500





[SEC. 8.3

breakdown of a rotary gap can be measured with good accuracy by measuring the spark length with a cathetometer and the voltage with a divider. The static characteristic corresponds to measurements obtained when the gap is stationary, and the dynamic characteristic is the breakdown voltage measured while the gap is rotating. Figure 8.8 gives the observed breakdown voltage and computed average fields for the rotary gap used in a 1-Mw pulser, the electrode diameter of which is 0.120 in. The average field at breakdown is observed to be considerably higher for the rotating than for the stationary gap, particularly at the longer spacings. This fact is presumably due to the presence of corona in the static case. When the electrodes are moving relative to one another, the corona doesnot have time to form in the rapidly diminishing gap spacing before breakdown occurs. Considering a spacing of 0.3 cm, the average voltage gradient before dynamic breakdown is about 40 kv/cm, and the static average gradient is 30 kv/cm. The gradient at the electrodes can be calculated by the relationl gmmx =

from which the maximum gradient for dynamic breakdown is found to be 52 kv/cm, and that for static breakdown to be about 40 kv/cm. Since the electron multiplication varies exponentially with the Townsend coefficient a and the distance, and since a increases very rapidly in the high fields corresponding to the dynamic breakdown, the electron current builds up very rapidly once the breakdown has started. The time for this buildup is estimated at 0.01 ~sec from other data. In general, the ratio of the maximum to the minimum operating voltages for satisfactory operation of rotary gaps is about two. The minimum voltage is limited by the failure of the gap to break down consistently at the minimum electrode spacing, and the maximum voltage is usually determined by the restriking of the spark as explained in Sec. 8.1. Table 8.1 gives the pertinent data referring to most rotary gaps designed and built either for service in radar systems or for laboratory testing of pulser components or magnetrons. ENCLOSED FIXED SPARK GAPS BY J. R.

When two or three fixed two-electrode gaps are connected in series, the breakdown of the entire switch can be accomplished rapidly by the F. W. PeekJr, Dielectric Phenomena in High-voltage Ewnemw, Hill, New York, 1929,p. 25. 3rd cd., McGraw-






successive breakdown of the individual gaps. This breakdown is obtained by applying a very high trigger voltage to one or both junction points. Since enclosed fixed spark gaps of this type have been used more frequently in this country than those of any other type, most of the following discussion is concerned with them. The tngatron and a three-electrode gap of one other type, in which breakdown is obtained by suddenly distorting the electric field between the main electrodes by applying a high voltage to a trigger electrode, are discussed briefly in Sec. 8.10. Two series-gap designs have been evolved. One has a cylindrical-rod anode surrounded by a hollow cylindrical cathode,l and the other has a roa anode mounted above a mercury cathode, 2 (the mercury is immobilized by a metallic sponge, and the mercury surface is continuously renewed through capillary action.) The basic features of the cylindricalelectrode gap and of the metallic-sponge mercury-cathode gap are The cylindrical-electrode gap given in Sec. 8.8 and 8.9 respectively. is the result of early efforts3 to find a switch that would operate at lower voltages and have a smaller time jitter than the rotary gap, and that, in addition, would be completely enclosed. Later work showed that a gap of this type could be used over a wide range of operating conditions. The metallic-sponge mercury-cathode gap is not limited by cathode erosion and therefore operates satisfactorily at higher powers and longer pulse durations. The time jitter in gaps of this type has been reduced to 0.02 psec. As a result of work done at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, and the Radiation Laboratory, series gaps have been developed that have an operating-voltage range such that the maximum operating voltage is slightly greater than twice These gaps operate successfully at the minimum operating voltage. voltages up to 30 kv, pulse currents up to 900 amp, and pulse durations from 0.25 to 5 psec. At the longer pulse durations, the maximum allowable pulse current is smaller. The maximum voltage at which a given switch operates is smaller for the higher recurrence frequencies, and the time jitter increases as the recurrence frequency is increased. Increased dissipation and electrode wear make the operation of these gaps
1 F. S. Goucher, S. B. Ingram, J. R, Haynes, and W. A. Depp, Glass Enclosed Triggered Spark Gaps for Use in High Power Pulse Modulator, BTL Report
MM-43-1 10-3, Feb. 26, 1943. F. S. Goucher (Bell Telephone Laboratories), Development of Enclosed Triggered Gaps, Modulafor Colloqtiiurn, RL Report No. 50-2, June 9, 1943,pp. 1-15.

J. R. Haynea, Some Experimentswith Mercury Cathode Series Spark Gap Tubee, BTL Report MM-45-1l&20, Mar. 3, 1945. ZS. B. Ingram (Bell TelephoneLaboratories), Application of Fixed Spark Gap Tubes, Modula&r Colloquium, RL Report No. 50-2, June 9, 1943,pp. 1&24.







at recurrence frequencies above 1000 pps impractical for very high power output. 8.4. General Operating Characteristics of Series Gaps.Two or three gaps connected in series, as shown in Fig. 8.9, constitute the switch in a line-type pulser. It is therefore necessary to consider the characteristics of a set of two or three gaps in series as well as those of a single gap.

Power supply .@+ Trigger

G, c p G2 ~ L s
Cl ~ p

PFfi R,


Power supply RI





$(c) FIG.89.-Four commonlyused

seriee-gap circuits

Static- and Dynamic-breakdown Voltages of a Single Gap.The staticbreakdown voltage of a gap is defined as the voltage at which the gap sparks when the d-c voltage across it is slowly increased. This voltage can be used as an indication of the general hold-off characteristics of a single gap, but its value is not very reproducible, particularly after the gaps have been operated for a few hours. However, it is more nearly reproducible for mercury-cathode gaps than for aluminum-cathode gaps because the surface-discharge characteristics are more nearly constant for a liquid cathode. The dynamic-breakdown voltage is defined as the voltage at which the gap breaks down for given conditions of residual ionization. Immediate y after a pulse of current passes through a single gap, many ions are left in the gap.. These ions recombine rapidly, but some residual ioniza-








tion still remains l/f, seconds after the pulse, where f,isthe pulse recurrence frequency. The dynamic-breakdown voltage therefore varies with the conditions of residual ionization, and thus with the recurrence frequency, the pulse duration, and the pulse current. De$nitions of V~., Vti., and V.~ti.-These three quantities are the characteristic breakdown voltages of the switch as contrasted with those of a single gap. In the following discussion, it is assumed that a voltage of the form

is applied to point S in the circuits shown in Fig. 8.9, where VN(t) is the voltage at any time t,and VN is the maximum value of this resonantcharging transient. For charging waves of other forms, the definitions of the characteristic breakdown voltages are the same, but the actual values may be different. For example, VW is slightly Klgher for linear It is also assumed in this discuscharging than for resonant charging. sion that a trigger pulse of the proper shape, and of amplitude sufficient to render the gaps conducting at intervals of l/f, when v,v(l/.f,) = VN, is applied to the points P. If the maximum value, V~, of the d-c resonant-charging transient applied to a given gap switch is slowly increased, a value is reached at which the switch breaks down before the trigger pulse is applied. This premature breakdown is called a pre-fire. When a pre-fire occurs, the trigger loses control, and continuous conduction may set in, making it impossible to regain control. The maximum value of VN at which the rate of pre-firing is still negligible, for a given switch and operating If the voltage-dividing resistors, the conditions, is defined as VW. trigger-coupling condensers, and the recurrence frequency are such that the voltage is divided equally across the gaps at all times, V~,, has the Since highest value that is theoretically possible, and is then called V,. equal division of voltage is not obtained in practice, the observed value of V~u is always less than Vs. This observed value is referred to as V~, and can be determined by observing the charging waves on an oscilloscope as the voltage is increased to a value just below that which is sufficient to cause pre-firing. The value of Vs can be determined from curves showing the variation in the ratio V~/Vs with circuit conditions and recurrence frequency. Ideally, for a given switch and operating conditions, V, is equal to the number of gaps in the switch multiplied by the dynamic-breakdown voltage of a single gap. Since this voltage fluctuates during the life of the gap in a random manner, it is extremely difficult to relate Vs to any breakdown-voltage measurement for a single gap. This fluctuation is







very noticeable for aluminum-cathode gaps operated at powers so high In practice, the dynamic-breakdown that their anodes become rough. voltage of a single gap is defined as Vs divided by the number of gaps. As the residual ionization is increased beyond some minimum value, Vs decreases. The variation of V, with recurrence frequency and pulse duration is shown in the curves of Fig. 810. In order to obtain the data ~ 25 5&sEC
\ Ip a \

.~ 20
m 15

1000 1500 500 Recurrence frequency in Pps


FIct. 8.1 O.VS as a function of recurrence frequency.

for these curves, three WX3226 gaps filled to a total pressure of 110 cm of mercury with a mixture of 80 per cent hydrogen and 20 per cent argon were operated as the switch in a pulser having a 50-ohm network and a 50-ohm resistance load. The variations in pulse current corresponding to changes in switch voltage, of magnitude represented by these curves, have a negligible effect on the value of V~ determined from other data taken at different pulse currents with r and j, constant. If the maximum value, V~, of the resonant-charging voltage is slowly reduced, a value is found at which the switch fails to fire (misfires) when the trigger pulse is applied. The lowest value of V. at which the rate of misfiring is negligible is defined as V~, and can be determined by observing the charging waves on an oscilloscope as the voltage is reduced until the switch is seen to miss. As the residual ionization is increased, Vfidecreases by an amount that is small compared with the decrease in VS. If the power-supply voltage is increased slowly from zero, the switch voltage is equal to the power-supply voltage and is divided equally across the gaps. As the power-supply voltage is increased, a value can be found at which the switch either starts and continues to operate, or periodically starts and then stops after firing a few pulses. This power-supply voltage is defined as V.-. Typical Swtch Operation.As an introduction to the problem of triggering, consider briefly the operation of three identical gaps with equal voltage-dividing resistors in the circuit (b) of Fig. 8.9. Assume that the switch voltage is zero at t = O, and that the voltage VN at the end of each charging cycle is sufficient to break down one gap within a fraction of a microsecond after being applied to it. Then, if the amplitude of the trigger pulse applied to point P is sufficient to cause the breakdown of gaps GZ and Gs the full switch voltage is then applied to Gl, causing G1 to break down, and allowing the network t~ discharge through the switch and the load.

SEC. 8.4]






The process just described occurs repeatedly, and the pulser circuit delivers a pulse to the load corresponding to each trigger pulse. Assuming that the trigger circuit does not drive point P negative after the breakvoltage of a down of Gz and G3, V.,. should be the dynamic-breakdown single gap. Under idealized conditions the ratio of 1, to Vtim for three gaps in this circuit is 3/1, but, because the breakdown characteristics of gaseous-discharge devices near their upper and lower limits are statistical in nature, ratios of 2/1 to 2.5/1 are obtained. This ratio decreases during the life of cylindrical-electrode gaps operated under conditions sufficient Time jitter in the operation of to cause considerable anode roughening. this switch is caused principally by the uncertainty in the firing of gap G,, which can not be overvolted by the trigger as can G, and GS. This time jitter is small for operating voltages near V,g, but increases as VN approaches Vfi. The above account of steady-state operation does not explain the starting of the gap when the pulse-generator voltages are first turned on. When the power supply is first switched on (neglecting any advantage that may result from a sudden rise in supply voltage), the network becomes charged to the no-load power-supply voltage EM, and the voltAlthough, under these conditions, gaps Gz and age at P becomes ~Eti. G~ may not be broken down by every trigger pulse, it is assumed that Et.bis such that they are broken down occasionally. on one of the occasions when G2 and Gs are broken down, EM is also assumed to be sufficient to break down Gl, and the circuit goes into steady-state operation. The minimum value of Ebb for which starting takes place has been defined as V.W,,, the value of which is frequently greater than the no-load power-supply voltage that corresponds to operation at Vmi.a. The lowest satisfactory operating voltage of such a switch may then be limited by the starting-voltage requirements. This difficulty may be eliminated, however, by the use of a power supply with sufficiently poor regulation. The way in which Vtim and V,tmt Trigger voltage in kv depend on the trigger voltage is FIQ. 8.1 I.Operating range as a function of shown in Fig. 8.11. These data trigger voltage. were obtained b.y operating the three WX3226 gaps mentioned above at a recurrence frequency of 800 pps and a pulse duration of 0.9 psec in circuit (a) of Fig. 8.9. From Fig. 8.11 it can be seen that Vs is unaffected by the trigger voltage as expected, and





[SEC. 8.4

that both Vti and V.ti increase as the trigger voltage is decreased below some minimum value. Inorder todetermine whether satisfactory operation can be obtained over the entire range, it is necessary to consider the voltages V, V, and V, where V is Vtim divided by the resonantcharging stepup ratio (assumed to be 1.9 in this case), V is V times the ratio of no-load to operating-load power-supply voltage (assumed to be 1.25), and V is V.~i-t multiplied by 1.9. As long as V is greater than V.ti, the gaps should start with the power supply adjusted for operation Operation at voltages less than V may be objectionable at V*. because the operation at a switch voltage V during the starting of the gaps may produce an undesired overvolting of other components in the ch-cuit. If V is less than V,titi, the lowest switch voltage at which operation is satisfactory from the standpoint of starting is greater than Vti, and equal to V.w, X 1.9/1.25. If V.ti X 1.9 is greater than V~, the switch pre-fires immediately after starting. Ra~e Versus Number of Gaps. -Several factors need to be considered in determining the optimum number, no, of gaps to use in series as the switch for a given application. The most important consideration is that of the range of operating voltage, which is defined as

and is expressed in per cent. The value of n. that gives the widest possible operating range is determined from the following considerations. Under identical operating conditions, let the dynamic-breakdown Thus, GI voltages of G1 and G2 be vld and (n 1) VM respectively. is considered to have a unit breakdown voltage, and no is the optimum number of gaps identical to Q1 that could be used in series as the switch. The gap G, maybe thought of aa replacing (n 1) gaps identical to G,. These gaps are assumed to be operated in circuit (d) of Fig. 89, with power-supply and trigger voltages of the same polarity. If these voltages are of opposite polarity, the following discussion is still valid if G, and Gz are interchanged in the circuit (d). It is assumed that any voltage applied at point S is divided so that the ratio of the voltage across Gz to that across G1 is exactly equal to (n 1), and that a suitable trigger pulse of sufficient amplitude is applied to point P. In order to simplify the discussion, the following assumptions are made: 1. That the voltage V,2 is n times the dynamic breakdown voltage of G,. The problem of finding no thus becomes one of finding the VS is a minimum. value for n for which Vmim/ 2. That the breakdown voltage of a single gap is independent of the manner in which the voltage is applied to the gap.

SEC. 84]






3. That the breakdown

characteristics regardless of its polarity.

of a single gapare

the same,

There are two possible conditions for switch cutoff. Condition A occurs when GI fails to fire after the breakdown of Gz because VN is less than the dynamic-breakdown voltage of G,. Condition B occurs when the value of n is such that the lowering of VN changes the voltages on GI and G, so that the application of the trigger voltage, v,,, to point P breaks down G, before Gz, whereupon the voltage across Gz falls to VN, which is less than the breakdown voltage of Gz. When the cutoff occurs according to condition A, Vtimis given by (1) from assumption 1. and n under condition B is next derived. The relationship between Vmim As the trigger voltage, v,, rises toward the value at which breakdown occurs, the voltages across G1 and Gz are Vl=Vt;Vif and v2=(n 1) 1 (2)

1 ~v:+;

vN. )


For any particular pair of values of n and VW, there is a trigger-voltage amplitude V~ such that (n l)v1 = v,, for v~= Vt. (4)

Substituting Eqs. (2) and (3) into Eq. (4),

=_+ v+N v,



= n(n

1) VN. 2)

At v, = V,, the value of VI from Eq. (2) is

v, =

2(n 1) VN n(n 2)


Under condition B, Vti for a given n is the value of VN for which VJ is equal to the dynamic-breakdown voltage of Gl, referred to above aa V,/n. Therefore,
(VA), =

(n 2) ~.






@!C. 8.4

Foranyvalueofn, V~i, iSeqUal tOeither(V~i~)AOr (V~i.),, whicheveris greater. Thus, from Eqs. (1) and (5), V~i./V~ is the greater of the two expressions V~i. . .1 v. n and

VS as a function of n. The lowest Figure 8.12 is a graph showing Vrnin/ value of this ratio occurs when n = 3. The value of V~~ is determined by cutoff condition A for n S 3 and by condition B for n ~ 3. The optimum number of gaps is thus no = 3. Conditions A and B are based on the assumption that sufficient trigger If the voltage is applied to point P. trigger voltage is not sufficient to n l~IG. 8.12.Ratio of l~h to VA- as a break down G,, another condition for function of n. cutoff arises. The trigger amplitude required can be determined from the data of Fig. 8.11 for a given gap design. In general, it is about t~vice the value of Vti. and is therefore slightly greater than the normal operating switch voltage, assuming that the switch is usually operated at a voltage near the center of the range between V~ti and V,,. Two- and Three-gap Operation. When using the cylindrical-aluminum-cathode gaps, it is generally desirable to place three gaps in series in order to obtain the maximum range, particularly at power outputs greater than 1000 kw. However, two-gap operation has proved satisfactory for some lo\v-power applications. In using two, instead of three, gaps with equal bredkdown voltages, additional requirements must be imposed on the shape of the trigger pulse in order to insure satisfactory starting. In circuit (d) of Fig. 8.9 it can be seen that the voltage at S for starting is just equal to the power-supply voltage Ew. After the trigger causes G2 to fire, the voltage Ebbis applied across G1, which must break down if the gaps are to break down on the first pulse. Thus, EM must be at least as great as the breakdown voltage of one gap. After the first pulse, a voltage of about 1.9 EW is applied to point S, which is sufficient to break down both gaps before the trigger is applied, since the pr~ctical ratio of V, to Vtim for two gaps is about 1.6. Satisfactory starting can be assured by supplying a bidirectional trigger pulse to point P as shown in Fig. 8.13. Suppose the voltage at S is positive and equal to the power-supply voltage Ew, which is assumed








to be less than the breakdown voltage GI. Gap G2 is then broken down on the positive part of the trigger in the region.4, causing EM to be applied to G1. If t of Fig. 8.13 has approximately the correct value, Gz deionizes during this time and can therefore hold off some voltage in the reverse direction. Point P can then be driven to a negative value by region B of the trigger pulse. The addition of the negative voltage at P to EW causes Gl to break down, initiating the pulse. This behavior can add to the time jitter; for an operating voltage near ls, the switch is rendered conducting by region A of the trigger; near the middle of the range it is rendered conducting at A on some pulses and at B on others; and just above Vmin it is rendered conducting only in region B. 1 The choice among the three possible circui~s for three-gap operation For given values for equal shown in Fig. 8.9 depends on several factors. voltage-dividing resistors, trigger-coupling condensers, and recurrence frequency, inequalities in the voltage division across the three gaps have For the least effect on the difference between V.,, and V, for circuit (a). three aluminum-cathode gaps, Vmin and V,t.,t are the same for (al and (b), but are appreciably lower for (c), and for long-time operation at powers above 500 kw the change in V.,~ is less in circuit (c) than in the other two. For these reasons, circuit (c) is generally preferred for the operation of aluminum-cathode gaps. Ho\vever, other considerations such as the mounting space, the polarity of the most readily available trigger voltage, and the voltage ratings of the coupling condensers may influence the final choice of circuit. When enclosed fixed spark gaps having mercury cathodes immobilized by means of an iron sponge are used in place of those having aluminum cathodes, both the optimum number of gaps and the best method of coupling the trigger (in three-gap operation) are very different. This difference is caused by the formation of a corona sheath about the anode, which changes the effective electrode geometry and, within limits, raises the breakdown voltage when the amplitude of the charging wave is increased. The need for a bidirectional trigger to start the two tubes is therefore eliminated. Test results show that the range of two of these gaps in series is satisfactory for all conditions at which they have been tested to date (see Sec. 8.9), and is greater than f 33 per cent at powers up to 10,000 kw for more than 500 hours. Tests also show that, if three gaps are used, circuit (a) of Fig. 8.9 is preferable to (b) or (c) f. om the standpoint of range alone because the breakdown characteristics of the individual tubes remain very nearly constant throughout life. Thus, resistors, the reduction in V~ for given values of the voltage-dividing 1For a more complete analysis of gap operation of this type, see J. R. Haynes, Some Characteristics of 1B22SparkGap Tubes, BTL Report MM-43-110-34, Ott. 27, 1943.





[SEC. 8.5

trigger-coupling condensers, and recurrence frequency that is occasioned by changing from circuit (a) to (b) or (c) is also constant throughout life. Measurements also show that Vmin and V,h,t are the same, regardless of which of the above three-gap circuits is used, contrary to the observations made with three aluminum-cathode gaps. 8.6. Trigger Generators.lAmplitude, shape, and energy are the three major characteristics of the trigger-generator output pulse that must be specified. The pulse of Fig. + A 813 is a tracing of the output of a I I typical condenser-discharge trigger generator. In this discussion, the ~ amplitude of the trigger pulse is cong !2 sidered to be the maximum value of I ~o ~;,the first swing of the trigger in re.1= If the operation of two alugion A. minum-cathode gaps is to be considB ered, the amplitude of B and time t . 1 C4 also have to be specified. FIG. S.13.Bidirectional trigger
pulse for satisfactory two-gap switch. operation of .9 ode In operating gaps and three two or aluminum-caththree mercury-

cathode gaps, which are the arrangements of greatest interest, the shape of the trigger pulse need not be closely specified. Typical values in Fig. 8.13 are t, = 1.5, t, = 9, t~ = 17, and h = 30 ysec. For the operation of t\vo mercury-cathode gaps with time jitter of less than 0.02 ~sec, it is necessary that the rate of rise of that portion of the pulse between t = O and t = tl be at least 35 kv/ysec; 50 kv/psec is usually taken as a design figure. Rates of rise as low as 15 kv/psec are satisfactory for operation of three aluminum-cathode gaps: higher values do not have an appreciable effect on time jitter, because the major source of jitter in these gaps is in firing the third tube, over which the trigger has no control. To date, it has not been necessary to specify the impedance of the trigger generator because the operation of these gaps is not critically dependent on the amount of energy dissipated in the gaps during the trigger discharge. The efficiency of the trigger circuit is usually not very important as the total power consumed by it is, in most cases, small. However, the effect of increasing the load on the trigger from that consisting of the input capacitance to the gaps in series with the coupling condensers to that of the coupling condensers alone when the gaps fire must be taken into account. This effect is of greater importance when the trigger is coupled to both intermediate points than when it is coupled to either the upper or lower point alone. Trigger circuits for series gaps are designed to generate a voltage of I By A. S. Jerrerns.

Slw. $5]







amplitude as high as 35 kv to be applied to a load equal to the capacitance from point P to ground in any one of the circuits of Fig. 89. Since this load is about 12 to 15 ppf, and the trigger circuits are sensitive to loading, some consideration must be given to the viewing system used to one procedure is to use a special viewing system measure this voltage. wit h very low input capacitance, and specify the voltage measured as a no-load value. As a result, the load on the trigger is increased considerably when the output trigger lead is connected to the gaps, with a Another procedure is to measure resulting decrease in trigger output. the load from P to ground and to use a viewing system with the same input impedance, with the result that the measured voltage is the same This substitution method has been used in as that applied to point P. making all trigger-voltage~measu rements quota? in the present discussion. The following three types of trigger circuits are discussed here: 1. The inductive kicker, in which a transient high-voltage oscillation is obtained by rapidly cutting ofi the current in an inductance shunted by a condenser. 2. The condenser-discharge circuit, a line-tiype pulser whose pulseforming network is replaced by a condenser. circuit. This trigger circuit is 3. The saturable-core-transformer similar to the condenser-discharge circuit, except that the transformer is saturable, and its secondary is connected in series with one or more gaps. The secondary has a high impedance during the trigger discharge, but offers a low impedance to the main pulse because the transformer core is saturated by the pulse current.

$, ~ r! ( ~ (: , , r } ( ) ( ) [ j J L .a !
; 3

The Inducl~ve Kicker.The basic circuit of an inductive kicker ie shown in Fig. 8.14a. The tube is normally cut off, and positive pa -

--~ 1
v., - ~



(a) Basic circuit. FIG. S. 14.The inductive

(b) Voltage waveform. kicker.

pulses of duration At are applied to it at the desired recurrence frequency. current builds up in the tube in a During the interval between tland tz, nearly linear manner. At the end of the interval At, the tube is suddenly cut off, isolating the resonant cirv~it connected to its plate, and leaving a







current flowing in L. A transient damped oscillation of the form shown in Fig. 8. 14b develops across the load and stray capacitances represented by C. If the damping and tube drop are neglected, and if it is assumed that there is an instantaneous cutoff of tube current, the output voltage, u~,is given by

where I is the current in L at tz. In terms of the power-supply


voltage, (6)

For example, the output of a circuit with L = 0.5 mh, C = 20 p~f, V = 500 volts, and At = 1 ~sec, according to Eq. (6), is an oscillation of amplitude v _ ~(At) _ ~E 5kv . and period
T, = % vLC = 0.6 psec.

rhe approximate values of V~ calculated in this manner are invariably high, because of damping and noninstantaneous tube cutoff. The capacitance C is made small in order to get maximum output voltage for a given peak tube current. The inTrigger L is chosen for a particular ductance ._--jY!J!--, circuit in order to get the desired rate of rise and amplitude of output trigger. One such trigger circuit, with L = 5 mh using a 5D21 as control tube, has been found to be reliable and give values of V~ up to 16 kv on a 15 ppf load at 1000 pps. The output of a circuit of the form just described is limited to the peak transient voltage that the control tube can hold off. This limitaFIa. 8.15.Simplified diagram of a tion can be overcome by making L line-controlled inductive-kicker circuit the primary of a stepup transformer. using screen-grid feedback with pulse transformer output. A circuit using an 807 tube and a stepup autotransformer, with turns ratio n = 5,-was used successfully by the Bell Telephone Laboratories. A disadvantage of the inductive kicker described above is the need of an additional circuit to supply the long rectangular input pulse.









A regenerative pulser using feedback from the screen-grid circuit that only requires a synchronizing trigger of indifferent shape and small Because of the limitations on screenamplitude has been developed. grid current, themaximum available output foragiven tuhe is less than that obtained with externally triggered circuits. Figure 815 is a simplified diagram of a line-controlled inductive-kicker circuit using a screengrid feedback with a pulse-transformer output.

FIG. S.16.Typical


trigger circuit

The Condenser-discharge Trigger Circuit.The basic circuit of the condenser-discharge trigger, shown in Fig. 816, consists of a switch S in series with a storage capacitance C, and a pulse transformer of stepup ratio n. The storage capacitance C,is charged through a large resistance or inductance, and then discharged into the pulse-transformer primary when S is closed. Theswitch Sisa thyratron fired at the desired recurrence frequency by a signal from an external ~--fi--~ synchronizer. The operation of the circuit of Fig. 8.16 can be analyzed with accuracy sufficient for design -LJ3 purposes in terms of the equivalent circuit FIG. 817.-Equivalent
of Fig. 8.17. If the transformer and has if the is assumed voltage value v, on circuit for the condenserto be phase-inverting, the storage condenser isCharge rigger circuit.

an initial

V, and S closes at time t = O,

the output voltage is nV,C, = C, + n2C0 ( l-cOs* in which )

CO= C,+

() cg


v, =

C, + n2Co

for the interval from time t = O to time t, = ri w. The voltage and current waveforms are sketched in Fig. 818. The maximum value of the output pulse voltage is
2nV,C, C. + nCO





[Sm. 8.5

and the voltage rises to this value in the time interval

At=tl O=~~. (7)

For C, > nWo there is a positive charge left on C, at the time tl, which is then drained off through S. For C, = n2C., v, is zero at time tl. For C, < nC. a negative charge is left on C,, which cannot drain off if S is unidirectional. For a load consisting of a gap of capacitance Co in series with a coupling condenser C., and -- c#>L?on2 of distributed capacitance CcI, these Cn=Conz --waveforms are distorted as a result t C~CConZ v, Va of the firing of the gap. The effect \, of gap firing is, to a fair approxi\ \* mation, that of an abrupt change in \\ ~. capacitance Co from the value above o to C. = (Cd + CJ after the gap fires. No detailed procedure can be set down for designing condenser-discharge triggers because the best design for a particular case depends on the specifications for the trigger and on the type of charging used. For example, it may be desirable to use the lowest practical power-supply voltage for the trigger, or it may be necessary to use a power supply The cutoff t already set at a particular level, or is due to i /,--\~ rectifying limitations in the maximum conJ/ \;\ pm: denser voltage may be imposed by trigger-switch ratings. Resonant, o linear, or resistance charging may t=o t=t, be used. In general, there are sevTX Fm. 8.18.Voltage and current waveeral. parameters to be chosen, and forms in the condenser-discharge trigger it is possible, within the limits imcircuit. posed by operating specifications, to maximize the efficiency. An outline ;f a des;~ ~or a ttiical set of requirementa is given in the following paragrapha. A trigger is required that will take ita current from the principal pulser power supply at a voltage level EM and will dehver output pulses of maximum amplitude Vt and frequency j, = I/T, to a total effective capacitance load Co. It is assumed that the trigger must use a switch tube that does not hold oil voltages higher than the power-supply voltage EB, and it is specified that the trigger pulse must rise to its peak value in a time interval At.

#/> LL

SEC. 8.5]







Because of the maximum-voltage requirement on the trigger switch, it is necessary to use resistance charging. The equivalent oircuit is therefore that shown in Fig. 8.19, where S1 is the trigger switch tube and SZ is a hypothetical charging switch. During the interpulse interval, S1 is open and Sa is closed, and C, is charged The effect of L. through R. and L.. on this charging process may be neglected. When the synchronizing signal closes S1, Sz may be considered Fx~. S-19.Equivalent circuit ueed in the design of a condenser-diicharge open, and C, discharges through the trigger circuit. circuit consisting of S1, C,, LL, and n2Co in series. It is assumed that R, is so large that it may be neglected during the discharging period. Since negative voltage left on C. at the end of a trigger pulse can only result in additional charging loss without any corresponding increase in output, it is assumed that C, Z Cmz (see Fig. 8.18), and consequently that the voltage on C, at the beginning of each charging cycle is zero. Under this assumption, the charging and discharging equations can be written independently and combined to get the maximum-voltage-output equation
vi = 2C,nE&

(1 e f~~~) C, + n2C0


where Vt, EM, and f, are specified, and Co, n, and R. are chosen such that this equation is satisfied and maximum efficiency is obtained. Since the specifications require a particular power-supply voltage Eu and power output 0.5j,CoV~, the average power-supply current, 1, is a reciprocal measure of the over-all efficiency of the trigger circuit. This current can be written in terms of the charging-circuit parameters, that is, (9) Combining Eqs. (8) and (9)

~ = (c, + nc.)jr 2n


(lo) of Eq. (10) with

in which the variables are C, and n. Differentiation respect to n reveals that I has a minimum value


310 at




[SEC. 8.5

n =

c. J c

t,he equivalent circuit. that is, for equal capacitancesin Substituting this value for n in. Eq. (8), a relation between C, and R, is obtained in which 1 is minimized with respect to n, namely, (12)

Since 1,,.. is proportional to vC. (see Eq. 11), it is desired to make C, as small as possible. The lowest value of C. that satisfies Eq. (12) is

c.. = ~;co, which corresponds to R. = O. The storage capacitance C. must be chosen so that R. does notdissipatcappreciable po\\'erduring thetrigger-discharging period. Formost radur recurrent frequencies (up to about 5000 pps) it is sufficient to take c. = 3C8. = 3;: co. (13)

The charging resistance that should be used with this storage capacitance is
R, = E& 2.58j,V~Cc

and the pulse-transformer

ratio is

x Fbb n = 17
Referring to Eq. (7), the value of L. that should be used is


An expression for power-supply (13) into Eq. (11), namely,

current is obtained by substituting V;coj,


EM 1= 1732








If the output per pulse is taken to be the energy W. delivered to Co when it is charged to a level Vt, the efficiency of the trigger circuit is given by ~zm=Wofr 29 per cent. Vwoj-, EM 1.732 () Em Consider a particular pulser for which the total effective trigger load Co is approximately 30 ppf. Suppose that a 500-cycle/sec output trigger voltage rising to an amplitude of 16 kv in 0.5 psec is required, and that only a 6-kv power supply is available. From the above equations, the values of the parameters are then C* = 0.0007 pf
Rt = 35 megohms L.

n = 5 = 20 ph.

The current taken from the power supply is then approximately 1.r ma. The condenser-discharge trigger circuit is simple and flexible, and has been commonly used for triggering series spark gaps. The pulse of Fig. Trigger circuits have been developed using 8.13 is typical of this circuit. the 4C35 hydrogen thyratron as switch to give pulses with amplitudes of 35 kv on 15 p~f loads, and rates of rise of voltage from 15 to 200 kv/psec. The losses in this circuit are principally in the pulse transformer, which complicates its design To network at voltages of about 35 kv and at Spark recurrence frequencies of about 1200 Cs A gap pps.
Trigger rable-core Circuit Using a Satu-

shown in Fig. 8.20, the gap is overvolted by means of a trigger transformer whose secondary is in series with the spark gap. For most applications, the trigFIG. S.20.Trigger circuit using a ger transformer must be able to saturable-core transformer. surmlv voltages of about 20 to 30 k;, and it sho~ld have a high impedance during the rise of trigger voltage in order to avoid excessive primary current, but a low impedance during the passage of the main pulse. These requirements are met by designing the transformer so that its core becomes saturated abruptly a short time after the gap has been broken down by the trigger voltage. The effect of the saturated inductance on the principal discharging circuit is to round the leading edge of the output pulse. In order to. maintain a





[SEC. 8.6

nearly rectangular pulse shape, the saturated inductance must not be greater than 5 ph for a 25-ohm load impedance. A sufficiently high ratio of unsaturated to saturated inductance can be obtained by the use of special core materials. This trigger circuit has not been used extensively, but laboratory tests in which it has been used to trigger a special three-electrode gap, as well as series gaps, are promising. 1 8.6. Division of Voltage across Series Gaps.In the foregoing discussion it has been assumed that the applied network or switch voltage is divided across the gaps that comprise the switch in the ratio of their dynamic-breakdown voltages. In general, however, such voltage division is not obtained when using practical values of voltage-dividing resistors, trigger-coupling condensers, and recurrence frequencies. Results of analyses concerning the division of voltage across series gaps in each of the four commonly used circuits shown in Fig. 8.9 for resonant charging of the network are given here. 2 It is assumed that a voltage wav~ of the form UN = ~ (1 cos rj~), where O < t < l/j,, is applied

at point S in each of the four circuits of Fig. 8.9. The voltages Vs and V~ have previously been defined as the theoretical and experimental values of v_, respectively. When using gaps with equal breakdown voltages, it is desirable to divide the applied switch voltage equally across the individual gaps in order that V~ may approach Vs. During the network-charging cycle, the gaps Gl, G.2, and Ga of Fig. RI, 8.9 can be represented by the condensers c shunted by theresistors R,, and R~. The capacitance, c, includes the stray capacitance across each gap as well as that of the gap itself. In most circuits, c is about 10 pyf, 6 of which represent the capacitance of the gaps. Since the input terminals of the trigger-coupling condensers can be considered grounded during the network-charging cycle, there is effectively an unbalanced RC voltage divider in parallel with the switch. The instantaneous values of the voltages vI, w, and us across GI, G,, and G, are shown in Fig. 821 for the circuit (a) of Fig. 89 with equal voltage-dividing resistors. It can be seen that the voltages across G1 and Gz are identical, and reach a maximum at a time h smaller than the 1For additional operating characteristics, together with transformer-design information,see K. J. Gerrneshausen and H. R. Zeller, Three Electrode Triggered Gap, RL Report No. 880, Oct. 11, 1945. I For a more complete treatment, se well as the study of other cases, see J. R. Dillinger and F. E. Bothwell, Division of Voltage Across Series Spark Gaps in a Line-Type Modulator, RL Report No. 6822,Oct. 31, 1945; H. J. Sullivan, Doubletriggering and Voltage Balancing for Series Ga~, NDRC 14-493, WestinghouseElectric Corporation, May 22, 1945.

SEC. 8.6]







time l/.f~ at which the switch voltage applied at S reaches a maximum. The voltage V3across Gs lags slightly behind VI and V2. There is a maximum voltage at which satisfactory operation can be obtained with a combination of gaps having equal breakdown voltages and used with equal voltage-dividing resistors. This value is the switch voltage at t = 1/f, f or which the values of VIand V2at t = tl are just less than the dynamic-breakdown voltages of GI and Gz. If the switch voltage is increased beyond this maximum value V~, GI and GZ will break down at t = tl, causing an overvolting of Gs and thus resulting in a pre-fire. Since o V~ is equal to the sum of v,, v2, and tl I/Jr t vi at .t = l/~,, each of which is less FIG. S.21.Sketch showinginstantaneous voltagesacrossthreeseriesgaps than VI or VZ at t = tl, and since havingequal voltage-dividing resistors vl=vz=~Vsandvs<~Vs att=tl, and connected as in Fig. 8.9a. VM must always be less than Vs. The ratio V~/ VS is a figure of merit for division of voltage across the gaps and for given circuit conditions, since V~ is the value that can be realized in practice, and Vs is an ideal value obtained by assuming equal voltage division. 1.00 1.00
0.95 0.90 +-=<, all 1 0.95 . . 0.90
I/u /1


D.85 I - I



0.70 I O



O..E I I I

0.70 !





.0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6

FrQ, S.22.Ratio VM/VS as a function of RJ,CS for the series-gap circuit of Fig. 8.9a.

FIG. 8.23.Ratio VM/VS as a function of R~.C4 for the series-gap circuit of Fig. S.9b.

Figure 8.22 shows V~/Vs as a function of the product Rj,C3 for the series-gap circuit (a) of Fig. 8.9. For these curves, RI = R2 = R, which was found to be an optimum condition, and the effect of varying the ratio R/Rs is shown. For each value of Rj,C~, there is some optimum value of RS, defined as RO, that makes V~ a maximum. The voltage v~ across







G,thenvaries as shown in thecurve labeled vj in Fig. 8.21. Values of RO for Rf,Ca below about 0.57 can be found by interpolation on the curves; for Rf,CS greater than 0.57, the optimum value for Rs is infinity. For the curves of Figs. 8.22, 823, 8.24, and 8.25, the resistances R, Rs, and RO are in ohms, the capacitances c and Cs are in farads, and the recurrence frequency f, is in pps. The actual solution for V~/Vs includes both Rj# and Rf,Ca as variables, but the values of V~/ V~ are not critically dependent on Rf~. The curves of Fig. 8.22 are in error by less than 1 per cent for values of Rj& between O and 0.024, and by less than 2 per cent for values of Rfd between O and 0.050.

0.95 0.90



k F-L


O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8



0.80 0.75

1.2 1.4 1.6 --

0 M

0.70 0


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8


FrQ. 8.24.Ratio VM/ Vs as a function of RjrC8 and Rf,Ci for the serie~gap circuit of Fig. .%9c.

FIG. 8.25.Ratio VM/VS as a funciion of Rf,Ci for the series-gap circuit of Fig. S.9d.

The curves of Figs. 822 to 825 are useful in choosing suitable voltagedividing resistors and trigger-coupling condensers for series-gap circuits. From the standpoint of maximum voltage range, it is desirable to make Rf,CS small. On the other hand, Ca must be large enough to avoid serious attenuation of the trigger pulse: 20 per cent of the trigger voltage is lost if C8 is equal to four times the capacitance from point P to ground. Also, the chosen value of R must be large enough to prevent excessive dissipation of energy in the voltage-dividing resistors. Since the voltages across each resistor are not identical, the energy that each must dissipate is not the same, even though the resistors are of equal value. The amount of energy dissipated by each resistor depends on Rf,Ca and Rf,C~ in the same manner as the voltage distribution. In most applications, however, it is sufficient to assume equal voltage division when calculating the energy dissipated, in which case the dissipation in all resistors is %Vj divided by the sum of the resistances. As an example of the use of these design curves in choosing voltage-









dividing resistors and trigger-coupling condensers, consider the circuit (a) of Fig. 8.9, and let it be required to operate at two recurrence frequencies., = 1000 pps and j,, = 600 pps. Assume that the dividing resistors are equal (R1 = R2 = RS = R), which is the arrangement most commonly used. If CS is 90 ppf and R is 4 megohms, Rf,,C3 = 0.36 and Rf,,Ct = 0.22. From Fig. 8.22 the ratio V~/Vs is 0.905 for 1000 pps and 0.951 for 600 pps. The loss in trigger voltage across C3 is about 14 per cent. For R = 4 megohms and V. = 20 kv and f, = 1000 pps, 5.7 watts are dissipated in each resistor Rl and Rz and 1.9 watts in Rs, if the uneven voltage distribution due to the charging current in condenser Cs is considered. If the voltage is assumed to be divided equally at all times, the total wattage rating of Rl, Rz and RS must equal vi 3 ~ (R, + R, + R,) or 4.2 watts each. It can be seen from Fig. 8.22 that, at 1000 pps, VM/Vs can be increased However, from 0.905 to 0.981 by making Rs = R, instead of Ra = R. at 600 pps, a decrease in V~/Vs from 0.951 to about 0.835 results, which may or may not be serious depending on the variation of 1s with recurIf this variation is assumed to be such that rence frequency.
0.835 (V.9)600 .= O.981(VS)1OOO pw,

and if it is desired to have the same value for V~ at both frequencies, an over-all gain in V~/ Vs is produced by setting Rs = Ro. The curves in Fig. 824 for circuit (c) of Fig. 8.9 are plotted differently in order to show the effects of varying both coupling capacitances, C3 and Cd. The variables are R If,C4 and R~f,Cs and lines of equal ratio V~/Vs are plotted for RI = Rz = Rs. Although these curves serve as a basis for choosing the voltagedividing resistors and trigger-coupling condensers for any given series-gap circuit, they cannot be used to determine which circuit to use for given gaps. Experience has shown that the choice of the optimum circuit depends on the type of gap being used and, in some cases, on the power level at which the gap is to be operated. From the standpoint of making V~/V~ close to 1 for three-gap operation, the circuit (a) of Fig. 8.9 is the best, @) the next best, and (c) the worst. However, experience has shown that, although Vti is not affected by variations in the division of voltage across the gaps, within limits, Vti for some gaps is appreciably altered, depending on where the trigger is coupled. These analyses have assumed that the dynamic-breakdown voltages of the gaps are equal and remain so throughout life. The reasons why these assumptions are not always valid are discussed in later sections.







8.7. General Considerations for Gap Design.-The three fundamental considerations in the design of enclosed gaps are (1) the choice of a suitable gas or mixture of gases, (2) the choice of suitable electrode material, and (3) the determination of a satisfactory electrode geometry. There are many other considerations, including structural details, that are not discussed here. Chmce of a Suitable Gas.-Deionization characteristics and chemical activity are of major importance in the choice of a gas. After conducting the required pulse, the gas must deionize at a sufficiently high rate in order that the gap will be able to hold off the network voltage that is applied following the pulse. In other words, the reignition voltage of the gap at any time after the pulse must be greater than the applied network or switch voltage at that time. The gas molecules should also have no metastable states in which electrons may be trapped during the discharge, and from which they would subsequently be released, causing a premature breakdown of the gap. During the required life of the tube, no constituent of the gas within the gap should be absorbed by or combine with any elements inside the tube in quantities large enough to affect the operating characteristics seriously. In discussing the operation of rotary gaps in previous sections of this chapter, it is pointed out that the erosion of the electrodes is severe when the gaps are operated in the absence of oxygen. Because of similar experience with enclosed gaps, a gas mixture of approximately 95 per cent argon and 5 per cent oxygen was used to fill the trigatron. The oxygen maintains an oxide coating on the electrodes in the sparking area that is sufficient to limit the electrode erosion encountered during the required life of the tube. However, as the oxygen is thus used up by chemical combination, the operating characteristics of the trigatron change. The need of a satisfactory switch for pulsers of higher power than those in which the trigatron operated satisfactorily resulted in investigational of enclosed gaps filled with various gas mixtures. The principal characteristic sought for in these investigations was stability of switch performThis work included the study ance over an extended period of operation. of gas mixtures such as argon and helium, argon and oxygen, helium and oxygen, and helium, argon, and oxygen. As a result of other work2 there was evolved a hydrogen-argon gas mixture that was found to have good deionization characteristics and to be stable ~with life. At first hydrogen alone was tried, but it was found that, after a few hours operation at low pulse currents, the tube drop during the discharge was
I C. M. Slack and E. G. F. Arnott, Report on Enclosed Prwsure Gaps, NDRC 14-150, WestinghouseElectric Corporation,Dec. 31, 1942. 2F. S. Goucher,J. R. Haynes,W. A. Depp, and E. J. Ryder, Spark Gap Switches for Radar, Bell System Technical Journal, October 19415.

SEC. 8.7]






abnormally high and fluctuated from pulse to pulse, causing undesirable amplitude jitter in the output pulse. It was believed that this behavior did not exist during the first few hours of operation because of the presence of impurities in the hydrogen that aided the transfer from a glow to a low-voltage arc discharge. When argon was added to the hydrogen, the tube drop was found to remain low and constant throughout the life of the tube. Therefore, mixtures of approximately 80 per cent hydrogen and 20 per cent argon are commonly used. The argon acts as a stable impurity in that it performs the same function throughout life, as did the impurities in the tube during the first few hours before they were The current at which this high-tube drop appeared could cleaned up. be reduced by increasing the percentage of argon, within limits. This high voltage drop did not appear with tubes filled with 20 per cent argon when conducting l-psec 100-amp pulses, but it did appear after operating these tubes for 25 to 50 hr with l-psec 50-amp pulses. Apparently, the above percentage of argon was not sufficient to effect the transfer from a glow to arc discharge at a pulse current of 50 amp without the help of the impurities present during the first few hours. Later work showed that no argon was needed at pulse currents of about 200 amp and above. Chtice of Suitable Electrode Materials. The choice of suitable electrode materials proved to be somewhat more difficult than the choice of a gas. It was found that all the tested materials eroded rapidly in the The rate of erosion of the electrodes in hydrogen-argon gas mixture. rotary gaps and in the trigatron is kept low by the presence of a tough oxide coating on the surface which is constantly replenished. Studies of the erosion of several materials and combinations of materials when operated in a hydrogen-argon gas mixture show that the rate of erosion of the cathode depends somewhat on its geometry. Cathode erosion appears to be directly proportional to pulse current at a given pulse duration, but is not directly proportional to pulse duration at a given pulse current. For example, at a constant pulse current, the erosion at pulse durations of 2 psec and 5 ~sec is about 2.7 and 8.3 times, respectively, that obtained at 1 psec. Since all cathode-erosion studies have not been made with electrodes of the same geometry, or at the same pulse duration, it is not possible to present the results in concise tabular form. A few statements may be made, however, to indicate the scope and general results of the work. An ~rly investigation conducted at the Bell Telephone Laboratories showed that the erosion ratea of tungsten, molybdenum, and aluminum by weight were approximately the same, and much less than that of either gold or carbon. These values agreed with those for sputtering in the A comparison made at the Radiaabnormal hydrogen glow discharge. tion Laboratory of the erosion rates of vacuum-cast beryllium and alu-





[SEC. 8.8

minum under the same conditions showed that of beryllium to be 0.38 times that of aluminum by weight and 0.58 times that of aluminum by volume. The use of beryllium is objectionable because the eroded metallic vapor condenses into a fluffy material that drifts around inside the tube and causes occasional premature breakdowns of the gap. Aluminum was chosen as the cathode material in one major type of series spark gap because the material sputtered off the cathode was found to be deposited on the anode in such a way that the gap spacing stayed approximately constant under limited operating conditions. Experiments have also been made with several sintered materials containing various oxides that have low work functions. It was found that cathodes made by sintering 5 per cent barium oxide, strontium carbonate, or beryllium oxide with a mixture consisting of 95 per cent tungsten and 5 per cent nickel or copper for a binder had an erosion rate of about 0.025 times that of tungsten or molybdenum alone.1 These materials were not used as the cathode in series gaps because of the development of the sintered iron-sponge mercury cathode, which was superior to them. Detcrmhtat~on of a Sat~sfactory Geometry .-The wartime demand for operable tubes made it necessary to design and manufacture them before an adequate study of the erosion problem could be made, and before a material could be found that solved this problem in a hydrogen-argon gas mixture. Therefore, it was necessary to determine a disposition and design of the electrodes such that cathode erosion would have a minimum This approach ,has given rise to two efiect on tube characteristics. basic designs for enclosed fixed spark gaps. One design has concentric cylindrical electrodes, the outer one being an aluminum cathode. By providing a large cathode area, the change in the electrode spacing produced by cathode erosion can be minimized. The other design uses a mercury cathode. In order to immobilize the mercury, it is held in the interstices of a sintered honeycomb structure of iron powder, called The design is such that within the operable power an iron sponge. range only mercury is eroded from this cathode. 8.8. The Cylindrical-electrode Aluminum-cathode Gap.The ratio of the diameter of the outer electrode, or cathode, to that of the inner electrode, or anode, is made approximately equal to e, the base of natural logarithms. With this ratio, the highest possible breakdown voltage that does not cause the formation of corona before breakdown for a given outside diameter is obtained, and a minimum change occurs in this breakdown voltage for a slight change in the size or spacing of the electrodes. 1F. S. Goucher,J. R. Haynw, and E. J. Ryder, High PowerSerieeGape Having Siitered Iron Sponge Meroury Cathodes, NDRC 14-48S, Bell Telephone Labortories, Oct. 1, 1945.







Cathode and Anode Erosion.If the discharge takes place at random over the large cathode area provided by this geometry, considerable erosion can be tolerated before the gap spacing is changed enough to have any appreciable effect on the breakdown characteristics of the gap. In fact, cathode erosion is not a problem in a gap of this type, except insofar as it affects the buildup of material on the anode. These gaps are operated in a vertical position with the cathode opening downward in order to allow the material eroded from the cathode that condenses before reaching the anode to fall to the bottom of the tube. In spite of this arrangement, it has been found that a considerable fraction of the material eroded from the cathode per pulse is transferred to and deposited on the anode, which thus becomes coated with aluminum. For this reason the choice of anode material is not critical, and both iron and nickel have been used. The anode is not subjected to positive-ion bombardment during the main pulse; thus, anode erosion can take place In the usual designs for only if there is reverse current in the circuit. line-type pulsers, therefore, anode erosion does not impair the operation of a tube of this type. There are two results of the buildup of aluminum on the anode that can render the operation of the gap unsatisfactory. If the amount of material deposited on the anode per pulse is great enough to affect the voltage gradient at the anode appreciably, subsequent discharges take place to particular points on the anode, instead of being distributed over the entire surface in the sparking region. This poor distribution of the sparks causes the aluminum coating on the anode to be rough, instead of smooth. For a gap of a given design, there is a quantity of material Ml deposited on the anode per pulse such that the anode buildup is a smooth coating for all values less than Ml. There is also some value Ma, greater than M 1, such that for all values greater than Ml such a large fraction of subsequent discharges takes place from a few points on the anode that the material is deposited in the form of spikes, rendering the gap inoperative in a short time. For values of anode deposit between Ml and M2, predominant spikes are not formed, but the deposit of aluminum on the anode is so rough that the dynamicbreakdown voltage of the gap, and hence the operating-voltage range of the switch, is decreased appreciably. Even with a smooth anode buildup the operation of these gaps may become unsatisfactory before the end of their required lifetime. If the smooth coating is very thick, a piece may break off, particularly from the end of the anode, when it is subjected to shock and vibration. The crater thus formed on the anode causes erratic operation of the gap. In short, for satisfactory operation of a gap of given design, there is an upper limit to the amount of material that can be deposited on the anode per pulse and to the total amount of material that can be deposited on




[SEC. 8.8

the anode during the required life of the gap. Despite the fact that anode buildup is a very serious defect in the cylindrical-electrode aluminumcathode gap, there are many combinations of operating conditions for which a tube of this type is satisfactory. Some conclusions concerning the effects on cathode erosion and anode buildup of variations in recurrence frequency, pulse current, pulse duration, gas pressure, and gap spacing are stated here. These conclusions are based on data taken for gaps having 0.200-in. and 0.330-in. spacings, similar to the WX3226 and WX3240 gaps respectively, and filled with 80 per cent hydrogen and 20 per cent argon to total pressures in the range The ratio of the cathode radius to the anode of 68 to 175 cm of mercury. radius was maintained at approximately e for all gaps studied. 1 The amounts of cathode erosion and anode buildup per pulse were found to be independent of the recurrence frequency in the range 200 to 1200 pps. For a given gap spacing, pulse duration, and gas pressure, the cathode erosion and anode buildup per pulse were found to be directly proportional to pulse current in the range 100 to 400 amp. For a given gap spacing, pulse current, and gas pressure, the cathode erosion and anode buildup per pulse increase much more rapidly than the pulse duration in the range O.9 to 5 psec. As a result the maximum allowable pulse current for a given gap design decreases rapidly with increasing pulse duration. The ratio of anode buildup to cathode erosion per pulse was found to remain constant for a given gas pressure and gap spacing, even though the pulse current varied from 100 to 400 amp, the pulse duration varied from 0.9 to 5 psec, and the recurrence frequency varied from 200 to 1200 pps, corresponding to a variation from 25 X 10_ to 560 X 10-8 mg in the mass of aluminum eroded from the cathode per pulse. For a given gas pressure, pulse current, and pulse duration, an increase in gap spacing was found to decrease the amount of material eroded from the cathode per pulse, and the ratio of anode buildup to cathode erosion per pulse. A tube with large spacing may therefore be operated satisfactorily at higher values of pulse current and longer pulse durations than a tube with smaller spacing. For a given gap spacing, pulse current, and pulse duration, an increase in gas pressure was found to increase the cathode erosion per pulse slightly, and to increase the ratio of anode buildup to cathode erosion per pulse appreciably. The increase in cathode erosion is perhaps due to a decrease in the size of the cathode spot with increasing gas pressure, which increases its temperature, and thus increases the amount of material evaporated from the cathode per pulse. Because the temperature along the arc 1J. R. Dillingrr,
Spark Gaps,



of Aluminum-cathode



RL Report

No. 682-3,

21, 1945.







column is high and the gas density is therefore low, and because a higher gap- fillir.g pressure causes a region of higher gas density to surround the arc column, it is believed that the higher pressure aids in funneling aluminum vapor from the cathode across to the anode. The higher pressure thus concentrates the distribution of aluminum vapor from the cathode spot in the direction of the anode. Particular Designs jor Enclosed Fixed Spark Gaps.The photographs of Fig. 8.26 are of five different cylindrical-electrode aluminum-cathode gaps. Photographs(a), (b), (c), (d), and(e), in Fig. 827a rex -rayprints of the 1B29, 1B22, lB31, WX3226, and WX3240 tubes respective~y.

FXQ. 8.26,Photographs

of various aluminum-cathode gaps. (Parts of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. )

(a) and @) courtesy

The 1B29, 1B22, and 1B31 were made by the Western Electric Co. whereas the WX3226 and WX3240 were made by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation. As the required pulse current and pulse duration increased, it became necessary to develop gaps with larger spacings in order to limit the amount of material deposited on the anode per pulse. Since the gap dissipation increases with spacing, it is desirable to keep this spacing to a minimum, compatible with the allowable rate of anode buildup. Therefore, it is undesirable to operate a gap at pulse currents and pulse durations that are appreciably lower than the design figures. After the spacing of one of these gaps has been chosen with regard to anode buildup and dissipation, the breakdown voltage can be adjusted to the desired va!ue by changing the gas pressure. The operation of gaps filled with 80 per cent hydrogen and 20 per cent argon has been satisfactory over a range of pressures from 50 to 250 cm of mercury. 1 E. G. F. Arnott, Developmentof SeriesSparkGaps, NDRC 14-327, Westinghouse Electric C~cgration,

Aug. 14.1944.







The tubes that were designed to operate at voltages below 5kv per gap were difficult to start because of insufficient background ionization. Therefore, a small amount (about 0.002 mg) of a radium salt (either radium bromide or radium chloride) was added in order to provide additional ionization, and thus to aid in starting the gaps. For voltages higher than 5 kv the gaps start readily without this salt, because of ionization produced by corona at the edges of the electrodes. Special corona points were provided in the 1B29 and lB22, as can be seen in Fig. 8.26, in order to give further aid in starting.

(a) 1B29. FIG. S,27.X-ray (b) 1B22. (c) 1B31. (d) WX3226. --(e) (a), WX3240. prints of various aluminum-cathode gaps. courtesv of ths Bell Telephone Laboratories. (Parts ) (b), and (c)

Nominal ratings for each of the seven gaps developed are given in Table 8.2. The lB34isa WX3226filled toa pressure of 75cmof mercury, and the 1B41, 1B45, and lB49 are WX3240 gaps filled to pressures of 90, 150, and 110 cm of mercury, respectively.
1, X,, coulombs pcr pulse


Iv, amp

7, psec

fry PPS

[S17, kv jr XT, -

1B29 1B22 1B34 1B31 1B41 1B49 1B45

30 75 200 300 450 450 450

20 50 75 30

100 100

075 0.75 2 5 5 5 5

04 0 4 0.25 0 25 0.5 0.5 0.5

2100 1100 2000 1600 2000 2000 2000


14 21 35
40 50 5.5 6.5

., ..,,. .
6601 0.001
0 001 0.001 0 001

210 210 210

2 x 10-4 3.8 7.5 7..5 75






When more than one value is given, the second value denotes the minimum allowable value of that quantity, whereas a single value or the first of twovalues denotes themaximum allowable value. In twistable, 1, is the pulse switch current, 7 is the pulse duration, j, is the pulse recurrence frequency, l=,. is the average pulse switch current, and VsC is the nominal operating voltage per gap, which can be relied on during at least 500 hours of operation. If two or three gaps are used in series with resonant charging, the nominal operating switch voltage is about 2Vsff and 3VSG respectively. The usable range of operating voltage above and below V,. depends on the operating conditions. It is sometimes advisable to have a nominal operating voltage above or below V~a in order to operate more nearly in the center of the operating-voltage range. Since lP, r, and j, are interrelated insofar as their effect on the operation of these gaps is concerned, it is necessary ta state limits on the products of these quantities taken two at a time. The product T.f, is the duty ratio, 71P is the number of coulombs per pulse. It is evident that, in order to prevent the growth of spikes on the anodes, the pulse current A limit on the must be decreased when the pulse duration is increased. product j,lp is included in the limit on I ~.., which, together with the duty ratio, limits the gap dissipation and the total amount of material deposited on the anode during life. Change in Characteristics during Operation.The dynamic-breakdown voltage of each gap decreases during life because of changes in the characteristics of the electrode surfaces that result from the erosion of the cathode and the buildup of material on the anode. The magnitude of this decrease depends on the rates of cathode erosion and anode buildup, which in turn depend on tube parameters and operating conditions, as discussed previously. Tests show that, for a large rate of anode buildup, the value of l~ foura set of gaps decreases during the first 100 hr of operation, and then remains very nearly constant for the remainder of a 500-hr period or longer. For a small rate of anode buildup, V~ has been observed to remain constant during operating periods more than 500 hr long. For intermediate rates of anode buildup, V.,, may decrease gradually for more than 500 hr. The values of V~,, and V,ti,, are only slightly affected by these changes in electrode-surface conditions. Figure 8.28 shows the variation of operating voltage range with time for a set of three 1B41 gaps operated in series ~vith different trigger couplings as the switch in a 25-ohm line-type pulser at a pulse recurrence frequency of 300 pps and a pulse duration of 2 psec. The operating switch voltage was 15.8 kv, making the pulse current approximately equal to 300 amp. The HK7-nulgnetron load used for the test was replaced by a resistance load for purposes of measuring the voltage range. .k trigger voltage of 20 kv, measured on a 15 ppf load, was sufficient to





[SEC. 8.8

obtain the maximum range from these gaps. It is seen from Fig. 8.28 that both V~. and V,~,, are appreciably lower when the trigger is coupled to both intermediate points than when it is coupled to either the upper or lower point. This test and others show that the value of V.,, for new tubes with two-point triggering is lower than that for one-point triggering. After the electrodes become roughened, however, the difference becomes negligible, and, because of corona bursts in the gaps after the electrodes have become roughened, it is impossible to predict which method of The assumption that the gaps behave triggering will give the highest V~. as condensers, made in discussing the division of voltage across the gaps

20 ~ = 16 .w


vol tage

> s ~

A o

Triggered as in Fig, 8.9a Triggered as in Fig. 8.9b Triggered as in Fig. 8.9c







in hours
0[ Ilouw of Oi,ct;lll<,ll f,,r tllc 11141.

1:,(;. 828---

O1,miit,,)g ra,,gc :,, a f{l,l{tion

for each method of triggering, does not hold aftcu the electrodes Imve ,m(l 1.,.,, :Ire lo\ver, :m(l over:1 long period become roughened. Since 1,,,,,,. of time 13, is almut tile same \rlictll(,r the trigger is w(Iplc(l to both points or to either the upper or Iotver point, it iolloI\s tl]:it tlvo-p(]int triggering generally gives the ]videst range of opemt ion for tIlr(>vgxps m srrles. l Gap Dissipation-By connecting tllc vertic:~l plates of a n]()(ii[imi synch roscope directly across the gtwun(kxl g:lp in the pIIlser s\vitcll, the Yoltage drop across a singk g:lp (iuring the (Iisclmrgr w:w (determined. The oscilloscope traws ]vere ol)scr~-e(i with s(,lf->vl)(hl)lol]olls operation of the oscilloscope, that is, the sigm~l Yolt:qq :Ll)~)li((i to thr

$hc. S.8]





vertical plates was also used to start the sweep. Because there is a slight time lag between the application of the voltage starting the sweep and the appearance of the trace on the oscilloscope screen, the initial portion of the voltage pulse cannot be observed. The curves in Figs. 8.29 and 8.30 were drawn from these traces, and show the voltage drop
280 240

240 m

200 1 160 g $ .E 120 m ; 8 s 80 40 o -40

Current pulse < 1 0123456

Specing 160 $ .E 120 F =s0 $ \ \ > \ /375 roils , 200 roils


Y\ \ A

+)~ O 02 0.4 0.6 0.S Time in A sec 1.0



Time in A sec FIG. S.30.Voltage drop across three fixed spark gaps having different electrode spacings for a pulse duration of 4.5 psec.

drop acroee three fixed spark gaps having different electrode spacings for a pulse duration of 0.9 ~sec.

Fx~. 8.29.Voltage

across each of three gaps having different electrode spacings for nominal pulse durations of 0.9 and 4.5 ysec, respectively. The gaps with spacings of 150, 200, and 375 roils were, respectively, the 1B22, WX3226, and a gap similar to the WX3240, but with a slightly greater spacing. The corresponding current pulse is also shown; the rounding of the leading edge of the current pulse is a result of the high tube drop during the first part, of the pulse. The tube drop was found to be independent of the gas mixture, the gas pressure, the pulse current, and the recurrence frequency within the limits of error of these measurements, and within the range over which The gas mixture was varied from ] 00 per these quantities were varied. cent hydrogen to 100 per cent argon, the pressure from 68 to 150 cm of mercury, the pulse current from 80 to 240 amp, and the recurrence frequency from 200 to 2000 pps. The tube drop is primarily dependent on the electrode spacing and pulse duration. The voltage across a gap during the first part of the discharge has






been studied with the use of a capacitance voltage divider. By multiplying the values of tube drop and pulse current for each increment of time during the pulse, a curve can be obtained showing the rate at ~vhich energy is dissipated in a single gap during the 75, pulse. Figure 8.31 shows such a curve n for a WX3226 gap operated in series with two other gaps at a pulse dura60 tion of 0.9 psec and pulse current of 80 amp. Integrating this curve, a value ~ 45 \ of 15.4 X 103 joules is obtained as c .the energy dissipated per pulse in one = 1 of these gaps. A measurement of the $30 average dissipation by means of a calorimeter gave a value of 15.5 X 103 15 \ joules per pulse. A comparison of ~ other values obtained by integrating power-versus-time curves with those 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 00 obtained calorimetrically also shows Time in ,u sec good agreement. dissipated in one FIG. S.31 .Power WX3226 gap as a function of time for The dissipation per pulse has been a single pulse. found to be directly proportional to By arbitrarily assuming that an pulse current and ta gap spacing. equation for dissipation per pulse involves terms including 7 and +, the follo\ving empirical relation has been developed: D =

(0.703 X 10-6 + 0.420, 0.0233 X 10,)SIP,

where D is the dissipation per gap in joules per pulse, 7 is the pulse duration in seconds, S is the gap spacing in roils, and 1= is the pulse current in amperes. This equation agrees reasonably well with experimental data over the range of 0.9- to 5.O-~sec pulse duration, 0.200 to 0.440-in. spacing, and 80- to 500-amp pulse current. 1 Time Jitte~.Attempts to make the cylindrical-electrode aluminumcathode gap operate synchronously have not been successful. In using these gaps 1 to 3 psec of over-all time jitter must be tolerated, depending on operating conditions and particularly on the value of the operating voltage relative to V~ and V~im. About 95 per cent of the pulses show a time jitter that is considerably less than 1 psec, but an appreciable number of random pulses account for the over-all jitter of 1 to 3 psec. The two gaps in a set of three that are broken down by the trigger 1R. G. Fluharty and J. R. Dillinger, Dissipation in Series Spark Gaps and Voltage-currentRelationshipsDuringthe Discharge, RL Report No.682-1, June26, 1945.








pulse can be made to fire accurately to within 0.1 psec. The primary source of jitter in a switch of this type isin the firing of the third tube, which cannot be overvolted by the trigger. After the two triggered tubes are broken down, the full switch voltage is applied to the third tube; thus, the greater the switch voltage, the greater the overvolting of the third tube. The jitter in this switch, therefore, decreases with increasing switch voltage. At a given switch voltage the jitter also varies during the life of the tube because of changes in electrode-surface conditions. 1 8.9. The Iron-sponge Mercury-cathode Gap.A gap of this type2 is an improvement over the cylindrical-electrode aluminum-cathode gap in at least three respects: 1. The range remains constant during life. o 2. The time jitter can be maintained at a value of the order of magnitude of one per cent of the pulse duration. 3. As wide an operating range can be obtained with two of these gaps as with three of the cylindrical-electrode aluminum-cathode gaps. For satisfactory operation, however, the reverse current must be kept very low. The anode of this gap is a molybdenum rod with a diameter of approximate y 0.060 in. The cathode is mercury that is immobilized by an iron This iron sponge contains about 60 per cent void space and is sponge. made by compressing iron powder into a kovar cup and sintering under appropriate conditions. After subsequent heat treatment in a hydrogen atmosphere the sponge of a typical gap holds about 9 cm3 of mercury when fully saturated. The mercury that is evaporated from the surface of the cathode during operation condenses and runs down the walls back into the sponge. Because of the surface tension of the mercury, a film of mercury is maintained over the surface of the iron sponge which prevents the erosion of the iron. In order to minimize the time jitter, the gaps are usually filled with 100 per cent hydrogen. Radium salts are generally omitted in order to increase the operating range and to further minimize jitter. 1H. L. Glick, Triggering of High Power Spark Caps, WestinghouseResearch Report SR-307, Oct. 18, 1945. t F. S. Goucher,J. R. Haynes,and E. J. Ryder, High Power SeriesGaps Having Sintered Iron Sponge Mercury Cathodes, NDRC 14-488, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Oct. 1, 1945; J. R. Dillinger, Operation of Sintered Iron Sponge-Mercury CathodeType SeriesGaps at 5 MicrosecondCondltioas, RL Report N-o.682-5, Nov. 28, 1945; and J. R. Dillinger,Line-Type Modulator and HP] OV MagnetronOperrttion at 6 Megawatts, RL Report No. 682-6, Nov. 30, 1945.



Particular Gap Designs. Figure 832 shows the two tubes of this developed to date. The cooling fins, which are in thermal contact the cathodes of the tubes, can be seen. The 1B42 is shown in 8.32a and the Fe-I is shown in Fig. 8.32b. The large opaque spot

type with Fig. just



-. -----..




FIG. 8.32.Photographs and X-ray prints of iron-spongemercury-cathode gaps. (a) The 1B42, (b) the Fe-I. (The photograph for prt (a) courtesy of the Bell Telephone









above the kovar cup in the x-ray of the Fe-I tube is due to a globule of free mercury that collected there when the tube was placed in a horizontal position to take the x-ray. The small spots on the walls of the kovar cup were caused by drops of mercury adhering to the kovar. The upper portion of the anode is surrounded by grass shields in order to prevent mercury from dripping down close enough to the sparking region to affect the operation of the gap. The 1B42 is mounted by means of a bolt extending down from the cathode, and the cooling fin is an integral part of the tube. As shown in the sketch in Fig. 8.32b, the cooling fin of the Fe-I tube is not an integral part of the tube, but serves instead as a mounting socket. The operation of the Fe-I tube with various electrode spacings and gas pressures has been satisfactory for a variety of conditions, the reliable life of the tube being greater than 500 hr. Some specifications for these tubes are given in Table 8.3. Each quantity has the same significance as in Table 82. In columns containing more than one figure, the first represents the maximum and the second the minimum rating. The value of Vsa, the nominal operating voltage per gap, has been obtained from data for the operation of two gaps in series. TABLE8.3.RATINGS I-ORTwo IRON-SPONGE MERCURY-CATHODE GAPS ma VSG, ~v



I,, amp

7, psec

f,, pps 19..,


coulombs per pulse

amp X see-l

1B42 3*8O 6.1-0.25 Fe-I 750-100 5.54.5

2000 0.250 1000 0.45Q



0.0012 1,28 X 10-s 40 x 104 0.0011 1.5 x 10-~ 25 X 104

Operating Characteristics. T~Vo of these gaps are used in series as the switch in a line-type pulser because it was found that two gaps give an operating range greater than *33 per cent, which is ample for most applications. In general, one would expect Vti~ to be equal to the breakdown voltage of one gap and VS to be twice this value when using two gaps in series, making the range +33 per cent. However, the application of the charging-voltage wave to these gaps causes a corona sheath to be formed about the anode, which changes the breakdown characteristics. The magnitude of this change increases with the amplitude of the charging-voltage wave. At voltages near Vti~, the corona- sheath has a small effect, and the breakdown voltage of the gap is approximately characteristic of a point-t~plane discharge, as seen from the x-rays of Fig. 8.32. Near Vs, however, the corona sheath is large and shaped like a distorted sphere about the end of the anode, making the breakdown voltage per gap more nearly characteristic of that of a sphere-to-plane discharge. Thus, the dynamic-breakdown voltage per gap at voltages







in the region of Vs k greater than in the region of voltages near Vrnim. Therefore, the ratio of Vsto Vti~isgreater than2to lfor the operation of two gaps in series. If a small amount of radium salt is inserted in these gaps, the beneficial effects of this corona sheath are destroyed, and the ratio of maximum to minimum operating voltage obtained with two gaps becomes less than 2. For two Fe-I gaps operated at 15.5 kv, 290 amp, 300 PPS, and 2 psec, the voltage range of 10.5 to 22.5 kv is constant for more than 500 hr of operation, with V,~,t equal to 5.5 kv. The required trigger voltage is 20 kv, and the time jitter is less than 0.02 Psec at voltages above 14 kv, provided that the rate of rise of trigger voltage is 55 kv/ysec or greater. For gaps filled to higher gas pressures, ranges of 13 to 29 kv for two gaps have been maintained during more than 500 hr of operation at 24.5 kv, 925 amp, 250 pps, and 2 psec. Time Jitter.In operating two gaps in circuit (d) of Fig. S.9, gap Gz is broken down by the trigger pulse, applying the full switch voltage to Gl, which is then broken down. If the delay in firing G, is appreciable, Gz can partially recover and must be reignited after G* breaks down. As a result, there are at least three sources of uncertainty-in the initiation of the discharge, which combine to produce the observed time jitter in the output pulse. The uncertainty in the firing of G2 by the trigger pulse can be made small compared with 0.02 psec by making the rate of rise of the trigger voltage pulse equal to or greater than 55 kv/psec. The uncertainty in the firing of G, can be reduced by increasing the switch voltage, all of which appears across GI after Gz breaks down. The time jitter introduced in reigniting Gz has been detected, but it is negligibly small. All three sources of time jitter, but particularly that introduced in the firing of Gl, can be reduced by improvements in the tube design. The elimination of argon from the gas filling, a reduction in the diameter of the anode, and a decrease in the gap spacing have all been found effective in reducing time jitter. It is possible to eliminate argon from these tubes because they are intended for operation at pulse currents of 100 amp and higher. A reduction in the anode diameter decreases the jitter, but increases the detrimental effects of reverse current in the tubes. The most effective way of reducing time jitter is to decrease the spacing, and to increase the gas pressure accordingly in order to obtain the desired gap breakdown voltage. However, the maximum gain that can be obtained by this method is limited because, for a gap with small spacing, the breakdown voltage increases linearly with gas pressure in the region of low values, but for high gas pressures, this voltage is not affected appreciably by a change in pressure.

SEC. 8.9]







Effects of Rever8e Current.-Reverse current damages iron-sponge mercury-cathode tubes by erodhg the electrode that is the anode for the forward pulse and the cathode for the reverse current pulse. The resulting increase inspacing during operation causes Vtito increase and If considerable materialism eroded Vs either toincrease or to decrease. from the anode and deposited on the tube walls, mercury condenses on it and partially covers the walls. This mercury may give rise to disturbances along the walls, which can lower 1s despite the increase in spacing. The increase in spacing also causes the time jitter to increase. Tests have shown that a given value of reverse current has a more detrimental effect on gap operation from the point of view of time jitter than from that of operating range. In order to specify the reverse current that can be tolerated in these tubes, limits are imposed on the maximum value of erosion per pulse and on the total erosion permissible for a life of 500 hr. The film of mercury that coats the end of the anode during operation has been found ta limit the erosion rate of the anode to a value much smaller than would be obtained without this film. It is therefore necessary to limit the amount of erosion per pulse of reverse current, otherwise the mercury film could be broken through during a single pulse of reverse current, thereby exposing the molybdenum of the anode and greatly increasing the erosion rate. By placing limits on the pulse current and the pulse duration the erosion per pulse can be limited, If the total erosion during a period of 500 hr were directly proportional to the number of coulombs per pulse, it could be limited by a specification of the maximum allowable value of the average current. Although this linear relation does not hold over a wide range of pulse duration, the linearity is The limiting value of the average sufficient for general specifications. reverse current that does not affect time jitters appears to lie between 1 and 2 ma. In addition to the need for limiting the reverse current in these tubes to a very low value because of its effect on range and time jitter, it is necessary to limit it in the tubes filled with 100 per cent hydrogen in In tubes containing 100 per cent order to eliminate amplitude jitter. hydrogen, the tube drop during the conduction of reverse currents of low peak value can be high and can fluctuate from pulse to pulse. A voltage that is sufficient to affect the next charging voltage can therefore be left on the network after the pulse. Since the amount of voltage left on the network fluctuates from pulse to pulse, amplitude jitter can result in the output pulse. Dissipation.-As a result of calorimetric measurements made at the Bell Telephone Laboratories on iron-sponge mercury-cathode gaps

1F. S. Goucher,J. R. Haynes,W. A. Depp, and E. J. Ryder, Spark Gap Switches for Radar, Bell S@em Technical Jourrud, Oct. 1946.







operated over a wide range of pulsing conditions, the following empirical formula has been established expressing the dissipation D in j(JUICS per pulse per gap in terms of the gap parameters and the pulsing conditions:
D = 5.7 X 10-71=S +

(40 + 3.9 X 10-2p04S)1,,,,

is the gas pressure in inches of mercury,

where 1= is the pulse current in amperes, S is the gap spacing in roils, p and r is the pulse duration in seconds. This equation has been established from data covering the following ranges of parameters: spacing, 40 to 350 roils; gas pressure, 28 to 50 in. of mercury; pulse duration, 1 to 6 psec; pulse current, 45 to 1070 amp. The dissipation in watts per gap for any application may be obtained by multiplying the value of D by the recurrence frequency. This equation does not include the energy contributed by the trigger, which can usually be neglected, but which can be measured independently and added if necessary. Dissipation is an important consideration not only from the standpoint of circuit efficiency, but also in determining whether or not forced cooling is necessary when operating mercury-cathode gaps. Since mercury vapor has poor deionization characteristics, there is some upper limit to the partial pressure of mercury, and thus to the operating temperature of the gap, above which the poor deionization characteristics of the mercury override the good characteristics of the hydrogen. 8.10. The Three-electrode Fixed Spark Gap.In order to build a satisfactory three-electrode gap, it is necessary to have an electrode material such that its erosion rate at the desired operating conditions is negligibly small in the gas to be used. Since a gap of this type has a somewhat more complex electrode configuration than does a two-electrode gap, much less electrode erosion can be tolerated. The Trigatron.-The trigatron is a three-electrode tube filled with approximately 95 per cent argon and 5 per cent oxygen to pressures of about 1 to 6 atmospheres, depending on the desired operating voltage and on particular tube design. The British CV85 and the CV 125 were the two most widely used designs. Typical operating conditions for the CV85 are 8 kv, 1200 pps, and 1 psec in a 70-ohm line-type pulser. Photograph (a) of Fig. 8.33 shows a CV125 and (b) is a print of an x-ray of this tube. The anode and cathode are of molybdenum and the trigger pin is tungsten. The anode sleeve was found effective in making the time jitter less than 0.1 ~sec. Oxygen is used in a trigatron principally to maintain an oxide coating 1J. D. Craggs, M. E. Haine, and J. M. Meek, The Development of Triggered SparkGapswith ParticularReferenceto SealedGaps, Metropolitan-Vickers Electric Co., Ltd., Report No. C-331, September1942.









on the surfaces of the electrodes and thereby to limit the rate of electrode erosion, since there are effectively two cathodes in the tube when it is operating. In this tube, the principal discharge does not start between the anode and cathode after the tube is triggered, but takes place from the cathode to the trigger pin to the anode. Thus, the trigger pin must serve as both an anode and cathode, and is therefore doubly subject to erosion. Because of the small size of the trigger pin and the other electrodes, this erosion must be minimized. The oxygen is also needed in these gaps to quench metastable atoms of argon after the discharge.


F]o. S.33.(a) (a) A photograph (b) and (b) an x-ray print of the CV 125 three-electrode gap.

At a recurrence frequency of 800 pps and a pulse duration of 0.9 psec, and in a line-type pulser with a 50ohm network and 50ohm load, a new CV85 trigatron has a range of about 3.5 to 11 kv with a starting voltage of 1.5 kv. A trigger voltage of 6.5 kv is sufficient. The curves of Fig. 8,34a show the variation in range with trigger voltage for a new CV 125 operated in this circuit. A comparison of these curves with those of Fig. 8.11 for three WX3226 gaps filled to a pressure of 110 cm of mercury and operated under the same conditions shows that the range of a new CV 125 is equivalent to that of three of these gaps in series. Figure 8.34b shows variations in range with life for a Cl 125 operated at 12 kv, 800 pps, and 0.9 Psec in a 50-ohm circuit. After 375 hr of





[SEC. 8.10

operation, this tube was found to fail to deionize at frequent intervals, agreeing with British experience. Failure of this tube is not due to electrode erosion, for it operates satisfactorily after being pumped and refilled. The failure may be due to the formation of nitrogen peroxide, which is known from experience with rotary gaps to have poor deionization characteristics, or it may be due to a reduction in the amount of oxygen to a value that is insufficient to quench metastable atoms of argon after the discharge. This reduction is caused bv the combination of oxygen with the molybdenum and tungsten electrodes during operation. 1

~ c

20 vma.

Operating voltage


& Z ~ 10 c : ~ 5 5tart


v fmn



12 .-

vstari 04 100



4 )0

Trigger vr-ltageIn k;-

gap (a) with trigKer

(a) FIG. S34.-Variation

in voltage range of a CV125 three-electrode voltage (new tube), (b) with time.

Further comparison of the CV125 with a set of three WX3226 gaps opcrat ed under the same conditions at a pressure of 110 cm of mercury S11OJVS that a 13-kv trigger voltage is required to obtain the lolvest values of 1,,,, and J,,.., for the series gaps, ~vhcreas 8 kv is sufficient for the three-clcctrodc gap. It is also to be noted that the CY125 requires a high trigger voltage primarily for good starting, ~vhereas series gaps re(luirc a high trigger voltage to give a satisfactory operating range as \\-rIl. The time jittm in the CV125 at 12 kv, 800 pps, and 0.9 pscc in a 50-ohm circuit remains less than 0.09 psec throughout life, a value that is much less than that for cylindrical-electrode aluminum-cathode gaps. The Iifc of series gaps under the abo~-e conditions is considera})ly longer than that of the C}125, and can exceed 1500hr. .41s0, the deionization characteristics of the series gaps arc better than those of the trigatrons,
I These ohscrv ations are in accord Birmingham gell ~niversity, with reports of work done by thr llrltish at See D. T. Itobcrts, Dctcrrnination of Oxygen and Xitro-

Pcroxldc in Samples of Gas from Trigatrons Taken at Various Stages of Iife, Birn,inghamUniversity,C. V. D. Report BS/19, 1943.








as is evidenced by the greater decrease in V~ with increasing recurrence frequency for the trigatron than for the series gaps. Hydrogen-$lled Three-electrode Gap.It would be desirable to combine the advantages of the hydrogen or hydrogen-argon gas filling, which m stable with life, with those of a three-electrode geometry of thetrigatron type. Unfortunately, the erosion rate of possible electrode materials in the absence of an oxide coating on the surface is usually high. An attempt has been made to overcome this difficulty by using electrodes made by sintering tungsten and barium oxide together,with nickel as a binder. Statements concerning the erosion rate of these sintered mixtures have been given in Sec. 87. Some three-electrode tubes have been constructed with these materials, but sufficient tests have not yet been made to indicate the stability of their characteristics during life.z THE HYDROGEN THYRATRON BY K. J.

As explained in the introductory paragraph of this chapter, work was started early in the history of the development of pulse generators in order to obtain a satisfactory switch of the thyratron type. The advantages of the thyratron are many: the switch is small and light, it can be triggered accurately by applying low-voltage pulses to the grid, it has a high efficiency, and it can operate over a wide range of plate voltages. Experimental work was started simultaneously to improve existing mercury thyratrons and to develop tubes of new types. One disadvantage of mercury is its temperature sensitivity; this, however, can be remedied by thermostatic control of the enclosures. There are other difficulties specifically related to pulser operation, such as the long deionizing time and the low voltage drop at which ion velocities destroy the oxide cathode. To eliminate these defects, developmental work was started on a thyratron that would be particularly well suited to pulser operation. Hydrogen was chosen for the filling because it enables high pulse currents to pass through the tube without causing voltage drops great enough to destroy the cathode. Also, the structure of the tubes was designed specifically to withstand high voltages. The developmental work has been successful in creating and putting into production three tubes that provide for a continuous range of pulse power from about 10 to 2500 kw; work has also been started on a tube capable of switching 1J. R. Dillinger, General Characteristicsof Aluminum Cathode Type Ssriez Gaps, RL Report No. 682-3, Nov. 21, 1945. ~K. J. Germezhmmen and H. R. Zeller, Three Electrode Triggered Gap, RL Report No. S80, Oct. 11, 1945.







pulse powers ranging from about 5 to 8 Mw, but has not been completed at the time of this writing. 8.11. General Operating Characteristics of the Hydrogen Thyratron. The use of hydrogen in place of mercury vapor or a rare gas as the filling for thyratrons, 1 appeared to have some real advantage if an adequate life could be obtained. Drewell succeeded in making hydrogen tubes for sweep circuits, but their operating voltage and life were inadequate for pulser applications. His results, however, were considered encouraging enough to warrant further development, and consequently work was started in 1941. The primary advantage of hydrogen, when used in a thyratron, is the high fall of cathode potential that can occur without injury to the oxide cathode. The destruction voltage, or voltage corresponding to the ion velocity at which destruction of an oxide cathode sets in, is about 30 volts for mercury ions and has about the same order of magnitude for For hydrogen the destruction voltage the rare gases, including helium. is about 600 volts, or 20 times as great. This fact is of considerable importance in the design of a thyratron for operation at high voltages and high pulse currents. A second advantage of hydrogen-filled tube is the short deionization time that is obtained. In any given circuit this deionization time is about one tenth that of mercury-, argon-, or zenon-filled thyratrons. The only other gas that provides such a short deionization time is helium, which cannot be used because of the cathode destruction previously mentioned. A serious problem connected with the use of hydrogen in thyratrons is gas cleanup, or the disappearance of the gas during operation. Gas cleanup is caused mainly by the great chemical activity of hydrogen, which combines readily with many substances including, under certain conditions, the oxide cathode. The grade A nickel usually employed in vacuum-tube construction contains reducing agents, such as carbon and silicon, that combine with the hydrogen and promote cleanup. In addition, these nickels may contain other reducing agents, such as magnesium, which do not combine directly with hydrogen, but The free which can reduce the oxide cathode, releasing free barium. barium thus produced combines very readily with hydrogen and can cause a rapid disappearance of the gas in the tube. In order to obtain nickel free from these reducing agents, or other harmful impurities, it was necessary to develop a very pure grade of electrolytic nickel. In addition to the use of materials of carefully controlled purity, it is important to prevent contamination resulting from improper cleaning or 1P. Drewell,ZeAs.f. Techn. Phy.s., 16, 614, (1936).







handling of the parts. The successful manufacture of hydrogen thyratrons requires a much more rigid control of the various manufacturing processes than is usual in the manufacture of radio tubes. Great care must be taken to prevent the inclusion of any substance that can react chemically with the hydrogen. By proper design and processing, and by the use of selected materials, pressure cleanup has largely been eliminated and is no longer a serious limitation on tube life. Since the reducing action of hydrogen on the oxide cathode becomes serious at temperatures of about 900C, it is necessary to maintain the cathode temperature well below this value. A maximum temperature of 850C is permissible, but a somewhat lower value is preferable. On the other hand, cathode emission decreases rapidly at temperatures below about 800C; hence, the operating range of cathode temperature is narrow. The filament voltage must therefore be kept within close limits, and variations in cathode tem~erature from tube to tube minimized. Variations in temperature over the surface of the cathode can be made much smaller for indirectly heated cathodes than for filament cathodes; hence, it is desirable that hydrogen tubes have indirectly heated cathodes. Because of gas cleanup, the gas pressure is raised as high as possible by making the spacing between the anode and grid much smaller than Product of pressure in mm in the more conventional thyratron and spacing in mm designs. The purpose of the small FIG. 8.35.Plot of breakdownvoltage spacing can best be explained by in hydrogenFM a functionof the productof referring to Fig. 8.35, which is a spacingand preesure. plot of the breakdown voltage in hydrogen versus the product of spacing and pressure, the familiar Paschen curve of breakdown in gases. In thyratrons the grid-to-anode spacing is such that the operating point is on the left-hand portion, of the curve, where the breakdown voltage is rising rapidly as the product of spacing and pressure is reduced. Since the product of spacing and pressure must be maintained at a value less than that corresponding to the desired breakdown voltage, high gas pressures can be obtained only by reducing the spacing. In typical hydrogen thyratrons, the gas pressure is about 500 microns and the grid-anode spacing is about 0.0625 to 0.090 in. Smaller spacings make the mechanical assembly difficult, and may result in field emission from the grid. The perpendicular distance from grid to anode must not exceed the desired spacing at any point; the grid structure is therefore placed so







it completely surround the anode, as shown in Figs. 8.36, 8.37, and 8.38. Long-path discharges between the anode-lead wire and the outside of the grid stmcture are prevented by surrounding the lead by a glass From sleeve that fits tightly into a collar attached to the grid structure. Fig. 836 it is apparent that the distance between the upper part of the anode lead inside the glass sleeve and the grid stmcture is considerably greater 1-::7 than the shortest spacing from grid to anode. .,. Breakdown over this relatively long path is prevented partly by the small spacing between the \ 1 !IL<,,I /~& glass sleeve and the anode lead, and partly by the j -J1 fact that the field between the anode lead and F

r Anode lead

bama 0000 caam#a JWd,r.M
- ------

1111 Ill III II 1111II ,,,

Cathode shielding

.~ l?m. 8.36.Structure

of a hydrogen thyratron. FIG.. S.37.Cu&away perspective view of the 5C22 hydr~=.u .-=... tron.


the grid structure in this region is in such a direction that the acceleration of ions or electrons over the long path is prevented. Hydrogen thyratrons differ from the more common thyratron types in that they are designed with a positive control-grid characteristic. In order to trigger the tube it is necessary to drive the grid to a positive voltage sufficient to draw grid current between the grid and the cathode. Two considerations dictated the positive control characteristic. First,

SEC. 8.11]






positive control simplifies the trigger circuit, since, for most applications, no negative bias supply is required. Second, the extensive baffling between the anode and cathode that is associated with positive control minimizes grid-emission difficulties. In order to obtain a positive control characteristic, the cathode is completely shielded from the anode field in the manner shown in Fig. 8.36: The grid itself is a perforated, or mesh, section situated just below the anode, and beneath it is a grid baffle, which is attached to the grid. In such a structure the anode field does not extend beyond the point marked A, and there is no opportunity for the anode field to act upon electrons emitted from the cathode, most of which are confined to the region inside the cathode shield and baffle structure. In order to trigger the tube, or to start conduction, it is necessary to draw current between the grid and the cathode. This current produces electrons and ions in the region outs id e the cathode-shield structure, some of which reach the As soon as the electron denpoint A. sity at A is high enough, the anode field is able to produce ionization in the region above the grid baffles, and breakdown takes place. During the initial stages of the breakdown, the anode current is drawn from the grid as a glow discharge because the anode field is unable to penetrate into the grid-cathode space. This glow discharge raises the grid to a FIG. S.3S.X-ray photograph of a high positive potential, which quickly hydrogen thyratron. ionizes the grid-cathode region to an extent sufficient to bring the grid back almost to the cathode potential. The entire breakdown process described above occurs in 0.02 to 0.07 psec, which is thus the ionization time. Tube Characteristics and Operation.-Photographs of the three hydrogen thyratrons that have been developed are shown in Fig. 8.39, and their basic operating characteristics may be found in Table 8.4.

