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Sagnik Sen

Curriculum Vitae

85, Debinibas Road

Kolkata 700074, India
+91 9163882715
+91 33 25514690
[email protected]
DOB: 9th August, 1987

Research interests: graph theory

Current position
October, Research Associate, Computer Science and Automation Department, Indian Institute of
2016present Science, Bangalore (India).

Post-doc positions
January, 2016 Visiting Scientist, Stat Math Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (India).
March, 2014 Visiting Scientist, Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit, Indian Statistical
December, Institute, Kolkata (India).

20112014 PhD in Computer Science (Grade: Trs honorable), LaBRI, University of Bordeaux,
Bordeaux (France).
(supervisors: Prof. ric Sopena, Prof. Andr Raspaud and Prof. Arnaud Pcher)

20082010 Master ALGANT, University of Padova/University of Bordeaux1, Padova (Italy)/Bordeaux

(France), First Division .
20052008 B.Math (hons.), Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (India), First class.

PhD A contribution to the theory of graph homomorphisms and colorings, supervisors:
Prof. ric Sopena, Prof. Andr Raspaud and Prof. Arnaud Pcher.
masters Homomorphism and bounds, supervisors: Prof. ric Sopena and Prof. Naserasr Reza.

L(2,1)-labelings of some families of oriented planar graphs, Sagnik Sen, Discussiones
Mathematicae Graph Theory, (2014) 34(1): 31-48.
Outerplanar and planar oriented cliques, Ayan Nandy, Sagnik Sen and ric Sopena,
Journal of Graph Theory, (2015) 82(2): 165-193.
Walk-powers and homomorphism bound of planar graphs, Reza Naserasr, Sagnik Sen
and Qiang Sun, Graphs and Combinatorics, (2015) 32(4): 1505-1519.
Homomorphisms of 2-edge-colored triangle-free planar graphs, Pascal Ochem, Alexandre Pinlou and Sagnik Sen, Journal of Graph Theory, (2016).


On homomorphism of oriented graphs with respect to push operation, Sagnik Sen,

Discrete Mathematics, (2016) in press.
A lower bound technique for radio k-coloring, Sandip Das, Sasthi C. Ghosh, Soumen
Nandi and Sagnik Sen, Discrete Mathematics, (accepted).

On local structures of cubicity 2 graphs, Sujoy K. Bhore, Dibyayan Chakraborty, Sandip
Das and Sagnik Sen, COCOA 2016, (accepted).
Relative clique number of planar signed graphs, Sandip Das, Prantar Ghosh,
Swathyprabhu Mj and Sagnik Sen, CALDAM 2016.
On oriented relative clique number, Sandip Das, Swathyprabhu Mj and Sagnik Sen, in
proceedings of LAGOS 2015, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics.
On a special class of boxicity 2 graphs, Sujoy K. Bhore, Dibyayan Chakraborty, Sandip
Das and Sagnik Sen, in proceedings of CALDAM 2015, Algorithms and Discrete Applied
Mathematics 157-168. Springer International Publishing (2015).
On L(k, k-1,. . . ,1) labeling of triangular lattice, Sandip Das, Sasthi C. Ghosh, Soumen
Nandi and Sagnik Sen, in proceedings of IWOGL 2014, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 48: 281288 (2015).
On push chromatic number of planar graphs and planar p-cliques, Sagnik Sen, in
proceedings of EuroComb 2013, The Seventh European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph
Theory and Applications 617617. Scuola Normale Superiore (2013).
Maximum order of a planar oclique is 15, Sagnik Sen, in proceedings of IWOCA 2012,
Combinatorial Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7643: 130142 (2012).
2-dipath and oriented L(2,1)-labelings of some families of oriented planar graphs,
Sagnik Sen, in proceedings of EuroComb 2011, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
38: 771776 (2011).

