Product Realization Process Map

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Process Map Product Realization

Linked Processes With What? %Materials/Equipment& Electronic Data / Blue Prints Dies, Molds, Presses & Mold Machines Manufacturing / Assembly Equipment
Ra Materials Purchased !omponents !MM, "i#tures $aser !utter 1e Business De-elopment !ustomer )upport Production 0 Manufacturing/ Assembly )hipping and Deli-ery Business & Management Re-ie s ,ther Business 'nits %as required&

With Who? %*raining / @no ledge / )?ills&

Business 'nit Managers Engineering/Estimating (uality Assurance )ales Buyers Material Planners Manufacturing $eaders *ool and Die

!ustomer Requirements Engineering !hanges +nternal Requirements !ustomer ,rders +nternal ,rders


PPAP Appro-al Prototype Part Appro-al %.P//& !ustomer ,rders !ompleted +nternal ,rders !ompleted

Product Realization

How? %@ey Measurables / ,b2ecti-es& Support Processes

,n0*ime Deli-ery PPAPs completed on0time .P0// completed on0time !ustomer Report !ards 1umber of ne 2obs a arded Purchasing Materials Planning Monitoring & Measuring De-ices Monitoring & Measurement of Product !ontrol of 1onconforming Product Pre-enti-e Maintenance "acilities Management Resource Management Document and Data !ontrol
Page 1 of 1 Print Date: 1$/7/$013

How? %Procedures, +nstructions / Methods&

(M )ection 3 4 Product Reali5ation P367676/ 4 !ontract Re-ie P368690/ 4 Purchasing P36:690/ 4 !ontrol of Monitoring & Measurement De-ices ;<67680/ 4 Monitoring & Measurement of Product ;36=6/0/ 4 Production )cheduling ;36=6>0/ 4 Product +dentification Manufacturing and Assembly ;or? +nstructions

F3.0-1 Revision: 0 Approved by: 10-$'-05 !a"ity #ngineer -

Bernie Grider

Form Revision Date: 10/17/05 Pro%ess &ap Revision Date:

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