[SEC. 8.11











Maximumforward anode voltage in kv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.0 Maximuminverseanode voltage in kv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hfaximumvalue of inverseanode voltage in kv for 25 ~ec after pulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . 1.5 hlaximum anode pulse currentin amp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pulsepower into resistanceloadin kw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 illaximum averageanode currentin ma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Cathode: indirectlyheated, unipotential.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heaterpower in watts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Heatervoltage involts (+7.5 %).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3 hfaximumpulse durationinxec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Grid bias in volts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o hfinimumtriggervoltage in volts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Tube weight in grain s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tube life atmaximum ratingsin hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500

8 8.0

16 16,0
5.0 325 2500 200

2.5 90 350 100

40 6.3 6 0 150

65 6.3 6

194 500

150 273 500

A simplified diagram of a thyratron pulser is given in Fig. 840. Hydrogen thyratrons are designed to work primarily into a load impedance of 50 ohms and, in the case of the 3C45 and 4C35, maximum pulse power is obtained at this level. The 5C22 supplies its maximum pulse power at 25 ohms; however, the average power is the same as at

PUI* c~r#! Trigger D-c power 0- supply network

FIIJ. 8.40.A

typical hydrogen-thyratron

pulser circuit.

50 ohms. Any desired load impedance maybe used, provided that none of the maximum tube ratings are exceeded. In general, both pulse and average power are less if a load impedance of other than the optimum value is used. The life of the thyratron depends greatly on the operating voltage, current, and recurrence frequency. A typical life of about 500 hr can be obtained at the maximum voltage and current ratings, with recurrence





[SEC. 8.11

frequencies of 2000 pps for the 3C45 and 4C35 and 1000 pps for the 5C22. The length of life is considerably increased by reducing any of these parameters, and, in general, the operating level of thyratron pulsers A much should be kept somewhat below the maximum tube ratings. longer tube life can be obtained by operating the tubes well below these ratings; for instance, 4C35S operated at 4 kv and 45- to 50-amp pulse Improvecurrent usually give 2500 to 3000 hours of satisfactory service. ments in manufacturing methods are constantly increasing the life expectancy, which may soon beat least 1000 hr at full rating. Since the thyratron is a unidirectional switch, negative charges are left on the network if the load impedance is too low. When the load impedance varies erratically, as in the case of a sparking-magnetron load, variable negative charges may be left, which seriously affect the forward voltage of the succeeding pulse. In order to remove these negative charges and to minimize or prevent their effect on forward voltage, it is usually desirable to connect a shunt diode across the thyration. The problem of unidirectional-switch operation is discussed in detail in Chap. 10. The tube heating time may be reduced by overvolting the heater by as much as 20 per cent, in which case the preheating time for the 5C22 It may also be possible to apply is reduced from five to two minutes. the anode voltage and heater power simultaneous y; however, adequate tests and recommendations from the manufacturer are necessary if the present ratings and specifications are not followed exactly. Hydrogen th yratrons may be mounted and operated in any position, but care must be taken lest the life be reduced by gas cleanup or puncture of the bulb. Gas cleanup is accelerated if the bulb temperature is lowered by subjecting the tube to forced cooling, or if intense r-f fields are present to cause the ionization of the gas. Corona extending to the glass surface causes erratic operation and, eventually, puncture of the bulb. Series and Parallel Operation of Hydrogen Thyratrons.It is often possible to satisfy switch requirements for which no single thyratron is suited by the operation of two tubes in series or in parallel. 1 Parallel operation provides twice the load current, while series operation provides twice the load voltage. There are a number of possible circuits, two of which are shown in Figs. 8.41 and 8.42. In parallel operati~n, the principal problem that arises is to secure proper division of the current between the two tubes. When the anodes of the two tubes are connected directly, the tube that breaks down first reduces the anode voltage of the second tube so rapidly that it may not 1Experimentalwork on seriesand paralleloperationhas been earned out at the Evans SignalLaboratory, among other places.








break down at all. The best way to avoid this difficulty is to use a balanced reactor in the thyratron-anode circuit, a device that has been The reactor is wound so that the used with gas-tube rectifier circuits. fields of the two halves are in opposition, and with very close coupling between the two. When the triggered tube is broken down, the full anode voltage appears across its half of the reactor, producing an equal and opposite voltage in the other half of the reactor which abruptly raises the anode voltage of the second tube to twice its previous value. c
Power supply

FIQ. S.4 1.Parallel

Trigger -Balancedreactor



c -R~




of thyratrons.

PFN l-r-b Power supply R


R. R,

Trigger n% cc RO R

FIG. S.42.Series

operation of thyratrons.

The grid-to-anode capacitance of the second tube is such that the grid is pulle~ positive by th~ transient voltage, thus triggering the second tube. Until the currents in the two halves of the reactor are equal, there is considerable reactance in each anode circuit; however, when they become Any tendency of one tube to draw equal the net reactance is negligible. more current than the other unbalances the reactor and raises the anode voltage of the lagging tube until the anode currents are again equal. A practical circuit for the operation of two thyratrons in series is shown in Fig. 8.42. Equal division of the voltage across the two thyratrons is obtained by means of the voltage divider comprising the resistors R. The minimum value of the resistors R is limited by the excessive





[SEC. S12

drain on the power supply and by the effect on the peak network voltage. The maximum value is limited by the effect of the thyratron capacitance When the lower tube is triggered, on the proper division of voltage. the cathode potential of the upper tube is abruptly lowered to ground, but the potential of the grid of the upper tube tends to stay fixed because of the grid-anode capacitance. As a result, a positive voltage is applied to the grid of the upper tube, which triggers it. By this means both tubes are rendered conducting. Special proble~s related to the effect of pulser design on thyratron performance and, to some extent, to the effect of thyratron characteristics on pulser performance are discussed in the following sections. Variatwn of Tube Drop mth Time.The 8.12. The Anode Circuit. major tube characteristic affecting the performance of the anode circuit is the variation of tube drop with time. It may be divided into two regions: an initial, or ionization period, when the drop is relatively high, and a conducting period during the pulse when the tube drop is relatively low. In Fig. 8.43 is shown the relation between the tube drop, current, and impedance, as a function of time. 1 The data for the curves were obtained from oscillographic records of the operation of a 4C35 in a 50-ohm pulser circuit. The portion of the curves to the left of 0.05 psec represent conditions in the tube during the time that the gas is being ionized. This section of the curves is called the ionization period. The portion of the curves to Timein # asc the right of 0.05 psec, occurring after FIm 8.43. TuIM drop, current, and the gas is fully ionized, is the conimpedance as a function of time for a 4C35 ductingperiod during which the tube hydrogen thyratron (VN = 8 kv, I, = 90 amp, T = 1.1 ysec. droD remains relatively constant. Ionization time and the shape of the voltage-time curve during ionization are almost entirely independent of the external circuit, that is, they are a function of tube characteristics only, mainly because of the high anode voltages employed in pulser applications, which insure that any electrons present are accelerated sufficiently to ionize the gas. The
Hydrogen 1S. J. Krulikoski, Hqmrt No. 953, Mar. 18, 1946. Thyratrons in

Pulse Generator Circuits, _







ionization time depends primarily on the probability of the collision of electrons with hydrogen molecules, and on the length of the path to be The factors affecting ionization time are, therefore, primarily ionized. the tube dimensions and gas pressure; the quality of the cathode has little The ionization time is approximately influence on this characteristic. proportional to the tube dimensions, hence large tubes have a longer ionization time than small tubes. The ionization time is about 0.03 psec for the 3C45, 0.045 ~sec for the 4C35, and 0.07 psec for the 5C22 at nominal operating pressures. Gas pressure has a very marked effect on the ionization time; a high gas pressure materially reduces the time required to establish conduction, whereas a low gas pressure increases it. When the gas pressure becomes very low, the ionization time may become long enough to affect the pulse shape considerably. Since ionization time is primarily a tube characteristic, parameters such as anode current, ) rate of rise of anode current, and initial plate voltage FIQ. S.44.Varhave very little effect on the time required to establish iation in tube drop during the pulse conduct ion. with anode current. After conduction has been established the tube drop during the pulse is a function of tube current and of th~ qualit y of the oxide cathode. As can be seen from Fig. 844, the tube drop during the pulse does not vary appreciably with anode current. On the other hand, the quality of the cathode has as much effect on the tube drop as the variations in current. For most pulser applications, the tube drop has a negligible effect on pulser performance. Tube Dissipation. -Since tube dissipation is one of the factors limiting tube performance, the parameters affecting it deserve considerable attention. In Fig. 8.45, is shown a plot of tube dissipation versus time for a single pulse of 1. l-psec duration. The data for this curve were obtained from the volt-ampere characteristics of Fig. 8.43, considering the dissipation as the product of tube drop and tube current. The total Timein P sec integrated area under the curve is FIG. 8.45.Plot of tube dissipa- 9.8 X 10-3 joules, of which approxition vs. time for a single pulse (4C35, mately 25 per cent is under the initial VN= S kv, 1P = 90 amp, r = 1.1 ~sec). spike that occurs during the ionization period. The circuit parameters affecting tube dissipation per pulse are pulse current, pulse duration, anode voltage, and rate of rise of anode





[SEC. 8.12

current. For short pulses, where a large proportion of the tube dissipation occurs in the initial spike, the most important parameters are the anode voltage and the rate of rise of anode current. For long pulses the factors controlling tube dissipation are the anode current and the pulse duration. In general, tube dissipation increases with decreasing pulse duration and constant duty ratio, since the average energy dissipated in the initial spike is proportional to pulse recurrence frequency and independent of pulse duration. This effect is accelerated by the increased rate of rise of current associated with the shorter pulses. The tube dissipation for short pulses can be reduced considerably by limiting the rate of rise of anode current. For a given pulser circuit, tube dissipation is also approximately proportional to the square of the applied anode voltage. Excessive tube dissipation shortens the life of the tube and can usually be detected through excess anode heating, which causes the anode to glow with a red color. If the anode of a tube turns red, either it is being operated above the ratings, or the gas pressure is too low. Forward Anode Voltage.The forward anode voltage applied to the thyraton is limited by the maximum tube ratings and the method of applying it can considerably influence the maximum pulse recurrence frequency. If the pulses are spaced equally in time, linear charging, resonant charging, and diode charging are all equally satisfactory from the standpoint of obtainhg a constant output pulse voltage. There is, however, a significant difference reRascmant Linear tween the anode-voltage waveforms charging charging for linear charging and that for resonant charging, as shown in Fig. 8.46. During the period immediately following the pulse the anode voltage is [w much lower for resonant charging than Reignition it is for linear charging. When a voltage
FIG. 8.46.Anod&voltage waveforms for linear and resonant charging. positive thyratron voltage before is it applied has to completely the

deionized, the tube starts to conduct when the anode voltage reaches the critical reignition voltage, which ia about 100 to 200 volts, without the application of a trigger voltage. As a result, continuous conduction in the thyratron usually occurs, which causes the pulser to draw an excessive power-supply current. With resonant charging, the time required to reach this critical reignition voltage is a maximum. Any deviation from this condition causes a decreaae in the maximum pulse recurrence frequency. Inverse Anode Voltage.-Inverse anode voltage may be divided into two types: that which appears immediately after the pulse, usually






because of mismatch, and that which appears during the interpulse interval, associated with a-c resonant-charging circuits. Since efiect on tube performance is somewhat different in the two cases, they are considered separately. If the load impedance is less than the network impedance, the anode potential becomes negative immediately after the pulse. The amount of this inverse voltage depends on the degree of mismatch, and it should not exceed the rating for the tube. When a high inverse voltage is applied to the anode before the ions in the grid-anode space have time to recombine, the ions are pulled into the anode with high velocity, and cause serious sputtering of the anode material. If the inverse voltage is high enough, a low-impedance arc may form between the anode and the grid, resulting in even more serious sputtering of these surfaces and, since the low-impedance arc removes the normal inverse voltage, the forward voltage of the next pulse is low. The time required for the grid-anode space to deionize is not known accurately, but it is about 5 ~sec. Because of the relatively small grid-anode spacing, this time is much shorter than that required for the grid-cathode space to deionize; hence deionization problems are concerned mainly with conditions in the grid-cathode region. If the load is short-circuited, the thvratron conducts a current twice the normal pulse current, and the inv~rse voltage on the tube greatly exceeds its rating. Until a means of eliminating magnetron-sparking is found, there does not seem to be any remedy for this condition; however, there is no evidence that the thyratron life is seriously shortened by the amount of sparking that is usually tolerable in a radar transmitter. For a given circuit, the presence of inverse anode voltage increases the maximum recurrence frequency that can be obtained, before the thyratron starts to conduct continuously. As is shown in Fig. 8.47, c the effect of inverse voltage is to in- ~ ;+ crease the time that elapses before z the anode potential reaches the re- s CI ~eignition This effect is simiignition voltage. voltage voltage lar to that caused by the difference Fla S.47.Anode-voltagewaveform between linear and re~onant charging with and without inverse voltage. as illustrated in Fig. 8.46. Higher recurrence frequencies can be obtained with resonant charging and some inverse voltage on the network. A condition to be avoided is one in which the load impedance is higher than the network impedance. With a mismatch of this type, the anode voltage may not fall below the extinction voltage of the thyratron, and continuous conduction may result, 1S. J. Krulikoski, Technical Data and OperatingNotes for the 5C22 Hydrogen Thyratron) RL Report No. 828, Nov. 14, 1945.







The practice of using a shunt diode in thyratron-pulser circuits A typical changes the effect of inverse voltage on thyratron operation. anode-voltage waveform, with linear charging which shows the removal of inverse voltage by a shunt diode, is given in Fig. 8.48. The impedance g g in the diode circuit is usually so great 5!+ that the peak inverse voltage is not * greatly changed, and the time required :0 -------< -- -.Time --------to remove the inverse voltage is long Reignition Inverse \ -w wltage compared with the deionization time voltage
wavaFIG. 8.4S.Anode-voltage form showing the removal of inverse voltage by means of a shunt diode. of the grid-anode space. Hence, sput-

tering of the anode and grid-anode breakdown are not greatly reduced by However, the diode does remove the inverse the presence of a diode. voltage quickly enough to nullify its effect on the time for deionization of the grid-cathode space, and hence lowers the maximum recurrent frequency. A-c resonant-charging circuits apply an inverse anode voltage that is The maximum inverse voltage usucomparable to the forward voltage. ally occurs near the middle of the interpulse interval, after the thyratron has become completely deionized, and hence has no adverse effect on the tube. Test data indicate that life expectancy is probably as great with a-c charging as with d-c charging, except possibly at high recurrence frequencies. Rate oj Rise oj Anode Current .The rate of rise of anode current influences anode dissipation and, under some conditions, may cause cathode sparking. Anode dissipation and its relation to rate of rise of current are discussed in an earlier part of this section. Cathode sparking, although comparatively rare, may occur with very high rates of rise of anode current, particularly when the cathode temperature is low. During the developinent of hydrogen thyratrons, various limits were placed on the maximum rate of rise of anode current, starting as low as 600 amp/~sec. This figure was based on British experience with mercury thyratrons; however, tests on hydrogen thyratrons have indicated that they are not damaged by a high rate of rise of current, the major limitation on this rate being anode dissipation. In general, the rate of rise of anode current depends both on the network design and on the pulser design. For type E networks it bcwnncs lower as the number of sections is reduced, and is Iolver for long pulses than for short pulses. One very troublesome source of high rates of rise of current is the stray capacitance across the thyratrou. As shmvn in Fig. 8.49, this capacitance can originate in the filament transformers for hold-off and shunt diodes, and in the capacitance betlrecn the nt~twork






anci its container. Excessive cabled wiring inthethyratron circuit may also introduce appreciable stray capacitance. When the thyratron breaks down, these capacitances discharge through the tube, the rate of rise of current being limited only by the wiring inductance and thyratron impedance. The current flows in the .. . -1C3

C$ :+ I
1 1 L ~

1 I I


FIG. 8.49.Typical

pulser circuit showing distributed


thyratron and not through the load; hence, in checking the thyratron pulse current and the rate of rise of current, it is important to make the measurements at the tube. For small capacitances, the thyratron current differs only slightly from the load current, as shown in Fig. 8.50a. Pulser designs have been encountered, Load current howe~,er, where the difference was as great The highas that shown in Fig. 8.50b. frequency oscillation in the thyratron current is apparently due to oscillations Time (a) bettveen the distributed capacitance and Load current ,n, ,., the inductance of the circuit wiring. The effects of distributed capacitance may be reduced to a minimum by careful design of the components and circuit layout. fi Time (b) For type E networks, the effect of the FIG. 8.50. Waveforn>sshowstray capacitance between the network ing load and thyratmn crr~nt and the case can be reduced by connect(a) for small cf,strlbuted capacitances, (b) for large distributed ing the coil terminal to the thyratron, thus capacitances. placing a small inductance in series with the distributed capacitance of the network. In some cases it may be necessary to add a small inductance of about 5 Ah in series ~rith the thyratron anode lead. Such an inductance may distort the pulse shape slightly, particularly for short pulses, but it will effectively limit the rate of rise of thyratron current. 8.13. The Grid Circuit.One of the important advantages of hydrogen thyratrons as compared with other gaseous-discharge sjvitches is








They can be triggered precisely, their excellent triggering properties. with very small delay and time jitter, by a low-voltage low-power trigger pulse that can reobtained from receiving-tube circuits. Thevariationin delay from tube to tube during life and with changes in operating parameters is also small. Because of the importance of precise synchronization, the triggering properties of th yratrons have been carefully studied. It has been found that the major circuit parameters affecting delay and jitter are the amplitude and rate of rise of the trigger pulse, and the thyratron anode voltage. Neither hydrogen pressure nor cathode temperature have much effect on the time delay or jitter as long as they are kept within the normal operating range. The variation in triggering characteristics with circuit parameters has been measured for a large number of tubes. Most of the data has been obtained with the 4C35, but enough tests have been conducted with the other types to demonstrate that the same general conclusions hold. As has previously been explained, hydrogen thyratrons differ from the more common thyratron types in that they are designed with a positive grid-control characteristic. In order to trigger the tube, it is necessary to drive the grid sufficiently positive to draw grid current between the grid and cathode. The voltage required to start conduction between the grid and cathode and the time that elapses before conduction starts depend on the rate of rise of the applied grid voltage, as shown in Fig. 8.51. When conduction has been established and the grid-cathode space is ionized, the anode-grid space breaks down with a very short delay. As a result of this breakdown, the grid is momenFIG. 8.51.Cjrid-to-cathode breaktarily raised to a high potential, falldown voltage as a function of the rate of rise of grid voltage for a 4C35 ing back to a potential equal to the thyratron. cathode potential plus the normal grid-cathode drop in a time comparable to the thyratron ionization time. A pair of synchroscope photographs of the thyratron grid voltage are shown in Fig. 8.52. Trace A of Fig. 8.52a is the open circuit trigger voltage and trace B is the grid voltage when grid-cathode breakdown occurs. The effect on the grid voltage of the glow discharge and subsequent entire breakdown of the anode-cathode space referred to previously, The anode fires within 0.05 psec of the time when is shown in Fig. 8.52b. the grid fires. In addition, the presence of the anode voltage slightly






lowers the grid-cathode breakdown voltage. As the anode voltage is decreased, its effect on grid-cathode breakdown becomes less, and the delay between grid-cathode breakdown and anode breakdown increases; these effects combine to increase the time between the application of grid voltaze and anode breakdown. This time is considered to be the interval betw~en the time when the grid voltage exceeds 6 volts and the time when the anode fires. Since the delay time is important in the design of precisely synchronized equipment, it has been measured over a wide range of conditions. Figure 8.53 shows the effect of rate of rise of trigger voltage on the delay time with a constant trigger amplitude of 150 volts. Curve C is the average delay time for a group of 78 tubes, while curves A and B represent the longest and shortest delay times observed. From these curves it can be seen that, above about 200 to 300 volts psec, the reduction in time delay is small compared with the increase in the rate of rise of trigger voltage. In some applications in which a short delay time was desired, trigger pulses rising at the rate of 1200 volts/psec have been used. For most applications, however, a rate of rise of about 200 volts/psec is adequate. The variation in delay time with anode voltage is relatively small, being about 0.07 ~sec from full to ~ maximum anode voltage. Decreasing the anode voltage increases the delay time. There is also (b) With anode voltage. FIG. S.52,Photographs of synchroscope some variation in delay time with traces of thyratron grid voltage. life; in general, this delay decreases as the tube grows older, the maximum variation in delay with life being about 0.1 psec. The effect of trigger impedance on the delay time has been studied over a range from a hundred to several thousand ohms. It was found that the delay time decreased about 0.1 psec when the impedance was changed from 2000 to 200 ohms, and that no decrease occurred








for impedances less than 200 ohms. The usual trigger circuits have an internal impedance of 300 to 500 ohms. Time jitter, or the variation in time delay from pulse to pulse, is invariably less than 0.05 psec with the trigger voltage shown in Fig. 8.52 and a trigger impedance of 500 1200 ohms. Until recently, there has !4 been no need for reducing the time ~ 1000 * jitter below this level, and no g?m g equipment for making significant -~ 600 measurements of shorter time intervals. T h e r e has, therefore, ?&IO been no extensive investigation of 4 200 time jitter, except for a few meas0 urements on the 5C22. The re0 0.20.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 sults tabulated in Table 8.5 show Anode delay time in A sec the effect that variations in the FIG, S.53.Effect of the rate of rise of trigger voltage on the anode delay time. trigger parameters have on time Curve A is for the shortestdelay, curve B jitter in the breakdown of a group is for the longest delay, and curve C is an average based on A and B and statistical of twenty-five 5C22S. Trigger A data. (4C35, VN = 8 kv, trigger amplihas the minimum amplitude and tude = 150 v.) rate of rise permitted by tube specifications. It has been observed that jitter is associated with the a-c field produced by the cathode heater; ho\vever, it can be reduced below a measurable value by the use of d-c heater power. TARLE85.-EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN TRIGGER PARAMETERS ON TIME JITTER

B 195 850 230 0.003

Amplitude,volts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R.ateOfrise, volts/wee . . . . . . . . . . . . Output impedance,ohms.......,,. Averagetime jitter for 25 5C22S,+sec.

150 150 620 0.03

The trigger generator for hydrogen thyratrons may be any of the various low-level pulse generators used in other parts of the radar system. A commonly used source consists of a regenerative pulse generator with a cathode-follower output, as shown in Fig. 8.54. The major requirements are a suitable output pulse shape and a low internal impedance, preferably not more than 500 ohms. As explained in connection with Fig. 852b, the beginning of anode-current flow is associated with a high grid-voltage spike, \vhich may approach the anode potential. This spike is usually of very short duration and has little energy associated with it, but it may cause the driving circuit to become unstable, or cause






the electrical breakdown of the low-voltage driver components. In order to avoid these difficulties, a low-pass filter circuit is usually connected between the thyratron grid and the driver. Such a filter is essential when usinga high-voltage tube like the 5C22, and is desirable with the 4C35 and 3C45. A typical filter circuit is shown in Fig. 8.54; its design is not critical, andin many cases asimple L-section filter isused. Since thevoltages inthe filter circuit may be very high, both the chokes and the condensers should have a rating of at least 2500 volts. The impedance to ground in the thyratron grid circuit is important, particularly for high pulse recurrence frequencies. By keeping this impedance low, it is possible to minimize the effects of thyratron anodegrid capacitance, and to influence the deionization characteristics.
Westinghouse 145 EW pulse transformer + H.V. ::!f~+ !


cc 0.05 .
I 1- : L I


l\ 20k 30k


6SN7 Blocking oscillator

6SN7 $;Ml&

LJ Filter


FIG, S54.-Typical


trigger generator.

Because of the close grid-anode spacing, hydrogen thyratrons have a large grid-to-anode capacitance of about 10 to 15 WJf. This capacitance causes coupling between the grid and anode circuits, which may pull the grid positive during the anode-charging cycle and cause the tube to break down. The effect of this coupling is most serious at high pulse recurrence frequencies when the rate of rise of anode voltage is high, or under conditions where high-frequency transients may appear at the thyratron Essentially, the grid-to-ground anode during the charging cycle. impedance consists of the thyratron grid resistor in parallel Ivith the series combination of the coupling condenser and the cathode-follower resistor. The values for these components given in Fig. 8.54 are suitable for most applications. In order to obtain a low grid-to-ground impedance, the grid resistor may be replaced by an inductance of 2 to 5 mh. The low d-c resistance of this coil and its low reactance at the charging frequencies insure negligible coupling between the grid and the anode. At high pulse recurrence frequencies, the deionization time of the grid-cathode region may become a limiting parameter. Since deioniza-








tion, or the recombination of the ions, takes place largely at the grid surface, it can be accelerated by applying a negative grid bias to pull the ions to the grid. One means of applying a bias is shown in Fig. 8.55. The time required to remove the ions depends on the degree of ionization, which is a function of the pulse current, on the bias voltage, and on the impedance in series with this voltage. In other words, a charge represented by the ions must be removed by a current, i,, flowing in the bias circuit. FigG--+Cc _ ure 8.56 shows the grid voltage and current for a i. LO 5C22 thyratron operating with a peak anode current of 160 amp, and a bias voltage of 45 volts. Bias ~ Two curves are given, one for an inductance La of t source 1 mh, and one for an inductance of 5 mh; they n
FIG, 8,55, Thyra tron grid circuit with bias. show rate clearly of removal the effect of series Since impedance this rate on the on of ions. depends

both the series impedance and the bias voltage, a similar result can be obtained by increasing the bias voltage and maintaining L, at 5 mh. The rate of removal of ions is such that the inductance of L, is more important than its resistance, resistances up to 500 ohms having little effect on the deionization time. g +50 = al w g

\ i ._




in # sec



FIG. 8.56.Thyratron

grid voltage and deionization current. The solid and broken lines represent Lo = 5 and 1 mh respectively.

In many circuits it is desirable to couple the trigger to the thyratron grid through a transformer. Such circuits must be used with care, since the transformer secondary may present a very high grid impedance, particularly with a cathode-follower driver. After the trigger pulse the tube in the cathode-follower stage is nonconducting, and the transformer primary is shunted only by its cathode resistor, which may be of considerable magnitude. When a transformer is used either the primary or the secondary must be loaded with a suitable impedance.




BY H. J. WHITE, P. C. EDWARDS, AND H. H. KOSKIL In line-type pulsers, all the energy stored in the pulse-forming network is normally dissipated during the pulse and it is necessary to recharge the network during the interpulse interval. Since the voltagefed network is used in preference to the current-fed network in the overwhelming majority of practical applications, the detailed discussion of the theory and practice of network charging given in this chapter is restricted to the voltage-fed network. The charging circuit for a voltage-fed netPower Switch Load work, as shown schematically in Fig. [ supply I 9.1, consists of a power supply, charging I L element, pulser load, and the network. FI~. 9.1.Biock diagram of a line-type Although the charging circuit has pulser. little effect on the output characteristics of a pulser, the- design of the circuit and the choice of the circuit components are of vital importance to the over-all pulser operation and efficiency. One of the important considerations in the design of the circuit is that the same amount of energy must be stored in the network for each pulse. Another consideration is that the charging element must isolate the power supply from the switch during the pulse and for a short time immediately after the pulse. (The isolation during the pulse is necessary to minimize the current flowing from the power supply through the switch during the pulse interval, and the isolation immediately following the pulse is necessary to allow the gaseousdischarge switch to deionize and return to its nonconducting state.) Finally, since the pulsers considered here are power devices, it is important that the charging circuit be designed for high efficiency. In general, the charging element can be either a resistance or an inductance. A resistance in series with the energy-storage condenser of a voltage-fed network and the power supply is a simple method of meeting the first two requirements stated above, but the inherent efficiency of I Section 93 by P. C. Edwardsand Sec. 9.8 by H. H. Koski, both of the General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mzm., the remainderof Chap. 9 by H. J. White. 355










such an arrangement is well known to be never greater than 50 per cent. The use of an inductance as the charging element, however, makes it possible to design the charging circuit for a very high efficiency and to obtain better isolation between the power supply and the switch than is possible with resistance charging under the same conditions of recurrence frequency and pulse power. As a result, inductance charging has been used almost exclusively in pulsers for microwave radar. The power supply may be either d-c or a-c, depending on the nature of the switch to be used, the pulse power, the recurrence frequency, and the required flexibility. Since the design of the charging circuit depends on the type of power supply, it is logical to divide the discussion into two parts: inductance charging from a d-c supply, and inductance charging from an a-c supply. INDUCTANCE CHARGING FROM A D-C POWER SUPPLY 9.1. General Analysis of D-c Charging.-It is usually possible to analyze the behavior of the charging circuit by making the following simplifying assumptions: 1. The pulse-forming network is represented by the capacitance C. appearing between its terminals. The effect of the PFN inductances on the charging voltage wave can be neglected because the frequencies involved during the charging cycles are very low compared with the natural resonant frequency of the network meshes. 2. The pulser switch is assumed to be perfectthat is, its deionization is assumed to be instantaneous after the discharge of the networkand can be considered as an open circuit. 3. The shunt inductance of a pulse transformer used with a unidirectional load has a negligible effect compared with the inductance of the charging reactor. 4. The charging reactor is assumed to be linear, that is, its flux is Its inductance must assumed to be proportional to the current. therefore be constant. The equivalent charging circuit can then be represented by Fig. 9.2 in which the switch S, not present in actual pulsers, is inserted as a schematic means of starting the charging cycle after the discharge of the pulse-f orming network. The clifferential equation for this circuit, in terms of the instantaneous charge QN on the network, is (1) where IL is the resistance of the charging inductor and EU is the power-







supply voltage. If it is assumed that there is an initial current i,(0) in the charging inductance L. and an initial voltage uN(O)across the net\rork capacitance C~, the initial conditions L, s imposed on Kq. (1) are:


= CNUN(0)

(-) dl



~N L 1 = Ebb
l~ro. 9.2.Equivaleni charging rircuit for a Iine-tstje pulser. Laplace i,(0)


With thmc initial conditions, transform ctluation:

Eq. (1) leads to the following




d = ~v;

= ; a = L.CN


a = 27,;

1hcn Jhl. (3) becomes

q..(p) = 6.vhbb


(p+a)+a (P+a)+a

q.~r(()) ~

(p+a)+a + a)2 +


1 + i.(o) (p + a)2 + u anfl the corresponding time function can be obtained by inverse transformation from tables of Laplace-transforrn pairs. For the oscillatory cmc, which is the only one of interest here, the time function is

N() CNE+ -C-(cosu+:sinw)l

+ qh.(o)e-
cos d + g sin d + ic(0)e~( (.Ll ) The expression for the network voltage follo!vs immediately.

sin d u



sin ~t













By differentiating becomes i.(t) = et (

Eq. (4) and simplifying,

E,~ L. v~(0) sin d

the expression for current

+ i,(0)

cos d ~ sin at



As stated before, it is necessary that the pulse-forming network be charged to the same potential each time the discharge switch closes if all the output pulses are to be of the same amplitude. Examination of Eq. (5) indicates that, if this condition is met, and if the charging period is the same before all pulses and equal to the recurrence period T,, the initial conditions, ON(O)and L(O), must be the same for each cycle. The value of o.v(0) depends on the load characteristics and is usually constant, except in cases of faulty load behavior discussed in Chap. 10. Because of the short pulse durations that are involved, the current in the inductance at the beginning of a charging cycle can be considered equal to that at the Then, i.(0) = L(l,). From Eq. (6), end of the preceding charging cycle.
i,(0) = i.(T,) = eaT

Ebb ?JN(()) Sin uT,


+ i.(0)
i.(o) = EM uN(O) L@

cos uT, ~ sin uT,


sin LIT, e + ~ sin uT, cos uT,

and the following general expression for network voltage tiN(t)is obtained by substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (5):
OM(t) = EM + [Ebb VN(())]C


sin cd sin COT,


rT cos wT. + ~ sin uT,

The value of network voltage at the time of discharge is given by LJN(T.) = Ebb + [EM u,N(0)]eOT sin2 uT, eTr cos uT. + ~ sin uT,
) L@,VW2


+ ~ sin uT,



By substituting Eq. (7) in Eq. (6) in the same way a general expression for the current that charges the network is obtained, that is,







i.(t) =

EW uiv(0) ~_~, e LN

sin UL+ sin u(l,



co + ~ sin 02, cos uT,

If the resistance R, can be neglected, that is, if there are no circuit losses, a = O, the expressions (8) and (10) for voltage and current may be simplified to sin 2t T,
v,v(t) = Em + [EM vjv(0)] n 2 4L.CN T, 2 ~N


and (12)

(Equations (11) and (12) are not valid if T,/2 m; = mr.) The network voltage at the time of discharge given by Eq. (9) reduces to
ZJN(T,) = 2Ebb UN(O). (13)

In the case of a lossless circuit, the sum of the initial and final network voltages is always equal to 2Ew, regardless of the value of the inductance Practical circuits always have losses, however, but if the qualchosen. ity factor, Q, of the charging circuit is kept high10 or morethe ratio of network to power-supply voltage is only slightly less than two, and is not greatly affected by the actual value of inductance that is used. As a check on the previous computations, it is easy to arrive at Eq. (13) by very simple physical considerations. Again consider the circuit of Fig. 9.2, and assume R. = O and an initial voltage v~(0) on the network. Assume that the energy stored in the induct ante is the same at the end as at the beginning of the charging cycle, and that a charge q. has been transferred from the battery to the network, resulting in a Then, to satisfy the law of conservation of energy, voltage vN(T,). qdh But the electric charge q. = Hence, qr@ba = ; or
uN(T,) = 2Ebb UN(O). [o.v(T,) + VN(0)])
(7N[vN(T,) v.(O)].


[VN(0)]2) .









[SEC. 9.1

Equation (7) indicates that the initial current in the inductance L(O) may be either positive, zero, or negative, depending on the relative values of both the natural resonant period, (27r/w), of the circuit and the pulse recurrence period. The special case where L(O) = O is called resonant charging, and corresponds to the first zero of sin ~T, as the argument increases, obtained when uT~ = T. (14) For resonant charging, the expressions (5) and (6) for voltage and current may be simplified to ~N(t) = EM + e~ [U,V(0) Ebb] Cos d + : [ and (16) giving a network voltage at the time of discharge VN(~,)= Ebb + [ELJ ~N(o)]eaT. (17a)
Sin d 1


This equation can be rewritten as a function of the quality factor of the circuit. Since

R. e a = 2Z



= J


the network voltage at the time of discharge is given by

oN(T,) = EM + [Ebb ~X(0)]e 2;.


It is evident from Eq. (15) that the rate of change of the charging voltage is small in the region of the maximum value. Hence, there are several advantages in operating near resonant charging, namely, small variation in output power even if the time jitter in the switch is large, no overvolting when the switch misfires, and a slow buildup of the voltage after the pulse, allowing a maximum length of time for the switch to deionize. The value of inductance corresponding to resonant charging is readily obtained from Eq. (14), and can be expressed, if the effect of the resistance is neglected, by

Since the resonant frequency of the circuit is given by







it is immediately

evident that j, = 2fo.

For any value of inductance larger than L,, so-called linear charging results, that is, the voltage on the network is still rising at the time the switch is fired. At equilibrium, the voltage is essentially the same as that obtained by resonant charging when a choke with the same Q is used. In this case, the current in the charging choke never reaches zero, and the degree of linearity of both the charging voltage and current depends on the ratio of the actual circuit inductance to that which would produce resonance. By taking advantage of linear charging the same value of inductance can be used throughout large ranges of recurrence frequencies and pulse-forming-network capacitances. Care must be taken to insure that the switch operation is free from time jitter, and that the inductance current is small enough to allow the switch to deionize. Satisfactory deionization can usually be obtained by allowing a small inverse voltage to appear on the network after the pulse. If the value of charging inductance is made smaller than that corresponding to resonant charging, the initial current i.(0) is negative, and T, is longer than one half the natural period of the circuit. Consequently, additional losses occur in the circuit, and the pulse-forming network must be able to withstand a voltage higher than that at which the discharge takes place. For these reasons, the pulse recurrence period is never allowed, in practice, to become more than about 10 per cent larger than one half the natural period of the circuit. If other requirements of the pulser dictate the use of a small value of charging inductance, a simple artifice is used: a charging diode is connected in series between the chargThis diode prevents reversal ing reactor and the pulse-forming network. of current, and the, voltage on the pulse-forming network assumes the shape indicated by Eq. (17) until the maximum value is reached. Except for possible leakage, the voltage remains at a maximum until the switch is fired. The shapes of charging-voltage and current waves for typical charging circuits and values of inductance are shown in Fig. 9.3 where the inductance L, corresponds to the special case of resonant charging. It is therefore evident that inductance charging from a d-c power supply allows a great flexibility in the operation of a line-type pulser. This feature has been largely responsible for making the line-type pulser a competitor of the hard-tube pulser where variable pulse durations and recurrence frequencies are required; a pulser of this type has been produced with pulse durations varying in the ratio of one to twenty and recurrence frequencies varying in the ratio of one to eight. Two quantitiesthe average and effective currentare necessary to the study of both the pulser charging circuit and charging inductance.






[SEC. 9.1

They can be obtained by integration over the charging period, using the well-known relations I*V = ; and 1:= . L T, / ~T [L(t)] Czt. ~= i,(t) (-U,

, /

It is easier, however, to obtain the average current by considering the

0 0 1

0 EEEl o


t/Tr _

EEla o

t/Tr 4

4 2 0

2 0 -2 0 1 2 $11%1 1


t/Tr (c) _

t /Tr
Fx~. 9.3.Charging~v0ltsge (b) Le. = L, (c) L.= 4L.

t /Ty
and current wave shapes.

UN(0) = O, IL = O, (a) L. = &


The dottedlinescorrespond to the use of

charging diode.

charge on the network, thus

1=, = *

= j,cN[lh.(Tr)



The expression for the effective value of the current is sufficiently accuThe current i,(t) is given rate for most purposes if losses are neglected. by Eq. (12); therefore,

SEC. 9.1]






[Ew L 2

co,, (T, 2t) ~t 2 4LeCN

~ + ( ~L,CN T, sin T, m.




_ 2 dLCCN
VN(0)] T,


[E,, 2 k c.

. ) 19)


2 4L,CN

The ratio of Z~_ to I-,, obtained from Eqs. known as the form factor, that is, ~+tiLZN. T,


(18), and (13)1 is

I -
J .,




2 sin

2 4L.CN

For the special case of resonant charging, where T,/4L.CN = m, the form factor reduces to 7r/2 a = 1.11, the expected value for a sine wave. As the charging inductance increases, the form factor decreases and approaches unity, as is to be expected since the current approaches a constant value as the value of the inductance approaches infinity. The efficiency of inductance charging can be readily obtained as the ratio of the energy supplied to the network during the charging cycle to the energy taken from the power supPlY during the same period. Thus

Substituting I-, from Eq. (18) and simplifying,

~c= ON(T,) + VN(0)



For the case of resonant charging, VN(T,) is given by Eq. (17b) and Eq. (21) may be simplified to ~,=l+e-~ 2 UN(O)1 e-a Eti2=




In many cases, oN(O) is equal to zero, and the charging efficiency is given simply by (22a) It is seen that the efficiency varies from about 92 to 96 per cent values of Q ranging from 10 to 20, whereas for resistance charging the efficiency is only 50 per cent.








l~EC. 9.2

9.2. Practical D-c Charging Reactors.The approximate ranges of values of inductance, average-current, peak-voltage, and recurrencefrequency requirements for the majority of d-c charging reactors used in microwave-radar applications are as follows: Inductance Average Current Peak Voltage Pulse Recurrence Frequency 1 to 0.01 1 to 200 100 henrys to 1.0 amp 30 kv to 4000 pps

The inductance and current requirements are such that it is nearly Because of the high always advantageous to use iron-core inductors. network voltages encountered and the surge voltage that appears between turns at the high-voltage end when the switch is closed, very careful insulating and processing of the units are required. Oil impregnation with hermetic sealing is used almost entirely for voltages higher than about 5 kv. Linearity Requirements jor D-c Charging Reactors.In the theoretical treatment of d-c inductance charging, a linear reactor of constant inductance is assumed. Linear, or approximately linear, inductors are also the most satisfactory in practice. As anticipated from physical considerations, small departures from linearity affect the results only slightly. Large variations in the charging inductance produced by saturation of the iron core are usually not permissible because of the excessive power loss and the possibility of operating in a region of nonrepeating charging voltage. In the theoretical discussion of d-c charging it is shown that, when using a linear charging choke, repeating transients may occur under all conditions. The proof is not valid when the inductance varies with the current or, more specifically, when the total magnetic flux in the reactor is not proportional to the current. For a nonlinear reactor, the differential equation for t the charging current must be written in the form % ~, ~ - r + Rw~ +&N

& dt = EM,


where Nc is the number of turns on the reactor and ~. is the total flux, which is assumed to be confined to the core. The total flux @. is a function of the charging current, +. = @(i.), which may be found by experiment and has the form shown in Fig. 9.4. Equation (21) may then be solved graphically or numerically for L(t). It should be noted, however, that this method of solution does not prove that the repeating transients required for stable d-c charging exist.


FIQ. 9.4.F1ux & as a function of current.G for a reactor. charging

SEC. 32]





At currents sufficiently below saturation, +. = L% and the reactor becomes approximately linear. As the core becomes saturated, the becomes very small, and large increases c in current are necessary to maintain a given voltage across the reactor. AS a result high peak currents occur in thereactorwben d-c chargings used. Experimental charging-current and voltage waveforms for a typical nonlinear reactor are shonmin Fig. 9.5. At Z,mT = 44 ma, the chargingcurrent waveshapes are the same as those to be expected from a linear ,choke. At 50 ma, their loops have become quite peaked, indicating the incrcrnchta] inductance N.X,

(a) I,ew = 44 ma; FIG, 9,5.D-c charging current

(b) I,av = 50 ma: and network voltage reactor.

(c) Ic~v = 52 ma. obtai,led from nonlinear charging

onset of saturation. Finally at 52-ma average current, the loops no longer repeat from cycle to cycle, but rather repeat in alternate cycles, one cycle having a much higher peak current and condenser voltage than the other. Thk occurrence indicates a high degree of saturation and, A general explanation follows. of course, is not permissible in practice. At low average currents there is no flux saturation of the iron core, As the average or and the charging waves are those for a linear reactor. direct current is raised, a point is reached where the reactor starts to become saturated at the current peaks. This saturation lowers the incremental inductance, which in turn increases the peak current. The effect tends to be regenerative and somewhat unstable, and causes the current peaks to increase rapidly in amplitude as the direct current is raised. At the same time, the period of the L.C M-circuit decreases, caus-





ing the charging voltage to overshoot and the charging current to become negative before the switch is fired. As a result, the reactor inductance remains high for a longer period on the following cycle, and the current is thereby prevented from reaching the high peak value of the preceding cycle. Since a higher inductance also means a longer charging period, the reagtor current still has a positive value at the instant when the network discharges. Saturation is encouraged by this positive value of the initial current, and the high and low current loops are repeated alternately in a perfectly stable manner. The whole phenomenon occurs because the reactor has a relatively high average inductance on one cycle and a relatively low average inductance on the following cycle. The failure to obtain cycle-to-cycle repeating transients is a good illustration of the statement made earlier that repeating transients may or may not be obtained in any case, and that the proof of their existence Linearity is therefore important in the is limited to linear reactors. design of charging reactors for pulsers; however, its advantages have to be iveighed against its cost. It is possible to make charging reactors with any desired degree of linearity, but, in general, they are larger and heavier, the stricter the linearity requirement. Thus, for use in airborne sets, they are usually made somewhat nonlinear in order to save weight and size. When weight is not an important factor, the majority of charging reactors for pulsers designed at the Radiation Laboratory satisfy the following conditions for linearity and inductance variations. 1. Lhearit y. The inductance shall not change by more than 5 per cent measured at rated full-load and at half the rated full-load direct current. 2. Inductance value. The inductance shall be within the tolerance range of from +6 to 2 per cent of the design value. Charging reactors for airborne applications are usually specified on the basis of samples that are tested in an electrical model of the pulser unit. Reactors having varying degrees of nonlinearity are tried until a satisfactory compromise is obtained between linearity and heating on the one hand and weight and size on the other hand. This method of design is justified on the basis of the large amount of adjustment necessary for airborne sets, and of the very large numbers in which these sets usually are made. Inductance Measurements. -Inductance-measuring circuits are designed to simulate the current wave shapes for d-c resonant charging, which consist .of a series of half sine-wave loops. Such a current can be obtained exactly by using a line-type pulser of adequate voltage and current capacities, but thk method is very awkward, inconvenient,

SEC. 9.2]





and expensive. Thevoltage and current wave shapes can be simulated by the output of afull-wave rectifier consisting of an LR-circuit of the proper ratio. i This method, on the other hand, is rather slow and inaccurate because it involves adjustment of the resistance until the wave
Transformer JZF=15h ~ . R, 5M r 11~

J_ 1-20 = Fm. 9.6.Circuit for meaauring theinductance of a charging reactor. becomes tangent to the zero axis on an oscilloscope. Hence, the simulating circuit shown in Fig. 9.6 has been used in preference to both the previous methods, and its explanation follows. Superimposed direct and 6fl-cycle alternating currents are passed through the reactor L. under test, the alternating current being supplied by means of a transformer and the direct current by means of a d-c power The supply to which an additional filter section CFLF has been added. capacitance C provides a very low impedance path for alternating currents, and an accurate measurement of the alternating component of the current may be obtained by inserting an accurate a-c milliammeter in series with C. In operation, the direct current is adjusted to the desired value and the alternating current is then adj usted so as to have a peak value 21cav equal to the direct current. For &av this condition, assuming a perfectly linear reactor and a purely sinusoidal voltage, the current o 21r 4U wave becomes tangent to the zero coat axis and rises to a peak value equal FIW 9.7.Current through the charging to twice the direct current, as illusreactor in the inductsnca-measuring circuit. trated in Fig. 9.7. The magnitude of the alternating current to be used is calculated from the relation
I = %



1A. C. Donovan, The Mezaurementand Design of D-C Rezonant Charging Chokes, RL Report No. 51-14, NOV.23, 1942.








[SEC. 9.2

The value of L, is given by

L. = >, .


where the applied angular frequency 00 = 377 for 60-cycle voltage. The use of 60-cycle voltage is preferred because both the frequency and wave shape supplied by the public utilities usually are accurately controlled, and also because 60-cycle frequency allows the use of relatively low alternating voltages to obtain the necessary (and sometimes high) values of alternating current. The meters used should be accurate to 1 per cnnt or better in order to obtain suitable accuracy for the inductance L=. The ratio of peak to average current for the wave of Fig. 9.7 is 2/1, whereas the ratio obtained in the pulser circuit for a linear reactor and resonant charging is 7r/2 = 1.57. The test circuit therefore imposes a higher peak current in the reactor than it will carry in actual service. The increase, which is by a factor of 4/m = 1.27 for d-c resonant charging, The factor is may be regarded as a safety factor in the measurement. greater for linear charging, approaching the value 2 in the limit. Advantage may sometimes be taken of the decreased peak current occurring for linear charging in order to decrease the size of the reactor core. When L. is nonlinear, the method of measurement outlined above gives an approximate average value for L. over the current range that is used. This value is satisfactory for checking inductors against the linearity and inductance conditions given in the preceding section. The inductance-measuring equipment usually incorporates an oscilIoscopic viewing system for directly observing the B-H curve for the reactor under test. In Fig. 96 these added elements consist of the resistor Rl, the resistor and condenser R 1 and Cl, and the oscilloscope. The voltage across Rz at each instant is proportional to the magnetizing force of the reactor, since

and is applied to the horizontal deflecting plates. The voltage across Cl, which is applied to the vertical deflecting plates, is proportional to the flux density, as is shown by the following calculations. Neglecting the voltage drop across the react or resistance, the voltage across R lC 1 is given by
v&=?!&??= N,A dB.

108 z where A is the cross-sectional area of the core. If the values of RI and C, are chosen so that the current in that circuit is determined almost







exclusively by the resistance, the voltage across C 1is given by

The degree of linearity of a charging reactor is probably best shown by means of oscillograms. For an ideal perfectly linear reactor having no losses, the B-H oscillogram consists simply of two straight lines enclosing zero area. The B-H oscillogram for a well-designed iron-core

(a) I.,V = 0.050 (b) = 0.100 amp, (c) I~mv= 0.125 amp, amp, L. = 22.5 henrys. JZ. = 2S. 1 henrye. L, = 31.6 henrys. IeJIeaV = 0.70

(d) = 0.150 amp, L. = 18.8 henrys.

(e) I.,w = 0.050 amp, L. = 31.1 henrys,

(j) I=., = 0.100 amp,

L. = 28.0 henrys,

(g) 1..,

= 0.125 amp,

(h) ICav = 0.150 amp,

L. = 25.9 henrys, = 0.40.

L. = 22.5 henrys.


(*-) L,v = 0,100 ~) = 0.125 amp, (k) Iemv = 0.175 amp, amp, L. = 29.0 L, - 26,5 henrys. L. = 23.9 henrys. henrys. l<*.e/I.m = 0.10. FICJ.98.-B-H oscillograms

(2) I..,

= 0.200 *mP,

L. = 19.2 henrys.

for a typical d-c charging reactor rated at I.nv = 0.10 amp, B is vertical and H is horizontal.










reactor departs only slightly from the ideal case as it consists of two slightly bowed lines that form a narrow B-H loop of small area. A good example of such a B-H loop for a reactor tested at half-rated direct cur-

(a) I.,V =


(b) Icav = 0.100 amp, L. = 29.1 henrys. Ik=/Ie,,

(c) 1..,

= 0.150 amp. (d) I%V = 0.200 amp,

amp, L. = 30.3

L, = 22.7 henrys. = 0.70.

L. = 15.6 henrys.


(e) = 0.050 amp, L. = 30.0



= 0.100 amp, henrys.

(p) I.av = 0.150 amp, L. = 26.5 henrys. = 0.40.

(h) 1%, = 0.200 amp, L. =

L. = 29.9

16.2 henrys.


1.,7 La-of

(a) 1..,

= 0.150

(j> 1..,

= 0.260 amp,

(k) Z.av = 0.250 amp, L. = 10.6 henrys. = 0.10.

(t) Z,-, = 0.300 amp, L. = 7.1 henrys.

amp, L. = 27.1 henrys. Fm. 9.9.B-H

L, = 20.9 henrys. IcJI,av

oacillograme for a typical d-c charging reactor amp, B is vertical and H is horizontal.

rated at 1%, = 0.19

rent is shown in Fig. 9.8a. The onset of saturation of the reactor core when the direct current is increased to the rated value is shown in Fig. 9.8b. Further increases in the current produce core saturation over a greater range of the B-H loop (Fig. 9& and 9JM.)







The saturated portion of the loop has a slope that is characteristic of the inductance of the equivalent air-core reactor. For example, in Fig. 9.8d the relative slope of the steep to the flat portion of the B-H loop is about 20/1, which indicates that the inductance is increased by a factor of about 20 when the air core is replaced by an iron core of the same size. The corresponding ratio for the curve of Fig. 9.9d for another reactor is about the same. The oscillograms in Fig. 9.8 are all for the same reactor, but are taken for different values of the current ratio l,W/lC~Y, the ratios being 0.70 for Fig. 9.8d, 0.40 for Fig. 9.8e-h and 0.10 for Fig. 9%-1. The lC~c/lCsV current ratio of 0.70 corresponds to the test condition, the ratio of 0.40 to sine-wave or d-c resonant charging, and the ratio of 0.10 to nearly linear charging. In the case of linear charging, it should be noted that the B-H loops for large direct currents (Figs. 9.8k and 1) do not show the two-slope character, but rather are relatively linear. This linearity is a characteristic of the B-H loops that is to be expected when the component of alternating current is relatively small. 1 The oscillograms of Fig. 9.9 are similar to those of Fig. 9.8, but are for a reactor of somewhat different design. The latter reactor is definitely In a pulser nonlinear when operated at its rated current of 0.190 amp. circuit it will therefore give rise to a charging wave of the same general character as that previously shown in Fig. 9.5. It is therefore unsuitable as a d-c resonant-charging reactor for a current of 0.190 amp, although for currents of 0.100 amp, or possibly 0.125 amp, it would be satisfactory.
40 40,

g .E Q 10 .s

4 10 0
50 100 150200 Xc~v in ma (a) 0 50

> 100 150 200 250 30LI

16~v in ma (b)

0 0

Fm. 9.10.Inductance as a functionof currentfor iron-cored-c chargingreactors,(a) Linear reactor(seeFig. 9%), (b) nonlinear reactor (see Fig. 9.9). The B-H oscillograms thus serve as a rapid and rather sensitive visual test of the linearity of a reactor and of its suitability as a charging choke; however, they should always be supplemented by meter measurements in 1For a discussionof the magneticcharacteristics of iron nnderthesecircumstances, sss Membersof the Sta5 of the Departmentof ElectricalEngineering,Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, Magnetic Circaifsand Transformers, Wiley, New York, 194.3, pp. 197-202.








[SEC. 9.3

Figure 9.10 order to determine the numerical value of the inductance. shows the results of such measurements for the same two reactors. The inductance of d-c charging reactors can also be measured by a power bridge. 1 The voltage supplied to the bridge circuit is obtained by the addition of a-c and d-c voltages in such a way that the peak alternatInductance and qualitying current is equal to the direct current. factor measurements made with the power bridge can be accurate to within ~ and 1 per cent respectively. 9.3 The Design of D-c Charging Reactors2. Figures 9.11 and 9.12 show the usual form of the d-c resonant-charging reactor. The essential elements of a complete reactor are the coil, the core, the air gap in the core, and the enclosing case. Accuracy in both design and manufacture is necessary to obtain reactor characteristics that are within specified limits. Core Design.-The degree of linearity of the inductance is determined by the relationship between the characteristics of the core material and those of the air gap. The following limits, however, have been found to apply generally to core steels: 1. Maximum flux density in the core = 55 %ction A-A kilolines/in2. FIG. 9.1 1.Sketch of d-e resonant-charging re2. Ratio of the air-gap spacing to the mean actor. length of the magnetic path 2 0.6 per cent. If the current density in the copper and the flux density in the core are held constant, a larger gap requires a greater number of turns in the coil and a smaller cross section for the core in order to produce a given inductance. Thus, as long as the above limits are met, the designer has the freedom to reduce the weight of either the copper or the iron. The ratio of copper to iron in the reactor is important from the standpoint of low cost and high operating efficiency. Laminations 0.014 in. thick can be operated at frequencies up to 600 cycles/see, but for frequencies up to 15 kc/see the thickness should not exceed 0.005 in. For any given operating frequency and steel thickness the designer can control the core loss by varying the peak operating flux density. The operating frequency to be used in the design is the resonant frequency of the charging circuit of the pulser. Cod Design. -Coils for resonant-charging reactors as well as for a-c 1Standard Handbook jor Electrical Engineers, 7th cd., hIcGraw-Hill, New York, 1941,pp. 1s0-1s5. 2By P. C. Edwardsof the GeneralElectric Company, Pittsfield, hlaee.

Sllc. 9.3]






resonant-charging transformers (see Sec. 9.8) must withstand continued electrical impulses, as the voltage across the coil reverses in polarity in a few microseconds when the pulser switch closes. This condition is considerably more severe than that to which normal reactors and transformers are subjected. The distributed capacitance that occurs between the coil turns and the winding layers has several effects upon the circuit: it increases the losses by the dissipation of the stored energy, ~C,V\, at the time the switch closes; it tends to detune the charging circuit, an effect which is small except for very short pulses; in the case of d-c charging, it causes some impulse voltage to be applied to the rectifier circuit; and, during

Fxri. 9. 12.Core-8nd-coti

aeeembly of a resonantiharging Elerttic Co.)


( of General

the discharge of the pulse-forming network, it produces an uneven voltage distribution throughout the coil, thus placing an undue stress on certain parts of the coil conductor and layer insulation. The distribution of impulse voltage can be improved by designing a coil so that the radial build is about i to f the length of the coil winding laYer. This ratio is a compromise between that needed for good impulseAs the ratio of voltage distribution and that for a low coil capacitance. the coil dimensions decreases the voltage distribution improves, but the capacitance becomes greater. It is possible to control the distribution of impulse voltage by means of an electrostatic shield that is applied over the finish layer of the coil and connected to the output lead, as shown in Fig. 9.11. This shield can be either a metallic wire screen or a conductor on the last layer of the coil. Methods oj Treating, Tanking, and Sealing.In addition to the magnetic and electrical design requirements outlined above, the reactors and








@~c. 9.3

transformers developed for radar applications have to meet general specifications for humidity and temperature, acceleration, insulation, mechanical handling, and life. Accordhgly, the higher-voltage units are usually built in hermetically sealed tanks, and special techniques of handling oil expansion, vacuum treatment, insulation, and heating are used. Varnished units are used whenever conditions of ambient temperature and humidity are not severe, voltages are not high, and low cost and light weight are of prime importance; new types of dry insulation recently developed have shown great promise up to 10 to 15 kv (see Sec. 14.3). When the reactor is enclosed in a hermetically sealed case, some type of filling compound or oil is required to aid in the process of cooling the core and coils, and to provide the necessary insulation between the coil and grounded parts. When used with vacuum-treating technique, oil has the advantage over the compounds now available in that it is able to fill all voids and remain free from cracks at normal operating temperatures. Since the initial corona discharge that is usually the starting point for insulation failure is often associated with air pockets and voids in the insulation (see Sec. 6.5), the flow of oil into the vicinity of the spark immediately after the internal flashover helps to prevent recurrence of such a breakdown, and the solid insulation does not become carbonized. When used with a hermetically sealed case, oil provides a durable, reliable, and long-lasting insulation, even at continuous operating temperatures as high as 115C. Compounds provide an inexpensive, though not so reliable, filling medium for high-voltage units. The decision whether to use oil or compound is usually made on the basis of the applied voltage and reliability desired. Practical values usually accepted as the maximum allowable voltage gradients for a satisfactory reactor and transformer are listed in Table

Solid insulationcoil to ground Scdidlayer insulation No. 1O-Ctransformeroil Surfacecreep from coil to ground Surfacecreep inside coil

peak volts/roil 100 100 75

20 20

Representative charging reactors are shown in Fig. 913, and Table 9.2 gives their significant design values. HeatingThe reactor losses produce heat in the core and coil. Excessive coil temperatures not only damage conductors, but also cause deterioration of the usual organic insulating materials.

SEC. 9.3]






Oil expansion and contraction give rise to forces on the sides of the tank, which may result in mechanical damage to the seams. Several methods have been used to limit the pressure built up in the tank. 1. The amount of expansion can be reduced by the use of sand to displace part of the oil, and the pressure may sometimes be limited to a practical value by combining this method with a flexible tank. 2. An air space at the top of the tank has been used to limit the pressure by compression of the air.

FIG. 9.13.Repressntative 3. Various reduce factory resultant equation a given mechanical the pressure expansion to its device in case the lowest is the size final

d-c charging reactors. chambers possible metal can be have value. bellows tolerated. and been The provided An used most that which satisthe

mechanical increase for design

empirical for

calculating is given

oil temperature


in Sec.

9.8. REACTORS OF FIG. 9.13




Type of service Airborne Ground or ship Ground or ship Ground or ship

Weight, lb 5: 11~ 45 71+

Peak voltOver-all D-c current age rating, height, in. rating,amp kv 0,050 0.100
0.200 0.400

rating, henrys 98 24 28 19

b c d

8 8 17 17

Zesting-A preliminary test is conducted prior to sealing the coreand-coil assembly into the case in order to insure that, as far as possible,










the final sealed unit will meet the inductance specifications, and thus to A final avoid the necessity of opening the case to adjust the reactor. test is also made in order to determine whether or not the reactor insulation has been damaged, the inductance and d-c resistance have changed, or the power loss or Q factor have varied excessively during the processing. A 1 per cent change in inductance can result from the treating process, which apparently modifies the gap spacing in the core slightly. The insulation tests consist of an applied-voltage test and an inducedvoltage test. In the applied-voltage test, which is used to check the major insulation of the reactor, a 60-cycle voltage, the rms value of which is

4?lzab + 1000 W is applied for one minute between ground and the two short-circuited reactor terminals. The induced-voltage test, in which the voltage is applied between the reactor terminals, checks the insulation between the turns and layers of the coil. In standard practice, the test duration is 7200 cycles, and the rms value of the induced voltage is 1.5~0Ew,/@ The test is made at frequencies from 400 to 800 cycles/see, depending upon the equipment available. A comparison of the preliminary and final values of either the power loss or the quality factor indicates whether or not the unit has passed the induced-voltage test. This change is usually not over 5 per cent. Turn-to-turn failure in the coil is readily distinguished by an increase in power loss or decrease L_.._-_! ._._---J in Q, whereas the measured inductFIG. 9.14.F&actor core formed of preance does not change appreciably, cut strip steel. (Cotirted~ of General Elecfric Co.) esDeciallv when the number of turns involved in the failure is small compared with the total number of coil turns. Finally, the d-c resistance of the coil is measured in order to make certain that the coil conductor is continuous and that the coil contains about the proper number of turns of the specified wire size. Sample Design.The followitig sample calculations demonstrate two general design procedures. Figure 9.14 shows the core and Fig. 9.12 The specificashows the core-and-coil assembly in the mounting clamps. tions applying to this unit are








D-c power-supply voltage: 13 kv. Inductance andtolerance: 7.4 henrys, 2to+6per centatfu11-load current and less than 5 per cent variation from 50 per cent to fullload current. Average charging current: 0.274 amp. . Ratio of rms current to average current = 1.11. Recurrence frequency: 1170 pps. Core frequency: 585 cycles/see. Peak-charging-wave voltage on pulse-forming network: 25 kv. Allowable minimum quality factor at rated core frequency: 25. Ambient temperature range: 0 to +60C. Resonant charging. Bidirectional switch (triggered gap). Matched pulse load, that is, UN(O)= O. Reactor design is usually based on experience. However, in the absence of suitable previous experience the design process can be started mathematically. If the ratio of air-gap length to magnetic-path length is 0.6 per cent or more, and the flux change is large compared with the d-c flux, the energy stored per unit volume of core maybe equated to the magnetizing force and flux density in the core steel, that is,

where of the inductance of the reactor associated with the flux in the core steel (the flux that threads the coil turns but does not flow through the complete length of the core is disregarded in the initial design calculation), . peak rated amperes flowing in the reactor, I -k v= core volume in in. 3 = l~A l%, lm = length of average magnetic path in in., A,. = net cross-sectional area of the steel in in. 2, BF. = flux density in core steel in lines/in. 2,
L,. = that portion

and (NJ-,) lm = peak ampere-turns/in.

2 is the maximum instantaneous magnetic Note that fLF.(I_) energy, in watt-seconds, stored in the core. Since about 98 per cent of the total number of ampere-turns are required to produce the flux in the air gap, the energy in the reactor is predominantly associated with this

1C. R. Hama, Design of Reactance and TransformersWhich Carry Direct Current, ~. Amer. InAt. Elect. Enws., 46, 128 (1927).








[SEC. 9.3

part of the magnetic circuit. For simplicity in the calculation, however, the energy is apportioned to the complete core volume includlng the air gap. For a charging reactor using normal core steels, the value of (N~W)/l~ is approximately 85 when the flux density in the steel is 55,000 lines/in.2 and the gap length is 0.6 per cent. This figure is adjusted somewhat to allow for flux-fringing at the air gap. The value is increased or reduced in inverse proportion to the fringing effect. Using the above figure,
WF.(I*A) 2 = 0023


v of core, includhg the gap. Thus, the core volume is v

_ ~LF.(Z_)2

in ~

For The number of turns can be calculated from Nc y 85 1~/Z.~. minimum size, the reactor coil and insulation should fully utilize the area of the core window. Experience has shown that about 80-per cent of the total flux threading the coil turns is in the core steel; the remainder is leakage flux. Hence, an approximate value maybe obtained by considering L,. = 0.8LC. The energy ~L,(l_)z stored in the reactor determines the core size and the operating voltage gives an indication of the additional space required for insulation. Graduated sizes of reactor cores can be designed and tabulated. The data required are: core dimensions, net cross-sectional area, weight, volume per unit of stack, length of magnetic path, and the maximum number of ampere-turns that can be wound into the window for different thicknesses of insulation (that is, various voltage levels). The designer can readily determine core dimensions, coil turns, and insulation thicknesses by trying two or three cores from the standard list prepared as above. In the following example, it is assumed that the reactor core and coil sizes have been determined, and that this calculation is the final check on the design. Note that the adjustment in core crosssectional area and coil turns must be made previously because the amount The actual values must be calculated, of leakage flux has been assumed. and used to determine the inductance. As a result of the design calculations, the coil is to be constructed of 3394 turns. The major portion of the coil conductor is 0.0253 in. DEC wire that has a cross section of 0.000503 in. 2 The last layer, shown as the finish layer in Fig. 9.11, is wound of 6/30 AWG tinned-copper cable insulated with paper to give an insulation layer thickness of 0.012 in. which adds 0.024 in. to the diameter of the stranded conductor. The

SEC. 9.3]






cable is finished with a 0.007-in. layer of cotton. sions for a rectangular coil are:
1; = 2.063 in.

The resulting dimen-

w~ = 2.438 in. w. = 6.188 in. length of winding layer .L = 2.875 in.

10 = 5.813 in.

The core, Fig. 9.14, uses 0.014 in. by l+ in. low-loss precut formed steel strips built up to ~ in. The center leg gross cross-sectional area is the strip width WZtimes the total buildup hz, or 1.688 in. 2 Assuming a space factor of 90 per cent the net steel cross-sectional area, A~., is 1.519 in.z, and the windows for the coil are 4* in. by 2~~ in. The mean length of the magnetic circuit 1~ is 1~ = 2(hl + wl) + ~ ri = 15.9 in. where hl is the height and w, the width of the window, and ~ corner allowance. If the length of the core gap la is chosen to be 0.114 in.,
1, K = 0.0072,

is the

and the net area of the air gap, including fringing, is given by
A, = w~h~ + #(h2 + WJIC = 1.89 in.z,

where hz = l~in. and WZ = 13 in. The area of the coil for leakage flux is given by Al~ = 2WJi + 3

A, = 13.5in.Z

The ampere-turns in the steel are determined as 20 (rms value) consisting of 1.15 ampere-turns/in. for the steel at 50,000 lines/in. 2, and 1.7 ampereturns for the core joint. Finally, the design-center voltage across the reactor is obtained from
Va = 2wfoLaIm

= 8450 volts,


* j, = ~ = 585 cycles/see.,

La = design-center

inductance, or rated value adjusted to be at the center of tolerance range = 1.02 X 7.4 = 7.55 henrys, 1.11 X 0.274 = 0.304 amp.

and I -.








[SEC. 9.4

Checks on the design are then obtained by computing the inductance by either the a-c or the d-c method. By the a-c method, the voltage across the reactor is obtained from
V. = 4.44@ .N.fO X 10_ volts,

where +T, the total flux, is the sum of the flux in the core &.. and the leakage flux f$lk. The total number of ampere-turns (rms value) is N.J.,= = 3394 X 0.304 = 1032, Then, the flux in

of which 20 are in the steel, and 1012 across the gap. the gap and steel is given by
4Fe = 4.51$ 101Z =

76,000 lines,

r$u = 4.51 ~ and

1032 = 21,900 lines,

1#),= 97,900 lines. where 4.51 is the permeability of air in lines per square inch per rms ampere-turn per inch from which V. = 8600 volts, which is within the manufacturing tolerance since the design-center voltage is 8450 volts. By the d-c method, the peak ampere-turns is NJ,* = ~ 1aS394 = 1460 ampere-turns,

resulting in a total flux of 97,900 lines, which corresponds to an inductance


N.4T 108 = 7.7 henrys.


This value again checks closely with the value for the design~enter inductance obtained above. INDUCTANCE CHARGING FROM AN A-C SOURCE 9.4. General Analysis of A-c Charging.-The energy-storage condenser of a voltage-fed network may be recharged from an a-c voltage source whose frequency is integrally related to the recurrence frequency of the pulse generator. Some intermediate element must be interposed between the pulse-forming network and the a-c voltage source; otherwise, it is impossible to discharge the network at a voltage peak and at the For example, if the network is consame time retain stable conditions. nected directly to the terminals of an ordinary high-voltage transformer and then discharged at the peak of the transformer voltage, the network








tends to recharge immediately, and the transformer is short-circuited for the remainder of the half cycle under consideration. Perhaps the most obvious means of avoiding this difficulty is to use a hold-off diode between the network and the transformer, and to discharge the network on the following half cycle, which has a polarity opposite to that of the charging half cycle. Under these conditions the network does not recharge immediately; consequently, the circuit action is stable, but the utilization factor for the high-voltage transformer and a-c source is low (see Sec. 9.9). The other simple method for recharging the network from an a-c source is to interpose a series inductance between the high-voltage transformer and the net work. By the proper adjustment of the value of this inductance, the PFN capacitance, and the voltage phase, the network may he discharged at a voltage peak and stable circuit action retained. The series inductance also isolates the network from the power supply for an appreciable time after the pulse, allowing the switch restriking voltage to increase faster than the applied voltage. The conditior,s for a-c inductance charging are considerably more complicated than those for d-c charging, primarily because there are more variables to consider. These variables include the voltage phase angle at which the network is discharged, and the relation between charging The equations for a-c inductance period and impressed frequency. charging are therefore more difficult to derive and apply, and a reasonably complete study of all the possible variations is lengthy and somewhat cumbersome. The simplest type of a-c inductance charging (as well as the one most often used in practice in this country) is a-c resonant charging, in which the charging circuit is tuned to resonance at the impressed a-c frequency. The network voltage reaches a maximum value when the impressed sinusoidal voltage is passing through zero. The pulses therefore occur whenever the impressed voltage is zero. Although the pulse recurrence frequency is usually equal to the impressed a-c frequency, it is sometimes double the impressed frequency, in which case there is one pulse for each half cycle of the applied-voltage wave. The disadvantage of a-c resonant charging is that the voltage across the network continues to build up if the switch misses one or several pulses. Considerable work on a-c charging has also been done by the British, who often use nonresonant charging to alleviate this disadvantage. A-c inductance charging has the advantage of simplicity, and permits a net saving in weight and size, particularly since the inductance is usually built into the high-voltage transformer. On the other hand, it generally requires a special motor-alternator for each design in order to supply the proper frequency, with a resultant lack of flexibility. The










disadvantage of requiring a special motor-alternator is offset to a certain extent by the advantage of being able to control the pulser power output by varying the relatively small field current of the alternator. In contrast, the power output of a high-voltage d-c rectifier, such as used in d-c inductance charging, must usually be controlled by a large motor-driven induction regulator or a set of motor-driven variacs, which necessitates an increase in weight and a more complicated circuit. A-c charging pulsers having rotary-gap switches are used extensively where relatively high powers and low recurrence frequencies are specified. Rotary spark gaps, however, require self-synchronous triggers and also introduce a time jitter of about 25 psec or more. Triggered fixed spark gaps or thyratrons produce very little time jitter, but, because a more complicated circuit is needed, they have not been used to any great extent in a-c chargngpulsers The equations for a-c charging require the general solution of the series-LRC circuit for an applied a-c voltage of arbitra~ frequenc y and phase. The following method of FIG,9.15.Schematic cir. cuit for a-c inductancechargsolution for the circuit of Fig. 9.15 is based ing. on the use of complex quantities and numbers. The differential equation for the circuit in terms of the charge q~ on the network is T J;:a

(Hereafter, the abbreviation Re meaning real part of is usually omitted.) As usual, ~a = Eae~*,so that Eb is the magnitude and q the phase angle of ~a. The bar notation is used in this section to denote complex numbers. By inspection, the form the particular or steady-state q](t) = ~NejWof, where ~~ is determined by substitution in Eq. (51), that is, integral of Eq. (51) has

The complementary or transient integral is the same as that already found for the d-c charging circuit, namely,

where ~ is a complex constant of integration and

SEC. 9.4]






As in the case of d-c charging, only the oscillatory considered. The complete solution is then
qN(t) =


need be






Assume the initial or boundary conditions at t = O to be

@(t) =


i.(t) = i.(o). Substituting these values in Eq. (52) and the time derivative of Eq. (52),
q~(0) = Re(~N + ~) = Q1 + -41 i=(o) = Re(jcooijN + @I) =

Solving for A, and AZ, A, = qN(0) Q, AZ = ~ {z.(O) + UOQZ + a[qN(0) Q,]). Now let
A = 1~1 = 1A, + jA,l, # = phase angle of X = tanl $


QN = 1~~1= IQ, + jQ,l,

o = phase angle of circuit

= tan-l


1 L, CNU:

The expression for ~N is then

ON =


The solution for q~(t) may then be written qN(t) = Re(~~e~w~+ ~e~) = QN cos (0~~ + p @ + Ae-O cos (ut + 4). Differentiating,


angular frequency of circuit, tanl x, a and +1U2 + G?








l~EC. 9.4

As in the case of d-c charging, one condition necessary for obtaining repeating transients is that the magnitude of the current in the inductance must be the same at the beginning and at the end of the charging period. In addition, the charging period must be an integral multiple of the half period of the applied voltage, that is,
w T, = mr

where n = 1, 2, 3, 0 ..

For the case of an even number of half cycles, i.(0) = iJT,). In the case where n is odd, that is, for an odd number of half cycles of applied voltage, the condition becomes i.(0) = i.(T,). The most general condition that must be satisfied in order to obtain repeating transients is then

where the plus sign applies to n odd, the minus sign to n even. This equation is transcendental, and can be solved exactly by appropriate means. For the present discussion, however, it is sufficiently accurate to assume that a approaches zero, and to solve the simpler equation, provided that u # uC. The relation Cos

nT:+ #+(3



can be written in product form,

2 sin

~~+*+j3 a )

sin~~.() ) Cos;

n even, (57b)

2COS ;:+*+@ . (


n odd.

For n even, the following solutions are obtained


where m = 0,1,


and W. =; ~_ti+fi ) T where m = 0,1, 2,....







For n odd,

Wa w ~ ~. [

where m=l,3,

..., . . . .


where m=l,3, 1

It is evident that W/US = O is a trivial solution. The resonant solution is o/~a = 1, which must be examined because losses were neglected in deriving Eqs. (57b). The solutions for u/uc can be put in direct terms by noting that

when losses are neglected. Making this substitution and simplifying, the following condition equations are obtained. For n even, q.(o) q Q. COS

c(o) + ~ QN sin (d w and for n odd,

tan(m -a= -tan% 58

The quantities q~(0), i.(0), p and u/us may be considered to be the variables in Eqs. (58). In practice, three of these quantities must be For example, if i.(0) specified or determined by special considerations. and qN(o)are specified to be zero and o/u= is given, the values of the phase angle q calculated from Eqs. (58) are those necessary to obtain the repeating transients when n is even and odd respectively. There are a great number of special cases that are of interest. In general, these may be divided into two groups, depending on whether resonant or nonresonant charging is used. Resonance is defined by the relation 1 LcCNW~ = O. If losses can be neglected, thk relation is equivalent to u = UC;otherwise, the natural resonant frequency is less than the resonant frequency defined by the above relation. For most applications, the difference between w and UCis negligible, and it is sufficient y accurate to set u = u., The







[SEC. 9.5

following two sections treat separately the cases of resonant and nonresonant a-c charging. 9.5. A-c Resonsnt Charging.-As defined in Sec. 9.4 the condition for wc resonant charging is 1 LCCNU:= o With u = W, Eq. (54) becomes q.(t) = Q. cos (d + p O) + A@

cos (d

+ 4)



[ %
= tan-

Q. cos i.(0) Q.

P +

R (q~(0)
cos W

Q. sin q)

# = tan-l*,

_ [(


Q. sin p) 1 ~

Making these substitutions and reducing, the equation for q~ becomes q~(t) = ON(I f+ sin (%t + @) + fiat q~(o) cos Uat

The condition for repeating transients, namely, L(mr) L(u) = O, must be examined separately for the resonant case. The current can be obtained from Eq. (55) or by differentiating Eq. (59), and is i.(t) = ~ (1 e:) cos (ad + q) e-t i.(o) Cos d

+ (

(J.qN(())sin d
A [ 2LCW.

+ ~

sin mat cos ~.(o)

Sk$P i.(o)

sin @at.


For repeating transients, d

= mr, and for n even,

For n odd, that is, for a charging period containing an odd number of half cycles, the condition for repeating transients is i,(nu) = io(0). Since





two successive charging periods correspond to an even number of half cycles, the initial current returns to its original value, and it is apparent that the above condition is correct, and is equivalent to that for fullcycle charging. For n odd, i.(m) = ~ (1 e
nra .

o) cos p e ~

i,(0) = ;.(0).

Solving for ;,(0) for n odd or even, (61) and the expression for gM(t) becomes q.(t)=
+ e-

~#& (1

E~ ~cosq .a

+ 9)
C~E, . R. sln w + 2L&a q,v(0) sin u.t . 2

qN(0) cos act +



the quality factor Q = ~

= A, c

q~(~) = QCNE, (1 e-%) w of

+ e-~ gN(0) cos WJ +

sin (@.~ + V) (
C~E~ . 1 QCNE~ cos p ~ sm q + q~(0)

[ Differentiating,


sin u.t . )1 (62)

the current is


+ (

QCNEW. (1 e 2Q

) cos (d

CNEW. [( qN@) =, ~ sin p 4Q ) 4Q2

cos q cos u.J

9N(0)WI sin~at


(1 e=)

cos (ad + p)

UJ + em

( Coscosoa

[*(1 is




which, to a close approximation,

i.(t) = QCNEwa

(1 e *Q ) cos (ud + p) d
+ e ZQ cos p cos w,J 8,


sin uct












For some purposes Eq. (62) is more convenient when written in terms of the network voltage UN= qN/CN, that is, * = Q {(1 e-% sin (d+ q) ~sinq+ 2Q

+ .-% [




(64) Eq. (60)

If the losses can be considered negligible, that is, if R. -0, becomes limit i.(t) = ~
Rc+o c

(at) cos (coat+ p) + iC(0) cos 4

Ed = ~ Cos (WJ +

q) + i.(o)

Cos (&@ +



Cos ~ @.qN(o) sin @@t, 1 1


L(mf) = f

?lir& ~ c

Cos q + i.(o),

where the plus sign applies to n even, the minus sign to n odd. Obviously, the only solution for the condition for repeating transients is cosp=O and therefore i.(o) = o. Equations (61), (63), and (64) are the fundamental expressions for a-c resonant charging. Equation (64) gives the voltage stepup ratio at the discharge point as
uN(nff) . E,





qN(o) e-~

, 1

(66a) For the

where the plus sign applies to n even, the minus sign to n odd. ~ase mr/2Q <<1, the exponential may be expanded to give Ih.J(?m) =~


l~ V,v(nm)_




~ _ ~~ 2Q


For the particular case of zero initial charge on the condenser and negligible losses, the expression becomes
sin p.






Hence, for n = 2, or one-cycle charging, the maximum network voltage at the time of discharge is mtimes the maximum applied voltage. The curves of Fig. 9.16 illustrate typical voltage and current wave shapes for Q = 10, and ~ = 90. The values for average and effective current, circuit utilization factor, and efficiency are of interest in transformer design. They can be obtained as follows.

!Ef3 kilz! :HEE!

2 to ti ~ \ \ \/./ -2 E13


-2 B (c)

u t-

wt -


(a) n = 2 (full cycle), UN (o) = Eb

(b) n = 2 (full cycle),

n = 1 (half cycle).

w(o) = o.

w(o) = o.
The broken



and current wave shapes for a-c resonant line is the impressed voltage,


Average-current Component.The average current is zero for any charging cycle involving an odd number of half cycles; if n is even it is calculated from Eq. (63), using the definition

Ia. = ~ T,

i. dt ,

where T, is the recurrence period and can be considered equal to the charging period, since 7 << T,. Then
IL c. = ~ ~T QC.vE,tia I


(1 e-~) 0.1

cos (cO.t+ p)

do)- sin~al dt + e 22Cos 9 Cos t Qc~& 11[

Noting that T, = nir/u~ and letting z = d,










~,mw = QCNEKLI. r , mr /{

(1 e-~)

cos (z + p) : qN(0) . x

+ e Q [ co v co z The integral is calculated in a straight-forward follows:

QC~E, ln


manner and evaluated as


1 e Q) rm


QCm% ) , n even.

in q



If nr/2Q <<1, the expression for 1.., can be closely approximated by expanding the exponential to three terms and neglecting 1/4Q2. Thus,

Ia.V = c+(l-a)[sinRms or Eflective Current in the Charging &l even b)

calculated that is, I~=L 1 Tr

from the detiltion, T,

Circuit.The rms current is using the value of i, given by Eq. (63),

T, ! ~

a: (t) dt

r (QCNEwJ / f)
(1 e % cos (@$+ W)

ud + e Q ( co p co t


QCNEb n t )1


But T, = nm/w~ and letting, z = d,

I:m =

the expression becomes


r o

(1 e -zQ) cos (x + p)
2 +

e-* (

cos q cos z &sin

z )1

dz. The

The calculation of this integral is tedious and is not given here. result, after applying certain very close approximations, is (QCNEWJ2 ~ [ +~~(le-%



e-~) ~cosqsinp


q.(o) )(

in Qimz








For no initial voltage on the network,

I:m =

~ [

l+~(le~)sinzp +4~(1e~) ( &cospsinp sinp. (69a)


The exponential in Eq. (69a) must, in certain cases, be calculated to 5 or 6 significant figures in order to obtain sufficiently accurate results. A more convenient formula is obtained by expanding the exponential for the case where nu/2Q <<1, that is,
Z;rm =


Q COS2 q + ~

sin p + ~

1 ~ sin 2W . (69b) 4Q)

It is of interest to find the value of p for a minimum I.,-. usual method,

az:rm, = (CN-%d2

By the



If Q is reasonably large, for example, Q >10,

The solutions are, to a very close approximation, 1 ~=43.+y, The solution where m = 0,1, 2,.... to the maximum I,,m, while the Thus, (70a) + -&.

p = 1/4Q corresponds

1 solutions p = + ~ correspond to the minimum I,,-. 4Q 2 (l.rm)m= = Qcs (1.-).. =


To obtain the minimum rms current with no initial voltage on the network, p must thus be made nearly equal to ir/2.










Circuit Utilization

(C. U. F.) .This factor is defined as

C.U.F. = 4 J

m ( 13 )

in l~Q sin2@




For p = u/2, corresponding for a-c resonant charging,

to the most common

operating condition



definition, the efficiency q, is 1

= ~ + Z&R.

c = p + I:~R, where
(CEwJ IzrmR.


[ Qcos+%sin+
CN@&(n~) 2n7r



4 .



nff () 1 ~Q 4 .



() 13



cotq . (7:3)

is a minimum. The maximum efficiency occurs when Z~_R./PN This minimum is obtained, to a very close approximation, when

SEC. 9.6]




Thus for maximum efficiency p is very nearly equal to +7/2, case 4n%# nu
I:=R, P. .

in which



= () 1%

and the maximum charging efficiency is given by


9.6. A-c Nonresonant Charging.-In resonant charging the voltage rise or gain may be considered a result of ordinary resonance multiplication. In nonresonant charging, 1 L,CNU~ # O, there is also a voltage gain which, if the duration of the transient is limited to one or two cycles, may even exceed that for resonant charging. The voltage gain for nonresonant charging may be considered a result of beats that occur between the steady-state voltage of angular frequency O. and the transient voltage of angular frequency a. The voltage rises to high peak values for a few cycles, and then subsides to the steady-state values as the transient dies out. In resonant charging, on the other hand, the voltage rises to higher and higher peak values, and the steady-state value is limited in magnitude only by damping. It is clear, therefore, that damping cannot be important for nonresonant charging, except when resonance is approached, that is, when u = u. For transients with durations of one or two cycles, however, damping may be neglected without making serious errors, at least when calculating wave shapes, Neglecting losses, the network charge as gi\-en by Eq. (54) may be simplified to



= I=/


0 = limit tan- *
R.-o 1+

= ~.


or%< 1 for ~ > 1. w










Full-cycle Churging.-The condition for repeating transients for fullcycle charging [see Eq. (58a)] gives, for n even, n7r u cot= 2 w.



g~(0) QN cos P Then

= tan $

when R. = O (that is, a = O).

and Eq. (75) becomes

qN(t) = QN cOs (d

+ w 8) + ii sin :(wa-~)

When t = O, the following expression may be obtained for A:


(76) can now be rewritten

_ CNEb _

Cos (Wat + w) +


sin~. u.

n7r 2

(7; f (78)

The current equation obtained by differentiating

Eq. (77) is


CNEti. =







The network voltage is derived from Eq. (77) and may be expressed in ratio form vM/Eb, that is,



1 1$ [




sin ?.? %


N() sin:(oat -$).


sinfi.~ WI

The voltage stepup ratio at the time (ad = rm) when the network dkcharges is

where p is related to i.(0), q.v(0), and u/oa by the relation sinp= in which T1.T u a=:tan3GJ
b= ab f ~az 4ab2 +


a2+l gN(0) + ( acrrEb .%)(l



When i.(0) = O and q~(0) = O, the value of p reduces to


and the equation for voltage stepup ratio at the instant of discharge may be written as a function of w/u~ alone, giving

The values of the stepup ratio and of p are plotted for one-cycle charging (n = 2) as functions of coa/u in Fig. 9.17. The steady-state value of the network-voltage stepup ratio, neglecting losses, is also plotted here. When resonance is approached, that is, when w = COO, the steady-state voltage ratio rises to high values. The transient-voltage gain is greater than the steady-state gain for certain values of O@/CO, illustrating the phenomenon of beats.








[fkC. 9.6

The maximum stepup ratio for the transient case is about 3.66, and occurs at us/u = 0.7 and p = 21.
6 54& 3 ~2 .s s ~-

:0 ~ W -1 ! -2 g -3 -4 -5 -6 0 0,5 1.0 Us/id 1.5 / E

-1s0 --270 2,0

FIG. 9. 17.Voltage stepup ratio and phase angle as a function of ualu for a-c inductance charging (circuit losses are neglected). Curve A is the voltage stepup ratio for n = 2 (one cycle charging). Curve B is the voltage stepup ratio for n = m. Curve C is the phase angle .$.

Again it is of interest to obtain the average and effective values of the transformer currents. The d-c current may be obtained by integrating Eq. (78) over the charging period Z, = nT/u.. Thus,

where uat= z for convenience.


Straightforward integration gives, for n even, (84) The rms current is calculated using the definition






The evaluation of this integral is long and is not carried out here. result, however, is


8$kcosqcos~; + .

J (85) 1

1: where


for full-cycle odd is

Charging. Following the same procedure that was used charging, the condition for repeating transients when n is

Substitution in Eq. (54) gives

An expression for

may be obtained when t = O,


Q. COS (q t))

Equation (86) can now be rewritten
(f-d + gN(f)= Q~ COS

qN(o) [
C~E, [


Q.. COS ((o @



Cos 9 mr u Cos T g u Cos : ( Wat u 2 )]

= 1:

Cos (Cd + $6)


+ q~(o)


mr u Cos T E






[SEC. 9.6

The equation for current is obtained by differentiating

i.(t) . CMEbWa

Eq. (87).


