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Soy: The Poison Seed. By: Dr. William Wong, ND, PhD.

his piece will be short and very much to the point. As Americas largest cash crop, soy is being touted as having a myriad o heal ne its. !ar rom" #oy is poison, period" All paid or opinion to the contrary.

What's bad about soy?:

$ontains %so lavones &'enistein and Daid(ein). %n soy the iso lavones are built in insecticides. % they *ill bugs are they good or humans+ %so lavones are estrogen li*e substances which have the same e ect as the bodies estrogen. $ancer comes rom having too much estrogen. %rritability and mood swings, at gain rom the waist down, ibrocystic breast disease uterine ibromas are all associated with estrogen dominance. %nstead o helping prevent the bad e ects o environmental or natural estrogen dominance soy iso lavones are now *nown to increase the bad e ect o estradiol and estrone the two ma,or bad guys o the estrogen amily. &-,.,/). 0ills testicular tissue. %n men it permanently reduces testicular unction and lowers 1uteini(ing 2ormone production. 12 i what signals your testicles to wor*. This increases the probability o estrogen dominance in men with its hair loss, swollen and cancerous prostates. &3,4). 5ale children ed soy ormulas and soy products may not ever get to li*e girls. Doris 6ap 5D, the worlds leading pediatric allergist, asserts that environmental and ood estrogens are responsible or the increase in male homose7uality and the worldwide reduction in male ertility. &8) %so lavones decrease thyroid hormone production. This can stunt children9s growth and ma*e the rest o us tired and at. &:,;,<). !emale children ed the estrogens in soy ormula and products hit puberty very very early sometimes as young as age 8 to ; &-=). Pregnant women eating soy products may a ect the se7ual di erentiation o their children. #tudies show mal ormations o the reproductive tract or o spring born with both male and emale se7ual organs. &--). %so lavones decrease '>>D cholesterol &2D1). &-.,-/). #oy contains Phytin, which ta*es essential minerals such as iron, (inc, magnesium etc. out o the body be ore they can be absorbed. Also soy contains Trypsin inhibitors bloc* this vital anti cancer en(yme, anti ibrosis en(yme. &-3). A :=== man /= year epidemiological study done in 2awaii shows soy is connected with a higher rate o ?ascular Dementia &Al(heimer9s disease). &-4,-8).

ny opinions to contradict the acts noted above have been paid or by the Agribusiness giants 5onsanto and Archer Danie idland. >nce public *nowledge o their manipulation o public opinion and o the !DA becomes widely *nown, e7pect monst ass action lawsuits against these ol*s. They9ll deserve it in spades"

e erences:

-. $asanova, 5., et al.@ Developmental e ects o dietary phytoestrogens in #prague ADawley rats and interactions o genistei and daid(ein with rat estrogen receptors alpha and beta in vitro. To7icol #ci -<<<, >ct.@ 4- &.): ./8B33. .. #antell, 1., et al.: Dietary genistein e7erts estrogenic e ects upon the uterus, mammary gland and the hypothalamic C pituitary a7is in rats. D. Nutr -<<: !eb.@-.: &.): .8/B<.

/. 2arrison, 6.5., et al.@ E ect o genistein on steroid hormone production in the pregnant rhesus mon*ey. Proc #oc E7p Bio 5ed -<<< >ct.@ ...&-): :;B;3. 3. Nagata, $., et al.@ %nverse association o soy product inta*e with serum androgen and estrogen in Dapanese men. Nut $ance .===@ /8&-): -3B;. 4. Fhong, et al.@ E ects o dietary supplement o soy protein isolate and low at diet on prostate cancer. !A#EB D .===@ -3&3) a4/-.--. 8. 6app, Dorris D., %s This Gour $hildHs World. Bantam Boo*s -<<8. Page 4=-. :. Divi, 6. 1., $hang, 2.$. and Doerge, D.6.@ %denti ication, characteri(ation and mechanisms o antiBthyroid activity o iso lavones rom soybeans. Biochem Pharmacol 43:-=;:B-=<8, -<<:. ;. !ort, P., 5oses, N., !asano, 5. 'oldberg, T. and 1i shit(, !.@ Breast and soy ormula eedings in early in ancy and the prevalence o autoimmune disease in children. D Am $oll Nutr <:-83B-84, -<<=. <. #etchell, 0. D. 6., FimmerBNechemias, 1., $ai, D. and 2eubi, D.E.@ E7posure o in ants to phytoestrogens rom soy based in ant ormula. 1ancet /4=:./B.:, -<<:. -=.%rvine, $.2.'., !it(patric*, 5.'. and Ale7ander, #.1.@ Phytoestrogens in soy based in ant oods: $oncentrations, daily inta*e and possible biological e ects. Proc #oc E7p Biol 5ed .-::.3:B.4/, -<<;. --.1evy, D.6., !aber, !.A., Ayyash, 1. and 2ughes, $.1.@ The e ect o prenatal e7posure to phytoestrogens genistein on se7ual di erentiation in rats. Proc #oc E7p Biol 5ed .=;:8=B88, -<<4. -..Ashton, E., Ball, 5.@ E ects o soy as to u vs. meat on lipoprotein concentrations. Eur D $lin Nutr .== Dan@ 43&-):-3B<. -/.5adani, #., et al.: Dietary protein level and origin &casein and highly puri ied soybean protein) a ect hepatic storage, plasma lipid transport, and antio7idative de ense status in the rat. Nutrition .=== 5ay@-8&4):/8;B/:4. -3.1einer, %.@ The %ntraperiotoneal to7icity o concentrations o the soybean trypsin inhibitor. D Biol $hem -</:-;/ &-<4-). -4. White, 1., Petrovitch, 2., 6oss, '.W. and 5asa*i, 0.2.: Association o mid li e consumption o to u with late li e cognitiv impairment and dementia: The 2onoluluBAsia Anti Aging #tudy, The Neurobiol o Aging -: &suppl. 3):#-.-, -<<8a. -8.White, 1, Petrovitch, 2., 6oss, '.W., 5asa*i, 0.2., Abbot, 6.D., Teng, E.1., 6odrigue(, B.1., Blanchette, P.1., 2avli*, 6.D Wergows*e, '., $hiu, D., !oley, D.D., 5urdaugh, $. and $urb, D.D.@ Prevalence o dementia in older DapaneseBAmerican men in 2awaii. DA5A .:8:<44B<8=, -<<8b.

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A Disclaimer: The statements and in ormation on this website has not been evaluated by the !DA. %t is not intended to treat, diagn cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.I n ormation on Dr. Wong9s EssentialsJ Natural 2ealth Website is provided or educational purposes. Be ore starting any diet, e7e me or other nutritional supplement program always see* the advice o your physician or other Kuali ied, licensed health pro essio $opyright -<<< Dr. William Wong and his licensors. All 6ights 6eserved. None o the material contained herein may be reprodu without the prior consent o Dr. William Wong.

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