Analogous to cliques for (m,n)-colored mixed graphs, Julien Bensmail, Christopher
Duffy and Sagnik Sen,
On oriented cliques with respect to push operation, Julien Bensmail, Soumen Nandi
and Sagnik Sen, 1511.08672.
Chromatic number of signed graphs with bounded maximum degree, Sandip Das,
Soumen Nandi, Soumyajit Paul and Sagnik Sen.
On (k, k + 1)-domination in geometric intersection graphs, Sujoy K. Bhore, Dibyayan
Chakraborty, Sandip Das, Subhabrata Paul and Sagnik Sen.
On chromatic number of colored mixed graphs, Sandip Das, Soumen Nandi and Sagnik
On 2-stab interval graphs: a special class of boxicity 2 graphs, Sujoy K. Bhore,
Dibyayan Chakraborty, Sandip Das and Sagnik Sen.
On oriented relative clique number, Sandip Das, Swathyprabhu Mj and Sagnik Sen.

In process (research done, writing/corrections going on)

Categorical aspects of signed graphs, Naserasr Reza, Sagnik Sen and ric Sopena.
On oriented total coloring, Sandip Das, Swathyprabhu Mj, Soumen Nandi, Ayan Nandy
and Sagnik Sen.
On oriented fractional coloring and perfectness, Sandip Das, Swathyprabhu Mj and
Sagnik Sen.


Research visits
28 Sep.- 09 Research visit, Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (India).
19-25 Oct.13 2nd Autumn meeting on signed graphs, CNRS, PEPS project, Thezac (France).
17-21 Jun.13 School on Graph Theory, Oleron (France).
01-15 Dec.12 A short term research visit, supervised by Prof. Reza Naserasr, LRI, University Paris-Sud
11 (France).
01-07 Oct.12 1st Autumn meeting on signed graphs, CNRS, PEPS project, Thezac (France).
22 Jul.-03 A short term research visit, supervised by Prof. Sunil Chandran, IISc, Bangalore (India).
20 Jun.-20 A short term research visit, supervised by Prof. Shamik Ghosh, Jadavpur University,
Jul., 2011 Kolkata (India).

Academic activities
supervision Supervised Sumitava Ghosh for his Masters Thesis Chromatic polynomial for
oriented graphs", Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, India.
invited talk A bit about graphs., Centenary Lecture Series V II, University of Mysore, Mysore (India).
teaching Advanced Algorithms for Graph and Combinatorial Optimization Problems course
2015, for M.Tech (comp. sci.) and PhD students, with Prof. S. S. Kolay, Indian statistical
Institute, Kolkata (India).
teaching Graph algorithms course 2015, for M.Tech (comp. sci.) students, with Prof.
Swathyprabhu Mj, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Kolkata (India).
invited talk Coloring oriented graphs., CALDAM Pre-Conference School on Discrete Mathematics
2015, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur (India).
invited talk Graph homomorphisms and The Four-Color Theorem, International Seminar on Game
Theory and its Applications to Social and Economic Networks 2014, Dibrugarh University,
Dibrugarh (India).
review reviewed/reviewing articles for, DM (Discrete Mathematics), DAM (Discrete Applied
Mathematics), JOCO (Journal Of Combinatorial Optimization), FSTTCS (Foundations of
Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science), DMTCS (Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science), CALDAM (Conference on Algorithms and Discrete
Applied Mathematics).
teaching Advanced Algorithms for Graph and Combinatorial Optimization Problems course
2014, for M.Tech (comp. sci.) and PhD students, with Prof. S. S. Kolay, Indian statistical
Institute, Kolkata (India).

Reference letters

ric Sopena, Univ. Bordeaux, LaBRI, UMR 5800, F-33400 Talence, France/CNRS, LaBRI,
UMR 5800, F-33400 Talence, France, email id: [email protected].

Reza Naserasr, LRI, CNRS and Universit Paris Sud, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France, email
id: [email protected].

Gary MacGillivray, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria,

Canada, email id: [email protected].

Sandip Das, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, email id: [email protected].


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