1 1$

sin (uat + q)

.O:(;:):sin[:ct-%)l] a



CosT z
The network voltage is derived from Eq. (87) and may be expressed in ratio form, that is,

Vz?(t) . 1
Eb 1$ [

Cos (WJ + p)

co:: ~ cm;
( Cos 7 F.

w! ;


The voltage stepup ratio at the time (d = mr) when the network discharges is
vN(nr) x= 2 Cos p + UN(O)



where p is related to i.(0), qN(()), and u/us by

For the special case where both the network voltage and charging current are zero at time t = O, thk relation may be simplified to




The direct component of current must, of necessity, be zero if n is odd by reason of symmetry. Therms current is obtained by integrating

SEC. 9.6]




The result of evaluating this integral is


Figure 9.18 gives representative voltage and current wave shapes for a-c nonresonant charging; (c) and (b) correspond to zero initial current and network voltage for half-cycle and full-cycle charging respec-

o cN Ebtoa -4



E -8



-8 I 0

-8 M o




(a) Full cycle, n =2; w./w =0.80; q =O; UN(0) = Ih. (b) Full cycle, n =2: @,7/o =0.70; p =21 ;u~(0) =0. (c) Half cycle, n = l;u~/w =0.50;@ =OO; UN(0) =0. FIG. 9.18.Voltage and current wave shapes for a-c nonresonant charging. broken line is the impressed voltage.










Figure 9. 18b tively, and (a) is a special case of full-cycle charging. corresponds to the case of maximum voltage stepup ratio for full-cycle charging. 9.7. Practical A-c Charging Transformers.-Jn all practical cases, the charging inductance used for a-c charging pulsers is built as leakage inductance into the transformer supplying the high voltage. A major component is therefore eliminated, with resultant savings in the weight and size of the pulser. The majority of a-c charging transformers fall within the following range of ratings: Leakage inductance: 1 to 25 henrys. Secondary rms current: 0.05 to 1 amp. Secondary peak voltage: 5 to 30 kv. Kilovolt-amperes: 0.5 to 10 kva. A-c frequent y: 60 to 800 c ycles/sec. The leakage inductance

II A -~-~~-+11+ 1111

of a transformer increases when the ratio of the primary flux cut by the secondary Magnetic shunt to the total primary flux decreases. This decrease can be achieved in several ways:
,,,1 ~

G Exciting core

F%nlary coil


1. By a physical separation of the primary and secondary windings on the core. 2. By the use of a magnetic shunt. 3. By the use of a leakage core. 4. By a combination of the above methods.

High-reactance transformers that have a magnetic shunt or a leakage core are commonly used because the leakage flux is more easily controlled by these means. Figure 9.19 shows a typical magnetic-shunt transformer. lhe normal flux path through the exciting core of the transformer is / Airgap Magnetic shunt \ Ar gap indicated by FFF. The magnetic Magnetic shunt SectIon A-A shunts that provide a path for the FIC. 9.19.Sketch of an a-c resonantcharging transformer with a magnetio leakage-reactance flux are located shunt; O. is the exciting flux and +, is the between the primary coil P and the reactance flux. (CourteaU of Genaral Electric Co.) secondary coil S. These shunts are composed of iron laminations of the same quality and thickness as those used in the main transformer core. By increasing or decreasing the






spacing of the air gaps at the ends of the magnetic shunts, the leakage reactance of the transformer can be adjusted. The magnetic-shunt transformer is simple in design and construction. There are certain current phase conditions on capacitive loads, however, under which the leakage-reactance flux and, the exciting flux add in such a way as to increase the flux density in the two outside legs of the transformer core. This increase may cause magnetic saturation of the iron in the core legs, with a corresponding r increase in core loss and decrease in Separate ageco inductance for the large values of secondary current. A Figure 9.20 shows a transformer -4 having a separate leakage-reactance core. The giesign comprises a primary coil P and the secondary coil S which are linked by a normal exciting core as shown. In addition, a leak- 3a~$~rakFinish layer age-reactance core containing an air gap is provided in order to link the fi:gg secondary winding and to serve as a magnetic path for the leakage Air gap flux. The spacing of this air gap controls the reactance and its physical shape determines the reactanceversus-current characteristics of the transformer. An air gap is also proA-A Section FIG. 9.20.Sketch of an a-c revialed in the exciting core in order to
prevent current its saturation in by the the directcomponent secondary sonant-charging transformer with separate leakage core; & is the exciting flux and qh is the reactance flux. (Courteau OfGeneral Electric Co.)

winding. The separate-leakage-core transformer has an advantage over the magnetic-shunt transformer because it provides a separate path for the leakage flux, and therefore prevents the leakage flux and the normal exciting flux from adding to produce saturation of the steel. A transformer of this type requires two separate cores, but is comparable to the magnetic-shunt transformer in simplicity of design and construction. A transformer having a separate leakage core requires approximately 10 per cent more space than that having a magnetic shunt, but the additional space has not limited its applications. Figure 9.21 shows the assembly of cores and coils for a transformer with a separate leakage core. The various parts can be recognized by comparison with Fig. 9.20. Linearity Requirerrwnts for A-c Charging Transformers.-The switches used in a-c charging pulsers are nearly always rotary spark gaps, which










have complex operating characteristics. Perhaps the most important complicating factor encountered with rotary-gap pulsers is the increase in spark length with power level. This increase in gap length changes the a-c voltage phase at which the spark occurs, thereby disturbing the charging-circuit conditions. The phase of the a-c voltage may also be changed by the effect of the load current on the alternator magnetic field. As a result, transformers having constant leakage inductance for all currents in the operating range usually do not give the best overall performance. Since an exact anal ysis is difficult, the final adjustment of the inductance characteristic of the charging transformer is always made by experimental observation on an electrical sample of the pulser circuit, including the alternator. The leakage inductances of charging transformers are measured by the same methods as those used for .-_ . d-c charging remtors (Sec. 9.2). The FIG.9.21.Core-and-coil assemblyof transformer primary is short-cira high-reactance transformer. (Courtesy cuited and superimposed a-c and d-c OJGeneral Electra2 Co. ) currents are passed through the secondary. In the case of half-cycle a-c charging, the direct cur~ent in the transformer is zero. When testing full-cycle resonant charging transformers, the a-c to d-c current ratio is taken as 2.9, but for nonresonant For charging the ratio is larger. The value of 2.9 is derived as follows. full-cycle charging (n = 2) Eq. (70b) reduces to (I-).n =


The corresponding average current from Eq. (67a) is

I.a, = cNEwa 2T

1 l+= 1 (95)








The a-c component

of the secondary current is given by

Hence the a-e to d-c current ratio is

I C.-c _ Ic. -G


_ ~

2. 612


Using representative value for the quality factor, that is, Q = 10, the a-c to d-c current ratio is found to be 2.9. For zero circuit loss, that is, Q = ~, the ratio is reduced to 2.37. The charging-current wave for the case of a-c resonant charging with zero initial voltage on the condenser and zero current is shown in Fig. 9. 16b, where the form of the a-c component of the current is seen to be approximately sinusoidal. The maximum value for this a-c component is 1.62C.vEz@a, whereas the peak value of the corresponding sine wave, Since the inductance-measuring calculated for Q = 10, is 1.84cNEwa. method closely simulates the current under operating conditions the values of leakage-inductance determined by this method may be considered to be significant. The inductance of the charging circuit includes that of the a-c alternator or other a-c voltage source. The effective inductance of the special alternators used with a-c charging pulsers may be from 10 to 20 per cent of the total inductance, and must be subtracted from the calculated value in order to obtain the net leakage inductance required in the charging transformer. The effective alternator inductance is difficult to calculate in any given case and is also difficult to measure, except when it is used directly in a pulser circuit. A transformer to be used with an a-c charging rotary-gap pulser usually gives the best over-all performance if its leakage inductance decreases slightly with increasing current. The leakage-inductance characteristics for two representative transformers are shown in Fig. 9.22, that in Fig. 922a having a magnetic shunt, and that in Fig. 9.22b a leakage-rezctance core. As is to be expected, the transformer using a leakage-reactance core has the more linear characteristic. The allowable amount of decrease in the inductance characteristic is estimated by experience, and the final adjustment is always made on an actual test pulser. B-H Oscillograms for Typical A-c Char~ng Transformers.-The leakage-inductance characteristics may be shown by graphs such as those










in Fig. 9.22. The B-H oscillograms, however, are more fundamental, Two and reveal in detail the effects of transformer-core saturation. complete sets of B-H oscillograms for the same transformers as those of Fig. 9.22 are shown in Fig. 9.23 and Fig. 9.24.

0 50 100 150200 250 300 350
Iew in ma (a) (u) With a magnetic shunt;rated1.(b)

0 0.8 1.0 1.2

Ie ~= in amp (b)

= zoo III*.
for typical a-c chargjng

With a separate

leakage core; rated IC~e = 1.2 amp. vs. secondary a-c current

)?m. 9.22.Leakage transformers.

An ideal a-c charging transformer is one that has zero internal 10W, aa well as a constant stepup ratio and leakage inductance over the range of voltage and currents used. The B-H oscillograms for such a transformer would consist of straight lines enclosing zero areas, instead of the loops enclosing fbite areas that are actually observed. The leakageinductance B-H oscillograms for well-designed charging transformers always enclose small areas, indicating that the losses are relatively small. The linearity of the B-H loops depends to a great extent upon the type Transformers with of leakage-flux path used in the transformer. magnetic shunts usually show the greatest saturation effects. The oscillograms in Fig. 9.23 are good examples of this tendency since there is a slight amount of saturation even at one-third rated load current when direct current is present. The curvature of the remaining
B-H loops increases, although not markedly, with increasing current. As indicated by theory, the removal of the direct-current component The other oscillograms in the same lessens the degree of saturation. figure show the secondary exciting current when the primary is opencircuited. Since the areas of these loops are considerably greater than those for the leakage inductance, it is evident that the core losses are greater. The high degree of saturation induced by both the over-voltage and the direct current is indicated by comparison with normal B-H loops for the transformer-exciting current. The set of B-H oscillograms shown in Fig. 9.24 are for a transformer The with a separate leakage core, and form an interesting comparison. leakage-flux oscillograms indicate very slight saturation of the leakage-







[SEC. 97

(a) Icr,,u = 0.230

(b) 1.,,,,, = 0.4(;0

(c) 1.,1, = 0,690

LL = 2.94 hcmys.

LL = 2.94 hen,>-.. L.

= 2.94

(d) I.rJu, = 1,06 amp,

LL = 2.83

I,q-JI,,v = 2.9.


Primary short.circuited,

(e) 1,,,,,, = 0.215 amp,

L, =

2.94 henrys.

(h) I.r,rm = 1.000 (0) I.,u = 0.870 (~) Ic,r,u = 0.4:35 amp amp, amp, L. = 2.89 LL = 2,92 ], = 2,98 henrys. henrys. hcmys. Primary short-circuited, no {1-c in secondary


V,,w I,

= =



v=. L.

= 3460


v... LL

= 7500



volts, 52.0 henrys.

= 54.0

= 47.0

= 8600 volts
= 49.5

henrys. Primary open-circuited,

henrys. I,e-e /I,,V = 2.9.


(m) V.=

= 1730
volts, =


VU. = 3460

(o) V,m = 7500

L. volts, = 48.4

(p) v=

= 8600

54.0 henrys.

= 52.0 henrys. Primary open-circuited,


volts, LL = 46.6

henrys. no d-c in secondary.


FWS.9.24,B-H oscillograms for an a-c charging transformer with a separate leakage core. Transformer rated at 1,20 amp and 7500 volts secondary voltage.







flux core. Likewise, the direct-current component has only a very small The oscilloeffect on the measured values of the leakage inductance. grams for the secondary exciting current are also of a somewhat different The character than those for a transformer of the magnetic-shunt type. direct-current component has less effect on the degree of core saturation in the latter case. Unfortunately, however, limitations in the measuring apparatus prevented the overvolting of the secondary, and it was therefore impossible to obtain a complete set of comparative data for the latter transformer. 9.8. The Design of High-reactance Transformers. ~Only the design problems specifically related to high-reactance transformers are discussed here since those common to both d-c charging reactors and a-c charging transformers are treated in Sec. 9.3. The determination of the effective voltage stepup ratio and the inductance of the transformer is made by calculation and by experiment. Theoretically, the total reactance in an a-c resonant-charging circuit of the full-wave type should be about 194 per cent, that is, 47.=


The series reactance of the power supply and the high-reactance transformer are combined to give this reactance. Nonlinearity of the transformer inductance may be provided by extending the length of a few of the laminations on the leakage core, thus providing a short gap of small cross section in parallel with the main gap.
VN Pulse-forming nehvork



FIG. 925.- --Diagram of a line-type

pulser using a-c charging.

F@re 9.25 shows the general circuit in which a-c resonant-charging transformers are used. The pulse transformer shown does not contribute in any way to the characteristics of the charging circuit; hence, for most By
H. H. Koski of the General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mass,








[SEC. 9.8

purposes, the impedance of the pulse transformer can be considered to bc zero, except during pulsing. Figure 9.26 shows the equivalent circuit of the diagram given in Fig. 9.25. The induced voltage, usually sinusoidal, in the generator armature is shown by Vc. This voltage is applied to the resistance and reactance components of the a-c generator, resonant-charging transformer, and the capacitance CN in the pulser circuit.
R. y XC

I 1

Resonant< hargmg transformer 1,IG. 9.26.Equivalent circuit of a line-type pulser using a-c charging.

Typical oscillograms of the voltage output of the transformer in a full-wave charging circuit are shown in Fig. 9.27. The exponential decay in the voltage after the pulse is caused by the time constant of the viewing circuit that is used in conjunction with a cathode-ray oscilloscope to observe the charging waveform.



(a) Slow sweep. fb) Fast sweem voltage wave shapes in an a-c charging line~type pul.xx. of Gencnd Electric Co. )


Sample Design.The following sample calculations show the general procedure follo~red in the design of a transformer having the following specifications:

Input: 115-volt, 635-cycle. Effective turns ratio: 1/49. Inductance: 6.2 henrys + 5 per cent. Current in high-voltage winding: 0.330 amp rms, 0.114 amp d-c, Recurrence frequency: 635 pps. Peak charging voltage: 21.8 kv.







Full-cycle charging circuit. Efficiency: 90 per cent. Ambient temperature range: 40C to + 50C. For shipboard use. Hermetically-sealed unit, dimensions not specified, mounting by means of a clamp over the top edge of the tank. PFN capacitance: 0.0091 pf. Generator impedance: 3.9 ohms.

to be

For this case, tests indicated that an actual turns ratio of 1/44 was required instead of the theoretical value 1/49; in the same way, the necessary transformer inductance was found to be 6.2 henrys as against 5 henrys indicated by the original computations. This transformer was designed to have a separate leakage core (Fig. 9.20), but the calculations can, in general, be applied to one having a magnetic shunt. Figure 9.21 shows the core and coil of the assembled unit. The design calculation is started by choosing values of maximum flux densities compatible with previous experience. Selecting 27,000 and 40,000 lines/in. 2 for the flux in the main and leakage cores respectively, and a cross section of 3 in. by ~ in. for the main core, the voltage per turn may be found by the formula

=% x cx Ax10-8
where A, is the net area of steel or the cross section multiplied by the space factor. Assuming a value of 0.88 for this factor gives V, = 4.44 X 635 X 27,000 X 3 X f X 10s volts = 1.76 volts. Hence, the coils require 65 and 2860 turns respectively. The leakage-reactance core can now be determined. given by

Its flux is

~lk =
where Ic= = 1.81 C-,

L. x I.m= x 10
N turns. Then

and N = number of high-voltage 6.2 X 0.33 X 1.8 X 108 2860 = 129,000 lines.


Past experience indicates that about 20 per cent of this flux is external to the leakage core, leaving only 103,000 lines in the core. The cross








[SEC. 9.8

section of the leakage core at 40,000 lines/in. z equals

103,000 40,000 = 2.58

in. z

This value closely approximates that for the main-core cross section. For mechanical reasons, the same section is used for both cores, giving a flux density
~ c = 103,000 2.36
This value

= 44,600 lines/in.2

in the later



is approximate is calculated.





w-hen the ftux external The coils density must in. a-c The can

to the core

no~v be designed. at full be latter of load (assumed in. in section

In order

to stay



allowable secondary 0.120 in. value

current conductor by 0.090 of the

to be 1300 diameter, corresponds

amp/in. the to the plus solely

2,, the primary

0.0179 cross the


equivalent the by

component The conductor and size a sheet support to reduce

high-voltage is sizes by


core-exciting the complete

current. coil-shape lhe ov~r-all for the

shape the wire is in.

determined on hand. with 0.101 paper in.

desired lo~v-voltage insulated coil and



insulation, TTVO layers between the

making are



necessary serves

of 0.015-in. for the second

insulation layer. in the to


as mechanical In order of the

the voltage network electrostatic

induced and thus


by the discharge radio-noise between from turn the the coil inter\vindby a

pulse-forming a grounded This of shield


ference, ings. sheet coil. tion


is interposed insulated one open

consists layer to the the

of a brass insulation core clamp of

screen forming and


around Some


It is bonded must The be


to ground. to prevent





shield with

a short-circuit. and cotton in.

high-voltage which makes

m-ire is constructed its the nominal voltage the last over-all stresses layer 9.20,


enamel equal under heavily

covering, In order conditions ~vire, ~-in. as

diameter more evenly of more w-ire

to 0.0246 the

to distribute of operation, shown in

impulse insulated

is made This


~. 19 and cambric

insulation needs only wire

consists a few



varnished thus,

insulation, of turns

w-hich of the


for a full accordingly. The layer





is reduced

insulation insulation

in the in the

transformer coils,


of the collars

coil and

cylinders, barriers,



spacers, and oil, Because of the mechanical strength required, the coil cylinders present no problem in electrical insulation. The layer insulation in the coils,






thecreepage distance around the ends of the layers, the collars and barriere between the high-voltage coil and the cores, and the insulation of leads are all determined from the corresponding applied voltages and the limiting values of stress. Some of these values are calculated directly, but others must be obtained from a scale layout of the transformer. Another reason for using a scale layout is the necessity of measuring the cross-sectional areas of the coils and the area between coils in order to calculate the air and iron fluxes more accurately. Lecdcage-reuctance-core Gap.The preliminary calculation of the flux in the leakage-reactance core was based on an estimate of the flux in the air external to the core. The air flux is now calculated from the actual dimensions of the transformer in order to give a more accurate value of core flux for use in determining the gap in the leakage-reactance core. The flux I#Jl external to the core isl

where area of the high-voltage coil in in. 2, area of the low-voltage coil in in.z, A ~hlj = area between the coils in in. 2, h = length of winding on the high-voltage coil in in.,
A i = craw-sectional Ah = cross-sectional

and 3.19 +, =

+ 5.85 + ~



= 23,200 lines. Siice a total flux of 129,000 lines was previously calculated, 105,800 lines are left in the core. the calculation of the core gap Because of the effect of fringing, The actual length of the gap is used, but its is a trial-and-error process. cross-sectional area is increased by an empirical amount that is a function of the length. First, the ratio of effective area to length of the leakage-reactance core is calculated;
A, ~ =

(3. 19~:NZ~)

where A ~ = effective gap area, 1~ = gap length, and I$Z= core flux. 1The factor 0.65 in the denominatoris empiricaland dependson the coil configuration. Ita value may vary from 0.6 to 1.1.









There results
l*Q A

105,800 (3.19)(2860)(0.330)(1.8)

= 195 n

Assuming a gap length of 0.160 in., the effective area is calculated from

where A. is the actual cross-sectional periphery of the gap. Therefore


area of the gap, and pg is the

3 x ~ + 0160~(775) = 3.03 in. z

Checking, .
A ~ 1,

303 0.160 = 190 n

A gap length of 0.155 in. would almost exactly check the value calculated for A./1, but the value 19.0 is within the design limits. A gap of this length is satisfactory, but a nonlinear inductance gives more stable operation. The ordinary gap gives an almost linear inductance. By experiment, a nonlinear inductance is obtained by making the gap with several of the outside laminations extending into the gap. At low currents the short gap between the extended laminations gives a high inductance, but at high currents these extended laminations become The saturated, causing the effective length of the gap to increase. inductance at high current is therefore decreased by some value depending on the proportions of the gap. The final design has about a 15 per This gap construction cent drop in inductance from ~ to full current. requires preliminary tests on the cores in order to adjust the spacing to the right value. Losses.The losses in the transformer are important not only from the standpoint of resonant-voltage rise but also from the point of view of The losses, shown in Table 93, consist of Z2Refficiency and heating. and eddy-current losses in the windings, core loss, and stray loss, which is an all-inclusive term covering indeterminate losses in the insulation, the clamps, and the tank. The ratio of the expected voltage rise to the applied a-c voltage in a resonant-charging circuit is given by the relation (66b) which, in this case, reduces to V. . Eb nu z () l~, 4Q








Hence, for full-cycle charging. ~


~ 2.98

The leakage-core loss is calculated by assuming that the wave i$ unsymmetrical, that is, the first peali has only half the voltage of thd second peak. The stray loss depends greatly on the mechanical propor~tions of the transformer and can be estimated only from experience; inea transformer of this type it is usually about equal to the total coppe~o$..TABLE93.-TRANSFOIWERLOSSES ., watts full l& a-c iesOnant. char~:;?p ... 17.71:-: 29.0 :.
~[:.~~ti.j :P.

~ .: ~ j


LQss In primary coil 12R plus eddy-currentloss . . ., ., 121ZP]uscddy. In secondarycoil Leakage-corcloss. . . . . . . . . . . . . { Stray loss. ,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total loss incharging circuit, P.. . In exciting core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total transformer loss....,,.,.,,..

: j

90.16~@ 24,4 114.56

Heating and Oil E~pansion.The operating temperature of the windings, core, and oil is determined by computing empirically the temperature drop from the wire and core to the tank surface through the insulation, the oil, and the contact surfaces. In this particular example, the losses correspond to approximately 0.2 watts/in. 2 of tank, giving a temperature rise of 25C from ambient air to oil. The temperature rise in the oil from tank to coil depends on conduction and convection, and may amount to 15C in this transformer; the rise from the coil to the windings amounts to about 10C for a coil construction of the particular type used in this case. The temperature rise of the core above oil, resulting from a dissipation of about 0.25 watts in.2, is also about 10. The temperature rise of both coils and core above the external ambient temperature is therefore about 500C. In this particular transformer, an air space is provided in order to limit changes in pressure inside the tank, resulting from temperature variations that cause the oil to expand or contract. The expected pres-









sure is then calculated from the following empirical formula: ~ = 1470V,5T + 65.4T 29,800V. + 0.0147T2

where P = absolute pressure in lb/in.2, T = final gas and oil temperature absolute in C, Vz, = ratio of air volume to oil volume at 25C, V, = ratio of air volume to oil volume at TC. If a final oil temperature of 80C is assumed, VX, = 0.0715 and VT = 0.0276, giving a pressure of 22.7 lb/in.2 if there is no flexing in the tank. In practice, the elasticity of the sides of the tank reduces that pressure appreciably. A-c Dwde Charging.A sim9.9. Miscellaneous Charging Circuits. ple method for a-c charging, mentioned in Sec. 9.4, is to insert a hold-off diode between the high-voltage transformer Hold.ofl dtie and the network as shown in Fig. 9.28. As Neiviuir illustrated by Fig. 9.29, the voltage on the netEb sinwat ~~ ~:..? work builds up to almost the peak positive 3 ~-f of the transformer voltage. The holdvalue Tmnshmner off diode prevents the reverse flow of current, Fto. 9.28,Schematic circuit diagramfor a-c charging and therefore maintains the charge on the netusing a hold-off diode. work until the switch is fired. The discharge of the network is timed to take place during the negative half cycle of the transformer voltage in order to insure a long deionization time for tlie switch. The equations for a-c diode charging are developed on the assumpti,ms (1) that the transformer has zero leakage inductance and (2) that

al M g s \ \ \ \ \

period Y

Hold-ofr period \ \ \ I /[

Oischarge point \ \ \ \ I

q \\ x-I ;


\ 31r


)~, i -; Transformer%~ \ voltage FIG.9.29.Voltage relations for a-c diodecharging. the diode loss can be represented by an equivalent resistance. The differential equation and initial conditions for the network charge g~ during the charging period are








(-) dt


= o.

The correspondhg

Laplace-transform RcPqdP) +

equation is Ebua = p, + ~:

+N qdp)

Solving for q~(p), (98)

The inverse transform giving



By differentiating,

the current may be found to be

The maximum voltage on the condenser occurs either for i.(t) = O, or for a value of t = tlgiven by setting Eq. (100) equal to zero. Then t, is a solution of oaf, RCC,.W.sin cot, + cos e- Cc = O. (101) By substituting Eq. (100) into Eq. (99), the relatio~
(qN)mx = cNEb

SkI (d]

is obtained. For most practical cases of a-c diode charging, RcCNua <<1. For example, if R.CWOa = 0.04, the exponential term in Eq. (101) is is given approximately by negligible, and w.ti

= tan uatl
Using this value of d,,



Coatl = ; + R. CW.O..

(~N)msx becomes (102)

to a very close approximation. When R.CNwa is not small compared with unity, the more exact equations must be used. For the remaining calculations, it is assumed that R, C,WO. <<1, and the average and effec-










tive currents are found to be ~


= CNEWa 21r


respectively. The transformer utilization factor, T. U. F., or ratio of power output to transformer volt-amperes, is then u. % ; CNE; = Eb C~Ewa .
@i 24


1 = 0,32
= ;


and the charging efficiency, q,, is given by % % ; NE;

22 ~C.E:+7 C~E&o~ ~ . =

_ power output = power input

1 1 + ~ RcCNtia


if the core loss in the transformer is neglected. Both the diode resistance and the transformer effective resistance must be included in R.. A-c diode charging normally has a high efficiency if a suitable diode is used. The method has the advantage of being simple and requiring no adjustments. On the other hand, it has the disadvantage of having a very low T.U. F. and requiring a high-voltage diode. These disadvantages limit its use to.relatively low-power circuits. A variation of the a-c diode-charging circuit is one in which a resonating inductance is includep. in order to increase the network voltage. Neglecting losses, the maximum voltage on the condenser is increased by a factor of 7r/2 and the T.U.F. is likewise increased. This circuit has no advan~ewwk tage over the a-c resonant-charging circuit, 3 dwdes however, except in the case where the a-c and ,:~#& Tm.nsformer the recurrence frequencies are subject to cong} J siderable variation. F1~,930.-Two-diode chwgThe a-c diode-charging method may be exing circuit. tended to full-wave charging by using two diodes in a manner similar to the ordinary voltage-doubler rectifier circuit. The two-diode charging circuit is shown in Fig. 9.30.




BY J. V.

In the preceding chapters the behavior and performance of t(Ie various components of the pulser and of the discharging and charging In most of the discussions it is also circuits are considered separately. assumed that the pulser load stays constant, both from pulse to pulse and during one pulse. In practice, however, the load is not always the same from pulse to pulse, and there are special conditions that requi~e a consideration of the entire pulser circuit. Faults can occur in some of the components or in the load, and it is necessary to devise protective measures in order to limit the resulting damage to the other components. Some magnetrons exhibit spurious characteristics, such as mode-changing or sparking, which can be alleviated by careful pulser design, The purpose of this chapter is to indicate some of the principles to be followed in the design of the pulser as a whole in order to obtain the most satisfactory operation that is compatible with the load cliaracteristics. 10.1. Effects of Changes in Load Impedance.The purpose of this section is to discuss the effect on the pulser circuit of sudd(,n variations in load impedance, either from pulse to pulse, or during one pulse. Small variations in load impedance usually have little effect on the operation of the circuit. This fact can easily be understood by the l;onsiderations of power transfer, discussed in Sec. 7.2, which show tha L little change in output power is introduced by a slight mismatch betwven the impedances of the load and the pulse-forming network. This statement, however, must be qualified when the entire pulser circuit, including the charging circuit, is considered. It can then be shown that the effect may not be negligible if a unidirectional switch is used. Of more direct concern are the effects of large variations in load impedance which are usually produced by faulty operation of the load, such as an open circuit or a short circuit. Either one of these conditions may occur for an indefinite length of time, for only one or a few pulses in succession, oras, for instance, with some sparking magnetrons-they may be expected to repeat at irregular but frequent intervals. The general measures taken to protect the circuit agail ,st such load behavior are considered in this section, and a more completfi :Ir)ulysis of the operation of the pulser with a sparking magnetron is give t f~i${ec. 10.3. 417






E$ect of Load on Pulser Operation. -In Sec. 71 it is shown that the current and voltage supplied by an ideal pulser discharging a pulse-forming network of impedance ZN into a resistance Rl are given by

(1) and
Vi= R, R1 + Z. VN .


The voltage left on the network at the end of the pulse is given by
VN-1 = El

1 NVN.
+ ZN


If R1 > Z., VN-1 has the same polarity as Viv, and the voltage left on the network discharges through the load, giving reflected pulses of amplitude


where Vz. is the voltage of the nth reflected pulse following the principal pulse. Obviously, if the load is a biased diode, the reflected pulses in the load appear only as long as the voltage left on the network VN_. is greater than the bias voltage Vs, and the value of Rl changes with each successive step. If V, > VN_., the discharge takes place entirely through shunt paths in the pulse transformer. If the load is a resistance If Rl < Z,v, three cases must be considered. and the switch is perfectly bidirectional, voltage left on the network discharges through the load in the same fashion as when Rl > Ziv, and reflected pulse voltages appear across the load, the successive voltages being of opposite polarity. If the switch is unidirectional the voltage given in Eq. (3) is left on the network, since its discharge requires a current of polarity opposite to that of the main pulse flowing through the switch. This voltage affects the amplitude of the network voltage at the end of the following charging cycle in the manner described below. If the switch is imperfectly bidirectionalthat is, normally passes current in either direction but may hold off some voltage of either polarity because deionization sets inthis voltage affects the following charging cycles and, since it is random in nature, may also cause random variations in the peak network voltage. The following discussion applies to the relatively simple but very important case of a pulser using d-c resonant charging and a unidirectional switch. A constant load resistance R, is assumed, instead of a biased

SEC.10.1] diode load.







The voltage at the end of the nth charging period is given by



EW +





. ,


where V,m = V~n_, is the voltage left on the network by the mismatch as derived from Eq. (3) and shown VN in Fig. 10.1. and t
T,=j=~T, r

Thus vNm = EW + (EM V,..,)e where Q=~=~~ c c


z > hm

1 1


U Time VN.~

fi. , (a) v

This equation can be rewritten . VN. = EM(1 + e ZQ) VJn_,e~ or, letting ~ = e ZQand considering the charging cycle following the first pulse, VN, = EM(1 + ~) TV,,. If the value of VJ, = V~_, duced from Eq. (3), and
VJ, = = m.

! & s v N z



Time~, = VN4.1


= VN., VJ1 v J2= VN2., w

is intro-

,3 = VN3.1 V (b)


KV,V= K&,(l + ~). + 7)(1


Thus VN, = I%(I

FIO. 10. 1..Network voltages if the load resistance is smaller than the netBidirectional work impedance. (a) (b) Effect switch; successive reflections. of inverse voltage on successive charging cycles with a unidirectional switch and d-c resonant charging.

At the end of the second pulse, the voltage left on the network is given by V,, = KVN,, and at the end of the third charging cycle the network reaches the voltage V., = EM(I + T) Similarly, V,, = and V., = EM(1 + -Y)(1
~K + ~2K2 @K3). KVN8 7KVN, =

EM(1 + T)(I ~K + ~K2).








when it is assumed that R1 < Z,V, K is always negative, and be renritten VN, = J%(I + T)(1 + 71x]+ 7]K12+ 731K13).

(5) can

After the nth pulse, the network recharges to a voltage VW.+,) = J%(1 + 7)(1 which can be rewritten VN[,,+,, = EM ~ 1 + T ( 1 ~n+llKln+l). When n approaches infinity, the equilibrium network voltage is given by (6) This equation brings out the fact that, for unidirectional s~~itches, the network voltage can easily be more than twice the supply voltage. If, for instance, it is assumed that 7 = 0.91 and K = 0.1, corresponding to a normal charging circuit and a 20 per cent mismatch between the load and the network (which is perfectly admissible from power-transfer considerations),

71K]+ 72)K]2 +


Such charging stepup ratios are common in line-type pulsers using unidirectional switches when no measures are taken to discharge the In general, it is not necessary to inverse voltage left on the network. provide a discharging path except when misbehavior of the load is expected. The effect of a mismatch such that RI < 2., on the over-all operation of the pulser using a unidirectional switch may be considered briefly l)y determining the voltage and current input to the pulser circuit required for a given pulw output. If a unidirectional switch is used, the peak forward network voltage is given by Eq. (6). Since

Eq. (6) can be rewritten 2

Ebb= vl l+~l+K


(7) is

The power-supply

current, given by Eq. (919),

Fttr. 10.1]







and the avernge power supplied to the pulser is

pi =

EMIt,V = j,c.



(1 + 7K)(1 (1 + K)



For n pulaer using a Iidirectiomd switch to supply the same power to the silme load v. = EL(1 + -y) or
2vl ~ =

(1 + 7)(1 + .x)
= frcN +KI

I:-y = f,CNVN

H 4V; = frcN (1 + 7)(1 + K)


The ratio of Eqs (8) and (9), which is the ratio of the power inputs to the pulser required to obtain the same output into the same load, is

p = (1 + ~K)(l K).


Since the unidirectional switch conserves energy on the network after each pulse, the ratio P might be expected to be always less than unity. As can be seen by examination of Eq. (10), however, p can be greater than one because of the decrease in charging efficiency when inverse If y = 1 (100 per cent charging voltage is present on the network. efficiency), P=l K2 <1. For any other value of 7 between O and 1, the expression (10) can be rewritten p=l~K2K(lT). Since K is ahvays negative for Rl < Z., the second term is negatiye, but the third term of the expression is positive. Accordingly, p is smaller than unity only when
~K2 > K(1 ~),


The considerations outlined above are based on the assumption of an ideally simplified circuit consisting of a network, a switch, and a resistance







load. If a biased-diode load is considered, the analytical expressions become more complicated because of the change in operating point with change in network-barging voltage, which C@USWthe coefficient K ~ decrease slightly after each pulse. Some equilibrium network voltage is eventually reached, however, because the quality factor of the charging reactor is not independent of the applied voltFfN age, resulting in a decrease in ~ with an kcr~ b (VN EM). If a pulse transformer and a bhsed-diode Le load are considered, network inverse voltage . appears even though the operating point of the load matches the network impedance, as can m Fm. 10.2.Equivalent be seen by considering Fig. 102 in which all diadiaoharcins circuit used to turbing elements except the shunt inductance ntudyinverse network voltage. of the pulse transformer have been neglected. VI and duration r) At the end of the rectangular pulse of amplitude the current flowing in this inductance and the energy stored in it by can be expreaaed by i~ = ~a T,

At the end of the pulse, this energy charges the storage condenser of the pulse-forming network to a voltage V, such that

For matched conditions,


.r .


1 + - .

= 4


2G7NZN = 2 ~L~,

and hence, to a firat approximation,

v, . VN


LN z.










where the sign is determined by the direction of current flow. 7 = 2.5 ~SW, Z~ = 1200 ohms, and L. = 45 mh,
L. = ~ = 1.5 X 10-3 henrys,



The values obtained from Eq. (11) are usually greater than those obtained experimentally because losses in the circuit and in the distributed capacitances normally absorb or dissipate part of the energy that has been assumed to be returned to the network capacitance. These values are sufficiently accurate, however, for use in the preliminary design of a pulser. 1002. Short Circuits in the Load.Two cases must be considered when studying the operation of a pulser when the load is short-circuited: 1. That for a unidirectional switch. 2. That for a bidirectional switch. The fundamental concepts are now amplified. of operation discussed earlier in Sec. 10.1

Circuit Using a Unidirectional Switch. -It has been shown that the equilibrium output voltage is given by Eq. (7), that is,


~ = e%

is de~rmined

by &



and K =


z. z.

R1 +

is a measure of the mismatch present. In the following discussion, however, the output voltage has to be considered in a slightly different way because, obviously, if R1 = O, V1 = O. If the entire series resistance (including switch resistance and series losses) in the discharging circuit is considered instead of only the load resistance,




R, -1- z.

for Rl = O

The term V{ is still referred to as output possible to measure any such voltage

voltage, even though it is not across short-circuited output






terminals. The voltage on the pulse-forming switch is made conducting is given by V,V = EM(1 + ~)[1 ~K+ (~K) or, if equilibrium is reached,

network just before the

o - - + (y()]

(12) It is of interest to plot the network voltage for successive pulses for a typical case in which a short circuit is suddenly applied to the output. If it is assumed that -y = 0.9 and Rp/ZN = 0.10, or K= 0.82, Fig. 10.3 gives the ratio of the network ~ 5.0 voltage to the power-supply voltEN 2.5 age, for the first ten consecutive pulses after application of the short 0 circuit, as well as the equilibrium 012345678910 n Number of pulses after voltage that would be reached by short-circuiting the load the network after a large numFIO. 10.3.Increase in network voltage ber, n, of successive pulses on with a short circuit in the load when the mvitch is unidirectional. a short-circuited load. After onlv two consecutive operations of the pulser with the short-circuite~ load, the network voltage is more than twice its normal value under matched conditions, and after four such consecutive pulses, it is very nearly three times its normal value. These conclusions may vary slightly depending on the values of -y and K, but the order of magnitude stays the same, indicating how quickly voltages dangerous to the circuit components can be reached if preventive measures are not taken. The average pulser current taken from the power supply, given by Eq. (9.19), is l~v = j,C.V(VN
V,) = j,CNVN(l


Hence, for any given conditions of load mismatch, the power-supply average current increases proportionally with the peak forward network voltage. In practice, the power-supply output voltage, EM, must therefore decrease, since no d-c rectifier can be built with perfect regulation, and the final network voltage is lower than the value indicated in Fig. 10.3. A complete analysis is outside the scope of this book, but the interrelation of all the components in a pulserfrom the power supply to the loadis important enough to be mentioned here. Bidirectional Switches.-When bidirectional switches are used, all the energy stored in the pulse-forming network is dissipated in the resistance RP by a series of pulses of amplitudes

SEC. 10.2]








n = 0,1,2,


1:. = ~


and ~,n = ~~jl K2)K2.

For practical values of K (of the order of magnitude of 0.8 or less), most of the energy in the pulse-forming network is generally dksipated in less than ten consecutive reflections, the voltage left on the network after fifteen to twenty reflections is only a few per cent of khe maximum forward voltage, and the switch usually begins to deionize at this time. Since the total time interval required by ten to twenty reflections is, for most radar pulsers, only one or two per cent of the charging period, the current in the charging reactor at the end of this interval has not yet reached a value which can prevent switch deionization, and the charging cycle proceeds normally with almost zero initial charge on the network capacitance. Hence, both the peak forward network voltage and the average power-supply current have the same value for short-circuited as for normal load operation. All the energy supplied by the power supply, however, is now dissipated in the components of the pulser disThe heating that results from the charging circuit, instead of in a load. additional losses in the components has caused the failure of enough pulse transformers and networks to necessitate the introduction of protective devices. In conclusion, it can be said that the damage to pulser components resulting from a short-circuited load is caused primarily by overvoltage for unidirectional switches, and by overheating for bidirectional switches. The way in which the circuit components are protected against short circuits in the load must depend on the type of switch. The final choice of protective device in any practical pulser is determined partly by the particular application for which it is designed. For instance, airborne systems usually carry less protection than ground or ship pulsers in order to keep the size and weight to a minimum. The frequency with which faults in the load can be expected is also an important factor to consider. Some magnetrons used in radar applications may have normally high sparking rates, perhaps as high as one per few hundred pulses. The protective device then becomes a circuit element, especially if the pulser uses a unidirectional switch, and if the tendency of the load to spark is enhanced by an increase in network power, as is usually the case. The two methods of protection described below apply specifically to this case. General protection by relays is discussed later.





[SEC. 10.2

The Shunt Diode.-The overvoltage on the pulse-forming network at the end of the charging cycle immediately following a short circuit in the load can be eliminated in several ways. One method would be to insert a resistance El = ZN in series with the load at the very instant at which the load is short-circuited, thus preventing the appearance of Although no practical solution has inverse voltage on the network. been reached by this method, it is theoretically possible to achieve the proposed result by connecting a saturating reactor or a nonlinear resistance in series with the load. Another way in which the network-charging voltage may be kept constant is to remove the inverse voltage so rapidly that its effect on the following charging cycle is negligible. If a resistance Rl = Z,v were connected .% in parallel with the network at the end of a short-circuited pulse, the inverse voltage, V~, would be removed in a time r, and the charg~ Ebb R~ ing cycle would proceed as if no -... short circuit had occurred. PT This procedure is closely approximated by the shunt-diode circuit of FIG.10.4.Pulser withP. shuntdiodeacross Fig. 10.4. In practice, however, it the network. has not been possible to obtain diodes having internal resistances as low as the impedan~e of the pulse-forming network. It is hoped that some day a gaseous-discharge diode that may be used to great advantage in this position will be available. Most diodes available at Present have an internal resistance of about ten or more times the network impedance, and additional series resistance often has to be inserted in order to obtain satisfactory life for the diode. Accordingly, the time constant for the discharge of the network capacitance through the shunt diode becomes an appreciable fraction of tbe charging period. The effectiveness of the diode is therefore impaired, since an appreciable current may already be flowing in the charging reactor at the time when the network voltage reaches zero. The addition of a series inductance L. in series with the shunt diode offers advantages that can best be understood by simple physical considerations. If a small inductance is used in series with a diode of zero resistance, the inverse network voltage reverses rapidly because of the resonant action of the shunt circuit. Since the losses are neglected, the network is now charged to a voltage K ~N that is of the same polarity as Eu, but is greater than Eti for values of K assumed previously Under these conditions, the network voltage at the end of ( == 0.8). the first charging cycle following a short circuit in the load is given by Ew(l + -Y)(1 + ~.), and is smaller than Em if d > 1/(1 + -y). It is










therefore possible to reduce the output voltage for the pulse immediately following a short circuit to a value much smaller than normal. Since a pulser circuit that does not incorporate a shunt diode pr[xluces an output voltage for the pulse immediately following a short eireui t which is much greater than normal, there must be a com}ji nation of values of elementsincluding chargShunt dicde ing reactor, pulse-forming-network capacitance, and shunt circuitfor which the network voltage is maintained at its normal value after a short circuit in the load. +E~b The circuit behavior can best be analyzed by considering Fig. 105, in which the network is replaced by its capacitance CN, and the total resistance in the diode circuit is Rs. FIG. 10.5.Equivalent circuit for the The effect of post-pulse inverse voltanalysis of the effectiveness of the shunt age on the network, produced by the diode. release of energy stored in the inductThe antes in parallel with the load, is neglected in the following analysis. equations for the circuit are

1 Ric+c


/ 1

(ic + i.) dt = E~,

(i. + i.) dt = O.


If resonant charging is assumed, (i=),-, = o, (is),-, = o, (h)t-, = ~,. Solving by the Laplace-transform method,
Eti L Eu L ) +RTJ

Uh(p) = v,


EU P Ls~

R. Rs

is(p) =

1 )
EM 1 Ew VJ L47N,


L.D(p) P* + ~s p +





428 where






D(p)= p


+ LcRs

~2 + L. + ~&;C~~8cN

p +


R.+% . L&sCN 1

The time functions v~(t), i.(t), and is(t), corresponding to the transforms above, assume different forms depending on the nature of the roots of D(p) = O. Let these roots be
pl = o,

pz = a, p,=b+c,


where a and b are real positive numbers and c may be real, zero, or If c is real (aperiodic case), the time functions are of the imaginary. form F(t) = A + BP: + (?#~c)~ + &-(b-.)tc If c is zero (critically damped case), F(t) = A + Be+ + ((? + D)d. If c is imaginary (oscillatory F(t) = A + Be-t case),
+ @(C cos ut + D sin at),

where A, B, C, and D are constants that depend on the initial conditions and the values of the circuit elements, and may be evaluated from the transforms given above. The time h at which the current i.g(t) reaches aero can be found, in each particular case, by a series of trial values. After that time, the circuit reduces to a single mesh containing R., L., and CN in mries, i.(h) being the initial values of current in the inductance and and vN(tl) voltage on the condenser, respectively. The expression for the network voltage is then uN(t)= Edl 1-e-l(A sin ud + B cos ud)],

and where t is measured from the instant tl

ecN -%)1 [ $%-2(










The term (R./2L.)2 has been considered negligible compared with l/LtCN. The time at which the network voltage reaches its maximum may be obtained by differentiation,

and the maximum value of network voltage can thus be ascertained. The expressions obtained are obviously too complex to allow general conclusions to be drawn as to the optimum values of Rs and Ls for any qiven value of UN(t~)which are desired. In order to keep the peak network forward voltage after a short circuit the same as that obtained after a normal pulse, the necessary condition is

The values of Rs and Ls enter into this expression only inasmuch as they determine the initial conditions ie(t,) and UN(t~). A typical example is treated more completely in the following section, when magnetron sparking is considered. Nonlinear Circuits. Although nonlinear elements have not been used to date to prevent the buildup of inverse voltage on the network, they have been used to control the network-charging voltage even though inverse voltage is present. One proposed system uses a vacuum tube (tnode or tetrode) connected from network to ground. The grid bias is controlled by feedback from the pulser operation in such a way that the tube is cut off for a normal pulse current, but is made conducting during the charging period immediately following a short circuit. The charge is thus permitted to leak off the network. Another suggestion was to increase the charging-circuit losses after a short circuit in the load by inserting a tetrode Thyrite with a normally low resistance in series with the charging reactor, and Les with the grid biased by feedback from the short-circuit current to reduce the charging stepup ratio during the following charging cycle. The use of t~yrite was also suggested, and computations and tests proved the method satisfacFIG.. 10.6.Puhrer using thyrite for nettory when the tendency of the load work-voltage control. to become short-circuited was not
greatly thynte affected current by a power increase is of the of form 20 to ~ = 30 per cent. Since the characteristic

kvn, it is connected in the

circuit as shown in Fig. 10.6 in order to obtain the highest possible vol~







age increase across it after short circuit.

During normal operation, the voltage across the thyrite never exceeds EM,, but after a short circuit, with the values considered in previous examples, it reaches a value


V~, = EM[l




Thyrite can be obtained for which the exponent n is 6 or more, in which case the initial current flowing through the thyrite after a short circuit is about 250 times the maximum Detailed current under normal conditions. IJIG. 10.7.Equivalent computations were carried out as explained chnrgi ng circuit of a Imlser using thyritc for nctworkbelow, using the equivalent charging circuit Vol tagc Control. given in Fig. 10.7. Assuming negligible losses in the charging reactor, and replacing the network by its capacitance C~, the equations for the circuit can be written
& =

V,, + UN,

These equations can be combined into the following differential equation d,h ~ + Kh(n-]) # where +
h = O,



J== ~L.CN

The presence of h] in the equation necessitates a point-by-point integration, which was used to solve a specific problem. Resonant charging was assumed, with EM = 7 kv, L. = 20 henrys, c. = 3 X 108 farads, For the thyrite characteristic, T, and the charging period = 2500 psec. values of k and n were chosen so that they had little effect during normal operation, but a large effect when there was an inverse voltage on CN.

SEC. 10.3]







These values were k = 1.1 X 10-26 and n = 6. For the initial conditions corresponding to a spark after normal operation, the current through the The inductance is il i2 = O, and VJ, = 1.5VN = 0.75(2Ew). curve of VN against t for this case is shown in Fig. 10.8. The value M \ of V~ at the end of the period is 2.0 2.28E~, or approximately 15 per / / cent higher than the value for nor1.5 mal operation. If a second spark follows on the next pulse, the iniI.O / tial conditions are / ~ OS il iz = 0.05 amp, determined from the previous calculations, and VJ = 0,75(2.28EM) = 1.71V~. 0 -05 / /

-1.0 Although VJ initially has a larger -1.5 inverse voltage for this case, the 0 5wlcc015mm 2500 slope of the curve is also greater, Time in A eec the entire curve of VN/Eti and FIG. 10.8.Charging wave of a pulser using thyrite for network-voltagecontrol against t follows very closely that aftera shortcircuitin the load. of Fig. 1008. The value of V. at the end of the period is the same as that obtained in the previous computation, indicating that there is no further buildup of network voltage if the short circuit in the load lasts for a large number of consecutive pulses. These results were checked experimentally with a pulser having very nearly the same characteristics as were used in the computation, and the Obviously, the advantage of thyrite agreement was remarkably good. appears mostly in systems where the charging period is long. 10.3. Open Circuits and Protective Measures.-The discussion of the effect of an open circuit can be divided into several examples, depending on the connections from the output of the pulser to the load, and on the exact location of the fault. Assume first that a pulse transformer is used, and that an ,open circuit takes place either in the secondary winding or between the transformer and the load. The primary winding constitutes a discharging path of very high impedance for the pulse-forming network, and, since R, >> ZN, most of the network voltage appears across the open terminals. If no breakdown occurs in the pulse transformer or in the output connection of the network because of this overvoltage (which is usually about twice the normal operating voltage), the network discharges slowly through the pulse-transformer shunt path as shown in Fig. 10-9. Since the inductance L. is, in general, many times greater






than the network inductance, circuit of period

the discharging circuit acts as a resonant

if the effect of shunt and series resistance is neglected. The circuit behavior then depends on the switch used and on the ratio Td/T,. If this ratio is large (about O.1) and the switch is a hydrogen thyratron, the current in the charging inductance may buildup to a value that can prevent thyratron deionization before Lc the network is completely discharged. The ~~N power supply is then short-circuited by the charging inductance. If the ratio Td/T, is small, the thyratron has time to deionize, but a high inverse voltage V~ is left on the network. ~ EM Rp Le Re The situation is then essentially the same as m FIG. 10.9.Equivalent that already discussed for a short circuit in PulserCirctitfOran OmnCir- the load. If the switch is bidirectional, the cuit at the secondary of the energy stored on the network is dissipated in pulse transformer. the pulser components, unless the duration of the oscillations produced in the discharging circuit is long enough to prevent deionization, in which case the power supply is again shofi For a rotary-gap switch, the arc is circuited by the charging reactor. usually interrupted by the increasing separation of the electrodes, but both the voltage left on the network and the charging period are erratic, resulting in a variable network voltage at the time of firing. If no pulse transformer is used or the open circuit takes place in the primary winding, the equivalent circuit is ~t given by Fig. 10.10, in which the capacitance C, represents all stray capacitances from the anode of the switch to ground. If a triggered ~ m ~ti 8 switch is used, this capacitance is suddenly RP discharged by the switch, and immediately h begins to recharge through the charging induc~ The charging period in this case is ~d~r~irc~t~~~~o$nd~~~ ante L.. usually so short, however, that the switch is cuit at the primary of the pulsetran8f0rmer. not able to deionize before the anode voltage reaches a value high enough to maintain conduction. The switch therefore goes into continuous conduction and short-circuits the power supply through the charging reactor. For a rotary-gap switch, the current may again be interrupted by electrode separation, but at best the operation is equivalent to a rapid succession of short circuits of short duration across the power supply. One more special case may be considered, in which the open circuit

SEC. 10.3]







takes place at the primary of the pulse transformer and a long cable conThe equivalent circuit is then nects the pulser to the pulse transformer. given by Fig. 10.11, where the cable is considered as a pulse-forming network. The discharging circuit then consists of two pulse-forming networks of the same impedance but different pulse durations, connected The in series, which are short-circuited by the switch when it operates. result is then again comparable to that obtained with a short-circuited load. Protection of Circuit Elements by Relays.-In line-type pulsers o wercurrent, undercurrent, and reverse current relays are used for the protection of circuit elements against load variations, as well as against the possible failure of some of the elements themselves. It has been shown that an open circuit in Lc the load often causes the switch tube to conPFN duct continuously. The protective device . should therefore be an overload relay in the Cable power-supply circuit. For d-c charging, the s EM RV usual practice has been to connect a relay in the ground return of the power supply, the m .Equivalent FXG. 10.11 contacts opening the connections to the primary of the transformer. Undercurrent relays ~~~~t~~~~~~o~ ~0~~~~~in the load are also used for this rmr~ose. In order to devise effective protection against short circuits in the load it is necessary to consider the type of switch and the nature of the circuit being used. If the switch is unidirectional and auxiliary circuits are not included to prevent the buildup of network voltage after a short circuit, the average power-supply current increases with the network voltage and an overload relay in the grounded side of the power supply will readily disconnect the primary power input. If bidirectional switches are used, or if a shurit diode or similar system is used to maintain the networK voitage very nearly constant, the average pulser input current is almost unchanged by the short circuit in the load. On the other hand, the ratio of peak load currents for short-circuit and normal operation usually does not exceed two, and the increase in average load current is large only if the short circuit in the load is unidirectional. Although an overload relay in the load does not operate under certain conditions, it was widely used as long as no better system was available. Protective devices whose operation depends on reverse current have proved the most satisfactory. The first of ~hese devices was designed specifically for use in pulsers employing shunt diodes. As has been explained above, the shunt diode does not normally conduct any current, but, when a short circuit occurs, it carries the average pulser current. Some device for averaging the diode







current must, of course, be used; it can be either a thermal relay, or a capacitance connected in parallel with a magnetic relay. The time constants of the available magnetic relays and condensers cannot usually be made long enough to delay the operation of the relay for more than ten consecutive short-circuited pulses. Since such rapid action is not necessary for protection of the components, thermal relays are generally preferred. Relays are chosen that will operate either after one or two seconds during which short circuits occur at every pulse, or when the rate of sparking in the magnetron exceeds a predetermined limit for a longer time. This limit is determined by the ratings of the shunt diode and other circuit components. Experience with pulsers used in microwave-radar applications indicates that the thermal relay should operate when the load is short-circuited on 15 to 25 per cent of the pulses during It must be noted that the thermal relay operates a 15- to 30-sec interval. as a function of the effective, not the average, B+ value of the current, and that the ratio of these R values varies with the design of the shuntIt must also be pointed out 2 diode circuit. . that the relay in this position becomes less T, Transformer effective if the cathode emission of the shunt diode decreases. The second type of reverse-current protection was designed specifically for a spark-gap 1 d . ~o.lz~~chemati~ pulser, but is applicable to all pulsers using FIG. diagramof a protectivecircuit bidirectional switches. It should not be used usingreversecurrent. in place of the method desa-ibed above because its operation depends on a large peak reverse current, which is not obtained with tbe shunt diodes available at present. The principle of operation is as follows (See Fig. 10.12). The polarity of the main pulse current flowing through the primary of the pulse transformer T is such that, for normal pulses, the cathode of T1 is driven positive #ith each pulse. Hence, the grid of Tz is maintained at ground potential, and a certain current normally flows through R. A pulse of opposite polarity, however, drives the cathode of T1 and the grid of Tz The resistance R can easily negative, reduc~g the current through R. be replaced by a relay, and the circuit constants made such that the relay is de-energized when reverse current flows through the transformer for one or several pulses. The transformer T actually used in one radar system consists of a small steel ring fitted at the cable connector in such a way that the pulse current passes through the axis of the ring. One turn of wire is looped around the ring, and the voltage generated is sufficient to operate the protective device. Simplifications were introduced in the circuit of







Fig. 10.12by eliminating theplate-voltage supply ;tube T*thenacts asa grid-controlled rectifier, and the load consists of the relay bypassed by a condenser. An auxiliary contact introduces an additional voltage on the grid, which keeps the relay de-energized until a reset button is pushed. This system of protection has proved very satisfactory. PULSER PERFORMANCE WITH A MAGNETRON LOAD 10.4. Normal Operation of the Magnetron.-This section discusses qualitatively the operation of a pulser with actual magnetron loads, and attempts to point out the difference between operation with a magnetron and with a perfect biased diode. Particular attention is paid to some of the characteristics of the magnetrcn which may, under some conditions,

make it an unstable device, and to some of the corrective methods which have been used to improve the performance of the over-all transmitter. The magnetron input characteristics can best be analyzed from a Some oscillograms of study of the voltage-current characteristic curves. such characteristics are given in Fig. 10.13, the time sequence of the curves being given by OABCO. Any portion of the curve corresponding to negative voltages is due to post-pulse backswing and need not be considered here. The part of the curve OA corresponds to the buildup of the voltage. In general, only capacitance current is drawn by the magnetron during this time, although leakage current may be present in some cases. The time necessary for the voltage buildup is usually between 0.05 and 0.2 psec, depending on the pulser characteristics. The portion AB correThere is usually sponds to the buildup of current in the magnetron. little or no increase in voltage corresponding to the current buildup; The time necessary for current there may even be a slight decrease. buildup has not yet been measured very accurately, but it is always very short and has been estimated to be as low as 5 x 109 sec for some lowPoint B coriesppnds to the so-called voltage X-band magnetrons (2J42).







flat portion of the pulse, where both voltage and current remain constant except for small oscillations. From B to C both current and voltage decay at the end of the pulse, the line BC giving the diode characteristic of the load, which has been used before. Any slow variations of voltage and current, such as oscillations up to perhaps 10 Me/see, follow very nearly the same curve once the magnetron is operating. Corrections may have to be made, however, for the transit time between the plates of the cathode-ray tube or other The average viewing-system defects at higher oscillation frequencies. slope of this curve thus gives the dynamic resistance of the magnetron. From C to O, the voltage is gradually decreasing to zero, and again capacitance current may cause the curve to deviate slightly from the axis. This deviation is much smaller than that resulting from the voltCabte PFN ) PT


1P .


1 ~~


FIG. 10. 14.Line-t ype pulser with a despiking RC-net work.

age buildup, however, because of the much smaller rate of change of voltage. The assumption that the load acts as a biased diode does not hold during the starting period of the puke after the voltage has reached an amplitude corresponding to C. It can be assumed, however, either that the magnetron impedance is intinite until the voltage reaches a value A, and then drops suddenly (in about 10s see) to the normal operating value, or that during the buildup of oscillations, that is, from points O to B, the magnetron is a biased diode of nearly zero internal resistance. The value of the voltage at A is, unfortunately, not constant, but depends to some extent on the time required for the voltage to build up {O this value. Hence, no general analysis of the problem can be made. It can be stated, however, that the sudden rush of current through the load tends to produce unduly high oscillations by means of the shock excitation of the LC-circuits in the pulse transformer connecting the pulser to the load. One satisfactory method of decreasing the resulting mismatch is to introduce an RC-circuit in parallel with the primary of the transformer, as shown in Fig. 10.14. Its purpose is to minimize the spike that often appears at the beginning of both voltage and current pulses because of








the magnetron characteristics discussed above. If a unit function of voltage is applied to the despiking network, its instantaneous impedance as a function of time is given by zd = R.&l Racd. The instantaneous impedance that the pulse transformer presents to a unit voltage until the magnetron starts to oscillate is a complicated function of time. A satisfactory approximation can be obtained, however, by reducing the pulse transformer to its leakage inductance and Its instantaneous distributed capacitance, L. and C., respectively. im~edance can then be expressed as

The effect of the despiking RC-circuit - on the instantaneous output impedance of the pulser can best be seen by a graph such as that of Fig. 1015. For the sake of uniformity, the instantaneous output impedances are referred to the network impedance ZN, and the following assumptions are made,

<Z,c,; =

t/R# cd


10.15.Instantaneous output impedances of a pulser with a despiking RC network,


The time scale can then be t/RdCd, and the impedance scale z/ZN. The curve zr/Z~ is the pulse-transformer instantaneous impedance, and obviously starts at infinity. Ihe resulting instantaneous mismatch produces a reflection of voltage to the pulse-forming network through the cable linking the pulser to the load, and further reflections at the networkcable junction may produce undue oscillations in the load voltage. The instantaneous impedance to which the pulser is connected when a despiking RC-circuit is used in parallel with the pulse-transformer primary is given by 1 .=
Zi :+;.






When the curves zN/Zd and ZN/Z. are plotted and added graphically, Z,V/zi is obtained. The reciprocal of ZA,/zi is then taken, giving the instantaneous impedance of the load for the constants used. It can readily be seen that, for the particular example treated, the values of zi do not vary from Z~ by more than 13 per cent for any time t < 2.75RdCd. In practice, the magnetron usually starts to conduct before the current in the leakage inductance of the pulse transformer has decreased to 70 per cent of its peak value (corresponding to t = 3R,iCd in this scale). At that time, the simplified equivalent circuit considered here is no longer valid, and matching of the load to the pulse-forming network is assured by.the magnetron itself. This method of eliminating instantaneous mismatch has been used extensively with very good results. It has the further advantage of tending to decrease the voltage rate of rise at the magnetron before the oscillations start, since the instantaneous voltage applied to the input of the pulse transformer is given by



Zi + Z,V

At the first instant, Vi = V,v if no despiking circuit is used, and v, = V,v/2 if a despiking circuit containing h% = Z.V is used. The disadvantage of the despiking circuit is a power loss in the additional capacitance Cd, which can be estimated by the method described in Sec. 7.3, and the introduction of two additional elements in the pulser circuit. 10.5. Magnetron Mode -changing. -Some magnetrons, unfortunately, do not always operate in the intended mode of oscillation once the voltage is applied. The reasons are obviously outside the scope of this chapter, 1 but, since remedial measures can be introduced in the pulser to prevent some magnetrons from selecting the wrong mode of oscillation, a brief explanation of some possible mode-changing processes is given here. A common type of mode change from pulse to pulse (called mode-skipping) may be most readily understood by a study of the voltage-current characteristics of a magnetron exhibiting such behavior. Figure 10.16 shows oscillograms of the voltage-current input to a magnetron that is skipping modes. First, it may be noted that the operating characteristics of the unwanted mode are such that the voltage is higher and the current lower than the values corresponding to the normal mode of operation. Of particular interest is the fact that mode selection is determined at the very beginning of the current pulse. Looking at the voltage rise, it is seen that, at a point corresponding to .4 of Fig. 10.13, the magnetron current tends to increase, but succeeds in reaching the operating point I See Vol. 6, Chap. 8,





occasionally. In other cases, the voltage continues to increase until the current starts to build up the oscillations in the unwanted mode. For the purpose of this section, it is suficient to say that a mode skip can take place if the voltage applied to the magnetron is allowed to reach a region in the V-I plot where the unwanted mode may start. Obviously, if the voltage is neve; allowed to reach the region where instability may develop, the problem of mode-skipping does not arise. By increasing the voltage-rise time through the region where the magnetron starts in the desired mode to a value greater than the magnetronstarting time, the voltage can be kept out of the region of instability.

(a) First tube. (b) Second tube.

(c) Idealized sketch;time .. . r.e . me .. Iouows arrows; ~

normal operating mode; B

ie the unwanted mode.

FIG. 10. 16.V-I Characteristics of mode-skipping magnetron.

This condition alone is not necessarily sufficient, however, since the magnetron-starting time itself may vary, depending on the voltage rate of rise itself, and possibly on pulser circuit conditions. The increase in voltage-rise tim~r decrease in the rate of rise of the voltage-can be accomplished, as explained before, by addition of a despiking RC-circuit in parallel with the pulse-transformer primary. It can be achieved, however, more simply and directly by adding either a capacitance in parallel with the magnetron (increasing CD) or an inductance in series with the pulse-forming network and the pulse transformer (increasing LD). If the simplified puke-transformer circuit is considered, an increase in either of those quantities by the same percentage should have very nearly the same efiect on the front edge of the voltage pulse. Experimental results agree with this conclusion, but also indicate that the tendency to skip modes is not always afiected in the






same way by a given decrease in rate of rise of voltage if this decrease is a result of additional inductance rather than additional capacitance. For the 2J42 magnetron, for example, a greater decrease in dv/dt is necessary in order to bring about the same proportional reduction in mode-skipping if an inductance is used. This result can be explained by a consideration of the instantaneous impedance of the pulser output circuit and of the time necessary for current to build up in the magnetron, which has been estimated to be as low as 0.005 ysec for some of these magnetrons. Additional capacitance in parallel with the magnetron has two effects: (1) it increases the maximum value of current in the leakage (a) L = O. inductance of the pulse transformer, and (2) it stores added energy in parallel with the load. The combined result is that a greater instantaneous current can be supplied to the load. Additional inductance in series with the pulse-transformer (b) L = 5jdL leakage inductance, on the other hand, decreases the maximum instantaneous current flowing through that inductance. Hence, less current is available to permit the magnetron to start in the desired mode, and a very much larger decrease in voltage rate of rise is necessary be(C) L = 15ph. fore the tendency to skip modes FIG. 10. 17.Magnetron voltage and current Pulses (lower and upper traces r~ can be corrected. spectively) showing the effect of series In practice, however, a capaciinductance between the pulse transformer and the pulse-forming network. tance cannot alwavs be chosen that will correct for mode-skipping in magnetrons. The principal objection to the use of a capacitance in the circuit is the resulting decrease in pulse duration and efficiency. Series inductance generally tends to lengthen the pulse duration and to decrease the efficiency by a smaller amount. The amount of inductance used, however, must not be so large that the Figure 10.17 is an shape of the current pulse deteriorates appreciably. example chosen at random from many photographs showing the magnetron voltage and current pulses (lower and upper traces respectively) For all these pulse photographs, as a function of added inductance. V, = 5.4 kv and 11 = 4.5 amp, The rate 01 rise of voltage was reduced






from 59kv/~sec (Fig. 10.17a) to46kv/~sec (Fig. 10.17b) bythe addition of a fi-ph inductance in series with the network and pulse transformer, Actually, a and to 40 kv/~sec (Fig. 1017c) by a 15-Ph inductance. marked improvement in current pulse shape is observed between Figs. 10. 17a and b but the slope of the current in Fig. 10. 17c is detrimental to the r-f spectrum. Other types of mode changes may be possible in magnetrons. In some cases the magnetron may be able to operate in an unwanted mode that starts at a voltage lower than that of the desired mode. A possible remedy may then be to decrease the time of rise of the voltage through the starting region for the unwanted mode to a value lower than the starting time for that mode by increasing the number of sections in the pulseforming network and reducing the leakage inductance and distributed Finally, mode-shifting-or a capacitance of the pulse transformer. In general, little change in operating mode during a puls~may occur. can be done to the pulser to prevent this behavior. 10.6. Magnetron Sparking.-Sparking difficulties have occurred frequently in the magnetrons used in radar systems, 1 principally because of the war-imposed necessity of rating the operating point of the tubes with The following discussion summarizes an insufficient factor of safety. the present knowledge of the effect of line-type-pulser characteristics on magnetron sparking, as well as the effect of magnetron sparking on pulser operation. The experimental study of the causes and effects of sparking has been conducted primarily on a statistical basis. Some pictures of individual current and voltage pulses during sparking are shown in Fig. 10.18. These records were taken on a rapidly moving film in order to obtain the desired separation between pulses, and the blur in the pictures is caused by the persistence of the fluorescent screen of the cathode-ray tube. Figure 10. 18a shows a series of voltage pulses from a medium-power magnetron, Fig. 10. 18b shows current pulses on the same magnetron, and Fig. 10. 18c current pulses on a high-power magnetron. The line drawings in Fig. 10.19 show schematically the conditions occurring in a few of the oscillograms of Fig. 10.18. The immediate conclusions that can be drawn from observation of the individual pulse pictures are: 1. Sparks may take place at any time during the pulse. 2. A spark can be initiated in several ways, corresponding in some cases to a rapid ncrease in current to almost twice the normal value, and in some cases to a reasonably slow breakdown of voltage and increase in pulse current.
1 See Vol. 6, Chap. 12.

442 3. After
(as the

PERFORMANCE spark by is initiated, pictures

OF LINE-TYPE it can have

PULSERS the character

of an arc

in which the voltage stays very nearly zero), or it can show unstable characteristics, possibly caused by oscillations in the external circuit. These characteristics are shown by pictures in which the voltage trace at the zero axis is broken,

indicating temporary high potentials between anode and cathode after which the spark again breaks down the cathode-anode space.

magnetron. magnetron. magnetron. FIG. 10. lS.Oscillograms showing the effect of magnetron sparking on voltage current pulse shapee. The first trace in each series is a normal pulse.


There are many causes for the initiation of a spark in the magnetron, as evidenced by oscillograms similar to those shown here. In some cases, the spark is presumably caused by bursts of gas in the magnetron. A very high percentage of sparks occurs in some tubes during pulses when





the magnetron is operating in an unwanted mode at a higher voltage and In other cases, sparking is a lower current than the nprmal values. presumably associated with cathode fatigue during the pulse;1 many photographs of individual voltage traces indicate that the current decreases and the voltage rises slowly (in a few tenths of a psec) to a value that is 10 to 20 per cent greater than normal before the tube breaks down. The assumptions made in the study of the effects of sparks on pulser The variable nature operation should cover a wide range of possibilities. of the sparksfrom an almost perfect short circuit to a very nearly normal pulse-result in values of K (the mismatch coefficient) ranging from 1 to O, if the losses in the circuit are neglected. For pulsers using bidirectional switches, the protective systems described in Sec. 103 w are satisfactory; for pulsers using unidirec(a) Voltagepulse. tional switches, a diode circuit in parallel with the pulse-forming network has proved to bc particularly effective. The effectiveness of the shunt-diode circuit depends to a certain extent, however, on the value of K. A typiW cal example has been worked out using the (b) Current pulse. general method outlined in Sec. 10.2, and the FIG. 10.19.Schematic representation of the pulse most significant results are given in Figs. shapesof Fig. 10.1S. 10.20, 10.21, and 10.22.2 The circuit constant.s are those of a medium-power airborne pulser, rated at 200-kw pulsepower input to a 4J52 magnetron, with pulse durations ranging from 0.25 to 5.4 usec. Since sparking was most prevalent for the long pulses, the following values of parameters were used: Charging inductance L. = 16 henrys, Charging circuit Q = 15, Network capacitance C.v = 0.0525 pf. For the study, a range of values were considered for the shunt-diode Figure 10.20 shows some typical charging waves for normal circuit. operation and after a spark (K = 0.8) for several values of the shuntdiode circuit parameters Fig. 10.20a shows the first part of the charging wave on an expanded time scale. Figure 10.21 gives the percentage increase of network voltage over its normal value as a function of the mismatch coefficient for several combinations of series induct ante and 1Volume 6, Chap. 12. z O. T. Fundingshmdand Anna Wnltcr, Annlysisof I.inr hlmiulator Behavior with a SparkingMngnct.ron Imad. RI, Report No. 765, .\ug. 10, 1945.






At first glance, the circuits containing resistance in the diode circuit. inductance seem highly preferable because they maintain the network voltage nearer to the normal value, and can be designed to produce a reduction in this voltage.

t in Asec FIG. 10.20.Computed charging waves

Circuit constants:L. = 16 henrys, R, = Normal operation, K = O. Curve (2): circuit (R.g = m). Curves (3) and (3a): Ls = O. Curves (4) and (40): Sparking mh.

sndsparking operation of the Iowi. for normal 1200011111s, Q = 15, CN =0.0525pf. CUrve (I): Sparking operation, K = 0.8, no shunt diodr Sparking operation, ~ = ().&, R.s = 2000 ohms. operation, K = 0.8, Rs = 700 ohms. L.s = 45

If an RL-circuit is used to obtain negative regulation (that is, a decrease in the network voltage from normal after a spark), the instantaneous power-supply regulation may be such that the second pulw following the spark is higher than normal, and the advantage of the good initial regulation is thus lost. This high pulse occurs bccnuw the current, drain from the power supply is smaller during the charging pmi[d that produces a network voltage smaller than norsmd, and thus leaves a higher





The following charging voltage on the power-supply filter condenser. cycle therefore produces a correspondingly higher voltage on the network. Some sample curves of magRs=1600ohms netron sparking rates versus pulse +6 La=O current are given later. Over the = +4 R8=1000 ohms range of currents studied, they s La=O ~ +2 are of the general form % ohms R&=1600
.E o 8 = ke + K, $-2 L~=50 mh

where S is the number of sparks per unit time, 11 is the pulse current, and k, X, and K are constants that depend on the magnetron and the pulser circuit. Then dS/dlt = ~~lz. If the increase in sparking as a func~ion for the of pulse normal current value of is large

a.4 -6 @ o -0.5 K -1.0

Rs=1600ohms La=75 mh
R~=1600 ohms


Fm. 10.21.Percentage increase of ne~ work voltage over its normal value as a function of the mismatch coefficient for severul combinations of series inductance and resistance in the diode circuit.

pulse current considered, every effort should be made to keep the network voltage as nearly constant as possible, lest an accidental spark should initiate a long burst of sparks. If dS/dIl is small, the chances of an

+2 +4 8 +6 c E c .*Z +8 <+10 --I +12 +14 +16

FIG. 10.22.Diode

t in~sec



currents for different values of the shuntiircuit

accidental spark starting a series are minimized even though the current on the next pulse may be higher than normal, and the network-voltage regulation need not be as good as in the first case.







Another item to be considered is the peak current in the shunt diode. Figure 10.22 shows the diode currents for the shunt-circuit constants considered and for K = 0.8. It is seen here that the peak currents in diode circuits using series inductance are much smaller. Finally, some consideration must be given to the switch-tube deionization. As explained in Chap. 8, it may be helpful to maintain some inverse voltage on the plate of a thyratron for some time after the pulse. When such is the case, the time constant of the shunt-diode circuit must not be so


60 70 60 Currentin amp

90 Currentin amp
FIG. 10.24.Sparking rate vs. current for different networks of identical pulse duration and variable dv/dt. Network 1: du/dt = 307 kv/Psec at 70 amp. Network 2: dv[dt = 252 kv/psec at 70 amp. Network 3: duldi = 20S kv /usec at 70 amm Network 4: dv)dl = 175 kv~psec at 70 am&

FIG. 10.23.Sparking rate vs. current for variable pulse durations. In all cases, do/dl = 200 kv/psec at 60

short that the normal inverse voltage is removed before the thyratron is completely deionized, lest continuous conduction result. The effect of the pulser circuit on the magnetron sparking rate in a particular case was studied experimentally by means of electronic spark counters, and by varying the pulser parameters one by one whenever possible. The most reliable data have been obtained on high-power S-band magnetrons,l and the results, insofar as they may affect pulser design, are given in Figs. 10.23, 10.24, and 10.25. An exponential curve fits the data obtained for sparking rate as a function of pulse current. It can also be seen that an increase in pulse duration and an increase in rate of rise of voltage both increase the sparking rate. In general, the I H. L. Rehkopf and R. E. Nysewander,Sparking of HK7 Magnetronsaz a Function of Pulse Forming Network, RL Internal Report 51-9/24/45.






pulse duration and the pulse current are determined by the system requirements, and the designer of the pulser for the system has little or no Changes in voltage rate of rise may be control over these quantities. introduced, however, as long as the pulse shape is not affected to the extent that the r-f spectrum becomes unacceptable. For this particular magnetron, the sparking rate can be reduced by a factor of 10 if the rate of rise of voltage at the magnetron is decreased from 300 to 200 kv/~sec. Some magnetrons, however, tend to operate in a high-voltage mode if the rate of rise of voltage is low, and, as has been indicated, the change in The possible result is indicated mode is often accompanied by sparking.

.G ~ lCQ
x .
~ % 3 g E s / 1.0 160

70 amp
1 60 amp / / /



/ 10

200 220 240 Xa 280 3ofJ Rate of rise of voltage in kv/A sec

FIG. 10.25.Sparking rate vs. rate of rise of voltage for several pulse currents at r = 1.89psec.

FIG,10.26.Sparking rate vs. rate of rise of voltage (average of six 4J52 magnetrons).

by Fig. 10.26, which shows the average trend of sparking rate for six medium-power X-band magnetrons (4J52) as a function of rate of rise of It is seen, in voltage at a constant pulse duration and pulse current. this case, that the value of dv/dt cannot be decreased indiscriminately in order to minimize sparking. If the rate of rise of voltage is decreased by connecting a capacitance in parallel with the magnetron, the sparking rate may be increased instead of decreased, presumably because of cathode phenomena in the magnetron. For normal operation of a line-type pulser the short-circuit current does not exceed twice normal value, but, if a capacitance is connected across the magnetron terminals, the instantaneous current produced by the discharge of that capacitance when a spark occurs may be many times the normal current. This high current may, in turn, damage the cathode to a point where the probability of a spark occurring on the following pulse is much greater than normal, resulting in a long burst of sparks.




BY R. S. STANTON, J. V. LEBACQZ,L. G. KERSTA, AND H. J. WHITE 11.1. A High-power Rotary-gap Pulser. IEarly in 1942 there was a need for a pulser that would be simple, compact, and rugged, and would have a pulse-power output as high as 3 Mw. The high-power hard-tube pulsers did not fulfill this need because of their large size and necessarily complicated design. Line-t ype pulsers using d-c charging were in limited use by this time, but although their design was simpler they required a rectified high-voltage supply. The simplest conceivable pulser consists of a source of alternating current, a transformer, and a rotary spark



FIG. 11. 1.Schematic

diagram of a high-power line-type pulser using a rotary-spark-gap switch and a-c resonant charging.

gap. The secondary of the transformer supplies a voltage equal to the desired charging voltage on the condensers of a pulse-forming network, and the rotary spark gap is synchronized with the supply frequency and phased so as to discharge the pulse-forming network into the load at the end of each full charging cycle, as discussed in Sec. 9.4. The source of alternating current is a motor-generator because commercial supply frequencies are not high enough to give the required pulse recurrence frequencies for most radar applications. When a special generator is used as the source, the obvious method of synchronizing the rotary gap is to mount the rotor on an extension of the generator shaft. Higher efficiency and less amplitude jitter can be obtained by the addition of an inductance in series to make the charging circuit resonant at the supply frequency. In practice, the charging inductance L. is built into the The basic circuit of this pulser is transformer as leakage inductance. shown in Fig. 11.1. Design.-The following specific requirements were set up for this pulser: I By R. S. Stanton. 448






Pulse power output: 3 Mw. Pulse duration: 0.9 psec. Recurrence frequency: 400 pps. Load impedance: 50 ohms. Supply voltage: 220 volts, 3 phase, 60 cycles/see. The quantities important to the pulser design are obtained from these requirements and from the relationships between the various pulser parameters that are developed in the preceding chapters. The pulse voltage for a 50-ohm load is

3 X 10 X 50 = 12.3 kv, When of the

where P; is the pulse-power output and Z1 is the load impedance. the network impedance is equal to 50 ohms, the total capacitance network becomes
c. = & = 0.009 pf,

and the network voltage is

N=e=2x3:.::xm265kv where ~d, the efficiency of the discharging circuit, is assumed to be 85 per cent. The average power taken from the network is given by ~N = ?kfr _

_ 3 x

106 x

0.9 x


10- x 400 = 1260 watts.

Choosing full-cycle charging (n = 2, P = 900), the secondary voltage of the charging transformer, from Eq. (9.66), is

For an assumed value of Q = 12,

Eh =

0.707 X 26.5 X 103 = 6,8 kv 9 r 12(1 e-~)

and the current in the transformer secondary, obtained from Eq. (9.94), is
1= nirC~EWa 21/G





where Eb is the peak applied voltage.

Iso Eh X I= lf(o.oo9 x

For this example, x 103)(27r x 400) ~ 0285 amp,

106) @(6.8 W

= 1940 volt-amp.

The average current is obtained from Eq. (9.95);

The charging inductance is given by

L.=&= a

(0.009 x lo~)(k

x 400)

= 174 envs

Although this value is the total necessary inductance, the source inductance, transformed by the square of the transformer turns ratio, must be

FIG. 11 .2.High-power

Iin&type pulser of Fig. 11.1, side view,

considered when designing the transformer because it supplies an appreciable part of this total. In this high-power pulser, the source inductance is approximately 0.001 henry, and the equivalent secondary inductance is about 3.5 henrys. With the usual circuit Q, the value of the resonating inductance is not critical, and it can vary + 5 per cent without seriously affecting the operation. Description.-The motor-generator and rotary gap are mounted on vibration-absorbing mounts in a small framework. The contactor box






that houses the control apparatus and the oil tank enclosing the a-c resonant transformer and pulse-forming network are mounted on top of this frame directly over the motor-generator. Except for phase adjustment thepulser isadjusted by remote control, andmeters are provided to measure the generator voltage, oscillator average current, and operating time. The power level is adjusted by a variac in the control box, which varies Over a small range the power output can the generator-field excitation. be controlled entirely by this variac, but, if a large change in output power is required, it is also necessary to rephase the rotary gap by means of a knurled knob on the side of the gap housing. The complete pulser, which weighs approximately 700 lb, is shown in Fig. 11.2. Figures 11.3 and 11.4 are photographs of some of the pulser

- . .. . -.

c: --FIG. 11 ,3.Contactor box for the power pulser, top view. components. fmlser circuits Figure and 11.5 high-

.. .... ..


FIG. 11.4.Compartment for the high. voltage components of high-power pulser. schematic diagram showing both

is a complete 1


Performance. Typical performance data2 for this pulser are given in Table 11.1 with a magnetron load and a pulse transformer having a turns ratio of 3/1. When operating under the proper conditions, the inaccuracy in pulsetiming that results from the use of the rotary spark gap normally amounts to t 25 psec. An additional winding on the pulse transformer supplies a trigger pulse for self-synchronous operation of the radar system. The normal shape of the voltage pulse delivered to a magnetron through the pulse transformer and a 50-ohm pulse cable is shown in P. C.
Bettler, Instruction Manual for Model Performance 6 Modulator, Teats, RL Report No. M-153, Feb. 18, 1944. ~ P. C. Bettler, Model Apr. 22, 1944.

6 Modulator

R.L Report

No. 549,





! ,-++---+ In



I u



1 [


i i; I 1- J


I K#l



!: I I LA-



(. --d









klagnetron input



Generator output

Pulse-forming net work

1 1225 1680 2090

volts 68 85 98 5

P,, watts 535 855 1135

VN, kv 15.5 19 4 21.9

f N, watts 505 762 1010

kv 25 8 28 9 31.8

ma 12 3 18.0 22.4

V1 Z,mv,
watts 313 .520 712

PI, M. 0.99 1 53 2 11

2 3

,,u)spr ~ficirlcY Tmt No,

I C)vr.r-all pukcr eflicierrcy I f rom motor magnptrcn generator to

VL I,.v \

x I00,

l~Cr (cnt

2LV P.r

X 100, pc>r cent


59 62

31 34

Fig. 116. The PIIIW rate of rise is t(m steep for certain magnetrons and In these cases, plllse shape is usually modified cwmv modr-changing. by means of despiking compo.4 typinents in the mltput circuit, cal circuit for this purpose consists uf a 12-mh inductance in series \vith the olltp(lt (at the input to the pulse cable) and a 1600-PPf capacitance in series \\.ith a ,50-ohm nonindllctive

ct)nnwtcd in parallel \vith tlw primar,v of the p[llse transformer. :1 Imttcr solution lYOUICI be to subFIG. 11.6.-Voltagpulsese shape from stitlltc a net\vork that JYaSdesigned the high. power pulficr of Iig. 111, A is 90 per rent of the average pulse amplito dclil-cr a p\Ilse to fit the particular tude, B IS the arcragc pulse amphtude. type of magnetron used, but this prt)cftlllrr is (IsIIally impractical in a general-p~lrpose pulser. This higll-lolt:lge rotary-gap pldser has been IIsed extensively for For componvnt dcvt,loprnent, life-testing, and magnetron-seasoning. these uses 110alterations \verenecessary except a modification of the outp~lt pulse shape in order to adapt it to particular magnetrons. This







pulse generator also served as the system field-test pulser for several of the modern ground-based microwave-radar systems. 11.2. A High-power Airborne Pulser. The pulser described in thk section* was designed to supply a pulse power of 600 kw to a 4J50 magnetron at a duty ratio of 0.1 per cent. Since the pulser was intended for airborne use, it was imperative to keep the weight and size of the package as small as was compatible ~vith a reasonable operating life, and it was also necessary to provide an airtight housing, which introduced additional elements to be considered in the design. Accordingly, in addition to electrical design and performance, the following discussion includes a brief outline of mechanical design ~vith particular reference to the problems of heat dissipation. The completed pulser weighed less than 100 lb and had an over-all efficiency (including blower and control of about 40 pcr cent. l~lec.rical Design J?equircmenLs.Thc specific requirements
pulser were as follolvs:

for this

Pulse-poivcr autput at full-poJver operation: 600 kw (22 kv at 27 amp). Iulsc-polver output at reduced power (starting): 400 kw (21 kv at 19 amp). Pulse durations: 0.5 and 2.5 ysec. Rccurrcncc frcqucncics: 2000 and 400 pps. Supply voltages: 115 vat 400 to 2400 cycles/see and 24 v d-c. The requircrncnts of multiple values of pulse duration, recurrence frequency, and pulse-power output made it necessary to use the most Accordingly, d-c inductance charging with a fhxible circuit possible. bold-off diode and a hydrogen-thyratron s\vitch was chosen. A pulseforming-network impmlancc of 50 ohms ]vas adopted. Voltage on the lulsr-,/ovmirlq Network and Switch.If the discharging cfficicncy, m, is assumed to be 75 per cent, the peak forward pulse-forming-network voltage is given by

.=f+ =2JWX103 = 126V

Since this value is \vcll ~vithin the specifications of the 5C22 hydrogen tbyratron, this tube was then selected as the s~vitch. approximate network capacitance is Network Capacitance.-The given by
CN .


1By J. V. Lebacqz. zS. Siegel, A. I. ]{ruper, and H. L. Glick, WestinghouseResearchReport SR-316, Nov. 1, 1945.






For the O.5-psec pulse,

c., = 0.5
and for the 2.5-Wsec pulse,

x 10- = 5000 lwf, 100

Charging Inductance. -In order to insure the best operation 5C22 at 2000 pps, nearly resonant charging should be achieved.

of the Then

f, = l/T 4L@~, L,=~=




= 5 henrys,

which is the value of charging inductance used in this pulser. Shunt-diode Circuit.In order to maintain a constant peak forward voltage on the network after an accidental short circuit in the load, it is necessary to dissipate the inverse voltage left on the network after such a short circuit as rapidly as possible by means of a shunt-diode circuit across the network. For maximum effectiveness, the time constant of the network capacitance and resistance of the shunt circuit should be as small as possible compared with the charging period. Since most magnetron sparking takes place with long pulses, the charging period to be considered is
T. = T =, = 1100 psec.

In general, the diode circuit proves reasonably effective if its time constant is about 1 per cent of the charging period. Then
RsC~, = 11 X 10-, ~~ = 11 x 10-~ = 45o ohms. 25 X 1O9

A resistance of this value can be obtained by using two 3B26s in parallel, each in series with a 500-ohm resistance. The maximum ratings of the tubes are not exceeded because, for the peak inverse voltage of 13 kv (rating = 15 kv), the peak current after a complete short circuit is ~ 13000/900 = 7.2 amp, and decreases in 5 ~sec to less than 4.5 amp (rating = 8 amp). For a continuous short circuit only the rating for plate dissipation is exceeded. This excess dissipation can be corrected by the protective relay discussed later. Power Supply.The power supply was designed as a standard fullwave rectifier with a choke input filter to minimize the effect of the inputvoltage waveform on the pulser output. The d-c voltage required for normal operation can be arrived at by the use of an estimated charging





ratio; 1.85 was chosen.


EM=$5=~=6.8kv. For starting,

The average current from the power supply is approximately

Z..v = P1 600


6800 X 0.75 X 0.925 = 126 a

or I..v = C~VNj,
= 5 X 2000 X 12.6 X 106 = 126 ma.

A total of eight output voltages was provided, in two groups of four. Each group was given by two taps connected near one end of the primary winding to allow for the change from low (starting) to high (running) power. For each operating power level, four adjustments were provided over a voltage range of approximately ~ 5 percent in order to accommodate possible variations in the 4J50 input requirements from tube to tube, as well as to compensate easily for changes in input-voltage waveform. No particular difficulties were encountered with the power supply, Because of the with the possible exception of the filter inductance. waveforms supplied by aircraft generators, the peak voltage across the inductance was, for some conditions, greater than 1.5 times the expected Both the insulation stresses and the core value for a sinusoidal voltage. loss were therefore increased, and the design required special care. Hold-off Diode.The maximum expected peak current through the charging circuit occurs for the long pulse duration and is given approximately by
I Z.,




Since the 705A diode satisfies both the peak- and average-current requirements in addition to the voltage requirement for the hold-off diode, it was used in this position as well as in the rectifier. Pulse-duration S~tching.-When the pulse duration is changed, it is necessary to shut off the high-voltage supply for a short time before, during, and after the switching operation in order to prevent the buildup of excessive voltage on the network and to eliminate sparking at the switch contacts. In this particular instance, two auxiliary relays (K5 and KT) actuate the main connector relays Kj and Ko as well as the high-voltage network switch (K,), designed especially on a Rototrol mechanism. (See Fig. 11.7.) The main power supply is cut off before

SEC. 11.2]





the pulse duration is changed, and the power is restored m soon as the high-voltage switch is again in operating position. Protection. Protection against short circuits in the load is normally achieved by the shunt-diode circuit, which prevents dangerous overvolting of any pulser component and keeps the average current very nearly For prolonged short circuits, it is desirable either to turn off constant. the pulser, or at least to change its output from high to low power. Since the largest current change resulting from a fault occurs in the shuntdiode circuit, a protective relay is introduced in this circuit. A thermal relay ( TK1 of Fig. 117) was selected for this function because of its long operating delay. The relay chosen in this particular case operates in approximately one second in case of a short circuit in the load (see Sec. 10.3), but takes five seconds to return to its normal position. The resultant decrease in the average plate dissipation in the diode to one sixth of the expected value enables the 3B26 to be operated within ratings. The pulser components are protected against the effects of an open circuit in the load, or a short circuit across the power supply caused by a fault in the pulser, by means of an overload relay (K, in Fig. 117). This relay is of the flapper type, and releases when the high voltage is shut off. When the trouble condition is continuous, tinal protection is assured by overloading the fuses through the resistance RI. Trigger Ampli$er.-The trigger pulse supplied by the radar system to the pulser may vary in amplitude from 7 to 150 volts, and in duration from 0.5 to 10 psec. Because of the trigger and bias requirements of the 5C22 hydrogen thyratron, a special power supply was needed for its grid The trigger amplifier is shown in Fig. 11.7. A double triode is circuit. used, one half of which serves as an amplifier and limiter, and the other half as the tube in a regenerative pulser. The trigger pulse for the 5C22 is obtained from the cathode-follower output from the regenerative pulser tube. Insulation.-All magnetic components used in this pulser have been designed with Fosterite insulation in order to reduce their weight to a minimum and to enable operation at ambient temperatures bigher than those that standard equipment would normally withstand. Results so It was also desired to use diaplex as far have been very satisfactory. network insulation to further reduce the weight. Because of corona difficulties occurring at the operating-voltage levels, a satisfactory diaplex network was not available, and a network with oil-impregnated paper insulation was used instead. By careful location of the network in the air flow, it was possible to reduce its temperature rise and thus insure satisfactory life. The complete wiring diagrams of the pulser and its control box are given in Fig. 11.7.

Y.-. i -L 1111
-u I ;


llli~z g F------- --- ____[ Trigger amplifier ~ q

L --

Control box

~ -4



To outside blower motor

FIG. 11.7. Circuit diagram for the high-power

---.4-W mo~or


airborne pulser.

(Court..V of the Westinghouse Research







Mechanical Design and Dissipation of Heat.A preliminary study and estimates of efficiency indicated that the pulser components could probably be contained in a cylinder less than 15 in. in diameter and 17 in. long, but that the total losses would be 600 to 700 watts. Hence, the ultimate size of the pulser might be determined by temperature-rise considerations and heat transfer through the airtight container. Cooling studies give heat-transfer coefficients of 6 milliwatts per square inch per degree centigrade for turbulent (low-velocity) air on either side of the container, and about 16.8 milliwatts for high-velocity air.1 If a value of 95C is assumed for the maximum air temperature in the container, the maximum temperature rise allowable is 24C above the

FIQ. 11 .8.Interior view of can. (CourtsaU of corrugated Westinuhome Rsasarch Labordorks.)


FIGI. 11 .9.Outside view of the completed can showing mounting rings and shock mounts. (Courtoj ths Wsstinghowe Rewzrch Laboratti.)

value of 71. 1C specified as the ambient operating temperature. the required cooling area for the best conditions of heat transfer is Area = 700 = 1750 in.z 16.8 X 24


In order to obtain a high-velocity air flow along the entire area of the airtight can, a triple-walled can is necessary. A tentative design, based on the estimated size of the pulser components size and of the axial-flow blower, gave an area of about 1200 in. 2 for the center (airtight) can. By forming the cylinder out of a corrugated sheet rather than a smooth sheet, it was possible to increase the total cooling area to about 1750 in. 2without increasing the outside dimensions of the unit; furthermore, the mechanical rigidity was increased. Figures 11.8 and 11.9 show the airtight corrugated can alone, and mounted with the jackets that assure d 1A. E. Vershbowand E. L. Czapek Cooling of PressureTight Containers, RL Rsport No. 462, Mar. 14, 1944.





high-velocity flow of air along the corrugations, and Fig. 111Ogives a comparison of cooling efficiency between plain and corrugated cans. The temperature rise is higher here than expected because the correct blowers were not available for tests, causing a .U 50 decrease in air velocity from 2500 c .to 1500 ft/min for the outside air. :40 Chassis.-The pulser components are mounted on a T-shaped chassis welded to the circular-front pressure plate; channel-shaped ~ 20 / sections serve as reinforcement E m and runners for sliding on the ~ 10 guides of the inner can. The locax tion of components on the chassis ; a 5CKI 600 700 E has been chosen with regard to Total powerdissipatedin wstts weight distribution, short connecFIQ. 11.10.Comparison of the heat tilpation of a plain-wall can versue that of tions, and the elimination of a corrugated-wall can. (Courte-w of the electrical noise. Most heavy comWeatinuhouae Re-warch L&wa-tcwies.) ponents are located near the front plate in order to relieve strains on the chassis, the parts have been grouped by functions, and the noisy elements of the pulse-forming circuit have been kept in a section by themselves.

gm g

Fm. 11.11 .Top

view of the chassis.



th+? WestiWhouse

Research Laboratories.)

Relays, tap switches, and line noise filters for all power leads are contained in a relay box on the front of the pressure plate, and the line filters are mounted on a partition that provides a completely shielded input compartment for the control-box connector, , Separate shielded cables






are provided for both input and output trigger pulses, and a special pulseCable connector is also used. Figures 11.11 and 11.12 show the chassis


11.1 2.Bottom




chassis. (Courtesu Labomtoritx.)


the. Weatinghouae


Frr;. 11. 13.vjew. of the chassis partially slid into the can. Research I.aboralcwiea.)

(Courk?_sU of the WeshnUkOtiSe

laym It, and Fig. 11~ 13 shows a general view of the pulser with the cover part] y removed. Per~ormance.Some data covering dcctrical performance are given in Table 11.2, corresponding to several taps on the input transformer for

462 both are: short and



[SEC.11.2 applying to all cases




Recurrence frequency = 2000 pps. Pulse duration 1. Short pulse. = 0.43 psec, measured at half amplitude of magnetron current pulse. Pulse duration 2. Long pulse. Recurrence frequency = 400 pps. 2:4- psec, measured at haif amplitude of- magnetron current pulse. The tabulated magnetron input voltage in Table 11.2 has been obtained by plotting an average V-Z characteristic from the actual data, and correcting the voltage readings to make the points follow a smooth curve. In no case was the correction greater than 2.5 per cent, which is a reasonable error for voltage measurements with a capacitance divider. TABLE11.2.PERFOEMANCE DATAFORHIGH-POWER AIRBORNE PULSER A-c
Transformer ap input power Ps, watts

Input to pulser circuit

E)>,, kv I,.,, ma Pi, watts

11, amp V1, kv PI, kw P1.V, watts

Puker-circuit efficiency
P, &
. per cent

x 100,

Short pulse

3 5 6 7

710 780 950 1000 1070

5.20 5.56 6.30 6.50 6.78

86 92 105 108 112

446 511 660 702 760

17.0 20.6 24,3 26.6 27.4

20.6 21.2 21.8 22.2 22.3

350 435 530 590 610

300 375 455 505 525

68 73 69 72 69

Long pulse

I 3 6

\ 100 112 550 728

825 5.5 1040 6.5

19.2 23.4

20.9 21.6

400 505

385 485

70 67

The circuit efficiency is approximately 70 per cent for all operating conditions; however, the over-all pulser efficiency-from a-c input to pulse outputis only about 50 per cent at the higher power levels. If the drain of blower motors and d-c relays are included, the best efficiency available is about 40 per cent. Thus, it is seen that the fixed losses cathode power, cooling, etc.account, in general, for more than half the total l{Jsses in the pulser.
The Fig. pulse input to the magnetron and the r-f spectrum are given in 11.14. Heat temperature runs on the finished of the pulser network at full that output was 32C indicated above a hot-spot the external

on the






ambient temperature, and a 35C temperature rise for the core of the charging reactor. These values are about equal to those expected from the design considerations. 11.3. Multiple-network Pulsers.~In the conventional line-type pulser the load is matched to the network impedance in order to obtain

(a) 0.5-psec current pub.

(b) 2.5-Msec current pulse.

(c) 0.5-p5ec voltage pulse.

(d) 2.5-Awec voltage pulse.

(e) R-f spectrum for the 0.5-@ec pulse. FIG. 11. 14.Osci1loscope traces of pulses obtained with the high-power airborne pulser and the 4J50 magnetron. (Court.s# of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories.)

optimum power transfer, resulting in a load voltage equal to one half the network voltage before discharge. The use of pulse transformers, of course, enables the load voltage to be stepped up or down by a factor of five, and possibly ten in some cases. It is possible to obtain load voltages equal to or higher than the network voltage without pulse transformers by using several networks in the discharging circuit. Circuits were developed both in England and in this country to accomplish this i By R. S. Stanton.





result. The British used a two-network system called the Blumlein circuit, and a general scheme for the use of n networks was devised by S. Darlington of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. The general principle on which these circuits are based is essentially that of charging the networks in parallel and discharging them in series. The Darlington Circuit.A simplified schematic diagram of the DarIington circuit is shown in Fig. 1115. It consists of (n 1) four-terminal networks. The nth network can be of the two-terminal type. One obvious requirement to obtain a single pulse across the load is that all the networks have the same delay time and phase characteristics. In order to obtain a single pulse across the load resistance RI, some definite relations between the network impedances are required. These impedance relationships may be obtained by making use of a steady-state theorem on equivalent circuits, and applying it to the impulse system.

Fm. 11. 15.Schematic


diagramof the Darlington discharging circuit.

This theorem states that a circuit consisting of an ideal transformer in series with a load resistance and a four-terminal network is equivalent to another circuit consisting of a four-terminal network and series resistance, provided that certain relationships exist between the transformer By applying ratio, the series resistances, and the network impedances. this theorem to the discharging circuit of a conventional pulser and introducing a delay line of the same electrical characteristics as that of the original network, an equivalent two-network circuit is obtained. The process is repeated until the n-network system is developed for which the expression for the impedance of the rth network is given by

T(T + ~) [1


and the impedance of the nth network is given by Z. = RJn. Energy considerations show that all the energy stored in the network is dksipated in one pulse in the load resistance when these values are adopted. Hence, the reflections taking place between networks must of necessity cancel each other, and a single pulse be obtained at the load. The voltage of that pulse is equal to n/2 times the network voltage. The series discharge is obtained by short-circuiting the first network of the series by switch S. By simple transmission-line theory, short-circuiting

SEC. 11.3]





one end of a network is equivalent to reversing the potential of the network, thus putting it in series with the second network. The voltagereversal process is continued until the pulse appears across the load. It must be noted that the reversal process results in a fixed time delay between the firing of the switch and the appearance of the pulse at the load. The recharging of the network can be accomplished by the same methods as have been discussed in the case of a conventional line-type pulser. The Blumle-in Circuit.If the relations for the network impedance obtained above are applied to the case where only two networks are used, ZI = R1/2, Zs = R1/2. For two networks, however, the constraining Network 1
Network 2

~ transformer

FrG. 11.16.Schematic

diagram of the Model 16 pulser.


conditions are not as severe as in the general case described above, and matched conditions are obtained if the sum of the network impedances is equal to the load impedance, or 21 + Zz = Rz. In this way it is possible to match a high-impedance load directly to a low-impedance network by the addition of another network. Some advantages can be derived from using two networks of equal For instance, the practical pulser described hereafter impedance. uses two networks of equal impedance, which can either be connected in series as in the Blumlein circuit to obtain a pulse power of 10 Mw for a pulse duration of 1 psec, or connected in tandem to obtain a pulse power of 5 Mw for a pulse duration of 2 psec by connecting the switch as indicated in Fig. 11.16. A-c resonant charging was used, and the rotary spark gap was mounted on an extension of the generator shaft The networks have impedances and provided with phasing control. equal to one half the load impedance (magnetron impedance divided by




[SEC.] ~.3

the square of the pulse-transformer turns ratio). The specifications for the pulser were: Recurrence frequency: 350 pps. Power output: 10 and 5 Mw. Pulse durations: 1 and 2 psec. Supply voltage: 60-cycle 3-phase. The following protective devices were introduced in the circuit: (1) a magnetron-average-current underload relay, (2) a pulse reverse-current relay, (3) a thermal overload relay on motor and charging transformer, and (4) fuses for averag-current meter, under-current relay, and control The magnetron-filament voltage may be adjusted by means of a circuit. variac, and an automatic twominute time delay is introduced before the high voltage can be applied to the circuit. The pulser is built as a single unit, approximately 30 in. by 60 in. by 69 in. and weighs about 1700 lb. A photograph of the completed pulser is reproduced in Fig. 11.17. Design Calculations.-For the conventional circuit having a network impedance of 25 ohms, the pulse-power output is 5 Mw and the pulse duration is 2 usec. When the Blumlein circuit is used, FIG. 11.17.Photograph of the Model 16 the network impedance is 50 ohms, pulser. the mlse outmt is 10 Mw, and the pulse duration is 1 psec. For both arrangements o~the circuit the recurrence frequency is 350 pps and the average power is 3500 watts. On the basis of the conventional circuit arrangement, the capacitance for the network is
CI? =

& = 22;1:; =40,000,jlf.

If the discharging efficiency Vd is assumed to be 70 per cent, the network voltage is

N= E=2$x:ix2527kv,
and the average power taken from the network is
P.= ~

= 5100 watts.






The rms voltage across the transformer secondary for n = 2 and Q = 12 is




0.707 X 27 X 103 = ~9n volts 1 2.76

and the rms current in the transformer secondary is

I .IM nirCNE#.oa


= 1.1 amp.

E,X I.-, = 6920 X 1.1 = 7.6 kv-amp,

The average current in the transformer secondary is

z %$.

~ CNE~=
() %

= 0.44 CNEN.

= 0.378 amp.

The charging inductance is given by

LC=~ C.w: = 5.15 henrys.

This value is the total inductance, but allowance must be made for the source inductance transformed by the square of the turns ratio of the charging transformer. According to experimental tests, a transformer TABLE11.3.TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTEIUSTICS FOBTHEMODEL16 Generatorvolts, VQ Chargingcurrent 1.67, ma. Pulsevoltage, kv

Pulse power, NIw

Blumlein circuit 150 155 160 165 170 185 187 195 197 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 3txl 380 13.6 15.4 16.4 18,2 19.1 20,2 21.4 22.6 23.6 3.7 4.7 5.4 6.6 7.2 8.2 92 10.2 11.2

Conventionalcircuit 185 190 205 215 250 300 340 375 8 9.9 10.9 12.0 2.5 3.9 4.8 5.7





leakage inductance of 3.6 henrys is necessary in order to obtain a total circuit inductance of 5.15 henrys. Typical operating characteristics with resistance load for the Blumlein and conventional circuits are given in Table 11.3. 11.4. The Anger Circuit. -In the conventional line-type pulser in use in this country, the pulse-forming network is charged slowly to a potential V., and then is suddenly discharged through a load whose impedance is very nearly equal to the characteristic impedance of the pulse-forming network. The Anger circuit was developed in this country by H. O. Anger, in 1942.2 The British have used the same circuit in some of their pulse generators. In this circuit the network is charged to a potential VN through a load of imRI A pedance very nearly equal to the characteristic impedance of the network, and the pulse appears across the load during the charging of the net work. The Anger circuit also differs 1 from that of the d-c charging linetype pulser in that it is necessary either to discharge the network or to reverse the polarity of the network voltage during the interpulse FI~. 11. 18.The Anger circuit with a interval. The net work can be dishold-off thyratron. charged by connecting a suitable resistance across its terminals, corresponding to conventional resistance charging. The polarity of the network voltage can be reversed by connecting an inductance across its terminals, and the same possibilities of resonant, hold-off diode, or linear operation exist as in the conventional inductance-charging circuit. The fundamental circuit as originally designed is given in Fig. 11.18. Assume that thyratron !lhl has been made conducting, so that point II is at potential EM. If some time later, thyratron Th2 is made conductit closes a resonant circuit formed by the ing, (Thl nonconducting), capacitance of the pulse-forming network and the inductance L,. Since the current cannot reverse in the circuit because of the lll~i( property of the thyratron, a charge is left on the network that is nrady equal in magnitude, but opposite in polarity, to that left on it after the pulse. 1By J. V. Lebacqz. zJ. V. Lebacqz, H. O. Anger,and T. W. Jarmie, hlcrhanical VawaIII Swit(IIPS, TransmissionLineand RC PulsingCircuits, NDRC 14-156,U. of Calif., Jun(> 1, 1943,






Before thyratron Th, is made conducting a second time, a potential almost equal to 2Ew appears across it. At the time of firing, the equivalent circuit is that shown in Fig. 11.19. The current flowing through the circuit when the switch is closed is given by Rl _
v. +

EW Z. :C,

PFN+ s,


and the voltage appearing across the load is VZ = I&t = VN + Eu




FIG. 11.19.Equivalentcircuit at the start of the pulse.

Assuming matched conditions

(ZN = Rz) and neglecting losses (R, = 0),

After the pulse, the pulse-forming network again has a voltage EM across it, and the schematic diagram of the potential-reversing circuit is given by Fig. 11.20. The pulse-forming network can be represented by its capacitance C., if the resonant period of with the pulse L. and CN is large compared R, ~P +c~duration. Then, one half cycle after switch i% is closed, TJ s~
V. = EMe~,

where Q = wLJRt, and R, is the resistance of the potential-reversing inductance and switch Sz in series. The load voltage for the following pulses can then be written, for matched conditions and no losses in the switch S1, vt=Ewl+e-fi 2 For a value of Q of approximately 15,
= 0.9,

F1@. ll.20. Schematic diagram of the potential-reversingcircuit.

e% ~ eo.l = 1

VZ = 0.95Ew

In general, VI can be written





The peak current taken from the power-supply

I, = Ebb(l + e R. ~Q) + R, + Z.

filter condenser is

and the average current is

The average power output is given by .

the average power input is

~~(1 + e

~ Rl

Pi.v = Et.b . I.,V = R

G ~ rf,,


and the pulser-circuit

efficiency is given by

RP+R[+ZN R,.

(1 + e-~Q)

It can be seen from these relations that the performance of this circuit is essentially the same as that of the conventional line-type pulser. A modification of this circuit was introduced a little later in order to eliminate the necessity of the thyratron Thz R, A The value of the inductance L. was increased Lc B = until the natural period of oscillation of the = Th, L.C~-combination was exactly twice the pulse --% recurrence period. Under these conditions . the network potential-reversing process occupies the full interval between pulses, corm responding to normal resonant charging of i the standard pulser circuit. A circuit diagram Fm. 11.21.The revised Anger circuit. is given in Fig. 11.21. Further investigation also- showed th~t the value of the inductance In this could be made larger than that corresponding to resonance. case, the current in L. never drops to zero, and the potential across the pulse-forming network reverses in a more linear fashion, corresponding to linear d-c charging of the normal line-type pulser circuit. Since the Anger circuit gives essentially the same performance as the circuit discussed in Chap. 9, the reasons for using it mllst depend on practical considerations. Probably the principal disadvantage is that the rectifier-output filter capacitance must be able to withstand the additional







heat produced by the pulse current flowing through it, and must also be large enough to prevent an appreciable drop in the pulse voltage. From a practical standpoint, a capacitance ten times the pulse-forming-network In general, it is found that this value capacitance should prove ample. is also required to keep the rectifier ripple within reasonable limits. The principal advantage of the circuit is apparent in applications It may be noted that, in requiring high voltages in crowded places. the Anger circuit, the maximum instantaneous voltage to ground at any point in the circuit does not exceed the d-c supply voltage, whereas, in the usual line-type circuit, it is twice the d-c supply voltage. Little difference in the transformers may be expected, the rectifier filaments are at ground potential instead of Ew, but the thyratron cathode is at EM instead of ground potential, requiring, of course, the addition of an insulated trigger transformer for the thyratron grid. 11.6. The Nonlinear-inductance Circuit.1-This section is concerned with pulse generators in which nonlinear inductances are used as the switching elements. These pulsers can produce a high voltage across the load from a low-voltage power supply without the use of a pulse transformer. By suddenly reducing the current in a linear inductance to zero, the energy stored in the associated magnetic field is transferred to a capacitance. The resultant high voltage across the condenser causes a large current to build up in a nonlinear inductance, which soon reaches current saturation. Upon saturation, the inductance of the nonlinear coil immediately diminishes to a very small value and, together with the capacitance, acts as a high-impedance pulse-forming network and delivers the pulse to the load. The coil has a toroidal winding on a spirally wound molybdenum permalloy tape core. The tape has a thickness of about 1 mil and an initial permeability of at least 10,000. The switching impedance ratio and the time of saturation of the coil are controlled by the proper proportioning of both the weight of the core material and the diameter and number of turns on the coil. For a typical coil the inductance changes from approximately 1.5 h to 100 ph at a pulse recurrence frequency of 3600 pps, and the time jitter can be held to less than 0.05 psec. The nonlinear-inductance pulser operates in the following manner. The tube 2, (shown in Fig. 11.22), which is normally cut off, is made conducting by means of a rectangular-wave grid excitation (E~ in Fig. 11.23). Plate current from a high-voltage source flows through the linear inductance L 1, and the tube is allowed to conduct for a time sufficient to permit this plate current to build up to a point nearing current saturation (~L, in Fig. 11.23). This duration is made equal to approximately 25 per cent of the interval between pulses. At the time By L. G. Keretaof the Bell TelephoneLaboratoriee.





when the current is built up to the greatest usable amplitude for the excitation applied, the tube is suddenly cut oil. Peak current amplitudes between 0.5 and 3.5 amp are obtained in L,, depending on the output requirements. A 5D21 tetrode is very satisfactory as tube T, for a pulser output of about 200 kw. During the time the tube conducts, the nonlinear inductance L2 operates in the linear region where its inductance is about 1 to 1.5 henrys. At the cutoff instant the energy in the inductance L1 begins to transfer to the capacitance Cl, and current of the opposite sign begins to build up in the nonlinear inductance. This inductance is designed so that the time required for the core to saturate is equal to the time for the condenser to become fully charged. At thk instant the condenser suddenly discharges and energizes the magnetron (Z~L in Fig. 11.23). The pulse applied to the magnetron from the pulse-shaping elements has a trapeI zoidal shape (EMAG in Fig. 1123); 10# sac+ I c1 (ti~;i:J~g
charges) A

11 22.-Basic circuit for a nonlinear-inductance pulser. (courte8~ of the Bell Telephone Laboratories. )

shapes in a nonlinear-inductance pulser. (Courtesy of the BeU Zelepbne Laboratories. )

0.3ESC Ft~. 11.23.Typical wave

=5 -

the voltage pulse has a base about 1 psec long and a flat top of about 0.3 ~sec duration. For the operating conditions shown in Fig. 11.23, the threshold voltage for the magnetron is about 11 kv. Therefore, it is apparent that both the current pulse and r-f pulse have a base time duration equal to the duration of the voltage pulse at the threshold value (EMAGand lM.G in Fig. 1123). The resultant r-f pulse has a base about 0.5 psec long and a top 0.3 ~sec long. It may be noted, from Fig. 1124, that the nonlinear inductance is operated with a d-c bias, For circuit simplicity an external bias source is shown here, and circuit arrangements that require no external bias source are described later. With the application of bias, the cycle of






operation is started with the nonlinear inductance in saturation, as shown on the B-H characteristic of Fig. 1125 at point 1~. When the tube T1 starts to conduct, current flows through the tube from two sources: (1) the linear inductance L1, and (2) Cz and the nonlinear Current flows from source (2) because Cz has assumed inductance Lz. the full voltage of the high-voltage L, L, power supply (1200 volts) during the cutoff period. This current is in a direction opposite to the bias current and causes the nonlinear inductance to move its operating point to the linear range as shown by the arrow indicating a rising B. The bias current is adjusted to limit the ma~mum B to a value . FIQ.11.24.Nonlinear-inductance pulser just below the saturation point with externalbias. (Courkxu.f the Bell shown on the positive side of the Tefephone Laboratories.) characteristic. The pulse-shaping circuit (Fig. 11.26) was evolved from the attempt to use an equivalent of the Guillemin circuit, a pulse-shaping circuit that can be represented by sections of series-tuned circuits in parallel. The variation attempted here was an equivalent circuit that used the nonlinear inductance and capacitance in series for the first section, and introduced shunt-tuned circuits in series with the above combination.
L5 G ~



c,, 4


Fxa. 11 .25. Hysteresis loop of a nonlinear inductance. (Courtesy of the Bell Tehephone Laboratories.)

FIG.11 .26.Pulse-forming network for 8 nonlinear-inductance pulser. (Courte.V of tlu Bell Telephone Laboratories.)

This attempt to square the pulse left much to be desired because of parasitic effects introduced by component proximities. In its final form, which was determined experimentally, the first element in the network consisted of a nonlinear inductance and its shunt capacitance in series with C,. The inductance Ls was adjusted to tune to a higher harmonic of the pulse recurrence frequency with the tube capacitance Cr, and LO





was adjusted similarly to tune with the capacitance of the diode and magnetron. The resultant circuit is effectively a three-terminal network in which Cl, CT, and CN=are charged to the full circuit voltage. Upon saturation of Lz, the condenser CNL discharges through Lz and defines the slope of the pulse voltage up to the threshold value of the magnet ron. The voltage from threshold is maintained by the energy in C,, and declines at a rate that depends on the product of the higher order elements in the network. The final pulse shape resulted from a compromise between the desire for a rectangular pulse and that for simplicity in the network. Dependent on the application, three basic transmitter circuits have been used. The first, see Fig. 11.22, is described with the operation of

-L . FIQ. 11.27.Diagram
showing a method to supply the bias for the nonlinear inductance from an RC-circuit. (Cowtesvof the Bell Telephone Labordories.)

the basic circuit, anduses anexternal source of bias supply. The other two circuits use no external power for the supply of bias, and, as a consequence, they have been more widely used in practical applications. The first of these, shown in Fig. 11.27, iscalled thedynamic-bias circuit. It employs the combination R,CZ to provide the bias. The values are so chosen that the charge which accumulates on CZ during the cutoff time and is dissipated during the period of tube conduction does not Also, Cj must beso large compared saturate the nonlinear inductance. with Cl that appreciable energy is not lost during the discharging period. Likewise, RI must be large enough to limit the tube current through the nonlinear inductance to a value that is less than the saturation value. During the discharge, the value of CZR1 must be such that the current in the nonlinear inductance builds up to the saturation value in a time equal to the charging time of Cl. It is found possible to meet these The second requirements with relatively noncritical values of C and R. internal-bias circuit shown in Fig. 11.28 is called the multifilar-bias circuit. The hiasin~ circuit is very similar to that shown in Fig. 11.22,





the difference being that the average plate current of the tube T1 supplies the bias for the nordinear inductance. Since the plate current is predetermined by the operating conditions, the proper biasing point is obtained by adjusting the number of turns on the nonlinear inductance until the proper number of ampere-turns of bias is obtained. Since this number of turns is greater than the optimum number for the discharge, the additional turns are obtained by winding them in multi fllar faehion with the windinE value that *h \ is optimum for the discharging cir~ cuit. As a result, the nonlinear inductance has between two and four L2 , L filar windings, depending on the power-output requirement. Since c, + HV the proper bias polarity is opposite in direction to the normal datecur= FIG. 11.2S.Diagram showing the rent flow, the current must be supelimination of external bias by multiiilar
plied order through to allow a linear current inductance reversal in in the windings in the inductances. (Cowtav of the Bsll TslePhime Labordor&)

-. Ix!uf
coils. (Courte8U of the Bell Telephone

nonlinear inductance. The linear inductance is aiso proportioned by multifdar means in order to allow a division of inductance between the An auxiliary consideration is: that elements of the nordinear inductance. the voltage across the nonlinear and choke coils be kept at a fimum; this is also accomplished by the multifilar windings.

Fm. 11.29.Photo~aphs

of nonlinear:inductance LabOratoriw.)

A photograph of the nonlinear inductance used in the circuit of Fig. 1127 is reproduced in Fig. 1129a, and three stages in the construction of a multiflar-winding coil for the circuit of Fig. 1~.28 are shown in ~g. 11.29b. The core for the coil shown in Fig. 11.29a weighs about 400 grams, and the finished unit weighs about 1.5 lb for a pulser having a pulse-power output of about 200 kw. Photographs of the assembly

of the pulser





components for the circuit of Fig. 1127 are reproduced in Fig. l130a and b. The completed assembly is enclosed by an oiltight box, and contains all of the components shown in the diagram with the exception of the tubes and the resistor R 1. In pulse generators using a nonlinear inductance as the switching element, it is possible to obtain small time jitter, and to operate continuously at high pulse recurrence frequencies (greater than 4000 pps) if necessary. The pulser operates also at pulse durations longer than those mentioned above, but for durations greater than 1 ~sec the efficiency becomes poor compared with that of conventional line-type and hard-tube pulsers.



of the component assembly for the nonlinear-inductance cucuit of Fig. 11.27. (Courtesv of the Bell Telephone Laboratories.)


11.6. Special-purpose Output Circuits. Halj-wave Single-phase Charging.The a-c resonant pulsers described previously in this chapter have full-wave, or single-cycle, charging circuits. In these circuits a simple switch that is synchronized with the supply frequency and made conducting in proper phase relation with the charging voltage serves to deliver a unidirectional pulse to the load, and the pulse recurrence frequency is, in general, equal to the supply frequency. For half-wave charging, discussed in Chap. 9, the pulse recurrence frequency is twice the supply frequency, but the charge on the net~rork is of opposite polarity on alternate pulses. Accordingly, a conventional dkcharging circuit would lead to output pulses of alternating polarity. Two special switching arrangements have been used in order to obtain a series of unidirectional pulses across the load by rectifying action. The first of these is shown in Fig. 11.31, in which the rotary gap G 1By R. S. Stanton.







is of a special design that provides the rectifying element in the circuit as follows. When the network voltage assumes a maximum value with terminal a positive and b negative, the switch assumes the position shown in the figure; a is therefore connected to ground, and a negative voltage appears at the terminal c of the load. One half cycle later, the polarity on the network is reversed, the switch connects b to ground and a to the load at c, and again a negative pulse appears across the load. One pulser based on the circuit described above was required to deliver Spsec pulses to a load impedance of 450 ohms at a maximum pulse power of 1.8 Mw. The pulse recurrence frequency was 120 pps, and the a-c supply was a 115-volt 60-cycle single-phase line. The rotary-gap switch was driven by an 1800-rpm synchronous motor with electrical means for automatically selecting the phase required to deliver a negative

~----- ----------------\\\


FIG. 11.31 .Pulser using a-c resonant half-wave

pulse. A special transformer was designed inductance for resonant charging.

to provide



Design Calculations.The requirements for the pulser are: Pulse power P,: 1.8 Mw. Pulse duration r: 5 psec. Pulse voltage Vl: 28.5 kv. Load impedance Z1: 450 ohms. Average power: 1080 watts. Pulse recurrence frequency j, = 120 pps.

Assuming a pulse-forming-network impedance of 50 ohms to match the pulse-cable impedance, the following values are obtained: Pulse-forming-network capacitance C. = 0.05 ~f. 3 = 1. N Discharging efficiency m = 70 per cent (assumed). values, the network voltage is given by Pulse-transformer stepup ratio ~

Using the above






the power to be taken from the network is 1.8 X 106 X 5 X 10-6 X 120 ~ ~580JYatt\ ., P.v = 1% = -i7 11<1

1he transformer-secondary

voltage is


n =

1 (half-cycle



Q =


0,707 X 23 X 103 ~ ~1 ~v I?,,z,n = -- ~.47 , anfl the transformer-secondary

I mrc., ),,,@,, _7r

cllwwlt is
Xll XIOJX @(2r)60





2 X 2,45 = 0.19 amp.

E,rmq X I.,,m ==

2100 volt-amp.

The charging inductance is 1 = (5 X 10-8)(27 X 60) = 138 enrys

= C%

This value was used in dmigning the a-c resonant transformer because the source inductance could be ncglcctcd. Bridge.A thyratrun bridge can be used instead of the 2//{; Thvrairon rotary gap to obtain p\Ilscs of identical polarity, as indicated in Fig. 11.32. When terminal a of the pulse-forming network has reached its maximum positive charge, a trigger pulse is supplied to Vlla causing it to conduct. Its plate is thus brought very nearly to ground potential, and a negative impulse is applied to the cathode of V!llb through the Because of interelectrode capacit:mce of the pulse-forming network. capacitance, the grid does not become negative as rapidly as does the cathocie. Thus, VTlb is also made conducting, and the discharging circnlit is completed through Rl, V!flb, the pulse-forming network, At the peak of the next charging cycle (the sllcceeding and VZla. half-cycle of supply voltage), VT2a and VT2b are made to conduct Th~ls, the thyratron bridge serves the same purin a similar manner. pose as the rectifying rotary gap s~ritch. Assuming perfect voltage division across the bridge, the network voltage may be twice the voltage rating for a single tube and, since each






pair of tubes conducts at only half of the output pulse recurrence frequency, the duty ratio may be twice that for a single tube. The pulse current is limited to the current rating of a single tube, so the maximum average power output may be four times that for a single thyratron switch. A special trigger-pulse generator is required for use with the thyratronbridge circuit, It must supply alternate trigger pulses to Vlla and VT2a spaced exactly 180 in the supply cycle, and phased with respect to the charging voltage so that each tube is caused to conduct when the network voltage reaches a maximum. An experimental pulser was constructed and tested at the Radiation Laboratory using 4C35 thyratrons and a 400-cycle a-c supply. The ,, .


diagram of the thryratron-bridge



pulse recurrence frequency was therefore 800 pps. The 4C35 thyratrons have maximum pulse ratings of 8 kv and 90 amp, but, since the two tubes are in series, the maximum allowable network voltage is 16 kv. Assuming matched load, the value of Z~ that causes the pulse current to fall within the maximum rating is

The network and load impedances were chosen as 100 ohms each, the load being a noninductive resistance. For a pulse duration of 0.9 psec, the pulse-forming network had a measured capacitance of 4550 p~j. The charging-transformer characteristics were as follows: Transformer-secondary voltage,

E~= z

Q(I e ~)

= 7.7 kv.







rms current,
n~C.yEW. - =


0.8 amp.



average current, l,~v = 0.

= 34.8 henrys. . Typical opemting tl:~ta for this p;Ilser are given in ~ahlc 11.4.

~harging in(lllctance, L. = ~ !7


1).\r.\ roR OI,I;R.\TI>G

[ IIYR.+~R(lX-BR1

AX .{-c RE<ox.%x~ ll. +ll--\V.*Vfi:-{H \RG1XG




\Yatt,1.y, li\
1,50 280 428

1,, ,:;;:;5 k, 84 l(il 247 4.1 5.4 (i.7




~ Plnv,
IV:ltts 63 123 2(Y2


x 100/1,,
42 44 47


I 111:1 : k\v l.136 270 415

pcr rrnt

~ 68
91 117

3S 0251 ,-)0 o 35 (i2 o ~ 45

.lfl~lt~pl~-lend F((1.scr,In 1{)42 the ncml arose for z pnlscr to NIPPIJJ pIIlsr polier to t\\t) In:lgnetr(ms sinllllt:i]lcollsly. .\t th:lt time the prol)lcm J\-:wSOIJC(Is:itisttict,orily hy p]acing the tlro loa(ls in parallel on tl]e o\Itpllt, of the plllscr descrilxd PFN

in t~:$$:., i



[Ising lVith

sep:lrate this systrm

plllse the

.. . . . . --



d ~1~[~

~pB ,),,111, ,)l(,.lO,, (1 ,,,,1 .,,,.

a cir(,llit [he

nn(l nmgnets l!:l(i to he selecte(i c:~refllllv in or(lcr to assl[re m:lg]~etrx)ns tile ((l(l:llity tioll. of 10:1(1inlp((l:lnw p(Ilv(r :ln(l a sjst(,ni

1 I,;. I1:+1 ~,,]l,,lll:ltll,<11:1 ~1:1111 of :1

re:uwnal)ly Ilnifornl

(list til)ll-

\\tl(,n t}le I)ro(lll(,tio]l

ll:L(l :1 (ItIIIIIIlt)n (,ll:ll,~illg

IV:ls (Iesigne(l.



s!t il (11, I)llt sep:lrwte prol)l(m (ir((lits of


Ilet lt otks to

:Lll(l ]) IIlsc II() (,olll)ling

tmnsformers. I)etit-((ll

poiJ (r (Iihtril)lltion tile I)LIlse illt(r]:ll.

i 11( t Ii() 10:1(1s I?:L(II n(lllork.

(10(, s not :11lse Ivlttl tills :Lll:lllg(111(tlt l)e(,:l IIv tll(~t,(>is :Illllost tile olltl)llt (Illring

ct)llll)i]l:lt ion lNJll:l\o~ (,sw,llti:llly :1s :L :In(l nl:ignettoll plllw tr,ln>folm(r. s(,p:lt:tt[, lJIIIX(Jr (ir(,llit. I;igllte I 1 t;:] is o .sinll)li{itxl s(ll(,nulti( (li:l~mnl

of tliis

cil[(lit. ;1 I)llls(,l 1!:1s l)l:lllllml for

:L ,~y>t(nl



fif-( sil,]l,lt:,,,(ol,s

fi\C-Il(, t\\

of 2-n\\
olk pUk,I


I1 this (ir(,llit polv(, r (:L(,


\\:ls ext(11(1(1(1to In:lk( :L

schcrn~tic (li:i~r:lms 01 this I)IIlsrr. its

To remote-control panel
12 N

Fmm indicator


I J\ y =9 . ; r




Motor Rotarysparkgap 1A




,. ... .,,.


FIG.11.34.Complete schematic diagram of themultiple-load pulser anditscontrolcircuit.





circuits, and its remote-control panel are shown in Figs. 11.34 and 11.35. One of the principal problems associated with this pulser was the design of arotary spark gap that could handle the high current (1070 amp) without excessive electrode wear. A switch that would operate for Bus gay-q BusII w P --- ~1 Time meter


[-~ .+
I Id I +


3 -* Input s

Recycle ~ S8 Safety -. I ==_


= --


-----..- ,,

- --



===: A




FIG.11.35.ComPlete schematic diagram of theremote-control panelfor themultiple-load pulser. at least 1000 hours without the replacement of electrodes was finally developed. Electrical Design.-The specific requirements for this pulser were as follows : Pulse power, PI: five outputs of 2 Mw each. Pulse duration, ~: 1 ysec. .4verage power, P1,V: 3500 watts (total).

SEC. 116]





Pulse recurrence frequency, j,: 350 pps. Load impedance, Z1: 450 ohms. Pulse-forming-net work impedance, Z.: 50 ohms. Total network capacitance, C~: 0.05 X 10 farads. Pulse-transformer stepup ratio: ~~ = 3/1. If the discharging efficiency, Vd,is assumed to be 70 per cent, the network voltage ia

and the average power taken from each network is

pH _ ~fr 2 x 10 xo~- ~d

X 350 = 1000 watts.

The rma voltage across the transformer secondary for n = 2 and Q = 12 is

E~m =


0.707 X 24 X 103 ~ ~ z kv 9 2.76

Q(l e ~) and the rms current in the transformer secondary is

I %m

nrC~Ewa Z@ . 1.28(0.05 X 10-6)(6.2


X 103) ~~

(27r X 350) = 1.2 amp.

E~m x = 6.2 X 103 X 1.2 = 7.6 kv-amp.

The average current in the transformer secondary is

I C.* ~ C.EW.

() % = 0.44(0.05

= 0.44 CNEWO X 10-6)(6.2 X 103) ~~ (2T X 350) = 0.42 amp.

The charging inductance is 1 G: (0.05 x 10-;(% x 350) = 414 envs tOtal)

(Only 2.85 henrys of this total value were designed with the a-c resonant transformer; the remainder was provided by the equivalent inductance of the source. ) Typical performance data for this multiple-load pulser are given in Table 11.5, and photographs of the equipment are reproduced in Figures 11.36 and 11.37.




[SEC. 11 cl



.- . .-. =


and rotary-gap switch for the multiple-]oad pulser.

FIG. 11,36.(a)


(b) Rotary spark gap.




Generator output ~Pulse-forming networks Efficiency I

Test No.





10, amp

P,, kw



ZPN, kw

x 100, t per cent





2 3

355 354

179 198

27 4 28.0

4,27 5.10

18 8 22.0 23,1

3.11 4.22 4.61

95 98 91

}Iagnetron Test so. J7,, ] 1, , kv 1 28 ma:

No. 1 Pa, watts 395


No. 2 P,av,



3 P,, Mw 1.15 1 49 1,73


1,15 1.50 1,73

kv 28.0 29.0 30.0

ma 13 5 16.9 18.8

I P,, lfw

v,, Il., ~Plav!

kv 27.4 28 2 29.2 ma 14.7 18.5 20,81


403 522 607


2 3

378 , 1.08 490 1,41 564 1.63

Test No. v,, kv


No. 4



30.5 !

~pav, $x

Efficiency irr per cent

I{.v) ma








Mw .

kv .

ma .

watts .

31W .


- ~m




4! 14.6

400 i 53: i;;


-2289 ~ 1172



576 , 1.6729.21









1107. Multiple-pulse Line-type Pulsers.lThe problem of obtaining a rapid succession of pulses from a line-type pulser is complicated by the fact that ail gaseous-discharge tubes known to date have a deionization time that is too long to enable the network to become recharged if the pulse interval is to be less than approximate y 100 psec. Hence, in order to obtain multiple pulses from a line-type pulser, it is necessary to use artifices. The following three methods have been tried, one of which is used in practice: (1) a m(dtiple-switch multiple-network circuit, (2) a multiple#witch single-network circuit, and (3) a single-switch multiple-network

FIG. 11,37.Cabinet

for tbe multiple-load


(a) Side view.

(b) Rear view.

The three methods are discussed separately, and their possible circuit. uses and respective advantages are compared. llultiple-wtch Multiple-network Circuit.The schematic diagram given in Fig. 11.38 applies where a double-pulse output is required. As can be seen, this circuit is simply a combination of two identical line-type pulsers connected to the same load. When thyratron 7%1 is fired, the network PFNI discharges through the load resistance Rt, giving the first pulse of the series. When Zhz is fired, the second pulse is produced in the load by the discharge of PFN,. More circuits can similarly be fired in succession to produce so-called codes of three or more pulses. Additional stray capacitance, which may affect the pulse shape, occurs across the load when all the pulse-forming networks are Also, connected to the load, or to the primary of the pulse transformer. 1By J. V. Lcbacqz.





the plates of all the thyratrons are coupled together through the pulseforming networks. Hence, all output pulse voltages appear, essentially, at the plates of the untriggered tubes. As long as the pulse voltage is negative, no trouble can result. B+ If, however, post-pulse oscillations I appear because of the nature of the load or the pulse transformer, difficulties may arise either from exceeding the peak forward voltage of the thyratrons that have not yet been fired, or from the incomplete deionization of the thyratrons that have already been fired. The spacing between successive * pulses of the same code can be obtained in many ways. A practiFIG, 11.38.Circuit diagram for a multiple switch multiple-network circuit. cal method is to use a delay circuit that is energized when one thyratron is fired and produces the trigger for the successive pulse. A low-power coded pulser was built on this m-inciple, . . . whose schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1139. A brief summary of the design considerations follows.



1 FIG. 11.39.Basic


circuit diagram for a pulser producing

a three-pulse code.

When thyratron Zhl is fired, the first pulse of the code is sent to the load, and, at the same time, the grid of the first half of T, is driven well beyond cutoff. When the grid potential again rises to allow the tube to






conduct, the sudden increase in plate current causes a positive trigger to appear on the grid of the second half of Ti, starting the regenerative pulser action and applying a trigger to the grid of Thz. The operation is then repeated to trigger Th~. The spacing between pulses can easily be controlled by adjusting the cathode bias of the triodes T~ and Ts. Resistance charging of the pulse-forming network was chosen because this particular pulser was required to operate at random recurrence frequencies from O to 2000 pps. Resistance charging presents some special design problems that are discussed here. When the thyratron is fired, and until it is completely deionised, the charging element short-circuits the power supply. Hence, a current EM/R. flows through the tube after the pulse-forming network is discharged. If this current becomes too large, the thyratron does not deionize properly. Even before it stops completely, the deionization becomes erratic and may occasionally take as long as 500 gsec, resulting in improper charging for the next cycle. In order to prevent large variations in pulse power when the recurrence frequency is changed, it is necessary that the pulse-forming network be charged nearly to the power-supply voltage at the time of triggering when the highest recurrence frequency is used. If T, is the recurrence period, and Tk is the deionizing time corresponding to the chosen value of R., the network voltage at the time of firing is given by
Tr Tb

l~ = EM(1 e- RECN), where CN is the network capacitance.

T, -T&



c. =




If a variation of X per cent in the network voltage is allowed, VN is within (1 X/100) of EM, and the pulse output power does not vary by more than 2X per cent; the maximum network capacitance is then given by







Under these conditions,

the maximum energy per pulse in the load is

As has previously been shown, R. depends on the maximum current that the switch tube can pass and still deionize satisfactorily. If 1, is the value of this current, R, = E&/l~, and

Thus, from a design standpoint, the maximum energy per pulse that. can be obtained is proportional to the supply voltage and to the minimum charging time ( T,~i~ TJ of the pulse-forming network.
Double-switch Single-network Circuit.-The schematic diagram of this circuit is given in Fig. 1140. Assume that the pulse transformer is an ideal transformer of turns ratio 1/1/1 and R, Assume that RI = Z. (matched conditions). also that the filter condenser is charged to a 2 potential EM and that the pulse-forming net= + 4 work is completely discharged. If losses are . neglected, the pulse-forming network becomes charged to a potential VN = Ew when the Because of the thyratron T//, is triggered. .C, ~ m, properties of pulse-forming networks, a pulse 2 of voltage E~/2 appears across 1/[ during the charging of the network. During the pulse both the plate and the cathode of thyratron are driven negative to E,,, the plate by Tl,, l:l~. 11 41)-Circuit di:lgr:~m for a duut>lc-switcl~ the addition of the voltage at point 4 and th~t single-uct work pulser. 5+. At induced in the transformer winding the end of the pulse, however, a voltage equal to EN suddenly appears from anode to cathode of Tht, and, to keep this tube from firing, it is necessary to prevent the grid from becoming more than a few volts posiThe use of negative grid bias and the tive with respect to the cathode. addition of capacitance between grid and cathode easily accomplishes this result. Until thyratron Th2 is triggered both the filter condenser and the When Th2 is triggered, the pulse network are charged to a voltage Em. forming network discharges through winding 56 of the pulse transformer, and a puke of amplitude E6~/2 again appears across R,.






Although the circuit itself is very simple and flexible because any recurrence frequency that allows enough time for thyratron deionization One such is permissible, the auxiliary triggering circuit is complex. circuit that has been operated successfully consists essentially of an electronic switch designed to operate at the shortest interpulse spacing required; its output causes two regenerative pulsers to operate in succession, triggering the thyratrons Thl and Thz alternately. In general, the simplified equivalent cirFIG. 11.41.Equivalent circuit for a double-switch cuit of Fig. 11.41 can be analyzed by the single-network pulser. following equations. Let the network voltage The amplitude of the first pulse be zero when the switch S, is first closed. acrosa the load is then
Vl, = EM ~, ~ ~MJ

and the voltage left on the network is 2ZN VN, = EM ~~When switch S2 is closed, the second pulse has an amplitude

1 = v

Rt +



R, Rl + z.

Rt + zN

and the voltage left on the network is

v., = V~, RlyzN +V~, =Ew R1+z~


_ 2ZN
R, +

. )

For simplicity,

assume, as in Chap. 7, that

Rl = R[+Z. z..

Then lK= and

l+K= 2R1 R1 + Z.

R, + ZN

and the equations become

VN, = EM &2~~
V,, = ~ (1

= EM(1 K),
K)(I + K),

490 and




1.v, = The third voltage pulse is

VI, =



I+ (EM v..,) ~

K=_ Ebb

~[ I




and the voltage left on the network after the third pulse is V,, = (Ew V,,)(1 K) + VN,, or
V.y, = E,,

(1 E)(1 + K).

The fourth pulse is given by

V2, = v.V3 ~






and the voltage left on the network after the fourth pulse is
v,, = v,,






In general, for any pulse, VN(*.,, (1 + K) Vl(,n) = ~ Vi,,+,) = w

V,v,,m, =

2 VM()(1 +


v, ,,m+,,= (1 .)m% + KVN{,n,.

These values can now be rewritten in the form of series as follows:

Vl(,) = Em

(1 +




v,,,. +,, = ~

(1 + K)[l K(1 K)(1 + K2+ K4+ + K-z)].

V.,,., = E,,K(l K)(1+ K+ K+ . . . + K-z). = ~M(l K)(I+ K2+ K4+ . . . + K-). VN[?+,)
Since K is smaller than one, the series are all convergent and the equations can be rewritten
Vkzm)= *(l+

K)~=*(l 1 K ;--+:;

K), = :! (1 + K2+1),

=~(l+K) VII,. +,)

) 1 p

VM(,.) = E.K

SEC.117] and






EW ~.


As n increases, the value of K2 or K*+l becomes rapidly negligible compared with one, and the voltage across the load becomes ~1 = * EM, 2 the plus sign corresponding to odd pulses and the minus sign to even pulses. As has been explained before, a polarity reversal on alternate

(d) (c) FIG.11.42.Pulse shapesobtainedon a

network circuit. (a) Circuit arranged





c.l1 singh.-

intervals. (b) Circuit arranged (d) for four-pip operation.

for single-pip opcvatiou with ,L,,if,>r,,, i,,te, ,,UIW for two-pip opcr:,tion, (c) [or thrm.-,,il, (,l,,r:,t i,,,,. :,,!,1

pulses can easily be accomplished by the ust~ of N p(ilw t r:~nsftnmwr. The net work voltage at the end of the ch:trging period is given I)y
V, = EM &-K,

and that at the end of the discharging period by






The applications of this circuit are not limited to obtaining coded pulses from line-type pulsers. Although it is equally well suited for the constant recurrence frequencies that are common in radar systems, its advantages become particularly impressive when the pulser is required As was pointed out before, the principal to trigger at random intervals. disadvantages are due to the complicated auxiliary circuits required for triggering the two tubes alternately, and to the precautions necessary to prevent the tubes from going into continuous conduction. It is belie~-ed, however, that where irregularly spaced high-power pulses are required these disadvantages are outJveighed Le by the great flexibility of operation and the high efficiency. Oscillogrmns of pulse shapes obtained by this method are shown in Fig. 11.42. FigEbb ure 1142a was taken for a single II pulse in order to show the slight [iifference in pulse shape that results, in & diagram for singleFlu. 11.43. Circuit practice, from the charging or disswitch n]tdtiple-network pulser. charging of the network.

Circuit.The following circuit has been tried and found very successful in obtaining t~~o very closely spaced pulses from a line-type pulser. The principle of operation is identical with that of a regular line-type pulser, but an open-ended delay line is connected in parallel with the load, as indicated in Fig. 1143. Assume that 6*, the delay time of PFNZ, is greater than 6,, the delay time of PFX,. When the thyratron is fired, a pulse appears across the load and the delay line. This pulse travels down the line and is reflected at the open end. After a time equal to 262, the reflected pulse appears at the load and gives a second signal. Simple considerations indicate the conditions under which the tww The voltage amplitude of the tirst pulses have the same amplitude. pulse is given by
Single-switch Multiple-network R,Z>,, Vl, = VN, R, + Z.,, ,

RIZN, Z,,,, + RI + Z>,,

and that of the second pulse is

where a = e~l, a is the attenuation factor, and 1 is the length of the delay line. The two

SEC. 11.7;





pulses &at appear across the load have equal amplitude when ~+ or Z,., = Rl(2a 1). To obtain matched conditions for the discharge network, PFN1, the additional condition z., =
RIZN, Rl + zN, = Rt 2a a 1

R1z.\7, R1+ZN,

_l 7

of the, pulse-forming

must be satisfied. Some limitations of the system become obvious immediately. If 2a approaches 1, the values of ZN, and Z~, ammoach zero. The total -. .. attenuation of the line PFNZ increases rapidly with the length of the line, or the time delay between pulses; hence, a limit on maximum pulse separation is soon reached. Figure 11.44 shows the similarity between the two successive pulses obtained by this method for a FIG. 11.44. Oscillogram showing r-f endelay time of approximately 3 velope of pulses obtained wi h the circuit of Fig. 11.43. psec. If, however, the time delay in PFN2 is made less than ~lalf that in PFN,, the wave reflected from the end of the delay line appears at the load before the main pulse is ended. If the delay line is open-circuited, the polarity of the reflected voltage is the same as that of the pulse already appearing across the load, and an increase in pulse amplitude results. If the delay line is short-circuited, the reflected voltage is of opposite polarity, and produces a decrease in the amplitude of the main pulse. General Comparison.The multiple-switch multiple-network circuit is the most flexible one that produces multiple pulses; there are almost no limitations on the spacings that can be obtained. The main disadvantage is the large number of components that are necessary because a complete pulser circuit is required for each pulse. The double-switch single-network circuit is almost as flexible as the multiple-switch multiplenet work circuit, except that the minimum spacing bet ween successive pulses is limited by the deionization time of the particular switch. This time can be decreased somewhat by operating the thyratrons at voltages and currents below the rated values. The main disadvantage of this circuit is the complex electronic switching circuit that is necessary to pulse the two switches alternately, and the necessity of ha~~inga power

supply voltage,




11.8 this

The highinsulation trigger transformers may also cause some difficulty, but some of these disadvantages are outweighed by the absence of any charging circuit. The single-switch multiple-network circuit is the least flexible of the three. It has been described here because it represents a very simple method of obtaining two closely spaced pulses, or pulses of irregular step shape. 11.8. Multiple-switch Circuit for Voltage Multiplication. For highpower line-type pulsers having high-impedance networks, the voltages on the networks tend to become high, and may reach values of 50 kv or more. Such high voltages usually lead to engineering difficulties, and some form of impulse-voltage multiplication is therefore desirable. The .Marx multidier circuit mav easily be adapted to thk use. The basic circu-it uses the Type A pulseforming network and is shown in Fig. 11.45 for three-stage multiplication. The condensers C comprise the storage capacitance of the Since these Type A network. I~lG. 11.45.Three stage Marx circuit adapted to the line-type pulser for multiplicondensers are in series, each one cation of pulse voltage. must have a capacitance of nC.V, where n is the number of stages and CN is the required capacitance The voltage multiplication is for the network storage condenser. obtained by charging the condensers in parallel and discharging them in series. In the ideal case, the voltage stepup ratio for an n-stage circuit is n. In practice, however, about 10 per cent of the voltage is usually lost because of currents flowing through the inductances L. The pulse discharge is initiated by firing the spark gaps G, which may, of course, be replaced by any other suitable switch. The isolating chokes L serve to prevent the condensers from being short-circuited through the gaps during the pulse. It is clear that the isolating chokes L must have inductance that is sufficient to prevent an undue portion of the pulse current from being lost through them. An estimate of the required inductance may be made by calculating the circulating currents that flow during the discharge period. Some loss may also occur because of circulating currents Under most conditions, however, if the gaps do not fire simultaneously. the time lag in the firing of the gaps is less than the pulse duration T, and the approximate calculation remains valid. Triggered switches

voltage that is equal to the network voltage (instead as is usually the case for d-c inductance charging).

of half


1By H. J. White.

SEC. 11.8]





such asthyratrons or fixed spark gaps usually have very small time lags. For the purpose of an approximate calculation, it is sufficiently accurate to consider the current flowing through one inductance and one condenser C in series, thecondenser being initially charged to a voltage ~N. The current is then iLc = VN



The period of the LC-circuit must be large compared durationr, and, onthe basis of this assumption, iLC = VN ~.=y=x. J

with the pulse



The maximum value that i LCcould have during the pulse if the condenser were not otherwise discharged is (iL.)u,u = $m, and the pulse current in the load is given by

1 ==N


Eliminating VN between these two equations, found to be 2.2?N, =.

n iiLc)m.x [J 11

the expression for L is

As an example of the order of magnitude of L, let ZN = 1000 ohms, Then h = 2 x 1000 x 106 = 67 mh. 3 x 0.01 Experimental data on the effect of the isolating-choke inductance on the current efficiency are given in Fig. 11.46 for a two-stage circuit. Current efficiency is defined as the ratio of n times the average load current to the input average current, where n is the number of stages, or 2(11.,/1,=.). If there were no circulating currents in the isolating chokes, the current efficiency, by Kirchhoffs law, would be 100 per cent. Unequal storage-condenser capacitances C also cause circulating currents, which produce losses in the gaps and the condensers as well as in ~ = 10g see, n=3, (i..)= 11 = ~ol





the chokes. The isolating chokes usually have an iron core, and, for high-power circuits, they can be mounted conveniently in the tank of the pulse-forming network. A variation of the circuit of Fig. 1145 that is particularly applicable to the two-stage Marx circuit is shown in Fig. 1147. Here the highest 100 I




Pulse-shaping G elements 1--1 R,



b L





00 FIQ.11 .46. Effect

40 60 80 Isolatinginductancein mh


of isolating inductance

in the Marx circuit on the current

voltage to ground at any instant is equal to the load pulse voltage, and the problem of insulation is therefore simpler than that imposed by the original circuit. The rotary spark gap can easily be adapted for use as the switch in a Marx circuit by mounting the rotating electrodes on an



FIG. 11.47.Variation

of the Marx circuit to reduce voltagee



Pulse.ehaping elements

to ground,

insulating rotor and using one set of fixed electrodes for each gap required. An n-stage Marx circuit would have n sets of fixed electrodes. The gaps come simultaneously into firing position, and very smooth operation is obtained when the switch is well built.







BY W. H.

12.1 General Tranaforrner Theory. -Of the devices that have been developed for the transformation of energy and power the electromagnetic transformer, which changes the ratio of voltage and current while maintaining their product constant, has proved one of the most useful. Electromagnetic transformers in general and pulse transformers in particular have been used

1. To transferor control energy by raising a voltage above a threshold or barrier level. 2. To invert the sign of voltage. 3. To effect d-c isolation between source and load. 4. To deliver the correct amount of power to a load of a given resistance by changing the voltage to the proper value. 5. To effect maximum transfer of energy (or power) from source to load by a transformation of energy to the proper impedance level. It is ~ossible to conceive of a perfect electromagnetic transformer (see pag~ 504 of Sec. 121) which would operate su~cessfully over any range of frequency, impedance, and power levels. For various reasons, which are discussed later, such a perfect transformer cannot be built. Any transformer that can be built has certain limitations in its range of operation and should be designed to give optimum performance under the conditions of operation for which it is intended. Many different types of transformers have been developed to perform the many functions and to cover the various ranges of operation of electromagnetic transformers. For example, there are filament and power transformers, which operate steadily on a sinusoidal input at the various standard power frequencies and voltages. There are audio transformers, which are designed to operate over the audible range of frequencies, some at high-power levels and others at low-power levels. There are r-f transformers, which, when used in the circuits for which they are intended, pass only a narrow frequency band of r-f energy. The development of pulsed radar created a need for a relatively new type of transformera transformer that transforms the energy in a pulse







having a more or less rectangular shape and a duration of the order of magnitude of 1 psea. In general, such pulse transformers are used to perform any or all of the functions listed at the beginning of this chapter. One individual pulse transformer is often used over a fairly wide range of pulse durations, voltages, and impedances. Pulse transformers are also used extensively (usually at low power) in one type of puls~generating circuit, the regenerative pulse generator or blocking oscillator, in which energy is introduced from the plate to the grid circuit so that the polarity of the voltage is inverted and regeneraTransformers designed for regenerative pulse generators tion occurs. frequently have extra windings that can be used to transfer power to other circuits. Pulse transformers are effectively used as interstage coupling and inverting devices in pulse and video amplifiers. These transformers usually operate at medium or low power. 1 Perhaps the most important use of pulse transformers, however, has been the transformation of the energy in a pulse from a pulse generator to the impedance level of an r-f oscillator, which is frequently a magnetron. The pulsepower level at which these output transformers operate is usually between 10 kw and 10 Mw, and it is these transformers with which Part III of this book is twimarih concerned. transformed, the problems of Discussions of the propert& of their design, and the use of materials in their design are found in Chaps. 12, 13, 14, and 15. Since one of the most important functional uses of a transformer is the matching of the impedances of the source and the load, it is well to review the facts relating to the maximum power transfer from source to load. Mm-mum Power Transjer in the Steady State. -l#en a system is being energized steadily at a given frequency, the power absorbed by the where load is I&@I, f{




ie dt

i and e are respectively the current in and the voltage across the load, and RI is the load resistance. Maximum power transfer from source to load obtains when the value of K&l is a maximum. If the load impedance is fked, it may easily be shown that the maximum power transfer for the steady state occurs when I For a diecuaeion of low-powerpulse transformerssee F. N. Moody, A Treatiae on the Design of puke Tranaformera for Handling Small Powe~ TRE Technical Monograph5A.






1. The reactive components of the source and load impedances are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign. 2. The resistive component of the source impedance is kept to a minimum. If the source impedance is fixed, maximum power transfer for the steady state occurs when1. The reactive components of the source and load impedances are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign. 2. The resistive component of the load impedance is equal to that of the source impedance. The condition that the reactance of load and source should be equal in magnitude and opposite in sign is merely the condition for which, on the average or at the respective peak values, the energy stored in the source reactance is equal to the energy stored in the load reactance. This fact is easily recognized when a simple system such as that whose The peak kinetic equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 121 is considered. or inductive energy stored in thk system is 4LJ~k, LG I and the peak potential or capacitive energy is I I ~Z~,/(dCJ. These two energies are equal when q L I La = l/(u2CJ, which is the condition for which Rc I I the reactance of source and load are equal and I i?, I opposite, and therefore, as previously mentioned, ~=eo sindl a condition for maximum power transfer from Sorc- i Load source to load. FIG. 12.1.Simple By a process of reasoning formally analogous source-loadsystem that to that used in thermodynamics, this source-load may hs used to demonstratethethermodynamsystem may be considered to possess two degrees ical relationship involved of freedom. One degree of freedom may be conin the problem of the sidered to result from the kinetic energy, the maximum tranafer of powerin thesteadystats. other degree from the potential energy, as in a solid made up of one--dimensional linear oscillators. 1 The equilibrium thermodynamical state, or the lowest energy state of this system, may then be considered to occur when there is, on the average, equipartition of energy between these two degrees of freedom. Z Thus, by way of this thermodynamical analogue, it may be stated that both the lowest energy state and the maximum transfer of energy are achieved, as far as the reactance are concerned, when the designer of the circuit makes the proper choice of Cl if LG is fixed, or of La if Cl is fixed, or of transformation ratio if a transformer is available (see p. 504).

1The theoremof the equipartitionof energyis usuallyappIiedto a systemcontaining many particlesor oscillators. In the formal analogueheresuggeatsd,however,it is being applied to only one oscillator. 2Sse G. Jooz, Theoretical Physics, Stecbert, New York, 1934,p. 560.








As alrwdy indicated, the resistances of the system should be chosen to give a maximum transfer of energy from the source from which the energy is available to the load in which it is dissipated. 1 Although this process of reasoning by thermodynamical analogue may seem irrelevant and trivial, it proves useful in designing a pulse transformer that stores a minimum of energy in itself and transfers maximum pulse energy to the load. This process of reasoning may also prove useful in the design of transformers of other types inasmuch as its conclusions predict the general shape, size, maximum flux density, and number of turns resulting from good present-day audio-, video-, and pulse-transformer design practice. It is difficult to state the general conditions for maximum ener~ transfer in an arbitrary time for load and source systems containing arbitrary arrangements of mass, stiffness, and resistance (or inductance, capacitance, and resistance). This difficulty exists because it is impossible to characterize accurately the behavior of such a set of circuit elements under transient conditions by a concept as simple as that of impedance. A simple problem in determining the conditions for maximum transfer of energy under transient conditions in a frictionless, gravitationIess system is, for example, a man of mass ~G who is capable of exerting an impulse j7 and wishes to impart maximum kinetic energy to a load of mass M1 by means of a transformer of adjustable force ratio n. It is assumed that the man must move his own mass in imparting motion to the load mass, and also that he has at his disposal no elements having compliance. It can easily be shown that the velocity attained by the load is
fnr 1 =
Man2 + M,

and that the kinetic energy of the load is

It is desired to maximize the kinetic energy imparted to the load with Thus, respect to n.

The roots of this equation are 1Such a choice of resistancemay be considered,from the point of view of the thermodynamicalanalogue,to effect a maximum rate of degradationof energy from source to load.








Ml F;

the latter of which gives a maximum for the kinetic energy and has physical significance. Thus, maximum transfer of energy in this example occurs when the masses of the source and the load, referred to the same side of the transformer, are equal, and when the kinetic energies of source mass and load mass are equal. If the thermodynamical analogue is again invoked, the kinetic energies of source and load may be considered to be proportional to the temperatures of the source and the load. For maximum transfer of energy these temperatures are equal and therefore constant throughout the system. Constancy of temperature throughout an isolated system is, however, one of the properties of the state of lowest energy. 1 The choice of source and load resistance for the maximum transfer of energy to a resistive load under transient conditions is similar to that under steady-state conditions. From the foregoing examples employing a formal analogy with thermodynamics the general conclusion may be drawn that devices which transfer maximum energy from source to load, under either transient or steady-state conditions, are so designed that the elements of the system in which energy is stored are in a state of thermodynamic cal equilibrium or lowest energy. The general conclusion concerning the state of lowest energy and the examples on which the conclusion is based are used in Sec. 132 as a plausibilityy argument to justify the assertion that a pulse transformer should be designed in such a way that the electromagnetic-energy densities of core and coil are approximately equal. The General Equivalent Circuit for a Transformer. Electromagnetic power is equal to the product of voltage and current (or more precisely E X H), but the form or impedance level of the electromagnetic power is characterized by the ratio of voltage and current. In considering the basic relationships involved in the transformation of electromagnetic power, it is often useful to introduce the concept of the perfect transformer. A transformation of power wherein no energy is stored or lost in the transformer is considered to be brought about by a perfect transformer. A perfect transformer is represented schematically 1In this particularcaeethereis only one degreeof freedomsincethereis no energy being stored as potential energy, and therefore considerationsof equipartition of energybetween two degreesof freedom have no significance.






[SEC. 12.1

in Fig. 122, where el and il may be any functions of time. In such a perfect transformer, energy and power are transferred immediately from input to output, that is, elil = e& ez = nel, and il i2 = . n A perfect transformer reproduces at the output any voltage and current at the input, except for a Input or output or factor n or l/n. primary secondary It is often convenient to refer circuit elements that are connected to the primary to the impedance level of the secondary, and vice versa. For example, calculations may be simplified by Perfacl Transremoving Rz from the secondary former, voltage stepuprati =n side of the circuit in Fig. 12.2 and FIG. 12.2.A sourc~load system employing placing in the primary a resistance a perfect transformer. R; of such value that the energy and power relationships of the complete circuit are unaltered. Thus,
~~R; = zIRz,

or Furthermore, or Also or


= :2 L2.

If the system is energized at a constant frequency, for a source and a load of impedances Z1 and ZZ respectively, z; = :2.







If R{ k defined as R, referred to the secondary,

L; = n2Ll,

and Z! = n2Z1. In describing the properties of an actual electromagnetic transformer it is customary to employ the lumped quantities L1, Lz, and M, which are, respectively, the self inductances of coils 1 and 2, and the mutual

[a) (b) FIG.12.3.(a) Circuit illustrating the transfer and transformation

to load by means of the mutual inductance
equivalent of the circuit shown in (a).

of power from source M and the circuit elements LI and JZ2. (b) The

inductance shown in Fig. 123. Klrchhoffs voltage-law the two loops of the circuit shown in Fig. 12.3 are




dis Tt=el

If i; = niz,



These last two expressions are the Kirchhoff voltage-law equations for the circuit sliown in Fig. 12.3b, where Ml = M/n, L~ = LJn2, and R; = R,/n%. The mutual inductance M referred to the secondary of the transformer is MZ = n2M, = nM. If suitable additions to and subtractions from the last two equations are performed, there results (LI MJ ~
+ Ml ~ (i, i!J = e,,










which are Kirchhoffs voltage-law equations for the two loops of the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 12.4a. Equations identical in form can be written in which all elements are referred to the secondary; the equivalent circuit derived therefrom is given L,-M, L; -M, in llg. 12.4b. If L1 and Lz are wound close together on the same core (as they are in nearly all pulse transformers),
m L,-M2 (a) L, -M,

where n is the turns ratio of the two coils. Then, in the circuit of Fig. 12.4a,


FIIA 12.4.Circuitsequivalentto thoseshown inFig.12.3.

The inductance 2(LI M,), customarily termed the leakage inductance, is a series inductance in the equivalent circuit through which the load current in R; must flow. It is customary to define the constant k that is called the coupling coefficient by the following equation:

Thus for most pulse transformers the shunt inductance referred to the primary is M; = kL,, and referred to the secondary is Mz = lcL2; the leakage inductance referred to the primary is
2(L, M,) = 2L,(1 k),

and referred to the secondary is

2(L, M,) = 2Lz(l k).

If 2(LI Ml) = O (that is, the leakage inductance is zero), or, what is the same thing, if k = 1, a condition known as perfect coupling obtains. Under such circumstances there can be no magnetic energy stored anywhere in or about the transformer by the load current in either the primary or the secondary. Hence any magnetic flux associated with the primary load current must be negated completely by flux associated with the secondary load current. Literature on transformers usually






defines thecondition whereinto = lasthat inwbich allthe fluxassociated with the current in the primary links the secondary, and vice versa. Transformers always have a certain amount of distributed capacitance between primary and secondary; to a first approximation the equivalent circuit for a transformer with distributed capacitance is shown in Fig. 12.5a, where C is some suitably chosen fraction of the total capacitance between the primary and the secondary. The equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 12.5b, in which all elements are referred to the primary winding, is an approximation to that shown in Fig. 12.5a. It can be shown by an application of Eqs. (6) and (7) of Sec. 12.2 that the capacitance C;, which

f-f!,,~~~~ .-+ ,. .-+-.

(a) -(b)
FIG. 12.5.(a) Equivalent circuit representing the effect of distributed capacitance along the transformer winding. (b) Circuit approximately equivalent to that shown in (a).

accounts for the energy stored in C when the voltage stepup ratio n is different from 1, is given by
C; = (n

1)2C = n ~ 1) CO,

where Co is the d-c capacitance between primary and secondary, when the transformer has a single-layer primary winding and a single-layer secondary winding whose adjacent ends are connected. When the opposite ends of the two windings are connected,


(~ ~~+

1) co,

The capacitance C{, which accounts for the current that can flow directly from the source to the load without traversing the leakage inductance and for the capacitive energy stored when a voltage is developed across the leakage inductance, is given approximately by C! = C. From the foregoing expressions for C; and C: it is evident that when O < n < 1, C: is large and C: is relatively unimportant, but that when n >>.1 or n <<0, C; becomes large and C; is relatively unimportant. Usually the core and case of the pulse transformer are grounded, as








indicated in Figs. 125 and 126, and one terminal of the primary and one of the secondary are grounded. Consequently, there is usually some stray capacitance of the secondary winding to ground, and this capacitance may be lumped into Cl, which will now be called CL (or c. when referred to the high-voltage winding which is usually the secondary). There is also stray capacitance of the primary winding to ground, and this capacitance may be represented by Cc c; (see Fig. 12.6). Rw, Furthermore, even when C: is charged by application of voltage to the secondary (or Cc Lc by application of voltage to the primary), the >.C; charging current has associated with it a magG==& netic field, and the energy in this field may be .-.-, . taken into account by the insertion of the ~G. 12.6.Approximate equivalent circuit for most inductances L; and Lc, through which the nonperfect electromagnetic charging currents must flow, in the circuit of tram formers. Fig. 12.6. (See Sec. 12.2.) The effect of the winding resistance can be taken into account by the insertion of resistances Rwl and Rw, in the circuit of Fig. 12.6. Finally, the effect of the dissipation of energy in the core of the transformer may be taken into account approximately by the insertion of R.. The lumped-parameter circuit of Fig. 12.6 is then, to a good approximation, the equivalent circuit for most nonperfect electrical transformers. Equivalent Circuit of a Pulse Transformer. From the phenomenological point of view, the generator el shown in Fig. 12.3 can be considered to be a pulse generator having internal resistance RG and producing a voltage pulse e(t) that remains different from zero for a time that is short compared with the time between pulses. The usual problem is to design a pulse transformer that will transform the energy in this pulse to the proper impedance level with a minimum amount of energy absorbed or stored in the pulse transformer, and therefore with a maximum amount of pulse energy transferred to the load and a minimum distortion of the pulse shape. It is evident from the circuit of Fig. 12.6 that, in order to accomplish this purpose, the designer should strive to make the shunt inductances and resistances high, the shunt capacitances low, and the series resistances and inductances low. From a more general point of view, a pulse is a spatial concentration of electromagnetic energy that is in the process of being propagated, the mode of propagation being determined by the disposition of conductors in the vicinity of the pulse. The pulse-transformer designer attempts to design a device that will change the ratio of ~ in this concentration of






electromagnetic energy with a minimum increase in the entropy of the system (excludin gresistanceload). Such adevice must beso constructed that, at the end of thepulse, it isinastate ofenergy lower than that of any other device that could possibly be built. A method whereby an optimum set of values for the circuit elements of Fig. 12.6 can be chosen to effect amaximum transferor energy, and a method whereby a transformer can be designed so that these values are achieved, are given in Chap. 13. Methods of calculating and measuring the values of these circuit elements for a given transformer are described @ . Sec. 12.2. Pulse transformers are used, however, in many special circuits and applications where the pulse shape, and not the maximum transfer of Often, for example, certain limits energy, is the primary consideration. are piaced upon the rate of rise, the percentage of droop throughout the pulse, and the shape and magnitude of the backswing voltage. Frequently, especially at low-power levels, pulse transformers (for example, trigger transformers) and differentiation transformers are purposefully designed to distort the pulse shape extensively in a particular manner. If it is desired to shape a pulse with .a transformer, it is necessary to investigate the effect on pulse shape of the various parameters in the equivalent circuit of a pulse transformer, a discussion of which is given in Chap. 14. The circuit of Fig. 12.6 has too many elements to be of practical value, and therefore it is well to try to eliminate or combine some of these elements. For a pulse transformer designed to deliver 1l-kv pulses of 0.5- to 2.O-psec duration to a load of 1250-ohm impedance, and for which n = 5, the following values (all referred to the secondary) achieved in practice are typical: R:, + Rw, = 0.5 ohm, which is negligible compared with Rt and R;.
L2 = 25 X 10s henrys. L. = 2(LZ MJ = 50 X 10-0 henrys.

Then k = ~ or
k = 1 0.001 = 0.999, L,LZ

= g

= 1 *,

= 1 O:yxxl;!:a,

M = kL, = L,.

Also CD = 40 ppf, C3 = 0.10 /.lpf, 1Moody, 0p. ml.

510 and








= 0.50 #pf.

Therefore CS and C; may be neglected in comparison with C.. From the foregoing discussion it is evident that a suitable approximation for the equivalent circuit of such a voltage-stepup pulse transformer is that of Fig. 12.7. Since the emphasis of the L~ Pnmav %condafy discussion in Part III is on high-power pulse transformers, which are, for the most part, L~ stepup transformers, the circuit of Fig. 12.7 is Le Re used and is discussed extensively in Chaps. CD 12, 13, and 14. For voltage-stepdown transm formers (that is, for O < n < 1), or for n = 1, F1cJ. 12.7.Approximate equivalentcircuitfor a Pulse the equivalent circuit of Fig. 12.6 may again transformer. be simplified, but C: should be retained, and in some instances it may prove necessary to retain C,. For pulse transformers where L becomes appreciable with respect to L, ( = kLJ it is necessary to use the equivalent circuit of Fig. 12.4 or that of Fig. 126. 12.2. Values of Elements in the Equivalent Circuit.The elements in the simplified equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 12.7 can be calculated from the geometrical constants of the transformer, the dielectric constant of the insulation, and the permeability of the core material. Various methods of measuring these elements have been developed. Primary Inductance. -If the core is in the form of a toroid and if the effective pulse permeability of the core during operation is assumed to be a constant, p, (see Sec. 15.1), R., and L. in the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 127 may be supplanted by one inductance LP, which is Then called the primary inductance.

= &r N=Ape
109 1


where IV is the number of turns, A is the cross-sectional area in square centimeters, and 1 is the mean magnetic-path length in centimeters. If a more precise evaluation of the performance of the core is desired and R, and L. are used instead of LP in the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 12.7, and if p is the d-c permeability (see Sec. 15.1, Fig. 15.2) which is effective over the range of operation of the core, the values of L, and R. as defined in Sec. 15.1 are
~ * = 41rN2Ap ~091 ~ = 12NAp dll





SEC. 12.2]




where p is the resistivity of the core material in ohm-centimeters, and d is the thickness of the lamination in centimeters. A still more precise equivalent circuit for the core is a ladder network of LR-rungs, infinite in number, but this circuit is too complex to be of any practical use and, therefore, either the L, and R. parallel elements or the L, element in the equivalent circuit is used to represent the core. Measurement of Lg, or of L. and R., is performed by applying the voltage pulse from a pulse generator to the primary or secondary terminals of the transformer (with the other terminals open-circuited) in such a way as to simulate the actual operating conditions of the transformer with regard to voltage, pulse duration, and reverse current, and by measuring the exciting current i~ on a synchroscope as shown in Fig. 12.8. In general, the shape of the trace maybe approximated by the sum of a rectangle and a triangle, if the initial oscillations are neglected, and the

[a) FIG.12. S,Method

of measurement of primary inductance.

effective shunt resistance R. and inductance L. may be determined as shown in Fig. 12.8. However, if R. > 10L,/T, i.,, for practical purposes, is negligible in comparison with iL, at t = T. The effect of L. and R. may then be approximated by the primary inductance L,, determined as shown in Fig. 128b. If the transformer is rated to operate with a reverse current between pulses, the circuit shown in Fig. 1208c must be used in the measurement of L, (or L. and R.), and the pulse generator should be of approximately the same design as the one with which the transformer is to be used. Leakage Inductance. -Formulas for the calculation of leakage inductance for coils of almost all shapes and types may be obtained from many different sources. This discussion of leakage inductance is confined to windings of the type commonly used in power-output pulse transformers. Most pulse transformers for regenerative pulse generators and interstate work have very simple singl~layer, noninterconnected windings, and the calculation of the leakage inductance is very simple. However, many of the pulse transformers that have been evolved have been used to pulse the cathode of an oscillator tube. To accomplish this purpose several different types of winding arrangement have been used.







In order to simplify the measurement of oscillator current, the secondary windings of output transformers are isolated from the primary windFurthermore, in order to supply the ings with respect to direct current. oscillator filament current through the pulse transformer from a lowvoltage-insulated filament transformer, two secondary windings that are isolated from each other with respect to direct current are provided. The two secondaries are identical and are usually separated from each other by a minimum amount of insulation; thus they are closely coupled as far as pulses are concerned. A portion of each secondary winding equal to the primary in number of turns may be placed near the primary winding in a similar fashion; the resultant close coupling makes such a transformer the equivalent of an autotransformer for pulse conditions. The simplest type of winding consists of a one-layer primary (lowvoltage) winding and a one-layer secondary (high-voltage) winding. A second type consists of a one-layer primary and a secondary broken into two equal layers, both outside the primary. (Or, the secondary may be broken into three or more layers.) A third general type consists of a primary interleaved between two equal layers of a secondary. Two twolayer coils can be put on the two legs of a transformer, and (1) the primaries and secondaries both connected in parallel, (2) the primaries and secondaries both connected in series, or (3) the primaries connected in parallel and the secondaries in series. Two-leg variations on the second and third general type can also be constructed. Each of the above winding arrangements can be constructed as an isolation (or iso) or an auto version (that is, iso or auto for pulse operation). The calculation of leakage inductance as a lumped parameter follows the process of reasoning wherein a given amount of load current Z is assumed to be flowing in the coils and the total magnetic energy resulting from this load current is computed and equated to $LLZZ. In computing the leakage inductance of a transformer on this basis the first example to be considered is a transformer with a one-layer primary and a one-layer secondary of equal length. Since the primary and secondary amperetums are approximately equal in magnitude, and since the currents flow in opposite directions around the core, the field between the two winding layers is very nearly equal to that within a solenoid having the same number of ampere-turns. Since the length of the coil is usually large in comparison with the distance between layers, the solenoid may be considered infinite in length, and practically all of the energy in its magnetic field may be considered to be inside the solenoid. Such a solenoid produces the interlayer field distribution shown in Fig. 12.9b, since p = 1 both in and between the winding layers. Actually, the current density is not uniform across the layer thickness. Two extreme conditions of current distribution in the wire that might be





used for purposes of computation are (1) the condition where the current is concentrated in two very thin layers, one at the outside of the inside winding layer, and the other at the inside of the outside winding layer, and (2) the condition where the current is concentrated in a very thin layer at the center The first extreme of each winding layer. gives a factor of O in the last term of Eq. 12.1, and the second a factor of ~, instead of the factor of ~ obtained in the following dkcussion in which a uniform distribution is assumed. Since the conditions usually encountered in pulse transformers lie between these two ex(b) tremes, and since the layer thickness is usually Fm. 12.9.Distributions much smaller than the dktance between layers, of the magnetic field between the assumption of uniform distribution does the primary and ~econdary winding layers for 8 simple not produce much error. winding. The magnitude of H in oersteds (and there fore of 23 in gauss) is given by the following expressions: 4rN~P ZP 4mN,I. z, In the primary: HI = ~ = oersteds, where xv is ap aP s measured from the side of the primary next to the core; a= is the thickness of the primary layer in cm; iVP is the number of turns on the primary, N, on the secondary; I, k the primary current in abamperes, I, is the secondary current; s is the winding length in cm. Between layers: Hz = ~. In the secondary:

4rN.I. Ha = ~ ()

1 ~

J where z, is measured from

the inside of the secondary. The energy in a magnetic field in air (p = 1) is given by
W = #


where His in oersteds. is given by w_ll& (/ a

Therefore, the energy stored in the leakage field


. tiN:I:u J3 () A+.?:,

of the layers in centimeters, A is

where cu is the average circumference







the distance between layers in centimeters, and 2a is the sum of the thicknesses of the layers. Since the energy stored in an inductance is given by W = ~LI, the following equation may be solved for the leakage inductance, referred to the secondary:
~1, ; LJ: = %rN:I:u 2 ()


a8z # L

From this equation,






The second example to be considered is a transformer with a one-layer primary Fm. 12. 10.Distribution of the magnetic field for a coil with a and a secondary composed of two equal single-layer primaryand a double- layers, as shown in Fig. 1210. The flux layersecondary winding. distribution is shown in Fig. 12.10b, and the magnitude of H is given by the following expressions: 4uN~p Z, 4rN.1, z, HI = ~ = . Inpnmary:
(b) aP J3 aP

In first interlayer space: Hz = ~. In first secondary layer: Hs = ~


41rN81, ()


In second interlayer space: H4 = ~. In second secondary layer:


aa. ,-

l+. () In these expressions z,, z.,, z,, are measured from the inside of the and second secondary layers,

Hs = ~

primary, and of the first secondary respective y. The energy in the field is given by






The third example to be considered is a transformer with a singlelayer primary interleaved between two equal layers of a secondary, as shown in Fig. 12.11. From the flux-density distribution across the coil (indicated in Fig. 12.llb) it may be seen that the transformer can be divided into two equal parts by a line drawn through the center of the primary and each part treated as a simple two-layer transformer. + Is The total energy stored is the sum of the energies in the two parts, and the leakage NPIP inductance is given by

A, ati+z+iz



12.11.Distribution of the magnetic fieId for a primary winding interleaved between two secondary-windings.

abhenrys. (3)

If a simple two-layer transformer is comected as an autotransformer, the number of turns in the outer layer is N, (n 1)/n, where n is the stepup ratio, and the number of ampereturns is N,I. (n 1)/n. The current in the inner layer is lP(n 1)/n, and the number of ampere. Therefore, turns is NplP(n 1)/n, which is equal to NJ.(n 1)/n. the field between the windhgs is reduced from that in the iso type by Thus. the factor (n 1)/n, and the energy by the factor [(n I)/n]*.



The expressions for the leakage inductance of the auto versions of more complicated types of winding arrangement are the expressions for the iso versions multiplied by this factor [(n 1) /n]z. These equations have been applied to the specific types of windings diagramed in Figs. 12.12 and 12.13, and the values of the leakage inductance recorded in Table 12.1. Measurement of leakage inductance can be performed by either a The circuit that is shown in pulse method or a steady-stage method. Fig. 12.14a and by which the increase of current through a st:mdani adjustable calibrated inductance L. is compared and adjusted to coincide with the increase of current through LL produces a s.ynchroscope trace of the type shown in ~lg. 12. 14b. The value of L L is then determined by
the setting of the standard inductance.


ELEMENTARY If leads can be brought the




[SEC. 12.2




of the

shown in Fig. 1214c may be used, and La adjusted to give a null trace of the type shown in Fig. 12. 14d. It is possible to measure leakage inductance (and also to calibrate the standard adjustable inductor of Fig. 12.14) at a frequency of approximately 1 Me/see by means of a Q-meter if suitable corrections are made for the distributed capacitances of the circuit. It is also possible to make an accurate measurement of the leakage inductance of a pulse transformer on a Maxwell bridge.
synchroscope, alternate circuit


1 I 1

Winding type


Constant secondary-wire size




Windingsof Fig. 12.12 a

b c d ; 9 h

12.00 6.75 6.00 4.22 4.30 3.50 4.00 2.53

16,0 21.3 32.0 34.7 37.3

40.0 37.3 58.6

12.00, 9.00 12.00 11.25 12.89

14.00 8.00 6.75

16.0 16.0 16.0 13.0 12.4 10.0

18.7 22,0

192 144 192 146 161 140



Windings of Fig. 12.13 a


2.31 6.00 3.38

48.3 32.0 42.7 37.3 51,0 64.0 69.3

7.50 6.00 4.50 8.00 6.75 6.00 5.63

18.1 32.0 32.0 18.7 19.1 32.0 26.0

136 192




2.53 3.00 2.11

192 146

Distributed Capucdance.-Like leakage inductance, the effective distributed capacitance of various types of windings can be c:dculated from general formulas to be found in many different texts and handbooks. The considerations in thk section are confined to the calcuh~tion of etTective distributed capacitance for the various types of power-output pulse-transformer windings tlmt have been developed. The cahmlation of distributed capacitance as a lumped parameter

SEC. 12.2]




46 A

0 A N
315 2 o (b) ~ c

01 2 0

1{/ (a)

35 d~



3s (c)


0 2 46

2 0


1 0

I o 35

315 W 2 46


A, IIN o

AZ 1 0
315 (M
schemes that have been used in the c.onntruatiouof


I (9)

Fm. 12. 12.Various winding pulse transforrnera for magnetron: a) 4+%( +:) b)


follows the process of reasoning wherein a given voltage 1 is placed across one winding of the transformer and the total energy W stored in the electrostatic field is equated to ~C~Vz, where CD is defined aa the effective distributed capacitance.










315 (a) Two legsconnected in series (b)


:;M !1 ::IA!IM
1 (d
315 (d) Two legs connectedm parallel 0;0 (e)
Primaries in parallel, secondaries m series Ul




schemes t that have been used in the construction of

(a) ~L

12. 13.Various


pulse transformers
= 4~~a*u .C4

for magnetrons:
-1 (


;(fJ)L~= )
) )

(C) LL=rz

4TN,~~ 1

A~+A~+~ AB+~

4+W+(%2(XA ;(d)L~=4TN.2111 nl Z(y)


+%) 2 (.A+$);

(e) ~L = 4~~#11 1 A.+ i (s

~, LL = 4zN,*ll e
(h) LL = 4$373?


1 (


The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor, each of whose electrodes is an equipotential surface, is given by the relation Co= 0.0885 l ~o-z farads, (5)






v (5OO-1OOO v) -ir L~ * R Commutator Hv I To CRT Lv

iv (5OO-1OOOV)


(c) (d)
FIG. 12. 14.Method of measurement of leakage inductance. (Note: Ls should be wound so that it has a low distributed self-capacitance and a low stray capacitance to ground.)

which can be found in most handbooks of electrical engineering, and the energy stored in a capacitance is given by
w = +COV2


A pulse transformer with two adjacent winding layers of circumference u and length s may be considered as a conv .% denser composed of two plates of area w cm B and separation A cm. Because of the pulse voltages developed across the windings, the v xl Tl ----------- j J plates of this condenser can no longer be t. considered as equipotential surfaces, and the I ---------T voltage distribution along the windings must be taken into consideration in the computation l-t--ii v v AI A2 of the effective distributed capacitance. The at FIG. 12.15.Voltage energy stored in a section of width LUand height dx (see Fig. 12.15) k given by
dW = ~
various points on a two-layer coil.

0.0885 ~



. I&z


where c is the dielectric constant of the material between the plates.







The quantity 6V. is the voltage difference between the platea at a height z from the lower end of the coil. For a linear distribution of volb age along the windings,

~v.= v., v., = = v.,

6VA +
VA, +





V~, +







(6VB 6~A) ;-

Therefore, ~W = 0.0885#u 6VA + (6VB 6V.J : z dz . 10_l*. 2A 1 [ Integration over the range from O tos
~ = 0.0885#u 2A Q


~ (bv.)+ ~~.. 6V.





This equation is used in calculating the energy stored between the core and the first layer, between the first and second layer, and so on. The equivalent capacitance, referred to the secondary, is obtained by solving the equation 2
W = ~CDWJ, that is,


where Vz is the pulse voltage developed across the secondary winding. By a rough calculation made with the equation for the capacitance between parallel wires of infinite length, the intertum capacitance can be shown to be negligible in comparison with the interlayer capacitance. It is shown in Sec. 131 that, if L.C. equals a constant, one condition for minimum energy stored in the coil is that the load impedance

Another condition for minimum energy stored in the coil, obviously, is The winding arrangement that the value of LACD be a minimum. that gives the lowest values of LLCD should therefore be chosen for the transformer. The leakage inductance and effective distributed capacitance of the various types of pulsetransformer windings shown in Figs. 12.12 and 12.13 have been calculated for n = 4, with each of the following sets of assumptions:





1. The thickness of each insulating pad is proportional to the maximum voltage applied across it, and the coil length is the same for all types, but the wire size is variable. 2. The thickness of each insulating pad is proportional to the maximum voltage applied across it, and the secondary wire size is the same for all types, but the coil length is variable. Values of LL and CD (in arbitrary units) calculated with each of the above sets of assumptions and values of the product LK7D are given in Table 12.1. Since the product LLCD is independent of the length of the winding for a given type, it is the same for both sets of assumptions. The thickness of the winding layers is assumed to be small in comparison with the thickness of the insulation between layers, and is therefore neglected in these calculations. The results given in Table 12.1 show that all of the auto types have lower values of the product LLCD than do any of the iso types, although the value for the highest auto type is identical with that for the lowest iso type. The lowest and highest values for the auto types differ by only about 15 per cent. [Note: If the thickness of insulation between inner winding and core is doubled, the iso types are improved somewhat in comparison with the auto types; also type (h), Fig. 12.12, is improved relative to the other auto types, whereas type (f) becomes relatively poor. Types (j) and (b), Fig. 12.13, still appear to be the best.] The insertion of an electrostatic shield between the primary and the secondary results in an appreciable increase in LLCD, and is therefore recommended only where it is absolutely necessary that the direct capacitive coupling between primary and secondary be eliminated. The preferred method of measuring the effective distributed capacitance of pulse-transformer coils depends upon the type of winding. For transformers with simple one-layer windings, the value of the distributed capacitance may be obtained by measuring the capacitance between windings at 60 or 1000 cycles/see and applying a factor that depends upon the distribution of voltage on the windings during the pulse. I The self-capacitance of an individual duo-lateral winding can be obtained by measurement, by standard methods, at frequencies approximately equal to the highest important frequencies contained in the pulse. For transformers that employ special interleaving or interconnecting to minimize the product of leakage inductance and distributed capacitance, the circuit of Fig. 12.16 may be used to compare the capacitance current in the lower-voltage winding with the capacitance current in the adjustable equivalent circuit. The inductor L: and the resistor R: are inserted
1See Sec. 14.2 for a discussionof the calculation of thii factor for regenerative

pulse generator.






[SEC. 12.2

to simulate the magnetizing current in the transformer and are adjusted first to give a trace which coincides with that of the transformer after the capacitance currents have subsided (that is, toward the latter part The values of Lj and CL are then adjusted to give a of the pulse). capacitance-current spike which coincides with that of the transformer at the beginning of the pulse. The value of CD may then be read from This value the setting of CL, and the value of L. from the setting of L;. of LL is referred to the lower-voltage winding; the previously described method of measuring L. gives greater precision since in that method the measured value is referred to the higher-voltage winding and is therefore numerically larger.
Hv LV Commu11 ~toz e R; ~:

V(5CO.1OWV) L~

1 - --2-
CRT Current inthe

t . v
current through Le
and R. alone /

Current inthe equivalent circuti afteradjustment

Current in the equivalent circuit &fore adjustment

ja) FIG. 12. 16.Method

(Note: is low.) L~ should be

of measurement of distributed capacitance. wound so that its effective distributed capacitance

The effective distributed capacitance of a pulse-transformer winding can also be measured by means of an r-f bridge. 1 Characteristic Impedance of a Pulse Transformer.It is shown in Sec. 131 that _ may be thought of as a characteristic impedance of a winding for a transformer that may be represented by the equivalent circuit of Fig. 12.7. For a simple coil with a one-layer primary and a one-layer secondary winding of equal length, and with negligible windinglayer thickness, (8) and 0.0885cu~f,
CD = jlco = ~

~ ~o_12



where Co is calculated by the use of Eq. (5), and f, is a fraction depending upon the voltage distribution between the primary and the secondary. 1For example,see P. R. Gillette, PulseTransformerCommittee,ProposedBasic Specificationsfor Pulse Transformers, RL Report No. SS1,Nov. 8, 1945.

SEC. 12.2]




Then the characteristic

impedance is

~= CD -J




J3 V@

The concept of characteristic impedance is, however, more meaningful when applied to circuits with distributed rather than lumped parameters. A simple example of a circuit having distributed inductance and capacitance and a characteristic impedance ZO is one composed of two long parallel strips of conducting material, 1 meter wide and 1 meter apart, which are part of two conducting sheets infinite in extent. 1 If the permeability and dielectric constant of the material betwe~n the sheets are respectively pl and c1 in mks units, it can be shown that, for a plane electromagnetic wave propagated between the two strips,



where PO and COare, respectively, the permeability and the dielectric constant of free space in mks units, and 377 ohms is the characteristic impedance of free space. If the spacing between the strips is reduced to A meters and the width of the strips becomes & meters, and P = 1,

z, = L

s de



and & and A may be measured in cm or meters. If these parallel strips are now wrapped into two concentric cylinders whose circumferences are large compared with the distance A between the cylinders, and whose length iss, the characteristic impedance for a plane electromagnetic wave traveling circumferentially in the space between the two cylindem i.s still equal to (A/A3 WC) 377 ohms. If the outer and inner cylinders are now slit helically so that they become coils of N, and N. turns respectively, and the electromagnetic wave is ushered in at one end of the coil and out at the other end, the inductance per unit length of circumference is greater by a factor of N: (for the secondary) than it is for the unslit cylinders. The capacitance per unit length of circumference is different by a factor of fl, depending upon the particular type of voltage distribution that is set up between the primary and secondary. Therefore, the characteristic impedance of the secondary winding may be expressed by
z =

= J3 &l



I J. C.

Slater,Micmwace Transmission,

McGraw-Hill, New York, 1942,p. 98.








The characteristic impedance between the two plus (or the two minus) terminals of primary and secondary of a transformer with a simple winding, such as that of the above example, whose stepup ratio is unity can be measured by the techniques similar to those used in the impedance measurements of pulse-formWh!ding ~ Smallviewing ing networks (see Sec. 6.6). If No.2 rew.tance pulses are applied between the Fm. 12. 17.Circuit for measuring the single-layer primary and the singlecharact.eriatio impedance of a pulee-transformer coil with eingle-layer primary and layer secondary of a 1/1 transsingfe-layer se~ndary of equal length, and former, as indicated in Fig. 12.17, with n = 1. the voltage waveforms at points A, B, and C are as shown in Fig. 12.18, where 6 is the time taken for an impulse to travel along the wires from one end of the coil to the



R,= co

f--l..y I

B c F


(c) R, =2, FIG. 12.18.Drawings of synchroscope tracesobtainedat pointsA, B, and C in the circuit
of Fig. 12.17 for three different values of R!.

other. When the value of Rl k so adjusted that the trace of Fig. 12.18c is obtained, the value of Rl is equal to the value of the characteristic






impedance Z.. For a transformer of this type the values of 2, obtained by this method of measurement and by the method of calculation previously described agree within a few per cent. The small oscillations appearing at the very beginning of the pulse on traces B and C, Fig. 12.18, are the result of turn-to-turn transmission of the impulse. The impulse thus transmitted travels from one end of the coil to the other much more rapidly than the impulse which must travel along the wires. If a 1/I transformer is wound symmetrically on two legs of the core, small oscillations appear in the middle of the steps. These oscillations .. are the result of small reflections that occur Pulse transformer 111 and 1/3 where the two coils are connected. Pulser For windings of a more complicated nature the characteristic impedance of part of the winding may be different from that of @j pg another part of the winding. Also, if n > 1, =% = Small =Small 40 the measurement of impedance becomes vitwing vieMng Figure much more difficult to perform. resistsnm reswancs Fm. 12.19.Circuit used for 12.20 shows some drawings of synchroscope traces obtained at various points in the circuit of Fig. 1219, in which a transformer
with const n = rutted 1 and a transformer with n = 3, pulsing

~it~ ~ = ~, the n = 3, to obtain


transformers, one other with the traces 1220

hewn n is

to have the same Z~ (1200 ohms) for the secondary (highvoltage) winding, were pulsed in turn with various loads attached. It can be seen from these traces that the general character of the transmission delay of the transformer with n = 1 is retained by the transformer with n = 3, but that the tops of the steps of the latter are slanting instead of horizontal and that oscillations whose period is either i 6 or *6 often appear on these slanting tops. A simplified explanation is that the sloping tops of the steps are the result of charging an effective distributed capacitance through the characteristic impedance Z. of the transformer winding. It is interesting to note the nature of the approximation wherein the effect of distributed inductance per unit length of the wire is replaced by a lumped-parameter leakage inductance in the equivalent circuit. For R, = O and for R. almost equal to O, the slope of the average of trace D shown in Fig. 12.20d is Va/~Z~, where 6 is the time necessary for an electr~ magnetic impulse to travel along the secondary winding from one end of the coil to the other. If S is the total length of the wire, and if L and C are respectively the inductance and capacitance per unit length of the winding,

6= SGC,
z, =








and the slope of the average of trace D (Fig. 122W) is VQ/LS = Va/LL where LL = LS. This slope VG/LL k simply the rate at which current increases when it is limited by the lumped-parameter l~akage inductance. For multilayer-winding and duolaterally wound transformers the concept of characteristic impedance from the point of view of distributed parameters becomes more and more strained. The characteristic imped-

,, -IiE= K
F + o 28- :,, ,-. + cm

+ 26

1. -,~)--- ..- ,. ,. &. -e--------B


o -,

;; . . .... ,-,





(c) RI =0, high powarsupply voltage


RI= m

(f)) RI= 1200 ohms

(d) RI =0, low iowersupplyvoltage

FIG. 12.20.Drawings of oscilloscope traces obtained at the various points of the circuit shown in Fig. 12.19 for transformers with n = 1 and n = 3, (a) with RI = m, (b) with Ri = 1200 ohms, which, for the secondaries of both transformers, is equal to the value of ZT calculated from Z~ = ~ ~~


377ohms,and (c) and

(d) with RI = 0.

antes can then be best thought of as equal to ~LL/CD, where LL ancl CD are lumped parameters. Churpng Inductance. -When a pulse transformer is operated into a load of low dynamic impedance (for example, a magnetron), oscillations whose period is usually considerably less than % _ often appear on the top of the current pulse. These oscillations may be considered to be the result of the transmission and reflection in the coil of disturbances that are probably initiated at the end of the secondary to which the oscillator is attached. The impedance of the secondary winding to the

SEC. 12.2]




transmission of such disturbances is N.A .13~, 377 ohms.

The time taken for the disturbance to travel along a length of secondary wire of N: turns to the first discontinuity in the impedance is

where U is the mean length of turns of the secondary winding in centimeters, c is the velocity of light in centimeters per second, and N; is the number of turns on the secondary winding between the high-voltage end and the first sharp discontinuity in impedance (~, of course, is equal to The time transpired before this unity for the space between the coils). disturbance is reflected back to the source is 28, and when, upon successive reflections that set up shock-excited sbnding waves, the fluctuations of voltage and current at the source take on the approximate semblance of a sine wave, the period T of the fundamental of these oscillations is either 26 or 46, depending upon the nature of the discontinuity in impedance. The effect is somewhat analogous to the two different fundamental periods of oscillation that are set up in closed and open organ pipes. Figures 12.18 and 12.20a show examples of such sine-wave oscillations occurring in the operation of the circuits of Figs. 12.17 and 1219 respectively. Figures 2.44 and 2.45 show such sin~wave oscillations appearing on the current pulse in a magnetron. The fundamental period of these oscillations is usually
T =28=
N:w c 4,

and the periods of various harmonics are integral divisions of this period. The periods thus calculated agree with the periods of oscillation observed if there are no interfering effects resulting from capacitance across the primary winding. For each discontinuity in impedance along the coil there is observed among the oscillations sine-wave components of a fundamental period corresponding to each of the resulting reflections. In the equivalent circuit for a pulse transformer and a biased-diode or magnetron load (Fig. 127) the effect of these reflections can, to a crude approximation, be taken into account by inserting in series with CD an inductance L. such that

528 or









If the coil is assumed to be constructed with a single-layer primary winding and a single-layer secondary winding of equal length, 0.0885.
c. =

u&j, A

. 1012

farads, Then

where jl is a factor depending upon the stepup ratio.

L. =

1 mz09.1020.0.0885.

. N:u2eA, 10_lz




NuA s .10 1 .10 .0.0885 ~ -A


0.1 = ~-

If, for example, the stepup ratio n is

high, and if ~VB = Vz and

6V~ = O in Eq. (6), then Eq. (7) yields a value of CD equal to i of the

total capacitance between primary and secondary, and j, is equal to i. Thus, for this simple coil where j, is taken to be %, L~/LL = 0.3. For transformers of the type usually employed with magnetrons, the value of L~ that is obtained from measuring the period of oscillation on the current pulse and using the expression T = % VJCJDC. is such that

P. D. Crout assumes that certain so-called current modes in the transformer are associated with generalized coordinates. 1 The result is a set of equations, one for each mode, which duplicate the mesh equations of a lumped network. The particular current mode which is of interest at this point in the discussion of pulse transformers is that associated with the charging of In illusdistributed capacitance (that is, Crouts modes 1?, C, and D). trating the delineation of the simplest of such current modes (that is, mode l?) the voltage distribution between the primary winding and the grounded core shown in Fig. 1221, where s is the length of the winding, should be considered first. The charge per unit axial length of primary may be denoted by h, and the total charge that has passed point z toward the right is equal to

I P, D. Crout, A Method of Virtual Displacementsfor Electrical Systemswith Applicationsto PulseTransformers, RL Report No. 618, Oct. 6, 1944.

Ezc. 12.2]




In order that the mode may produce no net mmf on the core, it is required that there flow in the opposite direction in the primary winding a current which is constant along the primary and whose mmf cancels that of the current flowing toward the right. Since the number of turns per unit length is constant along the primary, the desired average current flowing toward the left is k&2/3. Then, if the primary current outside (see the wi.rdhg is denoted by @B/eit Fig. 12.21 b), k = q., and the primary current in the winding (positive for flow to the left) is
dq, . dt 2% s -)%

3? ~

The displacement current from primary to core per unit length of winding is 3z/z2

0 0 %-1 -44, .- dl (c) FIG. 12.21.(a) Voltage dis. tr-ibution between primary and core for a pulse tranaf ormer. (b) Displacement current flowing bet ween primary and core. (c) Plots of displacement and net primary currents. Curve A is the displacement current from primary to core per unit length of winding, Curve f3 is the net primary current.

As q, is varied it is evident that this so-called mode B has the following properties: 1. No mmf acts upon the core. 2. The primary winding behaves as an autotransformer to charge the primary-to-core distributed capacitance with a linear voltage distribution.

The displacement current per unit length of winding and the net primary current are plotted in Fig. 12 .21c. It is evident that at all points except one along the length of the coil the net primary current is different from zero (although the net mmf on the core is zero). The energy stored in the magnetic field associated with this primary current may be represented to a first approximation by an inductance in series with the effective distributed capacitance in the equivalent circuit (whence L. in Fig. 12.6). By the same process of delineation of current modes it may be shown that, to a first approximation, an equivalent inductance L. may be placed in series with the effective distributed capacitance CD existing between the primary and the secondary (see Fig. 12.6). Thus, where there is a voltage distribution that increases along the






[SEC. 12.2

length of the coil between primary and core, or between secondary and primary, there are capacitance currents that flow in such a way that magnetic fields (squirted flux) are created outside the coil as well aa inside. These fields, obtained with a combination of a transformer with n = 3 and the circuit of Fig. 12 19-a combination that is pulsed at a time t = O for a duration>> &-and observed in the axial direction of the coil with a magnetic probe and a synchroscope, are shown for various positions along the coil in Fig. 12 22a. It is obvious from the traces that both fundamentals and harmonics exist in the time variation of the magnetic fields associated with charging currents. A plot Of ValUeS Of these fields for the first and second harmonics has been constructed in Fig. 12.22b, and a rough schematic pattern of these fields about the coil
FM harmonic

!@&k -.- ..
first harmonic


f.ength of coil (c)


Fm. 12.22.(a) Drawings of synchroscope traces showing the intensity of the magnetic field in the axial direction obtcined with a magnetic proba at various points clong the coil. (b) Plot of the distribution clong the coil of the paak magnetic fielde of the first and eecond harmonica that occur in the time variation of tbe aquirtcd flux. (c) Rough schematic plot of the field patterne for the first and second harmonics.

for the first and second harmonics has been drawn in Fig. 12022c. The charging inductance LD (or several LDs, one for each harmonic) may be introduced into the equivalent circuit to take into account the energy that is stored in these magnetic fields when charging currents flow in the transformer coil. There is no contradiction between the concepts of transmissionreflection and squirted flux, as they are merely different aspects of the same phenomenon, a phenomenon which is similar to the oscillations that occur in an organ pipe or along a vibrating string. In all of these phenomena the reflection of traveling waves sets up sinusoidal displace The difference between the two ments in the form of standing waves. concepts is that, with a transformer coil in which the voltage distribution is such that the voltage difference increases along the coil, the squirted-flux theory predicts external magnetic fields of the type shown in Fig. 12.22, whereas the pure reflection theory does not.





Summary .lhis chapter has given a brief treatment of general transformer theory, has indicated a workable equivalent circuit for a pulse transformer, has shown how the elements in this equivalent circuit may be calculated and measured, and has introduced and briefly discussed the concepts of characteristic impedance and modes of oscillation of a puls-transformer winding.



BY W. H. BOSTICK In this chapter, Sec. 13.1 discusses the relationship between the elements in the equivalent circuit and the rated load impedance, rated pulse duration, and efficiency of a pulse transformer. Section 13.2 presents methods of achieving a design that meets the requirements of specified load impedance, specified pulse duration, and maximum efficiency. Section 133 provides design data for a number of successful pulse transformers covering a wae range of pulse durations and impedance levels. 13.1. General Pulse-transformer Design Considerations.Many successful pulse transformers have been designed without consideration or cognizance of certain relationships between the elements in the equivalent FIG. 13, 1.Equivalent circuit used circuit and the transformer rating in the consideration of the optimum relationships among Rt, CD, LL, Le. and It is the authors and efficiency. R. for e. specified load impedanie and belief, however, that these relationpulse duration. ships which are dkcussed in this section form the most rational general basis for the design of pulse transformers giving maximum transfer of pulse energy to the load. In developing these relationships, it is helpful to consider the system of Fig. 13.1 where V@ is a source voltage, Ro is the source impedance, L. is the effective shunt inductance, R. is the effective shunt resistance, RJ is the load impedance (a resistance), Cc, which represents the capacitance between the low-voltage winding of a transformer and the core (which is grounded), is generally neglected, and LLC~ equals a constant (a relationship that is true for a constant mean coil perimeter and a constant number of turns for pulse transformers). 632
.. ..l

SEC. 13.1]





It is desirable to transfer a maximum of energy to Rl in a given interval of time during which switch (1) is closed (that is, the pulse duration 1, which in average design practice is usually considerably greater and hence to transfer a minimum of energy to R., L. than 2U 4LLCD), (or LP, see Sec. 12.2), L., and CD. In a treatment of this problem it is helpful to introduce the quantity a; Energy flowing into the core during the pulse a = Energy transmitted to the load during the pulse Then

where the core is represented by an equivalent circuit consisting of L. and R. in parallel, and i~ is the magnetizing current that builds up in Le and R.. If, as is often true, the laminations are very thin, or if the pulse duration is long compared with the time constant of the lamination (see Sec. 15. 1), the core may be approximately represented in the equivalent circuit by LP, instead of by L. and R,. Then v, , a = z=, It is also useful to define the quantity ~; Energy stored in leakage inductance and distributed capacitance during the pulse Energy transmitted to the load during the pulse

P= Then

For a variable winding length and a variable spacing between the primary and the secondary, L.CD = constant [see Eqs. (12.4), (12.6), and (12 .7)]. A maximum amount of pulse energy is transferred to the load (as far as the coil is concerned) if a minimum amount of ener~ is stored in the coil. Therefore, @ is minimized under the condition that LLCD = constant. Thus,

~ or

1 constant L: = 2V1Zrr ( 1 R)(*)= (1)




[SEC. 13.1


This condition for maximum energy transfer might be obtained by way of a thermodynamical analogy by reasoning that the system would be in its equilibrium state if there were an equipartition of energy between the two degrees of freedom, that is, that

The quantity ~~~, which has the dimensions of impedance, may be thought of as the transient or characteristic impedance of the When the impedance of this network is equal to the load impedance, maximum energy transfer to the load is effected. The resultant value of @ for minimum ener~ stored in the coi~is

For transformers in which the voltage stepup ratio n >2 or n < 1 (that is, transformers for which the equivalent circuit of Fig. 13.1 applies), and which are operated on a resistance load, observation and calculation (see Fig. 1412) of pulse shapes show that pulse shape is approximately optimum when the sum a + 19is a minimum. 1 For stepup transformers operated on a magnetron load, both calorimetric measurement of efficiency and observation of the, shape of the current and voltage pulses show that the efficiency (for fkxl RQ and RJ is maximum and, in general, the pulse shape and performance are optimum when a + @ is a minimum. The value of the pulse duration , at which the transformer with a given L., R, (or L=), and CD gives a minimum of a + @ can be determined as follows:



l CD2L. -T=
7., =

[&&+& -o




I The criteriafor optimum pulse shape constitute a very controversialsubject. A good pulse shape k the result of a skillful compromiseamong high rate of rise, low overshoot, small amount of droop, high rate of fall, and low backswing voltage. It ie the authors belief that the most suitable compromise among these quantities is obtained by making a + p a minimum.






The quantity a + /3 for T~,,is defined as (a + 13)W,,and


If the effect of R. is neglected,

= -T.,

(a + f%,

r %mz,
2LL ~ P


and if T = T.Dt ff= l?. Then, at any r such that r/rW, = ~, a+d=(a+l%lt Thus, if fi= if f=30r*, a+~=; andifj=40r~, ~ + @ = %(@ + P)OD1. It is obvious that, if the transformer is to be operated over a range of pulse durations from ,~i. to 7~-,, .~p, should be chosen to be equal to c. It is of some interest to relate (a + 19) the coupling coefficient k. From Fig. 12.4 it is apparent that 2(L, Ml) = L., or (a+l?)o.t, 2 or ~,
Q +

;++ ()
Ha + mow,

9 =


If the transformer is a noninverting transformer with a stepup ratio n = 1, then CD = O, and no electrostatic, only magnetic energy is stored in the coil. Minimum energy stored as ~L.1~ in the coil is then achieved, and the relationship
L. is a minimum. RI = ~~

is most nearly approximated





[SEC. 132

The capacitance Cc of the low-voltage winding to core is, of course, always present, and energy is stored in CC. However, Cc does not bear the close relationship to LL that C. does, and CC may be kept small merely by using adequate winding-t~ore insulation. In properly designed pulse transformers, Cc is always negligible compared with C. when n >2 or < 1. Therefore, the value of Cc is of little significance in design considerations, except for the fact that it is usually kept negligibly small. In addition to C. there is the input capacitance Cl of the load, which is usually smaller than CD. For a system using one transformer, the energy stored as ~C~V~ + ~LLI~ for a constant product L~CD is a minimum when
RI = ~~., but the pulse shape is usually optimum (for a voltageIn a stepup transformer) when R1 = ~ LL/(C. + Cl) (see Sec. 14.1). system using stepdown and stepup transformers separated by a cable whose transit time is less than VL~CD, 1 the energy stored as ~C.V~ + 24L.I; for a constant product L.CD is a minimum when Rl = ~-i, Cl) (see Sec. but the pulse shape is optimum when Rl = <>L./(C. 14.1), where CD is the effective primary-to-secondary capacitance of the stepup transformer. Therefore, a compromise must be struck between maximum efficiency of the transformer or transformers and optimum pulse shape. Because the assumption that ~. should be equal to RI generally gives good results and leads to simpler relationships, this assumption is employed in the design methods discussed in Sec. 13.2. In summary, it is evident that, in order to design a good pulse transformer (that is, one which effects maximum transfer of pulse energy) for a given r and RI, the following conditions should be fulfilled:


13.2. Design Methods.-In the early history of pulse transformers it wae customary to use the following design procedure: the magnetizing current 1~ at the end of the pulse was permitted to be equal to 0.1 of the load current Il. Then, from the relationships (see Sec. 15.1) ti=~, ~ = 4TNIm 101 I When the transittime of the cable ie appreciablygreaterthan -, siderationeare the same ae thoee for a line-type pulser. the con-~

SEC.13.2] and




AD = I.@, the core volume was computed to be

Al = k . 107~CVTIm = & . 10 GP.VrIl

(AB) 2 where AB ia the increment in gauss (at the end of the pulse) of the average flux density of the core above the remanent value of B, H is the magnetic field in oersteds created by In, A ia the cross-sectional area of the core in square centimeters, 1 is the mean magnetic-path length of the core in centimeters, A is the effective permeability of the core, V is the pulse voltage, and N is the number of turns on the winding to which is applied the pulse voltage V. A guess was made as to a suitable value of ~, the core volume Al was computed, and a core having this product, for which the factors A The value of N was and 1 were suitably estimated, was then chosen. computed, and a simple winding scheme selected. The insulation thickness A was chosen so that it would be sufficient to withstand the voltage puncture stress, and sufficient coil margins were left to withstand the voltage creep stress. Formerly, an operational requirement frequently placed on a pulse transformer was the specification of t-, the maximum allowable time taken for the pulse to rise to 0.9 of the full amplitude of the output of the pulse transformer on a resistance load Rt. For the transformer and load, usually computed without a consideration of the resultant time of rise t,, the effective distributed capacitance, was obtained from the expression 0.9= or ~=_qlnol=Q1nlo
Rl Rl




If the computed t, exceeded the specified t_, L. had to be reduced bY reducing N or A, thereby increasing AB, or by reducing A. If the comwas leas than t-, the design was considered satisfactory. puted t, In more careful designs where the distributed capacitance was taken into account, the time of rise was calculated on the basis of Eqs. (14.1) and (14.2), and an effort was made to choose a design which had a value of u (see Sec. 14.1) of about 0.5. Except for this occasional effort, which satisfies the criterion of Eq. (4), early design procedure involved no conscious attempt to satisfy the criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6). To take





full cognizance of these criteria constitutes a more rational and direct approach to the problem of pulse-transformer design. This direct approach, or an approximation thereto, should be used whenever the conditions of design call for maximum transfer of pulse energy. It is possible, for a given type of winding, to express a and j3 as functions of the number of turns, maximum allowable creep stress, the voltage on the high-voltage winding, the wire diameter, etc., and to minimize (a + ~).., under the constraining conditions of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6). This method is straightforward and leads to the optimum design. The algebraic equation resulting from this procedure is, however, of such high degree that its numerical solution for each new transformer design is prohibitively laborious. An alternative, but nevertheless equivalent, procedure is to approach the optimum design by a series of approximating designs. It is possible to use the criteria of Eqs. (4) and (5) as constraints on the design, and then to make an estimate as to the optimum flux density, the number of turns, or the core volume. Although the resultant transformer satisfies Eqs. (4) and (5), but not necessarily Eq. (6), its design may be sufficiently good for the intended purpose. If, however, the best possible performance is desired in thk transformer, it is necessary to make several estimates of flux density, number of turns, or core volume, and either to calculate or measure (a + @m~ for these designs. When the design possibilities have been thoroughly explored and the design has been found which satisfies, by measurement as well as calculation, the criteria of Eq. (6) as well as those of Eqs. (4) and (5), and which operates satisfactorily in the intended circuit, the design may be considered to be There are, of course, complicating factors such as the saturation characteristics of the core, the range of pulse durations that must be passed, and the magnitude of the backswing voltage that can be tolerated. A compromise must often be struck between these circumstances and adherence to the criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6). Also, except under unusual circumstances, an approximate core size must be used because, for economic reasons, cores are manufactured in a set of standard sizes, finite in number. This process of design wherein it is attempted to satisfy the criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) has been carried out at the Radiation Laboratory for a number of power-output pulse transformers for magnetrons. Some of these designs for various power ranges and pulse durations are recorded in Sec. 13.3. These designs are useful in the design of new transformers because they provide a good starting point in the initial estimates of the number of turns, flux density, or core size to be used. Given also in Sec. 13.3 are the designs of several interatage and regenerative-pulse-generator low-power pulse transformers in which the





criteria of Eqs. (4) and (5) were approximately satisfied, but in which no patiicular explorato~ effotiwas made tosatisfy thecrikrionof Eq. (6). With the use of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6), analytical expressions, w-hich are algebraically simple, are now developed to show the general dependence of optimum flux density, optimum number of turns, and optimum core volume on the effective permeability of the core, the dielectric constant of the insulation, the winding arrangement, wire size, output voltage, load impedance, and pulse duration. These relationships prove especially useful in providing a means of extraCore polating from a successful design to a new design Coil of the same winding type, but perhaps different voltage, impedance, pulse duration, wire size, a b c dielectric constant of insulation, and effective permeabilit y of core. d It is helpful at the outset to express the second law of thermodynamics in the following way: the equilibrium or most probable state of an uniso- @ lated system is usually achieved when the energy F1~. 13.2.Idealized In a core and coil used in of that system has become a minimum.
corollary (see stated Sec. of 12.1), the the the second law law of thermodynamics it may tends of freedom be the therm odynamical considerations of the enof equipartition, of each the system ~rfl~orfle~ ed in the


energy to

to be that ente~ quadratically




into the expression of the energy of the entire system. In the pulse transformer (shown in Fig. 13.2), the total volume of the coil is assumed to be equal to the space between the primary and secondary windings, and the total volume of the transformer in which energy is stored is assumed to be equal to the sum of the volumes of the core and coil. If this transformer is to be used to transform and transfer a pulse of electromagnetic energy, it is obviously desirable to have a minimum of energy in the transformer at the end of the pulse, that is, to leave the transformer in a minimum-energy state. If the energies stored in the core and coil are considered, by way of a thermodynamical analogue, to constitute two degrees of freedom for the transformer, the equilibrium or minimum energy state of the transformer is that wherein a = j3 (which, as has been proved in Sec. 13.1 also, gives a minimum for a + j3 when r = rm). Furthermore, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the equilibrium (and hence the rninimum-energy) state of the transformer is (among other things) that in which the elect romagnetic temperature 1 is constant throughout the transformer, and I Here electromagnetictemperaturemay be thought of M analogousto ordinary temperaturewhich, in a gaz for example,k proportionalto the averagekinetic-energy density.





hence that in which the energy densities of core and coil are equal. This latter condition effects a minimum of (a + fJ)~D,, and, coupled with the condition that a = B, lays down the additional condition that the volumes of the core and coil should be equal. 1 If the core and coil are of rectangular cross section a X b and c X d respectively (Fig. 13.2), and if each completely fills up the rectangular hole in the other, as each should if the transformer volume is to be kept to a minimum, Core volume = ab(2d + % + 4a) = 4ab + 2abd + 2abc, and Coil volume = cd(2b + 2a + 4c) = 4cd + 2cdb + %da. Since the core volume should equal the coil volume,
4ab + 2abd + 2abc = 4c2d + 2cdb + %da. (7)

Equation (7) can hold for any arbitrarily chosen a and b only if a = c and b = d. Therefore the mean perimeter of coil should be equal to the mean magnetic-path length of core. Because in practice there are complicating factors such as the length of the coil margin, the necessary spacing between the high-voltage winding and the core, the volume taken up by the copper, and complicated windings, it is desirable to change the equalities of energy density, volume, and perimeter of the core and coil to approximations and, in some cases, to proportionalities. Of the criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) for optimum pulse-transformer design the last is then achieved by designing a transformer such that The energy density of core = the energy density of coil, and The mean perimeter U of coil = the mean magnetic-path length 1 of core. (9) I The foregoingprocedurebearssomeformalresemblanceto generalpracticein the design of power transformers. In power transformersoperating at a constant frequency,the energystoredin the coil and coreis, for the moatpart, not lost but returned to the circuit. It is the sum of the averagepowerdissipatedin the iron of the core and the copper of the coif that is of primary importance. It might be said by way of thermodynamical analogne that a power transformerwill remain in its lowest or equilibriumenergystateif the rateof dissipationof energyper unit volume is approximately constant throughout its whole volume. Minimum total power will then be dissipated in the transformer when the transformer volume is a minimum (consistent, of course, with the saturation properties of the core and maximum temperature characteristics of the insulation). The transformer volume will be a minimum when the perimeters and volumes of core and coil are approximately equal. The resultant power transformer mately equal. will thus have total iron losses and copper loeses that are approxi-


SEC. 13.2]




Theaverage energy density of the coil (that is, of thespace primary and the secondary) is

between the

91&;TA2+# rgs/cm3 where t is the dielectric constant of the insulation, V is the pulse potential of the high-voltage winding in volts, A is the spacing between the primary and secondary in cm, f, is a constant depending upon the voltage distribution between the windings that results from a given winding configuration and stepup ratio, H = 4TN1/10~ oersteds, N = the number of turns on the high-voltage winding, I = the load current in that winding in amperes, s = the length of the windings in cm (the primary and secondary windings are equal in length). Because of Eq. (12.10) and relationship (4) (lo) where fz is a factor relating LL to the winding arrangement,
tf 1V2
9.104. 8=AZ =

and also


If the average energy density in the coil is now made proportional the energy density in the core at the end of the pulse,
ff 1V2 = &(A~)2 & VTIO 2 = 81rI.L. () NA






If the average energy densities where f3 is a factor of proportionality. of core and coil are made equal, fs = 1. The actual value of ft used in practice is usually 1 * 0.5. Relationships (5) and (11) yield uAJ3 = ~ A,?.
f3 Also, & = fiNdz, (13) (12)

where d2 is the wire diameter of the high-voltage winding, and fl k a constant of proportionality, depending upon the winding configuration and stepup ratio. For a winding with a single-layer secondary, for

542 example, j, = 1.





Equations (12) and (13) then yield A=

A j,j,iVd,


where, because of Eq. (9), u and 1 are assumed to be proportional and their factor of proportionality, which is close to unity, has been absorbed in j~fd. Equation (11) becomes

9.104. or

AZ (j,jtNdz)2 = ~~



9. 1020T2 ~ = 2p,cj, jq( j,dz) 2

= k.v
(Mj1j3) (



Equations (10) and (14) yield

R1 = 377NA O, = ~~ 377A ~



or (16) Then


or (17) On the basis of Eqs. (15) and (16), the volume of the transformer core can be calculated under the condition that A = 2a2 (see Fig. 13.2). The volume of the transformer is dependent upon b/a, and, to minimize Hence the the volume with respect to b/a, a value of b/a = 2 is suitable. value of A=ab=2a2 is chosen. If the cross section of the coil is assumed to be approximately to that of the core, 1will be approximately equal to 1OC-Z. (18) equal

SEC. 13.2]




Then, core volume = 20a3 = (19)

Equations (15), (17), (19), and (20) are valuable in that they express the general dependence of N..t, (A~).~t, (a + I%, and core volume on the quantities P. and c, the properties of the materials a desi=~er has at his dkposal, and on RI, ~, V, and dz, the requirements which must be met in the design. When a transformer of a certain winding type has proved = Rl, r.~t = -D successful (that iS, ~wD = T, and (a + B).t is low) these equations are of further value in that they can be used to extrapolate (or scale) from this design to designs of the same winding type but for different values of RI, V, and r. This procedure of extrapolation essentially determines the constants kN, k~, L.1, and k{a+R)O~, It is also possible to compute on the basis of previous design experience. the values of these constants. These computed values are, however, less satisfactory because they do not take into consideration the margin length, the insulation between the primary and the core, etc. If (a + @)O., It is to be noted that in Eq. (20) dz appears explicitly. should be expressed with dz given implicitly in terms of V and RI, as it occasionally can be, the R# term is altered in the equation. It is interesting to note that the manner of dependence of (A~)~, on V and R1 corresponds roughly with existing practice in the design of audio transformers: for example, when the power handled is low the transformer is designed to operate at low flux densities; when the power is high, the transformer is designed to operate at high flux densities. It may prove instructive to illustrate an attempt at meeting the criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) with a design of a regenerative-pulsegenerator transformer and a power-output pulse transformer for a magnetron.
Design of a Regenerative-pulse-generator or Blocking-oscillator Trans-

@ner.-It is assumed that the regenerative-pulse-generator transformer that is used as an example operates in a circuit with an effective series



impedance in the grid loop of about 500 ohms and a tube whose rPis about 500 ohms. It is also assumed for simplicity that this transformer has only two windings and that practically no power is delivered to an external circuit during the pulse. The characteristic impedance 2, of the grid winding of the transformer is chosen to be approximately 500 ohms. The pulse duration is specified to be 1.0 psec, the stepup ratio is n = 1, and the voltage to be applied to the plate winding of the transformer is not more than 500 volts. In this example the core selected is a 0.002-in., type C Hipersil core whose P. for this type of application, as experience has shown, is about 400. The dielectric constant c, for the insulation chosen is 3.5. The effective distributed capacitance of this transformer, which, it is hoped, will have a simple single-layer primary winding and a singlelayer secondary winding, is equal to the total capacitance between primary and secondary, that is,
c. =

0.0885#us . 1012 A



and jl = 1 [see Eq. 12.9], where M is the mean perimeter of the coil, c is the dielectric constant of the insulation, ands is the winding length. The leakage inductance

4. NAll

henrys, Also, henrys.


and hence jZ = 1 [see Eq. (13.10)]. ~ P

= 41rNAp. 101

= R,,

By satisfying relationship

the criterion of Eq. (4), that is, vLL/C~



377N is obtained. relationship +.

(21) = T, gives the




M, 7.~, = =.






A 377~. ~

= 87riVAP. 0.0885cqL .10-2. 1091 R, & N3

Au ._


87r. 0.0885.10-21.


SEC. 13.2]




If a core is designed with complete latitude in the choice of dimensions, the dimensions should be chosen approximately in accord with the principles set forth in Eqs. (5), (8), (9), and (18). The type C Hipersil cores are manufactured in a set of more or less quantized sizes that have been wisely chosen and that are approximately in accord with the principles set forth in Eqs. (5), (8), (9), and (18). From the relationships given by Eqs. (15), (17), and (19), a knowledge of the approximate wire size required, and from past experience with transformers operating under the specified conditions, it is evident that two suitable candidate sizes of the Hipersil cores available are: Core No. 1: window ~ in. by A = 0.2 cmz, 1 = 5.4 cm, Al Core No. 2: window 1 in. by A = 0.6 cm, 1 = 9.4 cm, Al ~ in., strip width ~ in., build ~ in.; = 1.1 cma. +S in., strip width $ in., build ~ in.; = 5.6 cm3.

For any transformer whose core dimensions are thus established, Au/l may be expressed in terms of a (see Fig. 13.2). For example, for core No. 2, which is a well-proportioned core (except that 1 is slightly large and b/a is a little too low), 1 = 15.7a, A = 1.67u2, v = 9a, and


9 s 1.67aa = o ~5a2 15.7

Then for Core No. 2, Eq. (22) yields ~aaz =

Rl .102072

500.1020.10-12 = 0.95.84 400@

0.95. 84P. ~ = 0.83 x 10-. Since, for core No. 2, a = 0.6 cm

or N = 132. In SUCI1 transformers the average power dissipated in the winding, even if the wire diameter is very small, is usually negligibly small as far as permissible temperature rise is concerned. The wire size is consequently chosen on the basis of ease of winding and window size of the core, and on keeping the winding resistance negligible in comparison with the load resistance. If size No. 38 heavy Formex wire (diameter = 0.0048 in. = 0.0122 cm) is used, z = 1.65 cm.

546 Then ~=R&& 377N and




500.1.65 1.87 = 0.031 cm = 0.012 in., 377 132 l&i2 = 89 X 1012 farads,

~~ = 0.0885 .3.5 5.4-1.65 0.031 ~~ _ k . 1322. 10, .1.65 and ~


= 22.2 X 10-6 henrys,


1322.0.6.400 10 .9.4


X 10a henrys.

The quality of the design may then be assayed by computing

for this transformer as follows:


74 10-4 = 0.0282 = 0.03.

This value of (a + p).~, corresponds to an efficiency of approximately 97 per cent, which is creditably high for a pulse transformer. The designer should, however, not take all the credit for himself; this low value of (a + i%t is possible because of the low value of impedance (see Eq. (2o)) for which the transformer is designed, and also because the currentcarrying requirements on the wire are such as to permit the choice of a smalldlameter wire. Perhaps the value of (a + 6)~t for this transformer could, if necessary, be reduced by choosing a better proportioned core, that is, one with a lower value of 1. For example, the transformer may be constructed on two loops of core No. 1, for which a = 0.32, 1 = 16.9a, A = 3.92a2, w= 15.5a. Then Au 3.92a2 15.5 = s 58a~ . 16.9 1 and 500.1020 1012 = 0.222 x 1P 9 a = and N, = 0.222 x 106 = 2.18 X 106, 0.102 and N = 130.






This transformer is then constructed on two loops (side by side) of core No. 1 by putting two single-layer windings each of 65 turns and of No. 38HF wire on each leg of the core. The total winding length is then C= Then ~ = 500. 377.130 = 0.0305 cm = 0.012 in. 0.8.2=1.6 cm.

Thus, this transformer on two loops of core No. 1 has practically the same values of N, S, u, A/1, and A, and therefore has very nearly the same values of CD, LL, Lp, and (a + ~)~t as the transformer on core No. 2. The transformer constructed on two loops of core No. 1 has a lower mean magnetic-path length, but is less favorably proportioned with regard to a low value of U than the transformer on core No. 2. The two cores are therefore equally suitable. If only one loop of core No. 1 were employed, it would prove necessary to increase the number of turns and hence to use very iine wire, which is difficult to handle and whose resistance may become an appreciable fraction of 500 ohms. In fact, the winding resistance of each of these two transformers wound with No. 38 is about 16 ohms, which is three per cent of 500 ohms and therefore dissipates 3 per cent of the output power, thereby cutting the over-all efficiency of the transformer from 97 per cent to 94 per cent. This efficiency may be improved 1 to 2 per cent by the use of core No. 2 which permits a longer winding length and hence an increase in wire size. If the impedance of the load were higher, it would be possible to use wire with a smaller diameter. Demgn of a Power-output Pulse Transformer for a Mugnetron.1t is assumed that the power-output pulse transformer that is used as an example is one which is intended for use on small lightweight airborne equipment and which~ust meet the following requirements: Voltage out/voltage in: 12.5 kv/2.5kv; n = 5, Impedance out/impedance in: 1250/50, Pulse durations: 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 Psec, Pulse recurrence frequencies: 2000, 1000, and 500 pps, Filament current supplied to the magnetron: 1.0 amp. The lower limit to the wire sizes in this transformer is fixed not by the value of the load impedance (as it is in the previous example) but by the permissible temperature rise of the windings, which is the result of the The effective currents in the primary and secondary windings. effective current is the effective sum (as far as energy dissipation in the wire is concerned) of the filament current and the pulse current, with skin effect and proximity effect taken into consideration. In the primary winding there is, of course, no filament current. In order to



IsE{:. 132

keep the operating temperature (Jf the winding at a safe value, it is, in general, desirable to limit the effective current density to a value of about 5000 amp/in.Z The current density for a filament current of 1.0 amp in several wire sizes is given as follows: No. 24, 3170 amp/in .2; No. 2.5, 4000 amp/in.2; No. 26, 5000 amp/in.2 It should be remembered that this pulse transforrner is required to perform satisfactorily at a pulse duration of 0.5 ~sec as well as at 1.0 and 2.o psec. To achieve a favorable value of a + b over this range of pulse durations and to keep the transformer small and light, the wire diameter must be kept to a minimum. Since this transformer is to be insulated with oil and hence oil-cooled, it is possible to use No. 25 or even NTO. 26 wire for the secondary, even though the filament current densities therein approach 5000 amp/in.2 A rough calculation should be made to ascertain how much effective pulse current, in addition to the filament current, will dissipate power in the secondary winding. The load current in the secondary is about 10 amp, and since there are two wires of No. 26 in parallel to carry this current, the pulse current per wire is 5 amp. The duty ratio is 0.001. The skin depth for a 0.5-psec pulse may be computed to be A, = ~5 .10- cm = 0.007 cm = 0.0028 in.

(see Sec. 15.3). Since the bare-copper diameter of No. 26 wire is 0.0159 in., the skin-effect factor is approximately
d . 4A,

0.0159 4.0.0028

~ ~~ The effective pulse

The proximity factor is 2 c 1.4 = 2.8 (see Sec. 15.3). power dissipated in the windhg is then . 0.001 IL-R
1.5 2.8 = 0.0042&_R,

where R is the resistance of the winding and 1~.1* is the pulse current. The total effective current Z.lf may then be calculated by the equation
I&R = I~R + 0.00421~mR,

Id, = <1.0

+ 0.0042.25 = 1.05 = 1 amp.

= <1.0

+ 0.10

It is therefore obvious that practically all of the power dissipated in the secondary winding is the result of filament current and that the effective current density in this winding for both pulse and filament current is about 5000 amp/sq. in. for No. 26 wire.

SEC. 132]




With winding arrangement (f) in Fig. 12.13 it is often adv antageous to use the same wire size in the primary as in the secondary. If No. 26 wire (one wire on each leg of the core) is also used in the primary, the = 25. ~0.0042 = 1.6 amp if the proximeffective current therein is Z~f~ This value of 1.,1 means an ity factor of 2.8 is used in the calculations. effective current density in the primary wire of about 8000 amp/in. 2 The actual value of I.(r will be somewhat less than 1.6 amp because the proximity factor for the primary is actually less than 2.8. The effective current density in the primary will, at any rate, be greater than 5000 amp/in.2 However, because the weight, space, and pulss-performance requirements placed upon the transformer are rigorous, it is justifiable to use No. 26 wire on the primary, notwithstanding the high effective current density. For this type of transformer (as has been shown in Sec. 12.2) the winding arrangement (J) in Fig. 1213 (the Lord-type winding) has the lowest L~CD-product and therefore represents a transformer whose coil stores less pulse energy than the coil of any other type of winding that could be chosen. Therefore winding arrangement (j) is the most suitable one for this transformer. Now, from the equation for L. for winding @, the total leakage inductance for the coils on both legs is 4mN:ul


( )(
n +



where n = 5, and Za/3 is, for the purposes of simplification, to be neglected. The total distributed capacitance between primary and secondary for the coils on both legs, according to Eq. (12.5) and (126), is
2ZW cn=~= 0.0885dL s v: ?j + 13v, av, (aV,) [ + (aV,) 6V, o 6V, + (~V,)2


+ (aV,)


_0.0885cuo~ 25

1 12+1.2+22 A,

It is desirable to keep the characteristic impedances of the first and second legs of the transformer approximately equal. The characteristic impedance 21 of leg No. 1 is proportional to ~fi~. The characteristic If 21 = 22, impedance 22 of leg No. 2 is proportional to ~~.




[SEC. 13.2

Also, in order to make the voltage stress on the insulation pads 1 and 2 the same, A1/Az should equal 2. If



m, 2

Then Eqs. (23) and (24) become, respectively,


j, =
CD = 0.0885CU.Q 25.3 ~ ~

7.; ( .153

n12 n

+37; )

= 0.0885dM

3.25 Arm T 2. 0.0885dLs .1.53 2.3


_ 2. 0.0885duS A mv


j, = ~3 = 0.255.

Also, it should be remembered that


= 4TN:Ape 1091 4UN8%A..


c. and

henrys, f, 1092s 2. 0.0S85CUA3 farads, j, x 10- = ~v

L= =

~1 = 377N,Aw~* 2.s~ Then A and .7 =2R1s@1 377N. a,



SEC. 13.2]






where 74P,is given in psec. A core which may be tried is a 0.002 in. Hipersil core: window, l+ in. by ~ in.; strip width, 1 in.; build, & in. For this core a = 1.1 cm,
A = 2.82 cmz = 2.31a2,

1 = 13.2 cm = 12a, and u= Then


11.2 cm = 10.%.

. 1

10.2a . 2.31a2 = 1.96az = 2.38 cm2. 12a

I&o, p. for this core material in this type of application is about 600, ~ = 3.5, and as h~ been seen, fi = 0.505, and W = $. Then : or N, = 111. This transformer, with N, = 110 turns, the appropriate Al and Az, and approximately adequate creep distances, can be wound according to winding scheme (-f), Fig. 1213, with No. 25 heavy Formex wire on the secondary. It is customary to try a new pulse-transformer design in the circuit for which it is intended before the design is considered satisfactory. It is intended that this particular transformer be used with both hard-tube and line-type pulsers. Therefore a pair of such transformers is constructed and operated in tandem with a hard-tube pulse generator and magnetron. Unfortunately, it is found that the backswing voltage on the pulser switch tube ie excessive on the 2-psec pulse operation. (A discussion of backswing voltage is given in Sec. 14.1.) From Eq. (14.13) it can be shown that the backswing voltage can be reduced by increasing L=. A compromise transformer is therefore designed on this same core 1.19 x 10.1250 = 0.505 0.8-600 = 138 x 100





with N, = 125 with No. 26 wire on the secondary in an attempt to satisfy this backswing requirement. Thus, some sacrifice is made in the accuracy with which Eq. (5) (that is, r~t = =,) is satisfied. Equation . = RI) maybe mtisfied by choosing L. according to (4) (that is, 4L./C~ the equation ~ . =R1.2J3V~1 377N, <Z = 0.058 in., = 1250.2 c 3770125 c 0.8 = 0149 cm

where s = 50 0.0178 in. = 0.9 in. = 2.38 cm. The transformer is then constmcted with Al = 3 ~. and AZ = fA... Its C. and L. are measured, and the nominal pad thicknasw A, and AZ
= Rl, with the thought in mind that further adjusted to make ~L.[CD the insulation must be fitted into the window and that the puncture stress of the insulation must be kept at a safe value. The parameters of the new transformer are measured and the following values (referred to the secondary) are obtained: LL = 54 X 108 From these henry, C. = 50 x 10_12 farad, and L, = W X 10_3 hen~. values it can be calculated that

$D 1040 ohms, J 7. = 4WD = 1.5 psec, (a + ~)m~ = 0.067, and that the efficiency at 1.5 psec is q = 100[1 (a + B)mt] = 93.3 per cent. This value of Z= = 1040 ohms, though not exactly equal to the load impedance RZ (1250 ohms), is considered to be satisfactorily near to this value. Furthermore, optimum pulse shape on a magnetron load is obtained with a hard-tube pulser when


and with a Iim+type pulser when
L. CD + J = 1, c1

where Cl( = 15 ~Pfl is the load capacitance

(see Sec. 14.1).

For a Pair of

SEC. 13.2]




these transformers used with a hard-tube pulser, 2LL = 1270 ObS.

J CD + c1

For one of these transformers used with a line-type pulser,


= 910 ohms.

Since the most important use for this transformer is in a radar system employing a hard-tube pulser, the value of ZT for the transformer is considered to be satisfactory from the point of view of pulse shape az well The value of rm, = 1.5 psec, as from that of maximum energy transfer. though greater than ~~ psec .2 psec, is considered to be satisfactory; it is impossible to have T~P,= 1 psec because of the maximum allowable backswing voltage. The value of the efficiency is considered to be sufficiently high to make unnecessary the trial of any other core sizes in the design. The measured values of L., CD, and L, are usually more accurate than the calculated values because it is very di5cult to control the coil dimensions with great accuracy and to have exact knowledge of the effective permeability of the core under the particular conditions of operation. The resultant design is that of transformer 232BW2 given in Tables 13.1 and 13.2. Two such transformers are built, operated in tandem on a magnetron, and are found to hold the backswing voltage on the pulsegenerator switch tube to an acceptably low value. Transformer 232AW2, somewhat similar, but a simon-pure autotransformer, is then desigmxl to be used in the stepdown position. Calorimetric measurements are then performed on transformer 232BW2 (as a c~ed unit) under operating conditions, and its calorimetric efficiency (exclusive of power dissipatd by the filament current) is found to be 93 per cent at 1 psec. This value of efficiency agrees within 1 per cent with (a + @)m,calculated from the measured values of LP and L.. It is not clear. however. that all the dMiculties have been overcome. The oreep stress of the high-voltage end of the secondary to ground is about 100 volts/mif, and therefore it is doubtful that the transformer will stand the voltage of 12 kv for any length of time. With No. 26 wire the effective current density in the primary winding is very high. If there is any doubt that oil and paper insulation will withstand the Klgh ambient temperatures encountered by these transformers (which are asaumed to be used, for example, on equipment for carrier-based aircraft in the Pacific), a life test under operating conditions should be performed with the stepup transformer in a simulated ambient temperature of 85C.






Successful operation after 2000 hours of thk life testis sufficient to justify the recommendation that this transformer be used in the equipment. A photograph of the core-and-coil assembly of transformer 232BW2 is shown in Fig. 13.3, together with the core-and-coil assembly of a 600-kw pulse transformer (transformer 41OAW2 in Tables 131 and 132). Departures from customary Design Practice.It is desirable, in general, to try to meet criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) in the design of a pulse transformer. Often, however, it may prove advantageous to depart from the practice of using single-layer primary and single-layer secondary windings of the same length. For example, if the pulse duration is long, and if the effective impedance of the load is very high (as it is in a trans-

.. ..>

= -7,.,

,, ..

. .


.4 .





, ~,,~~
,. . :..,

j .

t ~ [ **; i

., . 1 .,.+

:,.+ , -e .,


,. l
1 .,
,4 (b]


6 ---




-Core-and-coil assemblies of oil-tilled pulse transformers (a) 120 kw (23 2BW2) , (b) 600 kw (410AW72) 0.5 to 2.0 psec. 0.5 to 2.0 #sec.

former used in the triggering of series gaps), the high-voltage winding may The consequent increase in L. is accepbe composed of several layers. table since it is desirable to make


where RL and T.., are both large. Where pulse transformers must operate into loads of very high resistance and/or low capacitance it is frequently desirable to use a duolaterally wound coil. This duolaterally wound coil facilitates winding with small wire sizes and has, in general, low effective distributed capacitance. The higher leakage inductance associated with duolaterally







wound coils can be tolerated because of the high load resistance for which There are many possible arrangethese transformers are designed. ments of duolateral pies and layers, and the designer should choose the arrangement which, for his purpose, stores a minimum amount of energy in the transformer coil. Such duolaterally wound transformers are suitable for use at both low- and high-voltage levels. Duolaterally wound transformers for operation at high-voltage levels are particularly suitable for use as trigger transformers. According to customary design practice, pulse transformers that are to operate at very high voltages Large effective require a core of very large 1since the margins of the coil must be made long enough to withstand the high creep stress. If the load impedance for such a transformer is high (as it usually is), this difficulty can be obviated by a design of the type shown in Fig. 13.4. This particular transformer design employs a toroidal core, Teflon insulation (to reduce CD and withstand the voltage stress) impregnated with oil, and primary and secondary windings of unequal length. This transformer is capainsulation ble of supplying current to the FIG. 13.4,Diagrammatic cross section showing a way of placing windings on a filament whose cathode it pulses. toroidal core for a transformer to be operated The insulation and wire for this at very high voltages and into a high load This transformer has a bimar transformer must, of course, be impedance. secondary winding and the core is 8110wed wound on the core with a bobbin. to float electrically. Pulse transformers with a winding of this type have operated successfully at an output voltage of 100 kv on a load impedance of about 20,000 ohms, at 0.5 psec pulses, with a stepup ratio n = 5.5. When special requirements such as the maximum amount of overshoot, droop, or backswing are placed upon the pulse-transformer design, it is necessary to consider the effect of the various individual elements in the equivalent circuit on pulse shape, a discussion of which is given in Sec. 14.1. Even when satisfying such special requirements, it frequently proves effective to make the preliminary or trial design on the basis of the criteria of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6). 13.3. Typical Pulse-transformer Designs.A number of successful pulse-transformer designs were developed by the Radiation Laboratory
creep distanceSifilar,hif ....-.






for various applications in radar systems. These designs were usually achieved by the process of a series of successive approximations in design outlined in Sec. 13.2. Diagrammatic winding specifications and ratings for some of the more widely used of these designs are included in this The designs are divided into two groups, regenerativ~pulsesection. generator transformers and pul-generator-output transformers.

1111 a


FIO. 13.5.Schematic winding diagram for a typical regenerative-pulse-generator transformer. Regenerative-pulse-generator single-layer windings with turns

!,ab h aI Fm. 13.6.Schematic winding diagram for a typical stepup low-power output transformer. which unity have may three be or four used as



transformers, ratios near


coupling transformers between amplifier stages. All but two of the pulsegenerator-output transformers (Nos. 148CW2 and 232AW2) were designed to drive magnetrons from lowimpedance pulse-cable or line-type pulsers. They have windings of a

FI& 13.7.%chematic winding diagram for 8 typical stepdown autotransformer.

FIG. 13.8.Schematic winding diagram for a typical E&pup high-power output transformer. Fig. and supply 12. 13] designed to minimize and power

type the bifilar to One to (No. for

[winding product of

arrangement leakage to from of by a


inductance permit the

distributed of


secondaries magnetrons example

cathode-heater filament

low-voltag~insulated transformer, with designs to the in be No.

transformers. is stepup included d~ign modified hard-



indicate, 232BW2), use as

comparison how the other

corresponding this group












557 except

tube pulsers and low-impedance No. 148 CW2

All of these transformers,

and 148 DW2, have values of n between 3 and 5.

The values of pulse duration and load impedance given in Table 13.1 for these transformers are, in general, those determined from the values of shunt inductance, leakage inductance, and distributed capacitance by

FIQ. 13.9.Some examples of low-power regenerativ~puls~generatir pulse transformers.

the method outlined in Sec. .13.1. The voltages given are determined from insulation thicknesses and from a stress factor of 25o volts per mil for oil-impregnated units, or 100 volts per mil for small dry-type units. In Figs. 13.5 to 13.8 a single coiled line represents a single winding layer, which is, in general, to be centered on the coil form. In general

FIO. 13.10.Three pulse transformers designed for operation at 120 kv, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 paec. (a) Core-and-coil assembly of an oil-filled pulse transformer (232-BW2) on a 0.002-in. Hipersil core. (b) G. E. pulse transformer with Permaill insulation on a O.OWA. Monemax core. (c) Westinghouse pulse transformer with Fosterite insulation on a 0.002-in. Hipemil core.

all windings on one leg of the core are wound in the same direction. In these figures, however, the windings on one leg are wound in the opposite direction from the windings on the other leg. Connections between wind. ing layers are indicated by straight lines The wire size and the number



77 BW 54/24 10 AW2 22/5.5


32 AW 1/1/1

145 CW2 .5/0.5/0. !

:24 AW2

~48 CW2

32 AW: 2.5/2. !

?32FW2 2.5/2. ! 16,5/3.3


111IW2 55 BW 36/12
15/3 .3

voltage, kv




pulse dura- ).3-1.5 tion, Nec



), 6-3(a) j 0.252.5(b)








o.52.5(c) Maximum duty ratic 0.002 Load imped. ante, ohms Noninduced voltages, volts

0.002 w

0.002 1000

0.002 1600(a) 1000(b) 2000(C)

0.001 50 stepdown

0.001 1250

0.001 1250

0.0006 400

0.0006 450

0.001 1000

D.0005 250

0.001 800












(a), (b), and (c) refer to the voltage ration obtained with the various ways of connecting the transformer. t (a), (b), and (c) refer ti the vari.un pufss dorations that can he obtained at ratad vokase with the variO~ cOnn@tiOmw~ch Sive fie ~ VOl@ge ratiO @), (b).

sod (c).






of turns are given in Table 13.2. The total thicknesses of the insulating pads between the winding layers and between the inner winding and the core are given in roils. Pads between windings that are 15 roils thick or greater are usually wound with 5-roil unsized Kraft paper; those of less thickness are wound with 2-roil Kraft paper. A part of the thickness of the pads between inner windings and cores may consist of a fiber coil form; this form should fit closely around the core in order to make the mean perimeter of the coil a minimum. Vacuum (less than 1 mm of mercury) impregnation with a good grade of transformer oil is recommended for all units rated at greater than 6 kv. Any of the varnishes of


FIG. 13.1 I.Threepulsetransformers designed for operationat dMerent powerlevels. 120 kw (232BW2) with weUfor magnetron(Westinghouse). (b) 2 Mw (GE) (.) 10 Mw (377 BW2) with form-fitting weU for magnetron (GE).

the solventlem type, which harden without leaving voids, may be used for the dry-type units (which are rated at less than 6 kv). Good solventtype varnishes may also be used for units rated at less than 2 kv. Startdard sizes of Westinghouse 0.002-ii. oriented Hipersil cores are specified throughout, except in some cases where two standard loops maybe placed side by side to make up the specified strip width. Figure 13.9 shows several examples of low-power regenerative-pulse generator transformers that have been developed; Fig. 13-10 shows three 120-kw pulse transformers; and Fig. 13.11 shows three pulse transformers of pulse powers of 120 kw, 2 Mw, and Id Mw. Two of these latter transformers have wells into which the magnetron may be plugged. The well of the 10-Mw transformer is form-fitting and is greased with DowCorning Compound to exclude air when the magnetron is plugged in. Figure 13.12 shows pulse transformers employing permalloy cores and






(b) pulse transformers constructed with continuously wound permalloy cores (Western Electric Company). (a) Rectangular core of l-roil 4-79 molybdenum permalloy and pulse transformer in which it is used. Pulse power: 100 kw. (b) 3-lb. rectangular core of 2-mif 46 permalloy and ~-lb. core of l-roil 4-79 molybdenum permalloy with the pulse transformers in which they me used.

Fm. 13.12.Three


Design 132 AW2 ~ L Fig. 13.5 0.020 125-{36



145 CW2 224 AW2

148 CW2 1X* L

~ore window, in.: 1X* 8tn , in. B~d, in. A Assembly wire A, in. a
B, in. b

}Xi #
Fig. 13.5 0.020 35-#22 0.010 3&jti2 0.010 35-#32 0,010 1O-*21 0,020


285 DW2



410 Aw2 247H i Fig. 13.8 0!0!5 26- L922 2 in //



FigH~3% 0.025 14-f23 2 in // I

Fig. 13.5 {
~ {

Fig. 13.8 0,$$ 16-121 3 in // 16-#21 3 in //

1* Fig. 13.8 Cg; 21-#23 3 in // 0.010 21-#23 3 in // 21-+23 3in // 0.010 21-#23 3 in // 0.005 34-#23 JI o

0.015 32-#2o


o. :2! 25-#26 2 in //

0.020 2&#26 2 in //

32-#30 0.010 32-#30

125-#36 0.005 12c%#26



0.050 ] 50+26 0.050

0.100 2S-{23


2in //

0.010 26-*22

c, in.


0.040 W +26

0.080 24-+21 2 in // 0.010 24-.#2l 2 in 11





10-+23 8 in //Tt

0.075 39-#19



niGi,. ... ..

....... .

=Ga-... .... 50+26

I 0.025 2S{26 2in // 0.030 ] 50-126 0.050 0.020 25+26 2 in // 0 }

0.005 2S-#23 0.050

6&t27 1


o 010

E, A, a

in. in

.. . .
5 in // 0.020 1lo-t25 0.020 ........

0.050 l&f21 3 in // 0.010 16-#21 3 in // 0.010 24-{21 2 in // 0.010 %+Y/

[........ F

........ -

.. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .

B, in. b c, in. 1?

0.025 14?23 2in //

21-#23 3 in //

0.090 O.ow

0.030 34-#23

0.200 16-#23 5 in //f o

0.050 0.045 26#22 2 in //

0.010 26-+22 2in //
0.040 39-#19

0 0.050

0.010 21-#23 3 in //

34-!23 } 0.025 60- *27



23-+22 0.005 2s-+23

0.045 21-#23 3 in //
0.010 21-#23 3 in // =

O.lw 10-#23 8 in //tt o



, ~.

/3 h t 3 cottin 00r& sQu.d in diameter to m wire., wound in pamlkd with the wirs ta effemtnpace-winding.

.. .. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . I ... ...,. h PrilUW, 2 in .wmmdsry, Cordm

l{........ I.......

. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .




6Ck +27 I

0.010 39-L?19

.. . . . . . I 0.040 ~ 0.030


0.050 0.040 I 0.120 Parallel. F undmple formsx. F % eavy formex. MO means 32 tum of No. 30 wire.







constructed with diaphragms to accommodate the thermal expansion of the oil. In these figures are exhibited some of the final results of the designers effort. Swmrzu~.-Chapter 13 has established relationships between the elements in the equivalent circuit of the pulse transformer and the optimum load impedance, pulse duration, and efficiency. General design methods for achieving these relationships in building the pulse tran~ former have been advanced, and two examples of the application of these methods are given. The design data on a number of successful pulse transformers are given, and methods for employing these data and the general design methods used in deeigning new transformers are outlined.





14.1. The Effect of Pulse-transformer Parameters on Pulse Shapes on Resistance and Biased-diode or Magnetron Loads.This section treats in turn, the effect of the pulse transformer upon the rise, the top, and the tail of rectangular pulses applied to the primary when resistance and biased-diode loads are comected to the secondary. In this treat-

L,, a RC
-= - K + ~EIll
FIG. 14.1.Equivalent circuit of a pulse generator, a P~se transformer, and a resistance load. FIG. 14.2.Equivalent circuit for the computation of the ris of the pulse on a resistance load.

m c T
R, e,

ment the simple equivalent circuit of Fig. 14-1 k, for the most part, employed, and the rectangular pulses are considered to be generated by the closing and opening of the switch shown in the circuit. The Rise of the Pulse on a Resistance Load.-The rise of the pulse on a resistance load RI is considered for a transformer in which the effect of R. is assumed to be negligible compa -d with that of Rl, and where the The initial time of rise is so short that the effect of L. is also negligible. energies in LL, L., and C are assumed to be zero. The mesh currents may be chosen as shown in Fig. 142, The Laplace transforms of the mesh equations may be written as follows:




L(P) +

~) *C ( 1)
P + ~c
56a ~2(P)


v. = ~


564 whence e(p) =





R&(p) =


= m p[p2+(g+*jp+* (1+g)];
Rriz(P) = #C ~(pz + 2ap +







() #%J1 -e-fsink+cohk)l


b > af, k = ju, &= b-a2,


a() *l[l-e-(:sin@+
is plotted in Fig. 14.3 against T = ~ eter u, where
u a <b



To show how the rise of the pulse is affected by variation in the values of the elements in the equivalent circuit of Fig. 14.2,

t for different values of the param-

CRJL = 2 <RILLC(R. + L. + i?,)

If R. ia so small that RO << Rl and CR. << LL/Rl, as it is in a hard-tube pulse generator, and if OC is made equal to RI, as has hitherto been found advisable, c = 0.5. If Ra = Rl, as itdoes in a line-type pul~

SEC. 14.1]





generator, and if ~ is made equal to Rz, u = I/w = 0.71. From the curves of Fig. 14.3 it may be seen that these two values of u give reasonably good compromises between maximum rate of rise and minimum overshoot. rise of Rise of the Pulse on a Magnetron or a Biased-diode Load.-The the puke on a magnetron or biaseddiode load is considered for a transformer in which the effect of R. is negligible compared with that of Ra, and where the time of rise is so short that the efiect of L. is also negligible. 20 M 1.6 1.4 12 Cqrr : 1.0! =


Il#j )/



0.8 H-1

0.6 0.4



0.4 05 T= ~.

0.6 *






Both a magnetron and a biased-grid load exhibit the general load characteristics of a biased diode, which is represented in the equivalent circuit of Fig. 14.4 by a battery, series resistance, and switch that closes when the voltage acroes the load is equal to or greater than the battery voltage. If mvitoh 1 closes at t = O and switch 2 is open,

and e!(t) can be obtained from Fig. 14.3 by choosing a curve corresponding to a value of u obtained by letting Rl = ~ and RQ = O for the hard-tube pulse generator, or Iik = -C for the line-type puke generator.




[SEC. 141

Although the energy stored in L. (see Fig. 12.7) has some effect upon the shape of the current and voltage pulses in the load, it is neglected thus f:lr in this computation for two reasons. First, the introduction of L~ in the equivalent circuit represents only approximately the actual conditions existing in a transformer; and second, it is desirable to keep the set of assumptions for the design of a transformer simple, and thus to include only the most important circuit elements. For these reasons also, L. is neglected in the treatment of pulse-transformer design in Sees. 13.1 and 13.2, and later in this section the effect of L~ on pulse shape is treated as a second-order effect. It is desired, to a first order of approximation, to design the transformer so that the current flowing in LL and into C at the time tl when switch 2 closes is equal to the current that the load will eventually pass when there are effectively only the two batteries and two resistances in series. There will then be no high spike, or excessive rounding-off of the front edge of the current pulse in the load. The first type of pulser operation that is discussed is that of a biased-diode load and pulse FIG.14.4.Ci rcuit transformer with a hard-tube pulse generator, for the computation of where usually i lR~ << Vo, izRO << V~, and izrl << V. the rise of a pulse on a biased-diode load. (see Fig. 14.4). The pulse generator is usually Since Ro designed so that VQ = V. = the desired voltage on the load. is small, Eq. (3) may be written

ii(t) =

v. L. c

. ln


~t. r
LX L+c tl =

It may be seen from Fig. 143 that, for the curve u = O (that is, for
RQ=O, Rl = m),

+.= at the moment when T. ln d At this moment


t = ln J_


and if -C

is chosen to be equal to Rl, the static impedance

of the







load at the point at which the tube is to be operated, il has the proper value at the time t, when switch 2 closes. Immediately after the time tl there is a very brief interval of time during which a small additional rise in el requires some of the current which is flowing in Lt. to flow into C. Forthe remainder of thepulse, however, el remainsat a practically constant value, and all the current flowing in LL flows through the load rl. The value of i, as a function of t, reckoned from the time of the closing of the switch 2, is ii(t) =

(io V@;:)e-(%p),+ ~G-:


where iOis the initial current in LL at the closing of switch 2.


io is too large, and there is exhibited on the front edge of the current pulse a spike that decays to the equilibrium value of the current with a time constant approximately equal to L./ (RG + rz). If -C > RI, io is too small, and the current pulse has an initial value that is too low. The equilibrium value of the current pulse is approached with the same time constant approximately equal to
L. (RG + r,)

There are, of course, oscillations on the current pulse. These oscillations, to a first order of approximation, may be said to be caused by the shock excitation of the L~C~-branch of the equivalent circuit of Fig. 12.7. They are, in most cases, of a period shorter than the time constant LL/(RG + n) and are superimposed upon the general trends that occur with this time constant. The observed rise of current pulses on a magnetron and calculations according to the foregoing assumptions are in good agreement (see, for example, Figs. 2.44 and 2.45). The second operation to be discussed is that of a biased-diode load and pulse transformer with a line-type pulse generator, where usually v. = 2v,, RG = R1 (after the closing of switch 2), and Ra >> rl (when all values are referred to the same impedance level). Prior to the closing of switch 2 in Fig. 144 it is assumed that RI is infinite. Then, if

~ = 0.50 and






Eq. (3) then becomes

v. ~l(t) = o.8&3& e-~

sin 0.866




In Fig. 14.3, for the curve corresponding 1 ;.=5 Then

Rot ez =
~0.207.r =

to u = 0.5, at T = 0.207.


v* = T.



Also, sin 0.866 Thus . _ V.

21 K. 0.866 v. hrm=-- v. R. v. i- Ri

t = sin 0.866. 2X .0.207 ~ c LLC

= sin 65 = 0.903,

Thus, in a linetype pulser, if ~C = Ri, the current flowing in LL at the time when switch 2 closes is equal, to a reasonable approximation, to the equilibrium current (that is, the current that flows when Vu, V,, Ro, and rl are connected in a series circuit). If -C # R,, the same exponential approach to the equilibrium @@ value of the load current occurs, but in this case Ro the time constant LL/(RQ + n) is much shorter.

The beginning of the top of the pulse on a resist-= VG + ante load is influenced by LL and C, as may be 1 m seen from Fig. 14.3. There is also a droop in the Fw. 14.5.Equivalent pulse when RG >0, because of the fact that curcircuit for computingthe Since the effects of L. and droop on the top of the rent builds up in L,. Pulseon a resistance load. C. usuallyare relatively unimportant as far as this droop is concerned, the equivalent circuit of Fig. 145 maybe used in The initial current in Lp is assumed to be the computation of this droop. zero, and t is reckoned from the beginning of the top of the pulse. Then
v~, i(t) = R= + & e 1 RoR, -. & Ru+RJ*.




of the Pulse

on a Resistance








When, as in most line-type pulse generators, R. = RI,

The TOD of the Pulse on a Magnetron Or a Biased-diode beginning ~f the top of the pulse on a magnetron or biased-diode load has oscillations which, as already shown, may be considered to be caused by the shock excitation of the LDCD-circuit in Fig. 12,6, and may also have a spike or an upward slope R1.


depending upon the value of -C relative to When R. >0, there is a general droop on the pulse, and this droop may be calculated approximately from a consideration of the equivw lent circuit of Fig. 14.6, whence

FIG, 14.6.Equivalent circuit for cOmputing the droop of the current pulse on a biaseddiode load.

iz(t) =


v. v. +
R. + T1

: )


_ ~ ?-I

el = V, + iZrt. (When el becomes equal to or less than V,, the L-branch of the circuit must, of course, be considered to be open-circuited and the above expression for iZ does not hold thereafter.) Thus the top of the current pulse iz on a biased-diode load suffers much more droop than the top of the corresponding voltage pulse, or than the top of the pulse on a resistance load. For the same reason any voltage oscillations caused by the transformer FIG. 14.7.Typical pulse and backswing produce much larger fluctuations produced by a pulse transformer. in the current pulse because these voltage oscillations produce current flow through the relatively small resistance TZ instead of through the higher resistance R1. Calculations and measurements of the droop of the pulse on resistance and magnetron loads agree withh-z the experimental error. Gerwral Backsunng on the Tail of the Pulse. Figure 14.7 shows a pulse with the characteristic backswing produced by the pulse transformer.

I ti

IIt~ t~






Since the flux density must return to the same remanent point B, before the beginning of each pulse [see Fig. 152 and Eq. (15.10)],

area (1) = and





Bwx r)

/ 0

area (2) =

/ t, t t

_ NA 10s

~B =

/ ~_




area (2) = area (1). The interval of time tA h is chosen to be so large that, for all practical purposes, e~has become equal to zero. Thus, when a pulse transformer is used, there is always a general voltage backswing whose area is equal to that of the pulse itself, but whose shape is determined by the values of R., C, L., and R, if a resistance load is still connected, and by the charge on C and the current in L= at tz. When Rl becomes infinite, at a time very shortly after h, there are oscillations of a higher frequency superimposed upon the general backswing because of L@C; R ec energy stored in LL. The shape of the general backswing may be calculated by assuming that the constant-voltage 1 m Equiva- generator V~ is disconnected from the circuit at Fm. 14.S. lent for the computation the time tz (see Fig. 147). The equivalent circuit of the pulse tail. is then that of Fig. 14.8 where, to a good approximation, the initial current in L, is Vih/L. and the initial voltage on C is V1. Then, if t = O at the time tz,


VZ e-~

for the nonoscillatory


cc(t) = VZe_~ for the oscillatory condition,

( (


cosh let and

e ~

sinh Id

cos d

+C+a ~

sin d


k =


SEC. 14-1]





When a pulse transformer is used on a resistance load, R = Rl, and the pulse tail is usuafly well dampd (see Fig. 149). When a pulse transformer is used on a biased-diode or magnetron load, the load is disconnected very shortly after tzand R is essentially equal to R, (if no artificial diode or resistance damping is used in the circuit). A typical backswing (without the superimposed oscillations) for this latter case is also shown in Fig. 14.9. When a pulse transformer is used with a lin+type pulse generator, the effective value of C in Fig. 148 is equal to the sum of the distributed capacitance of the pulse transformer ]~ and the capacitance of the load. FIG. 14.9.Typical backswings with resistance and bksed-diode loads. When a hard-tube pulse generator is employed with stepdown and stepup transformers. the effective values of R and L are respectively eaual to RJ2 and L.;2, and the effective value of C is equal ~o the ~umof the effective distributed capacitance of the two transformers, the load, and the pulse generator. Calculations and measurements of the general shape of the tail of the pulse obtained with hard-tube and lin~type pulsers employing pulse transformers and either resistance or magnetron loads agree within the experimental error.
LL f~ ~ L ~ Re >= CG+CD C,+ CD= = Re 2 c-Re, \ &:= ha FIG. 14. 10.Equivalent circuit for the computation of oscillations appearing on the pulse tail with a hard-tube pulse generator and a biased-diode load. 1 FIG. 14.11 .Circuit approximately equivalent to the circuit of Fig. 14.10. T LL

t *

Oscillations on the Pulse Tail.The tail of the voltage pulse from a transformer on a resistance load usually exhibits no oscillations superimposed on the general backswing (that is, the energy stored in LL has very little influence on the voltage-pulse tail). However, on a biased-diode or magnetron load, oscillations usually appear which are superimposed on the general voltage backswing. In the analysis of these oscillations the example of the hard-tube pulse generator with two pulse transformers, the effective equivalent circuit




[SEC. 14.1

of which is shown in Fig. 14.10, is considered first. The load current 11 flowing in L. at the end of the pulse is suddenly interrupted by the opening of switch 2, and the pulsegenerator voltage source has been discomected. To a good approximation, the circuit of Fig. 14.10 may be replaced by that of Fig. 14.11, where
L = 2L.,



1 cD+ Cl

R = 2R..

The initial current in L is 11, and, for the purpose of calculating the oscillations occurring on the backswing, the effective initial charge on C is zero. The voltage c1is then given by

If, as is usually the case, &>> then



These high-frequency oscillations are superimposed upon the general backswing to produce a pulse tail such as is shown in Fig. 1412a. If a

f u


(b) With a line-type pulse generator. With a hard-tube pulse generator. FIG.14. 12.Typical voltage-pulse tails on a magnetron load. is used between the stepdown-stepup pulse transformers, the period


of oscillation

27r-C is increased by twice the transit time of the cable. There is good agreement between the calculated and the observed pulse tails obtained with a hard-tube pulser, pulse transformers, and magnetron load.

SEc. 14.1]





In a line-type pulse generator with a magnetron load there is a mismatch in impedance at the magnetron when the pulse voltage drops at the end of the pulse. As a result, a small portion of the energy is left in the circllit in the form of a negati ve voltage spike that is propagated down the pulse-forming network, reflected at the open end, and propagated back to the pulse transformer, where it appears as a negative spike on


(c) (e)

@) R~ = R,, r = Top,, Z~ = Rt y = o, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3

R,; = O, r = ~out, ZT = R, y = o, 0,05,0.1, 0.2, 0.3

R,; = O, ZT = RI, T = o.1 T = :, 1,

(d) Rc; = R{, ZT = R/, Y = 0.1 T = +, 1, 270Dt

.Z~ = ~, 1, 2RL
I~Iu, 14.13. Pul,c Sh:LpCS on a

m =0,7

=T.,,, -y =0,1
rcsistsmce load

(-f) Ro = R[, 7 = rope, 7 = 0.1 ZT = ;, 1, 2RI. co>ultitcd for various values = r .Ro. Lr, T = ~j d CD, ~z~~ ro~t Rt of the


(a + B)oP, = ~; ~

Such a series of spikes, drawn from a synthe tail of the voltage pulse. chroscope trace obtained with a line-type pulse generator having a rotary spark gap as the s~~itch, is sho!vn in Fig. 14. 12b. Load. With the assumption The General Pulse Shape on a Resistance of a resistance load haiing no appreciable capacitance, the effect on pulse shape of varying the values of the parameters


(a + L% =



and Ro/Rl is calculated on the basis of the equivalent circuit of Fig. 131, and is shown in Fig. 14.13. For increasing values of y, as shown in Fig. 14. 13a and b, the approximations used in formulating the simplified equivalent circuit of Fig. 13.1 become greater, and hence the error in the calculated pulse shapes becomes greater. Current Transformms.-A pulse transformer is sometimes used with its primary in series with a load in such a way that the load current passes A transformer of this type has been through the transformer primary.
Output pulse transformer



Current transformer (a)


FrQ. 14. 14.(cz) A typical circuit using a current transformer.

(b) Circuit equivalent



although the transformer actually termed a current transformer transforms power, as do all transformers. Such transformers are often used in the generation of trigger pulses of about 100 volts, and a typical circuit is shown in Fig. 14.14a. The equivalent circuit for the current transformer and the associated circuit is given in Fig. 14. 14b, where the stepup pulse transformer with magnetron load is replaced by a resistance Rt = 50 ohms. All quantities are referred to the primary of the current transformer. If L, is sufficiently large to be neglected in comparison with R/nz, and if the effects of LL and CDmay be neglected, the voltage V divides between Rt and R/n in such a way that the voltage across the primary of the current transformer is

The voltage across the secondary of the current transformer is then VR/Rm. It is thus seen that, for a given value of R, the voltage across







the secondary of the current transformer increases if n is decreased, provided that the current in L= remains small compared with that in R/nz. Obviously, it is desirable to have only a small fraction of V across the primary of the current transformer, and it is therefore desirable to choose values of R and n such that the proper output voltage is obtained, parasitic oscillations (from L. and CD) are sufficiently damped, and a sufficiently small voltage is applied at the primary. Current transformers of this type may be used to view the current pulse in a magnetron or other load. Under these circumstances the primary winding may be the lead (or leads) carrying the load current, and in most instances this lead need only be passed through the core window to produce sufficient output voltage at the secondary terminals. 14.2. The Effect of Pulse-transformer Parameters on the Behavior of Regenerative Pulse Generators.The general criteria of Eqs. (13.4), (13.5), and (13.6) hold for regenerm tive-pulse-g en e r a t o r (blockingoscillator) transformers as they do for most pulse transformers. Thus, for a regenerative-pulse-generator transformer the optimum pulse and duration is equal to ~~~, the excellence of the transformer is judged by the value of (a + 13)~P,. For a regenerative pulse generator that supplies no appreciable power A To biassupplyEm if triggeris to an external circuit, the secondto k usedexclusively. or to ary-winding impedance v~~ ground ifself bias is ~obe used (eitherwithor withouttrigger) should be chosen approximately F1~.14. 15.Circuit of a typical regeneraequal to the effective impedance of tive pulse generator. TO(the grid-to-cathode resistance) and C in-series, or of T@ and the impedance of the line in series if a lumpedparameter line is used instead of C (see Fig. 14.15). There are several variations on the general scheme of regenerative pulse generators or blocking oscillators. These circuits, however, are all essentially the same in their mode of operation, and a general physical description of their operating mechanism is given in Sec. 4.2. As an example of a regenerative pulse generator, the circuit shown in Fig. 14.15 is used to show the effect of pulse-transformer parameters on circuit behavior. The voltage stepup ratio of the pulse transformer in this example is chosen, for purposes of simplification, to be n = 1, that is, the windings of the transformer, although wound in the same direction, are connected so that the pulse to the grid is inverted. It may prove






advantageous in practice to select different values of n for different tube and load characteristics. There are various stray capacitances in this circuit and the pulse transformer has a certain amount of leakage inductance; in order to avoid the difficulties involved in the analysis of such a complicated circuit, it is profitable to start first with the most simplified of equivalent circuits and then to proceed to the more complicated circuits that take into consideraThe analysis of the pulse-maktion more of the actual circuit elements. ing operation is treated by considering first the leading edge or rise of the pulse, second the top of the pulse, and third the tail of the pulse. In order that linear analysis may be employed, the plate resistance rfl and amplification factor M of the tube are considered constant for the period of time under immediate consideration.

lent circuitfor

FIG. 14. 16.Simplified equivaa regenerative pulse generator in which the effects of C, COP, r=, L= (and ,Z.L) are neglected.

FIe-.14.17.Ckcuitof Fig.
14.16 further simplified by setting ea = leg Z..

The Rise of the Pulse.For purposes of simplification, it is assumed in the beginning that the effect of the trigger circuit is negligible, that r, = (), that the effect of the leakage inductance is negligible in comparison with that of R, that C = O (see Fig. 14.15), and that the plate-to-grid capaciThe equivalent circuit is then that of tance Co, of the tube is negligible. Fig. 1416, where C~ and LL are, respectively, the effective distributed It is assumed capacitance and leakage inductance of the transformer. that the bias voltage E,= Em+e,

where ~ is a positive voltage which can be vanishlngly small, but which, It is readily nevertheless, can instigate the process of regeneration. shown that this circuit can be simplified to that of Fig. 14.17, where e; = leg Eal. Kirchhoffs voltage-law equation for the circuit yields the following differential equation, where the initial voltage on c. is equal to zero:

SEC. 142]





The Laplam transform of this equation is



and therefore


rP has been assumed to be equal to zero.

The change in plate voltage on the tube is given by eb = pe~, since Then
ul ~e(efiRt t?b = 1)



If p is greater than one, the exponent is positive and ~generation takes place in such a way that Iebl increases until lebl = Ebb. Throughout this section it is assumed that when the generator output voltage (whkh in this example is eb) is equal to Ew, the amplification factor p of the tube is less than one, and that regeneration therefore stops. If it is assumed that, during the rise of the pulse until the generator output equals Ebb, the average value of P is given by p[E~l = Ew, p must be assumed to become suddenly less than 1 at the moment when e; becomes The voltage e, pawws through zero and equal to or greater than lE~l. grid-to-cathode current begins to flow at this moment. Although the equivalent circuit must be modified at this instant to account for the grid-t~cathode current, this modification can be made with relative ease because the generator output attains its peak value Ebb at this moment and remains constant as long as e~ > 0. For purposes of simplifying the analysis the assumption that y = lEbb/Eml is, therefore, uced throughout this treatment of the regenerative pulse generator. This simplification is desirable because the aim of this treatment is to show analytically, rather than numerically, how the elements in the equivalent circuit of a pulse transformer affect the puke shape produced by a regenerative pulse generator. Perhaps a more appropriate assumption with regard to the average value of p during the rise of the pulse is to let

/41&ol + ~) = EM,






where e: is a positive grid voltage at which P begins to change abruptly from a value greater than one to a value much less than one (see Fig. 14.26). In computing the rise of the pulse under this assumption it is necessary to make the circuit modification (with appropriate boundary conditions) at the moment e~ passes through zero whale the generator output is stii rising. It is assumed that the generator output continues to rise until eu = efl, at which time p is assumed to become <<1, and the generator voltage is assumed to remain constant at EM as long as e, z e;. A linear solution of the rise of the pulse under these circumstances could almost never be given in an analytical form, and therefore is of little general value to the puke-transformer designer. If, in the simple example under consideration, it is now assumed that the leakage inductance L. is finite, LL may be inserted in series between the generator and CDin Fig. 14.17. The Laplam transform of Kirchhoffs volt age-law equation for this circuit then becomes


LL13DP P +

LLP + L+ c~p

Ri(P)=m )


:, p

i(p) =

LL P+~Lp+~L


()1 -=1%1


(p) =

[w-k]) [+*+[H

The change


since rPhas been assumed to be equal to zero.

f?b(p) = (P+ a)7P +

plate voltage on the tube is again given by eb = pe~, The solution is of the form
(5) 7)P

whose inversk Laplace transform is


a = L.%D














that is, if p > 1, the first exponential term contains a positive exponential, and regeneration occurs. The solution (6) may be put in the following form:

-wsinh[(a%w [(*)-211
1 (7)


_/.lc ,_:[(&Y-%l%osh [(a%]%

If p is large enough and R small enough to make /.L-l

LLCD () >>Z

a = ~, and Eq. (6) becomes

b() + -Coshwl


The output lebl of the generator in Fig. 14.17 continues to increase according to the expression given in Eq. (7) [or that in Eq. (8), if the

Rflall FIG. 14
lS.Equivalent circuit

R and COPmay be neglected. on C equal to e.

for a regenerative pulse generator where the effect of (a) Initial voltage on C equalto ECO+ c. (b) Initial voltage

approximation is valid] until Iebl = EM, at which time p is assumed to become suddenly much less than one and the voltage Ie,l levels off, thereby forming the top of the pulse.






The next example to be considered is one where C # large that its effect is negligible compared with that of C, The equivalent circuit effect of rP is taken into account. Fig. 14.18a, which can be replaced by that of Fig. 14. 18b

O and R is so and where the is then that of for which

Then A(p) =

4P+: PA+%)I .

~~ -

[W-:(:+%)]} (p+*+



This equation and its inverse Laplace transform are of the same form, respectively, as Eqs. (5) and (6), where now

a=z. -and


=~+[(a)-+(++%)l The condition for the existence of regeneration is that



In the present example b = pe~ + ir~, whenw b(p) = yj (p) + Pi(p) ao = p(p + a)(p + 7)+ where rpe al = ~L


a% +7)







and the inverse Laplace transform of the second tirm is

The complete solution for this example is then

There are two special cases of this general solution that are of interest: Case 1. Where the time constant a is determined primarily by T= and Co (that is, LL is negligibly small as far as its effect on i is concerned). For this case the Laplace transform of Kirchhoffs voltage-law equation is

4(P) =


ej(t) =

[, -,-M+%)],


L(1 p)


Case 2. Where the time constant a is determined primarily by ~. and CD (that is, rP is negligibly small as far as its effect upon i is concerned). In this case a = ~ and Eq. (9) may be simplified to give

=( -:-cl){ -h[-l!l(:+%)l} ?-p(fJ/,c D)fi


LL [ m-:)






[SEC. 14.2

If C>> CD and ir, << Ipejl, Eq. become Eq. (8).

(11) can be further simplified


From the expression for ebin Eq. (8) it is possible to make a calculation of the time of rise of the pulse when this time of rise is governed only by the transformer characteristics. Effects that am due to 7P, C, and the gnd-to-plate capacitance C OP, of course, actually increase this time of rise. If it is assumed that c is 1 volt at t = O and if the interval of time ,h > ~ >0 elapsing until eb is 1 volt is computid,



-cosh(fi)tl], % ()L~C~

t, = 2,


and if


t, = 1.32,

L$D ()

is known, tl may be computed. untd f?b= -10 volts, cosh or

If tz > t > 0 is the interval of time

$5 tz =




If t~ > t >0

is the interval of time until e, = 3OO volts,



() % ()
LL~D ta =


ts = 301


A reasonable definition for the time of rise of a pulse from rtregenerative pulse generator would be t3 tz = At; then







For a numerical example, when L. = 20 X 106 henry, CD = 20 X 102 farad, and p = 20, At = 4.1 20 ( 20.20 x 1018 ) )5 = 0.018 @3C.

A simple example is now considered where the effect of a trigger circuit of source voltage V~ and internal resistanw r; (see Fig. 14.15) are taken into account, where the effects of C~~,R, and rn are neglected, and where C is ~nti, finite. The equivalent circuit for this example is given in Fig. 14.19 where the c initial charges on C and CD are assumed to be equal to zero. This assumption is * G e; equivalent to the hypothesis that the + LL L~ 1 initial voltage on C is actually Em when = FIG. 14. 19.Equivalent circuit the generator o u t p u t is equal to for a regenerative pulse generator ~(eo Zlm) and the voltage across CD is wheretheeffectof thetriggercircuit q,. It is assumed that the coupling is takeninto accountand wherethe effectsof Cop, R andrz areneglected. capacitance between the trigger circuit and the rest of the circuit is so large that its effect is negligible. The Laplace transforms of the two mesh equations are then

and +C ~1() + Then #c ()

-*2( 0}
+ P i2(p) = ;.






584 and



[SEC. 14.2


ii(p) = ~.


It is usually


to express

~1 ore;



the Laplace

transform involves the solution of a cubic equation in p. Nevertheless, Eq. (13) can be readily solved numerically for a given set of constants, and the rise of the pulse for the circuit of Fig. 14.19 may be calculated. + A simple example is now treated- where the effect of C.P is L__* _____ taken into account but the effects FIG. 14.20.Equivalent circuit for a of TP and R are neglected, and it regenerative pulse generator where the effect of COP is taken into account and where the is asaumed that there is an initial effects of R and rp have hem neglected. voltage ~(E,o + c in the actual circuit) on the capacitance C. The equivalent circuit is given in Fig. 14.20. Since the transformer in the circuit of Fig. 14.20 is perfect, il = iz and the Laplace transforms of the mesh equations yield
Perfect transformer n=-1



-(*)i2(p)+i(&+*) whence



6(1 + /L)

- La


and d(p) = *D [G(P) MP)I.

- LJ)}

6EC. 14.2]




The condition for regeneration is that

+($+=) -=c.+$h+d<
If the value of C is so large that its effect maybe ~@D cD+c,p(l+#)

neglected, .


pej(t) -fi(-cosh{





~L[CD :

Cm(l 1

P)] 1)

or peg(t) =~ pl



pl LLIC~+Cgp(l+

S p)] )) 1

It is thus obvious that the effect of .,, on the rise of the pulse is to increase the effective capacitance of the pulse transformer by the additive quantity CnP(l + p). It is possible by the foregoing procedures to calculate the rise of the pulse both when a trigger is used and when the effects of .,,, r,, and C! are taken into account, except that the solutions for eb involve solutions of algebraic equations of degree of three or higher, and therefore each solution must be a numerical one. Nevertheless, the task may be accomplished in a straightforward manner. The effective distributed capacitance CD between the plate winding and the grid winding is equal to the total capacitance between the two single-layer windings for a transformer of voltage-stepup ratio n = 1. This fact is illustrated in Fig. 14.21 for two cases, one where C is very large, and one where C is very small. The voltage distributions along the winding twfore and during the pulse show that the amount of electrostatic energy stored when a voltage pulse ebis applied across one winding is the same as that stored when a constant voltage e. is applied between the windings. When a transformer has a stepup ratio n # 1, it is possible to calculate c. by the application of the principles set forth in *c. 12.2. If there is a third winding on the transformer, the effective distributed capacitance, leakage inductance, and load of this winding must be taken into account in the analysis of circuit behavior. The regenerative pulse generator frequently employs a lumpedconstant line, or network, instead of the capacitance C. For these circumstances, the rise of the pulse may be computed by substituting for




[SEC. 14,2

C in the equivalent circuit a resistance equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. If there are to be only two windings on the transformer and no appreciable amount of power is to be delivered to an external circuit, it is desirable in the design of a regenerative pulse generator to choose the






__ -----4




Grid winding
During the pulse

Grid T eb -J-L eb

Grid -4eb -$L eb


Plate winding

L winding mte

Voltagedistribution resulting only from Vsepuke


distributions along the windings of a transformer used in a regenerative puke generator with n = -1. (Q) When C is l~ge. (b) When C is sm~l.

impedance of the line, which in most cases may be considered as the load, approximately equal to rP, the impedance of the source. The value of n for the grid winding should be chosen on the basis of the tube characteristics. If a third winding is to be used, the value of n for this winding should be chosen on the basis of the tube characteristics and the load for this winding.

SEC. 14.2]





The Top ojthe Pulse.The interval of time during which the pulse is more or less flat is usuaUy called the top of the pulse. The behavior of the circuit during this interval is now described. When the output of the generator pe~is equal to Ebb, e~ 20, P is assumed to become less than one, and the output of the generator is assumed to remain equal to EN until the grid volt age e~,which is now positive, falla to zero-or lower. The equivalent circuit is then that of Fig. 14.22 in which Tuis the grid-tocathode resistance. The switch remains closed when the voltage e, across CD is greater than zero. The effect of the trigger circuit in this instance is neglected. It is possible to give a straightforward solution for eo with initial currents in LL and LP and an initial voltage on C calculated from the rise of the puke. For the purpose of simplification, however, it is assumed that the initial voltage across C, which was E,. at the beginning of the rise of the pulse, has not changed appreciably during this rise, and that no appreciFIG. 14.22.Equivalent circuit for able current has built up in LP, the the operation of a regeneratil-e pulse shunt inductance of the transformer, generator during the top of the pulse. Initial voltage on C = Eco if C >> CD. during the rise of the pulse. FurtherThis sirnDlified examde mav be more, the effect of LL is neglected. broken down into two extreme cases that are e~en more sim~lified.

Case 1. Where C is so large that the pulse is terminated effect of L, alone. If the current in r, is neglected, e~ = Ed Since there is no appreciable initial voltage EC., _* -LP .

by the

voltage developed across C other than its e~ = eb ECO.

It is assumed that the energy stored in CD has little effect upon the dura> 1, tion of the pulse. When e, = O (and hence (b = E,o), ~ becomes regeneration in the off direction takes place, and the pulw is tmmlinated. This maximum pulse duration,that the circuit having a pulse transformer can produce is then given by
IE.I = E@-

or 1 ~~lnp. m- = ~ n [E.ol r,




[SEC. 14.2

Because of the simplifying assumptions that have been made, the value of r= thus calculated is somewhat greater than the maximum pulse duration that can actually be achieved. Case 2. Where L, is large, and C is so small that the pulse duration is determined primarily by the value of C, yet large enough to keep its initial voltage at the beginning of the top of the Pulse equal to E... Under these circumstances, if the effect of c. may be neglected during the time when e, >0 and the switch is closed (Fig. 14.22), - ~, = (Ew lE..l)rae
Tp + ru ;)C

The value of e, thus eventually comes very close to zero, and a small amount of current buildup in LD is sufficient to make e~go completely to zero, at which time the pulse is terminated. An approximate value for the pulse duration limited by the value of C is r= (rP + rfl)C.

An example in which C = O and in which any grid current that is drawn must flow through R is ~presented in Fig. 14.23 where, at the beginning of the top of the pulse, the battery is substituted for the i R generator in the circuit. The ~~Em value of R is usually much larger than r~ and eu never gets very far LPE above zero. In fact e, usually beCD=: comes less than zero immediately after the peak of the rise of the FIG. 14.23.Equivalent circuit for the pulse, and the generator is again operation of a regenerative pulse generator during the top and tail of the pulse where switched into the circuit. In this c-o. particular example the pulse has no flat top, and the pulse tail starts as soon as the rise is finished. The shape of the pulse tail is then determined by the time constants RC. and/or ~CD, by P, and by the initial energies in LP and Co. This example is not treated in detail since it is not of so much practical intermt as others. The Tail of tlw Pulse.The pulse tail is now calculated for the case where C is finite and where the circuit is considered to have arrived at the condition where again e. = O. When eOfalls to s O, p again beeonws greater than one and the circuit regenerates off, much as it mgcnerated The order of magnitude of the regeneration time is, .as W* shown on. for a simple case, = ~~, which is short compared with the time ~.. Therefore, it is assumed that the circuit has regenerated off,

SEC. 14.2]





that the generator is therefore disconnected from the circuit, and that e, = I!l.o at the time t = O. The equivalent circuit is then that of Fig. 14.24 where R. represents the effect of losses in the core and any damping resistance that may be connected. The behavior of the circuit may then be considered in two parts. The first part involves the change in ebfrom the moment that e~ = E... The variation of ebdepends upon the values of LP, Re, and CD, and upon the current in LP and the charge on CD (both of which can be determined for a given circuit condition) at the The moment when e~ = E,o. eb e equations for the variation of eb LP :11: CD T ~,e are identical in form with those --given in Sec. 14.1 for the tail of the voltage pulse on a magnetron. R + ec c The second part of the circuit WR ~E

~=E&,;S behavior involves the discharge of G through R until the voltage ~ 1 d across C is equal to E. (which, for FIG. 14.24.-Equivalent circuit for the operationof a regenerative puke generator all the cases thus far considered, during the tail of the polee. The initial is equal to E..). charge on C depends, of course, on the operation up to the time when If the voltage across C at this time is denoted by V. (VC is e, = E,.. usually 0.5 to 0.8E~), the voltage~ec is given by t ec = E.o (Vc EJe-Fc, and e~ = eb + ec. (14)

Comparison oj Theory and Ezpmment.-The foregoing theory, which assumes P to be equal to Eti/Ee~ and to be constant, and which neglects various circuit elements in the approximate solutions outlined, gives by no means a complete and highly accurate description of the operation of a regenerative pulse generator. A complete and accurate solution of the problem can be achieved only by laborious graphical methods that fail to give the average investigator the comprehensive view provided by analytical solutions. It is the authors belief that this foregoing theory, rough and brief as it is, is of definite value in being able to show in an analytical manner the dependence of the circuit behavior on the various elements. Figure 14.25 shows typical pulse shapes obtained from a regenerative pulse generator with two different values of C.1 The general shape of the
1 H. Dept.,




of the Blocking




E. E.

M. I. T,, 1943.




[SEC. 14.2

400 g s I Al g g \


.= 300

G ~
m Vs 200 I

Ek Tirne in x aec (b)

1 0



in ~ sec


FIO. 14.25.Typical pulse shapes obtained from a regenerative pulse generator employing a 6SN7 triode, a 132AW2 pulse transformer (see Table 13. z), for which R = z5,000 ohms, and EW = 300 volts. (a) C = 235ppf. (b) C = 2700 ppf.


180 160
140 120 g 100 s ,E 80 Q- 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 0 50



250 300 200 Fiatevoltagein volts





FIG. 14.26.Operating

curves for the two pulses shown in Fig, 14.25 with time intervals indicated in psec.

SEC. 14.3]





rise of each pulse agrees with that given by the theory in Eqs. (8) and (11). The effect of the value of Conthepulse duration is illustrated. The shape of the pulse tail agrees approximately with that given by the theory in Eq. (14). [email protected] 14.26 shows the operating curves ortrajectories (with time intervals indicated in microseconds) forthe two operations of the circuit. The inverse slope at any point on a curve of constant plate current 1P is equal to the value of p of the tube at this particular point. It may be observed that these L,=~ operating lines bear out, in a rough way, the predictions of the foregoing theory: R~=& during the rise of the pulse the circuit c moves rapidly through the region where e, P is approximately constant and greater LP~p ~c ~-e2 than one until it enters the region where ec= 1 Gl VO smut p abruptly decreases to a value much less than one. In thk region (giving m rise to the top of the pulse) the circuit Fm. 14.27.Equivalentcircuit generator, transformer, and load for lingers until the grid voltage drops toward zero and kto a region where p the computation of the frequency response.

again becomes greater than one. The circuit then regenerates off, pawing rapidly through the region where g is approximately constant and greater than one. It is obvious from Fig. 14.25 that, from the point of view of accuracy in calculation, p should be assumed to equal E~/(e~ + li!l~l) when e~ < e;, rather than to equal Ew/lEJ when e, <0. As has already been stated, however, this former assumption complicates the problem to the extent that the solutions lose their analytical character and hence much of their usefulness.

FIG. 14.28.-EquivaIent voltage and current sources.

14.3. The Effect of Pulse-transformer Parameters on Frequency Response.-The equivalent circuit of Fig. 14.27 maybe used to represent a generator, a stepup or reversing transformer, and a load, where the capacitance to ground of the transformer-primary winding may be neglected.




[SEC. 14.3

It is more convenient to write the equations on the node rather than on the loop basis. Therefore, the voltage source in Fig. 14.28a is replaced by the current source of Fig. 14.28b rL and the equivalent circuit of Fig. 14.29, where i. = cd%, is thereby ob tained. Then Gcel i~= eaG~ m
FIG. 14.29.Circuit equivalent to that of Fig. 14.27, formulated on the node basis. or

rP C

e2 1

elrp + (el ~ 2) r. elG@ + ~ Jw and e~uC + e2Gl +

= edl~,

(e2 el) rL s ~. jw


lrLe2 jwP+rLJ1el+u

= ed%j




rL) ~rL


G. ~ (r, +
~ rL


e2 = f%~(rp+rd
~ rL


o P

u and ez = eQ G.jrL U


J 1 +2

[ ez e. _ G.rm(kIIGi(rP+r.) +G.(rLde)] j[tO%&+@2C(rp+rL) rpr.]) [@@@l+ UzC(r# + rL) rpr.]+ U[aG(r. @C) + G1(rp+ rL)] Then
ez = ({ [dt%@





+ LOc(rp + rL) rpr.]

+ @2[G.(rL @C) + GJIP + rL]2}-%

and uW%l + uzc(r~ + rL) prL. an q = u[al(rp+ rL) + (%(rL U2C)]







If all quantities are referred to the impedance level of 1/GI = 1 ohm, and if GO = Gl, then ez = r.(J)([U2 + fJ2c(r@ + r.)


r~r.]z + f.02[ZrL+ r, 6)2C]2]-%,

Usually & <<&L



rp <<


Hence e2


rL@([U2 + @2CrL rPrL]2 + @[@*c

+ zr.]2)-H

and tanp= (J2+ @*Cr. rpr. ~(2rL dc)

If C is assumed to be approximately equal to C., the distributed capacitance of the transformer, the characteristic impedance of the winding may be chosen equal to the load resistance, that is,

Also, since
T.t =


LL=~, 2LL ~


(C2+I%.,=7= C.= (13.6)

rL = :T)

594 and



[SEC. 14.3


2(N ~ T% 4 [email protected] w 2 ) ( -fToDb

-5 I


-15 adb -20 -25 0.01 0.l 1.0 ~ TOptt

of the amplitude

response, m~ VS. moP~.


FIG. 14.30.Plot

@7* FIG. 14.31.Plot of -tan P va. w-

SEC. 14.3]





The response of the transformer may be expressed as follows: &=2010g102Q.


In Flga. 14.30, 14.31, and 14.32 are plotted respectively % vs. ti~, tan ~ vs. Ww,, and p vs. W=, for several values of (a i- &.t = Y.

FIG. 14.32.Plot of -? vs. urmt.

Transformer, wdtage stepupratio= n T Ra

CkcMXcope plates

FIG. 14.33.Circuit for oscilloscope presentation of the frequency-response characteristics of a transformer.

/ 4+
Y i?
b ,( / / / /
FIG. 14.34.Appearance of oscilloscope trace with the circuit of Fig. 14.33.

It is to be remembered that the equivalent circuit from which these curves are calculated is valid only when LL is very small compared with L,, and hence when y is small. As ~ becomes larger, the error involved in using thk equivalent circuit becomes greater. Hence, these curves .-. --. Fm. 14.31.Plot of -tao q vs. --






tion. It has also been $ssumed that L, is constant over the frequency raw shown. This assumption is valid only if the laminations are thin enough and their resistivity and P so high [see Eqs. (15.30) and (15.31)1 thst the impedance of R, is high compared with that of Le over the frequency range considered. It is possible to use oscilloscope presentation for the measurement of !eJed and tan Q by using the circuit shown in Fig. 14.33, where the

(d) 500 kclcec, 9 = 26.6.

(e) 750WSCO. @ = -26.5.

W 1 molm.

@ - 26.

(u) 3 mc/ccc, O = 21. (h) 5 mcleec, O = 14. FIQ. 14.35.Photographs of oscilloscope presentation of the frequency-responec characteristics of a puke transformer with n = -1 and RI = Ro = looo ohme.

actual generator has an impedance that is small compared with RO = RI. The oscilloscope traces are of the general form shown in Fig. 14,34, where


@b =

e2 . Q

tan e , n

20 loglo


SEC. 14.3]





In the measurement of frequency response it is often convenient to use two identical transformers, one a stepdown, the other a stepup, in order to make n for the pair equal to one. The slope tan Ofor the combination may then be obtained and compared with the slope tan 0 Then le,/eal for the obtained when no transformer is used in the circuit.


1 kc/ccc,

B =


(b) 10 kc/see,

0 = 21,

(C) 20 kc/see, O = 23.5.

(d) 500 kc/see, O = 27.

750 kc/eec,

O =


(fl I




(Q) 2 mc/ccc,

o = 11.7.

(h) 3 mc/eec,

O = -11.1.

(j) 5 me/see, @ = -3.5. (a] 4 me/see, O = 6. FIG. 14.36.Photographs of oscilloscope presentation of the frequency-respcmec characteristics of two pulse transformers (n = ~ and n = 5) with resultant n = 1.

transformer pair is equal to tan O/tan 0. This method is recommended because it eliminates errors arising from lack of orthogonality of the scope plates. In Fig. 14.35 are show? photographs of scope traces obtained at various frequencies in the measurement of the frequency response of a transformer that is operated with n = 1 and RI = 1000 ohms.




[SEC. 143

F@re 14.36 shows similar photographs for a combination of transformers (232AW2 and 232BW2, see Tables 13.1 and 13.2) stepdown n = ~ stepup n. = 5 operating into a load R1 = 1000 ohms. Figure 14.37 shows the oscilloscope traces obtained when the transformer or transformers are omitted from the circuit. It is thus possible to relate, both theoretically and experimentally, the pulse and frequency-response characteristics of a transformer.


(a) 1 kc/eec b) 10 kc/see (C)

20 kc/see

(d) 500 kc)ecc

(e) 750 kc/see


1 me/see

ot) 5 me/see (0) ~ me/ccc 14.37.Photographs of oscilloscope presentation of the trace without the transformer in the circuit, O = 28 for all frequencies, RI = Ra = 1000 ohms.

This chapter has treated the effect of pulse-transformer parameters on the pulse shape generated by power pulse generatom when resistance and magnetron (or biased-diode) loads are used. The effect of the pulsetransformer parameters on the behavior of a regenerative-pulse-~ nerator circuit has been outlined. The effect of the parameters of stepup and inverting transformers on the frequency response with a resistance load has also been discussed.






16.1. D-c Properties and Test Results.It has been pointed out in Sees. 12.2 and 13.1 that the primary or shunt inductan~ L, of a pulse transformer must be large compared with the leakage inductance LL if the transformer is to have a high efficiency. To achieve a low value of L./LP it is necessary to make a wise choice of core material and type of It is therefore of importance to core in designing the transformer. investigate the factors that influence LP (or Le and R.). Required Geometrical and Electrical Properties of the Core.In general, the core should be made in the form of a closed path with a mean magnetic-path length as small as the coil that it encloses permits. In order that eddy currents may be reduced, the core must be fabricated from thin laminations or strips, and the core material should have as high a resistivity as is consistent with the retention of good magnetic and working properties of the steel. The rolling of the magnetic material into thicknesses in the range of 0.001 to 0.005 in., and the fabrication of this material into the core, must not seriously reduce p., alter the shape of the B-H loop in the vicinity of BU,, or increase the value of H. (see Fig. 15.2) of the material. Furthermore, it must be possible in one way or another to assemble the coils on the core or vice versa. The interlaminar resistance must be sufficiently high to keep the eilect of interlaminar eddy currents negligibly small, and the thickness of the interlaminar insulating layer should be small enough to permit a high space factor (ratio of active volume to total volume) for the completed core. D-c Properties of the CoTe Material.-The pulse properties of a core depend to a great extent upon the d-c or low-frequency properties of the core and the core material. The d-c magnetic properties of a core that are relevant to pulse-transformer use will now be discussed. Usually voltage pulses of only one polarity are applied to the transformer, and under these conditions the core material is operated only in If the pulse-transformer the region to the right or left of the H-atis. core is initially unmagnetized, and rectangular pulses of constant voltage and one polarity are applied, the resultant incremental B-H loops of










constant flux swingl AB will, during a brief transient period, bring the core material to the state where the loop from the remanent point to the B-H curve has a change in flux density equal to AB. The location of the remanent point depends upon the particular value of AB and on the shape of the B-H curve (see Fig. 15. 1). If AB is large, the remanent flux density at the beginning of each pulse (after the transient period is over) is very nearly equal to B,, the remanent flux density of the core when the material is driven to saturation.z FIO. 15. 1.St.38dy-st8te d-e incremental It is often desirable to have a B-H loops showing the remanent values of large AB during the pulse in order B for various valuee of Al?. to keep the number of turns on the coil and the cross-~ ctional area of the core reasonably small [see Eq. (10)]. With a material of large remanent induction B, (see Fig. 15.2a) the AB over which the core may be operated during the pulse without saturation is small.



FIG. 15.2.D-c

magnetio cfmuit (no butt (b) a gap in the magnetic tircuit.

hystereeie looP of s core with (a) a continuous


From the d-c or low-frequency hysteresis loops of two sample cores, one without butt joints shown in Fig. 15.2a and the other with butt j oints, 1In the discussionof the d-c propcrtieeof the core material, AB and B are ussd ineteadof ~ and ~, which are used in the discussionof the pulse propertiesof the core to denote values of flux density averagedthroughoutthe laminationthickness. 2In the computationof the optimum gap length in the core and of the values of p whena revemecurrentis employed,it is assumedin thissection,for purposesof simplification, that A~ ie so large that the resultantremanencealways ~rreaponds to the B-H loop of the core materialdriven to saturation.

SEC. 15.1]






(that is, gaps in the magnetic circuit) shown in Fig. 15.2b, itis obvious that B, may be reduced (and the available AB thereby increased) by 1. The insertion of a gap (a butt joint) in the core (see Fig. 15.2b). 2. A reverse magnetic field H, (see Fig. 15.2a) produced by a current that flows through the primary in the reverse direction between pulses and leaves the core with a remanence B = l?: (and H = O) at the beginning of each pulse. 3. A reverse magnetic field H, produced by a constant reverse current (in either the primary winding or a special winding in the transformer) that leaves the core material at B = l?: and H = H, at the beginning of each puke (see Fig. 15.2a). To achieve a value of B, that is well below the B-axis (and hence a high available AB) by Methods 2 and 3 without requiring an inordinately

= lg


d-c hysteresis loop of a pulse-transformer


large amount of current to achieve the requisite H,, and to achieve a high average d-c incremental permeability pi, it is obviously desirable to ha~e a very low He. To achieve a low B, by Method 1 without introducing an extremely large gap (which markedly reduces p.~ and W) it is also desirable to have a low H, [see Eq. (4)]. The available AB is also dependent upon BM,, the saturation induction of the core material; thus, other things being equal, it is desirable to have a core material with as high a value of B.., as possible in order to obtain a large variation in flux density. The average incremental d-c permeability pi over the range AB is, in most cases, a major factor in determining the pulse permeabilityy. It is therefore desirable to have ~ a maximum.







[SEC. 15.1

Optimum Gap Length of the Core.Most low-power pulse transformers operate with relatively small values of AB (less than 1000 gauss), and in many of these transformers no special precautions need be taken to reduce B, (see Fig. 15.1). With high-power pulse transformers, however, it is often advisable to use a large Al?. In many high-power applications a gap, rather than reverse current, proves to be the more practical method of reducing B, It is possible to calculate approximately the gap length necessary to produce maximum w over the range AB if the hysteresis loops of Fig. 15.2a and b are assumed to become, through a process of idealization, the loops of Fig. 15.3. It is sometimes desirable to increase the induction during the pulse almost to saturation in order to achieve the maximum Al?. Therefore, it is assumed that the valve of AB that is effective during the pulse is

AB = B.., B,a, where B,g as defined in Fig. 15.3 is the remanence of a core containing a gap. The magnetomotive force H1 may be equated to the flux multiplied by the sum of the reluctances of the core material and the gap. Thus,


Z= BA(+O+9=B(:+J
lH s.
% B

~+;, PO


where 1is the mean magnetic-path length of the core and is assumed to be essential y equal to the total magnetic-path length of iron and gap, 10 is the gap length, and A is the cross-sectional area of the core. From Fig. 15.3 it is evident that
B, = p.H,, B,. = p.vH.,


Since a gap is usually chosen in practice so that B,a << B-,, approximation can be written for thk last equation:

the following

SEC. 15.1]






(2) It is desired to maximiae p with respect to 1./1, that is, dpiO/d(lo/l) should be equated to zero. Since

and dp.O/d(lg/l) vanishes only for ye = O, and p. is always greater than zero in practice, the value of gap length for maximum w, may be obtained from the relation

or I+ P.; B=

p. = o.

From this relationship, the optimum ratio l./l for a core that is to be driven almost to B-, is

B; = jB~,,

4H, 1. 1 j = B-, p. 1 out


The value of w, for this optimum length of gap is given by


If, for a given material with no gap in the where ~ is some fraction less than 1,


the remanence

10 7





4;. Then

In most core materials used in pulse transformers, j = 0.75.


2 1 ~ 1 .,, = g

Thus, the optimum gap length for a Mo permalloy core (H. = 0.04 oersteds, Bout = 8500 gauss) is about one-third the optimum gap length for a Hipersil core (H, = 0.25 oersteds, B=, = 17,500 gauss), and the 1Complete ferric saturation occurs at B = 20,250 gaoss. For purposes of constructingan idealizedd-c B-H loop, however, B-t = 17,500 gauesis a moresuitable value for Hipersil.







[SEC. 15.1

value of h for the optimum gap length is about three times as great for the Mo permalloy core as for the Hipmsil core. A typical 0.002-in. Hipersil core with 1 = 5 in. is manufactured with a butt joint containing a total gap length of about 0.001 in. Thus ~ 1 _ 0.001 in. = 2 x 10-4, 5 in. l The value of p. for this material is about 10,000, for which


1 ~ ..2 1 opt PO

2 x


Thus, the gap used is approximately of optimum length if the core is to be driven almost to B-,. The value of ~i~ calculated from Eq. (4) in terms of P. for l./l = (1./1)09, is

U = *
If j = 0.75, Pi. = Po/f3. The quantity p~~ (see Fig. 15.3) is related to p. by the following equation: pm, =

<;Hc =(.::.) O+O

Hence, when

When j = 0.75,
Pig =


and ~i~ are out If it is desired to drive the calculated for a core that is driven to B-,. flux density to some value B- that is less than B~,, but still much greater than B,,, Eq. (2) becomes

It is to be remembered that the foregoing values of


and Eq. (3) becomes

SEC. 15.1]






Effect of Reverse Magnetic Field.-For some applications in which high values of AB are required, it is not only practical but advantageous to use a reverse current (usually with an ungapped core stmcture). The , following analysis of the effect of a B%. revense current holds for cores, whether they have a gap or not, as long as their d-c hysteresis B;= B: loops are approximately representable by the idealized loop of H Fig. 15.4. The quantity By is defined ss the induction that results from the application of a d-c reverse field H,. It is assumed, for simplicity, that the remanent inducFto. 15.4.Ideahzed d-c hysteresis loop depicting the operation of a core with either tion By resulting from the a d-c H,, or a peak reverse H, between pulses. application of a peak reverse field H, between pulses (which drops to aero just before the beginning of the Thus pulse) is equal to By.



= B;

= (H.

The value of ~i that results from AB = B.


where H, is applied as a peak reverse field between pulses and fails to zero at the beginning of the pulses, is
~: = B* H.+% By = Bm (H, Hc+~ H,)po.

It is possible, if desired, to express pj in terms of pm since

~u= B H.+% .

Bw,flm = B=, H,P-




--------R El














@@(@$) ---- ---(d)




----. --@

cores. (a) Continuously-wound (b) One butt joint sawed in a continuously wound strip core. (c) Two butt joints sawed in a continuously wound strip core. (d) Two butt joints sawed in a continuously wound strip core. Coils are wound in ordinary fashion with half core ae a mandrel. (e) Laced-joint core. Core is continuously wound from strip, annealed, every third leal

(m) Fm. 15.5.Diagrams

-----. --::---D H _ -(k)


 --- ---K DI

-- --- __ - __

--~[ ---




showing various types of pulse transformer strip core.








If H,is obtained from a constant d-c current in one winding of the transformer, the resultant incremental permeabilityp~ over
AB=B. B~ H,)p..


,,, _ En




It is also possible to express ~{ in terms of p= if Eq. (5) is substituted in Eq. (6). - Fo; materials such as the permalloys, where a reverse current maybe advantageously used, po is usually very high and a suitable value for the reverse field H,, in order to obtain a high p: or ~~ is H, < H, < 2HC. Values of H, greater than 2HC are, of counse, advantageous if they can be obtained. From the idealized loop of Fig. 15.4 it may be seen that, if
H, =H.+~,

the highest possible value of ~~ is obtained. This highest value of ~~ equals g-,, which is approximately equal to p./(l + fl. That Have Been Geometrical Core Shapes and Types of Construction Evolved.A number of methods of constructing cores have been evolved by various British and American manufacturers. These arrangements of core material are described and numbered in Fig. 15.5. With cores that contain no gap (that is, cores of either lap-joint or continuous-strip construction) it is necessary to have a reverse magnetic field H, if AB is to be fairly high. Under these conditions, it is desirable that the magnetic material have a low HC in order that the H, available between pulses or from a d-c winding may reduce the remanence to a low or negative value. If the core is an unbreakable closed magnetic circuit, it is necessary to wind the coils by hand with a bobbin, or on a machine with a circular shuttle.
cut as it is disassembled. The pieces sre then reassembled into the Cu coils. This core hcs 8 poor space factor. (f) Long strips are laced into completed coils. This method is tedious for thin laminations and large transformers. (u) COre is cOntinuOusly wOund ~th extra window length, annealed, and cut at one end. The core is inserted into Cu coils and the ends of the magnetic strip are interleaved to form a lap joint. (h) Alternate-stacked lap joint. (~) Same ae (h) except that the laminations are all cimilarly stacked to give a butt joint. f.j) U-U punchings, lap joint. (k) U-I or L-L punchinge withlap joint.

(1) U-I punchings withbutt joints. (m) E-E stacked,butt joints. (n) FourIs stscked,lap joint.









Iron-dust cores for pulse transformers have, in general, proved inferior to laminated cores because of their large inherent effective gap, and hence their low effectiw. permeability. The magnetic materials manufactured in the United States and the United Kingdom, together with the types of pulse-transformer cores in which the materials have been used, are listed in Tables 15.1 and 15.2.


Material manuf scturer Core Ilmuf acturer Principal ~ern of coma Pufse-pOwer rmge in which :ores are generall y used


k.e of core

Type of interlaminsr imulation


Ni, 3 % Mo, 19% Fe, Permalloy 0.0012 in. 45% Ni, 557. Fe, Permal10Y 0.002 in. 457. Ni, 557. Fe, Pernml10Y 0.C02 in,


SiO, dust deposited by cataphoresin proc m SiO, dust depcmited by cataphoreain; or mica dust Mica dust

FIe!stem Electric co. Weater Electric co. Carpenter

Ve.stsrn Electric co. Western Electric co. $fsgnetic Metals


Electric Co

IO-1OO kw

.), (b) (c) , (d) O), (b) (c) , (d e). (f), (a), ex. perirnenta

western Electric Co Western Electric, Co Radiation Laboratory

100 kw-1 Mw

100 kw-1 Mw

4590 Ni, 557.

Fe, Perrnal10Y 0,002 in. 45% Ni,3%Si 52% Fe, Sili con Nicaloi 0.002 in. and 0.004 i. 459. Ni, 3 % Mo, 52% Fe M .inmx 0,M)2 in, 0.003 in, and 0.004 in.


Magnetic Metak

[00 kw-1 Mw


(J) s

Chrome K ilitate, cOl- Allegheny

loidal silica Ludlum

and (0

>eneral Electric co

General Electric Co

).1 kw-1 Mw

3% Si, 97?4 Fe, Si Steel 0.003 in.

e), (1-) U); tYFe c in ex. perimenta quanti ty 01 !), (1),(J type (c) anc (e) ir experi. menta wan. e)


Allegheny Ldlum

>neral Electric co.

General Electric Co

).1 kw-1 MW

Oxide and (MgO)


Allegheny Ldl. m

2eneral Electric co.

Genernl Electric Co


3 % Si, 9790 Fe, Hipernil .002 in. Oriented 0.002 in. 0.001 in.





American Rolling Mill Co.

Westinghouse Electric Corpora. tion

Westinghouse Elec. tric Corporation, General Electric Co., Ray. theon, Utah, and others

1 kw-3 Mw 25 kw-10 MW ).1 kw-1 Mw 3.lkw-10kw

SEC. 15.1]







MATERIALS MANUFACTURED Type of interIaminar insulation


Type of core

Material manufacturer


Principal wra
of cores

rmnuf rwtme

Radiometal 0.CQ4 in.


Oxide; sometimes lSC. quer m weU

Magnetic and Electric Alloys

Magnetic am Electric Al 10YE

The General Electric Co. Ltd. (GEC) British Thompmn Huato Co. Ltd. (BTH) BTH

Rmdiometal 0.004 in. Radiometal 0.004 in.


Paper interleaved


Magnetic ad Electric Alloy* Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Ltd. Co.,

bfagnetic a, Electric Al loy~

Metro politan-Vickcm Electric Co., M. (METV)

Radiometal 0.002 in. Radmmet al 0,002 in. Radiometal 0.005 in Rhometal 0.004 in. Rhometal 0.0Q4 in. Rhornetal 0.004 in. Rhornetal 0.004 in, Rhornetal 0.003 in. Rho metal 0.002 in. 4% Si, 96% Fe, 0.007 in. O.014in

(e) (.) ,., (h)

Oxide Lmqer Varnish Oxide Magnetic snd Electric Alloys tie,gnetic a, Electric Al 10y8


(n) (n)

., .,,...
Oxide Magnetic and Electric Alloy, ilagnetic am Electric Al Ioy.

E. C. Cole Ltd. GEC

(n) or (e) (u) (n); (c) experimen tal only (a) (n) (n) (n)




Stalloy 0014

Equation (1320) shows that, in order to make the value of (a + ~)~., low (that is, to make the efficiency high), the effective pulse permeability As is shown later, p, depends upon the P. should be made a maximum. pulse duration, the thickness of the laminations, and the values of the resistivity and the permeability ~; of the material. Other things being equal, it is of advantage in the design of a transformer to select the core material and type of core that provide the highest value of ~i. There is, however, a dependence of (A~).p, on load impedance, power level, wire size, and ~e (see Eq. (13.17)]; also, the value of pi for a given core depends markedly on Al?.









A workable procedure in the choice of core material and core for a pulse transformer is to estimate a reasonable value for ~,, and from this estimate to determine the approximate value of (Al?)o, by the use of Eq. (13.17), past experience, and extrapolation from previous successful designs. The core material and structure giving the highest pi for this AB are then selected, For regenerative-pulse-generator and interstage transformers operating at pulse powers of the order of magnitude of 0.5 kw, (A~)~~t is of the order of magnitude of 1000 gauss. For pulse transformers operating at pulse powers of the order of magnitude of 0.001 kw, (A~)w, is much less than 1000 gauss. For the transformers that operate at very low values

Fm. 15.6.An

assortment of widely used 0.002-in. Hipereil pulee-transformer


of A~, it is advantageous to use cores without any gaps and with the steepest incremental B-H loops (see Figs. 15.1 and 15.2), which are found in materials of low H, and high ~o (that is, the permalloys). For transformers that operate at high power levels (A@m, is of the order of magnitude of 8000 gauss. If sufficient reverse current is available, the highest value of ~i can usually be attained by using a permalloy core with no gap. If these cores are continuously wound from ribbon, the winding of the coils for the transformer must be performed with a shuttle. This departure from the simple normal practice of coil winding and the fact that the core window cannot be used so economically if shuttle winding is required may in some cases induce the designer to choose a core with a gap. The designer is obliged to choose a structure that contains a gap if The advantage that the mateinsufficient reverse current is available. rials with very low He and very high p. (that is, the permalloys) have over oriented silicon steel in ungapped structures is largely lost in gapped viaiw IX pi 10r a given core aepehas -.-.,, ~..~ ~~~== uq. ~~-w x#.JJ,mau7 CIIG markedly on AB,

f 4$ (

SEC. 15.1]






with both types of materials with the various gapped structures illustrated in Fig. 15.5. From the point of view of the ezse of constmction of the

FIG. 15.7.Vmious

uncut Ni steel pulm-transformer cores. (a), (b), and Mo permalloy cores. (d) and (e) 0.002-in. 45-permalloy cores.



transformer, of a high available AB, a reasonably high value of ~i, a high space factor, the availability of light gauge materials in large quantities, and the uniformity in the completed product, the type C core (Fig. 15.5) ut ili zing 0.002-in. Hipersil has been an extremely useful pulse-transformer core. An assortment of widely used sizes of 0.002-in. Hipersil cores is shown in Fig. 15.6. Various O.001-in. Mo Permalloy and 0.002-in. 45Permalloy uncut cores are shown in Fig. 15.7. Several 0.004-in. silicon Nicaloi punchings and one 0.003-in. M on i m a x punching widely used in pulse transformers are shown in Fig. 15.8.
Standard Tests on Core Mate-

has been FIG. 15$.-Various nickel steel punrhan effort on the part of the agenings. Light-colored punchmgs are of 0.004in. silicon Nic8bi, the dark punching of cies interested in pulse trans0.003-in. Monimax. formers and on the Dart of industries manufacturing them to formulate a set of standard tests on pulse-transformer cores and core materials to facilitate the con~parison of the various cores. This set of standard tests for pulse-t ransformer cores is set forth in the Radiation Laboratory Report ho. 722. 1W. H. Bostick, Pulse Transformer Committw Stmd:mf Pulse TransformerCores, RI, Report No. 722, Nlny,5, 1945. Test hlethods for

mals and Cores.lhere









The measuring techniques given in that report are described in Sec. 15.2. Table 153 are listed Results of Tests on Various Core Materials. -In the results of a series of systematic measurements made in 1944 on several widely used materials for pulse-transformer cores manufactured in the U. S.l These results show that Hipersil excels at the high values of A~, The pulse pertmd that the Ni steels are better at the lower values. formance of Mo Permalloy when a reverse magnetic field is used is especially notable.

// / , //, /
i 4,000 I //x i //


15 20 25

H in wsteds Fm. 15.9. LOei of the tips of pulse B-H loops taken on but&joint coree, titb 1-~sec pulses. A is for Monimax 0.003-in., } in. by + in. leg section. Curve B is for silicon Nicaloi 0.003 in., } in. by } in. leg section. Curve C is for silicon Nicsloi 0.004 in., + in. by ~ in. leg wction. Curve D is for Hipersil 0.002 in., } in. by i in. leg eection. Curve


In Fig. 159 are shown the loci of the tips of B-H loops obtained with l-~sec pulses for several cores constructed of punched laminations with butt joints and for a type C Hipersil core. Again it may be seen that Hipereil excels at the Klgh flux densities whereas some of the nickel steels appear slightly better at lower flux densities. Actual photographs of pulse B-H loops are shown in Fig 15.10. The d-c and pulsed B-H loops shown in Fig. 15.11 are representative of the performance of British pulse-transformer cores, which were made, for the most part, of nickel steel. The construction of synthesized pulsed B-H loops shown in Fig. 1511 will be described in Sec. 15-I. I Although more accurate measurementshave subsequently been made, the messurementalisted in Table 15.3 provide a reliable basis for a comparison of tbe various core materiafs.

SEC. 15.2]





r .L ..-. (b) I

r> --_
durations. ~

!- r .

.. J



(a) Flo. 15. 10,Fhotogrsphs


lJ ... ji- .
traces Of pulse
and H is is vertical 2= 100







Core Makerial

N turns

Aii w =
~H ax

200 100

540 370 200

l:g 340 260 440 350 2i-iIa.

A = 2.stl l=17cln cm: core8

% 100 50


Space factor6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...0.85 coren. . 0.002 -i. am10,003in . . . . . . .,, . . . . . ...0.95


15.2. Pulse Magnetization. Treatment oj the Magoj the Core.The theoretical expression for the inductance and magnetic field of a coil of given length and diameter involves Nagaokas constant, which depends upon the ratio of length to diameter of the coil. However, if the coil is wound in the form of a toroid, its inductance is








Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

GE Si Nicaloi (B9W)

GE Monimax
47% Ni 3% Mo

WE MO Permalloy 79% Ni 4% Mo

Westinghouse oriented Hipereil 3.2(

6 Si

Ckmstitution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.6570 N 0.40?4 Ml 0.34% Al 3v. sl 0.0025 Thickness of lamination,in... . . . . . . . . . . . 7.9 Specificgravity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reeistivityin microhm-cm.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 D-c magnetizationdata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uncut corl 7650 p-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H in oersteds at B=lOOO gauss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B = 5000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B=lO,OOO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B = 12,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bingauss at H = 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . At B=5000gause ... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . H.inoersteds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B,ingauae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imss in ergs /cmS/cycle (60 cycles) . . . . . . At B=lO,OOOgause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H,iningauss oereteds . . . . . . . . . . . . . B,ingauw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loss inergs/cm/cycle . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 0.18 1.02 ...... ... ...... ... 9800 0.195 2750 265 ......... .......... ..........

42.4Y. NI 3.33% Mr 0.75% Al 0.004 7.9 85 Uncut core 37,000 0.05 0.13 3.71 . . . . . . ., 11,950 0.059 4300 89 0.08 7250 390

0.0025 8.45 73 Uncut core 21,900 0.09 0.24 3.17 13,8 13,400 0.11 3580 120 0.13 5500 475
cut core *

0.0012 8.7 46

0,0025 7,6 50-55 Cut core 6180 0.33 0.83 1.71 2,85 16,500 0.257 2100 420 0.45 4700 1450

2680 0,41 1.92 9.0 22.4 12,900 0.13 530 140 0,20 950 520

!Jncutcore Uncut core 12,200 79,650 0.03 0.065 . . . . . ,., ...... 8880 0,045 3970 40 ........ ,. .,... ,., .........
0.20 0.46 0,85 1.45 17,400 0.273 3360 280 0.38 8080 820

. .._

Material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pulse magnetization data r = l~ec For H, = O H in oereteds at A? = 5000 gause. . . . at AB = 1500. . . . . . . . . .

GE SiNicaloi(B9W)

GE Monima%

WE Mo Permalloy

Weatinghouaeoriented Hipereil

7.1 22.5

at A~=lO,oOo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For H, = 0.5 oerstcds 4.5 H in oereteds at A~ = 5000 gauee. . . . at A~ =. 7500 . . . . . . . . . . 6.9 at A~=lO,oOO . . . . . . . . 9.7 13.0 at A~ = 12,500 . . . . . . . . at AB = 15,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For H, = H. 5.25 H in oersteds at A~ = 5000 gauee. . . . at A~ =- 10,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.oss in ergs/cm/p~lee 108O ntAB = 5000 . . . . . . . . . . . . at A~=l O,ooo.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

45.0 .......... .......... 4.3 7.5 11.3 15.6 .......... 8.1 ..... ..... 2164) ..........

5.9 11.6 33.3 2.6 4.1 5.8 7.6 9.8 3.2 7.2 685 2115

7.2* 11.6 16.25 7.1 10,8 14.8* 19.1*

..... ...


.......... ... ..... .......... .... . .. 1.0 1.75 2.7 3.7 4.8 6.5 8.5 10.1

7.0 10.2 14.3 5.2 7.5 9.9 12.5

6.65* 15.4* 985 * 3840

1.1 ......... .

5.25 8.4

5.75 10.1

Teats were performed on strip-wound ring mmples # in. by 4 in. in arms 8eotion, and with m incide diameter of 2 in. All results are reported on the bti net mm area. Meamrementa were made under the direction of W. Merrill of the General Electrio Company, Pitta6eld, MM, 1944. * Beoauoe of faulty outting,thegapin tti oore was mnsiderably largerthanoptimum.











and the magnetic field inside the coil is ~ = 4xN~ 101 oersteds, (7)

where 1 is the mean magnetic-path length of the toroid in centimeters, A is the cross-sectional area of the toroid in square centimeters, and i is the current in amperes. If a toroida core of effective permeability p. is inserted in this toroid, the inductance becomes
L= 4mN2Ap, 1091 (8)

and, since no free magnetic poles # I%thesizaPUG I I are formed, the magnetic field H inside the coil is unchanged. If a coil is wound on the toroidal core so that only a fraction 00246810121416 18 of 1is covered, and if P. >> 1, most H in Oersteds of the magnetic flux is still conFIG. 15.11.Experimental and synthe si~ pulse B-H Ionps for British Rhornetal, strained to remain in the core. No 8 punchings, oxidised and sprayed with The field H is still approximately lacquer; nominal thickness 0.004 in.: core in the form of two Es with 0.001 in. butt joint constant in magnitude and parallel gap in each leg. M -7500 gauss, r = 1.0 to the center line of the toroid m. throughout the whole of the core. aa it is when the coil completely encloses the core. Hence, Eqs. (7) and (8) are good approximations for the inductance and magnetic field of such a core and coil. Under pulse conditions the effective permeability p. of the magnetic material is, because of eddy currents, different from p, the intrinsic permeability of the material itself. It is, therefore, of importance to study the relationship between p. and p. Relationship of V to B; Faradays Law.At any point within the coil, or within the toroidal core if there is a core, the following equations (in mka units) of Maxwell are applicable:

WY It-1

vxE+~=O, or




;.dS=O, A

where A is the area of the coil. mks units, is

By Stokess theorem, the emf per turn, in

SEC. 15.2]






where C is the perimeter of A and where the average flux density over the area A is



B dS.

If B is exprewed in gauss and A in square centimeters, and if the coil has N turns, the total voltage impressed across the coil may be written, in Cgs units, as
v = NA dB 10s dt volts.

Since V is constant throughout the pulse for the idealized pulse,






\ ;Vd=-%



that is, 1? increases linearly with respect to time throughout V remains constant regardleea of the quality of the core material or whether there is any core at all. The value of ~ at the time t = r is denoted by the symbol 7; AD.
Development of the Diffmon Equatiorw. tf 0):

the pulse if

It is now assumed that a toroidal core occupies most of the coil area, and that p. is sufficiently high to constrain practically all of the magnetic flux in the core. Then the area A is, for all practical purposes, equal to the net area of the core. It is also assumed that the magnetic field inmressed
at the surface of the core does not vary

xl =

FIm 16.12.Ide limtion of a Iami. nation in a pulse-transformer core.

along 1 and is everywhere parallel to the center line of the core. problem is to find the magnetic field (see Fig. 15.12)


4)= H(+)
which, when applied to the surface of the core material, gives an average induction throughout the core of D Iosvt











It is apparent at the outset that the core material must be in the form of thin insulated laminations if eddy currents are to be held to a reasonably low value. Figure 15.12 shows such a lamination in which the width of the lamination in the x direction is practically infinite compared with the thickness d. The z direction is assumed to be along the center line of the core, and any current that flows in the coil produces a magnetic field in the z direction only. It is assumed that this magnetic field H,(y,t) does not vary with the coordinates x or z. The following Maxwells equations in the mks system of units maybe employed: vxE+#=O,

In any known core material m is large and c1/co = 1, where C1and co are respectively the dielectric constants, in mks units, of the material and of free space. Conduction currents are therefore so much more important than displacement currents that it is possible to neglect the term dD/dt. The symbol M is used to denote the permeability of the material in mks units. Also, it is assumed that the permeability p (p, in mks units) of the core material is constant over the range of induction through which the core is to be operated. Then

and VXH=U,E, where Since

vxH.~ ~ ax ay

.j H
H.= -i% aH,



a az

aH= ay

aHz ,


aHz _ ~

then i = iulE., ay






ancl EV=E. Then =O.

and since

The two equations aHz ~= and

aEz =plm ?Y aHz 1 UIE=


upon differentiation tions:

and subtraction
a2Hz ~ =

yield the following diffusion equaaHz

aE. 11 z I

and d2E= _

Solution of the Diffu-szon Equations.-The solution of llq. (12) may be written as the sum of Ha(y,t), a steady-state term or particular integral, and Ht&!,t), a transient term or complementary function (H= and Hb are in the z direction, but the subscripts z have been dropped for brevity of The average value of Ha(y,t) across the lamination is assumed notation). equal to (A~/r)t, where AH is the mean impressed field in the core at the end of the pulse of duration r.

1This treatmentfollows that given in the following references: L. W. Redfearn, The Effective Permeabilityand Eddy CurrentLose for Magnetic MaterialunderLinearMagnetization, Metropolitan-Vickers ElectricCo., Ltd., Report No. C.287, Feb., 1942.
C. R. Dunham, C. C. Hall, K. A. MacFadyen, Calculation of Eddy Currents in Pulse Transformer Cores, The General Electric Co., Ltd., Report No. S350, May 8, 1944. For other trmtmenta that reach the same solution, see L. A. MacColl, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., and T. D. Holstein, Skin Effect in Pulse-Transformer Cores, Wmtingbouee Research Laboratories, Report No. SR-170, Feb. 22, 1943.








[SEC. 15.2


(9) when integrated

over the area S (instead of A), as shown in Fig. 15.13, yields for the steady state 2WEZ = since
dn a~ at Z H ~.dS=2wyd$,



FIG. 15. 13.Path of integration for obtaining the stead y-state distribution of E. and H,.

when the eddy currents have attained a fixed pattern, that is, when the steady state has been attained.

and the steady-state magnetic field associated with this E% can be obtained by integrating Eq. (10) directly since the steady state E. no longer involves t. Thus, the steady-state magnetic field associated with E. is
Ha = \ di? Ha = x 1 y dy = constantly

+ constant~,

and the complete steady-state term or particular integral may be written (13) 1 2

where Term 1 takes care of the constant rate of increase in Ha averaged throughout the lamination, and Term 2 takes care of the spatial distribution of magnetic field resulting from the steady-state pattern of eddy currents. A substitution of Eq. (13) in Eq. (12) yields A2 = +. Also,

and hence

SEC. 15.2]





Then (14) It is apparent that the transient term or complementary function Hb haa its maximum at y = O and decays exponentially with time. A solution that meets these conditions is
Hb = e-p cos qy.

Substitution in Eq. (12) yields p = $.,. Furthermore, the transient term must make no net contribution to the mean value of the magnetic field across the lamination because it haa already been assumed that the average value of H. over the lamination increases linearly with time. Then

/ 0
and hence

e@ cos w dy = O,

2n~ q.,

where n is any positive integer.


~ =


and the nth transient term may be written

The full transient term may then be written

and the total solution may be written

Hz(y,t) = : + ~

y [

ane - d COS~

2nxy 1



For the determination of an, the condition that H.(y,O) of y is applied. Hence.

= O for all values







[SEC. 15.2

~zg+ a. ccl, 2? =





-:/:,( 290s=

Integration by parts yields

co~~. n%rz


Hence, the complete solution is Ant + p,a, Afi H=(v,t) = y

27 [ (_l). e-~i ~o= d2 U2 z




For the value of zG) the symbol H is used. Then = @)







or, in cgs units, H _ AR1 ~ 109T@2 AR 7 3P [1 -::+-=1 n-l where p is the resistivity of the magnetic material. expressed as H= An[;+:[l-$&%]} m=l webers/meter or or oersteds, (18b)



The field H may be

= A4+4:)I


or oersteds,







where, in mks units, ~ = pmd2 12 or, in cgs units, ~ = loT@ and seconds, seconds

10 8 6 h~w r 4 / / /




: ~48{l,,o,,

The variation of @( Z/t) with (!?/t) FIG.15.14.plotof .2. $ vs. $. is plotted in Fig. 1514. The average flux density B throughout the lamination is

lCMJ 6.0 4.0 ,Q 2.0 ; Lo 0.8 :: 0.2

The relationships expressed by Eq. (16) are exhibited graphically in Fig. 15.151 where B/~ is plotted against pt/pd2 for various distances from the midplane of the lamination. The effective permeability

A graphical representation of p. is also given in Fig. 1520. Fm. 15.15.Relative distribution of The function H.(y,t) in Eq. (15) flux density in a lamination for a rectangumay be written as the sum of A~t/r lar voltage pulse applied at a time t = 0. the value of the magnetic field if where ~ increases linearly with time, and of tbe lamination in p = reaistivity eddy currents were not present, plus ohm-em, d = the thickness of lamination an additional field needed to negate in inches, t = time in seconds, v = distance from the midplane of the lamination the effect of the eddy-current magin inches, and p = average d-c increwhere netic field, H.(y,t), mental permeability over AB. 4 6810-92 4 6810%2

0.1 2

I A. G. Ganz, (Applications of Thin Permalloy Tape in Wide Band Telephone and Pulse Transformers, Trans. Amer. In8t. Efed. Ewrs., 66, 177 (1946).








Then from Eq. (19) for ~ = d/2 and y = d/2, (22) where

Plots of the steady-state values (that is, when t>> 2) of H,(y,t) and E=(v) are given in Fig. 1516. Under the assumption that the core is made of perfect magnetic material, there are no free poles that tend to demagnetize the core. At the end of the pulse, when t = r, the voltage V that waa applied to the



H,, where H. = ~ weberB/meterz



(b) E.,

where E=


~,Aiid . %

volts (mksj

= lwe%ti AE oeruteda. 3t?l

lWnpA~d = 27

volts (Cga).

FIG. 15. 16.-Steady-etate

field distributions

in the lamination.

coil is removed, the eddy-current magnetic eventually arrives at the state where
H.(y,t) = AZ? = ~.

field decays,

and the core


The decay of the eddy-current field may readily be calculated if it is assumed, aa a boundary condition, that at t = r the eddy-current field

that ia, that the transient term in Eq. (15) is equal to zero. The diffusion Eq. (12) may now be solved for HJY, t r) with the same substitutions that were made to obtain the transient term in Eq. (16). Then, in mks units,







t -T)=





f6t-)=Hze(-~ t-)= He(-

= A~(t ,)
7 [

T tT ()1

;lt T =

webers/meter2 or oersteds.

~_trm 7 [T

Al? +



() =AHl+;


tr )1

. (25)

A typical theoretical plot of H vs. t from Eqs. (19) and (25) is given in Fig. 15.17. Actually, however, the Tan-] AE field H returns to a value much lower I-=T 7 than AR because of hysteresis effects, I e H gaps in the core, and reverse fields _d R between pulses. . i ~ -- AH It is to be remembered that, during the pulse, His the magnetic field required OE t o at the surface of the laminations when FIQ.15.17.Typimltheoretical plot the average induction ~ increases linearly of H VS. t. with respect to time, that is, if a constant voltage V is suddenly applied across the coil. This magnetic field can be produced only by a magnetizing current i~ in the coil. Thus, during the pulse 10H1 m = Zim If the core has a gap, free poles are formed which reduce the effective magnetic field at the surface of the laminations, and hence reduce in the core material itself the resultant ~ produced by a given i~.









After the pulse when ~ (and hence H, also) decreases to some remanent value, the magnetic field in the core remains constant and greater than zero although the impressed magnetic field produced by i~ decreases to zero. Thus the values of ~, AB, ~, AR, and H defined herein are the incremental values above remanence, the remanent point being taken as the origin of the pulse B-H loop. General considerations 15.3. Energy LOSS and Equivalent Circuits. of Energy Absorption and Storage in the Core.The electric field E=(y,t) associated with Hz(y,t) may be obtained from Eqs. (11) and (15), and, in mks units, is given by the expression

~[-w=sinana n=l
At the surface of the lamination



iEz x kH. = jEzH, the power The by per unit area flowing

is the Poynting
across any the surface


which plane

represents is denoted


y = constant.


of this vector at

of the lamination

and represents the instantaneous power per unit area flowing into the lamination. The energy per unit area that flows into a lamination during the pulse is, by Poyntings theorem,


2 3 a, b, and c




Term 1 in the right-hand member of Eq. (27) represents the energy dissipated by eddy currents during the pulse. Term 2 is, for all practical purposes, equal to zero since displacement currents in the core material

SEC. 15.3]







are negligible. Term 3 represents the energy stored in the magnetic field within the laminations during the pulse. Term 3a, the portion of Term 3 that represents the additional energy stored in the electromagnetic field associated with eddy currents, is dissipated in the form of eddy currents after the pulse during the establishment of an equal distribution of B throughout the lamination; that is, Term 3a is equal to . /r d [/ 2

5d E~(y,t)ul




In the case of the idealized core whose B-H loop is depicted in Fig. 15.18 the remainder of Term 3 (that is, 3b and 3c) equals pl (An) 2/2 joules, a quantity which is defined as W~, the magnetic energy remaining in the core after the pulse. When the pulses are repeated, however, the magnetic field and flux density in the core must be returned to the t starting point of the first pulse on the ~ d-c or low-frequency hysteresis loop at the beginning of the next pulse. This return is accomplished by means of the fringing magnetic field resulting from the magnetic poles exposed at the faces of the gap, or by H means of a reverse magnetic field obtained from a reverse current in a Idealizedpulse B-H IGOP coil. Thus, part of this remainder --- Actual pulse B-H loop FIG. 15. 18.Idealized and actual pulse 3b and 3C (defined as 3b) is returned

to the



is dissipated

in the

core in the form of hysteresis (microscopic eddy-current) 10SS, and possibly a portion is dissipated in the core in the form of macroscopic eddy currents (these latter two energies comprise 3c). However, the energy 3b returned to the circuit may subsequently be returned wholly or in part to the core and dissipated there in the form of eddy currents or hysteresis loss. It is generally impossible to determine in advance how much of the energy 3b will eventually be dissipated in the circuit and how much will be dissipated in the core. Calculation of Energy Dissipation in the Core.-If it is assumed (as it has been in the preceding sections) that the d-c incremental permeability over AD is a constant, and that there are no hysteresis losses, it is possible to represent the behavior of such a core by the idealized pulse loop of Fig. 15.18. Area e represents the energy W. dissipated in the core in the










form of eddy currents, that is, Terms 1 and 3a in Eq. (27). Area m. represents Wm, the energy returned to the circuit, that is, term 3b in Eq. (27). Term 3C in this idealized case equals zero. The sum of areas m and e represents the total energy delivered to the core during the pulse [that is, the term on the left-hand member of Eq. (27)]. The energy W. represented by the area e in Fig. 15.18 is given in mks units by
We= ~AEHe~~JtJdB jotdes,metera.

If the substitutions Eq. (23),

t = TB/AB

and An = A~/P

are performed



=r%(l-sF3J -j>(e-*_ W.=A:; [





=w[%%e-wl 6$3
or, in cgs units,

n=l ouesmeer


-$xe-%)] n=l

=$% [-wm$e-%)l rgs


This equation may be written

we =

G@ T *$. 47rl.Llo7 T



has been plotted in Fig. 15.19. The loss function *(,/T) The relationships expressed by Eqs. (21) and (28) are exhibited 1A.
G. Ganz, Applications Tram.

of Thin Permalloy Tape in Wide Band Telephone and

Arrur. Inst. Elect. ErIgr.9., 66, 177 (1946).

Pulse Transformers,









graphically also in Fig. 15.20 where, if the voltage is zero immediately after the pulse, the loss resulting from eddy currents [that is, Terms 1 and 3a of Eq. (27), or area W, of Fig. 15.18] during and after the pulse, is given by 10 Loss = 4.29 V2d4P. 9 G 10N2A Pz 8 watt secondslin. 3/pulse where ,G is plotted in Fig. 15.20, d = thickness of lamination in inches, p = resist ivity in ohm-centimeters, ~ = average d-c incremental permeability over AB, N = number of turns on core, A = cross-sectional area of core in square inches, ~, = effective permeability, t = time in seconds, and V = emf of the pulse in volts. Also, in mks units, w. = ~dB= /
o PI

i *($)6

5 4 3 2 1

o O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 /T FIG. 15.19.Plot of the loss function *;. ()

(A@2 2p,


or, in cgs units, W. = (L@ 87rp107 ergs/cm8. (29)

If a fraction f of Wm is returned to and dissipated in the core, the total energy dissipated in the core per pulse is


Wtid= (@2 f PI [z+%)ljOulesmeter3


Fm. 15.20.Plot

eddy-current ,:::y

of* and u loss during &h&~,



or the energy W, represented by area e in Fig. 15.18].



Actually, however, p is not constant during the pulse because of the finite coercive force and the saturation of the magnetic material. Hence, the initial rising portion of the experimental B-H loop differs somewhat









from that of the theoretical loop, as shown in Fig. 15.18. Furthermore, because of the finite distributed capacitance of the pulse source and the coil on the core, the voltage pulse never ceases completely at t = r. The energy in this distributed capacitance flows into the core and thereby produces the dome-shaped top on the pulse loop. A portion of this energy, at least, is dissipated in the core in the form of hysteresis and eddy-current losses. Lastly, there are hysteresis losses and perhaps some eddy-current losses during the demagnetization [that is, term 3C in Eq. (27)], and hence the energy that actually remains to be returned to the circuit is less than Wm. An Approximate Calculation of Energy Dissipated in the Gore.-A simple approximate calculation of ?V~ + TV. is possible because for cases

%:~le.:e (a)
Fm. 15.21 .(a) Approximate equivalent

(;)-circuit and (b) magnetizing current for .9 core.


where t>> T during the greater part of the pulse, and thus O < T/t < 2, = T/t (see Fig. 15.14). Then

=+(+ :)=%(1+:)

pNA (


3p v R. )


Vt ~m=+, L,

L * = 4wNA




and R = 12N2Ap e d,l ohms. (31)

The core can thus be represented by the approximate equivalent circuit of Fig. 1521a, for which the magnetizing current L is plotted in Fig. 15021b.









If it is assumed that a fraction j of W~ and, of course, all of We are eventually dissipated in the core,

W= fwm+we=fg
@xi%+ii) or

+ ~


jvlow ~TN2Ap + =1

oues Al(A~)2j + Afii2(A~)2, 1210% 87r107p


W/cm 3/pulse = (A~)


+ 12;~og7

ergs/cm3. )

It should be remembered that these expressions for W are valid only if O < T/t < 2 for the greater part of the pulse, that is, if 7>> T.

FIG.15.22.Accurate equivalentcircuitfor the core,wherep is constant.

An Accurate Equivalent Circuit for the Core.If p is assumed to be constant throughout the pulse (that is, if the pure hysteresis loss is zero and no saturation of the material occurs), the following expression, in cgs units, for i~ may be obtained from Eq. (19):

or, with the substitution

of Eq. (10), i~ may be given by

This expression for i~ suggests the equivalent circuit of Fig. 15.22, where a voltage V suddenly applied at the input terminals produces a current i; given by







[SEC. 15.3

_ ~,t
i: =








T+ R., e r.

++7) .
Lo= 4rAPN2 10%? henrys, +;== . r2 12

. 1


When i = i:, the circuit of Fig. 15.22 represents the core, if

;=~+~+~+ .. R,




6 1

1.5 x 109T


1 z= 1 .

1.5 x 10T1

i 9 nz R. G

mhos, mhos, mhos,

1.5 x 1O$T1 ._1 1.5 x 109T1 ._ 1

1 .

_ n% ~ T sec-~,

L.= ~ = ,~~~~1 = %


The actual value of the instantaneous d-c incremental permeability (that is, dB/dH) of the material over the range AB is never constant. The most accurate treatment of the magnetization of the core in the region below saturation assumes that there is a constant instantaneous d-c incremental permeability over AB, and that the value of this permeability is A (see Fig. 15.2). The macroscopic eddy currents that flow may be accounted for by the foregoing electromagnetic treatment with the insertion of b in the d~usion equations. The finite width of the d-c incremental loop may then be taken into account by the assumption of microscopic eddy currents, and additional LR-branches should be added in the equivalent circuit for the core in order to account for the effect of these microscopic eddy currents. The effect of the reluctance of a gap in the magnetic circuit can be taken into account by adding to the field H, which is necessary to magnetize a material whose permeability is PO 1H. L. Rehkopf, {Equivalent Circuit of
No. a Puke

TrznzformerCore, RL Report

666, Mzr.







and the width of whose d-c B-H loop is 2HC, a field Ho [ = (lg/l)~], which is necessary to magnetize the gap. The effect of the finite width of the d-c B-H loop and also a small amount of saturation can be approximated by inserting in the solution of the diffusion equations the average incremental permeability pi of the material itself over the range AB (see Fig. 15.2) and then adding Ha to the resulting solution H. A further approximation that is valid if the gap is small is to insert the average d-c incremental permeability pig of the core (including gap) over the range AB in the solution of the diffusion equations and to assume that the resultant H is the entire magnetic field necessary to magnetize the core. Treatment of the 16.4. Additional Aspects of Pulse Magnetization. Magnetization of the Core When p = p. = a and Saturation Occurs.If




/J=l.lo- m

I1 &



FIG. 15.23.(a) Idealized B-H 100P for a material of P = P. = @ and H. = O. (b) Instantaneous distribution of flux density within the lamination for nonlinear magnetization where p = P. = m and H. = O.

p or PI is not assumed to be constant, an electromagnetic treatment is almost out of the question-except when the material is assumed to have Under these conditions, infinite permeability but a finite value of B~t. the lamination is divided at any instant during the pulse into outer surface sections that are saturated and an inner central section that is devoid of flux (see Fig. 1523). If the steep wavefront of flux density moves inward at a rate da/dt, the eddy current that flows in a lamination of length 1 cm, width 1 cm, and thickness d is ~AB * a dt i. = amperes, 108 z
I A. G. Ganz, Applications of Thin Permalloy Tape in Wide Band Telephone Pulse Transformers, Trans. A ,1. E. E., 66,177 (1946). and










where AB,,, is the change in B from starting point to B~,, (AB~, = B-t if the lamination is unmagnetized at the beginning), and p is the resistivit y of the lamination in ohm-cm. Since the value of x has been assumed to be infinite, the magnetic field at the surface is only that required to maintain i., that is,

10 e


The change in average flux density at any moment is ~ = 2aAB., d; whence B




da =

B8a z For a transformer winding

~ _ NA

logp da 2=d z

106 dt Then

dB = 2AB.t . da NA . 108 dt d



The time ,0 required to saturate the entire lamination

d da 3 / a

is equal to

Then pe expressed in terms of ro is

The maximum pulse duration that is capable of being passed by the transformer is equal to TO. Since P has been assumed to be infinite, no magnetic energy is stored in the core during the pulse. The energy dissipated per cubic centimeter per pulse by the eddy current during the pulse is given by energy loss/cm3/pulse 1 (A@ = . 8m p< ergs/ems/pulse.

The foregoing treatment is applicable to the magnetization of various permalloys under conditions of very high d~/dt. Theoretical Construction of Pulse Hysteresis Loops. Under the assumption that the permeability used in the diffusion equation is constant and is equal to pi (or Pig), the average d-c incremental permeabilityy over AB, it is possible to construct the ascending portion of pulse B-H loops from Eqs. (10) and (19), as has been done in Fig. 15.18.






It is possible, however, to construct pulse loops in such a way that their shape is more sensitive to the d-c properties of the core materiais. If the eddy-current field He is calculated with the use of pi in the difhsion equation, and if this H, is added to the magnetic field obtained from a d-c hysteresis loop over Al?, there results a theoretical pulse loop that takes into account the ~oercive force and the saturation of the core material (for example, see Fig. 15.1 1). The top of the loop and the beginning of the descending portion may be roughly constructed by assuming that H decreases very rapidly although B remains relatively stationary at the end of the pulse [see Eq. (25) and Fig. 15. 17]. (Actually, B increases somewhat because the voltage pulse never drops to zero immediately at the end of the pulse. This increase in B, as has already been stated, produces the dome on top of the pulse hysteresis loop. ) For the constructed loop the value of H may thus be assumed to decrease rapidly along a line of roughly constant B until the magnetic field for this value of B on the descending portion of the d-c hysteresis loop is attained. Then B and H may be assumed to decrease along the path of the descending portion of the d-c hysteresis loop of the core. The rate of decrease along this path depends, of course, upon the constants of the circuit in which the pulse-transformer core is being measured. A synthesized pulse B-H loop for a typical British core material has been constructed according to the foregoing procedure and is displayed In several such in Fig. 15.11, together with the observed pulse B-H loop. comparisons British observers report good agreement between theoretical and experimental pulse B-H loops. 1 Experiments at the Radiation Laboratory, however, show the experimental values of p. to be substantially lower than the theoretical values when An is large compared with H., which is the condition under which the precision of the experiment for detecting variations in the intrinsic values of p is the greatest. However, in experiments at very high ~,alues of dB/dt where any variations in the intrinsic vahles of p that are due to a lag in the process of magnetization would be the greatest,, H. is comparable in size to AH, and the precision for detecting variations in ~ is lower. These latter experiments nevertheless show bet ter agreement between experimental and theoretical values of p,, despite the fact that, in these experiments, the values of magnetic fields at the surfaces of the laminations were so high that surface saturation could conceivably have reduced the effective value of p for a portion of the core material.
1 C. R, Dunham and C, C. Hnll, Air C,nps in Pulse Tr:msform{.r (lwes, The General Electric Co., Ltd., Report No. 8401, Feb. 11, 1944; C. R. ~anhatn, C, C. Hall, and K. A. MacFadyen, Pulse Magnetization.> The General Electric Co., I,td. Report No, 8298, Sept. 24, 1943.









S. Siegel and H.L. Glick of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories report experiments in which cores were operated at values of B such that the permeability at the surfaces of the laminations were not reduced by any saturation effects. Their observed values of ye are also somewhat below the theoretical values. Interlaminar eddy currents could, of course, account for the above discrepancies, except that in all of the foregoing cases the interlaminar resistance was ~;+ iq ; ~+ adequate. Inadequate knowledge of the jt:llll lamination thickness or space factor might ,41, 1,* 1111 1,11 possibly be responsible for some of the I I {El +~b discrepancies. -%11: ~~~jY=The discrepancies could also be explained 11+, 4141 ,Ilt by assuming that there is an intrinsic lag in the till I+IL J=d_ , ~_.~ G magnetization process. In view of the contradictory results of the British and American % Fm. 16.24.Plotof the elec- observers, h owe v e r, it ,. cannot be stated trk fieldE withinthe core. definitely that there is, m the process of magnetization, an intrinsic lag that produces an appreciable reduction in the observed P. under the pulse conditions of these experiments. Interlaminar Resistance. -It would be unduly complex to calculate the interlaminar currents that flow during the buildup time of the intralaminar and interlaminar currents inasmuch as it is desired only to set a

# (a)
FIG. 15.25 .-Ste8dy-8tate distribution throughout where E

&~ (b)
the core of (a) II.(x,O, where H. =

37 ;

E (z), oersteds, and (b)

w ()S=2,

10-%A17w O,ti


lower limit to the value that the interlaminar resistance may have. The distribution of Ha(v,t) vs. y is given by Eq. (14) and is plotted in Fig. 15. 16a for a time such that the transient term has become zero. The steady-state distribution of the electric field E. vs. y may be obtained from Eq. (26) and is plotted in Fig. 15 16b. If the core is made up of a stack of laminations w cm wide (see Fig.

SEC. 154]




15.24), whose interlaminar resistance between two laminations for an may be treated electromagarea of I cn12 is r,, the stack of laminations The magnetic and electric fields netically m is the single lamination. cannot penetrate the core very far by traveling in the y direction because The fields can peneof the shielding effect of the outside laminations. trate from the r direction, however, because of the fairly high resistivity r,, and hence the flOW of interlaminar currents is analogous in pattern to the flow of eddy currents within the laminations. The magnetic and electric fields corresponding to the steady state are then distributed within the core as shown in Fig. 15.25. The eddy-current field resulting from interlaminar currents is now given by

where r,,/d, the volume resistivit y of the core for interlaminar currents, Then takes the place of p in the expression for H. in Fig. 15.16.

If the resistance wP/d from side to side of a lamination 1 cm long and w cm wide is denoted by Rp and the interlaminar resistance TJw between two laminations w for one cm of their length is denoted by R,,
H; . H. R, R. .

In a typical Hipersil core






z x



0.0025 X 2.54

13xperience has shown that in any well-insulated core

H;= z ~,< R, = 0.1.

Then R22 s X10 10-1 = 0.2 ohms.

If, for example, 1 = 10 cm and the number of laminations in the stack is 250, the resistance across the stack should then be greater than
250 X 0.2 10 = s ohms










If it is assumed that within the core every point that lies on the y axis (see Fig. 1524) remains at zero electrical potential, and that r, is so high that no interlaminar eddy currents flow, the potential difference between two laminations at any point z, according to Fig. 1516, is
V(Z) =


d ~

10-~A~xd T


The maximum potential difference v(w/2) occurs between two adjacent laminations at x = w/2 and x = w/2, and




For a typical pulse-transformer


PAR = 5 X 10 gauss/see, T d = 0.0025 X 2.54 = 0.00635 cm, w = 1 X 2.54 = 2.54 cm, and

; ()

= 10-s X 5 X 109 X 6.35 X 10-3 X 2.53 = 0.8 volt.

The interlaminar insulation must therefore be capable in this case of withstanding the small voltage stress of 0.8 volt. The interlaminar insulation on thin-gauge Hipersil is a complex phosphate coating applied during the final annealing operation. The resulting Carlite coating is very thin (= 10-5 in.) and has excellent insulating properties. On some core materials (which are usually in the form of punched laminations) the insulation is an oxide of iron formed by admitting a small amount of air to the steel at the end of the annealing process. This oxide coating, if applied skillfully, is exceedingly thin and The General Electric Company is adequate for pulse transformers. sometimes uses a chrome-silicate solution, which is baked onto the laminations by the anneal. The Western Electric Company, on the other hand, uses catephoresis, a process of depositing silicic acid particles on the strip steel by drawing the strip through a mixture of acetone and silicic acid immediately prior to winding the strip into a core and annealing it. Mica dust (which turns mainly into a complex of silicates upon being annealed) is sometimes used as a suspension in acetone and deposited on the strip, which is drawn through the liquid. Various lacquers and varnishes have been tried on laminations, but have proved inferior because of the reduction of space factor in the resulting core.







16.5. Techniques for Measuring Core Performance. -As has already been shown, the value of ~. depends upon pulse duration, lamination thickness, and resistivity, and upon pi, as it is defined by Figs. 15.2 and 15.3. For a given material the value of p. is affected by AD, the amount of gap in the core, and the value of the reverse magnetic field between pulses. Since pe depends upon so many parameters, it is necessary that manufacturers and users of pulse-transformer cores and core materials agree upon a set of standard methods for measuring and describing the properties of cores and core materials. 1 It is not within the scope of this book to specify these standard test methods. There are, however, certain experimental techniques involved, which will now be described.


i2 Rz

f 1 R,

C27= v,

% ~-. I Hcrlml);l

L - ._

/ I

Vertical amplifier







for viewing 60-cycle B-H loops on an oscilloscope.




an Oscilloscope.-The

Em cos at and w = % .60, may be circuit of Fig. 15.26, where el = a used for the purpose of presenting 60-cycle hysteresis loops on an oscilloscope. Since N,A 2 = B== dB

10s a
N,A ez dt. /

If RZ and Cz are large,

iz =




ez dt iz dt Cz = RZCZ = 2

1 W. H. Bostick, Pulse Transformer Committee Standard Test Methods for Pulse Transformer Cores, RL Report No, 722, May 5, 1945.







[SEC. 15.5


~ =

108RZCW2 N,A


and ~ = 41rN1im.4rNlvl IOIR, 101 oersteds,

where VZand VI are the deflecting voltage measured on a CRT screen, N, and N, are the numbers of turns on the coils, A is the cross-sectional area of the core in square centimeters, and 1 is the mean magnetic-path length in centimeters. The symbols RN, and RN, denote the resistance of the coils. The resistance R2 must be large enough not to load the circuit and The voltage e, must be large in hence not to increase i~R~ appreciably. comparison with the voltage vz in order that iz be limited primarily by Rz. Since it is inexpedient to use a large number of turns, it is necessary to use amplifiers to drive the vertical and horizontal plates of the oscilloscope tube. It is difficult, for example, to put a large number of turns on a continuously wound strip core. If the amplifiers built into the oscilloCare scope are not adequate, additional stages may be added externally. must be taken that no amplitude or phase distortion is introduced by the amplifiers. If the resistances R,v, and R, are so small that the drop i-(Rl + RN,) is negligible in comparison with el, the integrating R2Cz-circuit may be connected across the input circuit and the second winding may be omitted. Appropriate circuit constants for use with a ring test sample having an interior diameter of 2+ in. and a cross section of + in. by i in. may be estimated in the following manner: First, the values N1 = Nz = 100 turns No. 20 (which have resistances R. = 0.2 ohms), and AB = 10,000 gauss are arbitrarily chosen. Next, a value of ez = ABNZAU X 108 = 6 volts, and a value of vz = 0.001 ez are chosen.
RZCZ = e,/(v2w) Any Values

= 3 sec.

of & and (7Z that satisfy this relation may be chosen, pro-

vided that (1) R2 is large enough not to load the circuit appreciably, (2) Rz is also large in comparison with the resistance of the winding, and yet small in comparison with the leakage resistance of the winding insulation, and







(3) C, is large in comparison with the stray capacitance to ground of R, The following values are satisfactory: and the oscilloscope input circuit. Rz = 1.5 megohms,

c, = 2 I.lf, ez = 5 x 10-a volts. ~ RICZU The values of R, may be chosen arbitrarilyfor R, = 0.3 ohms is selected. Then el = ez + (Rl + R,v,)iH/(().4r~z) for H = 10 oersteds, and V, = RllH/(().4rN1) = 0.5 VOlt, example, the value of

~ 7 VOltS,

The voltage sensitivities should be such as to give for H = 10 oersteds. deflections of about l-in: Vertical sensitivity = 5 X 10a volt/in. (amplification = 10,000/1). Horizontal sensitivity = 0.5 volt/in. (amplification = 100/1). If 500 turns of No. 20 wire are used for N,, and if el is correspondingly increased, an error of less than 2 per cent is introduced by connecting the integrating circuit across the input circuit and omitting the second winding.


for obtaining

pulse B-H 100PS with a hard-tube


The ring sample may conveniently be wound in the following manner. Each quadrant is wound with a single layer consisting of 25 turns of No. 20 wire, two in parallel. For the 60-cycle tests the windings of the four quadrants are connected in series to give two parallel 100-turn windings. For the pulse test the two windings in each quadrant may be connected in parallel; then the paralleled windings of two opposite quadrants may be connected in series to give a 50-turn winding for application of the pulse voltage, and the windings of the other two quadrants similarly connected for the d-c current that produces H, (see Figs. 15.27 and 15,28).










Pulse Hysteresis Loops. Pulse hysteresis loops may be taken convenient y with either a hard-tube pulser (Fig. 1527) or a line-type pulser (Fig. 15.28). In some instances a vacuum diode is used in preference to a gas-filled tube in order to prevent ,distortion of the beginning of the pulse.
(1) PFN L Ho or H,
thyratmn ~

v d<

FrQ.15.2 S.Circuit

for obtaining

pulse B-H

loops with a line-type


With the circuits of Figs. 15.27 and 15.28, both the magnetizing current i~ and the magnetizing field H at the surface of the laminations are proportional to the voltage VI during the pulse as long as VI is small compared with V, that is,
H = 41rI?im 101 . 4TNvI .


where 1 is the mean magnetic-path length, and N is the number of turns on the test coil. If VI is applied to the H=$%= $ vertical deflecting plates of a synchr~ l ( scope and the sweep to the horizontal 108R,C,V,plates, a curve of the general form indicated in Fig. 15.29 results. If RZ and Cz are both large enough to -r 4..-~a make VA very small compared with V, the
FIG. 15.29.Traces i vs. of e, im, and

t. t






lamination may be expressed as follows:

dt = 108

B =


\ &*

i2Rz dt = 108:ACV.

If w is applied to the vertical deflecting plates of a synchroscope, B may be presented as shown in Fig. 15.29. It is possible to present a pulse loop, as shown in Fig. 1530, by applying VIto the horizontal plates and VZ to the vertical plates of an oscilloscope. The dome-shaped top that often appears on pulse loops corresponds

SEC. 15.5]


t, ~

t ~ tz (see


to the area under ~ for the interval which e drops to zero. The integral t, / t,

Fig. 15.29) during

e dt

depends upon the characteristics of the pulse-forming network in a lirMtype pulser, upon the rate of cutoff of the switch tube in a hard-tube pulser, upon the stray capacitance to ground of pulser and test coil, and upon i~ at the time t,. This integral also depends upon the magnitude and Capacitance currents distribution of flux density within the for a pulse loop upon the laminations at the time t,, taken on a completed transformer eddy currents in the laminations, and t, upon any external shunt resistances across the coil. If the value of the H shunt resistance RI (Fig. 15.27) is reFIG. 15.30.The appearance of varioue duced, the voltage decreases more pulse B-H loope. rapidly, the value of the integral is reduced, and the dome may be removed. If the value of the integral is very large, the discontinuity in the pulse loop is not marked, and the oscilloscope trace has the appearance of loop 2, Fig. 1530. Nevertheless, it is almost always possible to distinguish the point correon a pulse loop. sponding to tl Some pulse transformers o~erate with little or no reverse marznetic field impressed on the core be~ween pulses. If this operating condition is to be simulated in core testing, H, must be made equal to zero. Hence, the circuit of Fig. 15.27 should be operated with switch (1) B+ J H I ,; //4 , opened and switch (2) closed in J*2 order to permit the storage conHr,4 , Hr =1.5HC, obtained from / denser to recharge through Rl be ., / a d-c current. e==~$ -r Hr =1.5HC, tween pulses. If the circuit of Fig. obtainadfrom a peak reverse current be. 15.28 is used, switch (1) should be tween pulses. opened and switch (2) should be FIG. 15.31 .Pulse B-H loope superclosed to permit the recharging of imposed on a d-c loop to show the diEerence H, from a peak reverse between obtaining the pulse-forming network. The current between pulses and from a d-c R{ is inserted to effect a resistance current. matching of the pulse-forming neb work during the pulse. A pulse B-H loop taken with H, = O is shown superimposed on the d-c loop of the core in Fig. 15.31.

+1 A








[SEC. 15.5

Some pulse transformers that are operated in the stepdown position with a hard-tube pulser experience a small reverse field between pulses. The desired value of peak reverse field maybe obtained for tests on cores by closing switch (1) and opening switch (2) in the circuit of Fig. 15.27, adjusting the number of turns on the coil, the storage capacitance C., Since this process for obtaining H, is and the charging resistance R.. somewhat tedious, it is sometimes advisable to employ an H, produced by a d-c current, usually flGi<ing through a separate winding, when testing the core. The substitution of an H, derived from a d-c current is only an approximation to the actual conditions experienced by the core in a pulser where the reverse field comes to a maximum between pulses and drops to zero at the beginning of the next puke. These two methods of obtaining a reverse field produce a different operating point on the d-c loop (see Fig. 15.31). A value of H, obtained from a d-c current should be a good approximation if H. is small compared with the peak value of H at the end of the pulse (less than 10 per cent), and if All. (see Fig. 1531) is small compared with AB (less than 10 per cent). If AB is large enough to take the material into the region of saturation, however, the difference in the peak values of H for the two methods of obtaining H, may be considerable. On the oscilloscope presentation of the pulse loop the swing AB, is usually visible even though the integrating circuit, because of its short time constant, may not register accurately the magnitude of All,. The core of a pulse transformer operated in a line-type pulser usually has an appreciable reverse field impressed on it, and in the core test the desired value of H, can be obtained by using the circuit of Fig. 15.28 with switch (1) closed and switch (2) open, and by adjusting L and the number of turns on the sample core. If this adjustment is inconvenient, H, may again be derived from a d-c current through another winding. Obviously, a butt-joint core should be employed in pulse generators where the obtainable peak reverse field between pulses is very small or equal to zero. The gap in the average butt-joint core of oriented silicon steel is such that a reverse field which is approximately 0.5H. of the material used for butt-joint cores is produced. Hence, in order that the remanence resulting from H be approximately equal to the remanence for a butt-joint core in pulse tests on uncut samples of these materials, it is recommended that a value of H, = 0.5H. be used. However, the values of H for the resulting pulse loop on the uncut core are less than those for a butt-joint core by the field H necessary to magnetize the gap. For applications of pulse transformers where the reverse field is appreciable, materials that have comparatively low H, and no gaps in the core may advantageously be used. A transformer of these materials is









generally designed to have a peak reverse field equal to or greater than 1.5H, bet ween pulses in the pulser generator, and hence it is recommended that a value of H, = 1.5H. be used in the tests on these materials m the uncut-ring form. For transformers that are normally operated in a pulser with a d-c current to reverse the field, H. used in the measurement of the core should, of course, be derived from a d-c current. In order to depict correctly the rising portion of the pulse loop it is desirable to reduce the effect of distributedPulse transformer capacitance currents on the oscilloscope trace. Ps In core tests such currents can be minimized L,. II R, by a suitable spacing between the test coil and +C &t & D core, a suggested minimum value being ~ in. 22 c, V* In measurements performed on completed transformers the circuit of Fig. 15.32 maybe m

l--% ---l used to negate the effect of these currents. FIG. 15.32.Circuit for The capacitance CD is approximately equal canceling capacitance currents when pulse B-H loops of comto the total distributed capacitance of the pleted transformers are obtransformer referred to the primary, and LL served. The integrating ciris approximately equal to the total leakage cuit may be attached to either the primary or the inductance referred to the primary. Some secondary. deviation from the nominal values of these circuit elements may be necessary for best results. Numerous precautions must be taken with various elements of the measuring circuit of Fig. 15.27 in order to be certain that spurious results are not obtained. These precautions include the selection of a noninductive resistor R, and a resistor Rz that is accurately constant with voltage. It is necessary that Rz, cable, and oscilloscope have very little capacitance to ground. The pulser power required to test a given core at various values of A~ and ~ may be determined approximately by the following method. The value of the constant voltage pulse is given by
V = 10sNAA~/,. The value of the magnetizing current is given by ~ = lAH 0.4rN lA~ = 0.4rNP,

Therefore the peak power drawn by the core at the end of the pulse is
~1 = Al(A@2.

10-7 -47r/l,T


where.4 is the cross-sectional area of the core in square centimeters, and 1 is the magnetic-path length in centimeters. The values of AB and AH










in these relations are those for the time tl (Fig. 15.29), and p. is defined at the time h. as the value of A~/AH This formula for peak power does not include the power dissipated in The value of R1 should be such that R1 (Fig. 15.27) or R; (Fig. 15.28). (1) the voltage does not change more than about 5 per cent from the beginning to the end of the pulse (during which time the magnetizing current is gradually increasing), and (2) the tail of the voltage pulse shows a fairly rapid fall and no long-period oscillations. A resistor of proper value may dissipate as much as half of the available pulse power of the pulser. Similar considerations apply in an even greater degree to Rj. The resistor R: should be chosen to dissipate about 90 per cent of the rated pulse-power output of the line-type pulser, and the peak power supplied to the core must not exceed 20 per cent of this value. The recurrence frec~uency at which a hard-tube pulser is operated should not exceed the value specified for the pulse duration at which it is being operated, and may be lower if convenient. The recurrence frequency at which a line-type pulser is operated should be the value specified for the particular pulse duration at which the pulser is being operated; deviation from this value may result in disruption of the network charging cycle. As an example, it is required to estimate the pulser power and the appropriate circuit constants for testing a ring sample of 0.003-in. silicon steel with an internal diameter of 2* in. and a cross section of ~ in. by + in. at 10 kv and 0.5 ~sec with a hard-tube pulser. The permeability of such a sample may be about 100 under these conditions. 1 The peak power to be supplied to the core is ~ = Al(A~) .10-7 47rp,T = 1.6. 24.10 .10-7 47r. _ 620 kw

If another 400 kw is allowed for the dissipation in Rl, it is discovered that the pulse generator must deliver a peak power of 1 Mw. Hard-tube pulsers of this power rating usually deliver 40 amp at 25 kv. From these values the circuit constants may be calculated. Thus if the load resistance is assumed to be 1500 ohms, and V is 25 kv,

~ =


.10 ~ ,5 turns,

.4. AR
1For typical values of the effective permeability of silicon steel cores, see H. L. Rehkopf, W. H. Bostick, and P. R. Gillette, Pulse Transformer Core Material Measurements, RL Report NTO, 470, Dcc. 10, 1943. The effective permeabilities of other materials may differ greatly from those for silicon steel; for example, continuous cores of l-roil tape of some of the nickel-iron alloys with H, > 0 may have much higher







Since a value of about 100 to 150 volts, or about 0.005V, is desired for 02 in order to give a reasonable deflection, R*C* = 200, = 104 sec. Any values of Rz and C, that satisfy this relation maybe chosen, provided that Rz is large in comparison with the resistance of the winding insulation (and yet small in comparison with the leakage resistance of the winding), and that Cz is large in comparison with the capacitance to ground of Rz and the oscilloscope input circuit. The values RZ = 10,000 ohms and C%= 0.01 pf are satisfactory. A value of 100 to 150 volts is also desired for VI; therefore R,=~=gv = 6 ohms.
Core to

Mwginal core (a)



Fm. 15.33.Comparison method for production testing of cores under pulse conditions (b) Oscilloscope presentation of B-H loops (a) Circuit. with the use of a commutator.
of marginal core and core to be tested. (c) Synchroscope presentation of& vs. t curves.

As a second example, it is required to estimate the pulser power and the appropriate circuit constants for testing the same sample under the same conditions with a line-type pulser. In order that the droop on the pulse not be excessive, the power of the pulse generator should be at least five times the peak power required by the core, or 3 Mw. A line-type pulse generator of this power rating and designed to operate at an impedance level of 50 ohms is rated at 12.2 kv. By a procedure similar to the foregoing, the following values are obtained:
R; = 55 ohms,

V = 12.2 kv, N = 35 turns, RzCz = 100r = 5 X 10s SSC, Rz = 10,000 ohms, C* = 0.005 pf, and
R, = 3 ohms.

Lower-power equipment for testing is suitable for longer pulses (that is, in general, lower values of d~/dt), and for cores with smaller air gaps










(or no gaps), a reverse magnetic field, thinner material, and higher d-c permeability. Lower-power equipment can also be used under the above conditions with samples smaller than the one specified. Production testing of cores can be performed conveniently by presenting simultaneously on an oscilloscope the pulse B-H loops or magnetizing currents of a core having the minimum acceptable p, and a core to be tested (see Fig. 15-33). For such comparison tests in a production line, the diaies and the circuit for reverse current may usually be omitted. COIL MATERIAL
Types oj Insulatwn and Their Churacteristics. 16.6. Insulation. There are several insulation requirements for pulse transformer coils, namely:

1. The dielectric constant must be low in order to keep the value of CD small. 2. The electric breakdown strength of the material itself must be high. 3. The material must be capable of operating successfully over a temperature range of 40C to 100C or higher. 4. The interracial dielectric strength of margins, or the creep breakdown strength, must be high. 5. The material must have low water absorption if it is used without a hermetically sealed case since such absorption decreases the breakdown strength. 6. The power factor of the material must be low. 7. The insulation must be capable of being handled with sufficient ease to permit production of the transformers in large quantities. 8. Where voltages greater than 2 kv are encountered there must be no air pockets or voids in which corona can occur.
The Dry Type oj InsulationFor voltages in the range where corona is not likely to occur, that is, less than 2000 volts, many types of dry insulation (for example, paper sheet, formvar, cellulose acetate, impregnation with various varnishes) have been successfully used without special precautions for eliminating voids from the insulation. For operation at voltages at which corona occurs, the elimination of all voids is necessary if the transformer is to have long life. Various solvent-bearing varnishes have been used as impregnants under vacuum in an effort to remove all voids in the insulation. In the United States, at least, these efforts have met with little success because (1) in the curing process the volatile solvent never escapes completely by diffusion, but boils to a certain extent and hence forms voids, and (2) the solvent that does escape by diffusion often does so after the varnish has become too rigid to collapse into the voids that are created. The British





nevertheless report successful operation of trigger pulse transformers at 20 kv with gkyptal varnish insulation. The difficulties in eliminating voids have been overcome to a great extent by General Electric Permafil and Westinghouse Fosterite, both of which are completely polymerizing varnishes that are used without solvents. These impregnants have the additional desirable properties for pulse-transformer insulation given in Table 154. TABLE15.4.PROPEET1ES OF SOLVENTLESS VARNISH, DRY-TYPE INSULATIONS
Westinghouse Fosterite Property Resin Electric strengh (high; Resin plus paper pad 300 volts/roil GE Permafd Resin plus paper pad I@ vOlt.9/mil (for a total pulse voltage of 50 kv applied at 125C)


550 vOlti/mil

at 22C 400 volts/roil at 108C

Power factor (low).

0.002 at 100 0.01to 0.02 cps 100 Cpe

at 0.02 to 0.03 at
1 Me/see for a sample ~in thick

Moisture (low)


0.27. Wt in- 0.11% Wt in- 0.1-0.2% by crease in 24 creaae in 24 weight water hours 0.41 y. hours 0.4 % absorption h wt increase wt increase 24 hours, sat in 48 hours in 48 hours uratlon attained. good good good good

Adheaiveneae. . . . . . . . . Coheaivenem. . . . . . . . .

The usual method of applying Fosterite is to dip one end of the coil (which may have insulation pads of Kraft paper, fiberglass, etc., depending upon the temperature requirements) into a viscous mixture bf the resin plus inorganic filler (for example, SiOz or mica dust). The coil is then baked at about 130C until the viscous mixture has hardened into a solid bottom (known as a cap)a procedure which effectively i L. W. Redfearn, Development of Pulse Transformers, Electric Co., Ltd., Report No. C.334, September 1942.









transforms the coil into a concentric cup. This cuplike coil is then placed bottom down in a vacuum tank, the tank is evacuated to a pressure of about 1 cm of mercury, and the pure resin (no filler) is admitted to the tank under vacuum to such a height that the resin overflows the brim and fills the cup. The cup is then removed from the vacuum, care being taken to keep it upright, and placed in an oven and cured at about 1300C for several hours. The coil is then given a vacuum impregnation of the mixture of resin and filler and given a final baking at 130C to 150C for several hours. The usual procedure for applying Permafil is to construct the coil in the form of a cup by cementing a bottom on the coil, to give the cup only one impregnation, and to cure for several hours with a starting temperature of 65C and a finishing temperature of 125C. Transformers thus constructed of both these materials have passed successfully the immersion cycle specified in ARL-102A and successfully resisted humidity and corrosion without being hermetical y sealed in a metal case. Although Fosterite and Permafil are not fungicidal, they will not support fungus organisms. A fungicide coating such as Tuf-on 76F, containing penta-chlor-phenol, may be used when necessary. Fosterite and Permafil and similar solventless varnishes are to be regarded as superimpregnants definitely superior to existing varnishes. They should find wide application on airborne equipment and test Fosterite and Permafil nevertheless absorb moisture and, equipment. for shipboard applications where prolonged exposure to high humidity without frequent opportunity for dehydration is probable, it is recommended that the transformers be hermetically sealed in metal cans. Fosterite and Permafil have been successfully used on pulse transformers that operate at voltages up to 12 kv. It may be possible in the future to extend the safe operation of these or kindred materials to higher voltages. For Fosterite and Permafil suitable limits on puncture stress and creep stress (here creep stress refers to a surface with air on one side and pad impregnated with resin on the other) are 200 volts/roil and 10 volts/roil, respectively. A recently developed insulating material that is proving very useful in pulse transformers is Dupont Teflon, a polyfluoride material sold in tape form. Teflon has a dielectric constant of only 2 and a dielectric strength of about 2000 volts/roil. It can be used successfully with either oil or varnish impregnation and will withstand temperatures up to 250C. that it must be either bound or sewn into Teflon tape is so slippery place on the transformer. Its use, therefore, has been confined to the





relatively few applications where its electrical properties are particularly advantageous. Oiltimpregnatid Paper Insulation.The most suitable transformer insulation from the point of view of high dielectric strength, ease of construction, and long life at temperatures usually encountered, is dried cellulose fiber (usually Kraft paper) that is vacuum impregnated with refined dehydrated mineral oil in which there are practically no olefinic unsaturated hydrocarbons and only a small percentage of aromatic unsaturated hydrocarbons. The process of vacuum impregnation with oil eliminates all voids in the insulation. Refined dehydrated mineral oil itself has a high dielectric strength. Mineral oil has the added virtue that it can transf er heat rapidl y by convection. Hence, for pulse transformers that operate at voltages of 5 kv and over, the use of oil and Kraft paper insulation has been standard practice in the United States since the first pulse transformers were made. 1 In the design of pulse transformers the stress limits usually observed with vacuum-impregnated Kraft paper are as follows: puncture, 250 to 500 volts/roil; creep, 25 volts/roil. A metal bellows or a corrugated diaphragm is usually used to accommodate the thermal expansions and contractions of the liquid in oil-filled transformers. Photographs of transformers with metal bellows are shown in Figs. 15.35, 1536, 1537, and 1538 and 13.11; those with metal diaphragm are shown in Fig. 13.12. Mechanism of Breakdown in Oil-impregnated Insulation.-Not much is understood in detail about the electrical breakdown of liquids and solids, but it is fairly certain that both puncture and creep breakdown occur as the result of the presence of some free electrons that move in the electric field, dissipate energy in the dielectric, and thereby raise other electrons to energy levels where they in turn become free electrons that also move in the electric field, dissipate more heat, and so on catastrophically. At the boundary of two substances, for example, mineral oil and mineral-oil-impregnated Kraft paper, there may be a layer of charge Also, if the configuration of electric resulting from contact potential. fields is such that there is a component of the electric-displacement vector normal to this surface, there is a surface charge density equal to the Furthermore, surface divergence of the electric-displacement vector. there is probably a discontinuity in moisture content and acidity, and in the mobility of ions at the surface, all of which may lead to surface
1Early in the history of pulse transformers the British used wax insulation aa well as oil for voltages up to approximately 10 kv. This wax insulation gave some difficulty, and a change was made to oil. However, the difficulties with the wax insulation are reported to have been solved.









charges. It is very likely that the existence of these surface charges has a tendency to extend the total voltage applied across an interwinding pad along the surface of the margins until this total voltage is applied across a relatively small surficial distance across which breakdown occurs. It has been demonstrated in tests made at the General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mass . that, under both pulse and d-c conditions, the puncture breakdown strength of paper plus oil is somewhat greater if the paper plus oil contains some moisture in solution than if both constituents have been very thoroughly dehydrated. This effect is probably due to a more equal distribution of electrical stress throughout the insulating material-a distribution that is brought about by the few conducting ions released by the small amount of water. The presence of moisture in oil and paper, of course, increases the power factor at low frequencies. Turn-to-turn insulation is never a serious problem since the turn-toturn voltage on pulse transformers is almost always less than 1000 volts and usually less than 300 volts. Heavy formex or cotton-covered wire is adequate to _j In rare cases where the withstand these voltages. ~J EU E turn-to-turn voltage stress becomes very high the coil 6, may be space-wound. I The winding arrangement, thickness of pads, and I length of creep on the margins must be so chosen that E A k the transformer withstands the voltage and conforms T FIG. 16.34. to the general requirements of design set forth in Vectors showing the Sees. 131 and 132. relationship of the Dielectric Constant and Power Factor. -When an displacement current to the lees electric field E is applied to a substance, a displacement current J results. This displacement current may be treated phenomenologically by the introduction of a dielectric constant e where



aE ~


If E = E@,
aE m = juE,


where c = c = the dielectric constant of the material and





The loss tangent as shown in Fig. 15.34 is defined by tan~~ ~lr loss current charging current = ~

-z CIE:

_ energy dissipated energy stored

2 It may be seen from Fig. 15.34 that, for small values of ~, tan ~ = cos 0, the power factor of the material. To account for the magnitudes of d and tan 6 for a given material and for their variation with frequency, it is necessary to resort to an atomistic vie~v.of the processes of polarization. Such a discussion is beyond the scope of this volume. 1 The fraction of the pulse power lost in the dielectric of the pulse transformer is very small, and errors in its computation are not serious. Therefore, a suitable average or upper limit to the loss tangent may be chosen for the range of dominant frequencies given by the Fourier analysis of the pulse. For example, for a l-psec pulse one might choose the value of the loss factor of the dielectric at 500 kc/see in calculating the loss in the dielectric of the transformer. If the relationship, Loss tangent = energy dissipated energy stored

is used, it may be stated that the average power loss in the dielectric of a pulse transformer for ideal rectangular voltage pulses is
~CDV2f, x loss factor.

Actually, there are oscillations on the tail of the voltage pulse with a magnetron load. These oscillations bring about further dissipation of energy in the dielectric. Measurements on Insulating Matnals.-The measurements of puncture and creep breakdown of insulating materials can, of course, be performed under pulse conditions as well as under 60-cycle or constantThe measurements of dielectric constant and loss voltage conditions. factor may be performed at various frequencies with well-known standard Effective dielectric constant and loss factor bridge-circuit techniques. could conceivably be measured under pulse conditions, but techniques for such measurements have not yet been developed. 1A. von Hippel and R. Breckenridge, Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Dielectric Materials, NDRC 14-122, M.I.T., January 1943.









L 15.35.A FIQ


magnetron plugged into the gasketed melamac wtell of a 1O-MW l-psec pulse transformer.


and Connectors.-Considerable

attention must be paid to the proper choice of bushings and connectors in the casing of a pulse transformer. An example of a transformer having a gasketed melamacplastic socket into which a magnetron can be plugged is shown in Figs. and 15.35, and one having a p o r c e 1a i n solder-seal socket is shown in Fig. 13.1 la. This latter figure also illustrates the use of a connector socket employing porcelain insulation and solderseal technique for a 50-ohm pulse cable. An airborne 250-kw 0.5- to 5.O-psec pulse transformer having a magnetron-filament transformer that is attached to the high-voltage end of the secondary and enclosed in the high-voltage porcelain solder-seal bushing is shown in Fig. 15.36. Further use of porce-

SEC. 15.7]



lain solder-seal bushings is illustrated in the 35-kv trigger transformer shown in Fig. 15.37, and the use of cast-glass bushings on a 1.5-Mw 2.0-Psec transformer is illustrated in Fig. 15.38. 16.7. Wire.-Pul se t ransformers are wound with copper wire through which (in the ideal case) rectangular current pulses of short duration flow. It is there fore desirable to investigate the dissipation - of energy in copper under these conditions.
Electromagnetic Rectangular Current Treatment Pulse of a in Cop-

per. The simplest calculation of pulse-energy loss in a conductor involves the current distribution in a solid semi-infinite in extent with the volume y < 0 occupied by free space and the volume y >0 occupied by the solid me dium, for example, copper. In copper the displacement currents are negligible compared with the conduction currents. 1 If the curFIG. rent density j = ij, is in the z direction only, the diffusion equations of (12) may be used, that is,
a2Jj!z ay2 =

15.37.Porcelain solder-seal bushings on a 35-kv trigger transformer.




A rectangular pulse of current of value 10 may be represented by the boundary conditions

1. H,(O, t < O) = 0,

2. H,(O, O<t<r)=Ho=Io. 3. H.(O, ~ < t) = O. 1 Thic treatment follows very closely that given in the following reference: L. W. Redfearn, Skin Effects in Conductors with Single Rectangular Pulses of Current, Metropolitan-Vickera Electric Co., Ltd., Report No. C.530, May 1945.










The solution of the latter diffusion equation during the interval O < t < T may be made up of the sum of a steady-state solution H,a and a transient solution H*,. The general transient solution of this equation may be written


*(y, o<t<7)=Hci, *(y=o, t<o)=o, @(g=o, T<t)=o.

FIG. 15.3S.Illustration of the w of caat-glass bushings on a 1.5-Mw 2. O-5ec pulse transformer. The seal is accomplished by the adhesion of molten borosificate glass to nickel iron.

and I.L1 and al are, respectively, the permeability and conductivity in mks units. The limits of integration may now be restricted so that, for the complete solution of Hz may be written the interval of time O < t < r,

The complete solution of Eq. (29) for the time interval r < t < co, with the boundary condition that H, = O at y = O, is given by

=H(-+r*e-d) 0<< 30)

1 R. Frank und R. v. Miees, Die Differentialund Infegralgfeichu~en der Mechanik und Phymk, Vol. 2, F. Vieweg, Braunscbweig, 1935, p. 534; W. E. Byerly, Fouriers Stia and Spherical, C@drical, and Ellipsoidal Harrnonim, Ginn, Boston, 1893,

pp. 84-85.

SEC. 15.71



The rate of dissipation of power per unit area of surface is



= aH./dy.

Integration by parts yields P = ;[Hzjz]:+:


PI ~

Since 1 ajz . u~ ay and H,is Oaty=m, / o *

H, ~ dy, p = ~ [Hzj.10 fll




/ o H;


The energy loss associated with one pulse is

The latter term is the difference in electromagnetic energy before and after the pulse and is equal to zero. Furthermore, since
H.(O, md H.(O, T<t<m)=O, O < t < r) = HO,

The ditTerentiation of Eq. (30) yields

aH, w [1 ..0 = -HONE= -+


The average rate of dissipation of power during the pulse is








[SEC. 15.7

Hence, the effective depth of penetration of the pulse is

Since M = 47r x 107 henrys/meter, ohmsl meterl 2




m = 10s/1.87

p= NTDzF=i+4675x0-8
2.16 = ~ @ X 10-4 meters = @ = @ X 10-4 meters X 10-2 cm, where # is the pulse duration in psec. The effective skin depth & for a sine wave of angular frequency u = %j is ~= L. r plulu with that of a sine

If the effective skin depth for a pulse is compared wave whose period is 27, f = l/2r, w = 7r/r, and

Thus, the ratio of the loss associated with a pulse current to the loss associated with a sine wave of the same effective value [f = l/(2T)] is e~ual to A&i = AP 2& r = 0.91.

The losses associated with pdse current are lower than those associated with the sinusoidal current because of the predominance of lower frequencies in the former. With the rounding-off of the corners on the pulse, the lower frequencies predominate to an even greater extent, and any loss calculations based on the substitution of a sinusoid (f = 1/%-) for a pulse yield an upper limit to the actual loss, even if the correction factor of 0.91 is used.
Consideration of the Prozimity Eflect.-The energy dissipated in copper wire when the wire is in the form of a transformer coil with singlelayer-primary and single- or double-layer-secondary windings may readily be calculated from a flux plot, if it is assumed that the pulse duration is so short that there is practically no penetration of the copper by the magnetic field. The surface of the copper itself then coincides with a line of magnetic flux. The essential portion of such a flux plot for a typical pulse-transformer winding is given in Fig. 1539. Some difficulties arise in constructing a flux plot in a region containing substances

SEC. 15.7]



Nevertheless this flux plot is accurate of dilTerent dielectric constant. enough for the purpose of computing the power loss in a winding. From this plot it can be calculated that the energy dissipated when the wire is in the form of a coil with the linear winding space factor as shown in Fig. 15.39 and when the magnetic field corresponding to the pulse load current exists on both the inside and outside surface of the winding is 1.34 times the energy dissipated when the wire is isolated. When the magnetic field corresponding to the load pulse current exists on only the inside or the outside of the winding, this proximity factor is 2 X 1.36 = 2.7. ..-... \ E oil
Impregnated paper H



Fm. 15.39.Flux plot abowing lines of E and H for a typical puke-transformer winding. No. 26 quadruple formex wire, dia = 0.0219 in., bare Cu dia = 0.0179 in. Spacing between windings A - 0.040 in. 3.5 (O to 10r cycles/see.) Formex Dielectric mmatants: Od impregnated paper 3.5 (O to 107 cycles/see.) 2.4 (O to 107 cycle8/sec.) ( Ofl

A consideration of the skin effect and the proximity factor enables one to calculate the energy dissipated in single-layer or double-layer windings d@g the pulse by the following formula:

w, =


x l;R

x 4(dA A)




where PF is the proximity factor, I. is the pulse current, R is the d-c resistance of the winding, d is the diameter of the bare copper wire, and A is the skin depth (in the same units as d). The effective pulse current is then given by


f,w, ~

It ia obviously desirable to select a wire size such that d/A is held to a rwonably small value (that is, less than 5). Interleaving the primary between two secondaries takes the factor of 2 out of the proximity factor for the primary winding. There may be more important winding considerations, however, which make it undesirable to interleave the primary. The configuration of electric and magnetic fields for multilayer and duolateral windings is very difEcult to reconstruct, and, in these more complicated winding structures, the 10ssss, which are usually considerably higher than those given by a proximity factor of 1.34, can beat be ascertained by meamring the Qs of the cmila at the appropriate frequencies.








[SEC. 15.7

In many caaea the pulse-transformer secondary. carries the filament current as well as the pulse current, and the effective sum of these two currents, in general, should be kept so low that the effective current density in the wire does not exceed 5000 amp/in.2 This limiting value of current density may be varied somewhat, however, depending upon the sise of the transformer, the amount of copper in the coil, and the type of cooling used. The effective sum of pulse and filament currents may be calculated from the following expression:
1.,,. mum = <13,. Dub + 1:,. fiimalt

Stored Energy Dissipated in the Wimiings.-A fraction of the energy stored in LP, LL, and CD is, of course, dissipated in the winding after the pulse. It is impractical to attempt to develop any general relations governing this fraction of energy. However, calculations on one typical 120-kw 0.5-to 2.ipsec transformer designed at the Radiation Laboratory show that, in the operation of a transformer on a magnetron load, the following conditions obtain: 1. The energy absorbed in the winding during the pulse is about 1 per cent of the input energy per pulse. 2. About 10 per cent of the energy stored in the leakage inductance during the pulse is dissipated in the winding after the pulse. This amount of dissipated energy is about 0.3 per cent of the output energy. 3. About 0.1 per cent of the energy stored in shunt inductance and distributed capacitance is dissipated in the winding after the pulse. This amount of dissipated energy is about 0.01 per cent of the input energy. 6. The total energy dissipation in the core is about 10 per cent of the input energy. Some of this energy is dissipated during the pulse, and the remainder is made up of energy stored in shunt inductance, distributed capacitance, and leakage inductance. 5. The loss in the dielectric may be about 0.1 per cent of the input energy.
Windings. -It is Measurements on Power Loss in Pulse-trawformer pmible to make calorimetric measurements on the power dissipated in the winding under pulse conditions by aending current pulses through a pulse-transformer coil (without the core) that is immersed in an oil-fillcx-f calorimeter. The calculated and calorimetrically measured values of the power dissipated in a pulse-transformer winding under pulse conditions are in sufficiently close agreement to justify the use of the foregoing calculations in the choice of wire sizes in the design of pulse transformers employing single-layer or doubl-layer windmga.



BY O. T. FUNDINGSLAND The purpose of the following discussion is to present a summary of techniques developed specifically for measurements on power-pulsegenerator circuits. The material is presented from a pragmatic engineering approach and is not intended as a rigorous and exhaustive treatment of fundamental principles. Althcmgh the techniques described here are capable of wide application in physics as well as in engineering, the range of measurements considered and most of the illustrations included are based chiefly on problems encountered in radar-transmitter development. Little attempt has been made either to refine these techniques beyond the immediate requirements, or to investigate the possibilities of other than the simple and direct methods that have proved capable of yielding sufficient information and have afforded adequate precision for good engineering practice. In general, the peak and average values of voltages or currents can be measured either with the aid of appropriate circuits and meters of the moving-coil and moving-vane types, or by the use of a cathode-ray oscilloscope. The oscilloscopic methods are more suitable for measuring time intervals, instantaneous amplitudes, and instantaneous rates of change of voltage or current, for observing the qualitative nature of waveforms, and for obtaining permanent photographic records. The waveforms most commonly encountered in power-pulse generators include: pulses having time durations from leas than 0.1 psec to more than 5 Psec, and with recurrence frequencies from less than 100 pps to more than 10,000 pps. The pulses encountered in practice are not truly rectangular:1 they may have abrupt irregularities and other anomalous variations which comprise significant frequencies up to 50 or 100 Me/see, Pulse rise times as short as 0.01 psec have been observed. 2. Sawtooth and repeating sinusoidal voltage waves with periods ranging from less than 100 ~sec to more than 10,000 ~sec. Such waveforms are encountered in the charging circuits of line-type pulse generators. ~See Chaps. 2 and 7 for photographsof sample waveforms. 661
1. Repeating




[SEC. A-l

3. Sine waves from 60cycles/secto 100 Mc/sec. 4. Sporadic transients, bothsynchronous andnonsynchronous, durations as short as O.01 psec.


The pulse voltages in radar-transmitter applications range from less than 1 kv to more than 100 kv, and the pulse currents vary from 1 ma to 1000 amp. The required time resolutions range from 102 sec to 10-s sec. In some cases a time resolution of the order of magnitude of 10-0 sec is desirable for precise measurements of pulse duration or time jitter, or for checking the relations between the applied voltage and the buildup of current in a pulser load such as an oscillator. In addition to time and amplitude measurements on voltage and current waves, it is often desirable to measure r-f pulse-voltage envelopes of microwaves generated by a magnetron or some other type of oscillator load, and also to observe the output r-f spectrum of a pulsed oscillator. Details regarding r-f envelope and spectrum measurements are beyond the scope of this appendix and are described elsewhere in the Radiation However, since the behavior of the oscillator and Laboratory Series. the nature of its r-f output during pulse modulation constitute an important criterion of pulser performance in such a transmitting system, both r-f envelope viewers and spectrum analyzers are often necessary in connection with the design of pulse-generators, and hence are described briefly in Sec. A*6. OSCILLOSCOPIC METHODS
Oscilloscopes and Sgnchroscopes.-The Al. Signal Presentstion. most common and widely applicable type of indication on the screen of a cathode-ray tube is a plot of the desired electrical signal against a linear time base. With an electrostatic tube this plot is obtained by applying a sawtooth voltage to one pair of deflection plates and the signal to the

1tModel p-4E


and R. F. Envelope Indicator, preparedby Group

55, RL Report No. M-124, June 18, 1943. P. A. Cole, J. B. H. Kuper, and K. R. More, Lighthouse R. F. Envelope In&. cater, RL Report No. 542, Apr. 7, 1944. Instruction Manual, Spectrum Analyzer (Type 103) for pulsed Ozcillatore at 3,000 Me/see, RL Report Np. M-115, Nov. 18, 1942. R. T. Young, Jr., Fourier Analysis of Pulses with Frequency Shifts During the Pulze, RL Report No. 52%5,Jan. 30, 1943. R. T. Young, Jr., Frequency and Spectrum Characteristics of Standard Magnetron and the Effect of Change of Shape of Current Pulze, RL Report No. 52-6, Mar. 12, 1943. G. N. Glzaoe, Pulse Shapes and RF Spectra for C!ombinationz of StrombergCarlzon Mark I and Mark II Modulators with 2J22, 2J21, and 725A Magnetrons, RL Report No. 518, Mar. 17, 1944. s Volume 23, Chap. 7.





other pair of plates. If thesignal isarectangular pulse of about I-psec duration it is desirable to have a sweep speed of about 1 in./psec in order to present the pulse on the cathode-ray-tube screen in a manner satisFor shorter and longer pulses the sweep factory for pulse-shape analysis. speed should be correspondingly faster or slower. The measurements of the pulses common to microwave-radar applications require the use of sweep speeds ranging from a tenth of an inch or less to several inches per microsecond. The high sweep speeds used in the observation of pulse characteristics have necessitated the use of cathode-ray tubes with electrostatic deflection in preference to tubes of the magnetic-deflection type. Ordinary oscilloscopes may be used to observe short pulses if certain modifications are made and the proper precautions are observed. In particular, the stray capacitance and inductance associated with long connecting leads must be minimized, and the problem of shielding becomes important. When pulses that have a rise time of 0.1 psec or less are to be observed, it is desirable to apply the signal directly to the deflection plates without any intermediate amplifier, in order to minimize distortion of the pulse shape as presented on the screen of the cathode-ray tube. Also, because of the high sweep speeds required, the intensification of the electron beam must be greater than is customary with ordinary oscilloIn order to prevent the burning of the material of the cathodescopes. ray-tube screen, the intensification should be applied for a time not much longer than that required for the beam to sweep across the face of the tube. One of the most important features of an oscilloscope that is satisfactory for the observation of recurrent pulses is that the sweep should be started at some definite time before the signal is applied to the deflection plates. For pulsers that require an input triggering impulse, this feature can easily be obtained by initiating the trigger pulse and the sawtooth voltage from the same source. When the interpulse interval is constant, it is necessary only to have an oscillator of the proper frequency arranged so zs to initiate a sawtooth wave short] y before it initiates the trigger pulse for the pulser. This type of oscilloscope operation is referred to as synchronous. When the interpulse interval is determined by the construction of the pulser, such as with a rotary-gap switch, it is necessary to start the oscilloscope sweep by means of the signal to be observed. This latter arrangement is called self-synchronous operation and, because of the inherent delay in the start of the sweep, the first part of the signal does not appear as a deflection of the moving electron beam. The way in which this difficulty may be partially overcome by the use of a delay line in series with the connection to the signal plates When of the cathode-ray tube is pointed out later in this discussion. there is appreciable time jitter in the pulses under observation, as in the






operation of apulser withcertains eries-gaps witches, the self-synchronous operation is employed in order to obtain a superposition of the successive pulses on the cathode-ray-tube (CRT) screen. An oscilloscope constructed to provide the features mentioned above has been called a synchroscope.1 It differs from conventional oscilloscopes principally in that it is particularly designed for the observation of short pulses, and hence utilizes fast sweeps that are synchronous with the signal to be observed. Several adjustments are incorporated for convenience, such as a means of varying the phase of the sweep and the signal, the amplitude and recurrence frequency of the output trigger pulses, and the electron-beam intensity. Most conventional cathode-ray tubes used in synchroscopes have appreciable astigmatism and some nonuniformity in the deflection sensitivity over the face of the tube. When the focus is good, however, it is usually possible to measure the amplitude of 50- to 100-volt signals (1- to 2-in. deflection on a 5-in. tube) with a precision of ~ 1 per cent by applying a compensating d-c potential to the cathode-ray-tube plates to give null Ci 2 indication. This calibrating potential is . 1. ~c~~%~=~ .- z O.c alibrating usually applied between ground and the potentionretef same plate to which the signal voltage is 0.150V applied. The centering potential for the .._& g ~ meter~ cathode-ray tube is applied to the opposite C~ as shown in Fig. A 1. The input-coupling capacitance Ci, usually = 0.01 ~f, provides mutual d-c isolation between the deflection plates and the source of signal voltage. The l-megohm resistance to ground prevents the accumulation of charge on the plates of the cathode-ray tube, and CS represents the undesirable stray capacitance, including that of the deflection plates. A high-speed oscilloscope that has linear sweeps up to 100 in./psec and single-trace writing speeds up to 300 in./psec has been designed and built at the Radiation Laboratory.z With this instrument, it is possible to measure, within + 10 per cent, time clifferences of 109 sec on a given transient, and to photograph nonrepeating individual transients of short duration. These accomplishments are due in part to an improved highvoltage sealed-off cathode-ray tube (K101 7), designed and built by the DuMont Laboratories, which has the following characteristics:
with a bypass capacitance FXG. A. 1.Equivalent input circuit for a typical synchroscope. plate, which is maintained at r-f ground

I A more complete discussion of the various types of synchroscopes Chap. 7 of Vol. 22 of the Radiation Laboratory Series. 1 Chapter 7, Vol. 22.

is given in






1. Electron transit time between deflecting plates = 3 X 10-0 sec. 2. Deflection sensitivity = 180 volts/in. 3. Blue-sulphide screen (111) that has low persistence and high photographic efficiency. 4. Sufficient trace intensity on the screen to record photographically a single-trace writing speed up to 300 in. /usec. 5. Negligible coupling between the deflecting plate systems at 1000 Me/see.

The high sweep speeds and excellent intensity control are obtained from special circuits using techniques derived from experience with radar pulsers. This oscilloscope makes it possible to study the pulse-to-pulse variations caused by abnormal or anomalous load behavior such as magnetron sparking and mode-changing, and it is even possible to view directly the r-f envelopes of 3000-Mc/sec waves during the buildup of oscillations in an Photographs of pulse traces obtained with this oscilloscope oscillator. are reproduced in Fig. 10.18. Sweep Calibrators.--One of the earliest methods of calibrating a linear sweep triggered at different recurrence frequencies was to shock-excite a fixed LC-circuit, which was coupled directly to the CRT plates, by means The early portion of the resulting of the synchroscope trigger voltage. sine wave (frequencies of 100 kc/see to 1 Me/see) was distorted by the trigger voltage and, since the oscillations damped out quickly, it was difficult to obtain precise calibrations by this method. A calibrator whose output frequency depends upon high-Q LC-circuits has been devised that will produce several cycles with nearly constant s mplitude. This circuit can be excited with a synchroscope trigger, and is d. signed to generate pulses of about 30 volts amplitude at recurrence frequencies of A calibrator of this type should be 200 kc/see, 1 Me/see, or 5 Me/see. checked occasionally against a crystal-controlled type J oscilloscope. Another type of fast-sweep calibrator generates 30-volt range marks of 0.02-~sec duration at the base and with rise and fall times of about 0.003 psec each that repeat at O.1-psec intervals. This calibrating unit also supplies a trigger voltage, synchronized with the range marks, which initiates the synchroscope sweep. Si~ce this device is not designed for use with an external trigger, it cannot be synchronized and phased relative to another signal appearing simultaneously on the screen of the cathode-ray tube. However, these range marks can be superimposed with another signal on the screen by the method shown in Fig. A.2L For example, although some caution is necessary to avoid interference. if the sweep is triggered too soon by the calibrator, after or before it is i Chap. 16, Vol. 21.




[SEC. A .1

triggered by the internal circuit of the synchroscope, the sweep circuit may not have time to recover from the first excitation, and the calibration may be unreliable. The scheme ia generally successful because the duty ratio of the pip generator is low and its recurrence frequency is usually incommensurate with that of the synchroscope trigger. Voltage Diwders and Cument*ewng Remstors.-For the observation or measurement of the pulse output from a pulser it ia necessary to provide a means by which a voltage or current pulse may be applied as a signal to the deflecting plates of a cathode-ray tube. With a 5-in. tube a 1- to 1.5-in. deflection of the electron beam from the center of the circular screen can usually be used without serious distortion resulting from astigmatism. The maximum signal voltage applied to the deflectPUIY2 genedm I Mew




Q&l , -TJy: ------.--_=-_?

pip calibrator Fm. A. Z.Scheme for simultaneously

presenting range marks and another signal on a synchroacope.

ing plates should therefore be about 50 to 100 volts for pulse observation. Since the pulse voltages of interest in connection with pulser measure ments are generally many times greater than 100 volts, it is necessary to introduce some type of voltage divider between the pulser and the cathode-ray tube. A number of possible combinations of resistances and capacitances may be used as voltage dividers. Several of these are discussed in detail in Sec. A+! with particular reference to their applicability to specific problems and to their inherent limitations. The oscilloscopic presentation of a current pulse is obtained by introducing a resistor in series with the circuit and applying the voltage developed across this resistance by the pulse current to the deflection plates of the cathode-ray tube. Since such a resistor is usually introduced for the specific purpose of obtaining the amplitude-time trace of the pulse currerit on the screen of a cathode-ray tube for visual or photographic observation, it is commonly referred to as a current-viewing resistor. The value of the resistance used for this purpose depends

SEC. A.2]




on the maximum current-pulse amplitude and, for most pulser measurements, is generally less than 20 ohms. The problems associated with the use of current-viewing resistors are also discussed in Sec. A.2. In order to obtain an oscilloscopic presentation of a voltage or a current pulse that is a true picture of the amplitude-time variation, the stray inductances and capacitances introduced by the connecting leads should be negligibly small. The ideal arrangement, therefore, would be to connect the deflecting plates directIy to the voltage divider or to the current-viewing resistor with leads of negligible length. In practical cases, however, this is generally not possible, and it is necessary to introduce a cable between the signal source and the deflecting plates of the cathode-ray tube. The problems associated with the use of such a cable are discussed in Sec. A.2. A voltage divider or current-viewing resistor must meet certain general requirements in order to be satisfactory for the observation and These requirements may be measurement of pulser characteristics. stated as follows: 1. The input impedance of a voltage divider must be so high and the resistance of a current-viewing resistor must be so low that no appreciable disturbance is introduced in the circuit on which measurements are being made. 2. The circuit must have a uniform transient response over a wide band of frequencies, that is, it must not cause appreciable distortion of the waveforms under investigation. 3. The output impedance mqst be low compared with the input impedance of the cathode-ray-tube deflecting plates, and should be equal to or less than the cable surge impedance for all applications where impedance-matching is important. 4. The electrical characteristics of the voltage divider or currentviewing resistor must not vary with voltage, temperature, and time beyond the limits of the accuracy desired in the measurements. 5. The divider or resistor should, preferably, be capable of precise calibration with standard laboratory methods and apparatus. Although no practical unit has yet been designed that fulfills all of these requirements and is adaptable for a wide range of measurements, several types have been designed to meet satisfactorily the needs of specific applications. The Parallel RCdivider.-High-impedA-2. Pulse Measurements. ante voltage dividers designed for parallel connection to a pulser are generally comprised of noninductive resistors and high-quality condensers. When the connecting leads are kept short and the ground




[SEC. .?.]

connections are made directly to the chassis of the pulser, the inductance A voltage divider consisting of a can be neglected for practical analyses. pair of parallel RC-combinations is shown As lC, diagrammatically in Fig. A-3. To cabla An analysis of the response of this circuit and CRT v R, ~ V, to an applied step-voltage V indicates the 2 effects of the parameters on the signal voltage FIG. A.3.Parallel RCthat is applied to the deflecting plates of the divider circuit for pulse-voltcathoderay tube. The differential equation age measurements with a synchroscope. for the voltage UZafter the switch S is closed can be set up by Kirchhoffs laws, and the general solution is found to be



Ra R1+RZ




C, C*

R, R, + R, )

t ~ R,,C,,,

c, +

R,Rz = R, ~ R,

= c, + C2.

If RICI = R1C2,
R, R, 1-R, ._



and Vz
7= R, R1+R2=C1+C2

giving a perfect voltage divider whose ratio is the same at all frequencies, that is, for all values of t. If RICI < R,CZ,

and v~ builds up exponentially A.4a). If RIC1 > RzC1,

with a time constant = R1lC1l (see Fig.

c, R2 R, + RZ C1+C2

and VZdecreasea exponentially (see Fig. A4b). Resistance dividers and capacitance dividers are special cases of this general RC-divider. The Resistana Divider.-Two noninductive resistors connected in series form a voltage divider that is simple and convenient for pulseIf care is exercised in the construction of such a voltage observations. divider, the stray capacitance can be kept small and the time constants for the response curves shown in Fig. A-4 will be small. The ratio of






voltage division for a resistance divider can be determined with high precision by ordinary Wheatstone-bridge measurements. Wire-wound resistors with a resistance of about 1000 ohms that are capable of withstanding 10,000-volt pulses of l-psec duration at recurrence frequencies of 1000 pps are commercially available. These resistors have L/R time constants of less than O.003 psec and negligible distributed capacitance, that is, they have reactance that is small and essentially proportional to frequency up to more than 10 Me/see. Since wire-wound resistors of less than 100 ohms with time constants equal to or less than 0.003 ~sec are difficult to obtain commercially, it is better to use a coaxial carbon-on-ceramic resistor I (see the discussion on current-viewing resistors Tfime (a) at the end of Sec. A.2) in the low-voltage secc, ---- --tion. For a voltage division of about 100 to c, +C2 v2/v 1, a 1000-ohm resistance is commonly used R2 _-._HI+RZ in series with a 10-ohm resistance. Such dividers generally do not have the high input F ~ impedance desirable for circuit measurements (b) and hen ce are retained only as standards FIO, A.4.RC4ivider reagainst which capacitance dividers, which sponse curves, (a) R,C, < R, C,, (b) R, C, > R,C,. have a wider application, can be calibrated by direct comparison under pulse conditions. This calibration is accomplished by substituting the standard resistance divider for tbe load in a pulse-generator circuit and connecting the capacitance divider of unknown ratio in parallel with it. Using null indication, the signal amplitudes of the two dividers can be compared with a probable error of less than t 1 per cent. For best results, the ratio of the resistance divider should be adjusted to give nearly the same signal amplitude as the capacitance divider to be calibrated. Also, it is advisable to use a pulser that delivers a pulse with a flat top in order to minimize errors caused by the limited frequency response of the viewing system and by the observer. When considered with the cable and the oscilloscope input circuit, a resistance divider is really a parallel RC-divider for which Cl is considered negligible; tbus, a resistance divider does not give a true picture of the leading portion of fast-rising or short pulses if the CRT input capacitance is appreciable. Transmismon Cable and Zmpedance-mafching. -Usually, the physical arrangement of an experimental setup makes it very inconvenient, if not impossible, to employ a voltage divider or a current-viewing resistor that is built into a synchroscope with negligibly short connecting leads to the CRT plates. In practice, therefore, a short length of shielded coaxial transmission cable is commonly used. A typical sample of such a cable






has a characteristic impedance of 70 to 100 ohms, a capacitance of 12 to 14 p~f per foot] and a velocity of electromagnetic-\\ave propagation of 700 to 800 ft/Psec. I,o\r-impedance cables are preferred in order to minimize the effect of the input capacitance of the CRT deflecting plates. To avoid undesirable reflections that tend to confuse the true signal appearing on the CRT screen, the cable impedance must be matched This into the viewing system either at the CRT or at the divider. matching imposes certain restrictions on the design of a divider, and the In principle, however, method used depends upon the particular type. the matching problem can be demonstrated by considering a simple voltage divider consisting of t~vo pure resistances R1 and Rz connected in series, ~vhere the value R2 is less than the cable surge impedance ZO, and R1 >> Rz. To simplify the discussion, further idealizing assumptions are made as folloJrs: 1. The voltage wave impressed upon the divider is a perfectly rectangular pulse. In particular, the 2. The synchroscope input impedance is infinite. distributed capacitance, including that of the CRT plates, is negligible. 3. The characteristic or surge impedance of the cable is a pure resistance, constant throughout the range of significant frequencies in the pulse. In other words, the cable is distortionless. 4. I.osses in the cable are negligible. 5. The ratio of the divider is so high that the impedance of the highvoltage section can be considered infinite compared with the The pulse-generator circuit impedance of the lo\v-voltage section. is thus undisturbed by the effects of mismatch between the divider and the cable; hence, the low-voltage section and the cable are fed by a constant-current source during the pulse Figures A.5 and A% show two methods of obtaining a satisfactory matched condition. If there is exact shunt termination at the synchroscope, that is, if R, = Z,, no reflection occurs and the signal on the cathode-ray tube is at However, the effective all times a true reproduction of the pulse voltage. ratio of the divider is increased because the resistance of the low-voltage section is now the parallel value of R~ and ZO, or of R* and Ro. With series matching by R~ = ZO Rz as shown in Fig. A.6, the wave initiated at the cable input is
ZOR,I C= R2+R. +ZO

where Z is the total current flowing through Rl during the pulse.

SEC. A.2]




Thewave vctraverses thecable toward thecathode-ray tube, where it is reflected without change in polarity from an essentially open circuit. When the reflected wave returns to the divider, it sees a matched load, R~ + R2 = 20, and no further reflection occurs. The cable is now fully


n %

-.. RO

To CRT ~=

F1~. A.5.Ideal high-ratio resistance divider and cable matched with a shunt resistor lh = Z, at the CRT immt. u. . . =
R*RO R,Rz + R,R, +




FI@. A.6.Idealhigh-ratio resistancedividerandcablematched R~ = ZO RZ witha seriesresistor

at the




R, ~ o. = . R, + R2

charged and the total current I flows through R2. While the cable is becoming charged, the current flow is divided and the voltage V2across
Rs is v, = I(Rm R2+R. +
ZO)R2 .


After the cable becomes fully charged, During the entire pulse, the voltage cathode-ray tube, although delayed one-way transit time, has the constant v, = 2VC= 21R*Z0
R,+ R.+ ZO= V;;

the voltage across Rz is v; = RzI. at the by the 1 value ~ g

--------- ..-. Time

or exact matching, R~ + Rz = ZO. (a) R,< ZO, R~ =0, RO = CO. Either of these methods for matching the cable impedance is satisfactory for any length I of cable. It should be noted that, for low ~ divider ratios where the value of RI is not large ~ n compared with Rz, the matching problem fime becomes more complicated and the values of (~) R, > ZO,R. = 0, RO = w. FIG.A.7.Voltagepulses RI, the internal ~mpedance of the pulsewith cable improperly generator circuit, and the load impedance matched; cable transit time short compared with the pulse must also be considered in order to determine the correct value of R~. In most applications Uration RI z 10R2, and these considerations are of secondary importance. When the cable is improperly matched and the transit time of the cable is short compared with the pulse duration, the pulse signal viewed on the CRT screen may appear as the waveforms sketched in Fig. A*7,






depending upon therelative values of ZO, Rt, andthe matching resistor. If the cable is long, successive reflections occur after the pulse. As a numerical example, consider a length of cable that has a two-way transit time of 0.01 psec and a surge impedance of 100 ohms. Let Rt = 50 ohms and assume a constant current of 1 amp flowing through R 1. Omit both matching resistors. At the initial instant, =50+ 100. 501 100 = 33.3 volts.

This wave traverses the cable toward the cathode-ray tube and 0.005 ~sec later arrives at the deflecting plates, where it is reflected without change in polarity. Hence, the initial value of v, is 66.6 volts. When the reflected wave returns to the divider, it sees a mismatched receiver and a second wave,
~;= R2 ZO=

R, + Z,

(33.3) = 11.1 volts,

is reflected into the cable. When the v; wave arrives at the cathode-ray tube, 0.01 psec after the arrival of the initial wavefront, another reflection occurs, and the deflecting voltage drops to v: = 66.6 22.2 = 44.4 volts. After another interval of 0.01 ~sec, a wave v;, reflected from the divider, arrives at the CRT; v; = +3.7 volts and II v, = 2(33.3 11.1 + 3.7) = 51.8 volts. After one more reflection, the voltage at the cathode-ray tube is so near to the steady-state value of 50 volts that no more reflections are distinguishable. Since these reflections recur at intervals of 0.01,they appear as high-frequency fuzz on the leading portion of the pulse unless a very fast sweep is used on the synchroscope. On a O.l-~sec pulse viewed with a fast sweep, they appear more nearly like the idealized waveform sketched in Fig. A.7. In practice, the pulses often rise so slowly that when the mismatch is not great most of the reflections are dissipated during the rise. If R2 is much smaller or if the cable is longer, however, the time required to dissipate these reflections may be an appreciable fraction of the pulse duration, and it is difficult to measure the true amplitude of the pulse. In this example, if a series matching resistor R~ = 50 ohms is used, the deflecting voltage during the entire pulse is 50 volts, but when a shunt matching resistor RO = 100 ohms is used, the deflecting voltage at all times is = 50 .100.1 50+100 = 33.3 volts.

SEC. A.2]




When it is necessary to use a value of R, larger than Zo, it is not possible to match the cable by ordinary means because the use of a shunt matching resistor RO reduces the voltage at the CRT, and thus nullifies the advantage gained by increasing R2. Cap~tame Divicfm.-The most widely used pulse-voltage divider consists of a pair of condensers in series, the one of smaller capacitance Cl having a high voltage rating, and being preferably of the vacuum type for the best quality and the least corona trouble. The photograph in Fig. A.8 shows the type of shielded construction used at the Radiation Laboratory with an Eimac VC12-32 vacuum condenser, rated at 32 kv, r-f v 01 t a g e. Such a capacitance divider can usually be made to satisfy the requirement for high input impedance, where the pulse-generator load is of the order of magnitude of 1000 ohms or less, by using a highvoltage capacitance of the order of magnitude of 15 ppf or less. Since a capacitance divider is inherently a pure reactance, however, it tends to form a resonant circuit with the inductance of the connecting leads, and may introduce undesirable highfreauency oscillations on the leading po~ion ~f the voltage pulse. Thes~ oscillations place a serious limitation on the measurement of extremely short pulses (of durations less than 0.1 psec) and on the observation of the starting behavior of an oscillator load such as a magnetron. With a capacitance divider, shunt termination of the cable cannot be used because it has the effect of producing an unbalanced RC-divider, differentiating the pulse and giving a signal similar to that sketched in Fig. A.9. For the same reason, a capacitance divider can be used only with an unterminated cable whose transit time is very short compared with the pulse duration. If the cable is just a little too long, the differentiating effect may not be so pronounced, but the droop during the pulse may cause appreciable error in measurements of pulse amplitude, as shown in Fig. A1O. While the cable is becoming charged, the loading effect on C, is the same as if a resistor ZOwere connected directly across Cz, and the voltage U*falls with a time constant equal to ZO(Cl + Cz). For a 100-ohm cable






and typical values of Cl = 12 p~f and Cz = 1200 ppf, this time constant is about 0.12 psec. With a 12-ft length of cable having a two-way transit time of the order of magnitude of O.O3psec, U*falls to about 0.7 of its initial value while the cable is becoming charged. Furthermore, with mismatch at both ends of the cable, an open circuit at the cathode-ray tube, and pure reactance at the divider, a series of undesirable reflections appear on the pulse.

Fm. A.9.Differentiated rectangular pulse as seen on the CRT screen of a synchroscope when a capacitance divider is used with a cable terminated in Ro = ZO.

FIG. A 10.Drooping pulse recndting from the use of a cable with a transit time comparable to the pulse duration.

It is also evident that a divider containing reactance cannot be Some form of commatched perfectly to a cable for all frequencies. pensating circuit might be used, but for most practical purposes fairly good results have been obtained with capacitance dividers by inserting a resistor, R~ = ZO, in series with the cable input, as shown in Fig. A. 11. This resistor serves a three-fold purpose. It introduces a voltage drop in the initial wave entering the cable, so that VC= v2/2. Hence, when v. is reflected from the open-circuited end of the cable and returns to the divider, the n. cable is charged to a potential nearly equal To CRT Vn ; :to the voltage on Cz at that instant. y, F C* Secondly, the current flowing out of Cz to charge the cable is reduced by a factor of D two, and this reduction correspondingly FIG. A.11.Capacitance divider lessens the droop in vZ. Finally, the reapproximately matched to a cable by a series resistor R~ = ZO; sister R~ effectively matches the cable c1 impedance for the initial wavefront =CI+C2+CC+C8 reflection from the cathode-ray tube. This statement is approximately true only because the reactance of C% is negligible compared with ZO for the higher frequencies in the Fourier spectrum of the pulse, that is, for those frequencies whose periods are comparable to the transit time of short lengths of cable. For a divider ratio of 100/1 or higher, the value of Cz is about 1000 ~pf, corresponding to a reactance of less than 1.5 ohms at 100 Me/see. For lower frequencies where the reactance is higher the mismatch is greater, but R~ helps to dissipate the reflections quickly. For frequencies of a few megacycles per second, which contribute significantly to the main portion





of the pulse, the effect of R~ in the circuit is negligible, and the short lengths of cable must be considered essentially as a lumped capacitance, which is included with the CRT input capacitance C, as part of Cz in calibrating the divider. A capacitance divider should therefore be calibrated with the particular cable and cathode-ray tube with which it is to be used for measurements. When very long pulses are observed with a low-ratio divider, the value of the low-voltage capacitance required may be so small that the charge leaking off during the pulse through the l-megohm resistor to ground in the synchroscope causes an apparent droop in the voltage pulse that appears on the CRT screen. The magnitude of this droop can be estimated by again considering the relation between the pulse duration and the time constant of an equivalent unbalanced RC-divider. In this If C, = 12 kpf and C, = 240 ~pf, case, Rl = w and Rt = 1 megohm. the time constant is 24o ~sec for a divider ratio of 20/1. For a 10-Asec pulse duration, this time constant would cause a droop of the order of magnitude of 5 per cent. In some cases, this droop can be minimized by increasing the resistance in the synchroscope to 10 megohms, but this increase is not always feasible. Also, if both the low-voltage and the high-voltage capacitance are increased, the condition for negligible circuit loading may not be met adequately. To avoid the last-mentioned limitation of capacitance dividers for measurements on long pulses and other low fr~ quency waveforms where the bleeding-off time R, constant is not sufficiently great to prevent distors P c, 1 tion, the balanced parallel RC-divider may be ~ ToacaaJJe = V ~, used. It is demonstrated at the beginning of this synchro. 2 c, F scope section that, when RIC1 = R2C2, this divider q theoretically has a uniform frequency response over an infinite band. In practice, the distributed ~C~i~de~.~i~fi~ capacitance of a high-voltage wirewound resistor pulse-voltagemea8urementswith a synchrois appreciable but difficult to evaluate, and, in order .to obtain a satisfactory balance, it is often nece~ary cope to use lower values of resistance, or higher values of capacitance, than the circuit-loading requirement permits. Seraes RC-divider.-Figure A.12 shows a fourth type of RC-divider for pulse-voltage measurements that has the same limitations as a pure capacitance divider for long pulse durations and with respect to the impedance-matching of the cable. For short pulse durations and for the study of the leading edge, however, this series RC-divider has a considerable advantage over the capacitance divider because it is not a pure reactance and therefore does not introduce oscillations into the load circuit of the pulse generator. An analysis of the circuit shows that the





A .2

condition under which the divider ratio is independent of frequency is again RIC1 = R1C2. Current-pulse-viewing Resistors. Pulse currents in magnetron oscillators and in pulse-generator switch tubes that range from less than ten amperes to several hundred amperes have been observed to rise to full
value in less than 0.01 psec. high currents are especially Precise difficult measurements to accomplish. of such rapidly The rising first require-

;. k=

~j~46S1012 - .- A AAJ.AJ..J
FIG. A. 13.Coaxial current-tiewing resistor.

ment is that the viewing resistor itself must have negligible inductance. Even a carbon resistor 1 in. long has enough self-inductance to produce an L dI/dt voltage comparable to its IR drop, and thus, in some applications, causes a spurious spike to appear on the pulse. Early experiments at the Radiation Laboratory indicated that a considerable improvement in the quality of the response could
T~e~~e be obtained was with simply a coaxial a coaxial re5i5tor, cWconductor which

~ ~
FIG. A.14.Schematic of current diagram flow the directions


der filled with lampblack and clay. However, these hastily made units were unstable with changes in temperature and voltage. The problem was presented to engineers of





who then designed a unit consisting noninductive resistors. of a pair of ceramic cylinders, carbon coated on the inside surface, and mounted in a convenient metallic assembly with corrugated spring contacts and cable connectors on either end. Another mounting for these carbon-on-ceramic cylinders is provided by a telephone plug on one end and a cable connector on the other (see Fig. A 13). When so mounted, these resistors are found to have an inductance of less than 0.01 ph, and usually show a change of resistance with temperature and voltage of less than 2 per cent when the averagepower rating of 15 watts is not exceeded and when the maximum puke
in BTL coaxial

Snc. A.2]




voltage is less than 150 volts. The two cylindrical elements in a single unit have nearly equal resistance valuea. The pulse current enters through the phone plug and divides equafly; one half flows along the inner surface of the first cylinder toward the midpoint of the metal housing, and the other half flows in the center conductor toward the remote end of the unit and returns along the inner surface of the second cylinder toward the midpoint of the metal housing. The ground return is made through the outer metal cylinder from the midpoint of its length to the phone-jack, which is mounted directly on the chassis of the pulse generator. Thus the two cylinders are effectively connected in parallel, and the current flow is such that a high degree of flux cancellation is accomplished (see Fig. A. 14). These units are available in resistance values The series of pulse from less than 0.5 ohm to more than 100 ohms. current photographs in Fig. A. 15 shows the relative qualities of several types of noninductive resistors for oscilloscopic presentation of current pulses. When ordinary resistors were used, the connecting leads were made as short as possible in order to minimize the inductance. Figure A. 15a through f show a 0.5-psec pulse generated by a hard-tube pulser on a resistance load. The voltage pulse viewed with a capacitance divider is included for comparison. For this relatively slow-rising current pulse the small (+in.) ordinary carbon-ceramic resistor appears almost as noninductive as the BTL coaxial unit. The three noninductive wirewound samples were selected at random from three difTerent manufacturers and are not necessarily the best obtainable. The pulse photographs in Fig. A 15h through 1 show the same resistors used to view a magnetron current pulse that rises and falls more rapidly. The dMerence in quality between the BTL coaxial unit and the ordinary carbon-ceramic resistor becomes apparent in this comparison. The problem of cable-matching with a current-viewing resistor is essentially the same as with a resistance divider. When the internal impedance of the pulser is low and the value of resistance used for viewing the current is comparable to the dynamic impedance of the load, the best results can be obtained only with shunt termination of the cable at the synchroscope. If series matching is used in this CIMW, the sudden increaae in the voltage across the viewing resistor that occurs when the initial wavefront returns from the open end of the cable at the synchroscope may effect an appreciable change in load current. A detailed analysis of this case cannot be based on the assumption that Rl >> R2, but must include an equivalent circuit for the load and the pulser. V-I Plots.-For some applications it is convenient to disconnect the d-c centering potential and the time-base sweep circuit of the synchroscope, and to present another signal on the second pair of CRT plates. In this way a systematic plot of the resultant signal on the screen is




[SEC. A .2

(a) I{esistance load voltage Wise. (Capacitance divider).

(b) BTL coaxial resistor. Resistance

(c) +-in. carbonen-ceramm resistor. load current pulses.

(d) Wirewoundresistor


(e)\Yirew-ond res,stor No.2. Resistarrceload current plllsw.

(j) \Virewouud resistor No.3.

(p) Magnetron voltage pulse,

(h) BTL coaxial resistor. Magnetron

(i) l-in. carbon-on-ceramio resistor. current pulssa.

(j) Wirewound FIO. A.




(k) Wirewound Magnetron

resistor No. 2. current pulses. effects in various

(1) Wirewound current-viewing

resistor resistor,%

No. 3


of inductive






obtained. This type of indication is useful for obtaining the pulse voltage-current characteristics of nonlinear-impedance devices such as surge-limiting diodes, pulse-generator switch tubes, and magnetrons. Figure A.16 shows schematically the relative point-by-point correlation of an idealized voltage-current plot of a pulsed magnetron with the corresponding voltage and current pulses as they would appear on a and t2 is due linear time base. The current flowing between the times to to charging the capacitance associated with the magnetron input circuit during the rise of voltage, the current maximum at t, corresponding to


t, m m

Fm. A.16.Schenmtic diagram showing thecorrelation of anidealized voltwm-current plot of a pulsedmagnetron tith the corresponding voltageand currentPalses. the maximum value of dv/dt. The magnetron conduction current rises between tzand taduring the buildup of the oscillations, and remains oscillates steadilynearly constant from tsto t4whilethe m=wetrm The current between h and tb corresponds to the initial part of the voltage fall that occurs while the oscillations in the magnetron are dying out. With a line-type pulser, the initial rate of fall of voltage (h i%)is slow, and the voltage-current relations are the same as those that would be obtained from a steady-state point-by-point plot of the voltage and current. However, with a hard-tube pulser that has low internal impedance, the initial rate of fall of voltage may be high enough to produce an appreciable capacitive current of opposite sign, and the slope of the V-I piot during the fall, corresponding to the time interval from




[SEC. A.2

t, to t~, may not be a true indication of the dynamic impedance of the magnetron. The magnitude of the discharging capacitive current from tsto t~ is considerably less than the charging capacitive current because the rate of fall of the voltage is much slower than its rate of rise. Photographs of typical V-1 traces of a pulsed magnetron are included in Chap. 7 and in Vol. 6, Chap. 16.1 By conducting two signals from the same voltage divider through ditlerent cables to the two sets of deflection plates of the cathode-ray tube, the two identical signals can be c % plotted against one another, and To CRT deflection the two samples of cable can be R :+: c7s V~ plates adjusted in length until the difference between their delay times is * the same as the transit time of the electron beam between the two FIG. A. 17.Differentiating IK-circuit. sets of deflecting plates in the cathode-ray tube. When this condition is obtained, the resultant trace is a straight line oriented at an angle determined by relative deflection sensitivities of the two sets of CRT deflecting plates. Other useful information regarding magnetron starting can be obtained by plotting the current or the voltage against dv/dt. Voltage Diflerentiator. -Precise measurements of the rate of rise and rate of fall of high-voltage pulses can be accomplished with the aid of the differentiating RC-circuit, shown schematically in Fig. A. 17, and a synchroscope. This circuit converts measurements of the rate of change of voltage into measurements of a voltage amplitude. The differentiating circuit is connected across the load and the voltage VRis transmitted to CRT deflecting plates through a convenient length of cable. The values of R and C are selected so that

--. -f Q=
1. The voltage v, <<v c for the highest rates of change to be measured, that is, for the highest significant frequencies in the Fourier spectrum of the applied pulse. 2. The loading effect on the pulse-generator circuit is small. 3. The reactance of distributed capacitance across R and of the CRT input capacitance is high compared with R for all significant frequencies in the derivative.

When these conditions are fulfilled,

dv, =Ri=Rcx ~ ~c q dt

1 For a more detailed discussionof this method of indication, eee R. C. Fletcher and F. F. Rieke, Mode Selection in Magnetrons, RL Report No. 809, Sept. 28, 1945.

SEC. A*2]




(a), (b). Voltage Pulwa and corresponding time derivative superimposed on the screen of a cathode-ray tube by the use of a mechanical commutator.

(c) Voltage pulse.

(d) lXme derivative of (c) obccrved chort leads and matched cable.


(.) Time derivative of (c) observed with short leads and mismatched cable.

(f) Time derivative of (c) observed with

long leads and mismatched and time derivatives. cable.

Fm. A.18.Voltage pulses






so @l=vn
dt EC (1)

where uuis in volts, Rin ohms, C in farads, anddu/dt involts/sec. Photographs of the oscilloscope traces for negative voltage pulses and thecorresponding derivatives areshown in Fig. A18. These pulses were generated byahard-tube pulserwith al~-ohm resistance load. Figures A.18a and b show the voltage pulse and the derivative observed simultaneously with a synchroscope by means of a mechanical commutator. With reasonable precautions, measurements of the rate-of-rise of voltage by the differentiating method are capable of much higher precision and accuracy than measurements of Avz/At, where AVIis the voltage change

FIG. A. 19.RC-diff erentiator.

in a corresponding provides a cable, a method (or cable reflections) Certain


of time At. between

The differentiating real and spurious comprised



of distinguishing in a pulse-viewing



of an RC-divider,

and a synchroscope. precautions



are necessary in the construction and the use of a The inductance of R and the connecting

Isads must be as low as possible to insure a true RC-response to the impressed voltage. The BTL coaxial current-viewing resistors, having inductance S 0.01 ph, are satisfactory. The effect of long connecting leads is observable in the photograph of Fig. A 18f. The cable impedance should be matched with a shunt, resistor, Ro, at the synchroscope in preference to a series resistor at the cable input.

SEC. A.2]



683 If the cable

In this case R [Eq. (l)] should be replaced by R = ~O.

impedance is matched with a series resistor R~ at the cable input, an appreciable distortion that results from the time constant R~C, for the charging of the synchroscope input capacitance may be introduced. Figures A. l& and f show the effect of improper cable-matching. To eliminate high-frequency pickup by the low-voltage section, a shielded type of construction should be used. A differentiator using an It 1 ,t ,, Eimac VC12-32 vacuum condenser i ,1 ~: I and a BTL coaxial noninductive I ,1 1 ,, I ,8 resistor is shown in Fig. A 19. For ,! I - tr- !# qualitative observations in which r some inaccuracy can be tolerated for the sake of convenience, several ordinary carbon resistors ranging in value from 25 ohms to 100 ohms may be incorporated with a convenient switching arrangement as in the model made by Sylvania. The input capacitance C, of the synchroscope is effectively lumped ---- Actual derivative across R, and must be below the Vn(responee of differentiating limits specified in the following circuit, Fig. A 17) C =15 ~#f, analysis (see Fig. A. 17). This cw R =50 ohms, Cs 75 @Pf FIO. A.20.Hypotheticsd voltage pulsee pacitance tends to bypass the higher and corresponding time derivatives. frequencies of the derivative v,, and (a) Trapezoidal voltage wave front. therefore C, should be made as small (b) Trapezoidal voltage wave front with a spike. The effect of c, on V. as possible. (c) Time derivative of (a). is indicated by an examination of the (d) Time derivative of (b). response to the leading portion of a trapezoidal voltage pulse applied to R1. It is assumed that the voltage impressed on the clifferentiating circuit is of the form

~hr T

where t, is the time of rise of the voltage pulse. For the time interval O s t s t,,

=%[1 --&l





[SEC. A.2

where Cll = C + C., and for t 2 t,

Figure A%) shows a graph of the applied trapezoidal voltage wave front, its actual time derivative, and the 0.050 response VR of a differentiating circuit 0.045 , I I I I I I with typical parameters. Also plotted are a trapezoidal wave front with a spike, its corresponding derivative, and oR. These hypothetical pulses and derivatives are plotted to demonstrate the type -0.020 of distortion that is caused by C. shunting 0.015 R. The time constant RC,l should be held to a minimum for the best response of 0.010 the differentiating circuit to sudden 0.005 I changes in the impressed voltage. 0102030 4O5OW7OZO9O1OQ From Eq. (2) a simple quantitative Cl, in WI expression can be derived for determining FIG. A.21 .Graph for estimating the maximum permissible value the maximum permissible value of C1l for of Cl] for k equal to one per cent. any desired fidelity of response to a linearly rising voltage. For example, in order for UR/(RC) to be within 1 per cent of dvJdt,

This relation requires that

t ~ RCI, in 100

t 2 4.6RCH.
Figure A.21 is a graph of t versus C,, for various values of R. This graph shows the time that is required after closing the switch for VR to approach within one per cent of the true derivative, for any combination of R and C1l. If greater tolerance in the accuracy of V. ispermitted, for example, K per cent, the values of t are given by the product of

and the corresponding values of t for K = 1 per cent in Fig. A21. The photographs of Fig. A22 show O.l-psec voltage pulses and the derivatives obtained with a resistance load and a magnetron load on a hard-tube pulser. The response of the differentiator to the spikes and to the small oscillations photographs. on the voltage pulses is observable in these

SEC. .4.2]





From the photographs of Fig. A. 18a and b, where the differentiator response and the traces of the applied voltage pulse are superimposed, it might be inferred that the output voltage from the differentiator rises more rnpidly than does the input voltage. This illusion appears because n voltage divider was used to obtain the voltage-pulse trace; in this case the divider ratio was about 150/1. Actually, the rate of change of the

(a) Voltage puke on resistance load.

(b) Voltage pulse on magnetron


(c) Time derivative

FIG. AZZ. -Oscilloscope

of (a)
traces of short

(d) Time derivative of (b). pulses and their time derivatives. Sweep speed:
div = 0.2 ~sec.



vE, is less







is evident



of Eq. (2). Since C, is never zero, the value of dv,/dt is less than VJt, by the factor C/(C + C.). The calibration of an RC-differentiator may be accomplished by one of the following three methods:

1. By the direct measurement of R and C. For many applications the value of C is about 15 ppf or less. Accurate measurements of such small capacitances are possible with a high-precision bridge, for example, the General Radio Twin-T, but elaborate precautions







must be observed and corrections must be made for lead inductance and stray capacitance to ground resulting from the large physical size of the high-voltage condenser. Fly the measurement of AVL and At on a linearly rising portion of a pulse, using an accurately calibrated high-speed sweep. The values of Avl, At, and the corresponding UEmay be substituted into Eq. (l), to give
RC = ~.


Some modifications may be necessary in the pulse-generator circuit in order to obtain a linearly rising pulse that is suitable for calibration purposes. By the removal of the resistor R and the substitution of a capacitance C=. The unit can then be calibrated as. a capacitance divider against a standard resistance divider under pulse conditions. The divider ratio thus determined is equal to C+cz+c. c where C= can be chosen large so that C, and C,, the CRT input capacitance and cable capacitance respectively, constitute less than 10 per cent of the numerator. Then C. can be removed and measured easily on a bridge, and the values of C, and Cc either measured or estimated. The value of C can then be calculated with a probable error no greater than the algebraic sum of the errors in measurement of the divider ratio and of C. + C, + C,. This method of calibration is the most reliable. +c.

Figure A.18b shows a linearly rising pulse on which an excellent The capacitance C of the differentiator calibration check was obtained. was measured on a General Radio 821-A Twin-T precision bridge, with necessary corrections for leads, capacitance to ground, etc. The average of several readings was 13.3 t 0.2 WLf. A Wheatstone-bridge measurement of R gave 19.97 ohms as the parallel value of R and I?o. The vertical-deflection sensitivity on the CRT screen was 5.50 i- 0.05 volts per small division. The voltage pulse was obtained from a capacitance divider with a ratio of 163/1, determined by comparison with a standard noninductiveThe estimated maximum error resistance divider under pulse conditions. of this calibration was i- 1 per cent. The CRT sweep calibration indicated by a 10-M c/see sine wave (tryst al-controlled oscillator) was 0.0208 ~ 0.004 Asec

SEC. A*3]




per small division. To determine Au/At, an enlarged photograph waa made of the oscilloscope trace, and a straightedge was laid along the linear portion of the leading edge of the voltage pulse. The slope of this line in divisions (the average of several readings) was 3.6. Hence,


3 ,6

5.5 X 163 0.0208 X 10-6


= 155kv/psec.

Themaximum amplitudeo fuRwaso bservedt obe7.4&vkions. substituting into Eq. (1) there is obtained


7.4 x 5.5 = 153kv/Psec. 20 x 13.3 x 1012


Considerations in Making Pulse Measurements. Shape.-The number of pulse shapes actually encountered in practical circuit work is legion and the irregularities in the shape of the pulses to be measured complicate the interpretation and specification of measurements of both amplitude and Time duration. A good oscilloscopic viewing system provides flexibility for instantaneous or average amplitude measurements and qualitative information Z ~F regarding the shape of a pulse. The FIQ. A.23.Sketch ofanirregularly relatively slow rise and fall and the shapedcurrentpulse. rounded corners of most pulses observed in practice are reproduced ~aithfully with pulse-viewing systems in which the design features of an ideal viewing system may only partially be fulfilled. The problem of verifying the relation
1., = Tf,Il,

A*3. Practical

expressing conservation of charge, may be taken as an example of the importance of pulse shape in the interpretation of the quantities involved. In this relation 1., is the average d-c current read by a meter in series with a rectifying load, 11 is the pulse current amplitude, r is the pulse duration, and j, is the number of pulses per second. In a circuit where the current pulse is of an irregular shape similar to that sketched in Fig. A% the fundamental question is how to measure, and 11 in order most truly to represent an equivalent rectangular pulse. In this particular case such an equivalent pulse is any rectangular pulse whose area is equal to that of the irregularly shaped pulse. Although this definition of the equivalent pulse permits several values of lj and r, a commonly accepted procedure is to measure the amplitude of the average height of the pulse, corresponding to an imaginary line drawn through the top, and to take the mdse duration at one half of this amplitude. This procedure satisfiea




[SEC. A.3

the law of conservation of charge, but when the peak instantaneous or pulse power, the total energy per pulse, and the r-f spectrum must all be considered in determining an equivalent rectangular pulse, the problem becomes much more complicated (see Appendix B). The irregularities in pulse shapes that are encountered make it apparent that the usefulness of metering circuits for determining pulse voltage or pulse current is limited to special applications where the shape is known and the nature of the metering-circuit response to the particular pulse shape being measured is known. Measurements by metering circuits that are sensitive to pulse shape can properly be interpreted only with the aid of auxiliary oscilloscopic measurements, as discussed in Sec. A3. Shiekiing.-The importance of the shielding of all components of a viewing system cannot be overemphasized. Voltage dividers should be constructed with the high-voltage section shielded from the low-voltage section wherever feasible. In a capacitance divider or a differentiator employing an Eimac vacuum condenser, it is preferable to connect the outer sleeve rather than the inner cylinder of the condenser to the highvoltage terminal, in order that the corona path from this terminal will be direct to ground and the inner cylinder will be shielded at low potentiaf. Often the r-f radiation produced by a sudden surge of current in one part of a pulser circuit, such as when a magnetron starts to conduct, causes pickup on the deflecting plates of the cathode-ray tube, which It is sometimes may appear as high-frequency fuzz on the signal trace. very difficult to distinguish between spurious oscillations or reflections in the viewing system, r-f pickup from a source of interference, and oscillations that really are present in the circuit being measured. In a synchroscope it is extremely important to shield the sweep circuit and all connections to one set of deflecting plates from the other set of deflecting plates; otherwise, coupling between the circuits can cause crosstalk! to appear on the signal. This crosstalk may appear as a steady backward motion of the sweep during the rise of the pulse, or it may appear as a to-and-fro oscillation of the sweep as the pulse rises or falls. Sometimes, even with the best shielding, it is necessary to add resistance suppressors directly at the deflecting plates. The distributed capacitance is usually adequate for filtering if 1000-ohm noninductive resistors are inserted in series with the plates. Amplifiers.-In high-level work it is nearly always possible to obtain sufficient voltage amplitude for presentation of the signal directly on a CRT screen, and amplifiers are unnecessary. This is fortunate, because it is much easier to design and construct dividers with wideband-transfer characteristics than to construct video amplifiers with adequate bandwidth.

SEC. A.3]




Cable Properties and Delay Lines.It is sometimes desirable to insert afixeddelay time inthesignal presentation, for example, when the CRT sweep is initiated or triggered by the same pulse that is to be viewed as a signal, that is, when self-synchronous operation is required. When using a nonsynchronous pulser switch, such as a rotary spark gap, the signal cannot be synchronized on the cathode-ray tube except by this method. Unless the signal can be delayed by a few tenths of a microsecond after the sweep is triggered and the intensifier pulse initiated, however, the leading edge of the pulse is lost to view. The photographs in Fig. A.24a and b show a typical pulse on a resistance load as it would appear in ordinary synchronous operatiop with two different lengths of

(a) Synchronous 3 ft cable.


(c) Self-synchronous tion, 3 ft cable.


(b) Synchronous
170 ft cable. l%+. A.24.Photographs



Self-synchronous tion, 170 ft cable.


in self-synchronous shape.


of voltage pulses showing the delay in the start of the sweep and the effect of a long 100-ohm cable on the observed pulse

cable. The traces shown in Fig. A,24c and d are for self-synchronous operation. It maybe observed that the cable attenuation is not constant with frequency and that there is some distortion of the pulse. This distortion is particularly noticeable in the rounding of the leading top corner of the pulse and the slowing down of the rate of rise. There is also a slight decrease in the amplitude of the main part of the pulse that can be corrected by measuring the attenuation factor for a particular sample of cable, which is determined by the pulse amplitude at a point near the center of the top of the pulse. Usually, the attenuation factor for a O.l-psec pulse, when compared with the corresponding factor for longer pulses, shows greater losses for the shorter pulses. Lumped-parameter delay networks that produce less rounding of the leading edge of a given pulse, and that show less attenuation than a length of cable giving a corresponding delay time, have been designed and built, but the lumped






parameter networks usually introduce ripples and other irregularities because of the mismatch between sections. Unless the condensers are all carefully selected, the coils wound to very close tolerances, and the network constructed with a relatively large number of sections, it. is usually preferable to have the greater, but smoother, distortion and attenuation produced by a cable, since there are fewer irregularities. A.4. Voltage and Current Measurements inthe Charging Circuit ofa Forward Charging Voltage.In general, two types of Line-type Pulser. measurements are made on the charging-voltage waves in a line-type pulse-generator circuit. With a relatively slow CRT sweep and a highimpedance balanced parallel RC-divider, one or more complete cycles of the charging voltage may be observed for waveform and amplitude With an expanded sweep the voltage across the switch measurements. immediately after the pulse discharge is observed to determine the magnitude of post-pulse invense voltage across the switch or the pulse-forming network, and the nature of its removal from the network during the early These latter data are especially sigportion of the recharging period. nificant in the study of the circuit behavior of a line-type pulser using d-c resonant charging and a unidirectional switch when the load impedance changes during a pulse or from pulse to pulse. In measurements of charging voltage or inverse voltage, the time resolution required is nearly always large compared with the transit time The impedance-matching of the short cables used with the dividers. problem, therefore, becomes one of producing a balanced RC-divider when the cable is treated as a lumped capacitance in the circuit. Consider, for example, a d-c resonant-charging circuit in which the maximum forward voltage on the puls~forming network is 8 kv and the average d-c charging current is about 40 ma. These values correspond to a pulse recurrence frequency of 500 pps with a l-~sec 50-ohm network. To keep the average current through the divider less than 1 per cent of the charging current, its total d-c impedance must be at least 10 megohms. For a maximum signal of 80 volts at the CRT deflecting plates, the divider ratio should be about 100/1; therefore, the resistance of the low-voltage section of the divider must be about 100,000 ohms. Let R2 = 105 ohms and assume that Cc + C. = 75 ~~f. The time constant R2C, (Fig. A.3) is then equal to 7.5 psec. In order to form a balanced parallel RC-divider, the distributed capacitance across the high-voltage resistor, RI = 10 megohms, must be about 0.75 ppf. Since it is difficult to evaluate the distributed capacitance, it is better, in practice, to add a lumped capacitance of about 12 to 25 ppf, such as a high-voltage vacuum condenser, in parallel with RI and then to increase Cz correspondingly. During the charging period the loading effect on the pulser circuit produced by this added capacitance (the sum of Cl and C9 in series) is

8EC. A.4]







usually negligible, but during the pulse this capacitance discharges through the pulser switch and, if Cl is comparable to the storage capacitance of the pulse-forming network, the pulse current through the switch at the beginning of the pulse is appreciably increased. By using a string of carbon resistors in the stove-pipe shielded arrangement shown in Fig. A25, it is possible, without adding any additional capacitance and by using less than three feet of cable, to keep the effective time constant RIICII less than 5 psec. In this way an oscilloscopic presentation of the d-c resonantcharging voltage wave that is satisfactory for the observation of the character of the general waveform and for the measurement of the maximum forward-voltage amplitude is obtained, but the voltage across the switch for a period of about 25 psec after the pulse is not accurately reproduced. Immediate P os t-p u ls e Voltage.To make precise measurements of the post-pulse voltage across the pulser switch (or pulse-forming neh work) on an expanded time base, the following two devices are used: a diode in series with a resistance divider, and an unbalanced RC-divider. For measurements of inverse post-pulse voltage only, a diode is connected in series with a resistance divider as shown in Fig. A.26. The diode prevents the current from flowing through the shunt path during the major portion of the charging interval while forward voltage exists across the pulser switch. The total resistance can therefore be much less than is required for a balanced RC-divider with no diode. However, the resistance must be high enough to prevent excessive post-pulse inverse currents from flow..JJ ing through the pulse-transformer primary FIG. A.25.Resistance diwinding. Such inverse currents may influence vider. flux reset in the pulse-transformer core or cause the inverse voltage on the pulse-forming network to discharge too rapidly. In a thyratron pulser employing a WI-ohm pulse-forming network and a pulse transformer with a butt-joint core, a total resistance of 2Q000 ohms or higher is usually satisfactory. Inverse voltage in a typical thyratron-pulser circuit may vary from a few hundred volts during normal operation to nearly the same magnitude as the peak forward voltage during abnormal load conditions, such as magnetron




[SEC. A.5

Hence, the desired divider ratios may vary from about or more. As an example, assume a divider ratio of 11/1. With R, = 20,000 ohms (including effective diode resistance), Rz should be about 2000 ohms. If the total capacitance of the cable and CRT input is 75 wf, the effective time constant, neglecting distributed capacitance Cl across RI, is
iO/1 to-lOO/l R,CS == 0.15 psec.


This value is tolerable for most measurements of post-pulse voltage. For precise measurements of post-pulse voltage of either polarity, an unbalanced RC-divider circuit, shown in Fig. A .27, is used with a synchroscope. These measurements, however, are only reliable for a few microseconds after the pulse. The time constant R7.(CI + Cz) is made

FIG. A.26.Resistance divider used with diode for measurements of post-pulse inverse voltage across the pulser switch.

& .

FI~. A.27.Unbalanced RC-divider for measurements of pOstpulse voltages of either polarity across the pulser switch.


long compared with the post-pulse interval of immediate interest, but Hence, short compared with the entire interpulse charging interval. the waveform of the forward charging voltage is distorted considerably, and, at the instant before the switch breaks down, the voltage appearing across Rz (and at the cathode-ray tube) is zero. The divider responds as a capacitance divider that is reliable for a time short compared with The reference potential for determining the time constant R*(C, + CJ. whether the post-pulse voltage is positive or negative is not the actual zero voltage on the CRT deflecting plates, but rather it is the flat portion of the signal occurring during the pulse. This voltage is not a true zero reference because it is in error by the 100- to 200-volt drop that exists across the pulser switch during the pulse when it is in steady-state conduction. METERING TECHNIQUES A*6. Pulse Voltmeters.-Several types of pulse-voltmeter circuits have been designed in various laboratories both in this country and abroad. Included among the puls~voltage indicators that have been

SEC. A.5]




reportedl are balanced bridge circuits or feedback triode amplifiers used in conjunction with high-voltage-input diodes or with resistance or capacitance dividers, and at least one circuit based on an invertedvacuum-tube principle. The discussion here, however, is confined to a relatively simple pulse-voltmeter circuit that has proved reliable and widely adapti k able in pulse-generator work at the Radiation Laboratory and elsewhere, and that can be calibrated directly on d-c voltage. = The type of pulse voltmeter described here Fx~. A.28.Basicpulse-voltmeter is adaptable for measurements of approxicircuit. mately rectangular high-voltage pulses having amplitudes ranging up to 30 kv, durations greater than 0.1 psec, and recurrence frequencies greater than about 100 pps. The basic circuit of the pulse voltmeter used at the Radiation Laboratory is shown in Fig. A.28. The voltage of peak amplitude V1 to be When the voltage measured is impressed between point P and ground. at P is greater than the voltage VC at P, the capacitance C charges up throtigh the diode and V= rises. However, C discharges continuously through R2, so Vc falls during the interval when the voltage at P is less than V.. With uniform regularly repeating pulses, Vc approaches an equilibrium state in which the rise produced by the charging through the diode is equal to the fall caused by the discharging through Rz. When the parameters are suitably chosen, the average potential V. of C can be made very close to V~, with the result that V1 is given approximately by the product of Rz and the current indicated by the microammeter. The following analysis of the circuit leads to an expression for the intrinsic error of the pulse-voltmeter indication in terms of the circuit parameters and the duty ratio of the voltage pulses to be measured. With the aid of this error equation, meters can be designed to give the least error for a particular operating condition. For example, when the
1The following references are typical but not all-inclusive: R. O. hlc Intosh and J. W. Coltman, Negative Peak Volt meter, Westinghouse Rre.rarch Laboratories, Research Report No. SR-108, Nov. 12, 1941. A Standard Voltmeter for Positive and Negative Pulses U.S. Signal Corp Technical Memorandum No. SPSGS-TRB-3, Mar. 23, 1944. E. C. S. Megaw, Recording Pulse Peak Voltmeter for Magnetron Flashing Studies, Genrml Electric Co., Ltd., Report No. S492, June 4, 1944. L. IJ. Hibbard, Pulse Peak Kilovoltmeter, R.P. 213, Commonwealth of Australia, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Division of Radiophysics, Nov. 28, 1944. R. Rudin, Development in Peak Voltmeters and Ammeters for Use with Pulsed Magnetrons, BTL Report M M-44- 140-6S, Sept. 23, 1944.






duty ratio is 0.0002 or higher, parameters can be chosen such that the intrinsic error of the meter indication is less than two per cent. Practical design and operation problems are discussed, and a technique for viewing pulse-voltmeter operation is described. The term intrinsic error is used throughout this discussion to mean the inherently negative error resulting from the impossibility of charging the condenser completely to the voltage of the applied pulses. This error is thus inherent in the circuit design, and is thus distinguished from practical errors produced by the change of components and the like. For example, errors of 2 to 10 per cent have been observed that were due to changes in the high resistance caused by heating from the nearby filament of the diode, and/or to inverse leakage current through the diode during theinterval between pulses. Apulse voltmeter of this type, like most metering circuits, is sensitive to waveform, and measurements of irregularly shaped pulses can be interpreted prop1~1~. A.23Equivahmt circuit for the Pulse erly only if the pulse voltmeter isusedinconjuncvoltmeter of Fig. A.2S. tion with auxiliary filtering circuits and with adequate means for viewing both the applied voltage pulses and the pulse-voltmeter operation. Analysis oj Intrinsic Error.-An analysis of the pulse-voltmeter circuit can be made from the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. A29. In this circuit the diode is represented as a perfect rectifier in series with a resistance
RI =?,

P where VP is the tube drop corresponding to the plate current lP. The capacitance Cd, introduced to represent L74 l-r-l l-r-l the diode capacitance, is first assumed negligible, and its effect on the pulsevoltmeter response is treated separately. It is further assumed that the voltage waveform impressed on the pulse voltm meter consists of regularly spaced rectangFIG. A.30.Idealized rectangular ular pulses as shown in Fig. A.30, with voltage waveform. T,>> ,. Also, the effect of the discharge of the capacitance C through Rz is neglected in writing the equation for V. during the pulse. The waveform of the current through the diode during the pulse is closely approximated by a portion of an exponential charging curve as






indicated in Fig. A31. When the time constant RIC is large compared with the pulse duration, the current at the beginning and at the end of the pulse does not differ greatly from the average pulse current 12, and R, is very nearly constant. For long pulses where Vc approaches very near to VJ at the end of the pulse, the diode current and RI both vary appreciably during the pulse, but a precise knowledge of the magnitude of intrinsic error is of no value because, in this case, the error is less than the other errors inherent in practical design.
Actualdiode currentwave -~ Equivalent =, pulse = 1P ,- 12

/ ____

I i b

r tFIG. A.32.Impreaeed voltage Pulsee and resulting voltage on the capacitance C of Fig. A.29 (dietorted time scaIe).

Fr~. A.31 .Approximate shape of the current pulse in the diode of Fig. A.28.

The general shape of the waveform V, at P is that shown bv the dotted line in Fig. A32, and the equations describing the chargin~ of C through RI during each pulse and the discharging of C through Rz during each interpulse interval are (vi v,) where
= (Vl V,)tr, (3)

A = i%
and VI = vze-~, where
T=%. R,C (4)

The notation is that of Fig. A-32. are given by

Solving Eqs. (3) and (4), VI and V,

VI = VJ1



and v,= 1( ;_:::]. (6)




[SEC. A.5

These equations may be written sinh $ VI = V~e~ s.h

T + A

2 and sinh ~ V9 = V~e+~

sinh T + A (8)

2 Thus, if T is small (R.2C>> 2,), both V, and VZ are nearly equal to V!, and the average value of VC is very close to HV1 + Vz). The fractional intrinsic error, c,, in the meter reading is then given to a good approximation by





If Eqs. (7) and (8) are substituted into this expression, the following equation for e, in terms of the circuit parameters and the duty ratio is obtained: sinh ~ cosh ~ e,=l s.h
(T + A; 2 (lo)

which may be simplified to

When plotted as a function of C, C8varies in the manner indicated Fig. A.33. The minimum value of ~, is


m O=

=( +$)-l (l+a-l


Evidently, best results at any given duty ratio can be obtained with the It is usually possible to choose R2 maximum values of C and of R2/R1. Examination of the expression for c. reveals that greater than R, T,/r. c, is then less than or approximately equal to 1.1 c.Oif C is greater than T/Rl. Therefore, a simpler expression can be used for practical design

SEC. A.5]




and correction calculations, namely,


(1+*)- %)
and TR~>> T,RI.



The difference between the value given by the right-hand member of Eq. (13) and the value given by Eq. (11) is less than or approximately equal to 0.1 (c. c:). It has been assumed in the above analysis that the capacitance of the diode has a negligible effect on pulse-voltmeter operation, which is equivalent to assuming that Cd/C is small j:. \ compared with the fractional error in the meter reading. In some cases this is not true. Ass result of capacitance-divider action be- .l% tween C and Cd, there are sudden approxi~ :&l-mately equal and opposite changes in VC at I c the beginning and at the end of the period of -+, diode conduction. The true waveform of VC FIG. A.33.The intrinsic
is therefore
ln Fig.








A .32, but that shown by the solid line.

magnitude of the voltage change pr~

error, c,, in the meter reading as a function of the capacitance C.


duced by the capacitance-divider effect is CdV1/c, and for low duty ratios the fractional error in the voltmeter reading is increased to

where c% and
R2T >> T,RI.

If the voltage wave impressed on the pulse voltmeter has a backswing that is appreciable in magnitude and duration, the error contribution of the capacitance-divider effect is increased slightly. The procedure for evaluating c for a particular pulse-voltmeter reading, Va, is shown by the following calculation of the error in a typical pulse voltmeter using a GL-8020 diode. If V. = 104 volts, R, = 500 megohms, C,i = 6 y~f (including estimated circuit capacitance), T, = 2 X 103 see, ~ = 0.5 X 10-8 see, and C = 1000 ~Wf, the pulse current through the diode is
1P = VOT, = 0.080





[SEC. A.5

Thediode resistance Rl corresponding to this current is found from the Since the condidiode-date characteristic (Fig. A34) to be21200hms are satisfied, e is given by Eq. (14). tions i7> T/R, and Rm~>~,R, = (2) (lo-) (2120) (5)(10) (0.5) (10-) + 6(10-2) = 0.023 = 2.3 percent. 10-9

The calculated and measured errors in typical pulse-voltmeter measThe urements are plotted in Fig. A35 for various operating conditions. measured error was obtained by subtracting the pulse-voltmeter readings from those obtained with a synchroW-7 h The scope and a capacitance divider. capacitance divider was calibrated (with an estimated maximum error of +1 per cent) against a standard resistance divider. The pulse-voltmeter was calibrated by a d-c voltage measured with a precision O-to !:oc


GL 8020 R2= 508 M

O-25 rna


Calcilletd error ------



Plate voltage in volts FIO-. A.34.Plate-currentplatevoltage characteristic of type GL-8020 diode.

Recurrencefrequencyin ppa


1000mmm (b)

Recurrencefrequencyin ppa

FIG. A.35.Puls+voltmeter error curves, (a) pulse duration: (b) 0.11 psec, C = 0.00115 pf,

pulse duration: 0.05 pf.



C =

The high-voltage 1.O-ma meter and a standard 25-megohm multiplier. source was connected to the point P of the pulse voltmeter in order to avoid any errors caused by the power-supply ripple and the rectifying action of the diode. Design and Operation.Praqtical design considerations dictate that R2 be made as large as possible, consistent with the current meters available. For measuring voltages up to 12,500 volts, it is convenient to use a O- to 25-pa meter with R2 = 500 megohms. For pulses from 0.1 ~sec to 2.0 psecs and duty ratios as low as 0.0002, the intrinsic error is less than 2 per cent for all values of C greater than 1000 ppf, provided that the values of RI and cd for the diode are comparable to those for the GL-8020. To extend the range up to 25,000 volts, a O- to 50-pa meter may be used, or Rz may be made equal to 1000 megohms.






Because of its high inverse-voltage rating (40 kv), the GL-8020 diode is preferred to other diodes that may have a lower tube drop. The WE-719A gave excellent results below 8 kv, but larger errors occurred at 10 kv or higher because of inverse leakage currents. This tube also has a larger value of cd than the GL-8020. P P Useful qualitative information concerning pulse-voltmeter operation can be obtained from c, R2 a simple scheme for viewing the incremental voltage on C during the pulse. The single ~~~ c, R, w capacitance C is replaced by two capacitances %$ . in series, Cl and C2 (see Fig. A.36), the latter FIG. A.36.Pulse-voltbeing shunted by a resistance RS of such value meter with circuit for viewthat the time constant RSCZis short compared ing the VOlta@ On the capacitance C. with 2,, but very long compared with r. The synchroscope is connected across C2, and the voltage divider thus created presents a signal voltage

= C1+C2

(v. v,),

which is a reasonably accurate representation of the incremental voltage waveform on Cl when the diode is conducting. During the rise and fall of the applied voltage pulse, when the diode is not conducting, the signal is influenced by the capacitance cd of the diode which, together with Cl and Cz, acts as another voltage divider. In practice, the applied pulse is usually more nearly trapezoidal than rectangular in form, and typical signals appear as shown in the photographs in Fig. A37. The curvature of the signal is a qualitative indication of the degree to which V2 approaches Vz during the pulse, and the amplitude is an indication of the loss of voltage on Cl during the interval between pulses. The incremental voltage signal becomes nearly flat on top if Vz approaches very near to Vj. For example, in Fig. A.37 trace a is the 0.25-psec pulse (measured at the top) that was impressed on the pulse voltmeter. Traces b, c, and d indicate the effect of successively increasing recurrence frequencies, showing correspondingly decreasing errors. Traces b, f, and j show a comparison of the incremental voltages for a recurrence frequency of 500 pps with pulse durations increasing from 0.25 to 1.0 psec. As the pulse duration increases, the signal becomes successively flatter, which shows a decreasing error in the meter indication. An undesirable spike or, in some cases, high-frequency oscillations may be present on the leading edge of the voltage pulse that is to be measured. Such transients tend to cause the pulse-voltmeter reading to be too high, unless some form of filtering is employed. A simple




[SEC. A .5

remedy is to insert anextra resistance inseries with the lead between the diode and the source of pulse voltage. The RC-filter comprised of this despiking resistor and the total capacitance to ground (capacitance C, of the high-voltage-lead and the diode-plate connector added to the series value of cd, cl, and C2) is very effective. However, great care

(a) 0.25 psec voltage

(b) 525 ppe.


(c) 1000 pps. (d) 2000pps. Incremental condenser voltage.

(k) 1000 pps. Incremental c0nden8er voltage. FIG. A.37.Negative voltage pulses impressed on a pulse voltmeter and the correspondThe ing incremental voltages at various pulse durations and recurrence frequencies. incremental voltage is shown by the trace between points (A) and (B). (a) 1 psec voltage pulse. O) 525 ppt%

must be taken to insert only the minimum additional resistance required for filtering, because any increase in R, raises the intrinsic error of the pulse voltmeter. It is helpful to employ the previously mentioned viewing scheme to insure that RI is not increased too much by the addition of the series despiking resistor. To ascertain whether or not the filtered pulse is clean, a capacitance divider may be connected across the pulse voltmeter, as indicated in Fig. A.38, and the signal viewed on the screen


A .6]





of acathode-ray tube. Figure A.39shows arepresentative pulse before and after filtering. It must be noted that this divider actually becomes a part of the filter and, if it is removed after serving its viewing purpose, it should be replaced by an equivalent capacitance. In some cases, it may prove more expedient to add a small amount of capacitance to ground in order to increase the filtering rather than to

schematic dAgram of diode pulse-voltmeter circuit, including despiking flter.

FIG. A.3S.Complete

tive pulse fltering. before

FIG. A.39.Representaand after

add more resistance. This practice also requires caution against loading the circuit whose voltage is being measured. When the diode is reversed for reading negative pulses, the capacitance of the filament transformer becomes a part of the filter. A.6. The Average-current Meter.The obvious simple expedient for measuring average current in a pulse circuit is to connect a conventional current meter of suitable range The in parallel with a large capacitance. magnitude of the capacitance required is determined by the internal impedance of the pulse generator, the pulse duration, the voltage-current characteristic of the load through which the pulse current flows, and certain physical properties of the meter. To guard against disturbance of the pulse-generator circuit by an average-current-metering circuit that is connected in series with a nonlinear load, either the static or the dynamic imped~ ance of the load (whichever is smaller) must be FIG. A.40.Schematic diaconsidered. In practice, it is sometimes adgram of pulse-discharging circuit including the equivalent visable to insert additional resistance and/or circuit for a magnetron and an inductance in series with the meter as a further average-current meter. protection against surges of current that may injure it. A resistor is usually connected in shunt with the meter to ground the load in case of meter burnout.






As atypical problem, consider thecircuit shown in Fig. A40. The diode, the battery V,, and the resistor r-lform the conventional equivalent circuit fora magnetron input. Thevalue V,isthe voltage intercept ofa line tangent to the load voltage-current characteristic at the operating point (see Fig. A.41). Thedynarnic impedante rl = AVZ/AZl is assumed to be constant over a small operating range. Let R1 = Vt/11 be the static impedance of the magnetron, and : -:* assume that the applied voltage pulse V1 of : Is I duration r is supplied by a pulse generator of , I % g internal impedance Ra. From Fig. A.41 it is I g evident that rl < Rl, and hence it is necessary L to determine a value of C that will make the I o Current impedance of the current-metering circuit FIG. A,41.Magnetron voltage-currentcharacteristic small compared with ri + Rc for the duration underpulseconditions. of the pulse. Most hard-tube pulsers used in radar applications have relatively low internal impedances (h% = rl), and line-type pulsers have internal impedances of the same order of magnitude as the magnetron static impedance RI. For small changes in load impedance, therefore, hard-tube and linetype pulsers can be considered essentially as constant-voltage sources and Few, if any, pulse generators have constant-power sources, respectively. so high an internal impedance that they are effectively constant-current sources. Hence, with a load that has a low dynamic impedance, it is convenient to choose the ratio AI[/1~, the fractional change (droop) in current caused by the increase in voltage on C during the pulse, as the criterion for the maximum tolerable disturbance of circuit behavior. When the dynamic impedance of the load is high, perhaps even greater than the static impedance, and the internal impedance of the pulse generator is also high, the fractional change in load voltage may be a more sensitive measure of circuit disturbance caused by the metering unit. Let L = O, and assume that the charge flowing through the meter during the pulse is small compared with the charge stored in the capacThen the voltage increment on C is given approximately by itance. (15) where Z1is the average magnitude of pulse current. Actually, the voltage rise on C is appreciably less than the value indicated in ?3{4.(1.5), unless the time constant r~C is very large compared
with the pulse duration cases, regardless T. However, of r~. Eq. (15) leads to a safe value for all of the value






If a constant pulser voltage V1 is assumed, the decrease in load current caused by the voltage increment AuC is (16) and, combining Eqs. (15) and (16), (17) If the metering circuit is permitted to cause a 1 per cent change (droop) in the current, the minimum value of C is given by

1007 = rl + RGJ


As an example, let 7 = 10-6 see, n = 100 ohms, and RQ = 150 ohms. Then C must be at least 0.4 pf in order to insure that the ratio AIJIl is less than 0.01. The value of R, is not critical, but should be very large compared with r~, unless the meter and shunt are calibrated together on direct current. Although a value of C determined by Eq. (16) satisfies the criterion for the disturbance of the circuit behavior, it is also necessary to consider whether a capacitance of this value is sufficient to protect the meter adequately. The peak surge current through the meter during normal operation of pulser and load is
1. = It (1



whereas the average value of direct current indicated by the meter is 1.. = IITj,, (20)

The ratio sIJI.. is a measure where f, is the pulse recurrence frequency. of the overload imposed on the meter, where s is the fraction of the fullscale deflection indicated by the meter when it reads 1.,, and is given by

s=p(l-e~ .. ?f r


For example, if r~ = 10 ohms, C = 0.4 ~f, r = 1.0 psec, j, = 1000 pps, and the meter indicates a half-scale deflection, the calculated value of S is about 110. Although manufacturers ratings generally do not include specifications of this surge ratio, experience has shown that it is advisable to keep the ratio considerably lower than 100. The magnitude of S may be lowered either by choosing a capacitance that is several times larger than the minimum value given by Eq. (18), or by adding a resistance in series with the meter to increase the effective value of r~. Several





current meters in common use with scales up to 15 ma, 25 ma, or 50 ma gave measured values of r~ ranging from 25 ohms to 2 ohms. The thermal inertia of the winding and the mechanical inertia of the movement of most conventional millimeters are appreciable, and surge ratios up to about 50 seem to be reasonably safe at short pulse durations of the order of magnitude of a microsecond or less. However, for long pulses or delicate meters, a surge ratio of 50 may be too high. The quality of paper or electrolytic condensers used for high capacitances may be somewhat questionable. Consequently, to insure good high-frequency response to pulses with steep wavefronts, a second small capacitance of high quality, usually mica or silver ceramic, is sometimes connected in parallel with the larger condenser. The use of an inductance in series with the meter should not be necessary during normal operation of a pulse generator with a stable load. In certain cases, however, instability of the load, for example, magnetron sparking, may result in abnormally large unpredictable surges of current. With a hard-tube pulser, the current during a magnetron spark is limited only by the emission of the pulser switch tube; occasional] y the switch tube sparks also, allowing the current to become many times the normal value. In such cases an inductance is inserted in the metering circuit as shown in Fig. A.40 to provide added protection for the meter. To be effective, the time constant L/r_ should be large compared with the pulse duration. The values of r~ and R, also should be chosen properly in order to prevent post-pulse oscillations in the meter circuit. To satisfy these conditions it may not be possible to make R, >> r~. Hence, the entire unit should be calibrated on direct current. A magnetron or an equivalent rectifying load does not conduct appreciably in either direction when the voltage across it is less than a threshold value V, (see Fig. A.41). Therefore, since the voltage VCon C is always small compared with V,, the metering circuit may be isolated for an analysis to determine the conditions which must be fulfilled to prevent post-pulse oscillations. The part of the circuit comprising C, r~, L, and R, of Fig. A.40 may be analyzed in the same manner as that used for the circuit of Fig. 2.22. In the latter case the Laplace-transform equation for the voltage across the shunt condenser was shown to be given by Eq. (236) and from this In the present case equation the condition for oscillation is determined. it is of interest to determine the value of R, associated with the meter in Fig. A.40 which will make the circuit critically damped. This value of R, must satisfy Condition 2 of Eq. (2.43), namely,

where a and b are given by Eqs. (2.38) and (2.39) and in the notation of

SEC. A.6]





Fig. A40thesebecome, 1






From Eqs. (22), (23), and Condition


is obtained, (24)

There are now two cases of interest depending on the value of to 2 4L/C. Case l... Under this condition



oscillations in the loop containing C, r~, and L Equation (24) gives The negative value one positive value and one negative value for R.. has no significance in this problem for obvious reasons, and the positive value determines the only condition for critical damping. Any value of R, less than this positive value will insure overdamping in this case.
are possible for R, = @, a familiar circumstance.

When this condition is satisfied the circuit is aperiodic with R. = ~. However, Eq. (24) reveals the interesting fact that R. has two positive values when r~ > 2 GC, and hence that the circuit is critically Oscillation is possible for any R, between damped for two values of R,. the two critical values. When the time constants L/r~ = R.C, the circuit oscillates with its minimum period T = % ~. In designing a meter protective circuit where the values of C, r~, and L have been chosen in accordance with Case 2, it is advisable to make R, larger than the greater value determined by Eq. (24). In fact, R. can be chosen large enough to obviate the necessity of calibrating the circuit as a whole. To illustrate the above considerations two numerical examples are given:
1. Let L = 1 mh, C = 2 pf, and r- = 15 ohms. Substituting values into Eq. (24), the values of R. are found to be, R, = 500/(15


t 10 ~~) = 13.4 or 67.8 ohms.

Thk example comes under Case 1 and the circuit is aperiodic for any The negative value is disregarded. value of R, less than 13.4 ohms.






2. Using the same values of L and C, let r~ = 25 ohms.

Then the

two values of R, are

R, = 500/(25 + 10@ = 10.6 or 189 ohms.

This example is representative of Case 2. Any value of R, greater than 189 ohms or less than 10.6 ohms will insure adequate damping, but the practical matter of calibration suggests a preferred value of R,>> 25 ohms. Note that L/r~ = 40 psec, which indicates that the meter-current surge ratio is now reduced to less than 3 per cent of the ratio that exists when L is negligible in the circuit. The principles outlined in this section have been written for a meter circuit connected directly in series with a pulse-generator load that acts aa a rectifier. In some applications, it may be more convenient to connect the metering unit in some other position, for example, in series with a pulse transformer. When this is done, there is one further precaution that should be observed. There must be a proper rectifying element in series with the meter to eliminate the errors caused by interpulse currents that recharge either the stray capacitance or the pulse-generator storage condenser, and that have a net flow in the direction opposite to the pulse Another alternative is to connect the average-current meter current. into the pulse-generator circuit in such a way that only the charging current is measured. When the meter is thus isolated from the pulse current, the problem of meter protection is simplified, but the meter reading may not be a reliable indication of the actual load current because of shunt losses produced by the stray capacitance in the pulse-generator discharging circuit. Envelope Viewer and A.7. Auxiliary Measuring Techniques.-R-f Spectrum Analyzer.There are two methods that are most commonly used for examining the r-f pulse-voltage envelope. One method is to connect an r-f probe through a voltage divider to a square-law detector, and to feed the rectified voltage through a suitable video ampli6er to the plates of the cathode-ray tube in a synchroscope. The other method is to feed a relatively large portion of the r-f power into a lighthouse cavity detectorl and to present the output rectified voltage directly on the plates of the cathode-ray tube of a synchroscope. This method is superior for precision laboratory measurements because no video amplifier is required, and because the response can be made reasonably good for frequencies up to about 50 Me/see as the bandwidth is determined chiefly by the resonant Q of the cavity and the distributed capacitance. 1P. A. Cole, J. B. H. Kuper, and K. R. More, Lighthouse R.P. Envelope Indicator, RL Report No. 542, Apr. 7, 1944.


A .V





The type of spectrum analyzer developed at the Radiation Laboratory consists essentially of a narrow-band receiver with a square-law detector, an audio-frequency sawtooth-voltage source that frequency modulates the local oscillator and supplies the CRT sweep, and an oscilloscope. The local oscillator is of the cavity reflector type (usually a Klystron, a McNally tube, or a Shepherd tube) and has an approximately linear frequency response as a function of reflector voltage. The r-f power is supplied from a directional coupler or probe in the waveguide output of a magnetron (or other oscillator) through a suitable voltage divider. As the local-oscillator frequency varies, the CRT spot moves across the screen, and the power received during successive pulses causes the spot to trace a line-amplitude spectrum. Actually, this spectrum is very nearly the absolute value of the power spectrum. For pulses of duration shorter than 2 psec, an r-f bandwidth of 10 kc/see in the receiver of the spectrum analyzer is satisfactory. To obtain the best results with .$psec pulses, a considerably narrower band is required. A spectmm analyzer is used to determine whether or not pulses that droop, or are otherwise irregular in shape, cause serious frequency modulation of a pulsed oscillator. It is also used to measure the effective pulse duration, since the r-f bandwidth measured between pairs of minima on the spectrum is inversely proportional to the pulse duration of the current and the r-f envelope (see Appendix B). This application is especially important when very short pulse durations of less than 0.1 psec are used, where it is difficult to produce good pulse shapes and to obtain reliable measurements of pulse duration with a linear time base, but where the width of the significant part of the r-f spectrum is greater than 10 Me/see. Impulse Counting. When abnormal load behavior, such as magnetron sparking, causes random pulse currents of abnormally high amplitude in a pulse-generator circuit, it is sometimes desirable to count the recurrences of all pulses having amplitudes exceeding a predetermined value. Conventional scaling circuits with minor circuit modifications and special
I For a detailed description of such a spectrum analyzer and operating instructions, see the instruction manual, Spectrum Analyzer (Type 103) for Pulsed Oscillators at 3,000 Me/see, RL Report No. M-115, Nov. 18, 1942. Criteria for evaluating pufze spectra for magnetrons are discussed in the following reporta: R. T. Young, Jr., Fourier Analysis of pokes with Frequency Shifts During the Prdee, RL Report No. 52-5, Jan. 30, 1943. R. T. Young, Jr., Frequency and Spectrum Characteristics of Standard Mngne. trons and the Effect of Change of Shape of Current Pulse, RL Report No. 526, Mar. 12, 1943. G. N. Glaaoe, Pulse Shapes and RF Spectra for Combinations of Stronlbrr& Cadson Mark I and Mark II Modulators with 2J22, 2J21, and 725A Magnet rons,RJ, Report No. 518, Mar. 17, 1944.






shielding have been adapted for recording pulses of durations up to 5 psec at recurrence frequencies of less than 1000 pps.


}l&k 0.005 ,
1 !-(470

;$ l\2M


5R2. 150 Jq4f =

2.2 k k

6AL5 _!!zl 1


~f *


N? --&

FIG. A.42.Schematic

diagram of a spark counter showing the input and the first stage

FIG. A.43.Records

of average magnetron

current ehowing sparking as a function of time.

For counting magnetron sparks, it was found advisable to provide a bias threshold adjustment on the input stage. A pulse-stretching circuit was introduced at the output of the first diode to insure uniform sensitivity of the counter for pulse durations from about 0.1 psec to 5 psec. It was also necessary to insert a pulse-amplitude limiter at the input of the

SEC. A 7]






first scaling stage in order to prevent the second stage from being tripped directly by pulses of high amplitude at the first stage. The input circuits and one stage of a typical scaling circuit are shown in Fig. A42. The output of the last stage is usually connected to an electromechanical counter. For indicating bursts of sparking recorded over longer periods of time a recording millimeter is useful. Two sample records are shown on Fig. A.43. On the upper strip the tape was run at high speed, and the approximate numbers of individual sparks per indicated burst are printed The tape was moving from right near the current peaks on the record. to left and the current amplitude increased downward. On the lower record, the tape was running much more slowly, as indicated, and the rate of sparking became excessive as the magnetron approached the end of life. The bursts of sparking usually cause increases in current (downward), but there is evidence of magnetron mode-changing with occasional decreases in current (upward peaks), especially during the last hour of life. The n-,arlis along the lower border of the tape were produced by connecting a second recording pen to the output of the electromechanical counter on a scale-of-16 pulse counter to indicate every 1600 sparks of the magnetron.




Among 11 ,e most important parameters in the rating of pulse generators are pulst: amplitude and pulse duration. In Chap. 1 it is stated that a pulse is the departure of some electrical quantityvoltage, current or power-from zero or from some equilibrium value. In general, the pulse is repeated at regular intervals, and for all practical considerations, the pulse duration is very short compared with the interpulse interval. There are a few exceptions, such as the coded pulses, in which a series of short pul~es have a short time interval between them, but the code is repeated at relatively long time intervals.
Pulse duration

Pulse amplitude h (a) (a) Ideal step-function pulse. IYW

F~o. B.1.Pulse

Pulse duration

L (b)

(b) Actuai pulse and equ; valent ideal pulse; departure areas are shaded. shapes.

The concepts of pulse duration and pulse amplitude are very straightforward in the case of an ideal step-function pulse (Fig. B. la); there can be no ambiguity in the definition of either, since the variable changes instantaneously from zero to a constant value that is the pulse amplitude and, after a time ~ (the pulse duration) returns instantaneously to a value of zero. In practice, unfortunately, an ideal step-function pulse cannot be realized, and the value of pulse duration becomes indeterminate without an adequate definition. Since most pulsers have been designed to produce a pulse that approximates as ciosely as possible a step-function or rectangular pulse shape, it is only natural that, in the consideration of practical pulses, most of the definitions of pulse duration and pulse amplitude are in terms of an equivalent rectangular pulse. There have been many attempts at definitions, and the problem is complicated by the fact that pulser loads can be either pure resistances or oscillators whose characteristics approximate those of a biased diode. 7!9

SEC. El]





For instance, the pulse duration on a magnetron load has been variously defined as the duration of the voltage pulse at 90 per cent of the average maximum voltage amplitude, or as the duration of the current pulse at 50 per cent of the average maximum current amplitude. These definitions may be satisfactory in some cases, but the average maximum current amplitude of a current pulse that is in the general form of a half sine wave, for example, is meaningless. The purpose of this appendix is to discuss several methods for determining average pulse amplitude and pulse duration that are based on equivalence of some quantities of the actual pulse and those of an assumed rectangular pulse. From the point of view of pulser output alone, the most important quantities are charge and energy; hence, an equivalent rectangular pulse constructed on the basis of equal charg~or average currentand equal energy per pulse can be used to define the pulse amplitude and duration. In radar applications, however, one criterion of satisfactory operation of the transmitter is general] y the width of the r-f spectrum. Since, for a rectangular pulse, there is a definite relationship between the pulse duration and the spectmm width at one-half power, the duration of a rectangular pulse equivalent to any actual pulse shape can be determined by r-f spectrum considerations. The second section of this appendix considers the possibility of the use of spectmm equivalence in determining pulse duration. The equivalent rectangular pulses determined for a given pulse shape by different types of equivalence are not the same; the more nearly the actual pulse shape approximates a rectangular pulse, the more nearly equal are the values of pulse duration and amplitude obtained by the If the dilTerence in the results obtained diflerent methods of equivalence. by the diRerent methods is appreciable, the choice of the definition is determined by considering the particular purpose for which the definition is being used. B.1. Equivalent Rectangular Pulse by Conservation of Charge and Energy.-The general case of a load that can be represented by a biased diode is represented in Fig. B*2. If a current i(t) flows in the load, the instantaneous power absorbed by the load is given by

PI(O= w, + ?lil(t)]il(t).


If only one pulse is assumed to be applied to this load, the equivalent rectangular pulse of current 11, power Pz, and duration r, is defined by an equation, for the conservation of energy, .
Prr = pi(t) dt


\ -.








and an equation for conservation Ilr =

of charge,

i(t) dt,


and by the load relation in Eq. (1), which is assumed to be valid for any

(b) Voltage-current characteristics. (a) Equivalent circuit. FIG. B.2.Biased-diode load for pulser.

value of current.

The equivalent pulse voltage is then

PZ z = Tt

If the instantaneous

power can be written

p,(t) = Plf(t)
and is zero at any time except when O < t < ra, Eq. (2) becomes

Of course, Pl and 11 are not yet known, but they can be obtained by solving Eqs. (1), (2), and (3). Also, as it is asaumed that Eq. (1) is valid for any value of current,

or ,,=.g,J~ Similarly, ii(t) = : + ; J( ) + +f(t).

If these values are introduced in Eq. (3),






Equations (6) and (4) each separately determine the pulse duration 7 as a function of the assumed equivalent pulse power PI; hence, after the integrations have been performed, values for r and Pl can be obtained For a purealgebraically by solving Eqs. (4) and (6) simultaneously. resistance load V. = O, and Eq. (5) becomes

The above method of uniquely determining r and Pl breaks down if the load resistance n becomes zero, for then Eqs. (2) and (3) are identical, and any pulse duration can satisfy the conditions of equivalence of energy and charge. This lack of uniqueness when n = O is a disadvantage of the foregoing method because most magnetrons have a small value of n, and the resulting power pulse is not very different from the current pulse. AS a result, great care must be taken to obtain satisfactory accuracy in the determination of r. Three examples of the use of the above method are now given: the pulse duration and amplitude of a triangular and of a sinusoidal power pulse are given first, and a practical application to the determination of equivalent rectangular pulses of actual magnetron load pulse shapes follows. Triangular Power Pulse on a Pure-rmstance Load.-The instantaneous power during the first half of the pulse of Fig. B.3 is given by

hence, j(t) If j(t) is introduced in Eq. (4),

= = ~a ;;
= g t.

If the two expressions for pulse duration are equated,



2Pl = 5

or and

Pm 7;

Pl = &Pm T = +.. Sinusoidal Power Pulse on a Pure-resistance Load.-The instantaneous power for the pulse of Fig. B*4 is

expression for

pi(t) = Pm sin ~. Hence


B.3.Triangular pulse.



B.4.Sine-wave pulse.


The relations between the duration and amplitude of the equivalent rectangular pulse on a resistance load can again be obtained from Eqs. (4) and (7) s.@ / =iF&::t= ~%%

dt = Pm 2,.,

By equating these expressions for pulse duration, the relationship

Pm Pl= (~.~g)z = 0-7p-

is obtained.

Then 2 .T = (1.194 )zrc u 10 = 7~. 11

Pulses on Jfagnetron and Re&istance Loads.-The above method permits the determination of the equivalent rectangular pulse for any pulse produced by an actual pulse-forming network. As typical examples, consider the voltage and current pulse shape, and the power pulse shape

SEC. El]













l%. B.S.Voltage, current, and computed power pukes in an HK7 magnetron, (a) with a l-ccction pulw+forming network, (b) with a%wctionp uls~formingn etwork, (c) with a 3-ccction puls-forming network, (d) with a 4-cection pub-forming network, (e) with a 6eection puke-forming network.

(e) Fm. B.6.-Current and computed power pufces on rcsiatancc load, (a) with a l-ccction pulce-forming network, (b) with a Z-cection pulse-forming network, (c) with a 3-cection puke-forming network, (d), with a 4-eection puke-forming network, and (e) with a &action p~forxning network.








obtained by calculation of the product of instantaneous observed pulse voltage and instantaneous observed pulse current shown in Fig. B.5 for one-, two-, three-, four-, and five-section networks operating into a magnetron load. The values of r, 11 and PI have been calculated for each case as follows, the only assumption being that the current is a First, the integrations indicated in single-valued function of voltage. Eqs. (2) and (3) are performed graphically. Then the ratio

is calculated. The value of 11 corresponding to this value of VI may be obtained by finding a point on the voltage pulse at which the instantaneous voltage is equal to this value, and determining the value of instantaneous current at that instant from the corresponding current pulse. With the values of V1 and Zl known, the values of T and P1 may be calculated readily. The equivalent rectangles thus determined are indicated in the Fig. B.5. All equivalent rectangles are so placed on the diagrams that a vertical line bisecting the rectangles will also bisect the area of the actual pulse shape. Similar calculations have been carried through for the pulses produced on a pure-resistance load by the same networks. Instantaneous current and power pulse shapes, the latter obtained by squaring the instantaneous current, and the resulting equivalent rectangles, are shown in Fig. B6. B-2. Equivalent Rectangdar Pulse by Minimum Departure Areas. The method of minimum departure area is an attempt to predetermine an equivalent rectangular pulse that has the same energy as the actual pulse and produces a spectrum distribution equal to that of the actual pulse over the most significant part of the spectmm, that is, down to at least the half-power point. For simple pulse shapes, it can be shown that the ~b~ spectrum distribution satisfies the above requirement Fm. B.7.D+ if the rectangular pulse chosen is that for which the termination of minimum departure sum of the departure areas (see Fig. B. 1b) is a minareas for a trianguimum. The assumption is then made that, for any lar puke. pulse shape obtained in practice, the rectangular pulse giving equality of energy and leading to the minimum total departure area also gives a frequency spectrum equal to that of the actual pulse over the most significant portion of the spectrum. If one half of a symmetrical triangular power pulse (Fig. B.7) of maximum amplitude a and duration 2b at the base, and the equivalent rectangular pulse of amplitude h and duration 2C are considered, the condition of equal energy provides the relation

SEC, B.2]





The sum of the departure areas is given by

A=; [ ~(ah)+~(b
If the value c = (ah)/(2h) rearranged,


(UC ab

+ bh)


is introduced

in Eq. (9) and the terms are

By differentiating with respect to h and equating to zero, the values of h for which the area is a minimum are obtained. Thus


$= W[4(Y-4(:Y+2:-1
(:) -(:) +2(:)-1=


which can be rewritten

and the solutions are

h i *&


h .=

1+<1 2


only the real positive root is of interest in the discussion, or

h - = 0.707.

Figure 13.8 shows the calculated frequency spectrum for a symmetrical triangular pulse, and the theoretical spectra for several rectangular pulses of equal total energy, but of different ratios of amplitude to duration. It can readily he seen that the spectrum for the triangular pulse is superimposed on that of the rectangular pulse that has an amplitude 0.707 times that of the triangle from the maximum down to about 30 per cent of maximum power. Similarly, it can he shown that the rectangular pulse for which the sum of the departure areas from a sinusoidal pulse is a minimum has an amplitude equal to 0.86 of the peak of the sine wave. Referring to Fig. B.9, it is seen that again the equivalent rectangular pulse having an








amplitude equal to 0.86 of the sine ~ave and the sinusoidal pulse have spectra that coincide down to about 25 per cent of the maximum. Since the equivalent rectangles corresponding to a minimum total departure area for the hypothetical pulse shapes just discussed lead to a



spectrum dwtribution
equal area

of a triangular pulse and rectangular




but varying

f (G),

FIG. B.9.Frequency

spectrum distribution
equal area

of a sinueaidrd pulse and rectangular pukw of


but varying

spectrum distribution that is the same as that of the actual pulse over the most signi6cant part of the spectrum, it seems reasonable to assume that the same will be true for any pulse shape encountered in practice because most actual pulses are more nearly rectangular or trapezoidal than those just considered.






The rectangular pulse equivalent in ener~ to any power pulse shape and giving the minimum departure area may be determined graphically by succ~sive approximations. First, the area of the rectangle is determined by integration of the actual power pulse (conservation of energy), and several likely equivalent pulses are drawn, until one is found for which

I . .

I ;


(c) 7

3-Section network f=O.84

; t,(t)
1 I



4-Section network f =0.91

7 1 , (t,
i ---5-Section / --network

! ~=0.91


FIG. B. 10.Current pulsee in an HK7 magnetron, the average. current drawn through the oscillations, and the equivalent rectangular pulse from the method of minimum departure arees (a) with a l-section pulse-forming network, (b) with a 2-section pulse-forming network, (c) with a *section pul-forming network, (d) with a 4-section pufs~forming network, (e) with a 5-section pulse-forming network.

the sum of the departure areas is a minimum. The ~rocess is tedious, but has been carri~d through for the five actual pulses ~lready considered; and the resulting rectangular pulses are given in Fig. B. 10. It must be noted that the computations were based on current rather than on power pulse shapes, that is, on the assumption of conservation of charge, rather than conservation of energy. This procedure is convenient because the current is easily measurable, and it can be justified on the basis that, for a magnetron, the variation of voltage is very small during








the time of current flow; hence, the pulses of instantaneous current and power are very nearly proportional. The ratio of the difference between the area of the pulse and the minimum sum of the departure areas to the area of the pulse may be defined as the form factor of the pulse. For a rectangular pulse, its value is, of course, one. For the triangular pulse discussed previously, it is 0.656. The value of the form factor can thus be used to indicate how closely a given pulse approximates a true rectangular pulse. B.3. A Comparison of the Methods.-Appendix B has thus presented two fundamental methods of defining pulse duration and pulse amplitude. In the first method, the definition is based on the principle of conservation of energy and charge. Although unassailable from a theoretical standpoint, this method may not always give the best practical results. Two of its disadvantages have already been mentioned: the possibility of inaccuracy resulting from the near proportionality of the time functions for current and power on a magnetron load, and the fact that the pulse so determined does not lead to an r-f spectrum that is a good approximation of that of the actual pulse. In the rating of magnetron, the maximum pulse current of the oscillator is usually specified, and the above method of determining pulse amplitude and duration usually yields a rectangular current-pulse amplitude that is smaller than the instantaneous current of the actual pulse for a large fraction of the pulse duration. If the three-section network of Fig. B..% is considered, for instance, it is seen that the equivalent rectangular current-pulse amplitude obtained is at least 10 per cent smaller than the actual current for about 60 per cent of the pulse duration. Since the maximum operating point of magnetrons is generally a function of both pulse current and pulse duration, there remains the question of whether or not the equivalent rectangular pulse is a sufficiently good approximation of the actual current pulse to be used in conjunction with the specification of the maximum operation point. The method of the minimum departure areas, on the other hand, does For a magnetron load, it can not suffer from any of these drawbacks. be used with the assumption of either conservation of charge or conservation of energy, the two being very nearly equivalent for all practical purposes. The principal disadvantage is the time consumed in determining the pulse duration of any arbitrary pulse. The minimum departure area method should, nevertheless, be considered the most reliable and It may prove most accurate method of determining pulse duration. ~xpedient, however, to use short-cut methods in many practical determinations of pulse duration and pulse amplitude. One such short-cut method has been used with good results that agree reasonably well with those obtained by the method of minimum departure areas. In this

SEC. B.3]





shorkut method, the current-pulse amplitude IL is defined arbitrarily as the maximum value of an average curve drawn through the oscillations of the actual current pulse (see Fig. B. 10). By the principle of conservation of charge, the pulse duration is found immediately as


/ o

i(t) dt

This method is eaaentially equivalent to that mentioned earlier in the Appendix in which the duration of the current pulse is meaaured at 50 per cent of the average maximum amplitude. The new definition, however, specifies the amplitude more accurately and gives a value of pulse duration that is more independent of the actual current-pulse shape; it can readily be seen that the measurement at 50 per cent of the maximum amplitude corresponds exactly to conservation of charge in the case of a trapezoidal pulse shape, but not necessarily for any other pulse shape. TABLZ B.1.PuIAE

Conservation of charge, avere4e maximum current



Rmtuf W&Q


charm md


Conservation of energy, minimum departure ai-em

Resistance load ,/,.

Magnetron load ,/,.

ResistMwance netron 1OW-I load ,/..

factor mce



Magnetron load

Triangular power
pulse . . . . . . . . . Sine-wBve powe pub . . . . . . . . . .

8 5


10 ii
Tn 2CNZA @m 2.1 2.1 2.15 2.11 2.03 r,, Pbec 3.17 3.02 3.02 3.00 2.60




... ...

network necNo. .af tionn. .,,...... 1 2 3 4 5

r,, *ec 2.90 2.45 2.65 2.3S 2,20 . . . . . .... .... .... .. .

2,4S 2.28 2.32 2.28 2.05

0.79 0.s4 0.39 0.91 0.91

r,, Bsec 1 79 1.94 2.11 2.08 2cm

r,, psec 2.23 2.06 2.14 2.10 2,02

I Table B. 1 gives the results obtained for pulse duration by the three methods outlined abov~onservation of charge and energy; conservation of ener~ (or charge, if the current pulse is essentially proportional to the power pulse) and minimum departure area; average maximum current and conservation of charge; and the rated pulse duration, TN = 2CNZN,








of the pulse-forming networks. It maybe noted that, on magnetron load, the pulse durations determined by the last two methods do not diiTer by more than 10 per cent, and that the pulse durations obtained by the short-cut method are the nearest to the rated valuea of the networks. One great advantage of the short-cut method is its simplicity compared with either of the other two. Although it leads to values of pulse duration that are slightly small, it does, on the other hand, give values for pulse currents that are too large in the same proportion. Since a small increaae in current may be more detrimental to the oscillator than a similar increase in pulse duration, it is probably better, from a practical standpoint, to rate the pulser output on the basis of the third definition: less damage is likely to result to the magnetron from exceeding rated current, and, except for very nonrectangular pulses, the short-cut method provides a satisfactory definition of pulse amplitude and duration.

List of Symbols
In the table that follows are listed the more important and extensively used symbols appearing in this book. Many symbols used in particular developments have not been included in the list when their usc is restricted ta relatively few pages of the text. ENGLISHLETTER SYMBOE Symbol A

De6ned or First Used Page Cross-aectional area of PT core..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 Thicbe~of layer of~whdmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Description Average maguetic induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Increment ofaverage flux density above remanent Flux density in charging reactor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Some value of flux density lew than B~t . . . . . . . . . Remanent flux density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remanent tluxdensity in PT core with gap . . . . . . Saturation flux density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . value of B. ..,,..... ...... .. ........ ................ ................ ................ ................ . . . 617

Be B% B, B,, B-, cc (!D

... ... ... ... ...

36s 604 600 602 600

cd cm c, cN c. c, c. c. c GN c. co c,
d Eb E* Ec Ecn E,, E,, e: %

Distributed capacitance of PT primary winding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,5o3 Same as Cc for PT secondary winding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,508 Capacitance ofdeapiking network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Pbt~t~grid capacitance ofa vacuum tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576 Shunt capacitance dueto aloud.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Energy storage capacitance ofa PFN. . . 127,176 Capacitance between primary and secondary of PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 Capacitance ofrthaection ofa PFN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Shunt capacitance, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 hergystorage capacitance ktrigger generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. J... 307 Stray capacitance ofa PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Energy storage capacitance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Capacitance oflomlw transmiwion line.......................,..,.. 228 Capacitance ofaectionuofa PFN (Guillemin theory ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Lamination thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 637

A-cpower supply voltage . . . . . . . . . . . 382 D-cpower supply volt.age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ~....... 22 Grid bias voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Grid cuhffvoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .576 Control-grid voltnge (vacuum tulw. !Jl Screen-grid voitage (vacuumtulw). . . .. .. . . . 91 Applied grid voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,,....,.....................576 576 ............. . . . le, - E,~l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723




E f f t jo jl f2 j:, f, GJ
gd Q[

Defined or First Used Page Voltage across load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...563 Electric field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Description @jam

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...603

7/7mt. . . . . . . . . .


.......... ..... ... ..............


535 184

Pnlse recurrence frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Resonant frequency of charging circuit of a line-type puleer. . . . . . . . . 360 Factor depending on voltage distribution between primary and secondary of a PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...522 Factor relating LL to PT windingarrangement.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541

9P 9.
H He H= H. H, I ., 1, 11 In I= 1P 1, I, Zmb I=
IS I. I. I, I. L i iL i; A ~P G i, io iw

Proportionalityfactore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541 badconductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Shunt-diodeconductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Laad conductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Switch-tubeconductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Shunt conductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Magnetizing force in PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coercive force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnetizing force in charging reactor. Eddy-current magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . Reverse magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ ............................ . . .................... ..... ............................ . 5J.3 . 601 368 . 623 . 601

Average current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. .... .. 3 Puleecurrent in charging element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Pulse current in load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Magnetizing current.,.........,,.. .. .... .... . . . . . . . . 536 Maximum current during apulse. . .. ...... ... ... .. .. 51 Current in PT primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Plate current in switch tube..... . ... .... .... ... ... ... 22 Current in PT primary . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 .Pulse current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Effective current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Current in PT secondary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Current eourcereplacing voltage source V, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Puleecurrent in shunt impedance . . . 109 Current in PTeecondary . . . . . . . . . . 513 Current source replacing charged storage condenser. ,. ..., . . . . . . 27 Instantaneous current in charging element. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Eddy current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .633 Instantaneous current in inductance. . ........ 23 Instantaneous load curi-ent . . . . . . 23 Magnetizing current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 Instantaneous plate current in switch tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Current inrthsection of PAN...... 180 Instantaneous current in shunt path. . 40 Initial current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Current inmesh~of PFN(Guillemin theory).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

LIST Symbol
J k L Lc L, I I:D I.? I.L I..v Iw I., I I: L L; 1.. 1 / s Ilf .N N. .V, v 1P v, N, n n ~>*v PL 1, lm P,V P, IR




Defined or First Used Page current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...652 Description 506

(coupling coefficien t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Average peripheral spacing of moving electrodes of rotary spark gap.. 284 Charging inductance in series with distributed capacitance in PT 79, 508 Inductance of isolating element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Charging inductance inline-typepulscr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 &uncas Lcforthe other PT winding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,508 fMectives huntinductancei nP T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,508 Leakage inductance in PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,512 Inductance ofa PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Primary inductance of PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 Inductance ofrthsection of PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Value ofinductance forresonant charghg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Shunt Inductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Energy storage inductance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Total distributed inductance of lossless transmission line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Inductance of section u of PFN (Guiflemintheory) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Mcanmagnetic path length. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 Length ofgapin PT core. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Lengthof PT winding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Mutual inductance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 Numbcrof turns of PT coil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numherof turnson chargingreactor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numberof fixcdelectrodesofmtary gap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iNumberofturns on PT primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numherof moving electrodesof rotary gap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numbcrof turnson PT secondary.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage transformationratio of a transformer... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numberofmeshes ina PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51O 364 282 513 282 513 71 MO


Avemgep ower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Overheadpower loss inline-type pul=r... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 R&cpowerinaloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Maximum power duringa pulse.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 Power input to PFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 Pulse power dissipatedin switch tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Power dissipatedinkolatingresktance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Pulseformingnetwork. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pulserecurrencefrequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Pulsetransformer ..... .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . Laplace transformparameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Quality factor of a circuit.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 360 Chargeona PF51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Instantaneouschmgeona PFN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356

Q ~N

Symbol R. Rd R, RO R. RI R, R, R, Rw R@ To rl rP r, s, SI Su ST T T Tb T, t, -u v,.(t) Vc(t) V@ v,



Defined or First Used Page Resistance of isolating element in charging circuit of a pulser. . . . . . 26, 357 Resistance ofdespiking network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Shunt resistance in PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...236.508 Internal resistance ofvoltageeource. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Ieolating resistance in grid circuit of a vacuum tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Load resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Switch resistance plus series losses in PFN and PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Resistance inparallel with pulaer output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 T,/w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Resistance of PT winding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506 wpld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Grid-to-cathode resistance of vacuum tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 Dynamic resistance of a load (magnetron or biased diode).. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Internal resistance of switch tube... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Resistance between two laminations of PT core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Hypothetical switch in series with shunt diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hypothetical switch inseriea with diode load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hypothetical switch iuaeri~ with magnetron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Switch tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 33 46 27


Symbol fora tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 lo-%@ p,a,$ using c~ unita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...623 mks unite or ~ using 3p Deionizing time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Pulse recurrence interval (l/f,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Riitime ofapulee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .537 Average circumference of layer of PTwinding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Voltage acrosaoutput of hard-tube puhwr . ........ ................ .. Time function of voltage across a capacitance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Source or generator voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulee grid voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFN voltage at end of a pulse due to impedance mismatch = VN-,. Pulse voltage across a loud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage ofnthreflected pulse at the load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Observed value of V_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum voltage across a series gap switch for which preflring is negligible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mtilmum voltage across a series gap switch for which misfiriig is negligible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Initial voltage ona PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFNvoltage atendof nthchargkg period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFNvoltage atendof nth reflection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PT primary voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Voltage drop across switch tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laplace transform of V(t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PT secondary voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 53 532 25 419 22 418 297 297 298 176 419 418 71 22 28 71

vJ, VI VI vM vVmi.

VA. vNm VN-. Vp v,

v(p) Vs

LIST Symbol



Vs v, vv. v. v: v. VT v;
VI %

De6ned or First Used Page Theoretical maximum value of V_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Voltage at which conduction starts in an ideal diode; starting voltage of a magnetron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Minimum power supply voltage at which 6ring occurs for seriesgaps. . . 298 27 Voltage source equivalent to charged energy storage condenser. Equihbrium value of storage condenser voltage, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Energy storage condenser voltage at the start of a particular pulse.. . . . 53 Initial voltage onloedees transmieeion line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Equilibrium value of storage condenser voltage at the end of a pulse, 53 Energy storage condenwr voltage at the end of a particular pulse. . . . . . 53 Instmtan~us voltage acre= a load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Instantaneous-voltage drop across switch tube. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 60 Energy in magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy ina charged capacitance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy dissipated in PT core due to eddy currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy dissipated in a loud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Energy returned tothecircuitfrom PT core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WergystoA in PFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Width of core lamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 519 627 226 628 25o 637


w w w. WI w. WN


Admittance = l/Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Admittance ofa PFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Load impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Impedance ofa PAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129,176 Internal impedance ofapulser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Impedance inparallel with pulser load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Characteristic impedance of PT winding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Characteristic impedance of a transmission line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84


z, z,


Sbntl~coe5cient PT parameter =l+z~


SYMBOIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =l+z% 533

d P

Series PT

lose coefficient

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...238 533


.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ratio . ~-%,

of total




to PFN



252 . . . 419

Y r,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A AP 6 6

I/L= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591 loll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...591 Distance between layers of PT winding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 Skhdepth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548 One way transmission time for loseless tmnsmission line. . . . . . . . . . 177, 524 Loeetangent =tani$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653




Defined or Fmt Uced Page Dielectric constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 Small positive voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576 Dielectric constant of free space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Dielectric constant of core material in mks units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Efficiency of a PT..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Efficiency of power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Efficiency ofcharging circuit . . . . . . . . . . . Efficiency ofdiwharging circuit . . . . . . . . . . . Efficiency ofpulser circuit, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Efficiency of a PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . berallefficiency ofapuleer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . 71 ...... 249 . . . . . . . . 249 . . . . . . . . . 249 . . . . . . . . .249 . . . . . . ...236 . . . . . . . . . 249


Reflection coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85,419 Amphfication factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,576 Permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Effective puleeperrneability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51o D-c incremental permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 D-c incremental permeability for core with gap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Maximum permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Average permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Average permeability for core with gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Permeability inmks units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Reeietivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 PT circuit parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 Conductivity ofcorematerial inmke units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Pulse duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duration of power pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulwduration at theload, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum pulee duration obtainable with a regenerative pulse generator Pulse duration produced by a PFN on a matched resistance load . . . l%nerequire dtosaturat eacorelamination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angular frequency ofa-c voltage . . . . . . . . . . ~s=w; a%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,, ,, Applied a-c angular frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ~;= LCCN ..................... ...... ...... . .,, ,,, ...... ... ...... ...... ,, ... ...... 3 714 250 587 250 634

. . . . . . . . . . . 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 ,, ...,,,,,.,,357 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 357



A A-c charging dicde, 414-416 general analysis of, 380-386 nonresonant, 381, 365, 393-400 remnant, 381, 365, 386393 average-current component in, 369 charging-circuit efficiency in, 392 circuit utilization factor in, 392 A-c charging transformers, linearity requirements for, 401 practical, 400-407 A-c impedance, 177 Airborne radar systems, light-weight medium power pulaer for, 140-152 Aluminum-cathode gap (see Fixed gap) Amplitude jitter, 290, 331 Anger circuit, 466-471 Anode buildup, 320 Anode circuit, 344-349 of hydrogen thyratrons, 344 Anode current, rate of rise of, 348 Anode voltage, forward, 346 inverse, 346-348 Arnott, E. G. F., 321n., 324n. Autotransformer, 512 Average current, 361, 467, 470, 483 Average=current component in a-c resonfit charging, ~9 Average-current measurements, 146 Average-current meter, 701706 Average values of the transformer rents, 396 B Backswing voltage, 43, 45, 50, 79, 88, 146, 154, 261, 509, 551, 569 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 104, 281, 295, 317, 321, 322, 328, 472-476 729

Bettler, P. C., 451n. B-H 10cIP, d-c, 612 idealized, 633 idealized and actual pulse, 627 pllke, 612, 643 circuit for, 641 B-H oacillograms, for a-c charging transformers, 403, 405, 406 for d-c charging reactm, 369, 370 Bias, cutoff, for tetrode, 100 for triode, lCMI negative, 92 Bias voltage, cutoff, 99 Biased diode, curmmt.-vokage characteriatic of, 32, 231 Biased-diode load, 527 Blocking-oscillator driver, 124132 Blocking-oscillator transformer, design of, 543-547 Blumlein circuit, 465-468 Bootstrap driver, 120-124, 138 Bostick, W. H., 611n.., 639n. Breakdown field of rotary gap, 291 Breakdown time of rotary gap, 275 Breakdown voltage, dynamic, of single fixed gap, 296 static, of single fixed gap, 296 Bushings for pulse transformers, 654 Butt joint in core, 601, 644 Byerly, W. E., 656n.

Cable, matched, with a series resistor, 671 with a shunt resistor, 671 for pulse-forming network, 164 Cable impedance matching, 671 Cable-matching, 677 Cable properties and delay lines, 689 Capacitance divider, 673-675





Carslaw, H. S., 27n. Cathode and anode erosion of fixed gap, 319-321 Cathode current, 148 Cathode erosion, 317, 320 Cathode follower, 121, 125 Cathode fatigue, 97 Cauers extension of Fosters theorem, 194 Chaffee, E. L., 98n. Characteristic current-voltage of a nonlinear load, 110 Characteristic curves for triodes and tetrodes, 98-108 Characteristic impedance (see Impedance, characteristic) Characteristics, grid-currentplate-voltage, 101108 idealized current-voltage, of a tetrode, 110 plate-current-grid-voltage, 99-101 plate-currentplate voltage, 101108 Charging, of storage condenser, 5149 (See also A-c charging; D-c charging; Full-cycle charging; Half-cycle charging; Inductance charging; Linear charging; Recharging; Resonant charging Charging-circuit eficiency in a-c resonant charging, 392 Charging-circuit 10SZCS, 429 Charging circuits, of lime-type prdser, 355-416 miscellaneous, 414416 Charging cycle, 358 Charging diode, 138, 361 (See also Hold-off diode) Charging efficiency, 392, 421 Charging element, inductance, 355 resistance, 355 Charging inductance, 361, 455, 467, 483 of a pulse transformer, 523-530 Charging period, 384 Charging reactor, 356 coil design for, 372 core design for, 372 linearity of, 366 sample design for, 376 saturation of core, 364, 370 Charging transformer losses, 413

Charging transformers, a-c, (see A-c charging transformers) Charging voltage, forward, measurement of, 69W592 Circuit (see type of circuit) Circuit complexity, 16 Circuit utilization factor in a-c r~n~t charging, 392 Coding, pulse-, 131, 486 Coil design for d-c charging reactor, 372 Gil material for pulse transformers, 648660 Cole, P. A., 662n., 706n. Condenser, as energy reservoir, 2123 discharging of, 25-51 storage, charging of, 51-69 effect of inductance of isolating element on, 67 voltage on, 77 Ccmdeneer voltage equilibrium, 53, 55 Connectors, for pulse transformers, 654 Conservation of charge, definition of equivalent rectangular pulse, 711716 Conservation of energy, definition of equivalent rectangular pulse, 711716 Core, accurate equivalent circuit for, 631 with butt joints, 601, 644 without butt joints, 600 magnetization of, 633 Core design for d-c charging reactor, 372 Core material for pulse transformers, 599-648 d-c data for, 614-015 d-c properties of, 599-%01 pulse data for, 614-615 standard teats on, 611 thickness of, 599 Core performance, techniques for measuring, 639-648 Core maturation, 603n. Core size, 538, 545 Coupling c0e5cient, 506 Craggs, J. D., 274n., 332 Crout, P. D., 528 Current, average (see Average current) effective (see EMective current) Current-fed network (see Network) Current modes in pulse transformer, 528

INDEX Current pulse, 175, 176, 666 amplitude for, 69 Current pulse droop, 80,88, 169, 568,702 (See aZso pulse droop) Current pulse rectangular in copper, 655658 Current-pulse shapes, 186 Current-pulse-viewing resistors, 676 Current spike (see Spike, current) Current-viewing resistors, 666 Current-voltage characteristics of a biased diode, 32, 231 CV85 trigatron, 332 CV125 trigatron, 332 D Darlington circuit, 464 D-c charging, 356-380 general analysis of, 356-363 D-c charging current from nordinear charging reactor, 365 D-c charging reactors, design of, 372380 linearity requirements for, 364-366 practical, 364-372 D-c charging voltage from nonlinear charging reactor, 365 D-c hysteresis loop, 605 of a core, 600 (See d-so B-H kmp) D-c incremental permeability, 601, 632, 634 D-c permeability, 510 D-c resonant charging, 360,418 Deionisation, 279 Deionisation time, 336, 353 Delay line, 133, 158 Delay lines and cable properties, 689 Delay time, 351 Despiking circuit, 453 Despiking RC-network, 436 Diaplex, 215 Dielectric, dissipation factor of, 216 Dielectric constant and power factor, 652 Dielectric strength, 651 Dielectrics, 215 Diffusion equations, 656 development of, 617-619 edution of, 619-626 Dillinger, J. R., 312n., 320n., 324n., 327n., 335n.


Diode, biased (s= Biaaed diode) Discharging of storage condenser, 25-51 Discharging circuit, effect of, on pulse shape, 255-261 efficiency of, 449 general properties of, 225-233 of line-type pulwr, 225-272 Discharging efficiency, 466, 4S3 Discharging (pulse) interval, 54 Dissipation factor of dielectric, 216 Distributed capacitance, 516-522, 537 effective, of pulse-tr~*fOrmer coi~, measurement of, 521 for a transformer, 507 Divider (see specific type of divider) Donovan, A C., 367n. Double-switch single-network circuit, 4S8-492 Drewell, P., 336n. Driver, 119 blocking+scillatir, 124132 bootstrap, 120-124, 13S multivibrator, 132139 puIs&forming-network, 132139 regenerative, 124-134, 150 Driver circuits, 119-139, 157, 168 Dry type of insulation, 64=51 eolventleac varnish for, 649 Dunham, C. R., 619n., 635n. Duolaterally wound coil, 554 Dupont, 650 Duration (see Pulse duration) Duty, 4 Duty cycle, 4 Duty ratio, 4 Dynamic resistance, 231 of load, 3, 33, 78, 110 E Eddy current, 620, 624, 636 energy dissipated by, 626 Eddy current loss, 629 Effective current, 361 in a-c resonant charging circuit, 390 in transformer windina 547 Effective current density, in transformer winding, 548 Effective values of the transformer currents, 396



GENERATORS Fixed gap, iron-sponge mercury-cathode, 327332 designs of, 328 mercury-cathode, 295, 303 (See af.90Series gap) static- and dynamic-breakdown volt,ages of a single, 296 three-electrode, 332335 hydrogen-fifled, 335 types (see listing under O) Fixed gap design, general considerations for, 31t%318 Fixed gap dissipation, 324326, 331 Fixed spark gap (see Fixed gap) Fletcher, R. C., 680n. Fluharty, R. G., 274n., 326n. Flux density, 538 distribution of, 623 incremental, 537 Fluxplot, for typical puke-transforming winding, 659 Fosterite, 557,649, 650 Fosters reactance theorem, 193 Fosters theorem, Cauers extension of, 194 4C35 thyratron, 138, 341, 479 Fourier-eeries, 187 Frank, R., 656n. Frequency response, of pulse transformer, 591-598 of transformer, oscilloscope presentation of, 595 Full-cycle charging, 39+397, 449 Fundingsland, O. T., 443n. G Ganz, A. G., 623n., 628n., 633n. Gap in the core, 601 (See ako Fixed gap; Rotary gap; Series gap) Gap length of the core, optimum, 602-604 Gap restriking, 279 Gap spacing, 32o Gaps, number of, vs. voltage range, 300302 Gardner, M. F., 27n. Gas, for tixed gap, choice of, 316 for rotary gaps, 280 Gas cleanup, 336 Gas pressure, 3X3 Gaseous-discharge switch, 10, 14, 175

Efficiency, 13, 534 of hard-type pulser, 16 of line-type puleer, 13, 16 pulser, 244, 249-255, 462 of line-type pulser, 249 over-all, 249 of rectifier circuit, 249 total, 249 829tetrode, 105, 123, 126,132 SS4 tube, 123 8020 shunt diode, 154 Electrode material, for fixed gap, choice of, 317 for rotary gaps, 280 Electrodes, 6xed, 276 moving, 276 for rotary gaps, number of, 282 Energy, dissipated, in the core, calculation, 627 approximate, 630 by eddy currents, 626 in puke-trmeformer windings, 660 stored in magnetic field, 627 Energy density, average, in coil, 541 in core, 541 Energy loss, 62t%633 Ehergy reservoir, comparison of a condenser and an inductance aa, 23-25 (S.. also Condenser; Inductance) Energy transfer, maximum, 533 Equivalent circuit, for pule.c+transformer core, 626-633 (See m!eocomponent for which equivalent circuit is given) Erosion of electrodes of ilxed gap, 319321 Evans Signal Laboratory, 342ra. F Fe-I gap, 328 5C22 thyratmn, 138, 341, 455 5D21 tetmde, 100, 104, 132,472 527 triode, 106 Fixed gap, aluminum-cathode, 298 designs of, 321323 cathode rmd anode erosion of, 319-321 cylindrical electrode, 295 cylindrical-electrode aluminum-cathode, 318-327 enclosed, 29&335

INDEX GE 68G627 pulse transformer, 129, 150 General Electric Company, 355n., 373, 400402,408, 557,559,614415,638, 649 Geometry of fixed gap, determination of, 318 Germezhausen, K. J., 312n., 335n. Gibbs phenomenon, 187 Gillette, P. R., 522n. Glasoe, G. N., 662n., 707n. Glick, H. L., 327n. Coucher, F- S., 274n., 295n., 316n., 318n., 327n., 331n. Grid, power dissipation in, 97 Grid circuit of hydrogen thyratron, 349354 Grid current, 97 Grid drive, positive, 91 Grid-driving power, 157 Grid swing, 92, 119 Guillemin, E. A., 189n., 193n. Guillemin networks, 200-203 current-fed, 211213 type A, 212 type B, 212 type c, 212 type F, 212 voltage-fed, type A, 201 type B, 201 type C, 201 type D, 201 type E, 201 Guillemins theory, 189-207 H Half-cycle charging, 397400 Half-wave single-phase charging, 476478 Hanna, C. R., 377n. Hard-tube pulser, 5, 68, 19-172 application of pulse-shaping networks to, 165-172 comparison of, with line-type pulzer, 13-17 high-power short-pulse, 160-165 lightweight medium power, 140-152 lMw, 152160 output circuit of, 2189 required switch characteristics of, 9098 two arrangements of uw of pulse transformer with, 74


Haynes, J. R., 295n., 303n. Heat dissipation, 151, 459 Hibbard, L. U., 693n. High-reactance transformers, design of, 407414 Hipersil pulse-transformer cores, 610 Hold-off diode, 163, 381, 414416, 456 (See ako Charging diode) Hull, A. W., 274n. Hydrogen thyratron, 335-354 anode circuit of, 344 control-grid characteristic in, 338 grid circuit of, 349-354 life of, 341 operating characteristics of, 336-344 operation of, 339 series and parallel, 842 tube characteristics of, 339
Hysteresis loop on an oscilloscope, 639641 (See also B-H loop)

Hysteresis loss, 627 I ZTVP curve, 111-118 Ionization, residual, 297 Ionization time, 345 Impedance, a-c, 177 characteristic, 176 of pulse-forming network, 9, 129 instantanemrs, 437 internal, of pulzer, 4 mismatch, 417 of a network, measurement of, 221 Impedance characteristic, of a cable, 670 of a pulse transformer, 522526 Impedance-matching, 4, 9, 13, 16, 227 cable, 671, 677 to load, 70-76 and transmission cable, 66M73 Impedance mismatch with long cable, reflection effects of, 84-89 Impedance transformation ratio, of trans. former, 10 Inductance, as the energy reservoir, 23 Inductance charging, from an a-c source, 380-386 (See ako A-c charging) from d-c power supply, 356-380 efficiency of, 363 Inductance measurements, 366-372



GENERATORS Line-type pulse generator with a magne tron load, 573 Line-type pulaer, 5, 8-12, 173-496 characteristics of, 233-244 charging circuit of, 355-416 measurement in, 690 comparison of, with hard-tube pulser, 13-17 discharging circuit of, 225-272 efficiency of, 13, 16, 249 equivalent circuit, 236-238 performance of, 417-447 switches for, 234, 273-354 Line-type puleer characteristics, 233-244 Lirwvoltage variation, 117 Load, coupling to, 70-76 directiconnected, 73 duration of pulse at, 226 dynamic resistance of, 3, 33, 78, 110 energy dissipated in, 226 linear, 3 nonlinear, 3 open circuit in (see Open circuit) puke power in, 226 resistance, 177 short circuit in (see Short circuit) static resistance of, 3, 110 transformer-coupled, 73 Load characteristics, effect of on puleer regulation, 108-118 Lead current, change in, during a pulse, 58 reducing the change in, 166 Load current variation, 117 Load dynamic resistance, 78 Load effect on pufaer operation, 418-423 Load impedance, effects of change in, 417 Load line, 238-244 Load voltage, 469 Lees, series, 237, 238 shunt, 238 M Mac(ldl, L. A., 61%. MacFayden, K. A., 63%. McIntosh, R. O., 693n. Magnetic-path length, mean, 509 Magnetio shunt, 4CKI Magnetizing current, 522

Inductive kicker, 305-307 Ingram, S. B., 295n. Input capacitance of load, 536 Insulating materials, measurements on, 653 Insulation for pulse transformers, 648-655 Interlaminar insulation, 638 Interlaminar resistance, 636-638 Intarpulw interval 16,54, 119 Iron-sponge mercury-cathode gap (see Fixed gap) Iecdating element, 6, 12, 52 average power dissipated in, 59 effect of inductance of, on charging of storage condencer, 67 high resistance as, 52-61 inductance, 61-69, 145 inductive resistor as, 61+9 principal advantages of inductance ea, 68 resistance, 153 J Jitter, time (we Time jitter) Joos, G., 501n. K Keyers, 1 Kicker, inductive, 305-307 Kraft paper, 551 Krulikoeki, S. J., 344n.J 347n.

Laplace-transform method, 27, 175 Leading edge of puke (see Pulee) Leakage core, 400 separate, 409 Leakage inductance, 506, 511-516 calculation of, 512 measurement of, 515 of traneforme~, 400 Leakag+reactanc=ore gap, 411 Lebacqz, J. V., 274n., 468n. Linear charging, 12, 361 Linearity requirements for a-c charging transformers, 401 Lin-imulating network, 124, 180 (S= &o Network)

INDEX Magnetron, current voltage character. ietic of, 32, 702 mod-changing of, 206, 417, 438-441 mode-skipping, 439 normal operation of, 435438 pushing figure of, 118 sparking of, 425, 441447, 707 Magnetron current, average, 146, 155, 253 Magnetron-input characteristics, 435 Magnetron load, 527 puleer performance with, 435447, 707 Marx circuit, 494 Maxwells equations, 618 Measurement (see quantity measured) Meaauring techniques, 661709 Mechanicaldesign considerations for rotary gaps, 283-289 Megaw, E. C. S., 693n. Metering techniques in pulse meaeur~ ments, 692-709 Mica, 215 Minimum departure areas, equivalent rectangular pulse by, 716-720 Mode changing of magnetrons, 206, 417, 438441 Mode skipping, 438 Mode-skipping magnetron, V-I characteristics of, 439 Modulators, 1 Moody, F. N., 500n. Motor, 285 Multipk+switch circuit for voltage multiplication, 494496 Multiple-switch multiple-network circuit, 485488 Multivibrator, biaaed, 132 Multivibrat.or driver, 132-139 N Naval Research Laboratory, Anacostia, D. C., 171 Network, average power supplied by, 253 currenGfed, 8, 25, 135, 175, 207213 of equal capacitance per section, 196200, 203-207 Guillemin, 200-203, 211-213 initial charge on, 176 inverse voltage on, 427 line-simulating, 124, 180


Network, mutual inductance, 199 puleeforming, 8, 175,224,225,234,356 cable se, 164 characteristic impedance of, 9, 129 current-fed, 25 voltage on, 454 type A, 201, 212 type B, 201, 212 type C, 201, 2!2 type D, 201, 205 type E, 205, 213, 219 type F, 201, 212 voltage-fed, 8, 175, 189-207 Network attenuation, 222 Network capacitance, 454 Network-charging circuit, 12 Network coils, 213-215 construction of, 221 Network condensers, 215-221 Network impedance, 176, 181 Network impedance function, 181 Network phace shift, 222 Network storage capacitance, 176 Network voltage, 358,368,395, 398,424, 455 Networks, derived from a transmission lime, 179-189 Nickel-steel pulse-tranaformer cores, 611 Nickel-steel prmchings for pulse traneformer cores, 611 Nonlinear circuits, 42H31 Nonlinear-inductance circuit, 471-476

Oil-impregnated paper, 215 Oil-impregnated paper insulation, 651 1B22 gap, 321, 322 1B29 gap, 321, 322 1B31 gap, 321, 322 1B34 gap, 322 1B41 gap, 322 operating range for, 324 1B42 gap, 328 1B45 gap, 322 1B49 gap, 322 1-Mw hard-tube pulcer, 152-160 Open-circuited localeee tranemicsion line, 176 Open circuits, 431435 in load, 417




operating characteristics, of aluminumcathode gap, 323 of hydrogen thyratron, 336-344 of iron-sponge mercury-cathode gap, 329 Opposing-pin rotary gap, 287 Oecillationson top of the current pulse, 265 Oscilloscope, 662-665 high-speed, 664 use of in puleer meamrements, 662-692 Oscilloscope presentation frequency responaeof transformer, 595 Output circuit of hard-tube pulser, 2189, 141, 153, 160 basic, 2125 with biaeed-diode load, 3>51 with high resistance a. ieolating element, 52-61 with inductance or inductive reaietor as isolating element, 61-69 with a resistance load, 26-31 Output power regulation, 77 Overload relay, 433 Overshoots, 179, 187 P Parabolic faU of pulse, 191 Parabolic rice of pulse, 191 Parallel-pin rotary gap, 287 Peak current, 470 Peak power, 69 of pulse, 3 Peek, F. W., 294n. Performance, of high-power airborne pulaer, 461463 of high-puwer rotary gap puleer, 451 of line-type puleers, 417-447 Perma61, 557, 649, 650 Permeability, d-c, 510 d-c incremental, MM, 632, 634 effective, of the core, 537 PFN (see pulse-forming network) Philco Corporation, 140 Plate-current-grid-voltage characteristics, 99-101 Poet-puke voltage, 691 Power, average, 466, 483 diwipated in shunt ch!mcmts, 69 Power dinnipation, 104

factor and dielectric constant, 652 Power input, average, 470 to puleer, 151 Power Ioes in pulae-tranaformer windings, 660 Power output, average, 470 of puleers, 3 Power supply, 14, 455 average current, 149 voltagedoubler, 148 Power-supply voltage, 73, 77 Power transfer, 227, 232, 238-244 maximum, 500-503 Power transfer to the load, 69-89 PrAire, 297 PRF, 3, 123 Protection, of circuit elements, 433435, 457 Protective measures, 151, 164), 431 Proximity effect, 547, 658-66o pulse, backswing on tail, 569-571 change in load current during, 58 current, 3, 320 (S.. c&oCurrent pulse) equivalent rectangular, by eoneervation of energy, 711-716 by minimum departure arena, 716720 leading edge of, 2, 255-257 (See ako Pulee, rice of) parabolic fall of, 191 parabolic rise of, 191 peak power of, 3 rectangular, 177, 711-720 rise of, 2 on a magnetron load, 505-56g on a reaietmce load, 563-565 (See abo pulse, leading edge of) sirmeoidal power, 714 einueoidal spectrum distribution, 718 tQp of, 2, 257 trailiig edge of, 2, 258-261 (See also Pulee tail) triangular power, 713 triangular Bpectrum distribution, 718 Pulee amplitude, 710-722 average, 69 definition of, 710 Puhw cable, 255, 231 b~tWO(!I1 Pldlll!r und bud, c,ffcwtof, 271



pub characteristics,98 (Seealso Characteristics) of tubes of receivertype, 102 Puls-coding (seeCoding,pulse-) %1s. current,3, 320, 447 change in, 165 Pulse droop, 509, 568, 569, 674 (Seeako Currentpulse droop) P&e duration, 2, 15, 119, 123, 136, 226,236,320,447,456, 534,544,710722 change of, 16 continuously variable, from 0.5 psec to 5 /.lscc,158 definitionof, 710 equivalent,251, 710-722 maximum, 587, 634 rangeof, 127 from 0.1-0.5 psec, 160 from 0.3 MCC to 0.15 psec, 160 Pulseenergy, 134 Pulse-formingnetwork (SeeNetwork) cable as, 164 pulse-forming-network driver, 132-139 Pulse generator,basic circuit of, 5 regenerative,124 Pulsegeneratoroutput transformer,500 pulse hysteresisloop, 641-648 theoreticalconstructionof, 634-636 (Seeako B-H loop)
pulse magnetization, 6W626, 633%38 pulse measurements, 667-687 P&e plate current, 95 Pulse power, 3, 69, 238-244 pulse-power output, of the driver, 119 vs. transmission-line voltage, 229 pulse recurrence frequency (s* PRF) Pulse shape, 2, 13, 16, 179, 188, 190, 207, 220, 534, 687 computed and actual, 261272 e5ect of discharging circuit on, 255-261 optimum, 552 on a resistance load, 573 (See also Wave shape) Pulse shapes obtained from hard-tube pulser, calculations of, with biased-diode load, 33-51 with resistance load, 26-32 effect of measuring circuit on, 678 effect of pulse transformer and cable on, 8184, 88

Pulse shapes obtained from hard-tube pulser, effect of shunt capacitance and load resistance, 31 examples of, magnetron (biased-diode) load, 38, 46-49 sloping top or droop, 51, 56-58 pulse shapes obtained from line-type pulser, effect of cable on, 271, 272 effect of circuit parameters on, 262,266268, 440 effect of magnetron sparking on, 442 =etmn 10~, 271, 272, 715, 719 multiple pulses, 491, 493 with non-linear inductance switch, 472 with various types of PF N, resistance load, five-section, 183,205,715 one section, 203, 715 eix-section, 188, 189 three-section, 204, 715 two-section, 204, 715 type E, 207, 220 Pulse shapea obtained from regenerative driver, 126,128,130 very short pufee duration, 165 Pulse shapes obtained from regenerative pulse generator, 590 pulse-shaping circuit, 177, 473 Pulse tail, 2, 183, 189, 569 oscillations on, 571573 (Sss afso Pulse, traifing edge of) pulse top, on magnetron load, 569 on resistance load, 568 pulse transformer, 9,225, 235, 497-660 advantages of, 78 bushings for, 654 charging inductance of, 526-530 coil material for, 648-660 connectors for, 654 core materials for, 609 current modes in, 528 design, 53%562 methods for, 536-555 elementary theory of, 499-531 equivalent circuit, 508-510 values of elements, 510 frequency response of, 591-598 GE 68G627, 150 with hard-tube pulse generator, 566 insulation for, 64&655 iron-core, 124 with line-type pulec gcnmator, 567





Pulse transformer, operating data for, 558 power output, 511 design of, M7554 power-transfer efficiency of, 71 primary inductance, 510 for regenerative pulse generator, 511 design of, 543-547 time delay in, 85, 272 two arrangements for use with hard-

tube puleer,74 typical design specificationsfor, 561 typical designs,555-562 for very high resistanceload, 554 for very high voltages, 555 winding schemesfor, 517, 518 wire for, 655-460 Pulse transformer cores, equivrdentcircuit for, 626-633 various types of, 606 Pulsetransformercouplingh load, 70-76 effectsof, 78-89 Pulse-transformer effect on pulse shapes, 563-575 Puke transformermaterirds,59%360 Pulse transformer parameters, e5ect on
circuit behavior, 563-598 effect on regenerative pulse generators, 575-591 Pulse voltage, 3, 537 change in, 165 rate of rise of, 77 Pulse voltmeters, 692701 intrinsic error of, 694-698 Pulsed bridge circuit, 222 P&w circuit, direct connection, 70 PuIaer-circuit efficiency, 470 design, switch-tube characteristics a5ecting, 9-8 Pulser efficiency (see Efficiency, prdser) Puk+crload line, 243 Pulaer performance, with magnetron load, 435447 Pulser power output, effect of stray capacitance on, 76 Pulaer regulation (see Regulation, pulser) Pulser switch (see Switch, pulser) Pulser, coded, 486 comparison of hard-tube and line-type, 13-17 hrwrl-tuhc (me Harrf-tul,r pulsrrs) high-pwcr airborne, 4.54463

Prdeer, high-power rotary-gap, 448454 performance of, 451 light-weight, medium power, for airborne radar eyetems, 140-152 line-type (see Line-type pulsere) Model 9, 152160 multiple-load, 480483 multiplenetwork, 463-468 multiple-puke line type, 484494 thyratron bridge, operating data for, 48o vest-pocket, 140 Pulses, formation of, 175-179 shaping of, 175-179 Pushing figure of magnetron, 118

Q Q of charging circuit, 359

R Radial-pin rotary gap, 287 Rate of rise, 689 of trigger pulse, 350 of voltage, 447 Rational-fraction expansions, 185 Rayleighs principle, 179-183 RC-dif7erentiator, calibration of, 685 M divider, parallel, 667 RCdivider, series, 675 Recharging current, average, 154 Recharging path, inductance for, 3*51, 144 resistance for, 33-39, 144, 163 Rectifying rotary gap, 476 Recurrence period, 358 frequency, 123 Redfearn, L. W., 619n., 649n, 655n. Reflection effects caused by impedance mismatch with long cable, 84-89 Reflections, 178, 670 Regenerative dri~er, 124-132, 150 Regenerative pulse generator, 575-591 (See aLro Pulse transformer) Regulation, 16, 77 puleer, 244-249 effect of switch-tube and load characteristics on, 10&l 18 transient, 244 against variations in load characteristic, 247249 ngainst vmintions in nrlwtwk ~(lltagc, 24$247

INDEX Rehkopf, H. L., 446n., 632rs., 646n. Reignition voltage, 346 Relay (see typo of relay) Resistance charging, 487 Resistance divider, 668 Resonant charging, 12,360,381,386-393, 418 Reverse current, 511 . effects of, 331 Reverse magnetic field, 60$607, 644 Rf envelope viewer, 706 Rleke, F. F., 165n. Rise ofpufze (.seePulse) Rms current in a-c resonant charging circuit, 390 in the transformer, 483 Roberts, D. T.,334ts. + Rotary-gap efficiency, 289 Rotary-gap geometry, 276-280 Rotary-gap performance, 28(9-294 Rotary gaps, 273, 275-294 breakdown field of, 291 breakdown time of, 275 electrical considerations in design of, 276-283 rnechanica ldesignconsiderations, 283289 motor and housing, 285 with holesirr insulating disk, 287 opposing-pin, 287 parallel-pin, 287 performance of, for d-c resonant charging, 291 for a-c resonant charging, 291 radial-pin, 287 rotor, size of, 283 types of, 286-289 Rotary spark gap (see Rotary gap) Rudin, R., 693n.


Saturation, of reactor core, 364, 370 Screen-grid voltage, 108 Self-synchronous, 663 Series gap, 274 division of voltage across, 312-315 generar operating characteristics of, 296-304 two and three gap operation, 302303 (See ako Fixed gap) Seriee spark gap (see series gap)

715 Btetrode, 104, 115, 126, 147 715 Btube, 115 Shielding, 688 Short circuit in the load, 248, 417, 423431, 457 Shunt capacitance, 26,30, 161,251 Shunt diode, 44, 146, 154,348, 426-429, 433, 443, 455 8020, 154 Shunt inductance, 251 Shunt losses, 69 Siegel, S., 454n. Signal presentation, 662-667 Single-switch multiple-network circuit, 492 6AG7 tube, 135 6C21triode, 100, 106, 132, 157 6D21tetrode, 100, 106, 163 6SN7 triode, 106 Skin depth, 659 Skin effect, 547 Slack, C. N., 274n., 316rs. Slater, J. C., 523n. Spark gap, 175 (See also Fixed gap; Rotary gap; Series gap) Sparking, of magnetrons, 417, 425, 441 447, 707 Spectrum analyzer, 706 Spectrum distribution of pulses, 718 Spike, current, 188 current pulse, 436, 567 on top of the pulse, 102 Squirted flux, 53o Static resistance of load, 3, 110 Steady-state theory, 183-185 Storage condenser (see Condenser, stor. age) Stray capacitance, 508 Stromberg-Carhmn Company, 14o, 141 Sullivan, H. J., 312n. Sweep calibrator, 665 Sweep speeds, 663 Switch, average power dissipated in, 92 bidirectional, 418, 424 effective resistance of, 23 gaseous-discharge, 10, 14, 175 for line-type pulsers, 273-354 requirements for, 273 pulser, 5, 356 unidirectional, 342, 418



GENERATORS Thyratrons, 3C45, 138, 341 4C35, 138, 341, 479 5C22, 138, 341, 455 mercury, 335 Thyrite, 429 Time jitter, 15, 16, 120, 129, 278, 234, 295, 299, 326, 330, 334, 351, 471 Time lag, 275 Time of rise, 206 of ripple, 206 for the voltage puke, 80, 683 Tonks, L., 274rt. Top of pulse (see Pulse) Trailing edge of pulse (see Pulse) Transformer, distributed capacitance for, 507 current, ii74 high-reactance (see High-reactance transformers) impedance-transformation ratio of, 10 isolation, 512 noninverting, 535 pulse (see Pulse tmneformers) for regenerative pulse generator, 500 stepdown, 510 stepup, 510 transmission delay of, 525 voltage-transformation ratio of, 10. Transformer dissipation of energy in core, 508 Transformer equivalent circuit, 503-508 Transformer theory, general, 499-510 Transformer voltage, 483 Transmission cable and impedance matching, 669-673 Transmission delay of a transformer, 525 Transmtilon line, 177 loeslees, 176, 226 short-circuited, 209 Transmieeion-line admittance functions, 185 Transmiceion-line capacitance, 228 Transmission-line impedance function, 181 Transmission-Iine voltage vs. pulse-power output, 229 Transmission time, 177 Trapezoidal wave, 190 Trigatron, 295, 332 CV85, 332 CV125, 332

Switch unidirectional,circuit using, 423 vacuum tube, 6 vacuum tubes m, 00-118 resistance of, 7 voltage drop in, 22 Switch characteristics required for hardtube pulsers, 00-98 Switch operation, typical, 298-300 Switch resistance, effect of, 269 Switch tube, 225 average power dissipated in, 22, 92 characteristic curves for triode and tetrode, 9*108 power dissipation in, 73 Switch-tube characteristics, affecting plIlser design, 9*98 effect of on prdser regulation, 108-118 Switch-tube current, 92 Switch-tube operation, above knee of ZrVp curve, 111114 below knee of Zp-Vp curve, 114-115 Switch-tube resistance, 78 Switch tubes, enclosed-gap types, 321, 322, 328, 333 hard-tube types, 95, 96 bydrogen-thyratron types, 340, 341 oxide-coated cathode, 93, 95 sparking in, 93, 95 thoriated tungsten cathode, 93, 95 Synchronous, 663 Synchroscope, 662-665 Synchroscope input impedance, 670 T Tail-biting circuit, 133 Teflon, 650 Terman, F. E., 91n. Tetrode, 92 characteristic curves for, 98-108, 110 3D21, 105, 115 3E29, 135, 157 5D21, 100, 104, 132, 472 6D21, 100, 106, 163 715 B, 104, 115, 126, 147 829, 105, 123, 126, 132 Thermal relay, 434 Three-gap operation, 302 possible circuits for, 303 Thyratron bridge, 478-480 Thyratrons, 175, 274 hydrogen (ace Hvdrogen thyratrcm)

INDEX Trigger circuit, condenser-discharge, 307311 using a saturable-core transformer, 311 Trigger-coupling condensers, 297, 312, 314 Trigger generator, 30&312 Trigger pulse, 119 rate of rise of, 350 Trigger voltage, 302, 330, 334 Triggering, parallel, 124 series, 124 Triode, 92 characteristic curves for, 98-108 6C21, 100, 106, 132, 157 6SN7, 106 304TH, 100, 104, 123 527, 106 Tube dissipation, 345 Tube drop, 345 of hydrogen Lhyi atrons, variation with time, 344 Tubes, of receiver type, pulse characteriatiea of, 102 (See afso specific type of tube) Turns, number of, 538 21350tube, 123 Two-gap operation, 302 Type A Guillemin network, 201, 212 Type B Guillemin network, 201, 212 Type C Guillemin network, 201, 212 Type D Guillemin network, 201, 205 Type E network, 205, 213, 219 Type F Guillemin network, 201, 212


Voltage distribution along the windings of transformer, 519 Voltage dividers, 666 for series gaps, 3J2315 Voltage-dividing resistors, 297, 312, 314 Voltage drop across three 6xed spark gaps, 325 Voltage-doubler power supply, 148 Voltage-fed network, (see Network) voltage pulse, average amplitude for, 69 Voltage pulses, and time derivatives, 681 short, and time derivatives, oaciUoscope traces of, 685 Voltage range, of CV125, 334 vs. number of gaps, 3CKH02 Voltage rate of rise, 447 Voltage stepup ratios, 396, 398, 420 Voltage cupply, 16 (See also Power supply) Voltage-transformation ratio of transformer, 10 von Hippel, A., 653n.

Wave shape, charging current, for d-c

Undercurrent relay, 433 U.S. Signal Corps, 693n.

v vm.,,definition of, 297 definition of, 297 vm,.,

V.-,,, definition of, 297
V-Z plots, 675-680

charging,362 chargingvoltage, for d-c charging,362 in a-c charging,408 current,for a-c nonresonantcharging, 399 for a-c resonantcharging,389 voltage, for a-e nonresenmt charging, 399 for a-c resonantcharging,389 (S.. ako pulse shape) Webster,A. G., 179n. WesternElectricCompany, 560, 614, 615 Westinghouse Research Laboratories, 45&461, 463, 557, 559, 614, 615, 649 Whittaker,E. T., 185n. Winding schemes for pulse transformers,
517, 518 Wire for pulse transformers, 65&M0 Woodbury, R. B., 74n., 102n. WX3226 gaps, 299, 320-322 WX3240 gap, 320-322 Y Young, R. T., Jr., 662n., 707n.

Vacuum-tube switch (seeSwitch, vacuumtube) Varela, A. A., 171 Vershbow, A. E., 459n. Voltage current characteristics of magnetron, 32, 702 Voltage differentiator, 68W587

Zeidler, H. M., 589n.

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